PROCUREMENT PLAN (Textual Part) Project information: Philippines, Metro Manila Flood Management Project P153814 Project Implementation agency: Department of Public Works and Metro Manila Development Authority Date of the Procurement Plan: 13 April 2018 Period covered by this Procurement Plan: April 16, 2018 to October 15, 2019 Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures may be used. When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement arrangements as set forth in the Government Procurement Reform Act (RA9184), such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations and the following conditions: 1. The procurement is open to all eligible firms from any country; 2. The request for bids/request for proposals document shall require the Bidders/Proposers submitting Bids/Proposals present a signed acceptance at the time of bidding, to be incorporated in any resulting signed contracts, confirming application of, and compliance with, the Bank's Anti- Corruption Guidelines, including without limitation the Bank's right to sanction and the Bank's inspection and audit rights; 3. Rights for the Bank to review procurement documentation and activities; and 4. An effective complaints mechanism. When other national procurement arrangements other than national open competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations. Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: Not Applicable Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations: Not Applicable Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Work) Goods: 15%; Works: is not applicable. PROCUREMENT Philippines : Metro Manila Flood Management Project PLAN General Information Country: Philippines 2018-04-19 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2024-08-01 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P153814 GPN Date: 2018-03-15 Project Name: Metro Manila Flood Management Project Loan / Credit No: IBRD / 87840, COFN / C1450 Metro Manila Development Authority Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned PH-MMDA-CO203-4 / Design and Construction of Warehou se for Solid Waste Managem ent Tools and Equipment wit 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E 2022-02-0 IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 480,292.40 421,060.43 Signed 2021-04-16 2021-04-19 2021-04-21 2021-06-02 2021-05-27 2021-07-02 2021-10-20 2021-08-06 2021-10-31 h Office and Quarters at Laba Waterways nvelope 2 san PS. This will be a solid str ucture where we will store to ols and equipment for the im plementation of the project. PH-MMDA-230683-CW-RFB / National Procure Fabrication of Conveyor, Mod ment Document - 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in 2021-08-0 ification of Existing Conveyor IBRD / 87840 Post Direct Selection Direct 1 Envelope proce 50,000.00 45,378.31 Completed 2021-04-30 2021-05-11 2021-05-05 2021-05-13 2021-06-09 2021-09-27 Waterways 8 and Civil Works on Staging Ar ss (Non Bank-SPD ea and Perimeter Fence. ) PH-MMDA-238497-CW-RFB / National Procure Design and Construction of T ment Document - 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E 2023-04-0 rash Traps on Selected Sites IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 585,717.00 555,002.03 Signed 2021-10-15 2021-10-28 2021-10-22 2021-12-03 2021-12-07 2022-01-02 2021-12-27 2022-02-06 2022-01-05 Waterways nvelope 2 of Estero de Paco and San Ju ss (Non Bank-SPD an River and its Tributary ) National Procure PH-MMDA-268996-CW-RFB / ment Document - 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E 2022-11-2 Design and Construction of IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 420,315.00 0.00 Canceled 2021-12-28 2021-12-20 2022-01-09 2022-02-20 2022-03-22 2022-04-26 Waterways nvelope 2 Water Hyacinth Processing F ss (Non Bank-SPD acility ) PH-MMDA-323006-CW-RFB / National Procure Design and Build Services for ment Document - the Neighborhood Upgrading 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E 2023-07-2 IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 636,716.00 0.00 Signed 2022-10-01 2022-10-01 2022-10-06 2022-11-17 2022-12-26 2022-12-17 2022-12-27 2023-01-21 2023-01-07 Project: Beautification of Wat Waterways nvelope 0 ss (Non Bank-SPD erways and Easements in Tri ) pa de Gallina Creek, Brgy. Sa n Isidro, Makati City National Procure PH-MMDA-382040-CW-RFB / ment Document - 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E 2024-07-0 Construction of MMFMP Equi IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 539,155.00 0.00 Signed 2023-09-14 2023-11-15 2023-09-19 2023-10-31 2023-12-19 2023-11-30 2023-12-22 2024-01-04 2023-12-29 Waterways nvelope 2 pment Depot at Napindan, M ss (Non Bank-SPD akati City ) PH-MMDA-303624-CW-RFB / National Procure Design and Build Services for ment Document - 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E 2023-05-2 the Neighbourhood Upgradin COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 553,900.