LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC PEACE INDEPENDENCE DEMOCRACY UNITY PROSPERITY MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT OF ROADS ט™— & ˜™—Ø The Southeast Asia Regional Economic Corridor and Connectivity Project(P176088) FEASIBILITY STUDY AND ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT (ESA) STUDY FOR IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF NATIONAL ROAD 2 Local Road Climate Resilient Improvement and Maintenance in Luang Prabang Province (Local Road Number 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170) VOLUME 6A Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) CONSULTANT: DONG IL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS DONGSUNG ENGINEERING LAO TRANSPORT ENGINEERING CONSULTANT May 2023 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Project overview ............................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Detailed description of components ................................................................................. 2 1.3 Overview of socio-economic and environmental information ....................................... 23 1.4 Environmental baseline of local roads 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 ............................... 27 1.4.1 Physical Elements ....................................................................................................... 27 1.4.2 Biological Elements .................................................................................................... 30 1.5 Socio-economic baseline of Local Roads 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170........................... 31 1.5.1 Community and Population ........................................................................................ 31 1.5.2 Education and Health .................................................................................................. 31 2. INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK .......................................................... 33 2.1 Environmental Laws, Regulations, Guidelines, and Standards ...................................... 33 2.2 Laws, Regulations and Standards on Social, Land and Ethnic Matters ......................... 35 2.2.1 Institutional Responsibilities and Legislation ............................................................. 39 2.2.2 Applicable World Bank Environment and Social Standards (ESS) ........................... 40 2.2.3 Gaps Analyses of Lao Legal and Relevant WB’s ESS ............................................... 43 3. POTENTIAL E&S RISKS AND IMPACTS and MITIGATION MEASURES .............. 47 3.1 Overall Impacts............................................................................................................... 47 3.1.1 Cumulative Impacts .................................................................................................... 86 3.1.2 Cause of Impacts ......................................................................................................... 86 4. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM (GRM)............................................................ 86 4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 86 4.2 Grievance Redress Service (GRS) .................................................................................. 90 5. CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ............................................ 90 6. BUDGET PLAN FOR ESMP IMPLEMENTATION AND CAPACITY BUILDING ... 93 6.1 Implementation, Monitoring, and Reporting Responsibilities ....................................... 93 6.2 ESMP Capacity Building and Training .......................................................................... 95 6.3 ESMP Implementation Budget ....................................................................................... 96 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Location of Local Roads as approved by DOR, MPWT ................................................. 3 Figure 2. Location of Local Road No. 2571 ................................................................................... 4 Figure 3. Location of Local Road No. 2652 ................................................................................... 4 Figure 4. Location of Local Road No. 2931-3170 .......................................................................... 5 Figure 5. Typical Cross Section of Local Road No. 2571 .............................................................. 8 Figure 6. Type of Pavement Proposed by Chainage of Local Road No. 2571 ............................... 8 Figure 7. Typical Cross Section of Local Road No. 2652 .............................................................. 9 Figure 8. Type of Pavement Proposed by Chainage of Local Road No. 2652 ............................. 10 Figure 9. Typical Cross Section of Local Road No. 2931-3170 ................................................... 10 Figure 10. Type of Pavement Proposed by Chainage of Local Road No. 2931-3170 .................. 11 Figure 11. List of Existing Culverts for Local Road No.2571 ...................................................... 14 Figure 12. List of Side Drainages for Local Road No.2571 ......................................................... 15 Figure 13. List of Existing Culverts for Local Road No.2652 ...................................................... 18 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 i ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 14. List of Side Drainages for Local Road No.2652 ......................................................... 19 Figure 15. List of Existing Culverts for Local Road No.2931-3170............................................. 21 Figure 16. List of Side Drainages for Local Road No.2931-3170 ................................................ 22 Figure 45. GCLS process as part of the GRM .............................................................................. 87 Figure 46. Grievance Resolution Flow Chart................................................................................ 89 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Sensitive Receptors along the COI of Local Roads in Luang Prabang province.............. 6 Table 2. Accessibility to Social Infrastructure and Services. ........................................................ 26 Table 3. Population in the project area ......................................................................................... 31 Table 4. List of key Lao PDR environmental legislations applicable to the project..................... 38 Table 5. Relevant ESSs to the local road project implementation ................................................ 40 Table 6. Summary of Main Gaps of Lao Legal and Relevant WB’s ESS .................................... 43 Table 7. Generic Environmental and Social Management Plan Local Road No. 2571 at km Km 0 to Km 20+920 of Luang Prabang City and Local Road No. 2652 at Km 0+000 to Km 27+870 of Yord Ou District ............................................................................................................................ 50 Table 8. Site Specific ESMP, Local Road No. 2571..................................................................... 73 Table 9. Site specific ESMP Local Road No.2652 ....................................................................... 76 Table 10. Site specific ESMP Local Road No 2931-3170 ............................................................ 82 Table 11. Instrumental Monitoring for the Construction and Operational Phase ......................... 85 Table 12. List of contact persons for submission of grievance at each level ................................ 88 Table 13. Date and Participants of Public Consultation Meetings in each Village ...................... 91 Table 14. ESMP Implementation .................................................................................................. 93 Table 15. ESMP Implementation Budget...................................................................................... 96 LIST OF APPENDIXES Appendix 1. Relevant details related to the project background Appendix 2. Level of poverty and vulnerability in the project areas Appendix 3. National Environmental Standard Parameter Appendix 4. Manager Code of Conduct Appendix 5. Individual Code of Conduct Appendix 6. Sample Monitoring check list Appendix 7. Indicative ToR for C-ESMP Appendix 8. Guidelines for Worker’s Camps Appendix 9. SEA/SH Action Plan Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 ii ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AC Asphalt Concrete AHW Asian Highway AP Affected People AQP Air Quality Plan ARAP Abbreviation Resettlement Action Plan BOQ Bill of Quantity C-ESMP Contractor Environmental and Social Management Plan CIQ Customs, Immigration and Quarantine CO Carbon Monoxide DDIS: Detailed Design Implementation and Supervision Consultant CO2 Carbon Dioxide DOR Department of Roads ECC Environmental Compliance Certificate EDPD/PTI Environmental Research and Disaster Prevention Division/ Public Works and Transport Institute EGEP Ethnic Group Engagement Plan EIB European Investment Bank ERP Emergency Response Plan ESF Environment and Social Framework ESMF Environment and Social Management Framework ESMP Environment and Social Management Plan ESMU Environment and Social Management Unit ESS Environmental and Social Standards ESS1 Environmental Assessment ESS2 Labour and Working Conditions ESS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management ESS4 Community Health and Safety ESS5 Involuntary Resettlement ESS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Habitats ESS7 Indigenous Peoples ESS8 Physical and Cultural Heritage ESS9 Financial Intermediaries ESS10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure GBV Gender-Based Violence GCLS Grievance Complaints and Logging System GRC Grievance Redress Committee GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism HC Hydrocarbons HH Households IBAs Important Bird Areas IDA International Development Association (World Bank) IEE Initial Environmental Examination Report IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 iii ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province KBAs Key Biodiversity Areas LTEC Lao Transport Engineering Consultant MONRE Ministry of National Resources and Environment MPWT Ministry of Public Works and Transport NBCA National Biodiversity Conservation Areas NES National Environmental Specialist NOX Nitrogen Oxides NR2 National Road No. 2 NR2E National Road No. 2 East NR2W National Road No. 2 West OHS Occupational Health and Safety OPBRC Output-and Performance-Based Road Contracts PAFO Provincial Agricultural and Forestry Office PCR Provincial Cultural Resources PM Particulate Matter PMU Project Management Unit PONRE Provincial of Natural Resources and Environment PPE Personal Protection Equipment ROW Right of way SEA Sexual Exploitation and Abuse SEARECC Southeast Asia Regional Economic Corridor and Connectivity Project SH Sexual Harassment SOX Sulphur Oxides SSESMP Site Specific Environment and Social Management Plan TMP Traffic Management Plan TOR Terms of Reference UXO Unexploded Ordnance WB World Bank Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 iv ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 Project overview 1. The GoL has received loan to support its national social economic development by World Bank (WB) and European Investment Bank (EIB), under SEARECC project. The SEARECC project will facilitate the regional and domestic trade and climate resilient transport connectivity along an East-West corridor in Southeast Asia, and to enhance capacity to react on Eligible Crisis or Emergency. Target provinces under the proposed investment include Phongsaly, Oudomxay, Xayabouly, Luang Namtha and Luang Prabang provinces with a total population of about 1,475,000 people. The design of the proposed project builds on a network connectivity approach and in addition where the road alignment passes through dense communities’ fence to fence approach also applied in order to improve road accessibility in rural areas, between rural and urban centers, and to the main network. The project provinces were selected considering several criteria including density of rural population of different ethnic groups, agricultural potentials, vulnerability to floods, conditions of the roads, and connectivity of provincial road network to the National Road No 2 that links between China in the east and Thailand in the west. 2. Road works will help to improve climate resilience and safety of road infrastructure. The scope of works will include paving/sealing of the roads with climate adaptation and resilience measures and improving drainage system, bridges, and other road structure to climate-resilient standards. The technical design will ensure that the identified climate-resilient measures reduce transportation costs and flooding risks and achieve the target of creating durable access to the main road network, markets, and services for the rural ethnic population. 3. Roads will be improved along the existing alignment of the carriageway. Engineering designs will aim to avoid, or if not possible, minimize land acquisition. Through local dense community, the design applies fence to fence approach in order to avoid impacts on land acquisition and permanent houses as well as to minimise impacts on the other secondary structures and livelihoods. In cases where there would be no land acquisition, wider alignment could be considered to improve road safety and reduce congestion. Road safety will be improved by sealing shoulders, through better marking and signage, specific traffic calming measures at critical locations, and close consultations with communities living along the road as is described in the project’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP). Full description of the SEARECC, including rationale for the project, can be found in the World Bank’s Project Appraisal Document. 4. Along with this ESMP, the ARAP and EGEP have been prepared for all local road projects which will be financed by WB and thus the new Environmental and Social Framework which came into effect in October 2018, is applied for this project. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 1 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 1.2 Detailed description of components 5. This project divides into five different components as: (1) to support Lao PDR and regional connectivity; (2) to provide logistics services development and border- crossing management; (3) to strengthen institutional capacity and the regulatory framework in agriculture, transport, and investments planning; (4) to assist project management and to provide contingency emergency response. This ESMP will only apply to Component 1 related to Lao PDR and regional connectivity, being implemented by MPWT. 6. Local road project is a part of GoL’s aim to integrate for regional connectivity as stated in component 1. In addition, the local road is under sub-component 1.2 for the local road climate resilience improvement and maintenance. The benefits for the local road climate resilience improvement and maintenance are to be able to link with national road as part of the regional connectivity; to access to public services; to access larger market for agriculture products and to gain opportunity for tourism purposes. 7. The local road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 are three of the proposed local roads in 5 northern provinces of Lao PDR within the corridor of the NR2, which will be implemented under Hybrid Output and Performance Based Road Contract (OPBRC) scheme. This Hybrid OPBRC will perform under process of detailed design period, road improvement period and maintenance period. The Hybrid OPBRC will be in 7 years project, 2 years road improvement period and 5 years maintenance period, excluding detailed design period. The bidding document for the local roads will be prepared in provincial package including the local roads No. 2571, 2652 and 2931- 3170. 8. This ESMP covers the environmental and social impacts of the local roads No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 in Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and XiengNgeun District respectively of Luang Prabang province. The ESMP will be under supervision of PMU (DoR/MPWT), CMUs, EDPD/PTI, and DPWT. The local road No.2571 has the length of 22 Km, the local road No.2652 has the length of 26 Km and the local road No. 2931-3170 has the length of 26 Km, (with total distance of 48 km). The starting and ending villages of these local roads. - The local road no. 2571, runs through five villages, starts from Vangngeun Village to Nadonkhoun Village (Distance 16 Km), Luang Prabang City, Luang Prabang Province. Though this local road is located in Luangprabang City but it is about 8 km away from the UNESCO World Heritage Area. - The local road no. 2652, runs through nine villages, starts from Nakham Village to Buamlao Village (Distance 22 Km), Chomphet District, Luang Prabang Province. This road is located in Chomphet district across the Mekong River which is not part of the world Heritage area. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 2 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province The local road no. 2931-3170, runs through three villages, starts from Huayyen Village to Phonsavath Village (Distance 19 Km), Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province. Xiengngeun District about 28 km far away to the south of UNESCO World Heritage site in Luangprabang City. Figure 1. Location of Local Roads as approved by DOR, MPWT Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 3 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 2. Location of Local Road No. 2571 Figure 3. Location of Local Road No. 2652 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 4 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 4. Location of Local Road No. 2931-3170 9. PMU/DOR is responsible for ensuring effective implementation of the ESMP including adequate allocation of budget. The contractor selected to carry out works in roads No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 will be responsible for the implementation of a Contractor’s-ESMP. 10. Project activities will mainly be the improvement and rehabilitation of the existing road conditions. Thus, the environmental and social impacts will be minor and temporary during the civil works. Through community area, there will be removal of some secondary structures including wooden fence, porch of house, porch of shops, tea processing hut and etc. In the mountainous or non-community area, natural grown bushes, naturally grown baboo, young fallow, tea plants and etc will be removed. These environmental and social impacts within COI will be handled by concerned local authorities during project construction period prior to Contractor’s civil works begin. The areas of influence by COI, the area that will need to be cleared of all secondary structures and trees during and after civil works of the local road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 are presented in Table 1. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 5 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Table 1. Sensitive Receptors along the COI of Local Roads in Luang Prabang province Local road COI Chainage Areas of Receptor No (m) From To I. Local Road No. 2571, 2571 5-6 Km 0+000 Km 0+950 Vangngern village 2571 5-6 Km 4+300 Km 5+250 Phik-yai village 2571 5-6 Km 6+250R KM6+300R Primary school 2571 5-6 Km 6+225L Km 6+300L Temple 2571 5-6 Km 9+400 Km 10+500 Daensavang village 2571 5-6 Km 9+450 L Km 9+500L Primary school & Secondary school 2571 5-6 Km 13+000 Km 13+850 Natan village 2571 5-6 Km 13+525R Km 13+550R Temple 2571 5-6 Km 13+400R Km 13+450R Primary school 2571 5-6 Km 14+300 Km 15+500 Nadonkhoun village 2571 5-6 Km 14+580L Km 14+620L Temple II. Local Road No. 2652, 2652 5.5-5 Km 0+140L Km 0+175L Local market 2652 5.5-5 Km 0+165R Km 0+200R Nursery school 2652 5.5-5 Km 0+175L Km 0+250L Temple 2652 5.5-5 Km 2+150 Km 2+950 Nakham village 2652 5.5-5 Km 2+300L Km 2+350L Primary school 2652 5.5-5 Km 2+150 Km 2+950 Naxayjalern village 2652 5.5-5 Km 5+850R Km 5+900R Temple 2652 5.5-5 Km 8+300 Km 9+250 Huaytan village 2652 5.5-5 Km 8+800L Km 8+850L Primary school 2652 5.5-5 Km 10+975 Km 11+000 Nam Tan1 Bridge 2652 5.5-5 Km 11+800 Km 12+500 Som village 2652 5.5-5 Km 12+500 Km 13+500 Na village 2652 5.5-5 Km 12+750L Km 12+800L Health center 2652 5.5-5 Km 13+700 Km 13+730 Nam Tan2 Bridge 2652 5.5-5 Km 15+500 Km 16+500 Xam-Or Village 2652 5.5-5 Km 15+600L Km 15+650L Primary school 2652 5.5-5 Km 18+250 Km 19+150 Huay On village 2652 5.5-5 Km 20+700 Km 21+500 Buamlow village 2652 5.5-5 Km 20+950 Km 21+000 Nam Chan bridge 2652 5.5-5 Km 21+100L Km 21+150L Primary school III. Local Road No. 2931-3170 2931-3170 5.5-5 Km 1+850 Km 2+250 Huayyen village 2931-3170 5.5-5 Km 4+000 Km 4+850 Souandala village 2931-3170 5.5-5 Km 4+250L Km 4+370L Temple Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 6 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Local road COI Chainage Areas of Receptor No (m) From To 2931-3170 5.5-5 Km 4+500R Km 4+550R Primary school 2931-3170 5.5-5 Km 10+675 Km 10+700 Nam Chare Bridge 2931-3170 5.5-5 Km 15+700 Km 16+500 Phonsavath village 2931-3170 5.5-5 Km 15+950L Km 16+000L Primary School Sources: Engineering Field Survey for Conceptual Design, 04 May to 22 June 2022 11. The local road No. 2571 has the distance of 16 Km that passes through 5 villages in highland area where there are 5 villages with density of structures in some sections. The condition of the road is relatively narrow where each village is located around 1- 2 km of distance from each other on mountain valley and hills. This local road passes by 3 primary schools, 1 secondary school, and 3 temples. The local road No. 2652 connects 9 villages along the distance of 22 Km, the distance between each village are about 1-2 Km on the mountainous areas. Community assets along this local road include 1 nursery school, 3 primary schools, 1 local market, 1 health center, 2 bridges and 2 temples. The local road No. 2931-3170 has 19 km road length and, passes through 3 villages with some existing structures such as 2 primary schools, 1 bridge and 1 temple. 12. There is no land acquisition and no resettlement of permanent house along the CoI of both local roads No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170. However, there will be disruption with the entrance, noise, and air pollution as well as potential accidents associated with the civil works. Mitigation measures are described in Chapter 3 of this ESMP. 13. The scope of works of both local road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 has been proposed for pavement consisting of double bituminous surface movement and gravel wearing coarse surface. The typical cross section for local road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 will be similarly designed. There are 4 types of cross-sections such as TC1, TC2, TC3, CT4 and TC5 as shown in Figure 5 for local road No. 2571, Figure 7 is for the local road No. 2652 and figure 9 is for the local road No.2931-3170. The pavement for section that passes through village or community will be double bituminous surface movement and the pavement for mountainous or non-community area will be gravel wearing coarse surface. Detail of pavement chainage is shown in Figure 6; Figure 8 and Figure 10, for the local road No.2571; No.2652 and No 2931- 3170 respectively. For the local roads, the cross-section of TC1 which is designed through community section. Drainage will be installed along both sides of local road for TC1. The drainage will connect with natural canal or stream for all discharge. In case that existing drainage is still in a good condition, only simple cleaning and enhancing will be done. