Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower and Renewable Energy Development Program (P163461) Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD) – Revised for Madyan HPP and other Renewable Energy Investments July 2023 1 ABBREVIATIONS /ACRONYMS ADB Asian Development Bank E&M Electrical & Mechanical EOI Expression of Interest ESIA Environmental & Social Impact Assessment ESM Environmental & Social Management E&P Energy & Power GKH Gabral Kalam Hydropower Project GoKP Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa GoP Government of Pakistan GRM Grievance Redressal Mechanism GWh Giga Watt Hour IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction & Development ICB International Competitive Bidding IPOE Independent panel of experts KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa MSC Management Support Consultant MW Mega Watt NGOs Non Governmental Organizations O&M Operation & Maintenance PEDO Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization PDO Project Development Objective PIC Project Implementation Consultant PIU Project Implementation Unit PMO Project Management Organization PPP Public Private Partnership PPSD Project Procurement Strategy for Development QCBS Quality and Cost Based Selection RE Renewable Energy SRB Swat River Basin STEP Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in Procurement WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority WB World Bank Contents 1 Project Overview ....................................................................................5 2 1.1 Program Description and Objectives....................................................5 1.2 Components of the Program ................................................................6 1.3 PDO Statement ....................................................................................7 1.4 Key Results Indicators..........................................................................7 2 Operational Context ..............................................................................8 3 Client’s Capability & PIU Assessment .................................................8 3.1 Governance Structure of PEDO ............................................................8 3.2 Procurement Capacity and Arrangements ...........................................9 3.3 Key Conclusions for Project Implementation......................................10 4 Market Analysis and Procurement Approach ..................................11 4.1 Project Preparation Stage (consultancies) .........................................11 4.2 Approach for Consultancy Selection ..................................................12 4.3 Procurement Packaging for Key Works Contracts ..............................12 4.3.1 Preferred Procurement packaging................................................15 4.3.2 Qualification Options....................................................................15 4.4 Market Analysis..................................................................................18 4.5 Key Conclusions for Market and Procurement Approach ...................18 5 Procurement Risks Analysis and Mitigation Measures ..................18 6 Project Procurement Development Objectives (PPDO) ............................21 6.1.1 Project Procurement Result Indicator...........................................22 7 Output of PPSD .....................................................................................22 7.1 Recommended Procurement Approach for the Project ......................22 7.1.1 Works, Goods and Non-Consulting Services.................................22 7.1.2 Consultancies...............................................................................23 7.2 Procurement plan for key activities ...................................................23 7.3 National Procurement Arrangements.................................................27 7.4 Prior Review Thresholds.....................................................................28 8 Summary of PPSD ................................................................................28 ANNEXURES 3 ANNEX 1 PEDO Organization Chart ; PMO Organization Chart ANNEX 2 List of Consultants ANNEX 3 List of Contractors (Civil and E&M) 4 1 Project Overview Country: Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization Implementing (PEDO) Entities: Energy & Power Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (GoKP) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower and Renewable Full Project Name: Energy Development (KP Hydro & RE/KHRE) Total Project Cost =$727million (excluding PEDO overheads, PMO establishment and other administrative costs of about US$ 14 million; and IDC and Financing costs excluding IBRD of about USD45Million World Bank Share =$ 450 million (including IBRD Total Estimated Cost financing cost) and Indicative GoKP & PEDO Share= $92 million (excluding Financing Plan: financing cost) Commercial and Private Sources =$ 185 million Note: Financing plan is indicative; efforts will be made to mobilize as much commercial financing as feasible/possible and the PEDO/GoKP share will depend upon the level of commercial capital that is mobilized. Project Number: P-163461 Increase renewable energy generation and Project Development strengthen the capacity of associated institutions in Objectives Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 1.1 Program Description and Objectives Pakistan’s power sector has seen for years, the significant shortage of electricity and insufficient transmission and distribution systems. Country’s energy mix has seen a phenomenal shift from hydel (clean energy) to fossil fuel . This shift not only resulted in increased cost of energy but has continuous bad environmental impacts. The share of hydropower which used to be 60 to 70 percent before 1990 is currently less than 25 percent. The Renewable Energy Policy 2021 envisages shifting the generation mix to 63 percent renewable sources including solar, wind and hydro thus reversing the large dependence on imported fossil fuels. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower and Renewable Energy Development Program is a transformational Program that besides tapping green energy would help in building capacity and institutions for harvesting the large renewable 5 energy potential of the Province and help the government achieve its RE objectives. KHRE is a different project than the traditional investments, it is like a framework project that develops hydropower and renewable energy program for KP. All investments in this were not designed in detail upfront. As reflected in PAD and PPSD of March 2020 only detailed design of GKH had been completed and future investments were to be prepared during project implementation. In first phase procurement for subcomponent (A1) for construction of 88 MW Gabral- Kalam Hydropower project (GKHPP) has commenced through three packages. Unfortunately, bids were not received in December 2022 and May 2023 for the two main packages. Key reasons were the security concerns and lacked wider participation. The reasons are described in detail in the Bid Evaluation Reports. Rebidding process has now started after addressing those concerns. Request for Bids (RFB) have been issued for rebidding of Package-1 (Civil Works) and RFB for rebidding of Package-2 (E&M Works) is expected to be issued shortly, for Package 3 the Contract is awarded and works has commenced . The detailed design including preparation of environmental and social documents of Madyan HPP for subcomponent A2 are now being carried out under KHRE (by the design consultants) and along with it the procurement strategy and packaging has been developed. Madyan Pre-Qualification documents for both Civil and E&M works have been received from the applicants and are under evaluation. Sub-component A2 will also support investment in other hydropower projects and sub-component A3 will help install solar PVs on hydropower assets. Program for up gradation of PEDO’s capacity as a world class entity for development of renewable resources (Component B and D of the Program) will run in parallel. The program is designed to facilitate expansion of hydropower and renewable energy development in KP that are technically sound, environment friendly, socially sustainable and investment ready. It is structured in a way that supports commercial financing and private investments for development of renewable energy (RE) projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). Detailed assessment of future projects is taken care of under Component-B wherein access roads for such projects will be built to attract private investors and financiers. First approved PPSD (March 2020) covered investment in GKH and there key consultancies. PPSD is now being updated to add 2nd investment under KHRE – 157 MW Madyan HPP, a project of the Swat River Basin and other renewable energy investments to be financed through KHRE. 1.2 Components of the Program Component A: Development of hydropower and renewable energy investments (US $ 594 m). This component will support development of public sector investments in hydropower and renewable energy projects in a sequenced manner through following sub-components. 