The World Bank CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION (P181489) Program Information Documents (PID) Appraisal Stage | Date Prepared/Updated: 09-May-2024 | Report No: PIDA293497 May 9, 2024 Page 1 of 9 The World Bank CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION (P181489) BASIC INFORMATION OPS_TABLE_BASIC_DATA A. Basic Program Data Country Project ID Program Name Parent Project ID (if any) Cote d'Ivoire P181489 CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO P177800 STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION Region Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Practice Area (Lead) WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA 16-Apr-2024 05-Jun-2024 Education Financing Instrument Borrower(s) Implementing Agency Program-for-Results Financing Republic of Côte d'Ivoire Ministry of National Education and Literacy Program Development Objective(s) The Program Development Objective is to improve: (i) equitable access to quality education and school health services in preprimary and primary schools; (ii) learning outcomes; and (iii) performance based management along the service delivery chain. COST & FINANCING SUMMARY (USD Millions) Government program Cost 678.30 Total Operation Cost 60.65 Total Program Cost 52.95 IPF Component 7.70 Total Financing 60.65 Financing Gap 0.00 FINANCING (USD Millions) Total Non-World Bank Group and Non-Client Government Financing 60.65 Trust Funds 60.65 May 9, 2024 Page 2 of 9 The World Bank CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION (P181489) B. Introduction and Context Country Context 1. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted Côte d’Ivoire's economy and livelihoods in 2020. Despite initial projections for strong economic growth, trade disruptions and reduced foreign financing due to COVID- 19 led to a marked deceleration in GDP growth to 2 percent. While the economy showed resilience, vulnerable populations faced lasting effects, including interruptions in public service delivery and decreased household incomes. Moreover, the pandemic disproportionately affected wage and non-wage employment, revenue, and consumption, highlighting the need for targeted support to mitigate the impact on livelihoods. Although the economy recovered swiftly, the pandemic's repercussions on human capital development and gender equality underscored ongoing challenges in fostering inclusive growth. 2. Côte d’Ivoire faces persistent challenges in human capital development and gender equality, despite progress in recent years. The country's Human Capital Index (HCI) score remains low, driven by deficiencies in education, adult survival rates, and high stunting rates. Addressing these issues is crucial for sustainable development, as evidenced by estimates suggesting that gender equality could increase economic growth and reduce poverty. Efforts to improve education quality and access, particularly in the face of demographic pressures and climate change impacts, are central to enhancing human capital and promoting long-term economic competitiveness. Climate change, with its projected increase in extreme weather events like floods and droughts, poses additional risks to education and human capital development, emphasizing the need for comprehensive adaptation strategies to safeguard future generations. Sectoral and Institutional Context Overview of Education Sector in Côte d'Ivoire 3. Côte d'Ivoire faces significant challenges in its education sector, primarily stemming from high illiteracy rates, poor health conditions affecting children's ability to learn, inadequate access to preschool education, and disparities in primary and secondary school coverage between urban and rural areas. Despite improvements in primary access rates and enrollment, challenges persist due to overcrowded classrooms, insufficient infrastructure, and low-quality learning materials. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these challenges, disrupting traditional schooling methods and revealing shortcomings in distance learning initiatives. 4. Learning outcomes remain low, with a large portion of students lacking proficiency in reading and mathematics. Factors contributing to this include insufficient pedagogical materials, ineffective teacher training and supervision, high teacher absenteeism, and inadequate resource allocation. In addition, children with disabilities face barriers to accessing education due to a lack of tailored support and accommodations. 5. Despite significant public funding, the education system suffers from inefficiencies in resource management and accountability. Decentralized education entities lack clear roles and suffer from limited financial resources, hindering their ability to effectively manage schools and address regional disparities. The education management information system is still being developed, with improvements needed to integrate various data sources for better governance. Government Strategies 6. To address these challenges, the Ivorian government has developed an Education Sector Plan focused on improving access, quality, and governance by 2025. Key initiatives include increasing access to early May 9, 2024 Page 3 of 9 The World Bank CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION (P181489) childhood education, enhancing teacher training and supervision, improving resource allocation and management, and strengthening accountability mechanisms. The government has also launched the National Education and Literacy Forum to engage stakeholders in co-creating a sustainable education system focused on equity, quality, and effective leadership. 