NOTE NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 2 Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 1. Why is embedding climate resilience into urban and transport sectors’ infrastructure, planning, and policies important? Africa is the fastest urbanizing continent with more than 40 percent of the population living in urban areas, an amount that is expected to increase to 60 percent by 2050 (World Bank, 2020). Rapid, unplanned urbanization is a major risk factor, leading to an increased concentration of people, inadequate provision of basic services, and infrastructure in exposed areas. Urban areas are particularly vulnerable to flooding, landslides, and coastal impact hazards. Climate change will affect rainfall patterns and temperature, further exacerbating the intensity and frequency of floods. Tropical cyclones bring associated high winds, flooding, and landslides. Climate change is predicted to increase cyclones’ intensity, which can harm cities. Urban informal settlements and slums are extremely vulnerable due to their typically improvised and unregulated infrastructure, dense population, and prevalent poverty (World Bank, The Africa Climate Resilience Investment and private developers in integrating that received catalytic funds from Facility (AFRI-RES) is a partnership climate resilience in project planning AFRI-RES. It draws from application of between the Africa Union, African and design, thereby attracting funding the Resilience Booster Tool to specific Development Bank, the United Nations from both development and climate projects, as relevant, Compendium Economic Commission for Africa finance sources. Volume on Climate Resilient Investment (UNECA), and the World Bank Group, in Sub-Saharan Africa (World Bank established with support from the Nordic This note summarizes lessons and (2023a) and Guidance, Standards, and Development Fund (NDF). The partnership practices deployed in embedding climate Good Practice Notes developed under seeks to assist governments, planners, resilience into the design of projects the program. Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 1 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 forthcoming, b1). Expected threats to urban areas also policies for preparation of risk-informed master plans. include heat waves, vector-borne diseases, decreasing At the metropolitan regional level, fostering urban water supply reliability, and sea-level rise, many of water resiliency requires (a) coordination across urban which are expected to intensify due to climate change. services, such as water supply, sewerage, drainage, Many of the rapidly expanding urban areas are coastal wastewater treatment, and solid waste management, and are expected to be particularly negatively affected and (b) land use planning, including ecological zoning, by severe climatic events over the next 30 to 50 years protected areas, and public spaces. (World Bank, 2023c). Sub-Saharan Africa’s transportation sector is key The lack of appropriate solid waste management to regional economic development. In particular, (SWM) and drainage or sewerage systems is another road accessibility is necessary for inclusion and highly relevant aspect of African cities’ vulnerability socioeconomic opportunities. Safe and all-season to climate. This can constitute an important element road accessibility advances the human capital conducive to flooding, along with increased water- agenda. Roads support inclusion and socioeconomic borne diseases. Indiscriminate dumping into water opportunities by connecting all community members channels reduces the discharge capacity of the drains to social opportunities, education, health and financial and increases flood risks. As such, waste collected services, labor markets, and economic opportunities. often ends up in open drains, watercourses, and Rural farmers and regional value chains benefit from streams or in illegal dumpsites, which causes higher rural infrastructure development because road access flooding impacts. is critical to access markets and distribution centers and to acquire agriculture inputs. At the same time, the rapid rate of urbanization in the region presents a unique opportunity to embed While a fraction of Sub-Saharan Africa countries has resilience into planning and policies. Climate-smart 70 percent or more of their roads in good condition, urban planning has the potential to reduce the impacts fewer than 50 percent of the road networks across of the natural hazards on cities in Sub-Saharan Africa, other Sub-Saharan African countries are in good bolster environmental sustainability, and create robust condition. When focusing on rural roads, this value urban environments that can withstand the worsening drops to almost 25 percent, affecting the transport impacts of climate change. Integrated into climate- of goods out of these areas and the provision of smart planning, hydrologic and hydraulic studies can goods into these areas during much of the year (World aid planning and designing for a once-in-a-50-year Bank, forthcoming, a2). Not having safe and weather- river flood protection for major rivers including the resistant roads undermines communities’ prosperity canal systems and drainage systems in urban areas. and exacerbates poverty in African communities. Also, Public service design standards may be upgraded to the high transport and other transfer costs caused by once-in-a-50-year return period flooding and landslide rural roads in poor condition are a severe constraint events. Standards should focus on housing, government on the competitiveness of agricultural exports. Poor buildings, and critical infrastructure systems. This rural roads translate into high per unit transfer costs entails promoting sectoral and spatial coordination, and limited access to markets, which limit farmers’ promoting risk awareness raising, scaling up citizen ability to capture commodity price increases and their engagement, garnering private sector engagement, capacity to negotiate terms with traders. and enhancing awareness around guidelines and 1 The note was prepared in collaboration with Industrial Economics Inc. under the AFRI-RES program. 