Project information: Cambodia- Higher Education Improvement
Project (HEIP),
IDA Credit No: 6221-KH and Project IDA No: P162971
Project Implementation agency: Mistry of Education Youth and Sport
Date of the Procurement Plan: 06 November 2018
Period covered by this Procurement Plan: The procurement period of
project covered from year November 2018 to May 2020


In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations
for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s
Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be
used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all
procurement transactions for the Project.

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the
Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all
procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the
Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement
Regulations are set forth in STEP.

The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all
contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those
contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3
of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as
specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own
procurement procedures may be used.
    When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement
    arrangements as set forth in accordance with the Royal Kingdom of
    Cambodia’s Updated Procurement Manual for All Externally Financed
    Projects/Programs (“Procurement Manual”), promulgated through the
    Sub-decree 74 dated May 22, 2012, which is issued pursuant to Article 3
    of the Kingdom of Cambodia’s Law on Public Procurement dated January
    14, 2012., such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the
    Procurement Regulations and the following conditions.
    i.      Procurement shall be open to eligible firms from any country;
    ii.     The request for bids/request for proposals document shall require
    that Bidders/Proposers submitting Bids/Proposals present a signed
    acceptance at the time of bidding, to be incorporated in any resulting
    contracts, confirming application of, and compliance with, the Bank’s Anti-
    Corruption Guidelines, including without limitation the Bank’s right to
    sanction and the Bank’s inspection and audit rights as per attached
    iii.     Each Project shall put in place an effective complaints review
    system that includes review by the implementing agency and subsequent
    review by another party not involved in the in the procurement process,
    if not satisfied with the review of the implementing agency.

    When other national procurement arrangements other than national open
    competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower,
    such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement

Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement
Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables. Not Applicable
Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of
the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables. Not Applicable”
Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement
Regulations (Goods and Works). Not Applicable
Other Relevant Procurement Information.
                Cambodia : Cambodia Higher Education Improvement Project
General Information
Country:           Cambodia                           Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:2018-11-12
                                                      Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P162971                            GPN Date:                                             2018-11-06
Project Name:      Cambodia Higher Education Improvement Project
Loan / Credit No:  IDA / 62210
                   Ministry of Education Youth and Sport
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                       Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                          Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                   Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process S           Draft Pre-qualificatio   Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                          Contract Comple
       Description                                       Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                     Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                          and Recommendatio           Signed Contract
                                        o.                                                                                h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                        tatus                n Documents               ation Report          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                  tion
                                                                                                                                                                                                   S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                                   n for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned     Actual    Planned      Actual       Planned     Actual       Planned       Actual      Planned

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-001 / Co                          Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-10-0
nstruction of Business Incub     IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                            200,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                 2019-12-25                                                                                         2020-02-05
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2
ation Center for Royal Unive                       ty
rsity of Agriculture

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-W-001 / C                          Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One                                    1,200,000.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2021-08-0
onstruction of Student's New IDA / 62210           aching and Learning Capaci   Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                                0.00    Signed                                                         2019-11-02   2022-05-23   2019-11-07                                     2019-12-19   2022-06-06   2020-01-18   2023-01-10   2020-02-08   2023-02-15
                                                                                                                                        Envelope                                                        0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1
Accommodation Building for                         ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-W-003 / C                          Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-06-1
onstruction of Incubation ce     IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                            600,000.00          0.00    Signed                                                         2020-03-16   2022-05-23   2020-03-21                                     2020-05-02   2022-07-12   2020-06-01   2023-01-10   2020-06-22   2023-02-15
                                                                                                                                        Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
nter for RUPP                                      ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-005 / Re                          Component 1: Improving Te                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-02-2
                                 IDA / 62210                                    Post                               Open - National                                                            165,000.00          0.00    Completed                                                                                2019-07-13                                                                                         2019-08-24   2023-01-09
novation of laboratories for                       aching and Learning Capaci                   ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0
RUPP.                                              ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-008 / Co                          Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-12-1
nstruction for Clean Room in     IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                            200,000.00          0.00    Completed                                                                                2021-05-07                                                                                         2021-06-18   2022-08-22
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
frastructures for RUPP.                            ty

onstruction of Research buil
                                                   Component 2: Improving Re
ding, Student accommodatio                                                                                                              Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-09-0
                             IDA / 62210           search in STEM and Agricult Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                            900,000.00          0.00    Signed                                                         2019-12-02   2022-05-13   2019-12-07                                     2020-01-18   2022-07-06   2020-02-17   2023-01-10   2020-03-09   2023-02-15
n at Research and Training F                                                                                                            Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5
arm (RTF) and supportive en
vironment STEM building for

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-011 / Re                          Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2019-10-3
novation of learning environ     IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                             86,000.00    119,189.25    Signed                                                                                   2019-03-23                                                                                         2019-05-04   2021-06-26
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
ment facilities for UBB.                           ty

                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
nstruction of 2 New Classroo                                                                                       Open - Internation   Single Stage - One                                    10,285,000.                 Under Impl                                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-11-3
                             IDA / 62210           aching and Learning Capaci   Prior           Request for Bids                                                                                                  0.00                                                                   2019-09-01   2022-07-24   2019-09-06   2022-08-16                        2019-10-21   2022-10-05   2019-11-20                2019-12-11
m Buildings for SRU & RUA,                                                                                         al                   Envelope                                                      00                  ementation                                                                                                                                                                                                                0
and 3 Student Dormitories B
uilding for RUA & RUPP.

nstruction of new ITC Campu
s, Foundation work (Pile pen
                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
etration, Pile Cap and Constr                                                                                      Open - Internation   Single Stage - One                                    7,800,000.0                 Under Impl                                                                                                                                                                                                            2022-02-0
                               IDA / 62210         aching and Learning Capaci   Prior           Request for Bids                                                                                                  0.00                                                                   2019-11-01   2022-06-09   2019-11-06   2022-06-13                        2019-12-18   2022-08-03   2020-01-17                2020-02-07
uction ground floor, 1,2,3,4,                                                                                      al                   Envelope                                                        0                 ementation                                                                                                                                                                                                                6
5 and roof floors, Finish wor
k (Partition wall, window, do
or, toilet decoration, MMI-Ele
ctric & sanitary, and Landsc
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-002 / Re                          Component 1: Improving Te                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-08-3
                               IDA / 62210                                      Post                               Open - National                                                             36,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                 2020-03-21                                                                                         2020-05-02
novation Work for Updating                         aching and Learning Capaci                   ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0
Library at ITC                                     ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-012 / Re                          Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-02-2
novation for Science Labs at     IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                            115,000.00          0.00    Signed                                                         2019-08-20   2020-06-10   2019-08-25                                     2019-09-29   2020-07-28   2019-10-14   2020-08-13   2019-10-30   2020-09-21
                                                                                                                                        Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
Building A for RUPP for 1st Y                      ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-003 / Re                          Component 1: Improving Te                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2019-06-1
                                 IDA / 62210                                    Post                               Open - National                                                             67,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                 2019-01-06                                                                                         2019-02-17
novation Work for Updating                         aching and Learning Capaci                   ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
Library at ITC                                     ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-034 / Re                          Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2019-11-0
novation of administrative of IDA / 62210          search in STEM and Agricult Post                                Open - National                                                            107,370.00     94,967.59    Completed                                                                                2019-07-05                                                                                         2019-08-05   2019-12-23
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3
fices, auditorium, and resear                      ure
ch lab

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-035 / La                          Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-03-0
b and office renovation for F    IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                            207,000.00    130,078.05    Signed                                                                                   2019-08-06                                                                                         2019-11-01   2020-09-26
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
aculty of Engineering (RUPP                        ty
) year I

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-37 / Con                          Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-04-1
struction entrance Road, Lan IDA / 62210           aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                            197,893.00    184,830.66    Completed                                                                                2020-08-25                                                                                         2020-10-20   2020-11-02
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
d Fill, Digging ponds and str                      ty

struction Small House for Ke                       Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-05-1
eping Materials, Office, Lab     IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                            198,168.00    188,370.16    Terminated                                                                               2020-09-25                                                                                         2020-11-20   2021-10-17
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    9
and Academic Building, Irrig                       ty
ation basin andWater Closet
for public

struction Small House for Ke                       Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-06-1
eping Materials, Office, Lab     IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                            103,950.00          0.00    Completed                                                                                2020-10-25                                                                                         2020-12-20   2022-09-27
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
and Academic Building, Irrig                       ty
ation basin andWater Closet
for public

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-004 / Co                          Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-10-0
nstruction of incubation cen     IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                             60,000.00          0.00    Signed                                                                                   2020-02-22                                                                                         2020-04-04   2021-09-13
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
ter for students to startup fo                     ty
r SRU.

                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
oratory Renovation and gree                                                                     Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-04-1
                             IDA / 62210           aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                             75,600.00     74,227.08    Signed                                                                                   2020-08-17                                                                                         2020-10-12   2021-03-26
nhouse setup for plant biote                                                                    ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0
ch and pesticide residue res
earch project

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-40 / Inst
                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
allation of drainage system,                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-06-1
                                 IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                             93,001.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                 2020-10-25                                                                                         2020-12-20
Plastic Houses for farm stati                                                                   ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
ons, Plastic Houses for farm
ers and Water meter

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-W-002 / C                          Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-08-1
onstruction of Agriculture Ex    IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                            500,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                       2019-09-09                2019-09-14                                     2019-10-26                2019-11-25                2019-12-16
                                                                                                                                        Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2
tension Station for SRU.                           ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-010 / Co                          Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-12-3
nstruction of Science Labs at IDA / 62210          aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                            115,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                 2020-05-23                                                                                         2020-07-04
                                                                                                ations                                  Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
Building A for RUPP.                               ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-011 A / L                         Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-05-2
ab and office renovation for     IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                            123,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                       2020-10-01                2020-10-06                                     2020-11-17                2020-12-17                2021-01-21
                                                                                                                                        Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
Faculty of Engineering (RUP                        ure
P) for Year II

                                                   Component 2: Improving Re
dvance Applied Nonmaterial                                                                                                              Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-03-0
                                 IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                            400,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                       2020-08-05                2020-08-10                                     2020-09-21                2020-10-21                2020-11-05
Research Lab with Clean Bo                                                                                                              Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5
oth (standard Lab) at STEM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 1
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-013 / Re                         Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                                    Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-03-0
novation for Science Labs at    IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                   115,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                        2020-08-31                2020-09-05                                          2020-10-10                2020-10-25                2020-11-06
                                                                                                                                    Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6
Building A for RUPP for 2nd                       ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-014 / Re                         Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-03-1
novate Lab at STEM Building     IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post                                Open - National                                                                     65,000.00         0.00    Canceled                                                                                  2020-09-05                                                                                              2020-10-31
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0
(4th-6th floor at STEM Buildi                     ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-006 / Re                         Component 1: Improving Te                    Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-12-0
                                IDA / 62210                                    Post                               Open - National                                                                   165,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                  2020-04-27                                                                                              2020-06-08
novation of laboratories for                      aching and Learning Capaci                   ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5
RUPP.                                             ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-007 / Co                         Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-12-0
nstruction of Clean Room inf    IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                                   200,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                  2020-04-27                                                                                              2020-06-08
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5
rastructures for RUPP.                            ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-009 / Co                         Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020-02-2
nstruction of Science Labs at IDA / 62210         aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                                   115,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                  2019-07-13                                                                                              2019-08-24
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0
Building A for RUPP.                              ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-W-DS-01 / Sma                         Component 1: Improving Te                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2020-11-2
                              IDA / 62210                                      Post            Direct Selection   Direct                                                                              23,500.00    22,502.69    Completed                                                       2020-08-05   2020-04-29   2020-08-10   2020-08-28                                                                                 2020-08-29   2020-10-06
ll renovation works (With 4 p                     aching and Learning Capaci                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
ackages)                                          ty

                                                  Component 2: Improving Re                                                                                                      Request for Quot
novation for Science Labs at                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022-09-1
                             IDA / 62210          search in STEM and Agricult Post                                Open - National                                                ations (Non Bank   195,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                  2022-01-14                                                                                              2022-03-18
Building A (16 Labs) and STE                                                                   ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4
                                                  ure                                                                                                                            -SPD)
M (2 Labs) for RUPP

                                                                                                                                                                                 Request for Quot
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-042 / Co                         Component 2: Improving Re                    Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022-03-2
                             IDA / 62210                                      Post                                Open - National                                                ations (Non Bank     53,160.00         0.00    Signed                                                                                    2021-07-25                                                                                              2021-09-26   2022-11-26
nstruction of Green House fo                      search in STEM and Agricult                  ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5
r RUPP                                            ure
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-044 / La                         Component 1: Improving Te                                                                                                      ment Document -
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022-03-2
boratory renovation, nursery IDA / 62210          aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce   149,750.00    175,947.75    Completed                                                                                 2021-07-25                                                                                              2021-09-26   2022-04-06
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5
, greenhouse and workshop                         ty                                                                                                                             ss (Non Bank-SP
house                                                                                                                                                                            D)
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
                                                  Component 2: Improving Re
MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-045 / Ani                                                                      Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                           ment Document -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2022-06-2
                          IDA / 62210             search in STEM and Agricult Post                                Open - National                                                                   165,000.00    168,077.74    Signed                                                                                    2021-10-21                                                                                              2021-12-23   2022-09-15
mal farm and clinic                                                                            ations                               Envelope                                     1 Envelope proce                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1
                                                                                                                                                                                 ss (Non Bank-SP
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-046 / Re                                                                                                                                                        National Procure
novation and Construction:                        Component 1: Improving Te                                                                                                      ment Document -
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022-04-1
Lot 1-Lab Rehabilitation       IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce   100,152.00          0.00    Completed                                                                                 2021-10-15                                                                                              2021-12-17   2022-09-23
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6
Lot 2-Construction Cattle ho                      ty                                                                                                                             ss (Non Bank-SP
use building and Landfilling f                                                                                                                                                   D)
or SRU.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-36 / Ren                         Component 1: Improving Te                    Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-04-1
                                IDA / 62210                                    Post                               Open - National                                                                   100,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                                                  2020-08-17                                                                                              2020-10-12
ovation Laboratory for ITC                        aching and Learning Capaci                   ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
                                                  Component 1: Improving Te
MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-036(1) /                                                                       Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                           ment Document -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2022-04-1
                                IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                                   180,000.00          0.00    Completed                                                                                 2021-08-12                                                                                              2021-10-14   2021-04-07
Renovation Laboratory                                                                          ations                               Envelope                                     1 Envelope proce                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2
                                                                                                                                                                                 ss (Non Bank-SP
                                                                                                                                                                                 D)       Procure
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-047 / Co                         Component 1: Improving Te                                                                                                      ment Document -
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022-04-1
nstruction of Workshop Stati    IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce   160,000.00          0.00    Completed                                                                                 2021-08-15                                                                                              2021-10-17   2022-02-11
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5
on for STEM Training                              ty                                                                                                                             ss (Non Bank-SP

MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-004(1) /                          Component 1: Improving Te                                                         Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2021-02-2
                                IDA / 62210                                    Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                   350,000.00          0.00    Canceled                                                        2020-08-20                2020-08-25                                          2020-09-15                2020-09-29                2020-10-27
New Workshop Building for                         aching and Learning Capaci                                                        Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4
M E for SRU                                       ty
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-W-08 / Ne                         Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                                    Single Stage - One                           ment Document -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2022-05-1
w Workshop Building for M E     IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                   310,000.00    273,777.80    Completed                                                       2021-07-15   2021-07-28   2021-07-30                                          2021-08-29   2021-11-12   2021-10-13   2022-01-27   2021-11-17   2022-03-03
                                                                                                                                    Envelope                                     1 Envelope proce                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               6
for SRU                                           ty
                                                                                                                                                                                 ss (Non Bank-SP
                                                                                                                                                                                 D)       Procure
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-048 / Re                         Component 1: Improving Te                                                                                                      ment Document -
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022-07-2
novation of Room Installatio    IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce     20,590.00    19,345.07    Signed                                                                                    2022-01-26                                                                                              2022-03-30   2022-08-25
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
n for Teaching and Learning                       ty                                                                                                                             ss (Non Bank-SP
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-040 / Co                         Component 2: Improving Re                                                                                                      ment Document -
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022-10-0
nstruction of Net Green Hou IDA / 62210           search in STEM and Agricult Post                                Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce     93,000.00         0.00    Completed                                                                                 2022-02-07                                                                                              2022-04-11   2022-01-10
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
ses, Plastic Green Houses an                      ure                                                                                                                            ss (Non Bank-SP
d Pig Houses (SRU)                                                                                                                                                               D)
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-W-015 / Co                         Component 2: Improving Re                                                                                                      ment Document -
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022-12-2
nstruction of Goat House an     IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post                                Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce   180,000.00          0.00    Completed                                                                                 2022-06-06                                                                                              2022-08-24   2022-10-22
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2
d Pond Digging for SRU                            ure                                                                                                                            ss (Non Bank-SP
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
                                                  Component 1: Improving Te                                                                                                      ment Document -
novating rooms for Universit                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2023-03-1
                              IDA / 62210         aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce     35,000.00         0.00    Completed                                                                                 2022-07-11                                                                                              2022-09-12   2022-11-10
y Industrial Agriculture Cent                                                                  ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
                                                  ty                                                                                                                             ss (Non Bank-SP
er and Hydroponic fodder ho
uses (NUBB)
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
                                                  Component 3: Strengthen S                                                                                                      ment Document -
 MOEYS-HEIP-W-017 / Renov                                                                      Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2022-12-2
                                IDA / 62210       ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                               Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce     10,000.00         0.00    Signed                                                                                    2022-08-11   2022-08-23                                                                                 2022-10-22   2023-01-02
ation Office, for PU and DHE                                                                   ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1
                                                  ject Management                                                                                                                ss (Non Bank-SP
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
                                                  Component 1: Improving Te
MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-W-01 /                                                                      Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                           ment Document -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2023-02-2
                            IDA / 62210           aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                                     45,040.00         0.00    Signed                                                                                    2022-08-25                                                                                              2022-10-27   2023-03-14
Renovation building for BHI                                                                    ations                               Envelope                                     1 Envelope proce                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4
                                                                                                                                                                                 ss (Non Bank-SP
                                                                                                                                                                                 D)       Procure
 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-W-02 /                        Component 1: Improving Te                                                                                                      ment Document -
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2023-02-2
Renovation agricultural stru IDA / 62210          aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce     25,900.00         0.00    Signed                                                                                    2022-08-25                                                                                              2022-10-27   2023-03-14
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4
cture for BHI                                     ty                                                                                                                             ss (Non Bank-SP
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-W-03 /                        Component 1: Improving Te                                                                                                      ment Document -
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                                                                          Under Impl                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2023-04-1
Clean water , Drip and Pump IDA / 62210           aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                1 Envelope proce     16,500.00         0.00                                                                                              2022-10-15                                                                                              2022-12-17
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                                                                    ementation                                                                                                                                                                                                                      6
ing solar System for UME                          ty                                                                                                                             ss (Non Bank-SP
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
                                                  Component 1: Improving Te
MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-W-04 /                                                                      Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                           ment Document -                                Under Impl                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2023-03-0
                          IDA / 62210             aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                                     29,900.00         0.00                                                                                              2022-08-31                                                                                              2022-11-02
Civil Work for UME                                                                             ations                               Envelope                                     1 Envelope proce                               ementation                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2
                                                                                                                                                                                 ss (Non Bank-SP
                                                                                                                                                                                 National Procure
 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-W-05 /                        Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                           ment Document -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2023-02-2
Room Renovation (7 Rooms) IDA / 62210             aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                                                     49,591.50         0.00    Completed                                                                                 2022-08-25                                                                                              2022-10-27   2022-12-04
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope                                     1 Envelope proce                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4
for PPIU                                          ty
                                                                                                                                                                                 ss (Non Bank-SP

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                   Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount        Process St    Draft Pre-qualificatio     Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                      Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Recommendatio           Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)               atus          n Documents                 ation Report          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   n for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual       Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-001 / Pr                        Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                                    Single Stage - One                                              Under Imple
ocurement of Furniture for      IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                   190,000.00              0.00                                                                      2020-02-21   2023-01-26   2020-02-26                                          2020-03-27   2023-03-21   2020-05-11   2023-06-01   2020-06-15                2020-10-13
                                                                                                                                    Envelope                                                        mentation
Student Dormitory for RUA                         ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-002 / La                        Component 1: Improving Te                                                         Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                         Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                   300,000.00              0.00    Canceled                                                          2020-02-05                2020-02-10                                          2020-03-23                2020-04-22                2020-05-13                2020-11-09
boratory Furniture for RUA                        aching and Learning Capaci                                                        Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-001 / Go                         Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                               Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ods for Establish data center   IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open - National                                    72,000.00              0.00    Canceled                                                                                    2021-05-06                                                                                              2021-06-17                2021-12-14
                                                                                               ations                               Envelope
,2 Servers (primary and bac                       ty
kup) for ITC

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-006 / C                         Component 1: Improving Te                                                         Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                    Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                   600,000.00              0.00    Canceled                                                          2021-03-01                2021-03-06                                          2021-04-17                2021-05-17                2021-06-07                2021-12-04
omputer Lab, Lab facilities f                     aching and Learning Capaci                                                        Envelope
or ITC                                            ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-002 / Tea                        Component 1: Improving Te                    Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210                                       Post                               Open - National                                    60,000.00              0.00    Canceled                                                                                    2021-03-06                                                                                              2021-04-17                2021-07-16
ching and Learning Materials                      aching and Learning Capaci                   ations                               Envelope
for ITC                                           ty

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 2
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-004 / De                      Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
veloping Management Infor   IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                            100,000.00          0.00   Signed                                           2019-07-06                                                                    2019-08-17   2021-12-22   2019-11-15
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
mation Systems (MIS) for RU                    ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-013 / Of                     Component 1: Improving Te                                                    Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                      Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            342,000.00          0.00   Completed              2019-02-01   2020-01-31   2019-02-06                2019-03-20   2020-04-10   2019-04-19   2020-07-22   2019-05-10   2020-08-08   2019-08-08   2020-12-26
fice furniture for RUPP                        aching and Learning Capaci                                                   Envelope

urniture for Student accom                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
modation at Research and T IDA / 62210         aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            190,000.00          0.00   Canceled               2021-03-01                2021-03-06                2021-04-17                2021-05-17                2021-06-07                2021-09-05
raining Farm (RTF) and Agrib                   ty
usiness incubator for studen
ts for UBB

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-006 / Pro                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
curement of 05 Motorcycle f      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             10,000.00      8,210.00   Completed                                        2019-01-06                                                                    2019-02-17   2019-04-06   2019-03-19
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
or Admin, M&E, PU, DoF & D                     ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-017 / Of                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
fice Equipment & Furniture f IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            116,700.00    108,972.00   Signed                 2018-12-02   2019-02-11   2018-12-07                2019-01-18   2019-03-11   2019-02-17   2019-06-05   2019-03-10   2019-06-25   2019-06-08   2019-08-31
or PU, DoF, PMT, DGHE & Do                     ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-007 / Sup                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
ply of 6 packages of Sage 50 IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             72,000.00     11,100.00   Completed                                        2018-12-07                                                                    2019-01-18   2019-04-23   2019-04-18
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
Premium Accounting                             ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-007 / Pr                     Component 1: Improving Te                                                    Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210                                Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            730,000.00    511,491.00   Completed              2018-12-02   2019-02-01   2018-12-07   2019-06-18   2019-01-18   2019-08-16   2019-02-17   2019-08-15   2019-03-10   2019-09-15   2019-06-08   2019-10-16
ocurement of 13 Vehicles                       aching and Learning Capaci                                                   Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-003 / E                      Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
quipment for Improve Readi       IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            360,000.00          0.00   Canceled               2019-02-05                2019-02-10                2019-03-24                2019-04-23                2019-05-14                2019-11-10
ng, communication facilities                   ty
for RUA

urniture (Lab table, Desk, ch
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
air, cabinet, drawer, Projecto                                                                                              Single Stage - One                               Under Imple
                                IDA / 62210    aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            550,000.00          0.00                          2022-05-25   2023-01-26   2022-05-30                2022-06-29   2023-03-16   2022-07-17   2023-06-01   2022-08-07                2022-11-05
r, electric screen, printer, wh                                                                                             Envelope                                         mentation
iteboard, photocopy machin
e, Desktops computer, air-co
n etc.) for ITC

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-008 / F                      Component 1: Improving Te                                                    Single Stage - One                               Under Imple
                                 IDA / 62210                                Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            200,000.00          0.00                          2021-08-13   2023-01-26   2021-08-18                2021-09-17   2023-03-23   2021-10-07   2023-06-01   2021-10-28                2021-12-28
urniture for new Building in                   aching and Learning Capaci                                                   Envelope                                         mentation
SRU                                            ty

                                               Component 1: Improving Te
b equipment and material fo                                                                            Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Prior   Request for Bids                                             2,740,000.00         0.00   Canceled               2020-05-21                2020-05-26                2020-07-07                2020-08-06                2020-08-27                2020-11-25
r 3 departments (Bio-engine                                                                            al                   Envelope
ering, TEED, ITE) in RUPP

 MOEYS-HEIP-ICB-G-002 / Eq                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                       Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
uipment and material for 13      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids                                             1,590,000.00         0.00   Canceled               2019-07-01                2019-07-06                2019-08-17                2019-09-16                2019-10-07                2020-01-05
                                                                                                       al                   Envelope
Labs of Science program for                    ty
five years.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-016 / Pr                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
ocurement of STEM Researc        IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            370,000.00          0.00   Canceled               2019-07-01                2019-07-06                2019-08-17                2019-09-16                2019-10-07                2020-01-05
h Equipment for UBB                            ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-005 / Sup                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
portive learning environmen IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             93,000.00     99,538.00   Completed                                        2020-03-07                                                                    2020-05-01   2021-03-25   2020-07-30
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
t - Library Development Text                   ty
books for UBB

                                               Component 2: Improving Re
M Research Equipmement fo                                                           Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post                        Open - National                             87,450.00     83,993.00   Completed                                        2019-07-06                                                                    2019-10-02   2021-03-13   2020-01-05   2021-07-11
r University of Battambang's                                                        ations                                  Envelope
Students -Year 1

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-018 / S                      Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
TEM Research Equipment for IDA / 62210         search in STEM and Agricult Post     Request for Bids   Open - National                            282,550.00    299,096.00   Completed              2022-03-01   2021-04-23   2022-03-06                2022-04-20   2021-06-23   2022-05-30   2021-07-28   2022-07-07   2021-08-29   2022-10-05   2021-10-02
University of Battambang-Ye                    ure
ar 3 (2022)

equipment for office rooms,                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
data and e-learning center, i    IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            491,573.00    413,341.48   Completed              2019-06-18   2020-01-31   2019-06-23                2019-07-28   2020-04-10   2019-08-27   2020-06-30   2019-09-18   2020-07-11   2019-12-17
ncubation center, LBE lab, F                   ty
ab-lab, conference room, an
d smart classroom

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-009 / Offi
ce equipment for office roo
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
ms, data and e-learning cent                                                        Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210    aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             49,964.00     39,862.90   Signed                                           2019-06-23                                                                    2019-08-14   2019-12-10   2019-10-13
er, incubation center, LBE la                                                       ations                                  Envelope
b, Fab lab, conference room,
and smart classroom (Air-Co

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-010 / 'La                     Component 1: Improving Te            Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210                                Post                       Open - National                             16,743.00     38,324.00   Completed                                        2019-06-25                                                                    2019-08-10   2020-08-30   2019-10-14
b equipment for LBE labs an                    aching and Learning Capaci           ations                                  Envelope
d Fab-lab                                      ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-011 / 'Cu                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
rtain for administrative offic   IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                               5,570.00     7,225.00   Signed                                           2019-07-04                                                                    2019-08-28   2019-12-10   2019-10-07
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
es and LBE lab                                 ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-012 / Sta
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
tionary (1-Whiteboard glass                                                         Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             52,600.00          0.00   Signed                                           2019-07-04                                                                    2019-08-28   2019-12-05   2019-10-07
for classroom and 2-'Books f                                                        ations                                  Envelope
or library and graduate scho

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-013 / Equ                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
ipment for Library at ITC at IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             36,000.00          0.00   Canceled                                         2020-03-21                                                                    2020-05-02                2020-08-03
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
3rd year (New Campus)                          ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-014 / Sof
tware(1-Software developm
ent for accounting system, h
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
uman resource managemen                                                             Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             47,000.00          0.00   Completed                                        2019-07-04                                                                    2019-08-09   2019-12-19   2019-10-23   2020-01-26
t system, and fixed asset sy                                                        ations                                  Envelope
stem and 2-Software solutio
n architect and development
of student online interface, o
nline data management syst
em and website)
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-015 / IT E                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
quipment, Furniture, Books f IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             36,000.00          0.00   Canceled                                         2022-03-29                                                                    2022-04-27                2022-07-26
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
or library at ITC                              ty

