From Concept to Action: Boosting Resilience in Africa Lessons Learned from the Resilience Booster Tool Stronger Stronger Stronger Design Monitoring Impact Kanta Kumari Rigaud, Anmol Arora, and Anna Gayatri Singh May 2023 © Copyright 2023 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, D.C. 20433 This work is a product of the staff of the World Bank with external contributions . The views, findings and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is subject to copyright. This work may be reproduced for the dissemination of knowledge, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution to this work is given. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street, Washington DC., 20433 Attribution: Please cite the work as follows: Rigaud, Kanta Kumari; Arora, Anmol; and Singh, Anna Gayatri (2023) From Concept to Action: Boosting Resilience in Africa – Lessons Learned from the Resilience Booster Tool. World Bank. Washington D.C. The note was prepared under the AFRI-RES program. e-mail: From Concept to Action: Boosting Resilience in Africa Lessons Learned from the Resilience Booster Tool Stronger Stronger Stronger Design Monitoring Impact Kanta Kumari Rigaud, Anmol Arora, and Anna Gayatri Singh May 2023 Acknowledgments This lessons note is a product of the Africa Climate Douala Urban Mobility Project); Neeta Hooda, Gayatri Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES). World Kanungo, and Morten Larsen​ (Ghana Landscape Bank projects in the Africa region that had received Restoration and Small-Scale Mining Project); Sheu catalytic grant financing from AFRI-RES were invited Salau, Samuel Taffesse, and Amos Gyau​(Ghana Cocoa to apply the Resilience Booster Tool to enhance and Sector Development Project); David Vilar Ferrenbach embed climate resilience in the design projects. This note and Sunil W. Mathrani​(Ghana Energy Sector Recovery reflects lessons learned from these applications. Program-for-Results); Aifa Fatimata Ndoye Niane​ (Gambia Inclusive and Resilient Agricultural Value This report was prepared by Kanta Kumari Rigaud Chain Development Project); Maurizio Guadagni, (Lead Climate Change Specialist and Regional Winston Yu​ , and ​A mos Abu (Nigeria Agro-Climatic Climate Change Coordinator, AFW), Anmol Arora, Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes [ACRESAL] and Anna Gayatri Singh. Emily Catherine Olsson Project); Megha Mukim​(Mali Bamako Urban Resilience provided indispensable support in the rollout of the Project); Vonjy Rakotondramanana and Lucine Lominy​ grants and organizing and coordinating inputs from (Benin Electricity Scale-Up [BEAS] Project); Laurent the teams. The program benefitted throughout from the Gonnet and Alexandra Le Courtois​(Senegal Affordable guidance provided by Iain Shuker (Practice Manager, Housing Program Development Project); El Hadj Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy) Adama Toure, Amadou Ba, and Tobias Baedeker​(West and the support of the extended AFRI-RES team: Africa Food System Resilience Program [FSRP]); Pablo Hisham Osman, Diji Chandrasekharan, and Yurani Benitez, Ross Hughes, and Paul Martin​ (Ethiopia Arias Granada. Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project); Vladislav Vucetic, Abdulhakim Mohammed Abdisubhan, and The Bank team would like to extend their gratitude Chiara Rogate​(Horn of Africa Regional Integration for to the partnership of the AFRI-RES, the African Sustainable Energy Supply Project); Nicholas Meitaki Union, United Nations Economic Commission for Soikan and Margaret Arnold ( ​ Kenya Financing Locally Africa (UNECA), and the Nordic Development Fund Led Climate Action Program); Alain Ouedraogo and (NDF), including the financial contribution of NDF Thomas Flochel​(Democratic Republic of Congo Access to the program. Special thanks go to Aage Jorgensen Governance and Reform for the Electricity and Water (Program Manager, NDF) and Linus Mofor (UNECA) Sectors Project); and Roman Tesfaye and Enias Baganizi​ for their strong support for this knowledge product and (Ethiopia Health Sustainable Development Goals strong collaboration across the partnership. Additional Financing). The lessons note was developed by working closely with A special thanks is owed to Alex Behr for editing and the Bank project teams. The team would like to extend Owen Design Co. for the design and layout of the their thanks to the project team members for their inputs lessons note. throughout various stages of developing the note. These include Peter Okwero (Tanzania Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child and Adolescent Health Investment Project); Phoebe M. Folger (Malawi Human Capital Project); Thierno Bah and Megan Meyer​(Cabo Verde Renewable Energy and Improved Utility Performance Project); Isabelle Celine Kane​(Senegal Stormwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project 2); Kofi Amponsah and Mari Shojo (Sierra Leone Quality Essential Health Services and Systems Support Project); Franck Taillandier and Bontje Zaengerling (Cameroon ii Contents Acknowledgments������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ii Practitioner Reflections�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� v Executive Summary ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 1. Background ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 1.1 Resilience Imperative ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 1.2 Climate Resilient Development Proposition������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 1.3 Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES)���������������������������������������������������� 4 2. Resilience Booster Tool �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 2.1 Introducing the Resilience Booster Tool: A Pragmatic Approach���������������������������������� 7 3. Methods ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 3.1 Introducing the Lessons Note Methodology����������������������������������������������������������������������13 3.2 Conceptual Framework�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 4. Results ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17 4.1 AFRI-RES Facility Grant Breakdown �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 4.2 Embedding Resilience into Project Design through Resilience Attributes�����������������19 4.3 Task Team Experience, Value Addition of the Resilience Booster Tool, and Areas for Enhancement�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 4.4 Scope for Improvements�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30 5. Key Lessons and Recommendations ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31 Appendix A: Resilience Booster Tool Feedback Survey Questions����������������������������������� 32 Appendix B: Round I AFRI-RES Grantee Projects��������������������������������������������������������������� 33 References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34 iii Figures Figure 2.1 Components for Developing Project Resilience����������������������������������������������������������� 7 Figure 2.2 Resilience Attributes in the Resilience Booster Tool ������������������������������������������������� 9 Figure 2.3 Resilience Booster Tool Steps and Outcomes�����������������������������������������������������������10 Figure 2.4 Resilience Booster Pathway Map������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Figure 2.5 Resilience Attribute Baseline and Targets�������������������������������������������������������������������12 Figure 4.1 Countries Participating in AFRI-RES (Round II) Grantee Projects��������������������������� 17 Figure 4.2 Breakdown of AFRI-RES Round II Grantee Projects by World Bank GPs��������������18 Figure 4.3 AFRI-RES Grant Beneficiaries per Project��������������������������������������������������������������������18 Figure 4.4 Share of AFRI-RES Grantee Projects by Beneficiaries ��������������������������������������������19 Figure 4.5 Climate Risks Identified across World Bank GPs������������������������������������������������������20 Figure 4.6 Core Resilience Capacities in AFRI-RES Grantee Projects��������������������������������������21 Figure 4.7 AFRI-RES Grantee Projects by Project-Wise Contribution to Core Resilience Capacities���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 Figure 4.8 Resilience Attributes Linked with Top Three Project Outcomes in Resilience Booster Tool ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Figure 4.9 Frequency of Selection of Resilience Attributes for Monitoring in Resilience Booster Tool�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26 Tables Table 2.1 Core Resilience Capacities in the Resilience Booster Tool����������������������������������������� 8 Table 3.1 AFRI-RES Facility Round II Grantee Projects and Financing���������������������������������������14 Table 4.1 Resilience Attributes and Interventions to Strengthen Resilience in Project Design in AFRI-RES Round II Projects�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 Table 4.2 Projects That Contain Climate and Vulnerability Assessments as Grant Deliverables��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 Boxes Box 1.1 Four Components of AFRI-RES����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 iv Practitioner Reflections “The Resilience Booster “I had many questions Tool helped articulate about resilience. The activities in terms of Resilience Booster is resilience attributes. helpful