6 (A1) Gabral-Kalam Hydropower Project (US$ 182 m). Construction of Gabral-Kalam HPP (GKH) located on Gabral River. It is 88MW run-of-river hydropower project that will generate 339giga-watt-hours (GWh) annually. Major activities under this sub-component are: (A1.1) construction of river diversion, weir, tunnel, power house building/cavern, access roads, project colony, offices, houses, and other ancillary infrastructure; (A1.2) installation of turbines, generators and electro-mechanical equipment for power plant, the sub-station/switch-yard and transmission line, and auxiliary electromechanical equipment. (A2) Cascade Development of River Basins. (US$ 400 m). This sub- component will finance the construction of HPP(s) of the Swat River Basin (SRB) and other river basins. Presently, 157 MW Madyan HPP on the Swat River has been selected for inclusion under this sub-component. Its detailed design, including the environment and social assessment, is being carried out financing and implementation under this sub-component. (A3) Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) on hydropower assets and other possible locations (US$ 12m). This component would support installation of floating or land based solar PV systems on hydropower assets and other sites. The project targets about 10-15 MW of solar energy which could be scaled-up to other locations and assets by mobilizing private financing. Component B: Institutional Strengthening and Energy Sector Development (US $ 25 m). This component is aimed to provide strategic road map and business plan for development of KP energy systems and associated infrastructure to promote renewable energy, attract investments and enhance government revenue. It will also entail strengthening of institutional systems of Energy and Power (E&P) Department, GoKP and PEDO so that these organizations can work efficiently and effectively to develop renewable energy programs including O&M of existing and future energy projects. Component C: Environment and Social Management (US$ 59 m). This component will improve environment, local living and boost economic development in the project areas of hydropower and solar projects. Component D: Project Implementation Support and Technical Assistance (US$ 30 m). Consulting and other services will be financed to implement hydropower and renewable energy projects along with capacity 7 building of PEDO and Project Management Organization (PMO) to effectively implement projects. 1.3 PDO Statement The project’s development objective is to increase renewable energy generation and strengthen the capacity of associated institutions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 1.4 Key Results Indicators (i) Renewable energy including hydropower capacity constructed to shift the energy mix to domestic clean resources; (ii) Mobilization of commercial financing and private capital to accelerate renewable energy development in KP; (iii) RE and hydropower projects prepared for continued investment in the sector. 2 Operational Context Operational Context considers factors that can have impact on procurement approach, have potential to negatively affect the ability to encourage competition among quality suppliers, or impact the successful implementation and management of the program. Key aspect are: Governance The implementation agency of this program is PEDO. A Project Management Organization (PMO) is established to manage the project. Procurements in the public sector are structured as provincial rules are followed which cater for transparency, economy, efficiency and equal opportunity; delays in payments and adequate contract management is however an issue. High levels of scrutiny by Pakistan oversight agencies commonly creates high risk aversion within organizations and tendency is to refer decisions to higher authorities or broad committees for approval. Such matters result in lack of decisions or delayed decisions. Economic The contracts identified in the project would provide an impetus to the economic activity for the construction related industry as well as to the local residents and businesses. The Pakistani Rupee is subject to depreciation pressure, therefore, contracts for duration longer than 12 months should include price adjustment provisions. Sustainability Project interventions are identified with ownership of the provincial government. Capacity building support will be 8 provided to PEDO to maintain these new assets. Low maintenance solutions will be prioritized where feasible. Technology As mentioned above the sustainable technology will be used with introduction ERP and other IT related software. Technically sound E&M equipment is priority. 3 Client’s Capability & PIU Assessment 3.1 Governance Structure of PEDO Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO) is the main implementing entity of the program. It is a statutory organization that was formed in 1993 through an enactment by the Provincial Assembly of KP. The organization is under the administrative control of Energy and Power Department of Provincial Government. PEDO is an autonomous and operationally independent body governed by a Board of Directors that has representation of relevant provincial ministries (energy, finance and planning) and other departments & private sector. It has its own act which allows it to plan, construct, own, operate, maintain and dispose- off generation, transmission and distribution assets. PEDO organization chart is given in Annex 1. PEDO, since its inception, has been instrumental in identifying and developing hydel potential in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. PEDO has so far identified a number of promising hydel potential sites of more than 6000 MW capacity, which can be developed in a systematic manner either through Public sector or Private sector or with Public-Private-Partnership (PPP). PEDO has defined procurement arrangements. A Project Director is appointed for every project, a management committee and an evaluation subcommittee is notified, which comprises of technical and finance experts. The contract is signed by the CEO. There is also a contract management section comprising of experts who provide support during contract implementation. There are defined delegations of financial powers in Chapter 14 of the delegation document; the Board is fully authorized to approve the highest value contract and there are no external approvals required. PEDO has a procurement manual which is very detailed but needs some clarity on the service standards. The last three years audit reports have not made any major procurement related observations. 3.2 Procurement Capacity and Arrangements PEDO has already developed seven HPPs with a total capacity of 162 MW and five with accumulative capacity of 475 MW are under 9 construction. This Project is Bank’s first engagement with PEDO, but PEDO also has extensive experience of working with development partners particularly ADB that has funded two small hydropower and a 300MW hydropower project at Balakot. The Project has been helping further build PEDO’s capacity to plan, prepare and implement renewable energy projects in KP. Assessment Done at Appraisal Stage. PEDO has a considerable outlay of procurement and they procure consultancies, medium to large works and also some goods. About eight major contracts have been awarded in last 10 years, with average cost of works about US $ 97 m (the largest costing US $ 200 m). A number of consultancy assignments have also been done. Average cost of consultancies at about US $ 1.7 m (the largest costing US $ 3 m). The selection procedure does not necessarily include shortlisting even for large contracts. There are no reported major delays in selection procedures and generally evaluations take four to six weeks and award is preceded by 10 days of disclosure period. Participation of consulting firms has been encouraging and the 5-8 firms participate in proposals, however very few international firms have been applying probably due to the limitation of payments made only in local currency, and for PEC registration requirement for government funded contracts. PEDO follows the KP Public Procurement of Goods, Works and Services Rules 2014, which provide reasonable fiduciary assurances. These rules acknowledge the principles of fairness, transparency, equal opportunity, economy, and efficiency; stipulate general competition as the default method of procurement; provide for pre-disclosed evaluation criteria; limitation on post bid negotiations; disclosure of contract award information, and complaint redressal. Bidding opportunities are essentially advertised on the publicly available websites, and national newspapers. KPPRA has posted Standard Bidding Documents on their website. These documents consider the requirement of qualification information, evaluation criteria and award process. Bids are required to be awarded to the lowest evaluated responsive bidder. Likewise selection methods for consultancies take into account quality and cost (LCS, QCBS, QBS, FBS). To implement the program, PEDO has established a separate unit called Project Management Organization (PMO). PMO is headed by full time Head with dedicated staff for key technical, engineering, environmental, social , procurement & Contract management and financial management. PMO structure is given in Annex 1. Through office order dated December 30, 2020 the Head PMO has an effective delegation of powers from PEDO for Project management, administration, technical and financial approvals including drawing and disbursing. Head PMO 10 have powers of Chief Engineer and reporting to CEO of PEDO. PMO will be supported by Management Support firm, Planning firm and Project Implementation firm, besides a set of individual experts. Adequate staffing is essential in PMO after which training would be provided. A complaint redressing mechanism is agreed with the Board as tier one and a subcommittee of the Coordination committee as tier 2. It is mandatory to post details of redressing mechanism on project website and refer to it in each SPN/Procurement/Bidding Document. Project Steering Committee, chaired by Additional Chief Secretary KP provides strategic guidance, inter-departmental support/guidance and high level oversight. The project follow the Bank’s Procurement Regulations for Borrowers for Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services dated July 1, 2016, (latest version is November 2020). Project will be subject to the WB’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines, dated October 15, 2006, and revised in January 2011 and July 2016. The Project will use the World Bank’s on- line procurement and contract management system, “STEP” (Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in Procurement). Under KHRE project, PEDO has awarded two large consultancies and these consultancy assignments are progressing well. Participation of international firms for these assignments was also very good and encouraging. The PQ process for GKH and Madyan HPPs also generated good interest. The current procurement performance rating is satisfactory after PEDO overcome some of the initial delays in the award of some of the contracts. 