Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan January 2024 J Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald Mesa Koz Sahrayıcedit District Atatürk Street No. 69 / 255 34734 Kadıköy Istanbul Turkey T +90 (0) 216 766 3118 Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan July 2024 Mott MacDonald T Danışmanlık Mühendislik Ltd Şti. is a member of the Mott MacDonald Group registered in England and Wales no 1110949. Registered office: Mott MacDonald House, 8-10 Sydenham Road, Croydon CR0 2EE, United Kingdom Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory i Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan Issue and Revision Record Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description A 28.11.22 Gokhan Metin Ece Kilicozlu Pelin Karakaya Draft Plan Aysima Calisan Ecenur Alper B 13.03.2023 Ecenur Alper Pelin Karakaya Neslihan Ayvaz Revised Draft Plan C 23.10.2023 Ecenur Alper Pelin Karakaya Neslihan Ayvaz Revised Draft Plan Mustafa Islek D 20.12.2023 Ecenur Alper Pelin Karakaya Neslihan Ayvaz Final Draft Plan Mustafa Islek E 14.06.2024 Ecenur Alper Pelin Karakaya Neslihan Ayvaz Final Draft Plan Mustafa Islek Document reference: Information class: Standard This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above- captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it. Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory i Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan Contents Abbreviations and Acronyms 4 1 Introduction and Project Summary 6 1.1 Overview 6 1.2 Objectives, Structure and Scope of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan 6 1.3 Project Information and Location 7 2 Summary of Previous Stakeholder Engagement Activities 9 2.1 Before The ESIA Study 9 2.2 During The ESIA Process 9 2.2.1 Scoping Phase Site Visit and Consultation (December 2021) 9 2.2.2 ESIA Study Phase Site Visit and Consultation (June 2022) 10 3 National Regulatory and International Requirements 16 3.1 Overview 16 3.2 National Legislation and Requirements 16 3.3 World Bank Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Requirements 16 4 Stakeholder Identification and Analysis 18 4.1 Overview 18 4.2 Project Stakeholders 18 4.2.1 Internal Stakeholders 18 4.2.2 External Stakeholders 18 5 Stakeholder Engagement Programme 25 5.1 Overview 25 5.2 Vulnerable Groups Considerations 25 5.3 Pandemic Mitigations 26 5.4 Stakeholder Engagement Approach and Future Stakeholder Engagement 27 6 Disclosure and Consultation Process 31 7 Grievance Mechanism 33 7.1 Public Grievance Mechanism 33 7.1.1 SABIM: Communication Centre of Ministry of Health “Alo 184� 33 7.1.2 CIMER: Turkish Presidential Communication Centre 37 7.1.3 YIMER: Foreigners Communication Centre 37 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory ii Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan 7.1.4 Contractor and Supervision Consultant Level Public Grievance Mechanism 37 7.1.5 Receiving Grievances related to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH) 38 7.2 Workers’ Grievance Mechanism 38 7.2.1 SBN: Health Meeting Point of Ministry of Health “Alo 182� 38 7.2.2 CIMER: Turkish Presidential Communication Centre 39 7.2.3 Contractor and Supervision Consultant Level Workers’ Grievance Mechanism 39 7.2.4 Receiving Grievances related to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH) 40 7.3 Project Grievance Resolution Process 41 7.4 World Bank’s Grievance Redress Service 42 7.5 Community Liaison Officer 43 7.6 Project Contact Information 43 8 Resources and Responsibilities 44 9 Monitoring and Reporting 45 9.1 Monitoring 45 9.2 Reporting 45 10 Annexes 47 10.1 The application form on the website of the PMSU (in Turkish) 47 10.2 Grievance form 48 10.3 Grievance log 49 10.4 Stakeholder engagement tracker 50 10.5 The First Stakeholder List for the Project (Created by the Environmental and Social Team of the PMSU) 51 10.6 PMSU Online Meeting Agenda Details 53 10.7 Institutions and Organizations Participating in The PMSU Online Meeting 56 10.8 The Project’s Information Document 57 10.9 Organisational Chart of the PMSU affiliated to the MoH 62 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory iii Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan Contents Tables Table 2-1: Engagement Methods and Number of Stakeholders Reached 12 Table 3-1: The ESSs of the World Bank that are relevant to the stakeholder engagement 16 Table 4-1: Directly Affected Stakeholders 20 Table 4-2: Other Interested Parties 21 Table 5-1: Stakeholder Engagement Approach and Future Stakeholder Engagement 27 Figures Figure 1-1: The Project Location 8 Figure 1-2: The Project Site and its Parcel Division 8 Figure 4-1: Identification of Stakeholders and Engagement Scheme 19 Figure 7-1: The Flowchart of SABIM 35 Figure 7-2: Steps of the Grievance Mechanism of the Project4 41 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 4 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Abbreviations and Acronyms ABSL Animal Biosafety Level ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation AFAD Ministry of Interior, Disaster and ICLAS International Council for Laboratory Animal Emergency Management Presidency Science AIFD Researcher Pharmaceutical IDEA Istanbul Experimental Research Centre Companies Association AMM Ankara Metropolitan Municipality IHR International Health Regulations ASKI Ankara Water and Sewerage ISO International Standards Organization Administration AWI Animal Welfare Institute IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature BAS Building automation system KLİMİK Turkish Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Association BMBL Biosafety at Microbiological and KUTTAM Koc University Research Centre for Biomedical Laboratories Translational Medicine BSC Biological safety cabinet KUISCID Koc University İşbank Centre for Infectious Diseases BSL Biosafety Level MoAF Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry BUHASDER Prevention of Communicable MoCT Ministry of Culture and Tourism Diseases Association CAB Community Advisory Board MoEUCC Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological and MoH Ministry of Health Nuclear CCTV Closed-circuit television MoIT Ministry of Industry and Technology CDC Centres for Disease Control MoLSS Ministry of Labour and Social Security CEN European Committee for MoTI Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Standardization CFR Code of Federal Regulations NGOs Non-governmental organizations cGMP Current Good Manufacturing Practice NIH National Institute of Health CIMER Turkish Presidential Communication OIE World Organisation for Animal Health Centre CIOMS Council for International Organizations OLAW Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare of Medical Sciences CITES Convention on Trade in Endangered ÖSYM Student Selection and Placement Centre Species CMC Chemistry, Manufacturing, and PAPs Project Affected Persons Controls CWA CEN Workshop Agreement PDoEUCC Provincial Directorate of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change DIN German Institute for Standardisation PID Project Information Document DRM Design Requirements Manual PMSU Project Management Support Unit DSI State Hydraulic Works PPE Personal protective equipment EHD Infectious Diseases Association PPP Public Private Partnership EHS Environment, Health and Safety R&D Research and Development EHSS Environmental, Health and Safety and SABIM MoH Communication Centre Social January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 5 Stakeholder Engagement Plan EKMUD Turkish Infectious Diseases and SBN Meeting Point at Health Clinical Microbiology Specialization Association ESMF Environmental and Social SEA/SH Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/Sexual Management Framework Harassment EGO Ankara Electricity, Gas and Bus SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan Operations Organization EIA Environmental Impact Assessment SES Trade Union of Public Employees in Health and Social ERAGEM Erciyes University Vaccine Research SOP Standard Operational Procedure Development Centre ESCP Environmental and Social SWOT Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, Commitment Plan threats ESF Environmental and Social Framework THKD Turkish Protection of Animals Association ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Three Rs Replacement, Reduction, Refinement Assessment ESMP Environmental and Social TMC Turkish Microbiology Society Management Plan ESSs Environmental and Social Standards TPHA Turkish Public Health Agency EU European Union TPMDA Turkish Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency EUROVENT A provider of third-party performance TS Turkish Standards certification programmes for HVAC industry FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration TUBITAK The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye GDPH General Directorate of Public Health TUÇEV Environmental Protection Foundation GLP Good Laboratory Practice TUSEB Health Institutes of Turkiye GM Grievance Mechanism UFAW Universities Federation for Animal Welfare GMP Good Manufacturing Practice UN United Nations GMT Good microbiological techniques UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe HASUDER Public Health Specialist Association UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation HAYTAP Animal Right's Federation UPS Uninterruptible power supply HEPA High efficiency particulate air [filter] USDA United States Department of Agriculture HIDER Turkish Hospital Infections and WB World Bank Control Association HVAC Heating, ventilation and air WHO World Health Organization conditioning HSSSP Health System Strengthening and Support Project January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 6 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 1 Introduction and Project Summary 1.1 Overview This is the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) for "Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project" (the Project), which is planned to be developed in Akyurt district of Ankara province in the Central Anatolian region of Turkiye. The SEP identifies the Project stakeholders, defines their roles and engagement capacities, describes the ways of interactions them and draws the route map in order to reach the Project targets through a transparent, inclusive and collaborative manner. This SEP provides a framework for stakeholder engagement; it has been designed so that the Project Management Support Unit (PMSU) can demonstrate engagement that is effective, meaningful, consistent, comprehensive, coordinated and culturally appropriate in line with all the relevant legal and regulatory commitments at national context and good international industry practice. It encompasses the stakeholder engagement activities and consultations conducted/to be conducted during pre-construction, construction and operation phases of the Project. The SEP will be continuously updated throughout the Project implementation period, as required. 1.2 Objectives, Structure and Scope of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan Open and transparent stakeholder engagement is critical for a project’s sustainability, ownership and implementation. The objective of the stakeholder engagement is to provide opportunity for affected and/or relevant individuals, groups, communities, and organizations to express their opinions and concerns about the Project in order to consider them when assessing impacts and determining mitigation measures. As the World Bank ESS10 necessitates, stakeholder engagement involves the following aspects: � Identification and analysis of all potentially affected individuals, groups, communities, and organizations that will be considered as stakeholders, � Planning the steps for the way stakeholder engagement, information disclosure and meaningful consultation with stakeholders will be held, � Formation of a good understanding of the Project for stakeholders, � Identification of the issues that may be risky for the Project or the stakeholders, � Addressing a grievance system/mechanism for long-term communication between the Project and the stakeholders, � Responding to grievances through the grievance mechanism, and � Reporting to stakeholders. Initiating the stakeholder engagement in an earlier phase of the Project contributes the stakeholder engagement processes to be successful and effective. In line with the World Bank ESS10 and international best practice, stakeholder engagement was started during the scoping phase of the Project through the engagement of key Project stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement continued throughout the ESIA process of the Project and will continue during post-ESIA phases. The SEP includes the following sections: 1. Introduction and Project Summary 2. Summary of Previous Stakeholder Engagement Activities January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 7 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 3. National Regulatory and International Requirements 4. Stakeholder Identification and Analysis 5. Stakeholder Engagement Programme 6. Disclosure and Consultation Process 7. Grievance Mechanism 8. Resources and Responsibilities 9. Monitoring and Reporting 10. Annexes 1.3 Project Information and Location The World Bank assists governments in formulating a preparedness plan to provide the highest level of medical care, maintain primary healthcare, and minimize risks to both staff and patients. In Turkiye, inequalities deriving from different socioeconomic variables had been affecting the accessibility to healthcare services. For that matter, the Turkish Government has taken some significant steps to reduce unequal access to health systems and to strengthen the health system. The Health System Strengthening and Support Project (HSSSP), which is financed by the World Bank, was one of these steps. The details on the HSSSP are provided in the Section 2.1 of the ESIA report. The HSSSP was approved on September 21, 2015, and became effective on November 26, 2015. The Project Development Objective (PDO) of the HSSSP is to improve primary and secondary prevention of selected non-communicable diseases (NCDs), increase the efficiency of hospital management, and enhance the capacity of the Ministry of Health (MoH) for evidence- based policymaking. Subsequently, the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) was updated in February 2022, and aligned with the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) of the World Bank, replacing the OPs in 2018. One of the components within the scope of the HSSSP (Component 4) concerns strengthening capacity of the MoH and relevant national systems to respond to COVID-19 as well as public health preparedness. MoH will undertake two projects under this component, one of which will be newly established in Ankara (the Project). The main objective of the Project is to establish a national vaccine production centre, which will provide benefits through: � increasing the mechanisms that would improve the research capacity, � strengthening the capacity to combat pandemics/epidemics that are risky at national or international level, and � improving the infrastructure by experimental animal production to support vaccine-related studies. The Project site is located in Balıkhisar neighbourhood of Akyurt district of Ankara. The Project site has been allocated to the MoH by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. The location of the Project site and its parcel division are shown in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2, respectively. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 8 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Figure 1-1: The Project Location Figure 1-2: The Project Site and its Parcel Division January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 9 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2 Summary of Previous Stakeholder Engagement Activities 2.1 Before The ESIA Study In line with the World Bank requirements, an online consultation meeting was conducted on December 20, 2021, between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. in order to reach all related Project stakeholders and to inform them about the updated ESMF for HSSP and activities included in the Project together with the new component (Component 4). Based on the feedback received during the meeting, the ESMF was revised and finalized. The final version of the ESMF has been disclosed on the website of the PMSU in February 2022 1. A stakeholder list was first created by the PMSU Environmental and Social Team for the online meeting held on December 20, 2021, which is given in Annex 10.5. The text in Annex 10.6 was sent by PMSU to all these stakeholders through official channels. NGOs and universities were also contacted by phone. The institutions and organizations participating in the meeting are presented in Annex 10.7. The invitation link to the online meeting was sent to the representatives of the institutions and organizations who shared their information to participate after conveying the information letters and phone calls. The meeting agenda was also shared with the participants via the same e-mail which the meeting link was sent. In the meeting agenda, it was stated that opinions and suggestions regarding the Project's ESMF document could be provided until 29 December 2021. During the meeting, a presentation was made that included the information about the Project and the PMSU. The presentation also acknowledged the participants about the establishment and organizational structure of the PMSU. Finally, the information about stakeholder relations, grievance mechanism and the steps of the mechanism was provided in the presentation. The meetings ended after the question-answer session. 2.2 During The ESIA Process 2.2.1 Scoping Phase Site Visit and Consultation (December 2021) Social experts (a senior social impact assessment expert, a land acquisition and resettlement expert, a stakeholder engagement expert and a social consultant) of the ESIA team conducted a field study on 28 and 29 December 2021 for the scoping study to identify the potential social impacts and risks of the Project. Scoping consultations were undertaken with key public institutions, to determine potential Project Affected Persons (PAPs)/stakeholders, to gain a deeper understanding of the Project area and potential Project impacts, and to understand their perception of the Project in order to reflect their views and recommendations to Project design and respond to any concerns they may have on the Project. Consultations were also held with neighbouring facilities that may be prone to direct Project construction and operation impacts. The external stakeholders interviewed within the scope of field studies are listed below. � Mayor of Akyurt, � Deputy Mayors of Akyurt, � District Governor of Akyurt, � Akyurt District Health Director, 1 January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 10 Stakeholder Engagement Plan � Mukhtar of Balıkhisar neighbourhood, � Mukhtar of Saracalar neighbourhood, � CEO of YDS, � Board Member of YDS, � Business Development Manager of Işbir Yatak Mattress Factory and General Directorate, � Quality Control Management Director of Işbir Yatak Mattress Factory and General Directorate, � Operations Manager of Otonomi, and � Representative of Mesart Architecture Company. The initial findings of the consultations are as follows: � The Mayor and the District Governor’s approach towards the Project is positive and supportive. It has been observed that Akyurt Municipality supports the Project and is willing to take part in the Community Advisory Board 2 as an active participant and effective board member. Flood risk and reclamation requirements associated with the Çubuk stream was an issue of concern noted by the Akyurt Municipality which should be consulted with the General Directorate of State Water Works (DSI). � The Project is located in Balıkhisar neighbourhood (within 5 km distance to the Project site) and Saracalar is the closest neighbourhood (within 1 km distance) to the Project site. Therefore, the mukhtars of these neighbourhoods were interviewed during the scoping phase field study of the Project. Mukhtars’ information level on the Project was limited to the news shared on media, however they welcomed the Project. Even though the mukhtar of Balıkhisar had received an invitation to the online disclosure meeting held on 20 December 2021, he could not attend it. The ESIA team informed the Mukhtars regarding the planned stakeholder engagement activities to be carried out within the scope of the Project. � During the consultations with neighbouring facilities, dust and odour safety were reported as main concerns requiring measures. Other issues of concern reported by the neighbouring facilities included the infrastructural (i.e. sewerage and waste management) inadequacies in the area and whether the existing infrastructure issues will be elevated as a result of the proposed Project. � During the meetings, participants from the neighbouring factories were briefly informed that gender equality and violence issues against women would be addressed within the framework of the ESIA. In this context, safety of female employees in the nearby factories and the risk of being exposed to harassment or violence during the Project construction were also addressed in the meetings. Accordingly, stakeholders confirmed that employees rarely leave the factory during work hours, they stay inside the factory for lunch breaks and other breaks. Mitigation measures have been defined within the ESIA in order to maintain safety of female workers around the Project site. 2.2.2 ESIA Study Phase Site Visit and Consultation (June 2022) The ESIA consultations aimed to gather baseline data, understand Project-related concerns and requests of PAPs, reflect opinions of key stakeholders and identify vulnerable groups. The consultations involved meetings with district and province level governmental institutions, meetings with non-governmental organizations, interviews with the representatives of neighbouring facilities, business enterprises and factories, socio-economic household surveys with PAPs in the area of influence, mukhtar interviews and focus group meetings with women 2 A Community Advisory Board (CAB) will be established for the Project. The roles and responsibilities of the CAB, membership structure, frequency of meetings and disclosure activities are defined in the SEP. Please see Section 8 and Section 9 of the SEP for more detailed information about the CAB. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 11 Stakeholder Engagement Plan residing in the neighbourhoods directly affected and/or the closest surroundings. The content and sections of the questionnaires for household surveys, mukhtar interviews, business enterprise/factory interviews, and focus group interviews with women were determined by taking into account the scope of the Project and ESIA requirements of World Bank. All questionnaires were approved by the Project Team within the PMSU of the MoH in 30 May 2022. The content and sections of the questionnaires are briefly listed below: � Household surveys − Information about the interviewee (i.e. age, gender, vulnerability category (if applicable) − Information about the household (i.e. number of people living in the house, students, elderly, disabled, age and gender distribution within the household, infrastructural conditions of the house) − The major problems within the neighbourhood − Information about the Project − Grievance mechanism � Business/enterprise interviews − Information about the interviewee (i.e. age, gender) − Information about the workplace (i.e. name, address, number of male and female workers, working hours, number of workers using shuttles to commute, number of vehicles that the facility has (by type), infrastructural conditions of the neighbourhood) − Information about the Project − Grievance mechanism � Mukhtar interviews − Information about the mukhtar − Information about the neighbourhood and residents (i.e. population, vulnerable groups, educational services, health services, security, infrastructural conditions, transportation, economy, agriculture and livestock, organizations) − The major problems within the neighbourhood − The information about the Project − Grievance mechanism � Focus group meetings: − Daily life of the women in the neighbourhood (i.e. working, farming, childcare, elderly care, cooking) − The major problems that women face within the neighbourhood (i.e. access to education, lack of health services, lack of transportation infrastructure, poverty, unemployment) − Leisure time activities of women − The information about the Project − The approach of women in case people move to the neighbourhood to work in the Project activities − Discussion about the risks related to SEA/SH − Grievance mechanism For more details, the questionnaires are provided in Annex G of the ESIA report. Accordingly, 109 household surveys and focus group interviews with 21 women in four neighbourhoods, eight mukhtar interviews (within mukhtars of neighbourhoods within a distance of 5 km to the Project site), nine workplace surveys, interviews with two users of agricultural lands near the Project site, interviews with 20 representatives of public institutions, local January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 12 Stakeholder Engagement Plan governments and two NGO representatives have been carried out during the ESIA preparation, which are outlined below in Table 2-1. During the consultations, the Project Information Document (PID)3 which was prepared by the ESIA team was distributed to all consulted stakeholders and PAPs, additional PIDs were also given to the mukhtars for distribution to the PAPs. The PID describes the key elements of the Project, including its rationale, composition, potential benefits and risks, environmental and social aspects. Table 2-1: Engagement Methods and Number of Stakeholders Reached Consultation Methods Number of Stakeholders 109 Household Surveys • 26 household surveys in Balıkhisar Household Surveys • 32 household surveys in Saracalar • 37 household surveys in Saray Gümüşoluk • 14 household surveys in Altınova 8 Mukhtar Interviews • Balıkhisar • Saracalar • Güzelhisar Mukhtar Interviews • Saray Gümüşoluk • Altınova • Saray Cumhuriyet • Dumlupınar • Yenice 4 Meetings, 21 Participants • Balıkhisar (5 participants) Women Focus Group Interviews • Saracalar (5 participants) • Saray Gümüşoluk (5 participants) • Altınova (6 participants) Business Interviews 9 Business Interviews • Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM) E-exam Centre • Halkbank Warehouse and Social Facilities • Işbir Sünger Mattress Foam Industry (İşbir Sünger Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.) • İşbir Optik • Otonomi - Özkan Automotive • İşbir Yatak Mattress Factory and General Directorate • MAN Turkiye • Borusan Automotive • Turkish Medicine and Serum Industry (Türk İlaç ve Serum Sanayi) & TURKplast (Türkiye Plastik Medikal Ürünler A.Ş.) Two Users of Agricultural Lands Interviews with users of agricultural lands • Users of private lands located to the west of the Çubuk Stream used for agricultural purposes 3 Please see Annex 10.8 for the content of the Project Information Document. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 13 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Consultation Methods Number of Stakeholders Regional and Local Authorities, 20 Stakeholders • Akyurt District Municipality, Mayor • Akyurt District Municipality, Deputy Mayor • Akyurt District Municipality, Deputy Mayor • Akyurt District Municipality, Chief of the Planning and Projects Directorate • Akyurt District Governorship, District Governor • Akyurt District Health Directorate, Director • Akyurt District Directorate of Agriculture & Forestry, Director • Akyurt District Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation, Civil Servant • Pursaklar District Governorship, District Governor • Pursaklar District Municipality, Deputy Mayor • Pursaklar District Directorate of Agriculture & Forestry, Director • Pursaklar District Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation, Director • DSI (Directorate General for State Water Works), Regional Director Meetings • DSI (Directorate General for State Water Works), Watershed Management, Monitoring and Allocations Branch Manager • Directorate of Esenboğa Airport Veterinary Border Control, Director • Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Waste Coordination Branch Office, Branch Manager • Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Waste Coordination Branch Office, Civil Servant • Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Waste Management Branch Office, Branch Manager • Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Infrastructure Coordination Centre, Director • Ankara Water and Sewerage Administration (ASKI), Deputy General Manager NGOs, Three stakeholders • Akyurt Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association – AKSİAD, General Coordinator • Association of Public Health Specialists – HASUDER, Members The initial findings of the consultations are as follows: � The findings of the interviews conducted with eight mukhtars within the scope of the stakeholder engagement activities in June 2022 indicate that the mukhtars do not expect any adverse impacts to arise from the proposed development. The most important positive impact of the Project at the national level is perceived as the improvement of vaccine production and health services, while at local level it is expected that the Project will contribute to local employment opportunities as well as regional growth and development. The topics that the mukhtars would like to be informed the most are as follows: − The commencement and the end date of the Project construction, − The vaccination production process, how the vaccines will be produced and which vaccines will be produced, − As animal production will be performed within the scope of the proposed activities, will there be generation of odour emissions? What will be the measures to prevent this? − Local employment � During the meetings with nine representatives of various neighbouring facilities, business enterprises and factories, two of the representatives expressed that the Project would not negatively affect corporate activities while three stated that they did not have adequate knowledge about the Project and the remaining told that their activities might get impacted. Potential adverse impacts voiced by the representatives are as follows: − During the construction phase, dust and noise might affect their work-related activities. − Any kind of changes in the employee shuttle and truck service routes due to Project traffic during the construction phase might increase the travel times. However, representatives stated that the new service route would be two or three kilometres longer January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 14 Stakeholder Engagement Plan when compared to previous route and this would not be a major impact for facilities. Therefore, no request was raised by representatives on this issue. Mitigation measures to be taken on managing traffic impact are provided in Section 13.4.2 of the ESIA report. − Possible closure of the section of the unnamed road (between parcel 1555-4 and the recreational area) as a result of the Project might adversely affect the enterprises and clients of Otonomi who currently unofficially use that road for test drives. Interviewed car dealers stated that Otonomi is placed on a very large land in which alternative roads for test drives could be created in case the existing unnamed road is closed. − Possibility of labour loss to the Project by local private sector biotechnology facilities during the operation period due to competitive labour market. − The topics that the workplace representatives would like to be informed the most are as follows: − The commencement and the end date of the Project construction, − Dust, noise and traffic impacts, − Health measures to be taken. � As mentioned earlier, a total of 109 household surveys were conducted within the scope of the stakeholder engagement activities in June 2022. Based on the results of the surveys, 64% of the participants stated that the Project is likely to cause positive impacts while 8% thought that the impacts of the Project might be adverse. 