PROCUREMENT PLAN INDONESIA – HEALTH SYSTEM STRENGTHENING PROJECT (P180811) I. General Project information : Indonesia – Health System Strengthening Project (P180811) Project Implementation : Ministry of Health (MoH) agency Loan No. : TBD Date of the Procurement : 16 November 2023 Plan Publication of General : To be updated once GPN is published Procurement Notice (GPN) Period covered by this : The first 18 months of project Procurement Plan implementation II.Preamble The partnership of MDBs, comprising the World Bank, AIIB, ADB, and IsDB, will jointly support the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Health (MoH) as the Implementing Agency to implement this project. MoH and the MDBs have agreed on (i) a joint co-financing between WB, AIIB, and ADB for the SOPHI component, (ii) a joint co-financing between WB and ADB for the InPULS component, and (iii) a joint co-financing between WB and AIIB, as well as parallel co-financing from IsDB, for the SIHREN component. It was also agreed between MoH, AIIB and ADB that the World Bank will be the lead of co- financiers for this project. For joint co-financing with ADB and AIIB, it was agreed that all procurement processes under the Project shall be carried out in accordance with the World Bank’s Procurement Regulation for IPF Borrower of September 2023, as amended time to time through Alternative Procurement Arrangement (APA), and the provisions of the Procurement Plan and Project Operations Manual and shall take precedence over any national procurement regulations. ADB and AIIB also rely on to the World Bank for monitoring, supervising, and providing implementation support to MoH during project implementation. This also applies to procurement of goods, works and non-consultant services under the Request for Bids through the Open National Competitive method, which shall also be governed by the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations. In the case of Open National Competitive procurement packages, GoI’s procurement regulation (Perpres 16/2018 as amended No.12/2021) may be used to the extent that it does not conflict with the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations and subject to the required improvements listed below which are incorporated in the bidding documents acceptable by the World Bank for use in national open competitive procurement under the World Bank financed projects. In case a conflict or difference in opinion arises during the procurement process, the World Bank will provide clarification in writing for the correct application of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations. In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (September 2023) (“Procurement Regulations”) the World Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The World Bank’s Procurement prior review thresholds and selection method threshold: The identified procurement risk under this Project is ‘substantial’ at project preparation stage. Accordingly, all contracts listed in the Procurement Plan Table at or above the thresholds set out in below are subject to the World Bank’s procurement prior review. All other contracts are subject to post-review. The following selection method threshold shall govern for procurement of goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services. However, the selection of procurement method and market approach shall also be based on market research and analysis as elaborated in the Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD). Procurement Approved Selection Type of Procurement Prior Review Method Threshold Threshold Works (including turnkey, supply & installation of plant and equipment, and PPP) International Open ≥ US$ 40 million ≥ US$ 10 million National Open at or above US$ 200k ≥ US$ 10 million and less than US$ 40 million Request for Quotation/e- ≤ US$ 500k N/A purchasing through mini competition Procurement Approved Selection Type of Procurement Prior Review Method Threshold Threshold Direct Selection Subject to conditions as ≥ US$ 10 million per paragraph 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10 of the Procurement Regulations Goods and information technology International Open ≥ US$ 10 million ≥ US$ 2 million National Open at or above US$ 100k ≥ US$ 2 million and less than US$ 10 million Request for Quotation/e- ≤ US$ 500k N/A purchasing through mini competition Direct Selection Subject to conditions as ≥ US$ 2 million per paragraph 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10 of the Procurement Regulations Non-Consulting Services International Open ≥ US$ 10 million ≥ US$ 2 million National Open at or above US$ 100k ≥ US$ 2 million and less than US$ 10 million Request for Quotation/e- ≤ US$ 500k N/A purchasing through mini competition Direct Selection Subject to conditions as ≥ US$ 2 million per paragraph 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10 of the Procurement Regulations Consultants: firms International Open (Firms) ≥ US$ 400k ≥ US$ 1 million - QCBS, QBS, LCS, FBS and CQS National Open (Firms) - < US$ 400k - QCBS, QBS, LCS, FBS and CQS Procurement Approved Selection Type of Procurement Prior Review Method Threshold Threshold Direct Selection Subject to conditions as ≥ US$ 1 million per paragraph 7.13, 7.14 and 7.15 of the Procurement Regulations Consultants: individuals Competitive Selection All ≥ US$ 300k or as stated in the procurement plan Direct Selection Subject to conditions as ≥ US$ 300k per paragraph 7.39 of the Procurement Regulations The World Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international open competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Open Competitive Procurement: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market, as agreed in the Procurement Plan, the Government of Indonesia’s Procurement Regulations as set out to follow Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 16/2018 as amended No. 12/2021, may be used, subject to meeting conditions as stipulated in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulation and use of national bidding document acceptable to the World Bank. Use of National e-Procurement System (SPSE): Unless informed otherwise by the World Bank in writing, SPSE e-procurement system may be used only for procurement of goods, works and non-consultant services under Request for Bids through National Open Competitive method, and using bidding document acceptable by the World Bank. For selection of consultant services through QCBS method, only the modified SPSE (termed by LKPP as SPSE-“ICB”) may be used applying the World Bank’s standard Request for Proposal document. Since at the present time LKPP has not yet developed the modified SPSE for procurement of goods, works and non-consultant services under International Open Competitive method, nor for selection of consultants under QBS, CQS, LCS, FBS and individual consultant selection methods, therefore procurement of all contract packages under these methods shall be carried out through non-electronic process with manual issuance of invitation for bids and receipt of bids, until such time that the modified SPSE has been completed by LKPP and assessed by the World Bank to be acceptable. If the World Bank determines the modified SPSE to be acceptable for use under the above-mentioned remaining procurement methods, the World Bank will confirm through the World Bank’s written no objection to LKPP and will also notify in writing to project implementing agencies. The use of National e-purchasing/e-catalogue system will be based on market analysis and provided that equipment/goods are available in e-catalogue system with sufficient quantity and ensure to achieve economy and value for money, and to be acceptable by the World Bank. In case the use of e-catalogue system is justified, mini competition (similar to Request for Quotation by comparing several quotations) approach shall be followed. Other Relevant Procurement Information. - Advance procurement will be conducted under the project especially for first batch equipment/medical devices and Project Management Consultants. - A margin of Domestic Preference may be applied in the evaluation of bids/proposals as appropriate. The Procurement Plan table below are only for the first 18 months of implementation. The Procurement Plan is a living document and can be revised if there are any changes during the implementation of the project. Table 1 Procurement Plan for Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services Bid Doc Compon Procurem Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N ent