The World Bank Tamil Nadu Women Employment And Safety Operation (P180699) Appraisal Environmental and Social Review Summary Appraisal Stage (ESRS Appraisal Stage) For Official Use Only Date Prepared/Updated: 06/27/2024 | Report No: ESRSA03581 Jun 27, 2024 Page 1 of 9 The World Bank Tamil Nadu Women Employment And Safety Operation (P180699) I. BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Operation Data Operation ID Product Operation Acronym Approval Fiscal Year P180699 Program-for-Results Financing (PforR) TNWeSafe 2025 Operation Name Tamil Nadu Women Employment and Safety Operation Country/Region Code Beneficiary country/countries Region Practice Area (Lead) (borrower, recipient) India India SOUTH ASIA Social Protection & Jobs Borrower(s) Implementing Agency(ies) Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date India Special Program Implementation 10-Jun-2024 17-Oct-2024 Department. Estimated Decision Total Project Cost For Official Use Only Review Date 29-Feb-2024 631,560,000.00 Proposed Development Objective The Program Development Objective is to improve women access to quality jobs in non-farm sectors. B. Is the operation being prepared in a Situation of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints, as per Bank IPF Policy, para. 12? No C. Summary Description of Proposed Project Activities [Description imported from the PAD Data Sheet in the Portal providing information about the key aspects and components/sub-components of the project] The Government of Tamil Nadu (GoTN) implements a multi-sector program that focuses on women’s economic empowerment through skill building, enterprise support, infrastructure development, and service delivery interventions. Complementing the state’s economic vision, the Tamil Nadu Women’s Policy (2021, draft) puts forward a comprehensive plan for women’s empowerment. The proposed PforR Program, Tamil Nadu Women Employment and Safety (WeSafe) will support a subset of the government program to improve women’s access to quality jobs in non- farm and emerging sectors. Traditional government programming on women’s employment has adopted a sector- Jun 27, 2024 Page 2 of 9 The World Bank Tamil Nadu Women Employment And Safety Operation (P180699) specific delivery approach; either through skill development, rural livelihoods, entrepreneurship promotion, or school- to-work transition related interventions. The WeSafe Program proposes an alternate, integrated programming approach to address bottlenecks that impede women’s access to quality jobs through: (i) strengthening state-level planning capacities via the state-led platform on women’s employment and district-led women’s quality employment plans; (ii) promoting targeted skilling and entrepreneurship support linked to emerging sectors; and (iii) improving delivery of enabling services in women’s safety, affordable housing, and care. The Program will support three Result Areas (RAs) that will contribute towards the achievement of the Program Development Objective. 1. RA 1: EMPLOY: Improved labor market performance for women in emerging sectors: Result Area 1 introduces an outcome-driven approach to enhance the relevance, accessibility, quality, and efficiency of skills training and entrepreneurship support for women in Tamil Nadu. 2. RA 2: ENABLE: Enhanced delivery of enabling services to promote women’s employment: Under Results Area 2, the Program will support setting up an investment framework to improve coordinated outreach, quality, and impact of enabling services particularly safety/violence prevention in public places and workplaces, affordable housing options, and care services. 3. RA 3: EMPOWER: Strengthened state capacities, technical partnerships, and institutional structures for women’s employment: Under Results Area 3, the state will develop a common results framework to support the roll- out of the state’s women policy and directly contribute to the state’s economic goal of achieving a trillion-dollar economic status. The Program will support setting-up of a state-led platform for women’s employment. D. Environmental and Social Overview D.1 Overview of Environmental and Social Project Settings [Description of key features relevant to the operation’s environmental and social risks and opportunities (e.g., whether the For Official Use Only project is nationwide or regional in scope, urban/rural, in an FCV context, presence of Indigenous Peoples or other minorities, involves associated facilities, high-biodiversity settings, etc.) – Max. character limit 10,000] The project will be situated in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The program activities would be conducted at the state level through priority departments, including the Micro, small & medium enterprises (MSME) Department, Industries and Commerce Department, State Skills Development Corporation, Labor and Employment Department and Department of Social Welfare & women’s empowerment (DSWWE). At the state level, the Program will be anchored with the Development Commissioner’s office and the Special Program Implementation Department (SPID). Program implementation will also happen at the district level, which includes spheres like working women’s hostels, industrial housing for women workers, safety, violence prevention and care-related initiatives. Overall, the Operation will be rolled out statewide. However, considering that the focus of the Operation is on non-farm and emerging sectors, priority will be given to areas where there are more challenges and more opportunities to impact to improve FLFP and create quality jobs for women. In this regard, urban and semi urban areas will be prioritized including areas around expanding industrial clusters. Within the non-farm sector, the Operation will prioritize sub- sectors that have a demonstrated high growth trajectory including those with minimum environment and social impacts. These include, garments, non-leather footwear, automobiles, green jobs, and digital sectors. GoTN under the “Guidance Tamil Nadu” initiative (Nodal Agency for Investment Promotion) identifies these as “sunrise sectors”. The roll-out and coverage of the Operation will also vary depending on the nature and categories of the interventions. For example, new intervention areas related to care and safety will focus on urban areas and will be expanded gradually throughout the state, including options for piloting. However, common intervention areas such as skill development, partnerships, policy, and platforms will have wider outreach and coverage Jun 27, 2024 Page 3 of 9 The World Bank Tamil Nadu Women Employment And Safety Operation (P180699) D.2 Overview of Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Managing Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts [Description of Borrower’s capacity (i.e., prior performance