3.3 Key Conclusions for Project Implementation There are adequate arrangements envisaged for swift and expeditious implementation of the Project. Main conclusions are: i. Head PMO should be delegated with full implementation authority. ii. PMO should be staffed as quickly as possible. iii. Project management will require adequate attention from within PMO (through the contract management staff) and the supporting consulting firms. The PMO staffing is complete and is being headed by a Chief Engineer who was been delegated full authority to implement the project. In addition PEDO also engaged services of an International Procurement Specialist and one member of the Independent Panel of Experts (IPOE) is for Construction Planning and Contract Management. 11 4 Market Analysis and Procurement Approach 4.1 Project Preparation Stage (consultancies) PEDO, using their own resources hired M/s AGES Consultants Peshawar (Pakistan) to conduct detailed feasibility studies and design for 88 MW Gabral- Kalam HPP. The feasibility studies covered basic engineering design and preparation of PC-1. The studies, among other parameters, included survey & topography, hydrological & sedimentation studies, climate, flow availability, dam break analysis, seismic hazard analysis & geophysical and geotechnical analysis. Based on these studies project layout planning & project components for both civil and E&M were assessed. ESIA of the project is completed. Cost estimates and construction planning & scheduling have been prepared. The construction schedule invariably takes into consideration local climate, culture, site access, remoteness of the area and design complexity of the project. Additional follow up studies are also underway in order to improve detail design parameters. Feasibility/design studies including environment and social assessment for other sub-projects will be carried out during implementation. These may form a basis to conduct the pre- qualification etc. A Project Preparatory Advance (PPF) (US $ 4 m) was made available to PEDO through which the selection of following three consultancies were initiated: i. Project Implementation Consultants (PIC) ii. Management Support Consultants (MSC) iii. Planning Consultants Project Implementation Consultants are on board and have three major components; (a) for Gabral Kalam design review, preparation of bidding documents, support in procurement process and supervision of works contracts; (b) feasibility updation and detailed design of 2nd investment under KHRE – 157MW Madyan HPP; and (c) supervision of the 2nd investment under KHRE – 157MW Madyan HPP. Management support consultants OR Technical/Financial experts hired for specialized services would act a project management arm of the PMO and PEDO. Planning consultants have also been engaged and will provide the follow up cascade plan for the province. Contract Estimated Review Selection Status (as of July cost M method 2023) US$ 12 1 PIC - Project 10 Prior QCBS Hired Implementation Consultants 2 MSC - 6 Prior QCBS Contract Management Negotiations under Support process. Likely to Consultants be cancelled. In lieu PEDO intends to hire individual consultants to meet the same objective. 3 Planning 20 Prior QCBS Contract Awarded Consultants and is effective from June 2023 4.2 Approach for Consultancy Selection All the three major consultancies have been advertised and two of them (PIC and PC) are awarded whereas the third consultancy is under process of hiring. QCBS has been kept as a selection method for the consultancies advertised, and the EOI gave requirement of international experience. This proved to be a very effective criterion as for the first time major international firms have applied for the above assignments. Annex 2 provides the list of firms historically participating and firm participating in the above advertised assignments. There would be other smaller consultancies for which the suitable procedures shall be identified. 4.3 Procurement Packaging for Key Works Contracts This section of the PPSD covers the identified contracts for the construction of Gabral- Kalam Hydropower Project (sub-component A1) and 2nd investment under KHRE – Madyan HPP (sub-componentA2) and for solar photovoltaic investuments under sub-component A3. Also, future hydropower and solar investments if carried out under KHRE will follow similar procurement packaging. Cost estimate of GKHPP is US $ 150 m for civil works and US $ 50 m Electrical & Mechanical works. Cost estimate of Madyan HPP is US $300 m for civil works and US $100 m for Electrical & mechanical works. 13 For construction of hydropower projects three distinct procurement options were considered, on technical and procurement optimization basis. Option 1 : Break up of Works as two contracts: (i) Civil works - water conveyance structure (weir, diversion structure, tunnels, etc.), access roads, bridges,; (ii) Power house electrical & mechanical works; associated civil works; switch yard; and power evacuation line. Option 2: Break up of Works as two contracts: (i) All Civil Works (ii) Electrical and Mechanical works, with switchyard and power evacuation line Option 3: Single Contract for all Civil and E&M works. Analysis of Option-1: Strengths Weakness • Specialized contractors for • Coordination in work plans will specific jobs. be required • PIC can facilitate to optimize • Higher level of contract on specialization of the firms management required to raise for timely completion early warning for delays • E&M Bidders to be specialized in Civil Works also OR will be dependent on Civil Joint Venture partner. Opportunities Threats • In E&M bidding document, • Delay in one contract may evaluation can take into cause delay in the other, account enhanced resulting in claim performance/efficiency in • Project cost may increase due offered bids. to separate mobilization costs. • Timely completion will provide better market interest for future projects 14 Analysis of Option-2: Strengths Weaknesses • Specialized contractors • Coordination in work plans will be for specific jobs. required • PIC can facilitate to • Higher level of contract optimize on specialization management to raise early warning of the firms for timely for delays completion • Overlapping Site access requirements • Two separate contractors are more likely to file claims / disputes to the EA due to potential failure of the other contractor. • Opportunities Threats • In E&M bidding • Delay in one contract may cause document, evaluation can delay in the other, and cause claims take into account • Extensive coordination required for enhanced E&M related civil works by Works performance/efficiency. contractor, with E&M contractors • Project cost may increase due to separate mobilization costs. • Analysis of Option-3: Strengths Weakness • One contracting entity • Single contract may require joint responsible for all works ventures between different • Ease of contract management specialized contractors, which may increase administrative • The Pros of Single Contract are burden on them. further elaborated below • As mentioned above, some of under Section 4.3.2 these specialized companies may choose not to participate in the tender. Opportunities Threats 15 • Larger firms and JVs would • Failure of a single contractor participate in bidding might mean the failure of the • Cost may be reduced due to whole Project. one contractor mobilizing Residential colony for GKHPP awarded separately due to timelines and needs, it was envisaged that local contractors could take this up effectively. In case of GKHPP which is in remote location, project colony is awarded through a separate NCB contract in which 2 bidders participated and was awarded to the lowest evaluated bidder. The residential colonies will have health and education facilities that could be made available for the construction phase as well as local communities will have access to those facilities. For Madyan HPP, which is closer to main cities already have access to such facilities, the construction of colony has been made part of the main contract Package-1. 