Market Estimated total Signed Activity ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o (SIHREN Approach amount (USD) Contract Category Type d Specificati ent on ) on National RFB Open/RFQ Procurement of Electrical Beds with Scale 15/11/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 1 Goods 2 Post (1S /e- 226,243.17 1/12/2023 (28 units) 3 24 29 1E) purchasin g RFB Procurement of Cathlab Single Plane & Bi Internatio 31/10/202 15/11/202 30/04/20 31/03/20 2 Goods 2 Prior (1S 497,365,417.00 Plane (401 units) nal Open 3 3 24 29 2E) Lot 1: Procurement of Single Plane Cathlabs for 30/04/20 31/03/202 Goods 182,082,176.00 31/10/2023 15/11/2023 delivery to West Indonesia (149 units) 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Single Plane Cathlabs for 30/04/20 31/03/202 Goods 87,986,018.00 31/10/2023 15/11/2023 delivery to Central Indonesia (72 units) 24 9 Lot 3: Procurement of Single Plane Cathlabs for 30/04/20 31/03/202 Goods 212,632,877.00 31/10/2023 15/11/2023 delivery to East Indonesia (174 units) 24 9 Lot 4: Procurement of Biplane Cathlabs for 30/04/20 31/03/202 Goods 14,664,336.00 31/10/2023 15/11/2023 delivery across Indonesia (6 units) 24 9 RFB Procurement of Dialysis Equipment (16 National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 3 Goods 2 Post (1S 581,642.56 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Automated Peritoneal 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 242,764.80 1/12/2023 Dialysis (12 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Continuous Renal 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Replacement Therapy (CRRT), Neonate (4 Goods 338,877.76 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) Procurement of Video Flexible RFB National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 4 Bronchoscopy (Portable Handheld) (3 Goods 2 Post (1S 862,463.23 Open 23 3 24 29 units) 1E) RFB Procurement of High Flow Equipment (80 National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 5 Goods 2 Post (1S 1,700,561.11 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of High Flow Oxygen 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 830,565.12 1/12/2023 Delivery Unit (NICU) (39 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of High Flow Oxygen 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 869,995.99 1/12/2023 Delivery Unit (PICU) (41 units) 23 24 9 RFB Procurement of Infant Warmers Internatio 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 6 Goods 2 Prior (1S 28,673,343.16 Equipment (851 units) nal Open 23 3 24 29 2E) Lot 1: Procurement of Infant Warmers Equipment for delivery to West Indonesia (324 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 10,968,568.65 1/12/2023 units) 23 24 9 - Infant Incubator (NICU) (310 units) Bid Doc Compon Procurem Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N ent Market Estimated total Signed Activity ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o (SIHREN Approach amount (USD) Contract Category Type d Specificati ent on ) on - Infant Incubator with Radiant Warmer (NICU) (12 units) - Transport Infant Incubator (2 units) Lot 2: Procurement of Infant Warmers Equipment for delivery to Central Indonesia (156 units) 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 5,573,641.48 1/12/2023 - Infant Incubator (NICU) (146 units) 23 24 9 - Infant Incubator with Radiant Warmer (NICU) (10 units) Lot 3: Procurement of Infant Warmers Equipment for delivery to East Indonesia (371 units) 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 - Infant Incubator (NICU) (362 units) Goods 12,131,133.03 1/12/2023 23 24 9 - Infant Incubator with Radiant Warmer (NICU) (8 units) - Transport Infant Incubator (1 unit) RFB Procurement of Invasive Cardiology Internatio 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 7 Goods 2 Prior (1S 10,474,153.07 Equipment (101 units) nal Open 23 3 24 29 2E) Lot 1: Procurement of 3D Ablation System (3 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 334,848.00 1/12/2023 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Intra-aortic Ballon Pump 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 1,534,720.00 1/12/2023 (IABP) (11 units) 23 24 9 Lot 3: Procurement of Rotablator (Cardiac) (26 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 1,160,806.40 1/12/2023 units) 23 24 9 Lot 4: Procurement of Fractional Flow Reserve 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 3,627,520.00 1/12/2023 (OCT and IVUS compatible) (26 units) 23 24 9 Lot 5: Procurement of Invasive Hemodynamic 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 996,258.67 1/12/2023 Monitor (19 units) 23 24 9 Lot 6: Procurement of Optical Coherence 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 1,424,800.00 1/12/2023 Tomography (OCT) (8 units) 23 24 9 Lot 7: Procurement of Intravascular Ultrasound 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 1,395,200.00 1/12/2023 (IVUS) (8 units) 23 24 9 National RFB Open/RFQ Procurement of Thromboelastogram (TEG) 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 8 Goods 2 Post (1S /e- 404,121.47 (13 units) 23 3 24 29 1E) purchasin g RFB Procurement of Laboratory Major 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 9 Goods 2 Prior (1S National 2,631,109.59 Analyzer Equipment (18 units) 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Analyzers, Laboratory, 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Molecular Assay, Infectious Microorganism (13 Goods 779,029.33 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) Bid Doc Compon Procurem Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N ent Market Estimated total Signed Activity ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o (SIHREN Approach amount (USD) Contract Category Type d Specificati ent on ) on Lot 2: Procurement of Spectrometers, Mass, 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 1,852,080.25 1/12/2023 Laboratory (5 units) 23 24 9 RFB Procurement of Portable Blood Gas National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 10 Goods 2 Prior (1S 8,388,587.86 Analyzer (NICU) (415 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Portable Blood Gas 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Analyzer (NICU) for delivery West Indonesia Goods 3,173,513.96 1/12/2023 23 24 9 (157 units) Lot 2: Procurement of Portable Blood Gas 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Analyzer (NICU) for delivery to Central Goods 1,516,009.85 1/12/2023 23 24 9 Indonesia (75 units) Lot 3: Procurement of Portable Blood Gas 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Analyzer (NICU) for delivery to East Indonesia Goods 3,699,064.04 1/12/2023 23 24 9 (183 units) RFB National Procurement of Point-of-Care 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 11 Goods 2 Prior (1S Open 2,297,584.47 Bilirubinometer (537 units) 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Point-of-Care 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Bilirubinometer, Blood Sample for delivery to Goods 855,711.16 1/12/2023 23 24 9 West Indonesia (200 units) Lot 2: Procurement of Point-of-Care 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Bilirubinometer, Blood Sample for delivery to Goods 436,412.69 1/12/2023 23 24 9 Central Indonesia (102 units) Lot 3: Procurement of Point-of-Care 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Bilirubinometer, Blood Sample for delivery to Goods 1,005,460.62 1/12/2023 23 24 9 East Indonesia (235 units) RFB National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 12 Procurement of Laser Bundle (17 units) Goods 2 Prior (1S 3,209,180.86 Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Laser Holmium (Ho:YAG 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 2,730,000.00 1/12/2023 Laser urology) (13 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of ND:Yag Ablation Laser 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 479,180.86 1/12/2023 for TTTS (OBGYN) (4 units) 23 24 9 RFB Internatio 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 13 Procurement of MRI 1.5T (11 units) Goods 2 Prior (1S 19,797,888 nal Open 23 3 24 29 2E) RFB Procurement of Neonatal Equipment (35 National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 14 Goods 2 Post (1S 502,314.73 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Auditory Function 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Screening Devices - Brain Evoked Response Goods 194,598.15 1/12/2023 23 24 9 Auditory (Neonate) (4 units) Lot 2: Procurement of Auditory Function 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Screening