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-08-15 2022-08-20 2022-09-19 2022-10-19 2022-11-23 Waterways nvelope 2 g: Beautification of Waterway ss (Non Bank-SPD s and Easements in Brgy. Sa ) n Miguel Pasig City PH-MMDA-392545-CW-RFQ / National Procure SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INST ment Document - 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 2024-07-1 ALLATION OF ELECTRICAL WI IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 1 Envelope proce 54,439.00 0.00 Signed 2023-11-22 2024-01-17 2023-12-29 Waterways tions nvelope 5 RING FOR THE INTEGRATED ss (Non Bank-SPD SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ) FACILITIES (ISWMF) PH-MMDA-393053-CW-RFB / National Procure DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ment Document - 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E 2024-09-0 OF HOUSING FACILITY FOR T IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 206,761.00 0.00 Signed 2023-11-20 2023-11-20 2023-11-25 2024-01-06 2023-12-27 2024-02-05 2023-12-28 2024-03-11 2023-12-29 Waterways nvelope 7 HE TRIPA DE GALLINA SOLID ss (Non Bank-SPD WASTE PROCESSING FACILIT ) Y PH-MMDA-424995-CW-RFB / National Procure Neighborhood Upgrading Proj ment Document - 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E Under Imple 2026-03-0 ect with Nature-Based Soluti IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1 Envelope proce 1,727,272.00 0.00 2024-04-30 2024-07-09 2024-04-30 2024-07-09 2024-08-08 2024-09-12 Waterways nvelope mentation 6 ons Application along the Sa ss (Non Bank-SPD n Juan River Easement ) GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual PH-MMDA-58579-GO-RFB / T rucks/Loader/Vehicle Packag e to include garbage compac tor truck, rear end loading g 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Prior Request for Bids 2,177,788.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-23 2018-04-28 2018-06-09 2018-07-09 2018-08-13 2019-02-09 arbage compactor, garbage Waterways l nvelope bins, hook lift loader truck, fo rk lift, hook lift container, du mp truck, wheel pay loader, service vehicle PH-MMDA-59025-GO-RFQ / S olid Waste Management Tool s that will be used for the im plementation of community- 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 96,154.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-06 2018-12-01 2019-05-30 based management program Waterways tions nvelope (buggy, push carts, trolley bi ns, shovel, rakes, broomstick s, dust pans, plastic bags, glo ves, face masks, rubber coat s, raincoats) PH-MMDA-63617-GO-RFQ / Multi-purpose Vehicle (MPV) t 4. Project Management and Request for Quota Single Stage - One E hat will be used for project m IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 57,692.31 0.00 Canceled 2018-05-30 2018-07-25 2019-01-21 Coordination tions nvelope onitoring, site inspections, fil ed visits and coordination me etings Page 1 PH-MMDA-63620-GO-RFB / T ruck/Loader package to inclu de garbage compactor truck 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E , rear end loading garbage co IBRD / 87840 Prior Request for Bids 2,120,096.15 2,095,970.98 Signed 2018-05-25 2018-07-13 2018-05-30 2018-07-16 2018-07-11 2018-08-10 2019-03-28 2018-09-14 2019-05-05 2019-03-13 Waterways l nvelope mpactor, garbage bins, hook lift loader truck, fork lift, hoo k lift container, dump truck a nd wheel pay loader PH-MMDA-144289-GO-RFB / Sound Trucks will be utilized as a modern and interactive approach in the community-b 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E ased education & communic COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 214,384.00 223,435.91 Completed 2019-11-15 2019-11-20 2019-11-20 2020-01-01 2019-12-11 2020-01-31 2020-03-30 2020-03-06 2020-11-22 2020-09-02 2021-03-28 Waterways nvelope ations campaign of proper So lid Waste Management at the barangay level as laid out in the MMFMP-Component 2. T wo sound trucks will be purc hased. PH-MMDA-144305-GO-RFB / Mobile Material Recovery Fac ilities (MRFs) are trucks oper ated by the MMDA-SWMO tha 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E t will roam around different b COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 178,602.21 177,071.22 Completed 2019-11-15 2019-11-20 2019-11-20 2020-01-01 2019-12-11 2020-01-31 2019-12-26 2020-03-06 2020-01-16 2020-09-02 2020-03-16 Waterways nvelope arangays involved in MMFMP- Component 2 and collect rec yclable materials in exchang e of basic necessities. Three trucks will be purchased. PH-MMDA-145500 / The Geo graphic Information Systems (GIS) is a computer platform 4. Project Management and for mapping/visual represent COFN / C1450 Post Direct Selection Direct 32,030.65 0.00 Canceled 2019-09-26 2019-09-23 2019-10-01 2019-11-05 2020-05-03 Coordination ation and will be used for gat hering and analyzing existing /supplementary data in the p umping stations and nearby areas. PH-MMDA-145501 / The Soli d Waste Granulator is a uniq ue technology that prolongs t he service life of landfills thro 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in COFN / C1450 Prior Direct Selection Direct 492,332.25 517,212.75 Completed 2019-10-22 2020-02-15 2019-10-27 2020-08-21 2019-12-01 2020-01-01 2020-05-29 2020-07-05 ugh reduction of solid waste Waterways volume dumped along water ways/drainage areas. Bio-wa stes and plastics will be refin ed and converted into by-pro ducts. PH-MMDA-63617 / The Multi- Purpose Vehicle (MPV) will be used for project monitoring, s 4. Project Management and Request for Quota Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Open - National 49,414.50 49,096.63 Signed 2019-05-30 2019-07-25 2019-07-01 2020-01-21 ite inspections, filed visits, an Coordination tions nvelope d coordination meetings. Two (2) units will be purchased. PH-MMDA-63622 / Miscellan eous SWM Tools & Equipmen t (in units) as part of MMFMP 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Phase 1 - Component 2: Push COFN / C1450 Post Open - National 98,882.90 102,709.50 Signed 2019-03-19 2019-05-14 2020-01-06 2019-11-10 Waterways tions nvelope carts (75), Bicycle Bell Rings (75), Boats (30), Buggies/Wh eelbarrows (30), Tribikes (80) , and Rolling Bins (160). PH-MMDA-2019202 / Water bottles and canvas bags to s upport the Information, Educ ation & Communications (IEC 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Limited 10,590.