The World Bank
       Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

                                                                                              REPORT NO.: RES54900

                                               RESTRUCTURING PAPER

                                                        ON A

                                        PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING

                                            APPROVED ON JUNE 11, 2019

                                          SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM



                                 Regional Vice President:    Manuela V. Ferro
                                       Country Director:     Carolyn Turk
                                       Regional Director:    Benoit Bosquet
                             Practice Manager/Manager:       Francis Ghesquiere
                                    Task Team Leader(s):     Dzung Huy Nguyen, Hung Sy Pham
      The World Bank
      Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


BP               Bank procedure
CF               Counterpart funding
IDA              International Development Association
IRI              Intermediate Results Indicator
MTR              Midterm review
O&M              Operations and maintenance
OP               Operational procedure
PDO              Project Development Objective
PMU              Project Management Unit
VND              Vietnamese Dong
           The World Bank
           Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


Product Information

Project ID                                                    Financing Instrument
P168290                                                       Investment Project Financing

Original EA Category                                          Current EA Category
Partial Assessment (B)                                        Partial Assessment (B)

Approval Date                                                 Current Closing Date
11-Jun-2019                                                   30-Jun-2025


Borrower                                                      Responsible Agency
Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Project Development Objective (PDO)
Original PDO
To increase access to urban infrastructure and to improve integrated urban planning in the Project Cities.
Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions)
Ln/Cr/Tf                  Approval        Signing Effectiveness         Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed

IDA-64260              11-Jun-2019 29-Nov-2019 21-May-2020         30-Jun-2025           39.46      15.25    24.21
IDA-64270              11-Jun-2019 29-Nov-2019 21-May-2020         30-Jun-2025           53.29      21.49    31.80
IDA-64280              11-Jun-2019 29-Nov-2019 21-May-2020         30-Jun-2025           42.49      13.38    29.11
IDA-64290              11-Jun-2019 29-Nov-2019 21-May-2020         30-Jun-2025           59.12      14.42    44.70
        The World Bank
        Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

Policy Waiver(s)

Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)?


      1. This Level II restructuring report seeks country director approval to restructure the Dynamic Cities Integrated
         Development Project. The proposed changes include modifying the scope of several urban infrastructure
         investments under Component 1 and the scope of the technical assistance under Component 2 and adjusting
         the results framework to reflect the modified investments and technical assistance. This is the first restructuring
         of the project.

  A. Project Background

      2. The International Development Association (IDA)’s Board of Directors approved IDA credits 6426-VN, 6427-VN,
         6428-VN, and 6429-VN on June 11, 2019, in the amount of US$194.36 million. The financing agreement was
         signed on November 29, 2019, and became effective on May 21, 2020. The project development objective (PDO)
         is to increase access to urban infrastructure and improve integrated urban planning in the project cities. The
         project has two components: Component 1: Structural Investments—Rehabilitation and Construction of Urban
         Infrastructure; and Component 2: Non-Structural Investments—Technical Assistance and Implementation

      3. The total project cost is US$276.17 million (US$194.36 million IDA credit; US$81.81 million counterpart funding
         (CF) contributions from the provincial people’s committee of each subproject city). The cost of Component 1 is
         US$234.02 million (US$184.89 million IDA; US$49.13 million CF), and the cost of Component 2 is US$27.52
         million (US$9.47 million IDA; US$18.05 million CF). The project’s closing date is June 30, 2025, and it triggers
         operational procedure (OP)/Bank procedure (BP) 4.01 (environmental assessment), OP/BP 4.04 (natural
         habitats), OP/BP 4.36 (forests), OP/BP 4.11 (physical cultural resources), and OP/BP 4.12 (involuntary

  B. Overall Project Implementation Status

      4. The midterm review (MTR) mission took place from November 17 to 30, 2022. In its implementation status and
         results report, progress toward achievement of the PDO, overall implementation progress, and Components 1
         and 2 were all rated Moderately Satisfactory; the overall safeguards rating was Moderately Satisfactory; and
         the overall risk rating was Substantial.

