Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) -For negotiations- October 16, 2023 1|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN 1. The Dominican Republic (the “Borrower�) will implement the “Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512)� (the “Project�) with the involvement of the Electricity Distribution Company EDEESTE, the Electricity Distribution Company EDENORTE, and the Electricity Distribution Company EDESUR (individually a “Distribution Company� and collectively, the “Distribution Companies�). The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “Bank�), has agreed to provide financing for the Project. 2. The Borrower shall ensure that the Project is carried out in accordance with the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) and this Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), in a manner acceptable to the Bank. The ESCP is a part of the Loan Agreement. Unless otherwise defined in this ESCP, terms used in this ESCP have the meanings ascribed to them in the referred agreement. 3. Without limitation to the foregoing, this ESCP sets out material measures and actions that the Borrower shall carry out or cause to be carried out, including, as applicable, the timeframes of the actions and measures, institutional, staffing, training, monitoring and reporting arrangements, and grievance management. The ESCP also sets out the environmental and social (E&S) instruments that shall be adopted and implemented under the Project, all of which shall be subject to prior consultation and disclosure, consistent with the ESS, and in form and substance, and in a manner acceptable to the Bank. 4. As agreed by the Bank and the Borrower, this ESCP will be revised from time to time if necessary, during Project implementation, to reflect adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen circumstances or in response to Project performance. In such circumstances, the Borrower and the Bank agree to update the ESCP to reflect these changes through an exchange of letters signed between the Bank’s representative in the Dominican Republic and the Managers of EDESUR, EDENORTE and EDEESTE (to be confirmed). The Borrower shall promptly disclose the updated ESCP. 2|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY MONITORING AND REPORTING A REGULAR REPORTING Each PIU shall submit quarterly reports to the EDESUR, EDENORTE Prepare and submit to the Bank regular monitoring reports on the environmental, social, Bank throughout Project implementation, and EDEESTE health and safety (ESHS) performance of the Project, including but not limited to the commencing after the Loan Agreement’s implementation of the ESCP, status of preparation and implementation of E&S Effective Date. Submit each report to the instruments required under the ESCP, stakeholder engagement activities, functioning of Bank no later than forty-five (45) days after the grievance mechanism for Project activities and workers, and other aspects detailed the end of each reporting period, together in the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Stakeholder with the Project progress report. Engagement Plan (SEP), and Labor Management Procedures (LMP). B INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS Notify the Bank no later than 48 hours after EDESUR, EDENORTE Promptly notify the Bank of any incident or accident related to the Project which has, or learning of the incident or accident. and EDEESTE is likely to have, a significant adverse effect on the environment, the affected communities, the public or workers, including, inter alia, occupational accidents that Provide subsequent report to the Bank within result in death, serious injury, cases of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual a timeframe acceptable to the Bank. harassment (SH), gender-based or ethnic violence, and impacts on natural habitats. Provide sufficient detail regarding the incident or accident, indicating immediate measures taken to address it, and any information provided by the parties involved, beneficiaries, contractors and supervising firm, as appropriate. Subsequently, at the Bank’s request, prepare a report on the incident or accident and propose any measures to address it and prevent its recurrence. Include a section in the ESMF and POM describing the procedure, with the minimum content of the initial notification and the minimum content of the incident or accident report if required. C CONTRACTORS’ MONTHLY REPORTS During project implementation, submit EDESUR, EDENORTE Require contractors and supervising firms to provide monitoring reports on ESHS monthly reports to the EDEs, as specified in and EDEESTE performance explaining the status of compliance with environmental and social the procurement contracts. mitigation and monitoring measures. The report shall include, among other things: Reports will be submitted to the Bank upon (i) Status of implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Plans request. (ESMPs) for each work; (ii) Incidents related to occupational health and safety; (iii) Supervision of occupational health and safety aspects; (iv) Use of personal protective equipment, including measures necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19; (v) Training activities carried out and participation of workers; (vi) Complaints about Project activities; and, (vii) Complaints from workers. 