The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (P160708) REPORT NO.: RES46714 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF REGIONAL OFF-GRID ELECTRIFICITY ACCESS PROJECT APPROVED ON APRIL 17, 2019 TO THE WEST AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (BOAD), ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICA STATES (ECOWAS) Energy and Extractives Global Practice Western and Central Africa Region Regional Vice President: Ousmane Diagana Country Director: Boutheina Guermazi Regional Director: Franz R. Drees-Gross Practice Manager: Kwawu Mensan Gaba Task Team Leaders: Raihan Elahi, Elisa Portale The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (P160708) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AF Additional Financing BOAD Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (West African Development Bank) CET Common External Tariff CFIs Commercial Financial Institutions CwA Compact with Africa COFINA Campagnie Financière Africaine CTF Clean Technology Fund DGIS Dutch Directorate-General for International Cooperation ECOWAS Economic Community of West Africa States ECREEE ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency E&S Environmental and Social FA Financing Agreement FIF Financial Intermediary Financing GA Grant Agreement GBTF Green Business Trust Fund IDA International Development Association ISR Implementation Status and Results Report OGS Off-Grid Solar Company PFM Project and Fund Manager PIU Project Implementation Unit POM Project Operational Manual RETF Recipient-Executed Trust Fund ROGEP Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project ROGEAP Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project SC Steering Committee SIPRA Société Ivoirienne de Productions Animales SME Small and Medium Enterprises SUF Scale-Up Facility The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (P160708) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P160708 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Financial Intermediary Assessment (F) Financial Intermediary Assessment (F) Approval Date Current Closing Date 17-Apr-2019 31-Dec-2030 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS),West African Development Bank (BOAD) Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO PDO for SOP1 is to increase electricity access of households and businesses using modern stand-alone solar systems through a harmonized regional approach. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IDA-D7840 11-Mar-2021 18-Jun-2021 23-Dec-2021 30-Jun-2026 15.00 8.29 5.92 IDA-63970 17-Apr-2019 06-Oct-2020 16-Mar-2021 30-Jun-2024 140.00 63.25 85.31 IDA-D4510 17-Apr-2019 15-Jul-2019 30-Jun-2024 .16 0 0 TF-B0300 17-Apr-2019 15-Jul-2019 22-Dec-2021 31-Dec-2030 7.50 0 7.50 TF-B0302 27-Mar-2019 05-Oct-2020 16-Mar-2021 31-Dec-2030 67.20 0 67.20 The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (P160708) Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Background 1. On April 17, 2019, the World Bank’s Board approved a total financing of US$333.7 million equivalent for the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP, P160708), hereafter referred to as the “parent project”. The total financing envelope was composed of contributions from four sources including: (a) A credit of the International Development Association’s (IDA) Scale-Up Facility (SUF) to the West African Development Bank (Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement, BOAD) in the amount of EUR 121.9 million (US$140.0 million equivalent, Credit No IDA-63970); (b) A regional IDA grant to the Economic Community of West Africa States’ (ECOWAS) in the amount of $15.0 million equivalent, Grant No IDA-D4510; (c) A grant by the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) in the amount of US$74.7 million awarded to ECOWAS (US$7.5 million) and BOAD (US$67.2 million); and (d) A grant by the Dutch Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) awarded to ECREEE in the amount of US$40.0 million. (e) USD 69 million in private equity fund for component 2 2. On March 11, 2021, the World Bank’s Board approved an additional financing (AF) in the amount of (a) a US$5.0 million equivalent from IDA in the form of a grant (Grant No IDA-D7840); and (b) US$7.5 million in the form of a grant from the CTF TF, both extended to ECOWAS as a new Recipient. As part of AF approval, the parent project was restructured to be renamed to the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP) and changes were introduced such as changes to the implementing agency with ECOWAS replacing ECREEE1, components and cost of the project, its results framework, legal covenants and disbursement arrangements. The closing date of the project was extended to June 30, 2026. The project development objective (PDO) remained unchanged to increase electricity access of households and businesses using modern stand-alone solar systems through a harmonized regional approach. There were no changes