PROCUREMENT PLAN (Textual Part) Project information: [country] [Project name] [P-number] Project Implementation agency: [insert legal name] Date of the Procurement Plan: [insert date] Period covered by this Procurement Plan: [insert from – to period] Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures may be used. When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement arrangements as set forth in [insert appropriate references to the national procurement legislation], such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations and the following conditions. List only the applicable conditions required to ensure consistency with paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations. If no conditions apply, delete the phrase “and the following conditions”. When other national procurement arrangements other than national open competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations. Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables. Otherwise state “Not Applicable” Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables Otherwise state “Not Applicable” Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Works). Specify for each Goods: [is not applicable/is applicable for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables]; Works: [is not applicable/is applicable for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables] Hands-on Expanded Implementation Support (HEIS) as specified under paragraphs 3.10 and 3.11 of the Procurement Regulations is Applicable. [Include this sentence only if the Bank has formally agreed to provide the Borrower with HEIS. Otherwise delete] Other Relevant Procurement Information. Provide any other relevant procurement information such as procedures for CDD components, Procurement in Situations of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints etc. PROCUREMENT Georgia : Georgia I2Q - Innovation, Inclusion and Quality PLAN General Information Country: Georgia 2020-02-04 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2023-09-11 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P168481 GPN Date: 2020-01-21 Project Name: Georgia I2Q - Innovation, Inclusion and Quality Loan / Credit No: IBRD / 89550 Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Procureme Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH Ri Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method nt Docume ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) sk atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion nt Type ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Request for GE-MESCS-156011-CW-RFQ / Supporting Project Managem Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Quotations ( 2023-07-2 IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2023-02-25 2023-03-23 Rehabilitation of the PMU Offi ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati tions nvelope Non Bank-SP 1 ce ons D) GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GE-MESCS-153227-GO-RFB / Improving the Quality of and Equipment/Furniture/Technol Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Prior Request for Bids 0.00 Canceled 2022-02-01 2022-02-06 2022-03-20 2022-04-19 2022-05-24 2022-12-20 ogy for the newly refurbished l nvelope ucation and Care preschool programs GE-MESCS-153742-GO-RFB / Procure hardware and softwa System Strengthening and S Single Stage - One E re to support the implementa IBRD / 89550 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2021-01-04 2021-01-09 2021-02-20 2021-03-22 2021-04-26 2021-07-25 takeholder Communication nvelope tion of the dashboards, serve rs and security software GE-MESCS-153952-GO-RFB / Fostering Quality Teaching a Procurement of innovative re Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior Request for Bids 0.00 Canceled 2021-05-04 2021-05-09 2021-06-20 2021-07-20 2021-08-24 2022-02-20 sources as part of a school i l nvelope ation mprovement package for pilo t schools GE-MESCS-156013-GO-RFQ / Supporting Project Managem Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Purchase of computer equip IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open - National 23,234.45 Signed 2020-08-10 2020-09-15 2020-09-13 2020-10-15 2020-12-20 tions nvelope ment for PMU ons GE-MESCS-185614-GO-RFQ / Supporting Project Managem Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 27,906.98 Terminated 2020-08-17 2020-09-23 2020-10-04 2020-10-23 Purchase of vehicle for PMU ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati tions nvelope ons GE-MESCS-192159-GO-RFB / Fostering Quality Teaching a Procurement of Technology E Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior Request for Bids 3,572,780.00 Signed 2020-09-20 2020-10-07 2020-09-25 2020-11-14 2020-11-06 2020-11-30 2020-12-06 2021-12-09 2021-01-10 2021-03-05 2021-05-10 quipment for Schools (Laptop l nvelope ation s and Projectors) GE-MESCS-185616-GO-RFQ / Supporting Project Managem Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-15 2020-12-22 2021-01-21 Purchase of office furniture f ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati tions nvelope or PMU ons GE-MESCS-200434-GO-RFB / Fostering Quality Teaching a Supply and Installation of Wi- Single Stage - One E IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-10-30 2020-11-04 2020-12-16 2021-01-15 2021-02-19 2021-08-18 Fi for Schools Located in East nvelope ation and West of Georgia (2 Lots) GE-MESCS-201908-GO-RFB / Fostering Quality Teaching a Supply and Installation of Wi- Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior Request for Bids 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-05 2020-11-10 2020-12-22 2021-01-21 2021-02-25 2021-08-24 Fi for Schools Located in East l nvelope ation and West of Georgia (2 Lots) GE-MESCS-207183-GO-RFB / System Strengthening and S Single Stage - One E Check Pont Security System IBRD / 89550 Post Request for Bids Open - National 494,000.00 Signed 2020-12-04 2020-12-20 2020-12-09 2020-12-25 2020-12-24 2021-01-26 2020-12-29 2021-02-15 2021-01-17 2021-02-26 2024-01-12 takeholder Communication nvelope Renewal and Software Licens ing GE-MESCS-210068-GO-RFB / Fostering Quality Teaching a Supply and Installation of Wi- Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Request for Bids 0.00 Canceled 2020-12-20 2020-12-25 2020-12-25 2021-02-08 2021-02-05 2021-02-22 2021-03-07 2021-04-11 2021-10-08 Fi Networks in 121 Schools L l nvelope ation ocated in East and West Part s of Georgia GE-MESCS-210068-GO-RFB- 2 / Supply and Installation of Wi-Fi Networks in 121 School Fostering Quality Teaching a Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E s Located in IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Request for Bids 1,698,820.00 Signed 2021-06-10 2021-06-07 2021-06-15 2021-07-08 2021-07-27 2021-07-22 2021-08-26 2021-08-05 2021-09-30 2021-12-03 2022-03-29 l nvelope East and West Parts of Georg ation ia (Lot-1 - East Georgia (63 S chools) and Lot-2 - West Geo rgia (58 Schools)) GE-MESCS-247264-GO-RFQ / Supporting Project Managem Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 22,068.67 Completed 2021-10-06 2021-11-12 2021-11-03 2021-12-12 2021-11-04 Purchase of Vehicle for I2Q P ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati tions nvelope roject ons GE-MESCS-212359-GO-RFB / Procure Hardware and Softw are to Support the Implemen System Strengthening and S Single Stage - One E tation of Big data, Analytics, IBRD / 89550 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2023-06-26 2023-07-01 2023-08-12 2023-09-11 2023-10-16 