Sample Procurement Plan I. General 1. Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan Original: February 24, 2017 2. Date of General Procurement Notice: To Be Published 3. Period covered by this procurement plan: August 2017 to February 2019 II. Goods and Works and non-consulting services. 1. Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement: Type of Procurement Prior Review Threshold (>=US million) Works (including turnkey, supply and 5 installation of plant and equipment, and Public Private Partnership (PPP) Goods, information technology and 1.5 non-consulting services 2. Prequalification. Bidders for _Not applicable_ shall be prequalified in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2.9 and 2.10 of the Guidelines. 3. Proposed Procedures for CDD Components (as per paragraph. 3.17 of the Guidelines: Not Applicable. 4. Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual: Project Implementation Manual Issued by the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity, August 2017. 5. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: Not Applicable. Summary of the Procurement Packages planned during the first 18 months after project effectiveness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 July 9, 2010 Ref. Descripti Estimated Packag Domestic Review Com No. on Cost es Preference by Bank men US$ (yes/no) (Prior / ts million Post) 1 Summary 32 2 To be Prior of the ICB Determine (Works) d 2 Summary 10.2 6 To be Prior of the ICB Determine (Goods) d 3 Summary 19.4 5 No Post of the NCB (Works) 4 Summary 0.28 1 No Post of the NCB (Goods) III. Selection of Consultants 1. Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants: 2. Type of Procurement Prior Review Threshold (>=US million) Consultants: firms 0.5 Consultants: Individuals 0.2 2. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than $_300,000_equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines. 3. Any Other Special Selection Arrangements: Not Applicable. 4. Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ref. Description of Estimat Package Review Comment No. Assignment ed s by Bank s Cost (Prior / US$ Post) million 1 Summary of 3.5 3 Prior number of July 9, 2010 contracts that will be let under QCBS 2 Summary of 11.8 14 Post number of contracts that will be let under QCBS 3 Summary of 10.1 31 Post CQS/IC number of contracts that will be let under other methods July 9, 2010 PROCUREMENT Ethiopia : Second Ethiopia Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project PLAN General Information Country: Ethiopia 2018-01-15 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2024-06-27 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P156433 GPN Date: 2018-02-02 Project Name: Second Ethiopia Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / 60070, IDA / 60080 Ministry of Water Irrigation and Electricity, WSS Program Management Unit Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. Procurement Estimated Actual A Bid Evaluation Repo Loan / Credit Market Approa Procurement Pr Prequalificatio High SEA/SH Process Draft Pre-qualificatio Prequalification Eval Draft Bidding Docu Specific Procuremen Bidding Documents Proposal Submission Contract Compl / Description Component Review Type Method Document Ty Amount ( mount ( rt and Recommenda Signed Contract No. ch ocess n (Y/N) Risk Status n Documents uation Report ment / Justification t Notice / Invitation as Issued / Opening / Minutes etion pe US$) US$) tion for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planne d ET-MOWIE-77733-CW-DIR Component 2: Sanitation 2018-11-2 2018-12-0 2019-01-0 2019-05- / Pipe laying for Dire Dewa IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Direct Selection Direct 458,379.00 0.00 Canceled 8 3 7 07 town water supply project improvement in secondar by Dire Dewa town y cities ET-MOWIE-143512-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Under Imp B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-07-2 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-08-2 2020-01-2 2020-09-1 2020-02-2 2020-08- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati nd communal toilet for Aso improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 0 5 5 6 4 4 8 26 on sa town by Asosa Water S y cities upply and Sewerage Autho rity ET-MOWIE-143682-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,626,000. 2019-11-2 2020-02-2 2019-12-0 2020-01-0 2020-04-2 2020-01-3 2021-05-2 2020-03-0 2021-05- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed and communal latrines fo improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 7 9 2 1 7 1 1 6 30 r Bahirdar town by Bahird y cities ar town Water Supply Pro ject ET-MOWIE-143697-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,002,000. 2019-11-2 2020-06-0 2019-12-0 2020-01-0 2020-07-2 2020-02-0 2020-09-0 2020-03-0 2020-10-1 2021-05- and communal latrines fo IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 8 5 3 2 8 1 2 7 0 31 r Adama Town By Adam y cities a Town Waste Water Mana gement Project ET-MOWIE-143699-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public Pending I and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,192,000. 2019-11-2 2019-12-0 2020-01-0 2020-02-0 2020-03-0 2021-05- and communal latrines fo IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 mplement improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 8 3 2 1 7 31 r Diredewa Town by Dire ation y cities dewa Town Water Supply and Sewerage Enterprise ET-MOWIE-143704-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,436,000. 2019-11-2 2020-03-1 2019-12-0 2020-01-0 2020-04-1 2020-02-0 2020-05-0 2020-03-0 2020-06-1 2021-05- and communal latrines fo IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 8 5 3 2 4 1 6 7 7 31 r Hawasa Town by Hawas y cities a Town Water supply and sewerage service ET-MOWIE-143535-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-11-0 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-12-0 2020-01-2 2020-12-2 2020-02-2 2020-08- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed nd communal toilet for De improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 6 5 5 7 4 9 8 26 ssie town by Water Supply y cities and Sewerage Authority ET-MOWIE-143530-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-03-0 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-04-0 2020-01-2 2020-04-0 2020-02-2 2020-08- nd communal toilet for De IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 8 5 5 7 4 7 8 26 ghabur town by Deghabur y cities Water Supply and Sewera ge Enterprise ET-MOWIE-143532-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-03-0 2019-12-0 2020-01-0 2020-04-0 2020-02-0 2020-05-2 2020-03-0 2020-09- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed nd communal toilet for So improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 8 1 3 2 6 1 7 7 03 do town by Sodo Water y cities Supply and Sewerage Auth ority ET-MOWIE-142793-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of FSM (fe and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 8,610,620. 2019-12-2 2019-12-3 2020-02-1 2020-03-1 2020-04-1 2021-11- cal sludge management) f IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids 0.00 Canceled improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 78 5 0 0 1 5 06 or Bahirdar and Hawasa T y cities owns by water developme nt commission ET-MOWIE-143521-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-03-1 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-04-0 2020-01-2 2020-05-0 2020-02-2 2020-05-2 2020-08- nd communal toilet for Se IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 0 5 5 9 4 3 8 9 26 mera towns by Semera W y cities ater Supply and Sewerage Authority ET-MOWIE-143537-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-10-1 2019-12-0 2020-01-0 2020-11-1 2020-02-0 2021-01-0 2020-03-0 2021-02-1 2020-09- nd communal toilet for De IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 8 6 3 2 6 1 4 7 2 03 brebirhan town by Debreb y cities irhan Water Supply and Se werage Authority ET-MOWIE-143510-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-05-1 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-06-1 2020-01-2 2020-07-0 2020-02-2 2020-08- and communal toilet for As IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 2 5 5 0 4 7 8 26 ella Town by Asella Water y cities Supply and Sewerage Ente rprise ET-MOWIE-143522-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 490,071.1 2019-11-2 2020-02-1 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-04-2 2020-01-2 2020-05-1 2020-02-2 2020-07-1 2020-08- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National Signed nd communal toilet for Ad improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 0 3 5 5 8 4 2 8 3 26 igrat towns by Adigrat Wa y cities ter Supply and Sewerage s ervice ET-MOWIE-143528-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-03-0 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-04-0 2020-01-2 2020-04-3 2020-02-2 2020-08- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed nd communal toilet for Jigji improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 2 5 5 2 4 0 8 26 ga town by Jigjiga Water y cities Supply and Sewerage Ente rprise ET-MOWIE-143501-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / construction of public and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-03-1 2019-12-0 2020-01-1 2020-04-1 2020-02-1 2020-05-1 2020-03-1 2020-06-1 2020-09- and communal toilet for Bi IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 8 7 3 4 6 3 8 9 5 15 shoftu town by Bishoftu y cities Water Supply and Sewera ge Authority ET-MOWIE-143272-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / construction of public and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-07-0 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-08-2 2020-01-2 2020-09-0 2020-02-2 2020-11-0 2020-08- and communal toilet for IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 1 5 5 0 4 5 8 2 26 Nekemte Town By Nekemt y cities e Water supply and Sewer age Enterprise . ET-MOWIE-143519-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-09-1 2019-12-0 2020-01-0 2020-10-1 2020-02-0 2020-11-1 2020-03-0 2020-09- nd communal toilet for Ga IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 8 1 3 2 2 1 8 7 03 mbella towns by Gambella y cities Water Supply and Sewera ge Authority ET-MOWIE-143478-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-02-1 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-04-1 2020-01-2 2020-06-0 2020-02-2 2020-08- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed and communal toilet for Ji improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 3 5 5 3 4 1 8 26 ma town by Jima Water S y cities upply and Sewerage Autho rity ET-MOWIE-143524-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-05-2 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-07-0 2020-01-2 2020-08-2 2020-02-2 2020-08- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed nd communal toilet for Ha improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 0 5 5 6 4 7 8 26 rar town by Harar Water y cities Supply and Sewerage Auth ority ET-MOWIE-143531-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-03-0 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-04-0 2020-01-2 2020-04-0 2020-02-2 2020-08- nd communal toilet for Arb IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 5 5 5 3 4 8 8 26 aminch town by Arbamin y cities ch Water Supply and Sew erage Authority ET-MOWIE-143536-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-03-1 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-05-1 2020-01-2 2020-05-2 2020-02-2 2020-08- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed nd communal toilet for Go improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 2 5 5 9 4 1 8 26 nder town by Gonder Wat y cities er Supply and Sewerage A uthority ET-MOWIE-143503-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of public and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,000,000. 2019-11-2 2020-03-0 2019-11-2 2019-12-2 2020-04-0 2020-01-2 2020-06-0 2020-02-2 2020-08- and communal toilet for S IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 9 5 5 7 4 5 8 26 hashamene town by Shas y cities hamene Water Supply an d Sewerage Enterprise ET-MOWIE-139087-CW-RF B / Design, Construction a nd Operation of Five Cities Component 2: Sanitation Faecal Sludge Treatment P and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 21,643,000 2020-03-1 2020-04-1 2020-06-0 2020-07-0 2020-08-2 2020-10- IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids 0.00 Canceled lant (FSTP) under two lots improvement in secondar nal e Envelope .00 3 7 1 2 4 17 ( Lot I Adama, Dire Dewa a y cities nd Mekelle and Lot II Bahir Dar and Hawasa). Implem enting Agency: Water Dev elopment Commission. ET-MOWIE-172250-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / construction of civil wo and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-06-0 2020-07-2 2020-06-2 2020-10- rk, supply and installation IDA / 60070 Post Limited 73,970.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 4 0 9 18 of pipes and fittings for Sh y cities ashamene town WSSE low income are by Shashamen e town WSSE ET-MOWIE-172255-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Civil work and supply a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On Complete 2020-05-2 2021-03-2 2020-07-2 2020-10- nd installation of electrom IDA / 60070 Post Limited 90,640.00 0.00 improvement in secondar tations e Envelope d 5 2 0 18 agnetical equipment for N y cities ekemte town low income a re by Nekemte town WSSE ET-MOWIE-172258-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending I Q / Expansion of Water Su and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-07-2 2020-10- IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,260.00 0.00 mplement pply system for Adigrat to improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 18 ation wn low income area by Adi y cities grat town WSSE ET-MOWIE-172259-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Earth Work, supply and and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On Complete 2020-05-2 2020-04-1 2020-07-2 2020-05-0 2020-10- IDA / 60080 Post Limited 75,800.00 29,363.01 installation of pipes and fit improvement in secondar tations e Envelope d 5 8 0 6 18 ting for Jigjiga town low inc y cities ome are by Jigijiga town W SSE ET-MOWIE-172260-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Earth work and supply and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-04-0 2020-07-2 2020-05-0 2020-09- and installation of pipes an IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 16,028.61 Signed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 9 0 3 18 d fitting for Degahabur to y cities wn low income area water supply project by Deghabu r town WSSE ET-MOWIE-208763-CW-RF B / Procurement of constru Component 2: Sanitation ction and rehabilitation 20 Pending I and water supply services Single Stage - On 2020-12-2 2020-12-3 2021-01-2 2021-02-1 2021-03-2 2021-09- public and communal latri IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 488,000.00 0.00 mplement improvement in secondar e Envelope 5 0 9 3 0 16 nes (10 new construction ation y cities and 10 existing latrines re habilitation) for Bahir Dar Town by Bahir Dar Town W SSA ET-MOWIE-208771-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of 22 publ and water supply services Single Stage - On 2020-12-1 2020-12-2 2020-12-2 2021-01-1 2021-02-0 2021-02-0 2021-02-2 2021-03-0 2021-03-2 2021-08- ic and communal latrines f IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 816,000.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 5 8 0 9 5 3 6 3 5 30 or Dire Dewa town Under t y cities wo lots (lot I 11 public and lot II 11 communal) by Dir e Dewa WSSE ET-MOWIE-208775-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of civil wo and water supply services Single Stage - On 182,459.9 2020-12-2 2021-06-1 2020-12-2 2021-01-2 2021-04-0 2021-02-1 2021-06-1 2021-03-1 2021-08-1 2021-09- rks for completing the slud IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 369,000.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 8 2 6 7 6 4 0 4 7 9 13 ge drying bed for fecal slu y cities dge management for Arba minch town by Arbaminch town WSS ET-MOWIE-227378-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of ten(10 and water supply services Single Stage - On 2021-04-3 2021-05-0 2021-05-1 2021-06-0 2021-05-2 2021-06-2 2021-07-0 2021-07-2 2021-08-0 2022-01- ) public and communal toil IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 509,670.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 3 0 9 7 9 1 0 5 16 et for shashamane town b y cities y shashamane Water Sup ply and Sewerage Authorit y ET-MOWIE-143701-CW-RF B / Construction of 32 pu Component 2: Sanitation blic and communal latrin and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,600,000. 2021-04-2 2020-03-2 2021-04-2 2021-05-2 2020-04-1 2021-06-2 2020-04-1 2021-07-2 2022-07- es under two lots ( Lot I # IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 0 5 5 5 4 5 9 29 14 and Lot II 18) for Mekel y cities le Town by Mekelle Town Water Supply and Sewera ge Enterprise by Mekelle t own WSSE. ET-MOWIE-250447-CW-RF B / Civil Work Construction Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid with supply and laying pip and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 1,900,000. 2021-09-1 2022-05-1 2021-09-1 2021-10-1 2022-07-0 2021-10-3 2022-07-0 2021-12-0 2022-10- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed es and fittings and supply improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 0 4 5 5 7 0 7 4 30 and installation of EME for y cities e process) Deghabur town emergenc y response by Somali Regi on Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-250451-CW-RF B / Civil Work Construction Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid with supply and laying pip and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2,120,000. 2021-09-1 2021-11-1 2021-09-2 2021-10-2 2021-12-2 2021-11-0 2022-02-1 2021-12-0 2022-03-0 2022-11- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed es and fittings and supply improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 9 0 0 4 4 4 9 8 04 and installation of EME for y cities e process) Logia town emergency re sponse by afar Region Wat er Bureau Page 1 ET-MOWIE-250453-CW-RF B / Civil Work Construction Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid with supply and laying pip and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2,220,000. 2021-09-1 2021-12-2 2021-09-2 2021-10-2 2022-01-3 2021-11-1 2022-01-3 2021-12-2 2022-06- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed es and fittings and supply improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 9 0 0 1 9 1 4 22 and installation of EME for y cities e process) Jigjiga town emergency r esponse by Somali Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-254110-CW-RF B / Rebidding of lot-2 1km National Procur Component 2: Sanitation access road and bridge str ement Docume and water supply services Single Stage - On 2021-10-1 2021-10-2 2021-11-1 2021-12-1 2023-11-1 2022-01-1 2021-12-1 2022-02-1 2022-06- ucture for construction IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 350,000.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 4 1 3 3 8 2 6 6 16 of civil works for completin process (Non B y cities g the sludge drying bed fo ank-SPD) r fecal sludge managemen t for Arbaminch town by Ar baminch town WSS National Procur ET-MOWIE-263469-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume B / Construction of 10 Com and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,318,000. 2021-12-1 2022-04-1 2021-12-2 2022-01-1 2022-04-1 2022-02-1 2022-07-0 2022-03-2 2022-07-1 2022-09- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed munal toilets and 10 publi improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 5 3 0 9 3 8 7 5 9 21 process (Non B c toilets- in Hawassa town y cities ank-SPD) by Hawassa town water uti lity National Procur ET-MOWIE-263472-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume B / Construction of 1 Public and water supply services Single Stage - On 2021-12-1 2022-05-1 2021-12-2 2022-01-1 2022-06-2 2022-02-0 2022-07-2 2022-03-1 2022-09-0 2022-09- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 400,000.00 0.00 Signed and 5 Communal toilets-in improvement in secondar e Envelope 5 7 0 9 3 9 7 6 2 12 process (Non B Adama town by Adama W y cities ank-SPD) ater Utility National Procur ET-MOWIE-263475-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume B / Construction of 25 Com and water supply services Single Stage - On 2021-12-1 2021-12-2 2021-12-2 2022-01-1 2022-01-2 2022-02-0 2022-02-2 2022-03-1 2022-03-2 2022-09- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 244,000.00 0.00 Signed munal Toilets in Dire Dawa improvement in secondar e Envelope 5 9 0 9 8 9 6 6 2 12 process (Non B town by Dire Dawa town y cities ank-SPD) Water Utility National Procur ET-MOWIE-263476-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume Pending I B / Construction of 4 publi and water supply services Single Stage - On 2021-12-1 2021-12-2 2022-01-1 2022-02-0 2022-03-1 2022-08- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 277,000.00 0.00 mplement c and 1 communal toilets-i improvement in secondar e Envelope 5 0 9 9 6 13 process (Non B ation n Jigjiga town by Jigjiga to y cities ank-SPD) wn Water Utility National Procur ET-MOWIE-263477-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume B / Construction of 7 publi and water supply services Single Stage - On 2021-12-1 2022-02-0 2021-12-2 2022-01-1 2022-03-0 2022-02-0 2022-04-1 2022-03-1 2022-04-2 2022-09- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 670,000.00 0.00 Signed c and 8 communal toilets i improvement in secondar e Envelope 5 1 0 9 7 9 2 6 7 12 process (Non B n Gonder town by Gonder y cities ank-SPD) town water utility ET-MOWIE-264799-CW-RF Q / Procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation Request for Qu supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On Complete 2021-12-2 2022-02-2 2022-02-1 2022-11-3 2022-06- IDA / 60070 Post Limited otations (Non B 54,300.00 0.00 pipes, fittings and water m improvement in secondar tations e Envelope d 0 1 4 0 14 ank-SPD) eters) to unserved and low y cities -income areas of Jimma to wn by jimma town water u tility ET-MOWIE-286606-CW-RF Q / Civil works constructio Component 2: Sanitation n with five 10m3 capacit Request for Qu and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On Complete 2022-04-0 2022-04-0 2022-05-3 2022-05-1 2022-08- y underground wet well IDA / 60070 Post Limited otations (Non B 56,000.00 0.00 improvement in secondar tations e Envelope d 4 8 0 4 28 water tanker and supply a ank-SPD) y cities nd installation of five unit s of small booster pumps b y Semera Logia town Wate r Utility ET-MOWIE-287404-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid B / construction of public a and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2022-04-1 2022-04-1 2022-04-1 2022-05-2 2022-05-1 2022-06-2 2023-09-2 2022-07-3 2022-07-1 2023-01- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 785,000.00 0.00 Signed nd communal toilet for Bis improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 0 9 5 7 8 6 6 1 3 27 hoftu town by Bishoftu Wa y cities e process) ter Supply and Sewerage Authority ET-MOWIE-298420-CW-RF B / Construction of six publ Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid ic toilets, one communal t and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2022-06-1 2022-07-0 2022-06-1 2022-07-1 2022-11-2 2022-08-0 2022-12-0 2022-09-0 2023-03- oilet, and finishing the rem IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 505,000.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 2 4 7 7 5 7 5 4 03 aining three communal toil y cities e process) ets in three lots for Nekem te Town by Nekemte Town Water Supply and Sewera ge Service Enterprise ET-MOWIE-313926-CW-RF B / Construction of new #2 National Procur 8 public and #16 commun Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume al toilets, rehabilitation of and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,500,000. 2022-09-2 2023-01-1 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2023-01-1 2022-11-1 2023-05-1 2022-12-2 2023-06-1 2023-04- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed #2 public and #8 commun improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 6 5 5 6 5 7 0 7 09 process (Non B al toilets, rehabilitation of y cities ank-SPD) #6 septic tanks and constr uction of #6 septic tanks f or condominium areas wit h different lots for Sodo to ET-MOWIE-313927-CW-RF wn B / Construction of new #1 National Procur 0 public and #10 commun Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume al toilets and upgrading an and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,504,000. 2022-09-2 2023-03-1 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2023-04-1 2022-11-1 2023-09-1 2022-12-2 2023-10-0 2023-07- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed d construction of #11 sept improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 7 5 5 9 5 8 0 2 18 process (Non B ic tank for condominium a y cities ank-SPD) nd rehabilitation of # 6 pu blic and #4 communal toil ets with different lots for G onder town ET-MOWIE-313928-CW-RF National Procur Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of new #2 ement Docume and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,700,000. 