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 7 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 5. Typical Cross Section of Local Road No. 2571 Figure 6. Type of Pavement Proposed by Chainage of Local Road No. 2571 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 8 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 7. Typical Cross Section of Local Road No. 2652 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 9 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 8. Type of Pavement Proposed by Chainage of Local Road No. 2652 Figure 9. Typical Cross Section of Local Road No. 2931-3170 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 10 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 10. Type of Pavement Proposed by Chainage of Local Road No. 2931-3170 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 11 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 14. Since engineering design of local roads No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 is for the mountainous and rural areas thus the design of these local roads is mainly suitable for light vehicles. Driving speed should not over 40 kph in non-community area and the driving speed limited should not over 30 kph for safety reasons. 15. There are many sections that are required to have bridges, pipe culverts and box culverts to protect flood and maintain waterway to discharge onto the natural streams and river. The culvert had been installed along the local roads over the past 20 years. Some of these culverts are still in good condition but many of them need to be repaired, extended, or reconstructed. Among 68 sections with culvert installed along the local road No.2571, only 14 sections can be kept with the existing condition, 11 sections need to be extended, 3 sections where new culverts are needed to be constructed and 40 sections are proposed to be replaced with new culverts. More details are presented in Figure 11. For the side drainage along the local road No.2571, 6 sections will build up. 3 of them are in the form of trapezoidal and remaining 3 are in the form of rectangular. For the right drainage along the local road No.2571, 9 sections will be constructed. 7 of them are in the form of trapezoidal and remaining 2 are in the form of rectangular. More details are available in Table 12. 16. The local road No. 2652 has 119 existing culverts. There are 8 sections that can be kept with the existing condition.62 of them need to be replaced with the new ones, 43 sections need to be extended and 6 additional new culvert need to be installed as shown in Figure 13. With regard to drainage on the left side along the local road No. 2652, 25 sections will build up. 24 of them are in the form of trapezoidal and only one is in rectangular form. For the right side of the local road No.2571, 22 sections will be constructed. 21 of them are in the form of trapezoidal and remaining one is in the form of rectangular. More details are available in Table 14. 17. There are 67 sections of existing culverts along the local road No. 2931-3170. 21 sections are proposed to be extended with new culverts. 30 sections need to be replaced with new culverts. Other 16 sections additional new locations that culverts need to be installed along the local road No. 2931-3170 as presented in Table 15. Drainage will also be installed both sides, there are 18 sections where 17 will build up as in the form of trapezoidal and only one will be in rectangular form on the left side along the local road No. 2931-3170. There are 27 sections on the right side of this local road, 26 of them will be installed in the form of trapezoidal and only one is in rectangular form. More details are available in Table 16. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 12 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 13 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 11. List of Existing Culverts for Local Road No.2571 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 14 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 12. List of Side Drainages for Local Road No.2571 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 15 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 16 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 17 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 13. List of Existing Culverts for Local Road No.2652 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 18 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 14. List of Side Drainages for Local Road No.2652 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 19 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 20 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 15. List of Existing Culverts for Local Road No.2931-3170 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 21 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Figure 16. List of Side Drainages for Local Road No.2931-3170 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 22 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Local Road No 2571 18. The Local Road No. 2571 starts from Vangngeun Village, outskirt of Luang Prabang City for about 16 km and end in Nadonekhoun Village. The existing road conditions covers by gravel about 5-5.5 width along the mountainous areas with steep curve and slope in some sections. This road passes through five villages where some culverts need to be reinstalled. The submersible bridge will be rehabilitated for climate change resilience. This road also passes though schools and temples. More details are available in ANNEX 7. Local Road, No 2652 19. Local Road No. 2652 starts from Nakham Village, in city of Chomphet District for about 22 km and end in Buamlao Village. The existing road conditions covers by asphalt about 2 km and the rest cover by gravel about 5m width along the mountainous areas with steep curve and slope in some sections. This road passes through five villages where some box and pipe culverts need to be reinstalled. This road also passes though schools and temples. More details are available in Appendix 1. Local Road, No 2931- 3170 20. The Local Road No. 2931, 3170 starts from Huayyen Village, in a rural area of Xiengngeun District for about 19 km and end in Phonesavath Village. The whole existing road conditions covers by gravel about 5m width along the mountainous areas with many steep curve and slope sections. This road passes through three villages where some box and pipe culverts need to be reinstalled. This road also passes though rubber plantation schools and temples. More details are available in Appendix 1. 1.3 Overview of socio-economic and environmental information 21. Luang Prabang Province is located in the northern part of Lao PDR, with an approximately 461,439 people with a density rate of 28/Km 1 people with a total area of 16,875 square kilometres. In general, Luang Prabang province consists of multi-ethnic groups with different linguistics where the Hmong and Khmu are dominant groups of the population that represent about 83 percent in the Project Area. Other ethnic groups that exist in the project area include Yao or Iw-Mien, Taidam, Leu and Lao Loum. 22. Organizations in Luang Prabang province like other provinces of Lao PDR, have both traditional and legal organizations. Other organizations that are related to village governance and management such as village administration, village council, village women and village youth. According to Lao PDR's governing law, the village governing board consists of 3 members, 1 is the village head and the other 2 are deputy members. In addition, there are 3- 1 Statistics Report 2021 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 23 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 5 members of the national defence unit and national security unit in each village (the youths are members among those units) of the village. The village governing board will be elected from the people in the village after the end of the term of office every two years. In addition to the village administration, the party organization is the highest organization within the village and village group. Guidance and leadership in all areas of the unit is under the leadership of the local party unit, the village party secretary will be the main figure in guiding the political administrating at the village level. 23. According to the Luang Prabang Statistic Center in 2018, there are 756 villages, 114 villages in Luang Prabang City, 69 villages in Chomphet District and 49 villages in XiengNgeun District. In the project area of Luang Prabang province approximately 73.4% of people in live in the rural areas with road access, about 7.9% of people in live in the rural areas with no access road and while the remaining 18.7% live in the urban area. The population growth rate2 is 0.18%. The sex ratio is 1.6 of men vs women and the fertility rate is about 2.3%. 24. The main economic activity of close to 31.3% of the working age population in Luang Prabang3 Province is self-employed at own operated service business. While the majority of households in Luang Prabang undertake multiple livelihood activities, but not all activities are carried out at the same time in the year. Examples of activities include paddy rice cultivation, upland rice cultivation, rubber plantation, cassava plantation and other non-rice crops cultivation, riverbank gardening, and processing, fishing, collecting of other aquatic animals and plants, collection of non-timber forest products, hunting, and raising of livestock. 25. Income generating activities in Luang Prabang Province include tourism, services, rice, vegetables, non-timber forest products and other non-agricultural activities such as transport operation, restaurant and guest house operation and trading. 26. Approximately 36.7% 4 land area in Luang Prabang province is allocated for production, protection and conservation forests. Almost all households, about 97.4%5 have access to land and 98.2% own the land. 27. Most villages in Luang Prabang province are accessible by roads. However, only about 66.8% Bof the villages are accessible during the rainy season. Public services, higher education, health facilities and market opportunities are mainly available in in district towns and provincial capital. Improving access to these administrative centers is of high importance. In rural and remote district, approximately 85.4% have no access to public water supply and 85% of all villages have no permanent access to markets. 28. The Table below shows that about 75% of the villages in Luang Prabang have primary school while very few villages, only 20.7% have secondary school. Luang Prabang has low 2 Annual Provincial Statistic Report, Luangprabang 2018 3 Annual Provincial Statistic Report, Luangprabang 2018 4 Annual Provincial Statistic Report, Luangprabang 2018 5 Annual Provincial Statistic Report, Luangprabang 2018 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 24 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province percentage of population with access to health services in terms of pharmacy, licensed pharmacy and traditional medicines while the access to medical staff or nurse is almost 46%. 29. Vulnerable households, as defined by Decree 348/GOL, dated 16/11/2017 on the Criteria for Poverty Graduation and Development, Article 4 of this Decree defined criteria for graduation of families from poverty as following: 1) Have safe and strong housing; 2) Have assets and equipment necessary for their livelihoods and income generation; 3) Have labour, stable income or employment; 4) School age family members receive lower secondary school education; 5) Have access to clean water and stable sources of energy; 6) Have access to primary public health services; 30. In order to put this decree into implementation, the government also issued a Guideline number 0830/MAF, dated 06/04/2018 on guideline for implementation the decree on the Criteria for Poverty Graduation and Development. Section 4 of this guideline indicated that families that graduated from poverty are the families that achieved six criteria for graduation of families from poverty defined in the Decree 348/GOL, but still do not have stabilization, and vulnerable to development, risk to fall back to poverty family due to those families are not yet achieved the majority of criteria for developed families such as: political aspects, education, cultural, environmental, and national defense-peace keeping. Importantly, although members of family have occupations, they remain at subsistence income. They do not have saving for families to ensure economic stabilities of their families. Average income per person should not less than 5.6 million kip or USD700 per person per year. The vulnerable group in these conditions are as follow: 1) people with poor income per person less than 5.6 million kip; 2) people whom as female being head of the family, 3) people whose only elderly people age over 60 years old in household and 4) people who having disable person in the household. 31. Information from field survey for village socio-economic data, 04-22, May 2022, report that there are 347 HH out 2,282 HH are considered as vulnerable, account for 15.21% of total HH. The level of poverty showed relatively low 7.58% of total number of HH or about 173 HH. In the community along the local road no. 2571, the highest level of poverty is in Nadonekhoun Village for about 24.39% or 10 HH out of total number of 41 HH. There are low percentage of poverty of villages along Local Road No. 2652, due to the fact that this road is not far away from the city. Local people can access to trade and markets. However, the level of vulnerable shows high percentage of 29.73 % along villages along the local road No. 2931.3170. The highest poverty level was found in Phonesa-ard Village. More retails information is available in Appendix 2. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 25 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Table 2. Accessibility to Social Infrastructure and Services. No. Description Number of villages Percentage of with access villages with access 1. Road access 479 96.7% 2. Road access during the dry season 470 96.3% 3. Road access during the rainy 268 66.8% season 4. Water supply 110 14.6% 5. Permanent markets in the village 39 5.2% 6. Markets nearby 172 22.8% 7. Electricity 636 84.1% 8. Primary school 486 69.1% 9. Secondary school 81 20.7% 10. Pharmacy 45 19.2% 11. Licensed pharmacy 25 10.7% 12. Medical equipment 178 76.1% 13. Midwife 99 42.3% 14. Traditional medicines 10 4.3% 15. Health volunteers 135 57.7% 16. Health workers/nurses. 142 60.7% Source: Annual Provincial Statistic Report, Luang Prabang 2018 32. Luang Prabang is located in the Northern part of Laos. It was the capital of the Lan Xang Kingdom during the 13th to 16th centuries. It is nominated as a World Heritage Site for unique architectural, religious, and cultural heritage by UNESCO since 1995. It has been known for a blend of the rural and urban developments over several centuries, including the French colonial influences during the 19th and 20th centuries. As a result, the province is one of the most visited by tourists. Luang Prabang province shares border with Phongsaly Province to the North, Vietnam to the Northeast, Houaphanh Province to the East, Xiangkhouang Province to the Southeast, Vientiane Province to the South, Xayyabuly Province to the Southwest, and Oudomxay Province to the West. Luang Prabang City is main city of the province, it locates on a narrow peninsula that bisects the conjunction of the Mekong River. This section of the Mekong River is flowing South along the West side of the city, and the Nam Khan, a tributary of the Mekong that flows from the East but angles North just before the confluence of the two rivers. 33. Based on the Statistic Yearbook 2021, the total population in Luang Prabang Province has a population of approximately 461,439 people with a density rate of 28/Km26. The province includes a total of 12 districts: Luang Prabang City (92,776 people/46,199 female), Xiengngeun District (35,858 people/17,856 female), Nane District (30,593 people/15,234 female), Pak Ou District (28,286 people/14,085 female), Nam Bak District (71,326/35,517 female), Ngoy District (32,155people/16,012 female), Pak Seng District (24,622 6 Statistic Yearbook 2021 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 26 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province people/12,261 female), Phonexay District (35,040 people/17,448 female), Chomphet District (32,539 people/16,203 female), Viengkham District (31,020 people/15,446 female), Phoukhoune District (25,674 people/12,784 female) and Phonthong District (21,556 people/10,734 female). 34. Lao PDR has National Biodiversity Conservation Area (NBCA) which covers more than 21% of the country’s total area. The NBCA in Luang Prabang province are listed below: - In Luang Prabang, there is Important Bird Area (IBA) is in the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Biodiversity Conservation Area (NBCA) overs 60,070 hectares Phou Louey Massif. The IBA cover areas of Luang Prabang and Houaphanh Provinces. The the Nam Et-Phou Louey NBCA ranges between an elevation of 700–1,800 metres. The diverse habitat contains mixed deciduous forest, semi-evergreen forest, lower montane evergreen forest, upper montane evergreen forest, and secondary grassland. Notable avifauna include beautiful nuthatch Sitta 27 ercule, Blyth’s kingfisher Alcedo 27 ercules, rufous-necked hornbill Aceros nipalensis, and yellow-vented warbler Phylloscopus cantator. This national protected is about 120 km sharing by three districts namely: Viengkham, Phonethong and Phonexay districts. The three local roads of this project are located in Chomphet, Xiengngeun and Luangprabang City. In other words, these roads will not have any impacts on this Nam Et-Phou Louey protected area of the province. - Phou Loei Protected Reserve has an area of 1,465 square kilometres, shared by Luang Prabang and Houaphanh provinces. This Phou Loei Protected Reserve was announced in 1993. This Phou Loei Protected Reserve has highland elevations for its topography ranging between from 500 to 2,257 metres. The area of Phou Loei Protected Reserve has become main sources of water to enrich Nam Khanh and Nam Xuang streams, which are primarily discharge to the southwest lowland areas. Eighty-seven percent (87%) of the reserve areas includes mixed deciduous and evergreens with an abundance of bamboo and grasslands resulting from swidden farming. The leopard, tiger, and leopard, and large cats are the most important fauna in the Phou Loei Protected Reserve, they are not only in the endemic lists in Lao PDR, but they are also in the endemic lists in Indochina. WWF has been working in Laos for years to protect these endemic species for the sustainable enhancement of biodiversity in the Lao PDR. 1.4 Environmental baseline of local roads 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 1.4.1 Physical Elements 35. Geographical Location: Local roads No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 are located in Luang Prabang, Chomphet District and XiengNgeun Districts respectively of Luang Prabang province. Both local roads are located in the mountainous highland areas about 1,000 meters above the sea level. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 27 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 36. Soil Geology: Geological structures represent the joints and fractures of rock and soil formations, which indicate past earthquake activity in the project area. Soil and geology are a study of geological features, soil erosion, earthquakes, landslides in the project area to provide basic information to assess the impact on the environment in terms of geology and earthquakes in case of project development in the area. The local roads project is located in unanimous areas Luang Prabang, Chomphet and XiengNgeun Districts that are vulnerable to earthquake, soil erosion and land slide as well as flash flood. 37. Climate and Climate Change: Luang Prabang Province is located on the mountain ranges at an elevation of 700–1,800 metres. In Luang Prabang Province, the climate is divided into Wet and Dry season. The Wet is hot, oppressive, and overcast and the Dry season is warm, humid, and mostly clear. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 14°C to 34°C and is rarely below 10°C or above 38°C. Based on the tourism score, the best time of year to visit Luang Prabang for warm-weather activities is from early November to mid-March. Due to the altitude, the temperature changes more throughout the year and the dry season is longer and similar to the weather in the central and southern part of Lao PDR. 38. Hydrology: In Luang Prabang Province, there are two big streams, the Nam Khanh and Nam Ou that flow through the Mekong River. Luang Prabang Province benefits from these streams which play important roles in land use, agriculture, tourism, traditions and infrastructure management. These streams are tributary of the Mekong River, and they are the longest stream in the northern part of Lao PDR. The location of Local Road No. 2 5 7 1 , 2 6 5 2 and 2931-3170 are in the areas surrounded by the Nam Khanh and close to Mekong River as of Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province. The distance from Mekong River will be between 3Km-5Km for the local road No. 2571, over 5Km for the local road No. 2652 00 and 2931-3170. Only the starting point of local roads No. 2652 is close to Nam Khanh about 500 meters. 39. Mineral Resources: Luang Prabang Province is rich in mineral resources such as gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc. Small-scale artisanal gold mining7 began in the mid-1970s, and was a widespread activity by 1980. The small-scale artisanal gold mining is typically carried out at the family level involving men, women and children who are generally lacking in technical skills and sophisticated equipment. Typically, men will operate the equipment, such as shovels and chisels, used for ore / alluvium extraction, while women and children transfer the ore / alluvium to bowls and sluice boards, pan the ore and perform the gold extraction processes (which are usually carried out in the home). Nowadays, these practical processes were prohibited and controlled by the government. 7 Luang Prabang Artisanal Gold Mining and Sociological Survey, Lao PDR Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 28 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 40. Natural Disaster: The Natural Disaster often found in Luang Prabang province are flood and earthquake. The flood in Luang Prabang province regularly happens every year since 2018. The flood was reported as follows: On August 29, 2018, has affected all 12 districts and 58 villages in Luang Prabang province. On July 31, 2019, almost 400 families in eight villages of Nan district, Luang Prabang province, found their homes inundated after torrential rain throughout the night caused flash flooding. On April 28, 2020, floods kill three people and leave four missing in Kiawtaloun village (Luang Prabang province). On August 12, 2022, residents across Laos are battling severe floods as days of heavy rains are compounded by tropical storm Mulan, which has been pummelling the northern parts of Laos. The most recent earthquake was recorded between July 28 and 29, 2021, three earthquakes occurred in Luang Prabang province. No injuries or losses were reported. The first earthquake occurred at 21:59:28 measuring 3.5 Richter. The second earthquake occurred at 01:00:47, measuring 2.3 Richter. The 3rd earthquake occurred at 01:36:32 measuring 1.8 Richter. 