The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) REPORT NO.: RES50166 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF THE BAGHDAD WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT APPROVED ON JANUARY 31, 2018 TO THE REPUBLIC OF IRAQ WATER MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA Regional Vice President: Ferid Belhaj Country Director: Jean-Christophe Carret Regional Director: Meskerem Brhane Practice Manager/Manager: Michael Haney Task Team Leader(s): Nafie Mohammed Mofid, Iyad Rammal The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS BSA Baghdad Sewerage Authority BWA Baghdad Water Authority CE Citizen Engagement CRM Customer Relation Management ESMP Environment and Social Management Plan GoI Government of Iraq GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MOB Mayoralty of Baghdad MoF Ministry of Finance MOP Ministry of Planning MTR Mid-Term Review PDO Project Development Objective PM Prime Minister PMT Project Management Team PMU Project Management Unit RFB Request for Bids RFP Request for Proposals PS Pumping Station The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P162094 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Partial Assessment (B) Partial Assessment (B) Approval Date Current Closing Date 31-Jan-2018 30-May-2023 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency REPUBLIC OF IRAQ Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the quality of drinking water supply and wastewater services in Baghdad. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IBRD-87960 31-Jan-2018 29-Apr-2018 16-Jul-2018 30-May-2023 210.00 39.90 170.10 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING Status 1. The US$210 million loan for the Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094, Loan no. IBRD- 87960) was approved on January 31, 2018, with a closing date of May 30, 2023. The loan agreement was signed on April 29, 2018 and became effective on July 16, 2018. The project aims to improve the quality of drinking water supply and wastewater services in Baghdad through its three components: (i) Institutional strengthening for integrated urban water management, utility management and creating an enabling environment for private sector engagement; (ii) investment in drinking water supply and wastewater infrastructure; and (iii) project management, monitoring and evaluation. The Mayoralty of Baghdad (MOB) is the implementing agency. The Project has been under implementation for five years and has experienced various implementation difficulties : (i) delays in decision- making and insufficient delegation of authority; (ii) significant delays in all aspects of the procurement process (e.g., three major tenders with a combined estimate of US$95 million required rebidding); (iii) low capacity of the Project Management Team (PMT), as only part-time MOB staff were assigned to work on the Project; (iv) inability of the PMT staff to access MOB offices during the disturbances and demonstrations in 2019; (v) the protracted tenure of a caretaker government that led to many decisions (including on the project budget) being postponed; (vi) many full or partial lockdowns with limitations on working days due to the COVID-19 pandemic related restrictions; and (vii) significant delays in implementation due to the complex procedures for registration of the project’s activities at MOP and MOF. 2. Project progress is far below expectations at Appraisal. Project results to date have been limited to the water supply distribution networks, with 134 km of the targeted 380 km completed, benefiting an estimated 222,700 people (17 percent of the target). The other contracts are ongoing and require more time for completion and to achieve results. Progress towards the achievement of the PDO and overall Implementation Progress (IP) are both rated Moderately Unsatisfactory. Financial Management is rated Satisfactory, with no overdue audit reports (or outstanding audit issues). Project Management, Procurement and Monitoring & Evaluation ratings are rated Moderately Satisfactory. 3. The Project has made good progress recently in increasing commitments to US$82 million (39 percent of the loan) as well as disbursements from US$12.9 million (6 percent of the loan) in September 2021 to US$39.9 million (19 percent) in April 2023. The combined impact of further implementation progress and the proposed partial cancellation of $60 million will be to increase commitments and disbursements to US$94 million (63 percent) and US$40 million (27 percent) (based on the revised loan amount of $150 million), respectively, by June 30, 2023. The recent progress is the result of the remedial actions agreed at the May 2022 mid-term review (MTR) and undertaken subsequently. These included considerable strengthening of project management capacity as follows: (i) appointment of a new PMU Director with relevant experience; (ii) hiring of new qualified engineers; (iii) allocation of qualified staff from MOB to work on the Project on a full-time basis; (iv) hiring of a procurement consultant to support the procurement team at the PMU; (v) training of four PMT engineers in November 2022 in the two-week course on procurement and contract management provided by the International Labor Organization; and (vi) formation of a dedicated evaluation committee to evaluate bids received under the Project, instead of the central evaluation committee which was overloaded, limited in capacity, and one of the sources of The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) implementation delays. The client has also been responsive to the agreed actions to improve Project implementation. 