4.3.1 Selected Option for Hydropower Projects including GKHPP, Madyan HPP and other similar hydropower investments From analysis of advantages and disadvantages of three options, the preferred procurement approach adopted both for 88 MW Gabral- Kalam Hydropower Project (Component A1) rebidding and Madyan HPP and future hydropower investments under subcomponent A2 is Option-2, for the following reasons: i. HPP performance is a major parameter indicating functionality of the project. The cost of civil works is higher and if the two components (civil and E&M) are merged, the bidding strategy of all bidders will be focused on costing of civil works, and meeting (rather than exceeding) the E&M performance parameters. ii. In case of separate packages of Civil works and E&M, the E&M bidder will find benefits in devising a bidding strategy to offer enhanced performance. Optimal E&M design will entail substantial savings during life cycle of the plant, with less outage/breakdowns and revenue loss. iii. O&M expenses are reduced. In the first round of bidding for GKH, Option 1 was selected. However based on the feedback received and the consultation/market assessment done by PEDO, contractors prefer a separate E&M contract and therefore for the reasons mentioned above Option 2 has been 16 preferred for GKH rebidding as well as for other hydropower investments to be financed through KHRE. List of potential bidders/participants is attached as Annex-3 (Civil, Table 1-5) and (E&M, Table 6-8) for the two packages. The role of Project Implementation Consultants is extremely important in this approach, and it needs to be proactive and highly professional. 4.3.2 Qualification Options There are options of pre-qualification and Post-qualification. The following SWOT analysis provides the comparison for the two options: Pre-qualification Strengths Weaknesses • Gives early information on • Increases procurement lead competition potential and The time (minimized by Employer is able to assess undertaking prequalification interest of qualified firms; while preparing bidding document); • Enables insufficiently qualified bidders to avoid costly bidding • Review of all applications is process, or to form a JV for a mandatory whereas post- better chance to success; qualification requires review of only winning bid (although • Enhances participation of more verification of information experienced contractors (since submitted by prequalified unqualified bidders are bidders during bidding excluded); exercise is required); • Reduces high cost of bidding and potential complaints of disqualified bidders; • Reduces time in evaluating bids from unqualified bidders; Opportunities Threats • Modification of qualification • Risk of low competition and requirements to ensure higher necessity for renewal of pre- competition during the bidding qualification requirements process; and re-invitation of PQ 17 • Early Detection of Employer’s • Increases the risk of collusion capacity to manage and probability of price- procurement; rigging among a limited • Encourages firms to form joint number of prequalified ventures with other local or bidders. international firms, thereby benefiting from their resources and experience;. Post Qualification Strengths Weaknesses • Reduces procurement lead • Gives no early warning of time competition potential; • The risk of low competition • Encourages bidders to during bidding that might exercise due diligence during bid preparation to minimize result in cancellation of the the risk of rejection on grounds tender; of qualifications; clear-cut, • Increases the amount of work fail–pass qualification criteria and time involved by the enables a bidder to make an Employer in evaluating bids informed decision whether to from unqualified contractors; pursue a specific contract, • Possibility of rejection of low- either as a single entity or in a priced bids submitted by joint venture; bidders of doubtful capability • Reduces the risk of collusion and, accordingly, the potential and probability of price-rigging of complaints of disqualified among a large number of bidders; bidders. • Historical reluctance to reject the lowest price bid that may prevent the Employer from awarding the contract to more qualified, technically responsive contractor offering relatively higher price bid. Threats Opportunities 18 • Encourages firms to form joint • Risk of low competition that ventures with other local or might lead to cancellation of international firms or act as the tender and re-tendering subcontractors, thereby with modified requirements; benefiting from their • Increased risk of awarding the resources and experience contract to less qualified contractor with lowest price that will likely lead to delays in overall implementation Project Implementation Consultants are on board and has completed the design of GKHPP, and preparing design of Madyan HPP. Pre-Qualification option was adopted for GHKPP Package-1 & 2, but the evaluation process took time due to delay in hiring and commencement of PIC, the out dated bidders’ qualification/information, followed by No-Show by the bidders due to lack of their interest in lengthy process and also in obtaining clearance from their embassies for security reasons. To save time, the Re-bidding of GKHPP i.e; RFB without pre-qualification option was selected and has been launched for Package-1 whereas for Package 2 it will be announced shortly following similar approach. As the security concerns of the bidders have been adequately addressed in the forthcoming bidding documents, and the detailed design is currently in progress, it is advisable to maintain the PQ (Prequalification) process for Madyan as it is. The PQ process has already been initiated, and PQ applications have been received. The issuance of RFB (Request for Bids) is anticipated to take place after the evaluation of PQ applications and the finalization of RFB documents in August 2023. 4.4 Market Analysis The potential market for the project is large contractors for civil works and E&M works. Currently several hydel projects are under construction in Pakistan and renowned firms are operating in Pakistan. Annex 3 gives the list of firms who participated in recent (40MW+) hydel projects of PEDO, as well as those which are participating in the ADB funded projects. These firms include those civil works firms which have a much larger annual turnover having up to US $ 60 b to US $ 100b, and E&M firms with annual turnover of up to Euro 6 b. The firms already working on much larger projects of Tarbela and Dasu hydropower projects also expressed interest. It is expected that GKHPP & Madyan HPP would attract this potential market. Madyan HPP is second largest hydropower project being implemented by PEDO / GoKP and committed 19 financing from the World Bank generated good response/interest from the potential contractors during pre-qualification stage. 4.5 Key Conclusions for Market and Procurement Approach i. There is ample market potential for the works and E&M contracts. ii. Selected option to slice or combine would depends upon timing, complexity and project specific needs iii. The project timelines are such that pre-qualification can be used for getting serious bidders in new investments. The approach is very useful to save time while the design is being prepared. iv. Response for EOIs in consultancy has been very encouraging with major international participation due to a bit stringent criteria. 5 Procurement Risks Analysis and Mitigation Measures Efficient project implementation is pivoted on the aspects of timely capacity development of PIU and efficient design and bidding processes. It is also critical that the Head PMO is given adequate delegations for procurement and contract management decision to run the project in an efficient manner. At this stage the procurement risk is kept as Substantial. The risks and mitigation measures are tabulated below: Risk Management Plan S Risk Area Mitigation Responsibilit Timeline N measure y Procurement i. Procurement i. PMO i. Done processes and & contract 1 decision making management staff hired at ii. World Bank ii. Done PMO. ii. PMO staff trained in Bank procurement iii. PEDO iii. Done procedures iii. Head PMO delegated with authority for approvals of project related 20 S Risk Area Mitigation Responsibilit Timeline N measure y decision making. SOP prepared for such delegations and working of PMO . 2 Market response Packages are PMO Done made aligned with market readiness. Analysis and PMO/PIC July, 2023 – mitigation of Rebidding limited/no-bid, process has based on the started for discussions of Package 1. bidding process for GKHPP Package 1 and Package 2 3 Design adequacy and i. Consulting PMO PIC on board cost estimation firm is hired for design review and preparation of adequate bid docs; market PMO IPOE in place rates to be used for estimation. ii. IPOE to review design aspects 4. Contract i. Contract PMO/Consulting After management management firm contract plans for all award three contracts 21 S Risk Area Mitigation Responsibilit Timeline N measure y prepared and regularly monitored. This will include monitoring of staff deployment PMO and contractor’s After award presence on of all site. consultancie s ii. Contract Manager to PMO monitor implementatio n of Contract consultancy Negotiations firm(s) with MSC contracts on firm are the above lines. under progress iii. Management support firm (MSC) and/or a set of individual consultants will support PMO for overall project management 5. Law and order GoKP PMO Bidding perception in the undertakes to Documents province structure, includes implement and provision of monitor a site security multi-layer and a security plan, security plan. specific to each 22 S Risk Area Mitigation Responsibilit Timeline N measure y Contract. For this PEDO has engaged Special Security Unit (SSU) to assess the security risks and based on the assessment, has prepared a Security Management Plan. 6. Cybersecurity risks, Implement PMO The ICT threats and strong access procurement vulnerabilities that controls, will include can compromise the deploy robust standard confidentiality, software, protocols as integrity, and security an integral availability of patches & component information and regular systems within an ICT malware scans, (Information and regular data Communication backups, Technology) Project Implement policy violations protocols, define security requirements in contracts and establish regular audits and security reviews. 