Project information: [Ethiopia] [Urban Institutional and
Infrastructure Development Project] [P163452]
Project Implementation agency: Ministry of Urban Development and
Date of the Procurement Plan: January 2018
Period covered by this Procurement Plan: January 2018-June 2019


In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations
for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s
Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be
used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all
procurement transactions for the Project.

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the
Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all
procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the
Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement
Regulations are set forth in STEP.

The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all
contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those
contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3
of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as
specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own
procurement procedures may be used.
    When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement
    arrangements as set forth in The Ethiopian Federal Government
    Procurement     and     Property    Administration     Proclamation
    (649/2009), such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the
    Procurement Regulations

    When other national procurement arrangements other than national open
    competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower,
    such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement
Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement
Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables. “Not Applicable”
Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of
the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables “Not Applicable”
Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement
Regulations (Goods and Works).
    Goods: is not applicable;
    Works: is not applicable
Other Relevant Procurement Information.
                Ethiopia : Ethiopia Urban Institutional and Infrastructure Development Program
General Information
Country:           Ethiopia                                                                                  2018-04-03
                                                        Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
                                                        Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P163452                              GPN Date:                                            2018-04-24
Project Name:      Ethiopia Urban Institutional and Infrastructure Development Program
Loan / Credit No:  IDA / D2770
                   Ministry of Urban Development and Housing
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                     Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                 Bid Evaluation Report
                               Loan / Credit N                                                   Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu              Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement       Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                               Contract Complet
       Description                               Component      Review Type       Method                                                                                     Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                 and Recommendation                    Signed Contract
                                      o.                                                                h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                         atus         Documents               ation Report                    ent / Justification Notice / Invitation             s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                        ion
                                                                                                                                                                                 S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                           for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual                Planned       Actual      Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bid Evaluation Report
                               Loan / Credit N                                                   Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount       Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                               Component      Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Recommendation               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)              atus         Documents              ation Report          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planned     Actual   Planned     Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 ET-MUDH-56723-GO-RFQ / p
rocurement of office furnitur
                                                                              Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
e and equipment for UIIDP U IDA / D2770                      Post                               Limited                                                50,000.00       4,077.38   Signed                                                                                2018-05-21   2019-02-26                                                                            2018-07-16   2019-03-05   2018-08-15
                                                                              tions                                  nvelope
nit( 20 expert chair ,20 table,
10 shelves and 3 managerial

 ET-MUDH-59247-GO-RFQ / P
rocurement of office supplies
( 30 laptop computers, 30 D                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / D2770                 Post                               Limited                                                50,000.00      20,106.56   Signed                                                                                2018-05-15   2019-02-26                                                                            2018-07-10   2019-04-24   2018-08-09
esktop computers, 2 scanne                                                    tions                                  nvelope
r,10 printer,and 3 Heavy dut
y copier for UIIDP Unit and pr
oject procurement Departme
 ET-MUDH-141104-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of office equip
ment( High level managerial                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / D2770                 Post                               Limited                                                80,000.00       4,157.55   Signed                                                                                2019-10-23   2019-10-08                                                                            2019-12-18   2020-01-15   2020-01-17
table,chair, shelves and high                                                 tions                                  nvelope
level gust chair for higher offi
cials and UIIDP Unit of the Mi

 ET-MUDH-171432-GO-RFQ /
procurement of emergency s
upplies that are required to r
                                                                              Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
espond to COVID-19 for Fede IDA / D2770                      Post                               Limited                                               484,500.00     481,455.30   Signed                                                                                2020-05-13   2020-05-13                                                                            2020-07-08   2020-05-29   2020-07-28
                                                                              tions                                  nvelope
ral, Regions and ULGs of UIID
P cities ( face mask,Alcohol,
Sanitizer, Gloves, infra red th

 ET-MUDH-162772-GO-RFB /
Supply and Installation of ICT
Hard ware and Associated So
ftwares;126 Servers;119 KVM
                                                                                                 Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E
Switches with monitors;2 Rou IDA / D2770                     Post             Request for Bids                                                      1,202,291.00           0.00   Canceled                                                    2020-05-29   2020-09-22   2020-06-03   2020-10-07                        2020-07-15   2020-12-01   2020-09-27                2020-11-01                2021-04-30
                                                                                                 l                   nvelope
ter;3Switch;2 Firewall;1 IDPS;
126 Operating System Softw
ares;119 DBMS; 119 Antiviru
s Softwares; 1 Replication So
ftware; Others (cabling etc)

 ET-MUDH-56726-GO-RFB / Pr
oviding survey equipment inc
luding total stations differenti
                                                                                                 Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
al GPS hand held GPS,Plotter IDA / D2770                     Prior            Request for Bids                                                      1,427,800.00           0.00   Canceled                                                    2018-06-07                2018-06-12                                     2018-07-24                2018-08-23                2018-09-27                2019-05-25
                                                                                                 l                   nvelope
s and walky,talky to four dev
eloping regions namely Afar
Ethiopia ,somlaia, gambela a
nd Benhanguel Gumuz.

 ET-MUDH-193180-GO-RFB /
Procurement of 19 Solid Was
te Management Trucks for B                                                                       Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / D2770                    Post             Request for Bids                                                        400,000.00     966,068.42   Completed                                                   2020-09-23   2020-11-30   2020-09-28   2020-12-01                        2020-11-09   2021-01-22   2020-12-09   2021-06-22   2021-01-13   2021-05-04   2021-07-12   2022-02-14
est performing Cities in the                                                                     l                   nvelope
I 4 and Overall and to region
s on DLI 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9

 ET-MUDH-200122-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of Vehicle for U
REFMFB Bureau Head for visi                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / D2770                  Post                               Limited                                                90,000.00      18,522.08   Signed                                                                                2020-10-25   2020-11-09                                                                            2020-12-20   2021-01-21   2021-04-19
ts to regions and ULGs includ                                                 tions                                  nvelope
ing field visits to monitor UII
DP projects implementation (
1- Station Wagon).

 ET-MUDH-212030-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of office equip
ment for all UREFMFB Directo
                                                                              Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E                                         Pending Impl
rates including PFMD 13 Des IDA / D2770                      Post                               Limited                                                50,000.00           0.00                                                                                         2021-01-05                                                                                         2021-03-02                2021-08-29
                                                                              tions                                  nvelope                                                      ementation
k top core 5; heavy Duty Prin
ter, 7laptop Cori 5, and 7 lapt
op Cori 7 ,4 Delink and other
IT equipment's

 ET-MUDH-219544-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of office equip
                                                                              Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
ment's for Sidama Region (     IDA / D2770                   Post                               Limited                                                30,000.00      19,526.41   Signed                                                                                2021-03-22   2021-03-24                                                                            2021-05-17   2021-05-13   2021-11-13   2021-05-19
                                                                              tions                                  nvelope
10 Cori 5 laptop, 5 Desktop,
5 printer and 1 Heavy duty p
hoto copy machine)

 ET-MUDH-236266-GO-RFQ /
Procurement Desktop for fed                                                   Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / D2770                    Post                               Open - National                                        80,000.00      64,975.10   Completed                                                                             2021-06-01   2021-06-22                                                                            2021-07-27   2021-07-30   2021-10-25   2021-08-25
eral Urban Job Creation and F                                                 tions                                  nvelope
ood Security Agency( 80 Des

 ET-MUDH-239509-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of 80 Printers fo                                                 Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
                              IDA / D2770                    Post                               Open - National                                        80,000.00      44,967.90   Completed                                                                             2021-06-20   2021-06-23                                                                            2021-08-15   2021-07-30   2021-11-13   2021-08-25
r Federal Urban Job Creation                                                  tions                                  nvelope
and Food Security Agency.

