The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) REPORT NO.: RES58217 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF ARMENIA SOCIAL PROTECTION ADMINISTRATION II PROJECT APPROVED ON MARCH 24, 2014 TO THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA SOCIAL PROTECTION & JOBS EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA Regional Vice President: Antonella Bassani Country Director: Rolande Simone Pryce Regional Director: Michal J. Rutkowski Practice Manager/Manager: Paolo Belli Task Team Leader(s): Lucia Solbes Castro The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AMD Armenian Dram AMS Application Management System GoA Government of the Republic of Armenia IRI Intermediate Results Indicator ISPC Integrated Social Protection Center IT Information Technology MLSI / MLSA Ministry of Labor and Social Issues / Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs MOF Ministry of Finance NK Nagorno-Karabakh PCU Project Coordination Unit PDO Project Development Objective PID Project Implementation Department PDI Project Development Indicator RA Republic of Armenia SDR Special Drawing Rights UIS Unified Information System USS Unified Social Service The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P146318 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Partial Assessment (B) Partial Assessment (B) Approval Date Current Closing Date 24-Mar-2014 31-Oct-2023 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Republic of Armenia Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The proposed Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are to (i) improve social protection service delivery and (ii) strengthen analytical and monitoring and evaluation functions of the agencies delivering social protection benefits and services. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IDA-53980 24-Mar-2014 23-May-2014 29-Oct-2014 31-Oct-2023 20.60 15.95 2.63 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Project Status 1. The project was originally organized around five components, which were then restructured and two of them were cancelled at certain stages of implementation. The components support the rolling out of an integrated social services delivery model (including public employment, pension, disability and social assistance benefits and service provision) and the strengthening of the capacity of institutions for reforms in the areas of employment, pensions and social assistance. The original project components are as follows: Component 1: Rolling-Out of Integrated Social Protection Service Delivery; Component 2: Supporting the Implementation of the Employment Strategy by the Government; Component 3: Modernization of the Pension System; Component 4: Strengthening Ministry of Labor and Social Issues’ (MLSI)1 Analytical Capacity and Monitoring and Evaluation Systems; and Component 5: Project Management. In the March 2020 project restructuring, Component 3 was canceled. As per request from the Government of the Republic of Armenia (GoA), Component 2 was also canceled under the subsequent restructuring in October 2020. Both components were cancelled since the different administration at the time did not envisage further financial needs on the Pensions area or the Employment Strategy, and decided to consolidate activities under the first component (e.g. on the IT development and equipment). The cancellations did not have substantive impact on the prospects for achieving the Project Development Objective (PDO), which is in line with the objectives of the Country Partnership Framework 2019-2023, endorsed by the World Bank Group Board of Executive Directors on March 28, 2019. Achievement of the targets for the project development indicators (PDIs) already established under the Results Framework was also not affected. 2. Assessment of Implementation Progress. The project’s implementation progress rating is Moderately Satisfactory. Implementation pace has significantly accelerated since last supervision mission in June 2023. According to the Project Coordination Unit’s (PCU’s) estimates, approximately US$1.43 million are currently committed under different contracts and, of the US$2.63 million undisbursed, US$1.2 million would be left undisbursed (and uncommitted) after project’s closure on October 31st, 2023. With less than a month of implementation, most activities are on track to be completed before the current project closing date. Under Component 1 (“Rolling-Out Integrated Social Protection Service Delivery”), 27 territorial centers are fully operational and two more are pending the delivery of furniture to start operations. Civil works for the last two centers (Arabkir, Vayk) are in progress to be finalized by October 31, 2023. However, civil works in the Spitak territorial center were delayed due to suboptimal performance of the contractor and despite the close supervision of the PCU and the World Bank team. The mission agreed that the PCU would implement an emergency action plan, together with the contractor, to advance as much as possible on the exterior of the building in Spitak before the end of October 2023. Winter weather permitting, the civil works in Spitak center are estimated to be finalized by early 2024. The Application Management System (AMS), which is the first module of the Unified Information System (UIS) that would facilitate the back-end integration of services, is being piloted in six territorial centers and awaiting the approval of a government decree (expected for first trimester of 2024) to allow for interoperability and become fully operational in the USS territorial centers. Under the original Component 4 (“Strengthening MLSA’s Analytical Capacity and Monitoring and Evaluation Systems”), the data collection for the redesign of the vulnerability assessment, as well as the survey to update the project development indicators, were finalized and are in the process of analysis. The work on the project’s Implementation Completion and Results Report (ICR) is also at an advanced stage, as most of project activities have already been completed or are in a completion stage. 