Summarized Procurement Plan I. GENERAL Project information: Country: Lesotho Borrower: Government of Lesotho Project Name: Lesotho Education Quality for Equality Project ID No: P156001 Grant No.: IDA Q9990-LS Project Implementing Agency: Ministry of Education & Training Bank’s approval Date of the Procurement Plan: April 1, 2016 (Revised version approved on April 8, 2017) Date of General Procurement Notice: March 14, 2016 Period covered by this procurement plan: August 2017 to June 2021 II. Goods and Works and Non-Consulting Services. 1. Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by IDA as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement: Thresholds for Procurement Methods and Prior Review Goods, Works and Non- Consulting Services Procurement Approaches and Methods (US$ Prior millions) Review Category Open Open Request for (US$ millions) International National Quotation (RfQ) Works ≥ 20 ≥7 < 0.2 ≤ 0.2 Goods, IT, and non- ≥6 ≥1 < 0.1 ≤ 0.1 consulting services 1 2. Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual: The Procurement Plan also forms part of the Project Implementation Manual approved on April 6, 2016. 3. Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule Procurement of Goods & Non-consulting Services Summary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ref. Description Estimated Packages Domestic Review Comments No. Cost Preference by Bank US$ million (yes/no) (Prior / Post) Summary of the ICB NIL NIL No NIL No major goods (Goods) Summary of the NCB 4.4 8 No Post Request for Bids (Goods) Summary of the 0.43 15 No Post Request for SHOPPING (Goods & Quotations Non-Consulting Services) Summary of the DC NIL NIL No NIL No Direct (Goods) Contracting III. Selection of Consultants 1. Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants: Thresholds for Consultants Selection Methods and Prior Review Thresholds for Consultants Selection Methods and Prior Review for Consulting Services Category Prior Short List of National Consultants (US$ million) Review 2 (US$ Consulting Engineering and millions) Services Construction Supervision Consultants (Firms) ≥4 ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.3 Individual Consultants ≥ 0.5 NA. NA. 2. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than $ 300,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants. 3. Terms of Reference (TOR) for all consultancy contracts as well as all single source selections, irrespective of the contract value, will be subject to prior review. 4. Any Other Special Selection Arrangements: N/A 5. Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Procurement of Consulting Services Summary 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ref. No. Description of Estimated Package Review Comments Assignment Cost s by Bank (Prior / US$ million Post) Summary of 0.2 2 Post Consultants Quality Selection contracts through CQS Summary of 0.4 5 Post Individual Consultants contracts through IC 3 4 PROCUREMENT Lesotho : Lesotho Education Quality for Equality Project PLAN General Information Country: Lesotho 2017-11-01 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2023-03-15 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P156001 GPN Date: Project Name: Lesotho Education Quality for Equality Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / 58200, IDA / Q9990 Ministry of Education Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned LS-MOET-108201-CW-CDD / Component 1: Improving the Construction of Classrooms teaching and learning enviro Community Drive 2020-04-1 IDA / 58200 Post Direct 3,000,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-09-09 2019-09-14 2019-10-19 and Latrines , Associated wor nment in targeted primary a n Development 6 ks at 20 Schools nd junior secondary schools GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual LS-MOET-24998-GO-RFB / Su Component 1: Improving the pply and Delivery of English teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 600,000.00 304,205.45 Completed 2017-11-28 2018-01-12 2017-12-03 2018-01-14 2018-04-24 2018-02-13 2018-08-14 2018-03-20 2018-09-28 2018-05-31 2018-12-13 Literacy Kits for Grade 1 to 3 nment in targeted primary a nvelope for 312 schools nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-25002-GO-RFB / Su Component 1: Improving the pply and delivery English sup teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 690,000.00 177,777.89 Signed 2018-02-16 2018-05-29 2018-02-21 2018-04-04 2018-07-18 2018-05-04 2018-09-28 2018-06-08 2018-11-22 2018-08-30 plementary readers for Grad nment in targeted primary a nvelope e 4 to 7 for 312 schools nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-25005-GO-RFB / Su Component 1: Improving the pply and delivery of Maths an teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 460,000.00 1,952,973.20 Terminated 2018-03-22 2018-05-07 2018-03-27 2018-05-08 2018-09-26 2018-06-07 2018-11-29 2018-07-12 2019-01-31 2019-01-08 d Science Textbooks for