to the part of the project implemented by BOAD. 1 After two extensions of the effectiveness deadline, the FA and the CTF Grant Agreement concluded with ECREEE lapsed, and the World Bank informed its counterpart as such through a letter on April 15, 2020. Following a thorough assessment, the World Bank decided to proceed with the project with a new Recipient, ECOWAS. Additional financing in the amount of US$15.0 million equivalent was processed to cover financing gap of US$5.0 million spent from a Project Preparation Facility extended to ECREEE and provide financing of US$10.0 million for implementation of the Component 1. The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) 3. The Financing Agreement (FA) between IDA and BOAD was declared effective on March 16, 2021 and was followed by a first disbursement in the amount of EUR 51.9 million on June 3, 2021. FA between IDA and ECOWAS and CTF Grant Agreement (GA) were declared effective on December 23, 2021, and the first disbursement in amount of US$1.0 million from IDA financing was processed in April 2022. CTF Contingent Recovery Grant became effective on December 22, 2021. 4. The project comprises of the following components: (a) Component 1: Develop a Regional Market includes the following sub-components: (i) 1A: Enabling Environment; (ii) 1B: Entrepreneurship Technical Support; (iii) 1C: Entrepreneurship Financial Support; (iv) 1D: Barrier Removal for Challenging Markets. (b) Component 2: Access to Finance for Stand-alone Solar System Businesses includes the following sub- components: (i) 2A: Line of Credit for Stand-alone Solar Businesses; (ii) 2B: Contingent Grant Facility for CFIs. B. Project status 5. Since effectiveness of GA, ECOWAS now has full implementation and fiduciary responsibility for the Component 1. The recruitment of the Project and Fund Manager (PFM) is finalized, the contract was signed in July 2023. The PFM, on behalf of ECOWAS, will implement all technical and financial capacity building activities aimed at off-grid solar companies (OGCs) and commercial financial institutions (CFIs). While most activities under Component 1 will be implemented by the PFM under the fiduciary oversight of ECOWAS, ECREEE, given its convening role and important political mandate in the region, will lead the regional sector dialogue activities including the establishment of regional standards and quality assurance frameworks for standalone solar products, under ECOWAS’s supervision. To date, ECOWAS and ECREEE have successfully obtained the standardization of regional quality standards for solar off grid products in March 2023 (validated by the ministries in charge of Industry). Standards have been endorsed by the ECOWAS Parliament on May 16, 2023, and were adopted by ECOWAS Council of Minister in July 2023. ECOWAS has established the first regional technical committee to accelerate reforms for the harmonization of fiscal and customs frameworks for stand-alone solar systems traded and the update of the Common External Tariff (CET). 6. The evaluation of the technical proposals received in the PFM recruitment process has been completed on February 27, 2023, with two proposals passing the qualifying mark. The financial proposals were opened on March 15, 2023, and financial evaluation and negotiation has been concluded. Non-objection from the World Bank was issued on May 30, 2023, and contract with the selected consultant firm was signed in July 2023 so that the PFM can start with the implementation of activities in the third quarter of 2023. The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) 7. ECOWAS has also completed the process of the establishment of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) by finalizing recruitment of all key staff in November 2022 with the onboarding of the Grievance Officer. The contract with the financial management specialist was not renewed at the end of the first year as he was not able to be move to ECOWAS head office in Abuja, which made daily coordination difficult and not sustainable in the long-term. A new recruitment process has been launched to fill in the position. Moreover, a Steering Committee (SC), mandated with the strategic oversight of all project activities, has been established by ECOWAS and BOAD with formal nomination of its members. The Inaugural meeting of the SC was organized on February 7, 2022, the second SC meeting was held on November 10, 2022, and the next SC meeting shall be held physically with the participation of the PFM during September-October 2023. 