Devices - Otoacoustic (Neonate) (31 Goods 307,716.59 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) Bid Doc Compon Procurem Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N ent Market Estimated total Signed Activity ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o (SIHREN Approach amount (USD) Contract Category Type d Specificati ent on ) on RFB 31/03/20 Procurement of Neuro Equipment (45 National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 15 Goods 2 Prior (1S 8,989,981.84 29 units) Open 23 3 24 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of High speed drill power 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 1,116,160.00 1/12/2023 system (for neurosurgery) (16 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Neurosurgery 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 6,720,000.00 1/12/2023 microscope (12 units) 23 24 9 Lot 3: Procurement of Neonatal 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Electroencephalography (EEG) (NICU) (17 Goods 1,153,821.84 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) RFB Procurement of Oximetry Equipment (580 National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 16 Goods 2 Prior (1S 2,657,766.74 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Portable Respiratory 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 471,912.00 1/12/2023 Monitor (Capnography + Oximetry) (42 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Pulse Co-Oximeter 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 (Neonate) for delivery to West Indonesia (200 Goods 812,585.40 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) Lot 3: Procurement Pulse Co-Oximeter 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 (Neonate) for delivery to Central Indonesia Goods 414,418.56 1/12/2023 23 24 9 (102 units) Lot 4: Procurement Pulse Co-Oximeter 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 (Neonate) for delivery to East Indonesia (236 Goods 958,850.78 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) RFB Procurement of Ophthalmic Diode Laser National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 17 Goods 2 Post (1S 617,550.93 (810nm) (7 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) National RFB Open/RFQ Procurement of Patient Diagnostic 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 18 Goods 2 Post (1S /e- 113,523.97 Equipment (19 units) 23 3 24 29 1E) purchasin g Lot 1: Procurement of Ophthalmoscope Indirect 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 96,133.72 1/12/2023 (14 units) 23 24 9 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Procurement of Vein Finder (5 units) Goods 17,390.26 1/12/2023 23 24 9 RFB Procurement of Patient Monitoring National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 19 Goods 2 Post (1S 949,277.21 Invasive Equipment (71 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Neonate Invasive Patient 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 693,845.47 1/12/2023 Monitor (NICU) (40 units) 23 24 9 Bid Doc Compon Procurem Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N ent Market Estimated total Signed Activity ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o (SIHREN Approach amount (USD) Contract Category Type d Specificati ent on ) on Lot 2: Procurement of Invasive Blood Pressure 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 255,431.73 1/12/2023 Monitor (Paeds & Neonate) (31 units) 23 24 9 RFB Procurement of Patient Monitoring Non- National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 20 Goods 2 Prior (1S 3,954,083.23 Invasive Equipment (443 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Cardiotocography 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 295,431.89 1/12/2023 (CTG)/Fetal Monitor (34 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Neonate Patient Monitor 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 (NICU) for delivery to West Indonesia (155 Goods 1,386,530.46 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) Lot 3: Procurement of Neonate Patient Monitor 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 (NICU) for delivery to Central Indonesia (73 Goods 653,011.12 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) Lot 4: Procurement of Neonate Patient Monitor 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 (NICU) for delivery to East Indonesia (181 Goods 1,619,109.76 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) National RFB Open/RFQ Procurement of Transcutaneous Non- 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 21 Goods 2 Post (1S /e- 159,176.67 Invasive Blood Gas Monitor (5 units) 23 3 24 29 1E) purchasin g RFB Procurement of Radiography Equipment National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 22 Goods 2 Post (1S 1,520,100.53 (7 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Procurement of C-arm (6 units) Goods 1,255,680.00 1/12/2023 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Digital Mobile X-Ray (1 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 264,420.53 1/12/2023 unit) 23 24 9 RFB Procurement of Respiratory/ Anaesthesia National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 23 Goods 2 Prior (1S 2,669,664.01 Equipment (22 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Anaesthesia Unit (Paeds) 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 526,981.28 1/12/2023 (5 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Nitric Oxide Delivery Unit 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 2,142,682.73 1/12/2023 (17 units) 23 24 9 RFB Procurement of Surgery Equipment (79 Internatio 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 24 Goods 2 Prior (1S 20,475,514.62 units) nal Open 23 3 24 29 2E) Lot 1: Procurement of Heart Lung Bypass Unit 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 5,022,720.00 1/12/2023 (18 units) 23 24 9 Bid Doc Compon Procurem Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N ent Market Estimated total Signed Activity ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o (SIHREN Approach amount (USD) Contract Category Type d Specificati ent on ) on 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Procurement of ECMO Set (36 units) Goods 9,609,748.20 1/12/2023 23 24 9 Lot 3: Procurement of ECMO Set (NICU) (2 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 586,085.49 1/12/2023 units) 23 24 9 Lot 4: Procurement of Radiofrequency Therapy 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 652,800.93 1/12/2023 System (Puncture Generator) (NICU) (12 units) 23 24 9 Lot 5: Procurement of ESWL (Lithotripter) (11 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 4,604,160.00 1/12/2023 units) 23 24 9 RFB Procurement of Ultrasound Equipment Internatio 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 25 Goods 2 Prior (1S 75,159,589.31 (876 units) nal Open 23 3 24 29 2E) Lot 1: Procurement of Ultrasound Equipment for delivery to West Indonesia (349 units) - 3D Ultrasound (OBGYN) (3 units) - 4D Ultrasound (OBGYN) (1 unit) - Ultrasound Doppler (Nephro) (100 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) Goods 30,230,669.54 1/12/2023 23 24 9 - Echocardiography (86 units) - Portable Echocardiography (Neonate) (155 units) - 4D Portable Echocardiography (Neonate) (4 units) Lot 2: Procurement of Ultrasound Equipment for delivery to Central Indonesia (138 units) - 3D Ultrasound (OBGYN) (3 units) - Ultrasound Doppler (Nephro) (26 units) 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 11,199,325.35 1/12/2023 - Echocardiography (33 units) 23 24 9 - Portable Echocardiography (Neonate) (73 units) - 4D Portable Echocardiography (Neonate) (3 units) Lot 3: Procurement of Ultrasound Equipment for delivery to East Indonesia (389 units) - 3D Ultrasound (OBGYN) (3 units) - Ultrasound Doppler (Nephro) (93 units) 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 33,729,594.41 1/12/2023 - Echocardiography (107 units) 23 24 9 - Portable Echocardiography (Neonate) (181 units) - 4D Portable Echocardiography (Neonate) (5 units) RFB Procurement of CPAP Equipment (538 National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 26 Goods 2 Post (1S 1,941,553.32 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Bid Doc Compon Procurem Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N ent Market Estimated total Signed Activity ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o (SIHREN Approach amount (USD) Contract Category Type d Specificati ent on ) on Lot 1: Procurement of Continuous Positive 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Airway