 ET-MUDH-239530-GO-RFQ /
                                                                              Request for Quota                      Single Stage - One E
Procurement of Additional 10 IDA / D2770                     Post                               Limited                                                10,000.00           0.00   Canceled                                                                              2021-06-21                                                                                         2021-08-16                2021-11-14
                                                                              tions                                  nvelope
 Cori 7 Laptop computers for
Sidama Region

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 1
 ET-MUDH-247670-GO-RFB /
Procurement of 90 Pcs of De
sktop Computers and 90 Pcs                                                                                                Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
                               IDA / D2770                     Post             Request for Bids    Open - National                                                 119,000.00              0.00                                                                       2021-08-18   2021-09-28   2021-08-23                                       2021-10-04   2021-10-18   2021-11-03   2022-04-12   2021-12-08                2022-06-06
of Printers for capacity Build                                                                                            nvelope                                                                  mentation
ing of MSEs and Job creation
by Federal Urban Job Creatio
n & Food Security Agency.

 ET-MUDH-251296-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of Two Digital                                                      Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E
                             IDA / D2770                       Post                               Limited                                                            28,000.00         15,659.54   Signed                                                                                        2021-09-05   2021-08-06                                                                              2021-09-27   2021-09-13   2021-11-26
Board for UIIDP Unit and Min                                                    tions                                     nvelope
istry conference room.

 ET-MUDH-259022-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of COVID-19 Pro
tective Materials (Face Mask,
Sanitizer, Antibiotic Skin Wip                                                  Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E
                               IDA / D2770                     Post                               Limited                                                            13,000.00          2,255.52   Signed                                                                                        2021-11-08   2021-10-27                                                                              2021-11-29   2021-12-08   2021-12-29
es, and Antibiotic Bathing Ba                                                   tions                                     nvelope
r) for Urban Revenue Enhanc
ement, Fund Mobilization and
Finance Bureau, Directorates

 ET-MUDH-263207-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of COVID-19 Pro                                                     Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E
                                IDA / D2770                    Post                               Limited                                                             2,000.00          1,292.71   Signed                                                                                        2021-11-20   2021-11-16                                                                              2021-12-23   2021-11-15   2022-01-22
tective Materials (Antibiotic B                                                 tions                                     nvelope
athing Bar soap and Tissue P

 ET-MUDH-266396-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of Handheld M
                                                                                Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E
etal Detector and Under Veh IDA / D2770                        Post                               Limited                                                             1,500.00          1,376.45   Completed                                                                                     2021-12-12   2021-12-08                                                                              2022-02-06   2021-12-24   2022-04-07   2021-12-29
                                                                                tions                                     nvelope
icle Inspection Mirror for the
ministry gate/Check point/

 ET-MUDH-280230-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of office equip
ment ( 26 Laptop computers,                                                     Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
                              IDA / D2770                      Post                               Open - National                                                    60,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2022-03-02   2022-03-01                                                                              2022-04-27                2022-07-26
10 Desktop computers, 1 hea                                                     tions                                     nvelope                                                                  mentation
vy duty copier and 5 printers
) for newly established south
west Region .

 ET-MUDH-296190-GO-RFB /
Procurement of 3 Water Truc                                                                         Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                                       Under Imple
                                IDA / D2770                    Post             Request for Bids                                                                    272,727.00              0.00                                                                       2022-06-03   2022-08-01   2022-06-08   2022-08-01                          2022-07-20                2022-08-19                2022-09-23                2023-04-21
ks for alleviation of water sho                                                                     l                   nvelope                                                                    mentation
rtage caused by the drought
in Somali region

 ET-MUDH-296191-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of additional 3 L                                                   Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
                              IDA / D2770                      Post                               Limited                                                             7,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2022-05-29                                                                                           2022-07-24                2022-09-22
aptop computers for newly e                                                     tions                                     nvelope                                                                  ementation
stablished South West Regio

 ET-MUDH-296193-GO-RFB /
Procurement of Computer Ha
rdware and operating softwa
re for UIIDP Management info
                                                                                                    Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E                                                       Under Imple
rmation System (MIS) that su IDA / D2770                       Post             Request for Bids                                                                  1,779,685.00              0.00                                                                       2022-06-08   2022-08-14   2022-06-13   2022-08-16                          2022-07-25                2022-10-07                2022-11-11                2023-05-10
                                                                                                    l                   nvelope                                                                    mentation
pports the program operatio
n at the Federal, Regional an
d ULG Level and for Web-ba
sed Revenue Management S
ystem (File Management)

 ET-MUDH-336394-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of Office Furnitu
re for H.E. State Minister of U
rban Development and Housi                                                      Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
                                IDA / D2770                    Post                               Limited                                                            30,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2023-01-22                                                                                           2023-03-19                2023-05-03
ng Sector, Urban Infrastructu                                                   tions                                     nvelope                                                                  ementation
re Lead Executive Office, UII
DP Unit, Project Procurement
and Project Finance (Chairs,
Tables, Curtains, Carpets, etc
 ET-MUDH-336396-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of Office Equip
ment for H.E. State Minister o
f Urban Development and Ho
                                                                                Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
using Sector, Urban Infrastru IDA / D2770                      Post                               Limited                                                            50,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2023-01-22                                                                                           2023-03-19                2023-05-03
                                                                                tions                                     nvelope                                                                  ementation
cture Lead Executive Office,
UIIDP Unit, Project Procurem
ent and Project Finance (Lapt
ops, Desktops, Digital Board f
or Hall, and Television)

 ET-MUDH-344294-GO-RFQ /
Procurement of Supply and I                                                     Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
                                 IDA / D2770                   Post                               Limited                                                           100,000.00              0.00                                                                                                 2023-03-01                                                                                           2023-04-26                2023-06-25
nstallation of LED Wall Scree                                                   tions                                     nvelope                                                                  ementation
n for the Ministry Main Buildi

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                    Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu           Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                 Component      Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and Recommendation                 Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                 h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                            atus         Documents              ation Report                  ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Planned        Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual              Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 ET-MUDH-230870-NC-RFQ /
HIRING of FIRMS FOR PROVI                                                       Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / D2770                   Post                               Open - National                                                    70,000.00         15,630.89   Signed                                                                                        2021-05-04   2021-06-11                                                                              2021-06-29   2021-07-08   2022-06-29
SION OF “VEHICLE RENTAL S                                                       tions                                     nvelope
nd UIIDP Unit

 ET-MUDH-171463-NC-RFQ /
procurement of Zoom packa                                                       Request for Quota                         Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / D2770                   Post                               Limited                                                             4,000.00              0.00   Canceled                                                                                      2020-05-10                                                                                           2020-07-05                2020-07-25
ge for subscribing business a                                                   tions                                     nvelope
ccount with multiple host an
d participate

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Combined Evaluation
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                    Market Approac         Contract Type         Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                    Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical              Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                 Component      Review Type       Method                                                                                   Process Status         Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                      Report and Draft Neg           Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                 h                                        unt (US$)      (US$)                                                               Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                   al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Planned        Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual    Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual          Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 ET-MUDH-54678-CS-QCBS /
Annual Performance Assessm
ent (1st and 2nd for UIIDP fo
r 61 cities in Oromia and SNN                                                   Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa                                                          Under Implement
                              IDA / D2770                      Prior                                                                                 402,273.00           0.00                     2018-03-27     2018-04-24    2018-04-17   2018-05-18   2018-05-31   2018-09-17                             2018-07-15             2018-08-14   2018-11-30   2018-09-18   2019-01-09   2018-10-23                2019-05-21
PRS) is conducted to measur                                                     Based Selection     l                                                                            ation
e the performance of benefici
ary cities against the minimu
m condition and performance

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 2
 ET-MUDH-54707-CS-QCBS /
Annual Performance Assessm
ent (1st and 2nd for UIIDP for
56 cities in Amhara, Tigray, E
                                                       Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa                                 Under Implement
thiopian Somali, Afar, Benish IDA / D2770      Prior                                              395,455.00            0.00                     2018-03-27   2018-04-23    2018-04-17   2018-05-18   2018-05-31   2018-09-17   2018-07-15                2018-08-14   2018-11-23   2018-09-18   2019-01-29   2018-10-23                2019-05-21
                                                       Based Selection     l                                                   ation
agul Gumuz, Gambella, Harar
i, Dire Dawa) is conducted to
measure the performance of
beneficiary cities against the
minimum condition and pe

 ET-MUDH-56657-CS-QCBS / I
mplementation support for U
LGDP-II and UIIDP Managem                              Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa                                 Under Implement
                              IDA / D2770      Post                                               400,000.00            0.00                     2018-04-10                 2018-05-01                2018-06-14                2018-07-12                2018-08-11                2018-09-15                2018-10-20                2019-12-19
ent information system that s                          Based Selection     l                                                   ation
upports the program operati
on at the Federal, Regional a
nd ULG Level.

