July 12, 2023

Mr. K. Manicka Raj
Joint Secretary, (FB & ADB)
Department of Economic Affairs (DEA)
Ministry of Finance
Government of India
North Block
New Delhi 110 001

Dear Mr. Manicka Raj:

                   INDIA: Uttarakhand Water Supply Program for Peri-Urban Areas
                                     (Loan Number 8805-IN)
                              Amendment No. 3 to the Loan Agreement

         We refer to the Loan Agreement between India (“Borrower”) and the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (“Bank”) dated January 22, 2018, as amended to date, for the above-
mentioned project (“Project”). We also refer to the letter from DEA dated June 20, 2023, requesting a
restructuring of the Program.

       We are pleased to inform you that after due consideration the Bank has agreed to DEA’s request
and proposes to amend the Loan Agreement as set forth below:

1.      Section IV.B.5. of Schedule 2 is amended to read as follows:

        “The Closing Date is June 30, 2025.”

2.      Schedule 4 (Disbursement Linked Indicators, Disbursement-Linked Results and Allocated
        Amount(s) Applicable to the Program) is revised to read as set forth in Annexure I to this letter.

3.      Section I. 30 of the Appendix is amended to read as follows:

        “Efficiency of Water Supply Service Delivery means, for purposes of DLI#6, the system for water
        supply service delivery administrated by an Operator within a selected Peri-urban Area, which has
        met or exceeded the requirement to maintain: (a) Energy Intensity- measured in kilowatt hour per
        cubic meter of water pumped- not more than five percent threshold of the optimal benchmark
        level established for the water supply system by an energy auditor certified by the Bureau of
        Energy Efficiency; and/or (b) non-revenue water level below 30% for a water supply system, all
        as further detailed in the Program Operations Manual.”

4.      The Results Framework of the Program is revised and is set forth in Annexure II to this letter.

      Except as specifically amended in this letter, all other terms and conditions of the Loan
Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

                    India Country Office, 70 Lodi Estate, New Delhi 110 003, India
                       P.O. Box 416, Phone: +911141479301 / +911149247601
Mr. K. Manicka Raj                                 -2-                                        July 12, 2023

         The Bank will disclose this letter and related information in accordance with the World Bank’s Policy
on Access to Information. By agreeing to this letter, the Borrower consents to the disclosure of this letter and
related information.

         Please confirm your agreement to the foregoing by signing the form of confirmation set forth below,
and returning one fully executed original of this letter to us and retaining one original for your records. This
letter shall become effective as of the date of the countersignature, upon receipt by the Bank of the duly
countersigned original of this letter.

                                   Yours sincerely,

                                           Auguste Tano Kouame
                                           Country Director, India


By: _____________________________
    Authorized Representative
        K. Manicka Raj
Name: ____________________________
         Joint Secretary, FB&ADB
Title: _____________________________
Date: ____________________________
Mr. K. Manicka Raj                             -3-                                     July 12, 2023


Mr. Parameswaran Iyer, Executive Director (India), World Bank
Mr. Rajeev Topno, Senior Advisor to Executive Director (India), World Bank

Government of India

Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Deputy Secretary, DEA, Ministry of Finance
Mr. Ashok Kumar, Controller of Aid Accounts & Audit, DEA, Ministry of Finance

Ms. Vini Mahajan, Secretary, Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shakti

Government of Uttarakhand

Dr. S.S. Sandhu, Chief Secretary
Mr. Arvind Singh Hyanki, Secretary, Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Mr. R. Meenakshi Sundaram Secretary, Finance Department
Ms. Iva Ashish Srivastava, Program Director, State Water and Sanitation Mission, Dehradun
Mr. Uday Raj Singh, Managing Director, Uttarakhand Peyjal Nigam
Ms. Neelima Garg, Chief General Manager, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan
Mr. K. Manicka Raj                                                                          -4-                                                                        July 12, 2023

                                                                                                                                                                                            Annexure I

                                                                           Revised Schedule 4 to Loan Agreement

                        Disbursement-Linked Indicators, Disbursement-Linked Results and Allocated Amount(s) Applicable to the Program