7. Solar To enhance the PMO These Components/System mitigation of provisions forced labor and 23 S Risk Area Mitigation Responsibilit Timeline N measure y s (Forced Labor Risk risks and declaration Mitigation) strengthen the forms will be procurement included in processes the related to solar procurement energy, forced documents labor bidder for both declarations international will be added to and national the bidding competitive documents as procurement, defined in the as well as World Bank any direct Environmental selection or and Social contracting Framework within the specified scope. 6 Project Procurement Development Objectives (PPDO) The project procurement development objectives are the following: i. To ensure procurement efficiency and value for money that contributes towards meeting the PDO. ii. To ensure healthy market participation and appropriate packaging in works and plant contracts iii. To ensure effective contract management for timely completion of the Project. iv. Application of value for money (VFM) approaches (including rated criteria and life cycle costs): Given the nature of the Project, the VFM approach for the project will apply during the selection process. This would allow qualitative aspects to be considered and will facilitate the selection of the supplier on an approach that recognizes the importance of quality, and overall value for money based on a combination of cost and quality. For this purpose selection of the bidder (especially for Civil works) will be based on rated criteria (technical+financial combined evaluation). Overall, applicable Bank’s standard procurement documents (which also include, among others, VFM approaches and relevant provisions 24 to manage environmental and social risks and impacts) shall be applied with appropriate fit for purpose Borrower’s requirements. v. Since procurement/bidding of Madyan and GKHPP will be done in parallel, the bidders participating in both bidding processes and who want to be awarded both contracts, should meet the Financial Qualification Requirements (Average annual turnover and financial resources) on an aggregate basis for both contracts 6.1.1 Project Procurement Result Indicator Achievement of the PPDO will be measured by the following indicators: i. 70% contracts awarded within the bid/proposal validity period. ii. Good competition and contract prices within +20% of the estimated costs. iii. 100% of the contract delays captured, and extensions provided in time prior to the contract closing date. The PPDO will be measured through data retrieved from STEP. Current procurement performance is rated as Satisfactory. 7 Output of PPSD 7.1 Recommended Procurement Approach for the Project 7.1.1 Works, Goods and Non-Consulting Services The procurement approach for the identified goods, civil works and supply and install contracts will be open international competitive bidding (ICB), using request for bids based on single stage one envelope with pre-qualification. The procurements for smaller contracts within the country level threshold of US$ 20 m will be procured using NCB procedures. The World Bank’s standard bidding documents shall be used for ICB procurements whereas the procurements targeting the National market would be carried out using the NCB bidding documents. The NCB documents used for bidding will be agreed with the Bank and will include provisions meeting the aspects given in section 5.4 of the Regulations. Evaluation and award of contract will be based on rated criteria i.e; high ranked responsive bid evaluated on technical and financial combined scoring. in the evaluation criteria, for electro-mechanical equipment concepts like “functional guarantees” (and adjustment of bid prices) will be used. Contracts are envisaged to be admeasurement, with price 25 adjustment for all contract exceeding completion period of 12 months. No specific contract conditions are identified. 7.1.2 Consultancies For consultancies all the available options shall be used as permissible in the applicable Procurement Regulation. There are large contracts for PIC, planning and Management Support. As given in para 4.1 above, PIC and Planning Consultant have been engaged and negotiations for MSC are underway. Alternatively a team of experts (comprising technical & financial experts) will be engaged to facilitate PEDO & PMO. There are some additional consultancies for social and environmental support. 7.2 Procurement plan for key activities The recommended procurement plan for the project is given in the Table below: Sl. Name Estima Bank Procureme Selection Evaluat N ted Oversi nt Method ion o. Cost ght Approach/ Method Competiti (US$ on million ) CONSULTANCIES/SERVICES 1 PIC - Project 10 Prior Internation QCBS Highest Implementati al firm ranked on selection firm Consultants /open (Awarde d) 2 MSC - 6 Prior Internation QCBS Highest Management al firm ranked Support selection/op firm Consultants en 3 Planning 16 Prior Internation QCBS Highest Consultants al firm ranked selection/op firm en (Awarde d) 4 Independent 0.3 Post Individual Comparis Best Environment Consultants on of CVs candidat e 26 Sl. Name Estima Bank Procureme Selection Evaluat N ted Oversi nt Method ion o. Cost ght Approach/ Method Competiti (US$ on million ) & Social Competition Consultants /Limited (Multiple contracts) 5 Independent 0.7 Post Individual Comparis Best Panel of Consultants on of CVs candidat Experts e (hired) (IPOE) – 6 or Competition more /Limited individuals based on need (Multiple contracts) 6 Individual 5 Post Individual Comparis Best advisers/exp Consultants on of CVs candidat erts e (On need Competition basis and in /Limited replacement of MSC Consultant) MAJOR WORKS CONTRACTS 1 GKHPP (Rebidding) : 150 Prior ICB Highest Package 1: Ranked RFB Civil Works - Bidder (without water (Rated pre- conveyance Criteria qualificati structure basis for on) (weir, technica 27 Sl. Name Estima Bank Procureme Selection Evaluat N ted Oversi nt Method ion o. Cost ght Approach/ Method Competiti (US$ on million ) diversion l and structure, financial tunnels, combine etc.), access d roads and scoring) bridges. 2 GKHPP E&M 50 Prior ICB Highest Package 2 Ranked RFB(witho (Rebidding): Bidder ut pre- Power House (Rated qualificati (Supply & Criteria on) Install) - basis for turbines, technica generators , l and electrical financial system, combine switch yard, d power scoring) evacuation 3 GKH Package 5 Post NCB Post Lowest 3: qualificati evaluate Residential on RFB d colony, qualified offices and bidder roads (Awarde d) 4 Madyan 300 Prior ICB Pre- Highest HPP*: Qualificati Ranked on Bidder Civil Works (Rated RFB Criteria basis for technical 28 Sl. Name Estima Bank Procureme Selection Evaluat N ted Oversi nt Method ion o. Cost ght Approach/ Method Competiti (US$ on million ) and financial combined scoring) 5 Madyan 100 Prior ICB Pre- Highest HPP*: Qualificati Ranked Electrical & on Bidder Mechanical (Rated RFB Works Criteria basis for technical and financial combined scoring) 6 Solar PV 12 Prior ICB Post Highest Contracts - (because of qualification Ranked Phase 1* market RFB Bidder conditions) (Rated Criteria basis for technical and financial combined scoring) 7 Schemes 19 Post NCB Post Lowest under Social qualificati evaluated Developmen on RFB qualified t Plan (SDP) bidder and EMP for GKH and Madyan HPP 29 Sl. Name Estima Bank Procureme Selection Evaluat N ted Oversi nt Method ion o. Cost ght Approach/ Method Competiti (US$ on million ) (Multiple Contracts expected to be less than 1 million )** 8 Information 0.5 Post NCB Post Lowest Systems qualificati evaluated (ICT) – on RFB qualified Hardware & bidder Software and Deployment of ERP for PEDO Notes: * Future HPP investments under sub-component A2 and Solar PV investments under subcomponent A3) will follow similar procurement method respectively as outlined above. Solar PV is to be implemented in a phased/sequential manner. In the first phase small scale solar PV will be added to the hydropower assets and in subsequent phase(s) solar PV will be scaled-up at hydropower and other location. ** Local area development schemes to be constructed as part of Social Development Plan and Environmental Management Plan of GKH and Madyan HPP for affected communities, businesses and households. Schemes could include water supply works, rehabilitation of irrigation channels, rehabilitation/construction of schools, dispensaries etc. Packaging and lots are to be decided based on designs, surveys, work requirements and sequencing. 