4. The Project was restructured on April 12, 2021 (Restructuring Paper No. RES42812), to replace some activities that could no longer be implemented under the Project due to their lack of readiness (incomplete designs, specifications, safeguards report and bid documents), and to reallocate savings to a set of other activities that were prioritized and deemed ready for implementation at that time. However, these additional activities were not approved by the Ministry of Planning (MOP) and the Ministry of Finance (MOF) during the MTR mission, as detailed below, and will be dropped as part of this restructuring. The activities that will be dropped do not impact the Project’s ability to achieve the PDO. 5. Component 1: Institutional strengthening for integrated urban water management, utility management and creating an enabling environment for private sector participation (US$8.475 million). This component supports the MOB in operational and strategic decision-making on Baghdad’s water security and water conservation, with a focus on improving institutional knowledge and preparedness on all aspects of water security and urban water management, including resilience (climate change adaptation measures), sustainability of water use, the potential use of groundwater, the reuse of wastewater, and storm water management. It considers different private financing models and strengthens capacity in (i) the Baghdad Water Authority’s and the Baghdad Sewerage Authority’s administration of their revenues, and (ii) structuring bankable projects and managing contracts. This component comprises three sub-components: (i) Baghdad water security plan (US$1.475 million); (ii) financial management, billing and accounting systems, and client relations management (CRM) (US$6 million); and (iii) development of a regulatory framework for private sector participation (US$1 million). These activities are under different stages of procurement and are expected to be completed by January 2026. 6. Component 2: Investment in drinking water supply and wastewater infrastructure (US$199.5 million). This component supports the MOB with infrastructure investments and covers: a. Construction of the R2 concrete reservoir with a total capacity of 135,000 cubic meters to serve approximately one million people, making it an important element of Baghdad’s water security plan (US$54.99 million). The works started in February 2022 with a contract duration of 1,000 days. Physical progress is at 30 percent and financial progress is at 24 percent, which are in line with the implementation schedule; the expected completion date is September 2025. b. Rehabilitation of the water supply distribution network (US$8.94 million) - 134 km of pipe rehabilitation has been completed. Procurement of the remaining 250 km was not approved by MOP, which stated that these investments should be financed by the MOB budget. Therefore, these investments will be cancelled from the Project as part of this restructuring. c. Rehabilitation of pumping stations, including the main sewerage transmission trunk lines (US$59 million) at Doura, Habibya, the Ghazaliya sewer trunk, the four Ghazaliya sewerage stations, Ghazaliya /Khadra’a sewerage station, and Rassafa 2. Two contracts for a total value of US$16 million have been signed and are under implementation, while the third contract with an estimated value of US$11.4 million is at the bid evaluation stage. The remaining three contracts with an estimated total value of US$32 million are planned to be advertised in May and June 2023. The expected completion dates for the ongoing works (Ghazaliya sewer trunk and Rasafa 2) and the planned contracts (Ghazaliya/Khadra, Ghazaliya four stations and Dora) are December 2025 and February 2026, respectively. d. Rehabilitation of water and sewerage networks and pumping stations (US$60 million) were not approved by MOP due to the change in the priorities of the MOP program. However, the Government has informed the The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) Bank that these activities will be financed by the MOB annual budget and will accordingly be dropped from the Project procurement plan. 7. Component 3: Project management and monitoring and evaluation (US$1.5 million). This component supports the operation of the PMT at the MOB and covers (i) citizen engagement (CE) and water conservation awareness, (ii) implementation of the environmental and social management plan (ESMP), and (iii) M&E. The ESMP and M&E are being implemented appropriately, while CE and the public awareness campaign are being carried out as part of Project implementation. As noted above, the PMT was strengthened by additional staff and is providing adequate support to project implementation. Rationale for Restructuring 8. The pace of implementation has improved recently, however, more time is needed to complete the procured activities and to allow the Project to achieve its development objective. The implementation of the Project has improved considerably compared to the initial years of implementation. The Government has demonstrated strong commitment to advancing project implementation, better implementation and project management arrangements are in place than at the beginning of implementation, the levels of project commitments and disbursement are increasing, and some contracts are well into implementation. 9. Improvement of service delivery is seen as a high priority by the Government of Iraq (GOI) and the Project enjoys a high level of support in GOI. Following the White Paper for the reform of all sectors (including water supply and sanitation) that was issued by the previous Prime Minister (PM) and endorsed in 2021 by the Cabinet of Ministers, and with the commitment of the current PM to improve the delivery of services to all Iraqis, the PM has established a special high-level committee to oversee implementation of the MOB programs. MOB management has been reorganized to align to these priorities. The Mayor of Baghdad is closely monitoring implementation of the R2 reservoir and has requested monthly updates, which have contributed to the good physical and financial progress of implementation. 10. Mitigation of the environmental and safety risks of the unfinished works, particularly at the R2 reservoir, is important. Due to the significant volume of excavations at the site of R2, there are considerable potential environmental and social risks if the works are adequately monitored and completed. 