DLI                                                                                            Results to be Achieved/Indicative timeline for DLI achievement
                                                         DLI Baseline       Year 1           Year 2          Year 3          Year 4           Year 5        Year 6                            Year 7
DLI#1: Number of Water Connections Providing
Improved Water Supply Services in peri-urban             Ya    0                  0                0                 0              9,519            26,860                87,757                87,757
areas (cumulative)
                                                         Yb 0                    0               0               0               0               22,446              93,314              268,828
                                                         (US$ 325 x Ya) + (US$ 28 x Yb) where:
Disbursement formula                                      Ya = Number of new water connections installed in any year and providing at least three (3) months of Improved Water Service; and
                                                          Yb = Number of water connections installed previously and provided Improved Water Services for at least 150 days 1, during the previous
                                                         six months (180 days). Yb will be evaluated every six months and thus would be eligible for two disbursements of US$ 28 in a year.
Tentative allocated amount in US$ million (Total
                                                                            0                0                       0               3.09              6.27                 21.77                 6.57
US$ 37.7 m)
DLI#2: Sustainability of water supply service            Xa        0                                                   0                  0              13.6                  22.1               35.86
delivery in peri-urban areas
                                                         Xb       0                                                    0                  0               16                   39.6                39.6
Disbursement formula                                     (US$ 144,000 x Xa) + (US$ 144,000 x Xb) where
                                                         Xa is the sum of scores of two sub-indicators of TSI: performance agreement (score: 1) and customer satisfaction (score 0.7). Xa will be
                                                         measured annually and the score for each system could range between 0 and 1.7. Each system is eligible for one annual disbursement for Xa.
                                                         Xb is the sum of scores of two sub-indicators of TSI: metering (score :1), O&M cost recovery (score 1). Xb will be measured quarterly and
                                                         the score for each system could range between 0 and 2 in any year. Each system is eligible for disbursement starting from the first quarter of
                                                         the year. If a water system is not able to get the maximum score (2.0) in the first quarter but improves the score in the subsequent quarters of
                                                         the same year, it will be eligible to a payment for the incremental improvement.
                                                         For example, if the performance of a water system in the first quarter is 1.5, it will be eligible for a payment of 1.5 x US$ 144,000 for the first
                                                         quarter. If the performance of this system improves to 1.75 in the second quarter, it will be eligible for a disbursement equal to the incremental
                                                         progress, i.e., 0.25 x US$ 144,000, for that quarter. If in the fourth quarter, its performance reaches 2.0, the incremental progress would justify
                                                         a disbursement of 0.25 x US$ 144,000 for that system in Q4. Thus, this change provides a clear incentive to improve performance from one
                                                         quarter to the next and will allow using the TSI score as a tool to monitor systems’ performance. The IVA will monitor this indicator quarterly,
                                                         twice based on field visits and twice based on desk review.
Tentative allocated Amount in US$ million (Total
                                                                                  0                0                 0                 0                4                    6.35                 13.48
DLI #3: Improved Program policy in Peri-urban                                               Policy
                                                        No WSS policy
Areas                                                                                       adopted state-
                                                        for peri-urban
                                                                                            wide by
Allocated Amount in US$ million (Total US$ 14m)                                              14

1   In case the service area is formally declared disaster affected during the period, such days will be exempted.
Mr. K. Manicka Raj                                                                   -5-                                                                     July 12, 2023