2 The note was prepared in collaboration with Industrial Economics Inc. under the AFRI-RES program. Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 2 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 Securing sound road maintenance practices allows 4°C. These temperature increases will affect rail, air, countries in Africa to minimize and adapt to the and highway systems through reductions in lifespan impacts of climate change. World Bank analysis or operational delays (World Bank, forthcoming, a). (Hallegatte, Rentschler, and Rozenberg 2019) Potential rail deformations will force providers to shows that road maintenance is the first and most reduce service in times of intense heat. Similarly, economical line of defense against climate change. air service will be delayed as providers face reduced Precipitation caused by climate change is expected to capacity for lift during takeoff. lead to rehabilitation costs 10 times above historical conditions, and stresses imposed by flooding will lead Sub-Saharan Africa’s transport systems and the to a 17-fold increase. From Ethiopia in the east to institutions that govern them have limited adaptive Senegal and neighboring countries in the west, the capacity. There is a need to improve the capacities of middle of the continent is projected to have up to a 30 scientific institutions, central and local governments, percent increase in intense precipitation events, with (including transport offices), stakeholders, and civil significant ramifications for paved and unpaved roads society to help them prepare for climate change’s (World Bank, forthcoming, a). effects on transport networks. Concurrently, tools should be developed to support adaptation and Climate change will affect other transportation mitigation (including advanced early warning systems), modes. The southern part of the continent, for cross-sectoral cooperation, and sharing of experiences example, is projected to experience increases of 2°C to and policies. 2. Integration of climate resilience into the urban and transport sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa infrastructure and development of the built-up area Key considerations for embedding and can further exacerbate flood risks. Households climate resilience into urban contexts in unplanned settlements are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of urban flooding and landslides. Traditional gray structural approaches to reduce Acknowledging this interconnection between cities and manage urban flooding, such as drainage and their environment, and embodying perspectives systems, run-off canals, and flood control barriers, from the Next Generation Africa Climate Business are relevant but an end of the line solution. They are Plan (World Bank, 2020), an integrated approach is more effective as part of an integrated approach that needed for managing risks across the natural and addresses the climate vulnerability of ecosystems and built environments (figure 1). Such an approach natural terrain in which urban areas are ensconced. responds to the connectivity between land, water, and For example, loss of wetlands and inadequate waste in cities, and targets the complementarity and management of solid waste and wastewater reduce integration of gray infrastructure and nature-based the natural ability to reduce flood risks and contribute solutions, including green infrastructure, that can be to increased levels of surface and groundwater, all of replicated across countries and beyond (see figure which negatively affect communities downstream. 2 for examples of nature-based solutions applied to If unmanaged, increased surface water can damage climate resilience). This integrated systemic approach Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 3 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 Figure 1. Integrated Approach to Urban Flood Risk Management Addressing Basin-Level Climate Vulnerabilities. Source: World Bank 2020 can be applied to coastal and riverine cities, where river basin, frequently along the main river channels. water is a prominent part of the landscape and the Periodic dredging of river basins downstream for risk of coastal flooding, coastal storm surges, and removal of sediments and waste restores their cross- erosion is high (World Bank 2023b). section flow and hydraulic discharge capacity. To reduce the regular sediment load on the channels, To secure water security and flood regulation sand traps can be built on the main channel and downstream, city governments must partner with downstream sections of tributaries. Flood detention subnational and national authorities to ensure basins can be built to store peak floodwaters. In that upstream watersheds are well managed. downstream sections, vehicular and railway bridges The protection offered by ecosystems and nature- can be reconstructed to reduce hydraulic impediments based solutions to increase resilience of cities to where structural abutments in the channels and low climate shocks and stresses needs to be integrated bridge height may present obstacles to discharge. into climate-smart city plans. However, ensuring a Sea outlets can be reengineered and reconfigured to stable and cheap water supply for the growing urban