11. Restructuring is needed to mitigate the financial risk for the client, as the MOB does not have the financial resources to complete the remaining works of the R2 reservoir and other ongoing sub-projects. The closing of the Project at its current loan Closing Date of May 30, 2023, would create a significant financial problem for the MOB, as well as for the MOF. 12. Closing the Project on May 30, 2023 could pose reputational risks for the Bank, as it may be perceived as the Bank “walking away at a time of need”. An extension of the loan Closing Date by 36 months to allow the Project to complete its key contractual obligations and achieve the PDO using loan funds would also address this concern. 13. Adjustments will be needed to the Project scope and costs to reflect the revised priorities of the GoI and the feasibility of implementation. This will include adjustments to the scopes of Components 1 and 2. Under Component 2, several activities that are no longer feasible to be implemented under the Project (or those that will be financed by public funding) will be cancelled. 14. Changes in project scope and costing, and the extension of the loan Closing Date, will necessitate changes in the results framework and other appurtenant areas, as described in more detail below. The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 15. The proposed changes include: a. Cancellation of US$60 million from the loan due to the cancellation of some activities under Components 1 and 2. The cancellation will right-size the loan amount to the level needed for the implementation of the remaining project activities. The individual disbursement categories will be amended accordingly. b. Extension of the loan closing date by 36 months, from May 30, 2023, to May 31, 2026. This will be the first extension of the loan closing date. c. Change in the Scope of Components, as detailed below. 16. Component 1: Institutional strengthening for integrated urban water management, utility management and creating an enabling environment for private sector participation. The cost of this component will be revised to US$6.25 million, as the estimated costs of the various activities have been adjusted. It will include the following activities: (i) Baghdad water Security plan; (ii) Financial management, billing and accounting systems (Client relations management system); and (iii) Development of a regulatory framework for private sector. 17. Component 2: Investment in drinking water supply and wastewater (total cost US$1.42.25 million). Four activities under this component will be cancelled (Construction of the Karara - Albuaitha sewer trunk and sewerage lift station, Supply and installation of odor systems in Al Kadhimiya , Dora 1, Dora 2, Kadisiya-1, Kadisiya- 2 and Kudos sewerage Pumping Stations, Renewal of Sewerage and stormwater networks in districts 305, 332, 338, 657, 679, and 885, Extension of Kadisiya - 1 Sewerage Pumping Station and transmission sewer trunk, and customer meters). The following activities will be implemented: Construction and supervision of the R2 reservoir; Dora, Habibiya, and Rasafa 1 and 2 sewerage pumping stations; Rehabilitation and supervision of Ghazalya sewerage main trunk line and pumping stations; and Renewal of five water distribution networks (321, 801, 821, 815, and 337). 18. The Results Framework will be revised to reflect some of the project scope changes and changes in indicator measurement approaches. In the case of some indicators, the targets will remain unchanged, but the end dates will be changed to the revised completion date. The revised indicators are as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Revised Results Indicators Original/Per Previous Restructuring Revised Indicator Explanation/Comments PDO Results Indicator Level People benefiting from access to Beneficiaries with increased number of The definition of the indicator shall improved drinking water supply hours of supply to 24 hr/day and with reflect that those people (1,328,000) (Number, Custom). disinfection efficiency up to 99% in the who are already connected will benefit project area. (hrs/day). from an improved service of the rehabilitation of network and the construction of the R2 reservoir. Improved service (in terms of quality and quantity) is defined as increased number of hours of water supply to the people from intermediary supply of 8 hours a day to continuous supply of 24/7. In addition, this will improve the water quality by improving the disinfection ratio from 88% to 99% (the ratio of the The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) number of samples with positive chemical and physical residual out of total number of samples in the locations distributed over the networks in the project area). People benefiting from access to Improved efficiency of wastewater flow The definition of the indicator shall improved sanitation (Number, Custom). and reduced sewage flooding in the reflect that those people (4,754,000) winter season (Yes/No). who are already connected or served with wastewater services will benefit from an improved service of the rehabilitation of Ghazaliya, Doura, Habibiya and Russafa 1&2 contracts. (Existing pumps are working below design capacity). An improved service is defined as improving the efficiency of the mentioned sewerage pumping stations (head from 14m to 22m in Dora, 8m-12m in Habibiya ) and reduce the possibility of sewerage flooding in winter season. Intermediary Results Indicator Level Collected amount post-COVID19 Collected amount post-COVID19 Dropped (Number (Thousand), Custom). (Number (Thousand), Custom) Length of water distribution networks Length of water distribution networks Revised target. MOP did not approve the replaced (Kilometers, Custom). Target replaced (Kilometers, Custom). The implementation of additional 21 water 380 km. revised target is 137 km. networks projects that