in unpacking It was a useful tool the concept.” for identification of —Aifa Fatimata Niane Ndove resilience indicators.” (Senior Agricultural Economist, World Bank), Gambia Inclusive —Yasmina Oodally (Environmental and Resilient Agricultural Value Specialist, World Bank), Ghana Chain Development Project Landscape Restoration and Small- Scale Mining Project “The Resilience Tool is easy to apply once you get the learning curve. It presents a clear picture of the project. The fact that it is online also helps.” —Thierno Bah (Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank) and Megan Meyer (Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank), Cabo Verde Renewable Energy and Improved Utility Performance Project v “Resilience has multiple meanings. However, it cannot mean everything.” — Metaxas and Psarropoulou (2021, p. 3) ­ vi Executive Summary Climate resilience is difficult to grasp, execute, The World Bank developed the Resilience Booster Tool monitor, and evaluate. It has become a catch- all phrase as a hands-on, user-friendly online tool to strengthen in international development and climate adaptation the integration of climate risks and opportunities into literature, with no easy way to understand if resilience the design and delivery of investments. The Resilience is being built, nor a systematic way to measure progress. Booster enhances the capacity of people, assets, Generic references to resilience run the danger of glossing institutions, and infrastructure to harness and respond over social and political gaps, often leading to techno- to the impacts of shocks and stresses. This interactive, managerial solutions (Garcia et al. 2022; Mikulewicz step-by-step tool for development practitioners helps 2019). Metaxas and Psarropoulou (2021, p. 3) state, embed resilience thinking into their project design, “Resilience has multiple meanings. However, it cannot monitoring efforts, and, ultimately, the outcomes (Ospina mean everything.” and Rigaud 2021).1 What We Learned The Resilience Combining The Resilience Through use of Booster resilience Booster Tool the Resilience Tool allows attributes and helped project Booster, nonexperts core capacities teams make projects to exemplify, (absorptive, broader can improve contextualize, adaptive, and social and their climate and understand transformative) development co-benefits a broad range allows linkages. score and of climate risks, development contribute more paving the way projects to Robustness, effectively to to prioritize address risks learning, and World Bank’s climate concretely. inclusion were overall target resilience the top three of 35 percent interventions. resilience of its financing attributes generating leveraged in climate co- projects to benefits. build resilience. 1 Integrating Resilience Attributes into Operations: A Note for Practitioners reports/ documentdetail/321901597031973150/africa-enhancing-climate-resilience 1 This work was conducted under the Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES). AFRI- RES is a partnership between the African Union, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the World Bank Group. It is funded with support from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). AFRI-RES aims to assist development practitioners, governments, planners, and private developers in Africa in integrating climate change into project planning and design, thereby attracting funding from both development and climate finance sources.​The AFRI- RES program provided catalytic grant funding to a suite of World Bank projects to embed climate resilience into design and delivery.2 The goal was to generate and Fish farming, Suleja, Niger. develop knowledge products to facilitate resilience- Credit: Arne Hoel/World Bank building efforts. This Lessons Note analyzes project reports and The AFRI-RES grant brought resilience to the outputs to identify the value addition of resilience forefront of project design, tracking, and planned efforts, with a special focus on the Resilience Booster implementation through the Resilience Booster Tool. The AFRI-RES grantee projects covered 20 Tool. Task Teams unpacked resilience into meaningful projects spanning 21 countries in Africa 3 and eight categories and attributes best suited to their respective Global Practices (GPs), benefitting a wide cross-section contexts and project development outcomes. The of stakeholders. A streamlined set of recommendations Resilience Booster findings are included in project provide lessons learned from the Resilience Booster’s documents, most notably in Project Appraisal application to Round II AFRI-RES grantee projects Documents, Project Information Documents, and and suggest approaches for improving its application Environment and Social Impact Studies. Projects going forward. have made broader linkages to social and development issues such as gender and have strengthened projects Task Teams applied the step-by-step process of the and operations in novel, innovative ways. The AFRI- Resilience Booster Tool to their projects. First they RES grant has helped multiple projects enhance their identified how many of three core resilience capacities— contribution toward mandatory corporate climate absorptive, adaptive, and transformative—their project commitments, such as climate co-benefits. could likely address. Then teams identified and linked resilience attributes to project outcomes that were The Resilience Booster Tool has witnessed early most relevant to their project’s objective. Across the 20 success and presents opportunities for broader uptake. projects, 226 intervention ideas were generated to address AFRI-RES can play a pivotal leadership role as a hub for climate risks. The Resilience Booster allowed progress cross-learning and knowledge sharing across its partners tracking over the project cycle. Task Teams noted that and stakeholders. The Resilience Booster’s user interface, the Resilience Booster helped them break down resilience sophistication, and functionality demonstrated ease of efforts into a guided, step-by-step process and clearly link use. It could benefit from enhancement building on resilience to the projects’ objective and aims. learned experiences to enrich user experience. We also support building a community of practice for knowledge sharing between practitioners and task teams. 2 On average, projects received between $33,000 to $ 100,000 as part of the project preparation stage to support and inform the design and embed climate resilience. 3 Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia (two), Gambia, Ghana (three), Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal (two), Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Togo. 2 1. Background 1.1 Resilience Imperative There are many definitions of resilience and contestation around the concept (Leichenko 2011; Miller et al. 2010). Flexibility, learning and change, and adaptive capacity are The cascading, disruptive, and unpredictable nature attributes commonly associated with resilience (Parada of climate shocks and stressors raises questions on the and Rigaud 2022). Often used interchangeably with adequacy of existing risk management systems and adaptation, resilience is understood as the return of the practices (Bahadur and Dodman 2021; Mishra 2021; functions of an individual, household, community, or Tyler 2012). In the climate crisis, resilience has become ecosystem to previous conditions after shocks and stresses, a tool whose positive attributes can reduce vulnerabilities with as little damage and disruption as possible (Pörtner (Bahadur and Dodman 2021; Tanner et al. 2015). et al. 2022; Tanner et al. 2015). The Intergovernmental Resilience theory draws from multiple fields and refers Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines resilience as “the to integrated approaches to climate shocks and stressors capacity of social, economic and environmental systems to cope (Alexander 2013; Bahadur and Tanner 2014). The use with a hazardous event or trend or disturbance, responding or of resilience has spread from traditional applications in reorganizing in ways that maintain their essential function, ecology and psychology to many scientific disciplines. identity and the capacity for adaptation, learning and Recently, it has appeared in global policy documents transformation” (Masson-Delmotte et al. 2018, p. 557). for sustainable development. For example, the need for building resilience is in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Resilience is a central objective of climate policy in Development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Paris Article 2.1b of the 2015 Paris Agreement of the United Agreement on climate change, the Sendai Framework for Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Disaster Risk Reduction, and the New Urban Agenda. According to the World Bank (2012, p. 9), “In a resilient world, countries manage the risks of disaster more effectively— especially the more-frequent natural disasters and more-volatile weather patterns.” The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA 2019, p. 46) states, “Climate resilience needs to be The Intergovernmental integrated into all infrastructure assets and systems throughout Panel on Climate Change their lifecycles.” (IPCC) defines resilience as “the capacity of social, 1.2 Climate Resilient economic and environmental Development Proposition systems to cope with a hazardous event or trend Climate change threatens to derail fundamental or disturbance, responding development goals of poverty reduction, economic prosperity, education, health, and environmental or reorganizing in ways that sustainability (USAID 2014; World Bank 2012). maintain their essential Yet, development efforts can reduce greenhouse gas function, identity and the emissions and aid adaptation to climate change impacts (Thomalla et al. 2018; Werners et al. 2021). The IPCC capacity for adaptation, Sixth Assessment Report emphasizes the linkages learning and transformation” between climate change adaptation and mitigation with sustainable development, noting, “Climate Resilient Development integrates adaptation measures and their enabling conditions with mitigation to advance sustainable development for all” (Pörtner et al. 2022, p. 28). 