 ET-MUDH-56660-CS-QCBS /
Conduct Citizen Satisfaction                           Quality And Cost-
                              IDA / D2770      Post                        Open - National        134,500.00     183,165.97    Signed            2018-05-15   2019-03-14    2018-06-05                2018-07-19   2019-07-24   2018-08-16   2019-09-11   2018-09-15   2019-10-28   2018-10-20   2019-12-12   2018-11-24   2020-01-15   2019-07-12
Level Survey in Sample Cities                          Based Selection
in accordance with Urban Cat

 ET-MUDH-56698-CS-QCBS /
                                                       Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa
Prepartion of Densification St IDA / D2770     Post                                               289,565.00     217,005.54    Signed            2018-04-17   2019-09-16    2018-05-08   2019-11-11   2018-06-21   2020-03-19   2018-07-19   2020-05-14   2018-08-18   2020-08-03   2018-09-22   2020-09-15   2018-10-27   2020-10-28   2019-10-26
                                                       Based Selection     l
andard for Urban Ethiopia

 ET-MUDH-56610-CS-QCBS /
TA for baseline in 61 cities (e
specially new cities and cities
                                                       Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa                                 Pending Impleme
that have not used consultan IDA / D2770       Post                                               250,000.00            0.00                     2018-07-02                 2018-07-23                2018-09-05                2018-10-03                2018-11-02                2018-12-07                2019-01-11                2019-08-29
                                                       Based Selection     l                                                   ntation
cy) on asset management, as
set inventories baseline and f
or revenue enhancement str
ategies, plans and implemen
 ET-MUDH-59284-CS-QCBS /
TA for baseline in 56 cities (
especially new cities and citi
                                                       Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa                                 Pending Impleme
es that have not used consult IDA / D2770      Post                                               250,000.00            0.00                     2018-05-10                 2018-05-31                2018-07-14                2018-08-11                2018-09-10                2018-10-15                2018-11-19                2019-04-18
                                                       Based Selection     l                                                   ntation
ancy) on asset management,
asset inventories baseline an
d for revenue enhancement s
trategies, plans and impleme
 ET-MUDH-60160-CS-QCBS /
computerized comprehensiv                              Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa
                                IDA / D2770    Prior                                             1,500,000.00   1,611,730.75   Signed            2018-06-08   2019-06-21    2018-06-29   2019-07-16   2018-08-12   2020-02-11   2018-09-09   2020-03-27   2018-10-09   2020-06-29   2018-11-13   2020-11-16   2018-12-18   2020-12-01   2020-06-10
e municipal revenue file man                           Based Selection     l
agement and data base form

 ET-MUDH-56602-CS-QCBS /
Strategic TA/Studies - Gender                          Quality And Cost-
                              IDA / D2770      Post                        Open - National        100,000.00            0.00   Canceled          2018-09-17                 2018-10-08                2018-11-21                2018-12-19                2019-01-18                2019-02-22                2019-03-29                2019-07-24
(ULGs gender audit, ULGs ge                            Based Selection
nder mainstreaming guidelin

 ET-MUDH-56598-CS-QCBS /                               Quality And Cost-
                               IDA / D2770     Post                        Open - National        100,000.00            0.00   Canceled          2018-09-10                 2018-10-01                2018-11-14                2018-12-12                2019-01-11                2019-02-15                2019-03-22                2019-07-17
Strategic TA/Studies - Urban                           Based Selection

 ET-MUDH-56608-CS-QCBS /
                                                       Quality And Cost-
Study,Guideline & Standard o IDA / D2770       Post                        Open - National        300,000.00      57,929.51    Signed            2018-09-17   2019-01-27    2018-10-08                2018-11-21   2019-03-29   2018-12-19   2019-05-21   2019-01-18   2019-07-08   2019-02-22   2019-11-15   2019-03-29   2019-11-15   2019-07-24
                                                       Based Selection
n job creation and measurem

 ET-MUDH-54753-CS-CQS / U
ndertake rapid assessment o
f environmental, social, finan                         Quality And Cost-
                                 IDA / D2770   Post                        Open - National        180,000.00      27,772.48    Signed            2018-03-27   2019-01-02    2018-04-17                2018-05-31   2019-03-29   2018-06-28   2019-05-23   2018-07-28   2019-09-10   2018-09-01   2019-10-21   2018-10-06   2019-11-15   2019-03-05
cial and operational sustaina                          Based Selection
bility of (a) markets, (b) abat
toirs, and (c) landfills created
under the ULGDP I and ULGD
 ET-MUDH-102535-CS-QCBS /
                                                       Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa
Study on Rural -Urban Migrat IDA / D2770       Post                                               250,000.00     282,859.75    Signed            2019-04-05   2019-12-04    2019-04-26   2020-03-04   2019-06-09   2020-05-06   2019-07-07   2020-07-24   2019-08-06   2020-10-27   2019-09-10   2020-12-21   2019-10-15   2021-02-23   2020-04-12
                                                       Based Selection     l
ion in Ethiopia

 ET-MUDH-102537-CS-QCBS /
Final Evaluation of the Secon                          Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa
                              IDA / D2770      Post                                               250,000.00     223,562.62    Signed            2019-04-30   2019-04-10    2019-05-21                2019-07-04   2019-09-30   2019-08-01   2019-11-14   2019-08-31   2019-12-18   2019-10-05   2020-01-30   2019-11-09   2020-02-19   2020-04-07
d Urban Local Government D                             Based Selection     l
evelopment Program (ULGDP

 ET-MUDH-121770-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy Service for third
and Fourth Annual performan
ce Assessment of 61 cities an                          Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa
                                 IDA / D2770   Prior                                             1,100,000.00    525,428.59    Signed            2019-08-14   2019-08-05    2019-09-04   2019-09-05   2019-10-18   2020-03-09   2019-11-15   2020-05-14   2019-12-15   2020-12-28   2020-01-19   2021-02-07   2020-02-23   2021-03-01   2022-02-22
d 2 regions in Oromia( 38 citi                         Based Selection     l
es) & SNNPRS (23 Cities) part
icipating in UIIDP for allocatio
ns for EFY 2014(2021/22) & E
FY 2015.