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-10-15 2019-12-10 2020-06-07 ) campaigns to raise awarene Waterways tions nvelope ss and encourage behavior c hange for improved solid was te management at the indivi dual and household levels. PH-MMDA-2019204 / Shirts f or the 2019 Solid Waste Man agement (SWM) Summit to ki 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E ckoff and support the IEC ca COFN / C1450 Post Limited 2,940.00 1,496.50 Completed 2019-11-03 2019-10-14 2019-12-29 2019-12-20 2020-06-26 2020-02-13 Waterways tions nvelope mpaigns, engage barangay o fficials, and introduce the co ncept of circular resource ma nagement through interactiv e activities. PH-MMDA-144308-GO-RFB / CCTV cameras/infra will be in stalled at strategic locations i n MM barangays to monitor 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E waste disposal activities alon COFN / C1450 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 536,640.00 510,021.13 Signed 2019-11-15 2020-11-15 2019-11-20 2020-01-01 2021-01-04 2020-01-31 2021-06-06 2020-03-06 2021-06-17 2020-09-02 2022-11-10 Waterways nvelope g/beside creeks and esteros ( estuaries). CCTV control & m onitoring systems/rooms will also be provided in the respe ctive Barangay Halls. PH-MMDA-CO201-7 / Purcha se of ICT equipment for priori ty barangays as part of com 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 11,472.53 15,187.90 Completed 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-01-03 2021-07-02 2021-01-17 munity quarantine implemen Waterways tions nvelope tation during the COVID-19 p andemic. This is under the im plementation of Component 2. PH-MMDA-CO202-5 / Washa ble Overall PPEs for Garbage Collectors, Landfill Staff, and FCSMO Staff - Procurement o 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 19,903.85 16,803.98 Completed 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-08-10 2021-07-02 2021-11-03 f personal protective equipm Waterways tions nvelope ent for the waste manageme nt and pumping stations pers onnel as part of COVID-10 pa ndemic response under the C omponent 2 PH-MMDA-CO204-3 / MPV - 2 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Open - National 65,384.62 81,197.19 Completed 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-01-10 2021-07-02 2021-05-08 1 seater (MPV 5, 6) Waterways tions nvelope PH-MMDA-CO204-2 / MPV - 7 seater (MPV 3, 4) - Procurem 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E ent of vehicles to be utilized IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 73,076.92 76,070.07 Completed 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2020-10-11 2021-07-02 2020-12-19 Waterways tions nvelope by project team for the imple mentation of Component 2 PH-MMDA-CO205-2 / GNSS R TK System with CORS - Procu 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E rement of scanning system f IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 66,250.00 70,805.21 Completed 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-01-10 2021-07-02 2021-02-16 Waterways tions nvelope or immediate data collection within the catchment areas o f pumping stations Page 2 PH-MMDA-CO42-3 / Project Management Office Operatio 4. Project Management and Request for Quota Single Stage - One E ns, Manpower, Supplies, Equi COFN / C1450 Post Open - National 8,076.92 15,852.17 Completed 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-08-07 2021-07-02 2021-09-05 Coordination tions nvelope pment, Furniture and Meetin g (Operations - Additional Off ice Furniture) PH-MMDA-CO204-4 / Payloa der - Procurement of vehicles to be utilized by project team 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Open - National 94,230.77 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-07-02 for the collection of waste in Waterways tions nvelope the pumping stations as part of the implementation of Co mponent 2 PH-MMDA-200986-GO-RFB-2 / Miscellaneous SWM Tools a nd Equipment - - as part of MMFMP Phase 1 - Component 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 98,882.90 0.00 Canceled 2019-03-14 2019-03-19 2019-04-30 2019-05-30 2019-07-04 2019-12-31 2: Pushcarts (75), Bicycle Waterways nvelope Bell Rings (75), Boats (30), B uggies/Wheelbarrows (30), Tribikes (80), and Rolling Bin s (160) PH-MMDA-CO205-3 / Scanni 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 137,500.00 122,714.05 Completed 2020-11-03 2020-07-22 2020-11-08 2020-12-20 2020-08-17 2021-01-19 2020-12-10 2021-02-23 2021-01-15 2021-08-22 2021-03-08 ng Station Waterways nvelope PH-MMDA-CO204-6 / Payloa 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 182,692.31 187,156.32 Completed 2020-11-03 2020-11-03 2020-11-08 2020-12-20 2020-12-22 2021-01-19 2020-12-29 2021-02-23 2021-01-03 2021-08-22 2021-02-24 der Waterways nvelope PH-MMDA-CO42-7 / Project Management Office Operatio 4. Project Management and Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 