                                                                                        Results to be Achieved/Indicative timeline for DLI achievement
DLI                                                DLI Baseline         Year 1          Year 2           Year 3          Year 4           Year 5              Year 6              Year 7
DLI#4: Strengthened Program M&E systems in                                                                                             M&E plan      M&E plan
                                                                                                                                                                   M&E plan
Peri-urban Areas                                                                                                      M&E plan         implemented implemented
                                                   Existing M&E                                                                                                    reviewed     M&E plan
                                                                                                                      implemented in an              in an
                                                   systems do not     M&E plan                        M&E system                                                   identifying implemented
                                                   cover peri-urban
                                                                                                                      in at least 4    additional 3  additional 8
                                                                      prepared                        designed                                                     future        in 22 peri
                                                   areas                                                              Peri-urban       Peri-urban    Peri-urban
                                                                                                                                                                   needs and urban areas
                                                                                                                      Areas            Areas (Total: Areas (Total:
                                                                                                                                       7)            15)
Tentative Allocated Amount in US$ million (Total
                                                                           1                                5                8                3               2          0.5           0.5
US$ 20m)
DLI #5: Number of Approved Master Plans for
                                                   No WSS policy                                            2                3
water supply in Peri-urban Areas
Tentative Allocated Amount in US$ million (Total
                                                                                                          12.17              0
US$ 12.17m)
DLI #6: Efficiency of water supply service         Za                                                                                           0                  20                 20
delivery in peri-urban areas                       Zb                                                                                          130                200                270
Disbursement formula                               (US$ 150,000 x Za) + (US$ 10,000 x Zb) where
                                                   Za is the number of schemes that maintains the Energy Intensity (EI), which is defined as average amount of energy used in kilowatt hour to
                                                   pump one cubic meter of water (kWh/m3), within 5% threshold of the benchmark level established for a water supply system by an energy
                                                   auditor certified by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, following the protocol detailed in the Program Operations Manual (POM).
                                                   The amount to be disbursed on a quarterly basis will be the sum of scheme-wise eligible disbursements. The following incentive scale is
                                                   proposed for each scheme per year, with an average incentive of US$ 150,000 per scheme per year:
                                                   • US$ 200,000 for the schemes that maintain the EI at its benchmark level or better.
                                                   • US$ 150,000 for the schemes that maintain the EI not more than 2.5% threshold of its benchmark level
                                                   • US$ 100,000 for the schemes that maintain the EI not more than 5% threshold of its benchmark level.
                                                   • No incentive for the schemes that is unable to maintain the EI within 5% threshold of its benchmark level.
                                                   A water supply system will be eligible for incentive every year. A water system will be incentivized to improve performance from the previous
                                                   quarter in the same year, but a system not improving EI level from the previous quarter in the same year will not be eligible for additional
                                                   incentive. The incentive calculation is reset and starts again each year.
                                                   Zb is the sum of scheme-wise eligible disbursements for the quarter. To simplify the quarterly calculation, and create a measurable target
                                                   value, each quarterly payment will be obtained by multiplying the number of NRW percentage points eligible for payment by a multiplier
                                                   corresponding to the number of US$ 10,000 increments applicable to the NRW percentage point reduced below 30%. The value reported will
                                                   be the sum of weighted percentage point reduced in all water supply systems in O&M phase for at least three months.
                                                   NRW will be calculated as the percentage of the net loss of water - measured as difference between the total amount of water leaving all the
                                                   reservoirs in a water supply system and sum of meter readings of all metered connections in the system - divided by the total amount of water
                                                   leaving from all the reservoirs in the system in a quarter.
                                                   For each system, percentage reduction in NRW will be multiplied with weights to arrive at weighted Zb for each system as follows:
                                                        -    Weight of 1 for each percentage point of NRW reduction below 30% till 26% (Maximum 4)
                                                        -    Weight of 3 for each percentage point of NRW reduction from 25% till 21% (Maximum 15)
                                                        -    Weight of 5 for each percentage point of NRW reduction to 20% or below (Capped at 15)
                                                   Thus if NRW is 28%, Zb would be (30-28)*1 = 2 (eligible disbursement of US$ 20,000 for this scheme)
Mr. K. Manicka Raj                                                                   -6-                                                                      July 12, 2023

                                                   If NRW =25%, Zb will be (30-26)*1 + (26-25)*3 = 7 (eligible disbursement of US$ 70,000)
                                                   If NRW = 18, Zb will be (30-26)*1 + (26-21)*3 + (21-18)*5 = 4 + 15 + 15 = 34 (US$ 340,000)
                                                   The NRW will be rounded off to the nearest integer. NRW evolution will be monitored using actual number (not rounded) and the difference
                                                   from one quarter to the next will be rounded to the nearest integer (0.4 is rounded to 0 and 0.5 is rounded to 1).
                                                   A water supply system will be eligible for incentive every year if NRW is maintained below the contractual and policy target of 30%. A water
                                                   system will be incentivized to improve performance from the previous quarter, but a system maintaining same or lower NRW level from the
                                                   previous quarter in the same year will not be eligible for additional incentive. The incentive calculation is reset and starts again each year.
Tentative Allocated Amount in US$ million (Total
                                                                                                                                               1.3                   5                   5.7
US$ 12m)
      Mr. K. Manicka Raj                                                            -7-                                                        July 12, 2023