2024-10-15 takeholder Communication nvelope Dashboards, Mapping and Se curity Software, Servers and Storage Infrastructure, and H ardware GE-MESCS-369705-GO-RFQ / Fostering Quality Teaching a Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple Purchase of the Coding Kits f IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open - National 0.00 2023-07-19 2023-08-30 2023-10-14 tions nvelope mentation or Kids (2 lots) ation GE-MESCS-369709-GO-RFQ / Resources and Tools for Scho Fostering Quality Teaching a Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple ol Science Lab (4 lots - 3D Pri IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open - National 0.00 2023-07-19 2023-08-30 2023-10-14 tions nvelope mentation nter, Conference Room Equip ation ment, Drone, Set of Tools) GE-MESCS-369715-GO-RFQ / Fostering Quality Teaching a Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 2023-07-19 2023-08-30 2023-10-14 Purchase of the Science Kits f nd Learning in General Educ tions nvelope mentation or Kids ation Page 1 GE-MESCS-381431-GO-RFQ / Procurement of the Innovativ Fostering Quality Teaching a Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl e Resources for STEAM Extra IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Limited 0.00 2023-09-16 2023-10-02 2023-11-01 tions nvelope ementation curricular ation Programs - IT and Conferenc e Room Equipment NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GE-MESCS-334602-NC-RFP / Upgrade of the eSchool Gene ral Education and Early Child System Strengthening and S Request for Propo Open - Internationa Under Imple hood Education software syst IBRD / 89550 Prior 0.00 2023-01-31 2023-06-19 2023-02-05 2023-07-27 2023-03-22 2023-08-11 2023-08-06 2023-09-10 2026-03-13 takeholder Communication sals l mentation em and the Enterprise Archit ecture, Data and Domain Mo dels for the EMIS education s ystems in Georgia CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GE-MESCS-155983-CS-CQS / Improving the Quality of and Consultant Qualifi Assessment of existed pre-sc IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-06-25 2020-07-16 2020-08-29 2020-09-28 2020-11-02 2021-03-02 cation Selection hool services: access, quality ucation and Care and needs GE-MESCS-155981-CS-QBS / Improving the Quality of and Quality Based Sel Establish database of ECE int IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2021-08-13 2021-09-03 2021-10-17 2021-11-14 2021-12-14 2022-01-13 2022-02-17 2023-02-17 ection ersectoral management ucation and Care GE-MESCS-153361-CS-QCBS Improving the Quality of and / Support quality enhanceme Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post 0.00 Canceled 2020-12-23 2021-01-13 2021-02-26 2021-03-26 2021-04-25 2021-05-30 2021-07-04 2024-07-03 nt of early childhood and pre Based Selection l ucation and Care school education GE-MESCS-153391-CS-QCBS Fostering Quality Teaching a Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa / Education system diagnosti IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post 0.00 Canceled 2021-07-24 2021-08-14 2021-09-27 2021-10-25 2021-11-24 2021-12-29 2022-02-02 2023-02-02 Based Selection l c and functional review ation GE-MESCS-155978-CS-QBS / Fostering Quality Teaching a Quality Based Sel Evaluation of ongoing pilot of IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-08-13 2020-09-03 2020-10-17 2020-11-14 2020-12-14 2021-01-13 2021-02-17 2021-07-17 ection whole-school improvement a ation pproach GE-MESCS-153393-CS-QCBS Fostering Quality Teaching a Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa / Support establishment of in IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior 0.00 Canceled 2022-05-04 2022-05-25 2022-07-08 2022-08-05 2022-09-04 2022-10-09 2022-11-13 2025-10-28 Based Selection l novation clubs, schools ation GE-MESCS-155977-CS-QBS / Fostering Quality Teaching a Review, improve and develop Quality Based Sel IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-08-08 2020-08-29 2020-10-12 2020-11-09 2020-12-09 2021-01-08 2021-02-12 2021-02-24 continuous professional deve ection ation lopment framework of educa tors GE-MESCS-153395-CS-QCBS / Development and delivery o f training modules on moder Fostering Quality Teaching a Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa n pedagogy and formative co IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior 0.00 Canceled 2021-01-01 2021-01-22 2021-03-07 2021-04-04 2021-05-04 2021-06-08 2021-07-13 2024-06-27 Based Selection l ntinuous assessment for edu ation cators on the new whole sch ool improvement model in pr oject-supported schools GE-MESCS-153398-CS-QCBS Fostering Quality Teaching a / Development of a collabora Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior 0.00 Canceled 2022-05-18 2022-06-08 2022-07-22 2022-08-19 2022-09-18 2022-10-23 2022-11-27 2024-11-26 tive e-platform for sharing be Based Selection l ation st practices and distance edu cation GE-MESCS-153402-CS-QCBS Fostering Quality Teaching a / Revision, establishment an Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior 0.00 Canceled 2020-08-08 2020-08-29 2020-10-12 2020-11-09 2020-12-09 2021-01-13 2021-02-17 2025-02-16 d implementation of the nati Based Selection l ation onal formative assessments GE-MESCS-155976-CS-QBS / Fostering Quality Teaching a Support Capacity Building of Quality Based Sel IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-08-04 2020-08-25 2020-10-08 2020-11-05 2020-12-05 2021-01-04 2021-02-08 2024-02-08 NAEC in the design, conduct ection ation and analysis of student asses sments GE-MESCS-155984-CS-QBS / Establish National Institute fo r Education Research to use Fostering Quality Teaching a Quality Based Sel analysis to inform policy acti IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-12-04 2020-12-25 2021-02-07 2021-03-07 2021-04-06 2021-05-06 2021-06-10 2024-09-17 ection ons to improve teaching and ation learning at all levels of educa tion (effectiveness, equity, a nd efficiency) - development of portal GE-MESCS-153406-CS-QCBS / Development of the remedi al programs to accommodat Fostering Quality Teaching a Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa e the needs of students with IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post 0.00 Canceled 2021-01-04 2021-01-25 2021-03-10 2021-04-07 2021-05-07 2021-06-11 2021-07-16 2023-07-16 Based Selection l disabilities, students with div ation erse educational needs, vuln erable students and national minorities GE-MESCS-153573-CS-QCBS Strengthening Financing Opt Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa / Competitive Innovation Gra IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Prior 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-03 2020-11-24 2021-01-07 2021-02-04 2021-03-06 2021-04-10 2021-05-15 2024-08-22 Based Selection l nts for public and private uni onalization in Higher Educati versities on GE-MESCS-153576-CS-QCBS Strengthening Financing Opt / Support for international p ions and Promoting Internati Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Prior 0.00 Canceled 2022-08-08 2022-08-29 2022-10-12 2022-11-09 2022-12-09 2023-01-13 2023-02-17 2026-02-21 artnerships with foreign instit onalization in Higher Educati Based Selection l utions, universities and priva on te sector GE-MESCS-153691-CS-QCBS Strengthening Financing Opt Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa / Strengthen quality of pre-se IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Prior 0.00 Canceled 2021-06-03 2021-06-24 