Pressure (CPAP), Transport for delivery Goods 721,767.04 1/12/2023 23 24 9 to West Indonesia (200 units) Lot 2: Procurement of Continuous Positive 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Airway Pressure (CPAP), Transport for delivery Goods 368,101.19 1/12/2023 23 24 9 to Central Indonesia (102 units) Lot 3: Procurement of Continuous Positive 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Airway Pressure (CPAP), Transport for delivery Goods 851,685.10 1/12/2023 23 24 9 to East Indonesia (236 units) RFB Procurement of Ventilator Equipment Internatio 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 27 Goods 2 Prior (1S 79,582,416.81 (1987 units) nal Open 23 3 24 29 2E) Lot 1: Procurement of High Frequency 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 3,878,367.57 1/12/2023 Ventilator (NICU) (32 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Ventilators for delivery to West Indonesia (732 units) - Non-invasive Ventilator (Adult & Paeds) (209 units) - Non-invasive Ventilator (Neonate) (155 units) 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 - Ventilator (Adult & Paeds) (205 units) Goods 28,432,076.62 1/12/2023 23 24 9 - Ventilator (Neonate – NICU) (155 units) - Transport Ventilator (Adult & Paeds) (1 unit) - Transport Ventilator (Neonate – NICU) (7 units) Lot 3: Procurement of Ventilator for delivery to Central Indonesia (361 units) - Non-invasive Ventilator (Adult & Paeds) (107 units) - Non-invasive Ventilator (Neonate) (73 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 14,008,694.49 1/12/2023 units) 23 24 9 - Ventilator (Adult & Paeds) (103 units) - Ventilator (Neonate – NICU) (75 units) - Transport Ventilator (Neonate – NICU) (3 units) Lot 4: Procurement of Ventilator for delivery to East Indonesia (862 units) - Non-invasive Ventilator (Adult & Paeds) (253 units) - Non-invasive Ventilator (Neonate) 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 (181 units) Goods 33,263,278.12 1/12/2023 23 24 9 - Ventilator (Adult & Paeds) (239 units) - Ventilator (Neonate – NICU) (184 units) - Transport Ventilator (Neonate – NICU) (5 units) Bid Doc Compon Procurem Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N ent Market Estimated total Signed Activity ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o (SIHREN Approach amount (USD) Contract Category Type d Specificati ent on ) on RFB Procurement of Warming/ Cooling National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 28 Goods 2 Prior (1S 4,289,381.87 Equipment (603 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Blanket Warmer (Forced 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 991,727.68 1/12/2023 Air) for delivery to West Indonesia (206 units) 23 24 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Blanket Warmer (Forced 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Air) for delivery to Central Indonesia (106 Goods 510,306.48 1/12/2023 23 24 9 units) Lot 3: Procurement of Blanket Warmer (Forced 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 1,160,225.10 1/12/2023 Air) for delivery to East Indonesia (241 units) 23 24 9 Lot 4: Procurement of Warming/Cooling Units, 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 1,112,364.00 1/12/2023 Patient, Circulating-Liquid (Pad) (33 units) 23 24 9 Lot 5: Procurement of Warming/Cooling Units, 15/11/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Goods 514,758.61 1/12/2023 Patient, Circulating-Liquid (Blanket) (17 units) 23 24 9 Procurement of Near Infrared RFB National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 29 Spectroscopy (NIRS) NICU/Cerebral Goods 2 Post (1S 1,970,772.83 Open 23 3 24 29 Oximeter (40 units) 1E) RFB Procurement of Ultrasonic Cardiac Output National 15/11/20 1/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/20 30 Goods 2 Post (1S 1,558,058.67 Monitor (40 units) Open 23 3 24 29 1E) Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (SOPHI) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on RFB Procurement of Resuscitator (26,608 National 11,142,17 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 1 Goods 1 Prior (1S units) Open 8.90 23 23 24 29 1E) 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Adult Resuscitator (10,686 units) 425,409.66 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Infant T Piece Resuscitator (4,074 units) 97,327.86 3 3 24 9 Lot 3: Infant T Piece Resuscitator with PEEP 10,302,036. 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 (3,875 units) 25 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 4: Neonatal Resuscitator (7,973 units) 317,405.13 3 3 24 9 RFB National 15,843,26 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 2 Procurement of Scale (83,690 units) Goods 1 Prior (1S Open 2.26 23 23 24 9 1E) 4,570,688.6 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Adult Scale (30,684 units) 4 3 3 24 9 7,627,621.4 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Body Height Measurement (28,512 units) 8 3 3 24 9 Lot 3: Digital Infant Weighing Scale (24,494 3,644,952.1 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) 4 3 3 24 9 RFB Internati Procurement of Laboratory General 19,217,00 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 3 Goods 1 Prior (1S onal Equipment (35,174 units) 5.07 23 23 24 29 2E) Open 4,433,844.7 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Analytical Balance (4,163 units) 8 3 3 24 9 2,529,468.7 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Binocular Microscope (Lab) (1,994 units) 6 3 3 24 9 Lot 3: Graduated Pipette (Vol 1 cc) (13,616 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 172,923.20 units) 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 4: Hygro-thermometer (4,023 units) 87,138.18 3 3 24 9 Lot 5: Micropipette 5-50, 100-200, 500-1000 ul 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 192,033.53 (2,803 units) 3 3 24 9 6,968,041.6 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 6: Microhematocrit Centrifuge (2,902 units) 2 3 3 24 9 1,457,490.0 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 7: Photometer (2,850 units) 0 3 3 24 9 3,376,065.0 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 8: Rotator Plate (2,923 units) 0 3 3 24 9 Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (SOPHI) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on RFB National 7,352,069. 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 4 Procurement of Defibrillator (4,113 units) Goods 1 Prior (1S Open 76 23 23 24 29 1E) RFB Internati Procurement of Laboratory Major 87,684,04 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 5 Goods 1 Prior (1S onal Analyzer (7,525 units) 6.50 23 23 24 29 2E) Open Lot 1: Automated hemoglobin 19,832,534. 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 system/hematology analyzer (2,219 units) 40 3 3 24 9 Lot 2: Chemistry Analyzer, Centrifugal (for 63,364,000. 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Clinical Use) (2,263 units) 00 3 3 24 9 Lot 3: Urine analyzer (Semi-automated) (3,043 4,487,512.1 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) 0 3 3 24 9 RFB Internati Procurement of Infant Warmers (12,507 63,515,30 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 6 Goods 1 Prior (1S onal units) 0.77 23 23 24 29 2E) Open 1,452,862.8 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Bassinet (Infant) (6,115 units) 5 3 3 24 9 47,222,000. 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Infant Incubator (3,373 units) 00 3 3 24 9 14,840,437. 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 3: Infant Radiant Warmer (3,019 units) 92 23 23 24 9 RFB Internati Procurement of Dental Equipment (8,572 16,823,92 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 7 Goods 1 Prior (1S onal units) 2.37 23 23 24 29 2E) Open Lot 1: Dental Chair (Complete System) (2,060 15,467,015. 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) 60 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Dental Light Curing Unit (3,231 units) 552,307.14 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 3: Ultrasonic Scaler (Dental) (3,281 units) 804,599.63 3 3 24 9 RFB Internati Procurement of Surgery Equipment 53,751,63 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 8 Goods 1 Prior (1S onal (47,066 units) 2.23 23 23 24 29 2E) Open Lot 1: Cryosurgical Unit and Accessories (5,398 32,565,414. 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) 27 3 3 24 9 5,262,862.5 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Electrocautery Unit (5,166 units) 0 3 3 24 9 Lot 3: Mayo Table or Instrument Table (29,327 12,122,608. 