The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) REPORT NO.: RES53664 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF KINSHASA MULTISECTOR DEVELOPMENT AND URBAN RESILIENCE PROJECT – KIN ELENDA APPROVED ON MARCH 30, 2021 TO MINISTRY OF FINANCE URBAN, RESILIENCE AND LAND EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA Regional Vice President: Victoria Kwakwa Country Director: Albert G. Zeufack Regional Director: Holger A. Kray Practice Manager/Manager: Catalina Marulanda Task Team Leader(s): Christian Vang Eghoff, Didier Makoso Tsasa, Patrick Ndolo The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACE Agence Congolaise pour l’Environnement (Congolese Environment Agency) AF Additional Financing CEP-O Cellule d’Exécution des Projets Eau (Water Sector Project Implementing Agency) CI Cellule Infrastructures DRC Democratic Republic of Congo E&S Environmental and Social ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework FA Financing Agreement FY Fiscial Year GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism ILO International Labour Organization LIPW Labor-Intensive Public Works MRHE the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity MTR Mid-Term Review OFID OPEC Fund for International Development OHS Occupational Health and Safety PDO Project development objective RAP Resettlement Action Plan REGIDESO Régie de distribution d'eau de la RDC (national water utility) RF Results Framework SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan UCM Unité de Coordination et de Management de Projets du Ministère des Ressources Hydrauliques et Electricité (Project Coordination and Management Unit for Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity) The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P171141 Investment Project Financing Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) High Approval Date Current Closing Date 30-Mar-2021 31-Jul-2026 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Cellule d'Exécution de Projets Eau, Cellule Ministry of Finance Infrastructures, Unité de Coordination et de Management Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The project development objective is to improve institutional capacity for urban management and access to select infrastructure and services, as well as to socio-economic opportunities in Kinshasa. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IDA-68580 30-Mar-2021 12-May-2021 06-Sep-2021 31-Jul-2026 250.00 50.18 199.82 IDA-D7940 30-Mar-2021 12-May-2021 06-Sep-2021 31-Jul-2026 250.00 50.18 183.52 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Background 1. This Project Paper seeks the approval for a restructuring of the Kin Elenda Project (P171141, IDA-68580 and IDA- D7940). The restructuring will: (i) include payment of land expenditures or resettlement compensations as eligible expenditures; (ii) update the implementation arrangements to align with the modified institutional landscape; (iii) add additional specific investments requested by the Government; (iv) reallocate financing amounts between disbursement categories; and (v) revise the Project’s results framework. This is the project’s first restructuring. 2. The Project Development Objective is to improve institutional capacity for urban management and access to select infrastructure and services, as well as to socio-economic opportunities in Kinshasa. The Bank approved a US$250 million credit and a US$250 million grant for the Project on March 30, 2021. The credit and grant were declared effective on September 6, 2021. The closing date is July 31, 2026. The project comprises four components: (i) Resilient Infrastructure and Services (US$355 million); (ii) Inclusive and Resilient Communities (US$125 million); (iii) Project Management (US$20 million); and (iv) Contingency Emergency Response (US$0 million). B. Project Status 3. Implementation Progress. Progress toward achieving the Project Development Objective (PDO) and Implementation Progress were rated as Moderately Satisfactory in December 2022. The Financial Management performance was revised from Moderately Satisfactory to Satisfactory in July 2022 mainly based on improved performance of implementing agencies. As of April 15, 2023, the total IDA disbursement was US$82.5 million or about 17 percent of the US$500 million IDA financing amount. Based on ongoing contracting processes for civil works, the commitment is expected to exceed 50 percent by the end of FY23. 4. The Project has experienced implementation delays due to ability of the three Implementation Agencies to handle the substantial workload of 158 parallel procurement processes. Nonetheless, the pace of implementation has accelerated in recent months, and multiple contracts will be awarded before the end of CY23. Specifically, the status of implementation by component, is as follows:  Component 1: Resilient Infrastructure and Services. The component finances citywide basic services, including water, solid waste management, and energy services, and neighborhood upgrading activities. The first phase of the Ozone Water Treatment Plant has been completed and was inaugurated in March 2023 by the President of the DRC. Two contracts, for the third phase of the Ozone Water Treatment Plant (approx. US$37 million) and for the construction of the associated water transport and distribution networks (approx. US$52 million), are in the final award or contracting phase. Procurement of several other key investments is in progress, including rehabilitation of public spaces and a local government administration complex (approx. US$16 million, contracted in March 2023), rehabilitation of urban roads (approx. US$9 million, contract pending signature), and anti-erosion activities in Kisenso (approx. US$30 million, contracted in March). A total of US$138 million worth of contracts are expected to be signed by the end of June 2023.  