2021-08-07 2021-09-04 2021-10-04 2021-11-08 2021-12-13 2024-12-12 Based Selection l rvice teacher education onalization in Higher Educati on GE-MESCS-153696-CS-QCBS Strengthening Financing Opt Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa / Introduction of new courses IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post 0.00 Canceled 2022-08-18 2022-09-08 2022-10-22 2022-11-19 2022-12-19 2023-01-23 2023-02-27 2026-02-26 Based Selection l on assessment and psychom onalization in Higher Educati etrics on Page 2 GE-MESCS-155985-CS-QBS / Strengthening Financing Opt Quality Based Sel Strengthen qualification prog IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2021-12-18 2022-01-08 2022-02-21 2022-03-21 2022-04-20 2022-05-20 2022-06-24 2026-01-14 ection ram for preschool teachers onalization in Higher Educati on GE-MESCS-155975-CS-QBS / Diagnostic assessment of EM System Strengthening and S Quality Based Sel IS and other educational dat IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-18 2020-08-08 2020-09-21 2020-10-19 2020-11-18 2020-12-18 2021-01-22 2022-01-22 takeholder Communication ection abases and inducing recomm endations for improvement GE-MESCS-153713-CS-QCBS System Strengthening and S Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa / Development and operatio IBRD / 89550 Post 0.00 Canceled 2021-12-28 2022-01-18 2022-03-03 2022-03-31 2022-04-30 2022-06-04 2022-07-09 2024-07-08 takeholder Communication Based Selection l nalize dashboard systems GE-MESCS-153729-CS-QCBS / Development of the analyti System Strengthening and S Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Post 0.00 Canceled 2021-01-04 2021-01-25 2021-03-10 2021-04-07 2021-05-07 2021-06-11 2021-07-16 2022-07-16 cs systems for education syst takeholder Communication Based Selection l em mapping at all levels GE-MESCS-155986-CS-QBS / Strengthen of NAEC capacity System Strengthening and S Quality Based Sel IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2021-02-01 2021-02-22 2021-04-07 2021-05-05 2021-06-04 2021-07-04 2021-08-08 2022-08-08 in assessment and examinati takeholder Communication ection on of information systems m anagement GE-MESCS-155974-CS-QBS / Develop strategy and actions System Strengthening and S Quality Based Sel IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-08-04 2020-08-25 2020-10-08 2020-11-05 2020-12-05 2021-01-04 2021-02-08 2025-02-07 for engaging all stakeholders takeholder Communication ection in education reform GE-MESCS-155972-CS-QBS / Awareness raising of Georgia System Strengthening and S Quality Based Sel IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-06-01 2020-06-22 2020-08-05 2020-09-02 2020-10-02 2020-11-01 2020-12-06 2024-12-05 n human capital regarding ed takeholder Communication ection ucation reforms in alignment with EU goals GE-MESCS-155989-CS-QBS / System Strengthening and S Quality Based Sel IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2021-05-04 2021-05-25 2021-07-08 2021-08-05 2021-09-04 2021-10-04 2021-11-08 2025-11-07 Showcase of success stories takeholder Communication ection GE-MESCS-154514-CS-CQS / Fostering Quality Teaching a Procurement of Study tour fo Consultant Qualifi IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-06-02 2020-06-23 2020-08-06 2020-09-05 2020-10-10 2020-12-09 r capacity building for NAEC r cation Selection ation egarding to census based nat ional assessments GE-MESCS-156322-CS-QCBS Fostering Quality Teaching a Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa / Procurement for Developing IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior 0.00 Canceled 2021-01-15 2021-02-05 2021-03-21 2021-04-18 2021-05-18 2021-06-22 2021-07-27 2024-07-26 Based Selection l IT Software for National Asse ation ssments GE-MESCS-157910-CS-CQS / Fostering Quality Teaching a Consultant Qualifi Consulting Services for Devel IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-04-28 2020-05-19 2020-07-02 2020-08-01 2020-09-05 2021-04-03 cation Selection oping Concept of Education F ation acility Planning GE-MESCS-153559-CS-QCBS Strengthening Financing Opt Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa / Development of the new op IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post 0.00 Canceled 2020-06-15 2020-07-06 2020-08-19 2020-09-16 2020-10-16 2020-11-20 2020-12-25 2021-06-23 Based Selection l tions for higher education fin onalization in Higher Educati ancing on GE-MESCS-189604-CS-QBS / Strengthening Financing Opt Consulting Services for the D ions and Promoting Internati Quality Based Sel Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Post 289,254.89 Signed 2020-08-30 2020-09-15 2020-09-20 2020-09-21 2020-11-03 2020-11-04 2020-12-01 2020-12-18 2020-12-31 2021-01-27 2021-01-30 2021-02-18 2021-03-06 2021-04-15 2021-09-02 evelopment of New Model for onalization in Higher Educati ection l Higher Education Financing on GE-MESCS-192180-CS-QBS / Improving the Quality of and Diagnostic Study of the Existi Quality Based Sel Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post 0.00 Canceled 2020-09-20 2020-09-09 2020-10-11 2020-11-24 2020-12-22 2021-01-21 2021-02-20 2021-03-27 2021-10-23 ng School-based Preschool S ection l ucation and Care ervices (access, quality and n eeds) in Georgia GE-MESCS-193021-CS-QBS / Consulting Services for Diagn System Strengthening and S Quality Based Sel Open - Internationa ostic Assessment of Educatio IBRD / 89550 Post 311,103.39 Signed 2020-09-22 2020-10-13 2020-10-13 2020-10-20 2020-11-26 2020-12-24 2020-12-24 2021-02-01 2021-01-23 2021-03-29 2021-02-22 2021-05-20 2021-03-29 2021-06-14 2021-10-25 takeholder Communication ection l n Management Information S ystem (EMIS), Data Integratio n and Analytic Systems GE-MESCS-194310-CS-QBS / Fostering Quality Teaching a Consulting Services for Study Quality Based Sel Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post 362,436.30 Signed 2020-09-25 2020-10-06 2020-10-16 2020-10-13 2020-11-29 2020-12-24 2020-12-27 2021-02-10 2021-01-26 2021-07-14 2021-02-25 2021-08-02 2021-04-01 2021-08-14 2021-11-27 and Evaluation of Trends in G ection l ation eneral Education in Georgia GE-MESCS-197460-CS-QBS / Improving the Quality of and Diagnostic Study of Early Chil Quality Based Sel Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post 198,971.33 Signed 2020-10-05 2020-11-09 2020-10-26 2020-11-20 2020-12-09 2021-02-01 2021-01-06 2021-03-08 2021-02-05 2021-05-27 2021-03-07 2021-06-14 2021-04-11 2021-07-24 2022-02-05 dhood Education/ECE Sector ection l ucation and Care (access, quality and needs) i n Georgia GE-MESCS-155979-CS-QBS / Fostering Quality Teaching a Developing General Educatio Quality Based Sel IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2020-12-15 2020-12-26 2021-01-05 2021-02-15 2021-02-18 2021-03-18 2021-04-17 2021-05-17 2021-06-05 2023-02-25 n Infrastructure and Physical ection ation Environment Standards in Sc hools of Georgia GE-MESCS-212347-CS-QBS / Strengthening Financing Opt Quality Based Sel Open - Internationa Preparation of the Full Packa IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post 0.00 Canceled 2021-11-03 2021-11-17 2021-12-15 2021-12-29 2022-01-12 2022-02-11 2022-03-18 2022-09-14 ection l ge of Regulatory Documents onalization in Higher Educati for CIF on GE-MESCS-212363-CS-CQS / System Strengthening and S Consultant Qualifi Developing of Multi-year Co IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 19,938.58 Signed 2021-04-26 2021-06-28 2021-05-10 2021-06-29 2021-06-07 2021-09-29 2021-06-21 2021-11-09 