The World Bank Matanza-Riachuelo Basin Sustainable Development Project (P105680) REPORT NO.: RES56825 DOCUMENT OF THE WORLD BANK RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF MATANZA-RIACHUELO BASIN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPROVED ON JUNE 9, 2009 TO ARGENTINE REPUBLIC ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCES & THE BLUE ECONOMY LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Regional Vice President: Carlos Felipe Jaramillo Country Director: Marianne Fay Regional Director: Anna Wellenstein Practice Manager/Manager: Genevieve Connors Task Team Leader(s): Jiang Ru, Maria Catalina Ramirez The World Bank Matanza-Riachuelo Basin Sustainable Development Project (P105680) I. BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P105680 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Full Assessment (A) Full Assessment (A) Approval Date Current Closing Date 09-Jun-2009 30-Sep-2024 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Ministry of Interior, Public Works and Housing,Unidad Argentine Republic Coordinadora General del Proyecto (UCGP) Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The overall development objective of the proposed APL program supports the Government's Integrated Basin Cleanup whilesimultaneously improving sanitary conditions along the banks of La Plata River and providing a long-term and cost-effectivesolution for safe disposal of wastewater from the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AySAs concession area). The two stage APL programthat contributes to this objective and the allocation of works and activities under each APL has been specifically designed toensure that APL-1 can be free-standing, with no stranded assets at the end of the first stage. The project (APL-1) development objectives contribute to the overall program development objective by (i) improving sewerageservices in the M-R River Basin and other parts of the Province and City of Buenos Aires by expanding transport and treatmentcapacity; (ii) supporting a reduction of industrial discharges to the M-R River, through the provision of industrial conversiongrants to small and medium enterprises; (iii) promoting improved decision-making for environmentally-sustainable land use anddrainage planning, and piloting urban drainage and land use investments, in the M-R River Basin; and (iv) strengthening ACUMAR#sinstitutional framework for ongoing and sustainable clean-up of the M-R River Basin. Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) The World Bank Matanza-Riachuelo Basin Sustainable Development Project (P105680) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IBRD-92520 01-Jun-2021 28-Sep-2021 20-Jan-2022 30-Sep-2024 265.00 171.26 93.74 IBRD-90080 05-Sep-2019 12-Nov-2019 09-Dec-2019 30-Sep-2024 245.00 237.82 7.18 IBRD-77060 09-Jun-2009 25-Aug-2009 20-Jul-2010 30-Sep-2024 718.03 716.02 2.01 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No II. SUMMARY OF PROJECT STATUS AND PROPOSED CHANGES The project has a moderately satisfactory rating for its overall implementation progress and its progress towards achievement of its PDO. The project is expected to complete most of its activities before its current closing date (September 30, 2024) and thus achieve most of PDOs. Two ongoing contracts facing implementation delays are the Riachuelo Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and the industrial WWTP. Current delays of these two contracts are mainly caused by difficulties in the payment, transportation, and customs clearance of imported electromechanical equipment. Of the two, the Riachuelo WWTP contract is expected to be completed before the project's current closing date but the industrial WWTP contract is expected to be completed shortly after the project's current closing date. Delay in the industrial WWTP contract puts at risk the achievement of the PDO of reducing pollution load discharges. The Bank has been working with the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and AySA to find practical solutions to address the import challenges, to ensure timely completion of the Riachuelo WWTP, and to avoid any further implementation delays of the Industrial WWTP contract. In April 2023, the Bank's supervision mission confirmed that (a) there would be savings from the Riachuelo WWTP contract financed by the Second Additional Financing (AF) Loan of the project; and (b) there are additional funding requirements for remaining contracts under Component 2 Industrial Pollution Abatement and Component 3 Environmental Territorial Management. As such, the PIU proposed that such saving be relocated to cover financial gaps for the remaining contracts under Components 2 and 3. On May 12, 2023, the Government of Argentina sent the Bank its official request (see the attachment) to restructure the project by expanding one disbursement category (Category 1) of the Second AF Loan to support the remaining contracts of Components 2 and 3. The proposed restructuring, entails a change in disbursement Category 1 by changing what this category financing, as it was limited to fund some activities under Component 1, by including the possibility to fund Works under Components 2 and 3. No reallocation of loan proceeds, or changnes to funding percentages are foreseen. The World Bank Matanza-Riachuelo Basin Sustainable Development Project (P105680) The change will enable the government to utilize expected savings of the Second AF Loan to cover financing gaps, and ensure timely completion, of the remaining contracts of Components 2 and 3. This proposed restructuring will have no impacts on other aspects of project implementation. III. DETAILED CHANGES REALLOCATION BETWEEN DISBURSEMENT CATEGORIES Current Current Actuals + Proposed Disbursement % Ln/Cr/TF Expenditure Allocation Committed Allocation (Type Total) Category Current Proposed IBRD- CW Parts 1 92520-001 (except Parts Currency: 1(a)(v), 1(a)(vi)), 262,337,500.00 130,592,613.65 262,337,500.00 100.00 100.00 USD 2(f), 3(g); and CS Part 1(b) GO,CS,NCS,TR,O 2,000,000.00 0.00 2,000,000.00 100.00 100.00 P Part 4(e) PREMIUM FOR 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPS/COLLARS FRONT END FEE 662,500.00 662,500.00 662,500.00 Total 265,000,000.00 131,255,113.65 265,000,000.00