were added during the first restructuring because according to MOP these projects shall be financed by the MOB budget. Length of pipes of sewerage and storm Length of pipes of sewerage and storm Revised target. MOP did not approve the water networks installed (Kilometers, water networks installed (Kilometers, implementation of additional sewer Custom). The target is 22 km. Custom). The revised target is 1.6 km. networks projects that were added during the first restructuring because according to MOP these projects shall be financed by MOB budget. Share of female staff in managerial Share of female staff in managerial BWA to improve the capacity of the positions (Percentage, Custom). Target is positions (Percentage, Custom). Target is female staff through training and more 50% are promoted to managerial 25% are promoted to managerial exposure to managerial work to enhance positions positions their skills and promote them to managerial positions. Users satisfied by quality of water and Revised Target and completion date were wastewater services (Percentage, revised. From the satisfaction survey, Custom) 90% of the surveyed customers express satisfaction with the level of services in terms of quality and quantity. Female users satisfied by quality of water Revised Target and completion date were and wastewater services (Percentage, revised. From the satisfaction survey, Custom Breakdown) 90% of the surveyed customers (of whom 50% are females) express satisfaction with the level of services in terms of quality and quantity. The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) 19. Disbursement Estimates and the Implementation Schedule are proposed to be revised to account for the delays and to reflect the updated project costs, implementation schedule, and expected disbursements. 20. The Financial and Economic Analyses carried out at appraisal were revised to reflect the changes in project benefits. The results of the base case financial and economic analysis at appraisal and at restructuring are shown in the table below. Results of the Base-case Financial and Economic Analysis at Appraisal Financial Economic FIRR (%) NPV (IQD M) EIRR (%) NPV (IQD M) 14 33,054 15 43,202 Results of the Base-case Financial and Economic Analysis at Restructuring FIRR (%) NPV (IQD M) EIRR (%) NPV (IQD M) 9 -6,679* 11 7,201*  Following the devaluation of the Iraqi Dinar in 2021, the exchange rate became US$1 = IQD 1450 The reduced financial returns are a result of the GoI decision to suspend the billing for WSS services since March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 21. Implementation Arrangements. To ensure that Project implementation stays on track, progress will be monitored against the achievement of key milestones, as indicated in the Action Plan below. Action Plan No Contract/Action Indicative Indicative Indicative Indicative Completion Date/ Completion Completion Completion 2023 Date/2024 Date/2025 Date/2026 3 Al Ghazaliya RFB is ready by June Contract Implementation Completion Jan 15, sewerage four 15, 2023 signature: Jan ongoing 2026 pumping stations 15, 2024 4 Al Doura sewerage RFB is ready by June Contract Implementation Completion Jan 20, pumping station 30, 2023 signature: Jan ongoing 2026 30, 2024 5 Commitments based Have reached 62% Have reached Have reached Have reached on the revised loan by June 30, 2023 82% by June30, 90% by June 30, approx. 95% by May amount after 2024 2024 30, 2026 cancellation 6 Disbursements based 27% disbursed by 55% disbursed 75% disbursed by 90% disbursed by on the revised loan June 30, 2023 by June 30, 2024 June 30, 2025 May 30, 2026 The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) amount after cancellation 22. Technical, Environmental and Social Analyses will remain unchanged. The proposed cancellation of some of the activities and the addition of time to implement the remaining project activities will enable the Project to achieve its PDO. The project remains safeguard Category B and the environmental and social aspects will continue to be reported on the activities under Component 2 as is, with no changes required. All safeguard instruments for the original sub-projects had been prepared, consulted upon, cleared, and disclosed in country and on the Bank’s external website in an accessible form and language. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ PBCs ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Institutional strengthening for Institutional strengthening for integrated urban water integrated urban water management and utility management and utility 8.47 Revised 6.25 management, and creating an management, and creating an enabling environment for private enabling environment for sector engagement private sector engagement Investment in drinking water Investment in drinking water supply and wastewater 199.50 Revised supply and wastewater 142.25 infrastructure infrastructure Project management and M&E 1.50 No Change Project management and M&E 1.50 TOTAL 209.47 150.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline Ln/Cr/Tf Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications IBRD-87960 Effective 30-May-2023 31-May-2026 30-Sep-2026 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_CANCELLATIONS_TABLE The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) CANCELLATIONS Value Reason Current Cancellation New Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Date of for Amount Amount Amount Cancellation Cancellation BORROWER' Disburs S REQUEST IBRD- 210,000,000.0 150,000,000.0 ing&Re USD 60,000,000.00 02-Apr-2023 FOR 87960-001 0 0 paying COUNTRY REASONS OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_REALLOCATION _TABLE REALLOCATION BETWEEN DISBURSEMENT CATEGORIES Financing % Current Allocation Actuals + Committed Proposed Allocation (Type Total) Current Proposed IBRD-87960-001 | Currency: USD iLap Category Sequence No: 1 Current Expenditure Category: G CW NCS CS T IOC 209,475,000.00 34,374,109.28 149,475,000.