under the Safeguard Policies or ESF, experience applying E&S policies of IFIs, Environmental and social unit/staff already in place) and willingness to manage risks and impacts and of provisions planned or required to have capabilities in place, along with the needs for enhanced support to the Borrower – Max. character limit 10,000] The Program will include the following priority departments: MSME Department, Industries and Commerce Department, State Skills Development Corporation, Labor and Employment Department and DSWWE. At the state level, the Program will be anchored with the Development Commissioner’s office and with the Special Program Implementation Department (SPID). A Project Director will be appointed to expedite the preparation stage activities and will report to the Development Commissioner of the state. At the district level, the DSWWE will be the nodal department for district level implementation. In the interim, Principal Secretary, DSWWE and Commissioner, DSWWE will coordinate preparation stage activities. The SPID will act as the nodal agency for implementing the IPF-TA component by procuring critical consultancies to facilitate the design and implementation of the PforR. As the nodal agency for development planning, co-ordination and facilitation, and given the low E&S risks for the IPF-TA component of the program, the SPID is well placed to carry out activities under the IPF-TA in compliance with the ESF requirements. Further, the institutional capacity of the SPID to manage E&S risks is currently being assessed through an Environment and Social Systems Assessment (ESSA), which will be prepared as part of the PforR preparation. The institutional systems appear to be largely robust with a few gaps which can be filled with adequate support. The ESSA will inform For Official Use Only about the current E&S capacity of the implementing agencies and also provide recommendations (as required) to strengthen its Environment and Social Systems. The proposed recommendations will be captured accordingly in the ESCP. II. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL (ES) RISKS AND IMPACTS A. Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) Low A.1 Environmental Risk Rating Low [Summary of key factors contributing to risk rating, in accordance with the ES Directive and the Technical Note on Screening and Risk Classification under the ESF – Max. character limit 4,000] Activities under the proposed IPF-TA component are not expected to have any adverse environmental impacts and will be restricted to hiring of technical consultancy and/or advisory services provided to support the design and implementation of the PforR while also build capacity of the core departments. These contractual services will be entirely technical in nature (with no physical interventions or site investments). Given the scope and envisaged activities of the TA, the environmental risks and impacts are assessed to be low. The risk will be reassessed and revised after the ESSA recommendations are finalized, and at the Appraisal stage, if needed. A.2 Social Risk Rating Low [Summary of key factors contributing to risk rating, in accordance with the ES Directive and the Technical Note on Screening and Risk Classification under the ESF – Max. character limit 4,000] Jun 27, 2024 Page 4 of 9 The World Bank Tamil Nadu Women Employment And Safety Operation (P180699) The social risk rating for the activities under the proposed IPF-TA component are not expected to have any adverse social impacts. Social impacts, if any will be restricted to consultancy/advisory services and capacity building of the core departments. Given the scope and envisaged activities of the TA, the social risks and impacts are assessed to be low. The risk will be reassessed and revised after the ESSA recommendations are finalized, and at the Appraisal stage, if needed. [Summary of key factors contributing to risk rating. This attribute is only for the internal version of the download document and not a part of the disclosable version – Max. character limit 8,000] B. Environment and Social Standards (ESS) that Apply to the Activities Being Considered B.1 Relevance of Environmental and Social Standards ESS1 - Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Relevant [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This standard is relevant to assess and manage potential environmental and social risks associated with the technical advisory services that the project will support and to assess the overall capacity of the Implementing Agencies to mitigate and manage such risks. The technical advisories proposed under this IPF-TA will be screened for any E&S risks. The required actions to avoid, minimize, and mitigate these risks will be incorporated into the Terms of For Official Use Only Reference (ToRs) of the relevant activity. The SPID will also prepare Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP) including Labour Management Procedures (LMP), as required, to ensure alignment of the activities and outputs under this IPF with ESF requirements. A Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) will also be prepared to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are engaged with in a structured and planned fashion. The relevant requirements will be reflected in the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). There will be no support provided for construction or any form of infrastructure development through this TA. ESS10 - Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure Relevant [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This standard is relevant. The key stakeholders for this TA include the main implementing agencies, their key arms at the state and district level; and contracted workers who will be involved in capacity-building programs and training activities. Other interested parties will include the implementing agencies, which are a part of the PforR Program. The beneficiaries of the overall operation would also be important stakeholders. Consultations and engaging with these stakeholders during project preparation, as well as during implementation will be crucial for the project. Extensive consultations are being conducted as part of the Environmental and Social Systems Assessment underway for the PforR component of the operation. Further, a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) would also be prepared, laying out a strategy to identify and map key stakeholders, including vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. It will define the mode and frequency of engagement with stakeholders at various stages of the project cycle and ensure that consultations and engagement with stakeholders are conducted in a timely, relevant, clear, comprehensible manner with easy access to project information. While