The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) cn Project Information Document (PID) Concept Stage | Date Prepared/Updated: 13-Jul-2022 | Report No: PIDC33605 Jun 13, 2022 Page 1 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data OPS TABLE Country Project ID Parent Project ID (if any) Project Name Cambodia P178417 Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) Region Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Practice Area (Lead) EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC May 22, 2023 Sep 29, 2023 Water Financing Instrument Borrower(s) Implementing Agency Investment Project Financing Kingdom of Cambodia Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation, Ministry of Public Works and Transport Proposed Development Objective(s) To improve provision of sustainable water supply and sanitation services and strengthen the operational performance of service providers in selected towns or communes; and in case of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, respond promptly and effectively to it PROJECT FINANCING DATA (US$, Millions) SUMMARY-NewFin1 Total Project Cost 100.00 Total Financing 100.00 of which IBRD/IDA 100.00 Financing Gap 0.00 DETAILS -NewFinEnh1 World Bank Group Financing International Development Association (IDA) 100.00 IDA Credit 100.00 Jun 13, 2022 Page 2 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) Environmental and Social Risk Classification Concept Review Decision Substantial Track II-The review did authorize the preparation to continue Other Decision (as needed) B. Introduction and Context Country Context 1. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cambodia sustained robust economic growth. Cambodia achieved an average real growth rate of 7.0 percent during the period between 2009 and 2019, doubling its per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to US$1,643 in 2019. As a result, the country attained lower middle-income status in 2015. Cambodia’s economic development was inclusive and the country’s poverty rate significantly declined from 33.8 percent in 2009 to 17.8 percent in 2019. While Cambodia achieved considerable improvements in many aspects of its socioeconomic development, particularly health and education, quality and equitable access to some basic services remains a challenge. As the country aspires to become an upper middle-income economy by 2030, sustaining economic growth continues to be the main priority of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC). 2. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy contracted in 2020 by 3.1 percent for the first time in 25 years, as the global shock signi�cantly affected its main growth drivers which are tourism, construction, and export sectors. In 2021, the economy started to recover, growing at 3.0 percent. To accelerate economic recovery, the RGC has set out a strategic framework, seizing structural reform opportunities arising during the pandemic to promptly boost economic activity, while strengthening socio-economic resilience in the longer term. A number of priority sectors have been identified in the framework which aims at restoring the country’s traditional growth drivers, namely the agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing sectors, while embracing key structural reforms to diversify the economy for sustaining growth momentum and enhancing socio-economic resilience. 3. Urbanization has also led to increased stress on basic urban services in secondary cities and in emerging small and medium size towns.1 Recent urbanization growth has largely been driven by the capital city of Phnom Penh followed by a few secondary cities and small and medium towns. Infrastructure services, including water and sanitation, in these cities and towns, and cities at proximity to Phnom Penh Capital are barely able to meet the growing demand stemming from population growth, let alone the rapid urbanization and expansion of the capital city that is expected to occur in the coming years. Sectoral and Institutional Context 4. Cambodia has made good progress on increasing access to basic water supply and sanitation, although achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) remains a challenge. Access to improved water supply and improved sanitation both reached around 70 percent in 2020 from 50 percent and 10 percent respectively in 2000. 2 Remarkable 1 World Bank. 2018. Cambodia Achieving the Potential of Urbanization. 2 Joint Monitoring Programme 2020 (Updated July 2021). For ease of reference, improved water refers to improved source within 30 minutes. Improved sanitation refers to improved service which is not shared. Jun 13, 2022 Page 3 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) progress has been made in access to improved sanitation, and the country has been able to significantly reduce open defecation over the past two decades from 87 percent to 19 percent in 2020. Nevertheless, the level of sanitation services remains questionable and access to safely managed sanitation, as defined under SDG 6, is unknown. Nationally, connections to network sewerage systems are only at 16 percent, and the majority of households rely on on-site sanitation. The level of water supply services is also a challenge as access to safely managed water supply was only at 27 percent, 2.6 times lower than the improved basic access. This level of access and service will make it difficult for the country to reach universal access to safely managed water supply and sanitation by 2030 to meet the SDG targets. Pursuing progress toward increasing access and raising the level of service for water supply and sanitation (WSS) provision are both equally important. 