154,086.19 153,994.05 Completed 2020-11-03 2021-04-21 2020-11-08 2020-12-20 2021-09-27 2021-01-19 2021-12-14 2021-02-23 2022-01-05 2021-08-22 2022-06-06 ns, Manpower, Supplies, Equi Coordination nvelope pment, Furniture and Meetin g (ICT Year 3 EQUIPMENT) PH-MMDA-CO42-8 / Project Management Office Operatio ns, Manpower, Supplies, Equi pment, Furniture and Meetin 4. Project Management and Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Limited 31,200.40 31,316.40 Completed 2020-11-08 2021-02-27 2021-01-03 2021-05-29 2021-07-02 2021-06-22 g (ICT Year 3- SOFTWARE) - Coordination tions nvelope Microsoft Office and AutoCAD for ICT YR 3 Equipment that will be distributed to MMDA o ffices that takes part in the p roject PH-MMDA-2019201 / Posters and flyers to suppor the Infor mation, Education & Commu nications (IEC) campaigns to 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Limited 9,095.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-10-15 2019-11-15 2019-12-10 2020-06-07 raise awareness and encoura Waterways tions nvelope ge behavior change for impr oved solid waste manageme nt at the individual and hous ehold levels. PH-MMDA-200986-GO-RFQ-3 / Miscellaneous SWM Tools a nd Equipment - - as part of M 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E MFMP Phase 1 - Component IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 96,153.84 100,848.94 Signed 2020-03-19 2020-05-14 2020-01-16 2020-11-10 Waterways tions nvelope 2: Pushcarts (75), Bicycle Bel l Rings (75), Boats (30), Bugg ies/Wheelbarrows (30), Tribik es (80), and Rolling Bins (160 ) PH-MMDA-230214-GO-RFB / The Supply, Fabrication, and Delivery of SWM Equipment 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 650,464.00 623,781.96 Signed 2021-04-30 2021-06-02 2021-05-14 2021-06-25 2021-06-23 2021-07-25 2021-10-25 2021-08-29 2022-01-05 2022-03-27 and Tools will strengthen the Waterways nvelope capacity of both MMDA and t he barangays on regular ope rations. PH-MMDA-234925-GO-RFQ / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E 45 Composite Tumbler with IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 24,930.00 23,396.12 Completed 2021-06-04 2021-07-30 2021-07-23 2021-10-28 2021-10-18 Waterways tions nvelope Manual Sieve with Tools & Eq uipment. PH-MMDA-CO205-4 / Other S 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E urvey Equipment, Software a IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 251,400.00 246,064.95 Signed 2020-11-03 2020-11-03 2020-11-08 2020-12-20 2021-09-27 2021-01-19 2021-12-03 2021-02-23 2022-01-15 2021-08-22 2022-08-29 Waterways nvelope nd Accessories PH-MMDA-CO207 / Staff Unif 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Open - National 23,480.77 6,076.75 Completed 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-07-27 2021-07-02 2021-08-25 orm (PMO) Waterways tions nvelope PH-MMDA-257290-GO-RFQ / Service Vehicles for PMO, SW MO and FCSMO Pick-Up Car - 2 Units 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 151,121.00 0.00 Completed 2021-10-19 2021-11-03 2021-10-24 2021-12-05 2022-01-24 2022-01-04 2022-06-28 2022-02-08 2022-07-30 2022-04-09 2022-10-25 8 - Seater Multi-purpose vehi Waterways nvelope cle - 1 Unit 16 - Seater Multi-purpose ve hicle - 1 Unit PH-MMDA-241874-GO-RFQ / Water Hyacinth Equipment in 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E cluding Multi-purpose Shredd IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 564,195.00 549,604.41 Completed 2021-10-29 2021-11-22 2021-11-03 2021-12-15 2021-12-13 2022-01-29 2021-12-27 2022-03-05 2022-01-17 2022-05-04 2022-06-13 Waterways nvelope er, Dryer, Grinder, Mixer, Car bonizer, Extruding machine a nd Bio-Gas Digester PH-MMDA-278828-GO-RFB / Installation of an Organic Ma 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E gnetic Pyrolysis Energy Conv IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 604,000.00 620,785.21 Completed 2022-02-18 2022-03-08 2022-02-21 2022-04-04 2022-04-04 2022-05-19 2022-05-26 2022-06-23 2022-07-08 2022-09-21 Waterways nvelope ersion Equipment for the Res idual Waste in Vitas Pumping Station PH-MMDA-278831-GO-RFQ / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Fabrication, Supply and Deliv IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 97,852.00 0.00 Completed 2022-02-22 2022-06-17 2022-06-15 2023-04-13 2023-03-14 Waterways tions nvelope ery of Mobile Materials Recov ery Storage PH-MMDA-278850-GO-RFB / Procurement of Solid Waste Management Tools and Equip ment for the Implementation 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 445,045.00 0.00 Completed 2022-02-25 2022-02-25 2022-03-04 2022-04-15 2022-04-04 2022-05-30 2022-06-28 2022-07-04 2022-07-06 2022-12-01 2023-08-04 of the Planning and Demonst Waterways nvelope ration of the Community-Bas ed Solid Waste Management Initiatives to Catchment Area s for Year 1 PH-MMDA-296130-GO-RFB / Brand New Generator Set wit 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 Completed 2022-05-20 2022-06-07 2022-05-25 2022-07-06 2022-06-27 2022-08-05 2022-10-03 2022-09-09 2022-12-21 2023-03-08 2023-08-02 h Mobile Trailer and Double C Waterways nvelope ab Truck with Boom Crane Dr op Side MT Page 3 PH-MMDA-298509-GO-RFB / Supply, Delivery, Installation 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 105,000.00 0.00 Completed 2022-06-30 2022-08-10 2022-07-05 2022-08-16 2022-09-05 2022-09-15 2022-10-06 