2022-09-2 2022-04-1 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2023-03-1 2022-11-1 2023-06-2 2022-12-2 2023-10-2 2023-06- 5 public and #25 commun IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 3 5 5 3 5 2 0 6 18 al toilets and rehabilitation process (Non B y cities of #6 public toilets with dif ank-SPD) ferent lots for Hawassa to wn ET-MOWIE-313929-CW-RF National Procur B / Construction of new #8 Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume public and #50 communal and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,300,000. 2022-09-1 2022-10-1 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-11-1 2022-11-1 2023-01-2 2022-12-1 2023-02-0 2023-07- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed toilet and rehabilitation of improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 5 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 7 13 process (Non B #5 public and #3 commun y cities ank-SPD) al toilets with different lots Dire Dewa town ET-MOWIE-313930-CW-RF National Procur B / Construction of new #1 Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume 4 public #15 communal, a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,700,000. 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-11-1 2022-11-1 2022-12-0 2022-12-2 2023-02-1 2023-08- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed nd #2 institutional toilets improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 1 5 5 8 5 7 0 4 17 process (Non B and rehabilitation of #12 p y cities ank-SPD) ublic and #15 communal t oilets with different lots for Bishoftu town ET-MOWIE-313931-CW-RF B / Construction of new #2 National Procur Component 2: Sanitation 0 public, #30 communal t ement Docume and water supply services Single Stage - On 2,630,000. 2022-09-1 2022-11-1 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-12-1 2022-11-1 2023-02-1 2022-12-1 2023-08- oilets and #20 septic tank IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 5 9 0 0 9 0 3 5 12 s for condominium and reh process (Non B y cities abilitation of #3 public an ank-SPD) d #10 communal toilets wi th different lots for Bahir D ar town National Procur ET-MOWIE-313933-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume Under Imp B / Construction of new 7 and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-09-2 2022-12-1 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2023-01-1 2022-11-1 2022-12-2 2023-06- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 903,000.00 0.00 lementati public, 9 communal and 1 improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 3 5 5 6 5 0 18 process (Non B on institutional toilet with diff y cities ank-SPD) erent lots for Semera Logi a town ET-MOWIE-313934-CW-RF B / Construction of new #1 National Procur Component 2: Sanitation 3 Public, #20 Communal, ement Docume and water supply services Single Stage - On 3,400,000. 2022-09-2 2022-11-0 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-12-0 2022-11-1 2022-12-2 2022-12-2 2023-03-0 2023-08- and #1 institutional toilet, IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 1 5 5 1 5 8 0 1 17 #1 septic tank at Goro Co process (Non B y cities ndominium and rehabilitat ank-SPD) ion of # 6 public toilets wit h different lots for Adama town ET-MOWIE-313935-CW-RF National Procur B / Construction of new #3 Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume public and #35 communal and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,230,000. 2022-09-2 2022-12-2 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2023-01-2 2022-11-1 2023-04-1 2022-12-2 2023-05-1 2023-06- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed and #1 institutional toilets improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 2 5 5 3 5 3 0 1 18 process (Non B and rehabilitation of #3 pu y cities ank-SPD) blic and #30 communal toi lets with different lots for Harar town ET-MOWIE-313936-CW-RF National Procur B / Rehabilitation of #11 c Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume Under Imp ondominium sites septic ta and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-11-1 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-11-1 2022-11-2 2022-12-3 2023-04- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 538,000.00 0.00 lementati nks through provision of s improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 4 5 4 4 6 1 30 process (Non B on oak pits, replacement of pi y cities ank-SPD) pes, renovation of manhol es and septic tanks for Har ar town ET-MOWIE-313937-CW-RF B / Construction of new #1 7 public, #22 communal a National Procur Component 2: Sanitation nd #1 institutional toilet a ement Docume and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,700,000. 2022-09-1 2022-11-2 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-12-2 2022-11-1 2023-02-1 2022-12-1 2023-08- nd #7 new septic tanks wi IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 5 1 0 0 0 0 3 5 12 th sock away at #7 condo process (Non B y cities minium sites and rehabilit ank-SPD) ation of #10 septic tanks a t condominium sites, #4 p ublic and #6 communal toi lets with different lots ET-MOWIE-313938-CW-RF National Procur B / Construction of new #1 Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume 6 public and #31 commun and water supply services Single Stage - On 3,240,000. 2022-09-2 2022-10-1 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-11-1 2022-11-1 2023-02-0 2022-12-2 2023-02-0 2023-06- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed al toilets and rehabilitation improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 4 5 5 4 5 7 0 7 18 process (Non B of #15 public and #12 co y cities ank-SPD) mmunal toilets with differe nt lots for Shashamene to wn National Procur ET-MOWIE-313939-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume B / Construction of new #5 and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,034,000. 2022-09-2 2022-11-1 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-12-1 2022-11-1 2023-02-2 2022-12-2 2023-04-0 2023-06- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed public and #15 communal improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 9 5 5 9 5 3 0 1 18 process (Non B toilets with different lots fo y cities ank-SPD) r Debreberhan town ET-MOWIE-313940-CW-RF National Procur B / Construct of new #11 p Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume ublic, #21 communal and and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,500,000. 2022-09-2 2022-10-0 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-10-3 2022-10-2 2022-11-3 2022-12-0 2023-02-2 2023-06- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed #1 institutional toilets and improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 1 5 5 1 7 0 1 1 29 process (Non B rehabilitation of #3 public y cities ank-SPD) and #12 communal toilets with different lots for Jimm a town ET-MOWIE-313941-CW-RF National Procur Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of new #1 ement Docume and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,408,000. 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-12-0 2022-11-1 2022-12-1 2022-12-2 2023-07- 0 public and #20 commun IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 0 1 5 5 1 5 5 0 18 al toilets and rehabilitation process (Non B y cities of #3 communal toilets wit ank-SPD) h different lots for Dessie t own National Procur ET-MOWIE-313942-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume B / Construction of new #4 and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-09-2 2023-10-0 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2023-11-2 2022-11-1 2022-11-2 2022-12-2 2023-05- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 570,000.00 0.00 Signed public, #6 communal and improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 9 5 5 2 5 8 0 19 process (Non B #1 Institutional toilet with y cities ank-SPD) different lots for Nekemte town National Procur ET-MOWIE-313943-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume Under Imp B / Construction of new #4 and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-09-2 2023-05-2 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2023-06-1 2022-11-0 2023-10-1 2022-12-0 2023-05- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 340,000.00 0.00 lementati public, #1 communal toile improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 1 5 5 2 8 3 6 05 process (Non B on t and #1 institutional toilet y cities ank-SPD) for Jigjiga town National Procur ET-MOWIE-313944-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume Single Stage - On 2022-09-1 2023-01-1 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2023-02-1 2022-11-1 2023-03-3 2022-12-1 2022-12- B / Construction of new #5 IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 266,000.00 0.00 Signed e Envelope 5 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 30 Communal toilets for Dega improvement in secondar process (Non B bour town y cities ank-SPD) ET-MOWIE-313946-CW-RF National Procur Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of new #5 ement Docume and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-09-1 2022-10-2 2022-09-2 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2022-11-1 2023-02-0 2022-12-1 2023-06- public and #15 communal IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 980,000.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 5 8 0 0 8 0 8 5 13 and #1 institutional toilet process (Non B y cities with different lots for Assel ank-SPD) a town ET-MOWIE-316114-CW-RF Q / civil work for pressure Component 2: Sanitation main pipeline laying and In Request for Qu Pending I and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-12-2 2023-02- stallation of pumps with all IDA / 60070 Post Limited otations (Non B 93,000.00 0.00 mplement improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 18 accessories for the two bor ank-SPD) ation y cities e holes for the improveme nt of the existing water su pply system of Debre Berh an town National Procur ET-MOWIE-316116-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume Q / Rehabilitation of 10 exi and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-3 2023-01-2 2022-12-2 2023-03- IDA / 60070 Post Limited nt - 1 Envelope 96,000.00 0.00 Signed sting deep wells to improv improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 0 5 25 process (Non B e the existing water suppl y cities ank-SPD) y system of Dire Dewa tow n ET-MOWIE-314177-CW-RF National Procur Component 2: Sanitation B / Civil works, supply & la ement Docume and water supply services Single Stage - On 3,240,000. 2022-10-1 2023-05-2 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-06-2 2022-12-0 2023-11-1 2023-01-1 2024-01- ying of Pipes and fittings & IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 8 1 3 2 1 7 8 1 11 electromechanical equipm process (Non B y cities ent supply and installation ank-SPD) for Shashamene town ET-MOWIE-325383-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2,400,000. 2022-12-1 2023-08-0 2022-12-2 2023-01-1 2023-06-2 2023-02-1 2023-09-1 2023-03-2 2023-12-0 2024-03- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 1 0 9 9 8 8 5 8 24 ment plant (FSTP) for Gam y cities e process) bela town ET-MOWIE-325386-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Under Imp B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 3,550,000. 2022-12-1 2023-04-1 2022-12-2 2023-01-3 2023-06-2 2023-03-0 2023-09-1 2023-04-0 2024-04- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 4 0 1 9 2 5 6 05 on ment plant (FSTP) for Asos y cities e process) a town ET-MOWIE-325388-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Under Imp B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2,705,000. 2022-12-1 2023-05-1 2022-12-2 2023-01-3 2023-06-3 2023-03-0 2023-10-1 2023-04-0 2024-04- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 5 0 1 0 2 0 6 05 on ment plant (FSTP) for Sem y cities e process) era Logia town Page 2 ET-MOWIE-325390-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Under Imp B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 6,551,000. 2022-12-2 2022-12-2 2022-12-2 2023-01-2 2023-02-0 2023-02-2 2023-05-3 2023-03-3 2024-03- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 0 5 5 4 2 3 0 0 29 on ment plant (FSTP) for Sodo y cities e process) town ET-MOWIE-325392-CW-RF B / Procurement of Constr Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Under Imp uction of new fecal sludge and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 4,732,000. 2022-12-2 2022-12-2 2022-12-2 2023-02-0 2023-02-0 2023-03-0 2023-05-3 2023-04-1 2024-04- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati treatment plant (FSTP) Re improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 0 5 5 5 2 7 0 1 10 on habilitation; Upgrade and y cities e process) Expansion of Existing Dryi ng Bed for Arba Minch tow n. ET-MOWIE-325393-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Under Imp B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2,691,000. 2023-01-2 2023-05-1 2023-01-2 2023-03-0 2023-06-1 2023-04-0 2023-10-1 2023-05-1 2024-05- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 0 3 5 8 4 7 2 2 11 on ment plant for Bishoftu to y cities e process) wn ET-MOWIE-325396-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 4,803,000. 2023-01-2 2023-05-1 2023-01-3 2023-03-0 2023-05-1 2023-03-3 2023-11-1 2023-05-0 2024-05- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 3 0 1 3 1 3 5 04 ment plant for Shashemen y cities e process) e town ET-MOWIE-325398-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2,604,000. 2023-01-2 2023-05-1 2023-01-3 2023-03-1 2023-06-1 2023-04-1 2023-10-1 2023-05-1 2024-05- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 3 0 3 4 2 2 7 16 ment plant for Assela town y cities e process) ET-MOWIE-325400-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Under Imp B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 4,966,000. 2023-01-0 2023-03-0 2023-01-1 2023-02-2 2023-04-0 2023-03-2 2024-01-1 2023-04-2 2024-04- IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 5 0 1 4 3 1 7 26 on ment plant for Jimma town y cities e process) ET-MOWIE-325407-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 3,672,000. 2023-01-0 2023-03-0 2023-01-1 2023-02-2 2023-04-0 2023-03-2 2024-01-1 2023-04-2 2024-04- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Signed uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 5 0 1 4 3 2 7 26 ment plant for Nekemte to y cities e process) wn ET-MOWIE-325410-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Pending I B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 6,600,000. 2023-01-1 2023-01-1 2023-02-2 2023-03-2 2023-05-0 2024-05- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 mplement uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 0 5 6 8 2 01 ation ment plant (FSTP) for Dess y cities e process) ie town ET-MOWIE-325412-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Pending I B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 3,100,000. 2023-01-1 2023-01-1 2023-02-2 2023-03-2 2023-05-0 2024-05- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 mplement uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 0 5 6 8 2 01 ation ment plant (FSTP) for Debr y cities e process) e Berhan town ET-MOWIE-325414-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Under Imp B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2,500,000. 2023-03-3 2024-01-0 2023-04-0 2023-05-1 2024-01-0 2023-06-1 2023-07-2 2024-07- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 1 8 5 7 3 6 1 20 on ment plant (FSTP) for Jigjig y cities e process) a town Request for Bid ET-MOWIE-325415-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Under Imp Single Stage - On s - Small Works 1,700,000. 2023-03-3 2023-11-3 2023-04-0 2023-05-0 2024-01-0 2023-06-0 2023-07-0 2024-07- B / Construction of fecal sl IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 1 0 5 5 3 4 9 08 udge treatment plant (FST improvement in secondar on e process) P) for Degehabour town y cities ET-MOWIE-325416-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Under Imp B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 3,000,000. 2022-12-3 2023-04-0 2023-01-0 2023-02-0 2023-05-2 2023-03-0 2023-11-1 2023-04-0 2024-04- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 lementati uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 0 5 4 3 2 5 3 9 08 on ment Plant (FSTP) for Hara y cities e process) r City ET-MOWIE-325418-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid B / Construction of wastew Pending I and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2,800,000. 2023-01-3 2023-02-0 2023-03-0 2023-04-0 2023-05-1 2024-11- ater treatment plant (WWT IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 mplement improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 1 5 7 6 1 01 P), trunk and collector line ation y cities e process) /Sewer network with appur tenances, with different lot s for Harar City National Procur ET-MOWIE-325424-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-03-0 2023-08- Q / Construction of small si IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Limited nt - 1 Envelope 29,000.00 0.00 Signed tations e Envelope 4 1 1 28 ze test bench house for Ar improvement in secondar process (Non B baminch Utility y cities ank-SPD) ET-MOWIE-325429-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Qu Request for Quo Single Stage - On Complete 2023-01-0 2023-01-2 2023-03-0 2023-02-2 2023-08- Q / Construction of small si IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Limited otations (Non B 29,000.00 0.00 tations e Envelope d 4 1 1 1 28 ze test bench house by Jim improvement in secondar ank-SPD) ma Utility y cities National Procur ET-MOWIE-325431-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume Q / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2022-12-1 2023-03-0 2022-12-2 2023-08- IDA / 60070 Post Limited nt - 1 Envelope 29,000.00 0.00 Signed uction of small size test be improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 4 2 1 6 28 process (Non B nch house by Dessie Utilit y cities ank-SPD) y National Procur ET-MOWIE-325428-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume Request for Quo Single Stage - On Complete 2023-01-0 2023-04-1 2023-03-0 2023-08- Q / Construction of small si IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Limited nt - 1 Envelope 29,000.00 0.00 tations e Envelope d 4 0 1 28 ze test bench house by W/ improvement in secondar process (Non B Sodo Utility y cities ank-SPD) ET-MOWIE-313925-CW-RF National Procur B / Construction of new # Component 2: Sanitation ement Docume 4 public, #1 communal an and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-12-2 2022-09-2 2022-12-2 2023-01-2 2023-01-2 2023-02-1 2023-03-2 2023-03-2 2023-04-0 2023-09- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 467,300.00 0.00 Signed d #1 institutional and com improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 0 5 4 3 4 0 1 6 17 process (Non B pletion of the remaining w y cities ank-SPD) orks for # 8 public toilet u nder different lot for Asosa town ET-MOWIE-325409-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Under Imp B / Procurement of Constr and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On s - Small Works 9,500,000. 2023-01-1 2023-04-0 2023-01-1 2023-02-2 2023-06-0 2023-03-2 2023-12-0 2023-05-0 2024-05- IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids 0.00 lementati uction of fecal sludge treat improvement in secondar nal e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 0 5 5 6 2 8 9 2 01 on ment plant (FSTP) for Gon y cities e process) der town ET-MOWIE-172944-CW-RF P / Design, Construction a nd Operation of Five Cities Component 2: Sanitation Faecal Sludge Treatment P and water supply services Request for Pro Open - Internatio Single Stage - Tw 21,643,000 2020-06-0 2020-08-2 2020-08-2 2021-04-0 2020-08-2 2021-08-1 2020-06-1 2020-09-0 2020-10-3 2021-12-2 2021-01-1 2021-02-1 2022-08- IDA / 60070 Prior 0.00 Canceled lant (FSTP) under two lots improvement in secondar posals nal o Envelope .00 5 1 1 7 1 6 0 8 0 3 2 6 10 ( Lot I Adama, Dire Dewa a y cities nd Mekelle and Lot II Bahir Dar and Hawasa). Implem enting Agency: Water Dev elopment Commission. ET-MOWIE-334601-CW-RF B / Construction of #7 ne Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid w septic tanks with sock a and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2023-01-2 2023-06-1 2023-02-2 2023-03-0 2023-06-2 2023-03-2 2023-10-1 2023-05-0 2023-10- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 280,240.00 0.00 Signed way at #7 condominium si improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 6 4 5 7 9 7 1 1 28 tes and rehabilitation of # y cities e process) 10 septic tanks at condomi nium sites with two lots. b y A/ Minich utility ET-MOWIE-361927-CW-RF National Procur Component 2: Sanitation B / Construction of #11 pu ement Docume Under Imp and water supply services Single Stage - On 1,347,450. 2023-06-1 2023-09-1 2023-06-2 2023-07-2 2023-10-1 2023-08-0 2024-01-1 2023-09-1 2024-03- blic toilets with showers a IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National nt - 1 Envelope 0.00 lementati improvement in secondar e Envelope 00 5 2 0 0 0 9 2 3 11 nd rehabilitation of #1 exit process (Non B on y cities ing toilet for Jima town un ank-SPD) der different lots Request for Bid ET-MOWIE-365118-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Under Imp Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2023-06-2 2023-08-0 2023-06-2 2023-07-2 2023-09-2 2023-08-1 2023-09-1 2024-03- B / Construction of 10 publ IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Request for Bids Open - National 451,000.00 0.00 lementati e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 0 3 5 5 1 5 2 10 ic and communal toilets fo improvement in secondar on e process) r Dessie town y cities ET-MOWIE-365119-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid B / Construction of 17 Sept and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2,500,000. 2023-06-1 2023-06-2 2023-07-2 2023-08-1 2023-09-0 2024-03- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 Canceled ic tanks/ABR and   soak aw improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 5 0 0 0 7 05 ay pits (19) with different l y cities e process) ots for Arbaminch town. Request for Bid ET-MOWIE-365120-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending I Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2023-06-1 2023-06-2 2023-07-2 2023-08-1 2023-09-0 2024-03- B / Construction of 7 publi IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Request for Bids Open - National 980,000.00 0.00 mplement e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 5 0 0 0 7 05 c and communal toilets for improvement in secondar ation e process) Gondar town y cities Request for Bid ET-MOWIE-365123-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending I Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2023-06-1 2023-06-2 2023-07-2 2023-08-0 2023-09-0 2024-03- B / Construction of 5 publi IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Request for Bids Open - National 395,000.00 0.00 mplement e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 5 0 0 4 8 06 c and communal toilets for improvement in secondar ation e process) D/Birhan town y cities Request for Bid ET-MOWIE-365124-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2023-06-1 2023-08-0 2023-06-2 2023-07-2 2023-09-0 2023-08-1 2023-10-2 2023-09-2 2024-01-1 2024-03- B / Construction of 4 instit IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Request for Bids Open - National 389,000.00 0.00 Signed e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 5 1 0 0 4 9 5 3 5 21 utional toilets for Ministry improvement in secondar e process) of Water and Energy y cities ET-MOWIE-365122-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid Pending I B / Construction of 14 Ana and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 1,078,000. 