 ET-MUDH-121775-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy Service for the T
hird and fourth Annual Perfor
mance Assessment of 56 citi
                                                       Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa
es and 9 regions in Amhara(3 IDA / D2770       Prior                                             1,000,000.00    548,528.20    Signed            2019-07-14   2019-08-05    2019-08-04   2019-09-05   2019-09-17   2020-03-06   2019-10-15   2020-05-04   2019-11-14   2020-08-19   2019-12-19   2020-11-04   2020-01-23   2020-11-30   2022-01-22
                                                       Based Selection     l
2 cities),Tigray(12 cities),Ga
mbela (1 city), Harari (1 city)
and DireDawa City Administr
ation (1 cit) participating in U
IIDP for allocation f

 ET-MUDH-122533-CS-QCBS /
                                                       Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa
Web based GIS Supported Ur IDA / D2770         Prior                                             2,000,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2019-08-01                 2019-08-22                2019-10-05                2019-11-02                2019-12-02                2020-01-06                2020-02-10                2021-02-09
                                                       Based Selection     l
ban Revenue management s

 ET-MUDH-162733-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy services for the
development, installation, im                          Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa
                              IDA / D2770      Prior                                             1,210,000.00    978,313.16    Signed            2020-05-12   2020-08-08    2020-06-02   2020-08-11   2020-07-16   2021-01-12   2020-08-13   2021-03-03   2020-09-12   2021-04-26   2020-10-17   2021-07-29   2020-11-21   2021-08-13   2022-06-14
plementation and commissio                             Based Selection     l
ning of the UIIDP Manageme
nt information System applic
ation (MIS)

 ET-MUDH-162780-CS-CDS /
Consultancy services for sup
ervision and quality assuran
                                                       Quality And Cost-   Open - Internationa
ce of the development, instal IDA / D2770      Post                                               300,000.00      54,483.14    Signed            2020-06-29   2020-07-15    2020-07-20   2020-08-11   2020-09-02   2020-12-07   2020-09-30   2021-01-21   2020-10-30   2021-03-18   2020-12-04   2021-05-24   2021-01-08   2021-06-22   2022-01-08
                                                       Based Selection     l
lation, implementation and c
ommissioning of the UIIDP M
anagement information Syst
em application (MIS)

                                                                                                                                                                   Page 3
 ET-MUDH-182264-CS-UN / C
onsultancy Service to prepar
e Regional Development Spa
tial plan for nine regional Reg                         UN Agencies (Dire
                                IDA / D2770     Prior                     Direct                   7,325,579.00   7,260,614.50   Signed                                                                                                                                                                         2020-08-15   2021-04-21   2022-08-05
ional State of Ethiopia ( Tigra                         ct)
y, Afar,Amhara, Oromia, Som
ali, Gambela,Benishangul Gu
muz, SNNPR, Harri Regional s
tates of Ethiopia)

 ET-MUDH-56699-CS-QCBS /
Preparation of Regional Urba
n Development Spatial Plan f
                                                        Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
or 9 Regional States/ Oromiy IDA / D2770        Prior                                              3,000,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2018-08-17                 2018-09-07                2018-10-21                2018-11-18                2018-12-18                2019-01-22                2019-02-26                2020-08-19
                                                        Based Selection      l
a, Amhara, SNNP, Tigray, Ga
mbella, Afar, Benishangul-Gu
muz, Ethio-Somalia & Harar/

 ET-MUDH-204543-CS-QCBS /
                                                        Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                 Pending Impleme
consultancy service to condu IDA / D2770        Post                                                114,285.71            0.00                     2020-11-30                 2020-12-21                2021-02-03                2021-03-03                2021-04-02                2021-05-07                2021-06-11                2022-06-11
                                                        Based Selection      l                                                   ntation
ct Urban Plan Implementatio
n Audit

 ET-MUDH-205545-CS-CQS /
Consultancy service to condu
ct Research on customer sati                            Consultant Qualifi
                                 IDA / D2770    Post                         Open - National         50,000.00            0.00   Canceled          2020-12-10   2021-03-30    2020-12-31   2021-05-11   2021-02-13                                                                    2021-03-15                2021-04-19                2021-10-16
sfaction identification of all c                        cation Selection
onstruction industry stakehol
ders in all regional states and
city administration

 ET-MUDH-205226-CS-QCBS /
                                                        Quality And Cost-
Consultancy service to under IDA / D2770        Post                         Open - National        114,285.71            0.00   Canceled          2020-12-09                 2020-12-30                2021-02-12                2021-03-12                2021-04-11                2021-05-16                2021-06-20                2022-06-20
                                                        Based Selection
take Urban Plan Implementat
ion Audit

 ET-MUDH-209245-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy Service for the P
reparartion of Prefeasibility a
                                                        Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
nd Feasibility Study for Invist IDA / D2770     Prior                                              2,000,000.00   1,908,007.05   Completed         2019-11-05   2020-12-15    2019-11-19                2020-03-20   2021-01-22   2020-05-21   2020-05-21   2020-09-07   2021-01-29   2020-12-18   2021-03-22   2021-01-22   2021-04-08   2022-06-16   2023-01-23
                                                        Based Selection      l
ment Projects in Ethiopian Cit
ies with Industrial Parks, Cult
ural Heritage, or Tourism Pot

 ET-MUDH-56588-CS-QCBS /
Preparation studies (pre-feasi
bility or feasibility studies) fo
r resilient-oriented investme                           Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                                  IDA / D2770   Post                                                300,000.00            0.00   Canceled          2018-05-15   2019-11-05    2018-06-05   2019-11-27   2018-07-19   2020-03-20   2018-08-16   2020-05-21   2018-09-15   2020-10-19   2018-10-20                2018-11-24                2019-07-12
nt projects that are likely to c                        Based Selection      l
ontribute to the sustainable
urban development, and targ
eting cities with specific need
s for further investments

 ET-MUDH-216710-CS-CQS /
Preparation of Implementatio
n Manuals/Guidelines, condu
cting training and formulatio
                                                        Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
n of Strategic Document for i IDA / D2770       Post                                                105,000.00     137,444.82    Signed            2021-02-02   2021-03-26    2021-02-23   2021-04-15   2021-04-08   2021-06-28                                                       2021-05-08   2022-02-02   2021-06-12   2022-02-16   2021-12-09
                                                        cation Selection     l
mplementing Organizational
Project Management (OPM)
maturity Improvement Initiati
ves in organizations that con
duct construction projects

 ET-MUDH-216716-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Service to provi
                                                        Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
de Entrepreneurial and proje IDA / D2770        Post                                                 90,000.00      88,153.22    Signed            2021-02-01   2021-03-06    2021-02-22                2021-04-07   2021-08-12                                                       2021-05-07   2022-03-07   2021-06-11   2022-03-28   2021-07-17
                                                        cation Selection     l
ct management capacity Trai
ning of Trainers (ToT) for Reg
ional and Cities Experts

 ET-MUDH-204267-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy for Independent                             Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
                             IDA / D2770        Post                                                270,000.00            0.00   Canceled          2020-11-15   2020-11-17    2020-12-06                2021-01-19                2021-02-16                2021-03-18                2021-04-22                2021-05-27                2021-12-23
Mid Term Evaluation of UIIDP                            Based Selection      l
to feed into MTR

 ET-MUDH-245736-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for Val
                                                        Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
ue for Money Assessment of IDA / D2770          Post                                                165,000.00     173,130.77    Signed            2021-07-30   2021-08-12    2021-08-18   2021-08-17   2021-09-01   2021-09-12                                                       2021-10-01   2021-11-30   2021-10-15   2021-12-15   2022-01-13
                                                        cation Selection     l
EFY 2013 (2020/21) for Inves
tments in 32 ULGs in Amhara

 ET-MUDH-245751-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for Val
                                                        Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
ue for Money Assessment of IDA / D2770          Post                                                195,000.00     184,663.16    Signed            2021-07-30   2021-08-12    2021-08-18   2021-08-17   2021-09-01   2021-09-12                                                       2021-10-01   2021-12-01   2021-10-15   2021-12-15   2022-01-13
                                                        cation Selection     l
EFY 2013 (2020/2021) for Inv
estments in 38 ULGs in Orom
ia Region