Component 2: Inclusive and resilient communities. This component finances activities related to socioeconomic inclusion, urban planning and land administration, and city governance. The final contracts to launch the Labor-Intensive Public Works (LIPW) are in the award phase and LIWP activities are expected to The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) start within three months. The Project support to the revision of urban planning legislation to lay the foundations for strengthened sector performance is advancing and comprehensive consultations on the draft legislation are planned in the next months.  Component 3: Project management. The three fiduciary Implementing Agencies are coordinating relatively well. The workload and internal organization has been identified as a hindrance to accelerate project implementation and an internal organizational audit of Implementing Agencies is to be conducted, as basis for an action plan to accelerate project implementation.  Component 4: Contingency Emergency Response. The preparation of a CERC manual has been delayed and to be finalized by August 2023. 5. Environmental and Social (E&S) Management. Performance of E&S compliance is moderately satisfactory. E&S risk management planning is on track, albeit elaboration of relevant instruments is slightly delayed. The E&S risk and impact assessments of subprojects are advancing in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF). Two NGOs to support implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) have signed contracts and deployed. The Project is finalizing the establishment of the GRM committees in the various areas of implementation of the project while relying on the existing GRM arrangements for the activities of the water component inherited from the Urban Water Supply Project (P091092). The project has registered eight complaints, of which six for the Water component, one for the solid waste management component and one for the sanitation component. The project reported three Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) incidents since the start of works under the water component. Of these, two are classified as severe and one as indicative. Incidents have been accounted through the ESIRT as relevant and action plans monitored closely by the Task Team. Several safeguards instruments have been or are being finalized as prerequisites for launching major civil works under the Project, including six Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs). C. Rationale for Restructuring 6. The Government requested the Bank to restructure the Project, to (i) include financing of land expenditures or resettlement compensations as eligible expenditure for IDA financing; (ii) finance additional investments in anti- erosion activities in Kimwenza; (iii) finance the supervision of Phase 2 of the Ozone Water Treatment Plant; and (iv) revise the Project’s institutional arrangements. 7. Financing Land Expenditures or Resettlement Compensations. Land acquisition and resettlement are integral to the activities under the Project. According to the Project’s Resettlement Policy Framework, involuntary resettlement expected under Components 1 and 2 will impact an estimated 5,000 Project Affected Persons and 15 project investments are estimated to necessitate compensation payments. The total amount of approximately US$16.5 million is inclusive of payments to be executed by CI (US$12.9 million), CEP-O (US$2.1million), and UCM (US$1.5 million). The inclusion of compensation payments as eligible expenditure under the Project would mitigate the risk of compensation-related delays to these investments. To date, three Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) have been prepared, cleared, and disclosed. At least ten additional RAPs are being prepared for specific sites identified and related technical designs. The final amount of necessary compensation payments under the Project is subject to change according to the results of the RAPs. An Office Memorandum dated April 5, 2022, was approved by the Regional Vice President for Eastern and Southern Africa to finance up to US$16.5 million of land expenditures and resettlement cash compensation under the Project. 8. Financing additional investments under the Project. To be responsive to the evolving challenges in the city, it is necessary to include additional activities that have been identified as key priorities by the client in the current eligible The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) investments. First, the anti-erosion activities in the Kimwenza site will be added to the current flood risk mitigation measures and erosion control infrastructure financed by the Project. The second activity to be added is the supervision of Phase 2 of the Ozone water treatment complex civil works. Under the Project, the Bank is financing the construction of Phase 1 and 3 of the Ozone water treatment plant while construction of Phase 2 is financed by the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). 