                                                                                                                                                               Annexure II

                                                                     Revised Results Framework of the Program

                                                           India: Uttarakhand Water Supply Program for Peri-Urban Areas

Program Development Objective: To increase access to improved water supply services in peri-urban areas in Uttarakhand
                                                         Target Values                                                                                             Responsibili
PDO Level Results           Unit        of                                                                                                         Data Source/

                                             Baseline                                                                                 Frequency                    ty for Data

Indicators                  Measure                      Year 1 Year 2       Year 3         Year 4      Year 5     Year 6   Year 7                 Methodology
PDO Indicator 1:                       (a) Number      0      0                            38,076      134,300    436,800   436,800   Annual       MIS    Reports SWSM/SPSU,
(a) Number of people                   of   people                                                                                                 from UJN and UJS, UJN
receiving    improved                  (cumulative)                                                                                                UJS; physical
water supply services                                                                                                                              survey       on
in peri-urban areas;                                                                                                                               sample basis
(b) Number of people
receiving    improved     ☒ ☐
                                       (b) Number      0      0                            19,038      67,150     218,400   218,400   Annual       MIS    Reports SWSM/SPSU,
water supply services                  of people –                                                                                                 from UJN and UJS, UJN
in peri-urban areas –                  female                                                                                                      UJS; physical
female                                 (cumulative)                                                                                                survey       on
                                                                                                                                                   sample basis

PDO Indicator 2:                       (a) Number      0      0                            104,260     226,710    436,800   436,800   Annual       MIS    Reports
(a)Number        of                    of                                                                                                          from UJN and SWSM/SPSU,
beneficiaries                          beneficiaries                                                                                               UJS; physical UJS, UJN
                                       (cumulative)                                                                                                survey       on
(b)     Number       of                                                                                                                            sample basis
beneficiaries- female     ☒            (b) Number                                                                                                                  SWSM/SPSU,
                                       of              0      0                            52,130      113,355    218,400   218,400   Annual                       UJS, UJN
                                       –     female
PDO Indicator 3:       ☐               Number of       0      0      0        5            10          22         22        22        Annual       Annual Report SWSM/SPSU
Number of peri-urban                   Peri-urban                                                                                                  of SWSM
areas with improved                    areas
policy, planning and     ☒
M&E           systems
PDO Indicator 4:       ☐ ☐ Number of                   0      0      0        0            0           4          11        20        Annual       Annual Report SWSM/SPSU
Number of schemes          Peri-urban                                                                                                              of SWSM
that provided water        areas
supply services for at
      Mr. K. Manicka Raj                                                                     -8-                                                        July 12, 2023

least one year with a
minimum of sixteen
(16) hours of supply
per day for at least three
hundred (300) days
over the course of a

                                                                                                     Target Values                                                           Responsibility


Intermediate                               Unit of                                                                                                              Data Source/
                                                        Baseline                                                                                    Frequency                for Data
Results Indicators                         Measure                    Year 1   Year 2       Year 3     Year 4        Year 5     Year 6     Year 7               Methodology
Results Area 1: Increased access to improved water supply services in peri-urban areas
Intermediate                     Number of     0               0            0          0                  9,153      26,860     87,757     87,757   Annual      MIS          UJS, UJN,
Results Indicator                connections                                                                                                                    Reports      SWSM/SPSU,
1.1: Number of                   (cumulative)                                                                                                                   from UJN     and IVA
water connections                                                                                                                                               and UJS;
providing improved   ☐     ☒
water supply                                                                                                                                                    survey on
services in peri-                                                                                                                                               sample basis
urban areas
Intermediate                     TSI score     0           0                0      0                  0           29.6        61.7       81.4       Annual      MIS          UJS, UJN,
Results Indicator                for water                                                                                                                      Reports      SWSM/SPSU,
1.2: Sustainability              supply                                                                                                                         from UJN     and IVA
of water supply      ☐     ☒     systems in                                                                                                                     and UJS;
service delivery in              peri-urban                                                                                                                     physical
peri-urban areas                 areas                                                                                                                          survey on
                                                                                                                                                                sample basis
Intermediate                              Percentage   No report                        0             0           70%         70%        70%        Annual      IVA Report    IVA
Results Indicator                                      on
1.3: Customer                                          customer
satisfaction with            ☐      ☒                  satisfaction
improved water
supply services