3|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ESS 1: ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE a. Hire or appoint the E&S Coordinators no EDESUR, EDENORTE a. Each EDE shall ensure sufficient resources to hire or appoint and maintain at least one later than thirty (30) days after the Loan and EDEESTE (1) Environmental Coordinator and one (1) Social Coordinator with qualifications and Agreement’s Effective Date, and thereafter experience acceptable to the Bank to provide technical E&S and operational support to maintain these positions throughout Project the three PIUs to ensure adequate ESHS risk management of the Project. The E&S implementation. coordinators will ensure: (i) all project activities are in compliance with national legislation and the Bank’s ESHS requirements and (ii) the adequate implementation of b. Hire or appoint the E&S Specialists, EDESUR, EDENORTE E&S instruments by the EDEs. The Terms of Reference for the hiring/appointment of the Technicians, Data Analyst, as well as the and EDEESTE E&S Coordinators detailing their role and responsibilities shall be acceptable to the Bank. Communication´s Coordinator, no later than The E&S Coordinators will report to CUED and coordinate with the Directors for Projects thirty (30) days after the Loan Agreement’s of each of the EDEs. The interinstitutional agreement between the Ministry of Finance Effective Date, and thereafter maintain these and the three EDEs as well as the Project Operational Manual (POM) shall further positions throughout Project describe the role of these Coordinators and the reporting and coordinating implementation. arrangements. c. Additional E&S personnel in each EDE shall EDESUR, EDENORTE b. Each EDE shall establish and maintain a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) with be hired or appointed according to the needs and EDEESTE qualified personnel and resources, satisfactory to the Bank, to support the management of the Project and prior agreement with the of ESHS risks and impacts of the Project. Each PIU in each of the EDEs shall include at Bank, and thereafter maintain these positions least: one (1) Environmental Specialist, three (3) Environmental Technicians, one (1) throughout Project implementation. Social Specialist, one (1) Grievance Mechanism Data analyst. and one (1) Communications Coordinator in accordance with Terms of Reference acceptable to the Bank. c. Depending on the need and scope of the activities to be financed, each EDE may require additional environmental and social personnel, such as Environmental Technicians, Social Managers, Communication Managers, Data Analyst, and Data Managers, among others. 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK The ESMF shall be prepared, consulted, EDESUR, EDENORTE Prepare, consult, adopt, publish and implement an Environmental and Social finalized and published no later than ninety and EDEESTE Management Framework (ESMF) following the terms of reference that have been (90) days after the Loan Agreement’s developed during the Project preparation phase. The ESMF must (i) be in accordance Effective Date, and thereafter implemented with the ESS, the Environment, Social, Health and Safety Guidelines (ESHSG) and other throughout Project implementation. relevant Good International Industry Practices (GIIP) in a manner acceptable to the Bank; and (ii) include, among other things, a selection procedure, and the procedures and requirements to carry out the Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) for each work. 4|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY 1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL INSTRUMENTS For Project activities requiring ESMPs, they EDESUR, EDENORTE a) Screen any proposed Project activities in accordance with the Environmental and will be prepared, consulted with stakeholders and EDEESTE Social Management Framework (ESMF) prepared for the Project and subsequently and (where required by the ESMF) submitted prepare, consult, disclose, adopt and implement Environmental and Social Management for Bank review and approval, and Plans (ESMPs), as required, in a manner acceptable to the Bank. This includes screening subsequently adopted and disclosed prior to and excluding from the Project any Project activities that may fall within the exclusion the launch of the respective bidding process criteria to be established in the ESMF. ESMPs shall include stakeholder engagement and implemented throughout the works’ actions, consistent with the provisions of the SEP. implementation. The ESMPs will be included in the contracts with the contractors. Works will not be started before ESMPs have been prepared, consulted and disclosed and, when required by the ESMF, approved in advance by the Bank. 1.4 MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTORS a) During the lifecycle of all Project contract EDESUR, EDENORTE a) Incorporate the relevant aspects of this ESCP, including the requirements of ESMF, activities, including: and EDEESTE ESMPs, the LMP, and code of conduct into the ESHS specifications of the bidding - Prior to preparation of bidding and documents and contracts with contractors. Thereafter ensure that the contractors contracting documents. comply with the ESHS specifications of their respective contracts. - Prior to mobilization of each contractor and maintained throughout implementation. b) Ensure adequate supervision of contractors during Project implementation, ensuring that they comply with the ESHS specifications of their contracts with the necessary b) During the duration of works’ EDESUR, EDENORTE budget to meet those specifications. implementation and reported in the monthly and EDEESTE and six-monthly reports. The C-ESMP must be c) Ensure implementation of the Contractor's ESMP (C-ESMP) to be aligned to the work’s approved prior to the start of activities. ESMP, ESMF, LMP and SEP as appropriate. c) The PIUs shall approve all relevant ESMP-C EDESUR, EDENORTE before the start of civil works, and and EDEESTE subsequently supervise their implementation during the execution time of the relevant works. 