 ET-MUDH-245755-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for Val
ue for Money Assessment of
EFY 2013 (2020/2021) of Inv
                                                        Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
estments in 35 ULGs - SNNPR IDA / D2770         Post                                                180,000.00     176,780.49    Signed            2021-07-30   2021-08-12    2021-08-18   2021-08-17   2021-09-01   2021-09-12                                                       2021-10-01   2021-11-30   2021-10-15   2021-12-15   2022-01-13
                                                        cation Selection     l
S (20 ULGs), Sidama (3 ULGs
), Afar (4 ULGs), Benishangul
Gumuz (1ULG), Gambella Re
gion (1 ULG), Somali (4 ULGs
), Harari (1 ULG), Dire Dawa (
1 ULG)
 ET-MUDH-265645-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy service to provid
e Training on Construction Pr                           Quality And Cost-                                                        Under Implement
                               IDA / D2770      Post                         Open - National         84,000.00            0.00                     2021-12-24   2022-02-22    2022-01-14   2022-04-09   2022-02-27                2022-03-27                2022-04-26                2022-05-31                2022-07-05                2023-07-05
oject Management and Engin                              Based Selection                                                          ation
Software Application for Cons
truction Works Regulatory Au
thority .
 ET-MUDH-222524-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy service to condu
                                                        Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
ct Change Management Syst IDA / D2770           Post                                                172,000.00            0.00   Canceled          2021-03-10                 2021-03-31                2021-05-14                2021-06-11                2021-07-11                2021-08-15                2021-09-19                2022-09-19
                                                        Based Selection      l
em Study for The Ministry of
Urban Development and Con
struction (MUDCo)

 ET-MUDH-222688-CS-QCBS /
Preparation and implementa
tion of a new model framewo
rk for the establishment and
                                                        Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa
operation of UGs in Ethiopia t IDA / D2770      Post                                                114,286.00            0.00   Canceled          2021-03-22   2021-03-17    2021-04-12                2021-05-26                                                                    2021-06-25                2021-07-30                2022-02-25
                                                        cation Selection     l
hat supports good governanc
e, strengthens and accelerat
es the decentralization proce
ss including enhanced decen
tralized service delivery

                                                                                                                                                                     Page 4
 ET-MUDH-279951-CS-QCBS /
National Urban Development
& Construction Sector Baseli
                                                                              Quality And Cost-                                                                          Under Implement
ne (BDDMS) Data Collection    IDA / D2770                    Post                                  Open - National                           727,273.00           0.00                     2022-02-25   2022-04-13    2022-03-18   2022-05-02   2022-05-01                                          2022-05-29            2022-06-28   2022-08-02   2022-09-06   2023-06-03
                                                                              Based Selection                                                                            ation
which will support implement
ation and monitoring of the T
en Years Perspective Plan fo
r the sector

 ET-MUDH-281387-CS-QCBS /
Research/Study on Customer
                                                                              Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
Satisfaction of all Constructio IDA / D2770                  Post                                                                            328,084.00           0.00                     2022-03-20   2022-03-25    2022-04-10   2022-05-31   2022-05-24                                          2022-06-21            2022-07-21   2022-08-25   2022-09-29   2023-04-27
                                                                              Based Selection      l                                                                     ation
n Industry Stakeholders in all
Regional States and City Ad

 ET-MUDH-331839-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy Services for the
Fifth (5th) Annual Performan
ce Assessment of 104 Cities
                                                                              Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
and 4 regions in Oromia (38   IDA / D2770                    Prior                                                                           331,664.00           0.00                     2022-12-15   2023-02-16    2023-01-05                2023-02-18                                          2023-03-18            2023-04-17   2023-05-22   2023-06-26   2023-12-13
                                                                              Based Selection      l                                                                     ation
cities + 25 New Cities), SNNP
RS (17 cities + 10 New Cities
) ,Sidama Region(3 Cities +4
New Cities) and South West
Ethiopia Peoples Region(3 Ci

 ET-MUDH-334327-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy Services for the
Fifth Annual Performance As
sessment of 78 Cities and 7 r
                                                                              Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
egions in Amhara (32 cities + IDA / D2770                    Prior                                                                           216,540.96           0.00                     2022-12-26   2023-01-21    2023-01-16                2023-03-01                                          2023-03-29            2023-04-28   2023-06-02   2023-07-07   2023-12-26
                                                                              Based Selection      l                                                                     ation
18 New Cities), Somali (4 citi
es + 7 New Cities), Afar Regi
on (4 Cities +4 New Cities), B
enishangul Gumuz (1 city+3
New cities), Gambe

 ET-MUDH-334325-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Service to Cond                                                   Consultant Qualifi   Open - Internationa                                                   Under Implement
                             IDA / D2770                     Post                                                                             80,000.00           0.00                     2023-01-11   2023-01-17    2023-02-01   2023-03-03   2023-03-17                                                                             2023-04-16   2023-05-21   2023-11-30
uct National Housing Develo                                                   cation Selection     l                                                                     ation
pment Finance Provision Syst
em Establishment

 ET-MUDH-336388-CS-QCBS /
Preparation of Feasibility Stu
                                                                              Quality And Cost-    Open - Internationa
dies for Investment Projects i IDA / D2770                   Prior                                                                          1,010,000.00          0.00   Under Review      2023-01-20                 2023-01-27                2023-03-12                                          2023-04-09            2023-05-09   2023-06-13   2023-07-18   2023-11-07
                                                                              Based Selection      l
n Ethiopian Cities with Indust
rial Parks, Cultural Heritage o
r Tourism Potentials

Activity Reference No. /
                               Loan / Credit N                                                     Market Approac        Contract Type   Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                  Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
       Description                               Component      Review Type        Method                                                                            Process Status        Terms of Reference                                                               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                      o.                                                                  h                                 unt (US$)      (US$)                                                      d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned       Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
 ET-MUDH-55240-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
                                                                              Individual Consult
technical Suport for project c IDA / D2770                   Post                                  Open                                       65,000.00      41,589.66   Signed            2018-03-27   2018-06-11    2018-05-15   2018-12-24   2018-06-05   2019-03-04   2018-07-10   2019-03-04   2020-01-01
                                                                              ant Selection
oordination & implemnation
of ULGDP-II - 1- project Coord
inator for MUDH.

 ET-MUDH-55248-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
                                                                              Individual Consult
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770                   Post                                  Open                                       40,000.00      47,407.75   Signed            2018-03-27   2018-06-11    2018-05-15   2018-11-22   2018-06-05   2019-02-15   2018-07-10   2019-02-15   2020-01-01
                                                                              ant Selection
d regions in finance manage
ment specialist (1 municipal
finance for MUDHo)

 ET-MUDH-55754-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
                                                                              Individual Consult
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770                   Post                                  Open                                       40,000.00      37,783.80   Signed            2018-03-30   2018-05-04    2018-05-18   2020-04-07   2018-06-08   2020-04-23   2018-07-13   2020-04-23   2020-01-04
                                                                              ant Selection
d regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineers)

 ET-MUDH-55755-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide                                                 Individual Consult
                               IDA / D2770                   Post                                  Open                                       40,000.00      34,785.06   Signed            2018-03-30   2019-04-22    2018-05-18   2020-01-06   2018-06-08   2020-02-02   2018-07-13   2020-02-02   2020-01-04
tehcnical support to cities an                                                ant Selection
d regions for M & E of UIIDP

 ET-MUDH-56571-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide
                                                                              Individual Consult
technical assistance in projec IDA / D2770                   Post                                  Open                                       40,000.00      26,543.32   Signed            2018-04-10   2018-06-30    2018-05-29   2018-12-28   2018-06-19   2019-04-03   2018-07-24   2019-04-03   2020-01-15
                                                                              ant Selection
t management in Local econ
omic development specialist

 ET-MUDH-56574-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide                                                 Individual Consult
                               IDA / D2770                   Post                                  Open                                       40,000.00      26,543.32   Signed            2018-04-12                 2018-05-31   2018-12-28   2018-06-21   2019-04-03   2018-07-26   2019-04-03   2020-01-17
technical assistance in projec                                                ant Selection
t management in capacity bu
ilding specialist

 ET-MUDH-56577-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide                                                 Individual Consult
                               IDA / D2770                   Post                                  Open                                       40,000.00      24,388.34   Signed            2018-04-13   2018-06-03    2018-06-01   2018-11-22   2018-06-22   2019-02-15   2018-07-27   2019-02-15   2020-01-18
technical assistance in projec                                                ant Selection
t management in Gender spe