7.3 National Procurement Arrangements In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures may be 30 used. When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement arrangements as set forth in KP Public Procurement Rules, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations and the following conditions: a. The eligibility of bidders shall be as defined under Section III of the Procurement Regulations. Accordingly, no bidder or potential bidder shall be declared ineligible for contracts financed by the Bank for reasons other than those provided in Section III of the Procurement Regulations. b. For national open competitive procurement, only the model procurement documents acceptable to the World Bank, shall be used. c. The request for bids/request for proposals document shall require that Bidders/Proposers submitting Bids/Proposals present a signed acceptance (in the form attached in the bidding document) at the time of bidding, to be incorporated in any resulting contracts, confirming application of, and compliance with, the Bank’s Anti- Corruption Guidelines, including without limitation the Bank’s right to sanction and the Bank’s inspection and audit rights. d. Procurement Documents include provisions, as agreed with the Bank, intended to adequately mitigate against environmental, social (including sexual exploitation and abuse and gender-based violence), health and safety (“ESHS”) risks and impacts e. Access to procurement opportunities shall not be restricted to firms that have pre-registered and/or paid a registration fee. f. No preference of any kind shall be given to national bidders in the bidding process. When other national procurement arrangements (other than national open competitive procurement) are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations. 7.4 Prior Review Thresholds The Procurement Plan shall set forth those contracts which shall be subject to the Bank’s prior review. All other contracts shall be subject to Post Review by the Bank. However following matrix will be used for reference: 31 Table 1 -Mandatory Procurement Prior Review Thresholds (USD M) Type of High Risk Substantial Moderate Low Risk Procurement Risk Risk Works, S&I 5 10 15 20 Goods, 1.5 2 4 6 Information Tech& Non- consulting Consultants: 0.5 1 2 4 Firms Consultants: 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Individuals 8 Summary of PPSD All project procurement shall follow the requirements set forth or referred to in the Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for Borrowers under Investment Project Financing (IPF)”, dated July 1, 2016 (latest version). Project will be subject to the WB’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines, dated October 15, 2006, and revised in January 2011 and July 2016. The project procurement outlays comprise large works for civil construction (US $150 m) , and E&M equipment procurement and installation (US $ 50m) for GKHPP; and consultancies for Implementation Support (US $ 10 m), Planning (US$ 16 m) and Management Support (US $ 6m). This PPSD has been updated to add Madyan HPP proposed as two packages, civil works and E&M as well as other major/minor investments eg; ICT procurement, procurement under SDPs and Solar Power Plants etc. The procurement approach for the main hydropower work contracts (civil and E&M) for new investments including Madyan HPP will follow open international, single- stage, one-envelope method (ICBs), following pre-qualification. the project timelines are such that pre-qualification can be done without causing delay in bidding process, and it will encourage serious bidders to participate. PPSD provides the background for packaging and procurement approach. Other hydel and solar projects under the program are to be identified during implementation for which the procurement method has been elaborated under section 7.2 above. A dedicated Project Management Organization (PMO) has been established within PEDO, the implementation agency, to manage the 32 program effectively. Market based selection of contract management and procurement specialist has been completed and procurement unit is fully staffed. A strong coordination and reporting regime is established under PMO, with delegation of powers to the Head PMO and the roles and responsibilities documented in an SOP. Contract management plans for all large contracts will be prepared and monitored to ensure timely decisions. PIC and management support consultancy firms will support PMO is contract management and overall project management. Procurement Risk for the project is assessed as Substantial, with the above mitigation plan. 33 ANNEX 1 Figure 2: PEDO Organization Chart Figure 3: PMO Structure 34 ANNEX 2 List of Consultant Participated Bid for 10.2 -85 MW, and one 300 MW Consultancies for Design and Supervision No Firm Country . 1 National Engineering Services Pakistan NESPAK Pakistan 2 Fichtner Gmbh (In JV) Germany 3. AGES Pakistan 4 PES Pakistan 5 Associated Consulting Engineers Pakistan 6 SMEC Australia 7 Electra Consultants Pakistan 8 RSW international 9 Integration Gmbh (in JV) Germany 10 Shladia (in JV) US 11 Barqaab Pakistan 12 Norconsult UK 13 DOLSAR Turkey 14 Temelsu Turkey Response to the three EOIs for Consultancies under KHRE Firm Country 1 SOFRECO FRANCE France 2 MWH USA USA 3 GOPA - International Energy Consultants Germany Germany SMEC International (Pvt). Limited Australia. Australia 4 M/s Cahngjiang Survey, Planning Design & Research China 5 Co., Ltd China (JV) Beifang Investigation, Design and Research Co. Ltd China 6 (BIDR) China, and M/s Integral INGINEORS S.s. Columbia Columbia 7 8 MM Pakistan Pakistan 9 M/s Cahngjiang Survey, Planning Design & Research China Co., Ltd China 10 Beifang Investigation, Design and Research Co. Ltd China (BIDR) China, 11 Tractebel Engg. Gmbh Germany Germany 12 SUIS PROJE Muhendislik ve Musavirlik Ltd Turky' IM Turkey Maggia Engg. Switzerland 35 13 Temelsu International Engineering Services Inc Turkey 14 DOLSAR ENGINEERING INC CO. TURKEY (JV Lead Turkey Firm); 15 Mahab Ghodss Iran Iran 16 TYPSA Spain 17 ILF Consulting Austria 18 CIMA Global Canada 19 Sogreah Gulf Fze (Artella Group) Dubai Dubai 20 NESPAK Pakistan 21 Integral Ingenieros Consultores Columbia 22 Tractebel Engineering GmbH (TEG) Germany 23 China Water Resources Pearl River Planning China Surveying & Designing Co.,Ltd. 24 AQUALOGUS, Portugal 36 ANNEX 3 Table 1 below shows the list of Civil Contractors sent their proposal for GKHPP and table 2 exhibits the list of other potential bidders. Table – 1 -Civil Works Contractors for GKHP Annual Name of Revenue* No. Origin Website Firm (Million USD) China International 1 Water & China Electric Corp. (CWE) 991 China Three Gorges 2 China Project Co., Ltd. (CTGPC) 89 Sambu South 3 Construction Korea Co., Ltd. 249.09 Shuifa Anhe 4 Group Co., China Ltd. 100 M/s Khyber Pakista 5 Grace (Pvt.) n Limited 16.35 Energy & Water 6 U.A.E. International FZE 66 Age Insaat 7 ve Ticaret Turkey A.S. 123 Sarwar & Company Pakista 8 (Pvt.) Ltd. n (Engineers & http://www.sarwarcompanypvtltd. Contractors) 15 Hasas Pakista 9 Construction n (Pvt.) Ltd. 22.36 37 Dogus Insaat 10 ve Ticaret Turkey A.S. 155.863 Descon Pakista 11 Engineering n Limited 15 China Gezhouba Group 12 China Company Limited (CGGC) 8719 China Road & Bridge 13 China Corporation (CRBC) 4,145.71 China Anneng Group First 14 China Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. (CANFE) 106.07 Sinohydro 15 Corporation China Limited 5,367.72 Table-2, Based on recent business outreach following additional Firms /Contractors shown interest for GKHPP and Madyan HPP (Civil works) Annual No Name of Origi Revenue* Website . Firm n (Million USD) OZKAAR Turke 1 Insaat - y OZALTIN JV 105 Age Insaat ve Turke 2 Ticaret A.S. y 123 Tunnel Sadd 3 Iran Ariana 670 LIMAK CONSTRUCTI Turke 4 ON INDUSTRY y 4.2 billion & TRADE 38 INCORPORATI ON Turke 530 5 NUROL y DLE &C (DAELIM South 6 Industrial Co. Korea Ltd) .do - SINOTECH 7 China Co. Ltd x.html - Sultan Mehmood & Pakist 8 - Company an Engineers - Zahir Khan & Pakist 9 Brothers ZKB an 331 Habib Rafiqe Pakist 10 - Pvt. Ltd an - Table-3 List of Other Potential Civil Works Contractors No. Name of Firm Origin Website Annual Revenue* 1 Skanska Sweden USD 17 billion 2 Ranhill Engineering Malaysia USD 0.4 Construction billion equivalent 3 Anadolu Group Turkey USD 4 billion 4 Barnard Construction USA USD 0.2 Company, Inc. billion 5 CCCC Second China USD 1 billion Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd. 6 AstaldiSpA&GyM- Spain USD 3.3 Grana y Montero S.A. billion 7 Limak Turkey USD 4.2 billion 8 Walsh Group USA USD 4.3 billion 9 Korea Midland Power South USD 3.6 Corporation Korea billion 10 EidsivaVannkraft AS Norway USD 0.2 billion 39 * latest available figures converted into USD equivalent at current exchange rate from their respective currencies. Table 4: Firms that Expressed Interest in HPPs of PEDO in recent past No. Firm Project 1 DOGUS- DESCON-YENGUNIV- 84 MW Gorkin- CWTW Matiltan 2 CMC-GRC “ 3 SWEB –SCC “ 4 WENGFU- QUINGYUAN- BANU “ MUKHTAR 5 GORKIN-MATILTAN (SINOTEC ETC) “ 6 DESCON - Koto JV 40.8 MW Koto HPP 7 Sichuan, Sarwar & Co., Silian and “ ChongQing JV 8 SHUNTAI-HRL-AFI-JINLUN JV “ 9 ZDWP-CIENL-NEL JV “ Table-5, List of Bidders of under Construction ADB funded 300 MW Balakot HPP 1 M/S SINOHYDRO B7 CO. LTD. PAKISTAN BRANCH 2 M/S RVI GLOBAL PVT LTD 3 M/S GHULAM RASOOL AND CO. PVT. 4 M/S CHINA GEZHOUBA GROUP COMPANY LTD. 5 M/S SHAMXI HYDRALIC ENGINEERING CO. CHINA 6 M/S DESCON ENGINEERING LTD 7 M/S GE HYDRO CHINA CO LTD 8 M/S AL ZEB ENGINEERING PVT LTD 9 M/S MAQBOOL CALSONS JV, PAK 10 M/S MATRACON PAK PVT LTD. 11 M/S ZHONGMEI ENGINEERRING GROUP LTD 12 M/S CHINA INTERNATIONAL, WATER & ELCTRIC PAK 13 M/S MULTILINE ENTERPRISES PAK 14 M/S SINOTECH CHINA 15 M/S SARWAR CO 16 M/S NUROL INSAAT VE TICARET A.S TURKEY 17 M/S GB IMPEX JV 18 MS CHMC 19 MS AL-FAJR 20 M/S ZAHIR KHAN & BROTHERS 21 M/S JSA CAPTIAL LLC 22 M/S TECHNICON ENTERPRISES 40 No. Firm