3 Climate resilient development is an approach to 1.3 Africa Climate Resilient minimize climate crisis impacts and ensure people, communities, and organizations can cope with the Investment Facility changes (USAID 2014; World Bank 2019). As the (AFRI-RES) IPCC notes, it integrates gender, Indigenous knowledge, and local knowledge and practices (Trisos et al. 2022). Future climate change and variability are difficult to The World Bank considers climate and disaster resilient predict and quantify, making planning and project development fundamental to eliminating extreme design challenging and costly. Specialized thematically poverty and achieving shared prosperity by 2030 (2019; focused trust funds, such as AFRI-RES, are important 2021). The Bank supports partner countries in climate resources for creating robust analytics and building resilient development by addressing gradual and extreme capacities. In its leadership role, AFRI-RES has focused changes in the climate (2013). on gaps and the need for tools, instruments, and data to integrate climate change in project planning and design, The Next Generation Africa Climate Business Plan thereby attracting funding from both development and (NG-ACBP) (fiscal 2021–26) highlights the urgency climate finance sources. to leapfrog into novel development pathways, and emphasizes resilience building and adaptation as AFRI-RES is a partnership between the African foundational for a greener and more prosperous future. Union, the African Development Bank, the UNECA, Under the NG-ACBP, knowledge generation plays a and the World Bank Group. Established with support critical role in driving transformational climate action. from the NDF, AFRI-RES has four components (box 1.1), Integrating the notion of resilience in development including a dedicated component that provides catalytic practice requires practitioners to unpack the meaning of grants to World Bank projects during the project design resilience and what it implies for their project. Unpacking phase to enhance climate resilience outcomes of these the concept is key to embedding resilience more investments and generate knowledge and learning. systematically into the project’s design and monitoring, and, ultimately, for strengthening impact (Ospina and AFRI-RES provided financing for projects in two Rigaud 2021). tranches. Round I financing totaled €932,958 across 15 projects, and Round II financing totaled €1.17 million Bolstering resilience applies to all sectors due to the across 20 projects. The Resilience Booster Tool was pervasiveness of climate change. The IPCC (Trisos et applied only to Round II AFRI-RES grantee projects al. 2022) estimates with high confidence that between because the tool was not yet developed during Round I 1.5°C and 2°C of global warming, negative impacts are financing disbursement. projected to become widespread and severe. Expected outcomes include reduced food production, reduced This report represents the synthesis of learning from economic growth, increased inequality and poverty, applying the Resilience Booster Tool to Round II biodiversity loss, and increased human morbidity and AFRI-RES project grantees. Section two brief ly mortality. Investment in resilient infrastructure has introduces the Resilience Booster and sets out its the potential to deliver urban and rural development in methodology and key concepts. Section three dives into power, sanitation, water supply, waste management, safe the results of the application, Task Team feedback, and transport for access to health, and education facilities. opportunities for improvement. The Note concludes by Further, productive sectors, which form the backbone outlining a set of lessons learned by Round II grantee of the Africa economy, are being directly hit by natural projects and key recommendations to enhance the disasters and changing climate patterns. Slow onset Resilience Booster for future use. climate impacts are affecting agricultural yields and the viability of crops, disrupting food systems and affecting rural livelihoods. 4 Box 1.1 Four Components of AFRI-RES World Bank Led Components Project Level Technical Assistance Guidelines, Standards and Good Practice Notes The first project component provides catalytic grants to World Bank teams to The third project component focuses on further embed climate resilience in the developing an online toolkit that provides design phase of their projects. users with a systematic method to discuss and measure climate resilience in projects. UNECA Led Components Outreach, Dissemination and Training Climate Knowledge and Data Portal The second project component includes The fourth project component creates an a range of activities will be undertaken to online repository of knowledge for climate- encourage behavioral change on climate- resilient investment planning and design resilient investment planning. in Africa. Source: World Bank. 5 The Reliance Booster is designed for development practitioners who are planning or working on climate resilient projects. 6 2. Resilience Booster Tool This section introduces the Resilience Booster Tool, outlines the steps and concepts integrated into it, and details the methodology applied to the data in this Note. 2.1 Introducing the Figure 2.1 Components for Developing Project Resilience Resilience Booster Tool: A Pragmatic Approach The Resilience Booster Tool is a hands-on, user- friendly online tool. It applies a resilience lens Resilience to strengthen the integration of climate risks and Attributes opportunities into the design and delivery of investments. The Reliance Booster is designed for development practitioners who are planning or working on climate resilient projects. Development practitioners can use Core Resilience this interactive, step-by-step tool to embed resilience Capacities thinking into their project design, monitoring efforts, and, ultimately, the outcomes (Ospina and Rigaud 2021). It helps teams to think through, specify, and design project activities that build resilience by integrating resilience capacities and attributes (figure 2.1). The Project approach used for tracking resilience attributes can be Resilience adapted to the project. To support systemwide resilience, the Resilience Booster Tool starts by focusing on the project resilience of people, assets, infrastructure, and Source: World Bank. services. Project resilience is achieved through a focus on three core resilience capacities: absorptive, adaptive, and transformative (table 2.1). A set of wider resilience attributes exemplifies these core resilience capacities (figure 2.2). The Resilience Booster supports this foundational framework of achieving resilience through a systematic and transparent five-step process. 7 Table 2.1 Core Resilience Capacities in the Resilience Booster Tool Core Resilience Capacity Definition Examples Absorptive The ability to prepare for, • Establishing emergency protocols to mitigate, and/or prevent increase preparedness for extreme events negative impacts of shocks and hazards to preserve • Early warning systems and restore essential basic • Strengthening the walls of grain storage structures and functions. sheds to enable them to withstand Preparedness is key for inclement weather (e.g., high winds and rain) absorptive capacity to • Reforestation to restore critical better cope with climate ecosystem services impacts in the short term. Adaptive The ability to adjust, • Establishing an irrigation system for modify, or change farmers previously dependent on variable characteristics and rainfall to water their crops actions to moderate potential future impacts • Diversifying livelihoods from shocks and • Using digital technologies to enhance stresses to continue to climate information and knowledge sharing function without major qualitative changes. Transformative The ability to create a • Adoption of payment of ecosystem fundamentally new system services to promote forests and landscape to avoid negative impacts management that support flood regulation from shocks and stresses. and watershed conservation Transformation takes place over longer periods • Shifting to promote value-added of time because it requires downstream agro-industries to diversify structural change. jobs and reduce vulnerability to climate shocks Source: World Bank. 8 Figure 2.2 Resilience Attributes in the Resilience Booster Tool Source: World Bank. The Resilience Booster contains five steps (see figure 4. Integrating attributes into project design 2.3 for further descriptions): 5. Monitoring progress on resilience 1. Providing project context Completing steps 1 through 4 generates a Resilience 2. Understanding the resilience context Booster pathway map (figures 2.3 and 2.4). Completing step 5 allows the means to develop baseline and targets 3. Identifying resilience attributes that can contribute (figures 2.3 and 2.5) for tracking progress. to enhancing the core resilience capacities through the project 9 Figure 2.3 Resilience Booster Tool Steps and Outcomes Source: World Bank. 10 Figure 2.4 Resilience Booster Pathway Map Source: World Bank. Note: Example is from Nigeria ACReSAL Project. 