8. Based on the pipeline of projects presented by BOAD, a first withdrawal application in the amount of EUR 51.9 million was processed on June 3, 2021. This first deployment of BOAD’s ROGEAP-funded credit line was initiated by the signature of a 500 million XOF on-lending agreement between BOAD and COFINA, an Ivoirian commercial bank, for the financing of solar kits and solar off-grid systems. Regarding the deployment of the credit line, reporting is expected from COFINA on its utilization rate and financing strategy by the end of 2023. Another credit was granted by BOAD to Kafo Jiginew, a mutual savings and credit institution based in Mali, in the amount of 3.5-billion-franc CFA in January 2022. Following the lift of economic and financial sanctions in July 2022, Kafo Jiginew has been able to withdraw 60 percent of the loan amount and quarterly reporting has been put in place to follow the utilization of the funds. Discussions with other CFIs are currently being pursued by BOAD and prospection missions are planned throughout 2023. BOAD is currently working on the features to operationalize and start the deployment of the CTF guarantee. Overall, the progress on the Component 2 activities implemented by BOAD remains slow. Evaluation of lending requests from commercials banks in Benin and Cote d’Ivoire are currently underway. The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) 9. The progress towards achievement of PDO is currently rated as Moderately Satisfactory. Implementation Progress is currently rated as Moderately Unsatisfactory mainly due to the delays incurred in recruiting the PFM having created delays in implementation of the Component 12. The implementation of the project, however, has shown good progress since December 2022 including the successfully standardization of regional quality standards for solar off grid products in March 2023. Moreover, the Component 2 is also progressing and there have been several prospectus missions from BOAD in 2023 to expand the lending to financing institution for supporting off-grid companies/beneficiaries potentially in Benin, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire and Niger. There are no overdue audit reports or Interim Financial Reports. Financial management performance is currently rated as Moderately Satisfactory while procurement performance is rated Satisfactory. The overall safeguards rating, however, was downgraded to Moderately Unsatisfactory in November 2021 due to delays in the establishment of the Project Grievance Mechanism by BOAD. The grievance officer for ECOWAS has been hired at the beginning of 2023 and the recruiting of an environmental consultant and a social consultant to support the commercial banks in the application of E&S standards is ongoing and expected to be closed by end of July 2023. This rating is expected to be revisited in the next ISR. 10. In addition, the discussions are currently ongoing with the Compact with Africa Green Business Trust Fund (CwA GBTF), which aims to mobilize innovative and blended finance to benefit small and medium enterprises (SMEs) working in the off-grid solar supply chain. BOAD has submitted a formal request to benefit from a Recipient-Executed Trust Fund (RETF) Grant of US$6 million to establish an additional first-loss guarantee facility for financial institutions that addresses non-technology risk in the eligible CwA countries participating in ROGEAP (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Togo and Senegal). Another US$0.5 million would be directed to BOAD for technical assistance and capacity building for CFIs to understand how the guarantee operates as well as some capacity building of CFIs on solar business models. ECOWAS has requested a RETF grant of US$0.5 million to support through technical assistance the policy dialogue and support an environment more favorable in the same CwA countries. It is expected that the potential support by CwA would help to further advance implementation of activities by BOAD. C. Rationale for restructuring 11. As the Bank’s FA with ECREEE had been terminated and the project was restructured following approval of AF, the FA with ECOWAS signed on June 18, 2021, reflects some critical changes of the project’s implementation arrangements, including revised fiduciary and implementation roles of ECREEE, and the extension of the project’s closing date of the IDA-D7840 grant to ECOWAS to June 30, 20263. The Project Operational Manual (POM) updated by ECOWAS with inputs from BOAD and approved by the Bank on October 29, 2021, as part of effectiveness of said FA with ECOWAS, already reflects said changes and revised implementation arrangements. Given that the FA with BOAD was signed earlier (October 6, 2020), it will now have to be amended to reflect the above changes and revisions. 12. Discussions are being held with BOAD on ways to accelerate the implementation of subcomponent 2a. The Bank recommended BOAD to boost prospection missions and adopt a more bottom-up approach by meeting with key OGS players to find out more about the CFIs in the sector and their potential needs. BOAD has also suggested that co- financing by BOAD and Commercial Financial Institutions (CFIs) working together to provide loans to off-grid solar companies or potential market players should be considered as an option to increase utilization of the credit line. The Bank has analyzed this option and concurs with BOAD that it is a potential way to improve the credit line deployment, given the slow uptake of the line by CFIs so far. Co-financing with BOAD will have several benefits for CFIs. The CFIs will be able to share with BOAD the upfront work of identifying transactions and conducting due diligence. BOAD will 2 Implementation Status and Results Report dated December 23, 2022. 