7. While Côte d'Ivoire has made progress in expanding access to education, significant challenges remain in ensuring quality learning outcomes and addressing disparities across regions and population groups. The government's strategies aim to tackle these challenges by prioritizing access, quality, and governance reforms in the education sector. PforR Program Scope 8. In 2016, the government of Côte d’Ivoire developed an education sector plan (ESP) covering the 2016–2025 period. This plan was developed based on the in-depth diagnostic analysis conducted as part of the Status Report of the National Education System (Rapport d’état sur le système éducatif national; RESEN) carried out in 2015. This plan developed strategies to achieve equitable and quality education improvement objectives for the sector. Strategic pillars are: (i) improving quality and diversity of education and training offer; (ii) improvement of the school, family, and community environment for a greater demand for education services; and (iii) improvement of quality management and governance of the system. The ESP 2016–2025 defines reforms, programs, and projects to implement the government’s vision for “an Ivorian education system that takes into account citizen transformation needs to provide all children and adults with quality, equitable and inclusive education and training, to make them able to contribute to the socio-economic development of their community and society and to promote social cohesion and to ensure their capacity for competitiveness and technological innovations.�1 9. The PforR supports each pillar of the government’s Education Sector Plan program, with a particular focus on strengthening the primary education system and prioritizing the implementation of certain activities in the country’s neediest areas. The PforR intervention boundaries within the ESP are presented in the table below. 10. The structure of the PforR RAs follows the organization of the ESP pillars, supporting specific outputs of the government program as highlighted in the table below. The PforR will focus on strengthening key elements of the basic education system, including programmatic elements and the implementation system, to strengthen the government’s operational capacity to deliver the quality and inclusive school health/nutrition and basic education services specified in the ESP. Each RA is briefly described in the following paragraphs. A technical assistance component (Investment Project Financing) will support specific expertise for each RA. The PforR will support the government until 2027. Table 1 : PforR Interventions within the ESP Government Program Education sector plan (ESP) effect ESP pillar Effect 1: Children of preschool age access to quality preschool education services ➢ Product 1.1 Preschool children have an adequate education offer Access and ➢ Product 1.2 Preschool children benefit from a safe school, family, and community Quality environment conducive to demand for preschool education services 1 Côte d’Ivoire, Plan Stratégique de l’Education Formation (2016–2025), Vision. May 9, 2024 Page 4 of 9 The World Bank CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION (P181489) Effect 2: Children (girls and boys) aged 6 to 11 and children aged 10 and over illiterate or outside education system have access to quality education and complete primary school and have access to quality literacy or nonformal education services ➢ Product 2.1 Children of primary school age have an adequate education offer Access and ➢ Product 2.2 Children of primary school age benefit from a school, family, and Quality community environment conducive to demand for services ➢ Product 2.3 Children aged 10 and over illiterate or outside education system have an adequate supply of literacy or nonformal education Effect 3: Pupils aged 12 to 15 have access to a quality education and complete lower Access and secondary education Quality Effect 4: Students aged 16 to 18 have access to quality upper secondary education Access and Quality Effect 5: People over 12 have access to quality technical and vocational training Access and Quality Effect 6: Students have access to quality higher education offer that ensures their Access and professional integration Quality Effect 7: Results of scientific research and technological innovation are valued and Access and contribute to the social and economic development in Côte d’Ivoire Quality Effect 8: Institutional and organizational frameworks ensure a strong governance, management, planning, and monitoring and evaluation system that supports quality of services, internal and external intervention effectiveness and resources management efficiency ➢ Product 8.1 Governance reforms to ensure adequate management of education Governance and training sector are implemented ➢ Product 8.2 Planning and monitoring-evaluation system ensures effective and efficient management of ESP implementation PforR Boundary Results Area 1: Improve equitable access to basic education in a safe environment. 11. RA 1 aims to strengthen the mechanisms, tools, and strategies developed in relation to school health and nutrition and access to an inclusive school to increase educational opportunities, particularly in vulnerable areas, and to promote students’ health and nutrition to enable them to learn. The PforR will provide incentives for government activities that support (a) the prioritization of the school health and nutrition support package for young students and the dissemination of a family literacy program that promotes children’s cognitive development and women empowerment, (b) the expansion of the school construction program based on a more effective planning tool to meet the needs resulting from strong demographic pressure, and (c) efforts to develop a more inclusive school. Results Area 2: Improve the quality of teaching and classroom practices. 12. RA 2 aims to improve the quality of education, particularly the learning outcomes of students and the classroom practices of teachers. National and international evaluations show a low level of student learning in Côte d’Ivoire when teachers seem to master academic skills. This situation challenges the actors of the May 9, 2024 Page 5 of 9 The World Bank CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION (P181489) educational system and questions what happens in the classroom. The PforR will support the government to (a) implement its National Early Learning Program (PNAPAS); (b) implement its National Strategy for Initial and in-Service Teacher Training (Stratégie Nationale de Formation Initiale et Continue); and (c) implement large scale learning assessments. These interventions will directly contribute to reduce learning poverty in Côte d’Ivoire. Results Area 3: Strengthen management capacity and accountability throughout the service delivery chain. 