41. Erosion and Sedimentation: There are floods, landslides and sedimentation occur in the project areas of Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 in Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province. The Erosion and sedimentation caused by typhoon and storm hit this project area. Floods, landslides, erosion, and sedimentation mainly come from high slopes and discharge to lowland. Therefore, agricultural land, crop farming and livestock, local road, fishpond, and properties were damaged and lost. 42. Surface and Groundwater Quality: Local people live along the project areas of the Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 in Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province,and depend on streams and small rivers for their livelihood. The local people use water from streams for their daily living. In some villages, people partly use water well or bore-well for daily consumption, but people in the main town of local road No. 2571 have access to tap water (clean water). However, gravity water is also used outside the main city where it is close to the high mountains. As a result, this can be implied that the surface and groundwater quality in the project areas are still in good conditions. 43. Air Quality: In the project area, there are no factories, major industrial park, and massive land. There are limited sources of causing air pollution. Air pollution may be caused by fumes and smoke from traffic vehicles. In previous years, people practiced swidden farming as slash and burn. Nowadays, this swidden farming is controlled and there is limited land available for this kind of rice farming. In addition, there is no record of air pollution in the project area of the Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 as of Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province. 44. Noise and Vibration: Local people reported that noise pollution and vibration is non- existent. It has been reported at a low level sometimes. Due to the poor condition of the roads in the project areas, there is still limited number vehicles using these roads. Another reason is that due to poor road conditions vehicles are unable to drive above 60km/h currently. Noise Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 29 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province disturbance and vibration is hardly noticed. It can be implied that these Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 as of Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province, have low level of noise pollution and vibration. 1.4.2 Biological Elements 45. Terrestrial Ecology/Wildlife: In the Local Road No. Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931- 3170 as of Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province, there is fallow land in the mountainous area which is the slope of the mountain where people have come undertake agricultural production for many years by clearing the forest for farming, planting support crops, economic crops, rubber tree farming along the small creek which is a branch of the Nam Khanh River. Therefore, the forest is characterized by a combination of small hills in the plains and foothills. Animal and plant habitats in the project area are fragmented and many places have been lessening by human activities. Forest in the project area has been almost transformed and most of it has been converted into domestic animal habitat and agricultural land (such as rice fields). In conclusion, the Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 as of Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province, it is located on existing roads which are far away from terrestrial ecology. Thus, the area of these three local roads are outskirts of the districts where wild animals are hardly found in this project area. 46. Forestry and Vegetation: Forest in Luang Prabang is characterized in montane rain forests ecoregion8 which has different elevations more than 800 meters. The mountainous forest covers in the border between Northern part of Thailand and the North-central Laos, and the mountain range stretches from eastern across the northern and down to the central part of Laos. Due to the increasing populations, the transition in land use for industry, tourism and residency causes decreasing in forest cover. The livelihoods of local people also cause much of the forest cover has been degraded. On the other hand, there are large number of forest areas in Luang Prabang Province, still relatively untouchable. This is national protected area of Nam Et-Phou Louey which is about 120 km from the center of Luang Prabang Province. Nam Et-Phou Louey covers the area of Viengkham, Phonethong and Phonexay districts while the 3 local roads are located in Chomphet, Xiengngeun and Luangprabang City and thus these roads will not have any impacts on this Nam Et-Phou Louey protected area. 47. Aquatic Resources: Some local people have reported that they caught various kind of aquatic animals in Mekong River and Nam Khanh Stream along the Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 as of Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and XiengNgeun District, Luang Prabang Province. There are some large and small fish species such as catfish, eel, domestic shrimp, local crab, and some kind of river snail. These aquatic animals are a source of protein for local people for family consumption and for sale for household income sources. 8 WWF ID: IM0121. Luangprabang montane rain forests Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 30 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 1.5 Socio-economic baseline of Local Roads 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 1.5.1 Community and Population 48. From the field collection, the Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 in Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province in which there are 15 villages with a total of 10,120 people, of which half of the total population is female (4,898 people). In the Local Road No. 2571, there are five villages with 2,789 people and 1,417 females; there are nine villages in Local Road No. 2652 with 5,554 people and 2,566 female and there are three villages in Local Road No. 2931-3170 with 1,777 people and 915 females. Details can be seen in the table 3 below. Table 3. Population in the project area No Village No. of HH No. of Family Total Population Female Local Road No. 2571, Luang Prabang City 1 Vangnguen 450 420 951 509 2 Phikyai 85 85 457 221 3 Densavarng 106 106 634 303 4 Natarn 115 107 542 276 5 Nadonekhoun 41 41 205 108 Sub-total 797 759 2,789 1,417 Local Road No. 2652, Chomphet District 1 Xiengman 339 339 1690 807 2 Nakham 203 200 932 405 3 Naxaijalern 49 55 208 107 4 Huaytarn 69 66 342 159 5 Shom 132 116 588 249 6 Na 94 93 403 201 7 Xumaor 59 53 318 137 8 Huayaorn 128 120 568 264 9 Buamlow 116 98 505 217 Sub-total 1,189 1,140 5,554 2,566 Local Road No. 2931-3190 XiengNgeun District 1 Huayyen 126 112 742 347 2 Suandala 79 77 522 322 3 Phonsa-ard 91 82 513 246 Sub-total 296 271 1,777 915 Grand Total 2,282 2,170 10,120 4,898 Sources: Field Survey for Village Socio-economic data, 04-22, May 2022 1.5.2 Education and Health 49. As per results from data collection the project area of the Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 as of Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and Xiengngeun District, Luang Prabang Province, the access to education and health services of all 17 villages are as follow: Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 31 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province - In the Local Road No. 2571, Luang Prabang City, there are 4 primary schools, averagely 1 school per village. There are 23 classrooms and 21 teachers, 14 of them are female. For secondary/high school, there is one upper secondary school, with four classrooms and nine teachers, all of them are men. For the health services, there is no health center along the project areas. - Approximately only 1% of the total population in Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and XiengNgeun District who cannot read and write and amongst them about 79% are women. The reason of having low number of illiterate people is that villages along both local roads no. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, are located close to the main towns of Luang Prabang Provinces with better access to primary and secondary schools. - In the Local Road No. 2931-3190 XiengNgeun District, there are three primary schools, with 16 classrooms and 12 teachers and eight of them are female. There are no secondary and high school services. For the health care services, there is no health center available along this local road. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 32 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 2. INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Environmental Laws, Regulations, Guidelines, and Standards 50. The EIA decree d in October 2022 (Decree 389/GoL). Approval of a new decree on EIA in October 2022 to replace Decree 21/GoL of early 2019 provided a strong legal basis for development projects to conduct social assessment and plan/implement mitigation measures as needed. The new EIA decree describes the EIA/IEE processes and requirements regarding the preparation and submission of an ESIA and IEE reports including the Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP). This includes the principles, regulations and measures for managing, monitoring, restoring, and protecting the environment to ensure environmental quality including the pollution control and the impact assessment processes. A number of technical guidelines including the Public Involvement Guideline (PI) were launched in 2012 and being applied, however, consideration is being made if it is necessary to update this guideline. The objectives of these Guidelines are to ensure the correct implementation of the public involvement and reflect regulation, principles, transparency, and full coverage particularly the involvement of the project affected people in the above involvement process; and (ii) ensure that the project affected people have fairly received reasonable solutions of impacts resulting from investment project. The Department of Environment (DOE) of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) is responsible for review of the ESIA report and make recommendation for the issuance of an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) while The Department of Pollution Control and Monitoring (DPCM) is responsible for undertaking compliance monitoring. The Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment (PoNRE) is responsible for review, issuance of ECC, and monitoring of project that requires an IEE. 51. Decree on Promulgation of National Environmental Standards (2017): This National Environmental Standards was first developed in 2009 to minimize impacts to human health, animal life, and the environment from development activities in the country. Revised and updated in 2017, the National Environmental Standards apply to any relevant person, enterprise or organization and provide a common platform for both ambient environmental standards and common pollution control standards. The Standards determine parameters, indicators and levels of pollutant concentrations as scientific reference, in the monitoring of environmental quality and control of pollution emitted to air, or discharges to soil and water including disturbance that may have impact on human and animal life, health and environment. The project developments will be required to obtain the pollution control permit as described in the ministerial regulations which will be established by MoNRE. Article 10 determines the National Surface Water Quality Standards for 5 different classes of waterways. Article 11 determines the groundwater quality standards and Article 14 determines the effluent limit values for different activities. The Department of Pollution Control and Monitoring (DPCM) of MoNRE and the respective unit at the provincial and district levels will be responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of the decree/regulations. PCD is also responsible for management of the ozone depleting substance (per the Montreal Protocol) and be the focal point for the Great Mekong Sub-region program (funded by ADB). This agreement applies to persons, entities, and organizations in the Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 33 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province implementation of pollution control in the environment in Lao PDR. The Annex 1 summaried parameters of the national environmental standards applied for this local road project. 52. The Forestry Law (revised 2019) defines forests as an invaluable national resource with a unique ecology, comprising biodiversity, water resource, and land with various tree species growing naturally or planted in an area of at least 0.5 hectare and a crown cover of at least 20%. Forest in Lao PDR are classified into three categories for the purpose of management, protection, development, and utilization as follows: protection forests, conservation forests, and production forests. Each forest category consists of areas of dense forest, dry dipterocarp forest, regeneration forest and degraded forest as described in the Forest Management Plan. - Protection forests are forest classified for the function of maintaining water resources, riverbanks and roadsides, for preventing soil erosion and improving soil quality, for protecting strategic areas for national defense and security, safeguarding against natural disasters and providing environmental protection and other functions. - Conservation forests (Protected forests) are forests classified for the purposes of conserving nature, preserving, and propagating plant species, aquatic animals, and wildlife species, protecting forest ecosystems and sites of natural, historical, cultural, touristic, environmental and educational value and for scientific research experiments. - Production forests area forests including natural forests and planted forests designated for the supply of wood and NTFPs as commodities to satisfy the requirements of national socio-economic development and people’s livelihoods. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is authorized to develop forestland through coordination with other concerned sectors, local administration authorities and all sectors of society, including Lao citizens, to contribute to forestland development by developing polices, guidelines and measures related to the protection, conservation and rehabilitation of forestland to improve its condition and increase its value in a balanced manner with the forest ecosystem. Forestry Law has defined the scope of protection and development forest and forestland area by the central, provincial, district and village levels. 53. The Law on Aquatic and Wildlife (24 December 2007). This law determines principles, regulations and measures on wildlife and aquatic life in nature to promote the sustainable regeneration and utilization of wildlife and aquatic life, without any harmful impact on natural resources or habitats and to restrict anthropogenic pressure on decreasing species and the extinction of wildlife and aquatic life. The law outlines guidelines for managing, monitoring, conserving, protecting, developing, and utilizing wildlife and aquatic life in a sustainable manner; to guarantee richness of ecological natural equilibrium systems, and to contribute to upgrading livelihoods for multi-ethnic people, which has the potential to develop and realize national social-economic goals. 54. Law on Water and Water Resources (Amended), No. 23/NA, 11 May 2017: This Law determines the principles, regulations and measures regarding the management, administration, protection, development and use of water and water resources; prevention from the water harmful effects, and restoration and rehabilitation of adversely affected areas Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 34 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province with the aims to meet the needs of the people for their livelihoods, agricultural and industrial production and services, to ensure the protection of environment, society and nature, green directive development, sustainability and national security, regional and international integration and contribution into the socio-economic protection and development. This Law applies to both domestic and foreign individuals, legal entities and organizations earning their livings and carrying out their activities in Lao PDR. Article 4 defines rights, obligations, and procedures to gain approval for use of water resources. Article stipulates that medium and large scale uses require feasibility studies, EIAs, and mitigation plans, before permission is granted for use of the resource. Article 22 stipulates that water resource development must be consistent with national and sector plans, must ensure preservation of the natural beauty of the resources, and must protect against harmful effects of water. 2.2 Laws, Regulations and Standards on Social, Land and Ethnic Matters 55. Land acquisition and involuntary resettlement: Directly applicable to the land acquisition and involuntary resettlement is the Decree on Compensation and Resettlement of People Affected by Development Projects (No. 84/GOL, 5 April 2016). This revised Compensation and Resettlement (C&R) Decree describes the principles, regulations, and standards for mitigating adverse social impacts and compensating for damages resulting from unintentional acquisition or repossession of land and fixed or removal assets, including changes in land use. The decree aims to ensure that the people affected by the project (PAP) are compensated for and assisted in improving or, at least, maintaining their pre-project income and standard of living, and are not made worse off than they would without the project. The decree describes the strict principles of compensation, particularly for those PAPs who do not have legal land title, land use certificate or other acceptable documentation indicating their right to land use. Unlike ESS5, this government Decree does not provide neither any provision related to restriction of access to land and natural resources affecting community livelihood and income nor customary lands. In comparison with the previous Decree (No. 192, 2005), which granted this community of PAP the right to seek compensation not only for their lost assets but also for their lost rights and/or privileges of land use, the revised decree (No 84, 2016) only grants the right to claim for their lost properties, such as homes, trees and/or crops, if found to be located in state lands, and if the land users considered to illegal occupiers. 56. The new Law on Resettlement and Occupation (No. 086/NA, dated 16 June 2018): This law was developed based on the compensation and resettlement Decree (2016). The law, which applies for both government and private sector development projects, aims to define, regulate, manage and monitor resettlement and livelihood for Lao population of all ethnic groups to ensure that those who are in areas identified for resettlement and provided with stabilized residential and production land and occupation with ultimate goals to address illegal relocation, eliminate poverty, improve livelihood, security and social order, develop small villages into rural small towns contributing to national socio-economic development and national security. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 35 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 57. Law on Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage (amended 2013): addresses several environmental protection issues. It states that socio-economic development shall proceed side by side with protection and conservation of the national heritage. It defines cultural, historical, and natural heritage, noting that natural heritage may have scenic or ecological value. The Law also sets out zoning and measures for protection of heritage sites. Areas of national natural heritage shall be registered, especially those containing heritage of high value, such as biodiversity areas, conservation forests, wetlands, caves, and so on. Although it states that sources of biodiversity which have national natural heritage, e.g. wetlands, ponds and marshes, shall be administered by inspection and registration, as proposed by the concerned sectors. It also sets out regulations for protection of national heritage, such as the need to obtain prior approval for development in any national natural heritage area from the Ministry of Information and Culture (MIC) and other concerned sectors. 58. Law on Hygiene, Prevention and Health Promotion (Amended 2011): focuses on controlling the elements of the environment which are dangerous or may be dangerous to the body, to mental health and social status of human (Article 2); promoting the investment in hygiene, prevention and health promotion (Article 5); community hygiene to be in place (Article 11); to ensure the building access to hygiene principles (Article 14); the care of working conditions for workers (Article 18); to ensure the cleanness of goods exposed, be far away from dirty sources, cemetery and rearing animal places (Article 22). All facilities to be in place particularly wastewater management, solid waste management systems and anti-fire management system. 59. The Law on the Development and Protection of Women and Children (2004): guarantees and promotes the roles of women, to define fundamental measures for developing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of women, and to define the responsibilities of the State, society, and family toward women. It includes various aspects, such as gender equality; eliminating all forms of discrimination against women; and preventing and combating trafficking in women and children, and domestic VAWC. It encompasses domestic and public violence, including in educational institutions, workplaces, and alternative care settings. 60. Ethnic Groups: The guiding policy document to address ethnic group people’s issues in the Lao PDR is the Constitution of the Lao PDR, revised in 2015. Its article 8, states that “The States implements policy on solidarity and equity between ethnic groups. All ethnic groups have the right to protect and promote traditions and culture of their own and the nation. All actions of discrimination are prohibited”. The 1992 Party policy on ethnic groups focuses on realizing equality between ethnic groups and gradually improving the lives of different ethnic groups while promoting their ethnic identity and cultural heritage. Lao PDR is a culturally diverse country, comprising of 50 ethnic groups, under 4 ethno-linguistic facilities, namely: the Lao-Tai (62.4 percent), Mon-Khmer (23.7 percent), Hmong-Iu Mien (9.7 percent), and Chine-Tibetan (2.9 percent), which are officially divided into 50 ethnic groups. In 2012, the Lao Front for National Development (LFND) released a National Guideline on Ethnic Group Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 36 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Consultation in line with the 2012 National Guideline on Public Involvement. It aims to ensure that all ethnic groups which benefit from a development project or are adversely affected by it, regardless of the source of funding, are fully involved in a meaningful consultation process at all stages from preparation to implementation. The guideline also aims to ensure that the potentially affected ethnic groups are fully informed of project objectives, as well as their potential positive and adverse impacts on their livelihood and their environment and provided with opportunities to articulate their concerns. The guidelines provide principles and processes to carry out meaningful consultations with, and obtain free, prior, and informed consent of, all ethnic groups affected by development projects in a culturally sensitive manner. The guidelines consist of: a) objectives and scope of the guidelines, b) consultation processes with ethnic groups at respective stages of development projects, c) consultation approaches and methods for different ethnic groups in a culturally sensitive manner, d) expected outcomes of consultation at each stage, and e) implementation arrangement and responsibility. 