ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS EMERGENCY HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT (P 180008) Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sindh Flood Emergency Housing Reconstruction Project (SFEHRP) (Parent Project) and Additional Financing WORKING DRA FT Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) August 27, 2024 1|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS EMERGENCY HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN 1. Pakistan (the Borrower) is implementing the Sindh Floods Emergency Housing Reconstruction Project (Parent Project) and seeks Additional Financing (the Project) through the Province of Sindh (the Project Implementing Entity (PIE), with the involvement of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) that has been established under the Parent Project, as set out in the Financing Agreement and the Project Agreement. The International Development Association (the World Bank), has agreed to provide financing (P180008) for the Project, as set out in the referred agreements. 2. The Borrower and the PIE shall ensure that the Project is carried out in accordance with the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) and this Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), in a manner acceptable to the World Bank. The ESCP is a part of the Financing Agreement and the Project Agreement. Unless otherwise defined in this ESCP, capitalized terms used in this ESCP have the meanings ascribed to them in the referred agreements. 3. Without limitation to the foregoing, this ESCP sets out material measures and actions that the Borrower shall carry out or cause to be carried out, including, as applicable, the timeframes of the actions and measures, institutional, staffing, training, monitoring, and reporting arrangements, and grievance management. The ESCP also sets out the environmental and social (E&S) instruments for both Parent Project and Additional Financing that shall be adopted and implemented under the Project, all of which shall be subject to prior consultation and disclosure, consistent with the ESS, and in form and substance, and in a manner acceptable to the World Bank. Once adopted, said E&S instruments may be revised from time to time with prior written agreement by the World Bank. 4. As agreed by the World Bank, the Borrower, and the PIE, this ESCP will be revised from time to time if necessary, during Project implementation, to reflect adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen circumstances or in response to Project performance. In such circumstances, the Borrower, the PIE, and the World Bank agree to update the ESCP to reflect these changes through an exchange of letters signed between the World Bank and the PIE. The Borrower and/or the PIE shall promptly disclose the updated ESCP. 2|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY MONITORING AND REPORTING A REGULAR REPORTING Continue to prepare and submit to the Bank regular monitoring Quarterly reports prepared and submitted Project Director PIU, with reports on the environmental, social, health and safety (ESHS) to the World Bank on an agreed format not support of Environmental, performance of the original project and Additional Financing (AF), later than 15 days after the end of each Social and Gender specialists including but not limited to the implementation of the ESCP, status of quarter. The reporting will be throughout with support of E&S Officers preparation and implementation of E&S instruments required under the original project and AF implementation. of PIU. the ESCP, stakeholder engagement activities, and functioning of the grievance mechanism(s). B INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS 1. Promptly notify the Bank of any incident or accident related to the 1. Notify the World Bank no later than 48 original project and AF which have, or is likely to have, a significant hours after learning of the incident or adverse effect on the environment, the affected communities, the accident. public or workers, including, inter alia, cases of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment (SH), and accidents that result Environmental, Social and in death, serious or multiple injury. Provide sufficient detail WORKING DRAF T Gender Specialists along with regarding the scope, severity, and possible causes of the incident or the Environmental and Social accident, indicating immediate measures taken or that are planned (E&S) Officers in PIU will to be taken to address it, and any information provided by submit reports to the Project Implementing Partners, as appropriate. Director, as applicable. The Project Director will share 2. Subsequently, at the Bank’s request, prepare a report on the 2. Provide subsequent report on details of the incident and accident incident or accident and propose measures to address it and the incident and mitigation actions taken reports with the World Bank. prevent its recurrence. to the World Bank within 30 days of the incident. 3|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY C IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS MONTHLY REPORTS Implementing Partners are required to provide monthly monitoring Monthly reports within seven days of end of Environmental and Social reports to PIU on ESHS performance in accordance with the agreed each month and throughout original project Officers of IP will submit to template and submit such reports to the Bank upon request as well. and AF implementation. PIU. Environmental, Social and Gender Specialists as well as PD (PIU), as applicable, will review the monthly reports and submit to the Bank upon request. ESS 1: ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 1. Continue to maintain the Project Implementing Unit (PIU) 1. Throughout the original project and AF 1. Project Director of PIU. (established under the original project) with qualified staff and implementation. resources to support management of ESHS risks and impacts of the original project and AF including one Environmental Specialist, one Social Development Specialist and one Gender/GBV Specialist (total three specialists). 