Grad nment in targeted primary a nvelope e8 nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-25010-GO-RFB / Su Component 1: Improving the pply and delivery of Maths & teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E Under Imple IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 552,000.00 0.00 2020-02-28 2020-07-21 2020-03-04 2020-04-15 2020-05-15 2020-06-19 2020-12-16 Science textbooks for Grade nment in targeted primary a nvelope mentation 10 nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-25148-GO-RFQ / S Component 3: Strengthening Request for Quota Single Stage - One E upply & delivery of a vehicle IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open - National 35,700.00 39,930.39 Completed 2017-10-26 2017-12-14 2017-11-15 2018-02-28 2018-01-24 tions nvelope for the Project Facilitation Un oject Management it (PFU) LS-MOET-25149-GO-RFQ / S Component 3: Strengthening upply & delivery of bulk stati Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open - National 5,605.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-19 2018-11-07 2018-12-14 onery for the workshops and tions nvelope oject Management trainings for the implementat ion year 2018/2019 LS-MOET-25151-GO-RFQ / S Component 3: Strengthening upply & delivery bulk station Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open - National 16,857.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-09-20 2019-11-08 2019-12-20 ery for the workshops and tra tions nvelope oject Management inings for implementation ye ar 2019/2020 LS-MOET-25152-GO-RFQ / S Component 3: Strengthening upply & delivery of bulk stati Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open - National 3,214.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-09-11 2020-10-30 2020-11-27 onery for the workshops and tions nvelope oject Management training for the implementati on year 2020/2021 LS-MOET-28813-GO-RFQ / S Component 1: Improving the upply, Delivery and Installati teaching and learning enviro Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 32,300.00 44,044.51 Completed 2017-10-27 2017-12-22 2018-03-13 2018-02-03 2018-04-23 on of Interactive Projectors a nment in targeted primary a tions nvelope nd white boards for 17 school nd junior secondary schools s LS-MOET-25213-GO-RFB / Su Component 1: Improving the pply and delivery of numerac teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E y kits for 65 secondary schoo IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-04-30 2020-01-24 2019-05-05 2019-06-16 2019-07-16 2019-08-20 2019-12-14 nment in targeted primary a nvelope ls and 48 primary schools, an nd junior secondary schools d top up numeracy kits for 2 64 schools LS-MOET-34059-GO-RFB / Su Component 1: Improving the pply and delivery of Sesotho teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 710,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-04-19 2019-04-25 2019-04-24 2019-08-06 2019-08-21 2019-09-05 2019-10-21 2019-10-10 2020-01-30 supplementary readers for gr nment in targeted primary a nvelope ade 4 to 7 for 312 schools nd junior secondary schools Component 1: Improving the LS-MOET-34080-GO-RFQ / S teaching and learning enviro Request for Quota Single Stage - One E upply and delivery of science IDA / Q9990 Post Open - National 45,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-05-22 2019-07-17 2019-10-26 nment in targeted primary a tions nvelope equipment for 17 schools nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-34043-GO-RFB / Su Component 1: Improving the pply and delivery of Sesotho teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 620,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-06-26 2019-06-27 2019-07-01 2019-09-30 2019-12-11 2019-10-30 2019-10-24 2019-12-04 2020-03-10 literacy kits for grades 1 to 3 nment in targeted primary a nvelope for 312 schools nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-25008-GO-RFB / Su Component 1: Improving the pply and delivery of Maths an teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 506,000.00 89,517.01 Signed 2019-04-24 2019-05-02 2019-04-29 2019-06-10 2019-09-25 2019-07-10 2019-10-25 2019-08-14 2020-01-27 2019-10-31 2020-06-18 d Science textbooks for Grad nment in targeted primary a nvelope e9 nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-196360-GO-RFB / Component 1: Improving the Development, Printing, Suppl teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E Under Imple IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 710,000.00 0.00 2020-09-25 2019-04-25 2020-09-30 2020-11-11 2019-08-21 2020-12-11 2021-01-15 2021-03-31 y and Delivery of Sesotho Re nment in targeted primary a nvelope mentation aders for Grade 4 to 7 for 31 nd junior secondary schools 2 schools LS-MOET-196362-GO-RFB / Component 1: Improving the Development, Printing, Suppl teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E Under Imple IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 620,000.00 0.00 2020-09-25 