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) 72 3 3 24 9 Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (SOPHI) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on Lot 4: Vacuum Extractor, Obstetrics (7,175 3,800,746.7 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) 4 3 3 24 9 RFB Internati Procurement of Respiratory /Anaesthesia 23,112,69 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 9 Goods 1 Prior (1S onal Bundle (20,044 units) 0.49 23 23 24 29 2E) Open 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Nebulizer (2,939 units) 174,811.72 3 3 24 9 Lot 2: Oxygen Tank 1 Metercube & Regulator 1,070,504.2 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 (11,977 units) 6 3 3 24 9 Lot 3: Oxygen Tank 6 Metercube & Regulator 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 324,487.60 (785 units) 3 3 24 9 Lot 4: Spirometer/Diagnostic Spirometer (4,343 21,542,886. 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) 91 3 3 24 9 RFB Procurement of Patient Diagnostic National 12,460,67 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 10 Goods 1 Prior (1S (547,184 units) Open 2.32 23 23 24 29 1E) 2,776,471.6 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Adult Stethoscope (34,193 units) 0 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Paediatric Stethoscope (11,517 units) 112,686.46 3 3 24 9 Lot 3: Neonatal Duplex Stethoscope (13,547 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 47,512.41 units) 3 3 24 9 Lot 4: Fetal Stethoscope/Fetoscope (3,422 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 970,913.49 units) 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 5: Lancet Pen (5,772 units) 441,256.76 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 6: Ophthalmoscope (3,724 units) 777,796.25 3 3 24 9 1,442,273.9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 7: Otoscope (9,625 units) 1 3 3 24 9 5,891,761.4 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 8: Thermometer (465,384 units) 4 3 3 24 9 RFB Procurement of Laryngoscope (14,839 National 6,917,423. 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 11 Goods 1 Prior (1S units) Open 95 23 23 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Neonatal Straight Blade Laryngoscopes 4,669,356.8 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 (7,737 units) 7 3 3 24 9 2,248,067.0 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Rigid Laryngoscopes (7,102 units) 8 3 3 24 9 Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (SOPHI) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on RFB National 1,643,252. 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 12 Procurement of Patient Beds (2,923 units) Goods 1 Post (1S Open 14 23 23 24 29 1E) 1,609,972. RFB Procurement of Laboratory Point-Of-Care National 20 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 13 Goods 1 Post (1S (POC) (42,390 units) Open 23 23 24 9 1E) Procurement of General Patient Care RFB National 11,809,05 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/202 14 (86,355 units) Goods 1 Prior (1S Open 0.49 23 23 24 9 1E) 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Binocular Loupe (3,760 units) 327,850.19 3 3 24 9 Lot 2: Examination Light, Stand Alone (29,057 5,410,413.4 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) 0 3 3 24 9 1,135,629.2 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 3: Head Lamp (6,301 units) 3 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 4: Pen Light (36,884 units) 307,366.67 3 3 24 9 Lot 5: Portable Aspirators (Infant) (10,353 4,627,791.0 15/11/202 01/12/202 15/05/20 31/03/202 units) 0 3 3 24 9 RFB Procurement of Pulse Oximeter (9,006 National 560,803.6 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 15 Goods 1 Post (1S units) Open 2 23 23 24 29 1E) RFB Procurement of Cold Chain Equipment National 11,803,22 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 16 Goods 1 Prior (1S (19,983 units) Open 9.34 23 23 24 29 1E) 2,595,750.5 15/11/202 18/12/202 20/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Refrigerator (7,343 units) 0 3 3 24 9 6,400,800.0 15/11/202 18/12/202 20/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Refrigerator (Vaccine) (1,524 units) 0 3 3 24 9 2,806,678.8 15/11/202 18/12/202 20/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 3: Vaccine Carrier/Coolbox (11,116 units) 4 3 3 24 9 RFB 5,157,529. National 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 17 Procurement of Stretcher (6,446 units) Goods 1 Prior (1S 08 Open 23 23 24 29 1E) 4,528,720.6 15/11/202 18/12/202 20/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Stretcher (Emergency) (3,498 units) 8 3 3 24 9 15/11/202 18/12/202 20/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Wheelchair (2,948 units) 628,808.40 3 3 24 9 RFB Internati Procurement of Infusion Pump (8,489 13,046,88 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 18 Goods 1 Prior (1S onal units) 8.92 23 23 24 29 2E) Open Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (SOPHI) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on 6,899,663.5 15/11/202 18/12/202 20/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Infusion Pump (4,310 units) 0 3 3 24 9 6,147,225.4 15/11/202 18/12/202 20/05/20 31/03/202 Lot 2: Syringe Pump (4,179 units) 2 3 3 24 9 RFB 697,000.0 Procurement Of High Pressure Steam National 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 19 Goods 1 Post (1S 0 Sterilizer (Autoclave) (13,940 units) Open 23 23 24 29 1E) RFB Procurement of Ultrasound Doppler National 4,550,064. 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 20 Goods 1 Prior (1S (Fetal) (24,684 units) Open 22 23 23 24 29 1E) RFB Procurement of X-Ray Film Viewer (3,984 National 697,200.0 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 21 Goods 1 Post (1S units) Open 0 23 23 24 29 1E) Goods RFB Internati Procurement of Tensimeter (449,698 39,523,95 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 22 1 Prior (1S onal units) 7.22 23 23 24 29 2E) Open Goods RFB Procurement of Electrocardiograph (ECG) National 7,444,796. 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 23 1 Prior (1S (2,493 units) Open 04 23 23 24 29 1E) Goods RFB Internati Procurement of Table/Chair Equipment 13,752,83 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 24 1 Prior (1S onal (26,601 units) 8.74 23 23 24 29 2E) Open 4,771,553.7 30/11/202 18/12/202 03/06/20 31/03/202 Lot 1: Examination Table (Clinic) (14,899 units) 4 3 3 24 9 Lot 2: Gynae Examination Table/Chair (11,702 8,981,285.0 30/11/202 18/12/202 03/06/20 31/03/202 units) 0 3 3 24 9 RFB Procurement of Infantometer (10,949 National 1,590,999. 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 25 Goods 1 Post (1S units) Open 19 23 23 24 29 1E) Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (InPULS) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on Procurement of Centrifuges – Non- Refrigerated Centrifuges (835 units) - Biocontainment Centrifuge (225 units) - Centrifuge (64 units) - Centrifuge (250ml) (1 unit) RFB 2,996,751. National 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 1 - Centrifuge (8-hole) (1 unit) Goods 3 Prior (1S 18 Open 23 23 24 29 - Electric Centrifuge (18 units) 1E) - Microcentrifuge (Non-refrigerated) (359 units) - Mini-centrifuge (Spindown) (166 units) - Plate Centrifuge (1 unit) Procurement of Centrifuges – Refrigerated Centrifuges (196 units) - Microcentrifuge (Refrigerated) (8 units) RFB 1,778,398. - Refrigerated Centrifuge (Highspeed - National 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 2 Goods 3 Post (1S 83 14,000 rpm) (15 units) Open 23 23 24 29 1E) - Refrigerated Centrifuge (Low speed) (171 units) - Refrigerated Centrifuge (Ultra highspeed - 90,000 rpm) (2 units) Procurement of Pipettes (1,411 units) - Automatic Device for Multi Channel Pipette Calibration (22 units) - Micropipette (0-2 mikron, 1-10 mikron, 10-100 mikron, 20-200 mikron, 100- RFB 3,686,610. 