reduce hydraulic interference at the point of discharge population and managing for the increasing frequency to the sea. Additional measures to climate-proof of floods may require additional cooperation with structural flood mitigation measures and achieve catchments beyond city jurisdictions—in addition to higher flood safety levels may include the development proximate catchments. of additional flood detention basins and micro-water retention areas, or wadis, which follow nature-based solutions in parks, parking lots, sidewalks, playing fields, and so on. Proposed measures in urban sector projects to increase resilience Nonstructural measures to improve flood warning and preparedness. Structural measures to mitigate flood impacts. This includes scaling up and modernizing flood forecasting, warning, and emergency response systems. Investments contribute to improved flood safety, Key agencies involved in the hydrometeorological, flood focusing on areas at the highest risk of flooding in the early warning, and response value chains need support Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 4 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 to enhance community awareness and preparedness. Solid waste management improvements. These actions aim at (a) laying the foundation for integrated modernization of hydromet and early These efforts reduce the amount of solid waste warning services and (b) strengthening operational flowing into primary discharge channels. Because this collaboration between national-level disaster response component leads to the reduction of solid waste that and meteorological agencies and local governments to ends up in the ocean, it reduces marine litter. Actions provide effective flood early warning and response. A include (a) community-based SWM interventions in paradigm shift is needed to evolve from hazard-based targeted low-income communities, including outreach early warning to impact-based early warning, improve programs to sensitize and improve public behavior on last mile communication and community outreach, SWM; improvements of litter management; waste and support contingency planning and community transfer station construction; capping of old dumpsites: awareness campaigns in a gender-sensitive manner. and final solid waste disposal capacity improvements. The outcome provides long-term climate resilience Reducing solid waste in the drainage channel and for all urban communities exposed to increasingly SWM improvements can bring climate adaptation and frequent and severe flooding. mitigation benefits from lowered methane emissions Figure 2. Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilience. Source: Van Zanten et al. 2023 Note: This group of intervention types is not a comprehensive list of all nature-based solutions for resilience types but instead focuses on interventions for adaptation and disaster risk reduction applications. The rivers and floodplains family includes riparian buffers; oxbows, side channels, and diversion channels; floodplains and swales; stream biofilters and leaky and woody barriers; and removal of invasive species that affect flooding. The urban green family includes green buildings and roofs; urban parks and open green space; green corridors; urban farming; bioretention areas; and sustainable urban drainage systems. The coastal wetlands family includes mangroves. Submerged aquatic vegetation includes seagrasses and kelp. Designs can include all three types in an integrated approach to urban flood risk management. Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 5 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 from unmanaged dump sites. Community-based SWM Participatory community upgrading to interventions can double as potential public work increase longer-term resilience. programs in adaptive safety net systems. Community campaigns can provide incentives to communities Participatory community upgrading can reduce based on independently verified outcomes, such as vulnerability and strengthen climate resilience to improved waste collection and reduction of solid waste flooding while improving living conditions in priority disposed into the drainage system. Physical barriers or communities, including participatory upgrading of fences, waste collection bins, and signages along the tertiary infrastructure and services prioritized by channel can prevent people from deliberately dumping targeted low-income communities. This may include waste into the channels. (a) construction or rehabilitation of drains, local roads, Action Areas for Integrating Climate Resilience (Flooding) into Urban Sector Projects Intervention Area Purpose Examples Structural Measures to Mitigate Flood Impacts Basin-level interventions Restore hydraulic discharge capacity of Dredge river basins river basin Reduce river and channel Build sand traps sediment load Store/retain peak floodwaters Build flood detention basins, micro- water retention areas (“wadis”), and other nature-based solutions in green spaces Reduce hydraulic interference at the Reengineer sea outlets point of discharge to the sea (coastal) Urban infrastructure interventions Improve drainage system Build/extend drainage infrastructure Scale up and modernize flood forecasting, warning, and emergency response systems Enhwance community awareness Community outreach and and preparedness education programs Nonstructural measures to improve Reduce number of dwellings built in Develop flood risk and zoning maps flood warning and preparedness vulnerable areas to flooding Strengthen operational collaboration between the national-level disaster response and meteorological agencies and local governments Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 