2019-04-25 2020-09-30 2020-11-11 2020-12-11 2021-01-15 2021-03-31 y and Delivery of Sesotho Lit nment in targeted primary a nvelope mentation eracy Kits for Grade 1 to 3 fo nd junior secondary schools r 312 schools Page 1 LS-MOET-198552-GO-RFB / S Component 1: Improving the upply and delivery of Numer teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E Under Imple acy Kits for Grade 1 to 7 at 3 IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Limited 850,000.00 0.00 2020-10-15 2020-10-15 2020-10-20 2020-10-15 2020-12-01 2020-11-25 2020-12-31 2020-12-01 2021-02-23 2021-04-24 nment in targeted primary a nvelope mentation 32 Schools plus 3 for NCDC, nd junior secondary schools PU and World Bank Office LS-MOET-196363-GO-RFB / S upply and Delivery of bulk Co Component 4: School Constr Single Stage - One E Under Imple IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 883,000.00 0.00 2021-02-26 2021-04-09 2021-03-05 2021-04-16 2021-05-17 2021-05-16 2021-06-20 2021-10-18 nstruction Materials (not avai uction nvelope mentation lable on site) for 25 schools LS-MOET-225490-GO-RFQ / Component 4: School Constr Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple Supply and Delivery of Tools IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 97,000.00 0.00 2021-03-27 2021-05-22 2021-11-18 uction tions nvelope mentation and Equipment for 25 Primar y Schools LS-MOET-295710-GO-RFQ / P rocurement of additional San Component 4: School Constr Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 Post Limited 32,942.00 0.00 2022-05-22 2022-07-17 2023-01-13 d (not available on site) for 1 uction tions nvelope ementation 2 schools under construction LS-MOET-297952-GO-RFQ / P rocurement of 20 laptops for Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl development of revision boo IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 20,000.00 0.00 2022-06-06 2022-08-01 2023-01-28 tions nvelope ementation klets and video clips for learn ery Strategy ers @M15,000 per laptop LS-MOET-312701-GO-RFQ / Component 4: School Constr Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl Additional Sand identified on IDA / 58200 Post Limited 13,000.00 0.00 2022-09-04 2022-10-30 2023-04-28 uction tions nvelope ementation August 2022 LS-MOET-108199-GO-RFB / S Component 1: Improving the upply and Delivery of Classro teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 2020-08-21 2020-08-26 2020-10-07 2020-11-06 2020-12-11 2021-06-09 om Furniture for 72 Classroo nment in targeted primary a nvelope ementation ms for 25 Primary schools nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-345009-GO-RFQ / Component 3: Strengthening Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl Computers (Laptops and Des IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Limited 61,480.59 0.00 2023-02-24 2023-03-24 2023-04-21 tions nvelope ementation ktops) oject Management LS-MOET-345023-GO-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl urchase of studio equipment IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 35,011.00 0.00 2023-02-24 2023-03-17 2023-03-31 tions nvelope ementation for LDTC ery Strategy Component 5: Accelerated T LS-MOET-345037-GO-RFQ / P Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 24,059.76 0.00 2023-02-24 2023-03-24 2023-04-21 rinters and Photocopiers tions nvelope ementation ery Strategy LS-MOET-345057-GO-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T urchase of braille embosser ( Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 18,692.00 0.00 2023-03-03 2023-03-28 2023-04-21 Index embossing machine) in tions nvelope ementation ery Strategy cluding Duxburry software an d Graphics machine NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Component 2: Strengthening LS-MOET-28836-NC-RFQ / Pri school accountability for stu Request for Quota Single Stage - One E nting of SIP Manual (English IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 23,000.00 3,001.36 Completed 2017-11-17 2018-01-12 2017-11-29 2018-03-30 2017-12-18 dent learning and retention i tions nvelope Version) n targeted schools LS-MOET-28842-NC-RFQ / Pri Component 1: Improving the nting of Assessment Package teaching and learning enviro Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 37,000.00 5,682.79 Completed 2017-11-21 2018-01-16 2018-09-21 2018-02-22 2018-10-31 s (for Grade 7) for 312 school nment in targeted primary a tions nvelope s nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-28844-NC-RFQ / Pri Component 1: Improving the nting of Achievement and Ap teaching and learning enviro Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 6,000.00 2,565.49 Completed 2017-11-28 2018-01-23 2018-09-27 2018-03-29 2018-10-19 titude Test for 312 Schools ( nment in targeted primary a tions nvelope Grade 4 & 7) nd junior secondary schools Component 1: Improving the LS-MOET-28845-NC-RFQ / Pri teaching and learning enviro Request for Quota Single Stage - One E nting of handouts for 24 scho IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 43,000.00 56,354.58 Completed 2017-11-28 2018-01-23 2018-04-24 2018-04-03 2018-08-06 nment in targeted primary a tions nvelope ols (Chemistry) nd junior secondary schools Component 2: Strengthening LS-MOET-34149-NC-RFQ / Pri school accountability for stu Request for Quota Single Stage - One E nting of SIP Manual (Sesotho IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 27,000.00 6,881.46 Signed 2018-01-22 2018-03-19 2019-02-06 2018-05-29 dent learning and retention i tions nvelope Version) n targeted schools LS-MOET-34166-NC-RFQ / Pri Component 1: Improving the nting of subject teachers test teaching and learning enviro Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 13,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-07-13 2020-09-07 2020-11-27 s (pre & post) for training of t nment in targeted primary a tions nvelope eachers for new Lesotho mod nd junior secondary schools el (Grade 8) LS-MOET-34317-NC-RFQ / Su Component 1: Improving the pply of transport services for teaching and learning enviro Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 42,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-06-05 2019-07-31 2019-09-30 delivery of LEQEP materials f nment in targeted primary a tions nvelope rom SSU to schools nd junior secondary schools Component 2: Strengthening LS-MOET-34155-NC-RFQ / Pri school accountability for stu Request for Quota Single Stage - One E nting of School Improvement IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 79,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-04-30 2019-06-25 2019-09-10 dent learning and retention i tions nvelope Plans (SIPs) for 377 schools n targeted schools Component 1: Improving the LS-MOET-28848-NC-RFQ / Pri teaching and learning enviro Request for Quota Single Stage - One E nting of handouts for 24 scho IDA / 58200 Post Open - National 25,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-05-30 2019-07-25 2019-10-17 nment in targeted primary a tions nvelope ols (Biology) nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-289008-NC-RFB / P Component 5: Accelerated T Single Stage - One E Under Imple rinting of Grade 5-7 Revision IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Request for Bids Limited 135,958.00 0.00 2022-05-02 2022-06-30 2022-05-07 2022-06-30 2022-06-18 2022-07-18 2022-08-22 2023-02-18 nvelope mentation Booklets for Creativity and E ery Strategy ntrepreneiral LS-MOET-297942-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of materials for Grad IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 90,260.00 0.00 2022-07-05 2022-08-30 2023-02-26 tions nvelope ementation e 8-11 learners. ery Strategy Page 2 LS-MOET-297950-NC-RFQ / Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl Development and printing of IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 78,000.00 0.00 2022-07-06 2022-08-31 2023-02-27 tions nvelope ementation materials for Grade 1-7 learn ery Strategy ers . LS-MOET-297993-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of materials for Grade IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 78,000.00 0.00 2022-07-06 2022-08-31 2023-02-27 tions nvelope ementation 1-7 learners . ery Strategy LS-MOET-298008-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of the assessment str IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 101,026.00 0.00 2022-07-08 2022-09-02 2023-03-01 tions nvelope ementation ategies for the schools (Grad ery Strategy e 5-7) LS-MOET-298009-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of the assessment str IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 7,858.00 0.00 2022-07-08 2022-09-02 2023-03-01 tions nvelope ementation ategies for the schools (Grad ery Strategy e 8) LS-MOET-298011-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of the assessment str IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 71,840.00 0.00 2022-07-08 2022-09-02 2023-03-01 tions nvelope ementation ategies for the schools (Grad ery Strategy e 9-12) LS-MOET-297558-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E Under Imple rinting of Grade 5-7 Revision IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Request for Bids 135,958.00 0.00 2022-06-24 2022-06-30 2022-06-29 2022-07-16 2022-08-10 2022-09-09 2022-10-14 2023-04-12 l nvelope mentation Booklets for Sesotho ery Strategy LS-MOET-297869-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Single Stage - One E Under Imple rinting of Grade 5-7 Revision IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Request for Bids Open - National 135,958.00 0.00 2022-06-30 2022-06-30 2022-07-05 2022-07-16 2022-08-16 2022-09-15 2022-10-20 2023-04-18 nvelope mentation Booklets for Mathematics ery Strategy LS-MOET-298005-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Single Stage - One E Under Imple rinting of Grade 5-7 Revision IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Request for Bids Open - National 135,958.00 