2023-06-2 2023-06-2 2023-07-2 2023-08-1 2023-09-1 2024-03- IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 mplement erobic Bio Reactor septic t improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 00 0 5 5 5 2 10 ation ank and soak away pits wit y cities e process) h different lots for D/Birha n town. ET-MOWIE-365117-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid B / Construction of 18 Ana Under Imp and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2023-06-2 2023-08-0 2023-06-2 2023-07-2 2023-09-2 2023-08-1 2023-09-1 2024-03- erobic Bio Reactor septic t IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 546,000.00 0.00 lementati improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 0 3 5 5 1 5 2 10 ank and wetland technolo on y cities e process) gy with different lots for D essie town ET-MOWIE-393971-CW-RF Component 2: Sanitation Request for Bid B / construction of septic t Under Imp and water supply services Single Stage - On s - Small Works 2023-12-1 2023-12-0 2023-12-1 2023-12-2 2024-01-0 2024-01-2 2024-02-1 2024-05- ank & soak away pits for IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 474,545.00 0.00 lementati improvement in secondar e Envelope SPD (1 envelop 3 1 8 1 1 0 8 18 39 public and communal on y cities e process) Latrine for arbaminchi b y Arbaminch town in Lots -4 GOODS Activity Reference No. Bid Evaluation Repo Loan / Credit Market Approa Procurement Pr Prequalificatio Estimated A Actual Amoun Process S Draft Pre-qualificatio Prequalification Eval Draft Bidding Docu Specific Procuremen Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method rt and Recommenda Signed Contract Contract Completion No. ch ocess n (Y/N) mount (US$) t (US$) tatus n Documents uation Report ment / Justification t Notice / Invitation as Issued / Opening / Minutes tion for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ET-MOWIE-43004-GO-DIR Component 2: Sanitation / Supply of pipes and fittin and water supply services 2018-01-1 2018-01-1 2018-02-2 2017-11-2 2018-05-2 IDA / 60070 Prior Direct Selection Direct 1,897,466.00 0.00 Signed gs for the remaining work improvement in secondar 2 7 4 8 5 of Dire Dewa City Water S y cities upply and Sanitation Proje ct ET-MOWIE-43329-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-05-1 2018-06-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 7 6 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Gambe lla City Water Supply and Sewerage Service ET-MOWIE-43286-GO-RFQ / procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2019-09-1 2018-05-0 2020-03-2 2018-06-0 2020-04-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 5,098.59 Completed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 2 0 3 4 2 3 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers)for Deghab ur Town Water Supply and Sewerage Service ET-MOWIE-43289-GO-RFQ / procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2020-09-1 2018-05-0 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Signed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 2 7 3 2 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Arbami nch Town Water Supply an d Sewerage Service ET-MOWIE-43291-GO-RFQ / procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2019-11-2 2018-05-0 2019-12-3 2018-06-0 2020-07-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Completed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 2 1 3 0 2 6 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Harar T own Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-43294-GO-RFQ / procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment(printers, desk top Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2019-11-2 2018-05-1 2020-06-2 2018-06-0 2020-06-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 6,182.79 Completed computers, scanners, phot tations e Envelope 9 5 0 6 9 4 strengthening o copy machines and lap t op computers) for Bishoftu Town Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-43297-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-07-1 2018-05-1 2018-08-0 2018-06-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Completed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 7 7 1 6 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Shashe mane City Water Supply a nd Sewerage Service ET-MOWIE-43299-GO-RFQ / procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment(printers, desk top Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2017-09-1 2018-05-1 2020-04-0 2018-06-1 2020-04-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 11,105.57 Completed computers, scanners, phot tations e Envelope 9 1 7 5 6 5 strengthening o copy machines and lap t op computers) for Jigjiga C ity Water Supply and Sewe rage Service ET-MOWIE-43300-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-05-1 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 0 9 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Hawass a City Water Supply and S ewerage Service Page 3 ET-MOWIE-43035-GO-RFQ / Procurement of IT equip Component 3: Project ma Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-04-1 2018-06-0 2018-07-0 ment (printers, desk top c IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 Canceled tations e Envelope 4 9 9 omputers, scanners, photo strengthening copy machines and lap top computers) for Ministry PI U ET-MOWIE-43317-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-05-1 2018-06-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 7 6 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Assosa City Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-43319-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-05-1 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 0 9 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Asella City Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-43322-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-05-1 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 0 9 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Sodo Ci ty Water Supply and Sewe rage Service ET-MOWIE-43324-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-12-2 2018-05-1 2019-02-1 2018-06-0 2021-02-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 3,436.18 Completed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 7 0 1 9 9 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Debre Berhan City Water Supply and Sewerage Service ET-MOWIE-43326-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2019-04-1 2018-05-1 2019-04-1 2018-06-0 2019-05-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Completed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 2 0 6 9 6 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Dessie City Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-43328-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-05-1 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 0 9 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Gonder City Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-43331-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-09-0 2018-05-1 2018-10-0 2018-06-0 2018-10-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 3,362.55 Completed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 6 0 2 9 9 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Nekmt e City Water Supply and S ewerage Service ET-MOWIE-43333-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-09-1 2018-05-1 2018-11-0 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 545.62 Signed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 9 0 7 9 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Jimma City Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-43303-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2019-09-2 2018-05-1 2019-10-2 2018-06-0 2019-10-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 8,151.84 Completed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 6 0 2 9 3 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Adama City Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-43304-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment (printers, desk to Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-12-1 2018-05-1 2019-02-0 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Signed p computers, scanners, ph tations e Envelope 9 0 0 7 9 strengthening oto copy machines and lap top computers) for Mekelle City Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-43307-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment(printers, desk top Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-05-1 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled computers, scanners, phot tations e Envelope 9 0 9 strengthening o copy machines and lap t op computers) for Bahir D ar City Water Supply and Sewerage Service ET-MOWIE-43310-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment for Dire Dawa Cit Request for Quo Single Stage - On Under Impl 2018-03-2 2019-01-0 2018-05-1 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 y Water Supply and Sewer tations e Envelope ementation 9 8 0 9 strengthening age Service(Printers, desk top computers, scanners, photo copy machines and l ap top computers) ET-MOWIE-43311-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma uipment for Semera City Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2023-01-2 2018-05-1 2023-02-0 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Completed Water Supply and Sewera tations e Envelope 9 3 0 6 9 strengthening ge Service(Printers, desk t op computers, scanners, p hoto copy machines and la p top computers) ET-MOWIE-43313-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq Component 3: Project ma Pending Im uipment for Adegrat City Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-03-2 2018-05-1 2018-06-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 plementati Water Supply and Sewera tations e Envelope 9 0 9 strengthening on ge Service (printers, desk t op computers, scanners, p hoto copy machines and la p top computers) ET-MOWIE-50407-GO-DIR Component 2: Sanitation / Procurement of Bulk Flow and water supply services 2018-02-2 2018-04-0 2018-03-0 2018-04-0 2018-07-0 IDA / 60070 Prior Direct Selection Direct 433,013.00 0.00 Canceled meter for Mekelle Town W improvement in secondar 8 5 5 6 5 ater Supply and Sewerage y cities Service by Mekelle town W SSS ET-MOWIE-55837-GO-RFB Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Single Stage - On 2018-06-2 2018-06-2 2018-07-2 2018-08-2 2018-09-2 2018-12-2 / Procurement of Automati IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Request for Bids Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 plementati e Envelope 0 5 5 4 8 7 c Water Meter Test Bench improvement in secondar on y cities ET-MOWIE-75633-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq uipment (printers, desk to p computers, scanners ph Component 3: Project ma Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-09-1 2018-11-1 2018-12-1 otocopy machines and lapt IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled tations e Envelope 5 0 0 op computers for Amhara strengthening Region Water,Irrigation an d Energy Development Bur eau by Amhara Region Wa ter,Irrigation and Energy D evelopment Bureau ET-MOWIE-75634-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq uipment (printers, desk to Component 3: Project ma p computers, scanners ph Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-09-1 2018-11-1 2018-12-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled otocopy machines and lapt tations e Envelope 5 0 0 strengthening op computers for Oromia Region Water,Mineral and Energy Bureau by Oromia Region Water,Mineral and Energy Bureau. ET-MOWIE-75635-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq uipment (printers, desk to p computers, scanners ph Component 3: Project ma Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-09-1 2018-11-1 2018-12-1 otocopy machines and lapt IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled tations e Envelope 5 0 0 op computers for SNNPR R strengthening egion Water,Irrigation and Energy Development Bure au by SNNPR Region Wate r,Irrigation and Energy De velopment Bureau ET-MOWIE-75636-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq uipment (printers, desk to Component 3: Project ma p computers, scanners ph Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-09-1 2022-01-1 2018-11-1 2022-02-2 2018-12-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Completed otocopy machines and lapt tations e Envelope 5 3 0 8 0 strengthening op computers for Afar Regi on Water Resource Develo pment Bureau by Afar Reg ion Water Resource Devel opment Bureau ET-MOWIE-75637-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq uipment (printers, desk to Component 3: Project ma Pending Im p computers, scanners ph Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-09-1 2018-11-1 2018-12-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 plementati otocopy machines and lapt tations e Envelope 5 0 0 strengthening on op computers for Somali Region Water Resource D evelopment Bureau by So mali Region Water Resour ce Development Bureau ET-MOWIE-75641-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq uipment (printers, desk to p computers, scanners ph Component 3: Project ma Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-09-1 2020-11-0 2018-11-1 2018-12-1 2021-01-0 otocopy machines and lapt IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Completed tations e Envelope 5 4 0 0 8 op computers for Gambell strengthening a Region Water,Irrigation and Energy Development Bureau by Gambella Regio n Water,Irrigation and Ene rgy Development Bureau ET-MOWIE-75643-GO-RFQ / Procurement of office eq uipment (printers, desk to p computers, scanners ph Component 3: Project ma Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-09-1 2018-11-1 2018-12-1 otocopy machines and lapt IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled tations e Envelope 5 0 0 op computers for Benshan strengthening gul Gumuz Region Water,Ir rigation and Energy Devel opment Bureau by Bensha ngul Region Water,Irrigati on and Energy Developme ET-MOWIE-75646-GO-RFQ nt Bureau / Procurement of Office Eq uipment (printers, desktop Component 3: Project ma Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2018-09-1 2018-11-1 2018-12-1 computers, scanners, phot IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Canceled tations e Envelope 5 0 0 ocopy machines and lapto strengthening p computers) for Tigray Re gion Water Bureau by Tigr ay Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-84615-GO-RFB / Procurement of 44 Doubl Component 3: Project ma Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2018-11-1 2019-02-0 2018-11-2 2019-02-2 2019-01-0 2019-04-1 2019-01-3 2019-07-1 2019-03-0 2019-09-1 2019-09-0 2020-07-0 e Cup vehicles for 22 Seco IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Prior Request for Bids 1,800,000.00 1,412,937.01 Completed nal e Envelope 5 2 0 7 1 5 1 0 7 3 3 7 ndary Cities, Regional Wat strengthening er Bureaus PMU, and Fede ral PMU ET-MOWIE-98176-GO-RFB / Supply and Installation E Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im quipment for Water Qualit and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2019-03-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-3 2019-05-3 2019-07-0 2019-11-0 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids 1,000,000.00 0.00 plementati y Laboratory and Training improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 4 9 0 0 4 1 on Center for Mekelle Town W y cities ater Supply Project by Mek elle Town Water Supply Of fice ET-MOWIE-143211-GO-RF B / Procurement of 25 (tw Component 2: Sanitation enty five ) 10m3 and 8m3 and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2019-11-2 2020-08-1 2019-11-3 2020-09-0 2020-01-1 2020-11-2 2020-02-1 2021-04-2 2020-03-1 2021-07-1 2020-09-1 2023-07-1 size vacuum track for 5 to IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids 5,500,000.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 9 9 0 1 4 2 3 3 9 4 5 0 wns( Adama,Mekele,Dired y cities ewa, Bahirdar ,and Hawas a) of UWSSP-2 By Water Development Commission . ET-MOWIE-156913-GO-RF B / procurement of 44 (fort Component 2: Sanitation y-four) Motorcycles for 22 and water supply services Single Stage - On 2020-02-1 2020-07-0 2020-03-1 2020-04-1 2020-07-2 2020-05-1 2020-06-1 2020-12-1 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 180,000.00 0.00 Canceled Towns of Urban Water Sup improvement in secondar e Envelope 2 7 3 2 1 2 6 3 ply and Sanitation project I y cities I (UWSSP-2) by Water Dev elopment Commission ET-MOWIE-166460-GO-DI R / Procurement of IT Equi pment (E-video (ten in nu Component 3: Project ma Pending Im mber) Modem with subscri 2020-03-3 2020-04-0 2020-05-0 2020-06-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Direct Selection Direct 3,600.00 0.00 plementati ption 4GB and Fixed Wirel 0 4 9 8 strengthening on ess Broadband (WIFI) (3) t hree apparatuses for wate r Development Commissio n offices and Staffs will b e implemented by WDC ET-MOWIE-166453-GO-RF Q / Procurement of Core i7 Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-04-0 2020-05-3 2020-07-2 7 (seven) Laptops for Wa IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 10,937.50 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 4 0 9 ter Development commissi strengthening on on Staffs which will be im plemented by WDC. ET-MOWIE-168265-GO-RF B / procurement of pipes a Component 2: Sanitation nd fittings, water meters a and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2020-04-3 2020-01-2 2020-05-0 2020-06-0 2021-02-0 2020-07-0 2021-04-2 2020-08-0 2021-06-2 2020-12-0 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids 907,000.00 507,531.01 Signed nd leak detection equipme improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 0 9 5 4 3 4 9 8 8 6 nt for Gonder town Water y cities Supply and Sewerage serv ice enterprise by Gonder t own WSSE Page 4 ET-MOWIE-172211-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of Pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-07-0 2020-07-1 2020-07-2 2020-08-1 2020-07-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 60,209.31 Completed nd fittings and water mete improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 6 5 6 4 2 rs for Arbaminch Town WS y cities SE by Arbaminch town WS SE ET-MOWIE-172215-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of Pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-06-2 2020-07-1 2020-07-0 2020-08-1 2021-07-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,700.00 61,772.81 Completed nd fittings and water mete improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 9 5 7 4 7 rs for Wolaita Sodo Town y cities WSSE by Wolaita town WS SE ET-MOWIE-172221-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of Pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2023-07-0 2020-07-1 2020-08-1 2023-03-3 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings Hawasa Town improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 4 5 4 1 WSSE by Hawasa town WS y cities SE for low income area ET-MOWIE-172233-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of HDPE P and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-06-2 2020-07-1 2020-07-2 2020-08-1 2020-08-0 ipes and fittings and water IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 2 5 5 4 9 meters for Debre Brerhan y cities Town WSSE by DebreBerh an town WSSE for low inco me area ET-MOWIE-172236-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of Pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2022-06-0 2020-07-1 2022-06-1 2020-08-1 2022-07-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,700.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for Dessie Town improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 2 5 6 4 4 WSSE by Dessie town WSS y cities E for low income area ET-MOWIE-172241-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of Pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-01-2 2020-07-1 2020-03-2 2020-08-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 39,738.87 Signed nd fittings for Gonder Tow improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 3 9 8 1 7 n WSSE by Gonder town W y cities SSE for low income area ET-MOWIE-172244-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Q / Procurement of Pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-07-1 2020-08-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 0.00 plementati nd fittings for Bahir Dar To improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 5 4 on wn low income area WSSE y cities by Bahir Dar town WSSE ET-MOWIE-172245-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of HDPE and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2021-11-0 2020-07-2 2021-11-1 2020-08-1 2021-11-2 Pipes and fittings and wat IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,690.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 8 0 6 9 1 er meters for Bishftu Town y cities WSSE by Bishftu town WS SE for low income area ET-MOWIE-172248-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of HDPE P and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-06-0 2020-07-2 2021-02-0 2020-08-1 ipes and fittings and Wate IDA / 60070 Post Limited 74,980.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 4 0 1 9 r meters for Jimma Town y cities WSSE by Jimma town WSS E for low income area ET-MOWIE-172256-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2021-11-2 2020-07-2 2020-09-1 2021-12-1 nd fittings, leak detection IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 5 0 8 3 and water quality test equi y cities pment for Assela town low income area by Assela tow n WSSE ET-MOWIE-172257-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and installation Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-07-1 2020-10-1 of pipes and fittings for Me IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 5 3 kelle town low income are on y cities a water supply project by Mekelle town WSSP ET-MOWIE-172262-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-07-2 2020-09-1 nd fittings for Gambella to IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 0.00 Canceled improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 8 wn town low income area y cities water supply project by Ga mbella town WSSP ET-MOWIE-172263-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Q / Procurement of pipe fit and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-07-2 2020-08-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 5,000.00 0.00 plementati tings for Asosa town low in improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 9 on come area water supply pr y cities oject by Asosa WSSE ET-MOWIE-172265-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2020-06-2 2020-07-2 2020-08-2 2020-09-1 2020-10-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 69,500.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for Harar town l improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 4 0 5 8 8 ow income area water sup y cities ply project by Harar town WSSE ET-MOWIE-172275-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / supply of pipes and fitti and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-3 2020-06-1 2020-07-2 2020-06-1 2020-09-2 ngs for Semera Logia town IDA / 60070 Post Limited 72,500.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 1 2 6 8 4 low income area water sup y cities ply project by Semera Logi a WSSE ET-MOWIE-172933-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-3 2020-07-2 2020-09-2 nd fittings for Dire Dewa t IDA / 60070 Post Limited 75,800.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 5 3 own low income area wate on y cities r supply project by Dire De wa Town WSSE ET-MOWIE-168264-GO-RF B / Procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation meters, Bulk flow meters, and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2020-05-2 2021-03-1 2020-06-0 2020-07-0 2021-05-1 2020-08-0 2021-05-2 2020-09-0 2021-09-2 2021-01-0 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids 1,565,000.00 1,156,445.83 Signed pipes and fittings and leak improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 8 6 2 2 4 1 6 5 0 3 detection Equipments for Ji y cities ma Town Water Supply an d Sewerage Enterprise by J ima town WSSE ET-MOWIE-174562-GO-RF Q / Procurement of Alumini Component 2: Sanitation um sulfate for covid-19 int and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-3 2020-07-0 2020-07-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 46,154.00 0.00 Canceled ervention in Gmbella tow improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 1 5 9 ns health stations, hospital y cities s, isolation centers and ar eas with acute waster sup ply shortage by WDC ET-MOWIE-174573-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of filter m and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-3 2020-07-0 2020-07-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 46,154.00 0.00 Canceled edia Sand for Gambella to improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 1 5 9 wn Water Treatment plant y cities by Gambella Town Water Utility ET-MOWIE-175708-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of Pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-06-1 2021-05-1 2020-07-1 2022-08-1 2020-08-1 nd fittings for Adama town IDA / 60070 Post Limited 76,900.