5. Governance of the WSS sector in Cambodia is spread across various institutions. Primary responsibility for water supply in urban areas lies with Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) and in rural areas with the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD). While this division of responsibilities may sound clear, in reality, MISTI grants licenses to private operators engaging on a commercial basis to provide piped water, including in areas which are administratively defined as rural. Thus, overlaps in geography are observed in practice, and size and type of water supply system are further used to characterize MRD’s jurisdiction, which is limited to small community-managed piped or non- piped water supply schemes. Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) is responsible for urban sanitation, while MRD retains responsibility for rural sanitation focusing on on-site sanitation systems. Although MPWT traditionally focuses on sewerage and wastewater system, there is growing uptake of responsibility for FSM by the ministry as well. The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) is mandated with overall responsibility for water resource management, and Ministry of Environment (MOE) is responsible for monitoring the quality of effluents discharged into natural water bodies. 6. With past and ongoing efforts, there has been progress in establishing legislations and a regulatory framework for the sector. A tariff setting framework for piped water supply does exist and is being implemented to guide tariff setting in piped water supply service.3 A menu of regulations aiming to strengthen the quality of provision of water supply services are in place, such as regulations related to (i) water quality standards, (ii) performance indicators for operations and monitoring, (iii) water supply investment asset depreciation, (iv) minimum technical standards for design of small- scale water supply systems, and (v) process for issuance of license and certificate of operations for water service providers. The economic framework for the sector is being strengthened with the preparation of a high-level cost recovery framework for wastewater investments, and the establishment of a tariff structure for sanitation services to ensure sustainability of operation and maintenance. The former is led by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) with the support of the Australian Government’s Partnerships for Infrastructure (P4I) and the latter is by MPWT under Bank-financed Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (WaSSIP). Law on Water Supply and Law on Wastewater Management are concurrently being developed to provide a legislative framework for the above regulations to be operationalized. MISTI also has a plan to develop a pro-poor policy to support poor households’ access to piped water supply.4 Relationship to CPF 7. The proposed project is well aligned with the priorities in the World Bank’s Cambodia Country Partnership Framework (CPF) FY19-23 (Report number 136500-KH, 2019). It directly supports Objective 3 (Expand and Improve Sustainable Infrastructure Services) under Focus Areas 1 (Promoting state efficiency and boosting private sector) of the 3 This development of this framework was supported by the Bank’s technical as sistance (P132172) delivered through the Water and Sanitation Program 4 Study is currently being undertaken by MISTI with the support of The Stone Family Foundation on this policy Jun 13, 2022 Page 4 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) CPF. It also supports cross-cutting theme of the CPF by contributing to strengthening institutions and citizen engagement, which are instrumental for the sustainability of the water supply and sanitation service. The upcoming Performance and Learning Review of the CPF FY19-23 (Report number 169297-KH, 2022) (scheduled for Board consideration on July 20, 2022), which extends the CPF by one year, until June 2024, reaffirms the relevance of the proposed project to the CPF objectives. 8. The proposed project will contribute to the Government Strategic Framework and Program for Economic Recovery 2021-23. In the context of post-COVID-19 recovery, the RGC is seeking to identify strategic sector interventions to support the plan for economic recovery outlined in the strategic framework. WSS is recognized as essential to economic activity as well as the wellbeing of the work force (human capital development).5 It is embedded across the economic development agenda prioritized under the framework, contributing to urban development, tourism, small and medium enterprise development, industrial development, health resilience and human capital development, which are all aspired to in the framework. C. Proposed Development Objective(s) To improve provision of sustainable water supply and sanitation services and strengthen the operational performance of service providers in selected towns or communes Key Results (From PCN) 9. The achievement of the project development objectives will be monitored and measured by the following key results indicators: • People provided with year-round access to improved water sources through piped household water connections (male/female, poor/non-poor) • People provided with year-round access to safely managed sanitation (male/female, poor/non-poor) • Operational efficiency improved among all utilities supported by the proposed project 10. Other relevant process indicators will be included to capture the anticipated progress made in the institutional aspects, private sector engagement and mobilization, gender, and sustainability of services. These indicators will be defined during the project preparation. D. Concept Description 11. The proposed project will explore and focus on accelerating access to WSS services (to contribute to achievement of SDG 6.1 and 6.2) by financing water supply