61. Law on Natural Heritage (amended 2014): This law addresses several environmental protection issues. It states that socio-economic development shall proceed side by side with protection and conservation of the national heritage. It defines cultural, historical, and natural heritage, noting that natural heritage may have scenic or ecological value. The Law also sets out zoning and measures for protection of heritage sites. Areas of national natural heritage shall be registered, especially those containing heritage of high value, such as biodiversity areas, conservation forests, wetlands, caves, and so on. Although it states that sources of biodiversity which have national natural heritage, e.g., wetlands, ponds and marshes, shall be administered by inspection and registration, as proposed by the concerned sectors. It also sets out regulations for protection of national heritage, such as the need to obtain prior approval for development in any national natural heritage area from the Ministry of Information and Culture (MIC) and other concerned sectors. 62. The Lao Labour Law (2013): defines the principles, regulations, and measures on administration and monitoring of labour skills development, recruitment, and labour protection. Article 5 requires that working conditions are safe. Article 59 stipulates prohibits unauthorized forced labour in any form. Article 119 requires employers to maintain a safe workplace and ensure good work conditions for the health of the employees. The employer shall supply information, training, and protection for employees so that they may undertake their work safely; and supply individual safety gear to employees according to international standards. Article 122 requires that the employer must inspect and assess risks to safety and health of the workplace regularly and report the results to the Labour Inspection Agency. Article 125 specifies how to deal with workplace accident or occupational disease that causes major injury or death. This law is detailed by the Decree on Occupational Health and Safety (2019) that requires employers to provide annual health check-ups for its employees and re- enforces that work accidents and occupational diseases need to be recorded and reported to the Labour Management Authorities. An employer or the social security organization is responsible for covering the cost of treatment, allowances, and compensation to victims of work accidents or occupational diseases. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 37 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 63. National Policy and Plan on Gender: The activities indicated in the 9th National Socioeconomic Development Plan for 2021-2025 (NSEDP) are focused on the three transformative results aiming to; end maternal mortality, end unmet need for family planning, including among adolescent girls and end Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and harmful practices such as early marriage; ensure youth receive age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education through school curriculums nationwide and innovative adolescent youth friendly services; implement policies and Gender Equality Law; establish a referral pathway and make dignity kits available in humanitarian emergencies, increase investments for adolescents, especially young women through the “Noi Framework” of 2030. The 2030 Noi Framework provides a platform to address challenges Lao girls (10-19 years old) face in education, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, employment and gender equality, as well as their opportunities to participate in decisions that matter to them. 64. Law on Lao Women Union (No. 31/NA, 2013): the government of Lao PDR promotes the development, protection and advancement of women and support their participation, decision-making and equitable benefit-sharing in all development activities according to the Article 4. 65. GOL Policy and Procedure to combat COVID-19: Since March 2020, considering the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in neighboring countries such as China, Thailand, Vietnam, and others, the GOL took strict actions to prevent infection within Lao PDR. Three policy and guideline were issued on 13 March 2020 to control COVID-19 transmission and infection i.e. (a) guideline on prevention of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 at international airport, land border, and transportation stations; (b) guideline on prevention of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 at suspected to be infected area or temporary quarantine center; and (c) guideline on prevention of the transmission and infection of COVID-19 at public place (hotel, guesthouse, offices, schools, and others). On 29 March 2020, the Prime Minister issue an Order on Reinforcement Measures on Containment, prevention and full response to the COVID-19 pandemic (No. 06/PM, Vientiane Capital). This policy orders the restriction of people travelling and allows GOL officers to work from home during 1-19 April 2020. 66. Legislation on Gender-Based Violence (GBV): These include domestic violence, Sexual Harassment (SH)/Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), human trafficking. Several laws applied to gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual harassment/ exploitation and human trafficking. Table 4. List of key Lao PDR environmental legislations applicable to the project. Subjects Related national policies, strategies, laws, regulations Road • Law on Road Traffic, No. 021/NA, dated 08/11/2016; • Law on Public Road, No. 03/NA, dated 08/11/2016; • Law on Land Transport, No. 23/NA, dated, 12/12/2012; • Law on Multi-Transports, No. 28/NA, dated 18/12/2012; • Law on Construction, No. 05/NA, dated 26/11/2009 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 38 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Natural Environment • Constitution of the Lao PDR People’s Democratic Republic (1991), amended No. 63/NA, 08/12/2015; • Law on Environment Protection, No. 29/NA, dated 18/12/2012; • Law on Forestry, No. 08/NA, dated 13/06/2019; • Law on Disaster Management, No. 15/NA, dated 24/06/2019 Law on Water and Water Resources, No. 23/NA, dated 11/05/2017; • The Law on Aquatic and Wildlife Animals No. 07/NA (2007); • Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment, No. 289/GoL, dated 20/10/2022 • Decree on Protected Forest Management (No.134/Gov, dated 13 May 2015); • Decree on the Promulgation and Enforcement of National Environmental Standards, No. 81/PMO, dated 21 February 2017. Social • Law on the Development and Protection of Women, No.08/NA, dated 22/10/2004; • Law on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Children, Law No. 56/NA, 23/12/2014; • The revised Land Law (No.70 /NA), endorsed by the National Assembly on 21 June 2019; • Law on Gender Equality, No 32/NA, dated 28/11/2020 • Law on Hygiene, Prevention and Health Promotion (Amended 2011); • Law on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Children, Law No. 56/NA, 23/12/2014; • Decree on Occupational Health and Safety, No. 22/GoL, dated 05/02/2019; • Law on Anti-Human Trafficking, No. 022/NA, dated 17 December 2015; • Law on National Heritage, No. 44/NA, dated, 24/12/2013; • The Lao Labour Law (2013); • Law on the Protection of Children Rights and Benefits, No. 05/NA, dated 27/12/2006; • Second National Plan of Action on Preventing and Elimination of Violence against Women and Violence against Children (2021-2025) and the Fourth National Plan of Action on Gender Equity (2021-2025). 2.2.1 Institutional Responsibilities and Legislation 67. From an institutional aspect, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) is the lead ministry responsible for implementation of the Environmental Protection Law and its regulations and/or guidelines. These local roads no. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 for Luang Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 39 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Prabang City, Chomphet District and XiengNgeun District, Luang Prabang Province, are under Local Road Climate Change Resilient Improvement and Maintenance Project. The project covers the improvement and rehabilitation of existing domestic roads. Therefore, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment (PoNRE) is responsible for review, issuance of ECC, and monitoring of project that requires an IEE as stated in the EIA decree issued in the updated 2022 (Decree 289/GoL). 2.2.2 Applicable World Bank Environment and Social Standards (ESS) 68. At this stage of project preparation, the key WB Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) that are deemed likely relevant to the project (and that may require specific instruments to be prepared) are: - ESS1 – Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts; - ESS2 – Labour and Working Conditions; - ESS3 – Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management; - ESS4 – Community Health and Safety; - ESS5 – Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement - ESS6 – Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources; - ESS7 – Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities; - ESS8 – Cultural Heritage; and - ESS10 – Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure. 69. The following ESS is not relevant to the project: - ESS9 – Financial Intermediaries. 70. The relevance of the ESS1 to ESS9 to the project is summarized in the following table: Table 5. Relevant ESSs to the local road project implementation ESS Relevance to the Project ESS1 • It is the instrument to assess, manage and monitoring environmental and social risks and impacts associated with each stage of this local road project as this project will have negative environmental and social impacts on the communities along the road alignment and thus mitigation measures and tools need to be developed in line with the requirements this ESS1. ESS2 • ESS2 is the instrument to ensure construction workers’ rights to protection and fair treatment and access to safe working environment and grievance mechanisms. ESS3 • ESS3 is the instrument to help avoiding or minimizing pollution associated with civil works activities for protection of human health and the environment as well as to ensure more efficient and effective resource use, pollution prevention and GHG emission avoidance. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 40 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province ESS Relevance to the Project ESS4 • ESS4 recognizes that project activities, equipment, and infrastructure can increase community exposure to risks and impacts. It is also an instrument to prevent risks of violence, exploitation or harassment to women and children in the workforce, violence to community women or children as well as inappropriate cultural behavior or interaction of construction workers, engineers with local people due to labour influx. In addition, it also provides mitigation measures to avoid accidents and injuries involving workers and the public; introduction of sexually transmitted or other diseases by non-local workers; outbreaks of diseases such as Covid-19, malaria, diarrhoea, etc. in the labour force. ESS5 • ESS5 recognizes that project-related land acquisition and restrictions on land use can have adverse impacts on communities and persons. Project-related land acquisition1 or restrictions on land use may cause physical displacement (relocation, loss of residential land or loss of shelter), economic displacement (loss of land, assets or access to assets, leading to loss of income sources or other means of livelihood), or both. Based on the ESS5 the ARAP has been developed for this project. ESS6 • ESS6 recognizes that protecting and conserving biodiversity and sustainably managing living natural resources are fundamental to sustainable development. Biodiversity is defined as the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems. ESS6 is the instrument to help mitigating the impacts of the local road project on biodiversity because improper disposal of spoils may cause damage to existing vegetation. Hunting of wildlife and cutting of trees for fuel may be undertaken by construction workers. ESS7 • ESS7 recognizes that Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities have identities and aspirations that are distinct from mainstream groups in national societies and often are disadvantaged by traditional models of development. In many instances, they are among the most economically marginalized and vulnerable segments of the population. Their economic, social, and legal status frequently limits their capacity to defend their rights to, and interests in, land, territories and natural and cultural resources, and may restrict their ability to participate in and benefit from development projects. Impacts on the secondary structures such as kitchen, fence, tea processing workshops, rice barns, tea drying workshop and toilet of ethnic people are expected. There is also a risk they could be excluded from project benefits, including job opportunities. ESS8 • ESS8 recognizes that cultural heritage provides continuity in tangible and intangible forms between the past, present, and future. People identify with cultural heritage as a reflection and expression of their constantly evolving values, beliefs, knowledge, and traditions. Cultural heritage, in its many manifestations, is important as a source of valuable scientific and historical information, as an economic and social asset for development, and as an integral part of people’s cultural identity and practice. ESS8 sets out measures designed to protect cultural heritage throughout the project life cycle. If road sections are close to temples, grave sites or other tangible or intangible cultural spaces, these could be impacted by construction. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 41 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province ESS Relevance to the Project ESS10 • ESS10 recognizes the importance of open and transparent engagement between the MPWT that represent Lao Government as borrower and project stakeholders as an essential element of good international practice. Effective stakeholder engagement can improve the environmental and social sustainability of projects, enhance project acceptance, and make a significant contribution to successful project design and implementation. If stakeholders are not properly consulted, information is not disclosed and people are not informed about their rights, options for grievance redress or project timelines, there could be project delays, misunderstandings, conflict, or loss of confidence in the community regarding the project. Vulnerable groups can be missed and excluded from the consultation process and may disproportionately suffer negative impacts from the project. They may also be targets for physical or verbal abuse from outsiders. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 42 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 2.2.3 Gaps Analyses of Lao Legal and Relevant WB’s ESS 71. The following table summarizes the main gaps between Lao legal frameworks and relevant WB’s ESS to the local roads. Table 6. Summary of Main Gaps of Lao Legal and Relevant WB’s ESS Main Gaps Lao Legals WB’s ESS Measures to Address Differences ESS2: Labour The employee rights and Terms and Conditions of The national Labour Law is highly consistent with and Working working conditions are Employment ESS2. However, to address some of the gaps in the Conditions specified in the Labour ESS2 includes: Protection Law (2013) which - Non-Discrimination and Equal - Prevent Child Labour and Forced Labour In Lao PDR, the Trade Union has provisions that are Opportunity; (PPCLFL). is managed under the consistent with the Bank’s - Rights to Organize. - Project Workers’ Grievance Mechanism; government system which ESS2. - Prevention / restriction of child - In addition, the LMP sets out requirements for are not a collective Labour; additional measures to comply with ESS2, association of workers. In addition, the Prime - Prevention of forced Labour; which will include: Minster’s Notification - Grievance Mechanism for • Direct Project Workers’ Occupational The WB’s ESS2 outlines that on the Minimum Wage of Labourers; Health and Safety Strategy; the project will not restrict Labour in Lao PDR (2018) - Identification of potential • Terms and Conditions of Employment project workers from also sets out a minimum hazards; for Direct Project Workers. developing alternative wage of LAK 1.1 - Provision of preventive and • Environmental, Social, Health and Safety mechanisms to express their million/month. protective measures; Specification (ESHSS) for contracts. grievances and protect their - Training of workers and • Community Labour Management legitimate rights regarding The Law on maintenance of training records; Procedure; working conditions and Grievance Redress - Documentation and reporting of • Provisions in location and site -specific terms of employment. (2016) also outlines conflict occupational accidents, disease, ESMP. resolution procedures. and incidents; The Borrower should not - Emergency Preparedness; and seek to influence, or control Remedies for adverse impacts on discriminate to retaliate workers safety. against project workers who participate, or seek to participate, in workers’ organization and collective bargaining or alternative mechanisms. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 43 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Main Gaps Lao Legals WB’s ESS Measures to Address Differences • There is no specific national guidelines for labour conflict resolution. ESS3: Resource Efficiency Key legislation regarding Resource Efficiency and Pollution ESS3 will be implemented to apply a precautionary and Pollution Prevention resource efficiency and Prevention requires project to: approach that complements the national regulation and Management. pollution prevention includes: that ensures the rational and sustainable resource • Promote more sustainable use of uses, manage, and prevent the pollution. There is a lack of national • The Decree on Lao PDR resources including energy and policy for National Environmental water and the reduction of project enhancing the resource Standards (2017); related GHG emissions; and efficiency • Ministerial Instructions on • Avoid or minimise pollution from of infrastructure particularly Hazardous Waste project activities. the use Management (2015); and of construction materials e.g. • the Law on Environmental sand, Protection (2012); gravel • Decision on Pollution Control (2021), • Decree on Energy Saving and Efficiency (2020), • National Policy on Energy Efficiency (2016), • Law on Water and Water Resources (2017). ESS4: Community Health Key legislation for community The Bank’s Standard requires for The Community Health and Safety Plan provides and Safety. health, safety, and security in Community Health, Safety and guidelines on how to address the identification and Lao PDR include the Security and requires projects to: mitigation measures associated with these issues. Currently, there is no Decree on Occupational Health - Avoid or minimise adverse national law, regulation or and Safety (2019); impacts on the health and • Specific guidelines have been provided in terms guideline specific to safety of project affected of Labour Management Procedures in Annex 7 of community health and safety. Law on Road Traffic communities; and the ESMF and Code of Conduct (COC) in the (2012), Lao PDR National - Ensure safeguarding project appendixes 2 and 3 of this ESMP. UXO / Mine Action Standards property and personnel is • SEA/SH Action Plan in the appendix 7 of this (2012); and discharge carried out in accordance with ESMP. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 44 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Main Gaps Lao Legals WB’s ESS Measures to Address Differences /Hazardous waste legislation relevant human rights principles and in a manner that avoids or minimises risks to project affected communities. ESS6: Biodiversity EIA process provides for The E&S assessment will consider The construction works include activities that may Conservation and Sustainable analysis of all potential direct, indirect, and cumulative cause “significant conversion or degradation of Management of Living alternatives. There is no project-related impacts on habitats natural habitat or where the conservation and/or Natural Resources. explicit rule providing for use and the biodiversity they support. environmental gains do not clearly outweigh any of land already converted and potential losses” in the negative list. Lack of clear reference to to avoid land located within The Borrower will avoid adverse siting project on lands protected area, water impacts on biodiversity and habitats. Each of project activity will be confined almost already converted. In the catchment and area containing exclusively to the existing alignment and Right of hypothesis that no feasible high forest. Where the project occurs within or Way and will not include construction of new road. alternative exists as has the potential to adversely affect Measures and process to avoid and/or mitigate demonstrated by an ESIA, an area that is legally protected, impacts on natural habitats has been included in this there is no legal obligation to designated for protection, the ESMP. provide for compensation for Borrower will ensure that any conversion of non-critical activities undertaken are consistent habitats. There is no mention with the area’s legal protection status of “critical natural habitats” and management objectives. or prohibition on investing in projects that would degrade or convert them. ESS8: Cultural Heritage Key applicable national Aims to protect cultural heritage legislation includes: through consultation procedures, The roads pass by 2 temples and 4 cemeteries but no No significant gap. • The Law on National community access and removal of impacts on the structures have been identified. Reference to “chance finds” Heritage (2013), replicable cultural heritage. Provides However, if complaints raised on disturbances is formally lacking in • Agreement of the National specific requirements for chance Cultural Heritage Framework to be applied in case applicable laws and Assembly on Ethnicity finds, consultation, community there is a risk of impacts on heritage, whether regulations. (2008) and access, removal of replicable and tangible or intangible. • the Decree of the President non-replicable cultural heritage, as of Lao PDR on the well as critical cultural heritage. Preservation of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage (1997). Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 45 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Main Gaps Lao Legals WB’s ESS Measures to Address Differences • Mandatory reporting to authorities (Ministry of Culture and Information and MPWT). • The project owner and contractor must interrupt all construction activities and measures must be adopted to preserve the vestiges uncovered by chance until the classification of those assets or until conclusion of the archaeological research shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Culture and Information. • The area of archaeological patrimony accidentally revealed must be delimited, as suitable and protected under the responsibility of the project owner and contractor. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 46 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 3. POTENTIAL E&S RISKS AND IMPACTS and MITIGATION MEASURES 72. The ESMF of SEARECC Project has identified risks and impacts broken down into positive, direct, indirect, downstream, cumulative, and transboundary impacts. The ESMF investigations have identified that the Project has the potential to result in a variety of benefits for local communities and the national economy, however, there will be environmental and social impacts and risks that will need to be effectively managed to ensure that the Project is delivered and operated successfully. This ESMP further assess potential risks and impacts of the local roads no. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 in Luang Prabang Province. 