3 See paragraph 2 above for details. The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) be able to share with the CFIs its growing experience in the off-grid solar sector derived from its participation in ROGEAP and its co-financing transactions. As a regional development bank, BOAD can help transfer expertise across national boundaries in the UEMOA region. BOAD would benefit from further capability building in the off-grid solar market. This has already commenced through the IFC-CwA collaboration to study this market. CwA has engaged Pamiga, a consulting firm, to study the off-grid solar market, including financing options, guarantee instruments and financial institutions active in this sector. Pamiga’s first draft report was shared in July 2023 and will be shared with BOAD to help develop BOAD’s strategy for subcomponent 2a. CFIs will share the credit risk exposure with BOAD and derive comfort from the presence of BOAD in the co-financing transaction. 13. The addition of co-financing by BOAD and CFIs to provide loans to solar companies is in compliance with the Bank’s Financial Intermediary Financing (FIF) policy given that (a) co-financing to private sector companies is permitted under BOAD’s existing policy and operational framework and (b) BOAD will avoid crowding out CFIs by offering fully cost- reflective, non-concessional loans, and requiring the participation of a commercial bank in all its co-financing transactions. BOAD is a well-established development bank that has participated in the previous Bank financed projects and will continue to meet the FIF Policy requirements on shareholder support, compliance, governance, financial performance, and safeguards. Co-financing by BOAD with CFIs has therefore been included in the restructuring request. 14. In addition, regarding the financial reporting requirements, BOAD has indicated that the submission deadlines for the internal audit reports and Interim Financial Reports, that are due at the same time, namely 45 days after the end of each quarter would need to be submitted with some interval. Given that the same team within BOAD elaborates both reports, and the spacing of the workload would help to ensure efficiency in daily operations. In this context, BOAD requested the prolongation of the submission deadline of the internal audit report to 75 days after the end of the semester. This request has been assessed by the Bank and it was agreed that internal audit reports and Interim Financial Reports would be due 60 and 45 days respectively after the end of each quarter to ensure proper financial management arrangements. 15. Financial management. Overall FM arrangements will remain unchanged except the semi-annual internal audit reports which should be submitted by BOAD to the Bank within sixty (60) days after the end of relevant period instead of forty-five (45) days as initially requested. There are neither overdue audits nor overdue IFR. 16. The proposed restructuring is intended to streamline and advance implementation of the project. As implementation is picking up, a set of changes currently proposed would strengthen implementation efficiency towards improved likelihood of reaching project’s development objective. In this context, BOAD requested the Bank in its letter dated February 24, 2022, to introduce all necessary relevant changes to said FA including the better alignment of the closing date of the Credit IDA-63970 with the original closing date of the grant to ECOWAS (Grant IDA-D7840). The restructuring request processing was delayed due to ongoing discussions with the CwA program. It is also planned that the awaited processing the CwA grant in Q1 2024 will further improve implementation of ROGEAP and similar projects in Western and Central Africa Region. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES A. Proposed Changes The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) 17. The proposed changes for the project include the following: (a) change in financial management; (b) changes in legal covenants; (c) change in the closing date; (d) other changes to allow co-financing from BOAD to the private sector; and (e) change to disbursements estimates. 18. Financial management arrangements. The deadline for submission for of the semi-annual internal audit reports is being revised from 45 days to 60 days. Relevant text in Schedule II.F(c) of the FA with BOAD is revised accordingly. 