 ET-MUDH-56584-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide                                                 Individual Consult
                               IDA / D2770                   Post                                  Open                                       40,000.00      22,126.80   Signed            2018-04-13   2018-06-23    2018-06-01   2020-08-31   2018-06-22   2020-09-15   2018-07-27   2020-11-28   2020-01-18
technical support to cities an                                                ant Selection
d regions in project manage
ment IT specialist

 ET-MUDH-56567-CS-CQS / c
onsultancy service to provide
                                                                              Individual Consult
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770                   Post                                  Open                                       40,000.00      44,646.92   Signed            2018-04-09   2018-06-11    2018-05-28   2018-11-22   2018-06-18   2019-02-15   2018-07-23   2019-02-15   2020-01-14
                                                                              ant Selection
d regions in project manage
ment in Disaster manageme
nt/Resilience specialist

 ET-MUDH-55767-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
technical assistance to the i IDA / D2770                    Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                    250,000.00     656,775.27   Signed            2018-07-04   2019-06-18    2018-07-14   2019-08-05                             2018-09-17   2019-08-05   2020-03-10
mplementation support of UII
DP unit (1 long term Technic
al adviser) for the program

 ET-MUDH-62041-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770                   Post             Direct Selection     Direct                                     40,000.00      10,888.43   Signed            2018-07-04   2018-08-24    2018-07-14                                          2018-09-17   2019-03-04   2020-03-10
d region in project managem
ent (1 Project Engineer)

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 5
 ET-MUDH-62047-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an
                               IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    43,819.00   Signed            2018-06-07   2018-10-12    2018-06-17   2018-11-12                             2018-08-21   2019-03-04   2020-02-12
d regions -in Municipal finan
ce management specialist (1
 municipal finance for MUD

 ET-MUDH-62042-CS-CDS / co
nsultancy service to provide t
echnical support to cities and IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    43,857.75   Signed            2018-07-04   2018-10-12    2018-07-14   2018-11-12                             2018-09-17   2019-04-03   2020-03-10
regions in procurement man
agement (1 Procurement Spe

 ET-MUDH-62057-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical assistance to cities IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00         0.00   Canceled          2018-06-07                 2018-06-17                                          2018-08-21                2020-02-12
and regions in project manag
ement (1 Project Engineer)

 ET-MUDH-62053-CS-CDS / co
nsultancy service to provide t
echnical support to cities an
                               IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    43,384.75   Signed            2018-06-07   2018-10-12    2018-06-17   2018-12-12                             2018-08-21   2019-03-04   2020-02-12
d regions in social developm
ent specialist for MUDH (1-s
ocial development specialist)

 ET-MUDH-62048-CS-CDS / co
nsultancy service to provide t
echnical support to cities an IDA / D2770     Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    20,834.82   Signed            2018-06-08   2018-10-12    2018-06-18   2018-11-12                             2018-08-22   2019-04-03   2020-02-13
d regions- in urban planner f
or MUDH( 1 urban planner)

 ET-MUDH-62054-CS-CDS / co
nsultancy service to provide t
echnical support to cities an
                                IDA / D2770   Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    43,413.08   Signed            2018-06-07   2018-10-12    2018-06-17   2018-11-12                             2018-08-21   2019-03-04   2020-02-12
d regions in budgeting,plan a
nd participation specialist( 1-
budgeting,plan and participa
tion specialist)

 ET-MUDH-54741-CS-QCBS /
Value for Money Audit of EFY
EFY 2011 investments by 11
                             IDA / D2770      Prior   Direct Selection     Direct   638,182.00   415,581.63   Signed            2018-07-06   2019-06-21    2018-07-16   2019-07-10                             2018-09-19   2019-08-16   2019-03-18
7 ULGs for input 1st APA for
UIIDP (to be done by OFAG or
a firm(s) to be engaged by O

 ET-MUDH-62051-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
                               IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    20,338.06   Signed            2018-06-07   2018-10-13    2018-06-17   2018-11-12                             2018-08-21   2019-03-04   2020-02-12
technical support to cities an
d regions in M & E of UIIDPun

 ET-MUDH-62538-CS-CDS / co
nsultancy service to provide t
echnical assistance to cities
                               IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    43,857.75   Signed            2018-07-04   2018-10-12    2018-07-14   2018-11-12                             2018-09-17   2019-03-04   2020-03-10
and regions in urban Land a
dministration specialist ( 1-
urban Land administration
specialist for MUDH)

 ET-MUDH-62539-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    33,065.47   Signed            2018-07-04   2018-10-12    2018-07-14   2018-11-12                             2018-09-17   2019-03-04   2020-03-10
d regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineers)

 ET-MUDH-62540-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    43,857.75   Signed            2018-07-04   2018-10-12    2018-07-14   2018-11-12                             2018-09-17   2019-04-03   2020-03-10
d regions in procurement m
anagement (1 procurement

 ET-MUDH-55762-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
technical assistance in asset                         Individual Consult
                              IDA / D2770     Post                         Open      40,000.00    14,793.24   Signed            2018-07-04   2018-05-04    2018-08-22   2019-09-23   2018-09-12   2019-11-20   2018-10-17   2019-11-20   2020-04-09
management to cities and re                           ant Selection
gions(1- infrastructure asset
management specialist for

 ET-MUDH-62056-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    44,351.01   Signed            2018-07-04   2018-10-11    2018-07-14   2018-11-12                             2018-09-17   2019-03-04   2020-03-10
d regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineer

 ET-MUDH-71538-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    33,061.88   Signed            2018-07-04   2018-10-11    2018-07-14   2018-11-12                             2018-09-17   2019-03-04   2020-03-10
d regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineer)

 ET-MUDH-71546-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770    Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00    44,786.58   Signed            2018-07-04   2018-10-12    2018-07-14   2018-11-12                             2018-09-17   2019-03-04   2020-03-10
d regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineer)

 ET-MUDH-71543-CS-CDS / co
nsultancy service to support                                                                                  Under Implement
                             IDA / D2770      Post    Direct Selection     Direct    50,000.00         0.00                     2018-07-04                 2018-07-14                                          2018-09-17                2020-03-10
MOFEC in project Financial M                                                                                  ation
anagement (1-financial mana
gement specialist)

 ET-MUDH-72176-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide
                                                      Individual Consult
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770    Post                         Open      40,000.00    19,610.01   Signed            2018-08-06   2018-06-11    2018-09-24   2019-01-10   2018-10-15   2019-01-10   2018-11-19   2019-02-15   2020-05-12
                                                      ant Selection
d regions - in environmental
specialist ( 1 environmental s
pecialist for MUDHo)

 ET-MUDH-62055-CS-CDS / co
nsultancy service to support
cities and regions-environme IDA / D2770      Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00         0.00   Canceled          2018-06-07                 2018-06-17                                          2018-08-21                2020-02-12
ntal and safe guard specialist
 for MUDH (1-environmentali

 ET-MUDH-59310-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide                         Individual Consult
                               IDA / D2770    Post                         Open      40,000.00         0.00   Canceled          2018-04-17                 2018-06-05                2018-06-26                2018-07-31                2020-01-22
technical support to cities an                        ant Selection
d regions for M & E of UIIDP

                                                                                                                                                  Page 6
 ET-MUDH-55252-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy service to provid
                                                       Individual Consult
e technical assistance in proc IDA / D2770     Post                         Open      40,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-03-27                 2018-05-15                2018-06-05                2018-07-10                2020-01-01
                                                       ant Selection
urement management (1 Pro
curement Specialists)

 ET-MUDH-56703-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide                          Individual Consult
                               IDA / D2770     Post                         Open      40,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-04-10                 2018-05-29                2018-06-19                2018-07-24                2020-01-15
tehcnical support to cities an                         ant Selection
d regions for M & E of UIIDP

 ET-MUDH-55758-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
                                                       Individual Consult
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770     Post                         Open      40,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-03-30                 2018-05-18                2018-06-08                2018-07-13                2020-01-04
                                                       ant Selection
d regions in social developm
ent specialist( 1 social develo
pment Specialist)

 ET-MUDH-55314-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
                                                       Individual Consult
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770     Post                         Open      40,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-03-27                 2018-05-15                2018-06-05                2018-07-10                2020-01-01
                                                       ant Selection
d regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineer)

 ET-MUDH-55309-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
                                                       Individual Consult
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770     Post                         Open      40,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-03-27                 2018-05-15                2018-06-05                2018-07-10                2020-01-01
                                                       ant Selection
d regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineers)

 ET-MUDH-56702-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical Support for project                          Individual Consult
                              IDA / D2770      Post                         Open      55,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-04-12                 2018-05-31                2018-06-21                2018-07-26                2020-01-17
coordination & implementati                            ant Selection
on of ULGDP-II - 1- Project D
eputy Coordinator for MUDH.