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: FEF Current Expenditure Category: FRONT END FEE 525,000.00 525,000.00 525,000.00 Total 210,000,000.00 34,899,109.28 150,000,000.00 . The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) . Results framework COUNTRY: Iraq Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project Project Development Objectives(s) The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the quality of drinking water supply and wastewater services in Baghdad. Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Improve the quality of drinking water supply in Baghdad (Action: This Objective has been Revised) Beneficiaries with increased number of hours of supply to 24 hr/day and with 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 20.00 24.00 24.00 disinfection efficiency up to 99% in the project area. (Hours) Rationale: Action: This indicator The benefited people are 1,328,000. No additional people will benefit from the new improvement, but the same people will have better services quality due to has been Revised increasing of services hours and the reduction of the disinfection rate. Improve the wastewater services in Baghdad (Action: This Objective has been Revised) Improved efficiency of wastewater flow and reduced sewage No No No No No No No No Yes Yes flooding in the winter season (Yes/No) The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rationale: Action: This indicator The benefited people are 4,754,000. No additional people will benefit from the new improvement, but the same people will have better services due to the has been Revised improvement of the efficiency of the wastewater flow. PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Institutional strengthening for integrated urban water management and utility management, and creating an enabling environment for private sector engagement (Action: This Component has been Revised) Water security plan including groundwater management plan for No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes the city of Baghdad prepared and approved (Yes/No) Rationale: Action: This indicator Remains the same, however, revised completion date. has been Revised Framework for private sector No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes participation developed (Yes/No) The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rationale: Action: This indicator Remains the same, however, revised completion date. has been Revised Customer relations management system No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes installed and operational (Yes/No) Rationale: Action: This indicator Remains the same, however, revised completion date has been Revised Investment in drinking water supply and wastewater infrastructure (Action: This Component has been Revised) Capacity of the reservoir constructed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 (Cubic Meter(m3)) Rationale: Action: This indicator Remains the same, however, revised completion date. has been Revised Volume of wastewater collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 80.00 162.00 162.00 (MCM/year) (Cubic meters/year) Rationale: Action: This indicator Remains the same, however, revised completion date. has been Revised The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Collected amount post-COVID19 0.00 3,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 9,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 (Number (Thousand)) Action: This indicator has been Marked for Deletion Length of distribution networks replaced 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.00 52.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 (Kilometers) Rationale: Action: This indicator The end target will be lowered from 380 km to 137 km as a result of GOI’s decision to finance these contracts from the budget. has been Revised Length of pipes of sewerage and storm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.50 1.60 1.60 water networks installed (Kilometers) Rationale: Action: This indicator The end target will be changed from 22 km to 1.6km as a result of GOI’s decision to finance these contracts from the budget has been Revised Project management, studies and M&E (Action: This Component has been Revised) Number of female technical and managerial staff who 0.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 35.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 have attended training (Number) Action: This indicator Rationale: has been Revised Remains the same, however, revised completion date. The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Share of female staff in managerial 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 positions (Percentage) Rationale: Action: This indicator The original target is too ambitious with respect to the MOB and BWA institutional framework and HR plans. has been Revised Grievance Redress Mechanism No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes established and operational (Yes/No) Rationale: Action: This indicator Remains the same, however, revised completion date. has been Revised Users satisfied by quality of water and 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 90.00 90.00 wastewater services (Percentage) Rationale: Action: This indicator Target and completion date were revised. From the satisfaction survey, 90% of the surveyed customers express satisfaction with the level of services in terms of has been Revised quality and quantity. Female users satisfied by quality 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 90.00 90.00 of water and wastewater The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 services (Percentage) Rationale: Action: This Target and completion date were revised. From the satisfaction survey, 90% of the surveyed customers (of whom 50% are females) express satisfaction with the level indicator has been of services in terms of quality and quantity. Revised IO Table SPACE The World Bank Baghdad Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement Project (P162094)