investments in selected provinces, while also promoting a shift to a “province-wide approach� where investments in provincial municipalities and other potential districts outside provincial municipalities would be considered in totality, and fostering an enabling environment at the sector level to accelerate progress, and at the operational level, to sustain long-lasting investment. While investing in identified one-off projects in a number of selected provinces will not necessarily lead to nationally accelerated progress per se, the proposed project aims to demonstrate implementation of the province-wide approach in at least one of the selected provinces, targeting key constraints and leveraging drivers for transformational impacts in the sector. Taking a province-wide approach, a strategic framework will introduce (i) potential reorganization in the current institutional and regulatory set up, (ii) incentives for water supply utilities and operators in the province to join hands (reducing fragmentation of service 5 As mentioned in the National Strategic Development Plan 2019-23 and Cambodia Industrial Development Policy 2015-25 Jun 13, 2022 Page 5 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) provision) to achieve sufficient scale for sustainable expansion of services and improved operational performance, and (iii) facilitation of private sector investment in water supply in a more structured manner. 12. The roll-out of the province-wide approach under the proposed project is expected to start with one of the selected provinces, drawing lessons from the implementation experience for scaling up to other provinces, as appropriate. This will align with the capacity for uptake at the ministry level, at the provincial level, and at the utility/operator level, which is proposed to be supported by targeted technical assistance. While the selection of this one province is currently proposed at the concept stage (para 18), this will be reconfirmed with the Government during the project preparation. Unlike the province-wide approach that the project would be attempting/piloting for the water supply sector in one province, investment in urban sanitation will only focus on provincial municipalities in all selected provinces, considering the early-stage development of this sector. To support sectoral development in sanitation, WASAC will engage with the RGC in addressing key immediate challenges such as institutional capacity for operating sanitation systems in a sustainable and long-term manner (i.e., at the utility level). Gradual support would be provided to establish a framework for developing the sub-sector by closely coordinating with other development partners. 13. For infrastructure investments, interventions under the proposed project, for both water supply and sanitation, will complement previous or ongoing investment projects in selected provincial municipalities, retrofitting to existing and/or planned infrastructure to optimize its capacity; and expanding or developing services in unserved areas within provincial municipalities as well as areas outside of provincial municipalities. Following the implementation experience of WaSSIP, investments under the proposed project will focus on fewer provinces and will enhance the synergy between water supply and sanitation investments. Proposed Project Components 14. The proposed project will have three components, namely Provincial Water Supply Component, Provincial Sanitation Component, and Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC). The first two components will comprise infrastructure development and support to address sector level issues to improve the enabling environment for acceleration of access and sustainability. Under these components, Government’s planning capacity for the sector will be enhanced, financial sustainability of participating water supply and sanitation utilities will be ensured, institutional set up for operation and maintenance particularly for sanitation will be defined, Government regulatory capacity will be improved, and private sector financing will be leveraged for water supply. Under the third component, the project would strengthen the adaptive capacity of the client to respond to an eligible crisis or emergency. 15. Component 1 – Provincial Water Supply (indicative: US$60 million) (a) Sub-component 1.1: Water supply infrastructure development. Activities will support piped water supply development in selected provinces addressing service gaps in both the provincial municipalities and areas outside the provincial municipalities. Support will be provided for the extension and densification of water supply networks in the service areas of public water supply utilities in selected provincial municipalities having surplus water production capacity, in order to use the available capacity. Activities will also support the development of water treatment plants and water supply distribution networks to provide services to unserved areas of selected provincial municipalities and to meet future increased demand. Outside provincial municipalities of the selected provinces, activities will support the development of water supply systems in districts/towns that do not currently have piped water supply service providers (greenfield areas); as well as expansion of water supply networks and water treatment capacity in areas which are currently being served by existing private water operators (brownfield areas). While the use of project funds to support public water Jun 13, 2022 Page 6 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) utilities within provincial municipalities is relatively straightforward, the modality for use of funds to support development of water supply systems outside of provincial municipalities, through private