TAX ADMINISTRATION DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT TOOL Module 6 POA 4 TIMELY FILING OF TAX DECLARATIONS DESIRED OUTCOME OF POA 4 DESIRED OUTCOMES Taxpayers file their tax declarations on time. • Tax laws and administrative rules specify who is required to file and when, and what supporting documents are required. • Tax declarations are the principal means by which a taxpayer’s liability is established • Annual and Periodic returns - monthly/quarterly/annual cycles • It is important that all taxpayers who are required to file do so at the time when it is due. • Failure to meet filing requirement on-time may result in penalties, interest or prosecution. • Tax declarations may be paper-based or in electronic form and may be filed by the taxpayers themselves or their tax agent • Strong linkage between POA 4 and POA 1 (Taxpayer register) and POA 5 (Payment) OVERVIEW OF POA 4 • Good practice is defined on pages 63 and 64 • Key features of Filing and Declaration IT modules are in Box 5 on page 64 • Not going to cover these in this session as they are not part of TADAT scoring • TADAT scores largely based on calculations – need to know TADAT definitions • For measuring on-time filing rates, expected tax declarations means: the number of declarations that the tax administration expects to receive from registered taxpayers that are required by law to file declarations. This excludes: (a) Unregistered taxpayers; and (b) Non-mandatory tax declarations from taxpayers who have no legal obligation to file - e.g. those below the declarations filing threshold Refer Tables 4 to 11 – Pages 142 to 148 GOOD PRACTICE POA 4 • Simplifying filing requirements, including pre-filling of tax declarations • Being proactive in reminding taxpayers of approaching deadlines • Using automated processes to identify taxpayers who have failed to file on time • Timely follow-up and enforcement action tailored to history of non-filer • Analytical techniques to support effective actions to achieve on-time filing • Outreach programs to assist taxpayer groups and intermediaries • Promoting use of electronic filing for all core taxes • Having a modern ITAS that monitors and manages filing compliance • Outcome measures rather than just output measures. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR FILING OF TAX RETURNS (POA4) High Level Indicators P4-13: P4-14: Use of P4-12: On-time filing rate Management electronic M2 of non-filers filing facilities M1 M1 The number of CIT The number of PIT The number of VAT The number of The number of PAYE Action taken to follow The extent to which tax declarations filed by declarations filed by declarations filed by domestic excise tax withholding up non-filers declarations are filed the statutory due the statutory due the statutory due declarations filed by declarations filed by electronically date as a percentage date as a percentage date as a percentage the statutory due employers by the of the number of of the number of of the number of date as a statutory due date as a declarations declarations declarations percentage of the percentage of the expected from expected from expected from number of number of PAYE active CIT taxpayers. active PIT taxpayers. active VAT taxpayers declarations declarations expected expected from from active employers active domestic excise taxpayers** Dimensions **Note: For TADAT purposes, domestic excise taxes focus on the categories of goods/services that contribute 70 percent of the total domestic excise revenue by value SCORING P4-12-1: ON-TIME FILING RATE FOR CIT RETURNS Total number of CIT declarations filed by the statutory due date in percent of the total number of CIT declarations expected from registered CIT taxpayers Number of CIT declarations filed by the due date x 100 Number of CIT declarations expected from registered CIT taxpayers A B C D - ALL taxpayers: - ALL taxpayers: - ALL taxpayers: The requirement Ratio is above Ratio is above Ratio is above for a C rating or 90 percent 75 and up to 90 50 and up to 75 higher are not met percent percent OR information insufficient - Large: Ratio is - Large: Ratio is - Large: Ratio is at 100 percent at least 95 at least 90 percent percent SCORING P4-12-2: ON-TIME FILING RATE FOR PIT RETURNS Total number of PIT declarations filed by the statutory due date in percent of the total number of PIT declarations expected from registered PIT taxpayers Number of PIT declarations filed by the due date x 100 Number of PIT declarations expected from registered PIT taxpayers A B C D Ratio is above 90 Ratio is above 75 Ratio is above 50 The requirement percent percent and up to percent and up to for a C rating or 90 percent 75 percent