26% did not have an opinion about the impacts of the Project and 2% thought the Project will create both positive and negative impacts. The topics that the participants would like to be informed the most are as follows: − The commencement and end date of the Project construction, − Local employment, − Dust, noise and traffic impacts, − Health measures to be taken. � Focus group interviews were held with women in Balıkhisar, Saracalar, Saray Gümüşoluk and Altınova neighbourhoods. − They believe the Project will create positive impacts both for Turkiye and for their neighbourhood. They hope the transportation systems around Balıkhisar will be improved together with the Project. − They expect the Project to increase employment opportunities and improve the neighbourhood. − Women residing in Balıkhisar, Saray Gümüşoluk and Altınova neighbourhoods did not report any concerns related to the Project and its impacts. − Women residing in Saracalar neighbourhood have concerns about the waste and pollution related to the Project. Also, they stated that the existence of workers from outside the neighbourhood during construction may make them feel insecure. � According to the interviews conducted with key governmental stakeholders, the Project is expected to have positive impacts on national and local levels. The interviewed stakeholders believe that the most significant benefits of the Project will be vaccine production, improvements in the health sector, regional development and support for local employment. Even though in general the stakeholders do not believe that the Project would have negative impacts, they would like to be informed further about the Project including the measures to be taken against possible impacts as well as the operation practices. The important issues raised during of the consultations are summarized below: − As per the consultations held with Akyurt Municipality, when the Project starts operating, locals of Akyurt should be prioritized for employment. The Project should offer internship opportunities for the students and graduates of the Health Vocational High School in the district. Akyurt Municipality also once again noted the flood risk and reclamation January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 15 Stakeholder Engagement Plan requirements associated with the Çubuk stream and that the issue needs to be consulted with the General Directorate of State Water Works (DSI). − According to the consultations held with DSI, no rehabilitation works have been performed or are planned by DSI on the adjacent section of Çubuk Stream. A flood study and stream rehabilitation works (including a flood protection wall) are highly needed for this region. The Watershed Management, Monitoring and Allocations Branch Manager of DSI stated that the authority has already performed a flood study for the Project area and notified MoH (with their letter dated 28 February 2022) of their findings including the flood level to be taken into consideration for the design of structures. − According to the consultations held with the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality (AMM) and Ankara Water and Sewerage Administration (ASKI), there are wastewater infrastructure deficiencies in the area where the Project will be developed. It was noted by the ASKI Deputy General Manager that an official letter should be submitted to ASKI to inquire about the infrastructure requirements of the Project. It was also reported that the AMM has facilities in place with the capacity to dispose of all wastes likely to be produced by the Project and operates a waste incineration plant for disposal of the pathogenic wastes. The medical wastes to be produced by the Project will be collected by ITC, which is a licensed medical waste disposal company contracted by AMM. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 16 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 3 National Regulatory and International Requirements 3.1 Overview The SEP itself has been prepared in compliance with, and stakeholder engagement activities identified in this SEP will conform to the following legislation and standards: � Relevant Turkish national legislation � Environmental and Social Framework of the World Bank Further details of the relevant Turkish legislation and applicable international requirements are provided in the Chapter 3 of the ESIA report. 3.2 National Legislation and Requirements Under the scope of the current Turkish EIA Regulation (published in the Official Gazette dated 29 July 2022 and numbered 31907), several references are made to information disclosure and stakeholder participation. The legal obligation to organise a public consultation meeting at the beginning of the national EIA process in Turkiye is defined within this Regulation on EIA. This Regulation refers to informing and consulting the public about the Project, holding the meeting at the Project site, prior approval of the place and date of the meeting by the Governor and announcement in a local and national newspaper at least 10 days before the meeting. 3.3 World Bank Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Requirements The World Bank's Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) (effective as of October 2018) has been primarily taken into account during the stakeholder engagement and SEP development processes of the ESIA study. In addition, the consultation principles on openness, access to information, accountability, transparency, visibility and accessibility that are defined in the World Bank Group Consultation Guidelines (effective as of June 2019) have been taken into consideration during the stakeholder engagement and SEP preparation processes. The Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) of the World Bank ESF that are relevant to the stakeholder engagement are listed in Table 3-1 below. Table 3-1: The ESSs of the World Bank that are relevant to the stakeholder engagement ESS Key Policies and Objectives ESS 1: Assessment and ESS1 sets out the Borrower’s responsibilities for assessing, managing and Management of Environmental monitoring environmental and social risks and impacts associated with each and Social Risks and Impacts stage of a project supported by the Bank through Investment Project Financing, in order to achieve environmental and social outcomes consistent with the ESSs. Accordingly, the Borrower will continue to engage with, and provide sufficient information to stakeholders throughout the life cycle of the project, in a manner appropriate to the nature of their interests and the potential environmental and social risks and impacts of the project. For High Risk and Substantial Risk projects, the Borrower will provide to the Bank and disclose documentation, as agreed with the Bank, relating to the environmental and social risks and impacts of the project prior to project appraisal. The documentation will address, in an adequate manner, the key risks and impacts of the project, and will provide sufficient detail to inform stakeholder engagement and Bank decision making. ESS 10: Stakeholder This ESS recognizes the importance of open and transparent engagement Engagement and Information between the Borrower and project stakeholders as an essential element of good Disclosure international practice. Effective stakeholder engagement can improve the January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 17 Stakeholder Engagement Plan ESS Key Policies and Objectives environmental and social sustainability of projects, enhance project acceptance, and make a significant contribution to successful project design and implementation. This ESS ensures that the process of stakeholder engagement will involve the following: stakeholder identification and analysis; planning how the engagement with stakeholders will take place; disclosure of information; consultation with stakeholders; addressing and responding to grievances; and reporting to stakeholders. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 18 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 4 Stakeholder Identification and Analysis 4.1 Overview Project stakeholders are defined as individuals, groups or other entities who: � are impacted or likely to be impacted directly or indirectly, positively or adversely, by the Project (also known as ‘affected parties’); and � may have an interest in the Project (‘interested parties’). They include individuals or groups whose interests may be affected by the Project and who have the potential to influence the Project outcomes in any way. Cooperation and negotiation with the stakeholders throughout the Project development often also require the identification of persons within the groups who act as legitimate representatives of their respective stakeholder group (i.e. the individuals who have been entrusted by their fellow group members with advocating the groups’ interests in the process of engagement with the Project). Community representatives may provide helpful insight into the local settings and act as main conduits for dissemination of the Project-related information and as a primary communication/liaison link between the Project and targeted communities and their established networks that are identified as the Project stakeholders. Verification of the stakeholder representatives (i.e. the process of confirming that they are legitimate and genuine advocates of the community they represent) remains as an important task in establishing contact with the community stakeholders. Depending on the different needs of the identified stakeholders, the legitimacy of the community representatives can be verified through a random sampling of community members by using techniques that would be appropriate and effective when the necessity to prevent coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission is considered. 4.2 Project Stakeholders The Project stakeholders are categorized under two subjects as external stakeholders and internal stakeholders. In the stakeholder analysis, the roles of the internal stakeholders in the Project, institutional stakeholder participation and their involvement are described. In the analysis of external stakeholders, the role of stakeholders, methods and activities to consult and engage with them, and the frequency and subject of the of the engagement activities to be conducted with stakeholders during the Project’s lifecycle are discussed. 4.2.1 Internal Stakeholders Internal stakeholders are direct workers of the Project, contractors/ subcontractors and their workers, and Project-related consultants as well as experts of the Project’s construction and operation phases. Project workers are significant stakeholders for technical, environmental and social performance of the Project. 4.2.2 External Stakeholders External stakeholders in the Project represent the stakeholders affected by the Project or affecting the Project in some way. Identified external stakeholders for the Project are public institutions/ governmental bodies, non-governmental bodies, universities and research laboratories, neighbouring and nearby facilities, media, and the households, settlements, vulnerable/disadvantaged groups, community members that have a potential to be affected by the Project. In Figure 4-1, the external stakeholders in the Project are summarized. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 19 Stakeholder Engagement Plan • Media • Public Institutions • NGOs • Educational institutions Dialog Cooperation Information Discussion share • Muktars and • All interested residents groups and • Businesses instutions • Health Institutions • Vulnerable People Figure 4-1: Identification of Stakeholders and Engagement Scheme These stakeholders are the stakeholders who directly or indirectly affected by the Project and are likely to be affected from other activities of the Project. Directly Affected Stakeholders (Affected Parties) These stakeholders are the stakeholders who are directly affected by the construction and operation activities of the Project. These activities and possible negative impacts are traffic, dust and noise during construction phase of the Project. Directly affected stakeholders and their settlements are determined as following: � Mukhtars and residents of Balıkhisar, Saracalar, Saray Gümüşoluk and Altınova neighbourhoods � Users of agricultural lands near the Project site � Workers and customers of business enterprises and factories near the Project site (Ministry of Health General Directorate of Public Health (GDPH) Vaccine and Pharmaceuticals Storage Warehouse, Otonomi, Otonomi Outlet Shopping Mall and Wellness Centre (to be constructed), YDS Yakupoğlu A.Ş., Işbir Yatak Mattress Fa ctory and General Directorate, Işbir Sünger Mattress Foam Industry Factory, Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) Exam Centre, Halkbank Warehouse and Social Facilities, Man Turkiye, İşbir Optik, Borusan Automotive, Vilsan Veterinary and Medicine Industry (Vilsan Veteriner ve İlaç Sanayi), Turkish Medicine and Serum Industry, TTS Türktıpsan A.Ş, TURKplast (Türkiye Plastik Medikal Ürünler A.Ş.) � Municipalities and district governorates of Akyurt and Pursaklar districts Some groups within the directly affected stakeholders (i.e. users of agricultural lands near the Project site) might be affected from dust during construction phase. Additionally, the crops and irrigation system in the agricultural lands might be damaged due to Project-related activities. A stream remediation on the Çubuk Stream will be conducted as a part of the Project. Especially, the timing of stream remediation works is very critical for the agricultural workers since they draw water from the stream for their agricultural activities. Transportation services (i.e. workers’ shuttles, trucks, automobiles) of s ome business enterprises and factories may be affected by the Project’s construction phase activities. They may need to change to transportation routes due to changes in roads., Also, excessive dust January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 20 Stakeholder Engagement Plan deriving from construction activities may interfere with their factory production and preservation of the products. Considering the potential impacts, it is important to be in a regular, open and transparent communication with these stakeholders. Among project-affected there may be individuals or groups who, because of their particular circumstances, may be disadvantaged or vulnerable. They may be more likely to be adversely affected by the project impacts, and/or more limited than others in their ability to take advantage of the Project’s benefits, and/or more limited to participate fully in the consultation process. They may require specific measures to overcome these limitations. Other interested parties The related stakeholders in this group are as follows: � All public institutions operating on national, regional, and local levels and being able to affect the Project activities, � Educational institutions, universities, and research institutes interested in the Project purpose, objective, and outcomes, � All media organizations making news on and promoting the Project � NGOs interested in the Project’s outcomes and activities � Mukhtars of the neighbourhoods adjacent to the Project-affected neighbourhoods (Güzelhisar, Saray Cumhuriyet, Yenice and Dumlupınar) � All health institutions that are interested in the Project List of External Stakeholder Groups Identified key stakeholders are given in the tables below. Table 4-1: Directly Affected Stakeholders Level Organization Relation to the Project YDS Yakupoğlu A.