2022-10-20 2022-12-27 2023-03-19 2023-05-30 and Commissioning of Plastic Waterways nvelope Processing Equipment PH-MMDA-298523-GO-RFB / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E Supply, Delivery, Installation COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 908,500.00 0.00 Completed 2022-06-30 2022-08-10 2022-07-05 2022-08-16 2022-09-05 2022-09-15 2022-10-27 2022-10-20 2022-12-27 2023-03-19 2023-06-27 Waterways nvelope and Commissioning of Pyroly sis Equipment PH-MMDA-303625-GO-RFB / Supply and Delivery of Moder 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,653,691.25 0.00 Completed 2022-08-15 2022-08-15 2022-08-20 2022-09-19 2022-12-07 2022-11-03 2022-12-27 2022-12-08 2023-01-07 2023-03-08 2023-06-27 n Heavy Equipment for Effici Waterways nvelope ent Solid Waste Collection PH-MMDA-307648-GO-RFB / Information, Education and C ommunication (IEC) Campaig 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 210,300.00 0.00 Completed 2022-08-15 2022-08-04 2022-08-20 2022-10-01 2022-12-07 2022-10-31 2022-12-27 2022-12-05 2023-01-05 2023-04-04 2023-06-24 n Materials for Component 2: Waterways nvelope Minimizing Solid Waste in Wa terways of the Metro Manila Flood Management Project PH-MMDA-298500-GO-DIR / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Supply, Delivery, Installation COFN / C1450 Post Direct Selection Direct - National 628,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-08-09 2022-08-09 2022-08-23 2022-08-12 2022-10-20 2022-11-26 2023-03-19 Waterways and Commissioning of Solid Waste Granulator PH-MMDA-CO42-4 / PMO Op erations, Manpower, Supplies 4. Project Management and Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 4,807.69 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-07-02 , Equipment, Furniture and M Coordination tions nvelope eeting (Operations - Office A ppliances) PH-MMDA-CO204-5 / Conduc t of Operation and Maintenan ce for Solid Waste Granulator 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 19,230.76 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-07-02 - Procurement of additional p Waterways tions nvelope arts and accessories for a mo re effective utilization of Soli d Waste Granulator PH-MMDA-2019203 / LED W all Rental for the 2019 Solid Waste Management (SWM) S ummit to kickoff and support 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Limited 4,410.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-11-03 2019-11-15 2019-12-29 2020-06-26 the IEC campaigns, engage b Waterways tions nvelope arangay officials, and introdu ce the concept of circular res ource management through i nteractive activities. PH-MMDA-CO201-1 / Pilot Ba rangay-Based SWM Technolo gies - Procurement of propos 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Open - National 24,306.81 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-07-02 ed Solid Waste Collection Tec Waterways tions nvelope hnologies and installation in t he pilot barangays for the im plementation of Component 2 PH-MMDA-323004-GO-RFQ / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Fabrication and Installation o IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 10,072.00 0.00 Completed 2022-10-06 2022-12-01 2022-12-08 2023-05-30 2023-01-13 Waterways tions nvelope f Hydraulic Cylinder PH-MMDA-323003-GO-RFQ / Customized T-Shirts for the S 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 14,243.00 0.00 Completed 2022-08-06 2022-10-01 2022-10-22 2023-03-30 2022-10-20 ynchronized Clean-up Drive i Waterways tions nvelope n Selected Waterways PH-MMDA-323007-GO-RFQ / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Supply and Delivery of Materi IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 10,028.00 0.00 Completed 2022-08-06 2022-10-01 2022-11-26 2023-03-30 2022-12-15 Waterways tions nvelope als for the Brick Making Facili ty PH-MMDA-323008-GO-RFQ / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Materials for the Vermicomp IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 6,000.00 0.00 Completed 2022-10-06 2022-12-01 2022-12-26 2023-05-30 2023-01-20 Waterways tions nvelope osting Facility in Vitas PS PH-MMDA-298529-GO-RFB / 4. Project Management and Single Stage - One E Supply and Delivery of ICT Eq COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 250,300.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-06-30 2022-08-10 2022-07-05 2022-08-16 2022-09-15 2022-10-20 2022-12-04 Coordination nvelope uipment and Software Year 4 PH-MMDA-323005-GO-RFB / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E Mobile Materials Recovery Fa IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 701,284.