1.5 SUPERVISING FIRMS During the term of its contractual activities EDESUR, EDENORTE Incorporate relevant ESHS measures in bidding and contract documents for all with the Project and supervision progress and EDEESTE supervising firms. Ensure that supervising firms have incorporated ESHS measures during reported in the monthly reports to the three their periodic supervision functions and that these are reported to. EDEs; and these are reflected in the six- monthly reports to the Bank. 5|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY 1.6 PERMITS, CONSENTS AND AUTHORIZATIONS Applicable permits, consents and EDESUR, EDENORTE Obtain or arrange to obtain, as appropriate, the permits, consents and authorizations authorizations shall be obtained prior to and EDEESTE from the relevant national and municipal authorities required by the Project activities commencement of activities, as required and and the respective works. Comply or ensure compliance, as appropriate, with the in compliance with national legislation. conditions set forth in these permits, consents and authorizations. Maintain permits in order until completion of Project or work implementation, as applicable. 1.7 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Submit the terms of reference for technical EDESUR, EDENORTE Ensure that the consultancies, studies, capacity building, training, and any other assistance activities for the Bank's approval and EDEESTE technical assistance activities under the Project, including those related to the prior to bidding for such activities. environmental and social instruments, are carried out in accordance with terms of Throughout Project implementation. reference acceptable to the Bank, that are consistent with the ESSs, and the environmental and social management instruments of the Project referred to in sections 1.2, 2.1, and 10.1. 1.8 ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO RETROACTIVE FINANCING The Bank's approval of the Independent EDESUR, EDENORTE Conduct an independent environmental and social evaluation for activities subject to Environmental and Social Evaluation Report and EDEESTE as retroactive financing, based on Terms of Reference acceptable to the Bank. will be a disbursement condition for applicable retroactive financing. ESS 2: LABOR AND WORKING CONDITIONS 2.1 LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Within ninety (90) days of the Loan EDESUR, EDENORTE Draft, adopt, publish and implement the LMP for the Project, in accordance with ESS2 Agreement’s Effective Date and thereafter and EDEESTE requirements and national labor standards. The LMPs shall include, inter alia, provisions implement the LMP throughout Project on (i) working conditions and non-discrimination, and equal opportunity in the hiring of implementation. labor; (ii) occupational health and safety (including personal protective equipment and emergency preparedness and response measures); (iii) grievances mechanisms for Project workers, including channels and provisions for addressing complaints of gender- based violence, sexual harassment, and sexual exploitation and abuse; (iv) workers' code of conduct; (v) forced labor and child labor; and (vi) requirements for contractors, subcontractors, and supervising firms. 2.2 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM FOR PROJECT WORKERS The same timeframe as for measure 2.1 EDESUR, EDENORTE Establish and operate a grievance mechanism for Project workers, as described in the above and thereafter maintain and operate it and EDEESTE LMP and consistent with ESS2. throughout Project implementation. 2.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) MEASURES a. The same timeframe as for measures 1.3 EDESUR, EDENORTE a. Develop and implement an Occupational Health and Safety Plan (OHSP) as part of the and 2.1 above. and EDEESTE development and implementation of the ESMP, in accordance with relevant guidelines to be specified in the ESMF and LMPs. b. Prior to the bidding of each work package EDESUR, EDENORTE and supervision contract. and EDEESTE 6|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY b. Incorporate relevant occupational safety and health measures in the bidding and contract documents for all contractors and supervising firms. c. Prior to the bidding for supervising firms. EDESUR, EDENORTE and EDEESTE c. Ensure that supervising firms hire OHS specialists. d. During the execution of each work. EDESUR, EDENORTE d. Ensure that the specified OHSP measures are implemented at each job site. and EDEESTE 2.4 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE Same timeframe as for measure 1.3 above. EDESUR, EDENORTE Develop and implement an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) as part of the works’ ESMP, and EDEESTE in accordance with guidelines to be specified in the ESMF. Ensure that workers and contractors are trained and implement the plan. 2.5 TRAINING OF PROJECT WORKERS Part of the incorporation process of any EDESUR, EDENORTE Implement and require contractors and supervising firms to conduct training activities for worker participating in the Project, with and EDEESTE Project workers with their staff, designed to increase awareness of health and safety risks reminder sessions throughout the execution and management measures associated with Project activities, as will be specified in the of the works. LMPs and ESMF. Specifically, this will include: - Codes of conduct and other topics related to risk management arising from labor influx and its management, for contractors and supervising firms. - Guidance on OHSPs and ERPs, including for community workers. - Awareness of the labor grievance mechanism under the Project for all Project workers . 