11 Figure 2.5 Resilience Attribute Baseline and Targets Source: World Bank. Note: Example is from Nigeria ACReSAL Project. 12 3. Methods 3.1 Introducing the Lessons Note Methodology We analyzed similarities, This Lessons Note used qualitative research design differences, and unique points and descriptive statistics to achieve an in-depth across grantee projects and understanding of the application and impact of the compared them with broader Resilience Booster Tool and its value addition under the AFRI-RES grant program. This approach allowed literature to identify patterns us to gauge and compare the subjective experiences of and emerging themes. Task Teams that engaged with resilience during the project preparation stage. The study explores three main research questions: • What was the experience of Task Teams in One pathway map sets out the theory of change of a the application of resilience measures into project, which allowed us to quantify the number of development projects? climate stressors, resilience attributes, and outcome interventions that allow resilience to be embedded into • How did the application of the Resilience Booster the project design. We analyzed similarities, differences, Tool add value to the project? and unique points across grantee projects and compared them with broader literature to identify patterns and • What lessons and best practices can be distilled for emerging themes. future application? In qualitative analysis, we identified prominent themes The study collected data through an online survey around resilience across and in documents. In the first and a focus group discussion with grantee projects. stage, the digitally recorded focus group discussions and It focused on 20 World Bank projects that received a survey results were transcribed verbatim to allow for catalytic grant through the AFI-RES program to accurate analysis. The project reports and deliverables were enhance resilience into their design (table 3.1). The survey read to identify team experience and project impacts. The drew on the conceptual framework to pose questions data helped identify how projects engaged and invested around dimensions of resilience and the application of in resilience efforts and where they faced challenges. the Resilience Booster Tool. The survey link was mailed Using inductive and deductive reasoning, these aspects to project team leaders in March 2022, and they assigned were collected into a framework to identify the challenges, team members to complete the survey (appendix A). pitfalls, and opportunities of addressing resilience in development projects. The data set consists of Resilience Booster pathway maps, project appraisal documents, and other project Subsequently, the study developed themes, concepts, preparation studies or reports. Documents were selected and patterns that drew on the conceptual frameworks, based on their alignment to the research questions and research questions, and data. The qualitative and ability to offer contextual depth. The documents were quantitative analysis revealed how a diverse set of collated on SharePoint. The quantitative breakdown of development projects engaged with resilience building grantee projects into GPs, geography, and beneficiaries and lessons we can learn from it. Finally, we developed was extracted from the pathway maps. explanatory accounts verified through consultations with Task Teams and other practitioners working on resilience at the World Bank. 13 Table 3.1 AFRI-RES Facility Round II Grantee Projects and Financing AFRI-RES GRANT no. ROUND II AFRI-RES GRANTEE PROJECTS (US$) FINANCING (€) 1 Benin Electricity Scale-Up (BEAS) Project (200 M) 53,000 2 Cabo Verde Renewable Energy and Improved Utility Performance 28,600 Project (16.5 M) 3 Cameroon Douala Urban Mobility Project (420 M) 83,590 4 Democratic Republic of Congo Access Governance and Reform 82,192 for the Electricity and Water Sectors Project (634 M) 5 Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project (178.24 M) 85,222 6 Ethiopia Program for Results (Hybrid) Strengthening Primary 40,000 Health Care Services (445 M) 7 Gambia Inclusive and Resilient Agricultural Value Chain 27,000 Development Project (40 M) 8 Ghana Landscape Restoration and Small-Scale Mining Project 52,000 (90.6 M) 9 Ghana Cocoa Sector Development Project (200 M) 76,000 10 Ghana Energy Sector Recovery Program-for-Results (300 M) 32,000 11 Malawi Human Capital Project (100 M) 41,200 12 Mali Bamako Urban Resilience Project (250 M) 81,400 13 Nigeria Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes 80,000 (ACReSAL) Project (700 M) 14 Senegal Stormwater Management and Climate Change 51,500 Adaptation Project 2 (155 M) 15 Senegal Affordable Housing Program Development Project (100 M) 30,000 16 Sierra Leone Quality Essential Health Services and Systems 28,800 Support Project (60 M) 17 Tanzania Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child and Adolescent 41,200 Health Investment Project (275 M) 18 West Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) (354 M) 92,000 14 Table 3.1 AFRI-RES Facility Round II Grantee Projects and Financing (continued) AFRI-RES GRANT no. ROUND II AFRI-RES GRANTEE PROJECTS (US$) FINANCING (€) 19 Horn of Africa Regional Integration for Sustainable Energy 83,000 Supply Project (590 M)a 20 Kenya Financing Locally Led Climate Action Program (171.4 M)a 83,000 Source: World Bank. Note: AFRI-RES = Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility. a. These AFRI-RES Round II grantee projects did not apply the Resilience Booster Tool because the projects were too advanced. 3.2 Conceptual Framework controls, visualization, and data-saving capabilities. Lack of customization would drastically limit the As the AFRI-RES facility steps up climate resilience tool’s use. efforts, it must review tools and strategies. Many project team members are experts in specific sectors • Time. Project teams need to build a Resilience or thematic areas, but they are not fluent in resilience Booster map in the minimum possible time without thinking and its application to development projects. compromising on its integrity. If the tool takes more In addition, there is no universally accepted definition than an hour to complete, it will likely be negatively of resilience and little clarity on how to operationalize perceived by teams. If it takes up to an hour to it into the project cycle. Finally, the deep engagement complete, the tool will more likely be positively with grantee projects presents AFRI-RES with a body perceived and enjoy greater use. of knowledge that can be used to develop a framework to guide and strengthen future resilience efforts across • Accessibility. The Resilience Booster must be World Bank. This framework was built for use by compatible with a desktop or laptop computer that technical and nontechnical experts, and it can be applied has a standard, up-to-date operating system (OS) in a variety of contexts for cogent resilience building. and browser, and reasonable internet connection The framework evaluates three key considerations with speed. We consider mobile OS later in the Mobile regard to resilience efforts as applied to grantee projects: Design category. (a) ease of application, (b) efficacy to unpack the resilience “concept,” and (c) value proposition and impact. 3.2.2 Efficacy to Unpack the Resilience “Concept” 3.2.1 Ease of Application We considered efficacy and capacity of the Resilience Ease of application of the Resilience Booster Tool Booster Tool to provide upstream guidance to embed is based on quality, operations, and suitability of resilience into the design and delivery of projects use. Its purpose is to allow projects to develop climate and to track progress over the project’s life cycle, or resilience in the most resource-efficient and user-friendly implementation phase. We focused on how well the way possible. We evaluated how well the tool serves tool helped teams to think through resilience and link its purpose and if it reduced friction and lowered the it to climate risks and project development objectives. resilience learning curve for grantee projects. • Climate stressors and shocks. Conditions, events, • Customization. This entails flexibility that enables or trends related to climate variability and change teams to use and mold the Resilience Booster to their that can exacerbate hazards and have negative needs, providing room for collaboration, version impacts on the project development objective. The 15 projects need to identify climate stressors and shocks impacts on project personnel, design, and delivery, across temporal and spatial scales and assess their and overarching World Bank objectives related to potency to build resilience. Projects were encouraged climate change. to apply the Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools as a complementary part of resilience booster • Baseline