Project 23 M/S ALBARIO ENGG 24 M/S RM Gulistan 25 M/S International Traders Electrical & Mechanical Equipment/Major Machinery (Turbines/Generators): The list of the Hydropower electrical and Mechanical manufacturers which applied for prequalification for GKHPP is given below in Table 4. While other potential manufacturers for power plant equipment specializing in hydropower units is presented in Table-5. The market is competitive and is primarily dominated by China based firms. It is expected that some of the major manufacturers listed in Table 3 of hydropower generating units will be interested in the bidding process. Table- 6, E&M Contractors No. Name of Firm Origi Annual Manufac Single n Revenue turing Unit of (latest Capabilit Turbine available y - Max- figures) in Installed Capacity Million Max- in MW USD Capacity in MW) China International Water & Electric Corp. Chin 1 991.00 450 60 (CWE) a China Three Gorges Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Chin 2 7.23 - - Co., Ltd. (CTGME) a n/ Harbin Electric International Co., Ltd. Chin 3 1,189.00 342 - (HEI) a 41 Harbin Electric Machinery Co., Ltd. (HEC) Chin 4 598 784 243 http://www.hec- a php Shuifa Anhe Group Chin 5 Co., Ltd. 100 150 30 a Energy & Water 6 International FZE U.A.E 66 - - Zhefu Holding Group Chin 7 152 720 85 Co., Ltd. a Age Insaat ve Ticaret Turk 8 A.S. 123 185 - ey Sarwar & Company (Pvt.) Ltd. (Engineers Pakis 9 & Contractors) 15 - - tan http://www.sarwarco China National Heavy Machinery Chin 10 278 246 - Corporation (CHMC) a http// Zhejiang Orient Engineering Co, Ltd. Chin 11 (ZOEC) 50 70 - a http://www.orienteng Hangzhou Resource Power Equipment Co., Chin 12 37 70 60 Ltd. (HRPE) a M/s Dongfang Electric International Chin 13 Corporation 328 1870 80 a https://www.dongfan China National Electric Engineering Chin 14 Co., Ltd. 639 143 50 a (CNECC)http://www.c 42 Beijing IWHR Technology Co., Ltd Chin 15 32 99 80 a Andritz (China) Ltd. Chin 16 https://www.andritz.c 523 1232 48 a om/china-en Ghulam Rasool & Pakis 17 Company Pvt. Ltd 75 - - tan China Gezhouba Group Company Chin 18 Limited 8719 254 84 a (CGGC) Powerchina Zhongnan Engineering Chin 19 Corporation Limited 966 180 60 a https://ec.powerchina .cn/contactUs_en.htm l Limited - Chongqing Water Turbine Works Chin 20 69 - Co., Ltd. a - Table-7: List of Other Potential Hydropower Equipment Manufacturers/Bidders No Name of Firm Origin Website Annual Manufa . Revenue cturing (latest Capabili available ty - figures) Turbine / Equipm ent Size 1. Chongqing China www.cchpe.n Not 0.5 to Hydropower et available 100 MW Equipment online 2. Zhejiang Fuchunjiang China http://www.z Not 10 to 600 Hydropower available MW Equipment Co., Ltd. out.aspx online 3. Alstom France EUR 6.2 com billion 43 4. Toshiba Hydropower China Hangzhou 5. Voith Hydro Germa EUR 4.2 ny m billion 6. Andritz Hydro Austria www.andritz. EUR com 6.0billion 7. RainPower Small Norway www.rainpow Not 0.4 to Hydro available 255 MW online Table-8, Based on recent business outreach following additional Firms /Contractors shown interest for GKHPP and Madyan HPP (E&M works) N Name of Firm Origin Annual Manufact Single o. Revenue uring Unit of (latest Capability Turbine available - Max- figures) in Installed Capacity Million Max- in MW USD Capacity in MW) GE Hydro France - SAS Grid solution (France) 1 France 422.223 5172 862 newableenergy/hydro- power IMPSA (Argentina) – Zahir Khan Brothers Argenti 2 (Pakistan) JV 23 1400 350 na /en/ Dogus Insaat ve Ticaret A.S. 155.863 3 https://www.dogusinsa Turkey SINOTECH Co.Ltd 4 China - - - cn/en/index.html 5 Power Machines Russia Russia - - - 44 PROCUREMENT Pakistan : Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower and Renewable Energy Development PLAN General Information Country: Pakistan 2019-04-04 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2023-10-26 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P163461 GPN Date: 2020-12-21 Project Name: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower and Renewable Energy Development Loan / Credit No: IBRD / 91640, IDA / V1780, IDA / 67790 Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned PK-PEDO-211744-CW-RFB / Gabral Kalam Hydropower Pr Development of Hydropower oject : Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E 125,000,000. 2026-11-0 IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior Request for Bids 0.00 Canceled 2021-01-20 2021-02-05 2021-05-17 2022-09-28 2021-05-27 2022-10-28 2021-03-06 2021-03-31 2021-08-05 2022-12-19 2021-09-04 2023-02-16 2021-10-09 Package 1: Civil Works - wate l nvelope 00 2 tments r conveyance structure (weir, diversion structure, tunnels, etc.), access roads, and bridg es. PK-PEDO-211748-CW-RFB / Gabral Kalam Hydropower Pr Development of Hydropower oject: Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E 50,000,000.0 2026-11-0 IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior Request for Bids 0.00 Canceled 2021-01-20 2021-02-03 2021-05-17 2022-09-29 2021-05-27 2022-12-13 2021-03-06 2021-03-31 2021-08-05 2023-05-03 2021-09-04 2023-08-21 2021-10-09 Package 2: Power House (Su l nvelope 0 2 tments pply & Install) - civil structure ; turbines, generators, electri cal system, switchyard, powe r evacuation PK-PEDO-211751-CW-RFB / Development of Hydropower Gabral Kalam Hydropower Pr Single Stage - One E 2024-12-0 IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Request for Bids Open - National 5,000,000.00 0.00 Signed 2021-01-30 2022-05-20 2021-03-16 2022-05-31 2021-04-27 2022-07-05 2021-05-27 2022-07-05 2021-07-01 2023-01-31 oject: nvelope 2 tments Package 3: Residential colon y, offices, and roads PK-PEDO-279716-CW-RFQ / Institutional Strengthening a Request for Quota Repair & Renovation Works f Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2022-10-2 IDA / 67790 nd Energy Sector Developm Post Limited tions (Non Bank-S 23,000.00 0.00 2022-03-05 2022-04-30 or PMO office, E&P office and tions nvelope lementation 7 ent PD) Site office GKHPP - KHRE PK-PEDO-339715-CW-RFB / Madyan HPP Civil Works: All Civil Structures including Wei Development of Hydropower Request for Bids - Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E 300,000,000. Under Imple 2027-11-3 r, Intake, Tunnel, Tail Race, P IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior Request for Bids Works SPD (after 0.00 2023-02-15 2023-03-07 2023-05-16 2023-10-25 2023-05-31 2023-03-02 2023-03-27 2023-07-15 2023-08-29 2023-10-03 l nvelope 00 mentation 0 ower House Building, Colony, tments prequalification) Roads, Bridges, Water Treat ment Plant and Hydraulic Ste el Structures. PK-PEDO-339716-CW-RFB / Madyan HPP E&M Works: Sup ply, Installation, Testing & Co mmissioning of Turbines, Ge Development of Hydropower Request for Bids - Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E 100,000,000. Under Revie 2027-12-1 nerators, Control Room Equip IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior Request for Bids Works SPD (after 0.00 2023-02-15 2023-03-09 2023-05-31 2023-06-15 2023-03-02 2023-03-29 2023-07-30 2023-08-29 2023-10-03 l nvelope 00 w 5 ment, SCADA, Auxiliaries, Po tments prequalification) wer Transformers, Switch Yar d, Switch Gear (GIS), Transmi ssion Line, Control equipmen t at Weir and allied E&M work s PK-PEDO-344261-CW-RFB / Gabral Kalam Hydropower Pr Request for Bids - Development of Hydropower oject: Package-1, Civil Works Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E Works (without pr 150,000,000. Under Imple 2027-07-2 IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior Request for Bids 0.00 2023-03-15 2023-05-26 2023-03-20 2023-06-02 2023-05-04 2023-06-18 2023-07-23 - water conveyance structure l nvelope equalification) SP 00 mentation 2 tments (weir, diversion structure, tu D nnels, etc.), access roads an d bridges. PK-PEDO-370110-CW-RFB / GKHPP-E & M Works (Packag Request for Bids - Development of Hydropower e-2): Design, Supply, Installat Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Works (without pr 50,000,000.0 Pending Imp 2027-11-1 IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior Request for Bids 0.00 2023-10-25 2023-11-10 2024-01-09 2024-03-09 2024-05-08 ion, Testing & Commissionin l nvelope equalification) SP 0 lementation 6 tments g of Turbines, Generators, El D ectrical System, Switchyard, Power Evacuation GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual PK-PEDO-248543-GO-RFQ / I T hardware is required to be i nstalled, configured, and co Institutional Strengthening a Single Stage - One E Under Imple mmissioned in the Committe IDA / 67790 nd Energy Sector Developm Post Request for Bids Open - National 191,000.00 0.00 2021-12-28 2022-01-06 2022-01-02 2022-02-13 2022-03-15 2022-04-19 2022-07-18 nvelope mentation e Rooms, (PEDO House Pesh ent awar, Energy & Power Depart ment, Civil Secretariat, and P MO KHRE Office, Peshawar. PK-PEDO-276438-GO-RFQ / S Development of Hydropower upply of Goods with services Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 67790 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 95,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-02-26 2022-04-23 2022-10-20 for Office Renovation (PMO, E tions nvelope tments &P and 88MW-GKHPP Site off ice) - KHRE PK-PEDO-279713-GO-RFQ / P Institutional Strengthening a Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl urchase of IT Equipment/Har IDA / 67790 nd Energy Sector Developm Post Limited 18,550.00 0.00 2022-03-05 2022-04-30 2022-10-27 tions nvelope ementation dware (Goods) for 88MW-GK ent HPP, KHRE PK-PEDO-279714-GO-RFQ / P Institutional Strengthening a urchase of Electrical