operators, needs to be further explored. Project funds could be used to leverage private sector financing on a PPP basis with due consideration to appropriate risk allocation between public and private sectors. It is expected that different PPP models will be applied for greenfield areas and brownfield areas, and which will be explored during project preparation. Activities will also seek to address the affordability gap of poor households living within the network areas to gain access to piped water supply. The sustainability of water sources for domestic water supply systems would be assessed, identifying priority concerns including water availability, water quality, extraction risks, land use, climate change impacts and sustainability of water resources to cope with current and future demand. The project proposes to adopt a mix of adaptation solutions, including structural (e.g., additional storage capacity, increased monitoring of source water to detect short-and long-term trends), and non-structural interventions (e.g., demand management strategies, protection zones for water supply management etc.), as well as a hybrid approach integrating nature-based solutions to address climate change threats and mitigate risks in the sustainable provision of water supply and sanitation services. (b) Sub-component 1.2: Sectoral and regulatory capacity support. (i) Activities will support strengthening the implementation effectiveness of the regulatory framework at MISTI, so that regulatory functions may be performed with improved efficiency. Digital innovations will be explored and applied to support day-to-day regulatory functions; and clear accountability and resource requirement will be drawn up to facilitate smooth implementation of the functions. (ii) Activities will also support Government’s proposal to transform public water utilities into autonomous entities, i.e., corporatized state-owned utilities, by supporting the development of necessary conditions and plans to improve the operational capacity, and technical and financial readiness of the selected utilities to achieve sustainable operations. Where possible, water supply tariff in selected utilities will be assessed based on the Government’s tariff regulations to ensure financial sustainability. (iii) Alongside, support will be provided to examine options for institutional reorganization (decentralization or other) of functions related to water supply; improved arrangements for accelerating water supply coverage outside provincial municipalities; and development of instruments that may be needed to realize the investment in sub-component 1.1 for areas outside of provincial municipalities. (iv) Development of a strategic framework for PPP will be also supported to encourage a well-structured private sector financing in water supply, and the implementation of the framework will be implemented in at least one province. (v) Support will also be provided to facilitate a stakeholder engagement process through a dialogue platform with MoWRAM, on long-term water source development and planning for the WSS sector. This activity would be delivered in a close collaboration with the proposed Water Security Improvement Project (P176615). 16. Component 2 – Provincial Sanitation (indicative US$40 million) (a) Sub-component 2.1: Sanitation infrastructure development. Activities will support extension of wastewater collection networks and provision of household connections to the sewerage network in selected provincial municipalities to deliver wastewater to existing (or planned) wastewater treatment plants developed under other projects. Support will also be provided to develop new wastewater treatment plants, including fecal sludge treatment facilities, wastewater collection networks and house connections in areas of selected provincial municipalities where services are currently not available. Activities will also support the development of fecal sludge management services in selected provincial municipalities to complement network wastewater investments, adopting the concept of City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS), contributing to pollution reduction in the municipalities. Consideration will also be given to identify solutions that are Jun 13, 2022 Page 7 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) suitable for the specific context of the selected municipalities, including decentralized systems, simplified sewerage, where possible. In tandem with wastewater investments, project funds will support investments in limited key drainage infrastructure in selected municipalities to reduce water logging or flooding that may damage wastewater infrastructure and/or affect performance of the wastewater system. The project would also build on regional experiences and international best practices on the adoption of nature-based solutions to reduce flooding and mitigate its impacts on sanitation facilities. (b) Sub-component 2.2: Sectoral and institutional support. (i) Activities will support strengthening of institutional capacity at national level for visioning, strategic planning, and implementing regulations. (ii) Support will also be provided for the establishment and development of institutional and operational capacity of a wastewater entity at municipality level to ensure sustainable operations. Application of a tariff framework for sanitation in towns will be supported with the objective to introduce a tariff system that may cover the operation and maintenance expenses of wastewater services, inclusive of fecal sludge management services.6 (iii) Support will be provided for city-wide planning for sanitation to guide investments in sanitation in selected municipalities, to ensure that sanitation solutions are proposed for all parts of the municipalities. (iv) Implementation of sanitation uptake programs (sewer connections and pit emptying service) will be supported. 