UA-IT facilities and accessori                 Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
es for learning facility impro   IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            192,250.00    181,214.00   Signed                 2019-06-19   2020-01-31   2019-06-22                2019-07-27   2020-04-10   2019-08-06   2020-06-30   2019-08-19   2020-07-11   2019-10-18
vement,LMLA lab,                               ty
e-goernance, PMT, and Impr
oving communication in yea
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
A-IT facilities and accessorie                                                      Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             29,000.00          0.00   Canceled                                         2021-01-22                                                                    2021-03-03                2021-05-21
s for learning facility improv                                                      ations                                  Envelope
ement, and Improving com
munication in year3

                                               Component 1: Improving Te
quipment with system for R                                                          Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             45,000.00          0.00   Canceled                                         2021-01-22                                                                    2021-03-03                2021-08-30
UA accounting software and                                                          ations                                  Envelope
improving student,staff and l
ecturer portals in year3

                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 3
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-018 / 3-R
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
UA-IT equipment with syste                                                          Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             49,500.00      85,500.00    Completed                                      2019-09-21                                                                    2019-11-02   2021-01-03   2020-04-30   2021-09-19
m for tracer study records a                                                        ations                                  Envelope
nd public and restricted ace
ss in year1

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-020 / RU                      Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
A-Laboratory equipments an       IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             93,600.00      83,627.59    Completed                                      2019-07-13                                                                    2019-08-22   2019-10-07   2019-12-20   2021-02-23
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
d accessories for VM Lab an                    ty
d FY lab in year1

                                               Component 1: Improving Te
UA-Laboratory equipments a                                                                                                  Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            118,000.00     102,478.00    Completed            2021-02-10   2021-04-23   2021-02-15                2021-03-29   2021-06-23   2021-04-08   2021-07-28   2021-04-26   2021-08-28   2021-08-24   2021-11-21
nd accessories for Agro-in La                                                                                               Envelope
b and VM lab in year3

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-022 / Ele                     Component 1: Improving Te            Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210                                    Post                       Open - National                             15,000.00      15,730.00    Completed                                      2019-11-07                                                                    2019-12-09   2020-04-25   2020-02-07   2020-08-10
ctric generator 12KVA for RU                   aching and Learning Capaci           ations                                  Envelope
A in Year 1                                    ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-023 / Ele                     Component 1: Improving Te            Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210                                    Post                       Open - National                            100,000.00            0.00   Canceled                                       2021-01-29                                                                    2021-03-13                2021-07-11
ctric generator 500KVA for R                   aching and Learning Capaci           ations                                  Envelope
UA in year 3                                   ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-024 / Imp                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
rovement reading material ( IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             20,000.00      19,420.50    Completed                                      2019-11-09                                                                    2019-12-09   2020-04-25   2020-02-07   2020-08-10
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
Textbook and Manual) for R                     ty
UA in Year 1

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-025 / RU                      Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                    Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
A-Furniture for lerning faciliti IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             16,900.00      19,420.50    Completed                                      2019-06-11                                                                    2019-07-22   2020-04-25   2019-08-31   2020-04-25
                                                                                    ations                                  Envelope
es improvement , PMT and L                     ty
MLA lab in year1

                                               Component 1: Improving Te
A-Furniture and accessories                                                         Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             40,000.00            0.00   Canceled                                       2020-03-22                                                                    2020-05-01                2020-06-15
(for business incubation cent                                                       ations                                  Envelope
er building) for RUA at year

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-027 / Pur
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
chase tables and chairs to s                                                        Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             24,400.00      24,585.00    Signed                                         2019-07-06                                                                    2019-09-22   2022-02-08   2019-12-30
et up small private study are                                                       ations                                  Envelope
a around UBB pond area and
in building for students

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-028 / Tea
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
ching Equipment for teachin                                                         Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             38,500.00            0.00   Completed                                      2019-07-06                                                                    2019-08-15   2020-09-13   2019-11-13   2020-12-16
g and learning (TV 64 inch f                                                        ations                                  Envelope
or slides, Air conditioners in

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-029 / Agr
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
iculture laboratories equipm                                                        Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             99,000.00      95,376.00    Completed                                      2019-08-06                                                                    2019-09-15   2021-03-25   2019-12-14   2021-07-08
ents(Food processing Lab,an                                                         ations                                  Envelope
imal scient lab,Micro lab, Tis
sue culture ,103unit)

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-030 / Mat
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
erials and Equipment for pro                                                        Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             50,450.00            0.00   Completed                                      2019-07-06                                                                    2019-08-30   2020-09-13   2019-11-28   2020-11-16
ject team (computers, printe                                                        ations                                  Envelope
r, desk and chairs )

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-031 / Res                     Component 1: Improving Te            Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                            IDA / 62210                                     Post                       Open - National                             15,000.00      14,140.38    Signed                                         2019-08-06                                                                    2019-10-01   2021-03-25   2019-12-30
earch Equipment for Sub-Pro                    aching and Learning Capaci           ations                                  Envelope
ject                                           ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-032 / Offi
ce Equipment and Software
for :
Lot1: QA implementation an
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
dAccounting and finance offi                                                        Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open - National                             79,000.00            0.00   Completed                                      2019-11-15                                                                    2019-12-28   2020-10-08   2020-03-23
ce,                                                                                 ations                                  Envelope
Lot2: Video conference syst
em for online training and m
eeting with partners and Eq
uipment the needed hardwa
re for the system,
Lot3: Management informati
on  Syst                 / La
b equipment and material fo
r years 1 (Lab equipment an
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
d material for Bio-engineerin                                                                          Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Prior   Request for Bids                                             2,765,850.00   2,554,530.65   Signed               2019-10-14   2021-09-16   2019-10-19   2021-09-20   2019-12-03   2021-11-12   2019-12-18   2022-05-25   2020-01-10   2022-07-11   2020-03-10
g in RUPP for years 1, Lab e                                                                           al                   Envelope
quipment and material for T
EED in RUPP for years 1, La
b equipment and material fo
r ITE in RUPP for years 1 (I
b equipment and material (L
ab equipment and material f
or TEED in RUPP for years 3                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                       Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
 (Telecom) , Lab Equipment       IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Prior   Request for Bids                                             1,587,000.00           0.00   Canceled             2020-07-14   2022-05-25   2020-07-19                2020-08-30                2020-09-09                2020-09-29                2020-11-28
                                                                                                       al                   Envelope
and material for Electrical E                  ty
ngineering for Year 3, Lab E
quipment and materials for
Logistic Engineering for year
3, Lab Equipment and mater
Lab equipment and material
(Lab equipment and materia
l for TEED in RUPP for years                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
3 (Telecom) , Lab Equipme        IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            530,100.00            0.00   Completed            2020-07-14   2022-05-23   2020-07-19                2020-08-30   2022-07-06   2020-09-29   2022-09-08   2020-10-28   2022-10-26   2020-12-27
nt and material for Electrical                 ty
Engineering for Year 3, Lab
Equipment and materials for
Logistic Engineering for year
3, Lab Equipment and mater
b Equipment for Advanced (
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
Lab Equipment for Advanced                                                                             Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids                                             1,147,666.00           0.00   Completed            2019-09-15   2022-04-28   2019-09-20   2022-05-30   2019-11-01   2022-08-03   2019-12-01   2023-01-10   2020-01-05   2023-02-25   2020-03-05
Research (Env.), Lab Equipm                                                                            al                   Envelope
ent for Advanced Research (
Physics), Lab Equipment for
Advanced Research (Chemis
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
b Equipment for Advanced(                                                                              Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids                                             1,062,950.00           0.00   Signed               2020-02-22   2022-03-16   2020-02-27   2022-04-28   2020-03-02   2022-08-05   2020-03-22   2023-01-10   2020-05-01   2023-02-25   2020-06-30
Lab Equipment for Advance                                                                              al                   Envelope
Research in Y2, Photonics an
d applications Equipment

b Furniture (Lab Furniture fo
r Science at Building A of RU
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
PP Y1 (11 Labs), Lab Furnitur                                                                                               Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            750,000.00     681,655.76    Completed            2019-07-30   2020-07-22   2019-08-04                2019-09-15   2020-10-23   2019-10-20   2021-01-14   2019-11-24   2021-02-15   2020-01-23   2021-08-25
e for Science at Building A of                                                                                              Envelope
RUPP Y2 (11 Labs), Lab Furni
ture for 4th-6th Floor at STE
M Building, Lab Furniture for
Faculty of Engineering (RUP
eaching and Learning Materi
als (ICT Equipment for teach
ing and learning (Social Scie                  Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
nce, Science and Graduate S IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            133,246.00      91,911.60    Completed            2019-10-14   2020-10-01   2019-10-19                2019-11-20   2020-12-08   2019-12-05   2021-01-26   2019-12-18   2021-02-21   2020-02-16   2021-07-26
chool, Equipment & material                    ty
s for designing and printing
Civil Servants' Automation C
ard(1 Desktop Computer for
designing, 1 printing machin
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-033 / Buy                     Component 1: Improving Te            Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210                                  Post                       Open - National                             45,000.00            0.00   Completed                                      2019-11-03                                                                    2020-01-06   2020-11-02   2020-02-25
ing Microscope 30 units (Biol                  aching and Learning Capaci           ations                                  Envelope
ogy)                                           ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-025 / F                      Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                            Single Stage - One
urniture and Equipment for I     IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            390,000.00            0.00   Signed               2021-07-03   2023-01-26   2021-07-08                2021-08-19   2023-03-14   2021-09-18   2023-06-01   2021-10-22   2023-08-07   2022-01-20
ncubation center for RUPP                      ty

                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 4
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-036 / Sup                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ply and Delivery fo 01 Bus ( IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                        100,000.00    46,000.00   Completed                                      2019-12-15                                                       2020-01-23   2020-05-02   2020-04-22
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
with 29 seats)                                ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-G-037 / IT relat
                                              Component 2: Improving Re
ed equipment for data collec                                                      Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210     search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         31,187.00    28,589.80   Completed                                      2020-05-15                                                       2020-06-24   2020-08-03   2020-08-23
tion and analysis for 7 resea                                                     ations                               Envelope
rch projects (for RUA)

 MOEYS-HEIP-G-038 / Labora
                                              Component 2: Improving Re
tory Equipment and consum                                                         Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210      search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         86,804.00    72,338.38   Signed                                         2020-05-15                                                       2020-06-24   2020-08-06   2020-08-23
ables for VM and LMLA resea                                                       ations                               Envelope
rch and food processing (for

 MOEYS-HEIP-G-039 / Labora                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
tory equipment for tissue cul IDA / 62210     search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         98,820.00    71,321.91   Signed                                         2020-05-15                                                       2020-06-24   2020-08-06   2020-08-23
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
ture (for RUA)                                ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-40 / "Offi                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ce Equipment for ACC ($20,      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         28,000.00    26,714.00   Completed                                      2020-07-15                                                       2020-09-09   2021-02-18   2020-11-08   2021-07-08
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
000) and for DSR ($8,000)"                    ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-41 / Offic                   Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          2,000.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-15                                                       2020-09-09   2021-05-18   2020-11-08   2021-10-12
e Furniture for DSR                           aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

pply and Delivery of 5 Pick-u
                                              Component 1: Improving Te
p Track:                                                                                                               Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        175,000.00   131,050.00   Completed            2020-07-10   2020-07-22   2020-07-15   2020-08-26   2020-10-01   2020-09-25   2020-11-11   2020-10-30   2020-12-10   2020-12-29
1 Unit for ITC ($30,000)                                                                                               Envelope
2 Unit for ACC (for 1 Van 55,
000 and 1 pick-up 30,000)
2 Unit for DSR ($60,000)"

velopment and aplication of                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
MIS to Store and Manageer       IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        150,000.00   163,209.76   Completed            2020-07-10   2020-10-01   2020-07-15   2020-08-26   2020-11-26   2020-09-25   2021-01-26   2020-10-30   2021-02-27   2021-04-28   2021-06-25
Data related to ACC system                    ty
and accreditation activities

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-42 / Com                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210                                  Post                      Open - National                         40,000.00    32,599.60   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-09-06   2020-11-29
puter Lap​ for Science and Te                 aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
chnology                                      ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-43 / Lapt                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          4,600.00     4,961.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-10-29   2020-10-30
ops and printers for researc                  aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
h                                             ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-44 / Pum                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          2,500.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-12-26   2020-10-30
ping machine, and power till                  aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
er                                            ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-45 / Wat                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          4,500.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2020-10-25                                                       2020-12-20                2021-02-18
er Stations and Tester                        aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-47 / Offic                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
e Equipment, Software and       IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         52,122.00         0.00   Signed                                         2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-11-07   2020-11-29
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
Refrigerator for Researcher                   ty

MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-48 / Lab                      Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         73,055.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2021-02-09   2020-11-29   2022-01-14
Acessories                                    aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-49 / Rese                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                     Post                      Open - National                         73,055.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2021-02-09   2020-11-29   2021-07-11
arch Equipment                                aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-50 / Rese                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                     Post                      Open - National                         75,315.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2021-02-02   2020-11-29
arch Comsumable                               aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-51 / Rese                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                     Post                      Open - National                         35,956.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-04-04                                                       2021-05-30                2021-08-28
arch Connsumble (Standard)                    aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-29 / IT F                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
acilities and Accessories/ IT IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        119,830.00    92,914.80   Completed            2020-07-01   2020-07-22   2020-07-06   2020-08-17   2020-09-08   2020-09-16   2020-11-11   2020-10-21   2020-12-09   2021-04-19   2021-05-25
Equipment (Research Projec                    ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-52 / Digit                   Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          3,946.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-12-09   2020-10-30
al Professional Camera                        aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-53 / Anal                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         19,600.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-11-08   2020-11-29
ysing and Measurement Equ                     aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
ipment                                        ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-54 / Cons                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                     Post                      Open - National                         20,400.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-15                                                       2020-09-09   2021-10-07   2020-12-08   2021-12-12
umable and Reagents                           aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-30 / Eq                     Component 1: Improving Te                                                Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        414,200.00   389,410.23   Completed            2020-07-01   2021-04-23   2020-07-06   2020-08-17   2021-06-23   2020-09-16   2021-07-28   2020-10-21   2021-08-30   2020-10-30   2022-05-31
uipment for Rice Products                     aching and Learning Capaci                                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-55 / Raw                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
Material for Experiment and     IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         45,950.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2021-03-03   2020-11-29
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
Lab Equipments                                ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-56 / Lab                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
Equipment and Materials for     IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         94,000.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2021-03-07   2020-11-29
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
Experiment on Pesticides                      ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-57 / Expe                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
riment Equipment for dry ag IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         89,900.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-12-09   2020-11-29
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
ricultural products                           ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-58 / 3D P                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
rinter and Accessories, 3D Pr IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         11,000.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-12-09   2020-09-06
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
inter and 3D Printer Filamen                  ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-31 / Ele                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
ctronic apparatus and tools f IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        245,700.00   250,537.23   Completed            2020-08-10   2020-07-22   2020-08-15   2020-09-26   2020-11-24   2020-10-26   2021-01-26   2020-11-30   2021-03-04   2021-02-28   2021-08-25
or automation lab                             ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-59 / Mec                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         11,000.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-08-15                                                       2020-10-10   2020-12-09   2021-01-08
hanical tools for lab and exp                 aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
eriments                                      ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-60 / Q-Br                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ain System (Quanser) and C      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         16,800.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2020-09-04                                                       2020-10-30                2021-01-28
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
amera (Quanser)                               ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-61 / Elect                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ronic apparatus and mechan IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         81,125.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-09-04                                                       2020-10-30   2021-05-02   2021-01-28
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
ical equipment                                ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-62 / Pota                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          7,000.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2021-04-07   2020-10-30
ssium nitrate salt                            aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-63 / Glas                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         18,760.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2021-10-03   2020-11-29
s samples                                     aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-64 / Equi                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
pment's and materials for ex IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         28,500.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-08-10                                                       2020-10-05   2020-12-05   2021-01-03
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
periment on soy saucce                        ty