13. RA 3 aims to strengthen education system management to better coordinate actions, strengthen accountability mechanism at central and deconcentrated levels, and rationalize the use of public resources. The PforR will incentivize the government by supporting (a) the institutionalization of a support and coordination unit within MENA; (b) the recruitment of teachers based on regions’ specific needs; (c) the implementation of objectives and performance contracts. C. Program Development Objective(s) Program Development Objective(s) The Program Development Objective is to improve: (i) equitable access to quality education and school health services in basic education schools; (ii) learning outcomes; and (iii) performance based management along the service delivery chain. The following performance monitoring will monitor Program’s achievement: RA 1: Increase equitable access to basic education in a safe and resilient environment o Net access rates to the first year of primary school (CP1), disaggregated by gender o Percentage of pupils with updated vaccinations after being referred to a vaccination center following medical checkup o Net access rate to lower secondary education, disaggregated by gender RA 2: Improve quality of teaching and classroom practices o Level of learning weakness among CE1 pupils o Percentage of pupils in grade 3 (CE1) reaching the minimum threshold for reading skills o Percentage of teachers visited applying the new reading teaching methods o Students in grade 8 (5ème) have improved their language skills by 5 percentage points compared to the baseline o Percentage of lower secondary school teachers visited applying the new teaching practices related to the lower secondary education reform RA 3: Strengthen management capacity and accountability to deliver results throughout the service delivery chain o Number of strategic documents validated by the MENA Support and Coordination Secretariat Number of Objectives and Performance Contracts (OPCs) implemented at the level of Regional Directorate of National Education and Literacy (Direction Régionale de l’Education et de l’Alphabétisation; DRENA) May 9, 2024 Page 6 of 9 The World Bank CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION (P181489) D. Environmental and Social Effects 14. The Environmental and Social Systems Assessment (ESSA) focused on evaluating various aspects related to the Performance-Based Support for Education Results Project (PRSEP) and the Additional Financing (AF). Its objectives encompassed assessing environmental and social (E&S) risks and impacts, analyzing beneficiary capacity to manage these risks, comparing beneficiary systems with core principles, evaluating the likelihood of achieving objectives, and recommending measures through a Program Action Plan (PAP). 15. Methodologically, the ESSA employed document reviews, consultations with stakeholders, and analysis of E&S system strengths and areas for improvement. Key stakeholders were engaged, including central and decentralized structures within MENA, ANDE, and local communities in pilot regions. This comprehensive approach facilitated a holistic understanding of the project's E&S landscape. The report provides insights into environmental and social assessments, regulatory frameworks, institutional setups, and recommendations for improving program implementation. 16. The assessment underlines regulatory and institutional aspects concerning environmental and social dimensions. It highlights the need for integrating E&S considerations into procurement processes, strengthening institutional capacities, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards throughout the program. 17. On the environmental front, the assessment identified gaps in regulatory coverage for construction-related activities but emphasized the importance of adherence to environmental standards and directives. It also stressed the necessity of enhancing institutional capacities for effective environmental management, including training and oversight of contractors. 18. Regarding social assessment, the ESSA recognized potential social impacts such as occupational health and safety issues, risks related to child labor, and concerns regarding land acquisition. It emphasized the importance of stakeholder engagement, inclusive community involvement, and measures to address vulnerable groups' needs. 19. Findings indicated the program's exclusion criteria, manageable environmental risks, and positive social impacts. Recommendations encompassed institutional strengthening, procedural enhancements, and ongoing monitoring and reporting mechanisms to ensure effective E&S management throughout the program's implementation. 20. Citizen engagement emerged as a crucial aspect, with recommendations emphasizing the meaningful involvement of local communities in Program planning and execution. The formation of a local community committee, inclusive of diverse demographics, was proposed to facilitate participatory decision-making and project oversight. 21. Implementation support recommendations focused on capacity building within MENA, drafting contracts with E&S safeguards, strengthening internal systems, and enhancing collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Regular reporting and independent evaluation mechanisms were proposed to ensure accountability and compliance with E&S standards. May 9, 2024 Page 7 of 9 The World Bank CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION (P181489) E. Financing Program Financing (Template) Sources Amount % of Total (USD Million) International Development Association (IDA) 320.90 81 IDA Credit 320.90 81 Trust Funds 76.05 9 Education for All - Fast Track Initiative 76.05 9 Total Program Financing 396.95 . CONTACT POINT World Bank Name : Yves Jantzem Designation : Senior Operations Officer Role : Team Leader(ADM Responsible) Telephone No : 5331+3413 / Email : Borrower/Client/Recipient Borrower : Republic of Côte d'Ivoire Contact : Title : Telephone No : Email : Implementing Agencies Implementing Ministry of National Education and Agency : Literacy Contact : Konan Raoul Kouadio Title : Director of Cabinet Telephone No : 2250709161116 Email : May 9, 2024 Page 8 of 9 The World Bank CÔTE D'IVOIRE AF TO STRENGTHENING PRIMARY EDUCATION SYSTEM OPERATION (P181489) FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: May 9, 2024 Page 9 of 9