17. Component 3 – Contingent emergency response component (US$0 million). This zero-amount component is to enable response to unexpected crises and emergencies during the project implementation period. The CERC will be established and managed in accordance with the provisions of the World Bank Policy and World Bank Directive on Investment Project Financing. 18. Project locations: Three provinces are initially proposed for the investment under sub-component 1.1, namely Battambang, Pursat, and Svay Rieng provinces.7 A province-wide approach will be attempted in at least one of the proposed provinces (i.e., a deep-dive province), most likely Battambang province, where the proposed project will finance piped water supply investments in Battambang provincial municipality and other districts/towns outside the provincial municipality where piped water supply investment is feasible. The selection of specific sites for investment in districts/towns outside the provincial municipality will be undertaken during the implementation of the project based on selection criteria with due considerations to technical, environmental, and social aspects to minimize risks and impacts arising from the investment. While the proposed project will support only specific sites, the implementation of a province- wide approach in the deep-dive province is expected to encourage coordination between MISTI, provincial utility, provincial and municipal administrations, and private sector to accelerate provision of inclusive water supply services to unserved areas taking holistic approach within the province. The approach will hopefully contribute to strengthening sector policy and strategy and may be replicated in other provinces. Outside the deep-dive province, the proposed project will initially finance water supply investment in provincial municipalities. Investment outside provincial municipalities may also be considered based on the experience from the deep-dive province. Under sub-component 2.1, provincial municipalities in four provinces are initially proposed for sanitation investments, namely Battambang, Pursat, Svay Rieng and Ta Khmao municipalities. Considering major investment needs of municipalities, investment in districts/towns outside the provincial municipalities in the above provinces is not foreseen. Sanitation planning for some emerging districts/towns may however be undertaken under sub-component 2.2. 6 The work on development of tariff framework is ongoing under the current WaSSIP Project (P163876) 7 The name of provinces will be reconfirmed during project preparation. Jun 13, 2022 Page 8 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) Legal Operational Policies Triggered? Projects on International Waterways OP 7.50 Yes Projects in Disputed Areas OP 7.60 No Summary of Screening of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts . The environmental risks and impacts from the activities funded under the proposed project are expected to be significant, widespread, direct and indirect at all stages of construction, operation and maintenance, and ultimately at decommissioning stages. While this is the case, social risks and impacts are anticipated to be minimal, since project activities are expected to have the potential to generate predictable, site specific, mitigatable social risks and impacts. The connection of water supply systems and water treatment capacity in areas currently served by private operators could also result in impacts on the associated facilities. The applicable Standards in addition to ESS1 are: ESS2; ESS3; ESS4; ESS5; ESS6; ESS7; ESS8 and ESS10. The environmental risk classification is Substantial. Environmental risks and impacts at construction stage are likely involved poor management of traffic and movement/operation of heavy equipment, and digging and installing pipe network would generate dust, noise and daily traffic congestion and disturbances. However, these impacts are temporary and site specific. OHS and community health and safety is an area of concern, but would be managed through strict adherence to OHS requirements including wearing PPE, safety training to workers and community awareness raising. Further attention must be paid to operation and maintenance, and decommission of the facilities. Environmental risks are significant concerning possible pollution of water sources due to inadequate control of discharge of untreated/partially treated wastewater, pollution from purchases/uses of chemical products for water and wastewater treatment process, poor management/storage of products, increase suspended solids in water, especially at the end of pipe network, etc. The social risk classification is moderate, at this stage, depending on the outcome of the assessment of potential associated facilities financed by other government and/or external agencies, particularly the scope and the scale of economic and physical displacement. Social risks and impacts anticipated for this project are: (1) risks of excluding project benefits to vulnerable groups, including poor households, and those belong to ethnic minorities or having a member as a person with disability, as well as potential risks/impacts linked with associated facilities financed by government/other donors; (2) risk of use of child labor as part of construction and risk related to occupational health and safety of workers and their working conditions during construction and operation; (3) risks related to temporary labor influx of workers including increased SEA/SH from workers and their proximity to vulnerable groups, as well as other risks associated with project construction and operation; (4) risks associated with land acquisition