Intermediate                              Hours         0                               0             0           0.5         0.5        0.5        Annual      IVA Report    IVA
Results Indicator
1.4: Number of
hours per day per            ☐      ☐
household saved due
to water connection
– female
     Mr. K. Manicka Raj                                                             -9-                                                              July 12, 2023

Intermediate                   Number          0            0           0       0           0            7            11             16          Annual     MIS         UJS, UJN,
Results Indicator                                                                                                                                           Reports     SWSM/SPSU,
1.5: Number of                                                                                                                                              from UJN    and IVA
schemes that meet    ☐    ☒                                                                                                                                 and UJS
100% O&M cost

Intermediate                    Number         0        0               0       0            0          7             11             20          Annual     MIS         UJS, UJN,
Results Indicator                                                                                                                                           Reports     SWSM/SPSU,
1.6: Number of                                                                                                                                              from UJN    and IVA
water supply                                                                                                                                                and UJS
systems that         ☐    ☒
maintains efficiency
of water supply
service delivery
Results Area 2: Improved policy, planning and M&E systems for water supply program for peri-urban areas
Intermediate                   Actions to     No specific              Policy                                                                    Annual     Annual       SWSM/SPSU
Results Indicator              improve        water                   adopted                                                                               Report of
2.1: Improved                  policy         supply                   state-                                                                               SWSM
policy for water     ☐    ☒
                                              policy for              wide by
supply program in                             peri-urban               GoUK
peri-urban areas                              areas
Intermediate              ☒    Actions to     Existing      Define              M&E         M&E          M&E         M&E plan        M&E         Annual     Annual       SWSM/SPSU
Results Indicator              improve        M&E           M&E                 system      plan         plan        implemente      plan                   Report of
2.2: Strengthened              M&E            system is     needs               designed    impleme      impleme     d in 15 Peri-   implemen               SWSM
M&E systems for                systems        limited in    and                             nted in      nted in 7   urban           ted in 22
water supply                                  scope and     prepare                         at least 4   Peri-       Areas; plan     peri
program in peri-                              does not      impleme                         Peri-        urban       reviewed        urban
urban areas                                   cover per-    ntation                         urban        Areas       identifying     areas
                                              urban         plan                            Areas                    future needs
                                              areas                                                                  and change
Intermediate          ☐   ☒    No. of           0           0           2       3           3            3            3              3           Annual     Annual       SWSM/SPSU
Results Indicator              master-                                                                                                                      Report of
2.3: Number of                 plans                                                                                                                        SWSM
approved master-plans          (cumulative)
for water supply in
peri-urban areas
Intermediate                   Annual         No report                         Annual      Annual       Annual       Annual         Annual      Annual     Annual       SWSM/SPSU
Results Indicator              Report         on service                        report      report       report       report         report                 Report of
2.4: Annual report                            performan                         prepared    prepare      prepare      prepared       prepared               SWSM
on water services     ☐   ☒
                                              ce                                and         d and        d and        and            and
performance in peri-                                                            published   publishe     publishe     published      published
urban areas                                                                                 d            d
     Mr. K. Manicka Raj                                     -10-                           July 12, 2023

Intermediate                 Number       0   5   10   15          20   25   30   30   Annual     MIS         UJS, UJN,
Results Indicator                                                                                 Reports     SWSM/SPSU,
2.5: Number of                                                                                    from UJN    and IVA
training programs                                                                                 and UJS
for women to         ☐   ☐
enhance their
capacity for
involvement in
water supply prog
Intermediate                 percentage   2   2   5    8           15   20   20   20   Annual     Annual       SWSM/SPSU
Results Indicator            staff                                                                Report of
2.6: Percentage of                                                                                SWSM
women staff          ☐   ☐
employed by sector