Liberia Electricity Company Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project (P179267) (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Togo and Chad) PROCUREMENT PLAN (Textual Part) Project information: Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project P179267 Project Implementation agency: Liberia Electricity Company Date of the Procurement Plan: December 2022 Period covered by this Procurement Plan: December 2022 to December 23, 2023 Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (Revised November 2017, August 2018 and November 2021 ) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures may be used. When other national procurement arrangements other than national open competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations. Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables. Not Applicable. Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables. Not Applicable. Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Works).Not Applicable. Goods: is not applicable Works: is not applicable Hands-on Expanded Implementation Support (HEIS) as specified under paragraphs 3.10 and 3.11 of the Procurement Regulations are Applicable Other Relevant Procurement Information. The project may use the CDD procurement under this project. If required, CDD manual will be produced by the project. PROCUREMENT Western and Central Africa : Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project PLAN General Information Country: Western and Central Africa 2024-01-11 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2024-07-31 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P179267 GPN Date: 2022-10-22 Project Name: Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / 72650 TOGO - REGIONAL EMERGENCY SOLAR POWER INTERVENTION PROJECT Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned T01-2024-RESPITE-TG / TRA VAUX DE CONSTRUCTION DE Demande d'offres Component 3: Distribution E RESEAUX ELECTRIQUES MOY Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E - DTPM Travaux (s En attente d 2026-01-1 IDA / 72650 xpansion and Transmission A priori Appel d'offres 8,100,000.00 0.00 2024-08-12 2024-08-17 2024-09-28 2024-12-11 2025-01-15 ENNE TENSION (MT) ET BASS l nvelope ans préqualificati 'exécution 0 Optimization E TENSION (BT) EN TROIS (03 on) ) LOTS DANS LA REGION DES SAVANES GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual F002-2024-REPITE-TG / Acqu isition de matériels informati ques (Ordinateurs portables, Component 4: Regional Coor imprimantes, copieurs, scann dination, Institutional Streng Single Stage - One E En attente d' IDA / 72650 A posteriori Demande de prix Limited 65,000.00 0.00 2024-02-04 2024-03-24 2024-05-08 ers, vidéoprojecteur, Tablette thening, and Implementatio nvelope exécution s et GPS) et de fournitures inf n Support ormatiques (Disques dur ext ernes, clé USB, câbles HDMI, Anti virus, License Microsoft Office, etc.) F005-2024-REPITE-TG / Four Component 4: Regional Coor niture et installation de mobil dination, Institutional Streng Single Stage - One E En cours d'ex IDA / 72650 A posteriori Demande de prix Limited 100,000.00 0.00 2024-02-12 2024-03-11 2024-05-10 iers de bureau pour les nouv thening, and Implementatio nvelope écution eaux locaux de l'UGP n Support F001-2024-REPITE-TG / Four Component 3: Distribution E Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E En cours d'ex niture des kits de brancheme IDA / 72650 xpansion and Transmission A priori Appel d'offres 1,400,000.00 0.00 2024-03-10 2024-03-10 2024-04-24 2024-07-07 2024-08-11 2024-12-09 l nvelope amen nts monophasés et triphasés Optimization F006-2024-RESPITE-TG / Acq Component 4: Regional Coor uisition de deux (02) véhicule dination, Institutional Streng Single Stage - One E En attente d' IDA / 72650 A posteriori Demande de prix Limited - National 100,000.00 0.00 2024-03-01 2024-04-26 2024-06-25 s neufs Pick up 4x4 double c thening, and Implementatio nvelope exécution abine au profit de l’UEP de R n Support ESPITE-TOGO NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual C002-2024-RESPITES-TG / R Component 4: Regional Coor ecrutement d'un Consultant dination, Institutional Streng Sélection au moin En attente d'exéc IDA / 72650 A posteriori Open - National 20,000.00 0.00 2024-01-29 2024-02-19 2024-03-11 2024-04-10 2024-04-24 2024-05-15 2024-06-12 2024-08-11 pour l'audit des comptes des thening, and Implementatio dre coût ution exercices 2024 et 2025 du pr n Support ojet RESPITE-Togo C001-2024-REPITE-TG / Recr utement d’un cabinet chargé Component 4: Regional Coor Sélection fondée s du contrôle et de la supervisi dination, Institutional Streng Open - Internationa En cours d'exame IDA / 72650 A priori ur la qualité et le 2,000,000.00 0.00 2024-01-29 2024-03-04 2024-02-01 2024-04-11 2024-02-19 2024-02-26 2024-03-04 2024-04-08 2024-05-13 2025-11-04 on du marché des travaux de thening, and Implementatio l n coût construction de la centrale so n Support laire et du marché des trava ux de l’électrification rurale INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual C003-RESPITE-2024-TG / Rec rutement d'un consultant ind Component 4: Regional Coor ividuel chargé de l'actualisati dination, Institutional Streng En attente d'exéc IDA / 72650 A posteriori Individuel Limited - National 26,132.00 0.00 2024-05-17 2024-05-24 2024-05-28 2024-07-02 2024-08-16 on du plan de mobilisation de thening, and Implementatio ution s parties prenantes (PMPP) y n Support compris le mécanisme de ge stion des plaintes (MGP) C011-2024-RESPITE-TG / Sél Component 4: Regional Coor ection d’un cabinet pour la ré Sélection de cons dination, Institutional Streng En attente d'exéc alisation des études environn IDA / 72650 A posteriori ultants par entent Direct - National 53,918.00 0.00 2024-07-26 2024-08-05 2024-10-09 2024-11-23 thening, and Implementatio ution ementales du site devant abr e directe n Support iter la centrale solaire photov oltaïque de Dapaong Page 1