1000 mikron) + Carousel (158 units) National 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 3 Goods 3 Prior (1S 01 - Micropipette Set 10, 100, 200, 1000 Open 23 23 24 29 1E) (739 units) - Multichannel Pipette (1-10 mikron, 10- 100 mikron, 20-200 mikron, 100-1000 mikron - 8 row) (35 units) - Pipette Dispenser (457 units) RFB 8,866,806. Procurement of Laboratory Warming National 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 4 Goods 3 Prior (1S 67 Devices (784 units) Open 23 23 24 29 1E) Lot 1: Procurement of Laboratory Incubators - Laboratory Incubator (410 units) 6,046,010.6 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 - Laboratory Incubator (Portable) (10 7 23 23 4 9 units) - Laboratory Incubator CO2 (33 units) Lot 2: Procurement of Laboratory Ovens 2,820,796.0 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 - Laboratory Microwave (8 units) 0 23 23 4 9 - Laboratory Oven (323 units) RFB 6,356,795. Procurement of Laboratory General National 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 5 Goods 3 Prior (1S 60 Bundle I (895 units) Open 23 23 24 29 1E) Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (InPULS) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on 1,979,870.9 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 1: Dry Autoclave (Chemical) (166 units) 3 23 23 4 9 1,612,800.0 Lot 2: Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet (448 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 0 units) 23 23 4 9 1,792,000.0 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 3: Fume Hood (128 units) 0 23 23 4 9 378,000.00 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 4: Laminar Air Flow (18 units) 23 23 4 9 594,124.67 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 5: Wet Autoclave (Steam) (135 units) 23 23 4 9 RFB Internati 16,649,48 Procurement of Laboratory General 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 6 Goods 3 Prior (1S onal 6.63 Bundle II (1,466 units) 23 23 24 29 2E) Open 1,534,510.0 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 1: Analytical Balance (173 units) 0 23 23 4 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Electrophoresis 205,251.34 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 - Electrophoresis gel detector (7 units) 23 23 4 9 - Electrophoresis Set (8 units) Lot 3: Freeze dryer for Cryopreservation (1 12,947.40 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 unit) 23 23 4 9 252,000.00 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 4: Hotplate + magnetic stirrer (168 units) 23 23 4 9 123,333.33 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 5: Laboratory water distiller (200 units) 23 23 4 9 14,336.00 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 6: lyophilization Set (2 units) 23 23 4 9 258,443.89 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 7: Microbiology air sampler (19 units) 23 23 4 9 72,000.00 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 8: Microwave Digestion System (1 unit) 23 23 4 9 10,416,666. Lot 9: Monitoring system for biorepository (50 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 units) 67 23 23 4 9 3,000.00 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 10: Sonicator Chamber (1 unit) 23 23 4 9 Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (InPULS) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on 774,638.00 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 11: Vortex Mixer (314 units) 23 23 4 9 2,982,360.0 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 12: Waterbath (522 units) 0 23 23 4 9 RFB Internati 12,656,56 Procurement of Laboratory Major 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 7 Goods 3 Prior (1S onal 1.40 Analyzers I (166 units) 23 23 24 29 2E) Open 1,214,460.0 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 1: Conventional PCR (13 units) 0 23 23 4 9 2,627,464.8 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 2: Digital PCR (12 units) 1 23 23 4 9 Lot 3: Portable PCR (Loop Mediated Isothermal 490,666.67 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Amplification) (8 units) 23 23 4 9 8,323,969.9 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 4: RT-PCR (133 units) 2 23 23 4 9 RFB Internati Procurement of Laboratory Major 10,381,60 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 8 Goods 3 Prior (1S onal Analyzers II (553 units) 4.89 23 23 24 29 2E) Open Lot 1: Procurement of Urine Analyzer 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 - Automated Urine Analyzer (13 units) 407,533.52 23 23 4 9 - Urine Analyzer (88 units) 2,822,460.0 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 2: Chemistry Analyzer (92 units) 4 23 23 4 9 Lot 3: HbA1C Analyzer (Hemoglobin Analyzer) 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 277,056.00 (195 units) 23 23 4 9 5,714,750.0 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 4: Hematology Analyzer (125 units) 0 23 23 4 9 Lot 5: Microbiology Analyzer (Identification and 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 86,666.67 Drug Sensitivity Test /DST) (13 units) 23 23 4 9 Lot 6: Procurement of Molecular Assay Analyzer (Rapid Molecular Test) (16 units) - Molecular Assay Analyzer (Rapid Molecular Test) (TCM 8 Modul) (13 1,071,066.6 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 units) 6 23 23 4 9 - Molecular Assay Analyzer (Rapid Molecular Test) (TCM TB XDR 10 Color) (3 units) Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (InPULS) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on Lot 7: Mycobacteriology Analyzer for 15/11/20 01/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 2,072.00 Tuberculosis (11 units) 23 23 4 9 RFB Internati Procurement of Laboratory Major 105,086,8 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 9 Goods 3 Prior (1S onal Analyzer III (879 units) 22.91 23 23 24 29 2E) Open Lot 1: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry 11,235,407. 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 (AAS, Flame & Graphite Furnace) (176 units) 04 23 23 4 9 Lot 2: Automated Blood Culture System (10 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 228,866.67 units) 23 23 4 9 Lot 3: Automatic Extractor (To isolate RNA and 7,014,000.0 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 DNA from sample) (167 units) 0 23 23 4 9 Lot 4: Chemi Luminescence Immuno Assay 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 277,333.30 (CLIA) (10 units) 23 23 4 9 Lot 5: ELISA Set (ELISA Reader, ELISA Washer) 7,490,000.0 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 (214 units) 0 23 23 4 9 Lot 6: Endotoxin Measuring Instruments (6 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 166,172.99 units) 23 23 4 9 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 7: Enzyme Immuno Assay (EIA) (1 unit) 21,120.00 23 23 4 9 1,449,280.0 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 8: Flow Cytometer (8 units) 0 23 23 4 9 Lot 9: Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry 4,284,098.0 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 (GCMS) (26 units) 0 23 23 4 9 Lot 10: High Performance Liquid 4,480,000.0 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Chromatography (HPLC) (32 units) 0 23 23 4 9 Lot 11: Procurement of ID-AST Bacterial Identification and sensitivity test) (15 units) - ID-AST automated (Bacterial Identification and sensitivity test) (1 2,400,000.0 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 unit) 0 23 23 4 9 - ID-AST semi-automated (Bacterial Identification and sensitivity test) (14 units) Lot 12: Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass 3,929,196.0 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Spectrometry (ICP-MS) (12 units) 0 23 23 4 9 Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (InPULS) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on Lot 13: Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical 1,353,333.3 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Emission Spectroscopy (ICP OES) (7 units) 3 23 23 4 9 Lot 14: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 680,800.00 spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) Detector (2 units) 23 23 4 9 Lot 15: Next Generation Sequencer (NGS) Long 13,986,000. 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Read Sequencer (9 units) 00 23 23 4 9 Lot 16: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) (31 43,400,000. 