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-10-01 2022-10-06 2022-11-17 2022-12-17 2023-01-21 2023-07-20 Waterways nvelope ciity for LGUs PH-MMDA-CO202-4 / Signag 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 1,346.15 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-07-02 es for Heavy Equipment and Waterways tions nvelope Vehicles PH-MMDA-383014-GO-RFB / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E Under Imple Processing and Conversion of IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 209,091.00 0.00 2023-09-24 2023-11-20 2023-09-29 2023-11-10 2024-03-27 2023-12-10 2024-01-14 2024-07-12 Waterways nvelope mentation Water Hyacinth into Eco Pots PH-MMDA-381084-GO-RFB / 4. Project Management and Single Stage - One E COFN / C1450 Post Request for Bids Open - National 367,429.10 0.00 Canceled 2023-09-19 2023-09-10 2023-09-24 2023-11-05 2024-01-04 2024-02-08 2024-08-06 ICT Equipment and Software Coordination nvelope (Year 4) PH-MMDA-392346-GO-RFB / Procurement of Onsite Solid 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,272,727.00 0.00 Canceled 2023-11-17 2023-11-15 2023-11-22 2024-01-03 2024-02-02 2024-03-08 2024-09-04 Waste Recovery and Processi Waterways nvelope ng System for Public Markets PH-MMDA-392533-GO-RFB / 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Single Stage - One E Under Imple Supply and Delivery of a Port IBRD / 87840 Post Request for Bids Open - National 773,920.00 0.00 2023-11-17 2023-11-17 2023-11-22 2024-01-03 2024-02-29 2024-02-02 2024-03-08 2024-09-04 Waterways nvelope mentation able Weigh-in-motion Axle W eigher NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual PH-MMDA-200985-NC-RFQ / Audio Visual Presentation for 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 57,692.30 52,026.13 Completed 2019-10-15 2019-12-10 2020-01-08 2020-06-07 2020-10-03 IEC-BCC campaigns of the M Waterways tions nvelope MFMP Component 2 Page 4 PH-MMDA-CO201-8 / Capacit y Building for Barangays- Kno wledge enhancement initiativ 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E e for barangays in the adopti COFN / C1450 Post Open - National 19,592.31 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-07-02 Waterways tions nvelope on of improved solid waste m anagement system under Co mponent 2 programs and pro jects PH-MMDA-CO201-2 / Barang ay-based Waste Collection fr om Waterways-Enforcement 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Request for Quota Single Stage - One E IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 14,198.60 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-08 2021-01-03 2021-07-02 of Solid Waste Management Waterways tions nvelope system in barangays for the i mplementation of Componen t2 CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual PH-MMDA-59028-CS-QCBS / Services of Consultancy Firm 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa that will develop the Commu IBRD / 87840 Prior 769,231.00 1,458,471.24 Signed 2018-04-23 2018-10-12 2018-05-14 2019-01-21 2018-06-27 2020-01-29 2018-07-25 2020-03-09 2018-08-24 2020-10-14 2018-09-28 2020-11-23 2018-11-02 2021-01-01 2019-11-02 Waterways Based Selection l nity-based Management Syst em under Component 2 PH-MMDA-59026-CS-QCBS / Procurement of consulting fir 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 87840 Prior 1,153,846.00 1,120,732.95 Completed 2018-04-23 2018-06-22 2018-05-14 2018-08-09 2018-06-27 2019-06-05 2018-07-25 2019-08-15 2018-08-24 2020-02-18 2018-09-28 2020-10-05 2018-11-02 2020-12-16 2019-11-02 2022-05-10 m services that will develop t Waterways Based Selection l he Metro Manila Solid Waste Master Plan PH-MMDA-257297-GO-RFQ / Consultancy Services for Des 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 87840 Post 836,700.00 0.00 Signed 2021-11-14 2021-10-28 2021-12-05 2021-11-05 2022-01-18 2022-03-21 2022-02-15 2022-05-05 2022-03-17 2022-05-19 2022-04-21 2022-05-05 2022-05-26 2022-12-16 2023-05-26 ign and Development of Man Waterways Based Selection l agement Information System (MIS) PH-MMDA-268998-CS-QCBS / Consulting Services for the 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 87840 Post 550,335.00 0.00 Signed 2021-12-27 2022-03-09 2022-01-17 2022-04-26 2022-03-02 2022-07-17 2022-03-30 2022-09-19 2022-04-29 2022-11-14 2022-06-03 2022-11-30 2022-07-08 2023-01-07 2023-04-04 Conduct of Waste Analysis a Waterways Based Selection l nd Characterisation Study (W ACS) for Metro Manila PH-MMDA-268999-CS-QCBS / Consultancy Services to con duct Feasibility Study on the 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 87840 Post 360,510.00 0.00 Signed 2021-12-27 2022-03-08 2022-01-17 2022-04-18 2022-03-02 2022-07-17 2022-03-30 2022-09-19 2022-04-29 2022-11-15 2022-06-03 2022-11-30 2022-07-08 2023-01-07 2023-07-08 Establishment of a Treatmen Waterways Based Selection l t/Processing Technology, Faci lity and System to Manage H ousehold Health Care Waste PH-MMDA-279920-CS-CQS / Consultancy Services for the Conceptualisation and Prepar 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Consultant Qualifi ation of Detailed Engineering IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 144,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-03-04 2022-03-08 2022-03-25 2022-04-18 2022-05-08 2022-07-17 2022-06-07 2022-12-07 2022-07-12 2023-01-20 2022-12-09 Waterways cation Selection Design for the Construction o f the Children's Solid Waste Management Ecological Hub (ECOHUB) in Taguig Pumping Station PH-MMDA-CO202-1 / Waste Analysis and Characterizatio n Study for the LGUs of Metr 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa o Manila- Study to be conduc IBRD / 87840 Post 311,538.46 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-03 2020-11-24 2021-01-07 2021-02-04 2021-03-06 2021-04-10 2021-05-15 2022-05-15 Waterways Based Selection l ted for the purposes of data r efinement and validation und er the implementation of Co mponent 2. PH-MMDA-327114-CS-QCBS / Procurement of Consultancy Services for the Developmen 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa t, Production, Curation and P IBRD / 87840 Post 1,066,800.53 0.00 Signed 2022-11-18 2023-02-20 2022-12-09 2022-12-13 2023-01-22 