1 The English translation and acronym MLSI were later replaced by Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MLSA), which was chosen by the Government as official name. The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) 3. The project has adopted a plan (Annex 1) for the completion of all remaining activities, as well as next steps for the preparation of the ICR. 4. Progress Towards Achievement of the Project Development Objective (PDO). The project shows moderately satisfactory performance on progress towards achievement of PDO. Territorial centers financed through SPAPII allow for an integrated delivery of social protection benefits and services in the same location, improving the experience for clients and working staff who, in turn, provide better services. All three PDIs are on track to be achieved, namely: (i) Client participation costs of receiving benefits and services according to the latest (preliminary) survey results, is AMD 1,200, and the target of below AMD 2,476 has been fully achieved (cost is higher than the AMD 709 in 2018, but accounting for inflation over the period 2018-2023, the cost is in fact lower); (ii) Client satisfaction with benefits and services received through existing territorial centers (or Integrated Social Protection Centers, ISPCs) has been at the level of 70 percent and is on track to be substantially met (with end target being “almost all clients satisfied”); (iii) Progress on the increased monitoring and evaluation capacity is notable, with monitoring methodology, passports, and indicators for all social protection programs developed. The survey to update values for the first two PDIs was collected and initial analysis has already provided preliminary updates on project performance, which are to be confirmed over the coming weeks. 5. The project has been restructured six times. A 23-month extension was granted in September 2018 to provide sufficient time to complete the civil works for remaining ISPCs and make them operational. In May 2019, the project was restructured to replace the Foreign Financing Project Management Center (FFPMC) as the project implementing agency under the MOF responsible for fiduciary functions, with the newly created PID under MOF. A third restructuring was processed in December 2019 to exclude the Project Implementation Department (PID) as the project implementing agency and transfer the fiduciary responsibilities from the PID to the PCU under the MLSA. In March 2020, a fourth restructuring took place at the request of the MLSA, including another 23-month extension of the project closing date to implement the remaining project activities, cancellation of the original Component 3 a reallocation between the disbursement categories, and changes in the intermediate results indicators and their targets. As per government request under the COVID response activities, a fifth restructuring was processed in October 2020 to cancel US$ 600,000 and Component 2. The sixth restructuring extended the project by 12 months to reach the current closing date of October 31, 2023, and included some revision of the results framework. 6. This restructuring proposes to extend the closing date of the project by 8 (eight) months, to June 30, 2024, to allow for the implementation of emergency activities in response to the recent crisis in Armenia. With this proposed extension, the total cumulative extension will reach 66 months from the original closing date, and the total project life would be 10 years and 3 months. The proposed restructuring does not entail changes to the PDO, and the proposed new activities fall under the original scope of Component 1. 7. The financial management arrangements under the project are adequate and acceptable to the Bank, and there are no overdue audits under the project. The PDO remains achievable within the extended implementation period and performance of the Borrower and of the implementing agency remain satisfactory. B. Rationale for Restructuring 8. The restructuring will contribute to GoA’s response to the humanitarian crisis affecting the people displaced as a result of the September 2023 Nagorno Karabakh conflict (further background below). Significant resources and coordinated response are needed to provide basic services and necessities to the displaced people and hosting communities. The restructuring will allow for undisbursed funds under the SPAP II project to be mainly used for material support and specialized vehicles for people with disabilities intended for the needs of the USS territorial centers and other specialized care facilities operated by MLSA. The need is justified by the sharp increase in the number of beneficiaries in territorial centers of receiving communities, as a result of which the number of home visits and immediate support are expected to multiply. The crisis is also expected to lead to an increase in the The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) number of children and people with disabilities (or reduced mobility) who will be visiting the care centers and the number of elderly who will be accommodated in nursing homes, as a result of which there will be a need to replace worn furniture and buy new equipment to care for the displaced populations in the different facilities.2 The proposed goods and services will contribute to the provision of better quality, faster and more accessible social services by the USS territorial centers and the MLSA care facilities to both the displaced persons, and to their host