2.6 CODE OF CONDUCT As part of the preparation of the bidding EDESUR, EDENORTE Establish provisions in the bidding documents for contractors and supervising firms to documents and the respective contracts. and EDEESTE establish a Code of Conduct to be adhered to by all workers, including subcontractors and Supervise throughout the implementation of supervising firms, and set out the minimum content of such code. The Code of Conduct the Project. should be based on the guidelines contained in the LMPs and should address, among other issues, the risk of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH) in the workplace. ESS 3: RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT 3.1 RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT Same timeframe as for measure 1.3 above. EDESUR, EDENORTE Incorporate resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management measures in and EDEESTE the ESMF and ESMP to be prepared for the works. 3.2 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT Same timeframe as for measure 1.3 above. EDESUR, EDENORTE Ensure the adoption and implementation of measures and actions to be specified in the and EDEESTE ESMF in relation to the following issues, and as will be subsequently specified in the works’ ESMPs: - regular waste management - management of electrical waste 7|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY - management of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contaminants that are obtained from the removal of transformers ESS 4: COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.1 TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY Same timeframe as for measure 1.3 above. EDESUR, EDENORTE Incorporate and implement measures and actions to evaluate and manage traffic and and EDEESTE road safety risks as required in the specific ESMP of each work, including the preparation of traffic management plans, following the procedures established in the ESMF. 4.2 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY Same timeframe as for measure 1.3 above. EDESUR, EDENORTE Assess and manage specific risks and impacts to the community arising from the Project, and EDEESTE and include measures in the specific ESMPs for each work to be prepared in accordance with the ESMF. They should include, among other things: - risks related to the influx and entry of external labor; including code of conduct, management of work camps and warehouses, among others; - assessment and prevention measures for sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment; - emergency procedures; - assessment of the risk of community exposure to communicable diseases, such as COVID-19, cholera and dengue fever, among others. 4.3 SEA AND SH RISKS Same timeframe as for measure 1.2 and 1.3 EDESUR, EDENORTE Prepare a SEA/SH Action Plan as part of the ESMF, to prevent, minimize or mitigate the above. and EDEESTE risks and impacts of SEA/SH and concrete measures in the specific ESMPs of each work, based on the provisions of the Project's SEA/SH Prevention Action Plan, to be included as Supervise contractors during the part of the ESMF. implementation of the Project. ESS 5: LAND ACQUISITION, RESTRICTIONS ON LAND USE AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT 5.1 This standard is not relevant. a) Same timeframe as for measure 1.2 above. EDESUR, EDENORTE Establish in the ESMF’s exclusion list that activities that may cause involuntary and EDEESTE resettlement, access restrictions, economic displacement, and those that require land acquisition will not be eligible for funding under the Project. ESS 6: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF LIVING NATURAL RESOURCES 6.1 BIODIVERSITY RISKS AND IMPACTS a) Same timeframe as for measure 1.2 above. EDESUR, EDENORTE a) Include in the ESMF an exclusion list of activities that will not be financed by the and EDEESTE Project because they may result in long-term, permanent or irreversible negative risks and impacts in highly sensitive areas in terms of their importance for biodiversity. 