Ş. Işbir Yatak Mattress Factory and General Directorate Facilities, centres and Otonomi (highway vehicles sales point) lands/parcels, neighbouring to the Project site, are key Neighbouring GDPH Vaccine and Pharmaceuticals Storage Warehouse of MoH stakeholders, who may be Facilities Private parcel owners (agricultural lands/parcels located to the northwest of subject to impacts from both the Project site- northern side of the Çubuk stream) construction and operational phase of the Project. Project representatives of Otonomi Outlet Shopping Mall and Wellness Centre Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) Exam Centre Halkbank Warehouse and Social Facilities Işbir Sünger Mattress Foam Industry (İşbir Sünger Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.) Man Turkiye Facilities, located in close proximity to the Project site, are Nearby İşbir Optik key stakeholders who may be Facilities Borusan Automotive subject to impacts from both construction and operational Vilsan Veterinary and Medicine Industry (Vilsan Veteriner ve İlaç Sanayi) phase of the Project. Turkish Medicine and Serum Industry (Türk İlaç ve Serum Sanayi) TTS Türktıpsan A.Ş TURKplast (Türkiye Plastik Medikal Ürünler A.Ş.) January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 21 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Level Organization Relation to the Project Neighbourhoods are key Neighbourhoods within a radius of approximately 5 km to the Project site stakeholders who may be Settlements include Saracalar, Balıkhisar, Saray Gümüşoluk, Altınova, Yenice, Saray subbject to potential impacts Cumhuriyet and Dumlupınar of the Project. Female workers of the closest businesses near the Project site Elderly, disabled, women headed households in Balıkhisar, Saray Vulnerable groups are key Vulnerable/ Gümüşoluk, Saracalar and Altınova neighbourhoods stakeholders who may be Disadvantaged Women groups in Balıkhisar and Saracalar neighbourhoods subject to potential impacts of Groups the Project. People with disabilities The elderly Individuals and groups residing in the neighbourhoods within a radius of approximately 5 km to the Project site Community members are key Community Community workers employed or to be employed for the construction stakeholders who may be Members activities (including contractors and subcontractors) subject to potential impacts of the Project. Workers of neighbouring facilities Table 4-2: Other Interested Parties Level Organization Relation to the Project Ministry of Health (MoH) MoH, General Directorate of Health Investments MoH, General Directorate of Public Health MoH, General Directorate of Public Hospitals MoH, General Directorate of Administrative Services The Project has been proposed by MoH, General Directorate of Health Information Systems MoH. MoH will be responsible for MoH, General Directorate of Health Services operation of the Project. MoH, General Directorate of Health Improvement MoH, General Directorate of Emergency Health Services MoH, Office of Press and Public Relations MoH, Health Institutes of Turkiye (TUSEB) MoH, Turkish Medicine and Medical Devices Agency Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF) MoAF, General Directorate of Food and Control MoAF, General Directorate of Livestock MoAF may have specific views about MoAF, General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture the operation of the Project related to MoAF, General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works R&D, laboratories and production MoAF, General Directorate of Water Management units. National Governmental MoAF, Veterinary Control Central Research Institute Bodies MoAF, Foot and Mouth Disease Institute (ŞAP Institute) Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change (MoEUCC) MoEUCC, General Directorate of EIA, Permit and Audit MoEUCC, General Directorate of Environmental Management MoEUCC has regulatory functions in relation to the Project such as MoEUCC, General Directorate of Infrastructure and Urban environmental impact assessment Transformation permits and environmental permitting. MoEUCC, General Directorate of Spatial Planning MoEUCC, General Directorate of Protection of Natural Assets Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MoTI) MoTI may have specific views MoTI General Directorate of State Airports Authority regarding evaluation of the Project, MoTI Civil Aviation General Directorate which is approximately 2,000 m away MoTI General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments from Esenboğa Airport, according to the obstacle plan and other relevant legislation as well as existing and MoTI General Directorate of Highways planned structures and legislation in the region. Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) MoLSS, General Directorate of Labor January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 22 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Level Organization Relation to the Project MoLSS, General Directorate of Occupational Health and MoLSS may have specific views on labour and working conditions, and Safety health and safety of facility personnel. Ministry of Interior, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency AFAD has a function to respond to emergency situations and cooperate (DEMP- AFAD in Turkish) with various government agencies. Ministry of Industry and Technology (MoIT) MoIT, General Directorate of Research and Development MoIT may have views on technology Incentives development. MoIT, General Directorate for Strategic Research and Productivity Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye (TUBITAK) TUBITAK may have specific views on Marmara Research Center- Institute of Genetic Engineering and the Project on R&D aspects. Biotechnology Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MoCT) MoCT may have views in terms of MoCT General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums legislation. This organization may have specific 5th Regional Directorate of DSI (State Hydraulic Works) views about water courses running close to the Project site. This organization may have specific views on the potential protected areas 9th Regional Directorate of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry close to the Project site and the status of the trees in the Project site. The organization may provide opinion Regional 4th Regional Directorate of General Directorate of Highways regarding road crossing within the Governmental Project site. Bodies This organization is an important stakeholder to identify and clarify the Ankara Regional Board Directorate of Cultural Assets Protection archaeological potential of the Project site. The governorship representing the The Governorship of Ankara national government is the highest authority in the province. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Environmental Protection and Control Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Zoning and City Planning The metropolitan municipality and its relevant departments will have Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of responsibilities in relation to the Transportation Project. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Ankara Electricity, Gas and Bus Operations Organization (EGO General Directorate) Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Health Services Ankara Governorship Provincial Directorate of Health Ankara Provincial Directorate of Health, Pharmacy and These organizations are involved in Provincial the provision of health services and Medical Devices Branch Governmental healthcare workforce in the province. Ankara Provincial Directorate of Public Health Bodies This organization may provide specific views on labour and working Ankara Governorship Provincial Directorate of Social Security Institution conditions, and health and safety of facility personnel. PDoEUCC has regulatory functions Ankara Governorship Provincial Directorate of Environment, related to the Project such as Urbanization and Climate Change (PDoEUCC) environmental impact assessment permits and environmental permitting. Ankara Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry These organizations may provide provincial-specific and/or site-specific Esenboğa Airport Veterinary Border Control Directorate (under MoAF) views on the Project. Ankara Provincial Directorate of Disaster and Emergency Management These organizations have a function to manage and respond to Ankara Provincial Command of Gendarmerie emergency situations. Ankara Water and Sewer Administration (ASKİ) These organizations may provide an opinion related to water/wastewater ASKİ Akyurt Regional Directorate infrastructure of the Project site. The Local Governorship of Akyurt, The Municipality of Akyurt January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 23 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Level Organization Relation to the Project Directorate of Zoning and Urbanisation The Project site is located in Akyurt Directorate of Civil Works district and the local governorship, the District Level Directorate of Plan and Project central municipality and their related departments are stakeholders Governmental Directorate of Cleaning Works regarding obtaining relevant permits, Bodies Directorate of Municipal Police approvals during planning, and Akyurt District Directorate of Health construction and operation phases of The Local Governorship of Pursaklar, The Municipality of Pursaklar the Project. It is important to engage this Turkish Medical Association association to understand their concerns. Turkiye Trade Union of Health Workers (Sağlık-İş) Trade Union of Public Employees in Health and Social Services (SES) Trade Union of Revolutionary Health Workers (Dev-Sağlık İş) Trade Union of Employees of Health and Social Services (Sağlık -sen) Trade Union of Turkish Health (Türk Sağlık-sen) Independent Trade Union of Public Workers in Health and Social Services (Bağımsız Sağlık-sen) United Trade Union of Public Workers in Health and Social Services (Genel Sağlık İş) Turkish Microbiology Society (TMC) Trade unions and associations are Turkish Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Association important stakeholders representing (KLİMİK) the labour rights of health sector Turkish Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialization personnel and research and Association (EKMUD) development laboratories. Prevention of Communicable Diseases Association (BUHASDER) Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunization Association National Non- Governmental Clinical Research Association Bodies Infectious Diseases Association (EHD) Turkish Hospital Infections and Control Association (HİDER) Researcher Pharmaceutical Companies Association (AIFD) Public Health Specialist Association (HASUDER) Turkish Thoracic Society Turkish Red Crescent (Kızılay) Requesting opinion of this federation Turkiye Confederation of Disabled is important to understand their expectations. Animal Right's Federation (HAYTAP) These are important stakeholders Turkish Protection of Animals Association (THKD) representing the animal rights. Requesting opinion of this organization is important to World Health Organization (WHO) - Turkiye understand their views and requirements. Chamber of Environmental Engineers Chamber of Forests Engineers Chamber of City Planners These chambers and associations may provide provincial-specific and or Provincial Environmental Protection Foundation (TUÇEV) site-specific views related to the and District Ankara City Council Project. Level Non- Ankara Chamber of Industry Governmental Ankara Chamber of Trade Bodies Akyurt Industrial and Business People Association It is important to engage with local Local, regional and social media (including newspapers, TV stations, and regional media organizations for Media social media channels) effective public disclosure and consultation. Ankara University- Faculty of Veterinary Universities, Koc University (Istanbul)-Research Centre for Translational Medicine Universities and research laboratories Research (KUTTAM) are among the interested parties in Laboratories Koc University (Istanbul)-İşbank Centre for Infectious Diseases terms of conducting research and Centres and (KUISCID) other partnerships in laboratory Companies Erciyes University-Vaccine Research Development Centre (ERAGEM) studies. Istanbul University- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 24 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Level Organization Relation to the Project TUBİTAK Marmara Research Centre (MAM) - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute Dollvet Biotechnology Inc. Vetal Animal Health Products Inc. Disadvantaged/ vulnerable individuals or groups According to the data provided by Akyurt and Pursaklar District Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation, there are a total of 178 people receiving elderly pension in Akyurt district and three of these reside in Balıkhisar neighbourhood. It was also reported that 203 people receive disability benefits in Akyurt district, of which three reside in Balıkhisar. In Pursaklar district, there are a total of 358 people receiving elderly pension and 522 people receiving disability benefits. Of those receiving elderly pension in Pursaklar, three, two and 19 of them are living in Altınova, Saray Gümüşoluk and Saray Cumhuriyet neighbourhoods respectively. 16 residents from Altınova neighbourhood, one resident from Saray Gümüşoluk neighbourhood and 65 residents from Saray Cumhuriyet neighbourhood receive disability benefits for themselves or their relatives. According to the results of household surveys, of the total number of the household head surveyed, � 29% are women, � 14% are persons with disabilities, and � 48% are over 65 years of age. As of 2021, the total female population of Balıkhisar and Saracalar neighbourhoods, which are the closest settlements to the Project area, is 1,010. It is observed during the site visit conducted in June 2022, the number of female employees in the ten workplaces surveyed varies between 500 and 999. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 25 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 5 Stakeholder Engagement Programme 5.1 Overview The stakeholder engagement programme outlines a systematic approach to inform and communicate with stakeholders throughout the Project lifecycle. This section provides a plan for the main stakeholder engagement activities that will be undertaken during the construction and operation phases of the Project. In order to meet best practice approaches, the Project will apply the following principles for stakeholder engagement programme: � Openness and life-cycle approach: public consultations for the Project will be arranged during the whole Project lifecycle, carried out in an open manner, free of external manipulation, interference, coercion or intimidation, � Informed participation and feedback: information will be provided to and widely distributed among all stakeholders in an appropriate format; opportunities are provided for communicating stakeholders’ feedback, for analysing and addressing comments and concerns, and � Inclusiveness and sensitivity: stakeholder identification is undertaken to support better communications and build effective relationships. The participation process for the Project is inclusive. All stakeholders are encouraged to be involved in the consultation process, to the extent the current circumstances permit. Equal access to information is provided to all stakeholders. Sensitivity to stakeholders’ needs is the key principle underlying the selection of engagement methods. 