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 5
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-65 / Che                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                            IDA / 62210                                    Post                      Open - National                          6,199.00         0.00   Completed                                        2020-08-30                                                       2020-10-25   2021-05-02   2021-01-23
mical Reagents for experime                   aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
nts                                           ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-66 / Expe                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
rimental Equipment for testi IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         96,100.00         0.00   Completed                                        2020-08-30                                                       2020-10-25   2021-03-03   2021-01-23
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
ng on rubber samples                          ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-32 / Eq                     Component 1: Improving Te                                                Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        154,160.00   154,000.00   Completed              2020-08-25   2020-07-22   2020-08-30   2020-10-11   2020-11-24   2020-11-10   2021-01-26   2020-12-15   2021-02-22   2021-06-13   2021-06-18
uipment for production rubb                   aching and Learning Capaci                                               Envelope
er processing                                 ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-67 / Auto                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          4,000.00         0.00   Completed                                        2020-08-30                                                       2020-10-25   2020-11-30   2021-01-23
voltage regulator                             aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-68 / Lab                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          6,600.00         0.00   Canceled                                         2020-08-30                                                       2020-10-25                2021-01-23
equipment and materials                       aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-69 / Equi                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         42,000.00         0.00   Completed                                        2020-07-01                                                       2020-08-26   2021-03-03   2020-11-24
pment for ceramic Lab                         aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-33 / Uni                    Component 1: Improving Te                                                Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        190,000.00   171,711.17   Completed              2020-06-26   2020-07-22   2020-07-01   2020-08-12   2020-09-08   2020-09-11   2020-11-17   2020-10-16   2020-12-05   2021-01-14   2021-04-07
versal Testing Machine (set)                  aching and Learning Capaci                                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-70 / Lab                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          5,500.00         0.00   Completed                                        2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2021-04-07   2020-11-29
Furniture                                     aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-71 / Equi                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         10,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                         2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31                2020-11-29
pment maintenance                             aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-72 / Mak                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         16,000.00         0.00   Completed                                        2020-09-06                                                       2020-11-01   2021-04-07   2021-01-30
e promotion video for ITC an                  aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
d UIL                                         ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-73 / Equi                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
pment and Installation for Pr   IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                          3,600.00         0.00   Completed                                        2020-09-06                                                       2020-11-01   2020-12-05   2021-01-30
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
actice Language Lab                           ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-74 / Equi                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
pment for prototype Lab for     IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         10,000.00         0.00   Completed                                        2020-09-06                                                       2020-11-01   2020-11-05   2021-01-30   2021-01-06
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
food processing                               ty

                                              Component 1: Improving Te
Classroom furniture and offi                                                                                           Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        550,000.00         0.00   Canceled               2022-12-15                2022-12-20   2023-01-31                2023-03-02                2023-04-06                2023-07-05
ce (for Complex building) an                                                                                           Envelope
d business incubation center
s for ITC

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-004 B /                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One                             Under Imple
Classroom furniture and offi    IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        312,000.00         0.00                          2022-12-15   2023-01-26   2022-12-20   2023-01-31   2023-03-16   2023-03-02   2023-06-01   2023-04-06                2023-07-05
                                                                                                                       Envelope                                       mentation
ce (for Complex building) IT                  ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-76 / IT Eq                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
uipment for learning facilitie IDA / 62210    aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         83,400.00    68,566.00   Signed                                           2020-07-09                                                       2020-09-03   2020-09-14   2020-12-02
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
s and Epidemiology lab                        ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-77 / Labo                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ratory for foundation year a IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         36,000.00    41,100.00   Signed                                           2021-05-06                                                       2021-07-01   2021-04-12   2021-09-29
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
nd veterinary medicine learn                  ty
ing practice

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-78 / Text                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         50,000.00    50,908.00   Signed                                           2021-07-06                                                       2021-08-31   2021-10-20   2021-11-29
book for Library and facultie                 aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
s                                             ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-34 / Lab                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
equipment and consumable IDA / 62210          aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        174,670.00   198,004.30   Completed              2020-07-01   2020-10-01   2020-07-06   2020-08-17   2020-11-17   2020-09-16   2020-12-30   2020-10-21   2021-01-22   2021-04-19   2021-08-01
for food biotec                               ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-79 / Elect                   Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210                                  Post                      Open - National                         30,000.00    27,593.50   Signed                                           2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-10-25   2020-11-29
ronic generator for food biot                 aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
ech research                                  ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-80 / Twin                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
-screw extruder, injection m    IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         87,250.00    78,123.20   Signed                                           2020-07-06                                                       2020-08-31   2020-09-14   2020-11-29
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
achine, oven                                  ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-81 / Labo                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ratory Equipment and ccons IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         81,333.00    67,068.02   Signed                                           2020-07-20                                                       2020-09-14   2020-09-14   2020-12-13
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
umable for tissutre culture a                 ty
nd food biotec Y1

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-35 / Lab                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
equipment for pesticide and IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        414,500.00   336,147.90   Completed              2020-07-01   2020-10-01   2020-07-06   2020-08-17   2020-11-27   2020-09-16   2020-12-30   2020-10-21   2021-01-22   2021-01-19   2021-08-01
heavimetal residual in plant                  ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-82 / Labo
                                              Component 1: Improving Te
ratory Furniture for research                                                     Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210    aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         34,000.00    29,628.60   Signed                                           2020-07-10                                                       2020-09-04   2021-03-02   2020-12-03
project on tisue culture, food                                                    ations                               Envelope
biotec and pesticide residual

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-83 / Labo                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ratory and consumable for b IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         64,935.00    46,237.85   Signed                                           2020-12-06                                                       2021-01-31   2021-03-22   2021-05-01
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
acterial culture and food pro                 ty
cessing Year 2

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-84 / Labo                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ratory equipment for DNA a IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         85,735.00    83,916.80   Signed                                           2020-12-06                                                       2021-01-31   2021-04-15   2021-05-01
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
nd PCR and consumable for                     ty
DNA and pCR

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-85 / cons                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
umable for detecting pestici    IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         18,300.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-06-06                                                       2021-08-01   2021-07-11   2021-10-30
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
de, heavy metal residue ye                    ty
ar 2

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-86 / Labo
                                              Component 1: Improving Te
ratory Equipment and consu                                                        Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         51,150.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-06-06                                                       2021-08-01   2021-09-03   2021-10-30
mable for tissutre culture an                                                     ations                               Envelope
d food biotec, food processin
g Y2

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-003 / E-le                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
arning Lab equipment for So IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         20,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                         2020-05-06                                                       2020-06-17                2020-09-15
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
cial Science for RUPP                         ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-010 / Of                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
fices equipment at STEM Bui IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        420,000.00         0.00   Canceled               2020-05-21                2020-05-26   2020-07-07                2020-08-06                2020-08-27                2020-11-25
lding (21 offices from 4th to                 ure
6th floors) for RUPP

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-011 / F                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
urniture and Equipment for I    IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        390,000.00         0.00   Canceled               2019-02-01                2019-02-06   2019-03-20                2019-04-19                2019-05-10                2019-08-08
ncubation center for RUPP                     ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-012 / La                    Component 1: Improving Te                                                Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                     Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        364,000.00         0.00   Canceled               2019-02-01                2019-02-06   2019-03-20                2019-04-19                2019-05-10                2019-08-08
b furniture for RUPP                          aching and Learning Capaci                                               Envelope

Office Furniture(1-Office Fur
niture for RUPP and 2-Furnit                  Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
ure for office rooms, classro IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        655,789.00         0.00   Canceled               2019-10-14   2020-01-31   2019-10-19   2019-11-18   2020-04-10   2019-12-08                2020-01-01                2020-03-31
om, data and e-learning cen                   ty
ter, incubation center, LBE l
ab, Fab lab, conference roo
m, and smart classroom-ITC)

                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 6
fice Furniture( Office Furnitu
re for Faculty of Engineering
(RUPP), Office Equipment for                  Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
Faculty of Engineering (RUP IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        762,000.00         0.00   Canceled             2019-08-24                2019-08-29                2019-10-10                2019-10-30                2019-11-28                2020-01-27
P), Office Furniture and equi                 ure
pment for Faculty of Engine
ering (RUPP) for
Year II, Office Furniture at ST
EM Building

                                              Component 1: Improving Te
assroom furniture and office                                                                                           Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        862,000.00         0.00   Canceled             2022-03-25                2022-03-30                2022-05-04                2022-05-18                2022-06-07                2022-09-05
(for Complex building) and b                                                                                           Envelope
usiness incubation centers f
or RUA and ITC at Year 2

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-019 / 4-IT                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
equipment with system for R IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         23,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2020-01-28                                                                    2020-03-06                2020-08-25
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
UA Journal online managem                     ty
ent in year2

 MOEYS-HEIP-G-DS-01 / Offic                   Component 1: Improving Te
                            IDA / 62210                                    Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                 132,461.00   188,455.09   Completed            2020-08-05   2020-04-29   2020-08-10   2020-08-28                                                       2020-08-29   2020-10-19   2020-10-28   2020-11-18
e Equipment (With 24 items)                   aching and Learning Capaci

 MOEYS-HEIP-G-DS-02 / Equi                    Component 1: Improving Te
pement for Video Conferenc      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                  54,200.00   109,768.29   Completed            2020-08-05   2020-08-28   2020-08-10   2020-08-28                                                       2020-08-29   2020-10-19   2020-10-28   2020-11-18
e Room (With 5 packages)                      ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-G-DS-03 / Medi                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                IDA / 62210                                Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                  55,204.00   165,537.49   Completed            2020-08-05   2020-04-29   2020-08-10   2020-08-28                                                       2020-08-29   2020-11-03   2020-10-28   2020-11-27
a Equipment (with 19 items)                   aching and Learning Capaci

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-023A /                      Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
Office Furniture for STEAM B    IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        288,938.00   226,884.35   Completed            2020-09-03   2020-07-22   2020-09-08                2020-10-13   2020-10-23   2020-11-17   2021-01-14   2020-12-08   2021-02-05   2021-02-06   2021-04-15
uilding of RUPP                               ure

MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-023B /                       Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
Office Equipment for STEAM      IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        363,462.00   205,550.95   Completed            2020-09-03   2020-07-22   2020-09-08                2020-10-13   2020-10-01   2020-11-17   2020-12-11   2020-12-08   2020-12-31   2021-02-06   2021-05-25
Bulilding of RUPP                             ure

                                              Component 3: Strengthen S
External hard disks 4TB for
                                IDA / 62210   ectoral Governance and Pro   Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                  47,000.00    45,852.73   Completed            2020-10-18   2020-04-29   2020-10-23   2020-10-01                                                       2020-11-27   2020-11-04   2020-12-27   2020-11-26
Central Departments, PoE a
                                              ject Management
nd DoE (235 pieces).

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-032-1 / V                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ideo conference system and IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         55,000.00         0.00   Completed                                      2020-10-22                                                                    2020-11-22   2021-01-04   2021-02-20
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
Managment information syst                    ty
em for SRU

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-082 / Sup                    Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ply delivery and installation IDA / 62210     ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open - National                         29,852.00    28,980.00   Completed                                      2020-11-21                                                                    2021-01-11   2020-10-29   2021-02-25   2021-07-09
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
of office furniture for DGHE.                 ject Management

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-036 / S                     Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
upply delivery and installatio IDA / 62210    ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open - National                        145,818.70   172,717.33   Completed                                      2020-11-21                                                                    2021-01-22   2021-05-17   2021-03-08   2021-08-21
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
n of office equipment for DG                  ject Management

Office Equipment
 - IT Office Equipment for su
pporting units and FE Office
 - IT Equipment for Server                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
 - IT Equipment for Compute     IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        442,210.00   301,571.19   Completed            2021-07-10   2022-01-27   2021-07-25                2021-08-24   2022-03-30   2021-10-08   2022-05-23   2021-11-12   2022-07-03   2022-02-10
r Science Labs                                ty
 - IT Equipment for IT Engine
ering Lab (iOS Application D
evelopment and Testing)
 - IT Office Equipment for

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-040 / H                     Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
eavy research equipment for IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        439,000.00   456,438.71   Completed            2021-07-15   2022-01-27   2021-07-30                2021-08-29   2022-03-30   2021-10-13   2022-05-13   2021-11-17   2022-06-18   2022-03-17
Physic for RUPP                               ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-113 / Equ                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ipment and Consumable for IDA / 62210         search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         36,800.00         0.00   Completed                                      2022-02-15                                                                    2022-04-19   2022-11-22   2022-07-18
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
printing electronics and che                  ure
mical lab for RUPP

urniture for RUPP
Lot.1: Lab Furniture for Scie                 Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
nce program at building A (1 IDA / 62210      search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        444,500.00         0.00   Completed            2022-01-17   2022-04-28   2022-02-01                2022-03-03   2022-06-15   2022-04-17   2022-08-30   2022-05-22   2022-10-03   2022-09-19
0 Labs)                                       ure
 Lot.2: Office Furniture for C
omputer Science Labs
(5 Labs)

                                              Component 1: Improving Te
urchase 9 Pick up for STEM                                                                                             Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        270,000.00   229,500.00   Signed               2021-07-01   2021-08-17   2021-07-16                2021-08-15   2021-11-03   2021-09-29   2021-12-15   2021-11-03   2022-01-13   2022-03-03
Education Local partnership                                                                                            Envelope
(PMT 1, RUA 2, UBB 1, UHST
2, ITC 2 and SRU 1)

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-087 / D-G                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
PS Surveying System 1 Unit IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         19,900.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-06                                                                    2021-08-31   2023-01-10   2021-10-30
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
and Laser Measuring Levelin                   ty
g Tool 2 Units