and economic displacement and possible loss of access to properties and assets; (5) risks associated with engaging with indigenous communities present in project areas and risks/impacts on their land, culture and access to resources; and (6) risk associated with engaging with relevant stakeholders (particularly those living around subproject sites, including wastewater/water treatment plants) deemed having an interest in this project. A framework approach is proposed as an appropriate method for management of environmental and social (E&S) risks and impacts. Prior to appraisal, in order to reduce, mitigate and/or offset adverse risks and impacts, and propose mitigation measures, the Ministry of Mines, Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation (MISTI) and Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) with support of qualified environmental and social consultants, will develop, consult and disclose an ESMF which includes environmental and social screening tools and procedures and outlines for site specific instruments, which will be developed once the locations are identified, during the project preparation and Jun 13, 2022 Page 9 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) implementation. Generic ESMP, which is part of the ESMF, will provide framework guidance for managing environmental and social aspects of impacts of construction water/sewerage networks, and other activities to which the Bank will provide financing for budget, staffing, and operational arrangements for project E&S risk management, including a training plan informed by the client's capacity needs assessment, all to be funded by the client during project preparation. In areas where specific locations are identified, there is a need to conduct a site specific environmental and social assessment to assess likelihood for associated facilities as financed by the government and/or other donors, as well as to prepare site specific environmental and social management plans. For the CERC component, an Emergency Response Manual (ERM) will be prepared specifically for the CERC and disclosed. Timing for the preparation of E&S instruments for the CERC will be assessed during project preparation. Two locations have been identified, as proposed by the clients (construction and expansion of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ta Khmao municipality in Kandal and Water Treatment Plant in Battambang provincial town (ref. PCN)). Given this, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for these two locations will be developed to fully and comprehensively identify and assess the potential environmental and social impacts of the two proposed sub-projects, evaluate alternatives, and design appropriate mitigation, management, and monitoring measures for all stages of the project cycle. Building on the current Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (WaSSIP) (P163876), the contract for feasibility study firm will be extended to carry out the technical feasibility study and design of the facilities, in which E&S risk assessment and development of instrument are embedded in the ToR. However, clients will make sure that qualified staff/consultants are in place, and additional resources would be required. The ESIAs, which will be aligned with the national requirements, will include a cumulative impact assessment to consider the cumulative impacts of the project in combination with impacts of other relevant past, present and reasonably foreseeable developments as well as unplanned but predictable activities enabled by the project that may occur later or at a different location. This assessment will need to consider, among other things, water intake from multiple sources and multiple discharges into the same recipient and also associated facilities. The Borrower will also prepare Labor Management Procedures (LMP) for the project which will lay out the systems to be put in place to ensure that labor and working conditions, as well as OHS procedures that meet the requirements of World Bank ESF (ESS2) are followed in all project activities. One of the key risks relates to meaningful and effective stakeholder engagement. A core part of the project design will focus on establishing an effective Stakeholder Engagement platform, transparent sharing of information in timely, clear and accessible manner and format, and an inclusive process of participation and consultation for all affected groups and other interested parties. For this, the Borrower will prepare a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) in a participatory manner and will disclose and consult it before project Appraisal. It will include a grievance mechanism to address complaints about environmental and social issues in the project. The Borrower will prepare an Environmental Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). The ESCP will set out the activities to be carried out during project implementation and could be adjusted during the project cycle in line with the evolution of environmental and social risks and impacts. All ESF instruments will be disclosed prior to project appraisal. . CONTACT POINT World Bank Phyrum Kov, Irma Magdalena Setiono Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist Jun 13, 2022 Page 10 of 11 The World Bank Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (P178417) Borrower/Client/Recipient Kingdom of Cambodia Implementing Agencies Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation Sotha Oum Secretary of State Ministry of Public Works and Transport Borey Kem Under Secretary of State FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): Phyrum Kov, Irma Magdalena Setiono Approved By APPROVALTBL Practice Manager/Manager: Country Director: Mariam J. Sherman 17-Jul-2022 Jun 13, 2022 Page 11 of 11