2021-07-15 2021-11-25 2021-11-12 takeholder Communication cation Selection mmunications Strategy and Action Plan GE-MESCS-230274-CS-QBS / Developing General Educatio Fostering Quality Teaching a Quality Based Sel Open - Internationa n Infrastructure and Physical IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post 0.00 Canceled 2021-04-27 2021-04-23 2021-05-18 2021-07-01 2021-07-29 2021-08-28 2021-09-27 2021-11-01 2023-07-04 ection l Environment Standards for G ation eneral Education Institutions (schools) of Georgia GE-MESCS-231735-CS-CQS / Developing General Educatio Fostering Quality Teaching a Consultant Qualifi Open - Internationa n Infrastructure and Physical IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post 174,577.29 Signed 2021-04-30 2021-04-28 2021-05-21 2021-04-29 2021-07-04 2021-07-12 2021-08-03 2021-08-30 2021-09-07 2021-09-20 2023-05-10 cation Selection l Environment Standards for G ation eneral Education Institutions (schools) of Georgia GE-MESCS-212276-CS-QCBS / Fostering Quality Teaching and Learning in General Educ Fostering Quality Teaching a ation through Introduction of Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior 2,950,840.78 Signed 2021-09-24 2021-10-05 2021-10-22 2021-10-07 2021-11-20 2022-02-14 2021-12-04 2022-03-21 2021-12-29 2022-06-14 2022-01-26 2022-07-22 2022-02-24 2022-08-26 2025-08-22 Effective Quality Managemen Based Selection l ation t System, Whole School Impr ovement Plan and Programs, Improved Assessment Policy, Practice and Methodology. Page 3 GE-MESCS-212361-CS-CQS / Developing Training Resourc es and Guides for Schools on System Strengthening and S Consultant Qualifi IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 30,066.05 Signed 2021-11-01 2021-11-22 2021-11-15 2021-12-13 2022-03-02 2021-12-27 2022-04-29 2022-01-31 2022-05-04 2022-05-31 Selected Distance Learning P takeholder Communication cation Selection latform(s) and Teaching Meth odology Application, Conduct ing ToT GE-MESCS-212213-CS-QCBS / Improving ECE Institution M anagement System and Enha Improving the Quality of and Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa ncing the Quality of Program IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Prior 4,197,428.00 Signed 2021-09-24 2021-10-07 2021-10-22 2021-11-02 2021-11-20 2022-02-14 2021-12-18 2022-03-21 2022-01-07 2022-06-06 2022-02-11 2022-08-19 2022-03-18 2022-08-28 2025-07-22 Based Selection l s Across the Country, Increas ucation and Care ing Equitable Access to Presc hool Education for Successful Transition to School GE-MESCS-212278-CS-QCBS Strengthening Financing Opt / Facilitate the Implementatio ions and Promoting Internati Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa n of a New Model of Performa IBRD / 89550 Prior 0.00 Canceled 2021-11-30 2021-12-06 2021-12-28 2022-01-10 2022-01-25 2022-02-08 2022-02-22 2022-03-22 2022-04-15 2024-12-25 onalization in Higher Educati Based Selection l nce-based Funding by Creati on ng HEIs Information Manage ment Database System GE-MESCS-267612-CS-CQS / Development of accounting p olicy and related forms for th Supporting Project Managem e MoES and the sub-organiza Consultant Qualifi IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open - National 203,732.23 Signed 2021-12-12 2021-12-21 2021-12-26 2022-01-23 2022-02-28 2022-02-06 2022-04-29 2022-02-08 2022-05-04 2023-04-04 tions under its control in acco cation Selection ons rdance with the instruction a pproved by the MoF of Georg ia and Training of key person nel of the MoES GE-MESCS-212278-CS-QCBS -1 / Consulting Services for F Strengthening Financing Opt acilitating the Implementatio ions and Promoting Internati Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Prior 0.00 Signed 2022-02-20 2022-02-17 2022-03-20 2022-02-17 2022-04-23 2022-06-01 2022-05-07 2022-07-11 2022-06-01 2022-08-23 2022-06-29 2022-10-20 2022-07-23 2022-11-15 2025-03-19 n of a New Model of Performa onalization in Higher Educati Based Selection l nce-based Funding by Creati on ng Information Management Database System GE-MESCS-212344-CS-QCBS / Strengthening the quality of pre-service teacher educatio Fostering Quality Teaching a n programs and continuous p Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior 0.00 Canceled 2022-04-15 2022-05-16 2022-05-13 2022-06-13 2022-06-16 2022-07-22 2022-06-30 2022-09-05 2022-07-20 2022-12-05 2022-08-24 2023-02-15 2022-09-30 2026-02-17 rofessional development opti Based Selection l ation ons, supporting capacity-buil ding of teachers and school p rofessionals to develop and i mplement school-based curri culum GE-MESCS-212350-CS-QCBS / Consulting Services for the Strengthening Financing Opt Development of the CIF Gran ions and Promoting Internati Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa ts Application Portal, Providin IBRD / 89550 Post 0.00 Canceled 2022-09-01 2022-09-15 2022-10-19 2022-11-02 2022-12-02 2023-01-06 2023-02-10 2024-12-01 onalization in Higher Educati Based Selection l g Assistance in the Implemen on tation of CIF Grant Project an d in the Evaluation of CIF Gra nts' Proposals GE-MESCS-295156-CS-CQS / Performance Evaluation (Dat Supporting Project Managem Consultant Qualifi a Collection and Analysis) for IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open - National 153,786.93 Signed 2022-05-22 2022-05-27 2022-06-05 2022-07-03 2022-07-26 2022-07-17 2022-08-17 2022-08-01 2022-08-27 2026-02-28 cation Selection the Georgia Innovation, Inclu ons sion and Quality Project (I2Q) GE-MESCS-212280-CS-QCBS / Promoting internationalizati on of higher education throu Strengthening Financing Opt gh designing and implementi ions and Promoting Internati Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Post 0.00 Signed 2022-06-30 2022-06-03 2022-07-28 2022-06-03 2022-09-02 2022-08-22 2022-09-16 2022-10-07 2022-10-16 2022-11-29 2022-11-13 2022-12-26 2022-12-18 2023-03-10 2025-09-27 ng joint doctoral program, es onalization in Higher Educati Based Selection l tablishment of an Internation on al Excellence School, enhanci ng entrepreneurship and Eng lish language skills for stude nts GE-MESCS-309239-CS-CQS / Strengthening Financing Opt Consulting Services for the D ions and Promoting Internati Consultant Qualifi evelopment of the CIF Grants IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 Canceled 2022-11-28 2022-12-26 2023-01-23 2023-02-02 2023-02-09 2024-12-20 onalization in Higher Educati cation Selection Application Portal, Providing on Assistance in the Implementa tion of CIF Grant Project GE-MESCS-309233-CS-CQS / Strengthening Financing Opt Consultant Qualifi Open - Internationa Consulting Services for Creati IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post 0.00 Signed 2022-08-29 2022-09-14 2022-09-26 2022-10-13 2022-10-24 2022-12-05 2022-11-18 2023-01-17 2022-11-25 2023-01-25 2024-11-25 cation Selection l ng a Pool of Evaluators for CI onalization in Higher Educati F on GE-MESCS-212352-CS-QCBS / Capacity Building of EMIS to Effectively Implement the R evised Charter, Structure, Sc System Strengthening and S Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa ope and Strategy Ensuring R IBRD / 89550 Prior 0.00 Canceled 2022-11-15 2022-12-13 2023-01-17 2023-01-31 2023-02-21 2023-03-28 2023-05-02 2025-05-01 takeholder Communication Based Selection l elevant Data Collection, Gen eration, Analyses and Reporti ng for Entire Education Syste m and Facilitating Evidence Based Policy Decision-makin g GE-MESCS-212356-CS-QCBS / Design and Development of Learning Management Syste System Strengthening and S Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Post 0.00 Canceled 2022-11-15 2022-12-13 2023-01-11 2023-01-25 2023-02-08 2023-03-16 2023-04-20 2025-04-19 m (LMS) and Education Mana takeholder Communication Based Selection l gement System (EMS) for the National Education System a nd its Beneficiaries GE-MESCS-331881-CS-QCBS / Upgrade of the eSchool Gen eral Education and Early Chil System Strengthening and S Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa dhood Education Software Sy IBRD / 89550 Prior 0.00 Canceled 2022-12-25 2023-01-22 2023-02-26 2023-03-12 2023-04-02 2023-05-07 2023-05-31 2025-11-30 takeholder Communication Based Selection l stem and the Enterprise Arch itecture, Data and Domain M odels for the EMIS Education Systems GE-MESCS-331883-CS-CQS / Fostering Quality Teaching a Feasibility Study on Establish Consultant Qualifi Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post 0.00 Canceled 2022-12-25 2022-12-19 2023-01-22 2023-01-18 2023-02-19 2023-03-16 2023-03-23 2024-02-16 ment of National Institute of cation Selection l ation Educational Research GE-MESCS-332045-CS-QBS / Learning Systems Solutions a System Strengthening and S Quality Based Sel Open - Internationa Under Implement IBRD / 89550 Post 0.00 2022-12-26 2022-12-19 2023-01-16 2023-02-08 2023-02-19 2023-07-04 2023-03-19 2023-08-18 2023-04-08 2023-04-18 2023-05-16 2025-05-16 nd Support (LMS) for General takeholder Communication ection l ation Education in Georgia GE-MESCS-342896-CS-QCBS Strengthening Financing Opt / Consulting Services for Stre ions and Promoting Internati Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 89550 Prior 0.00 Canceled 2023-02-21 2023-02-23 2023-03-07 2023-03-01 2023-04-10 2023-04-24 2023-05-14 2023-06-18 2023-07-25 2025-11-26 ngthening the Quality of Pre- onalization in Higher Educati Based Selection l service Teacher Education on Page 4 INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Component Review Type Method Contract Type Process Status Teams of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion Description o. h (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GE-MESCS-153765-CS-INDV / Consultant services for NAE System Strengthening and S Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2021-01-04 2021-02-22 2021-03-15 2021-04-19 2022-04-19 C to develop ToR for assessm takeholder Communication ant Selection ent and examination system development GE-MESCS-153789-CS-INDV Fostering Quality Teaching a Individual Consult / Consultant for development IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-04-07 2020-05-26 2020-06-16 2020-07-21 2020-11-18 ant Selection of school mapping system ation GE-MESCS-153793-CS-INDV Fostering Quality Teaching a Individual Consult / Consultant for development IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-04-07 2020-05-26 2020-06-16 2020-07-21 2020-11-18 ant Selection of school mapping system ation GE-MESCS-153795-CS-INDV Fostering Quality Teaching a Individual Consult / Consultant for development IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-04-07 2020-05-26 2020-06-16 2020-07-21 2020-11-18 ant Selection of school mapping system ation GE-MESCS-153796-CS-INDV Fostering Quality Teaching a Individual Consult / Consultant for development IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-04-07 2020-05-26 2020-06-16 2020-07-21 2020-11-18 ant Selection of school mapping system ation GE-MESCS-154519-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-04 2020-08-22 2020-09-12 2020-10-17 2022-10-17 / International consultant for ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ECE ons GE-MESCS-154520-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-04 2020-08-22 2020-09-12 2020-10-17 2022-10-17 / International consultant for ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection HE ons GE-MESCS-154522-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-04 2020-08-22 2020-09-12 2020-10-17 2022-10-17 / International consultant for ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection Gen Ed ons GE-MESCS-155991-CS-CDS / Supporting Project Managem IBRD / 89550 Prior Direct Selection Direct 0.00 Canceled 2020-01-31 2020-02-17 2020-02-10 2020-04-15 2026-03-15 Project Coordinator/Director ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ons GE-MESCS-155994-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 174,000.00 Signed 2020-02-05 2020-01-17 2020-03-25 2020-05-28 2020-04-15 2020-05-29 2020-05-20 2020-06-19 2026-02-18 / Higher Education Compone ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection nt Lead ons GE-MESCS-155998-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult / Early Childhood Education a IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 43,500.00 Terminated 2020-03-02 2020-01-17 2020-04-20 2020-05-28 2020-05-11 2020-05-29 2020-06-15 2020-06-19 2026-03-16 ant Selection nd Care’s Component Lead ons GE-MESCS-156000-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-03-02 2020-01-17 2020-04-20 2020-05-28 2020-05-11 2020-06-01 2020-06-15 2026-03-16 / General Education Lead ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ons GE-MESCS-156001-CS-CDS / Supporting Project Managem IBRD / 89550 Prior Direct Selection Direct 43,500.00 Signed 2020-01-31 2020-02-17 2020-02-10 2020-01-01 2020-04-15 2020-06-04 2026-03-15 Procurement Consultant of P ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati MU 1 ons GE-MESCS-156003-CS-CDS / Supporting Project Managem IBRD / 89550 Prior Direct Selection Direct 45,000.00 Signed 2020-02-02 2020-02-13 2020-02-12 2020-05-25 2020-04-17 2020-06-04 2026-03-17 FM Specialist of PMU ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ons GE-MESCS-156004-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 120,000.00 Signed 2020-07-15 2020-07-17 2020-09-02 2020-08-31 2020-09-23 2020-08-31 2020-10-28 2020-09-20 2026-03-11 / Communication Specialist o ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection f PMU ons GE-MESCS-156006-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Prior Open 30,000.00 Signed 2020-09-15 2020-07-17 2020-11-03 2020-09-14 2020-11-24 2020-09-16 2020-12-29 2020-10-04 2021-02-12 / Project Monitoring and Eval ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection uation ons GE-MESCS-156008-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult / PMU Supporting short-term IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-05-01 2020-06-19 2020-07-10 2020-08-14 2021-12-27 ant Selection consultants (12-15 short-ter ons m experts) GE-MESCS-156047-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 9,891.20 Signed 2020-03-08 2020-01-17 2020-04-26 2020-05-28 2020-05-17 2020-05-29 2020-06-21 2020-06-18 2023-06-06 / ICT/ Data Management Spe ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection cialist ons GE-MESCS-156056-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem / Consultants for NAEC for TA Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-06-15 2020-08-03 2020-08-24 2020-09-28 2020-11-12 O platform administration (te ant Selection ons sting assistance for ordinateu r) GE-MESCS-156087-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 19,500.00 Signed 2020-02-10 2020-01-17 2020-03-30 2020-05-28 2020-04-20 2020-05-29 2020-05-25 2020-06-18 2026-03-25 / Administrative Manager ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ons GE-MESCS-156089-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 60,000.00 Signed 2020-05-18 2020-06-02 2020-07-06 2020-07-08 2020-07-27 2020-07-07 2020-08-31 2020-07-26 