communities in the medium and longer term. In some rural areas, the project assistance would not only provide services, but would establish the access to such services that are currently nonexistent. Background 9. The situation around and within Armenia changed significantly in September 2023, causing internal humanitarian and political crisis. A conflict started on September 19, that subsequently led to a wave of ethnic Armenian people fleeing Nagorno Karabakh into Armenia. Over 100,000 displaced people arrived in Armenia in the course of just one week (UNHCR data as of October 3, 2023), with daily arrivals ranging from around 500 to over 40,000 on September 27, 2023. Half of the displaced people are children (31 percent) or older people (18 percent), and 16 percent are people with disabilities.3 Government authorities are registering displaced people across the country and identifying their most pressing needs. Most people arrived with very few belongings and required urgent emergency assistance, including food and water, blankets, bedding materials, medical assistance, mental health and psychosocial support, and shelter in the immediate term. With the upcoming winter, access to winter-specific assistance will be particularly challenging for vulnerable groups, such as older persons, and persons with disabilities, as well as women and children. According to the Armenia Refugee Response Plan (UNHCR), key areas of need include provision of specialized services for vulnerable children and caregivers who have suffered from trauma, as well as special care for children with chronic illness or with wounds that occurred during military hostilities, and who are now in post- operative recovery and living with disability. 10. The Government, together with the international and national community, is working to address the most urgent needs, while identifying longer-term response solutions (that is, housing, livelihoods and education) and looking for resources to finance short- and medium-term needs. MLSA, as one of the co-chairs of the Inter-Sector Working Group that leads the humanitarian response, is in charge of the registration of needs, coordinating the short-term support, and designing and implementing crucial measures for the medium and long term to integrate the displaced populations and provide them with livelihood opportunities. During initial registration, intake assessments showed that most displaced people have concerns about access to safe and affordable housing, including about their inability to pay rent and utility costs as a result of increased prices in Armenia. While GoA swiftly responded to provide emergency cash transfer to every displaced individual, and support for rent and utilities for displaced families, focus is now on the medium term, and as a result more in-depth assessments will be taking place in the upcoming weeks to design and implement the response according to the evolving needs of the displaced populations. Further targeted support to vulnerable populations will be required in order to help them access social and employment services, as well as appropriate accommodation. Host community members who have welcomed the displaced families into their homes will also need urgent support. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 2 In the last month, the workload in the USS territorial centers and the care facilities operating under the MLSA has increase drastically to provide emergency support. This strain has been particularly acute for territorial centers and facilities in regions that received the largest numbers of displaced, namely Yerevan (38%), Syunik (16%), Kotayk (8%) and Ararat (7%). Data is from the Armenia Refugee Response Plan, Emergency and Resilience Appeal, October 2023- March 2024. 3 Armenia Refugee Response Plan, Emergency and Resilience Appeal, October 2023 – March 2024. The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) 11. Closing Date Extension and Change to Implementation Schedule. This restructuring is in response to the request from the MoF dated October 20, 2023 (attached). The request is to: (a) use the undisbursed amount of approximately US$1.2 million for urgent activities under the MLSA and its subordinate structures to overcome the crisis created in the country; and (b) extend the closing date by 8 months until June 30, 2024 in order to successfully complete activities planned under the project. 12. Change to Disbursement Estimates. The project’s disbursement estimates will be adjusted to reflect the planned disbursements to be made over the revised timeframe. 13. Proposed activities and implementation schedule. The proposed restructuring envisages adding a limited number of activities related mainly to the provision of vehicles adapted for people with disabilities, furniture for care facilities under the MLSA, and duty vehicles for the USS territorial centers (Annex 2). Depending on how the emergency situation evolves and the internal movements of the displaced families take place, other quick- disbursing activities like equipment, systems improvements, or consultancy services may be considered to help meet the country’s needs in relation to the needs of the displaced population. 14. The overall costs of the components (as previously restructured) will remain unchanged. The activities will fall under the existing scope of the SPAPII and will contribute to its original PDO. The new activities will be integrated as part of the existing Component 1 (“Roll-Out of Integrated Social Protection Service Delivery”). The implementation schedule is also adjusted to include the period needed for the implementation of the new activities, as well as the finalization of some remaining activities from the original implementation plan. 15. Changes to the Results Framework (RF). There will be no significant changes to the RF, besides the revision of the end date for the target values of the indicators to reflect the new closing date. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Results Framework ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ PBCs ✔ Components and Cost ✔ The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline Ln/Cr/Tf Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications 30-Nov-2020, 31- IDA-53980 Effective 31-Dec-2018 Oct-2022, 31-Oct- 30-Jun-2024 30-Oct-2024 2023 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) 2014 0.00 0.00 2015 500,000.00 500,000.00 2016 188,630.00 188,630.00 2017 1,685,124.00 1,685,124.00 2018 2,143,559.00 2,143,559.00 2019 1,810,479.00 1,810,479.00 2020 1,582,094.00 1,582,094.00 2021 1,800,000.00 1,800,000.00 2022 2,939,041.00 2,939,041.00 2023 2,500,073.00 3,641,073.00 2024 3,241,000.00 2,100,000.00 . The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) . Results framework COUNTRY: Armenia Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project Project Development Objectives(s) The proposed Project Development Objectives (PDOs) are to (i) improve social protection service delivery and (ii) strengthen analytical and monitoring and evaluation functions of the agencies delivering social protection benefits and services. Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Improved social protection service delivery Client participation costs of receiving benefits and services 3,026.00 2,786.00 2,786.00 2,476.00 2,476.00 2,476.00 of ISPCs (for FBP) (Number) Rationale: Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Action: This indicator has been restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. Revised A survey was collected to update the value for this indicator and data analysis is ongoing. Initial estimates indicate that the client cost of receiving benefits and services of ISPCs is at AMD1,200. Some clients satisfied; Some clients satisfied; Majority of clients Client satisfaction with benefits ISPCs being piloted - Areas for improvements Areas for improvements satisfied; Suggestions for Almost all clients and services received through clients unaware of new Almost all clients satisfied identified (as perceived identified (as perceived improvements satisfied ISPCs (Text) services by the clients) by the clients) addressed Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Revised restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 A survey was collected to update the value for this indicator and data analysis is ongoing. Initial estimates indicate that approximately 70% of clients of ISPCs are satisfied with benefits and services. Strengthened analytical and monitoring and evaluation functions Develop monitoring Developed monitoring M&E capacity increased as passports and indicators Develop monitoring passports and indicators evidenced by gradual for all MSLA programs passports and indicators for all SP programs introduction of the M&E Develop monitoring Develop monitoring financed from the state for all 81 programs; financed from the state system for SP programs 5 piloted programs passports and indicators passports and indicators budget; introduce the respective budget; developed (covering the development of a for all 81 programs for all 81 programs Develop electronic software changes in electronic system model, indicators, project system (receiving M&E electronic system (receiving reports for all passports, software) (Text) reports for all indicators). indicators). Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Revised restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Roll-Out of Integrated Social Protection Service Delivery Number of ISPC facilities refurbished/constructed and 0.00 9.00 18.00 28.00 24.00 34.00 equipped (Number) The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Rationale: Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Action: This indicator has been restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. Revised The reduction from 2021 target (intermediate target #3) to 2022 target (intermediate target #4) is due to a revision of intermediate targets done in the October 2020 restructuring. Number of ISPCs fully 0.00 9.00 13.00 23.00 22.00 30.00 operational (Number) Rationale: Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Action: This indicator has been restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. Revised The reduction from 2021 target (intermediate target #3) to 2022 target (intermediate target #4) is due to a revision of intermediate targets done in the October 2020 restructuring. Number of relevant external databases from which ISPC social workers can 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 13.00 13.00 obtain/check necessary information on-line. (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Revised restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. Direct project beneficiaries 507,345.00 536,063.00 504,861.00 493,000.00 496,000.00 587,699.00 (Pensioners) (Number) Action: This indicator has been Rationale: Revised The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. (Indicator target achieved as of October 6, 2023.) Female beneficiaries 301,885.00 303,392.00 308,571.00 301,321.00 303,155.00 351,268.00 (Number) Direct project beneficiaries 96,309.00 99,900.00 86,757.00 97,216.00 90,618.00 89,620.00 (FBP) (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Revised restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. Direct project beneficiaries 88,928.00 84,749.00 87,999.00 84,664.00 81,455.00 87,896.00 (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Revised restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. Female beneficiaries 59,764.00 56,294.00 57,537.00 55,707.00 53,937.00 56,341.00 (Number) Number of