Applianc Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 67790 nd Energy Sector Developm Post Limited 10,650.00 0.00 2022-03-05 2022-04-30 2022-10-27 es (Goods) for PMO office, E& tions nvelope ementation ent P office and Site office GKHP P - KHRE PK-PEDO-279715-GO-RFQ / P Institutional Strengthening a urchase of Office Furniture ( Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 67790 nd Energy Sector Developm Post Limited 47,650.00 0.00 2022-03-05 2022-04-30 2022-10-27 Goods) for PMO office, E&P of tions nvelope ementation ent fice and Site office GKHPP - K HRE NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Page 1 CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual PK-PEDO-107050-CS-QCBS / Development of Hydropower Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Project Implementation Cons IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior 10,000,000.00 11,665,401.74 Signed 2019-04-15 2019-04-11 2019-05-16 2019-04-15 2019-06-29 2022-02-07 2019-07-27 2021-05-05 2019-08-26 2022-04-05 2019-09-30 2022-04-28 2019-11-04 2021-12-11 2020-11-03 Based Selection l ultants (PICs) tments PK-PEDO-144022-CS-QCBS / MANAGEMENT SUPPORT CON Development of Hydropower SULTANTS(MSCS) - Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IDA / V1780 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior 6,000,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2019-11-12 2019-11-12 2019-12-12 2019-11-15 2020-02-16 2021-09-09 2020-03-15 2022-01-14 2020-04-14 2022-08-02 2020-05-19 2020-06-23 2026-06-23 KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA HYD Based Selection l tments ROPOWER DEVELOPMENT PR OGRAM (KPHDP) PK-PEDO-144028-CS-QCBS / PLANNING CONSULTANT - CO NSULTING SERVICES FOR DE VELOPMENT OF COMPREHEN Development of Hydropower Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa SIVE PLAN FOR HYDROPOWE IDA / V1780 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior 20,000,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-11-12 2019-11-13 2019-12-12 2019-11-15 2020-02-16 2020-03-15 2020-04-14 2020-05-19 2020-06-23 2026-06-23 Based Selection l R AND ENERGY SYSTEMS IN tments KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA - UN DER KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMEN T PROGRAM (KPHDP) PK-PEDO-238876-CS-QCBS / PLANNING CONSULTANT - CO NSULTING SERVICES FOR DE VELOPMENT OF COMPREHEN Development of Hydropower SIVE PLAN FOR HYDROPOWE Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IDA / 67790 and Renewable Energy Inves Prior 16,000,000.00 0.00 Signed 2021-06-21 2021-06-21 2021-07-12 2021-06-23 2021-08-25 2021-07-29 2021-09-22 2021-11-30 2021-10-22 2022-03-22 2021-11-26 2022-12-13 2021-12-31 2023-04-16 2027-06-23 R AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Based Selection l tments SYSTEMS IN KHYBER PAKHTU NKHWA - UNDER KHYBER PA KHTUNKHWA HYDROPOWER AND RENEWABLE ENERGY D EVELOPMENT (KHRE) INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual PK-PEDO-113884-CS-INDV / Individual Consult Under Implement Environment Social Impact A IDA / V1780 Post Limited 125,000.00 0.00 2019-07-24 2019-06-13 2019-07-29 2019-08-19 2019-09-16 2020-09-15 ant Selection ation ssessment Consultant PK-PEDO-113892-CS-INDV / Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / V1780 Post Limited 125,000.00 0.00 2019-07-24 2019-06-17 2019-07-29 2019-08-19 2019-09-16 2020-09-15 Resettlement Action Plan Co ant Selection ation nsultant PK-PEDO-113907-CS-INDV / I Development of Hydropower Individual Consult POE member for Dam, Tunne IDA / V1780 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 150,000.00 150,000.00 Signed 2019-11-08 2021-12-30 2019-11-13 2021-12-30 2019-12-04 2021-12-31 2020-01-08 2022-01-25 2022-01-07 ant Selection l and Geology tments PK-PEDO-180925-CS-INDV / Development of Hydropower Individual Consult Pending Impleme IDA / V1780 Post Limited 20,000.00 0.00 2020-06-26 2020-07-01 2020-07-17 2020-08-07 2021-02-03 Tariff Consultant and Renewable Energy Inves ant Selection ntation tments PK-PEDO-220908-CS-INDV / PMO – Financial Management Project Implementation Sup Specialist’ to manage the fin Individual Consult Pending Impleme IDA / 67790 port and Technical Assistanc Post Limited 15,000.00 0.00 2021-03-10 2021-03-28 2021-04-07 2021-04-18 2021-10-15 ancial management matters ant Selection ntation e of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Hydropower and Renewable Energy Development Progra m. PK-PEDO-222667-CS-INDV / Project Implementation Sup Individual Consult Pending Impleme Technical Expert - Colony an IDA / 67790 port and Technical Assistanc Post Limited 15,000.00 0.00 2021-03-10 2021-03-25 2021-04-04 2021-05-09 2021-11-05 ant Selection ntation d Small Works e PK-PEDO-244291-CS-INDV / Land Purchase Expert for De aling with the purchase of la Development of Hydropower Individual Consult nd from farmers and various IDA / 67790 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 9,000.00 18,000.00 Signed 2021-07-30 2021-08-02 2021-08-04 2021-07-26 2021-08-25 2021-08-02 2021-09-29 2021-08-12 2022-03-28 ant Selection communities and governmen tments t departments for World Ban k projects namely Gabral Kal am HPP and Madyan HPP. PK-PEDO-264014-CS-INDV / I nternational Procurement Sp ecialist to be hired to assist K Development of Hydropower Individual Consult HRE PMO in the procurement IDA / 67790 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 60,000.00 85,888.00 Signed 2021-12-15 2021-12-14 2021-12-20 2021-12-14 2022-01-10 2021-12-14 2022-02-14 2021-12-25 2022-08-13 ant Selection process. This Specialist is m tments ainly required because there are many parallel urgent pro curement activities under pro cess. PK-PEDO-264016-CS-INDV / I Development of Hydropower Individual Consult ndependent Panel of Expert ( IDA / 67790 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 125,000.00 78,507.00 Signed 2021-12-15 2021-12-14 2021-12-20 2021-12-14 2022-01-10 2022-01-02 2022-02-14 2022-01-19 2024-02-14 ant Selection IPOE) Member Electrical tments PK-PEDO-264635-CS-INDV / I Institutional Strengthening a Individual Consult Under Implement ndependent Panel of Expert ( IDA / 67790 nd Energy Sector Developm Post Limited 125,000.00 0.00 2021-12-15 2021-12-28 2021-12-20 2021-12-28 2022-01-10 2022-01-02 2022-02-14 2024-02-14 ant Selection ation IPOE) Member Mechanical, K ent HRE PK-PEDO-113902-CS-INDV / I Development of Hydropower Individual Consult POE member for Hydrology, IDA / V1780 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 55,000.00 14,973.93 Signed 2022-01-19 2021-12-28 2022-01-19 2021-12-28 2022-01-19 2021-12-28 2022-01-19 2022-01-28 2024-01-19 ant Selection Hydraulic Structures, Sedime tments nts and GLOF PK-PEDO-113895-CS-INDV / I Development of Hydropower Individual Consult IDA / V1780 Post Limited 130,000.00 130,000.00 Signed 2022-01-20 2021-12-28 2022-01-20 2021-12-28 2022-01-20 2021-12-28 2022-01-20 2022-01-28 2024-01-20 POE Member for Environment and Renewable Energy Inves ant Selection and OHS tments PK-PEDO-113927-CS-INDV / I Development of Hydropower Individual Consult POE Member for Social and R IDA / V1780 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 125,000.00 125,000.00 Signed 2019-11-08 2021-12-28 2019-11-13 2021-12-28 2019-12-04 2021-12-28 2020-01-08 2022-01-28 2022-01-07 ant Selection esettlement tments PK-PEDO-113923-CS-INDV / I Development of Hydropower Individual Consult POE member for Constructio IDA / V1780 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 55,000.00 55,000.00 Signed 2019-07-25 2022-01-28 2019-07-30 2021-12-28 2019-08-20 2021-12-28 2019-09-24 2022-01-28 2021-09-23 ant Selection n Planning and Contract ma tments nagement Page 2 PK-PEDO-276297-CS-INDV / Development of Hydropower Individual Consult Pending Impleme Lead Technical Specialist / C IDA / 67790 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2022-02-10 2022-02-15 2022-03-08 2022-04-12 2023-04-12 ant Selection ntation oordinator, 88MW-GKHPP, PM tments O KHRE PK-PEDO-363678-CS-INDV / Development of Hydropower Individual Consult Pending Impleme IDA / 67790 Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2023-05-27 2023-06-01 2023-06-22 2023-07-27 2025-07-26 Regulatory Affairs Expert and Renewable Energy Inves ant Selection ntation tments PK-PEDO-388470-CS-INDV / Development of Hydropower Individual Consult Pending Impleme FINANCING AND PROJECT ST IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 250,000.00 0.00 2023-11-10 2023-12-10 2024-01-09 2024-02-29 2026-08-17 ant Selection ntation RUCTURING EXPERT tments PK-PEDO-388475-CS-INDV / Development of Hydropower Individual Consult Pending Impleme CONTRACT AND PROCUREME IBRD / 91640 and Renewable Energy Inves Post Limited 250,000.00 0.00 2023-11-30 2023-12-30 2024-01-29 2024-03-20 2026-10-31 ant Selection ntation NT EXPERT tments PK-PEDO-388478-CS-INDV / Development of Hydropower Individual Consult Pending Impleme IBRD / 91640 Post Limited 250,000.00 0.00 2023-12-10 2024-01-09 2024-02-08 2024-03-30 2026-11-05 LEGAL EXPERT and Renewable Energy Inves ant Selection ntation tments PK-PEDO-388482-CS-INDV / Development of Hydropower Individual Consult Pending Impleme IBRD / 91640 Post Limited 150,000.00 0.00 2023-12-22 2024-01-21 2024-02-20 2024-04-11 2026-09-28 MONITORING AND EVALUATI and Renewable Energy Inves ant Selection ntation ON EXPERT tments PK-PEDO-388490-CS-INDV / Development of Hydropower Individual Consult Pending Impleme IBRD / 91640 Post Limited 150,000.00 0.00 2023-12-29 2024-01-28 2024-02-27 2024-04-18 2026-10-05 TARIFF EXPERT and Renewable Energy Inves ant Selection ntation tments Page 3