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-088 / Offi                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ce equipment for PMT & FU,      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         78,780.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-06                                                                    2021-08-31   2021-11-30   2021-10-30
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
Video Conference for DOC                      ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-089 / Mot                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                     Post                      Open - National                          3,500.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-06                                                                    2021-08-31   2022-03-26   2022-02-27
orcycle                                       aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-090 / Offi                   Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         14,190.00         0.00   Signed                                         2021-07-06                                                                    2021-08-31   2021-11-12   2021-10-30
ce Furniture                                  aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-122 / Equ
ipment                                        Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
Lot1: Camera Digital (3 unit) IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                          9,000.00         0.00   Signed                                         2021-07-25                                                                    2021-09-26   2021-12-30   2021-11-25
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
Lot2: Office equipment for R                  ty
esearch Group 3

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-123 / Lab                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
oratory Equipment and Gras IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         28,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-07-25                                                                    2021-09-26                2022-01-24
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
s cutting machine                             ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-124 / Pur                    Component 2: Improving Re           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                               Post                       Open - National                         20,400.00         0.00   Completed                                      2022-02-15                                                                    2022-04-19   2022-09-15   2022-06-03
chase Cattle                                  search in STEM and Agricult         ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-009 / E                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
quipment for Science and Te IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        150,000.00         0.00   Canceled             2021-07-13                2021-07-18                2021-08-17                2021-09-07                2021-09-28                2021-12-28
chnology and Engineering fo                   ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-009 (1)                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
/ Equipment Engineering an      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        518,500.00         0.00   Signed               2021-11-27   2022-05-13   2021-12-12                2022-01-11   2022-07-06   2022-02-25   2022-10-19   2022-04-01   2022-11-25   2022-06-30
d Electronic for SRU                          ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-125 / Est
ablish E-library management
system, NUBB Management                       Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
System and Purchase Intern IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         50,000.00    42,919.00   Signed                                         2021-07-25                                                                    2021-09-26   2022-02-04   2021-11-25
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
et Infrastructure equipment                   ty
and Installation for Supporti
ng online Teaching and Lear
ning in NUBB

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 7
 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-044 / A                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                      Single Stage - One
griculture Lab Equipment an IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        307,860.00         0.00   Completed            2021-07-10   2021-08-17   2021-07-25   2021-08-24   2021-11-03   2021-10-08   2021-12-15   2021-11-12   2022-02-02   2022-03-12
d Equipment for Teaching an                  ty
d Learning

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-114 / The
rmal Imaging Camera (IR ca                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
mera), Spin coater machine, IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         18,310.00         0.00   Completed                                      2023-01-15                                                       2023-03-19   2022-10-17   2023-06-17   2022-12-23
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
Material inkjet printer cartrid              ty
ges, Silver nanoparticle ink

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-28 / Lab                   Component 2: Improving Re                                                Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                   Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        200,000.00         0.00   Signed               2021-07-01   2022-04-28   2021-07-06   2021-08-17   2022-06-15   2021-09-16   2022-09-08   2021-10-21   2022-10-23   2022-02-18
oratory Furniture                            search in STEM and Agricult                                              Envelope

b Furniture
                                             Component 2: Improving Re
     - EED+TEED at STEM Bu                                                                                            Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        180,000.00   128,600.00   Completed            2021-07-01   2021-10-28   2021-07-06   2021-08-17   2021-12-22   2021-09-16   2022-03-16   2021-10-21   2022-04-22   2022-02-18
ilding (3 Rooms)                                                                                                      Envelope
     - Science at building A o
f RUPP (3 Rooms)

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-132 / Ext                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
raction and refinery equipm    IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         91,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-09-20                                                       2021-11-22                2022-01-31
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
ent for oil/food testing and                 ure
accessories for ITC

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-127 / Equ                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ipment for Training on Food IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         65,000.00    24,585.00   Signed                                         2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2022-02-05   2021-12-05
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
Processing and Prototype La                  ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-128 / Equ                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ipment for Training on Electr IDA / 62210    aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         97,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26                2021-12-05
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
ical, Mechanical and CCTV S                  ty
ystem for ITC

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-129 / Ch                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
emical consumables and ma      IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         32,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26                2021-12-05
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
terials for ITC                              ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-130 / Tex                   Component 2: Improving Re           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                            IDA / 62210                                  Post                       Open - National                         95,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-07-22                                                       2021-09-23                2021-12-02
ture analyzing equipment fo                  search in STEM and Agricult         ations                               Envelope
r ITC                                        ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-131 / Ru                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
bber testing equipment and     IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         98,500.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-07-22                                                       2021-09-23                2021-12-02
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
its accessories                              ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-133 / De                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
velop Online Graduate Trace IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         30,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-10-24                                                       2021-12-26                2022-03-06
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
r Study for ITC                              ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-134 / Tel                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
emetry equipment for weath IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         88,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-10-24                                                       2021-12-26                2022-03-06
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
er analysis or rain for ITC                  ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-135 / Foo
                                             Component 2: Improving Re
d lab equipment, measurem                                                        Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210    search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         88,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2021-10-24                                                       2021-12-26                2022-03-06
ent equipment with accessor                                                      ations                               Envelope
ies and Biofilter system acce

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-136 / Sta                   Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         45,000.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2022-01-12                                                       2022-03-16                2022-05-25
ndard and Journal subscripti                 aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
on                                           ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-137 / Pro                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
totype of wastewater treatm    IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         25,500.00         0.00   Canceled                                       2022-05-13                                                       2022-07-15                2022-08-29
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
ent system and Anaerobic a                   ure
crylic reactor

velopment of Digital Library                 Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
of Khmer palm leaf manuscri IDA / 62210      search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         24,000.00         0.00   Completed                                      2022-05-13                                                       2022-07-15   2023-01-22   2022-08-29   2023-06-17
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
pts Portal Platform and Weat                 ure
her Warning Platform for ITC

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-110 / Pur                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
chase Consumable for Cell li   IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         80,237.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-09-01                                                       2021-11-03   2022-08-19   2022-02-01   2022-12-09
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
ne and Biochemical tests for                 ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-111 / Pur                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
chase Equipment and Consu      IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         46,686.00         0.00   Completed                                      2022-01-01                                                       2022-03-05   2022-10-19   2022-06-03   2023-01-21
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
mable for Microalgae                         ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-112 / Pur                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
chase of Equipment and Con IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         79,148.00         0.00   Completed                                      2022-01-30                                                       2022-04-03   2022-11-22   2022-07-02   2023-03-22
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
sumable for cosmetic and C                   ure
ell Line

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-115 / Pur
                                             Component 1: Improving Te
chase the IT Equipment and                                                       Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         46,300.00    16,330.00   Signed                                         2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-10-16   2021-11-25
system for research round 2                                                      ations                               Envelope
and teaching and learning fo

                                             Component 2: Improving Re
neral Glassware, Consumabl                                                       Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210     search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         86,717.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-10-18   2021-12-25
e support, and basic accesso                                                     ations                               Envelope
ries (chemistry) for RUPP.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-092 / Sci                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
entific Equipment for Bacteri IDA / 62210    search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         50,346.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-10-15   2021-12-25   2022-04-26
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
al Culture for RUPP.                         ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-093 / Ext                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
raction equipment and Phot     IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         88,774.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-10-15   2021-12-25   2022-04-26
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
ocatalytor equipment for RU                  ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-094 / Equ                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ipment and instruments for IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         89,982.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-10-15   2021-12-25
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
Micro-alga for RUPP.                         ure

                                             Component 2: Improving Re
Office Equipment, Non-IT Off                                                     Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210     search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         51,594.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-12-21   2021-12-25
ice Equipment &Software for                                                      ations                               Envelope
Research for RUPP.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-096 / Co                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
nsumable (Chemical reagent IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         96,733.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2022-07-11   2021-12-25   2022-12-31
                                                                                 ations                               Envelope
s and Medium for Culture) f                  ure
or RUPP.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-097 / See                   Component 2: Improving Re           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                            IDA / 62210                                  Post                       Open - National                         57,400.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2022-09-11   2021-12-25
d germination chamber for R                  search in STEM and Agricult         ations                               Envelope
UPP.                                         ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-098 / Pla                   Component 2: Improving Re           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210                                Post                       Open - National                         63,228.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2022-05-26   2021-12-25
nt tissue culture equipment f                search in STEM and Agricult         ations                               Envelope
or RUPP.                                     ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-099 / Offi
ce Furniture for FS+FE
    - Computer Science Labs
                                             Component 1: Improving Te
(2 Rooms)                                                                        Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         60,000.00         0.00   Completed                                      2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2022-03-08   2021-12-25   2022-06-25
    - FE (Room A104+A301+                                                        ations                               Envelope
Bench for Students)
    - Supporting Units
for RUPP.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 8
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-100 / Buil
ding Security - Alarm system
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
(manual system for 8 floors                                                        Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         91,550.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2022-05-26   2021-12-25
+ fire extinguisher (16 for co                                                     ations                               Envelope
rridor + 34 in labs) - Camera
System+Smart door lock sys
tem for RUPP.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-101 / Sup
                                               Component 1: Improving Te
ply and Install STEM Building                                                      Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         50,600.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2022-03-08   2021-12-25
Facilities (Curtain, Hand Dry                                                      ations                               Envelope
er, Sound System) for RUPP.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-102 / Inst                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ruments for DNA and protein IDA / 62210        search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         77,696.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2022-06-13   2021-12-25   2022-11-03
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
analysis for RUPP.                             ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-103 / Biol                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
ogical test and skin analyzer IDA / 62210      search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         71,157.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2022-05-26   2021-12-25
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
test equipment for RUPP.                       ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-104 / Res                     Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
earch equipment for laser p IDA / 62210        search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         89,000.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-07-15                                                       2021-09-16   2022-05-26   2021-12-15   2022-08-30
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
hysics for RUPP.                               ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-105 / Acc                     Component 2: Improving Re           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210                                   Post                       Open - National                         97,600.00         0.00   Signed                                           2021-07-15                                                       2021-09-16   2023-01-05   2021-12-15
essories for Raman lab for R                   search in STEM and Agricult         ations                               Envelope
UPP.                                           ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-106 / Co                      Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
nsumable for printing electr     IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         27,168.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-07-30                                                       2021-10-01   2023-01-05   2021-12-30   2023-07-18
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
onics and chemical experim                     ure
ents for RUPP.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-107 / Res                     Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
earch equipment for nanom IDA / 62210          search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         75,010.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-07-30                                                       2021-10-01   2022-06-13   2021-12-30
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
aterial synthesis for RUPP.                    ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-108 / Res                     Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
earch equipment for printing IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         78,225.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-08-01                                                       2021-10-03   2022-11-22   2022-01-01
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
electronics for RUPP.                          ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-109 / Res                     Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
earch equipment for chemist IDA / 62210        search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         84,093.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-08-25                                                       2021-10-27   2022-06-13   2022-01-25   2023-01-06
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
ry lab and supercapacitor for                  ure

Equipment, Camera, Drone,                      Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One
and accessories for Researc      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        385,000.00         0.00   Completed              2021-06-30   2021-10-28   2021-07-15   2021-08-14   2021-12-28   2021-09-28   2022-04-05   2021-11-02   2022-05-09   2022-01-31
hes and Training on ICT, and                   ty
ANSYS Electronics Software
for ITC.

                                               Component 2: Improving Re
echanical, Electrical Equipm                                                                                            Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        163,000.00   152,210.20   Completed              2021-06-30   2021-08-17   2021-07-15   2021-08-14   2021-11-03   2021-09-28   2021-12-15   2021-11-02   2022-01-28   2022-01-31   2022-04-24
ent for PBC Fabrication Labo                                                                                            Envelope
ratory and Workshop for ITC.

quipment for chemical stren                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One
gthening glass and for Food      IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        502,000.00   499,203.17   Completed              2021-06-30   2021-08-17   2021-07-15   2021-08-14   2021-11-03   2021-09-28   2022-01-27   2021-11-02   2022-03-12   2022-01-31
Drying Processing and Analy                    ure
sis and Spare Parts for existi
ng equipment for ITC.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-049 / E                      Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One
quipment for Smart Grid lab      IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        268,000.00   266,534.97   Completed              2021-06-30   2021-10-28   2021-07-15   2021-08-14   2021-12-28   2021-09-28   2022-03-16   2021-11-02   2022-04-22   2022-01-31
and accessories for ITC.                       ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-050 / E                      Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One
quipment for Magnetic surve IDA / 62210        search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        474,000.00   463,367.29   Completed              2021-06-30   2021-10-28   2021-07-15   2021-08-14   2021-12-22   2021-09-28   2022-03-16   2021-11-02   2022-04-23   2022-01-31
y and Resistivity and Access                   ure
ories for ITC.

                                               Component 2: Improving Re
HNS analysis equipment and                                                                                              Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210      search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        415,000.00   506,307.78   Completed              2021-06-30   2021-10-28   2021-07-15   2021-08-14   2021-12-22   2021-09-28   2022-03-16   2021-11-02   2022-04-23   2022-01-31
PVT Cell Fluid Analysis mach                                                                                            Envelope
ine with accessories for ITC.

xtraction equipment, lab me
                                               Component 2: Improving Re
asurement instruments, and                                                                                              Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        162,500.00   127,497.26   Completed              2021-08-05   2021-10-28   2021-08-20   2021-09-19   2021-12-28   2021-11-03   2022-03-16   2021-12-08   2022-04-23   2022-03-08
Reverberation Chamber Fab                                                                                               Envelope
rication with Installation and
Mixer equipment with acces
sories for ITC.

oil and weather analysis equ                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                        Single Stage - One
ipment for agriculture resear IDA / 62210      search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        166,000.00         0.00   Completed              2021-08-05   2021-10-28   2021-08-20   2021-09-19   2021-12-22   2021-11-03   2022-04-05   2021-12-08   2022-05-17   2022-03-08
ches and Lab designed mate                     ure
rials and lab hood for ITC.

                                               Component 2: Improving Re
mission sampling devices for                                                                                            Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210     search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                        138,000.00   137,941.02   Completed              2021-08-05   2021-10-28   2021-08-20   2021-09-19   2021-12-28   2021-11-03   2022-03-16   2021-12-08   2022-04-22   2022-03-08
air quality research and Sub                                                                                            Envelope
critical water extraction with
accessories for ITC.