2023-03-31 2023-02-19 2023-06-02 2023-03-21 2023-06-19 2023-04-25 2023-08-11 2023-05-30 2023-11-14 2024-05-29 Waterways Based Selection l ublication of MMFMP Commu nication and Social Media Col laterals and the Creation of t he MMFMP Website PH-MMDA-CO202-2 / Procure 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa ment of Consultancy Service IBRD / 87840 Prior 2,842,204.42 0.00 Canceled 2020-11-03 2021-05-12 2020-11-24 2021-07-20 2021-01-07 2022-02-10 2021-02-04 2021-12-03 2021-03-06 2022-05-04 2021-04-10 2021-05-15 2022-05-15 Waterways Based Selection l s for the CBSWMP Year 2 PH-MMDA-358266-CS-QCBS / Consulting Services for the 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Consultant Qualifi Open - Internationa IBRD / 87840 Post 185,185.00 0.00 Signed 2023-05-26 2023-04-10 2023-06-16 2023-08-02 2023-07-21 2023-09-04 2023-08-20 2024-01-23 2023-10-10 2024-03-08 2024-03-08 Conduct of Rapid Cumulative Waterways cation Selection l Impact Assessment (RCIA) PH-MMDA-358854-CS-QCBS / Consulting Services for the 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Planning and Demonstration IBRD / 87840 Prior 2,722,222.22 0.00 Canceled 2023-07-07 2023-08-06 2023-09-19 2023-10-17 2023-11-16 2023-12-21 2024-02-01 2025-01-31 Waterways Based Selection l of Community-Based Solid W aste Management Initiatives - Batch 2 PH-MMDA-279919-CS-CQS / Consultancy Services for the 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Consultant Qualifi IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 80,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-02-25 2022-02-15 2022-03-18 2022-05-01 2022-06-15 2022-07-20 2023-07-15 Development and Production Waterways cation Selection of Audio-Visual Presentation PH-MMDA-279254-CS-QCBS / CONSULTING SERVICES FOR PLANNING AND DEMONSTRA 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IBRD / 87840 Prior 2,988,850.00 0.00 Canceled 2022-02-28 2022-03-21 2022-05-04 2022-06-08 2022-07-23 2022-09-03 2022-10-08 2024-09-27 TION OF COMMUNITY-BASED Waterways Based Selection l SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INITIATIVES FOR YEAR 3 PROJ ECT DRAINAGE AREAS PH-MMDA-439293-CS-QCBS / Feasibility Study and Detail 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Pending Impleme ed Engineering Design for a IBRD / 87840 Post 900,000.00 0.00 2024-07-28 2024-08-18 2024-09-22 2024-10-22 2024-11-05 2024-11-26 2024-12-31 2025-08-28 Waterways Based Selection l ntation Demonstration Centralized M RF and Decentralized MRFs i n Metro Manila INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Page 5 PH-MMDA-59027-CS-INDV / Project Management Speciali 4. Project Management and Individual Consult st (PMS) who shall oversee a IBRD / 87840 Post Open 85,000.00 87,785.49 Signed 2018-04-16 2018-05-21 2018-06-04 2018-09-03 2018-06-25 2018-10-08 2018-07-30 2018-10-18 2019-01-26 Coordination ant Selection nd manage the over-all techn ical, administrative and docu ment control of the project PH-MMDA-64559-CS-INDV / Additional Project Manageme nt Specialist (PMS) who shall oversee and manage technic 4. Project Management and Individual Consult IBRD / 87840 Post Open 85,000.00 15,563.58 Signed 2018-06-04 2019-08-01 2018-07-23 2019-06-10 2018-08-13 2019-07-01 2018-09-17 2019-08-06 2019-03-16 2022-12-17 al, administrative and docum Coordination ant Selection ent control of the project and shall head a group of speciali sts with the actual communit y-based SWM activities. PH-MMDA-122170-CS-INDV- 1 / The Project Manager shall oversee and manage the ove 4. Project Management and Individual Consult COFN / C1450 Post Open 101,923.00 23,943.97 Signed 2019-05-28 2019-05-28 2019-07-16 2019-12-11 2019-08-06 2020-01-23 2019-09-10 2020-03-26 2020-03-08 rall day-to-day technical, ad Coordination ant Selection ministrative, and document c ontrol in MMDA’s Project Man agement Office (PMO). PH-MMDA-110488-CS-INDV- 1 / The Project Officer shall s erve as the substitute of the Project Manager to oversee a 4. Project Management and Individual Consult COFN / C1450 Post Open 86,634.62 20,365.38 Completed 2019-07-30 2019-07-30 2019-09-17 2019-09-09 2019-10-08 2019-09-13 2019-11-12 2020-01-08 2020-05-10 2022-06-14 nd manage the overall techni Coordination ant Selection cal, administrative, and docu ment control of the project in consultation with the MMDA Project Management Office ( PMO). PH-MMDA-110487-CS-INDV- 1 / The Procurement Speciali st shall manage the overall p 4. Project Management and Individual Consult COFN / C1450 Post Open 86,634.62 20,365.38 Completed 2019-04-29 2019-04-29 2019-06-17 2019-09-18 2019-07-08 2019-09-23 2019-08-12 2019-12-11 2020-02-08 2020-10-27 rocurement activity of the pr Coordination ant Selection oject in consultation with the MMDA Project Management Office (PMO). PH-MMDA-119346-CS-INDV- 1 / The Finance Management Specialist shall oversee and manage the overall financial 4. Project Management and Individual Consult COFN / C1450 Post Open 86,634.62 20,365.38 Signed 2019-04-29 2019-04-29 2019-06-17 2019-10-23 2019-07-08 2019-10-28 2019-08-12 2019-11-29 2020-02-08 management aspect includin Coordination ant Selection g technical, administrative, a nd document controls of the project in consultation with t he MMDA Project Manageme nt Office (PMO). PH-MMDA-148143-CS-INDV / Additional Community Devel opment Specialist (CDS) who shall be responsible for coord 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Individual Consult inating and monitoring the c COFN / C1450 Post Open 65,000.00 16,114.71 Signed 2019-12-02 2019-12-02 2020-01-20 2020-09-21 2020-02-10 2020-09-30 2020-03-16 2020-10-12 2020-09-12 Waterways ant Selection ommunity development aspe cts of Component 2 of MMFM P. The CDS shall support the Project Management Office a nd Solid Waste Management Office. PH-MMDA-122171-CS-INDV- 1 / The Community Develop ment Specialist (CDS) shall b 4. Project Management and Individual Consult COFN / C1450 Post Open 66,250.