understanding. The project teams need tool application.4 motivation and access to tools, knowledge, and support to build a baseline understanding of • Outcome interventions. Activities and interventions resilience. This is pivotal to define, execute, monitor, that help achieve resilience. The project teams need and evaluate resilience measures. to identify a suite of interventions to strengthen resilience and link them to project priorities. • Project design and development. The reflection of resilience into official project documents and • Resilience attributes. Key characteristics that formal and informal team reflections. The project help build and secure resilience. The teams need to documents include Project Appraisal Documents, understand and distinguish between attributes and Project Information Documents, Environment and select ones for their project needs and priorities. Social Impact Studies, Implementation Status and Results reports, and Stakeholder Engagement Plans. • Core resilience capacities. The ability to adjust, mitigate, and create fundamentally new systems • Core climate commitments. The direct and to avoid negative impacts from shocks and indirect contribution of the resilience grant to the stresses. The project should select one or more core delivery of core climate commitments. These can be resilience capacities. contributions to climate and disaster risk screening, the World Bank’s climate co-benefits mandate, and the resilience rating system. 3.2.3 Value Proposition and Impact We considered the overall benefits accrued to the project and beyond through applying the Resilience Booster Tool. We analyzed its direct and ancillary 4 These tools provide a systematic process that can help teams identify short- and long-term climate and disaster risks to build resilience. They can be useful precursors to the Resilience Booster, but they are not mandatory. See the World Bank Climate and Disaster Risk Screening Tools at https:// 16 4. Results This section details the quantitative and qualitative results of applying the Resilience Booster Tool to the Round II AFRI-RES grantee projects. Figure 4.1 Countries Participating in 4.1 AFRI-RES Facility AFRI-RES (Round II) Grantee Projects Grant Breakdown Twenty projects from the AFRI-RES Round II grantee projects received just in time catalytic funds covering 21 countries,5 representing a total grant amount of €1.17 million and total International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Association (IDA) lending amount of US$4.8 billion. The investments range from €27,000 to €92,000. Fourteen projects operate in a single country while two have regional components (West Africa Food System Resilience Program; Horn of Africa Regional Integration for Sustainable Energy Supply). Under Round II, Ghana has the highest number AFRI-RES Grant breakdown of operational projects (three) that received a resilience by country 1 grant, and Ethiopia and Senegal have two projects each 2 (figure 4.1). The AFRI-RES grants have wide coverage 3 across the continent. With Round I, 23 countries were covered through the full set of 31 projects, totaling €1.9 million in AFRI-RES grants and US$8.1 billion in total IBRD 47317 | IDA/IBRD lending (appendix B). JUNE 2023 Source: World Bank. Out of the 14 World Bank GPs,6 eight were covered Note: AFRI-RES = Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility. under the second round of the AFRI-RES grant. Energy and Extractives received the highest number of by institutions (13) and women (11). For example, Sierra grants (six), and Health received four. Finance, Social Leone’s Quality Essential Health Services and Systems Sustainability, and Transportation received one resilience Support Project identifies communities, institutions, grant each (figure 4.2). women and youth as the main beneficiaries, while the Ghana Energy Sector Recovery Program-for-Results Resilience efforts were closely connected with Project identifies institutions and governments as its communities and institutions among a cross-section main beneficiary. The high coverage to communities, of grantee projects, followed closely by targeted groups women, and youth as beneficiaries is likely a reflection such as women and youth (figures 4.3 and 4.4). Fifteen of the disproportionate vulnerability of these groups to projects list communities as target beneficiaries followed climate change in the African context. 5 Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia (two), Gambia, Ghana (three), Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal (two), Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Togo. 6 (1) Agriculture; (2) Education; (3) Energy and Extractives; (4) Environment and Natural Resources; (5) Finance and Markets; (6) Governance; (7) Health, Nutrition, and Population; (8) Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management; (9) Poverty; (10) Social, Urban, Rural, and Resilience; (11) Social Protection and Labor; (12) Trade and Competitiveness; (13) Transport and Information and Communication Technology (ICT); and (14) Water. 17 Figure 4.2 Breakdown of AFRI-RES Round II Grantee Projects by World Bank GPs 6 5 Number of AFRI-RES Grantee Projects 4 3 2 1 0 Agriculture Energy and Environment and Finance and Health Social Transportation Urban, Extractive Natural Resources Markets Sustainability Disaster Risk Resilience Global Practices Source: World Bank. Note: AFRI-RES = Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility; GPs = Global Practices. Figure 4.3 AFRI-RES Grant Beneficiaries per Project 6 5 Number of Beneficiaries 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Project Number Communities Institutions Government Private Sector Women Youth Practitioners SMEs Source: World Bank. Note: The project numbers correlate to numbers in table 3.1. AFRI-RES = Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility; SMEs = small and medium enterprises. 18 Figure 4.4 Share of AFRI-RES 4.2 Embedding Resilience Grantee Projects by Beneficiaries into Project Design through 3% 2% Resilience Attributes 25% 16% 4.2.1 Understanding the Resilience Context: Hazards and Exposure Grantee projects frequently addressed more than one climate shock, suggesting the need for multiple points of intervention. Understanding the exposure to hazards 18% is the first step in addressing resilience to counter these risks. The Resilience Booster Tool lists seven climate 21% shocks or stressors: (a) extreme temperature; (b) extreme 2% precipitation and flooding; (c) drought; (d) strong winds; 13% (e) geophysical hazards; (f) sea level rise; and (g) storm surge. On average, grantee projects aimed to address Communities Institutions Government 2.9 climate change shocks.7 This carries important implications on the resources and expertise required Private Sector Women Youth for resilience efforts. All three grantee projects in the Practitioners SMEs Agriculture GP selected drought as a critical climate Source: World Bank. stressor, while projects in the Energy and Extractive GP Note: AFRI-RES = Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility; selected extreme temperature and extreme precipitation SMEs = small and medium enterprises. and flooding. The most common stressor to projects were extreme precipitation and flooding (16), followed Private sector and practitioners were the least engaged by extreme temperature (13) and drought (12) (figure beneficiaries among grantee projects. Practitioners 4.5). Storm surge (2) was the least common climate risk. were listed as beneficiaries only in two projects, and the Strong winds (5), geophysical hazards (4), and sea level private sector was listed as a beneficiary in one project. rise (3) fell in the middle of the distribution. Health GP These are important stakeholders and enablers, and future had the highest climate risk spread. Its four projects efforts could strive to better engage them. The projects, will potentially address all seven climate stressors in on average, listed more than one beneficiary group (3.05). the Resilience Booster pathway map. Projects under While one beneficiary group may be common to most the Energy and Extractives GP were vulnerable to six projects, many projects are building the resilience of stressors, while Agriculture projects may be affected by multiple stakeholder groups. Figure 4.3 shows that youth three stressors. (16 percent) and women (18 percent) occupy an important space in resilience measures. 7 Each climate risk was assigned the value of 1 to calculate average. 19 Figure 4.5 Climate Risks Identified across World Bank GPs 16 14 12 Number of Climate Risks 10 8 6 4 2 0 Drought Extreme Extreme Sea Level Rise Strong Winds Geophysical Storm Surge Temperature Precipitation Hazard and Flooding Climate Risk Agriculture Electicity Environment Finance Health Social Transport Urban Disaster and Extractive Sustainability Risk Resilience Source: World Bank. Note: GPs = Global Practices. 