5.2 Vulnerable Groups Considerations The vulnerable groups relevant to the Project are identified as women, poor, elderly, and persons with disabilities. On the basis of the vulnerable group identification, the SEP will follow a gender sensitive approach through all phases of the Project and stakeholder engagement activities. Women living in the neighbourhoods in close proximity to the Project site, women working in nearby business enterprises and factories, women to be employed for the Project activities, and other women stakeholders will be informed on the Project and its impacts, actions to be taken, the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), employee relationships, labour management, and grievance mechanism. The same sensitive approach will be adopted for the poor, elderly, and disabled during the stakeholder engagement activities. These vulnerable people will be regularly consulted throughout the construction and operation phases by the Project's community liaison officers. During the consultations with the disabled, audio devices and accessible platforms will be applied. Special education coordinators as well as sign language translators will take part in the consultation meetings when necessary. For the elderly, the consultation areas will be ensured to be accessible. They will receive the information about the Project including the impacts, mitigation measures, and grievance mechanism. Their grievances will be registered to the grievance log as specified in the SEP. Even though no risk of sexual exploitation and abuse/sexual harassment (SEA/SH) was identified and assessed during the site visits and consultations (including focus group meetings with women), mitigation measures to prevent the risk of SEA/SH will be taken throughout the Project lifecycle. The received grievances will be categorized by considering the subject of the grievance and the gender of the grievance applicant. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 26 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 5.3 Pandemic Mitigations In case of new pandemic conditions, measures will be in place to undertake virtual consultations rather than face-to-face meetings. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 27 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 5.4 Stakeholder Engagement Approach and Future Stakeholder Engagement Table 5-1: Stakeholder Engagement Approach and Future Stakeholder Engagement Activity Communication No Stakeholders Issues to be consulted/discussed Period Responsible Level Methods Local Communities Neighbouring facilities, nearby � Consultation about the Project stages, informing on possible � Visit facilities, factories and effects of the Project and communication mechanism with � Face-to-face businesses stakeholders, informing about grievance mechanism of the consultation � PMSU Project meeting Residents in the closest Construction and � Community 1 neighbourhoods Local � Environmental and social impacts of the Project � Website Operation Advisory � Mitigation measures defined within the ESIA report � Social media Board (CAB) Users of the closest agricultural � Environmental and Social Management Plans � Posters, billboards lands � ESIA report, SEP, PID and other Project related documents � Online meetings � Consultation about Project stages, informing about possible � Visit effects of the Project and communication mechanisms with Mukhtars of the Project stakeholders, informing about grievance mechanism of the Impacted Neighbourhoods Project � Consultation (Balıkhisar, Saracalar, Saray � Mitigation measures defined within the ESIA report meeting � PMSU 2 Gümüşoluk, Altınova) and their Local Construction neighbour settlements � Environmental and social impacts of the Project � Web site � CAB (Güzelhisar, Saray Cumhuriyet, � Environmental and Social Management Plans � Social media Dumlupınar and Yenice) � Local employment � Posters � ESIA report, SEP, PID and other Project related documents � Online meetings 3 Vulnerable Groups � Consultation about Project stages, informing about possible � Visit Elderly effects of the Project and communication mechanisms with � Consultation stakeholders, informing about grievance mechanism of the Project, provisions to prevent the risks of sexual meeting Construction and � PMSU People with disabilities Local exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment � Web site Operation � CAB Women (SEA/SH) � Social media Children � Mitigation measures defined within the ESIA report � Posters January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 28 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Activity Communication No Stakeholders Issues to be consulted/discussed Period Responsible Level Methods � Environmental and social impacts of the Project � Accessible platforms with � Environmental and Social Management Plans audio devices, � Local employment special education Female workers of the closest coordinators and businesses and factories � ESIA report, SEP, PID and other Project related documents sign language translators when necessary Public Institutions � Visit Public institutions/ � Consultation about Project stages, informing about possible � Correspondence Construction and � PMSU 4 stakeholders at national National effects of the Project as well as grievance mechanism of the level Project, � Website Operation � MoH � Online meetings � Permissions, consultation about Project stages; informing Public institutions/ about grievance mechanism of the Project stakeholders at � � Visit Construction and 5 Regional Environmental and social impacts of the Project � PMSU provincial and district � Mitigation measures defined within the ESIA report � Correspondence Operation level � Environmental and Social Management Plans � Consultation about the Project, informing about grievance mechanism of the Project, interviewing for grievances, receiving opinions and recommendations � Visit Construction and 6 District Municipalities Regional � Environmental and social impacts of the Project � PMSU � Correspondence Operation � Mitigation measures defined within the ESIA report � Environmental and Social Management Plans Educational Institutions January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 29 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Activity Communication No Stakeholders Issues to be consulted/discussed Period Responsible Level Methods � Consultation about Project stages, informing about possible � Visit Universities and effects of the Project and communication mechanisms with 7 Research Regional stakeholders, informing about grievance mechanism of the � Consultation Construction and � PMSU meeting Operation Laboratories Project � ESIA report, SEP, PID and other Project related documents � Website Primary Health Care Institutions � Visit � Consultation about Project stages, informing about possible � Consultation effects of the Project and communication mechanisms with Hospitals, Health stakeholders, informing about grievance mechanism of the meeting Construction and � PMSU 8 Centres and Regional Pharmacies Project � Website Operation � MoH � ESIA report, SEP, PID and other Project related documents � Social media � Posters NGOs � Consultation about general stages of the Project and construction activities � Visit � Consultation about expected positive and negative effects of the Project, informing about grievance mechanism of the � Consultation National Project meeting Construction and � PMSU 9 NGOs and Regional � Environmental and social impacts of the Project � Website Operation � CAB � Mitigation measures defined within the ESIA report � Social media � Environmental and Social Management Plans � Posters � ESIA report, SEP, PID and other Project related documents Media � Sharing information on general stages of the Project and � Press release construction activities Media Associations and National and � Visit � PMSU 10 � Construction Agencies Regional Consultation about expected positive and negative effects of � Consultation meeting � CAB the Project, informing about grievance mechanism of the Project � Website January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 30 Stakeholder Engagement Plan � ESIA report, SEP, PID and other Project related documents � Social media Internal Stakeholders � Project updates and changes in operations information on labour rights, contract information, code of conduct including provisions for SEA/SH, workers’ grievance mechanism of � Trainings MoH Units National and the Project etc. � Face to face meetings Construction � PMSU 11 The Project’s contractors and suppliers, construction workers Regional � Workers’ grievance mechanism � Visit and Operation � MoH � Environmental and Social Management Plans � Correspondence � ESIA report, SEP, PID and other Project related documents January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 31 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 6 Disclosure and Consultation Process Public disclosure and engagement activities of the Project are managed by PMSU of the MoH and have been carried out with the support of the ESIA team. A virtual public consultation meeting was held on 20 May 2024 (at 14:00) following the approval of the draft ESIA report by the WB and the disclosure of the report on the MoH website. The meeting was undertaken virtually to allow for wider participation of public and stakeholders. The public consultation meeting was announced to the Project stakeholders by invitations through e-mail and telephone. Links to the Project documents (including draft final SEP and ESIA) published on the PMSU website ( hazirlikli-olma-projesi.html) were also delivered to stakeholders. The MoH invited public institutions via official letters which included the link to the virtual meeting. Mukhtars, being the primary contact persons for reaching out to community members, were specifically contacted by phone. The mukhtars of the Balıkhisar and Saracalar neighbourhoods were invited to the meeting and were requested to announce the meeting to the local communities through appropriate methods. Additionally, nearby industrial facilities (İşbir Yatak, Otonomi, and YDS) were contacted prior to the meeting. An official invitation letter was sent to YDS, whose KEP (registered e-mail) address was available. The virtual public consultation meeting was conducted with 30 participants representing the Project stakeholders. However, no representatives from the companies, mukhtars, or residents from the neighborhoods attended the meeting. The participants of the meeting are listed below: � Project Management Support Unit of MoH � General Directorate of Public Health of MoH � General Directorate of Health Investments of MoH � Ankara Provincial Health Directorate � Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry � Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change � Ministry of Industry and Technology � Ankara Metropolitan Municipality � General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works � District Governorship of Akyurt � Akyurt District Health Directorate � Mott Macdonald (ESIA Consultant) The new project of MoH, which will be financed by the WB (Türkiye Preparedness for Public Health Emergencies Project) and includes financing of the Project was presented to the participants by PMSU at the beginning of the meeting. The objective and components of the Project, proposed activities, potential environmental and social impacts, proposed mitigation measures, and information about the framework E&S plans were presented by PMSU to the participants. Following the PMSU presentation, the ESIA consultant Mott MacDonald’s experts provided details about the ESIA Report, which was finalized prior to the meeting and disclosed on the PMSU website. This presentation covered the project description, project significance, its potential environmental and social impacts, proposed mitigation measures, stakeholder consultation process, and grievance mechanism. The presentation was supported with figures, photographs and maps, and the impacts of the construction and operation phases of the project were presented separately. Participants were invited to ask questions and provide comments after the presentations during the question-and-answer section. However, no positive or negative feedback was received from the stakeholders. The contact information for PMSU environmental and social experts was January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 32 Stakeholder Engagement Plan provided to the participants, allowing project stakeholders to reach out with any potential questions or comments. Given that no representatives from the companies, mukhtars, or neighborhood residents attended the virtual meeting, PMSU conducted additional on-site engagement activities after the virtual consultation meeting. On 12 June 2024, mukhtars of Balıkhisar and Saracalar neighborhoods were met at their offices. They were informed about the ESIA disclosure process, project schedule, technical details, potential environmental and social impacts, proposed mitigation measures, stakeholder consultation process, and grievance mechanism. Following the introduction to the mukhtars, details about the Project were presented to the local people at the Balıkhisar neighborhood tea house. Approximately 15 local residents attended the meeting, and participants indicated that there were no grievances related to the Project due to the location of the project area. Participants stated that there is no interaction between the settlements and the project area, and that the Ankara-Esenboğa Airport road acts as a natural barrier. The website link to the ESIA report and information on the grievance mechanism were provided to the participants. In addition, İşbir Yatak and Otonomi representatives were visited as part of the on -site engagement activities, which had been consulted at the beginning of the ESIA studies. YDS representatives were attempted to be reached, however, no response was received and they could not be contacted for a meeting. The Deputy General Director of İşbir Yatak and the operations manager of Otonomi were informed about the ESIA process and technical details of the Project. Information about the stakeholder engagement processes and grievance mechanism tools was presented to the stakeholders. It was learned that no external grievances from the workers of İşbir Yatak and enterprises of Otonomi had been sent to the management, and there were no grievances about the Project activities. Since the kindergarten will be used by the children of health workers to be employed in the VPC who have not been selected yet, it is not possible to consult with the parents at this stage. However, future consultations regarding the ESIA will include these parents. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 33 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 7 Grievance Mechanism The main objective of a Grievance Mechanism (GM) is to assist resolve complaints and grievances in a timely, proactively, unbiased, effective and efficient manner that satisfies all parties involved. Specifically, it provides a transparent and credible process for fair, effective and lasting outcomes. It also builds trust and cooperation as an integral component of broader community consultation that facilitates corrective actions. It aims at continuously improving the Project performance through regular assessments of the grievances and identifying structural adjustments by conducting root cause analysis. It is necessary to disclose the grievance mechanism to all stakeholders in a clear and understandable way. As defined in the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) 4 developed by the PMSU, the GM of the Project: � Provides affected people with avenues for making a complaint or resolving any dispute that may arise during the course of the implementation of projects, � Ensures that appropriate and mutually acceptable redress actions are identified and implemented to the satisfaction of complainants, � Supports accessibility, anonymity, confidentiality and transparency in handling complaints and grievances, and � Avoids the need to resort to judicial proceedings (unless as a last resort). The Project parties involve the MoH (including PMSU and the Project Implementation Unit), EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Contractor of the construction activities of the Project, and the supervision consultant during the operation phase. To ensure the successful implementation and management of the Project GM, each party will assign community liaison officers for managing grievances as well as implementing stakeholder engagement and disclosure activities in general. 7.1 Public Grievance Mechanism Public grievance mechanism of the Project is in place in order to ensure that all public stakeholders identified within the scope of the Project can raise their grievances, concerns, suggestions or requests through defined grievance channels. The public grievance mechanism is established in line with the ESMF prepared for the HSSSP. Accordingly, suggestions and complaints can be directed through the website of the PMSU 5. Applications can also be directed by telephone and/or mail of PMSU contact addresses. Annex 10.1 of the SEP shows the Turkish version of the application form that is provided on the website of the PMSU. The public grievance mechanism channel of the PMSU is suitable for raising anonymous grievances. As the Project concerns the whole country, national mechanisms that are already in use will also be available in accordance with the newly established grievance mechanism. These mechanisms are as follows: 7.1.1 SABIM: Communication Centre of Ministry of Health “Alo 184� The Ministry of Health founded a Communication Centre (SABIM) in 2004 to receive complaints, problems and suggestions from employees, health workers and patients with the possibility of reporting anonymously. The following channels are involved in the SABIM: 4 Accessed from on 28 January 2023. 5 January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 34 Stakeholder Engagement Plan � Hotline by phone “Alo 184� line, which is accessible 24/7, � Website via, � WhatsApp communication line via 0541 888 0184, or � In person from the Patient Communication Unit SABIM serves as a ministerial level grievance mechanism for its employees, health workers, patients and citizens at large. Inquiries, demands and complaints about all health services provided by the MoH are responded by professionally managed call centre personnel with 260 operators, 187 analysts and 69 other staff. SABIN has been also resolving issues related to COVID-19 pandemic. The hotline provides translation support in six languages English, German, French, Arabic and Russian. Specialized services are provided for the disabled people under the “Unimpeded Health Communication Centre (ESIM)�. The ESIM provides services 24/7 in sign language in order to ensure access of the disabled citizens to the health services. ESIM offers live interpreting services for the persons with hearing disorder while calling 112 ambulance centre, getting appointments from the Central Appointment System and during medical examinations. Responsibilities and services given by SABIM are listed below: � To conduct engagement and communication processes between complainant and the MoH via phone, e-mail, website, and WhatsApp, � To process any data and grievance that is directed from CIMER, and � To carry out processes related to the grievances from other public institutions and organizations regarding health services in Turkiye for both Turkish and non-Turkish citizens. Applications to the Alo 184 are replied to and recorded by operators using a special software. The recorded applications are assessed by SABIM officials and transferred to related administrators. Firstly, the analyst examines the application. In the cases that need urgent solutions, the analyst conducts necessary research and coordination works by intervening immediately. For the cases that do not need urgent solutions, the analyst manages the resolution process by making an importance list among the cases during resolution process. After reaching a decision and resolution, citizens are informed in line with the legislation. If the applications require further investigation, they send the applications to the dispatch team. The dispatch team examines the applications, finalizes the applications when necessary, or sends them to the analyst of the Central or Provincial Health Directorates at the relevant unit depending on the content of the applications. The Central or Provincial analyst examines all the details of the submitted application and takes the necessary actions. After these processes are completed, the citizen is informed as soon as any feedback is obtained in defined time frames. Transactions made and results entered into the system are evaluated by SABIM unit officers. The application whose review has been completed is closed by the Unit Responsible. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 35 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Figure 7-1: The Flowchart of SABIM Analysts working at the headquarter and/or field units of the MoH have access to the system on the Internet, view duties assigned to them, take required actions, and report the results through the system. Administrators are able to monitor transactions of analysts, which were taken against applications concurrently through the system. Grievances received by SABIM are resolved no later than 15 business days that is dictated under the Law of Right to Information No. 4982. Institutions and organizations provide access to information or document requested upon application within 15 business days. However, number of days will raise to 30 business days in cases the application concerns more than one institution and organization such as: � The requested information or document is provided from another unit within the institution and organization applied for, and � The opinion of another institution and organization is demanded. According to statistics, 80% of the calls are resolved within 24 hours. Number of grievances received per month was close to 40,000 in 2019. With the COVID-19 pandemic, this number has surpassed 40,000. The MoH has increased its capacity by establishing “C OVID-19 Team� consisting of analysts, psychologists, physicians, general practitioners and other health care staff such as nurse, healthcare officer, etc. in the communication centre due to the increase in calls and demand to get online medical counselling. Principles of SABIM Anonymity: With the "Hide My Personal Information" button on the application registration screen in SABIM, the information of the citizens can be hidden in accordance with the demands of the individuals and depending on the sensitive content of the application. However, in applications involving harassment allegations, it is informed that the information of the person January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 36 Stakeholder Engagement Plan will be exposed due to the fact that the subject is being moved to the judicial authorities, and it is communicated that the application cannot be examined if the personal information is hidden. If the citizen gives consent to create applications without hiding their personal information, applications are directed to the relevant institutions. If the person has any statement of violence/ threat against the healthcare worker, there is also no confidentiality of personal information in these applications. Because the person's statements and information are notified to the institution's superiors by searching the relevant institution and by sending the application. However, if there is a grievance of the citizen in the meantime, the grievances are written in the application content in detail and the application is sent to the relevant institutions in order to evaluate the application. Accessibility: Disabled people, asylum seekers, refugees and those with temporary protection (Syrians) registered in Turkiye can also reach SABIM. For those who are not native in Turkish, an Interpreter Line is available communication can be held simultaneously. Communication is provided by conducting teleconferences. Objectivity, fairness, transparency: All grievances and feedbacks are handled with a fair and objective approach. Transparency is another main principle of the grievance mechanism. Other than the principles mentioned above, the mechanism will be revised as follows: Handling Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Violence and Harassment (SEA/SH/GBVH) issues: The operators will be trained on how to handle grievances related to SEA/SH/GBVH. Health workers who are part of the outbreak response will be trained with the basic skills to respond to disclosures of SEA/SH/GBVH that could be associated with or exacerbated by the epidemic, in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner and know to whom they can make referrals for further care or bring into treatment centres to provide care on the spot. Turkiye has already a national referral system for GBVH, not only domestic violence but also workplace related harassment, bullying, violence as well as SEA/SH at workplace, which all institutions and healthcare facilities are following 6. These are under the auspices of Ministry of Labour and Social Security and already detailed in both the Turkish Labour Code No. 4857 and Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, where unacceptable behaviours are explained and relevant penalties are detailed. Psychosocial support is already provided for women and girls who may be affected by the outbreak and are also GBVH survivors. The grievance mechanism that will be in place for the Project will also be used for addressing SEA/SH/GBVH issues at workplace and will have mechanisms for confidential reporting with safe and ethical documenting of SEA/SH/GBVH issues. Further, the grievance mechanism will also have processes to immediately notify both the MoH and the World Bank of any SEA/SH/GBVH cases and grievances, with the consent of the survivor. Therefore, the existing grievance mechanism will also be strengthened with procedures to handle allegations of SEA/SH/GBVH violations. The grievances related to exploitation of female workers, including sexual harassment and abuse at the workplace and unfair treatment will be prioritized to take actions. The Project Director, Deputy Project Director and Social Expert shall be responsible for taking appropriate action in cases in which there is reason to believe that any right has been violated. The appropriate designated authorities will be informed about investigations into cases of SEA/SH/GBVH, and of the action taken as a result of such investigations. The number, frequency and the topics of the received grievances and feedbacks are analysed and reported periodically to the related units and administrative level. Based on these detailed 6 KADES – Women Support Application January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 37 Stakeholder Engagement Plan reports, the most frequently addressed issues are identified and improvement activities are initiated. 7.1.2 CIMER: Turkish Presidential Communication Centre The third national grievance mechanism is CIMER (Turkish Presidential Communication Centre). Grievances can be raised through: � Hotline by phone “Alo 150� line, � Petition and post to T.C Cumhurbaşkanlığı Külliyesi 06560 Beştepe, Ankara, TURKIYE, and � Website via CİMER - T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı İletişim Merkezi ( . CIMER delivers 99% of received grievances to the related governmental institutions in a timely and appropriate manner. Each grievance received for health sector via CIMER is already being conveyed to SABIM. Therefore, CIMER and SABIM systems are integrated. 7.1.3 YIMER: Foreigners Communication Centre The “Foreigners Communication Centre� (YIMER) provides an opportunity for foreigners to convey grievances. YIMER will be available for foreign Project stakeholders to report their Project-related grievances through the following communication channels: � Website:, � Call Centre: 157, or � Phone number: +90 312 157 11 22. 7.1.4 Contractor and Supervision Consultant Level Public Grievance Mechanism By integrating national grievance channels to the Project-specific grievance mechanism, all public grievances reported by the stakeholders in the scope of the Project will be recorded and addressed. Nevertheless, the Public Grievance Mechanism of the Project will not be limited to communication channels at national or ministerial level. Rather, public grievances will be received and managed at contractor and supervision consultant level. The main contractors of the Project to be employed for both construction and operation phases will establish their own public grievance mechanism specific for the Project and assign a community liaison officer for management of the Project-related grievances. These grievance mechanisms to be established by the contractors will be integrated to the existing system within the Project Grievance Mechanism. If a grievance is received about the construction activities by the national/ministerial level grievance channels, the community liaison officer within the MoH will get in contact with the community liaison officer of the EPC Contractor who will be in charge of managing grievances received from both public and the Project workers (including subcontractors). The community liaison officers of the contractors are responsible for reporting to the MoH about the closure of the grievances received via national/ministerial channels as well as the grievances received via the grievance channels of the contractors. The MoH will monitor all grievances through the reports provided by the contractors and the central grievance log. After the grievances are successfully closed and the corrective actions are taken, the results of the grievances including anonymous grievances will be announced on the Project website ( projesi.html). January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 38 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 7.1.5 Receiving Grievances related to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH) The Project will have security measures (i.e. security personnel, surveillance system through security cameras) to minimise the risk of SEA/SH cases. In addition to the security measures, the public grievance mechanism channel of the PMSU is available and accessible by stakeholders to report their any grievances, suggestions or requests related to SEA/SH issues. The grievance mechanism allows for anonymous applications, which is especially critical for reporting any SEA/SH related issue. The privacy, health and safety of the grievance applicant will be the key principles in handling SEA/SH cases. The identity of the grievance applicant will be fully maintained to ensure confidentiality and hinder the risks of retaliation. SEA/SH cases will be recorded and analysed as a part of the current grievance mechanism of Project. However, they will be approached in a more sensitive way and in an immediate timeframe. The public grievance mechanism of the Project will be disclosed to the Project’s external stakeholders through stakeholder engagement activities and consultation meetings as described above . 