9. Changes to the Status of an Implementing Agency. As of February 15, 2022, the Water Project Implementation Unit (Cellule d'Exécution des Projets Eau, CEP-O) has been transferred from the country’s water utility company, REGIDESO, to a unit under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity (MWRE).1 REGIDESO is thus no longer directly responsible for the fiduciary and environmental and social responsibilities of the implementation of the water and sanitation components of the Project, which are now the responsibility of CEP-O under MWRE. In this arrangement, REGIDESO as the beneficiary utility, will continue technical implementation of project activities with the guidance and support of CEP-O. Accordingly, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between CEPO and REGIDESO to reflect these changes and expound and delineate their roles and responsibilities in the implementation of the project. As the same PIU retains all its fiduciary and technical staff, there’s no need for a new assessment. 10. Resulting funding gap. Based on actual contract values and detailed investment designs, the budget deficit is currently estimated at about US$202 million. The below points summarize the main contributing factors, with detailed breakdown available in the project files: i) Water component investments (US$69 million overrun). Main contributing factors is transfer of investments from the Urban Water Supply Project, most notably finalization of first phase of the Ozone Water Treatment Plant and rehabilitation of the N’djili Water Treatment Plant and intake, and to a lesser extent World Bank- financing for activities related to Phase two of the Ozone Water Treatment Plant (elaboration of environmental and social safeguards instruments and financing of the supervision engineer). ii) Overrun of the estimated amounts of some investments after detailed design compared to appraisal estimates (US$110 million): Anti-erosion works in Kisenso (US$35 million), solid waste management infrastructure (US$6 million), protection of electricity transformer stations against erosion and flooding (US$25 million), neighborhood upgrading (US$44 million, with prioritization and reduction of cost overrun ongoing). iii) Inclusion of budget line items not foreseen at appraisal (US$3 million): Resettlement compensations as an eligible expense (US$16.5 million, which is taken from the amount allocated to Stipends to Labor-Intensive Public Works Beneficiaries and does not add to overall budget deficit) and anti-erosion works in Kimwenza (US$3 million). iv) Refinancing of the Project Preparation Advance (US$6 million). 11. At this stage, suspension or cancellation of any project activity is not envisaged as a consequence of the funding gap. Instead, the approach agreed between the Government and the Bank is to review the possibility of Additional Funding (AF) to the Project during the Mid-Term Review (MTR) in 2024 on the condition that the commitment of funds is comparable to disbursement projections made during project appraisal. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 1 The government of DRC issued an Order No. 005 CAB/MIN-RAB/WEK/2022 to make this change. The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) 12. This is a level 2 restructuring in response to a request by the Government received on October 26, 2022. The following provides a summary of the proposed changes: i) Reallocation between Disbursement Categories and eligibility of payment of land expenditures and resettlement cash compensation. The proposed allocation of US$16.5 to finance expenses related to the implementation of RAPs will be taken from Categories 2 and 7 and reallocated to a new Disbursement Category for land expenditures and resettlement cash compensation, comprising a sub-category for each implementing agency (CI, CEP-O, and UCM), as shown in Section IV. The undisbursed currently allocated amount under Category 7 PPA refinancing for the Credit (SDR 1,301,094.71) and Grant (US$1,975,696.19) will be reallocated to the new Category 8. The remaining amount will come from expenditure Category 2 for Component 2.1 (Stipends to Labor-Intensive Public Works Beneficiaries). The compensation payment will be managed out of the three existing Designated Accounts for each implementing agency. The LIPW planned under Component 2.1 are still highly relevant to benefiting low-income households and to the Bank’s effort to mainstream LIPW across the Bank financing portfolio. However, the preparation of activities and coordination between a development partner, International Labour Organization (ILO), and implementing agencies have delayed LIPW activities significantly, which necessitates adjustment of targets and financing amounts under Component 2.1. ii) Institutional Arrangements. The FA will need to be amended to reflect the transfer of the project implementing unit (CEP-O) from REGIDESO and its establishment under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity (MWRE). The changed institutional arrangement requires replacement of the “CEP-O/REGIDESO” in the current FA with “CEP-O”. iii) Financing of additional activities. This specifically includes the supervision engineer