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 9 5 3 4 low income area water sup y cities ply project by Adama town Water Utility ET-MOWIE-43018-GO-RFB / Procurement of 44 vehicl es(double Cabins) for seco Component 3: Project ma 2018-06-2 2018-06-2 2018-07-3 2018-11-2 ndary city utilities, Region IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Prior Direct Selection Direct 1,800,000.00 0.00 Canceled 0 5 0 7 al Water Bureaus and 2 V strengthening ehicles( double Cabins) for Ministry PIU by the Ministr y of Water Irrigation and El ectricity through UNOPS ET-MOWIE-181638-GO-RF B / Procurement of Pipes a Component 2: Sanitation nd Fittings for covid-19 int and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On Under Impl 2020-07-0 2020-09-0 2020-07-1 2020-09-0 2020-08-0 2020-08-1 2020-09-0 2020-12-0 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids 573,766.00 0.00 ervention in 13 towns he improvement in secondar nal e Envelope ementation 6 4 1 8 1 5 5 4 alth stations, hospitals, iso y cities lation centers and areas wi th acute waster supply sho rtage by WDC ET-MOWIE-174564-GO-RF Q / Procurement of Water t Component 2: Sanitation reatment Chemicals and R and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-07-1 2020-08-1 2020-08-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 110,769.00 0.00 Canceled eagents for covid-19 inter improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 1 5 9 vention in Bonga town to y cities areas with acute waster su pply shortage by WDC ET-MOWIE-181653-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Q / Procurement of pipe fit and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-07-1 2020-08-2 2020-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 2,700.00 0.00 plementati tings for Harar town water improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 1 9 2 on supply project by Harar to y cities wn ET-MOWIE-181625-GO-RF B / Procurement of Electro mechanical Equipment (59 Component 2: Sanitation submersible water pumps and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2020-07-0 2020-09-0 2020-07-1 2020-09-0 2020-08-0 2020-10-2 2020-08-1 2020-12-1 2020-09-0 2020-12-0 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids 4,139,530.00 0.00 Signed (lot I) ,11 surface pumps (l improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 8 4 3 8 3 1 7 5 7 6 ot II) ,2 Surge Vessels (L y cities ot III) and 29 Generators (l ot IV) for 25 towns covid-1 9 intervention in acute w ater supply shortage areas ET-MOWIE-183159-GO-DI by WDC. Component 2: Sanitation R / Procurement of filter m and water supply services 2020-07-1 2020-06-2 2020-07-2 2020-06-2 2020-08-1 2020-09-0 2021-03-2 IDA / 60070 Post Direct Selection Direct 46,154.00 0.00 Completed edia Sand for Gambella to improvement in secondar 5 5 0 5 0 9 4 wn Water Treatment plant y cities by Gambella Town Water Utility ET-MOWIE-185679-GO-RF Q / Procurement of Office Equipment (#12 laptop co Component 3: Project ma Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-08-1 2021-05-2 2020-10-0 2021-07-0 2020-10-2 mputers, #1 Led Projector, IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 50,000.00 835.30 Signed tations e Envelope 0 3 5 2 0 #2 Heavy duty color print strengthening ers, #1 scanner and #1 he avy duty photo copy mach ine) for WDC PIU by WDC ET-MOWIE-208762-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Procurement of pipes a Pending Im and water supply services Single Stage - On 2020-12-2 2020-12-2 2021-01-2 2021-02-0 2021-03-0 2021-05-0 nd fitting for expansion of IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 132,000.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar e Envelope 1 6 5 9 2 1 water supply system to lo on y cities w income area of Mekelle t own by Mekelle town WSS ET-MOWIE-208765-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-01-0 2022-05-2 2021-03-0 2021-03-3 nd fitting for expansion of IDA / 60070 Post Limited 65,000.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 4 0 1 1 water supply system for u y cities nserved low income area b y Bahir Dar WSS ET-MOWIE-208767-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Procurement of pipes a Pending Im and water supply services Single Stage - On 2020-12-2 2020-12-2 2021-01-2 2021-02-0 2021-03-0 2021-04-0 nd fittings for expansion of IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 132,000.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar e Envelope 1 6 5 9 2 1 water supply system for u on y cities nserved low income are fo r Adama town by Adama t own WSSE ET-MOWIE-208769-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2020-12-2 2021-05-1 2020-12-2 2021-01-2 2021-05-1 2021-02-1 2021-05-2 2021-03-0 2021-05-0 2021-05-1 nd fittings for expansion of IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 132,000.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar e Envelope 2 7 7 6 7 0 9 3 2 9 water supply system for u y cities nserved low income area o f Hawasa town by Hawasa town WSSE ET-MOWIE-208770-GO-RF B / Procurement of pipes a Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im nd fittings for expansion of and water supply services Single Stage - On 2020-12-2 2020-12-2 2021-01-2 2021-02-1 2021-03-0 2021-05-0 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 132,000.00 0.00 plementati water supply system for u improvement in secondar e Envelope 2 7 6 0 3 2 on nserved low income area o y cities f Dire Dewa town by Dire Dewa town WSSE ET-MOWIE-208774-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / procurement of pumps and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-01-1 2021-05-0 2021-02-2 2021-06-0 2021-03-2 2021-07-0 and generators for Debre IDA / 60070 Post Limited 79,000.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 4 1 2 3 8 Birhan town Water Supply y cities Project by Debre Birhan to wn Dar Town WSSE ET-MOWIE-220715-GO-RF B / Procurement of operati onal service improvement Component 2: Sanitation equipment's under two lot and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2021-03-1 2021-06-3 2021-03-1 2021-09-1 2021-04-2 2021-10-1 2021-05-2 2022-01-1 2021-06-3 2022-05-1 2021-11-2 IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids 8,900,000.00 8,419,701.42 Signed s ( lot I Water Meters, lot II improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 0 0 5 0 6 2 6 7 0 3 7 leak detection equipment, y cities welding machines, Bulk flo w meters, and test bench) for improvement of 22 tow n Water supply projects by ET-MOWIE-220716-GO-RF WDC Component 2: Sanitation B / procurement of pipes a and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2021-03-1 2021-06-0 2021-03-1 2021-07-1 2021-04-2 2021-08-2 2021-05-2 2022-03-1 2021-06-3 2022-05-1 2021-11-2 nd fittings for 22 towns wa IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids 2,800,000.00 2,860,870.64 Signed improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 0 4 5 5 6 4 6 1 0 3 7 ter supply projects operati y cities onal efficiency improveme nt by WDC ET-MOWIE-221971-GO-DI R / Procurement of Water t Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im reatment Chemicals and R and water supply services 2021-03-0 2021-03-0 2021-04-1 2021-06-0 IDA / 60070 Post Direct Selection Direct 110,769.00 0.00 plementati eagents for covid-19 inter improvement in secondar 1 6 0 9 on vention in Bonga town to y cities areas with acute waster su pply shortage by WDC ET-MOWIE-221972-GO-DI R / Procurement of Alumini Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im um sulfate for covid-19 int and water supply services 2021-03-0 2021-03-0 2021-04-1 2021-06-0 IDA / 60070 Post Direct Selection Direct 46,154.00 0.00 plementati ervention in Gmbella town improvement in secondar 1 6 0 9 on s health stations, hospitals y cities , isolation centers and are as with acute waster suppl y shortage by WDC Page 5 ET-MOWIE-221973-GO-UN / Procurement of Electrom Component 2: Sanitation echanical Equipment (59 s and water supply services UN Agencies (Di 2021-03-0 2021-04-1 2021-03-0 2021-04-1 2021-04-1 2021-07-3 2021-07-1 ubmersible water pumps (l IDA / 60070 Post Direct 1,500,000.00 795,559.00 Signed improvement in secondar rect) 2 7 7 7 1 0 0 ot I) and 11 surface pump y cities s (lot II) ) for 25 towns cov id-19 intervention in acut e water supply shortage ET-MOWIE-228528-GO-RF B-RE-BID / Procurement of Component 3: Project ma Single Stage - On 2021-04-3 2021-12-2 2021-05-0 2022-03-0 2021-06-0 2022-01-2 2021-06-1 2022-03-0 2021-07-2 2022-04-2 2021-11-2 44 Motorcycles for 22 Tow IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Request for Bids Open - National 150,000.00 172,624.17 Signed e Envelope 0 4 5 8 4 5 9 8 4 6 1 ns of Urban Water Supply strengthening and Sanitation Project II (U WSSP-2) by WDC (Re-bid) ET-MOWIE-232953-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of water Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-06-1 2021-08-1 2021-08-2 quality chemicals and instr IDA / 60070 Post Limited 70,000.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 5 uments for Mekelle town on y cities Water supply service emer gency situation by WDC ET-MOWIE-232956-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Q / Procurement of riser pi and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-05-1 2021-07-1 2021-08-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 78,050.00 0.00 plementati pes for Mekelle town wate improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 7 2 1 on r supply service emergenc y cities y situation by WDC ET-MOWIE-232961-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of Office Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-05-2 2021-07-2 2021-09-1 Furniture (#72 chairs and IDA / 60070 Post Limited 28,000.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 8 #25 tables) for Adegarat t on y cities own water utility by Tigray Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-232977-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Q / Procurement of #2 Ge and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-05-2 2021-07-2 2021-08-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 1,000.00 0.00 plementati nerator batters for Mekelle improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 6 1 5 on town water utility by Meke y cities lle town utility ET-MOWIE-232959-GO-RF Q / procurement of Office Component 2: Sanitation equipment lot I (#48 desk Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-06-2 2021-08-1 2021-09-1 top computers and #13 la IDA / 60070 Post Limited 143,000.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 5 4 ptop computers) and lot II on y cities (#1 fax machine, #2 Scan ners and # 2 printers) for Adegarat town utility by W DC. ET-MOWIE-263548-GO-RF Q / Procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2022-02-1 2022-04-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 32,000.00 0.00 plementati pipes, fittings and water m improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 4 5 on eters) to unserved and lo y cities w-income areas of Asosa t own by Asosa town water utility ET-MOWIE-263550-GO-RF Q / Procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2022-04-2 2022-02-1 2022-04-1 2022-05-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 54,300.00 0.00 Completed pipes, fittings and water m improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 5 4 5 9 eters) to unserved and lo y cities w-income areas of Nekemt e town by Nekemte town water utility ET-MOWIE-263551-GO-RF Q / Procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2022-04-0 2022-02-1 2022-06-0 2022-04-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 Completed pipes, fittings and water m improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 1 9 3 0 eters) to unserved and lo y cities w-income areas of shashe mene town by Shashemen e town water utility ET-MOWIE-263556-GO-RF Q / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2022-02-0 2022-02-1 2022-03-0 2022-04-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 54,300.00 0.00 Signed pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 2 4 7 5 er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of Gon der town by Gonder town water utility ET-MOWIE-263559-GO-RF B / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Single Stage - On Under Impl 2021-12-3 2022-05-2 2022-01-0 2022-02-1 2022-06-0 2022-03-1 2020-06-0 2022-04-2 2022-07-2 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 109,000.00 0.00 pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar e Envelope ementation 0 5 4 5 7 7 7 1 0 er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of Bah ir Dar town by Bahir Dar t own water utility ET-MOWIE-263561-GO-RF Q / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-01-0 2020-06-0 2022-03-0 2020-07-0 2022-04-3 2020-07-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 54,300.00 0.00 Completed pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 4 5 1 2 0 7 er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of Des sie town by Dessie town w ater utility ET-MOWIE-263562-GO-RF Q / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-01-0 2022-03-0 2022-04-3 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 54,300.00 0.00 plementati pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 4 1 0 on er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of D/Br han town by D/Brhan town water utility ET-MOWIE-263563-GO-RF Q / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2023-12-0 2022-02-1 2022-12-1 2022-04-1 2024-01-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 54,300.00 0.00 Completed pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 4 4 8 5 1 er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of Har ar town by Harar town wa ter utility ET-MOWIE-263564-GO-RF Q / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2022-02-1 2022-04-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 54,300.00 0.00 plementati pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 4 5 on er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of Dire Dawa town by Dire Dawa town water utility ET-MOWIE-263566-GO-RF Q / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On Under Impl 2021-12-2 2022-02-1 2022-04-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 54,300.00 0.00 pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar tations e Envelope ementation 0 4 5 er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of Asel la town by Asella town wat er utility ET-MOWIE-263567-GO-RF Q / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2020-04-2 2022-02-1 2020-04-2 2022-04-1 2020-05-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 Completed pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 3 4 5 5 1 er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of Bish oftu town by Bishoftu town water utility ET-MOWIE-263570-GO-RF Q / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2020-08-1 2022-02-1 2022-04-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 54,300.00 0.00 Signed pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 7 4 5 er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of A/Mi nch town by A/Minch town water utility ET-MOWIE-263571-GO-RF Q / procurement of Water Component 2: Sanitation supply provision supplies ( and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2021-11-0 2022-02-1 2022-04-1 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 Completed pipes and fittings and wat improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 1 4 5 8 er meters) to unserved an y cities d low-income areas of Sod o town by Sodo town wate r utility ET-MOWIE-263583-GO-RF Q / Procurement of Office f urniture and office equipm Component 3: Project ma ent's Under two lots ( lot I, Request for Quo Single Stage - On Under Impl 2022-01-0 2022-03-1 2022-03-0 2022-03-3 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 9,500.00 0.00 tables, shelfs and chairs a tations e Envelope ementation 4 5 1 1 strengthening nd lot II desk top computer s, laptop computers and pr inters) for Harar town wat er utility PMU by Harar tow n Water Utility ET-MOWIE-263586-GO-RF Q / Procurement of office e Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im quipment's (#1desk top c and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2022-02-1 2022-03-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 1,400.00 0.00 plementati omputers, #1 laptop comp improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 4 6 on uters and #1 printers) for y cities B/Gumuz Region PMU by B /Gumuz Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-263589-GO-RF Q / Procurement of Office f urniture and office equipm Component 2: Sanitation ent's Under two lots ( lot I, and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2020-05-3 2022-02-1 2022-03-3 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 13,000.00 0.00 Canceled tables, shelfs and chairs a improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 1 4 1 nd lot II desk top computer y cities s, laptop computers and pr inters) for Sidama Region Water Bureau PMU by the regional water bureau ET-MOWIE-263679-GO-RF Q / Procurement of office e quipment and office furnit Component 2: Sanitation ure under two lots (lot I off and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-2 2022-04-1 2022-02-1 2022-05-1 2022-03-3 2022-08-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 13,000.00 0.00 Completed ice furniture; tables, chairs improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 4 4 0 1 4 and shelf and lot II office e y cities quipment (printer, desk to p and lap top computer) fo r Afar Region Water Burea u PMU by Afar Region Wat ET-MOWIE-266217-GO-RF er Bureau Q / Procurement of 14 sets Component 2: Sanitation of submersible water pum and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-1 2021-12-1 2022-02-0 2022-03-1 2022-05-1 ps for emergency respons IDA / 60070 Post Limited 770,000.00 468,106.11 Signed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 6 9 9 0 e in war affected project to y cities wns (#3 Gonder, #3 Bahir Dar, #2 Debre-Birhan and #6 Semera-Logia) water s upply projects by MoWE. ET-MOWIE-266222-GO-RF Q / procurement of 7 surf Component 2: Sanitation ace water pumps for emer and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-1 2021-12-1 2022-02-0 2022-03-1 2022-05-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 230,000.00 198,145.81 Signed gency response in war affe improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 6 9 3 0 cted project towns (# 4 G y cities onder and #3 Bahir Dar) w ater supply project by Mo WE ET-MOWIE-266224-GO-RF Q / Procurement of 12 sets Component 2: Sanitation of generators for emergen and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-1 2021-12-1 2022-02-0 2022-03-1 2022-05-1 cy response in war affecte IDA / 60070 Post Limited 540,000.00 341,988.92 Signed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 6 9 3 0 d project towns (#3 Gonde y cities r, #2 Bahir Dar, #2 D/Bera hn and #5 Semera-Logia) water supply projects by M oWE ET-MOWIE-266233-GO-RF Q / Procurement of supply and installation of #8 steel Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im water tanks for emergency and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2021-12-1 2022-02-0 2022-06-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 125,000.00 0.00 plementati response in war affected p improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 9 9 on roject towns (#4 Semera-L y cities ogia, #2 Gonder, #1 Bahir -Dar and #1 Debre-Berhan ) water supply projects by MoWE ET-MOWIE-273916-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of #2 surf and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On Under Impl 2022-02-0 2022-04-0 2022-05-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 35,000.00 0.00 ace pumps for Dessie Tow improvement in secondar tations e Envelope ementation 5 2 7 n Water Supply Utility eme y cities rgency response by MoWE ET-MOWIE-273917-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of #2 Die and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On Under Impl 2022-02-1 2022-03-1 2022-04-0 2022-05-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 86,000.00 0.00 sel Generators for Dessie improvement in secondar tations e Envelope ementation 2 1 9 4 Town Water Supply Utility y cities emergency response by M oWE ET-MOWIE-273918-GO-RF Q / procurement of Office Component 2: Sanitation Equipment (#42 Desk top and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-02-1 2020-06-0 2022-04-0 2022-06-0 2023-03-1 computers, #2 Lap top co IDA / 60070 Post Limited 73,000.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 2 5 9 8 8 mputers, #26 printers, #1 y cities Scanner and # 1 photo co py machine for Dessie tow n Water Utility emergency response by MoWE ET-MOWIE-286449-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and Installation and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-04-0 2022-03-2 2022-05-2 2022-08-2 of five units of 10m3 capa IDA / 60070 Post Limited 5,000.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 6 0 6 4 city water tankers and five y cities units of small booster pum ps by Gonder city Water Utility ET-MOWIE-286447-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and Installation and water supply services Request for Quo Under Impl 2022-04-0 2022-06-1 2022-09-1 of five units of 10m3 capa IDA / 60070 Post 14,000.00 0.00 improvement in secondar tations ementation 6 3 1 city water tankers and five y cities units of small booster pum ps by jigjiga town water u tility ET-MOWIE-286452-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and Installation and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-04-0 2022-06-1 2022-05-2 2022-08-2 2022-07-2 of five units of 10m3 capa IDA / 60070 Post Limited 14,000.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 6 9 6 4 5 city water tankers and five y cities units of small booster pum ps by D/Habour town Wate r Utility Page 6 ET-MOWIE-286446-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and Installation and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-04-0 2023-04-1 2022-05-2 2022-08-2 of five units of 10m3 capa IDA / 60070 Post Limited 14,000.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 6 9 6 4 city water tankers and five y cities units of small booster pum ps by Harari city Water utility ET-MOWIE-291166-GO-RF Q / Supply and installation Component 2: Sanitation of 12 units of 10m3 capaci and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-05-0 2022-06-0 2022-06-2 2022-09-1 ty water tankers and 12 u IDA / 60070 Post Limited 37,215.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 1 1 0 8 nits of small booster pump y cities s for public toilets and 12 units of 3m3 Roto water ta nker for communal toilets by Bahirdar city water utili ET-MOWIE-291192-GO-RF ty Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and installation Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-05-0 2022-06-2 2022-09-1 of 5 units of 10m3 capacit IDA / 60070 Post Limited 14,358.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 1 0 8 y water tankers and 5 unit on y cities s of small booster pumps f or public toilets by Assela city water utility ET-MOWIE-291160-GO-RF Q / Supply and Installation Component 2: Sanitation of 11 units of 10m3 capaci and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-08-2 2022-06-1 2022-10-1 2022-06-0 2023-01-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 28,715.00 0.00 Signed ty water tanker and 11 uni improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 4 6 3 3 1 ts of small booster pumps y cities for public toilets by Shash emane city water utility ET-MOWIE-314136-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and installation and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-05-2 2022-12-2 2023-06-1 2023-02-1 of 8 units of 10m3 capacit IDA / 60070 Post Limited 10,900.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 7 0 6 8 y water tankers and 8 unit y cities s of small booster pump fo r 8 public toilets for Gonde r town ET-MOWIE-314140-GO-RF Q / Supply and installation Component 2: Sanitation of 11 units of 10m3 capaci Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-12-2 2023-02-1 ty water tankers and 11 u IDA / 60070 Post Limited 21,150.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 8 nits of small booster pump on y cities for 11 public toilets and 35 units of 2 m3 capacity wat er tanker for 35 Communa l toilets for Dire Dewa tow nET-MOWIE-314147-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and installation Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-09-2 2022-11-2 2023-01-1 of 8 units of 10m3 capacit IDA / 60070 Post Limited 8,800.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 9 y water tankers and 8 unit on y cities s of small booster pump fo r 8 public toilets for Asosa town ET-MOWIE-314150-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and installation and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-09-2 2023-02-2 2022-11-0 2023-08-2 2023-01-0 2023-08-2 of 7 units of 10m3 capacit IDA / 60070 Post Limited 7,600.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 8 6 5 5 5 y water tankers and 7 unit y cities s of small booster pump fo r 7 public toilets for Bishft u town ET-MOWIE-314154-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and installation Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-01-2 of 5 units of 10m3 capacit IDA / 60070 Post Limited 5,500.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 2 1 y water tankers and 5 unit on y cities s of small booster pump fo r 5 public toilets for Dessie town ET-MOWIE-314166-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and installation Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-12-1 2023-02-1 of 5 units of 10m3 capacit IDA / 60070 Post Limited 29,000.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 3 1 y water tankers and 5 unit on y cities s of booster pumps for 5 p ublic toilets for Assela tow n ET-MOWIE-314171-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Supply and installation Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-3 2022-12-2 2023-02-2 of 5 units of 10m3 capacit IDA / 60070 Post Limited 29,000.