0.00 2022-06-30 2022-06-30 2022-07-05 2022-07-16 2022-08-16 2022-09-15 2022-10-20 2023-04-18 nvelope mentation Booklets for Science and Tec ery Strategy hnology LS-MOET-297956-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T rinting of Grade 8 - 11 ATL m Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Request for Bids 1,690,280.00 0.00 2022-06-30 2022-07-05 2022-08-16 2022-09-15 2022-10-20 2023-04-18 aterials ( revision booklets) - l nvelope ementation ery Strategy 350 secondary schools LS-MOET-298003-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Single Stage - One E Under Imple rinting of Grade 5-7 Revision IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Request for Bids Open - National 135,958.00 0.00 2022-06-30 2022-06-30 2022-07-05 2022-07-17 2022-08-16 2022-09-15 2022-10-20 2023-04-18 nvelope mentation Booklets for Social Sciences ery Strategy LS-MOET-298000-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Single Stage - One E Under Imple rinting of Grade 5-7 Revision IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Request for Bids Open - National 135,958.00 0.00 2022-06-30 2022-06-30 2022-07-05 2022-07-16 2022-08-16 2022-09-15 2022-10-20 2023-04-18 nvelope mentation Booklets for English ery Strategy LS-MOET-300493-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Grade 9 Sesotho Re IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 59,806.00 0.00 2022-06-25 2022-08-20 2023-02-16 tions nvelope ementation vision Booklets ery Strategy LS-MOET-300504-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of History Revision Bo IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 35,000.00 0.00 2022-06-25 2022-08-20 2023-02-16 tions nvelope ementation oklets for Grades 9-11 ery Strategy LS-MOET-300520-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Food and Nutrition IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 35,000.00 0.00 2022-06-25 2022-08-20 2023-02-16 tions nvelope ementation Revision Booklets for Grades ery Strategy 8-11 LS-MOET-300529-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Under Imple rinting of Agriculture Revisio IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2022-06-25 2022-07-29 2022-08-20 2023-02-16 tions nvelope mentation n Booklets for Grades 10 and ery Strategy 11 LS-MOET-300541-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Fashion and Textile IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 35,000.00 0.00 2022-06-25 2022-08-20 2023-02-16 tions nvelope ementation Revision Booklets for Grades ery Strategy 8-11 LS-MOET-300543-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Literature in Englis IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 30,000.00 0.00 2022-06-25 2022-08-20 2023-02-16 tions nvelope ementation h Revision Booklets for Grade ery Strategy s 8-11 LS-MOET-300548-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Travel and Tourism IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 35,000.00 0.00 2022-06-25 2022-08-20 2023-02-16 tions nvelope ementation Revision Booklets for Grades ery Strategy 9-11 LS-MOET-300550-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Development Studi IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 45,000.00 0.00 2022-06-25 2022-08-20 2023-02-16 tions nvelope ementation es Revision Booklets for Grad ery Strategy es 9-11 LS-MOET-318406-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 14,432.50 0.00 2022-09-28 2022-10-30 2022-12-02 tions nvelope ementation Life Skills Assessment Guides ery Strategy LS-MOET-318410-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 14,432.50 0.00 2022-10-03 2022-11-18 2022-12-07 tions nvelope ementation Numeracy Assessment Guide ery Strategy s LS-MOET-318411-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T rinting Services and Delivery Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 14,432.50 0.00 2022-09-28 2022-11-30 2022-11-30 of Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sesoth tions nvelope ementation ery Strategy o Assessment Guides LS-MOET-298006-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of the English assess IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 14,432.50 0.00 2022-07-08 2022-09-02 2023-03-01 tions nvelope ementation ment strategies for the schoo ery Strategy ls ( Grade 1-4) LS-MOET-320474-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Geography Grade 1 IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2022-10-19 2022-11-18 2022-12-18 tions nvelope ementation 0-11 Revision Booklet and Te ery Strategy achers' Guide LS-MOET-320809-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of sesotho Grade 10-1 IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2022-10-17 2022-11-20 2022-12-30 tions nvelope ementation 1 Revision Booklets ery Strategy LS-MOET-320908-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Accounting Revisio IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 46,161.00 0.00 2022-10-19 2022-10-30 2022-12-30 