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 units) 00 23 23 4 9 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 17: Oligosynthesizer (1 unit) - 23 23 4 9 Lot 18: Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography-Mass 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 258,680.00 Spectrometry (Pyrolysis-GC-MS) (1 unit) 23 23 4 9 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 19: Sanger Sequencer (2 units) 842,002.25 23 23 4 9 1,026,133.3 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 Lot 20: Spectrofluorometers (13 units) 3 23 23 24 29 Lot 21: Ultraviolet-visible Spectrophotometer 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 564,400.00 (136 units) 23 23 24 29 Procurement of Laboratory Misc. (1,967 RFB Internati 10,012,98 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 10 units) Goods 3 Prior (1S onal 0.99 23 23 24 29 2E) Open Lot 1: Biosafety Cabinet (Class 2A) (253 units) 5,313,000.0 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 0 23 23 4 9 Lot 2: Procurement of Colony Counter (343 units) 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 842,649.67 23 23 4 9 - Colony counter (323 units) - Colony counter (Automated) (20 units) Lot 3: Cool Box for Sample (11 units) 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 880.00 23 23 4 9 Lot 4: Dehumidifier (476 units) 3,214,923.3 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 5 23 23 4 9 Lot 5: Hygrothermometer Calibrator (22 units) 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 307.50 23 23 4 9 Lot 6: Nephelometer (26 units) 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 128,440.00 23 23 4 9 Bid Doc Estimated Procurem Compon Revie Proc. incl. Initiate Contract N Market total Signed Activity ent ent w Metho Technical procurem Completi o Approach amount Contract Category (InPULS) Type d Specificati ent on (USD) on Lot 7: Rotator Plate (177 units) 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 495,600.00 Lot 8: Shaker Plate (2 units) 23 23 4 9 Lot 9: Staining Rack and Tray (187 units) 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 12,466.67 23 23 4 9 Lot 10: Thermocouple (Temperature Calibrator) 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 (13 units) 4,713.80 23 23 4 9 Procurement of Cold Chain Equipment RFB 5,721,518. National 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 11 (1,024 units) Goods 3 Prior (1S 57 Open 23 23 24 29 1E) Lot 1 Procurement of Laboratory Freezers (393 units) - Freezer -20 Celsius (284 units) 4,318,260.0 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 - Freezer -20 Celsius with Rack System 0 23 23 4 9 (54 units) - Freezer -80 Celsius (55 units) Lot 2 Procurement of Laboratory Refrigerators (631) 1,403,258.5 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 - Reagent Refrigerator (123 units) 7 23 23 4 9 - Showcase Refrigerator (300 units) - Specimen Refrigerator (208 units) National Open/Req Procurement of Mercury Analyzer (27 RFB uest for 302,940.0 30/11/20 18/12/20 03/06/20 31/03/20 12 Goods 3 Post (1S Quotatio 0 units) 23 23 24 29 1E) n/e- purchasin g RFB National 3,037,504. 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/20 31/03/20 13 Procurement of Microscopes (879 units) Goods 3 Post (1S Open 14 23 23 24 29 1E) 1,872,275.2 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 1: Binocular Microscope (592 units) 0 23 23 4 9 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 2: Dark Field Microscope (13 units) 225,333.33 23 23 4 9 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 3: Fluorescence Microscope (11 units) 286,000.00 23 23 4 9 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 4: Inverted Microscope (2 units) 9,847.08 23 23 4 9 15/11/20 18/12/20 15/05/202 31/03/202 Lot 5: Stereo Microscope (261 units) 644,048.52 23 23 4 9 Table 2 Procurement Plan for Consulting Services (Firm and Individual) Terms Estimated Initiate Contract No Review Market of Signed Activity Comp. Method amount in procureme completio . type approach referenc contract US$ nt n e 1 Project Management Consultant 4 Prior QCBS Internatio $5.5 mill 15/11/20 01/12/20 30/04/20 31/03/2029 nal Open 23 23 24 2 Consultant for development of data system and 4 Post CQS National $300k 15/11/20 01/12/20 30/04/20 31/12/2024 monitoring of health facilities readiness and Open 23 23 24 equipment functionality 3 Consulting services for development of integrated 4 Post CQS National $300k 15/11/20 01/12/20 30/04/20 31/12/2024 data systems for facility readiness assessment Open 23 23 24 and managing inventories 4 Project Director 1 (2 years) 4 Post Competiti National $112k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2026 ve Method Open 24 24 24 5 Project Director 2 (2 years) 4 Post Competiti National $112k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2026 ve Method Open 24 24 24 6 Project Director 3 (2 years) 4 Post Competiti National $112k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2026 ve Method Open 24 24 24 7 Procurement Consultant 1 (2 years) 4 Post Competiti National $64k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2026 ve Method Open 24 24 24 8 Procurement Consultant 2 (2 years) 4 Post Competiti National $64k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2026 ve Method Open 24 24 24 9 Procurement Consultant 3 (2 years) 4 Post Competiti National $64k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2026 ve Method Open 24 24 24 10 Financial Management Consultant 1 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 11 Financial Management Consultant 2 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 12 Financial Management Consultant 3 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 13 Sr. Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant at CPMU 4 Post Competiti National $44k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 14 Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant 1 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 15 Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant 2 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 16 Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant 3 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 17 Contract Management Consultant 1 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 18 Contract Management Consultant 2 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 19 Contract Management Consultant 2 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 20 Sr. Equity Consultant at CPMU 4 Post Competiti National $44k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 21 Equity focal point consultant 1 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 22 Equity focal point consultant 2 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 23 Equity focal point consultant 3 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 24 Environment/Social/Gender Consultant 1 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 25 Environment/Social/Gender Consultant 2 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 26 Environment/Social/Gender Consultant 3 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 27 Sr. Environment consultant at CPMU Post Competiti National $44k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 28 Sr. Social consultant at CPMU Post Competiti National $44k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 29 Sr. Gender consultant at CPMU Post Competiti National $44k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 30 Sr. Equity consultant at CPMU Post Competiti National $44k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 31 Biomedical engineering consultant 1 (1 year) Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 32 Biomedical engineering consultant 2 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 33 Biomedical engineering consultant 3 (1 year) 4 Post Competiti National $32k 15/01/20 20/01/20 01/04/20 31/03/2025 ve Method Open 24 24 24 NOTE: - Regardless of whether the package is subject to prior or post review, all TORs of consulting services both firm and individual shall be reviewed by the World Bank. For procurement of goods, works and non-consulting services, the scope of work, technical specifications, environmental and social safeguard documents, cost estimates shall also be prior reviewed by the World Bank. PROCUREMENT Indonesia : Indonesia Health Systems Strengthening Project PLAN General Information Country: Indonesia 2023-12-22 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2024-04-29 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P180811 GPN Date: 2024-02-24 Project Name: Indonesia Health Systems Strengthening Project Loan / Credit No: / , IBRD / 96260 Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ID-PMU SIHREN-395530-GO- RFB / Procurement of Infant Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Pending Impl / Prior Request for Bids 28,673,343.16 0.00 2024-01-11 2024-01-12 2024-02-29 2024-05-17 2024-06-28 2029-06-25 Warmers Equipment (851 uni l nvelope ementation ts) - 3 Lots (contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395539-GO- Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of Surger / Prior Request for Bids 20,475,514.62 0.00 2024-01-11 2024-01-12 2024-02-29 2024-05-17 2024-06-28 2029-06-25 l nvelope ementation y Equipment (79 units) - 5 Lo ts (contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395582-GO- RFB / Procurement of Invasiv Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Pending Impl / Prior Request