3.1 Overall Impacts 73. The overall impacts of the proposed local roads no. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 of Luang Prabang province, will be outlined in different stages of project cycles. The project will be positive in improving road accessibility, road safety, landslide/ erosion resilience, and well- being of the local people. Main improvements of critical sections aim to improve the road’s climate resilience that include elevating road conditions, paving with gravel. The road section passing through large communities, drainage will be installed and improved slope stabilization. This project will be implemented under OPBRC contract covering both construction works and the environmental and social responsibility. 74. This impact assessment and mitigating measures cover the entire cycle of the Project activities, from design, pre-construction, construction and operation and maintenance. The coverage of the project phases is defined as follows: - Preparation phase including time for preparation of Project activities and investment including preparation and completion of the ESMP, EGEP, RAP/ARAP, detailed engineering design (DD) and preparation of bidding documents (BD) and contract document (CD) including all WB clearances. - Pre-Construction Phase is the time before the ‘Notice to Proceed’ is given to the contractor to commence the construction covering the beginning time for bidding and implementation of ARAP/RAP and EGDP including the time when detailed measurement survey (DMS) and determination of compensation is completed as well as the mobilization of construction supervision consultant. - Construction Phase is the period from the completion of the Pre-construction activities time until the issuing of the ‘Certificate of Completion’. Payment of compensation for project affected people as per ARAP/RAP and GOL issuance of the ECCs and other necessary approval must be completed before construction can begin. - Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Phase is the time from completion of works (including site clearance) and maintenance activities during the OPBRC period. It Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 47 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province is expected that after the OPBRC, the O&M responsibility will be under the responsibility of the DPWT of Luang Prabang Province. § Main expected environmental risks and impacts anticipated for these local roads no. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 are: Sediment and erosion; § Water quality; § Dust, noise, and vibration; § Disposal of hazardous materials and wastes; § Domestic solid wastes; § Potential impacts on flora and fauna; § UXO risks; § Climate change. 75. Main social risks and impacts anticipated for these local roads 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 are: § Demolishment of the impacted secondary structures and possible loss of access to properties; § The main risks relating to labour and working conditions in the project are: i) unequal payment for the same job for female and male workers; ii) discrimination of women and/or vulnerable groups; iii) payment for unskilled workers below the minimum wage9 of KIP 1,300,000 as per GOL mandated minimum wage ; iv) inadequate working facilities for workers, in particular lack of sanitation facilities for women; v) risks of child labor; (vi) labour related disputes, (iv) SEA/SH and VAC, and (vii) occupational health and safety or OHS related issues such as inadequate personal protective equipment (PPE). § Road safety and increase of traffic during project operation but also related risks during construction; § Temporary labour influx of workers, which might increase the risk of substance abuse; § Increased risk of SEA/SH from workers (including in training/TA activities) and their proximity to vulnerable groups, as well as opening up of the corridor; § Increased risk of human trafficking from improved connectivity; § Impacts to ethnic groups such as Khmu and Hmong in the project area; § Impacts to 6 templesalong the roads; § Risks of communicable diseases such as COVID-19, dengue fever etc. 76. Labor influx can be considered as impact for many big projects due to rapid migration to and settlement of workers and followers in the project area. However, these local road projects, are not big road projects. There are only about 57 km distance in combination of 3 local roads as local road no. 2571 is about 16 km, 2652 is about 22 km and the road local no.2931-3170 is about 19 km. In this 2 years construction project, it is expected to employ 9 The minimum wage in Lao PDR is a single rate applicable to all employees, and does not differ based on region, skill level, or employer characteristics. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 48 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province only about 35 skilled workers as outside laborers for civil works contracts for the road constructions. Unskilled labours are also required for less than 50 people to serve general works and manual works at the project site. The unskilled labours shall be available in local community along the project of each local road. For the reason, large numbers of labour influx into the project area can be limited. In brief, there will be no significant labour influx for construction/civil works of local roads in Luang Prabang Province. The risks, impacts and mitigations of manage of labour and worker camp are presented in the Table 7 below. 77. The generic as well as site specific risks and mitigation measures for each of the local road no. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 as well as for responsibilities in the implementation and monitoring are summarised in the following tables. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 49 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Table 7. Generic Environmental and Social Management Plan Local Road No. 2571 at Km 0 to Km 20+920 of Luang Prabang City, Local Road No. 2652 at Km 0+000 to Km 27+870 of Chomphet District and Local Road No. 2931-3170 at Km 0 to Km 19+700 of Xieng Neun District Location Sensitive Potential Mitigation Measures Responsibility Area or Impacts/Concer Implementation Monitoring Activity ns DETAILED DESIGN/PRE-CONSTRUCTION MOBILZATION STAGE 5 villages, All along the Non-compliant Contractor is required to be oriented with the requirements of Environmental PMU, PTI, Luang Prabang project road with ESMP ESMP and ESS requirements of WB. This will include: and Social DPWT/ESM City, section provisions Specialist of WG10 • Obligation under contract to prepare and submit C-ESMP • Regulatory compliance requirements Supervision 9 villages, Consultant. Chomphet • Grievance redress mechanism District, and • Various plans required under C-ESMP related to occupational health and safety, traffic and road safety, 3 villages, Traffic Management Plan, community health and safety, XiengNgeun hazardous and non-hazardous waste, camp site District management, emergency response, blasting, borrow area, muck disposal, restoration, SEA/SH risk management (CoC signing) and management of construction induced impact, etc. • Labor management procedures • Community health and safety aspects at workplace • Stakeholder engagement plan, and • Reporting requirements, etc. Contractor shall develop C-ESMP and appoint one environmental and social/community liaison officer and one health and safety officer. Both shall solely be responsible for implementation of all 10 MPWT= Ministry of Public Works and Transport PTI: Public Works and Transport Institute DPWTs: Department of Public Works and Transport in the Project Provinces ESMWG= Environment and Social Monitoring Working Groups the Project Provinces Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 50 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province ESMP provisions in close coordination and consultation with the Environmental and Social Specialist as well as Environmental Health and Safety Specialist of Supervision Consultant 5 villages, All along the Secondary The local roads No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 follow the existing ARAP PTI Luang Prabang project road structures alignment, Therefore, only secondary structures along the roads Implementation DPWT City, section with impacted will be demolished. Given the Fence-to-Fence approach, no Consultant special relocation of permanent houses, no residential land, farmland and ESMWG ESMWG 9 villages, attention to or agricultural land will be affected by this local road project. Only Chomphet areas close 5 affected households will have minor impacts on the structures. District, and to sensitive The affected structures are 6 secondary structures (4 porches, 1 receptors, erosion protection wall and 1 hut). 3 villages, especially XiengNgeun dense Compensation of impacted structures will be carried out in District communities accordance with resettlement policy framework applicable to SEARECC and as per ARAP. Compensation of impacts must be completed prior to the commencement of impacts caused. 5 villages, All along the Road safety Road design should make safety a priority, such as by widening Project Manager Health and Luang Prabang project road and sealing shoulders, where land is available, through better of the Contractor Road Safety City, section with marking and signage, introducing traffic calming measures at Consultant, special critical locations, and measures to safeguard pedestrians’ safety, and 9 villages, attention to including for women and children from local communities who Resident Chomphet areas close use roads to travel to and from schools, markets, temples, health Engineer of District, and to sensitive center and cemeteries. DDIS11 receptors, 3 villages, especially The contractors shall prepare the contractor level Traffic XiengNgeun dense Management plan as part of the C-ESMP to prevent accidents District communities during the construction and maintenance stage of the project roads. , schools, temples, and health centers. 11 DDIS: Detailed Design Implementation and Supervision Consultant Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 51 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 5 villages, All 17 Lack of To hold a works orientation meeting at least 2 weeks prior Environmental DPWT of Luang Prabang villages communication commencement of civil works with people in 17 villages, village and Social Luang City, along the with local people authorities and members of ESMWG will also be invited to the Specialist of Prabang project road meeting. Supervision Province 9 villages, Consultant Chomphet section Environmental District, and and Social/ Community 3 villages, Liaison Officer XiengNgeun of Contractor District 5 villages, All 17 Lack of Establish grievance redress mechanism (GRM) Environment and DPWT of Luang Prabang villages mechanism to • Create public awareness of GRM. Social Specialist Luang City, along the address social • Ensure that name and contact number of representatives of of DDIS Prabang and MPWT and Contractor are place on the notice board ESMWG Province project road 9 villages, environmental outside the construction site and at village offices, PTI Chomphet section issues markets, or temples, may have in the form of poster; District, and special channel for SEA/SH related complaints should be included. 3 villages, • Ensure Contractor’s compliance to ESMP and Annexes is XiengNgeun in the contract agreement. District • Ensure this ESMP, ARAP and the EGDP, including Grievance Redress Mechanism, is shared, and consulted with local communities. 5 villages, All along the Climate change During Detailed Engineering Design, climate resilient measures Project Manager Resident Luang Prabang project road and flood must be taken into consideration to ensure roads can withstand of the Contractor Engineer of City, section with prevention potential climate change impacts, in particular flooding. DDIS special Consultant 9 villages, Chomphet attention to District, and areas vulnerable to flooding as Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 52 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 3 villages, found during XiengNgeun Detailed District Engineering Design 5 villages, All section Additional To carry out the joint field verification to ascertain any Environmental PIU Luang Prabang where the impacts to possibilities of savings the structures, design modification to and Social Grievance City, route passes structures may minimize impact on structures. Specialist of Committee occur in the DDIS Consultant by The local road No. 2571 has average in distance of 16 Km that 9 villages, sensitive areas residential passes through 5 villages in highland area where there are 5 Environmental Chomphet areas, local villages with density of structures in some sections. The condition and District, and market, of the road is relatively narrow where each village is located Social/Communi around 1-2 km of distance from each other on mountain valley and ty Liaison 3 villages, schools, hills. This local road passes by 3 primary schools, 1 secondary Officer of XiengNgeun bridges, school, and 3 temples. Contractor District temple, and The local road No. 2652 connects 9 villages along the distance of health 22 Km, the distance between each village is about 1-2 Km on the center. mountainous areas. Community assets along this local road include 1 nursery school, 4 primary schools, 1 local market, 1 health center, 3 bridges and 2 temples. The local road No. 2931-3170 has 19 km road length, passes through 3 villages with some existing structures such as 2 primary schools, 1 bridge and 1 temple. Verify the possibilities of construction induced impacts to nearby structures due to the mobility of heavy machinery and construction activities. 5 villages, All along the Emergency Preparation of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP). Including, but Environmental Environment Luang Prabang project road preparedness not limited to measures to handle traffic accidents, handle and Social/ Specialist and City, section (Fires, construction induced impacts, etc. Community Resident explosions, Liaison Officer, Engineer of 9 villages, traffic accident, Environmental DDIS Chomphet communicable Health and Consultant District, and Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 53 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province diseases Safety Officer, 3 villages, (HIV/AIDS, and Project XiengNgeun COVID-19, Manager of the District dengue fever Contractor etc., earthquakes, etc) 5 villages, All along the Impacts of UXO To consult with the relevant regulatory authorities to confirm that Environmental Residence Luang Prabang project road the construction area is clear of any UXO. If this cannot be and Social/ Engineer City, section confirmed the Contractor (through an approved sub-contractor) Community DDIS will be responsible for surveying the construction areas (including Liaison Officer Consultant 9 villages, ancillary facilities, such as borrow pits and access roads) and of Contractor and PMU Chomphet confirming that the work sites are free of UXO. The Contractor and Project District, and will provide, in writing, the findings of the survey to the Engineer. Manager of the If any UXO is found on site the Contractor, through his approved Contractor 3 villages, sub-contractor, will be responsible for removing any UXO. XiengNgeun District CONSTRUCTION STAGE 5 villages, Worker’s Labor influx, There are only about 35 skilled workers outside laborers for civil Environmental Environment Luang Prabang camp (if OHS in labour works contracts for the road constructions of 57 km distance in and Specialist and City, applicable) camps combination of 3 local road local road no. 2571, 2652, and 2931- Social/Communi Resident 3170. It is expected that there are less than 50 unskilled labours are ty Liaison Engineer of 9 villages, also required to serve general works and manual works at the Officer of DDIS Chomphet project site. These unskilled labours shall be available in the local Contractor and Consultant District, and community along the project of each local road in order to limit Project Manager numbers of labour influx into the project area. It can also create of the Contractor 3 villages, employment opportunities for female and ethnic people. XiengNgeun The Contractor preferably will use unskilled labour drawn from District local communities to give the maximum benefit to the local community. Contractor to be guided by LMP (Annexes 7 of the ESMF). Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 54 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province The worker registration template will be applied in order to record all necessary information’s. The information will be useful for work management. All workers will be provided an orientation session for do/don’t before start working in the construction site. As part of the worker orientation program, Contractors’ staff shall sign a Code of Conduct relating to his personal behaviour on site. See Appendix 8. Make sure, all workers understand and accept all terms and obligations in Code of Conducts, prior to sign and/or thump stamp. Violations of the code of conduct may lead to dismissals. If setting up a worker’s camp, provide adequate housing for all workers at the construction camps and establish clean canteen/ eating and cooking areas. Latrines for male and female, shall be installed and open defecation shall be prohibited. Lavatories should be kept clean. Toilet facilities for women should be accessible from place of work. Compliance with Labor Management Procedures (LMP) in Annex 7 of the ESMF and Codes of Conduct in Appendix 8 of this ESMP. 5 villages, Worker’s Various • The Contractor must carry out appropriate measures for waste Environmental Environment Luang Prabang camp (if construction collection and treatment. The domestic wastes will be and Specialist and City, applicable) activities and collected in plastic or wooden bins with lids placed in Social/Communi Resident operation of convenient places and in worker canteens. ty Liaison Engineer of 9 villages, workers camps • Generation of these wastes (food wastes and garbage including Officer of DDIS Chomphet will generate plastic) will be minimized and/or reused when possible. Contractor and Consultant District, and solid wastes. • Periodically, at appropriate time, transport those bins to the Project Manager disposal sites (the sites should be approved by local of the Contractor authorities). Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 55 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 3 villages, Poor waste • The Contractor must sign a contract with the Urban XiengNgeun management Environmental and Construction Company to collect and treat District could cause odor these wastes during construction. and vermin • In case the wastes cannot be transported to the dumping site problems, (for example, due to lack of appropriate transport route), pollution and wastes must be buried at temporary dumps in the project area flow obstruction in a sanitary way – a waste layer covered by a layer of soil, of nearby and when the dump is filled, it is covered by a soil layer about watercourses and 50 cm thick. could negatively • Temporary dump sites must be located at least 500 m away impact the from residential areas, 200 m away from work camps and landscape surface water sources, and not in the prevalent wind direction of the area. • Upon completion of works, cover the entire temporary dumps with soil, ensure land, and landscape restoration for the subproject area. Wastewater effluents from contractors’ workshops and equipment washing yards will be passed through gravel/sand beds and all oil/grease contaminants will be removed before wastewater is discharged. Oil and grease residues shall be stored in tightly covered drums. Such wastes shall be disposed consistent with national and local regulations. 5 villages, All 17 Labor rights, LMP (Annex7 of the ESMF) should be adhered by all contractors/ Environmental Environment Luang Prabang villages gender, child sub-contractors which includes protection of all workers engaged and Specialist and City, along the labor, to work on and or supply the project related activities in Social/Communi Resident project road discrimination, compliance with the Labor Law and WB ESS2, including ty Liaison Engineer of 9 villages, section vulnerable prohibition on child labor, zero tolerance of GVB and VAC, Officer of DDIS Chomphet groups awareness, and protection of all workers from HIV/AIDS and Contractor and Consultant District, and OHS. Project Manager of the Contractor 3 villages, Ensure salaries and/or daily rates are in line with guidelines in XiengNgeun Labor Law and that at least the minimum wage in Lao PDR is paid District for unskilled jobs, and that workers are paid consistent rates (i.e. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 56 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province the same type of work should be paid the same, whether done by a male or female worker). Encourage the hiring of local labor, in particular for unskilled jobs in construction, as well as for providing services to the worker’s camps if applicable (i.e. food preparation or cleaning services). Encourage the hiring of women and make at least 15- 20% of unskilled jobs available to them. When feasible, encourage people living with a disability or other vulnerable people to apply to jobs that may be available. Adopt a minimum working age of 18 and check identities/birth records when hiring. Conduct screening of providers of materials for road construction (and other primary supply workers) to ensure they do not engage in child or indentured labor. All persons hired by the contractor must be paid a fair and adequate salary as per provisions in ESS2 (see LMP Annex 7 of the ESMF). Ensure access to grievance redress mechanism 5 villages, All along the Gender-Based Strict Code of Conduct for workers with no tolerance for physical Environmental Environment Luang Prabang project road Violence (GBV) or verbal abuse of women or children. and Specialist and City, section with and Violence Social/Communi Resident special against Children Training to workers on maintaining good community relations, ty Liaison Engineer of 9 villages, attention (VAC) with emphasis on proper conduct around women and children, Officer of DDIS Chomphet around GBV and VAC. Contractor and Consultant District, and schools and Project Manager residential Ensuring workers sites are situated (at least 500m) from schools of the Contractor areas and/or other areas where children congregate. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 57 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 3 villages, Children prohibited from construction site and worker’s camp. XiengNgeun District Provision of information to local communities about the contractor’s policies and responsibilities, including the Contractor’s Code of Conduct and minimum working age. 5 villages, All along the Road safety in i. Road engineering design should make safety a priority, such as Project Manager Health and Luang Prabang project road narrow, confined, by widening and sealing shoulders, where land is available, of the Contractor Road Safety City, section with and sensitive through better marking and signage, introducing traffic Consultant, special locations in the calming measures at critical locations, and measures to and 9 villages, attention to villages safeguard pedestrians’ safety, including for women and Resident Chomphet areas close children from local communities who use roads to travel to and Engineer of District, and to sensitive from schools, markets, temples, health center and cemeteries. DDIS12 receptors, ii. Working hour in schools, markets, temples, health center and 3 villages, especially cemeteries will be informed and consulted with village XiengNgeun dense authority, village elders, principles and in charge person. This District communities is to avoid potential impacts as noise, vibration, and accidents. , schools, temples, iii. Road barrier and demarcation shall be installed along the markets, constructing areas. The barrier and demarcation should be light health reflection including ropes and sign to be installed along the centers and constructing areas to minimize potential accident during the cemeteries night-time. 5 villages, All along the Accessibility If side drain is constructed, provide temporary/safe access to Environmental Environmental Luang Prabang project road residential houses, shops, schools, temples, etc. and ensure safety and and social City, section with to school kids, shops, temples, cemeteries etc. at the entrance of Social/Communi Specialist and special the facilities as follows: ty Liaison Resident 9 villages, attention The local road No. 2571 has average in distance of 16 Km that Officer of Engineer of Chomphet around passes through 5 villages in highland area where there are 5 Contractor and DDIS District, and schools, villages with density of structures in some sections. The condition Project Manager Consultant temple, local of the road is relatively narrow where each village is located of the Contractor 3 villages, market and around 1-2 km of distance from each other on mountain valley and XiengNgeun residential District areas 12 DDIS: Detailed Design Implementation and Supervision Consultant Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 58 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province hills. This local road passes by 3 primary schools, 1 secondary school, and 3 temples. The local road No. 2652 connects 9 villages along the distance of 22 Km, the distance between each village is about 1-2 Km on the mountainous areas. Community assets along this local road include 1 nursery school, 4 primary schools, 1 local market, 1 health center, 3 bridges and 2 temples. The local road No. 2931-3170 has 19 km road length, passes through 3 villages with some existing structures as 2 primary schools, 1 bridge and 1 temple. 5 villages, All along the Access to (i) Contract term for Contractor to ensure alternative access to Project Manager Health and Luang Prabang project road businesses, houses as soon as possible after the start of the excavation of the Contractor Road Safety City, section with households, work during the civil works. Consultant, special communities, and 9 villages, attention to schools, temples, (ii) The Contractor shall be responsible for compensation for the Resident Chomphet areas close markets and impacts on PAHs’ livelihood and businesses due to his failure Engineer of District, and to sensitive health centers to maintain/provide access facilities and the prolonged access DDIS13 receptors, lost (beyond the agreed work schedule). A clause on these 3 villages, especially measures will be specified in the bidding document including XiengNgeun dense the BOQ form and the work contract. Details of District communities compensation policy and implementation are available in , schools, ARAP. The Contractor shall state this compensation policy temples, when prepare C-ESMP prior to construction begin. markets and health (iii) Contract term for the Contractor to ensure alternative access centers to the communities, households, schools, temples, markets, health centers and cemeteries as soon as possible after the start of the excavation work during the civil works. 5 villages, All along the Occupational Appoint an Environmental Health and Safety Officer (EHSO) Environmental Environmental Luang Prabang project road Health & Safety responsible for training, monitoring, and reporting on EHS and Health and Health and City, section implementing health and safety related programs. Safety Officer of Safety 13 DDIS: Detailed Design Implementation and Supervision Consultant Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 59 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 9 villages, Conduct orientation for construction workers regarding emergency Contractor and Specialist and Chomphet response procedures and equipment in case of accidents; health Project Manager Resident District, and and safety measures; prevention of HIV/AIDS; GBV, VAC as of the Contractor Engineer of well as Code of Conduct. DDIS 3 villages, Consultant XiengNgeun Provide fire extinguish equipment and appropriate emergency District response equipment. Provide first aid kits at each camp and working sites as applicable. Provide workers with appropriate safety equipment/devices and strictly require them to use these as necessary. Provide training to workers on traffic safety. Ensure work areas have proper signs to alert traffic and that flagmen and speed limits are used, as necessary, to ensure the safety of workers. Light reflection and barrier shall be installed to minimize potential accident during the night-time. 5 villages, All along the Damage to Immediately repair (not more than 10 days) any damage caused by Project Manager Resident Luang Prabang project road private and/or the Project to community and/or private facilities and/or trees. The of the Contractor Engineer of City, section community contractor to pay adequate compensation to affected parties, as DDIS facilities and/or necessary. Consultant 9 villages, trees Chomphet Access roads damaged during transport of construction materials District, and and other project related activities shall be reinstated within 1 week upon completion of construction works. 3 villages, XiengNgeun District 5 villages, All along the Temporary Land The Contractor as per the project ARAP, RPF and Laos Environmental Environment Luang Prabang project road Requirement legislation, will carry out negotiations with the landowners for and Specialist and City, section obtaining their consent for temporary use of lands for construction Social/Communi Resident Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 60 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 9 villages, camp/ borrow areas/Debris Disposal Area etc. The contractor shall ty Liaison Engineer of Chomphet identify temporary land for construction camp/ borrow Officer and DDIS District, and areas/Debris Disposal Area away from Forest Land. PIU will Project Manager Consultant assist contractor in obtaining permission/clearance for any damage of the Contractor 3 villages, to forest land XiengNgeun District 5 villages, All along the Impact to flora No chemicals will be used to clear vegetation. Environmental Environment Luang Prabang project road and fauna due to and Specialist and City, section vegetation Social/Communi Resident clearance ty Liaison Engineer of 9 villages, Officer and DDIS Chomphet Project Manager Consultant District, and of the Contractor 3 villages, XiengNgeun District 5 villages, All along the Sites may be • Tree cannot be cut without approval from PAFO. The Environmental Environmental Luang Prabang project road needed to extract Contractor will use a quarry of materials according to the Health and Health and City, section gravel and other regulations and compensate by planting of trees in case of Safety Officer of Safety construction deforestation or tree felling. Contractor and Specialist and 9 villages, materials, which • Sourcing of quarry and borrow materials from existing Project Manager Resident Chomphet may cause licensed sites shall be preferred over establishment of new of the Contractor Engineer of District, and erosion, pollution sites as much as possible. DDIS and issues with • Quarries and borrow pits shall not be established in national, Consultant 3 villages, air and water provincial, district protected forests, productive land, and XiengNgeun quality. Loss of others ecologically sensitive and protected areas. District natural habitats • • In case the Project will involve new quarry/borrow sites/spoil Land acquisition disposal sites, environmental assessment and approvals will be needed. Such sites shall be located over 500 m away from residential, school, hospital, and other sensitive receptors. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 61 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province • Prior to extraction, topsoil (about 15 cm) shall be stockpiled, preserved and then and keep away from riverbanks. Extraction of materials shall have prior approval from relevant authorities. • Protect and reinstate riverbanks if unexpected erosion occurs. • Quarry and borrow sites must be selected amongst those offering the highest ratio between extractive capacity (both in terms of quality and quantity) and loss of natural state. • Quarry and borrow sites lying close to the alignment, with a high level of accessibility and with a low hill gradient, are preferred. • Upon completion of extraction activities, recontour borrow/quarry pit wall or fill-up when there are available and suitable materials such as excavation spoils, replace topsoil, and re-vegetate with native species such as grasses and fast- growing shrubs and trees. • Upon completion of extraction activities, borrow pits shall be dewatered and fences shall be installed, as appropriate, to minimize health and safety risks. • In quarries located in mountainous or hilly areas, or wherever slopes are important, terraces shall be cut after extraction, and drainage system and vegetation cover shall be provided for rehabilitation to enhance slope stability. • Implement compensatory planting (at least one to one ratio) if trees will have to be removed at quarry and borrow sites. • Borrow pits will be left in a tidy state with stable side slopes and proper drainage in order to minimize soil erosion, siltation of nearby bodies of water and to avoid creation of water bodies favorable for mosquito breeding. • To avoid or prevent people from drowning when pits become water-filled, measures such as fencing, providing flotation devices such as a buoy tied to a rope, safety signs, etc. shall be implemented. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 62 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province • It is possible that villagers may request borrow pits to be left excavated so that they may be used as water reservoirs or fishponds. If this were to be agreed between the contractors and the villagers, all the full safety measures detailed above must be observed. Such agreements would be formalized in writing between the contractors and the villagers after full discussion with all concerned parties’ areas for stockpiles or borrow pits, they must be included in the project resettlement plan and proper agreement and record will be secured. • If access/rescue roads are needed, actions to mitigate all negative impacts described in this ESMP will also be applied. The alignment for each of these roads must be clearly determined with its impacts and mitigation measures. • Quarry Management Plan will be prepared and implemented by contractors. 5 villages, All along the During earth • On hill slopes and other potentially erodible places along the Environmental Environmental Luang Prabang project road works, there roadside, appropriate native vegetation that retards erosion Health and Health and City, section could be possible should be planted. Safety Officer of Safety significant • As much as possible, construction activities in hilly areas Contractor and Specialist and 9 villages, erosion and run- should be undertaken during the dry season only. Project Manager Resident Chomphet off to water • Road embankments and slopes should be monitored during of the Contractor Engineer of District, and bodies. This construction for signs of erosion, vegetative cover should be DDIS would be provided on slopes by planting native grass and creepers on Consultant 3 villages, particularly erosion prone sections. XiengNgeun relevant near • Long-term material stockpiles should be covered with native District riverbanks and/or species of grass or other suitable materials to prevent wind other water erosion. bodies. • Appropriate erosion control and stabilizing measures should be used such as benching, geotextiles, mats, fiber rolls, soil binders, etc. that are not toxic to the environment, or vegetation measures/temporary landscaping in disturbed areas and on graded slopes. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 63 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 5 villages, All along the Contractor The Contractor must take all the efforts to prevent wastes (solid Environmental Environmental Luang Prabang project road campsites, bridge and liquid) discharge into all rivers and to protect surface and Health and Health and City, section works, groundwater from pollution and other adverse impacts including Safety Officer of Safety stockpiling of changes to water levels, flows and general water quality. Contractor and Specialist and 9 villages, construction Discharge of engine oil and oily waste from dredgers and Project Manager Resident Chomphet materials and construction machines to the rivers will be strictly prohibited. of the Contractor Engineer of District, and spoils, use of Engine oil, used oil, and other toxic substances and hazardous DDIS hazardous wastes must be properly collected, stored, treated, and/or disposed- Consultant 3 villages, materials and off. Key measures are as follows: XiengNgeun earthworks if not • Used oil/engine oil: The oil container at the construction District properly site (especially when the site is located less than 10 managed are meters from the waterways) must be of sufficient strength likely to cause to ensure to prevent leakage. The container must be deterioration of situated within a secondary containment system (bunded), surface water which will prevent the release of any leaked oil. The quality, flooding Contractor must make provisions to ensure that all and flow hazardous substances including oil drums or containers on obstruction of site are properly labelled and properly stored and that no watercourses. oil or other contaminants are allowed to reach water Paving / courses or groundwater. asphalting in • Wastewater from sites: Whenever possible, the Contractor weather; road must minimize the amounts of wastewater that need to be maintenance discharged and find alternative means of disposal. The works conducted Contractor will ensure that any seepage and wastewater without using arising from the works and camp sites must be collected proper staging and discharged via a settlement tank. The standards for techniques to wastewater treatment prior to discharge must be agreed in reduce spillage advance with the ESA. Contaminated water or water of an of paving uncertain quality must be discharged into sewers by materials. tankers or other approved means of disposal. • Drainage. Water drainage must be designed to avoid stagnant conditions that could create bad smell and unsanitary condition. The Contractor must agree with the ESA in advance, details of the methodology to be Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 64 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province employed, prior to commencement of the construction. Particular attention must be given to regular pest control treatment (particularly rats and flies); removal of sludge and other debris after drainage; reducing smell nuisance from sludge and algae by measures including deodorizing, hosing down etc. • Spoils, construction wastes and construction materials stockpile area shall be located away from water bodies and under no circumstances will these materials be dumped into watercourses. • Do not fill up canals and creeks at the construction site. In case filling of local drainage system is necessary, consultation with local authorities shall be undertaken and their permission obtained beforehand. An alternative drainage shall be established before the existing canal is filled-up. • Slope stabilization measures (e.g., planting of fast- growing native species of grass and shrubs, etc.) shall be implemented on exposed surfaces along river embankments to reduce material wash-away. • Construct retaining structures such as gabion baskets, riprap, etc. for riverbank protection. • Obtain required permits indicating water sources and permissible volumes. • Monitoring water quality. • Limit asphalting / concreting works to dry weather / season; use of staging techniques prior to maintenance works (e.g. covering from drain inlets; use of drip pans and absorbent materials on paving machines). 5 villages, All along the Construction • The Contractor should ensure that construction materials are Environmental Environmental Luang Prabang project road plan for material transported in proper types of vehicles, vehicle maintenance Health and Health and City, section transportation, and refrain from overloading of materials for avoidance of Safety Officer of Safety stockpile, accidence and injuring pedestrians and other road users. Contractor and Specialist and movement, and Resident Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 65 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 9 villages, parking of • The Contract shall prepare construction plan side by side of Project Manager Engineer of Chomphet construction the road in order to ensure that traffic movement smoothly of the Contractor DDIS District, and equipment in managed. Consultant narrow and • The Contractor needs to have stockpiles that be allowed and 3 villages, confined areas approved by landlord and local authority. The stockpile needs XiengNgeun to be away from sensitive locations including stream and District agriculture farm in order to avoid sediment. The stockpile areas will need to recover and treat relatively the same or better original conditions. • The Contractor shall also ensure parking construction vehicles and equipment should be allowed and approved by landlord and local authority in safety area, flagmen will be in services. • The Contractor shall install speed limited sign and warning sign in these construction stockpile areas, with light reflection and barrier shall be installed to minimize potential accident during the night-time. 5 villages, All along the Pollutions • The Contractor must make efforts to control dust, noise, and Environmental Environmental Luang Prabang project road associated with vibration levels from the site, as far as is reasonably Health and Health and City, section civil works such practicable. Portable devices for dust and vibration detect shall Safety Officer of Safety as dust, noise, be provided at construction site, in order to limit excessive Contractor and Specialist and 9 villages, and vibration noise/vibration generation activities in accordance with GOL Project Manager Resident Chomphet standards. of the Contractor Engineer of District, and • For critical areas, the Contractor many be required to conduct DDIS noise measurement in close consultation with the local Consultant 3 villages, residents and establish appropriate measures to control and XiengNgeun manage noise level. Measures for reducing dust and other air District pollution, noise, and vibration are provided as follows: o Inform the residents: Prior to commencement of work at any site, the Contractor will be required to inform the local authority and residents regarding the construction plan and potential noise and vibration that may occur from the construction activities, including measures to reduce noise and vibration. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 66 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province o The Contractor will ensure that no burning of waste materials on site; adequate water supply is available on site; dry sweeping of large areas is not allowed. o Cover all trucks carrying loose or potentially dusty materials (soil, mud, etc.) to and from construction site. o Water or sprinkle the construction areas periodically, especially at site located near residential area; avoid overloaded of trucks; routinely clean public roads and access routes. o Ensure vehicles working on site have exhausts positioned such that the risk of re-suspension of ground dust is minimized (exhausts should preferably point upwards), were reasonably practicable. o Control driving speed on un-surfaced haul routes and work areas. o Ensure bulk cement and other fine powder materials are delivered in enclosed tankers and stored in silos with suitable emission control systems to prevent escape of material and overfilling during delivery. o Mix large quantities of cement, grouts, and other similar materials in designated areas. o Store materials with the potential to produce dust away from site boundaries where reasonably practicable. o Minimize the amount of excavated material held on site. o Sheet, seal, or damp down unavoidable stockpiles of excavated material held on site, where required. o Seal or re-vegetate completed earthworks as soon as reasonably practicable after completion. o Care must be undertaken during the transportation of construction materials to and from the construction site; the spoil must be covered at all times. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 67 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province o Fly-tipping will not be permitted. Loads must only be deposited at designated sites. o The Contractor will be responsible for all the trucks delivering to, or exiting from, a worksite and will clean up all damage that may occur to public road and other public facilities. o Care should be taken when loading or unloading vehicles or dismantling scaffolding or moving materials to reduce impact noise. o Loading or unloading bays may have to be housed in suitable acoustic enclosures. o Noisy plant or equipment including will be sited as far away as is practicable from noise sensitive buildings. The use of barriers, (e.g. soil mounds), site huts, acoustic sheds or partitions to deflect noise away from noise sensitive areas should be employed wherever practicable. o The Contractor will be obliged to comply with the vibration levels according to GOL standards. Due attention will be given to minimize human exposure (1 Hz to 80 Hz) and protection of damage to nearby structures. 