19. Changes to the legal covenants. Text of the FA with BOAD will be revised to replace references from ECREEE to ECOWAS, update legal covenants and relevant sections of the text as well as direct lending by BOAD. In addition, a legal covenant is being added as follows: “Steering Committee members of BOAD will consist of three representatives at the level of Senior Management - satisfactory to the Association”. 20. Closing date. Closing date of Credit IDA-63970 credit will be extended to June 29, 2026. 21. Other changes. Schedule II.B.1 of the FA with BOAD is revised to add option for BOAD to provide financing directly to Beneficiary Enterprises. 22. Disbursement estimates. Disbursement estimates are revised to reflect new closing date of Credit IDA-D63970 credit. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Financial Management ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) Overall Risk Rating ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Procurement ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline Ln/Cr/Tf Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications IDA-63970 Effective 30-Jun-2024 29-Jun-2026 29-Oct-2026 IDA-D4510 Not Effective 30-Jun-2024 IDA-D7840 Effective 30-Jun-2026 TF-B0300 Effective 31-Dec-2030 TF-B0302 Effective 31-Dec-2030 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed 2019 0.00 0.00 2020 0.00 0.00 The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) 2021 8,000,000.00 63,247,935.00 2022 25,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 2023 46,000,000.00 36,000,000.00 2024 46,000,000.00 26,000,000.00 2025 46,000,000.00 8,166,666.67 2026 16,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 2027 15,500,000.00 5,745,398.33 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LEGCOV_TABLE LEGAL COVENANTS Loan/Credit/TF Description Status Action ECOWAS and BOAD shall ensure that the design, construction, permitting, completion, testing, commissioning and decommissioning (including but not limited appropriate disposal of solar panels), insurance, ownership, operation, maintenance, management and monitoring of sub-projects under Parts 1.C, 1.D and 2 of IDA-63970 Not yet due No Change the Project are undertaken in compliance with: (A) the Environmental and Social Instruments; (B) the applicable requirements of the Performance Standards; and (C) the Applicable Environmental and Social Laws. Schedule 2, Section I. B (a) ECREEE; and Schedule 2, Section I. C (a) BOAD BOAD shall, not later than three (3) months after the Effective Date, establish, and thereafter maintain, operate and publicize the availability of, throughout Project implementation, a functional grievance redress mechanism for Component 2 of the Project, with adequate staffing and processes throughout Project IDA-63970 Not complied with No Change implementation, in form and substance satisfactory to the Association; to register, hear and determine fairly and in good faith all complaints raised in relation to Part 2 the Project, including those related to the environmental and social matters, and take all measures necessary to implement the determinations The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) made by such mechanism in a manner satisfactory to the Association. Schedule 2, Section I. G ECOWAS to prepare and submit to the Association semi-annual internal audit reports generated by the ECOWAS’ office of the auditor general not later than four (4) months after the end of the period covered by the audit report. Schedule 2, Section I. G (c) IDA-63970 Not yet due No Change BOAD to ensure that its internal audit department includes the Project within its work plan and provides a semi-annual internal audit report to the Association not later than forty (45) days after the end of the relevant semi-annual period. Schedule 2, Section I. F (c) BOAD to configure and set up a “multi-project” computerized accounting system, satisfactory to the Association, not later than three (3) months after the IDA-63970 Not complied with No Change Effective fit the needs of Part 2 of the Project and generate useful information and financial statements Schedule 2, Section I. F (a) ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.G (a): The Recipient shall not later than one (1) month after the Effective Date, customize its accounting IDA-D7840 software to include the bookkeeping of the Project and Not yet due No Change train its staff on how such software procedures apply to the Project; ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.G (b): The Recipient shall not later than three (3) months IDA-D7840 after the Effective Date, update the financial Not yet due No Change management section of the Project Operations Manual in form and substance satisfactory to the Association; IDA-D7840 ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.G Not yet due No Change (c): The Recipient shall not later than six (6) months after the Effective Date, recruit an independent external The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) auditor, with qualifications and experience satisfactory to the Association and under terms of reference approved by the Association. ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.A, 1(a): The Recipient shall, not later than three (3) months after the Effective Date, appoint or employ the senior IDA-D7840 strategy advisor, the senior financial expert, and the Not yet due No Change administrative assistant, all under terms of reference and with qualifications and experience satisfactory to the Association. ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.A, 2(a): The Recipient shall: (i) not later than three (3) months after the Effective Date: (I) appoint the renewable energy policy specialist from ECREEE; (II) appoint or employ the communications officer, the legal IDA-D7840 officer, the grievance redress officer, the monitoring Not yet due No Change and evaluation officer and the administrative assistant; and (III) employ the consulting firm which shall perform the responsibilities of Project and Fund Manager, all under terms of reference and with qualifications and experience satisfactory to the Association. ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.B, (a): The Recipient shall ensure that the design, construction, permitting, completion, testing, commissioning and decommissioning (including but not limited to appropriate disposal of solar panels), IDA-D7840 insurance, ownership, operation, maintenance, Not yet due No Change management and monitoring of Parts 1.C and 1.D of the Project are undertaken in compliance with: (i) the Environmental and Social Instruments; (ii) the applicable requirements of the Performance Standards; and (iii) the Applicable Environmental and Social Laws; IDA-D7840 ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.B, Not yet due No Change (j): The Recipient shall without limitation to the excluded expenditures provisions set forth in the Project Operations Manual and/or in the Environmental and Social Instruments, ensure the following activities shall not be eligible to be included in, or proposed to be The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) financed under, Part 1 of the Project (“Negative List”): (i) production or activities involving forced or child labor, as per the Performance Standards; (ii) production or activities involving cross-border trade in waste and waste products, where such trade is not compliant with the Basel Convention; (iii) production or activities that would lead to conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats or their supporting areas; (iv) production or activities that would lead to conversion or degradation of critical forest areas, related critical natural habitats, clearing of forests or forest ecosystems; (v) activities involving Involuntary Resettlement; (vi) activities involving financing the rehabilitation or construction of dams; (vii) activities whose implementation or operation depend on an existing dam; (viii) activities involving nuclear reactors and parts thereof and fuel elements (cartridges), non- irradiated, for nuclear reactors; and (ix) goods intended for a military or paramilitary purpose. ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.B, (g): The Recipient shall within forty-five (45) days after the end of each Fiscal Year, deliver to the Association an Annual Environmental and Social Monitoring Report in the form (Form of Annual Environmental and Social Monitoring Report) attached to the Project Operations Manual, confirming compliance with the Performance Standards, the relevant provisions of the Environmental IDA-D7840 and Social Instruments and Applicable Environmental Not yet due No Change and Social Laws or, as the case may be, detailing any non-compliance or Project-related complaints, including but not limited to any alleged Project-related violation pertaining to labour matters, Project-related incidents and accidents as well as any Project-related allegations of gender-based violence, and setting out the action being taken to ensure compliance and/or address Project-related complaints; IDA-D7840 ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.D Not yet due No Change (b): The Recipient, through the PIU, shall on or about November 30 of each Fiscal Year, and after obtaining the prior approval of the Steering Committee in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 (b) of The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) Section I.A of the Schedule 2, furnish to the Association for its comments and approval, the draft AWP&B and, promptly thereafter, finalize the AWP&B taking into account ECOWAS’ and the Association’s views and recommendations thereon; ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.B, (e): The Recipient shall maintain, throughout Project implementation, in addition to the social specialist (with both capacity and background in addressing sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment), the gender specialist and the environmental, health and IDA-D7840 Not yet due No Change safety specialist of the Project and Fund Manager, adequate numbers of qualified supporting staff, to assist in the management of the environmental, social, labour and health and safety matters for Part 1 of the Project and for the coordination of the implementation of the Environmental and Social Instruments; ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.D (c): The Recipient, through the PIU, shall adopt and sign IDA-D7840 the final version of the AWP&B in the form approved by Not yet due No Change the Association not later than December 31 of such Fiscal Year. ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.B, (h): The Recipient shall ensure that for Sub-Projects which require an environmental and social management plan or similar environmental and social instrument pursuant to the Environmental and Social Instruments, applicable Performance Standards, or the IDA-D7840 Not yet due No Change Applicable Environmental and Social Laws, the Beneficiary Enterprise shall implement such plan in a timely manner requiring such environmental mitigation plan to be in compliance with the Environmental and Social Instruments, applicable Performance Standards, or Applicable Environmental and Social Laws; IDA-D7840 ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section II.A: Not yet due No Change The Recipient shall furnish to the Association each Project Report not later than forty-five (45) days after The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) the end of each calendar semester, covering the calendar semester. ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.A, 2(b): The Project and Fund Manager shall consist of a consulting firm employed throughout Project implementation under terms of reference and with qualifications and experience satisfactory to the Association and which will include at all times the following composition: (i) a Project leader; (ii) one (1) entrepreneurship support facility team leader; (iii) one (1) financial support facility team leader; (iv) at least one (1) small and medium enterprise specialist; (v) at TF-B0302 least one (1) off grid solar specialist; (vi) at least one (1) Not yet due No Change digital finance specialist; (vii) one (1) data officer; (viii) at least one (1) PFM accounting and budget officer/PFM financial specialist; (ix) at least one (1) portfolio specialist; (x) one (1) social specialist with both capacity and background in addressing sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment; (xi) one (1) gender specialist; (xii) one (1) environmental, health and safety specialist; (xiii) one (1) PFM communications officer; (xiv) one (1) PFM procurement officer; and (xv) one (1) PFM legal expert. ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.A, 2(a): The Recipient shall carry out Part 1 of the Project through the PIU. To that end, the Recipient shall maintain the PIU within the Commission adequately throughout Project implementation, ensuring the PIU is provided at all times with adequate financial resources and staff with experience and qualifications satisfactory to the Association. The PIU shall at all times report to the Steering Committee, and its composition shall IDA-D7840 Not yet due No Change consist of the following: (i) a financial management specialist; (ii) a procurement specialist; (iii) a communications officer; (iv) a legal officer; (v) a grievance redress officer; (vi) a renewable energy policy specialist from ECREEE; (vii) a monitoring and evaluation officer, (viii) an administrative assistant; and (ix) the Project and Fund Manager, with the composition set forth in the following paragraph (b) of this Section 1.A.2. The World Bank Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (P160708) ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.H: The Recipient shall establish, not later than one (1) month after the Effective Date, and thereafter maintain, operate and publicize the availability of, throughout Project implementation, a functional grievance redress mechanism for Part 1 of the Project, with adequate staffing and processes, and in form and substance IDA-D7840 Not yet due No Change satisfactory to the Association, to register, hear and determine fairly and in good faith all complaints raised in relation to Part 1 of the Project, including those related to the environmental and social matters, and take all measures necessary to implement the determinations made by such mechanism in a manner satisfactory to the Association. ECOWAS Financing Agreement: Schedule 2, Section I.C, 1: The Recipient shall extend Sub-Grants to Beneficiary TF-B0302 Enterprises in accordance with the eligibility criteria and Not yet due No Change procedures set forth in the Project Operations Manual and at all times acceptable to the Association. BOAD FA, Article 5.01(a): The Recipient and ECOWAS shall have established the Steering Committee under IDA-63970 Not yet due New terms of reference and with a membership satisfactory . to the Association.