2. Project Director of PIU. 2. PIU will hire additional qualified staff, including one Environmental 2. Throughout the original project and AF and one Social Officer to support the implementation of original implementation. project and AF activities. 3. Implementing Partners will continue to maintain qualified Environmental and Social Specialists (2 positions for each IP) with all 3. Throughout the original project and AF 3. Implementing Partners. necessary material resources, to supervise the implementation of implementation. environmental and social activities related to housing construction 4. Project Director, works and other project activities. Environmental and Social Specialists of PIU. 4. Execute Third-Party Validation (TPV) exercise for bi- annual 4. Bi-annually throughout the original project and AF implementation. monitoring of Environment and Social compliance progress during 4|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY the original project and AF implementation and will share their reports with the Bank. 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT Amend and update Environment and Social Management Framework First six months after Additional Financing Project Director, (ESMF) by incorporating provisions for addressing and managing Agreement Environmental and Social exclusion error, selection criteria for WASH beneficiaries, environment Specialists along with E&S and social mitigations for WASH facilities, and synchronization with Continue to implement throughout original Officers in PIU. updated Program Guidelines. Continue to adopt and implement the project and AF implementation. updated ESMF to screen and assess the environmental and social risks and impacts, including occupational health and safety (OHS), community health and safety (CHS), disaster and construction waste management, chance find procedures and measures for efficient use of resources of the original project and AF and suggest appropriate mitigation measures to manage these risks and impacts consistent with relevant ESSs in a manner acceptable to the Bank. 1.3 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Ensure that the consultancies, studies (including strategies and Throughout original project and AF Environmental and Social standards), capacity building, training, and any other technical implementation. Specialists as well as E&S assistance activities under the original project and AF, including, inter Officers of PIU with the alia, surveys, environmental and social assessments, etc. are carried support of E&S Officers and out in accordance with terms of reference acceptable to the World Procurement Specialist. Bank, that are consistent with the ESSs. Thereafter ensure that the outputs of such activities comply with the terms of reference. 5|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY ESS 2: LABOR AND WORKING CONDITIONS 2.1 LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES WORKING DRAF T Continue to implement the Labor Management Procedures (LMP) (that Implement the LMP throughout original Environmental and Social has been prepared for the original Project), during the implementation project and AF implementation. Specialists along with E&S of the original project and AF, including, inter alia, provisions on working Officers in PIU. conditions, management of workers relationships, occupational health and safety (including emergency preparedness and response), code of conduct (including relating to SEA and SH), forced labor, child labor, grievance arrangements for Project workers, and applicable requirements for Implementing Partners. 2.2 GRIEVANCE MECHANISM FOR PROJECT WORKERS Continue to operate a grievance mechanism for Project workers, as Throughout the original project and AF Project Director of PIU with described in the LMP and consistent with ESS2, during the implementation. support of Environmental, implementation of the original project and AF. Grievance mechanism Social and Gender Specialists will be responsive to SEA/SH complaints. of PIU. 2.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) MEASURES Adopt and implement the occupational health & safety measures Throughout original project and AF Environmental and Social specified in ESMF to be prepared under action 1.2 above, during the implementation. Specialists as well as E&S implementation of the original project and AF. Officers of PIU. ESS 3: RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT WORKING DRA FT 3.1 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Continue to implement the waste management plan and the mitigation Throughout original project and AF Environmental Specialist and measures for waste management in the ESMF already prepared under implementation. Social Specialist as well as the original project, during the implementation of the original project E&S Officers of PIU. and AF. 6|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 3.2 RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT: Resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management Throughout original project and AF Environmental Specialist and measures have been covered in the ESMF that has been prepared implementation. Social Specialist along with under the original project, during the implementation of the original E&S Officers in PIU. project and AF. ESS 4: COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.1 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY: Continue to implement the occupational health & safety measures Throughout original project and AF Environmental and Social specified in ESMF that has been prepared under the original project, implementation. Specialists along with E&S during the implementation of the original project and AF. Officers in PIU. 4.2 SEA AND SH RISKS: Continue to implement the Action Plan that has been prepared under the Throughout original project and AF Gender Specialist of PIU. original