there are existing statutory Grievance Redressal Mechanisms, they will need to be strengthened to ensure feedback, consultation, and effective communication with stakeholders during the Jun 27, 2024 Page 5 of 9 The World Bank Tamil Nadu Women Employment And Safety Operation (P180699) preparation and implementation phase. The SEP will be disclosed consistent with the requirements of ESS10 and will be updated, as necessary. The Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRM) for all the implementing agencies will be updated and operationalized for the project to allow for feedback and complaints as part of the SEP. The proposed project and the SEP will build upon existing government systems. Project-related information will be shared with key stakeholders in English and in the local language (Tamil). In addition, the ESSA and ESCP will be disclosed both in country/locally as well as on the Bank’s website. ESS2 - Labor and Working Conditions Relevant [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This ESS is relevant in the context of contracted workers who could be involved in capacity-building programs and training activities. The Indian legal framework is reasonably well aligned with the requirements of the ESF for the purposes of such contracted workers. The implementing agencies would comply with all applicable laws in implementation of all activities under the operation. Further, if required, Labour Management Procedures (LMP) could be prepared to ensure that all requirements are being complied with. ESS3 - Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management Not Currently Relevant [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This ESS is not relevant for this IPF-TA as the TA will not include any form of construction or infrastructure For Official Use Only development activities that would need consideration of resource efficiency or pollution prevention and management. If required, for future activities and capacity building exercise that are informed by the outputs of the current TAs under this IPF component, requirements for avoiding, minimizing, and mitigating any potential risks will be incorporated into the Terms of Reference (ToRs) of the proposed activity. ESS4 - Community Health and Safety Not Currently Relevant [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This ESS is not relevant. ESS5 - Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement Not Currently Relevant [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This ESS is not relevant. ESS6 - Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Not Currently Relevant Resources [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This ESS is not relevant. Jun 27, 2024 Page 6 of 9 The World Bank Tamil Nadu Women Employment And Safety Operation (P180699) ESS7 - Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Not Currently Relevant Local Communities [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This ESS is not relevant. ESS8 - Cultural Heritage Not Currently Relevant [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This ESS is not relevant. ESS9 - Financial Intermediaries Not Currently Relevant [Explanation - Max. character limit 10,000] This ESS is not relevant. B.2 Legal Operational Policies that Apply OP 7.50 Operations on International Waterways No For Official Use Only OP 7.60 Operations in Disputed Areas No B.3 Other Salient Features Use of Borrower Framework In Whole [Explanation including areas where “Use of Borrower Framework” is being considered - Max. character limit 10,000] The Borrower Framework would be applied for the IPF TA component of the program. Use of Common Approach No [Explanation including list of possible financing partners – Max. character limit 4,000] Not applicable B.4 Summary of Assessment of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts [Description provided will not be disclosed but will flow as a one time flow to the Appraisal Stage PID and PAD – Max. character limit 10,000] The E&S risks for the activities under the proposed IPF-TA component are not expected to have any adverse social impacts and will be restricted to soft activities like analytics, consultancy/advisory services and capacity building of the core Jun 27, 2024 Page 7 of 9 The World Bank Tamil Nadu Women Employment And Safety Operation (P180699) departments. Additionally, risks related to labour are expected to be minimal as direct workers and contracted workers, through third party consulting/advisory service providers, are likely to have well-defined employment terms and/or formal contracts in compliance with national labor laws. The are no risks to biodiversity, community health and safety, resource efficiency or risks of pollution under this IPF as it is entirely and only technical in nature to support the preparation of the PforR project. To address SEA/SH/GBV related risks for these workers, adequate measures will be ensured through a functional and sensitive GRM which would be equipped for handling such complaints and sensitization of concerned stakeholders. Stakeholders will be mapped during preparation and the SEP thus prepared will include details on modes and frequency of engaging with them. C. Overview of Required Environmental and Social Risk Management Activities C.1 What Borrower environmental and social analyses, instruments, plans and/or frameworks are planned or required by implementation? [Description of expectations in terms of documents to be prepared to assess and manage the project’s environmental and social risks and by when (i.e., prior to Effectiveness, or during implementation), highlighted features of ESA documents, other project documents where environmental and social measures are to be included, and the related due diligence process planned to be carried out by the World Bank, including sources of information for the due diligence - Max. character limit 10,000] By Appraisal, the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan incorporating key requirements from the Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Labour Management Procedures, OHS provisions and ESMPs would be required to be prepared. For Official Use Only III. CONTACT POINT World Bank Task Team Leader: Muderis Abdulahi Mohammed Title: Senior Social Protection Specialist Email: TTL Contact: Pradyumna Bhattacharjee Job Title: Education Specialist Email: IV. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Jun 27, 2024 Page 8 of 9 The World Bank Tamil Nadu Women Employment And Safety Operation (P180699) The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: V. APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): Muderis Abdulahi Mohammed, Pradyumna Bhattacharjee ADM Environmental Specialist: Anuja Shukla ADM Social Specialist: Devika Bahadur For Official Use Only Jun 27, 2024 Page 9 of 9