for Phase 2 of the Ozone Water Treatment Plant and anti-erosion works in Kimwenza. The budgetary impact of these activities is considered in the cost overrun estimates, no amendments to the Financing Agreement are required to make the investments eligible for project financing. iv) Results framework. The targets for two PDO indicators in the RF will be revised to ensure that they are achievable given the significant amount of the identified cost overrun (US$202 million) and delays in implementation. The proposed target for the first PDO indicator (People provided with improved urban living conditions) under the current financing envelope (US$500 million) is prorated against the actual costs required to achieve the initial target (US$702 million). The target for the second PDO indicator (People provided with improved access to socioeconomic inclusion programs) has also been reduced to consider delays to launch in LIPW activities and the reallocation of funds to cover expenditure for payment of resettlement compensation. See more details in Section VI. The methodologies for all results indicators will be further refined during the MTR and the implementing agencies will reflect the resulting changes in the Monitoring & Evaluation manual. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Implementing Agency ✔ Results Framework ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) Institutional Arrangements ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ PBCs ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_IA_TABLE IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Implementing Agency Name Type Action Cellule d'Exécution de Projets Eau Implementing Marked for Deletion Agency Cellule d'Exécution de Projets Eau Implementing New Agency Cellule Infrastructures Implementing No Change Agency Unité de Coordination et de Management Implementing No Change Agency The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_REALLOCATION _TABLE REALLOCATION BETWEEN DISBURSEMENT CATEGORIES Financing % Current Allocation Actuals + Committed Proposed Allocation (Type Total) Current Proposed IDA-68580-001 | Currency: USD iLap Category Sequence No: 1A Current Expenditure Category: G,W,NC(w/TR),C COMP1.1C excl1.1Ci&2 88,442,500.00 5,306,497.55 88,442,500.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 1B Current Expenditure Category: G,W,NCS(INCL TR),CS by CI COMP1.1Ci 6,750,000.00 0.00 6,750,000.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 2 Current Expenditure Category: STIPENDS TO LIPW BENE COMP2.1(a)(i) 22,500,000.00 0.00 16,207,696.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 3A Current Expenditure Category: G,W,NC(w/TR),CS 1.1a excl 1.1A.ii&B 80,000,000.00 26,789,513.19 80,000,000.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 3B Current Expenditure Category: G,W,CS by CEP-O REGIDESO 1.1a(ii) 20,000,000.00 0.00 20,000,000.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 4 Current Expenditure Category: G,W,NCS(w/TR) CS by UCM COMP 1.1(d) 17,500,000.00 302,760.52 17,500,000.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 5A Current Expenditure Category: GDS, NON-CS, CONS & OC COMP 3 by CI 5,125,000.00 1,223,785.37 5,125,000.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 5B Current Expenditure Category: G,NCS,CS&OC COMP3 by CEP-O REGIDESO 4,125,000.00 1,024,352.54 4,125,000.00 50.00 50.00 The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) iLap Category Sequence No: 5C Current Expenditure Category: GDS, NON-CS, CS & OC COMP 3 by UCM 750,000.00 188,593.37 750,000.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 6 Current Expenditure Category: EMERGENCY EXPENDITURES COMP 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 7 Current Expenditure Category: REFUND PPA 4,807,500.00 2,849,803.81 2,849,804.00 Current Expenditure Category: Land Acquisition and Compensation under iLap Category Sequence No: 8A Component 3.2 of the Project by CI 0.00 0.00 6,446,000.00 Current Expenditure Category: Land Acquisition and Compensation under iLap Category Sequence No: 8B Component 3.2 of the Project by CEP-O 0.00 0.00 1,054,000.00 Current Expenditure Category: Land Acquisition and Compensation under iLap Category Sequence No: 8C Component 3.2 of the Project by UCM 0.00 0.00 750,000.00 Total 250,000,000.00 37,685,306.35 250,000,000.00 IDA-D7940-001 | Currency: XDR iLap Category Sequence No: 1A Current Expenditure Category: G,W,NC(w/TR),C COMP1.1C excl1.1Ci&2 61,414,472.00 3,980,397.43 61,414,472.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 1B Current Expenditure Category: G,W,NCS(INCL TR),CS by CI COMP1.1Ci 4,687,200.00 0.00 4,687,200.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 2 Current Expenditure Category: STIPENDS TO LIPW BENE COMP2.1(a)(i) The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) 15,624,000.00 0.00 10,820,094.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 3A Current Expenditure Category: G,W,NC(w/TR),CS 1.1a excl 1.1A.ii&B 55,552,000.00 19,921,111.83 55,552,000.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 3B Current Expenditure Category: G,W,CS by CEP-O REGIDESO 1.1a(ii) 13,888,000.00 0.00 13,888,000.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 4 Current Expenditure Category: G,W,NCS(w/TR) CS by UCM COMP 1.1(d) 12,152,000.00 226,821.57 12,152,000.