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 5 3 y water tankers and 5 unit on y cities s of booster pumps for 5 p ublic toilets for Assela tow n ET-MOWIE-314173-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Single Stage - On 2022-12-3 2023-01-0 2023-02-0 2023-02-2 2023-03-3 2023-07-2 B / Procurement of IT equi IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Request for Bids Open - National 720,000.00 0.00 Canceled e Envelope 0 4 3 4 1 9 pment for implementation improvement in secondar MIS in 22 towns y cities ET-MOWIE-316023-GO-RF B / Procurement of Electro Component 2: Sanitation mechanical equipment (6 and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-01-0 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-02-2 2022-12-2 2023-03-2 2023-01-2 2023-05-1 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 346,000.00 0.00 Completed pumps) for the improveme improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 2 5 4 0 4 3 8 1 8 nt of existing water syste y cities m for the drought affected 3 towns through emergenc y response ET-MOWIE-316090-GO-RF B / Procurement of Electro Component 2: Sanitation mechanical equipment (4 and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-10-1 2023-02-0 2022-10-1 2022-11-1 2023-03-1 2022-11-2 2023-04-1 2023-01-0 2023-04-0 pumps and 4 generators) f IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 193,000.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 9 5 4 4 9 1 3 3 or the improvement of exi y cities sting water system for the drought affected 2 towns ( Godey and Kabridahar) thr ough emergency response ET-MOWIE-316097-GO-RF B / Procurement of Electro mechanical equipment (# Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im 34 Submersible pumps, # and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-10-2 2022-12-0 2023-01-0 2023-02-0 2023-07-0 IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids 2,600,000.00 0.00 plementati 4 Surface pumps and #38 improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 0 5 6 5 9 9 on Generators) for the improv y cities ement of existing water sy stem for the drought affec ted 23 towns through eme rgency response with diff ET-MOWIE-316106-GO-RF erent lots B / Procurement of Electro mechanical equipment (# Component 2: Sanitation 34 Submersible pumps, # and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On Under Impl 2022-11-1 2022-11-1 2022-11-1 2022-11-2 2022-12-2 2023-01-1 2023-01-2 2023-12-2 2023-03-0 2023-07-3 IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids 2,600,000.00 0.00 4 Surface pumps and #38 improvement in secondar nal e Envelope ementation 0 2 5 3 7 7 6 0 2 0 Generators) for the improv y cities ement of existing water sy stem for the drought affec ted 23 towns through eme rgency response with diff ET-MOWIE-316107-GO-RF erent lots B / Procurement of Electro Component 2: Sanitation mechanical equipment (Ra and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-09-0 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2022-12-2 2023-01-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 270,000.00 0.00 Canceled w water and treatment pla improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 4 5 4 4 8 8 nt 2 submersible pump for y cities the improvement of existi ng water supply system ET-MOWIE-316112-GO-RF B / Procurement of HDPE P Component 2: Sanitation N 16 OD 250mm L = 300 and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-03-2 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-04-1 2022-12-2 2023-05-2 2023-01-2 2023-06-3 2023-05-2 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 277,000.00 0.00 Signed 0m and HDPE fittings for t improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 1 5 4 9 4 0 8 0 8 he improvement of existin y cities g water supply system of Debrebirhan town ET-MOWIE-316113-GO-RF Q / Procurement of heavy- Component 2: Sanitation duty riser pipes and fitting and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-04-0 2022-12-2 2023-04-2 2023-02-0 2023-05-2 s GS diameter 100mm for IDA / 60070 Post Limited 24,000.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 3 0 9 3 8 the newly drilled two bore y cities holes and other accessorie s for the improvement of t he existing water supply s ystem Debre Berhan town ET-MOWIE-316117-GO-RF B / Procurement of Electro Component 2: Sanitation mechanical equipment (5 and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-12-1 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-02-0 2022-12-0 2023-02-0 2023-01-1 2023-07-1 2023-04-1 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 240,000.00 0.00 Signed Submersible Water Pumps improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 8 5 4 2 9 2 3 0 3 with accessories) for the i y cities mprovement of existing w ater supply system for Dir e Dewa town ET-MOWIE-316118-GO-RF B / Procurement of Stainle Component 2: Sanitation ss steel 6'' riser pipes with and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-12-1 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-02-0 2022-12-0 2023-05-1 2023-01-1 2023-07-2 2023-05-1 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 350,000.00 0.00 Signed Accessories (350 pcs each improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 8 5 4 2 9 9 3 6 3 6mt length) for the improv y cities ement of the existing wate r supply system of Dire De wa town ET-MOWIE-316119-GO-RF B / Procurement of Electro Component 2: Sanitation mechanical equipment (3 and water supply services Single Stage - On Under Impl 2022-10-1 2023-02-2 2022-10-1 2022-11-1 2023-03-3 2022-11-2 2023-01-0 2023-04-0 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 385,000.00 0.00 Submersible Pump and 3 S improvement in secondar e Envelope ementation 0 6 5 4 0 9 3 3 urface Pump) for the impr y cities ovement of the existing w ater supply system of Hara r town ET-MOWIE-316121-GO-RF B / Procurement of PIPES a nd FITTINGS and HYDRAUL Component 2: Sanitation IC ACCESSORIES Riser stai and water supply services Single Stage - On Under Impl 2022-10-2 2023-02-2 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-03-3 2022-12-0 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 nless steel pipe for 4 BH’s IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 145,000.00 0.00 improvement in secondar e Envelope ementation 0 6 5 4 0 9 3 4 in Hasselisso and Hulahulu y cities l Boreholes (replacement o f damaged riser pipe) for t he improvement of the exi sting water supply system of Harar town ET-MOWIE-316122-GO-RF B / Procurement of Pipes a Component 2: Sanitation nd fittings for about 950-m and water supply services Single Stage - On Under Impl 2022-10-2 2023-11-1 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-12-1 2022-12-0 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 eter riser main with full ac IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 154,000.00 0.00 improvement in secondar e Envelope ementation 0 8 5 4 8 9 3 4 cessary and 450-meter ris y cities er main inside the well wit h full accessary to increas e Water Supply efficiency of Dessie Town ET-MOWIE-316123-GO-RF B / procurement of supply Component 2: Sanitation and Installation of #2 Surf and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-05-1 2022-10-2 2022-11-2 2023-06-2 2022-12-0 2023-07-1 2023-01-1 2023-11-0 2023-04-1 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 231,000.00 0.00 Signed ace Pumps & #1 Submersi improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 7 5 4 2 9 0 3 2 3 ble Pump with full accessa y cities ry to improve the existing water supply system of De ssie Town ET-MOWIE-316124-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Procurement of 2 surfa and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-09-3 2023-03-0 2022-10-0 2022-11-0 2023-04-0 2022-11-1 2023-04-3 2022-12-2 2023-03-2 2023-08-2 ce pump with accessories IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 231,000.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar e Envelope 0 6 5 4 5 9 0 4 4 1 to improve the existing wa y cities ter supply system of Arba minch town ET-MOWIE-316125-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-0 2020-06-2 2022-11-3 2023-01-1 2020-10-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 77,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for unserved lo improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 4 0 4 8 w-income areas water pro y cities vision of Harar town ET-MOWIE-316126-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On Under Impl 2022-11-2 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 28,000.00 0.00 nd fittings for unserved lo improvement in secondar tations e Envelope ementation 0 5 6 w-income areas of Asosa t y cities o town ET-MOWIE-316127-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-12-2 2023-02-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 77,000.00 0.00 plementati nd fitting for Water Supply improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 3 on provision for unserved low y cities -income areas Dire Dewa t own ET-MOWIE-316128-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-12-2 2023-02-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 58,000.00 0.00 plementati nd fitting for Water Supply improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 3 on provision for unserved low y cities -income areas Bahir Dar to wn ET-MOWIE-316130-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-11-1 2022-12-2 2022-12-2 2023-06-1 nd fittings for provision of IDA / 60070 Post Limited 48,000.00 0.00 Completed improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 1 0 4 8 water supply to unserved l y cities ow-income area of Semea Logia town ET-MOWIE-316131-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-06-1 2022-12-2 2023-06-2 2023-02-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 60,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for Water Suppl improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 9 0 7 3 y provision for unserved lo y cities w-income areas of Adama town ET-MOWIE-316154-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-11-2 2023-01-1 2023-03-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 68,000.00 0.00 plementati nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 5 1 on water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Gonder town ET-MOWIE-316155-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-11-2 2022-08-2 2023-01-1 2022-08-2 2023-03-0 2022-08-3 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 68,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 5 5 7 1 1 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Bishoftu town ET-MOWIE-316156-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-11-2 2022-10-2 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 2022-11-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 96,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 7 5 6 0 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Wolayita Sodo to wn ET-MOWIE-316157-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-08-2 2022-12-2 2023-02-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 48,000.00 0.00 Signed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 3 0 3 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Gambella town Page 7 ET-MOWIE-316158-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-11-2 2023-03-1 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 2023-03-3 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 96,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 0 6 5 6 1 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Hawasa town ET-MOWIE-316159-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-05-3 2022-12-2 2023-02-1 2022-06-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 69,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 0 8 0 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Arba Minch town ET-MOWIE-316160-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-09-2 2022-12-2 2022-11-0 2023-02-1 2022-11-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 96,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 6 0 7 8 9 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Shashamene tow n ET-MOWIE-316161-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-04-0 2022-12-2 2023-04-2 2023-02-1 2023-05-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 67,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 3 0 9 8 8 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Debre Berhan to wn ET-MOWIE-316163-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Single Stage - On 2022-11-1 2022-10-1 2022-11-2 2022-12-2 2022-11-3 2023-01-0 2022-10-1 2023-02-0 2023-01-0 2023-06-0 2023-01-0 IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 104,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar e Envelope 5 0 0 0 0 4 0 8 5 8 6 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Jimma town ET-MOWIE-316164-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-05-0 2022-12-2 2023-07-0 2023-02-1 2023-07-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 58,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 9 0 3 8 7 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Dessie town ET-MOWIE-316165-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-01-3 2022-12-2 2023-02-1 2023-02-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 58,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 0 8 0 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Nekemte town ET-MOWIE-316166-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2023-05-1 2022-12-2 2023-02-0 2023-07-0 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 39,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 0 3 4 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Jigjiga town ET-MOWIE-316167-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / Procurement of pipes a and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2022-10-2 2022-12-1 2022-12-2 2023-02-0 2023-01-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 48,000.00 0.00 Completed nd fittings for provision of improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 0 0 3 0 water supply to low-incom y cities e area of Assela town ET-MOWIE-325423-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Single Stage - On 2022-11-3 2022-12-1 2022-12-0 2023-01-0 2023-02-0 2023-02-0 2023-02-0 2023-03-1 2023-07-0 2023-09-0 B / Procurement of Water IDA / 60070 and water supply services Post Request for Bids Open - National 601,000.00 0.00 Signed e Envelope 0 8 5 4 2 3 2 0 8 6 Meter 12500 for Diredawa improvement in secondar Utility y cities ET-MOWIE-332114-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / Procurement of office e Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-03-0 2023-04-3 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 37,500.00 0.00 plementati quipment (13 laptop,1 des tations e Envelope 3 1 0 strengthening on ktop computer, 2LCD Proje ctors and 1 scanner ) for M OWE ET-MOWIE-332138-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / Procurement of office e Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 8,654.00 0.00 plementati quipment (4 Laptops and 1 tations e Envelope 1 6 7 strengthening on printer) by Amhara regio n WB ET-MOWIE-332141-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 8,654.00 0.00 plementati equipment (2 Laptops, 2 p tations e Envelope 1 6 7 strengthening on rinters, 1copier and 1 scan ner) by SNNP Region WB ET-MOWIE-332145-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 11,538.00 0.00 plementati equipment (4 Laptops,1pr tations e Envelope 1 7 8 strengthening on inter,1 copier, and 1 scann er) by Somali Region WB ET-MOWIE-332200-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-12-1 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 2024-02-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 11,538.00 0.00 Completed equipment (4 laptops, 1 pr tations e Envelope 1 3 7 8 8 strengthening inter, 1 copier and 1 scann er) by Harrar utility ET-MOWIE-332202-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Q / procurement of office e Request for Quo Single Stage - On Under Impl 2023-01-0 2019-02-1 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 2,885.00 0.00 quipment (1 laptop and 1 tations e Envelope ementation 1 1 7 8 strengthening printer) by Diredawa utility ET-MOWIE-332203-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 Q / procurement of office IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 2,885.00 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 1 7 8 equipment(1 laptop and 1 strengthening on printer) by Assosa utility ET-MOWIE-332205-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Q / procurement of office e Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2021-06-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 2,885.00 0.00 Completed quipment (1 laptop and 1 tations e Envelope 1 8 7 8 strengthening printer) by Gambella utility ET-MOWIE-332207-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2019-09-2 2023-02-2 2019-10-0 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 2,885.00 0.00 Completed equipment (1 laptop and 1 tations e Envelope 1 3 7 4 8 strengthening printer) by S/Logia utility ET-MOWIE-332209-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 Q / procurement of office IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 17,500.00 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 1 6 7 furniture (15 Tables and 1 strengthening on 5 chairs) by MOWE ET-MOWIE-332239-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / procurement of office f Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 4,038.00 0.00 plementati urniture (6 tables and 6 c tations e Envelope 1 6 7 strengthening on hairs) by Oromia region WB ET-MOWIE-332300-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / procurement of office f Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 4,038.00 0.00 plementati urniture (6 tables and 6 c tations e Envelope 1 6 7 strengthening on hairs ) by Amhara region WB ET-MOWIE-332303-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 4,038.00 0.00 plementati furniture (7 tables and 7 c tations e Envelope 1 6 7 strengthening on hairs) by SNNP Region WB ET-MOWIE-332307-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / procurement of office f Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 5,385.00 0.00 plementati urniture ( 8 tables and 8 tations e Envelope 1 6 7 strengthening on chairs ) by the Somali regi on WB. ET-MOWIE-332403-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 1,346.00 0.00 Canceled furniture ( 2 tables and 2 tations e Envelope 1 6 7 strengthening chairs ) by the Hawassa u tility ET-MOWIE-332410-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2019-10-1 2023-02-2 2019-12-2 2023-04-2 2020-01-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 5,385.00 0.00 Completed furniture ( 8 tables and 8 tations e Envelope 1 5 6 6 7 4 strengthening chairs ) by the Harar utilit y ET-MOWIE-332413-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2019-02-1 2023-02-2 2019-02-1 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 1,346.00 0.00 Completed furniture ( 2 tables and 2 tations e Envelope 1 1 6 9 7 strengthening chairs) by the Diredewa u tility ET-MOWIE-332414-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 1,346.00 0.00 plementati furniture ( 2 tables and 2 tations e Envelope 1 6 7 strengthening on chairs ) by the Assosa ut ility ET-MOWIE-332416-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2021-01-1 2023-02-2 2023-04-2 2021-02-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 1,346.00 0.00 Completed furniture f( 2 tables and 2 tations e Envelope 1 4 6 7 0 strengthening chairs) by the Gambella utility ET-MOWIE-332419-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Q / procurement of office Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-0 2019-09-2 2023-02-2 2019-10-2 2023-04-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 1,346.00 0.00 Completed furniture ( 2 tables and 2 tations e Envelope 1 6 6 5 7 strengthening chairs) by the S/Logia util ity ET-MOWIE-334478-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 2023-05-1 Q / procurement of 18 tab IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 12,114.00 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 7 4 3 les and 18 chairs by Oromi strengthening on a region WB ET-MOWIE-334480-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 2023-05-1 Q / procurement of 14 Ta IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 9,422.00 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 7 4 3 bles and 14 Chairs by Amh strengthening on ara region WB ET-MOWIE-334481-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 2023-05-1 Q / procurement of 11 Ch IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 4,038.00 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 7 4 3 airs and 11 Tables by SNN strengthening on P Region WB. ET-MOWIE-334483-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 2023-05-1 Q / procurement of 2 table IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 1,346.00 0.00 Canceled tations e Envelope 7 4 3 s and 2 chairs by Hawass strengthening a Utility ET-MOWIE-334484-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 2023-05-1 Q / procurement of 10 La IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 25,964.00 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 7 4 3 ptops and 7 printers by Or strengthening on omia Region WB ET-MOWIE-334485-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 2023-05-1 Q / procurement of 8 Lapt IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 20,194.00 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 7 4 3 ops and 5 printers by Amh strengthening on ara region WB ET-MOWIE-334487-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Q / procurement of 4 Lap Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-01-1 2023-03-1 2023-05-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 14,424.00 0.00 plementati tops,4 printers, 1copier a tations e Envelope 7 4 3 strengthening on nd 1scanner by the SNNP Region WB ET-MOWIE-339464-GO-RF B / Procurement of Electro Component 2: Sanitation mechanical equipment (Ra and water supply services Single Stage - On 2023-01-3 2023-02-0 2023-02-0 2023-03-0 2023-03-2 2023-04-0 2023-03-0 2023-05-1 2023-06-2 2023-08-0 w water and treatment IDA / 60070 Post Request for Bids Open - National 270,000.00 0.00 Signed improvement in secondar e Envelope 1 1 5 7 0 6 6 1 6 9 plant 2 submersible pump y cities for the improvement of exi sting water supply system ET-MOWIE-354515-GO-RF B / Procurement of Vacuu m Trucks and Vacutugs of Component 2: Sanitation different capacity (10m3 # and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On 2023-05-0 2023-07-2 2023-05-0 2023-09-0 2023-06-2 2023-09-2 2023-07-2 2024-04-1 2023-08-2 2024-08-2 IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids 10,000,000.00 0.00 Canceled 3, 8m3 #26, 6m3 #14 Vac improvement in secondar nal e Envelope 4 1 9 4 0 9 0 2 4 3 uum Trucks, Sewer Jet 1m y cities 3 #1), Vacutugs (0.5m3 # 24 and 1.5m3 #4) and #1 portable sludge pump for 22 towns water utilities. ET-MOWIE-365121-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation B / Procurement of pipes, f and water supply services Open - Internatio Single Stage - On Under Impl 2023-06-2 2024-02-1 2023-06-3 2024-02-2 2023-08-1 2023-09-0 2023-09-2 2024-04-2 IDA / 60070 Prior Request for Bids 2,500,000.00 0.00 ittings and electromechani improvement in secondar nal e Envelope ementation 5 5 0 1 1 1 9 6 cal equipment with differe y cities nt lots for Gondar town ET-MOWIE-232948-GO-DI R / Procurement of Electro mechanical Equipment lot Component 2: Sanitation I (# 4 water pump motors, and water supply services 2021-05-2 2021-05-3 2021-07-0 2021-10-0 #6 surface pumps, #7 sub IDA / 60070 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,179,000.00 0.00 Canceled improvement in secondar 5 0 4 2 mersible pumps), lot II (# y cities 12 Generators) lot III cont rol panel parts for Mekelle and Adegarat towns water utilities emergency situati on by WDC from UNOPS. ET-MOWIE-370830-GO-DI Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im R / procurement of #2000 and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-07-2 2023-09-1 2023-11-1 IDA / 60070 Post Open - National 170,000.00 0.00 plementati standard customer water improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 9 8 on meters for Agigrat town W y cities ater supply project ET-MOWIE-370826-GO-RF Q / Procurement of office e quipment (#20 desk top c omputer, # 4laptop comp Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-07-2 2023-08-2 2023-10-2 uters, #2 printers, #2 mul IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 123,000.00 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 5 9 8 tipurpose photocopy mach strengthening on ine, #1 fax machine and # 1 projector) for restoration war affected adigrat town water supply and sewerag e service office. Page 8 ET-MOWIE-370827-GO-RF Q / procurement of spare parts for electromechanica Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im l equipment (#5 switch bo and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-07-2 2023-08-2 2023-11-2 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 46,000.00 0.00 plementati ards/control panels and # improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 9 7 on 4 soft starters) for restorat y cities ion war affected adigrat to wn water supply and sewe rage service by Tigray Reg ion Water Bureau. ET-MOWIE-370824-GO-RF Q / Procurement of office f urniture (#37 tables, #120 Component 3: Project ma Pending Im Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2023-07-2 2023-08-2 2023-11-2 chairs, # 9 shelfs and #2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 363,000.00 0.00 plementati tations e Envelope 5 9 7 Kazanas) for restoration of strengthening on war affected Adigrat town Water supply and sewerag e service office by Tigray Region Water Bureau. ET-MOWIE-370831-GO-RF Q / Procurement of electro mechanical equipment (# Component 2: Sanitation 15 submersible pumps an and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On Under Impl 2023-08-1 2023-09-2 2023-12-2 IDA / 60070 Post Open - National 1,000,000.00 0.00 d # 2 sets of surface boost improvement in secondar tations e Envelope ementation 9 3 2 er pumps with all accessor y cities ies for restoration of war a ffected Mekelle town wate r service by Mekelle town Water utility. ET-MOWIE-383968-GO-RF Component 3: Project ma B / Procurements of IT eq Open - Internatio Single Stage - On Under Impl 2023-10-1 2023-12-0 2023-10-2 2023-12-2 2023-12-0 2024-01-0 2024-02-1 2024-08-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Request for Bids 1,307,018.00 0.00 uipment for implementati nal e Envelope ementation 8 9 3 1 7 6 0 8 strengthening on MIS server for 20 seco ndary cities. ET-MOWIE-370828-GO-RF Component 2: Sanitation Q / procurement of #6 sub Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2024-01-1 2024-02-1 2024-05-1 mersible pumps and riser IDA / 60070 Post Open - National 231,000.