Integrated Infrastructure Development for National Tourism Strategies Areas (Indonesia Tourism Development Project) LOAN NO. P 4820 AND TF NO. 0A4649 Procurement Plan Version No.: 1 Date: May 16, 2018 I. General Information 1. Project information: a. Country: Indonesia b. Recipient: Ministry of Finance (MOF) c. Project Name: Integrated Infrastructure Development for National Tourism Strategies Areas (Indonesia Tourism Development Project) d. Project Implementing Agency (PIA): (i) Regional Infrastructure Development Agency, Ministry of Public Works and Housing 2. Bank’s No Objection Date of the Procurement Plan: a. Version 1: February 13, 2017 3. Date of General Procurement Notice: June 8, 2016 4. Period covered by this procurement plan: January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018 II. Types of Contract, Bank’s Review Requirements and Applied Methods A. Works, Goods and Non-consulting Services 1. Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement: Procureme Ref. Bank’s Review Procurement Method nt Method No. Requirement Threshold 1. International Competitive ≥ $2,000,000 Each contract equal Bidding (Goods/IT System) to or above $2,000,000 equivalent shall be subject to Bank’s prior review. All other contracts subject to post 2. International Competitive ≥ review. Each contract equal Bidding (Non-consulting $10,000,000 to or above Services) $10,000,000 equivalent shall be subject to Bank’s prior review. All other contracts subject to post 3. National Competitive < $2,000,000 No prior review review. Bidding (Goods/IT System) (only post review). 4. National Competitive < Each contract equal Bidding (Non-consulting $10,000,000 to or above Services) $10,000,000 equivalent shall be subject to Bank’s prior review. All other contracts subject to post 5. Shopping (Goods/IT < $ 100,000 review. No prior review System) (only post review). 6. Shopping (Small Works and < $ 200,000 No prior review Non-consulting Services) (only post review). 7. Direct Contracting (Small No Each contract equal Works, Goods and Non- procurement to or above consulting Services) method $2,000,000 threshold. equivalent shall be Subject to subject to Bank’s prior review. All justification other contracts for Direct subject to post Contracting review. as per para. 3.6 of theJustification for proposed use of Procurement GuidelinesDirect Contracting method in any contract, regardless of value, shall be sent for the Bank’s 1. Pre-qualification: Not applicable. prior approval as part of the procurement plan. 2. Proposed Procedures for CDD Components (as per paragraph. 3.17 of the Guidelines: Not applicable. 3. Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual: Not Applicable 4. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: (i) PIU may use its own forms of contract for goods/non-consulting services procured under shopping method, which have been reviewed and found acceptable by the Bank; (ii) The Bank may review technical aspects of procurement documents and other non-procurement matters (technical specifications, environmental documents, cost estimate, etc.) related to the procurement activity in questioned, if needed. 5. Summary of the Procurement Packages planned after project effectiveness (including those that are subject to retroactive financing and advance procurement) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ref. Descripti Estimat Packag Domesti Revie Comment No. on ed es c w s Cost Prefere by (US$ nce Bank million) (yes/no) (Prior / Post) 1. Summary [to be [to be No Post of the NCB updated updated (Goods/IT , if any] , if any] Systems) 2. Summary [to be [to be No Post of the NCB updated updated (Non- , if any] , if any] consulting Services) 3. Summary [to be [to be No Post of the updated updated Shopping , if any] , if any] (Goods) 4. Summary [to be [to be No Post of the updated updated Shopping , if any] , if any] (Non- consulting Services) 5. Summary [to be [to be No Post of the updated updated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ref. Descripti Estimat Packag Domesti Revie Comment No. on ed es c w s Cost Prefere by (US$ nce Bank million) (yes/no) (Prior / Post) Shopping , if any] , if any] (Small Works) 6. Summary [to be [to be No Post of the updated updated Direct , if any] , if any] Contractin g (Goods/IT systems, Non- Consulting Services and Small Works) B. Selection of Consultants 1. Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to prior review by Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Selection and Employment of Consultants: Ref. Selection Selection Method Bank’s Prior Review No. Method Threshold Requirement 1. QCBS (Firms) Applied to all Each contract equal to estimated value. No or above $1,000,000 threshold. equivalent shall be subject to Bank’s prior review. All other contracts subject to post review. (Prior review from technical perspective of only the draft TOR 2. CQS (Firms) Only for estimated and No draft prior cost (only review contract value < $ estimate). post review). 