project, to prevent Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)/Sexual implementation. Harassment (SH) to assess and manage the risks of SEA/SH, during the implementation of the original project and AF. 7|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY ESS 5: LAND ACQUISITION, RESTRICTIONS ON LAND USE AND INVOLUNTARY RES ETTLEMENT 5.1 RESETTLEMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK 1. Continue to conduct screening for the land ownership to ensure that 1. Throughout the original project and AF project financing is only used for affectees residing on self-owned land implementation. or Govt land and there are no land related disputes. Ensure that any voluntary land donation (VLD) if carried out for any project activity such as WASH complies with the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) (that has been prepared for the original project) and ESS5. Social Development Specialist, Social Officer of PIU 2. Adopt and implement the RPF, consistent with ESS 5 to provide a 2. Throughout the original project and AF guideline for the cases where the land acquisition and resettlement implementation. and Project may be involved, during the implementation of the original project Director of PIU and AF. 3. Preparation of Resettlement Plans (RPs), if required, in accordance 3. RPs to be prepared prior to the acquisition with the provisions of RPF and consistent with ESS5. of land or any other involuntary resettlement to be caused by the original project and AF activities. 4. Adopt and implementation of RPs consistent with ESS5. 4. Prior to the reconstruction of houses on the acquired land. 5. Ensure that the areas which are affected by Anti Encroachment Drive 5. Throughout the original project and AF (AED) and fall under project districts (which is highly unlikely) shall be implementation. excluded from the original project and AF (The AED impacted land will be included in the exclusion list of the RPF). ESS 6: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF LIVING NATURAL RESOURCES 6.1 Continue to implement the necessary measures as needed under the Throughout the original project and AF Environmental Specialist of ESMF that has been prepared under the original project, during the implementation. PIU. implementation of the original project and AF. 8|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY ESS 7: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES/SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN HISTORICALLY UNDERSERVED TRADITIONAL LOCAL COMMUNITIES ESS 7 is not relevant to the Project. ESS 8: CULTURAL HERITAGE 8.1 CHANCE FINDS Implement the chance finds procedure described in the ESMF under Throughout original project and AF Environmental and Social action 1.2 above, during the implementation of the original project and implementation. Specialists of PIU AF. ESS 9: FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES ESS 9 is not relevant to the Project ESS 10: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 10.1 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION 1. Continue to implement the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) for the Throughout original project and AF Project Director of PIU, original project and AF, that has been prepared for the original project, implementation. Environmental and Social Development Specialist along WORKING DRA FT consistent with ESS10, which includes measures to, inter alia, provide stakeholders with timely, relevant, understandable and accessible with E&S Officers in PIU. information, and consult with them in a culturally appropriate manner, which is free of manipulation, interference, coercion, discrimination and intimidation. 9|Page ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 10.2 PROJECT GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM (GRM): 1. Continue to maintain, and operate an accessible grievance 1. Throughout the original project and AF 1. Project Director of PIU mechanism, to receive and facilitate resolution of concerns and implementation. grievances (including SEA/SH GRM) in relation to the original project and AF, promptly and effectively, in a transparent manner in consistent with ESS10. 2. Reporting back to stakeholders the on SEP implementation 2. Throughout original project and AF 2. Project Director of PIU implementation. with support of Environmental, Social and Gender Specialists along with E&S Officers in PIU. CAPACITY SUPPORT (TRAINING) CS1 The training for PIU staff may be required in: • ESF (since the RA would be a new entity to be set up for the To be conducted periodically throughout Environmental Specialist, project) the original project and AF implementation. Social Specialist and Gender • Stakeholder engagement and mapping Specialist along with E&S • Grievance mechanism Officers in PIU. • Community and occupational health and safety aspects • Pollution prevention and control • Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) standards and practices • Disaster risk reduction, response and management • Monitoring and reporting • Mitigation against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment (SH), Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Children (VAC), Gender sensitivity 10 | P a g e ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) SINDH FLOODS HOUSING RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT – Additional Financing (P 180008) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY CS2 Trainings for Community Workers WORKING DRAF T • Environmentally friendly construction techniques and materials During the construction activities of the Environmental Specialist, used in construction original project and AF. Social Specialist as well as • Housekeeping, Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) E&S Officers PIU, standards and practices, waste disposal and pollution prevention Implementing Partners E&S and control Officers. • Occupational Health and Safety • Community Health and Safety • Grievance Redress Mechanisms 11 | P a g e