      5. Overall implementation progress has lagged because of continued delays in land acquisition in Nghi Son, Hai
         Duong, and Yen Bai, although some progress has been made, as reflected in the increase in disbursement over
         the past 8 months from 16.0 percent to 29.6 percent (reducing the disbursement lag from 7 to 2 months), with
         IDA disbursements at US$57.96 million as of January 31, 2023. The subproject cities have awarded contracts for
 The World Bank
 Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

    31 of 33 civil works packages and all 12 consulting service packages that IDA has financed, accounting for
    commitments of US$180.7 million of the US$194.36 million total IDA financing (93.0 percent). Of the two
    remaining civil works packages to be awarded, KA-PW-06 (construction of wastewater treatment plant) is to be
    awarded by May 31, 2023 and HD-PW-05 (construction of wastewater treatment plant and equipment) by June
    30, 2023. The World Bank task team and project management units (PMUs) agreed during the MTR on a work
    plan with key actions to accelerate site clearance and provision of CF for critical investment packages in Nghi
    Son, Hai Duong, and Yen Bai.

6. Although implementation progress has been slower than planned, achievement of the PDO is still deemed
   feasible by project closure. Almost all key challenges related to delay of IDA and CF allocation have been
   resolved in all four cities, except for the approval of Thanh Hoa Provincial Peoples’ Committee (PPC) for the
   allocation of additional CF for resettlement in Nghi Son (expected by June 2023), following the Prime Minister’s
   approval of the revised project investment policy on April 5, 2023, and the additional on-grant IDA allocation in
   Hai Duong (expected by September 2023). Land acquisition and resettlement progress have improved in all four
   cities since the MTR mission in November 2022. At midterm, the results framework indicators were generally
   behind their respective Year 3 targets (ending on December 31, 2022), mainly because of civil works
   implementation delays. Although there was some progress at the output level (construction of drains,
   wastewater pipelines, roads, bridges, and public space; beneficiary consultations), all outcome results were
   below their Year 3 targets, with some still at their baseline values. The project cities and provinces have shown
   strong commitment to complete all project activities timely and adequately in support of achieving the PDO.

7. Progress under Component 1 is at different stages in the four project cities. In Ky Anh, good implementation
   progress has been made, and it is expected that all activities will be completed by the project closing date. In
   Hai Duong, Nghi Son, and Yen Bai, implementation progress remains modest because of problems with land
   acquisition, site clearance, CF, and lengthy appraisal and approval procedures. Although most civil works
   contracts are ongoing and highly likely to be completed before the project closing date, two contracts have not
   been awarded, and five on-going contracts (HD-PW-06, embankment of Bach Dang River in Hai Duong; WB-XL-
   05, construction of a connection road from QL1A to Ninh Hai and a coastal road from Ninh Hai to Son Hai Bridge;
   WB-XL-06, construction of Binh Minh-Sao Vang-Nghi Son Road and a coastal road from Son Hai Bridge to Lach
   Bang Bridge in Nghi Son; YB-XL-01a, resettlement area construction; YP-XL-02, Dien Bien Road to Bach Lam and
   Van Phu Road in Yen Ba)) are at high risk of noncompletion by project closure because land acquisition and site
   clearance for these packages is complex and has been expanded. In terms of measured results at midterm,
   achievements were lagging because of accumulated civil works implementation delays: 4.58 km of drains have
   been improved or constructed versus a 2022 target of 20.40 km, 3.32 km of wastewater pipeline have been laid
   versus 22.14 km, 0.50 km of roads and bridges have been constructed or improved versus 7.70 km, and 7,750
   m2 of new and improved walkable public space has been constructed versus 92,860 m2.