7.2 Workers’ Grievance Mechanism Workers’ grievance mechanism covers all grievances, requests and suggestions r eported by the Project employees (including Project Implementation Unit members, contractor and subcontractor workers) and the employees of the supplier companies within the scope of the Project. A Project-specific Workers’ Grievance Mechanism Procedure for both construction phase and operation phase will be prepared in line with the WB ESS2 requirements. The procedure will define the ways to report grievances, ways to address these grievances received from all Project employees, and community liaison offic ers for management of the workers’ grievances. The Procedure will be prepared and applied by the contractors throughout the life of the Project. While the MoH is responsible for the entire grievance mechanism of the Project, the contractors are responsible for establishing their own Workers’ Grievance Mechanism Procedure and reporting the grievances as well as the outcomes of the mechanism to the MoH. The MoH will monitor the worker grievances through the reports provided by the contractors and the central grievance log. Similar to the public grievance mechanism, the Project will embrace and integrate relevant national grievance mechanisms to the Project Grievance Mechanism. SBN (Health Meeting Point of Ministry of Health) is one of these grievance mechanisms that is in place for health workers. It is possible to raise anonymous grievances through SBN, which is explained in detail below: 7.2.1 SBN: Health Meeting Point of Ministry of Health “Alo 182� Until the establishment of “Health Meeting Point of Ministry of Health (SBN)� website in 2011, workers in the health sectors used this system to raise their voices and submit grievances. However, the establishment of SBN generated a new platform for the health service personnel to raise their voices in addition to SABIM. SBN is established for health service workers or graduates of any departments providing health education and all personnel of the MoH not only to gather up-to-date information about appointment rules, compassionate leave, permutation requests, promotion exams but also to submit grievances and any suggestions. To benefit from SBN services, members of January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 39 Stakeholder Engagement Plan mentioned worker groups need to register to the system. As of July 2020, there are over 58,000 members registered to SBN. After registration, they can convey their inquiries, demands and complaints through the following channels: � Hotline by phone “Alo 182� line, which is accessible 24/7 and � Website via There are six sections in SBN portal that are: 1. Ask us, 2. I have an idea, 3. Looking for solution, 4. Billboard, 5. Permutation, and 6. Frequently asked questions. Inquiries, demands, complaints about all health services provided by SBN are responded by a team composed of 133 personnel. Workers shall quickly inform management of labour issues, such as a lack of PPE, unreasonable overtime, stress and any harassment (i.e. physical, psychological and sexual abuse and exploitation) related issues at workplace via the grievance channels of the MoH (SBN, SABIM, Provincial Health Directorates). These grievance channels allow anonymous grievances and have an appeal process in place. 7.2.2 CIMER: Turkish Presidential Communication Centre The Project employees can also report grievances via CIMER, which is already explained in the previous section. The channels to access CIMER are as follows: � Website:, � Call Centre: 150, or � Phone number: +90 312 525 55 55. 7.2.3 Contractor and Supervision Consultant Level Workers’ Grievance Mechanism Apart from national grievance mechanism channels, the Project will establish additional tools (i.e. grievance boxes, raising grievances through reporting to the workers’ representatives, separate meetings with female workers) in the Project site and facilities to enable the Project employees report grievances. The tools to be established by the contractors will be integrated to the existing system within the Project Grievance Mechanism. The following will be applied for successful implementation and management of wor kers’ grievance mechanism through grievance boxes: � There will be at least three grievance boxes at the Project facilities (i.e., cafeteria, main entrance-exit points, administrative building); and, there will be available and empty grievance forms as well as pens next to the boxes. � The grievance boxes will be locked and secured. Only the community liaison officer of the contractors during construction phase and operation phase will have the keys of the boxes. Only these personnel will have the authority to open and check boxes. � The workers will have the opportunity to apply anonymously. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 40 Stakeholder Engagement Plan � The grievance form provided in Annex 10.2 of the SEP will be used within the scope of the workers’ grievance mechanisms of the contractors throughout the life of the Project. � The location of the boxes will be specifically selected as out of sight from bystanders and cameras (i.e. resting areas) in order to preserve the anonymity of the grievance applicant. � The grievance boxes will be checked daily and grievances will be registered to the grievance log immediately. � Grievances will be classified depending on their subjects while registering to the grievance log. There will be workers’ representatives who will be assigned by the Project workers. Reporting grievances to the workers’ representatives will also be a part of the workers’ grievance mechanism. Workers’ representatives will be responsible for informing the community liaison officers that manage grievances about all grievances that s/he received either verbally or in written way. The community liaison officers will register those grievances into the grievance log. The workers (including subcontractors) will be informed about the grievance mechanism as a part of the induction process. The information provided during the induction will involve that the workers will not be retaliated or fired just because they raise grievances. The workers of the supplier companies will be informed about the grievance mechanism prior to receiving the goods and services. The information provided during the induction will involve that the workers will not be retaliated or fired just because they raise grievances. Community liaison officers assigned for managing grievances will investigate the grievances reported by the Project workers together with a workers’ representative and the personnel from senior management team such as the Human Resources Manager of contractor companies employed for the Project’s phases. After the grievances are successfully closed and the corrective actions are taken, the results of the grievances including anonymous grievances will be displayed on the notice boards within the Project site. 7.2.4 Receiving Grievances related to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH) There will be sufficient security measures (i.e. security personnel, surveillance system through security cameras) to prevent the risk of SEA/SH cases in the Project site. In addition to the security measures, workers will have the opportunity to raise grievances related to SEA/SH through grievance boxes with the possibility of anonymous application. SEA/SH cases will be recorded and analysed as a part of the current grievance mechanism of Project. However, when a SEA/SH grievance is reported, it will be approached in a more sensitive way and in an immediate timeframe in comparison with other grievances. The privacy, health and safety of the complainant will be the key principles in handling SEA/SH cases. The identity of the grievance applicant will be kept strictly confidential to hinder the risks of retaliation. As a good practice, the Project parties are recommended to organize separate meetings with female workers on a regular basis (i.e. quarterly) to learn if they have any concerns or grievances related to SEA/SH risks and to improve the existing security measures if they are not adequate. Such meetings can be managed by the community liaison officers managing grievances or the Human Resources Manager with active participation of female workers to the extent possible. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 41 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Within the scope of the Project, a Labour Management Plan and a Human Resources Management Plan will be prepared. Both plans will include: � The way to announce the grievance mechanism to the workers, � The number and locations of the grievance boxes within the Project site, � The units responsible for opening and recording the grievances, and � The way the grievances will be managed in a timely manner. 7.3 Project Grievance Resolution Process The flow of operation of the Project Grievance Mechanism (both community and workers’ grievance mechanisms), which is visualized in Figure 7-2 below, will be in line with the resolution process defined in the ESMF developed by the PMSU. As visualized in Figure 7-2, the main steps for handling grievances within the scope of the Project are receive, register, approval, define, inform, obtain and close 7. Figure 7-2: Steps of the Grievance Mechanism of the Project4 Receive and Register the Grievance: Grievance/complaint applications are registered by the community liaison officers of the Project parties (MoH including PMSU and the Project Implementation Unit, EPC Contractor of the construction activities of the Project, and the supervision consultant during the operation phase). All applications are registered in a central log. Acknowledgment of the Grievance by the MoH: Following the registration, the grievance will be received and acknowledged by the MoH. The community liaison officers of the MoH will inform the complainant that grievance is registered. Define Related Departments and Actions: The community liaison officers of the MoH will conduct classification and initial assessment in order to define the related department(s) and actions for timely and accurate resolution of the grievance. 7 Environmental and Social Management Framework developed by the PMSU, February 2022 ( January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 42 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Inform Complainant: After the experts in the related department(s) review the grievance and take relevant action(s) about it, the response is sent to complainant. Obtain Information about Action Taken to Avoid/Reduce the Issue: Information regarding the action(s) taken in order to avoid or reduce the issue are forwarded to the MoH by the experts in the related department(s). Where the grievance requires further investigations, root cause analysis or actions, the MoH may request the assistance of outside authorities as appropriate. Close the Complaint: After all these steps are followed, the grievance/complaint is closed and marked as resolved. Announcements regarding the results and corrective actions taken will be properly displayed through the Project website and notice boards within the Project site. The grievance mechanism of the Project should respond to the complainant within 15 days after the grievance is received. If the resolution period of the grievances will take longer due to further investigation (i.e. to receive official letters, opinions), then it can expand to 30 days. However, the complainant (if not anonym) should be informed about the prolonged resolution process. While the MoH is responsible for implementation and managements of the entire grievance mechanism of the Project, other Project parties are also responsible for establishing their own Grievance Mechanism Procedures for both workers and communities and reporting the grievances and outcomes of the mechanism to the MoH. These grievance mechanisms and procedures developed by other parties will be integrated to the Project Grievance Mechanism. The MoH will monitor the Project grievances through regular reports provided by the Project parties. 7.4 World Bank’s Grievance Redress Service Communities and individuals who believe that a World Bank-supported project has or is likely to have adverse effects on them, their community, or their environment have the opportunity to submit their grievances through existing project-level grievance redress mechanisms or the World Bank’s Grievance Redress Service (GRS). GRS ensures the World Bank’s responsiveness and accountability to project -affected communities by ensuring that grievances are promptly reviewed and addressed. All grievances must be in writing and addressed to the GRS through the following ways: � Online, access the online form � By email to � By letter or by hand delivery to the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C., United States or any World Bank Country Office – print and use this form (DOCX) Grievances must: � Identify the project subject of the grievance � Clearly state the project’s adverse impact(s) � Identify the individual(s) submitting the complaint � Specify if the complaint is submitted by a representative of the person(s) or community affected by the project � If the complaint is submitted by a representative, include the name, signature, contact details, and written proof of authority of the representative. Supporting evidence is not necessary but helpful in reviewing and resolving the complaint. The complaint may also include suggestions on how the individuals believe the complaint could be resolved. All complaints will be treated as confidential. The GRS will not disclose any personal data that may reveal the identity of complainants without their consent. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 43 Stakeholder Engagement Plan More information on how to raise grievances to the World Bank’s GRS is provided in the World Bank website8. 7.5 Community Liaison Officer The Project parties involve the MoH (including PMSU and the Project Implementation Unit), EPC Contractor of the construction activities of the Project, and the supervision consultant during the operation phase. To ensure the successful implementation and management of the Project GM, each party will assign community liaison officer for managing grievances. Resolving the incoming complaints, informing the stakeholders, and communicating with the stakeholders will be carried out by these community liaison officers. 7.6 Project Contact Information All the Project plans, reports and the results of the public grievances together with the corrective actions taken will be published on the Project website ( 76671/8531-saglik-sisteminin-guclendirilmesi-ve-desteklenmesi-projesi.html). Additionally, suggestions and complaints related to the Project can be directed through the following: Contact Information Project: Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project Main Responsible Party of the Project: The Turkish Republic Ministry of Health Project Management Support Unit Address: Bilkent Yerleşkesi, Üniversiteler Mahallesi Dumlupınar Bulvarı 6001. Cadde No:9 06800 Çankaya/Ankara-TURKIYE E-mail: Project website: projesi.html Grievance form: The public grievance mechanism of the Project and grievance channels will be disclosed to the Project’s external stakeholders through stakeholder engagement activities and consultation meetings as defined in the Section 5.6. The Project employees will be informed about the workers’ grievance mechanism and channels through induction trainings. 8 The website can be accessed through services/grievance-redress-service. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 44 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 8 Resources and Responsibilities The PMSU will have an overall responsibility for undertaking and supervising engagement with all stakeholders in relation to the Project and will use available resources to ensure that the relevant activities are conducted effectively and to the appropriate standard. Received grievances and response status with actions taken/ to be taken and the results will be summarized in monthly reports. These reports will include a section detailing the number and nature of grievances received and performance in addressing the grievances. The organizational chart of PMSU is shown in Annex 10.9. The parties of interest for the pre-construction, construction, and operation phases of the Project are listed below with the explanation of their roles and responsibilities. The PMSU will be responsible for; � Ensuring coordination between international parties and implementing units of the MoH within the scope of carrying out the Project, � Providing technical support to the implementing units of the MoH during the process of the Project being carried out, � Ensuring the Project to be completed on time and within the budget allocated, � Monitoring the Project process regularly and evaluating it, � Managing and regulating the relationships between the Project implementing units, � Noticing issues that might hinder the Project from being accomplished timely and taking measures to prevent them, and � Supervising the compliance of the unit activities with the Project objectives. MoH has the authority to; � Carry out public health services within the country level and for this purpose to establish, build, operate, or to allow operation the necessary facilities, � Develop and implement the tendering process for the planning, design, construction and operation of the facilities within the Project, and � Operate national level grievance mechanism channels (SABIM, CIMER, SBN). EPC Contractor of the Phase I EPC Contractor, its workers (including subcontractors) will be committed to the Labour Management Plan and will be responsible for the identified roles and responsibilities within the Labour Management Plan. Main Contractor for other phases of construction works: The main contractor for the next phases of construction works within the Project will be determined by the MoH through the utilization of tender process. It will be involved in the Labour Management Plan. Community Liaison Officers of the MoH (including PMSU and the Project Implementation Unit), Contractors and Supervision Consultant: The Community Liaison Officers assigned within the scope of the Project will be responsible for the preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual social reports, following the grievances, and conducting stakeholder engagement and disclosure activities with stakeholders. Community Advisory Board (CAB): A CAB will be established under the scope of the Project. It is responsible for monitoring the activities, impacts and measures taken as of the beginning of the construction period of the Project until the first year of the operation, informing communities, mukhtars, workplaces and NGOs, and conveying their views to the PMSU. The CAB will consist of members affiliated to Akyurt Municipality, Pursaklar Municipality, Akyurt District Governorate, Pursaklar District Governorate and Akyurt District Health Directorate. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 45 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 9 Monitoring and Reporting 9.1 Monitoring The PMSU will be responsible for monitoring, evaluation and reporting activities, overseeing progress related to the Project activities, outcomes, and results. Through the PMSU, the MoH will be responsible for: � collecting and consolidating all data related to their specific suite of indicators, � evaluating results, and � reporting results to the World Bank regularly and before each implementation support mission. The SEP monitoring and evaluation reports will be submitted to the World Bank periodically by the PMSU. The PMSU will also inform the Community Advisory Board to be established as part of the Project every three months through organizing meetings. An Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) has been prepared within the scope of the ESIA study of the Project. The ESMP identifies monitoring objectives and specifies the type of monitoring, with linkages to the impacts assessed in the environmental and social assessment and the mitigation measures described in the ESMP. Specifically, the monitoring section of the ESMP provides; � a specific description, and technical details, of monitoring measures, including the parameters to be measured, methods to be used, sampling locations, frequency of measurements, detection limits (where appropriate), and definition of thresholds that will signal the need for corrective actions; and � monitoring and reporting procedures to ensure early detection of conditions that necessitate particular mitigation measures and furnish information on the progress and results of mitigation. Therefore, monitoring of the Project together with the SEP will be carried out in line with the ESMP. 9.2 Reporting The SEP will be periodically revised and updated as necessary in the course of Project implementation in order to ensure that the information presented herein the SEP is consistent and is the most recent, and that the identified methods of engagement remain appropriate and effective in relation to the Project context and specific phases of the development. Any major changes to the Project related activities and to its schedule will be duly reflected in the SEP. Quarterly summaries and monthly internal reports on public grievances, enquiries and related incidents, together with the status of implementation of associated corrective/preventative actions, will be collated by the designated grievance mechanism officer of the Project, and referred to the senior management of the Project. Monthly internal reports and quarterly summaries will be used to assess both the number and nature of grievances (if any), along with the ability of both PMSU and the Contractors to address grievances in a timely and effective manner. Information on stakeholder engagement activities undertaken by the Project during the year can be conveyed to the World Bank and to the stakeholders in two ways, which are listed below: Quarterly Reports: The PMSU will submit an overall report of the Project implementation to the World Bank. These reports will include environmental, social, health and safety performance of January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 46 Stakeholder Engagement Plan the Project, including but not limited to a summary of activities for each beneficiary healthcare facility, stakeholder engagement activities and grievances log. Annual Reports: PMSU will publicly report on its environmental and social performance on an annual basis including a summary of any grievances raised and how they have been resolved. To inform the external stakeholders Annual Environmental and Social Report (brief summary of the Annual Environmental and Social Monitoring Report (AESMR)) will be developed and published on the PMSU’s website. Additionally, a standalone report on Project’s interaction with the stakeholders as part of the communication campaign of the MoH will be published annually. These reports will include the following aspects of the Project: � The number of Project-related grievances received within a reporting period (i.e. quarterly/six monthly) and the number of those resolved within the prescribed timeline. � Monthly summaries of grievances raised by internal and external stakeholders, queries and related incidents together with the implementation status of corrective/preventive actions � Consultations and the disclosure activities, which will be referred the PMSU in all phases of the Project and to Contractor in the construction phase. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 47 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 10 Annexes 10.1 The application form on the website of the PMSU (in Turkish) January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 48 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 10.2 Grievance form Application Form Grievance Type of Application Suggestion Information Request Other (Please specify with a few words) Province of Application Institution/Organization of the Application Subject of the Application Name and Surname (For anonymous applications, please leave this section empty) Phone: Contact Information and Preferred Means of Communication to Contact (Please choose at least E-Mail one means of communication) Mail: Fax: Date of Application Day/Month/Year January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 49 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 10.3 Grievance log How is the Name of the Information about the grievance holder Grievance Description of Grievance Responsible Action Due date of the Date of Supporting Registr Date of Location grievance responsible category the grievance status person/ planned addressing the action taken documents for ation the of the received? staff Name and Gender ID Telephone District (open, department grievance grievance number grievance grievance (via receiving surname number and/or e- closed, for follow-up closeout and received received Grievance grievance mail pending) resolution and Form, registered community meeting, telephone etc.) January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 50 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 10.4 Stakeholder engagement tracker No Date Location/ Authorized Person The Name of the Type of Stakeholder Number of Meeting Place Discussion To do list, Engagement Conducting the Engagement Engaged Stakeholders and Time Subject thoughts and Channel Activity Activity (Community/Public, Engaged comments Mukhtar, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 51 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 10.5 The First Stakeholder List for the Project (Created by the Environmental and Social Team of the PMSU) Key Stakeholder Groups Stakeholders in the Group Ministry of Health General Directorate of Public Hospitals Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency General Directorate of Public Health General Directorate of Health Services General Directorate of Emergency Health Services General Directorate of Health Promotion General Directorate of Health Investments General Directorate of Health Information Systems General Directorate of Administrative Services General Directorate of Press and Public Relations Public Institutions at Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change National Level Directorate General of Environmental Impact Assessment, Permit and Inspection Directorate General of Environmental Management Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Ministry of Treasury and Finance Ministry of Industry and Technology Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks Health Institutes of Turkiye (TUSEB) (Vaccination Institute, Health Policies, Health Services Quality and Accreditation, Biotechnology institutes) TUBİTAK Marmara Research Center (MAM) - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute Governorates Ankara Governorate İstanbul Governorate Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry Ankara İstanbul Public Institutions at Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization Provincial Level Ankara İstanbul Ankara Regional Directorate of Highways Provincial Health Directorate Ankara İstanbul District Municipalities Küçükçekmece Municipality Akyurt Municipality District Governorates Küçükçekmece District Governorate Akyurt District Governorate Public Institutions at District Project Beneficiary Hospitals and their related units Level Mehmet Akif Ersoy Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Training and Research Hospital (MAESH) İstanbul Experimental Research Center (İDEA) Headman's Offices İstasyon Quarter Headman's Office (İstanbul) Atakent Quarter Headman's Office (İstanbul) Balıkhisar Quarter Headman's Office (Ankara) Chambers of Industry Groups Representing İstanbul Chamber of Industry Professional and Ankara Chamber of Industry Commercial Stakeholders Chambers of Commerce January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 52 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Key Stakeholder Groups Stakeholders in the Group İstanbul Chamber of Commerce Ankara Chamber of Commerce Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialty Society of Turkiye (EKMUD) Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunization Association Non-governmental Turkish Society of Microbiology (TSM) Organizations Infectious Diseases Association (EHD) Turkish Society of Hospital Infection and Control (HİDER) Infectious Diseases Prevention Association (BUHASDER) Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (AİFD) Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universities İstanbul University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 53 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 10.6 PMSU Online Meeting Agenda Details January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 54 Stakeholder Engagement Plan January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 55 Stakeholder Engagement Plan January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 56 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 10.7 Institutions and Organizations Participating in The PMSU Online Meeting The institutions and organizations participating in the meeting are presented below: � The Ministry of Health and its departments: General Directorate of Health Promotion, General Directorate of Public Health, Office of Press Counsellor, Project Management and Support Unit � Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources � Ministry of Industry and Technology: General Directorate of Strategic Research and Efficiency, General Directorate of Industry, General Directorate of National Technology � Ministry of Treasury and Finance: Department of Support Services � The World Bank � Ankara Provincial Directorate of Health � İstanbul Mehmet Akif Ersoy Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery � Akyurt Municipality � Akyurt District Governorate � Akyurt District Directorate of Health � ESIA Consultancy Company and its Experts � Turkish Society of Microbiology � Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialty Society of Turkiye (EKMUD) � University of Health Sciences, Institute of Defensive Health Sciences, Department of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (CBRN Defense) � University of Health Sciences Hamidiye Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology � Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Health Sciences � Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 57 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 10.8 The Project’s Information Document January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 58 Stakeholder Engagement Plan January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 59 Stakeholder Engagement Plan January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 60 Stakeholder Engagement Plan January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 61 Stakeholder Engagement Plan January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 62 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 10.9 Organisational Chart of the PMSU affiliated to the MoH9 9 The organisational chart has been prepared on the basis of the information given in Proje Yönetim Destek Birimi (, which was accessed on 20 October 2022. January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted Mott MacDonald | Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Centre, Experimental Animal Production Centre and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project 63 Stakeholder Engagement Plan January 2024 Mott MacDonald Restricted