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-116 / Pur                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
chase the Lab Consumable,        IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         88,970.00    69,785.83   Signed                                           2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-10-16   2021-11-25
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
Furniture and Accessories fo                   ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-117 / Pur                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         34,795.00    30,100.00   Completed                                        2021-07-31                                                       2021-10-02   2022-09-15   2021-12-01
chase the Small farm equip                     aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
ment for RUA                                   ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-014 / D                      Component 1: Improving Te                                                Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        436,000.00         0.00   Canceled               2019-02-01                2019-02-06   2019-03-20                2019-04-19                2019-05-10                2019-08-08
ormitory Furniture for RUPP                    aching and Learning Capaci                                               Envelope
and ITC                                        ty

 MOEYS-NCB-G-014 A / Purc                      Component 1: Improving Te                                                Single Stage - One                             Under Imple
                                 IDA / 62210                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        327,000.00         0.00                          2022-03-22   2023-01-26   2022-04-06   2022-05-06   2023-03-14   2022-06-20   2023-06-01   2022-07-25                2023-02-20
hase Furniture for Dormitory                   aching and Learning Capaci                                               Envelope                                       mentation
for RUPP                                       ty

MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-014 B /                       Component 1: Improving Te                                                Single Stage - One                             Under Imple
                                 IDA / 62210                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        105,000.00         0.00                          2022-05-05   2023-01-26   2022-05-20   2022-06-19   2023-03-16   2022-08-03   2023-06-01   2022-09-07                2023-01-05
Dormitory Furniture for ITC                    aching and Learning Capaci                                               Envelope                                       mentation

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-118 / Ma                      Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
chine and workshop equipm        IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         66,500.00    68,700.00   Signed                                           2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-10-16   2021-11-25
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
ent for peanuts processing​ f                  ure
or RUA

                                               Component 1: Improving Te
all Equipment and Consuma                                                          Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                              IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         78,000.00    67,500.90   Signed                                           2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-10-16   2022-01-24
ble for Vet med for teaching,                                                      ations                               Envelope
learning and staff upgrade 's

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-083 (1) /
                                               Component 2: Improving Re
Laboratory and consumable                                                          Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         31,023.00    26,639.90   Signed                                           2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-07-09   2022-01-24
for bacterial culture and foo                                                      ations                               Envelope
d processing for RUA

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-084 (1) /                     Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
Purchase Laboratory consu        IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                         11,178.00         0.00   Completed                                        2021-07-25                                                       2021-09-26   2021-08-30   2022-01-24   2021-12-04
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
mable for DNA and PCR for                      ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-120 / Co                      Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                   Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
nsumable small laboratory e      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         70,000.00    58,221.00   Signed                                           2022-01-21                                                       2022-03-25   2022-09-23   2022-07-23
                                                                                   ations                               Envelope
quipment staff upgrade and                     ty

                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 9
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-121 / Co                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                 Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
nsumable for research activi   IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open - National                             44,000.00     36,238.20   Signed                                          2022-05-21                                                                    2022-07-23   2022-07-03   2022-11-20
                                                                                 ations                                  Envelope
ties SGA 01, 02, 05, 07 for                  ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-042 / La                   Component 1: Improving Te                                                   Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210                                    Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            536,786.00    419,184.18   Completed             2021-07-06   2021-10-28   2021-07-21                2021-08-20   2021-12-22   2021-10-04   2022-03-16   2021-11-08   2022-04-23   2022-03-08
boratory Equipment                           aching and Learning Capaci                                                  Envelope

                                             Component 1: Improving Te
boratory Equipment for Agri                                                                                              Single Stage - One
                            IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            310,200.00          0.00   Canceled              2022-03-06                2022-03-21                2022-04-20                2022-06-04                2022-07-09                2022-11-06
culture Engineering and Vet                                                                                              Envelope
erinary Histology for RUA

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-055 / C                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - One
onsumable for engineering p IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            188,000.00          0.00   Completed             2021-08-05   2022-05-23   2021-08-20                2021-09-19   2022-07-06   2021-11-03   2022-10-19   2021-12-08   2022-12-23   2022-04-07
rograms at faculties                         ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-056 / Di                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - One
gital Tools for Teaching and IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            170,000.00          0.00   Canceled              2021-08-05                2021-08-20                2021-09-19                2021-11-03                2021-12-08                2022-04-07
Learning for ITC                             ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-057 / E                    Component 1: Improving Te                                                   Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            290,000.00          0.00   Completed             2021-08-05   2022-04-28   2021-08-20                2021-09-19   2022-06-16   2021-11-03   2022-08-30   2021-12-08   2022-09-27   2022-04-07
quipment for Data Science f                  aching and Learning Capaci                                                  Envelope
or ITC                                       ty

ater and wastewater analysi                  Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - One
s equipment and Water qual     IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                            155,000.00    128,803.36   Completed             2021-09-09   2021-10-28   2021-09-24                2021-10-24   2021-12-28   2021-12-08   2022-03-16   2022-01-12   2022-05-02   2022-05-12   2022-08-08
ity measurement equipment                    ure
, and accessories and spare
parts for ITC

ccredit physic-chemical and
                                             Component 1: Improving Te
Chemical contaminant labor                                                                                               Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            414,000.00          0.00   Canceled              2022-01-02                2022-01-17                2022-02-16                2022-04-02                2022-05-07                2022-09-04
atory to ISO 17025 and Accr                                                                                              Envelope
edit Environmental Microbiol
ogy and Chemistry Laborato
ry to ISO 17025 For ITC

                                             Component 1: Improving Te
quipment for Food innovatio                                                                                              Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            530,430.00          0.00   Canceled              2022-01-02                2022-01-17                2022-02-16                2022-04-02                2022-05-07                2022-09-04
n laboratory and Electronics                                                                                             Envelope
System Design Laboratory f
or ITC

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-46 / Buyi                   Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                               6,435.00         0.00   Canceled                                        2020-07-06                                                                    2020-08-31                2020-11-29
ng Books                                     aching and Learning Capaci          ations                                  Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-126 / Tex                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
t Books for library and gradu IDA / 62210    aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                             26,750.00          0.00   Canceled                                        2021-07-22                                                                    2021-09-23                2021-12-02
                                                                                 ations                                  Envelope
ate school for ITC                           ty

                                             Component 2: Improving Re
emi-Anechoic Chamber, EMI/                                                                          Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210     search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids                                              752,000.00          0.00   Canceled              2021-07-15                2021-07-20                2021-08-31                2021-09-30                2021-11-04                2022-03-04
EMC Test Facility, and Seism                                                                        al                   Envelope
ic equipment with accessori
es for ITC.

                                             Component 1: Improving Te
quipment for Thermoplastic                                                                          Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids                                              852,000.00          0.00   Canceled              2021-07-15                2021-07-20                2021-08-31                2021-09-30                2021-11-04                2022-03-04
Laboratory and Relay Testin                                                                         al                   Envelope
g Laboratory
for ITC

PPLY, DELIVERY, AND INSTA                    Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                    Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
LLATION OF SEMI-ANECHOIC       IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids                                              752,000.00    664,068.89   Completed             2021-10-24   2021-10-28   2021-10-29   2021-11-23   2021-12-13   2022-01-26   2022-02-11   2022-05-23   2022-03-18   2022-06-26   2022-09-14
                                                                                                    al                   Envelope
CHAMBER, EMI/EMC TEST FA                     ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-ICB-G-008 / Eq                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                    Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
uipment for Thermoplastic L    IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post    Request for Bids                                              852,000.00          0.00   Canceled              2022-01-17                2022-01-22                2022-03-08                2022-04-27                2022-05-21                2022-11-17
                                                                                                    al                   Envelope
aboratory and Relay Testing                  ure

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-044(1) / A
nalytical Instrument, Small E                Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - One
quipment, Hospital Equipme IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            125,767.00          0.00   Signed                2022-03-15   2022-04-28   2022-03-20                2022-04-19   2022-06-16   2022-06-18   2022-08-30   2022-07-07   2022-10-05   2022-11-04
nt for Agriculture Lab and Eq                ty
uipment for Agricultural Far
ming System

                                             Component 1: Improving Te
quipment Material and Cons                                                                                               Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            566,500.00          0.00   Completed             2022-04-01   2022-04-28   2022-04-06                2022-05-06   2022-06-15   2022-08-04   2022-09-08   2022-09-01   2022-10-17   2023-02-28
umable for Researches on F                                                                                               Envelope
ood and Water Analysis (ITC)

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-115(1) / I                  Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
T Equipment and System for     IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                             31,110.00     14,760.00   Signed                                          2022-04-04                                                                    2022-06-06   2022-07-15   2022-09-04
                                                                                 ations                                  Envelope
Researching and Teaching (                   ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-ICB-G-004(1) /                   Component 1: Improving Te                              Open - Internation   Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210                                Post   Request for Bids                                             1,587,000.00         0.00   Signed                2022-05-30   2022-06-02   2022-06-04   2022-06-02   2022-07-19   2022-08-04   2022-07-29   2023-01-10   2022-08-22   2023-02-14   2023-01-19
Lab Equipment and Material                   aching and Learning Capaci                             al                   Envelope
for RUPP                                     ty

                                             Component 1: Improving Te
urniture and Equipment for                                                                                               Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            579,055.00          0.00   Signed                2022-07-01   2023-01-26   2022-07-16                2022-08-15   2023-03-21   2022-09-29   2023-06-01   2022-11-03   2023-08-08   2023-04-02
Supporting IT Lab, EA Lab, C                                                                                             Envelope
E Lab, USYD, UIC Office (NU

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-139 / Mat
                                             Component 1: Improving Te
erials, Tools and Equipment                                                      Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                             57,588.00          0.00   Completed                                       2022-07-11                                                                    2022-09-12   2022-10-09   2022-12-11
for feed component analysis                                                      ations                                  Envelope
and Office Support in ICAFAS
Project (NUBB)

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-140 / Hy                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
droponic fodder houses, tool   IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                               9,685.00         0.00   Signed                                          2022-07-06                                                                    2022-08-31   2022-10-09   2022-11-29
                                                                                 ations                                  Envelope
s and materials for ICAFAS P                 ty
roject (NUBB)

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-141 / Pur
                                             Component 1: Improving Te
chase Cattle, Commercial fe                                                      Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                             37,900.00          0.00   Completed                                       2022-07-06                                                                    2022-08-31   2022-10-09   2022-11-29
ed, Corn seed and Rice stra                                                      ations                                  Envelope
w for experiment in ICAFAS
Project (NUBB)

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-142 / Pur                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
chase Textbook of Technolo     IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                             20,000.00          0.00   Completed                                       2022-07-11                                                                    2022-09-12   2022-11-10   2022-12-11
                                                                                 ations                                  Envelope
gy and Agriculture (NUBB)                    ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-143 / Pur
                                             Component 1: Improving Te
chase Agriculture Equipment                                                      Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                             99,000.00          0.00   Completed                                       2022-07-11                                                                    2022-09-12   2023-02-09   2022-12-11   2023-05-10
, Setting up and Operation f                                                     ations                                  Envelope
or Lab Improvement (NUBB)

                                             Component 3: Strengthen S
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-144 / Offi                                                      Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210   ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open - National                             12,830.00          0.00   Completed                                       2022-08-11   2022-08-23                                                       2022-10-22   2023-01-07   2022-12-21   2023-02-11
ce Equipment, for IAP                                                            ations                                  Envelope
                                             ject Management

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-01 /                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
IT Equipment, Software Syst IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                             36,750.00          0.00   Completed                                       2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-02-01   2023-01-25
                                                                                 ations                                  Envelope
em and Accounting System f                   ty
or BHI

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-02 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                               5,280.00         0.00   Completed                                       2022-09-11                                                                    2022-11-13   2023-01-11   2023-02-11
Air conditioner for BHI                      aching and Learning Capaci          ations                                  Envelope

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-03 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                        Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210                                  Post                      Open - National                             67,000.00          0.00   Signed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-03-04   2023-01-25
Agricultural Equipment For B                 aching and Learning Capaci          ations                                  Envelope
HI                                           ty

                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 10
MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-04 /                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          3,900.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-01-11   2023-01-25   2023-01-29
Office Furniture For BHI                      aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-05 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         70,000.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-03-04   2023-01-25   2023-06-15
Soil Analysis equipment for                   aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
BHI                                           ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-06 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          2,000.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-01-11   2023-01-25
Water Analysis equipment F                    aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
or BHI                                        ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-07 /                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
Computer Labs and Softwar IDA / 62210         aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         71,994.20        0.00   Signed                                             2022-10-13                                                                    2022-12-15   2023-05-07   2023-03-15
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
e License, Lab IT facilities for              ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-08 /                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
Teaching and Learning Mate      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         11,972.54        0.00   Signed                                             2022-12-09                                                                    2023-02-10   2023-02-25   2023-05-11
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
rials (Books) for WU                          ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NCB-G-01                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One
/ Labs Equipment for Scienc IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        182,334.75        0.00   Signed                   2022-09-04   2022-11-21   2022-09-19                2022-10-19   2023-01-11   2022-12-03   2023-03-14   2023-01-07   2023-04-17   2023-05-07
e and Technology and Engin                    ty
eering for WU

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-09 /                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
Civil Engineering Books And     IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         13,213.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-01-10   2023-01-25   2023-08-10
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
Computer Science Book for                     ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NCB-G-02                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One                            Under Imple
/ Lab Equipment and Materia IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        183,144.00        0.00                            2022-08-15   2022-12-09   2022-08-30                2022-09-29   2023-01-25   2022-11-13   2023-03-14   2022-12-18                2023-04-17
                                                                                                                       Envelope                                      mentation
ls for Civil Engineering for Pa               ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-10 /
Diskless Workstations, Digit                  Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
al Electronics (Arduino Stude IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         63,495.00        0.00   Signed                                             2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-07-05   2023-01-25
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
nt Kit), Data Communication                   ty
s and Network Equipment fo
r Paragon

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-11 /                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
Cloud Lab Fittings and Multi-   IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         88,563.00        0.00   Signed                                             2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-07-19   2023-01-25
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
Node Cloud Infrastructure                     ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-12 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          3,975.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25   2022-10-29                                                       2022-10-27   2023-02-14   2023-01-25   2023-07-01
Study text books for UME                      aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-13 /                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         34,700.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-02-22   2023-01-25
Computer for UME                              aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-14 /                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          3,000.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-01-30   2023-01-25
Computer Tables for UNE                       aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-15 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          5,700.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-04-08   2023-01-25   2023-06-16
Interactive smartborad for U                  aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
ME                                            ty