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 5 9 9 pipes for Adigart Town Wa on y cities ter supply project by Tigra y Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-434806-GO-RF Q / Procurement of office e Component 2: Sanitation quipment's (desk top com Pending Im and water supply services Request for Quo Limited - Nationa Single Stage - On 2024-07-2 2024-09-1 2024-11-1 puter #4 ,Laptop compute IDA / 60080 Post 100,000.00 0.00 plementati improvement in secondar tations l e Envelope 1 5 4 r # 4, scanner #1, Photoco on y cities pier#1 ,and printer#4), a nd office furniture ( table cabinet #3 and office cha irs#10) and office supplies NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. Bid Evaluation Repo Loan / Credit Market Approa Procurement Pr Prequalificatio Estimated A Actual Amoun Process S Draft Pre-qualificatio Prequalification Eval Draft Bidding Docu Specific Procuremen Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method rt and Recommenda Signed Contract Contract Completion No. ch ocess n (Y/N) mount (US$) t (US$) tatus n Documents uation Report ment / Justification t Notice / Invitation as Issued / Opening / Minutes tion for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ET-MOWIE-174570-NC-RF Component 2: Sanitation Pending Im Q / Procurement of mainte and water supply services Request for Quo Single Stage - On 2020-05-3 2020-07-0 2020-07-1 IDA / 60070 Post Limited 30,769.00 0.00 plementati nance service of Generato improvement in secondar tations e Envelope 1 5 9 on rs and transformer for shir y cities e town by shire town Wate r Utility CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. Short List and Draft Combined Evaluatio Loan / Credit Market Approa Contract Type Estimated Am Actual Amou Process Statu Expression of Intere Request for Proposal Opening of Technica Evaluation of Techn / Description Component Review Type Method Terms of Reference Request for Proposal n Report and Draft N Signed Contract Contract Completion No. ch ount (US$) nt (US$) s st Notice s as Issued l Proposals / Minutes ical Proposal s egotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ET-MOWIE-43244-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-07-1 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-03-0 2018-07-2 2018-12-3 2018-09-2 2018-01-1 2018-11-0 2019-04-2 2018-12-2 2019-07-1 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 214,456.00 Signed 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 7 1 1 3 9 1 7 5 8 7 0 6 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Harari town by Harar i Town water supply and s ewerage service ET-MOWIE-50559-CS-QCB S / Consultancy Service for Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos Establishment of Urban W and water supply services Under Impleme 2018-07-1 2018-07-2 2018-09-0 2018-09-3 2018-10-3 2018-12-0 2019-01-0 2020-01-0 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 2018-06-20 ater Supply and Waste Wa improvement in secondar ntation 7 0 2 0 0 4 8 8 n ter Management Service R y cities egulation in Ethiopia by Mi nistry of Water Irrigation a nd Electricity ET-MOWIE-43193-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services Open - Internatio 2018-08-1 2018-07-1 2018-10-0 2018-08-2 2019-06-2 2018-09-2 2019-09-0 2018-10-2 2020-02-1 2018-11-2 2020-09-0 2018-12-3 2020-10-0 2019-09-2 IDA / 60070 Prior t-Based Selectio 600,000.00 995,043.88 Signed 2018-06-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar nal 0 1 3 4 7 1 2 1 2 5 3 0 4 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Jimma and Nekemte Towns by Oromia Water Mi neral and Energy Bureau ET-MOWIE-43212-CS-QCB S / Consultancy Service for Component 2: Sanitation Development of an Integra Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 ted City Wide Sanitation IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 plan and Feasibility Study n y cities and Detail Design for Asell a Town WSSS by Asella To wn water supply and sewe rage service ET-MOWIE-43209-CS-QCB S / Consultancy Service for Component 2: Sanitation Development of an Integra Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-04-1 2018-05-3 2018-06-2 2018-08-2 2018-10-0 2018-11-1 2019-08-1 ted City Wide Sanitation IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 500,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-03-20 improvement in secondar 0 1 8 7 8 9 6 plan and Feasibility Study n y cities and Detail Design for Sodo and Arbaminch Towns by SNNPR Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-43208-CS-QCB S / Consultancy Service for Component 2: Sanitation Development of an Integra Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-04-1 2018-05-3 2018-06-2 2018-08-2 2018-10-0 2018-11-1 2019-08-0 ted City Wide Sanitation IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-03-20 improvement in secondar 0 1 8 7 1 2 9 plan and Feasibility Study n y cities and Detail Design for Sodo Town WSSS by Sodo Town water supply and sewerag e service ET-MOWIE-43214-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Development of an integra Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-08-0 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-08-0 2018-07-2 2019-03-0 2018-09-2 2019-06-0 2018-11-0 2019-09-1 2018-12-2 2019-10-0 2019-09-1 ted City Wide Sanitation pl IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 217,285.63 Signed 2018-04-20 improvement in secondar 1 1 1 1 9 9 7 3 8 8 0 1 6 an and Feasibility Study a n y cities nd Detail Design of Waste Water Management Syste m for Adegrat town by Tigr ay Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-43206-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Dessie town by Dess ie Town water supply and sewerage service ET-MOWIE-43200-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Gambella town by G ambella Town water suppl y and sewerage service ET-MOWIE-43198-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-06-2 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-1 2019-09-0 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 4 2 0 1 3 9 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Nekemet town by N ekemet Town water supply and sewerage service ET-MOWIE-43237-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Jigjiga town by Jigijig a Town water supply and s ewerage service ET-MOWIE-43239-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Shashemene town b y Shashemene Town water supply and sewerage servi ET-MOWIE-43216-CS-QCB ce S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Semera town by Se mera Town water supply a nd sewerage service ET-MOWIE-43241-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Bishoftu town by Bis hoftu Town water supply a nd sewerage service ET-MOWIE-43059-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Deghabur town by D eghabur Town water suppl y and sewerage service ET-MOWIE-43248-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Arbaminch town by Arbaminch Town water su pply and sewerage service ET-MOWIE-43203-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Gonder town by Gon der Town water supply an d sewerage service ET-MOWIE-65731-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services Open - Internatio 2018-08-0 2018-07-1 2018-09-0 2018-08-2 2019-01-1 2018-09-2 2019-03-0 2018-10-2 2019-08-3 2018-11-2 2019-12-0 2018-12-3 2020-01-0 2019-09-2 IDA / 60080 Prior t-Based Selectio 900,000.00 1,246,690.99 Signed 2018-06-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar nal 6 1 4 4 4 1 5 1 0 5 8 0 3 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Gambella, Semera a nd Asosa Towns by Ministr y of Water Irrigation and El ET-MOWIE-65735-CS-QCB ectricity S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation ted City Wide Sanitation pl Quality And Cos and water supply services Open - Internatio Under Impleme 2018-08-1 2018-07-1 2018-10-0 2018-09-0 2019-08-1 2018-09-2 2019-11-1 2018-10-2 2020-02-2 2018-12-0 2020-09-2 2019-01-0 2019-10-0 an and Feasibility Study a IDA / 60080 Prior t-Based Selectio 900,000.00 0.00 2018-06-28 improvement in secondar nal ntation 0 9 5 1 4 9 2 9 6 3 2 7 4 nd Detail Design of Waste n y cities Water Management Syste m for Asella, Shashemene and Bishoftu towns by Or omia Water, Mineral and E nergy Bureau ET-MOWIE-65737-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services Open - Internatio 2018-08-1 2018-07-1 2018-10-1 2018-09-0 2019-06-2 2018-09-2 2019-09-1 2018-10-2 2019-12-0 2018-12-0 2020-06-0 2019-01-0 2020-09-0 2019-10-0 IDA / 60080 Prior t-Based Selectio 900,000.00 1,163,667.22 Signed 2018-06-28 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar nal 0 9 4 1 7 9 7 9 8 3 2 7 3 4 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Gonder, Dessie and Debreberhan towns by Am ehara Water Bureau Page 9 ET-MOWIE-65751-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services Open - Internatio 2018-08-1 2018-07-1 2018-10-1 2018-08-2 2020-02-1 2018-09-2 2020-05-2 2018-10-2 2020-12-1 2018-11-2 2021-02-2 2018-12-3 2021-03-1 2019-09-2 IDA / 60080 Prior t-Based Selectio 600,000.00 0.00 Signed 2018-06-20 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar nal 0 1 7 4 6 1 1 1 6 5 2 0 2 6 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Sodo and Arbaminch Towns by SNNPR Water Bu reau ET-MOWIE-65753-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Development of an integra Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ted City Wide Sanitation pl and water supply services Open - Internatio 2018-08-0 2018-07-1 2018-10-0 2018-08-3 2019-07-1 2018-09-2 2019-09-0 2018-10-2 2019-10-3 2018-12-0 2020-05-3 2019-01-0 2020-07-1 2019-10-0 IDA / 60080 Prior t-Based Selectio 600,000.00 1,279,278.48 Signed 2018-06-26 an and Feasibility Study a improvement in secondar nal 6 7 5 0 6 7 5 7 1 1 0 5 2 2 n nd Detail Design of Waste y cities Water Management Syste m for Jijiga and Deghabur Towns by Somali Region W ater Resource Developme ET-MOWIE-43213-CS-QCB nt Bureau S / Consultancy Service for Component 2: Sanitation Development of an Integra Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2019-09-1 ted City Wide Sanitation IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 improvement in secondar 1 1 9 7 8 0 6 plan and Feasibility Study n y cities and Detail Design for Aoss osa Town WSSS by Assosa Town water supply and se werage service ET-MOWIE-55840-CS-QCB Component 2: Sanitation S / Procurement of re-inno Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-07-1 2018-08-2 2018-09-2 2018-10-2 2018-11-2 2018-12-3 2019-12-3 vation of Enterprise level I IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-06-20 improvement in secondar 1 4 1 1 5 0 0 nformation Management S n y cities ystem by Mekele Town Wa ter Supply and Sewerage S ervice ET-MOWIE-43218-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos Development of an integra and water supply services 2018-04-1 2018-05-3 2018-06-2 2018-08-2 2018-10-0 2018-11-1 2019-08-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-03-20 ted Town Sanitation plan f improvement in secondar 0 1 8 7 8 9 6 n or Dire Dewa town by Dire y cities Dawa Town water supply a nd sewerage service ET-MOWIE-43231-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos Development of an integra and water supply services 2018-04-1 2018-05-3 2018-06-2 2018-08-2 2018-10-0 2018-11-1 2019-08-0 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-03-20 ted Town Sanitation plan f improvement in secondar 0 1 8 7 1 2 9 n or Adama town by Adama y cities Town water supply and se werage service ET-MOWIE-43234-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos Development of an integra and water supply services 2018-04-1 2018-05-3 2018-06-2 2018-08-2 2018-10-0 2018-11-1 2019-08-0 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-03-20 ted Town Sanitation plan f improvement in secondar 0 1 8 7 1 2 9 n or Hawassa town by Hawa y cities ssa Town water supply an d sewerage service ET-MOWIE-43227-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos Development of an integra and water supply services 2018-04-1 2018-05-3 2018-06-2 2018-08-2 2018-10-0 2018-11-1 2019-08-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-03-20 ted Town Sanitation plan f improvement in secondar 0 1 8 7 8 9 6 n or Mekelle town by Mekell y cities e Town water supply and s ewerage service ET-MOWIE-43222-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos Development of an integra and water supply services 2018-05-1 2018-07-0 2018-07-2 2018-08-2 2018-10-0 2018-11-2 2019-08-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-04-20 ted City Wide Sanitation pl improvement in secondar 1 1 9 8 9 0 7 n an for Bahir Dar town by y cities Bahir Dar Town water sup ply and sewerage service ET-MOWIE-77764-CS-QCB S / consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos preparation of business pl and water supply services 2018-10-1 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2019-03-0 2019-04-0 2019-08-0 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-27 an for Jima, Nekemte and improvement in secondar 8 1 9 8 4 8 6 n Bishoftu Towns Water Sup y cities ply project by Oromia Wat er, Mineral and Energy Bur eau ET-MOWIE-75929-CS-QCB S / Selection and employm Component 2: Sanitation ent of consultant for situat Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-10-1 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2019-03-0 2019-04-0 2019-08-0 ional assessment and dev IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-27 improvement in secondar 8 1 9 8 4 8 6 elopment of NRW reductio n y cities n and management interv entions for Jigjiga and Deg habur towns by Somali Re gion Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-75924-CS-QCB S / Selection and employm Component 2: Sanitation ent of consultant for situat Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-10-1 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2019-03-0 2019-04-0 2019-10-0 ional assessment and dev IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-27 improvement in secondar 8 1 9 8 4 8 5 elopment of NRW reductio n y cities n and management interv entions for Bahirdar, D/ber han and Dessie towns by A mhara Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-77752-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos preparation of business pl and water supply services 2018-10-1 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2019-03-0 2019-04-0 2019-08-0 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-27 an for Mekele and Adegrat improvement in secondar 8 1 9 8 4 8 6 n towns Water supply and S y cities ewerage authorities by Tig ray Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-75935-CS-QCB S / Selection and employm Component 2: Sanitation ent of consultant for situat Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-10-2 2018-12-0 2019-01-0 2019-02-0 2019-03-0 2019-04-1 2019-07-1 ional assessment and dev IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-02 improvement in secondar 3 6 3 2 9 3 2 elopment of NRW reductio n y cities n and management interv entions for Harari town by Harari water supply and se werage service ET-MOWIE-77885-CS-QCB Component 2: Sanitation S / Consultancy Service for Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-10-2 2018-12-0 2019-01-0 2019-02-0 2019-03-1 2019-04-1 2019-08-1 preparation of Business pl IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-05 improvement in secondar 6 9 6 5 2 6 4 an for Adama, Asella and S n y cities hashamene towns by Oro mia Water Mineral and En ergy Bureau ET-MOWIE-75932-CS-QCB S / Selection and employm ent of consultant for Cons Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ultancy service for prepara and water supply services 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-09-2 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 130,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 tion of business plan and improvement in secondar 6 9 6 8 2 7 4 n NRW Reduction strategic p y cities lan and implementation m echanisms for Soda, Hawa sa and Arbamich towns b y SNNP reginal water bure ET-MOWIE-75927-CS-QCB aus S / Selection and employm Component 2: Sanitation ent of consultant for situat Quality And Cos and water supply services 2018-10-1 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2019-03-0 2019-04-0 2019-10-0 ional assessment and dev IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-27 improvement in secondar 8 1 9 8 4 8 5 elopment of NRW reductio n y cities n and management interv entions for Gambella, Sem era and Asosa towns by M oWIE ET-MOWIE-84640-CS-QCB Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos S / Consultancy Service for and water supply services Open - Internatio 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-02-1 2019-02-0 2019-11-2 2019-03-0 2020-04-0 2019-04-0 2020-06-0 2019-05-0 2021-06-0 2019-06-1 2021-07-2 2020-06-1 IDA / 60080 Prior t-Based Selectio 540,000.00 899,550.78 Signed 2018-11-30 Preparation of Urban Wate improvement in secondar nal 5 1 4 3 7 3 3 2 9 7 1 1 4 0 n r Supply Study and Design y cities Criteria ET-MOWIE-77886-CS-QCB Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos S / Consultancy Service for and water supply services Under Impleme 2019-09-0 2018-12-1 2019-01-2 2019-02-2 2019-03-2 2019-04-2 2019-06-0 2019-09-2 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 2018-11-20 preparation of Business pl improvement in secondar ntation 4 1 4 1 3 7 1 9 n an for Dire Dewa town by y cities Diredewa town water utilit y ET-MOWIE-75898-CS-QCB S / Selection and Employm ent of Consultant for Devel opment of Billing and Acco Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-11-2 unting System, Customer IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 51,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 6 9 6 8 2 7 3 Care, FM improvement, ne strengthening n twork management and a nd capacity Building for De ghabur and Jigjiga towns by Somali Region Water R esource Development Bur ET-MOWIE-75900-CS-QCB eau S / Selection and Employm ent of Consultant for Devel Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos opment of Billing and Acco 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-11-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 51,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 unting System, Customer 6 9 6 8 2 7 3 strengthening n Care, FM improvement, ne twork management and a nd capacity Building for Ad egrat and Mekelle towns b y Tigray Region Water Bur ET-MOWIE-75896-CS-QCB eau S / Selection and Employm ent of Consultant for Devel opment of Billing and Acco Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-11-2 unting System, Customer IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 76,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 6 9 6 8 2 7 3 Care, FM improvement, ne strengthening n twork management and a nd capacity Building for Ba hirdar, Gonder, Debrebrih an and Dessie towns by A mahara Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-75897-CS-QCB S / Selection and Employm ent of Consultant for Devel Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos opment of Billing and Acco 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-11-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 76,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 unting System, Customer 6 9 6 8 2 7 3 strengthening n Care, FM improvement, ne twork management and a nd capacity Building for Ga mbella, Semera, and Asos a towns by MoWIE ET-MOWIE-75892-CS-QCB S / Selection and Employm ent of Consultant for Devel Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos opment of Billing and Acco 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-11-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 76,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 unting System, Customer 6 9 6 8 2 7 3 strengthening n Care, FM improvement, ne twork management and a nd capacity Building for Ne kemte and Jimma towns b y by Oromia WMEB ET-MOWIE-75903-CS-QCB S / Selection and Employm ent of Consultant for Devel Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos opment of Billing and Acco 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-11-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 76,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-14 unting System, Customer 5 8 5 7 1 6 2 strengthening n Care, FM improvement, ne twork management and a nd capacity Building for Ha wassa, Sodo, and Arbamin ch towns by SNRPR Water ET-MOWIE-75888-CS-INDV Bureau / Selection and Employme nt of Consultant for Develo Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos pment of Billing and Accou 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-11-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 76,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 nting System, Customer C 6 9 6 8 2 7 3 strengthening n are, FM improvement, net work management and C apacity Building for Adama , Assela, Bishoftu and Shas hamene towns by Oromia ET-MOWIE-75899-CS-QCB WMEB S / Selection and Employm ent of Consultant for Devel Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-08-2 opment of Billing and Acco IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 75,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 6 9 6 8 2 7 5 unting System, Customer strengthening n Care, FM improvement, ne twork management and a nd capacity Building for Ha rar town by by Harar WME BET-MOWIE-75905-CS-QCB S / Selection and Employm ent of Consultant for Devel Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos opment of Billing and Acco 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-08-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 unting System, Customer 6 9 6 8 2 7 5 strengthening n Care, FM improvement, ne twork management and a nd capacity Building for Di redewa town WSSS by dire dewa town WSSS ET-MOWIE-107046-CS-QC BS / Consultancy Service f Component 2: Sanitation or Design and Implementa Quality And Cos and water supply services Open - Internatio 2019-09-1 2019-09-1 2019-11-0 2019-10-2 2020-05-0 2019-12-0 2020-06-2 2020-01-0 2021-11-1 2020-02-0 2022-03-2 2020-03-1 2022-05-2 2021-09-0 tion of an Integrated Mana IDA / 60070 Prior t-Based Selectio 4,067,243.00 0.00 Signed 2019-08-20 improvement in secondar nal 6 0 7 4 7 5 6 4 8 8 3 4 3 5 gement Information Syste n y cities m for Urban Water Utilities in Ethiopia, by Water Deve lopment Commission ET-MOWIE-139130-CS-QC BS / consultancy service o Component 2: Sanitation n the construction supervi Quality And Cos and water supply services Open - Internatio 2020-06-1 2019-12-1 2020-07-1 2020-01-2 2021-04-2 2020-02-2 2021-06-0 2020-03-2 2021-12-1 2020-04-2 2023-06-3 2020-06-0 2023-08-0 2022-01-2 sion of FSM (fecal sludge IDA / 60070 Prior t-Based Selectio 1,400,000.00 0.00 Signed 2019-11-21 improvement in secondar nal 2 2 4 5 7 4 4 5 4 9 0 3 8 4 management ) for Adama, n y cities Bahirdar, Hawasa, DireDe wa, and Mekele Towns by Water Development Comis ion. Page 10 ET-MOWIE-143194-CS-QC BS / Selection and Employ ment of Independent proc Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos urement Audit service f and water supply services 2020-01-0 2020-01-0 2020-01-2 2020-03-0 2020-05-1 2020-04-0 2020-07-1 2020-05-0 2020-11-0 2020-06-1 2021-04-2 2020-07-1 2021-06-1 2022-02-0 IDA / 60070 Prior t-Based Selectio Open - National 300,000.00 243,328.50 Signed 2019-12-25 or multi years procurem improvement in secondar 1 8 7 8 2 7 4 7 9 1 1 6 7 6 n ent Audit (2009-2013 EFY y cities ) for 23 towns o f Urban Water and Sanitation Proje ct II (UWSSP-2) by Wat er Development Commissi ET-MOWIE-152576-CS-QC on BS / Consultancy service f or preparation of business Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos plan and NRW Reduction s and water supply services Open - Internatio Under Impleme 2020-03-1 2020-02-1 2020-06-0 2020-03-2 2022-11-2 2020-04-2 2023-01-2 2020-05-2 2023-07-3 2020-06-2 2024-04-1 2020-08-0 2022-01-2 IDA / 60070 Prior t-Based Selectio 3,105,582.00 0.00 2020-01-23 trategic plan and impleme improvement in secondar nal ntation 3 3 8 8 4 5 4 5 1 9 6 3 5 n nt for Adama, Asela, Shash y cities amene, Nekemete, Jima a nd Bishoftu towns Water s upply and Sewerage autho rities by Oromia Region W