 ET-MUDH-54715-CS-CDS / V
alue for Money Audit of EFY 2
010 investments by 44 ULGs
                               IDA / D2770     Prior   Direct Selection     Direct   240,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-07-05                 2018-07-15                                          2018-09-03                2019-01-31
for input into 1st APA for UII
DP (to be done by Audit Servi
ce Corporation through deleg
ation by OFAG )

 ET-MUDH-81829-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an
                               IDA / D2770     Post    Direct Selection     Direct    40,000.00   21,083.21   Signed            2018-10-17                 2018-10-27   2018-11-12                             2018-12-31   2019-03-04   2020-06-23
d regions - Finance Manage
ment Specialist (1 - Finance
Management specialist for M

 ET-MUDH-62045-CS-CDS / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an                         Individual Consult
                               IDA / D2770     Post                         Open      40,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-07-04                 2018-08-22                2018-09-12                2018-10-17                2020-04-09
d regions - finance manage                             ant Selection
ment specialist (1- financial
management specialist for

 ET-MUDH-91277-CS-CDS / co
nsultancy Service to provide
technical support for the pro IDA / D2770      Post    Direct Selection     Direct    55,000.00   22,827.39   Signed            2018-12-17                 2018-12-27                                          2019-03-02   2019-03-04   2020-08-23
gram coordination and imple
mentation of UIIDP. 1- Deput
y program coordinator

 ET-MUDH-56656-CS-CDS / M
oU Agreeemnt course Design                                                                                    Pending Impleme
                                 IDA / D2770   Post    Direct Selection     Direct   200,000.00        0.00                     2019-01-16                 2019-01-26                                          2019-04-01                2019-07-07
for regional training institutio                                                                              ntation
ns for new ULGs

 ET-MUDH-102531-CS-INDV /
Local Support for Review and
Design of Sustainable Urban
                                                       Individual Consult
Financing System in Ethiopia IDA / D2770       Post                         Open      15,000.00   18,569.50   Signed            2019-03-08   2019-04-03    2019-04-26   2019-07-01   2019-05-17   2019-09-30   2019-06-21   2019-10-14   2019-12-18
                                                       ant Selection
including development of opt
ions for a Special Purpose Gr
ant (SPG) for City Administrat

 ET-MUDH-102529-CS-INDV /
Individual Consultant (intern
ational) for Review and Desi
                                                       Individual Consult
gn of Sustainable Urban Fina IDA / D2770       Post                         Open      60,000.00   34,504.00   Signed            2019-03-08   2019-03-06    2019-04-26   2019-08-01   2019-05-17   2019-09-30   2019-06-21   2019-11-01   2019-12-18
                                                       ant Selection
ncing System in Ethiopia incl
uding development of option
s for a Special Purpose Grant
(SPG) for City Administration
 ET-MUDH-110126-CS-INDV /
Consultancy service to provid
e technical support to cities a                        Individual Consult
                                IDA / D2770    Post                         Open      40,000.00   32,406.50   Signed            2019-04-15   2019-04-12    2019-06-03   2020-01-01   2019-06-24   2020-01-15   2019-07-29   2020-02-05   2020-07-28
nd regions - in environmental                          ant Selection
management specialist (1 En
vironmental Management Sp
ecialist in MUDCo)

 ET-MUDH-139164-CS-INDV /
Consultancy service to provid
e technical support for Feder                          Individual Consult
                              IDA / D2770      Post                         Open      12,000.00   22,794.86   Signed            2019-10-21   2019-11-30    2019-12-09   2020-02-18   2019-12-30   2020-10-19   2020-02-03   2020-10-19   2021-01-28
al ethics and anti corruption                          ant Selection
Commission for the impleme
ntation of the program (Tech
nical assistant )

 ET-MUDH-192187-CS-CDS /
NDERTAKE VALUE FOR MONE                                                                                       Under Implement
                          IDA / D2770          Post    Direct Selection     Direct   420,000.00        0.00                     2020-09-09   2020-09-25    2020-09-19   2020-09-25                             2020-11-23                2021-05-22
Y AUDITS AND ASSESSMENT                                                                                       ation
S IN 117 ULGs FOR EFY 201
2 (2019/20)

 ET-MUDH-197441-CS-INDV /
Consultancy service to provid
e technical support to cities a                        Individual Consult
                                IDA / D2770    Post                         Open      20,000.00   11,216.10   Signed            2020-10-02   2020-10-13    2020-11-20   2021-03-25   2020-12-11   2021-05-04   2021-01-15   2021-05-17   2022-01-10
nd regions - in Gender speci                           ant Selection
alist management ( 1 in Gen
der specialist management f
or MUDHo)

                                                                                                                                                  Page 7
 ET-MUDH-197446-CS-INDV /
Consultancy service to provid
e technical support to cities a
                                                     Individual Consult
nd regions - in Infrastructure IDA / D2770    Post                        Open    30,000.00   13,188.44   Signed            2020-10-02   2020-10-13    2020-11-20   2021-04-03   2020-12-11   2021-05-04   2021-01-15   2021-05-17   2022-01-10
                                                     ant Selection
Asset Management Specialist
(1 in Infrastructure Asset Ma
nagement Specialist for MUD

 ET-MUDH-197447-CS-INDV /
Consultancy service to provid
e technical support to cities a
                                                     Individual Consult
nd regions - in Infrastructure IDA / D2770    Post                        Open    30,000.00   12,696.94   Signed            2020-10-02   2020-10-13    2020-11-20   2021-03-25   2020-12-11   2021-05-04   2021-01-15   2021-05-17   2022-01-10
                                                     ant Selection
Asset Management Specialist
(1 in Infrastructure Asset Ma
nagement Specialist for MUD

 ET-MUDH-204555-CS-INDV /
Senior Procurement Specialis                         Individual Consult                                   Under Implement
                               IDA / D2770    Post                        Open    54,000.00        0.00                     2020-11-18   2021-03-04    2021-01-06                2021-01-27                2021-03-03                2023-03-03
t/Consultant for Project Procu                       ant Selection                                        ation
rement Management Directo
rate/ PPMD