4.2.2 Identifying stakeholder ownership. Therefore, other capacities were Resilience Attributes preferred by projects with limited time span, capacity, and budget. Given the scale of the climate crisis and The project designs, on average, included at least two vulnerability of Africa, more projects might be needed capacity types. The grantee projects identified the need to build transformational capacities, which the AFRI- to build 39 resilience capacities collectively, which implies RES facility can encourage through special provisions. that each project wanted an average of (2.17) resilience capacities (figure 4.6). For instance, the Stormwater Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project would contribute to absorptive and adaptive capacity, while the Nigeria ACReSAL project would contribute It is not enough to work to absorptive, adaptive, and transformative capacities. exclusively on one capacity: It is not enough to work exclusively on one capacity: a combination presents a combination presents a better chance of resilience building. A clear preference emerged for adaptive a better chance of capacities among 17 projects, which focuses on directly resilience building. addressing the risks or exposure to hazards. None of the projects aimed to build transformational capacity. Nine projects combined adaptive and absorptive capacities, and one project (Senegal Affordable Housing) combined absorptive and transformative (figure 4.7). Seven projects prioritized transformative capacity, most likely because it requires longer timelines, resources, and 20 Figure 4.6 Core Resilience Capacities in AFRI-RES Grantee Projects 7 17 Adaptive Absorptive Transformative 15 Source: World Bank. Note: AFRI-RES = Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility. Figure 4.7 AFRI-RES Grantee Projects by Project-Wise Contribution to Core Resilience Capacities Core Resilience Capabilities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Project Number Adaptive Absorptive Transformative Source: World Bank. Note: The project numbers correlate to numbers in table 3.1. AFRI-RES = Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility. 21 4.2.3 Integrating Resilience Attributes into Project Design: Only some interventions will Resilience Booster Pathway be executed in the lifespan of Task Teams applied the Resilience Booster Tool at different stages of the project cycle to generate a series the program. However, they of resilience intervention ideas linked to resilience are essential building blocks attributes, 8 which led to 226 outcome intervention and guide project thinking ideas. Each idea is linked to resilience attributes and can contribute to strengthen climate resilience in project on resilience. design (table 4.1). These include public policy dialogues, geo-scientific data, livelihoods, and urban drainage. Only some interventions will be executed in the lifespan of the program. However, they are essential building blocks and guide project thinking on resilience. Table 4.1 Resilience Attributes and Interventions to Strengthen Resilience in Project Design in AFRI-RES Round II Projects Resilience attribute AFRI-RES Round II Project Resilience intervention Robustness Senegal Stormwater Management Construction of primary and and Climate Change Adaptation secondary collectors, rainwater Project 2 harvesting basins, and road and drainage network infrastructure in unprotected zones of peri-urban Dakar Nigeria Agro-Climatic Resilience Support crop diversification to in Semi-Arid Landscapes withstand climate shocks (ACReSAL) Project Learning Ethiopia Program for Results Training for health workers on (Hybrid) Strengthening Primary improving cold chain management Health Care Services for vaccines Mali Bamako Urban Implement behavior change Resilience Project communication and awareness raising campaigns on hygiene practices Redundancy Ghana Energy Sector Recovery Implement cost-saving programs Program-for-Results to enable the uptake of preventative investments Cabo Verde Renewable Reinforce photovoltaic module Energy and Improved Utility array mounting Performance Project 8 Project outcome interventions refers to the activities that will help achieve resilience attributes. 22 Table 4.1 Resilience Attributes and Interventions to Strengthen Resilience in Project Design in AFRI-RES Round II Projects (continued) Resilience attribute AFRI-RES Round II Project Resilience intervention Rapidity West Africa Food System Leverage agro-hydrometeorological Resilience Program (FSRP) services and impact-based early warning systems to strengthen regional collaboration for food crisis prevention Nigeria Agro-Climatic Resilience Support private sector companies in Semi-Arid Landscapes in improving their business models (ACReSAL) Project so farmers have faster and easier access to irrigation technologies Connectedness Cameroon Douala Urban Creation of dedicated spaces Mobility Project for pedestrians and bicycles to expand accessibility Senegal Affordable Housing Support construction of Program Development Project interconnected infrastructure systems, such as drainage and roads, connecting the new urban center to surrounding areas Diversity Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Diversified livelihood generation Livelihoods Project West Africa Food System Establish new centers of Resilience Program (FSRP) specialization for mechanization, bio-risk management, and integrated landscape management Flexibility Democratic Republic of Congo Mobile payment of electricity bills Access Governance and Reform from customers and digitalization of for the Electricity and Water government bills Sectors Project Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Development of watershed plans Livelihoods Project with multiple activities based on local needs Inclusion Mali Bamako Urban Participatory planning workshops and Resilience Project consultations with women on gender- informed design Cabo Verde Renewable Provide women with training Energy and Improved Utility programs and subsequent long-term Performance Project employment opportunities in rooftop photovoltaic system O&M services 23 Table 4.1 Resilience Attributes and Interventions to Strengthen Resilience in Project Design in AFRI-RES Round II Projects (continued) Resilience attribute AFRI-RES Round II Project Resilience intervention Self- Cameroon Douala Urban Support institutional reform to set up Organization Mobility Project appropriate regulatory institutions and strengthen capacity of central ministries and the formal bus operator SOCATUR Ghana Cocoa Sector Support the formation of farmer- Development Project based organizations and cooperatives Source: World Bank. Note: For further examples of resilience attributes, see appendix A. AFRI-RES = Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility; O&M = operations and maintenance; SOCATUR = Société Camerounaise de transports urbains. The diverse interventions identified by the Task Teams increased uptake of hygiene practices, which would reduce can bolster overall project resilience. Robustness can transmission of infectious diseases and reduce premature enhance resilience by increasing the capacity of systems mortality in the region. or communities to endure and recover from shocks and disruptions through redundancy, backup systems, Redundancy can reinforce resilience by providing and contingency planning. The Senegal Stormwater alternative or backup resources, systems, or processes Management and Climate Change Adaptation Project to ensure that critical functions can continue and the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid despite disruptions or failures. The Ghana Energy Landscapes (ACReSAL) Project identified robustness, Sector Recovery Program-for-Results identified the including constructing drainage network infrastructure implementation of energy cost-saving programs to enable and diversifying with crops that can better withstand the uptake of preventative investments as an intervention climate shocks. These interventions support physical to support redundancy. This intervention can create a preparedness and protection that could enhance financial surplus that can be used to either respond robustness and overall resilience in project areas. to climatic events or implement alternative sources of energy and backup systems that would allow operations Learning can strengthen resilience by promoting in the face of climate shocks. reflection, analysis, and the incorporation of lessons learned from past experiences, allowing individuals Rapidity can accelerate resilience by enabling quick and organizations to improve their ability to anticipate, and effective responses to emergent challenges adapt, and respond to future challenges. The Ethiopia through rapid decision-making, agile systems, Program for Results (Hybrid) Strengthening Primary and efficient communication networks. The West Health Care Services identified training for health Africa Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) workers to improve vaccine cold chain management as identified strengthening agro-hydrometeorological an intervention to support learning through a customized services and impact-based early warning systems as an capacity building program. The Mali Bamako Urban intervention to support regional food crisis prevention Resilience Project identified the intervention of behavior and management. Scaling up early warning systems change communication and awareness raising campaigns and agro-hydrometeorological services can enable on hygiene practices, which would support learning communities to avoid loss of crops and food insecurity by through distributing traditional knowledge. If successful, more effectively anticipating and coordinating responses this intervention could support resilience through to climate shocks. 