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 5A Current Expenditure Category: GDS, NON-CS, CONS & OC COMP 3 by CI 3,558,800.00 913,894.52 3,558,800.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 5B Current Expenditure Category: G,NCS,CS&OC COMP3 by CEP-O REGIDESO 2,864,400.00 764,971.03 2,864,400.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 5C Current Expenditure Category: GDS, NON-CS, CS & OC COMP 3 by UCM 520,800.00 144,306.06 520,800.00 50.00 50.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 6 Current Expenditure Category: EMERGENCY EXPENDITURES COMP 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 7 Current Expenditure Category: REFUND PPA 3,338,328.00 2,037,233.29 2,037,234.00 Current Expenditure Category: Land Acquisition and Compensation under iLap Category Sequence No: 8A Component 3.2 of the Project by CI 0.00 0.00 4,770,000.00 Current Expenditure Category: Land Acquisition and Compensation under iLap Category Sequence No: 8B Component 3.2 of the Project by CEP-O The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) 0.00 0.00 780,000.00 Current Expenditure Category: Land Acquisition and Compensation under iLap Category Sequence No: 8C Component 3.2 of the Project by UCM 0.00 0.00 555,000.00 Total 173,600,000.00 27,988,735.73 173,600,000.00 . The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) . Results framework COUNTRY: Congo, Democratic Republic of Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project Project Development Objectives(s) The project development objective is to improve institutional capacity for urban management and access to select infrastructure and ser socio-economic opportunities in Kinshasa. Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Improved access to infrastructure and services People provided with improved urban living conditions (CRI, 0.00 1,420,000.00 Number) Rationale: The end target for this indicator has been reduced by about 30% from 2 million to 1.42 million to re Action: This indicator has been Revised increase in actual costs for civil works and project management (approximately $202 million). People provided with improved urban living conditions - 0.00 700,000.00 Female (RMS requirement) (CRI, Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Improved access to socio-economic opportunities People provided with improved access to socioeconomic 0.00 90,000.00 inclusion programs (number, disaggregated by gender) (Number) Rationale: There is no substantial difference identified between actaul costs and initial budget for Component Intensive Public Work (LIPW) activities have been significantly delayed for more than one year due Action: This indicator has been Revised International Labour Organization (ILO) and the clients on the LIPW manual and activity design. Th for this PDO indicator has been reduced from 200,000 to 90,000 reflecting the remaining implemen People provided with improved access to socioeconomic 0.00 36,000.00 inclusion programs - Female (Number) (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has been Revised Revised the number of female beneficiaries according to the PDO indicator 2. Improved urban management Provincial capital expenditure budget executed per year 20.00 80.00 (Percentage) The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Resilient Infrastructure and Services Additional volume of water produced and supplied to the 0.00 220,000.00 network (Cubic Meter(m3)) Volume treated at the new fecal sludge treatment plant (Cubic 0.00 45,000.00 meters/year) Landfill rehabilitated and receiving at least 1,000 tonnes of waste No Yes per day (Yes/No) Electricity distribution secured against erosion and flooding 0.00 543.00 (Megawatt) Roads rehabilitated and equipped with solar lighting (Kilometers) 0.00 25.00 Land area with flood and erosion control measures (Hectare(Ha)) 0.00 30.00 Public spaces rehabilitated with incorporation of gender 0.00 2.00 considerations (Number) (Number) Inclusive and resilient communities Amount of social transfers received by direct beneficiaries 0.00 20,250,000.00 (Amount(USD)) Rationale: The end target for this indicator has been reduced from $45 million to $20.25 million, which is prop Action: This indicator has been Revised reduction rate of the second PDO indicator (People provided with improved access to socioeconomi Amount of social transfers received by direct beneficiaries – 0.00 9,000,000.00 Female (Amount(USD)) (Amount(USD)) Action: This indicator has been Revised Percentage implementation of annual infrastructure 0.00 75.00 maintenance plan (Percentage) Number of persons benefiting from skills training (Number) 0.00 50,000.00 Of which female (Number) 0.00 15,000.00 Vulnerable female workers satisfied with improvement in their 0.00 70.00 economic security (Percentage) Urban development unit in the City-Province of Kinshasa 0.00 100.00 operational (Percentage) (Percentage) The World Bank Kinshasa Multisector Development and Urban Resilience Project (P171141) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline End Target Use or ownership rights for land plot registered in the Urban 0.00 67,500.00 Management Information System (Number) Use or ownership rights for land plot registered in the Urban 0.00 35.00 Management Information System - Female (Percentage) CPK publishing annual report on feedback received and how this No Yes feedback has been used, including gender aspects (Yes/No) IO Table SPACE