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-16 /                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                          4,800.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-04-08   2023-01-25   2023-06-16
Camera for UME                                aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-17 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         12,000.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-05-05   2023-01-25   2023-07-17
Spectrophotometer for UME                     aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-18 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 62210                                 Post                      Open - National                          9,500.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-06-16   2023-01-25   2023-07-17
Analytical Electronic Scale fo                aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
r UME                                         ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-19 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                             IDA / 62210                                   Post                      Open - National                          3,500.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-05-05   2023-01-25   2023-06-19
Laboratory Muffle Furnace fo                  aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
r UME                                         ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-20 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         32,200.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-04-08   2023-01-25   2023-05-04
Tractor for UME                               aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-21 /                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         93,500.00        0.00   Signed                                             2022-09-12                                                                    2022-11-14   2023-04-16   2023-02-12
Computer and Server for KIT                   aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-22 /                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         94,255.00        0.00   Signed                                             2022-09-12                                                                    2022-11-14   2023-06-18   2023-02-12
Network                                       aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-23 /                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         20,564.00        0.00   Completed                                          2022-09-12   2022-10-29                                                       2022-11-14   2022-12-28   2023-02-12
Books for KIT                                 aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NCB-G-03                     Component 1: Improving Te                                                Single Stage - One
                          IDA / 62210                                      Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        240,020.00        0.00   Completed                2022-08-15   2022-11-21   2022-08-30                2022-09-29   2023-01-11   2022-11-13   2023-03-14   2022-12-18   2023-04-17   2023-04-17
/ IT Equipment for PPIU                       aching and Learning Capaci                                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-24 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         54,032.00        0.00   Signed                                             2022-10-01                                                                    2022-12-03   2023-05-27   2023-03-03
Furnitures (Tables+Chairs) f                  aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope
or PPIU                                       ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-25 /                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         10,240.00        0.00   Signed                                             2022-08-25                                                                    2022-10-27   2023-03-12   2023-01-25
Study Materials for PPIU                      aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-115(2) / I
                                              Component 1: Improving Te
T Equipment and System for                                                        Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         17,000.00   16,500.00   Signed                                             2022-08-27                                                                    2022-10-22   2022-09-23   2023-01-20
Research Round 2 and Teac                                                         ations                               Envelope
hing and Learning (RUA)

                                              Component 3: Strengthen S
 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-146 / Acc                                                        Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 62210        ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open - National                         15,000.00        0.00   Completed                                          2023-02-20                                                                    2023-04-26   2022-03-02   2023-08-24   2023-05-02
ounting System                                                                    ations                               Envelope
                                              ject Management

t 1: Office Equipment (29 La
ptops, 6 Tablets, 1 Server, 1
LCD Projector, 1 Scanner, 8                   Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One                            Pending Impl
Color Printers, 1 Photocopier IDA / 62210     ectoral Governance and Pro   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        145,300.00        0.00                            2023-04-02                2023-04-07                2023-05-07                2023-07-06                2023-07-27                2023-11-24
                                                                                                                       Envelope                                      ementation
, 1 Digital Camera, 2 Extern                  ject Management
al HD, 1 Video Conference a
nd 5 Wifi-Routers.
Lot 2: Office Furniture (1 Exe
cutive Chair, 1 Meeting table
 MOEYS-HEIP-CL.3-NCB-G-02                     Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One                            Under Imple
(1) / Concrete-related Testin IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        107,053.00        0.00                            2023-04-20   2023-04-28   2023-04-22                2023-05-22   2023-06-13   2023-07-21   2023-08-02   2023-08-14                2023-12-12
                                                                                                                       Envelope                                      mentation
g Machine (for Paragon)                       ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-26 /                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                  Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One
Networking Device and Acce      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open - National                         34,816.00        0.00   Signed                                             2023-05-02                                                                    2023-07-06   2023-07-10   2023-11-03
                                                                                  ations                               Envelope
ssories (for PPIU)                            ty

MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-03 (                     Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                            Under Imple
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open - National                         17,416.00        0.00                                                      2023-06-20                                                                    2023-08-01                2023-10-30
1) / Agricultural Equipment                   aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope                                      mentation

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-064 / La                    Component 1: Improving Te                                                Single Stage - One                            Pending Impl
                           IDA / 62210                                     Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        294,460.00        0.00                            2023-08-31                2023-09-05                2023-10-05                2023-12-04                2023-12-19                2024-04-17
boratory Equipment for RUP                    aching and Learning Capaci                                               Envelope                                      ementation
P                                             ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NS-G-145 / Lab                    Component 1: Improving Te           Request for Quot                     Single Stage - One                            Pending Impl
                           IDA / 62210                                     Post                      Open - National                         68,142.00        0.00                                                      2023-09-05                                                                    2023-11-11                2024-02-09
Equipment and Consumable                      aching and Learning Capaci          ations                               Envelope                                      ementation
for RUPP                                      ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-NCB-G-066 / La                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One                            Pending Impl
b Equipment for Civil Engine IDA / 62210      aching and Learning Capaci   Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                        194,000.00        0.00                            2023-08-31                2023-09-05                2024-07-03                2024-08-17                2024-09-21                2025-03-20
                                                                                                                       Envelope                                      ementation
ering for NUBB                                ty

                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 11
MOEYS-HEIP-C1.3-NS-G-22(                           Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Request for Quot                          Single Stage - One                                                          Pending Impl
1) / laboratory infrastructure   IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                                 Open - National                                                 82,200.00                 0.00                                                                                                  2023-09-27                                                                                              2023-11-29                2024-02-27
                                                                                                ations                                    Envelope                                                                    ementation
within the Network for KIT                         ty

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                     Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount                       Process St     Draft Pre-qualificatio      Prequalification Evalu    Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and Recommendatio           Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                                  h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                              atus           n Documents                  ation Report           ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        n for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Planned         Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual       Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Combined Evaluation
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                     Market Approac        Contract Type       Estimated Amo     Actual Amoun                                                       Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                Evaluation of Techni
       Description                                       Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                        Process Status       Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                             Report and Draft Neg        Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                                  h                                     unt (US$)         t (US$)                                                                Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                   cal Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Planned        Actual         Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual       Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
ction of Consulting Firm for t                     Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                                Quality And Cost-
echnical design and supervis IDA / 62210           ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                                Open - National                              1,133,000.00             0.00   Canceled            2019-01-01     2019-02-13     2019-01-22   2019-03-05   2019-03-07   2020-01-01                             2019-04-04   2020-02-13   2019-05-04                2019-06-08                2019-07-06                2022-07-05
                                                                                                Based Selection
ion for construction of new                        ject Management
buildings at RUA,SRU, RUPP
, ITC and UBB

 MOEYS-HEIP-QBS-01 / Firm t                        Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                                Quality Based Sel    Open - Internation
o Provide Design and Superv IDA / 62210            ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                                                                             1,605,938.00     1,513,960.05   Signed              2020-03-23     2020-03-30     2020-04-06   2020-04-21   2020-04-23   2020-07-30                             2020-05-21   2020-09-09   2020-05-31   2020-11-11   2020-06-10   2021-03-31   2020-06-27   2021-05-12   2022-12-14
                                                                                                ection               al
ision Services                                     ject Management

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-17 / Internat
                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
ional Technical Advisor for P                                                                   Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internation
                              IDA / 62210          aching and Learning Capaci   Post                                                                                35,000.00        33,621.44    Completed           2020-04-06     2020-03-06     2020-04-27                2020-05-22   2020-06-30                                                                                 2020-06-01   2020-07-29   2020-06-13   2020-09-09   2020-11-10
romoting Research and Dev                                                                       cation Selection     al
elopment, Period: 5 months

 MOEYS-HEIP-QBS-02 / An En                         Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Consultant Qualifi
vironmental and Social Impa IDA / 62210            aching and Learning Capaci   Post                                 Open - National                                40,000.00        37,398.08    Completed           2020-08-02     2020-08-24     2020-08-23                2020-10-06   2020-11-16                                                                                 2020-11-05   2020-12-23   2020-12-10   2021-05-09   2021-04-09
                                                                                                cation Selection
ct Assessment (ESIA)                               ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-18 / Internat
                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
ional Technical Advisor for U                                                                   Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internation
                              IDA / 62210          aching and Learning Capaci   Post                                                                                15,000.00              0.00   Canceled            2020-04-06     2020-03-26     2020-04-27   2020-11-05   2020-05-22                                                                                              2020-06-01                2020-06-13                2020-09-11
niversity-Business Developm                                                                     cation Selection     al
ent Plan, Contract Period: 3
months (ITC)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-27 / Nationa                        Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                                Consultant Qualifi
l Technical Consultant for Pr    IDA / 62210       search in STEM and Agricult Post                                  Open - National                                50,400.00        28,100.00    Signed              2021-06-25     2021-05-24     2021-07-25                2021-09-08   2021-10-27                                                                                 2021-09-29   2021-10-28   2021-10-23   2021-11-07   2023-10-23
                                                                                                cation Selection
ocurement Officer                                  ure

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Invitation to Identifie
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                     Market Approac        Contract Type       Estimated Amo     Actual Amoun                                                                                 Draft Negotiated Con
       Description                                       Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                        Process Status       Terms of Reference           d/Selected Consultan                                  Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                                  h                                     unt (US$)         t (US$)                                                                                           tract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Planned        Actual         Planned       Actual     Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-04 / Selectio
                                                   Component 3: Strengthen S
n of National Technical Advis                                                                   Individual Consult
                              IDA / 62210          ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                              Open                                            360,000.00       262,647.00    Completed           2018-12-03                    2019-01-21   2019-08-08   2019-01-28   2019-08-11   2019-02-18   2019-08-24   2024-04-12   2020-01-10
or for Project management (                                                                     ant Selection
                                                   ject Management
National Individual Consulta

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-012 / Selecti
                                                   Component 3: Strengthen S
on of International Technical                                                                   Individual Consult
                              IDA / 62210          ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                              Open                                            858,000.00       306,979.20    Signed              2018-12-03     2019-01-06     2019-01-21   2019-06-24   2019-01-28   2019-08-07   2019-02-18   2019-08-23   2024-07-21
Advisor for Support Impleme                                                                     ant Selection
                                                   ject Management
ntation for STEM (Internation
al Individual Consultant)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-010 / Selecti
                                                   Component 3: Strengthen S
on of International Technical                                                                   Individual Consult
                               IDA / 62210         ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                              Open                                            936,000.00              0.00   Canceled            2018-12-05     2019-01-11     2019-01-23   2019-06-24   2019-01-30                2019-02-20                2024-01-25
Advisor for Project manage                                                                      ant Selection
                                                   ject Management
ment for (International Indivi
dual Consultant)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-02 / Recruit                        Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Individual Consult
ment of National Procureme       IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open                                             84,000.00       143,205.00    Signed              2018-12-03     2019-01-16     2019-01-21   2019-03-19   2019-01-28   2019-03-19   2019-02-11   2019-04-26   2023-01-21
                                                                                                ant Selection
nt Consultant (Individual Co                       ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-03 / Selectio
                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
n of National Financial Mana                                                                    Individual Consult
                             IDA / 62210           aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open                                             84,000.00        86,300.00    Terminated          2018-12-03     2018-08-16     2019-01-21   2019-03-11   2019-01-28   2019-03-19   2019-02-18   2019-04-26   2020-06-12
gement Consultant (National                                                                     ant Selection
Individual Consultant)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-09 / Selectio                       Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                                Individual Consult
n of National Consultant for IDA / 62210           ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                              Open                                            335,000.00       295,790.00    Signed              2019-01-01                    2019-02-19   2019-06-24   2019-03-12   2019-08-07   2019-04-02   2019-08-22   2024-03-06
                                                                                                ant Selection
Governance Policy and Plan                         ject Management

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-14 / Nationa                        Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                                Individual Consult
l Technical Advisor to Suppo     IDA / 62210       ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                               Open                                            210,000.00       335,040.00    Terminated          2019-09-15     2019-08-26     2019-11-03   2019-10-25   2019-11-24   2019-10-25   2019-12-29   2019-11-06   2024-02-06
                                                                                                ant Selection
rt Private Higher Education I                      ject Management
nstitution Program

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-15 / Internat
                                                   Component 3: Strengthen S
ional Technical Advisor to Su                                                                   Individual Consult
                              IDA / 62210          ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                               Open                                            156,000.00       226,700.00    Completed           2019-09-15     2019-08-26     2019-11-03   2019-10-25   2019-11-24   2019-10-25   2019-12-29   2019-12-03   2020-12-28
pport Private Higher Educati                                                                    ant Selection
                                                   ject Management
on Institution Program

AL CONSULTANT ARCHITECT                            Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                Individual Consult
TO DESIGN AND SUPERVISE          IDA / 62210       aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open                                             30,000.00        31,700.00    Completed           2019-09-02     2019-08-26     2019-10-06   2019-10-25   2019-10-16   2019-10-25   2019-11-04   2019-11-06   2020-10-29
                                                                                                ant Selection
THE RENOVATION/ CIVIL WO                           ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-010 (1) / Int
                                                   Component 3: Strengthen S
ernational Technical Advisor                                                                    Individual Consult
                                 IDA / 62210       ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                              Open                                            468,000.00       364,140.00    Completed           2019-12-12     2019-12-19     2020-02-05   2020-04-06   2020-02-26   2020-05-20   2020-03-16   2020-05-27   2023-03-01   2023-05-08
for Supporting Higher Educa                                                                     ant Selection
                                                   ject Management
tion Partnership Program an
d Development

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-010 (2) / Int                       Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                                Individual Consult
ernational Technical Advisor     IDA / 62210       ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                              Open                                            460,000.00       167,300.00    Signed              2019-12-12     2020-01-06     2020-02-05   2020-04-06   2020-02-26   2020-04-24   2020-03-16   2020-05-02   2023-12-26
                                                                                                ant Selection
for Project Management and                         ject Management

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-04 (1) / Nati
                                                   Component 3: Strengthen S
onal Technical Advisor for Pr                                                                   Individual Consult
                                 IDA / 62210       ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                               Open                                            260,000.00              0.00   Canceled            2020-03-25     2020-03-19     2020-04-23                2020-04-30                2020-05-10                2023-04-25
oject management (National                                                                      ant Selection
                                                   ject Management
Individual Consultant)

                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
ONAL CONSULTANT ARCHIT                                                                          Individual Consult
                            IDA / 62210            aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open                                             30,000.00        33,080.00    Terminated          2020-03-25     2020-03-18     2020-04-01   2020-03-26   2020-04-11   2020-03-26   2020-04-23   2020-04-07   2021-04-18
ECT TO DESIGN AND SUPER                                                                         ant Selection

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-02(1) / Proc                        Component 1: Improving Te                    Individual Consult
                                 IDA / 62210                                    Post                               Open                                             43,200.00        39,940.00    Terminated          2020-03-25     2020-04-13     2020-04-01   2020-07-22   2020-04-11   2020-07-29   2020-04-25   2020-08-11   2022-04-15
urement Assistant                                  aching and Learning Capaci                   ant Selection

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-19 / Nationa
                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
l Technical Assistant for Proj                                                                  Individual Consult
                               IDA / 62210         aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open                                             96,000.00        77,575.00    Signed              2020-04-06     2020-03-26     2020-05-12   2020-09-14   2020-05-22   2020-09-09   2020-06-05   2020-09-27   2024-05-15
ect Management and Admini                                                                       ant Selection
stration, Contract Period: 48
months (ITC )