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-06-20 2019-06-20 2019-08-08 2019-08-29 2019-10-03 2020-03-31 e responsible for coordinatin Coordination ant Selection g and monitoring the commu nity development aspects of the Component 2 of MMFMP. PH-MMDA-205051-CS-INDV / The Procurement Specialist s hall manage the overall proc 4. Project Management and Individual Consult COFN / C1450 Post Open 60,480.76 20,084.67 Signed 2020-11-17 2020-11-17 2021-01-05 2021-01-18 2021-01-26 2021-03-08 2021-03-02 2021-03-20 2021-08-29 urement activity of the proje Coordination ant Selection ct in consultation with the M MDA Project Management Off ice (PMO) PH-MMDA-122171-INDV-2 / T he Community Development Specialist (CDS) shall be resp 4. Project Management and Individual Consult COFN / C1450 Post Open 66,250.00 15,374.61 Signed 2019-11-30 2020-11-30 2020-01-18 2020-11-18 2020-02-08 2021-02-08 2020-03-14 2021-03-11 2020-09-10 onsible for coordinating and Coordination ant Selection monitoring the community d evelopment aspects of the C omponent 2 of MMFMP. PH-MMDA-216929-CS-INDV / Individual Consultancy Servic 4. Project Management and Individual Consult IBRD / 87840 Post Open 61,837.50 20,105.26 Signed 2021-01-04 2021-01-04 2021-02-22 2021-03-01 2021-03-15 2021-03-12 2021-04-19 2021-03-19 2021-10-16 es/Monitoring & Evaluation ( Coordination ant Selection M&E) Specialist PH-MMDA / Individual Consul 4. Project Management and Individual Consult tancy Services/PMO Internal IBRD / 87840 Post Open 3,557.69 0.00 Canceled 2021-01-04 2021-01-04 2021-02-22 2021-03-15 2021-04-19 2021-10-16 Coordination ant Selection Midterm Assessment Consult ant PH-MMDA-220061-CS-INDV / Individual Consultancy Servic 4. Project Management and Individual Consult IBRD / 87840 Post Direct 3,557.69 3,678.01 Signed 2021-01-04 2021-01-04 2021-01-14 2021-02-19 2021-02-04 2021-02-19 2021-03-11 2021-03-10 2021-09-07 es/PMO Internal Midterm Ass Coordination ant Selection essment Consultant PH-MMDA-229420-CS-INDV / The overall function covers maintaining and facilitating p 4. Project Management and Individual Consult IBRD / 87840 Post Open 1,300.00 15,175.10 Terminated 2021-04-16 2021-04-19 2021-06-04 2021-10-29 2021-06-25 2021-11-07 2021-07-30 2021-11-26 2022-07-30 ositive relationships between Coordination ant Selection the public and other organiza tions often using media outle ts. PH-MMDA-298539-CS-INDV / 4. Project Management and Individual Consult COFN / C1450 Post Open 59,700.00 0.00 Signed 2022-06-26 2022-06-26 2022-07-15 2022-07-01 2022-07-22 2022-07-18 2022-08-12 2022-08-09 2023-08-12 Project Officer Coordination ant Selection PH-MMDA-CO41-2 / Project Management Office Operatio 4. Project Management and Individual Consult IBRD / 87840 Post Open 125,673.08 0.00 Canceled 2020-01-01 2020-02-19 2020-03-11 2020-04-15 2020-10-12 ns - (Manpower - PMO Consul Coordination ant Selection tants Renumeration) PH-MMDA-383012-CS-INDV / Additional Project Manageme nt Specialist (PMS) who shall oversee and manage technic 4. Project Management and Individual Consult Under Implement IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 15,364.00 0.00 2023-09-24 2023-09-25 2023-11-12 2024-02-19 2023-12-03 2024-02-22 2024-01-07 2024-11-20 al, administrative and docum Coordination ant Selection ation ent control of the project and shall head a group of speciali sts with the actual communit y-based SWM activities Page 6 PH-MMDA-383013-CS-INDV / Social and Environmental Saf eguards Specialist/Safeguard s Specialist (SS). The individu 4. Project Management and Individual Consult IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 15,364.00 0.00 Terminated 2023-09-24 2023-09-25 2023-11-12 2024-02-22 2023-12-03 2024-03-08 2024-01-07 2024-03-19 2024-11-20 al to be hired will be engage Coordination ant Selection d to provide services, inputs and support to the implemen tation and capacity-building activities of the project. PH-MMDA-382039-CS-CDS / Consulting Services for the Pl 2. Minimizing Solid Waste in Direct - Internation Under Implement anning and Demonstration of IBRD / 87840 Post Direct Selection 1,767,758.42 0.00 2023-11-28 2024-02-02 2023-12-08 2024-03-27 2024-02-11 2024-08-09 Waterways al ation Community-Based Solid Wast e Management Initiatives - B atch 2 PH-MMDA-409551-CS-INDV / 4. Project Management and Individual Consult Under Implement Senior Solid Waste Managem IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 18,182.00 0.00 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-04-02 2024-04-23 2024-05-28 2024-11-24 Coordination ant Selection ation ent Specialist PH-MMDA-409552-CS-INDV / 4. Project Management and Individual Consult Under Implement Junior Solid Waste Managem IBRD / 87840 Post Open - National 11,818.18 0.00 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 2024-04-02 2024-04-23 2024-05-28 2024-11-24 Coordination ant Selection ation ent Specialist Page 7