300,000 as per paragraph 3.7 of the Consultant Guidelines. Ref. Selection Selection Method Bank’s Prior Review No. Method Threshold Requirement 3. Single Source No selection method Each contract equal to Selection of threshold. Subject to or above $1,000,000 Firms justification for Singe equivalent shall be Source Selection of subject to Bank’s prior firms as per para. 3.9 review. All other and 3.10 of the contracts subject to Consultant Guidelines. post review. (Prior review from technical perspective of only the draft TOR, Justification for use of Single Source Selection method and draft cost estimate, shall be sent for the Bank’s prior 4. Competitive No threshold. approval No as part prior review of the (only Selection of review), plan). procurement post unless Individual contract is equal to or Consultants above $300,000. (comparison of at least 3 CVs) (Prior review from technical perspective of only the draft TOR 5. Single Source No Threshold. and No draft prior cost (only review Selection of estimate). post review), unless Individual Subject to justification contract is equal to or Consultants for single source of above $300,000. individuals as per para. 5.4 of the (Prior review from Consultant Guidelines technical perspective of only the draft TOR, Justification for use of Single Source Selection method together with CV of the recommended candidate and draft cost estimate, shall be sent for the Bank’s 2. Shortlist comprising entirely of national consultants prior approval : Short as part of the procurement list of consultants for services (firms), estimated to cost less than $ 400,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise plan). entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines. 3. Any Other Special Selection Arrangements: Consultants may be hired under Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDCs) or Price Agreement as per paragraph 4.5 of the Consultant Guidelines. 4. Summary of Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule after project effectiveness (including those that are subject to retroactive financing and advanced procurement) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ref Descripti Type of Estimat Packag Revie Commen . on of Assignme ed es/Posit w ts No. Assignme nts Cost ions by nts (US$ Bank million) (Prior / Post) 1. Summary (Time- 5.850 4 Prior 1 package of number Based/Lum time- of psump) based and contracts 3 that will packages be let lumpsum under QCBS 2. Summary (Time- [to be [to be Post of number Based updated updated, of /Lump- , if any] if any] contracts Sum) that will be let under other methods (QBS, FBS, LCS and CQS) 3. Summary (Time- [to be [to be Post of number Based updated updated, of /Lump- , if any] if any] individual Sum) consultant contracts that will be let under competitiv e selection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ref Descripti Type of Estimat Packag Revie Commen . on of Assignme ed es/Posit w ts No. Assignme nts Cost ions by nts (US$ Bank million) (Prior / Post) 4. Summary (Time- [to be [to be Post of number Based updated updated, of /Lump- , if any] if any] individual Sum) consultant contracts that will be let under single- source selection PROCUREMENT Indonesia : Integrated Infrastructure Development for National Tourism Strategic Areas (Indonesia Tourism Development Project) PLAN General Information Country: Indonesia Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2019-10-10 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if 2024-09-30 none) Project ID: P157599 GPN Date: Project Name: Integrated Infrastructure Development for National Tourism Strategic Areas (Indonesia Tourism Development Project) Loan / Credit No: IBRD / 88610 Asisten Deputi Pengembangan SDM Pariwisata dan Hubungan Antar Lembaga Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-128591- 3. Promote local participatio Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IBRD / 88610 Post Request for Bids Open - National 97,000.00 0.00 2019-08-30 2019-09-02 2019-09-16 2019-09-23 2019-09-29 2019-12-31 NC-RFB / Bi-Annual Tourism F n in the tourism economy nvelope ementation orum ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-128588- NC-RFB / Training for Stakeh olders Tourism Personnel in T 3. Promote local participatio Single Stage - One E oba, B-Y-P & Lombok and Tra IBRD / 88610 Post Request for Bids Open - National 467,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-08-30 2019-09-02 2019-09-16 2019-09-23 2019-09-29 2019-12-31 n in the tourism economy nvelope ining of Trainers, Teachers a nd Assessors for improved de livery of Competency-Based Training in Toba, B-Y-P & Lo mbok ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-178767- 3. Promote local participatio Single Stage - One E Under Imple IBRD / 88610 Post Request for Bids Open - National 764,000.00 0.00 2020-06-29 2020-08-09 2020-07-02 2022-12-30 2020-07-23 2021-09-17 2020-07-30 2020-09-18 2020-08-09 2023-12-31 NC-RFB / BI Annual Tourism F n in the tourism economy nvelope mentation orum ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-181024- 3. Promote local participatio Single Stage - One E Under Imple NC-RFB / Training Profession IBRD / 88610 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,945,000.00 0.00 2020-06-29 2020-08-26 2020-07-02 2022-12-30 2020-07-23 2020-10-19 2020-07-30 2020-10-19 2020-08-09 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy nvelope mentation al for Stakeholders ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-181029- NC-RFB / Tourism Awareness 3. Promote local participatio Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E IBRD / 88610 Prior Request for Bids 4,396,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-06-29 2020-07-02 2020-07-23 2020-08-22 2020-09-05 2023-12-31 Campaign for Community in n in the tourism economy l nvelope Toba, B-Y-P & Lombok ID-ASDEPPSDMHAL-1-NC-RF 3. Promote local participatio Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl Q / Training for National Asse IBRD / 88610 Post Open - National 99,400.00 0.00 2019-10-28 2019-11-23 2019-12-31 n in the tourism economy tions nvelope ementation ssors (Workplace Assessors T raining) ID-ASDEPPSDMHAL-2-NC-RF 3. Promote local participatio Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl Q / ASEAN Toolboxes Trainin IBRD / 88610 Post Open - National 94,000.00 0.00 2019-10-28 2019-11-23 2019-12-31 n in the tourism economy tions nvelope ementation g for National Trainers ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-227606- NC-RFB / Management Servic 3. Promote local participatio Single Stage - One E IBRD / 88610 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 6,500,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-04-01 2021-09-14 2021-04-04 2021-09-24 2021-04-25 2021-10-29 2021-05-25 2022-01-28 2021-06-08 2023-12-31 es For Certification Of Touris n in the tourism economy nvelope m Human Resources ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-241569- 3. Promote local participatio Single Stage - One E Under Imple NC-RFB / CHSE Campaign for IBRD / 88610 Post Request for Bids Open - National 209,000.00 0.00 2021-06-28 2021-08-24 2021-07-01 2022-12-31 2021-07-22 2021-10-01 2021-07-29 2021-08-08 2021-12-31 n in the tourism economy nvelope mentation Firm and Community ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-249479- 3. Promote local participatio Single Stage - One E NC-RFB / Layanan Manajeme IBRD / 88610 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 6,317,000.00 7,660,894.35 Completed 2021-08-22 2021-09-21 2021-08-25 2021-09-24 2021-09-15 2021-10-29 2021-10-15 2022-01-28 2021-10-29 2022-03-11 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy nvelope n Untuk Pelaksanaan Sadar Wisata ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-270359- NC-RFB / Management Servic 3. Promote local participatio Single Stage - One E IBRD / 88610 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 6,500,000.00 6,200,800.00 Signed 2021-12-23 2022-04-13 2021-12-26 2022-04-21 2022-01-02 2022-05-13 2022-01-16 2022-07-22 2022-01-26 2022-09-18 2023-12-31 es For Certification Of Touris n in the tourism economy nvelope m Human Resources ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-270360- 3. Promote local participatio Single Stage - One E NC-RFB / Layanan Manajeme IBRD / 88610 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 6,317,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-12-23 2021-12-26 2022-01-02 2022-01-16 2022-01-26 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy nvelope n Untuk Pelaksanaan Sadar Wisata CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-178744- 3. Promote local participatio Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa CS-QCBS / CBS (Competency IBRD / 88610 Prior 7,327,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-06-29 2020-07-13 2020-08-03 2020-08-31 2020-09-14 2020-10-05 2020-10-19 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy Based Selection l Based Standard) ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-181033- 3. Promote local participatio Consultant Qualifi IBRD / 88610 Post Open - National 195,000.00 183,456.00 Completed 2020-06-29 2020-07-12 2020-07-13 2020-07-27 2020-09-25 2020-08-17 2020-10-16 2020-08-27 2020-12-01 2020-12-31 CS-CQS / Review Sadar Wisat n in the tourism economy cation Selection a ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-186197- CS-QCBS / Training & Develo 3. Promote local participatio Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa pment for Online Marketing S IBRD / 88610 Prior 2,146,000.00 1,989,205.17 Signed 2020-07-29 2020-11-27 2020-08-12 2020-12-01 2020-09-02 2021-08-10 2020-09-30 2021-09-17 2020-10-14 2022-02-15 2020-11-04 2022-04-13 2020-11-18 2022-06-02 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy Based Selection l kills & Quality & Services in T oba, B-Y-P & Lombok Page 1 ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-186258- CS-QCBS / Monitoring & Eval 3. Promote local participatio Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 88610 Post 542,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-29 2020-07-29 2020-08-12 2020-09-02 2020-09-30 2020-10-14 2020-11-04 2020-11-18 2023-12-31 uation Survey Satisfaction for n in the tourism economy Based Selection l all project in Toba, B-Y-P & Lo mbok ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-220292- 3. Promote local participatio Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa CS-QCBS / Competency Base IBRD / 88610 Prior 4,763,000.00 4,091,320.87 Under Review 2021-02-18 2021-02-26 2021-03-04 2021-04-12 2021-03-19 2021-11-16 2021-04-16 2021-12-22 2021-04-30 2022-04-24 2021-05-21 2022-07-18 2021-06-04 2022-08-05 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy Based Selection l d Standard ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-220323- CS-CQS / Monitoring and Eval 3. Promote local participatio Consultant Qualifi Under Implement uation: Community Satisfacti IBRD / 88610 Post Open - National 297,000.00 0.00 2021-02-18 2021-02-18 2021-03-04 2021-03-18 2021-04-09 2021-04-08 2021-07-09 2021-04-18 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy cation Selection ation on Survey for the Indonesia T ourism Development Project INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-181028- 3. Promote local participatio CS-CDS / Purchasing of Data IBRD / 88610 Prior Direct Selection Direct 2,315,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-06-29 2020-07-05 2020-08-12 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy and Analysis from Digital Plat form ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-186263- 3. Promote local participatio CS-CDS / Providing of Data a IBRD / 88610 Post Direct Selection Direct 591,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-29 2020-07-26 2020-08-04 2021-10-12 2020-09-11 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy nd Analysis from Digital Platf orm ID-ASDEP PSDMHAL-453697- 3. Promote local participatio Direct - Internation Pending Impleme CS-CDS / Providing of Data a IBRD / 88610 Post Direct Selection 591,000.00 0.00 2020-07-29 2020-08-04 2020-09-11 2023-12-31 n in the tourism economy al ntation nd Analysis from Digital Platf orm Page 2