6 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 Action Areas for Integrating Climate Resilience (Flooding) into Urban Sector Projects Intervention Area Purpose Examples Improve waste sorting Build waste transfer stations, and management implement separation of waste disposal programs Improve waste disposal Improve final solid waste disposal SWM Improvements capacity, cap dumpsites Create community-based Create community outreach SWM interventions to reduce programs for sensitization, public litter accumulation works programs Figure 3. Proposed Integrated Approach for Flood and Erosion Risk Management in Coastal Beira, Mozambique Source: Royal Haskoning DHV,; in: Van Zanten et al 2023. Note: For stretch 1, protecting the Port of Beira on the western side of the city, interventions consider an early warning system with other measures. Along stretches 2, 3, and 4, combinations of seawalls and dune restoration are proposed and evaluated. Stretch 1 = coastal stretch; stretch 2 = beachhead; stretch 3 = groins; stretch 4=coastal stretch Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 7 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 pedestrian paths, community sanitation facilities, are in the Dakar coastal zone. In Ghana, Benin, Togo, streetlighting, open spaces, local markets, and Sierra Leone, and Nigeria, the backbone of national terminals and (b) construction of primary/secondary economies is in coastal zones, frequently as part of infrastructure to make tertiary upgrading viable, such urban areas (World Bank 2021b). In addition to the as interceptor sewers and storm water overflows, overall vulnerabilities to flooding and extreme heat that small wastewater treatment facilities, and micro- cities can present, coastal cities have vulnerabilities water retention/detention ponds and public open to coastal climate impacts. For example, the coastal space. See table 1 for a summary of actions under nations of West and Central Africa have low-lying each area of intervention. lagoonal coasts that are susceptible to erosion. They are threatened by sea-level rise and storm surges, in addition to marine and coastal pollution issues that exacerbate coastal and riverine flooding. Mozambique Coastal Cities and Resilience and Madagascar coastal cities in southeastern Africa are frequently exposed to tropical hurricane impacts A large percentage of Africa’s urban population live (World Bank 2023b). For coastal urban resilience, in coastal cities. In 2006, about 40.4 million Nigerians nature-based solutions and green infrastructure (19 percent of the national population) lived along can reduce the impact of storm surges, decrease the coastal zone, and about 7.8 million Senegalese climate vulnerability, and increase resilience. Nature- (52 percent of the national population) lived in the based solutions include ecosystem-based approaches Dakar coastal area, of which 60 percent were urban. such as restoration, protection, and management of The coastal zone is home to a key part of Africa’s mangroves, coral reefs, and other coastal ecosystems. economies. About 90 percent of Senegalese industries See figure 3. Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 8 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 Assess the need for institutional strengthening Key Considerations for Integrating to develop clear guidance on embedding climate Resilience into the Transport Sector change considerations. Support development of climate change resiliency strategy and action plans Key action areas to enhance increasing for the road sectors and practical guidelines for resilience of projects in the transport sector project engineers and social and environmental include the following: specialists that are adequate to the rural road context. Contribute to effective implementation of climate Incorporate resilience throughout the design, resilience aspects by updating manuals and providing construction, and maintenance stages of selected technical strengthening in climate resilience, including roads, taking a fit-for-purpose approach. Efforts can manuals and protocols for emergency preparedness include activities to develop and conduct diagnostics and response based on the vulnerabilities specific of existing information, stakeholders, systems, and for each country or region and its rural roads sector. processes used to conduct vulnerability assessments Take a people-centered approach through inclusive of road networks; reviews of design, construction, consultations to embed green, climate-resilient and maintenance standards with a resiliency focus; considerations to foster inclusive approaches. These and vulnerability assessments at the network and will complement engineering adaptation options to subproject levels as needed. To implement activities, climate vulnerability. Where needed, projects should assessments should look into specific climatic look to facilitate cross-institutional climate resilience regional threats, such as wildfires or coastal and river work. Promote planning cooperation and share sources floods, to support all-season access, especially for of data and knowledge on climate resiliency from the smallholder farmers. interministerial to local levels, including local practices. See table 2 for summaries of potential actions under each intervention area. Action Areas for Integrating Climate Resilience (Flooding) into Transport Sector Projects Intervention Area Purpose Examples Identify key links for the good Conduct road network operation of the road network and vulnerability assessment that could constitute bottlenecks due to climate vulnerability Ensure integration of climate resilience Review design, construction, and