8. Under Component 2, the technical assistance includes strategic integrated planning, public transport planning,
   and asset management. Hai Duong, Ky Anh, and Yen Bai have independently developed city master plans that
   include their strategic integrated planning and public transport plans; the Prime Minister has recently approved
   them (Yen Bai), or they will soon be submitted (Hai Duong, Ky Anh). The city people’s committees in these three
   cities have also independently established asset management systems, which have been operationalized and
   include guidance for operations and maintenance (O&M) and annual budget allocations. Nghi Son has only
   recently begun to revise its master plan, and an asset management system has not yet been established. The
   terms of reference for the technical assistance on strategic integrated planning and public transport in Nghi Son
   have been approved for immediate implementation, and the technical assistance package on asset
   management is on-going. All four project cities have fully mobilized implementation support consulting services,
     The World Bank
     Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

       although performance of the construction supervision consultants and of contract management by the PMUs
       should be improved. In terms of measured results at midterm, 2,620 beneficiaries have been consulted for
       project planning, implementation, and evaluation (versus the 2022 target of 2,020), no stakeholder consultation
       sessions or training activities have been conducted in integrated urban development planning (versus 32), and
       one urban asset management plan with an annual budget for O&M has been approved (versus four).

   9. The MTR implementation status and results report maintained an overall safeguards rating of Moderately
      Satisfactory based on the Moderately Satisfactory rating of environmental assessment (OP/BP 4.01) and
      involuntary resettlement (OP/BP 4.12). Regarding OP/BP 4.01, contractors should pay closer attention to traffic
      and community safety, especially at sensitive sites such as schools, markets, and intersections of roads under
      construction and local roads. Regarding OP/BP 4.12, land acquisition and resettlement have been progressing
      well in Ky Anh but lagging in Hai Duong, Yen Bai, and Ky Anh. The provincial people’s committees of the latter
      three cities have been requested to streamline their processes and support their city and district people’s
      councils so that land acquisition and resettlement can be moved forward.

   10. The MTR implementation status and results report elevated the overall risk rating from Moderate to
       Substantial, reflecting Substantial risks for the categories (i) environment and social, because of land acquisition
       delays; (ii) institutional capacity, in line with weaknesses in project management of the PMUs; and (iii) fiduciary,
       because of continued shortages of CF and IDA allocations.

   11. The project has only one pending interim financial report and an audited financial statement from Yen Bai PMU.
       All the project’s legal covenants have been complied with.

C. Rationale for Restructuring

   12. For Component 1, the target cities updated technical designs and extended the timelines of several civil works
       packages. These changes account for (i) revised calculations based on more-elaborate data in the detailed
       designs than in the basic designs of the original feasibility study conducted during project preparation; (ii)
       higher compensation and resettlement costs and efforts because more households are affected (for Nghi Son)
       and land prices are higher, without proportionate expansion of CF in some cases; and (iii) land clearance delays.
       The most notable changes for individual packages are elaborated in Table 1.

       Table 1. Changes to Civil Works Packages
          Package code and name                                           Adjustments
                                           Scope and technical                      Land acquisition
        Hai Duong
        HD-PW-06 (Bach Dang river                                     Significant increase in scale of land acquisition
        embankment)                                                   and compensation from original feasibility study
                                                                      (from 8 to 360 households), requiring an
                                                                      additional VND30-35 billion of CF, which can be
                                                                      accommodated within the CF allocation of the
                                                                      approved project investment policy
        Nghi Son
        WB-XL-03a (construction of      Road alignment adjusted
        5 resettlement sites)           to minimize land
      The World Bank
      Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

          WB-XL-05 (construction of
          connection road from QL1A
          to Ninh Hai and coastal road
          from Ninh Hai to Son Hai                                   Revision of project investment policy increasing
          Bridge)                                                    CF allocation for land acquisition by VND537.8
          WB-XL-06 (construction of                                  billion for these two packages (approved on April
          Binh Minh-Sao Vang-Nghi                                    5, 2023)
          Son Road and coastal road
          from Son Hai Bridge to Lach
          Bang Bridge)
          Yen Bai
          YB-XL-04 (connection road       Package cancelled and
          from Bach Lam bridge to         instead financed by the
          Van Phu bridge)                 provincial budget to
                                          meet the urgent need of
                                          the province
          YB-XL-05 (connection road       Technical design
          from Nguyen Tat Thanh to        adjusted to match
          Au Co)                          general city planning
          YB-XL-07 (Hao Gia flood         Technical design
          dredging and embankment)        adjusted to minimize
                                          scale of resettlement
         Note: CF, counterpart funding.