2026-02-11 / Accountant ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ons GE-MESCS-156002-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 174,000.00 Signed 2020-06-15 2020-05-29 2020-08-03 2020-07-03 2020-08-24 2020-07-06 2020-09-28 2020-07-23 2026-02-09 / Procurement Consultant of ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection PMU 2 ons GE-MESCS-153945-CS-INDV Improving the Quality of and Individual Consult / Development of ECE's Teac IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-10 2020-08-28 2020-09-18 2020-10-23 2021-02-20 ant Selection hers remuneration policy ucation and Care GE-MESCS-153946-CS-INDV Improving the Quality of and Individual Consult / Design licensing system for IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-15 2020-09-02 2020-09-23 2020-10-28 2021-08-24 ant Selection existing and novice ECE prof ucation and Care essionals Improving the Quality of and GE-MESCS-153943-CS-INDV Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-20 2020-09-07 2020-09-28 2020-11-02 2021-11-02 / Consultant for ECE for MRDI ant Selection ucation and Care GE-MESCS-155992-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult / Project Coordinator for Infra IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 120,000.00 Signed 2020-06-30 2020-06-30 2020-08-18 2020-08-21 2020-09-08 2020-08-21 2020-10-13 2020-09-10 2022-10-03 ant Selection structure projects - Engineer ons GE-MESCS-168881-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-04-17 2020-04-15 2020-06-05 2020-06-26 2020-07-20 2020-08-19 / Consultant for Distance Edu ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection cation ons GE-MESCS-170383-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Prior Open 60,000.00 Signed 2020-04-30 2020-05-05 2020-06-18 2020-06-05 2020-06-23 2020-06-08 2020-07-17 2020-06-26 2026-03-28 / Executive Director ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ons Page 5 GE-MESCS-172041-CS-CDS / Delivery of TAO Administrativ Supporting Project Managem e and Technical Training to S IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Prior Direct Selection Direct 0.00 Canceled 2020-05-05 2020-05-08 2020-05-15 2020-05-21 2020-07-08 2021-11-30 upport the National Assessm ons ent and Examination Center ( NAEC) with the Project Imple mentation GE-MESCS-175943-CS-CDS / Supporting Project Managem IBRD / 89550 Post Direct Selection Direct 43,500.00 Terminated 2020-05-28 2020-05-28 2020-05-30 2020-05-30 2020-06-03 2020-06-04 2026-03-24 Project Manager ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ons GE-MESCS-168881-CS-INDV- Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 1,331.81 Signed 2020-06-03 2020-05-01 2020-06-23 2020-06-05 2020-07-14 2020-06-08 2020-07-30 2020-07-24 2020-08-29 1 / Consultant for Distance E ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ducation ons GE-MESCS-184291-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 43,500.00 Terminated 2020-07-19 2020-07-15 2020-08-14 2020-08-16 2020-08-17 2020-08-16 2020-09-01 2020-09-03 2026-03-04 / General Education Compon ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ent Lead ons GE-MESCS-190082-CS-CDS / Supporting Project Managem IBRD / 89550 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,860.38 Signed 2020-08-30 2020-08-31 2020-09-09 2020-09-15 2020-09-26 2020-09-18 2020-11-10 Document Flow Specialist ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ons GE-MESCS-153941-CS-INDV Improving the Quality of and Individual Consult / Consultant for ECE for Minis IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-15 2020-09-02 2020-09-23 2020-10-28 2021-10-28 ant Selection try of Education, Science, Cul ucation and Care ture and Sports GE-MESCS-153940-CS-INDV Improving the Quality of and Individual Consult / Consultant for ECE for Minis IBRD / 89550 Access to Early Childhood Ed Post 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-15 2020-09-02 2020-09-23 2020-10-28 2021-10-28 ant Selection try of Health and Social Welf ucation and Care are GE-MESCS-207179-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 130,500.00 Signed 2020-12-06 2020-12-09 2020-12-30 2021-01-29 2021-01-01 2021-01-29 2021-01-17 2021-03-05 2026-04-01 / Project Manager ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ons GE-MESCS-207474-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 130,500.00 Terminated 2020-12-03 2020-12-09 2021-01-01 2021-02-17 2021-01-03 2021-02-17 2021-01-19 2021-03-14 2026-04-03 / General Education Compon ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ent Lead ons GE-MESCS-208787-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult / Early Childhood Education C IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 129,600.00 Signed 2020-12-15 2020-12-15 2021-02-02 2021-03-01 2021-02-04 2021-03-01 2021-02-20 2021-03-21 2026-04-25 ant Selection omponent Lead ons GE-MESCS-212224-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Inte rnational) for effective planni Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult ng and implementation of pr IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 42,980.81 Completed 2021-01-25 2021-02-17 2021-02-28 2021-04-28 2021-03-05 2021-05-07 2021-04-03 2021-05-12 2021-07-02 2021-09-12 ant Selection ocurement on "Improving EC ons E institution Management Sy stem and Enhancing the Qual ity of Programs Across the Co untry" GE-MESCS-212227-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Nati onal) for supporting the plan Supporting Project Managem ning process for implementat Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 5,853.09 Completed 2021-02-16 2021-02-17 2021-03-19 2021-04-28 2021-03-21 2021-05-07 2021-04-06 2021-05-13 2021-07-05 2021-09-13 ion of activities under "Impr ant Selection ons oving ECE institution Manage ment System and Enhancing the Quality of Programs Acro ss the Country" GE-MESCS-212277-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Inte rnational) for supporting the Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult planning process and Imple IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 46,649.09 Signed 2021-01-25 2021-02-17 2021-02-11 2021-04-16 2021-02-25 2021-04-23 2021-03-26 2021-04-29 2021-05-25 ant Selection mentation of procurement on ons "Fostering Quality Teaching a nd Learning in General Educa tion" GE-MESCS-212279-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Inte rnational) for supporting the Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult planning process for the proc IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 29,289.96 Signed 2021-04-15 2021-04-23 2021-06-03 2021-06-26 2021-06-17 2021-06-28 2021-07-22 2021-07-04 2021-09-20 ant Selection urement on Information Man ons agement Database System f or New Model of HE Performa nce-based Funding GE-MESCS-212346-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Nati onal) for supporting the plan Supporting Project Managem ning process for implementat Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 10,868.17 Signed 2021-05-25 2021-06-21 2021-06-24 2021-09-02 2021-07-08 2021-09-07 2021-08-12 2021-09-15 2021-10-11 ion of "Strengthening the Qu ant Selection ons ality of Pre-service Teacher E ducation Programs and Conti nuous Professional Developm ent Options" GE-MESCS-156088-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2020-02-10 2020-03-30 2020-04-20 2020-05-25 2026-02-23 / IT specialist ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ons GE-MESCS-217879-CS-CDS / Supporting Project Managem IBRD / 89550 Post Direct Selection Direct 18,000.00 Signed 2021-02-15 2021-02-17 2021-02-25 2021-03-01 2021-03-15 2021-03-04 2026-03-09 IT Specialist ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ons GE-MESCS-218194-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Nati Supporting Project Managem onal) for supporting the plan Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 6,154.74 Completed 2021-03-01 2021-02-17 2021-03-31 2021-04-12 2021-04-02 2021-04-23 2021-04-21 2021-04-28 2021-07-20 2021-08-03 ning process and Implement ant Selection ons ation of "Fostering Quality Te aching and Learning in Gener al Education" GE-MESCS-219062-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Inte System Strengthening and S Individual Consult rnational) for Support Prepar IBRD / 89550 Post Open 30,045.66 Signed 2021-03-08 2021-03-01 2021-04-22 2021-04-14 2021-05-13 2021-04-16 2021-06-01 2021-04-28 2021-10-29 takeholder Communication ant Selection ation of Early Childhood and General Education Sector Str ategy and Action Plan GE-MESCS-219063-CS-INDV / Short-Term Consultant (Inte System Strengthening and S Individual Consult rnational) for Support Prepar IBRD / 89550 Post Open 36,453.50 Signed 2021-03-08 2021-03-02 2021-04-22 2021-04-15 2021-05-13 2021-04-26 2021-06-01 2021-05-05 2021-10-29 takeholder Communication ant Selection ation of Higher Education, Re search and Innovation Strate gy and Action Plan GE-MESCS-219065-CS-INDV / Short-Term Consultant (Nati System Strengthening and S Individual Consult onal) for Support in Preparati IBRD / 89550 Post Open 9,492.75 Completed 2021-03-08 2021-03-02 2021-04-22 2021-04-14 2021-05-13 2021-04-16 2021-05-29 2021-04-28 2021-10-26 takeholder Communication ant Selection on of Science sub-Sector Stra tegy and Action Plan Page 6 GE-MESCS-219068-CS-INDV / Short-Term Consultant (Nati System Strengthening and S Individual Consult onal) for Support in Preparati IBRD / 89550 Post Open 3,768.12 Completed 2021-03-08 2021-03-02 2021-04-22 2021-04-15 2021-05-13 2021-04-22 2021-05-29 2021-04-28 2021-10-26 2021-11-03 takeholder Communication ant Selection on of Early Childhood Educati on Sub-Sector Strategy and A ction Plan GE-MESCS-219069-CS-INDV / Short-Term Consultant (Nati System Strengthening and S Individual Consult onal) for Support in Preparati IBRD / 89550 Post Open 10,605.62 Signed 2021-03-08 2021-03-02 2021-04-22 2021-04-14 2021-05-13 2021-04-16 2021-05-29 2021-04-28 2021-10-26 takeholder Communication ant Selection on of General Education Sub- Sector Strategy and Action Pl an GE-MESCS-219071-CS-INDV / Short-Term Consultant (Nati System Strengthening and S Individual Consult onal) for Support in Preparati IBRD / 89550 Post Open 9,565.22 Signed 2021-03-08 2021-03-02 2021-04-22 2021-04-14 2021-05-13 2021-04-16 2021-05-29 2021-04-28 2021-10-26 takeholder Communication ant Selection on of Higher Education sub-S ector Strategy and Action Pla n GE-MESCS-222203-CS-CDS / Fostering Quality Teaching a Delivery of TAO Administrativ IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Prior Direct Selection Direct 31,854.35 Signed 2021-03-05 2021-03-03 2021-03-15 2021-03-10 2021-04-05 2021-03-19 2021-07-04 e and Technical Training to S ation upport the NAEC with the Pro ject Implementation GE-MESCS-227984-CS-INDV Strengthening Financing Opt / Short-Term Consultant (Inte ions and Promoting Internati Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 29,880.36 Signed 2021-04-12 2021-04-16 2021-05-27 2021-06-15 2021-06-03 2021-06-21 2021-06-22 2021-06-25 2021-11-19 rnational) for the Preparation onalization in Higher Educati ant Selection of the Full Package of Regula on tory Documents for CIF GE-MESCS-227985-CS-INDV Strengthening Financing Opt / Short-Term Consultant (Nati ions and Promoting Internati Individual Consult onal)/ Legal Expert for the Pr IBRD / 89550 Post Open 8,571.43 Signed 2021-04-13 2021-04-16 2021-05-28 2021-06-21 2021-06-04 2021-06-21 2021-06-23 2021-06-25 2021-11-20 onalization in Higher Educati ant Selection eparation of the Full Package on of Regulatory Documents for CIF GE-MESCS-227986-CS-INDV Strengthening Financing Opt / Short-Term Consultant (Nati ions and Promoting Internati Individual Consult onal)/ Expert in Education La IBRD / 89550 Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2021-04-13 2021-04-08 2021-05-28 2021-06-04 2021-06-23 2021-11-20 onalization in Higher Educati ant Selection w for the Preparation of the F on ull Package of Regulatory Do cuments for CIF GE-MESCS-228848-CS-INDV / Short-term Consultant (Inter national) to Support the Nati Fostering Quality Teaching a Individual Consult onal Assessment and Examin IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open 29,669.79 Completed 2021-04-25 2021-04-14 2021-06-09 2021-07-08 2021-06-16 2021-09-10 2021-07-05 2021-09-13 2021-10-03 2022-06-26 ant Selection ation Center with the Develo ation pment of National Assessme nt Policy Framework for Gene ral Education Level GE-MESCS-228849-CS-INDV / Short-term Consultant for S Fostering Quality Teaching a Individual Consult upport in Development of Na IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open 29,458.46 Signed 2021-04-25 2021-04-28 2021-06-09 2021-07-08 2021-06-16 2021-07-24 2021-07-05 2021-07-27 2021-10-03 ant Selection tional Quality Assurance Polic ation y Framework for General Edu cation Level GE-MESCS-229670-CS-INDV Strengthening Financing Opt / Short-Term Consultant (Nati ions and Promoting Internati Individual Consult onal)/ Higher Education Speci IBRD / 89550 Post Open 7,142.86 Signed 2021-04-26 2021-04-20 2021-06-10 2021-06-15 2021-06-17 2021-06-22 2021-07-06 2021-06-25 2021-12-03 onalization in Higher Educati ant Selection alist for the Preparation of th on e Full Package of Regulatory Documents for CIF GE-MESCS-234636-CS-CDS / Strengthening Financing Opt TIMSS (Trends in Internationa ions and Promoting Internati IBRD / 89550 Post Direct Selection Direct 665,310.00 Signed 2021-05-18 2021-05-17 2021-05-28 2021-05-18 2021-06-12 2021-05-26 2025-11-18 l Mathematics and Science St onalization in Higher Educati udy) 2023 Project on GE-MESCS-156009-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2021-06-01 2021-07-20 2021-08-10 2021-08-26 2026-03-01 / Lawyer ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ons GE-MESCS-212281-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Inte Supporting Project Managem rnational) for Supporting the Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 19,751.43 Signed 2021-11-25 2021-10-31 2021-12-28 2022-01-12 2022-01-11 2022-01-30 2022-02-15 2022-02-04 2022-05-16 planning and Implementation ant Selection ons of procurement on "Promotin g the Internationalization of Higher Education" GE-MESCS-212345-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Inte rnational) for supporting the Supporting Project Managem effective planning and imple Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2021-05-20 2021-06-21 2021-06-19 2021-09-02 2021-07-03 2021-08-07 2021-10-06 mentation of the procuremen ant Selection ons t on "Strengthening the Quali ty of Pre-service Teacher Edu cation Programs and Continu ous Professional Developmen t Options" GE-MESCS-212345-CS-INDV- 1 / Short Term Consultant (In ternational) for supporting th Supporting Project Managem e effective planning and impl Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 28,720.02 Signed 2021-09-20 2021-09-21 2021-10-20 2021-10-19 2021-10-22 2021-10-25 2021-10-24 2021-11-03 2022-03-08 ementation of the procureme ant Selection ons nt on "Strengthening