into transport infrastructure maintenance standards with resiliency focus Design, construction, and Ensure integrating resiliency to specific Conduct local network and subproject maintenance of road networks local climate threats (flooding, extreme vulnerability assessments heat, fire hazards) into transport networks to support all-season access Address rural road network resiliency Develop practical guidelines for project engineers and social and environmental specialists that are adequate to the rural road context Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 9 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 Action Areas for Integrating Climate Resilience (Flooding) into Transport Sector Projects Intervention Area Purpose Examples Develop clear guidance on embedding Assess the need for climate change considerations into the institutional strengthening transport sector Ensure effective implementation Develop climate change resiliency of climate resilience into the strategy and action plans for the road networks road sectors Update manuals and protocols for emergency preparedness and response based on vulnerabilities of each Institutional and community country or region capacity building Build long-term, integrated climate Promote planning cooperation resilience across stakeholders and shared sources of data and and institutions knowledge on climate resiliency from the interministerial to the local level, including local practices Complement engineering adaptation Conduct inclusive consultations options to climate vulnerability with to embed green, climate-resilient community and other specialist views considerations on resilience needs Case Studies from the AFRI-RES– Greater Accra Resilient and dd Supported Urban and Transport Integrated Development Project Sector Projects on Integrating The Greater Accra Region (GAR) in Ghana faces Resilience into Designs coastal impact challenges: a historical rate of coastal erosion is eroding 1.5 meters per year in some of Accra’s This section describes projects3 supported by the coastal communities. A significant number of houses AFRI-RES fund. Some used the Resilience Booster along the coast have been washed away, and the trend Tool to aid project design. The Resilience Booster continues in select areas. The region faces increased is an interactive, step-by-step tool for development flood risks. Floods affect poor urban households more practitioners to embed climate resilience through a than the rest of the GAR population. The urban poor set of resilience attributes into project designs. It helps tend to reside in low-lying or uninhabitable areas, and teams to think through, specify, and design project often these informal settlements (38.4 percent of the activities that build resilience by integrating resilience GAR population) are associated with overcrowding, attributes. We report the results of the application substandard housing, and poor access to basic services. of the Resilience Booster at the end of the project Their situation contributes to increased flood impacts: description if available4. for example, inadequate solid waste collection and disposal services and inadequate drainage management contribute to drain blockage and flooding. 1 Greater Accra Climate Resilient and Integrated Development Project, Senegal Stormwater Management and Climate Change Adapta- tion Project II, Cameroon Douala Urban Mobility Project, Tanzania Development Corridors Transport Project, Tanzania Roads to Inclu- sion and Socioeconomic Opportunities (RISE) Project 2 See also Rigaud, Arora, and Singh (2023). Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 10 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 The aim of the Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development Project (US$ 200.00 million) is to Senegal Stormwater Management improve the flood risk management and SWM in and Climate Change Adaptation GAR and access to basic infrastructure and services Project 2 in targeted communities. The project intervenes at the basin level to improve drainage, flood mitigation, Coastal floods affect Dakar urban and peri-urban and SWM. It also engages beneficiaries, local areas, which will likely be aggravated with climate government jurisdictions, sectoral ministries, and other change. The population living in the low elevation stakeholders at all levels to facilitate participatory coastal zone areas (32 percent of the total projected for upgrading of critical services and infrastructure. 2030) in Senegal are highly vulnerable to the impacts of sea-level rise, storm surge, and erosion. After Nigeria, Basin-level interventions ensure that upstream, Senegal ranks second in Sub-Saharan Africa on the middle, and downstream areas are planned and number of people exposed to coastal flooding. Sea-level managed in a water-sensitive way to improve changes and land degradation are leading to coastal drainage and reduce flooding impacts. By applying erosion, which poses a major threat to Senegal’s nature-based solutions and green/gray infrastructure population and economy. Sea level could rise by up to to mitigate the risk of flash floods, (a) upstream 1 meter by the end of the century because of climate areas can absorb excess rainwater through retention change. The observed erosion rate of the shoreline varies ponds, (b) midstream areas can preserve open spaces between 1 to 2 meters per year for sandy beaches. for absorbing stormwater through resilient drains Erosion is affecting the coastal zone in the Dakar peri- and green spaces, and (c) downstream areas can urban area the most. In the Dakar Metropolitan Area, drain stormwater quickly by widening channels and more than US$2 billion, or 