 ET-MUDH-222505-CS-INDV /
Consultancy service to provid
e technical support to cities a                      Individual Consult                                   Under Implement
                                IDA / D2770   Post                        Open    20,000.00        0.00                     2021-03-10   2021-03-15    2021-04-28                2021-05-19                2021-06-23                2022-06-18
nd regions - in Capacity Build                       ant Selection                                        ation
ing Management Consultant
(1 Capacity Building Manage
ment Consultant for MUDCo
 ET-MUDH-222513-CS-INDV /
Consultancy service to provid
e technical assistance to Re
                                                     Individual Consult
gions and cities- in Urban Re IDA / D2770     Post                        Open    20,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2021-03-10                 2021-04-28                2021-05-19                2021-06-23                2022-06-23
                                                     ant Selection
silience and Disasters risk Ma
nagement Specialist for MUD
Co (1-Urban Resilience and D
isasters risk Management Sp
ecialist )
 ET-MUDH-222518-CS-INDV /
Consultancy Service to provi
de Technical assistance for
                                                     Individual Consult                                   Under Implement
Regions and Cities -in Monito IDA / D2770     Post                        Open    20,000.00        0.00                     2021-03-10   2021-03-15    2021-04-28                2021-05-19                2021-06-23                2022-06-23
                                                     ant Selection                                        ation
ring and evaluation manage
ment consultant for MUDCo (
1-Monitoring and evaluation
management consultant)

 ET-MUDH-94098-CS-INDV / T
echnical Advisor to provide c
apacity building in urban pla                        Individual Consult
                              IDA / D2770     Post                        Open    80,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2019-01-11                 2019-03-01   2019-06-19   2019-03-22                2019-04-26                2020-04-25
nning and to support and sup                         ant Selection
ervise the preparation of Reg
ional Urban Development Sp
atial Plans

 ET-MUDH-222699-CS-INDV /
Individual Consultant for cap                        Individual Consult                                   Pending Impleme
                               IDA / D2770    Post                        Open   120,000.00        0.00                     2021-03-19                 2021-05-07                2021-05-28                2021-07-02                2022-03-29
acity building and training of                       ant Selection                                        ntation
ORAGs and OFAG on Value fo
r Money Audit

 ET-MUDH-222726-CS-INDV /
Consultancy Service to provi
de technical assistance for R
                                                     Individual Consult                                   Under Implement
egions and Cities in Local eco IDA / D2770    Post                        Open    20,000.00        0.00                     2021-03-10   2021-03-15    2021-04-28                2021-05-19                2021-06-23                2022-06-23
                                                     ant Selection                                        ation
nomic Development and Job
Creation Consultant (1-ocal e
conomic Development and Jo
b Creation Consultant for MU
 ET-MUDH-224808-CS-CDS /
Consultancy service to provid
e technical assistance for ups                                                                            Under Implement
                               IDA / D2770    Post   Direct Selection            145,000.00        0.00                     2021-03-22   2021-03-26    2021-04-01   2021-07-05                             2021-06-05                2022-06-05
cale /roll out the hazard asse                                                                            ation
ssment to 10 ULGs benefiting
from UIIDP and capacitate for
hazard analysis

 ET-MUDH-270753-CS-INDV /
consultancy service to provid
                                                     Individual Consult
e technical support to cities a IDA / D2770   Post                        Open    40,000.00   43,941.61   Signed            2018-07-13   2018-07-13    2018-08-31   2018-12-18   2018-09-21   2019-01-10   2018-10-26   2019-02-08   2019-04-24
                                                     ant Selection
nd regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineer)

 ET-MUDH-270761-CS-INDV /
consultancy service to provid
                                                     Individual Consult
e technical support to cities a IDA / D2770   Post                        Open    40,000.00   43,498.27   Signed            2018-07-13   2018-07-13    2018-08-31   2019-01-10   2018-09-21   2019-01-10   2018-10-26   2019-04-25   2019-04-24
                                                     ant Selection
nd regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineer)

 ET-MUDH-270762-CS-INDV /
consultancy service to provid
                                                     Individual Consult
e technical support to cities a IDA / D2770   Post                        Open    40,000.00   42,057.65   Signed            2018-07-13   2018-07-13    2018-08-31   2018-12-24   2018-09-21   2019-01-10   2018-10-26   2019-02-15   2019-04-24
                                                     ant Selection
nd regions in social develop
ment specialis (1 SD Speciali

 ET-MUDH-270758-CS-INDV /
consultancy service to provid
                                                     Individual Consult
e technical support to cities a IDA / D2770   Post                        Open    20,000.00   10,282.90   Signed            2019-12-10   2019-12-10    2020-01-28   2020-07-22   2020-02-18   2020-08-11   2020-03-24   2020-08-17   2020-09-20
                                                     ant Selection
nd regions in project manage
ment (1 Project Engineer)

 ET-MUDH-59309-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide
technical Support for project                        Individual Consult
                               IDA / D2770    Post                        Open    55,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-04-18                 2018-06-06                2018-06-27                2018-08-01                2020-01-23
coordination & implementati                          ant Selection
on of ULGDP-II - 1- Project De
puty Coordinator for MUDH.

 ET-MUDH-151173-CS-INDV /
consultancy service to provid
                                                     Individual Consult
e technical support to cities IDA / D2770     Post                        Open    20,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2019-12-23                 2020-02-10                2020-03-02                2020-04-06                2021-04-06
                                                     ant Selection
and regions in project manag
ement (1 Project Engineer)

 ET-MUDH-55759-CS-INDV / C
onsultancy service to provide
                                                     Individual Consult
technical support to cities an IDA / D2770    Post                        Open    40,000.00        0.00   Canceled          2018-03-30                 2018-05-18                2018-06-08                2018-07-13                2020-01-04
                                                     ant Selection
d regions- in Assets manage
ment specialist (1- asset man
agement specialist)

                                                                                                                                              Page 8
 ET-MUDH-55769-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an                       Individual Consult
                                IDA / D2770   Post                        Open                40,000.00   0.00   Canceled          2018-03-30                 2018-05-18   2018-06-08   2018-07-13   2020-01-04
d regions in budgeting,plan a                        ant Selection
nd participation specialist( 1-
budgeting,plan and participa
tion specialist)

 ET-MUDH-62039-CS-CDS / co
nsultancy service to provide t
echnical support to cities an IDA / D2770     Post   Direct Selection     Direct              40,000.00   0.00   Canceled          2018-07-04                 2018-07-14                2018-09-17   2020-03-10
d regions-environmental and
safe guard specialist for MU
DH 1-environmentalist

 ET-MUDH-55765-CS-INDV / c
onsultancy service to provide
technical support to cities an                       Individual Consult
                               IDA / D2770    Post                        Open                40,000.00   0.00   Canceled          2018-03-30                 2018-05-18   2018-06-08   2018-07-13   2019-07-13
d regions in finance manage                          ant Selection
ment specialist (1 financial m
anagement specialist for MF

 ET-MUDH-333025-CS-INDV /
Consultancy Service to provi                         Individual Consult                                          Under Implement
                             IDA / D2770      Post                        Open - National      8,500.00   0.00                     2022-12-28   2023-01-09    2023-02-15   2023-03-08   2023-04-12   2024-01-31
de Technical Support for Reg                         ant Selection                                               ation
ion and ULGs in Gender Spec

 ET-MUDH-333129-CS-INDV /
Consultancy service to provid
                                                     Individual Consult                                          Under Implement
e Technical support for UIID IDA / D2770      Post                        Open - National      7,000.00   0.00                     2023-01-10   2023-01-15    2023-02-28   2023-03-21   2023-04-25   2023-12-31
                                                     ant Selection                                               ation
P regions and ULGs in Monito
ring and Evaluation(1-M&E S
pecialist )

 ET-MUDH-331856-CS-CDS /
                                                                                                                 Under Implement
Senior Special advisor for H.   IDA / D2770   Post   Direct Selection     Direct - National   24,000.00   0.00                     2022-12-29   2023-02-20    2023-01-08                2023-03-14   2023-12-31
E Minster on Urban and Infra

 ET-MUDH-344147-CS-CDS /
Consultancy Service of Qualit                                                                                    Pending Impleme
                              IDA / D2770     Post   Direct Selection     Direct - National   50,000.00   0.00                     2023-03-03                 2023-03-13                2023-05-17   2024-01-22
y Assurance Team for 10 Reg                                                                                      ntation
ions Regional Development S
patial Plan Project

                                                                                                                                                     Page 9