5 villages, All along the Preconstruction • The Contractor will prepare and implement a plan to reduce Environmental Environmental Luang Prabang project road and construction the generation of these wastes. When possible, these wastes Health and Health and City, section activities may should be properly reused and/or recycle. Safety Officer of Safety generate large • Bags and other solid wastes will be collected for recycling Contractor and Specialist and 9 villages, amount of while appropriate arrangement will be made if a temporary Project Manager Resident Chomphet construction disposal area will be required. Appropriate final disposal sites of the Contractor Engineer of District, and wastes including must be identified and implemented in discussion with local DDIS those generating authorities. Consultant 3 villages, from resurfacing • Store fuel and hazardous substances and wastes on bunded XiengNgeun and excavation paved area with roof and interceptor traps so that accidental District of soil, old road spills do not contaminate the environment. If spills or leaks do surface and/or occur, undertake immediate clean up. concrete Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 68 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province structure and • Develop and implement Emergency spill procedures by other surplus contractors. materials (oily • Train relevant construction personnel in handling of fuels and wastes, other hazardous substances as well as spill control and clean- miscellaneous up procedures. woods, steel, • Ensure availability of spill clean-up materials (i.e. absorbent etc.). pads, etc.) specifically designed for petroleum products and Pollution and other hazardous substances where such materials are being safety risks due stored. to use of • Segregate hazardous wastes (oily wastes, used batteries, fuel hazardous drums) and ensure that storage, transport, and disposal shall materials and not cause pollution and shall be undertaken consistent with disposal of national and local regulations. hazardous • Store waste oil, lubricant and other hazardous materials and wastes. wastes in tightly sealed containers to avoid contamination of soil and water resources. • Ensure all storage containers of hazardous substances and wastes are in good condition with proper labelling. • Regularly check containers for leakage and undertake necessary repair or replacement. • Store hazardous materials above flood level. • Storage areas for fuel, oil, lubricant, bitumen, and other hazardous substance will be located at least 100 m away from any watercourses. • Storage, transport, and disposal of hazardous wastes, including spill wastes, shall be consistent with national and local regulations. • Wherever possible, refuelling will be carried out at a fuel storage area. • Refuelling shall not be permitted within or adjacent to watercourses. • Where significant amount of oily wastewater or spill/leakage of oil and grease may occur (i.e. equipment maintenance areas), drainage leading to an oil- water separator shall be Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 69 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province provided for treatment of wastewater. The oil-water separator shall be regularly skimmed of oil and maintained to ensure efficiency. • Vehicle maintenance and refuelling will be confined to designated areas in construction sites designed to contain spilled lubricants and fuel. • Bitumen shall not be allowed to enter either running or dry streambeds and nor will be disposed of in ditches or small waste disposal sites prepared by the contractor. • Bitumen storage and mixing areas as well as storage areas for other petroleum products used in the preparation of the bitumen mixture shall be protected against spills and all contaminated soil must be properly handled according to national and local regulations. As a minimum, these areas must be provided with concrete flooring and surrounded by an embankment to readily contain and clean-up spills. • Adequate precaution will be taken to prevent oil/lubricant/hydrocarbon contamination of channel beds. Spillage if any will be immediately cleared with utmost caution to leave no traces. All areas intended for storage of hazardous materials will be quarantined and provided with adequate facilities (i.e. firefighting equipment, sorbent pads, etc.) to combat emergency situations complying with all the applicable statutory stipulation. 5 villages, All along the Poorly planned • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumped into canal or Environmental Environment Luang Prabang project road and unsupervised any water body around construction site. and Specialist and City, section dumping of • Excavated soil shall be placed in a designated sites with Social/Communi Resident spoils can affect approval from local authorities and landowner in accordance ty Liaison Engineer of 9 villages, biodiversity and with site management procedures developed and implemented Officer and DDIS Chomphet also block water by contractors. Spoils must not dump in the rice field, river, or Project Manager Consultant District, and courses, cause any other areas around communities or construction site. of the Contractor stagnant water, • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. 3 villages, impact the water XiengNgeun quality of rivers District Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 70 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province and streams, • Need visibility into how suppliers are extracting or producing block access to raw materials to ensure they’re following sustainability people’s homes standards. and businesses, • Train staff on the proper disposal of waste. and damage • Establish a waste management procedure or disposal people’sproperty. procedure following international standards and laws and regulations of the government of Lao PDR. • Implement the project’s LMP in Annex 7 of the ESMF. 5 villages, All along the Repeated non- Stipulate more stringent contractual penalties (in case of repeated Environment PMU Luang Prabang project road compliance on non-compliance on key ES impacts that could lead to serious or Specialist and City, section key ES impacts severe E&S incident including road safety, community safety, and Resident delay due to coordination among concerns agencies). Engineer of 9 villages, Supervision Chomphet Consultant District, and 3 villages, XiengNgeun District OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE STAGE 5 villages, All road Road safety All vehicles must go through checking regularly. Luang Prabang Luang Luang Prabang sections but City Public Prabang Material load shall be covered and secured during transportation to City, especially works and Provincial prevent scattering of soil, sand, materials, or dust. those close Transport Office Public works 9 villages, to residential Road Safety plan in place and operational from civil works and and Transport Chomphet areas, throughout operation. Department District, and schools and If side drain is constructed, provide temporary/safe access to other shops, schools, hospitals, etc. and ensure safety to school kids, 3 villages, sections hospital/clinic personals, etc. at the entrance of the facilities. XiengNgeun considered District important Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 71 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 5 villages, All along the Access to (i) Contract term for Contractor to ensure alternative access to Project Manager Health and Luang Prabang project road businesses, houses as soon as possible after the start of the excavation of the Contractor Road Safety City, section with households, work during the civil works. Consultant, special communities, and 9 villages, attention to schools, temples, (ii) The Contractor shall be responsible for compensation for the Resident Chomphet areas close markets, health impacts on PAHs’ livelihood and businesses due to his failure Engineer of District, and to sensitive centers and to maintain/provide access facilities and the prolonged access DDIS14 receptors, cemeteries lost (beyond the agreed work schedule). A clause on these 3 villages, especially measures will be specified in the bidding document including XiengNgeun dense the BOQ form and the work contract. Details of District communities compensation policy and implementation are available in , schools, ARAP. The Contractor shall state this compensation policy temples, when prepare C-ESMP prior to construction begin. markets, health (iii) Contract term for the Contractor to ensure alternative access centers and to the communities, households, schools, temples, markets, cemeteries health centers and cemeteries especially where crossing drains as soon as possible after the start of the excavation work during the civil works. The access should also cater for disadvantaged people. 14 DDIS: Detailed Design Implementation and Supervision Consultant Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 72 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Table 8. Site Specific ESMP, Local Road No. 2571 Location Sensitive Potential Mitigation Measures Responsibility Area or Impacts/Concerns Implementation Monitoring Activity DETAILED DESIGN/PRE-CONSTRUCTION MOBILZATION STAGE (to follow the provisions provided in Table 7 above) I. CONSTRUCTION STAGE (to follow the provisions in the Table 7 and the following) Km 0+000 to Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental Km 0+950 through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social residential Social/Community Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to Liaison Officer Environmental area of gases emission and prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and Vangngern noise disturbance otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety village noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant Waste generation • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal from construction and any water body around construction site. activities • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 4+300 to Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental Km 5+250 through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social residential Social/Community Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to Liaison Officer Environmental area of Phik- gases emission and prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and yai village noise disturbance otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 73 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Location Sensitive Potential Mitigation Measures Responsibility Area or Impacts/Concerns Implementation Monitoring Activity • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant Waste generation • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal from construction and any water body around construction site. activities • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 9+400 to Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental Km 10+500 through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social residential Social/Community Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to Liaison Officer Environmental area of gases emission and prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and Daensavang noise disturbance otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety village noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant Waste generation • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal from construction and any water body around construction site. activities • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 13+000 to Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental Km 13+850 through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social residential Social/Community Specialist and Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 74 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Location Sensitive Potential Mitigation Measures Responsibility Area or Impacts/Concerns Implementation Monitoring Activity area of Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to Liaison Officer Environmental Daensavang gases emission and prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and village noise disturbance otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant Waste generation • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal from construction and any water body around construction site. activities • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 14+300 to Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental Km 15+500 through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social residential Social/Community Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to Liaison Officer Environmental area of gases emission and prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and Nadonkhoun noise disturbance otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety village noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant Waste generation • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal from construction and any water body around construction site. activities • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 75 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Location Sensitive Potential Mitigation Measures Responsibility Area or Impacts/Concerns Implementation Monitoring Activity • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Table 9. Site specific ESMP Local Road No.2652 Location Potential Sensitive Area Mitigation Measures Responsibility Impacts/Concern or Activity Implementation Monitoring s DETAILED DESIGN/PRE-CONSTRUCTION MOBILZATION STAGE (to follow the provisions provided in Table 7 above) 1. CONSTRUCTION STAGE (to follow the provisions in the Table 7 and the following) Km 0+140L Local market Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 0+175L Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 76 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Km 2+150 Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 2+950 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental of Nakham gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and village and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 5+ 750 Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 6+750 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental of Naxayjalern gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and village and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 77 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 8+ 300 Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 9+250 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental of Huaytan gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and village and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 10+975 Nam Tan1 Deterioration of • The Contractor must take all the efforts to prevent wastes Environmental Environmental to Km Bridge surface water (solid and liquid) discharge into Nam Tan1 and to protect and and social 11+000 quality, flooding, surface and groundwater from pollution and other adverse Social/Communit Specialist and and flow impacts including changes to water levels, flows and general y Liaison Officer Environmental obstruction of water quality. and Health and watercourses Environmental Safety • Discharge of engine oil and oily waste from dredgers and Health and Safety Specialist and construction machines to Nam Lao will be strictly prohibited. Officer of Resident Engine oil, used oil, and other toxic substances and hazardous Contractor and Engineer of wastes must be properly collected, stored, treated, and/or Project Manager DDIS disposed-off. Key measures are identified in Table 9. of the Contractor Consultant Km 11+800 Route passes Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 12+500 Social/Communit Specialist and Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 78 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province residential area Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental of Som village gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 12+500 Route passes Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 13+500 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental of Na village gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 79 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Km 13+700 Nam Tan2 Deterioration of • The Contractor must take all the efforts to prevent wastes Environmental Environmental to Km Bridge surface water (solid and liquid) discharge into Nam Lao and to protect and and social 13+730 quality, flooding, surface and groundwater from pollution and other adverse Social/Communit Specialist and and flow impacts including changes to water levels, flows and general y Liaison Officer Environmental obstruction of water quality. and Health and watercourses Environmental Safety • Discharge of engine oil and oily waste from dredgers and Health and Safety Specialist and construction machines to Nam Lao will be strictly prohibited. Officer of Resident Engine oil, used oil, and other toxic substances and hazardous Contractor and Engineer of wastes must be properly collected, stored, treated, and/or Project Manager DDIS disposed-off. Key measures are identified in Table 9. of the Contractor Consultant Km 15+500 Route passes Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 16+500 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental of Xam-Or gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and village and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 18+250 Route passes Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 19+150 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and Environmental Safety Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 80 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province of Huay On and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Health and Safety Specialist and village disturbance noise restriction. Officer of Resident • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Contractor and Engineer of only from 8:00 to 17:00. Project Manager DDIS • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km Route passes Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental 200+700 to through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social Km 21+500 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental of Buamlow gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and village and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 20+950 Nam Chan Deterioration of • The Contractor must take all the efforts to prevent wastes Environmental Environmental to Km Bridge surface water (solid and liquid) discharge into Nam Lao and to protect and and social 21+000 quality, flooding, surface and groundwater from pollution and other adverse Social/Communit Specialist and and flow y Liaison Officer Environmental Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 81 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province obstruction of impacts including changes to water levels, flows and general and Health and watercourses water quality. Environmental Safety Health and Safety Specialist and • Discharge of engine oil and oily waste from dredgers and Officer of Resident construction machines to Nam Lao will be strictly prohibited. Contractor and Engineer of Engine oil, used oil, and other toxic substances and hazardous Project Manager DDIS wastes must be properly collected, stored, treated, and/or of the Contractor Consultant disposed-off. Key measures are identified in Table 9. Table 10. Site specific ESMP Local Road No 2931-3170 Location Potential Sensitive Area Mitigation Measures Responsibility Impacts/Concern or Activity Implementation Monitoring s DETAILED DESIGN/PRE-CONSTRUCTION MOBILZATION STAGE (to follow the provisions provided in Table 18 above) 2. CONSTRUCTION STAGE (to follow the provisions in the Table 18 and the following) Km 1+850 Route passes Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 2+250 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental of Huayyen gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and village and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 82 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 4+000 Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 4+850 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental of Souandala gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and village and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Km 10+675 Nam Chan Deterioration of • The Contractor must take all the efforts to prevent wastes Environmental Environmental to Km Bridge surface water (solid and liquid) discharge into Nam Chan and to protect and and social 10+700 quality, flooding, surface and groundwater from pollution and other adverse Social/Communit Specialist and and flow impacts including changes to water levels, flows and general y Liaison Officer Environmental obstruction of water quality. and Health and watercourses Environmental Safety • Discharge of engine oil and oily waste from dredgers and Health and Safety Specialist and construction machines to Nam Lao will be strictly prohibited. Officer of Resident Engine oil, used oil, and other toxic substances and hazardous Contractor and Engineer of wastes must be properly collected, stored, treated, and/or Project Manager DDIS disposed-off. Key measures are identified in Table 9. of the Contractor Consultant Km 15+ 700 Route pass Accidents • Employ flagmen to help navigate the traffic. Environmental Environmental to Km through • Install traffic signs and light reflection at night. and and social 16+500 residential area Social/Communit Specialist and Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 83 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province of Phonsavath Dust and toxic • Apply traffic safety, dust (spray water on road surface to y Liaison Officer Environmental village gases emission prevent airborne dust, which may be 3-6 times/day or as and Health and and noise otherwise needed depending on weather and traffic) and Environmental Safety disturbance noise restriction. Health and Safety Specialist and • Construction activities should be limited to working hours Officer of Resident only from 8:00 to 17:00. Contractor and Engineer of • No construction activity is permitted during holy days. Project Manager DDIS of the Contractor Consultant • Collection of waste, especially oil, not dumping into canal Waste generation and any water body around construction site. from construction • Excavated soil shall be transported away and not dumped in activities the rice field. • Compensation in case of adverse impacts to land/rice field. • Compensation to businesses if affected by civil works disruption. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 84 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Table 11. Instrumental Monitoring for the Construction and Operational Phase Issue Survey items Location Schedule Responsibilities Reporting The laboratory submits the The contractor will Particulate Matter Twice (rainy results to the contractor For each road, the employ an accredited (PM-10, PM-2.5), season and dry within one week of the Air engineer selects 2 laboratory, approved by Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), season) a year monitoring activity, and Quality areas with the most Supervision Consultant, to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), during the the contractor immediately construction perform the monitoring Carbon Monoxide (CO) construction period reports to the supervising activities. consultant. For each road, the The laboratory submits the The contractor will engineer selects results to the contractor employ an accredited two areas of Once a year during within one week of the Laeq 1h(dBA), laboratory, approved by Noise sensitive facilities the construction monitoring activity, and Laeq 24h(dBA) Supervision Consultant, to such as schools, period the contractor immediately perform the monitoring temples, hospitals reports to the supervising activities. and houses. consultant. pH, Upstream and The laboratory submits the The contractor will Suspended Solids, downstream points results to the contractor employ an accredited BOD5, of the river in the Once during within one week of the Water laboratory, approved by COD, area where construction of monitoring activity, and Quality Supervision Consultant, to Coliforms, construction of bridges in rivers the contractor immediately perform the monitoring Nitrate (NO3), bridges in rivers is reports to the supervising activities. Phosphate (PO4) carried out consultant. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 85 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 3.1.1 Cumulative Impacts 78. No other existing, proposed and anticipated future road projects have been identified that may result in cumulative impacts to the Project area. In addition, there is no key factor have been identified during the construction and operation of the roads. There is low influence of impacts for the future development of projects that may have significant environmental impacts. The project is a rehabilitation project which intends only to improve conditions of the local road no. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 of Luang Prabang and Chomphet and XiengNgeun Districts, Luang Prabang province. 3.1.2 Cause of Impacts 79. The positive effects on the local community will be in different aspects such as: i) economic connectivity within the country, with neighbouring countries and other countries in the regional). Easy access to health services; iii) Eco-tourism and cultural exchange; iv) Opportunities to create service works and upgrade internal services and v) Opportunities to exchange goods, facilitate smooth movement of good. 80. The negative impacts of local roads 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 will be short term and temporary such as difficult access to houses, schools, temples, and market along the project local roads during construction; ii) Disruption of transport and thus increased transportation time of local products to market and iii) some shops and business may be disrupted. 4. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM (GRM) 4.1 Introduction 81. A ‘Grievance Redress Mechanism’ (GRM) that helps record, assess, and resolve grievances and complaints during the implementation of a project in as efficient, effective, and transparent manner as possible is essential to the success of the project. 82. The GRM is based on key principles that will protect the rights and interest of affected stakeholders, ensure that their concerns are addressed in a prompt and timely manner, and that entitlements are provided in accordance with GOL and WB ESS policies. The GRM will ensure that communities directly affected by the Project have a full understanding of the GRM and ways to access it especially on: (i) the concept of compensation for any involuntary acquisition of land and/or assets; and (ii) ensuring environmental and social mitigation measures in this ESMP’s are implemented as planned. 83. T h e G R M procedures to be followed for all subprojects have been translated into Lao language and it will be prepared in local language as needed so that they are easily accessible to all stakeholders and made available by the PMU. Information on the steps to be followed in handling grievances has been incorporated into the consultation process with local community. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 86 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 84. The Project will use the ‘Grievance and Complaints Logging System’ (GCLS) which has been used on multiple WB projects to help ensuring that projects are implemented in accordance with appropriate environmental and social practices. Attachment 9 GRM (Monitoring Record Form). The GCLS will be used to record grievances and complaints on a central database, and then to monitor the progress until eventual resolution. It will provide the necessary data to meet the 'grievance redress' indicators. Specifically, it reports on: - Grievances registered related to delivery of project benefits that are addressed (%); - Grievances responded and/or resolved within the stipulated service standards (%); - Project-supported organization(s) publishing periodic reports on GRM and how issues were resolved (including resolution rates) (Yes/No); and - The figure below shows the business flow process for the GCLS as part of the GRM. Figure 17. GCLS process as part of the GRM 85. The GRM process will operate as follows: • The EDPD/PTI at the MPWT in Vientiane will host the GCLS. • In each Project Province, the Environment and Social Unit (ESU) under the DPWT—who are responsible for monitoring contractors—will assemble records of all complaints and supply them to the EDPD/PTI either directly, or by entering into the GCLS. • For each province, a ‘Grievance Redress Committee’ (GRC) will be established. The GRC will nominate a secretary who is responsible to monitor and facilitate resolution of complaints. • The affected peoples (AP) (or his/her representative) may submit his/her complaint in a number of ways e.g. by written letter, phone, WhatsApp, SMS messages and email to the GRC or, alternatively, raise his/her voice in a public or individual meeting with PMU staff as well as ISWS consultants. • Grievances will be addressed at the village, district, province, and national level. A complainant also retains the right to bypass this procedure and can address a grievance directly to the EDPD/PTI Office or the National and Provincial Assembly, as provided for by law in Lao PDR. At each level grievance details, discussions, and outcomes will be recorded in a grievance logbook, and the data provided to the GRC for recording in the GCLS. The status of grievances Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 87 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province submitted, and grievance redress will be reported to DPWT management through the monthly reporting as generated by the GCLS. 86. The GRC will meet to try and resolve the matter at community level and make a recommendation within 7-10 working days from receipt of complaint. If there is no decision after 10 days, the AP can refer the complaint to the Director of DPWT in the province who will then address the complaint and respond to the complainant within 20 days. Coordination for submission of complaints at the project and provincial levels will be facilitated by the focal person of the village grievance committee. In addition, the complainant can also contact the focal persons at the district, provincial and district levels for grievance redress. At this stage the focal person for grievance redress at these levels have not been nominated yet but at this stage the names and contact number of focal persons for local roads in Luang Prabang are summarized in the table below. Table 12. List of contact persons for submission of grievance at each level No Name of contact person Position Office Contact number I. Luang Prabang City 1 Mr. Bounchong Vang Technical Officer DPWT 02097677795 II Chomphet District 1 Mr. Bounsom Chanthafone Technical Officer DPWT 02095426661 III XiengNgeun Dsitrict 1 Mr. Vannasone Siriphanya Technical Officer DPWT 02058500626 IV Luang Prabang Province 1 Mr. Thavisouk Khithivong Technical Officer DPWT 02077779993 V Public Works and Transport Institute 1 Mr. Souksamay Technical staff PTI 020 22224746 Manhmanyvong VI Department of Road 1 MPhouvixay Vongxay Technical staff DoR 02056112244 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 88 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Finding a solution at Village level Finding a solution Close case If not Through the process of GRM committee (project level) Finding a solution within Close case 10 days If not GRM Provincial project committee Finding a solution Close case within 20 days If not If the complaints have not been resolved, the affected person (AP) may choose to use the right under Lao PDR law to refer the matter to the Court of Justice at free will. Figure 18. Grievance Resolution Flow Chart 87. All submitted complaints and grievances will be entered into the GCLS within two working days of being received by the PMU and ESU/DPWT. Each complaint and grievance will be ranked, analysed and monitored according to type, accessibility and degree of priority. The status of grievances submitted, and grievance redress will be reported by ESU/DPWT in collaboration with PMU. The GCLS web site will display data on resolution rates which will enable the communities to be kept informed of progress of resolution of grievances. Individuals will be notified within 5 working days of the status of their grievance once it has been addressed by the appropriate parties. 88. If not satisfied with the resolution, the APs may elevate the compliant directly to the EDPD/PTI at the MPWT in Vientiane or via the Provincial Assembly. 89. The project will also establish user friendly and easily accessible means of communication such the hotline phone call, social media, WhatsApp or Facebook, if and where technologically feasible to facilitate efficient GRM process. GRM procedures and contact detail of responsible staff will be provided in a Project Information Leaflet (PIL) to be prepared and distributed to all project affected villages during the GRM training for village mediation communities for their references. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 89 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 4.2 Grievance Redress Service (GRS) 90. Communities and individuals who believe that they are adversely affected by a WB supported projects may submit complaints to this project-level grievance redress mechanism or the WB’s Grievance Redress Service (GRS). The GRS ensures that complaints received are promptly reviewed in order to address project-related concerns. Project affected communities and individuals may submit their complaints to the WB’s independent Inspection Panel which determines whether harms occurred, or could occur, as a result of WB non-compliance with its policies and procedures. Complaints may be submitted at any time after concerns have been brought directly to the WB’s attention, and Bank Management has been given an opportunity to respond. For information on how to submit complaints to the World Bank’s corporate Grievance Redress Service (GRS), please visit For information on how to submit complaints to the World Bank Inspection Panel, please visit 5. CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 91. This consultation meeting has been done in pre-construction stage of the project. In order to understand the opinions and concerns of the ethnic groups in response to the proposed project, the consultations in the Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 of Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and XiengNgeun District, Luang Prabang Province were organized. 92. In Luang Prabang province, the project road was carried out in two districts namely Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and XiengNgeun District. The main objectives of the consultation were to: i) consult on the draft of EGEP; ii) know the perception of local authority on the implementation of the project; iii) understand worries and concerns over the local road project; and (iv) to establish and seek for community support for the project implementation. 93. In this initial consultation and information disclosure of the project activities have been explained and presented to the local people with all ethnic groups’ participation. The participants included representative f r o m different villages, concerned local authorities, LFND and LWU. There is no languages barrier during the consultation and communication with ethnic group those participated in the meeting as there are technical officers from DPWT of Luang Prabang and village headman who can communicate Hmong and Khmu. All participants support the development of this project for many positive reasons such as the new road will be a significant for local product trading, middleman for tea buyer can collect more times and more convenient, having drainage installment in community can protect road condition and dirtiness. At the end of the meeting, all participants had an opportunity to express in a final vote whether they agree with or whether they have any objections to the project. All the participants supported the project implementation and agreed that it will greatly benefit them. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 90 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Table 13. Date and Participants of Public Consultation Meetings in each Village No# of No# of No Village Date Ethnic group participant female Local Road No. 2571, Luang Prabang City 1 Vang Ngeun 05/06/2023 7 0 Lao Loum and Khmu 2 Phikyai 03/06/2023 41 22 Lao Loum 3 Densavarng 03/06/2023 25 11 Lao Lum, Khmu and Hmong 4 Natarn 03/06/2023 28 8 Lao Loum and Khmu 5 Nadonekhoun 03/06/2023 29 11 Lao Loum and Khmu Sub-total 130 52 Local Road No. 2652, Chomphet District 1 Xiengman 07/06/2023 19 8 Lao Lum, Khmu and Hmong 2 Nakham 06/06/2023 75 36 Lao Loum 3 Naxaychaleun 06/06/2023 37 17 Lao Loum and Khmu 4 Natan 06/06/2023 17 8 Lao Loum and Khmu 5 Some 06/06/2023 41 21 Lao Loum and Khmu 6 Na 06/06/2023 49 23 Lao Loum and Khmu 7 Xam Or 07/06/2023 47 26 Lao Loum and Khmu 8 Houay Orn 07/06/2023 43 25 Lao Loum 9 Bouamlow 06/06/2023 23 9 Lao Loum Sub-total 351 173 Local Road No. 3170-2931, XiengNgeun District 1 Huayyen 02/06/2023 79 47 Lao Lum, Khmu and Hmong 2 Suandala 02/06/2023 21 4 Lao Lum, Khmu and Hmong 3 PhonsaAt 02/06/2023 45 31 Lao Loum Sub-total 145 82 Grand total 626 307 Sources: Field Survey for Village Socio-economic data, 04-22, May 2022 94. Participants in the consultation and information disclosure consisted of village headman, village elders, women union, youth union, village security and defence. At first the dissemination of information has been announced the project goals, by the team leader by DPWT of Luang Prabang. More details of the project areas were informed, the plan for rehabilitation and improvement quality of road for climate change resilience was introduced. After the dissemination of information had been finished, the representative from DPWT of Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 91 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Luang Prabang had opened floor for discussion and questions and answers. Then, the consultation was carried out with groups discussion by y male and female attendance separately to seek and open opportunity for all of them to speak out. Group of ethnic people were recorded during consultation as representation of their understanding and concern over the project activities After acknowledgement of the construction work of the activities of project has been determined, some of people had discussed about their properties if it will be affected. Some people had raised a question “what is going to happen if the property were to be lost”. Some of participants asked if the project to have a compensation policy, in case is is affected. Some of others had been asked what they can do during the construction work if their property were damaged, and loss occurred. At the end of the meeting, the representation of DPWT of Luang Prabang and data collection leader explained the design, plan, and procedure of the project. 95. The second Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth discussion at village level was conducted from 6 to 11 May 2022 in four ethnic group villages with 626 ethnic participants (307 female). Participants are ethnic group households (men, women), village authorities, and representatives from the project team (Table 13) from villages along the Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170 of Luang Prabang City, Chomphet District and XiengNgeun District, Luang Prabang Province. 96. Focus group discussion at the village level: the consultation with ethnic group was held alongside with the focus group discussions. After the presentations and open group discussion at the Public /Village Consultation Meeting. The ethnic group participants were divided into two groups (male and female groups) to have in-depth focus groups discussion with male and female groups to ensure that women ethnic group could express their idea freely without intervention of males. 97. The objective of FGD with male and female was to engage with the key ethnic group informants who are potentially affected by the project. The focus group discussion was organized separately between men and women where applicable. The guiding questions for the FGD was prepared and shared with participants. The project team gave an introduction about the process and explain the questions to participants. After that allow ethnic group participants ask for clarifications. The facilitators were assigned to facilitate the discussion and help to documents what they discussed. During the focus group discussion with the ethnic group (male and female groups), they raised their concerns related to assets and properties as building structures, road safety, information sharing about the project activities, policy and objectives, environment issues (noise, dust, waste), access road condition, demarcation, etc. 98. The in-depth interview with village authority, the FDGs and Village Consultation Meeting were conducted on the same date in each village but with separately divided groups. The guiding questions were used to guide the discussions. From the discussion, it was confirmed that the sub-ethnic groups in their villages to be affected by the project include:Khmu and Hmong. However, only few households will have a direct impact as they have some temporally property along the right of way. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 92 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 6. BUDGET PLAN FOR ESMP IMPLEMENTATION AND CAPACITY BUILDING 6.1 Implementation, Monitoring, and Reporting Responsibilities 99. PMU/DOR is responsible for ensuring effective implementation of the ESMP including adequate allocation of budget. PMU/DOR will also ensure that the Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC) and/or Field Engineers responsible for supervision and monitoring of works contracts will also be responsible for approval of the C-ESMP and day-to-day supervision and monitoring of contractor compliance with the C-ESMP. EDPD/PTI is responsible for providing technical guidance on the ESS requirements and periodical monitoring of the ESS compliance. EDPD/PTI will conduct monitoring of ESS compliance and submit a report to WB. EDPD/PTI will also ensure that the Project is also in compliance with GOL requirements regarding ESS. 100. At provincial level, DPWTs of Luang Prabang Province will assign specific staff and/or engineer to be responsible (as the ESU/DPWT) for ensuring full compliance with the ESS requirements on the ground and prepare ESS implementation monthly or quarterly monitoring report as agreed with EDPD/PTI. The ESU/DPWT is considered part of the Project team responsible for ensuring compliance with the ESMP. 101. The DPWT will also be required to establish a Monitoring Working Groups (MWG) comprising ESU/DPWT, PONRE, LWU, and other related local authorities to be responsible for undertaking periodic monitoring of the ESMP, ARAP, and EGEP implementation including GRM tracking and Contractor performance of the approved C-ESMP. A Village Grievance Committee (VGC) will also be established to be responsible for overseeing the GRM implementation using the existing structures with a village mediation committee and fiduciary agencies (District and Provincial Office of Justice, Provincial Assembly, PWTOs and District Governor Office). EDPD/PTI will also be required to (a) review/adjust the current monitoring and reporting forms to enhance effectiveness of the monitoring and reporting process and (c) ensure that adequate budget can be transferred to the ESU/DPWT and the MWG and timely submission of the ESS monitoring report. 102. Table 15 summarizes key institutional responsibilities for the implementation of the ESMP at various stages. Table 14. ESMP Implementation Project Stage Responsible Key Responsibilities Institution Preparation Ethnic Group EDPD/PTI • Secure WB clearance of the EGEP prior to Engagement Plan the commencement of civil work. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 93 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Project Stage Responsible Key Responsibilities Institution (EGEP) to be • Implement/Monitor/report the prepared after the implementation progress of the EGEP detailed design of road works available and cleared by WB prior to civil work ESMP for WB EDPD/PTI • Ensure ESMP is cleared by WB before clearance bidding IEE for PONRE EDPD/PTI assisted • Ensure approval by PONRE of Luang by the ESA Prabang Province before construction begins consultant Detailed Design PMU/DOR and • Incorporate ESMP mitigation measures into and preparation of EDPD//PTI with detailed engineering design. Bidding (BD) and the Detailed Design Contract Consultant and its Documents (CD) ESS Team (LTEC). EDPD/PTI • Ensure ESMP is incorporated into the BD/CD. • Review Contractors proposals to ensure that they are aware of the ESMP requirements and that line items for environmental management as per the ESMP are included in the BOQ. Site Clearance and Contractor • Prepare C-ESMP in line with the SS-ESMP Construction • Obtain all necessary environmental and social related permits for construction. PMU/DOR, • Review and approve C-ESMP and send a CSC/Field copy of the approved C-ESMP to EDPD/PTI Engineer Contractor • Attend periodical meetings on site management and monitoring with CSC/Fiend Engineer Construction and Contractor • Daily monitoring of environmental and social O&M phases issues by the contractor ESSM team. during the OPBRC • Preparation of weekly environmental and services social checklists. • Preparation of Monthly environmental and social reports. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 94 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province Project Stage Responsible Key Responsibilities Institution • Preparing Corrective action plans as needed. PMU/DOR and • Periodic site visits (6-months) to monitor EDPD/PTI Contractors environmental and social performance. CSC/Field • Weekly monitoring of the Contractors Engineer compliance with ESMP / C-ESMP. • Issuing the Contractor with Non-compliance Notices. • Monthly reporting to PMU/PTI of Contractors performance based on the review of Contractors weekly checklists and weekly site visits. • Quarterly Environmental and Social Reports prepared by the ESS1 and submitted to PMU/PTI and World Bank. 3-month ESU/PMU and the • Monitor compliance and adequacy of the C- monitoring Monitoring ESMP and ECC to be issued by PONRE Working Group Luang Prabang Province. 6.2 ESMP Capacity Building and Training 103. Specific budget has been allocated for (a) ensuring effective monitoring, reporting, and training to ensure full compliance including consultation and implementation of EGEP and (b) technical assistance and capacity building and/or priority action research activities on ESS. Extensive training and capacity building on environmental, social, and occupational health and safety (ESOHS) will be necessary to enhance performance on the ground. Improving effective site management, effective application of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), active participation of local communities, and effective application of GRM record will be necessary with proper tracking records. 104. DPWT will also be required to establish a Monitoring Working Groups (MWG) comprising ESU/DPWT, PONRE, LWU, and other related local authorities to be responsible for undertaking periodic monitoring of the ESMP, ARAP, and EGEP implementation including GRM tracking and Contractor performance of the approved C-ESMP. EDPD/PTI will also provide review the current monitoring and reporting forms to enhance effectiveness of the monitoring and reporting process. EDPD/PTI will ensure that adequate budget can be transferred to the ESU/DPWT and the MWG and timely submission of the ESS monitoring report. Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 95 ESMP for Local Road No. 2571, 2652 and 2931-3170, Luang Prabang Province 6.3 ESMP Implementation Budget 105. The ESMP implementation cost will be part of the Project costs. It comprises (a) cost for preparation and implementation of the mitigation measures during road rehabilitation and maintenance (C-ESMP) which will be part of the Project construction costs; (b) cost of land acquisition and/or compensation of assets or relocations (if any); (c) cost of UXO clearance (if required); (d) cost for monitoring, reporting, and training; and (e) cost for consultation with ethnic group and implementation of EGEP (if needed). The following table provides the travel costs for monitoring and training of the Contractor and provincial project staff of PPWT as well as DPWT in the implementation of this ESMP. Table 15. ESMP Implementation Budget No Description Construction Maintenance Period Period Lumpsum of travel costs for monitoring, 2 Years 5 Years training on ESMP 1 Budget for Consultants/Concerned Parties in E&S for monitoring of USD 7,000 ESMP, EGEP and ARAP. 2 Training for the Concerned parties, DPWT, CMU, Contractors, provincial departments as for: - Implementing the ESMP; - Monitoring E&S compliance, including reporting; USD 7,000 - Gender-Based Violence, - Violence Against Children, - HIV/AIDS awareness; - Occupational Health & Safety; - Labor Management Procedures, - Grievance Redress; - Road Safety. 3 Budget for conduct travel to villages USD 3,500 to conduct monitoring, training activities, etc. 4 Miscellaneous USD 3,500 Total Budget Local road No. 2571, 2652 and USD 21,000 2931-3170 Feasible Study (FS) and Environment and Social Assessment (ESA) Study for the Improvement and Maintenance of National Road 2 96