5 percent, of physical assets outlets to the sea. The SWM interventions include a are potentially exposed to high natural hazards. multifaceted litter management strategy to reduce waste entering waterways. The Senegal Stormwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project 2 (US$ 172.40 million) The project adopts an integrated approach toward addresses these coastal erosion and flooding addressing growing socioeconomic challenges climate impacts through integrated urban planning related with uncontrolled growth and flooding in and management actions. The project focuses on the GAR by bringing all key stakeholders together, developing plans to better protect populations and including local government jurisdictions, and across infrastructure from increased flood risk and coastal sectoral ministries. In addition, the project design erosion. It will finance structural urban planning acknowledges there is no single solution, and flexibility studies and contingency plans across five water basins across a long-term horizon supports experimentation, and capacity building for the municipal planning learning, and effective solutions to bring effective authorities on flood management. For each water basin, change in citizens’ mindsets (for example, not settling a flood risk management plan will be produced. Further, in flood plains or keeping streams free of waste), climate-resilient principles will be followed in the urban government entities, private sectors, and nonprofit planning and land management plans because informal organizations. Finally, the project design heavily centers settlements are often in low-lying, flood-prone, and on community engagement early on and throughout environmentally sensitive areas. The planning process will planning and prioritization of investments to ensure identify the most sensitive areas to implement zoning effective outcomes and improve operations and regulations to prevent construction in areas exposed to management (O&M) after project implementation. the worsening effects of climate change. Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 11 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 Figure 4. Resilience Booster Tool Attributes. Source: World Bank AFRI-RES webpage, Locally, the project will use studies to promote for, and adapt to changing climate conditions, such as resilient and green city practices, all of which have predicted evolutions in extreme rainfall events. Project strong adaptation and mitigation co-benefits. To geographic targeting will focus on areas that are enhance adaptation co-benefits, the studies on flood highly exposed to climate change and sensitive to risk management, rainfall harvesting and wetland natural hazards such as flooding and erosion. Green management, strategic planning of protected buffer spaces along the drainage network will be designed zone areas, and information systems and early to improve conditions during heatwaves. Investments warning systems will support the security of urban in retention basins and pumping activities will allow coastal populations by reducing flood risks worsening for increased resilience during flood events linked to with climate change. the worsening effect of climate change. Technical studies will inform the design of new drainage The project will implement pumping and drainage networks in other peri-urban areas of Dakar and infrastructure construction and management, Saint-Louis. Further, the project has additional informed by flood modeling that accounts for climate adaptation co-benefits because it will help improve projections and the worsening effects of climate water sanitation and prevent clogging of networks change. It will focus on the watersheds in the Dakar with sewage systems. Metropolitan Area, which recent floods have affected heavily. All infrastructure investments will be Applying the Resilience Booster tool, a focus on designed to climate-resilient standards: planned, robustness as a resilience attribute is linked to designed, built, and operated to anticipate, prepare structural investments such as drainage elements, Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 12 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 rainwater collection basins, and floodwater canals infrastructure contributes to postharvest losses or outlets to the sea, which contribute to increasing (estimated at up to 35 percent in some regions). the absorptive capacity. Urban policy reforms Because most of the rural poor rely on agriculture, and elaboration of urban risk plans will increase improving their road access can bring economic and the adaptive capacity of the system and affected social gains. Despite the importance of roads for rural communities through capacity building of key flood communities, Tanzania is significantly underserved. management actors (see figure 4). Approximately 13 percent of regional and 42 percent of district roads are in poor condition. Estimates suggest that in the rainy season, between 20,000 and 30,000 Tanzania Roads to Inclusion and kilometers out of 56,000 kilometers of the classified tertiary (district) road network are not passable by Socioeconomic Opportunities normal motorized vehicles. Also, the comparatively (RISE) Project low road density allows for little network redundancy: there are no alternatives when sections are flooded. Many of the agriculturally rich areas in Tanzania The national road density is approximately 9.8 are physically inaccessible year-round, often due kilometers per 100 square kilometers. Comparable to missing or unreliable road links. This negatively figures from neighboring Uganda are 70 kilometers affects the extraction of full agriculture potentials. per 