ET-MOWIE-152577-CS-QC ater Bureau BS / Consultancy service f or preparation of business Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos plan and NRW Reduction s and water supply services Open - Internatio 2020-03-1 2020-02-1 2020-05-2 2020-03-2 2022-03-1 2020-04-2 2022-05-2 2020-05-2 2022-10-1 2020-06-2 2023-01-1 2020-08-0 2023-02-1 2021-11-2 IDA / 60070 Prior t-Based Selectio 2,552,791.00 0.00 Signed 2020-01-23 trategic plan and impleme improvement in secondar nal 3 3 8 8 0 5 3 5 1 9 6 3 3 6 n nt for Bhir Dar, Gonder, De y cities ssie and Debre-birhan tow ns Water supply and Sewe rage authorities by Amhar a Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-152580-CS-QC BS / Consultancy service f or preparation of business Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos plan and NRW Reduction s and water supply services Open - Internatio Under Impleme 2021-02-2 2020-02-1 2021-04-0 2020-03-2 2022-09-0 2020-04-2 2022-12-0 2020-05-2 2023-10-1 2020-06-2 2024-03-2 2020-08-0 2021-09-2 IDA / 60070 Prior t-Based Selectio 2,258,370.00 0.00 2020-01-23 trategic plan and impleme improvement in secondar nal ntation 6 3 7 8 5 5 7 5 7 9 8 3 7 n nt for Gambella, Semera a y cities nd Asosa towns Water su pply and Sewerage authori ties by Water Developmen t Commission ET-MOWIE-77756-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation preparation of business pl Quality And Cos and water supply services 2019-09-0 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-09-2 an and NRW Reduction str IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 improvement in secondar 4 6 9 6 8 2 7 4 ategic plan and implement n y cities ation for JIjiga and Deghab ur towns Water supply and Sewerage authorities by S omali Region Water Burea uET-MOWIE-77754-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for preparation of business pl Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos an and NRW Reduction str and water supply services 2019-09-0 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-09-2 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 130,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-14 ategic plan and implement improvement in secondar 4 5 8 5 7 1 6 3 n for A/Minch, Sodo and Ha y cities wassa towns Water supply and Sewerage authorities by SNNPR Region Water B ureau ET-MOWIE-75930-CS-QCB S / Selection and employm ent of consultant for Cons Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ultancy service for prepara and water supply services 2019-09-0 2018-12-2 2019-02-0 2019-03-0 2019-04-0 2019-05-0 2019-06-1 2019-10-0 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-30 tion of business plan and improvement in secondar 4 1 3 3 2 7 1 9 n NRW Reduction strategic p y cities lan and implementation m echanisms Mekele and Ad igrat towns by Tigray regi onal water bureau ET-MOWIE-77755-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service se rvice for preparation of bu Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos siness plan and NRW Red and water supply services 2019-09-0 2018-12-2 2019-02-0 2019-03-0 2019-04-0 2019-05-0 2019-06-1 2019-10-0 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 130,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-29 uction strategic plan and i improvement in secondar 4 0 2 2 1 6 0 8 n mplementation m for Gam y cities bella, Semera and Asosa t owns Water supply and Se werage authorities by Mini stry of Water Irrigation an dET-MOWIE-107044-CS-QC Electricity BS / Selection and employ ment of consultant for Con Component 2: Sanitation sultancy service for prepar Quality And Cos and water supply services 2019-09-0 2019-05-0 2019-06-1 2019-07-1 2019-08-1 2019-09-1 2019-10-2 2020-04-1 ation of business plan and IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-04-10 improvement in secondar 4 1 4 2 1 5 0 7 NRW Reduction strategic p n y cities lan and implementation m echanisms for Adama, Ase lla, Shashamene, Nekemte , Jimma and Bishoftu town s by Oromia WMEB ET-MOWIE-75921-CS-QCB S / Selection and employm ent of consultant for Cons Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos ultancy service for prepara and water supply services 2018-12-1 2019-01-2 2019-02-2 2019-03-2 2019-04-2 2019-06-0 2019-11-3 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 150,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-22 tion of business plan and improvement in secondar 3 6 3 5 9 3 0 n NRW Reduction strategic p y cities lan and implementation m echanisms for for Adama, Asella, Shashamene and B ishoftu towns by Oromia W ET-MOWIE-77757-CS-QCB MEB S / Consultancy service for preparation of business pl Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos an and NRW Reduction str and water supply services 2019-09-0 2018-12-2 2019-02-0 2019-03-0 2019-04-0 2019-05-0 2019-06-1 2019-10-0 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 60,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-30 ategic plan and implement improvement in secondar 4 1 3 3 2 7 1 9 n ation mechanisms for Hara y cities r town Water supply and S ewerage authorities by Ha rar town Water supply and Sewerage authorities ET-MOWIE-75919-CS-QCB S / Selection and employm ent of consultant for Cons Component 3: Project ma Quality And Cos ultancy service for prepara 2018-12-2 2019-02-0 2019-03-0 2019-04-0 2019-05-0 2019-06-1 2019-12-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 110,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-30 tion of business plan and 1 3 3 2 7 1 8 strengthening n NRW Reduction strategic p lan and implementation m echanisms for Jimma and Nekemte towns by Oromi a WMEB ET-MOWIE-77761-CS-QCB S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation preparation of business pl Quality And Cos and water supply services 2019-09-0 2018-12-0 2019-01-1 2019-02-1 2019-03-1 2019-04-2 2019-05-2 2019-09-2 an and NRW Reduction str IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 150,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-15 improvement in secondar 4 6 9 6 8 2 7 4 afor Gonder, Dessie, Debr n y cities eberhan and Bahirdar to wns Water supply and Sew erage authorities by Amh ara Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-152586-CS-QC BS / Consultancy service f Component 2: Sanitation or preparation of business Quality And Cos and water supply services Open - Internatio 2020-07-1 2020-03-1 2020-04-2 2021-11-2 2020-05-2 2022-01-0 2020-06-2 2022-04-1 2020-07-2 2022-06-0 2020-08-3 2021-08-3 plan and NRW Reduction s IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio 1,505,580.00 0.00 Signed 2020-02-19 improvement in secondar nal 3 1 4 2 2 6 1 2 6 5 0 0 trategic plan and impleme n y cities nt for Jigjiga and Degnabur towns Water supply and S ewerage authorities by so mali Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-152559-CS-QC BS / Consultancy service f or preparation of business Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos plan and NRW Reduction s and water supply services Open - Internatio 2020-03-1 2020-03-1 2020-04-2 2021-08-0 2020-05-2 2021-10-0 2020-06-2 2021-11-0 2020-07-2 2022-01-1 2020-08-3 2022-05-0 2021-10-2 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio 1,700,000.00 0.00 Signed 2020-02-20 trategic plan and impleme improvement in secondar nal 6 2 5 3 3 7 2 5 7 8 1 4 5 n nt for A/Minch, Sodo and H y cities awassa towns Water suppl y and Sewerage authoritie s by SNNPR Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-152583-CS-QC BS / Consultancy service f Component 2: Sanitation or preparation of business Quality And Cos and water supply services Open - Internatio Under Impleme 2020-07-1 2020-03-1 2020-04-2 2020-05-2 2020-06-2 2020-07-2 2020-08-3 2021-08-3 plan and NRW Reduction s IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio 1,500,000.00 0.00 2020-02-20 improvement in secondar nal ntation 3 2 5 3 2 7 1 1 trategic plan and impleme n y cities nt for Adegrat and Mekelle towns Water supply and S ewerage authorities by Tig ray Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-152591-CS-QC BS / Consultancy service f Component 2: Sanitation or preparation of business Quality And Cos and water supply services Open - Internatio 2020-04-1 2020-03-1 2020-04-2 2021-11-0 2020-05-2 2021-12-1 2020-06-2 2022-03-1 2020-07-2 2022-05-1 2020-08-3 2022-08-2 2021-08-3 plan and NRW Reduction s IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio 1,500,000.00 0.00 Signed 2020-02-20 improvement in secondar nal 5 2 5 3 3 6 2 1 7 8 1 3 1 trategic plan and impleme n y cities nt for Harar town Water su pply and Sewerage authori ty by Harar Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-146021-CS-QB Component 2: Sanitation S / Selection and Employm Consultant Qual and water supply services 2020-02-0 2020-03-1 2020-04-1 2020-05-2 2020-11-1 ent of Environmental & S IDA / 60070 Post ification Selecti Open - National 29,100.00 0.00 Canceled 2020-01-14 improvement in secondar 4 9 8 3 9 ocial Impact Assessment f on y cities or Arba Minch & Wolaita S odoby water Development commission ET-MOWIE-146020-CS-QB S / Selection and Employm Component 2: Sanitation Consultant Qual ent of Environmental & S and water supply services 2020-04-0 2020-03-1 2020-05-0 2022-06-0 2020-06-0 2022-12-0 2020-07-0 2020-12-0 IDA / 60070 Post ification Selecti Open - National 60,000.00 0.00 Signed 2020-02-28 ocial Impact Assessment f improvement in secondar 3 3 2 3 1 1 6 3 on or Gondar, Dessie, Debre y cities Berhan, Jigjiga and Dege habur by water Developm ent commission. ET-MOWIE-146016-CS-QB S / Selection and Employm Component 2: Sanitation ent of Environmental & S Consultant Qual and water supply services 2020-04-0 2020-03-1 2020-05-0 2022-09-0 2020-06-0 2022-03-1 2020-07-0 2020-12-0 ocial Impact Assessment f IDA / 60070 Post ification Selecti Open - National 91,300.00 0.00 Signed 2020-02-28 improvement in secondar 3 3 2 5 1 3 6 3 or Jimma, Nekemte, Bisho on y cities ftu, Shashemene, Assela, W/Sodo and Arba Minch by water Development comm ission ET-MOWIE-146024-CS-QB S / Selection and Employm Component 2: Sanitation Consultant Qual ent of Environmental & S and water supply services 2020-04-0 2020-03-1 2020-05-0 2021-02-2 2020-06-0 2021-12-1 2020-07-0 2020-12-0 IDA / 60070 Post ification Selecti Open - National 52,200.00 0.00 Signed 2020-02-28 ocial Impact Assessment f improvement in secondar 3 3 2 1 1 0 6 3 on or Harar, Adigrat, Gambell y cities a, Semera-Logia and, Asso sa by water Developmen t commission ET-MOWIE-205117-CS-QC Component 2: Sanitation BS / Consultancy Service f Quality And Cos and water supply services Open - Internatio Under Impleme 2022-03-2 2020-12-1 2023-01-2 2021-01-2 2021-02-2 2021-03-2 2021-05-0 2021-06-0 2022-11-2 or Preparing Technical Des IDA / 60080 Prior t-Based Selectio 1,700,000.00 0.00 2020-11-25 improvement in secondar nal ntation 2 6 9 9 6 8 2 6 8 ign Manual, Operation, Mai n y cities ntenance and Managemen t for Urban Sanitation by WDC ET-MOWIE-243682-CS-QC Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos BS / procurement of consu and water supply services Open - Internatio Pending Imple 2021-11-1 2022-01-2 2022-02-2 2022-03-2 2022-04-2 2022-06-0 2023-06-0 IDA / 60080 Prior t-Based Selectio 2,000,000.00 0.00 2021-10-20 ltancy service in preparati improvement in secondar nal mentation 0 4 1 3 7 1 1 n on of detail design docum y cities ent for tafo town by WDC ET-MOWIE-263459-CS-QC BS / Supervision consultan Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos t for fecal sludge manage and water supply services Under Impleme 2022-03-1 2021-12-1 2022-01-1 2023-06-0 2022-02-1 2023-08-1 2022-03-0 2023-10-0 2022-04-1 2022-05-1 2023-05-1 IDA / 60070 Prior t-Based Selectio Open - National 350,000.00 0.00 2021-11-30 ment system construction improvement in secondar ntation 4 4 8 1 5 5 8 6 2 7 7 n for Assosa, Semera Logiya y cities and Gambella by Ministry of Water and Energy ET-MOWIE-263461-CS-QC Component 2: Sanitation BS / Supervision consultan Quality And Cos and water supply services Under Impleme 2022-08-3 2021-12-2 2022-01-2 2023-01-3 2022-02-2 2023-03-1 2022-03-1 2023-08-0 2022-04-1 2022-05-2 2023-05-2 t for fecal sludge manage IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 2021-11-30 improvement in secondar ntation 0 1 5 0 2 7 5 2 9 4 4 ment system construction n y cities for Jimma and Nekemte-Or omia- By Oromia Water Bu reau ET-MOWIE-263462-CS-QC BS / Supervision consultan Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos t for fecal sludge manage and water supply services Under Impleme 2022-08-3 2021-12-1 2022-01-1 2023-01-3 2022-02-1 2023-03-1 2022-03-0 2023-04-0 2022-04-1 2022-05-1 2023-05-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 450,000.00 0.00 2021-11-30 ment system construction improvement in secondar ntation 0 4 8 0 5 7 8 5 2 7 7 n for Assella, Shashemene & y cities Bishoftu -Oromia by Oromi a Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-263463-CS-QC BS / Supervision consultan Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos t for fecal sludge manage and water supply services Under Impleme 2022-12-2 2021-12-1 2022-01-1 2023-10-2 2022-02-1 2023-11-1 2022-03-0 2022-04-1 2022-05-1 2023-05-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 2021-11-30 ment system construction improvement in secondar ntation 2 4 8 0 5 5 8 2 7 7 n for Jigjiga and Degehanour y cities -Somali by Somali Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-263465-CS-QC BS / Supervision consultan Component 2: Sanitation Quality And Cos t for fecal sludge manage and water supply services Under Impleme 2022-07-1 2021-12-1 2022-01-1 2024-05-1 2022-02-1 2023-06-0 2022-03-0 2023-08-2 2022-04-1 2022-05-1 2023-05-1 IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 450,000.00 0.00 2021-11-30 ment system construction improvement in secondar ntation 2 4 8 7 5 6 8 3 2 7 7 n for Gonder, Dessie & Debr y cities e Berhan-Amhara by Amh ara Region Water Bureau ET-MOWIE-263468-CS-QC Component 2: Sanitation BS / Supervision consultan Quality And Cos and water supply services 2022-07-1 2021-12-1 2022-01-1 2022-11-1 2022-02-1 2023-02-0 2022-03-0 2023-04-2 2022-04-1 2023-07-1 2022-05-1 2023-05-1 t for fecal sludge manage IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 Signed 2021-11-30 improvement in secondar 2 4 8 2 5 7 8 4 2 2 7 7 ment system construction n y cities for W/Sodo and Arbaminch -Minch SNNP by SNNPR Wa ter Bureau ET-MOWIE-263275-CS-QC Component 2: Sanitation BS / Supervision consultan Quality And Cos and water supply services Under Impleme 2022-03-1 2021-12-1 2022-01-1 2022-09-3 2022-02-0 2022-12-1 2022-02-2 2022-12-3 2022-03-3 2023-03-3 2022-05-0 2023-05-0 t for fecal sludge manage IDA / 60070 Post t-Based Selectio Open - National 200,000.00 0.00 2021-11-30 improvement in secondar ntation 1 4 2 0 9 2 4 0 1 1 5 5 ment system construction n y cities of Harar town by Harar to wn water utility ET-MOWIE-278521-CS-CQ Component 2: Sanitation Consultant Qual S / Consultancy Service for and water supply services Under Impleme 2022-11-0 2022-03-2 2022-04-1 2022-05-1 2022-06-2 2022-10-2 IDA / 60070 Post ification Selecti Open - National 40,000.00 0.00 2022-02-28 updating of Business plan improvement in secondar ntation 4 1 9 9 3 1 on for Dire Dewa Town Water y cities Utility by Dire Dewa Town WSSE Page 11 ET-MOWIE-370832-CS-CQ S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Consultant Qual update Environmental and and water supply services Under Impleme 2023-07-1 2023-08-0 2023-09-0 2023-09-1 2023-10-0 2023-12-0 IDA / 60070 Post ification Selecti Open - National 74,000.00 0.00 2023-07-20 Social Impact Assessment improvement in secondar ntation 6 3 1 6 7 6 on (ESIA) for Adama, Dire De y cities wa and Mekelle town FSTP Construction by MoWE. ET-MOWIE-370833-CS-CQ S / Consultancy service for Component 2: Sanitation Consultant Qual update Environmental and and water supply services Under Impleme 2023-07-1 2023-08-0 2023-09-0 2023-09-1 2023-10-1 2023-12-1 IDA / 60070 Post ification Selecti Open - National 37,000.00 0.00 2023-07-20 Social Impact Assessment improvement in secondar ntation 6 3 1 6 4 3 on (ESIA) for Hawassa and Ba y cities hi Dar town FSTP Construc tion by MoWE ET-MOWIE-375811-CS-CQ Component 3: Project ma Consultant Qual S / Consultancy service for Under Impleme 2023-12-1 2023-08-2 2023-10-0 2023-10-2 2023-11-2 2024-02-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post ification Selecti Open - National 70,000.00 0.00 2023-08-15 Financial Management Ga ntation 5 5 8 3 0 8 strengthening on p Assessment II Urban Wat er Supply and Sanitation P roject INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. Invitation to Identifie Loan / Credit Market Approa Contract Type Estimated Am Actual Amou Process Statu Draft Negotiated Co / Description Component Review Type Method Terms of Reference d/Selected Consulta Signed Contract Contract Completion No. ch ount (US$) nt (US$) s ntract nt Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ET-MOWIE-55842-CS-INDV Component 3: Project ma / Selection and Employme Individual Cons 2018-09-2 2018-07-2 2018-08-1 2018-09-1 2024-08-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 54,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-06-18 nt of Procurement Speciali ultant Selection 0 2 2 6 5 strengthening st for Mekelle Town Water Utility by Mekelle Town Uti lity ET-MOWIE-63893-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2020-06-1 2018-07-1 2018-07-2 2018-07-2 2019-07-2 2018-08-3 2018-08-0 2019-08-2 nt of Financial specialist f IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Post Open 5,185.00 3,908.81 Signed 2018-06-14 ultant Selection 6 3 6 7 7 1 8 6 or Adama Town Waste Wa strengthening ter Management project b y Adama Town Utility offic e. ET-MOWIE-70084-CS-INDV Component 3: Project ma / Selection and employme Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-09-0 2019-03-0 2018-09-1 2019-03-1 2018-10-1 2019-03-1 2019-10-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,500.00 6,474.26 Signed 2018-08-07 nt of Technical specialist f ultant Selection 2 5 7 5 0 3 4 3 strengthening or Amhara regional bureau by Amhara regional burea u ET-MOWIE-70090-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-0 2018-09-1 2018-10-1 2019-10-1 nt of Technical specialist f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,500.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-07 ultant Selection 5 5 3 3 or Oromia Region Water M strengthening ineral and Energy Bureau by Oromia OWMEB ET-MOWIE-70097-CS-INDV Component 3: Project ma / selection and employme Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-09-0 2019-02-2 2018-09-1 2019-03-1 2018-10-1 2019-03-2 2019-10-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,500.00 6,470.41 Signed 2018-08-07 nt of Technical specialist f ultant Selection 3 5 0 2 0 0 2 0 strengthening or Amhara regional bureau by Amhara regional burea u ET-MOWIE-70098-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-0 2018-09-2 2018-10-2 2019-10-2 nt of Technical specialist f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,500.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-07 ultant Selection 5 6 4 4 or Oromia Region Water M strengthening ineral and Energy Bureau by Oromia OWMEB ET-MOWIE-70101-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2019-02-1 2018-09-0 2020-04-1 2018-09-2 2019-04-1 2018-10-2 2019-04-2 2019-10-2 nt of Technical specialist f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,500.00 5,366.75 Signed 2018-08-07 ultant Selection 8 5 1 6 5 4 7 4 or SNNPR Region Water Re strengthening source Development Bure au by SNNPR Water Resou rce Bureau ET-MOWIE-70102-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-0 2018-09-1 2018-10-2 2019-10-2 nt of Technical specialist f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,500.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-07 ultant Selection 5 9 4 4 or SNNPR Region Water Mi strengthening neral and Energy Bureau b y SNNPR Water Resource Bureau ET-MOWIE-70104-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme nt of Technical specialist f Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-0 2018-09-2 2018-10-3 2019-10-3 or Ethiopian Somali Region IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,500.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-07 ultant Selection 5 6 1 1 Water Resource Developm strengthening ent Bureau by Ethiopian S omali Region Water Resou rce Development Bureau ET-MOWIE-70107-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma nt of Technical specialist f Individual Cons 2018-09-0 2018-09-2 2018-10-3 2019-10-3 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,500.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-07 or Benishangulegumuz Re ultant Selection 5 6 1 1 strengthening gion Water Mineral and En ergy Bureau by Benshang ulgumuz Region Water Bur eau ET-MOWIE-70109-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma nt of Project Coordinator f Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-09-0 2018-12-2 2018-09-2 2018-08-2 2018-11-0 2018-08-3 2019-11-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 5,556.55 Signed 2018-08-08 or Adama Town Waste Wa ultant Selection 7 6 8 7 8 1 1 1 strengthening ter Management Project b y Adama Town Water Sup ply and Sewerage Authorit y ET-MOWIE-70111-CS-INDV / Selection and employme Component 3: Project ma nt of financial specialist for Individual Cons 2018-10-1 2018-09-0 2018-09-1 2018-10-1 2019-10-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-08 Mekele Town Water supply ultant Selection 8 6 3 8 8 strengthening and sewerage service by mekele town water supply and sewerage Authority ET-MOWIE-70119-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-11-0 2018-09-1 2019-03-1 2018-09-2 2019-03-1 2018-11-0 2019-04-0 2019-11-0 nt of Project coordinator fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 5,364.91 Signed 2018-08-15 ultant Selection 6 3 8 7 9 1 1 1 r Hawasa Town by Hawasa strengthening Town Water Supply and Se werage Service ET-MOWIE-70125-CS-INDV / Selection and employme Component 3: Project ma nt of financial specialist for Individual Cons 2018-09-1 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2019-11-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-15 Hawasa Town Water suppl ultant Selection 3 7 1 1 strengthening y and sewerage service by Hawasa town water supply and sewerage Authority ET-MOWIE-70129-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-07-1 2018-09-0 2018-10-0 2018-09-1 2018-10-1 2018-10-2 2018-10-2 2019-10-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 6,509.16 Signed 2018-08-06 ultant Selection 5 4 2 8 2 3 5 3 or Asela town by Asela tow strengthening n Water Supply and Sewer age Authority ET-MOWIE-70150-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2019-12-0 2018-09-1 2019-12-2 2018-09-2 2020-06-0 2018-11-0 2020-06-2 2019-11-0 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 6,514.68 Signed 2018-08-15 ultant Selection 1 3 0 7 8 1 1 1 or Shashamene town by S strengthening hashamene town Water Su pply and Sewerage Authori ty ET-MOWIE-70157-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-06-1 2018-09-0 2018-08-0 2018-09-2 2018-08-0 2018-10-2 2018-08-1 2019-10-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 7,801.64 Signed 2018-08-10 ultant Selection 7 8 3 2 3 7 6 7 or Nekemte town by Neke strengthening mte town Water Supply an d Sewerage Authority ET-MOWIE-70166-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-07-0 2018-09-1 2018-09-0 2018-09-2 2018-09-1 2018-11-0 2018-09-2 2019-11-0 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 5,530.78 Signed 2018-08-15 ultant Selection 1 3 2 7 1 1 4 1 or Arbaminch town by Arb strengthening aminch town Water Supply and Sewerage Authority ET-MOWIE-70176-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-1 2018-09-2 2018-10-3 2019-10-3 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-13 ultant Selection 1 5 0 0 or Gambella town by Gam strengthening bella town Water Supply a nd Sewerage Autrity ET-MOWIE-70184-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-12-1 2018-09-1 2018-09-2 2018-10-3 2019-10-3 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-14 ultant Selection 2 2 6 1 1 or Asosa town by Asosa to strengthening wn Water Supply and Sew erage Authority ET-MOWIE-70191-CS-INDV / Selection and employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2018-12-0 2018-09-0 2019-12-0 2018-09-1 2020-01-1 2018-10-2 2019-10-2 nt of project coordinator fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 2018-08-07 ultant Selection ntation 6 5 2 9 2 4 4 r Adigrat town by Adigrat t strengthening own water supply and sew erage service ET-MOWIE-70193-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-1 2018-09-2 2018-10-3 2019-10-3 nt of Procurement Speciali IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,921.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-13 ultant Selection 1 5 0 0 st for Asosa town by Asosa strengthening town Water Supply and Se werage Authority ET-MOWIE-70194-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-12-2 2018-09-1 2018-09-2 2018-10-3 2019-10-3 nt of financial spcialist for IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-13 ultant Selection 6 1 5 0 0 Asosa town by Asosa town strengthening Water Supply and Sewera ge Authority ET-MOWIE-70198-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-1 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2019-11-0 nt of Procurement Speciali IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,921.