higher are not met or information insufficient SCORING P4-12-3: ON-TIME FILING RATE FOR VAT RETURNS Total number of VAT declarations filed by the statutory due date in percent of the total number of VAT declarations expected from registered VAT taxpayers Number of VAT declarations filed by the due date x 100 Number of VAT declarations expected from registered VAT taxpayers A B C D - ALL taxpayers: - ALL taxpayers: - ALL taxpayers: The requirement Ratio is above 90 Ratio is above 75 Ratio is above 50 for a C rating or percent and up to 90 and up to 75 higher are not met - Large: Ratio is percent percent OR information 100 percent - Large: Ratio is at - Large: Ratio is at insufficient least 95 percent least 90 percent SCORING P4-12-4: ON-TIME FILING RATE FOR DOMESTIC EXCISE TAX DECLARATIONS Number of domestic excise tax declarations filed by the statutory due date in percent of the number of domestic excise tax declarations (DETD) expected from registered domestic excise taxpayers Number of DETD filed by the due date x 100 Number of DETD expected from registered DET taxpayers A B C D - All DETD - ALL DETD - ALL DETD The requirement taxpayers: Ratio is taxpayers: Ratio is taxpayers: Ratio is for a C rating or above 90 percent 75 and above up 50 percent and higher are not met to 90 percent above up to 75 - Large DETD OR information taxpayers: Ratio is - Large DETD percent insufficient 100 percent taxpayers: Ratio is - Large DETD at least 95 percent taxpayers: Ratio is at least 90 percent SCORING P4-12-5: ON-TIME FILING RATE FOR PAYE RETURNS Total number of PAYE withholding declarations filed by employers by the statutory due date in percent of the total number of PAYE declarations expected from registered employers Number of PAYE withholding declarations filed by the due date x 100 Number of PAYE withholding declarations expected from registered employers A B C D Ratio is above 90 Ratio is above 75 Ratio is above 50 The requirements percent percent and up to percent and up to for a C rating are 90 percent 75 percent not met OR information insufficient SCORING P4-12 INDICATOR SCORE • P4-12: On-time filing rate, is scored using M2 method • M2 method is based on averaging the scores of the individual dimensions • It is used for multi-dimensional indicators where a low score on one dimension does not necessarily undermine the impact of higher scores on other dimensions of the same indicators • Progress on individual dimensions can be made independent of each other. • Table 2 on pages 12 and 13 of the field guide help determine the average score. • For POA4-12 we use the table with five dimensions SCORING P4-13: ACTION TAKEN TO FOLLOW UP NON-FILERS Automated processes are Penalties are The tax administration Documented The taxpayer register A used to identify taxpayers automatically has dedicated filing- procedures are in is routinely updated who have failed to file generated by the enforcement staff place and include based on the results of declarations when due automated system for filing-enforcement the non-filer non-filers follow-up WITHIN 7 enforcement. DAYS OF DUE DATE Automated processes are Penalties are The tax administration Documented The taxpayer register B used to identify taxpayers automatically has dedicated filing- procedures are in is routinely updated who have failed to file generated by the enforcement staff place and include based on the results of declarations when due automated system for filing-enforcement the non-filer non-filers follow-up WITHIN 14 enforcement. DAYS OF DUE DATE Automated processes are Penalties are The tax administration Documented C used to identify taxpayers automatically has dedicated filing- procedures are in who have failed to file generated by the enforcement staff place and include declarations when due automated system for filing-enforcement non-filers follow-up WITHIN 21 DAYS OF DUE DATE Scoring P4-14: Use of Electronic Filing The extent to which tax declarations are filed electronically A B C D - ALL taxpayers: At - ALL taxpayers: At - At least 50 The requirement least 85 percent least 70 percent percent of for a C rating or of declarations are of declarations are declarations are higher are not met filed electronically filed electronically filed electronically OR information for each of the for each of the for at least two insufficient core taxes core taxes core taxes - Large: All - Large: At least 80 taxpayers file percent file electronically electronically Total number of declarations filed electronically x 100 Total number of declarations expected from active taxpayers Checklist of Questions and Evidence for POA 4 Reading Pages 63 to 72 of the Field Guide Questions – Numbers 46 to 51