100 square kilometers and 28 kilometers per 100 In many remote areas, the absence of reliable and square kilometers for Kenya. adequate transport services and deficient transport Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 13 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 The Tanzania Roads to Inclusion and Socioeconomic coordination, implementation and maintenance Opportunities (RISE) Project (US$ 300.00 million) of works, and capacity building for emergency addresses climate change issues in the rural road preparedness and response management. network, which is a critical lifeline for the rural poor who rely heavily on climate-sensitive agricultural livelihoods. The road sector is susceptible to damage Tanzania Transport from precipitation and related weather events. The Integration Project unpaved road network is more vulnerable, especially in rural areas, not only because earth roads are inherently The Tanzania Transport Integration Project (US$ more vulnerable but also because maintenance 550.00 million) deploys climate resilience measures practices are less institutionalized and resources are appropriate to road climate vulnerability and often scarcer. Precipitation events cause flooding and addresses airport climate vulnerability. The goals are landslides that damage the road network and disrupt to manage climate risks and enhance the resilience of connectivity. For example, the floods of 2011 destroyed infrastructure, services, and communities served. six bridges and several roads in Morogoro Region, and in 2014, heavy rains displaced over 10,000 people and This project will finance the upgrading and damaged infrastructure in the same area. Tanzania’s rehabilitation works of about 510 kilometers of physical road vulnerability to climate impacts is roads, identifying key links for the good operation of coupled with limited resources and maintenance the road network and that constitute bottlenecks due practices and institutional capacity, resulting in to climate vulnerability. The roads will be rehabilitated climatic impacts that harm efforts to reduce poverty and upgraded to integrate climate resilience and share prosperity. measures to enhance resilience and adaptation of these roads and the road network. The roads will Climate resiliency is embedded in all the receive routine and periodic maintenance, observing components of the RISE project. It will continue to climate resilience requirements. Climate change incorporate climate resilience aspects in planning, adaptation measures entail realigning the road design, community engagement, stakeholder network to reduce exposure to natural hazards. Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 14 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 Structural measures include raising road formation levels based on maximum flood levels, adjusting Cameroon Douala Urban Mobility Project embankment slopes, enhancing drainage, improving road permeability, using subsurface drains, introducing Located at the estuary of the Wouri River, debris deflectors, conducting scour checks, preventing Douala, Cameroon, is highly vulnerable to extreme erosion, using roads for water management, monitoring hydrometeorological events. The hydrographic network conditions and establishing early warning systems, is dense and dendritic, with 23 catchment basins. Due and improving pavement and bridge design. to Douala’s uneven terrain, stormwater is evacuated through streams that form in topologic depressions. The project will also finance the rehabilitation and In some areas, inadequate drainage systems lead to upgrading of three priority regional airports that are stagnating waters. According to climate projections, exposed and vulnerable to climate change impacts. rainfall levels and intensity are expected to increase The interventions include addressing asset damage in the Littoral region, where Douala is located, in the caused by climatic events and enhancing climate coming decades. Heavy rainstorms are increasing in resilience of airports, such as strengthening the intensity and frequency, and rainstorms bringing high climate resilience of runways, taxiway and apron, precipitations (205 millimeters per hour) are likely terminal building, and safety and security facilities. to occur every two years. Between 2015 and 2020, Airport capacity will be enhanced to address the city experienced annual high-impact flood events. projected medium- and long-term demand using Continued uncontrolled urban development in flood- climate-resilient, international standards of safety. prone areas and soil sealing will further increase the exposure of the city’s population and economic The project will strengthen monitoring and development to greater climate risks. Rising sea levels maintenance activities based on climate resilience induced by global warming will exacerbate flooding objectives, such as establishing extreme weather risks along Cameroon’s coasts, including in Douala. early warning systems, introducing regular inspection scour checks on runways, and deploying To mitigate these flood risks, the Cameroon Douala timely maintenance to prevent erosion. It will also Urban Mobility Project (US$ 420.00 million) will invest in community-based social infrastructure design actions to increase the climate adaptation that considers climate resilience through selecting capacity of the urban transport infrastructure. Two locations that have low exposure to natural hazards, technical feasibility studies will inform the proposed and incorporating design measures that enhance project, including a flood modeling study for Douala climate resilience, such as deploying appropriate which was developed using hydrological