applications for social services received in fully 40,243.00 62,155.00 100,106.00 operational ISPCs (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Revised restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 This indicator was added in the October 2022 restructuring, and therefore only included one intermediate target (intermediate target #1) for December 2022. Number of applications for socio-medical examination 13,234.00 23,067.00 52,776.00 received in fully operational ISPCs (Number) Rationale: Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Action: This indicator has been restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. Revised This indicator was added in the October 2022 restructuring, and therefore only included one intermediate target (intermediate target #1) for December 2022. Number of applications for employment services received 2,691.00 5,124.00 6,491.00 in fully operational ISPCs (Number) Rationale: Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Action: This indicator has been restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. Revised This indicator was added in the October 2022 restructuring, and therefore only included one intermediate target (intermediate target #1) for December 2022. Modernization of the Pension System Number of SSSS certified staff using electronic pension 0.00 390.00 390.00 395.00 400.00 information system (Number) The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Date for the end target was revised to match the revised closing date of the project of June 30, 2024. The closing date was revised during the October 2023 Revised restructuring, which was approved for refugee crisis response. Strengthen MLSI Analytical Capacity and Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Methodology developed Methodology fully Methodology for collection of and fully integrated in integrated in the Methodology for Methodology for Methodology not in Methodology being qualitative data developed the monitoring and monitoring and collection of qualitative collection of qualitative place developed (Text) evaluation system of the evaluation system of the data developed data developed MLSI MLSI IO Table SPACE The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) Annex 1. Action Plan for Project Completion, as of October 6th 2023 Agreed Actions Deadline Description Responsibility Territorial Centers Civil works in Arabkir October 27 Completion of civil works MLSA/PCU Civil works in Vayk October 27 Completion of civil works MLSA/PCU October 9-27 Completion of external works, the internal works will continue beyond project Civil works in Spitak closure. MLSA/PCU October 9-15 Furniture preparation stage Furniture for Abovyan, October 16-27 Furniture supply by Contractor MLSA/PCU Ashtarak TCs October 9-15 Furniture preparation stage October 16-27 Furniture supply by Furniture for Sisian, Contractor (except for Spitak MLSA/PCU Vagharshapat, Spitak TCs TC4) Furniture for Arabkir, Vayk October 11 Contract signed TCs October 11-27 Furniture preparation stage MLSA/PCU and supply Design works for Erebuni October 31 The design is at the Yerevan TC Municipality waiting for approval, followed by the MLSA/PCU organization of a public consultation meeting. Vehicles for the needs of the USS Procurement of vehicles October 11 Contract signed MLSA/PCU for the needs of the USS October 11-27 Supply of the vehicles Training of Social Workers Training/Educational October 25 Submission of final report MLSA/PCU materials for the USS staff (manuals with the required 6 developed modules). 4 The furniture for Spitak Center will be stored at the Consultant’s warehouse and supplied as soon as the civil works are completed. The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) E-learning training Cancelled (the decision of the "Digitization Committee" is necessary for the platform developed and approval of the budget for this activity. When the approval is received, it is operational no longer realistic to implement this activity within the Project active period.) Unified Information System October 9-15 Finalizing Pilot operation October 16-22 VxSoft (contractor) presenting phase 4 report to the MLSA Acceptance Works related to the UIS MLSA/PCU committee. October 23-27 Signing the one-year service level agreement, finalizing the contract with VX soft. Cyber security audit of the To be cancelled (the selected Consultant has submitted a non-compliant UIS technical proposal) Monitoring and Evaluation HMT pilot survey October 9-15 Acceptance of the final stage MLSA/PCU report by the Ministry’s working group Survey of project October 9-15 Acceptance of the final stage MLSA/PCU indicators report by the Ministry’s working group October 9-15 Outline of the final report October 16-22 Comparative analysis table/graph of key questions based on databases of 2018 and 2023 Data analyst for the SPAP October 23-27 Final comprehensive report MLSA/PCU II project survey and a slide show (Power Point Presentation) (in Armenian) October 28-30 Final Comprehensive Report (in English) Other actions Completing the final November 30, MLSA/PCU project report for the 2023 ICR Share project Audit October 16 MLSA/PCU TORs Share brief note on October 16 MLSA/PCU the safeguards Arabkir case The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) The World Bank Armenia Social Protection Administration II Project (P146318) Annex 2. Proposed new activities and estimated cost Proposed Activity Estimated Cost (US$) Vehicles adapted for people with disabilities (12-15 seats) 225,000 Vehicles for children with disabilities attending care 282,000 facilities Duty vehicles for the needs of the USS territorial centers 200,000 Specialized equipment and furniture for care facilities 350,000 Project management staff 137,000 Estimated total 1,194,000