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-15 ultant Selection 3 7 1 1 st for Adigrat town by Adig strengthening erat town Water Supply an d Sewerage Authority ET-MOWIE-70199-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-1 2018-09-2 2018-11-0 2019-11-0 nt of Financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-15 ultant Selection 3 7 1 1 r Adigrat town by Adigerat strengthening town Water Supply and Se werage Authority ET-MOWIE-70202-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-1 2018-09-2 2018-10-1 2019-10-1 nt of financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-08-15 ultant Selection 3 0 8 8 r Jijiga town by Jijiga town strengthening Water Supply and Sewera ge Authority ET-MOWIE-75716-CS-INDV / Selection and Employmnt Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2019-01-1 2018-11-0 2019-02-1 2018-11-2 2019-02-1 2018-12-2 2019-03-0 2019-12-2 of Financial Specialist for B IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 4,713.49 Signed 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 0 2 2 3 2 8 3 8 ahirdar town Water Supply strengthening and Sewerage Authority b y Bahirdar Town ET-MOWIE-75723-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-05-0 2018-11-0 2018-05-0 2018-11-2 2018-05-0 2018-12-2 2019-05-1 2019-12-2 nt of Financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 4,884.75 Signed 2018-09-13 ultant Selection 1 1 1 2 1 7 3 7 r Gonder town Water Supp strengthening ly and Sewerage Authority by Gonder Town ET-MOWIE-75730-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-1 2018-11-0 2019-04-2 2018-11-2 2019-04-2 2018-12-2 2019-05-0 2019-12-2 nt of Financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 4,716.23 Signed 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 0 2 5 3 6 8 8 8 r Dessie town Water Suppl strengthening y and Sewerage Authority by Dessie Town ET-MOWIE-75736-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-09-1 2018-11-0 2019-12-1 2018-11-2 2019-12-1 2018-12-2 2020-01-0 2019-12-2 ntasw2q of Financial Speci IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 4,575.98 Signed 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 2 2 8 3 8 8 2 8 alist for Bishoftu town Wat strengthening er Supply and Sewerage A uthority by Bishoftu Town ET-MOWIE-75738-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-11-0 2018-11-2 2018-12-2 2019-12-2 nt of Financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 2 3 8 8 r Gambella town Water Su strengthening pply and Sewerage Authori ty by Gambella Town ET-MOWIE-75746-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-11-0 2018-11-2 2018-12-2 2019-12-2 nt of Financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 2 3 8 8 r Jima town Water Supply strengthening and Sewerage Authority b y Jima Town ET-MOWIE-75749-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-11-0 2018-11-2 2018-12-2 2019-12-2 nt of Financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 2 3 8 8 r Semera town Water Supp strengthening ly and Sewerage Authority by Semera Town ET-MOWIE-75750-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-11-0 2018-11-2 2018-12-2 2019-12-2 nt of Financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 2 3 8 8 r Deghabur town Water Su strengthening pply and Sewerage Authori ty by Deghabur Town Page 12 ET-MOWIE-75753-CS-INDV / Selection and Employmnt Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-11-0 2018-11-2 2018-12-2 2019-12-2 of Financial Specialist for IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 2 3 8 8 Harar town Water Supply a strengthening nd Sewerage Authority by Harar Town ET-MOWIE-75755-CS-INDV / Selection and Employmnt Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-11-0 2018-11-2 2018-12-2 2019-12-2 of Financial Specialist for IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 2 3 8 8 Diredewa town Water Sup strengthening ply and Sewerage Authorit y by Diredewa Town ET-MOWIE-75757-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-07-0 2018-11-0 2019-01-1 2018-11-2 2019-02-1 2018-12-2 2019-02-2 2019-12-2 nt of Financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 4,716.23 Signed 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 3 2 7 3 5 8 5 8 r Sodo town Water Supply strengthening and Sewerage Authority b y Sodo Town ET-MOWIE-75758-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-06-0 2018-11-0 2018-08-0 2018-11-2 2018-10-2 2018-12-2 2018-12-0 2019-12-2 nt of Financial Specialist fo IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 4,735.33 Signed 2018-09-14 ultant Selection 1 2 1 3 9 8 4 8 r Debreberhan town Water strengthening Supply and Sewerage Auth ority by Debreberhan Tow n ET-MOWIE-75810-CS-INDV Component 3: Project ma / Selection and Employme Individual Cons 2018-06-0 2018-10-3 2019-02-1 2018-11-2 2019-02-1 2018-12-2 2019-03-0 2019-12-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 5,536.05 Signed 2018-09-12 nt of Project Coordinator f ultant Selection 1 1 8 1 6 6 3 6 strengthening or Bahirdar Town Water Su pply Project by Bahirdar T own ET-MOWIE-75811-CS-INDV Component 3: Project ma / Selection and Employme Individual Cons 2018-05-0 2018-10-3 2018-10-3 2018-11-2 2018-11-0 2018-12-2 2018-11-1 2019-12-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 5,698.88 Signed 2018-09-12 nt of Project Coordinator f ultant Selection 1 1 0 1 1 6 5 6 strengthening or Gonder Town Water Sup ply Project by Gonder Tow n ET-MOWIE-75866-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 3 4 8 8 or Dessie Town Water Sup strengthening ply and Sewerage Enterpri se by Dessie Town ET-MOWIE-75871-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-06-2 2018-12-0 2018-10-0 2018-12-2 2019-11-2 2019-01-2 2018-12-1 2019-07-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 5,550.54 Signed 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 8 3 8 4 5 8 1 7 or Debrebirhan Town Wate strengthening r Supply and Sewerage En terprise by Debrabrihan To wn ET-MOWIE-75872-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2019-12-1 2018-12-0 2019-12-1 2018-12-2 2019-12-1 2019-01-2 2020-01-0 2020-01-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 6,537.11 Signed 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 9 3 0 4 8 8 3 8 or Bishoftu Town Water Su strengthening pply and Sewerage Enterp rise by Bishoftu Town ET-MOWIE-75873-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 3 4 8 8 or Jimma Town Water Sup strengthening ply and Sewerage Enterpri se by Jimma Town ET-MOWIE-75874-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 3 4 8 8 or Semera Town Water Su strengthening pply and Sewerage Enterp rise by Semera Town ET-MOWIE-75875-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 3 4 8 8 or Harar Town Water Supp strengthening ly and Sewerage Enterpris e by Harar Town ET-MOWIE-75876-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 3 4 8 8 or Diredewa Town Water S strengthening upply and Sewerage Enter prise by Diredewa Town ET-MOWIE-75877-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-07-1 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 3 3 4 8 8 or Mekelle Town Water Su strengthening pply and Sewerage Enterp rise by Mekelle Town ET-MOWIE-75880-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 3 4 8 8 or Jigjiga Town Water Supp strengthening ly and Sewerage Enterpris e by Jigijiga Town ET-MOWIE-75881-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 ultant Selection 3 4 8 8 or DeghaburTown Water S strengthening upply and Sewerage Enter prise by DeghaburTown ET-MOWIE-75882-CS-INDV Component 3: Project ma / Selection and Employme Individual Cons 2018-07-0 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 7,500.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 nt of Technical Specialist f ultant Selection 1 3 4 8 8 strengthening or MOWIE Program manag ement unit by MoWIE ET-MOWIE-75883-CS-INDV Component 3: Project ma / Selection and Employme Individual Cons 2018-12-0 2018-12-2 2019-01-2 2020-01-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Prior Open 7,500.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-10-15 nt of Procurement Speciali ultant Selection 3 4 8 8 strengthening st for MoWIE PMU by MoWI E ET-MOWIE-77731-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-06-1 2018-11-1 2018-09-3 2018-12-0 2020-01-2 2019-01-0 2020-01-2 2020-01-0 nt of Project Coordinator f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 8,800.00 5,204.12 Signed 2018-09-26 ultant Selection 1 4 0 5 0 9 5 9 or SodoTown Water Supply strengthening and Sewerage Enterprise b y Sodo Town ET-MOWIE-77735-CS-INDV Component 3: Project ma / Selection and employme Individual Cons 2018-07-0 2018-11-1 2018-07-2 2018-12-0 2018-09-1 2019-01-0 2018-09-1 2020-01-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 4,880.10 Signed 2018-09-26 nt of financial specialist for ultant Selection 2 4 5 5 1 9 9 9 strengthening Arbaminch town WSSE for Arbaminch Town ET-MOWIE-77736-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-08-1 2018-11-1 2018-07-0 2018-12-0 2018-08-0 2019-01-0 2018-08-0 2020-01-0 nt of Financial specialist f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 2,676.54 Signed 2018-09-26 ultant Selection 6 4 3 5 1 9 9 9 or Nekemte Town Water S strengthening upply and Sewerage Enter prise by Nekemte Town ET-MOWIE-77737-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2018-11-1 2018-12-0 2019-01-0 2020-01-0 nt of Financial specialist f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-09-26 ultant Selection 4 5 9 4 or Asella Town Water Supp strengthening ly and Sewerage Enterpris e by Asella Town ET-MOWIE-77738-CS-INDV / Selection and Employme Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2019-05-1 2018-11-1 2018-09-0 2018-12-0 2018-07-1 2019-01-0 2018-09-2 2020-01-0 nt of Financial specialist f IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 6,600.00 3,922.27 Signed 2018-09-26 ultant Selection 1 4 9 5 1 9 5 9 or Shashamene Town Wat strengthening er Supply and Sewerage E nterprise by Shashamene Town ET-MOWIE-77734-CS-CDS Component 2: Sanitation / Selection and employme and water supply services 2018-09-1 2018-12-1 2019-02-1 2019-08-1 nt of consultant for constr IDA / 60070 Post Direct Selection Direct 110,011.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-11-30 improvement in secondar 2 0 3 2 uction supervision and con y cities tract administration for Dir e Dewa Town WSSE by Di re Dewa Town ET-MOWIE-107048-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2019-05-0 2019-05-0 2020-02-2 2019-05-2 2020-05-0 2019-06-3 2023-06-2 ent of Individual Procurem IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Prior Open 100,000.00 0.00 2019-04-01 ultant Selection ntation 9 5 7 6 6 0 9 ent Consultant/Specialist b strengthening y Water Development Com mission ET-MOWIE-107059-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2019-05-0 2019-05-1 2019-06-2 2023-04-2 ent of Individual Technical IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 100,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-04-01 ultant Selection 4 8 2 7 Consultant/ Specialist by strengthening Water Development Com mission ET-MOWIE-107052-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma ent of Contract Manageme Individual Cons 2019-04-3 2019-05-0 2019-08-3 2019-05-2 2019-11-0 2019-06-2 2019-11-2 2023-07-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 100,000.00 22,948.29 Signed 2019-04-01 nt Specialist for Water Dev ultant Selection 0 4 0 5 5 9 9 8 strengthening elopment commission Urb an WSSP II by Water Deve lopment Commission ET-MOWIE-107049-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2019-04-3 2019-05-0 2019-10-1 2019-05-2 2019-11-0 2019-06-2 2019-12-0 2023-07-0 ent of Individual Financial IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 100,000.00 24,407.63 Signed 2019-04-01 ultant Selection 0 4 1 5 5 9 4 8 Management Consultant/ strengthening Specialist for Urban WSSP II by Water Development C ommission ET-MOWIE-110854-CS-IND Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2019-06-0 2019-06-0 2019-06-3 2022-12-2 V / Selection and Employm IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 50,000.00 0.00 2019-04-30 ultant Selection ntation 2 9 0 8 ent of Social Safeguard Se strengthening nior ET-MOWIE-107057-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 2: Sanitation ent of Environmental and and water supply services Individual Cons 2020-04-2 2019-07-2 2020-07-1 2019-08-1 2020-08-1 2019-09-0 2020-08-0 2019-11-0 Social Safeguard Specialist IDA / 60070 Post Open 52,000.00 0.00 Signed 2019-06-20 improvement in secondar ultant Selection 8 4 6 4 3 7 2 6 for review of 3 towns ( Ada y cities ma, Dire Dewa, Mekele) fe asibility study and detail d esign by Water Developm ent Commission ET-MOWIE-118398-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 2: Sanitation ent of Environmental and and water supply services Individual Cons Pending Imple 2019-08-0 2019-08-2 2019-10-0 2019-12-0 Social Safeguard Specialist IDA / 60070 Post Open 35,000.00 0.00 2019-06-20 improvement in secondar ultant Selection mentation 8 9 3 2 for review of 2 towns ( Ha y cities wasa and Bahirdar) feasibi lity study and detail desig n by Water Development Commission ET-MOWIE-143029-CS-IND Component 3: Project ma V / Selection and employm Individual Cons 2019-12-2 2020-01-0 2020-04-0 2020-01-2 2020-06-2 2020-02-2 2020-06-2 2020-05-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 25,000.00 21,813.30 Signed 2019-11-15 ent of Sociologist for WDC ultant Selection 0 3 3 4 3 8 6 8 strengthening by Water Development Co mmission ET-MOWIE-143055-CS-IND Component 2: Sanitation V / Selection and Employm and water supply services Individual Cons 2018-07-2 2020-01-1 2019-02-2 2020-02-0 2019-02-2 2020-03-1 2019-02-1 2021-03-1 IDA / 60070 Post Open 30,000.00 5,536.05 Signed 2019-11-28 ent of sanitation and Hygi improvement in secondar ultant Selection 5 6 8 6 2 2 3 2 ene specialist by water De y cities velopment Commission. ET-MOWIE-143022-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2020-01-0 2020-01-2 2020-02-2 2020-06-2 ent of Water Supply and S IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Prior Open 30,000.00 0.00 2019-11-15 ultant Selection ntation 3 4 8 7 anitation Regulatory Speci strengthening alist for WDC by World Ba nk country office ET-MOWIE-143032-CS-IND Component 3: Project ma V / Selection and employm Individual Cons 2019-04-3 2020-01-0 2020-04-0 2020-01-2 2020-06-2 2020-02-2 2020-07-0 2020-07-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 35,000.00 20,755.86 Signed 2019-11-15 ent of Environmental speci ultant Selection 0 3 3 4 3 8 6 7 strengthening alist for Water Developme nt Commission by WDC ET-MOWIE-143016-CS-IND Component 3: Project ma V / Selection and employm Individual Cons 2019-12-1 2020-01-1 2020-04-0 2020-02-0 2020-06-2 2020-03-1 2020-07-0 2020-08-0 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 40,000.00 21,341.44 Signed 2019-11-28 ent of legal specialist for ultant Selection 9 6 3 6 3 2 6 9 strengthening WDC by Water Developme nt Commission ET-MOWIE-143025-CS-IND Component 3: Project ma V / Selection and Employm Individual Cons 2019-12-1 2020-01-0 2020-04-0 2020-01-2 2020-06-2 2020-02-2 2020-07-0 2020-07-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 35,000.00 31,319.66 Signed 2019-11-15 ent of Technical Specialist ultant Selection 8 3 3 4 3 8 6 7 strengthening for WDC by Water Develop ment Commission ET-MOWIE-143026-CS-IND Component 3: Project ma V / Selection and Employm Individual Cons 2019-12-2 2020-01-0 2020-04-0 2020-01-2 2020-06-2 2020-02-2 2020-07-0 2020-07-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 30,000.00 28,520.21 Signed 2019-11-15 ent of Economist for WDC ultant Selection 0 3 3 4 3 8 6 7 strengthening by Water Development Co mmission ET-MOWIE-143012-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2019-12-2 2020-01-1 2020-04-0 2020-01-3 2020-06-2 2020-03-0 2020-07-0 2020-09-0 ent of Governance/Public P IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 50,000.00 48,149.24 Signed 2019-11-22 ultant Selection 0 0 3 1 3 6 6 2 olicy Specialist for WDC by strengthening Water Development Com mission ET-MOWIE-145062-CS-QB Component 2: Sanitation S / Selection and Employm and water supply services Individual Cons Pending Imple 2020-01-1 2020-02-0 2020-03-1 2021-03-1 IDA / 60070 Post Open 30,000.00 0.00 2019-11-28 ent of business managem improvement in secondar ultant Selection mentation 6 6 2 2 ent specialist by the Water y cities Development Commission Page 13 ET-MOWIE-75885-CS-INDV Component 3: Project ma / Selection and Employme Individual Cons Under Impleme 2019-01-0 2019-01-2 2019-02-2 2020-02-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Prior Open 7,500.00 0.00 2018-11-15 nt of Procurement Speciali ultant Selection ntation 3 4 8 8 strengthening st for MoWIE PMU by MoWI E ET-MOWIE-181047-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2020-10-2 2020-08-2 2020-09-1 2020-10-2 2021-10-2 ent of one Additional Indiv IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Prior Open 30,000.00 0.00 2020-07-08 ultant Selection ntation 8 6 6 1 1 idual Procurement Consult strengthening ant for Water Developme nt Commission implement ed by WDC ET-MOWIE-189851-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma ent of Individual Consultan Individual Cons Pending Imple 2020-11-0 2020-11-2 2020-12-2 2021-12-2 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open 75,000.00 0.00 2020-09-15 t who provide support in s ultant Selection mentation 3 4 9 9 strengthening election of contractor and contract administration of 5 towns FSTP DBO contrac t. ET-MOWIE-227402-CS-IND Component 2: Sanitation V / Individual consultants f and water supply services Individual Cons Under Impleme 2021-04-2 2021-06-1 2021-07-0 2021-08-0 2021-11-0 IDA / 60070 Post Open 14,034.00 0.00 2021-04-15 or Resettlement Action Pla improvement in secondar ultant Selection ntation 2 3 4 8 6 n (RAP) Preparation for Ha y cities wassa ET-MOWIE-282389-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm ent of Environmental engi Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2022-03-0 2022-03-2 2022-04-1 2022-05-1 2022-11-1 neer individual Consultant IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Direct 9,000.00 0.00 2022-03-10 ultant Selection ntation 3 0 0 5 1 who provides technical su strengthening pport to the ongoing CWIS and DBO project deliver y methods for the Ministry of Water and Energy ET-MOWIE-282387-CS-CD S / Selection and Employm ent of one Environmental Component 3: Project ma engineer /Hydrologist indi Individual Cons Under Impleme 2022-03-1 2022-03-2 2022-04-1 2022-05-1 2022-11-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Direct 9,000.00 0.00 2022-03-14 vidual Consultant who pro ultant Selection ntation 5 4 4 9 5 strengthening vides technical support to the ongoing CWIS and D BO project delivery meth ods for the Ministry of Wat er and Energy ET-MOWIE-282262-CS-CD S / Selection and Employm ent of one water supply an Component 3: Project ma d sanitary engineer individ Individual Cons Under Impleme 2022-03-1 2022-03-2 2022-04-1 2022-05-1 2022-11-1 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Direct 9,000.00 0.00 2022-03-14 ual Consultant who provid ultant Selection ntation 5 4 4 9 5 strengthening es technical support to the ongoing CWIS and DBO project delivery methods f or the Ministry of Water an d Energy. ET-MOWIE-322413-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2022-11-1 2022-11-2 2022-11-2 2022-12-1 2023-12-1 ent of M&E individual cons IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 15,000.00 0.00 2022-10-25 ultant Selection ntation 5 7 8 3 3 ultant for Second Urban W strengthening ater Supply and Sanitation Project ET-MOWIE-332119-CS-IND Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2023-01-0 2023-02-0 2023-10-1 2023-02-2 2023-10-1 2023-03-2 2023-10-2 2024-03-2 V / Selection and employm IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 21,000.00 0.00 Signed 2022-12-30 ultant Selection 3 8 6 2 0 9 3 8 ent of Procurement Specia strengthening list (IC) for MoWE ET-MOWIE-332134-CS-IND Component 3: Project ma V / Selection and employm Individual Cons Under Impleme 2023-02-0 2023-02-1 2023-03-1 2024-03-1 IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 15,000.00 0.00 2022-12-30 ent of Wastewater Manage ultant Selection ntation 1 5 5 4 strengthening ment Technical Specialist f or MoWE ET-MOWIE-338955-CS-IND V / Selection of Individual Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2023-01-3 2023-03-1 2023-11-2 2023-03-2 2023-04-2 2024-04-2 Consultant of Financial Ma IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 2023-01-31 ultant Selection ntation 0 8 2 8 6 5 nagement for MoWE in pla strengthening ce of Previous Terminated Contract by MoWE ET-MOWIE-347468-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2023-03-1 2023-03-1 2023-04-0 2023-04-0 2023-08-2 2023-05-0 2023-08-2 2023-07-3 ent of three Individual Pr IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 100,000.00 0.00 Signed 2023-03-14 ultant Selection 7 9 7 3 2 1 3 0 ocurement Consultant for strengthening uploading of procurement activities on the STEPs for the MOWE. ET-MOWIE-390000-CS-IND V / Selection and employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2023-12-1 2023-12-2 2024-01-1 2024-02-2 2025-02-2 ent procurement specialist IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Prior Open - National 17,000.00 0.00 2023-11-08 ultant Selection ntation 2 7 7 1 0 for Oromia Region Second strengthening Urban Water Supply and S anitation Project ET-MOWIE-393980-CS-IND V / Selection and employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Pending Imple 2024-01-2 2024-02-0 2024-02-2 2024-06-2 ent procurement specialist IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 17,000.00 0.00 2023-12-07 ultant Selection mentation 5 4 1 0 for Amhara Region Second strengthening Urban Water Supply and S anitation Project ET-MOWIE-393984-CS-IND V / Selection and employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Pending Imple 2023-12-2 2024-01-0 2024-02-0 2024-06-0 ent procurement specialist IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Prior Open - National 17,000.00 0.00 2023-12-06 ultant Selection mentation 6 5 9 8 for Tigray Region Second strengthening Urban Water Supply and S anitation Project ET-MOWIE-393987-CS-IND V / Selection and employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2024-01-1 2024-01-2 2024-02-1 2024-06-1 ent procurement specialist IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 17,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2023-12-07 ultant Selection 0 0 3 2 for Sidama Region Secon strengthening d Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project ET-MOWIE-393989-CS-IND V / Selection and employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Pending Imple 2024-01-1 2024-01-2 2024-02-1 2024-06-1 ent procurement specialist IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 17,000.00 0.00 2023-12-07 ultant Selection mentation 0 0 3 2 for South Ethiopia Region strengthening Second Urban Water Suppl y and Sanitation Project ET-MOWIE-407655-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2024-02-1 2024-03-0 2024-03-3 2025-03-3 ent of Senior Sanitary Engi IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 22,800.00 0.00 2024-02-12 ultant Selection ntation 7 2 0 0 neer (IC) for II Urban Wate strengthening r Supply and Sanitation Pr oject at MoWE ET-MOWIE-407657-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma ent of Individual Wastewat Individual Cons Under Impleme 2024-02-1 2024-03-0 2024-03-3 2025-03-3 IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 22,800.00 0.00 2024-02-12 er Specialist (IC) for II Urba ultant Selection ntation 7 2 0 0 strengthening n Water Supply and Sanita tion Specialist at Ministry o f Water and Energy ET-MOWIE-407653-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2024-02-1 2024-03-0 2024-03-3 2025-03-3 ent of Senior Water Supply IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 22,800.00 0.00 2024-02-12 ultant Selection ntation 7 2 0 0 Engineer (IC) for II Urban strengthening Water Supply and Sanitati on Project at Ministry of W ater and Energy ET-MOWIE-407659-CS-IND V / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons Under Impleme 2024-02-1 2024-03-0 2024-03-3 2025-03-3 ent of Senior Contract Man IDA / 60070 nagement & institutional Post Limited 22,800.00 0.00 2024-02-12 ultant Selection ntation 7 2 0 0 agement Individual consul strengthening tant for II Urban Water Sup ply and Sanitation Project at Ministry ET-MOWIE-423997-CS-IND V / selection and employm Component 3: Project ma Individual Cons 2024-06-2 2024-06-1 2024-07-0 2024-07-1 2025-07-1 ents of project coordinatio IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Post Open - National 25,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2024-04-29 ultant Selection 4 7 2 7 7 n for Ethiopian second urb strengthening an water supply and sanit ation Project at MOWE ET-MOWIE-434818-CS-CD S / Selection and Employm Component 3: Project ma ent of Independent procur Pending Imple 2024-08-0 2024-08-2 2024-11-2 IDA / 60080 nagement & institutional Post Direct Selection Direct - National 200,000.00 0.00 2024-07-18 ement Audit service for th mentation 2 9 7 strengthening e year 2016 EFY for 23 t owns of Urban Water and Sanitation Project II (UWSS P-2) by the MOWE Page 14