the Qua lity of Pre-service Teacher Ed ucation Programs and Contin uous Professional Developme nt Options” GE-MESCS-212354-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem / Short Term Consultant (Nati Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2022-11-15 2023-01-03 2023-01-24 2023-02-11 2025-02-10 onal) for Support and Implem ant Selection ons entation of the Capacity Buil ding of EMIS GE-MESCS-212357-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Nati onal) for conducting preparat Supporting Project Managem ory works and developing co Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2021-10-01 2021-10-31 2021-11-14 2021-11-24 2022-03-24 mprehensive ToR for procure ant Selection ons ment of Design and Develop ment of LMS and EMS for the national education system an d its beneficiaries GE-MESCS-212353-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Inte Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult rnational) for support the pla IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2022-03-11 2022-04-22 2022-04-27 2022-05-02 2022-07-31 ant Selection nning and Implementation of ons the Capacity Building of EMIS Page 7 GE-MESCS-212358-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Nati onal) for supporting effective Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult Implementation of the "Desig IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2022-07-15 2022-08-14 2022-08-28 2022-09-07 2023-01-05 ant Selection n and Development of LMS a ons nd EMS for the National Educ ation System and its Benefici aries" GE-MESCS-212282-CS-INDV / Short Term Consultant (Nati Supporting Project Managem onal) for supporting the plan Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 4,821.43 Signed 2021-11-25 2021-10-31 2022-01-02 2022-01-12 2022-01-16 2022-01-14 2022-02-15 2022-01-20 2022-05-16 ning process for Implementat ant Selection ons ion of "Promotion of the Inte rnationalization of Higher Ed ucation" GE-MESCS-261495-CS-INDV / Developing a Concept for D Fostering Quality Teaching a ecentralization Reform Throu Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2021-11-10 2021-11-05 2021-12-10 2021-12-12 2021-12-14 2022-04-13 gh Reforming Local Educatio ant Selection ation nal Resource Centers and Str ategy and Action Plan for Imp roving School Management GE-MESCS-262243-CS-INDV / Developing Concept for Stre ngthening Decentralized Man Fostering Quality Teaching a Individual Consult agement System via Reformi IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Open 11,419.30 Signed 2021-11-12 2021-11-10 2021-12-12 2021-12-29 2021-12-14 2022-01-09 2021-12-16 2022-01-13 2022-04-15 ant Selection ng Educational Resource Cen ation ters as well as Strategy and Action Plan for Improving Sch ool Management GE-MESCS-262361-CS-CDS / Short-Term Consultant (Inter Fostering Quality Teaching a national) to Support the Dev IBRD / 89550 nd Learning in General Educ Post Direct Selection Direct 33,021.59 Signed 2021-11-14 2021-11-10 2021-11-17 2021-11-15 2021-11-20 2021-11-21 2022-03-20 elopment of the National Qua ation lity Assurance Policy Framew ork for General Education Le vel GE-MESCS-286774-CS-INDV / Short-term Consultant (Nati Supporting Project Managem onal) to Support the National Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open 9,677.42 Signed 2022-04-01 2022-04-11 2022-04-23 2022-06-15 2022-04-25 2022-07-15 2022-04-26 2022-07-25 2022-10-23 Assessment and Examination ant Selection ons Center with the System Admi nistration for the National e- Assessment Project GE-MESCS-287454-CS-INDV Strengthening Financing Opt Individual Consult / Head of CIF Administration IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post Open 94,600.00 Signed 2022-04-07 2022-04-05 2022-05-06 2022-05-10 2022-05-07 2022-05-12 2022-05-08 2022-05-18 2025-12-31 ant Selection Unit onalization in Higher Educati on GE-MESCS-287458-CS-INDV Strengthening Financing Opt Individual Consult / Legal Specialist of CIF Admi IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post Open 17,679.21 Signed 2022-05-30 2022-06-10 2022-06-28 2022-08-17 2022-06-29 2022-08-19 2022-07-01 2022-08-26 2025-12-31 ant Selection nistration Unit onalization in Higher Educati on GE-MESCS-287462-CS-INDV Strengthening Financing Opt Individual Consult / Education Specialist for CIF IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post Open 16,249.41 Signed 2022-05-30 2022-06-10 2022-06-28 2022-08-17 2022-06-29 2022-08-19 2022-07-01 2022-09-04 2025-12-31 ant Selection Administration Unit onalization in Higher Educati on GE-MESCS-288712-CS-CDS / Supporting Project Managem Learning Assessment Data C IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Direct Selection Direct 121,920.26 Signed 2022-04-10 2022-04-08 2022-04-12 2022-04-18 2022-04-15 2022-04-22 2022-08-15 ollection and Analysis for the ons I2Q Project GE-MESCS-297237-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult IBRD / 89550 Post Open 43,200.00 Signed 2022-05-31 2022-05-31 2022-06-26 2022-07-11 2022-06-29 2022-07-15 2022-07-01 2022-07-21 2026-03-31 / General Education Compon ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ent Lead ons GE-MESCS-287461-CS-INDV Strengthening Financing Opt Individual Consult / Financial Specialist of the CI IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post Open 0.00 Canceled 2022-05-30 2022-06-24 2022-06-28 2022-06-29 2022-07-01 2025-12-31 ant Selection F Administration Unit onalization in Higher Educati on GE-MESCS-287461-CS-INDV- Strengthening Financing Opt Individual Consult 2 / Financial Specialist/Contra IBRD / 89550 ions and Promoting Internati Post Open - National 0.00 Signed 2022-08-25 2022-08-19 2022-09-27 2022-09-30 2022-09-29 2022-10-05 2022-10-02 2022-10-11 2026-01-01 ant Selection ct Manager of the CIF Admini onalization in Higher Educati stration Unit on GE-MESCS-326004-CS-CDS / Strengthening Financing Opt Consulting Services for the IT ions and Promoting Internati IBRD / 89550 Post Direct Selection Direct - National 0.00 Signed 2022-11-28 2022-11-14 2022-12-08 2022-11-15 2022-12-15 2022-11-29 2023-12-15 support for the Competitive I onalization in Higher Educati nnovation Fund (CIF) implem on entation process GE-MESCS-336905-CS-INDV / Short-Term Consultant (Nati onal) for supporting the assig Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult nment to develop a new mod IBRD / 89550 ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati Post Open - National 0.00 Signed 2023-01-25 2023-01-20 2023-02-16 2023-02-15 2023-02-18 2023-02-16 2023-02-19 2023-02-28 2023-08-18 ant Selection el of performance-based fund ons ing by creating HEIs informat ion management database s ystem GE-MESCS-350076-CS-CDS / System Strengthening and S Direct - Internation Evaluation of Proposals to Up IBRD / 89550 Post Direct Selection 0.00 Signed 2023-03-16 2023-03-24 2023-03-17 2023-03-31 2023-03-21 2023-04-10 2024-01-31 takeholder Communication al grade eSchool software syste ms GE-MESCS-369509-CS-CDS / Supporting Project Managem IBRD / 89550 Post Direct Selection Direct - National 0.00 Signed 2023-07-03 2023-07-10 2023-07-08 2023-07-18 2023-07-15 2023-07-27 2026-03-31 FM Specialist ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ons GE-MESCS-372393-CS-INDV Supporting Project Managem Individual Consult Under Implement IBRD / 89550 Post Open - National 0.00 2023-07-23 2023-07-20 2023-08-16 2023-08-30 2023-08-21 2023-09-01 2026-03-31 / Disbursement Specialist/Ac ent, Monitoring, and Evaluati ant Selection ation countant ons Page 8