for Bids 10,474,153.07 0.00 2024-01-11 2024-01-12 2024-02-29 2024-05-17 2024-06-28 2029-06-25 e Cardiology Equipment (101 l nvelope ementation units) - 7 Lots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395595-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of Neonat / Post Request for Bids Open - National 502,314.73 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-04 2024-04-03 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 nvelope ementation al Equipment (35 units) - 2 L ots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395601-GO- RFB / Procurement of Patient Single Stage - One E Pending Impl / Prior Request for Bids Open - National 3,954,083.23 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 Monitoring Non-Invasive Equi nvelope ementation pment (443 units) - 4 Lots (C ontracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395613-GO- RFB / Procurement of Video F Single Stage - One E Pending Impl / Post Request for Bids Open - National 862,463.23 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-04 2024-04-03 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 lexible Bronchoscopy (Portab nvelope ementation le Handheld) (3 units) ID-PMU SIHREN-395614-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of CPAP E / Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,941,553.32 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 nvelope ementation quipment (538 units) - 3 Lots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395623-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of High Fl / Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,700,561.11 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 nvelope ementation ow Equipment (80 units) - 2 L ots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395624-GO- RFB / Procurement of Portabl Single Stage - One E Pending Impl / Prior Request for Bids Open - National 8,388,587.86 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-04 2024-04-03 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 e Blood Gas Analyzer (NICU) nvelope ementation (415 units) - 3 lots (contracts ) ID-PMU SIHREN-395628-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of Oximet / Prior Request for Bids Open - National 2,657,766.74 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-04 2024-04-03 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 nvelope ementation ry Equipment (580 units) - 4 l ots (contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395631-GO- RFB / Procurement of Point-of Single Stage - One E Pending Impl / Prior Request for Bids Open - National 2,297,584.47 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 -Care Bilirubinometer (537 u nvelope ementation nits) - 3 Lots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395632-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of Radiogr / Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,520,100.53 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-04 2024-04-03 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 nvelope ementation aphy Equipment (7 units) - 3 lots (contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395634-GO- RFB / Procurement of Warmi Single Stage - One E Pending Impl / Prior Request for Bids Open - National 4,289,381.87 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-04 2024-04-03 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 ng/ Cooling Equipment (603 nvelope ementation units) - 5 lots (contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395635-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of Ophtha / Post Request for Bids Open - National 617,550.93 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 nvelope ementation lmic Diode Laser (810nm) (7 units) ID-PMU SIHREN-395638-GO- Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFQ / Procurement of Throm / Post Open - National 404,121.47 0.00 2024-02-23 2024-04-15 2026-04-14 tions nvelope ementation boelastogram (TEG) (13 units ) ID-PMU SIHREN-395640-GO- RFB / Procurement of Respira Single Stage - One E Pending Impl / Prior Request for Bids Open - National 2,669,664.01 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 tory/ Anaesthesia Equipment nvelope ementation (22 units) - 2 Lots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395643-GO- RFB / Procurement of Near In Single Stage - One E Pending Impl / Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,970,772.83 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2029-05-02 frared Spectroscopy (NIRS) N nvelope ementation ICU/Cerebral Oximeter (40 u nits) ID-PMU SIHREN-395656-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of Dialysis / Post Request for Bids Open - National 581,642.56 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2026-05-02 nvelope ementation Equipment (16 units) - 2 lots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395659-GO- RFB / Procurement of Laborat Single Stage - One E Pending Impl / Prior Request for Bids Open - National 2,631,109.59 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2026-05-02 ory Major Analyzer Equipmen nvelope ementation t (18 units) - 2 Lots (Contract s) Page 1 ID-PMU SIHREN-395663-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of Neuro / Prior Request for Bids Open - National 8,989,981.84 0.00 2024-02-01 2024-02-02 2024-03-03 2024-04-02 2024-05-03 2026-05-02 nvelope ementation Equipment (45 units) - 3 Lots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395666-GO- RFQ / Procurement of Transc Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl / Post Open - National 159,176.67 0.00 2024-02-23 2024-04-15 2026-04-14 utaneous Non-Invasive Blood tions nvelope ementation Gas Monitor (5 units) ID-PMU SIHREN-395674-GO- RFB / Procurement of Ventilat Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Pending Impl / Prior Request for Bids 79,582,416.81 0.00 2024-01-11 2024-01-12 2024-02-29 2024-05-17 2024-06-28 2026-06-25 or Equipment (1987 units) - 4 l nvelope ementation Lots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395688-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of Laser B / Prior Request for Bids Open - National 3,209,180.86 0.00 2024-01-11 2024-01-12 2024-02-11 2024-03-12 2024-04-12 2029-04-11 nvelope ementation undle (17 units) - 2 Lots (cont racts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395695-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFB / Procurement of Ultraso / Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,558,058.67 0.00 2024-01-11 2024-01-12 2024-02-11 2024-03-12 2024-04-12 2029-04-11 nvelope ementation nic Cardiac Output Monitor (4 0 units) 1 Lot ID-PMU SIHREN-395702-GO- Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFQ / Procurement of Electric / Post Open - National 226,243.17 0.00 2024-01-18 2024-03-10 2026-03-09 tions nvelope ementation al Beds with Scale (28 units) ID-PMU SIHREN-395704-GO- Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFQ / Procurement of Vein Fi / Post Open - National 17,390.26 0.00 2024-01-18 2024-03-10 2026-03-09 tions nvelope ementation nder (5 units) ID-PMU SIHREN-395721-GO- Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFP / Procurement of Patient / Post Request for Bids Open - National 949,277.21 0.00 2024-01-11 2024-01-12 2024-01-15 2024-02-14 2024-03-16 2029-04-11 nvelope ementation Monitoring Invasive Equipme nt (71 units) ID-PMU SIHREN-395741-GO- Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl RFQ / Procurement of Ophtha / Post Open - National 96,133.72 0.00 2024-01-18 2024-03-10 2026-03-09 tions nvelope ementation lmoscope Indirect (14 units) ID-PMU SIHREN-395575-GO- RFB / Procurement of Ultraso Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Pending Impl IBRD / 96260 Prior Request for Bids 73,658,067.20 0.00 2024-04-01 2024-04-05 2024-05-31 2024-08-11 2024-09-16 2026-03-10 und Equipment (864 units) - l nvelope ementation 3 Lots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395529-GO- RFB / Procurement of Cathlab Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Under Revie IBRD / 96260 Prior Request for Bids 493,967,118.00 0.00 2024-02-27 2024-03-10 2024-03-04 2024-03-11 2024-04-29 2024-07-04 2024-08-19 2029-06-30 Single Plane & Bi Plane (419 l nvelope w units) - 4 Lots (Contracts) ID-PMU SIHREN-395566-GO- Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Pending Impl IBRD / 96260 Prior Request for Bids 18,428,000.00 0.00 2024-05-03 2024-05-06 2024-06-26 2024-09-06 2024-10-22 2029-06-30 RFB / Procurement of MRI 1.5 l nvelope ementation T (10 Units) NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Page 2