8|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY b) Incorporate and implement procedures, as will be specified in the ESMF and detailed, b) Same timeframe as for measure 1.3 above. EDESUR, EDENORTE where required, in works ESMPs, to ensure that Project-financed activities do not take and EDEESTE place or negatively impact biodiversity and environmentally sensitive areas, particularly natural or critical habitats. c) Obtain the Bank's approval of the BMP c) In the event that the ESMPs identify the need for a Biodiversity Management Plan EDESUR, EDENORTE prior to initiating the bidding processes for (BMP) and/or an offset plan for loss or degradation of natural habitat, develop a BMP in and EDEESTE as the necessary works. Subsequently, accordance with ESS6 and applicable national standards, as part of the relevant ESMP applicable and in a form acceptable to the Bank. implement such BMP prior to carrying out any activities related to the Project or work. ESS 7: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES/SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN HISTORICALLY UNDERSERVED TRADITIONAL LOCAL COMMUNITIES This Standard is not relevant ESS 8: CULTURAL HERITAGE 8.1 CULTURAL HERITAGE Same timeframe as for measure 1.2 and 1.3 EDESUR, EDENORTE Include in the ESMF a chance finds procedures and a Cultural Heritage Management Plan above. and EDEESTE (CHMP) consistent with ESS8, as well as the procedures for their application when required in the works ESMPs to ensure that the activities will not have a negative impact on the tangible and intangible cultural and archaeological heritage of the areas/zones to be intervened by the Project. Based on the screening of the work, define whether it will be necessary to prepare the above-mentioned chance finds procedure and/or the CHMP as part of the works’ ESMPs to be prepared during implementation. ESS 9: FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES This standard is not relevant. ESS 10: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 10.1 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Update, adopt and publish the SEP no later EDESUR, EDENORTE Update, consult, publish, adopt, and implement a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) than ninety (90) days from the Loan and EDEESTE for the Project, which shall include measures to, inter alia, provide stakeholders with Agreement’s Effective Date, and thereafter timely, relevant, understandable and accessible information, and consult with them in a implement the SEP throughout Project culturally appropriate manner, which is free of manipulation, interference, coercion, implementation. discrimination and intimidation. The SEP will describe the consultation process for the Project, the works and the ESMPs developed for the works, with differentiated strategies to encourage participation and access to beneficiaries of vulnerable groups, as well as details of the Project's grievance mechanism (including complaints related to gender- based violence). 10.2 PROJECT GRIEVANCE MECHANISM a) The same deadline as for measure 10.1 EDESUR, EDENORTE above. and EDEESTE 9|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – Dominican Republic Distribution Efficiency Improvement and Utility Strengthening Project (P180512) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY a) Establish, publicize, maintain, and operate an accessible grievance mechanism, to receive and facilitate resolution of concerns and grievances in relation to the Project, promptly and effectively, in a transparent manner that is culturally appropriate and readily accessible to all Project-affected parties, at no cost and without retribution, including concerns and grievances filed anonymously, in a manner consistent with ESS10. The grievance mechanism shall be equipped to receive, register, and facilitate the resolution of SEA/SH complaints, including through the referral of survivors to relevant gender-based violence service providers, all in a safe, confidential, and survivor-centered manner. This mechanism must be based in the provisions established in the SEP. b) The same deadline as for measure A EDESUR, EDENORTE b) Include a report on the operation of the grievance mechanism in the six-monthly (regular reporting), found at the beginning of and EDEESTE reports mentioned in section A (regular reporting), describing at least the number and this ESCP. type of complaints received, the average resolution time, whether there are complaints pending resolution, and other relevant data to be discussed and agreed with the Bank. CAPACITY SUPPORT CS1 a) Develop and implement an environmental and social training plan acceptable to the a) A detailed plan to be submitted no later EDESUR, EDENORTE Bank to ensure the required capacity for environmental and social implementation of than ninety (90) days from the Loan and EDEESTE the Project. The plan will include a schedule, budget, targets and indicators. The training Agreement’s Effective Date. will focus on Project workers, contractors and community organizations. EDESUR, EDENORTE and EDEESTE (b) Conduct regular training for Project workers and relevant government officials, b) Once approved, implement the contractors, supervising firms, and other stakeholders as appropriate. Training issues will environmental and social training plan be agreed with the Bank and could include, but are not limited to, the following: throughout Project implementation and - Project environmental and social management tools; update it annually according to the emerging - Risks of gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual harassment; needs of the Project. - Codes of conduct for Project workers; - Emergency preparedness and response legislation and plan; - Hazardous and non-hazardous waste management; - Occupational health and safety; - Prevention response to infectious diseases, including COVID-19, cholera and dengue fever, among others; -Measures for the inclusion of People with Disabilities; - Inclusion of vulnerable groups as detailed in SEP; - Grievance Mechanisms for the Project and for workers. 10 | P a g e