and hydraulic drainage, roofing, and cooling or shade provisions along modeling software. Flood simulations produced segregated walkways at all populated areas along water speed and depth maps, which were then the road. Other project activities focus on enhancing used to create flood danger maps for the city and institutional capacity, including that of climate its catchment basins. Based on these danger maps, risk management. Climate considerations and risk critical vulnerability points were identified along the management will be integrated in transport sector bus rapid transit (BRT) corridors. policies and strategies, road asset management systems, and training. Tools and provisions for Addressing these vulnerability hotspots will help to private sector participation in transport financing ensure that infrastructure design and transport will integrate climate resilience considerations. operations are adapted to climate risks. A second study is assessing flood risks associated with the project’s activities to inform climate adaptation plans Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 15 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 and measures. It will propose priority investments climate-related hazards are systematically considered and measures to strengthen the climate resilience of in urban transport planning and management. It will the urban transport infrastructure and operations. review transport infrastructure construction codes This study will assess the exposure of the BRT and standards to assess how climate-related risks infrastructure and selected feeder roads to extreme can be better integrated. An expanded roadmap will hydrometeorological events and inform the technical help stakeholders assess urban vulnerability to climate designers how to adapt to these events and design change and design an adaptation strategy for urban drainage systems, bioswales, sewer and water networks. Local stakeholders will be trained in supplies, stormwater retention vegetation, and traffic urban mobility and climate change issues to better diversion routes; and make sure crossing structures incorporate climate resilience considerations in are correctly sized based on flood risks. It will identify urban transport planning and management. and prioritize technical solutions to mitigate flood risks for the mass transit system and its feeder roads. The project’s robustness and absorptive capacity These technical solutions will combine structural and of the system is increased through the Resilience ecosystems-based approaches. Booster tool, introducing climate-resilient structural adaptations to the feeder roads and BRT The project will help to prepare climate-resilient infrastructure. The project’s adaptability quotient is O&M protocols for the BRT system and emergency increased through planning the transport network response and contingency plans for BRT and system with climate hazard mapping. Preparing other transportation services in case of extreme climate-resilient O&M protocols for the BRT system hydrometeorological events. To ensure long-term and training local stakeholders in urban mobility and resilience, the study will strengthen the capacity climate change issues enhance long-term resilience, of municipal and national institutions to ensure constituting a transformational change. Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 16 NOTE The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) Learning Note 2 References Hallegatte, Stéphane, Jun Rentschler, and Julie Rozenberg. 2019. Washington, DC. Lifelines: The Resilient Infrastructure Opportunity. Washington, DC: en/398221654274052110/Cameroon-Douala-Urban- World Bank. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-1430-3. Mobility-Project. Rigaud K., Arora A. and Singh A.G. 2023. From Concept to World Bank. 2021b. “Senegal: Second Stormwater Management Action: Boosting Resilience in Africa. Lessons Learned from the and Climate Change Adaptation Project (English).” Project Resilience Booster Tool: An AFRI-RES Product. 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The note was prepared in collaboration with Action.” © World Bank, Washington, DC. http://hdl.handle. Industrial Economics Inc. under the AFRI-RES program net/10986/34098 World Bank. 2023c. Enhancing the Climate Resilience of Urban World Bank. 2021a. “Cameroon: Douala Urban Mobility Infrastructure Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. Washington Project (English).” Project Appraisal Document, World Bank, D.C. The note was prepared in collaboration with Industrial Economics Inc. under the AFRI-RES program. © Copyright 2023 International Bank for The World Bank does not guarantee the Attribution: Please cite the work as follows: Reconstruction and Development/The accuracy of the data included in this work. World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, Alcaraz, Marco and Rigaud, Kanta Kumari D.C. 20433 Rights and Permissions The material in (2023) Embedding Climate Resilience into this work is subject to copyright. This work Energy Sector Projects This work is a product of the staff of the may be reproduced for the dissemination World Bank with external contributions. The of knowledge, in whole or in part, for AFRI-RES Learning Note. World Bank. views, findings and conclusions expressed in noncommercial purposes as long as full Washington D.C. this work do not necessarily reflect the views attribution to this work is given. of The World Bank, its Board of Executive e-mail: Directors, or the governments they represent. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street, Washington DC., 20433 Embedding Climate Resilience into Urban and Transport Projects 17