     13. For Component 2, the MTR confirmed that the PDO remains highly relevant but that some technical assistance
         designed to achieve the improved integrated urban planning outcome has become less relevant to the three
         cities that had moved ahead independently of the project technical assistance. More specifically, Hai Duong, Ky
         Anh, and Yen Bai have updated their city master plans after new planning regulations were approved (planning
         law published in 2017 but not made effective until 2019 through Decree 37/2019/ND-CP). The new planning
         law requires that cities prepare city master plans that are spatially explicit, needs based, risk informed, and
         updated every 5 years, corresponding to the urban planning improvements the project envisioned. Whereas
         the technical assistance under Component 2 was necessary for the project cities to move toward integrated
         urban planning when the Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project was conceptualized, appraised, and
         approved in 2018/19, by the time it became effective in 2020/21, cities had an explicit legal compliance to use
         integrated urban planning. Cities that had a master plan update planned during the start-up phase of project
         implementation (Hai Duong, Ky Anh, Yen Bai) therefore moved ahead without the support of the project.
         Similarly, these three cities have independently established their asset management systems in accordance
         with government regulations and therefore do not require project technical assistance on strategic integrated
         planning, public transport planning, and asset management anymore. In Nghi Son, these technical assistance
         packages are still relevant, because the city is newly established, has only recently begun to revise its master
         plan, and has not established an asset management system.


     14. Changes to components and costs. The changes to Component 1 are listed in paragraph 12 and Table 1; for
         Component 2, it is proposed that the technical assistance packages in Hai Duong, Ky Anh, and Yen Bai be
          The World Bank
          Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

             cancelled.1 These changes affect total CF because of the increase in the scope of land acquisition in Nghi Son
             while the total IDA financing remains unchanged. The changes in project costs in the project cities are shown
             in Table 2. Please note that the CF estimate in the table includes taxes, fees, and interest.

             Table 2. Changes in Project Costs
                       City                   Project                       Original project total                           At midterm review
                                           component                        IDA                CF                           IDA              CF
               Yen Bai                  Component 1                             37.41               3.74                        37.72            3.77
                                        Component 2                              2.05              20.07                         1.75           20.03
                                        Subtotal                                39.46              23.81                        39.47           23.81
               Hai Duong                Component 1                             56.73               6.92                        56.89            6.54
                                        Component 2                              2.39              12.83                         2.23           13.21
                                        Subtotal                                59.12              19.75                        59.12           19.75
               Nghi Son                 Component 1                             46.93               4.63                        46.93            4.63
                                        Component 2                              6.36              21.04                         6.36           44.41
                                        Subtotal                                53.29              25.67                        53.29           49.04
               Ky Anh                   Component 1                             40.93               5.62                        40.93            5.62
                                        Component 2                              1.56               6.96                         1.56            6.96
                                        Subtotal                                42.49              12.58                        42.49           12.58
               TOTAL                    Component 1                            181.99              20.91                      182.46            20.56
                                        Component 2                             12.37              60.90                        11.91           84.61
                                        Total                                  194.36              81.81                      194.36          105.18
             Notes: Counterpart funding (CF) estimates include taxes, fees, and interest. IDA, International Development Association.

         15. Changes to indicator targets. The changes in the components will not change the PDO but will result in slight
             increases and decreases in the end targets and year 4 targets for indicators measuring increased access to
             urban infrastructure (first outcome statement) and in decreased attribution of improved integrated urban
             planning (second outcome statement) to the project, thus decreasing the end targets and intermediary targets
             of the corresponding indicators.

                  (a) Changes to indicator targets—Component 1. The scope and design changes to several civil works
                      packages affect the end target values for the intermediate results indicators (IRIs) under Component
                      1 in various ways: end target values increase for length of wastewater pipeline, household
                      connections to wastewater treatment systems, and area of walkable public space and decrease for
                      length of drains, roads, and bridges.2 For the PDO indicators under Component 1, end target values
                      increase slightly for number of people provided with access to improved sanitation (6 percent) and
                      number of direct project beneficiaries (8 percent) and decrease slightly for number of people provided
                      with access to new or improved roads (7 percent) and public spaces (7 percent).