24 Connectedness can foster resilience through Self-organization can bolster resilience by partnerships that promote information and resource empowering communities to take collective action, sharing and expansion. The Cameroon Douala Urban build social networks, and leverage local resources Mobility Project supports connectedness through to adapt to and recover from challenges. The Ghana creating dedicated spaces for pedestrians and bicycles Cocoa Sector Development Project focuses on to expand accessibility. Access to formal networks interventions that can strengthen local leadership and throughout Douala can enhance resilience through collaboration at the local level through creating farmer- cross-scale integration that enables mobility. led cooperatives. Diversity can strengthen resilience by fostering Certain resilience attributes were applicable to a perspectives, knowledge, and skills that can help broad range of projects, and others addressed specific identify and address complex challenges, promote project objectives. The top three resilience attributes innovation, and improve decision-making. The applied by the projects were robustness (14), learning Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project (12), and inclusion (seven) (figure 4.8). The presence of selected leveraging diversified livelihood generation as an robustness across 14 of the projects supports its ranking intervention to bolster resilience by helping smallholder and relevance among all the resilience attributes. The farmers integrate in the supply chains of large firms and bottom three attributes by use are rapidity (four), self- SMEs (small and midsize enterprises). organization (four), and flexibility (four). On average, the projects use 1.51 resilience attributes, implying that Flexibility can bolster resilience by enabling resilience building should focus on multiple attributes. individuals, organizations, and communities to adapt Thus, identifying key resilience attributes ensures they and adjust to changing circumstances and challenges fit the project’s purpose. The clear description and through agile systems, contingency planning, and ability to distinguish between resilience attributes the ability to pivot and change course as needed. becomes important. The Affordable Housing Program The intervention of mobile payment of electricity bills Development Project team noted in the feedback from customers and digitalization of government bills survey that, “The resilience attributes are a bit difficult supports adaptable decision-making in the Democratic to identify as there seems to be some overlap between the Republic of Congo Governance and Reform for the attributes.” Elaborating on resilience attributes beyond Electricity and Water Sectors Project. the definitions would enable future grantee projects to select them with more confidence and clarity. Inclusion can promote resilience by ensuring that all voices and perspectives are represented and heard, leading to greater ownership, collaboration, and adaptability, which reduces the risk of exclusion, marginalization, or conflict. The Mali Bamako Urban Resilience Project identified participatory planning workshops and consultations with women on gender- informed design as an intervention to increase inclusion. Enhancing inclusion through participative processes at the community level can bolster resilience through identifying new ideas, solutions, and strategies to address community challenges and building trust in the community. The Cabo Verde Renewable Energy and Improved Utility Performance Project identified the intervention of providing women with training programs and long-term employment opportunities in the energy sector. This intervention can increase resilience through reduction gaps by expanding the availability of programs to improve the skills and competencies of vulnerable community members. 25 Figure 4.8 Resilience Attributes Linked with Top Three Project Outcomes in Resilience Booster Tool 14 12 Frequency of Resilience Attribute 10 8 6 4 2 0 Robustness Learning Connectedness Inclusion Self-Organization Diversity Redundancy Rapidity Flexibility Resilience Attribute Source: World Bank. Figure 4.9 Frequency of Selection of Resilience Attributes for Monitoring in Resilience Booster Tool 3 Frequency of Resilience Attribute 2 1 0 Robustness Learning Connectedness Inclusion Self-Organization Diversity Redundancy Rapidity Flexibility Resilience Attribute Source: World Bank. 26 Mechanical shovel at a mine. Arandia, Namibia. Credit: John Hogg/World Bank 4.2.4 Results and Monitoring Most Task Teams opted not to complete step 5 of the Enhancing inclusion through Reliance Booster, which creates a set of baselines participative processes at and targets that the teams could use to monitor their projects’ progress over time. Task Teams of three the community level can projects9 completed step 5 and generated baselines and bolster resilience through targets. Of those, some teams selected one attribute to monitor, and other teams selected three. Robustness identifying new ideas, was the most frequently selected attribute to monitor, solutions, and strategies followed by learning, then redundancy, diversity, and to address community inclusion (figure 4.9). The frequency of these attribute selections for long-term monitoring follows logically challenges and building trust because they generally mirror the frequency of resilience in the community. attributes connected to project outcomes. Labeling step 5 as an option (requiring a further 10 minutes) may have led to its low uptake by Task Teams. In hindsight, this step is critically important for revisiting resilience throughout 9 Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Livelihoods Project, Nigeria Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes (ACRESAL) Project, Senegal Affordable Housing Program Development Project. 27 the project’s lifespan and strengthening project resilience A midwife at Ross Road Comminity as the project unfolds. When updated, the tool should Health Center. Freetown, Sierra Leone. include this as a core part of the application. Credit: Dominic Chavez/World Bank 4.3 Task Team Experience, Value Addition of the Resilience Booster Tool, and Areas for Enhancement The Resilience Booster map and accompanying knowledge products have enhanced the conceptual understanding of resilience, as reflected in Task Team testimonials. Understanding resilience as a concept that can be embedded into development projects is nascent to many World Bank Task Teams. One team member from the Gambia Inclusive and Resilient Agricultural women-led agribusiness firms equipped with modern Value Chain Development Project reflected, “I had many irrigation equipment powered with solar pumping and questions about resilience. The resilience workshop was helpful learning from the previous World-Bank financed project for in unpacking resilience and the online tool.” Another team the right dimension of the borehole and drip system. Doing member from the Cabo Verde Renewable Energy and so, the project will lead toward resilience outcomes with Improved Utility Performance Project explained, “Yes, women no longer depending on weather conditions for their the Resilience Tool is easy to apply once you get the learning horticultural crops and with extended cropped areas, more curve. It presents a clear picture of the project (executive production, and more income for better household welfare.” summary for someone that wants to strengthen the resiliency of a project). The fact that it is online also helps.” These quotes The Resilience Booster Tool allowed overarching speak directly and powerfully to the ease of application climate risks to be narrowed into small, actionable tenet of the conceptual framework. interventions. For instance, it helped identify flooding, extreme temperatures, and forest fires as the highest Enhanced understanding and unpacking of resilience level of threat to the BEAS Project’s infrastructure helped project teams go beyond technical, sometimes and the vulnerability level of the distribution grid to technocratic, targets and make broader social and each risk. As a next step, the study conducted through development linkages that were hitherto missing. the grant identified that the risk of heat and wildfire The use of the Resilience Booster made projects more to distribution lines built through concrete or metal is effective and resilient, such as the gender linkages in lower than that of wooden poles. The AFRI-RES grant the Benin Electricity Access Scale-Up (BEAS) Project. money was used by seven projects to deliver climate and The BEAS project report states that “the activity did not vulnerability assessments, underscoring their value to have an emphasis on diversity or inclusion as these elements resilience building efforts (table 4.2). are not directly integrated into power gird resilience but are included in the BEAS project as part of the Technical The Resilience Booster map has created a conducive Assistance, which includes indicators for female headed space and argument for greater dialogue and inclusion households electrified and gender targets for technical in grantee projects. Four projects used the grant to hold staff in the utility.” Once applying the Resilience extensive public consultations. The West FSRP held Booster, the Team could identify and draw out gender a four-day virtual stakeholder conference, “Under the linkages. Further, the Gambia Inclusive and Resilient Palaver Tree: Unpacking Food System Resilience in Agricultural Value Chain Development Project Team West Africa,” with 500 stakeholders, leading to critical reflected on unanticipated gender outcomes in their project inputs. These examples demonstrate a clear and report, stating that “the technical feasibility study will visible value addition of resilience and the Resilience inform the right technical specification for the design of Booster Tool to grantee projects. 