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-20 / Nationa
                                                   Component 1: Improving Te
l Technical Assistant for Part                                                                  Individual Consult
                               IDA / 62210         aching and Learning Capaci   Post                               Open                                             96,000.00        68,900.00    Signed              2020-04-06     2020-03-06     2020-05-12   2020-07-01   2020-05-22   2020-06-16   2020-06-05   2020-07-06   2024-05-15
nership Management and Co                                                                       ant Selection
ordination, Contract Period:
48 months (ITC)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 12
 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-21 / Nationa
                                              Component 1: Improving Te
l Quality Assurance officer fo                                                     Individual Consult
                               IDA / 62210    aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      96,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2020-04-06   2021-05-24     2020-05-12                2020-05-22                2020-06-05                2024-05-15
r Higher Education Partnersh                                                       ant Selection
ip Programs, Contract Period
: 48 months (ITC)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-23 / Nationa                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                   Individual Consult
l Research Project Consultan    IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      96,000.00        0.00   Signed            2020-04-06   2020-04-02     2020-05-12   2020-07-17   2020-05-22   2020-07-17   2020-06-05   2020-08-08   2024-05-15
                                                                                   ant Selection
t, Contract Period: 48 month                  ty
s (ITC)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-22 / Nationa
                                              Component 1: Improving Te
l Procurement Assistant, Con                                                       Individual Consult
                              IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      48,000.00   15,820.00   Terminated        2020-04-06   2020-04-13     2020-05-12   2020-07-22   2020-05-22   2020-07-29   2020-06-05   2020-08-11   2022-05-26
tract Period: 24 months with                                                       ant Selection
a total estimated cost of $ 4
8,000.00 (ITC)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-24 / Nationa                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                   Individual Consult
l Technical for Chief of Oper   IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      34,800.00   34,100.00   Terminated        2020-07-01   2020-09-09     2020-08-19   2020-11-13   2020-09-09   2020-11-17   2020-10-14   2020-12-01   2020-10-17
                                                                                   ant Selection
ation (12 months) for RUPP                    ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-25 / Nationa                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                   Individual Consult
l Technical for Finance (12     IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      34,800.00   34,100.00   Terminated        2020-07-01   2020-09-09     2020-08-19   2020-11-13   2020-09-09   2020-11-17   2020-10-14   2020-12-01   2021-10-14
                                                                                   ant Selection
months) for RUPP                              ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-05 / Selectio
n of National Technical Advis                 Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                   Individual Consult
or for developing Master Pla IDA / 62210      ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                       Open      55,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-12-03                  2019-01-21                2019-01-28                2019-02-18                2020-01-14
                                                                                   ant Selection
n for Human resource for ST                   ject Management
EM (National Individual Cons

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-06 / Selectio                  Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                   Individual Consult
n of National Technical Advis IDA / 62210     ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                       Open      60,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2019-08-01                  2019-09-19                2019-10-10                2019-10-31                2020-10-30
                                                                                   ant Selection
or for Developing and condu                   ject Management
ct Tracer Study

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-07 / Selectio
                                              Component 3: Strengthen S
n of National Technical Advis                                                      Individual Consult
                               IDA / 62210    ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                      Open     300,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2019-10-15                  2019-12-03                2019-12-10                2019-12-31                2024-12-04
or for Developing and condu                                                        ant Selection
                                              ject Management
ct Policy Analysis (National i
ndividual Consultant)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-13 / Selectio
                                              Component 3: Strengthen S
n of International Technical                                                       Individual Consult
                              IDA / 62210     ectoral Governance and Pro   Prior                      Open     720,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-12-03                  2019-01-21                2019-02-11                2019-03-04                2023-02-11
Advisor for Research (Intern                                                       ant Selection
                                              ject Management
ational Individual Consultant

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-01 / Selectio
n of Project Management Te                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                   Individual Consult
chnical Assistant for Royal   IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      56,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2019-01-01   2019-06-05     2019-02-19                2019-03-12                2019-04-02                2021-07-20
                                                                                   ant Selection
University of Phnom Penh (N                   ty
ational Individual Consultant

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-DS-01 / LMS                    Component 1: Improving Te                                                                 Under Implement
                             IDA / 62210                                   Post    Direct Selection   Direct    18,000.00        0.00                     2020-08-05   2020-08-10     2020-08-15                                          2020-10-03                2021-01-01
Administrator for 8 months F                  aching and Learning Capaci                                                                ation
or ITC                                        ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-DS-02 / Net                    Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                                                                        Pending Impleme
work and system engineer f      IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Direct Selection   Direct     3,000.00        0.00                     2020-08-05                  2020-08-15                                          2020-10-03                2021-01-01
or 4 months for ITC                           ty

                                              Component 1: Improving Te
urement Assistant to facilitat                                                                                                          Under Implement
                               IDA / 62210    aching and Learning Capaci   Post    Direct Selection   Direct    24,000.00        0.00                     2020-08-05   2020-08-05     2020-08-15                                          2020-10-03                2021-01-01
e timely procurement of goo                                                                                                             ation
ds works and services

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-016(2) / NA
                                              Component 1: Improving Te
TANT ARCHITECT TO SUPPLY                                                           Individual Consult
                           IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      37,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2020-10-16   2020-07-16     2020-11-11                2020-11-21                2020-12-03                2021-11-28
DESIGN AND SUPERVISION S                                                           ant Selection
NAL TECHNICAL ADVISOR O                       Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Individual Consult
N RESEARCH & DEVELOPME IDA / 62210            search in STEM and Agricult Post                        Open     140,000.00   89,155.00   Terminated        2021-01-01   2020-12-03     2021-02-19   2021-05-30   2021-03-12   2021-06-15   2021-04-16   2021-08-03   2024-03-31
                                                                                   ant Selection
NT (R&D) IN THE HIGHER ED                     ure
SR, 36 months)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-03(1) / Natio                  Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                   Individual Consult
nal Financial Management C IDA / 62210        aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      97,865.00   92,600.00   Terminated        2021-02-17   2021-02-18     2021-03-28   2021-06-30   2021-04-04   2021-07-28   2021-04-18   2021-08-01   2024-05-02
                                                                                   ant Selection
onsultant (for period 37 mon                  ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-16(3) / Natio
                                              Component 1: Improving Te
nal individual consultant arc                                                      Individual Consult
                              IDA / 62210     aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      30,000.00   37,220.00   Completed         2021-02-17   2021-02-18     2021-03-28   2020-09-29   2021-04-07   2020-10-01   2021-04-19   2020-10-18   2022-02-13
hitect to supply design and s                                                      ant Selection
upervision services for renov
ation/ civil works

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-26 / Nationa                   Component 1: Improving Te            Individual Consult
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                       Open      36,000.00   17,000.00   Signed            2021-06-25   2021-05-24     2021-09-08   2021-10-27   2021-09-29   2021-10-28   2021-10-23   2021-11-03   2023-04-24
l Procurement Assistant for I                 aching and Learning Capaci           ant Selection
TC                                            ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-29 / Junior Fi                 Component 1: Improving Te            Individual Consult
                              IDA / 62210                                  Post                       Open      64,800.00   63,400.00   Terminated        2021-06-25   2021-06-15     2021-09-08   2021-10-28   2021-09-29   2021-10-28   2021-10-23   2021-11-27   2024-06-19
nancial Management Consul                     aching and Learning Capaci           ant Selection
tant for DOF                                  ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-32 / Nationa                   Component 1: Improving Te            Individual Consult
                                IDA / 62210                                Post                       Open      90,000.00   51,000.00   Signed            2021-06-25   2021-05-24     2021-09-08   2021-10-28   2021-09-29   2021-10-28   2021-10-23   2021-11-27   2024-06-19
l Coordinator for PU                          aching and Learning Capaci           ant Selection

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-08 / Selectio                  Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Individual Consult
n of Silk innovation specialis IDA / 62210    search in STEM and Agricult Post                        Open      90,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2019-01-01   2020-10-01     2019-02-19                2019-02-26                2019-03-19                2024-02-21
                                                                                   ant Selection
t for RUPP (National Individu                 ure
al Consultant)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-18(1) / Inter                  Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                   Individual Consult
national TA for University Bu   IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      50,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2021-07-06   2021-05-24     2021-09-19                2021-10-10                2021-11-03                2022-04-02
                                                                                   ant Selection
siness Development Plan for                   ty
ITC (5 months)

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-011 / Selecti
on of International Technical                 Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                   Individual Consult
Advisor for developing Mast IDA / 62210       ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                       Open     143,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-12-03                  2019-01-21                2019-01-28                2019-02-18                2020-01-14
                                                                                   ant Selection
er Plan for Human resource (                  ject Management
International Individual Cons

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-30 / Technic                   Component 2: Improving Re
                                                                                   Individual Consult
al Assistant to Coordinator o   IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                        Open      21,000.00   25,000.00   Signed            2021-06-25   2021-09-23     2021-09-08   2022-01-27   2021-09-29   2022-01-27   2021-10-23   2022-02-15   2024-04-10
                                                                                   ant Selection
f STEM Local Partnership Im                   ure
plement at RUA

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-34 / Nationa
                                              Component 2: Improving Re
l TA for Improving Research                                                        Individual Consult
                                IDA / 62210   search in STEM and Agricult Post                        Open     153,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2021-08-02                  2021-10-16                2021-11-06                2021-11-30                2024-06-27
Capacity in STEM and Agricu                                                        ant Selection
lture; for Component 2:

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-33 / Nationa                   Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                   Individual Consult
l TA for Higher Education Par IDA / 62210     ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                       Open     153,000.00   90,900.00   Signed            2021-08-02   2021-06-15     2021-10-16   2022-05-18   2021-11-06   2022-05-23   2021-11-30   2022-05-31   2024-06-27
                                                                                   ant Selection
tnership Programs (HEPP)                      ject Management

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-28 / Nationa                   Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                   Individual Consult
l Technical Consultant for In   IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                       Open      36,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2022-06-01   2022-11-21     2022-08-15                2022-09-05                2022-09-29                2023-09-29
                                                                                   ant Selection
dustrial Linkage for RUPP.                    ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-35 / Nationa                   Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                   Individual Consult
l Consultant Environmental      IDA / 62210   ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                       Open      36,600.00   37,700.00   Signed            2021-11-01   2021-09-23     2021-12-20   2022-03-07   2022-01-03   2022-03-16   2022-01-22   2022-04-11   2024-01-12
                                                                                   ant Selection
and Social Specialist                         ject Management

                                                                                                                                                                            Page 13
 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-31 / Nationa                  Component 1: Improving Te
                                                                                 Individual Consult
l Procurement Expert for Su    IDA / 62210   aching and Learning Capaci   Post                      Open              84,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2021-06-25   2021-05-24     2021-09-08                2021-09-29                2021-10-23                2024-06-19
                                                                                 ant Selection
pport all HEIs for PU                        ty

                                             Component 3: Strengthen S
 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-31(2) / Natio                                                     Individual Consult
                             IDA / 62210     ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open              42,000.00   51,360.00   Signed            2022-01-28   2022-01-26     2022-03-25   2022-05-11   2022-04-08   2022-05-16   2022-04-22   2022-05-18   2024-04-11
nal Procurement Consultant                                                       ant Selection
                                             ject Management

                                             Component 3: Strengthen S
 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-31(1) / Natio                                                     Individual Consult
                             IDA / 62210     ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open              42,000.00   97,920.00   Signed            2022-01-28   2022-01-26     2022-03-25   2022-05-13   2022-04-08   2022-05-16   2022-04-22   2022-05-27   2024-04-11
nal Procurement Consultant                                                       ant Selection
                                             ject Management

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-29(1) / Junio                 Component 1: Improving Te           Individual Consult
                               IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open              61,950.00   60,900.00   Signed            2022-03-21   2022-03-01     2022-05-19   2022-05-18   2022-06-09   2022-05-23   2022-06-17   2022-05-27   2024-06-30
r Financial Management Con                   aching and Learning Capaci          ant Selection
sultant                                      ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-24(1) / Natio
                                             Component 2: Improving Re
nal Technical Adviser on Res                                                     Individual Consult
                             IDA / 62210     search in STEM and Agricult Post                       Open              90,000.00   97,240.00   Signed            2022-03-25   2022-03-01     2022-05-04   2022-06-14   2022-05-11   2022-05-23   2022-05-30   2022-07-07   2024-05-19
earch and Development in t                                                       ant Selection
he Higher Education Sub-Se

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-034 / Selecti
on of national procurement                   Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                 Individual Consult
consultant to support procur IDA / 62210     ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open              45,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2022-05-25   2022-06-17     2022-07-13                2022-07-27                2022-08-17                2023-08-12
                                                                                 ant Selection
ement unit with intermittent                 ject Management
contract for 150 working day
covered 12 months

 MOYES-HEIP-IC-035 / Selecti
on of one International proc                 Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                 Individual Consult
urement consultant to suppo IDA / 62210      ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open              30,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2022-05-25   2022-06-17     2022-07-13                2022-07-27                2022-08-17                2023-08-12
                                                                                 ant Selection
rt procurement unit with inte                ject Management
rmittent contract of 60 worki
ng day covered 12 months

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-036 / Selecti
                                             Component 3: Strengthen S
on of national financial man                                                     Individual Consult
                             IDA / 62210     ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open              60,000.00        0.00   Signed            2022-05-25   2022-05-13     2022-07-13   2022-08-24   2022-07-27   2022-09-08   2022-08-24   2022-09-25   2024-06-14
agement specialist with the                                                      ant Selection
                                             ject Management
contract period of 22 man-m

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-037 / Selecti                 Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                 Individual Consult
on of Junior Financial Special IDA / 62210   ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open              48,400.00        0.00   Signed            2022-05-25   2022-05-13     2022-07-13   2022-08-24   2022-07-27   2022-09-08   2022-08-24   2022-09-25   2024-06-14
                                                                                 ant Selection
ist for the period of 22 man-                ject Management

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-02 (2) / Nati                 Component 1: Improving Te           Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                               IDA / 62210                                Post                      Open              30,000.00        0.00                     2022-07-15   2022-08-18     2022-08-20                2022-08-30                2022-09-13                2024-06-30
onal Procurement Assistant,                  aching and Learning Capaci          ant Selection                                                ation
for PU                                       ty

 MOEYS-HEIP-IC-35(1) / Natio                 Component 3: Strengthen S
                                                                                 Individual Consult
nal Environmental and Socia IDA / 62210      ectoral Governance and Pro   Post                      Open - National   33,000.00        0.00   Signed            2022-12-19   2023-01-06     2023-02-06   2023-03-09   2023-02-27   2023-03-29   2023-03-11   2023-04-05   2023-11-16
                                                                                 ant Selection
l Specialist                                 ject Management

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 14