tions nvelope ementation n Booklet for Grades 9-11 ery Strategy LS-MOET-320913-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of English Language R IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2022-10-19 2022-10-31 2022-11-16 tions nvelope ementation evision Booklet for Grades 9- ery Strategy 11 Page 3 LS-MOET-320914-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Mathematics Grade IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 75,000.00 0.00 2022-10-19 2022-10-31 2022-12-30 tions nvelope ementation 9-11 Revision Booklets ery Strategy LS-MOET-320915-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Biology Grade 9-11 IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2022-10-19 2022-11-30 2022-12-30 tions nvelope ementation Revision Booklets ery Strategy LS-MOET-320917-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Physical Science Re IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 75,000.00 0.00 2022-10-19 2022-10-30 2022-12-30 tions nvelope ementation vision Booklet for Grades 9-1 ery Strategy 1 LS-MOET-320918-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Design and Technol IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 30,000.00 0.00 2022-10-19 2022-10-31 2022-12-30 tions nvelope ementation ogy Revision Booklet for Gra ery Strategy des 9-11 LS-MOET-320919-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Religious Education IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 30,000.00 0.00 2022-10-19 2022-10-30 2022-12-30 tions nvelope ementation Revision Booklet for Grades 9 ery Strategy -11 LS-MOET-320920-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T rinting of Agriculture Revisio Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 40,774.00 0.00 2022-10-19 2022-10-30 2023-04-28 n Booklet for Grades 9-11 (re tions nvelope ementation ery Strategy maining revision booklets) LS-MOET-340872-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Grade 8 to 11 Math IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 47,563.00 0.00 2023-02-24 2023-03-24 2023-03-24 tions nvelope ementation ematics Revision booklets ery Strategy LS-MOET-340875-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Grade 8 to 11 Engli IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 47,563.00 0.00 2023-02-24 2023-03-24 2023-04-28 tions nvelope ementation sh revision booklets ery Strategy LS-MOET-340877-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Grade 8 to 11 Sesot IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 30,339.00 0.00 2023-02-24 2023-03-24 2023-04-21 tions nvelope ementation ho revision booklets ery Strategy LS-MOET-340878-NC-RFQ / T Component 5: Accelerated T ransportation for Stationery, Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 57,390.00 0.00 2023-02-17 2023-03-24 2023-04-24 textbooks revision booklets a tions nvelope ementation ery Strategy nd for inspections and data c ollection ib schools LS-MOET-344167-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of assessment strateg IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 3,892.00 0.00 2023-02-24 2023-03-24 2023-04-28 tions nvelope ementation ies for the remaining 278 sec ery Strategy ondary LS-MOET-344168-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of teachers' training IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 5,838.00 0.00 2023-02-28 2023-03-28 2023-04-18 tions nvelope ementation manuals for the remaining 2 ery Strategy 78 secondary LS-MOET-344170-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl rinting of Science assessmen IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 3,841.96 0.00 2023-02-28 2023-03-31 2023-10-18 tions nvelope ementation t strategies for the remaining ery Strategy 278 secondary LS-MOET-344172-NC-RFQ / P Component 5: Accelerated T rinting of Science teachers tr Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Limited 5,888.04 0.00 2023-02-28 2023-03-24 2023-04-18 aining manuals for the remai tions nvelope ementation ery Strategy ning 278 secondary Component 1: Improving the LS-MOET-348762-NC-RFB / P teaching and learning enviro Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 58200 Post Request for Bids Limited 29,700.00 0.00 2023-03-13 2023-03-17 2023-03-24 2023-03-31 2023-04-03 2023-04-21 rinting of survey instruments nment in targeted primary a nvelope ementation nd junior secondary schools LS-MOET-349808-NC-DIR / S Component 5: Accelerated T Direct - Internation Pending Impl ervice of heavy duty printing IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Direct Selection 8,000.00 0.00 2023-03-15 2023-03-20 2023-03-22 2023-09-18 al ementation machine: Heidelberg Print Ma ery Strategy ster LS-MOET-349817-NC-DIR / M Component 5: Accelerated T Direct - Internation Pending Impl aintenance of Computer to Pl IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Post Direct Selection 3,500.00 0.00 2023-03-15 2023-03-20 2023-03-31 2023-04-21 al ementation ate machine ery Strategy CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual LS-MOET-25097-CS-CQS / Co Component 3: Strengthening nsulting firm for Final Assess Consultant Qualifi IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open - National 124,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-09-27 2019-10-18 2019-12-01 2019-12-31 2020-02-04 2020-08-02 ment on Maths & Science tea cation Selection oject Management cher skills/competencies at J C & primary level LS-MOET-25100-CS-CQS / Co Component 3: Strengthening nsulting firm for developmen Consultant Qualifi IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open - National 79,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-07-24 2019-08-14 2019-09-27 2019-10-27 2019-12-01 2020-05-29 t of school construction strat cation Selection oject Management egy for Ministry of Education & Training LS-MOET-111489-CS-QCBS / Component 3: Strengthening Consulting Firm for Design a Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post 1,500,000.00 673,950.83 Signed 2019-04-25 2019-05-09 2019-05-16 2019-05-29 2019-06-29 2019-07-22 2019-07-27 2019-09-18 2019-08-26 2019-10-20 2019-09-30 2019-11-22 2019-11-04 2020-01-14 2020-11-03 nd Supervision of Classrooms Based Selection l oject Management and Latrines Construction for Primary Schools LS-MOET-196944-CS-CQS / E Component 3: Strengthening nagement of a Consulting Fir Consultant Qualifi Under Implement IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 2020-09-29 2021-10-26 2020-10-08 2020-11-21 2020-11-05 2021-01-05 2021-02-18 2021-06-22 m to undertake SIP progamm cation Selection ation oject Management e evaluation for four (4) mon ths INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual LS-MOET-25094-CS-INDV / C Component 1: Improving the onsultant to develop new Ma teaching and learning enviro Individual Consult IDA / 58200 Post Open 46,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-03-27 2018-05-15 2018-06-05 2018-07-10 2019-01-06 ths & Science curriculum rela nment in targeted primary a ant Selection ted Assessment Packages for nd junior secondary schools Grade 8 to 10 Page 4 LS-MOET-28827-CS-INDV / E Component 1: Improving the ngagement of a consultant fo teaching and learning enviro Individual Consult r Support on Assessment of E IDA / 58200 Post Open 47,250.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-09-15 2017-11-03 2017-11-24 2017-12-29 2018-04-25 nment in targeted primary a ant Selection ssential Skills in Early Grades nd junior secondary schools Reading and Numeracy LS-MOET-34285-CS-INDV / R Component 3: Strengthening Individual Consult ecruitment of a Driver for Pro IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open 19,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-11-17 2018-01-05 2018-01-26 2018-03-02 2021-02-14 ant Selection ject Facilitation Unit (PFU) oject Management LS-MOET-24992-CS-INDV / C onsultant to undertake a Stu Component 3: Strengthening Individual Consult dy on Teacher Supply, Dema IDA / Q9990 Institutional Capacity and Pr Prior Open 158,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-08-16 2017-08-16 2016-03-21 2017-08-16 2017-08-17 2017-10-31 ant Selection nd and Management (also te oject Management acher career development st rategy) LS-MOET-25107-CS-INDV / C Component 3: Strengthening Individual Consult onsultant to provide expert s IDA / 58200 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open 37,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-07-26 2019-09-13 2019-10-04 2019-11-08 2020-03-31 ant Selection ervices on Education Plannin oject Management g LS-MOET-34631-CS-INDV / E Component 1: Improving the ngagement of a consultant to teaching and learning enviro Individual Consult IDA / 58200 Post Open 47,250.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-05-17 2019-07-05 2019-07-26 2019-08-30 2019-12-26 provide support for secondar nment in targeted primary a ant Selection y Pre-vocational Qualification nd junior secondary schools s LS-MOET-198544-CS-INDV / Engagement of an Individual Component 4: School Constr Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / 58200 Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2021-02-12 2022-08-28 2021-02-17 2020-11-09 2021-03-10 2021-04-14 2021-10-11 Consultant to support EFU on uction ant Selection ation school construction LS-MOET-222697-CS-INDV / I Component 3: Strengthening Individual Consult Under Implement ndividual consultant Procure IDA / Q9990 Institutional Capacity and Pr Post Open 23,600.00 0.00 2021-03-04 2021-06-04 2021-04-22 2021-05-13 2021-06-17 2021-12-14 ant Selection ation ment Specialist oject Management LS-MOET-272662-CS-INDV / Engagement of Qualified Tea Component 5: Accelerated T Individual Consult Pending Impleme cher Assistants for Primary a IDA / 58200 eaching and Learning Recov Prior Open - National 1,016,000.00 0.00 2022-01-27 2022-04-09 ant Selection ntation nd Junior Secondary schools ( ery Strategy Accelerated Teaching and Le arning) Page 5