28 Table 4.2 Projects That Contain Climate and Vulnerability Assessments as Grant Deliverables Project Deliverables Ethiopia Resilient Landscapes and Climate Vulnerability Analysis Report Livelihoods Project Democratic Republic of Congo Climate risk assessment and recommendations Access Governance and Reform for the Electricity and Water Sectors Project Cabo Verde Renewable Energy and Diagnosis of importance of key risks and Improved Utility Performance Project development of a risk matrix showing each risk and its potential impact on the proposed project Senegal Stormwater Management Review of the technical rigor of vulnerability analysis and Climate Change Adaptation and flood risk assessment for integration in urban Project 2 planning and urban reforms Sierra Leone Quality Essential National-Level Climate and Health Health Services and Systems Country Assessment Support Project Ghana Landscape Restoration and Climate Vulnerability Analysis Report Small-Scale Mining Project Ghana Energy Sector Recovery Disaster and Climate Risk Assessment Program-for-Results Mali Bamako Urban Integration of digital climate risk and infrastructure Resilience Project data into a municipal web platform Source: World Bank. 29 Akuapem Rural Bank. Mamfa, Ghana. Credit: Jonathan Ernst/World Bank 4.4 Scope for Improvements million). This is notable as energy access projects have traditionally not been recognized for their climate resilience benefits in the climate co-benefit methodology (this has changed There is untapped potential for projects, personnel, beginning FY22). We can be reasonably confident through and GPs to cross-learn and share knowledge on deduction that the activity can be attributed to US$43.36 resilience efforts. Many projects have faced similar million in adaptation climate co-benefits, which is 67 percent challenges in data gaps and low levels of capacity and of the project’s overall climate co-benefits (BEAS closing understanding to operationalize resilience. Task Teams report).” Through its systematic approach, the Resilience have developed a set of unique and innovative solutions Booster Tool can help countries meet the Bank’s Paris to these challenges that can offer useful lessons and Agreement alignment commitment. As of July 1, 2023, guides. As noted in the Gambia Inclusive and Resilient 100 percent of new World Bank financing operations Agricultural Value Chain Development Project report, must align with the goals of the Paris Agreement to fight “Planned studies will provide the project and others from against and adapt to global warming. Agriculture and Food GP and Water GP with good feasibility studies that could be used or updated for an efficient irrigation The Resilience Booster Tool can allow teams to system to build smallholders’ and SMEs’ resilience to climate collaborate more effectively through user interface change and increase climate co-benefits.” and functionality. One team member suggested to “include other export formats to facilitate integration on project Resilience efforts can link climate intervention docs. It could also help if specific components could be exported projects to support climate co-benefits. Through separately. There should be also a way to save the work for resilience, projects can improve their climate co-benefits revisions and comments.” score and contribute more effectively to World Bank’s target for 35 percent of its financing to have climate co-benefits, on average, over the next five years. As one project team explained, “The [Resilience Booster Tool] has also helped increase the climate co-benefits of the project, and it has reached 32.36 percent climate co-benefits (US$64.71 30 5. Key Lessons and Recommendations These recommendations summarize key lessons and takeaways from the AFRI-RES grant for maximizing the potential to embed resilience. They are drawn from the grantee project contexts but have widespread application for other projects in Africa and beyond. • The Resilience Booster Tool provides a pathway for • The Resilience Booster Tool strengthens project World Bank projects with specific technical targets linkages with climate co-benefits and corporate and in diverse GPs to embed climate resilience into commitments. These linkages need to be developed projects and strengthen their overall efficacy. and better communicated for wider application. • Permutations and combinations of resilience • The Resilience Booster Tool needs better user attributes and core capacities allow projects to address interface, sophistication, and functionality to help local and contextualized climate shocks and stressors. projects collaborate effectively. • Identification of key resilience attributes and their • The Resilience Booster Tool allows a broad range of combination is key to climate resilience. The AFRI- climate risks to be narrowed and understood, paving RES team can further support this process through the way for climate resilience interventions. development of case studies and checklists. • Climate resilience measures can differ considerably • The ideal stage at which to apply the Resilience in project locations, and the Resilience Booster Booster Tool is before and during the Concept Note map allows projects to develop differentiated stage of World Bank projects. Retrofitting could response mechanisms. provide a basis to track progress of resilience through a select set of attributes if these can be matched with • Climate and vulnerability assessments are often the baselines and targets. foundation of resilience efforts. These have been employed effectively to narrow down the main climate • The online and open access of the Resilience Booster risks, which are the ones that need most attention. Tool can help Task Teams to leverage it and develop a theory of change for climate resilience. There • There is ample scope and opportunity for cross- were missed opportunities on the use of the tool to learning and knowledge exchange on climate track progress. Tracking should be encouraged in resilience, which is an area for deeper focus under the future. AFIR-RES. The Resilience Booster Tool and other knowledge products offer a platform for the same and • The Resilience Booster Tool significantly improves should be developed as such. Task Teams’ understanding of resilience as a concept, creating a fertile ground for scaling up climate resilience. 31 Appendix A: Resilience Booster Tool Feedback Survey Questions 1. During which phase of the program did you apply 7. Which of these documents can benefit from the the resilience booster tool? resilience booster tool: Project Appraisal Document, Environmental and Social Review Summary, 2. How difficult was the application of the resilience Implementation Status and Results Report, booster tool? Stakeholder Engagement Plan? 3. How much time did the application of resilience 8. Has the resilience booster tool increased your booster tool take? understanding of resilience as a concept? 4. Are the resilience attributes easy to understand? 9. Did the resilience booster tool help to set out or improve the narrative of project components 5. Would you recommend other projects to apply and activities? the resilience booster tool? Yes or No. Please give reasons for your choice. 10. Do you believe the resilience booster tool can help strengthen linkages with climate co-benefits 6. Please share one example of how resilience attributes corporate commitment? benefit your project? 11. Why did the project feel the need to embed resilience? 12. Please share any other ref lections or thoughts concerning the resilience booster tool and attributes. Dar es Salaam Port, Tanzania. Credit: Rob Beechey/World Bank 32 Appendix B: Round I AFRI-RES Grantee Projects AFRI-RES GRANT no. ROUND I AFRI-RES GRANTEE PROJECTS (US$) FINANCING (€) 1 Cameroon Valorization of Investments in the Valley of the 84,182 Benue Project (200 M) 2 Ethiopia Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project (315 M) 84,000 3 Ghana Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development 85,600 Project (200 M) 4 Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (100 M) 83,300 5 Guinea Commercial Agribusiness Development Project (100M) 27,500 6 Malawi Mpatamanga Hydropower Project (300 M) 86,600 7 Nigeria Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support Project 27,500 (500 M) 8 Tanzania Transport Integration Project (550 M) 42,000 9 Tanzania Roads to Inclusion and Socioeconomic 42,400 Opportunities (RISE) Program (300 M) 10 Tanzania Productive Social Safety Net II (616.90 M) 84,000 11 Uganda Irrigation for Climate Resilience Project (169.20 M) 88,378 Source: World Bank. 33 References Alexander, D. 2013. “Resilience and Disaster Risk Metaxas, T. and Psarrapoulou, S. 2021. “Sustianable Reduction: An Etymological Journey.” Natural Development and Resilience: A Combined Analysis Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13: 2707–16. of the Cities of Rotterdam and Thessaloniki.” Urban Science 5 (4): 78. 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