1 It is also proposed that the planned technical assistance on strategic tourism planning in Nghi Son be cancelled because it is no
longer a priority of the city, and a provincial-level tourist plan is being implemented. This cancellation will have no effect on project
implementation or achievement of results framework indicators.

2Changes in end targets for IRIs are also partially due to errors and preliminary assumptions in the basic designs of the feasibility
study that were subsequently corrected or revised in the detailed designs. Detailed information is provided in Section IV.
 The World Bank
 Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

        (b) Changes to indicator targets—Component 2. The progress made in Hai Duong, Ky Anh, and Yen Bai
            on strategic integrated planning, public transport planning, and asset management happened
            independently of project technical assistance. Correspondingly, the following changes will be made
            to the end targets of the IRIs under Component 2 and the end target of the associated PDO indicator.
            (Intermediary targets will be revised correspondingly.)
                (i) IRI—Stakeholder consultation sessions and training activities conducted in integrated urban
                      development planning: End target decreased from 48 to 12 because project technical
                      assistance on strategic integrated planning will be provided only in Nghi Son. Stakeholder
                      consultation sessions were held in the other three cities but cannot be attributed to the
                      project because project technical assistance was not used.
                (ii) IRI—Urban asset management plans approved with approved annual budgets for O&M: End
                      target decreased from 12 to two. Despite Hai Duong, Ky Anh, and Yen Bai being on track to
                      achieve their initially set targets for this indicator, achievements in these cities cannot be
                      attributed to the project because project technical assistance was not used.
                (iii) PDO indicator—Integrated urban development plans developed, including adequate provision
                      of childcare services: End target decreased from four to one. The city master plans developed
                      in Hai Duong, Ky Anh, and Yen Bai integrate individual sectoral plans into multisectoral plans
                      (including public transport plans) and use resilience analysis to inform the plans. Moreover,
                      they legally comply with Decision 404/QD-TTg and Resolution 131/NQ-CP on allocating
                      adequate resources for childcare facilities. Although these city master plans meet all the
                      criteria for this PDO indicator, and hence its end target has been achieved in these three cities
                      (or soon will be, upon approval from the Prime Minister of the plans), this achievement cannot
                      be attributed to the project because project technical assistance was not used.
                (iv) IRI—Average difference in the amount of time spent by local women as compared to local men
                      on caring for children aged 3-72 months: end target changed from 38.75 percent to 30.00
                      percent and baseline from 60.25 percent to 51.00 percent. For the same reason as for the
                      PDO indicator, achievements in Hai Duong, Ky Anh, and Yen Bai cannot be attributed to the
                      project because project technical assistance was not used. Hence, the baseline and end target
                      reflect the values of Nghi Son only.
        The end target of the IRI for number of beneficiaries involved in consultations for project planning,
        implementation, and evaluation will be more than doubled because additional beneficiary consultations
        were conducted.

16. Changes to the theory of change and indicator revisions. This restructuring paper also updates the project’s
    theory of change (as presented in Table 3 of the Project Appraisal Document) to depict the causal chain more
    clearly and facilitate mapping of the results framework indicators to outputs and outcomes. The updated
    theory of change is presented in Annex 1. In parallel, the following modifications will be made to the results
    framework to improve indicator alignment with the causal chain and enhance performance in monitoring
        (a) PDO indicator—Integrated urban development plans developed, including adequate provision of
             childcare services: Will be replaced by “Integrated urban development plan—including public
             transport plan and adequate provision of childcare services—approved for implementation.”
        (b) IRI indicator—Urban asset management plans approved with approved annual budgets for O&M: Will
             be used as a PDO indicator.
        (c) Three IRIs will be added:
                 (i) IRI—Strategic integrated plan developed (target: 1—to be achieved by project closing in Nghi
        The World Bank
        Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

                       (ii) IRI—Public transport plan developed (target: 1—to be achieved by project closing in Nghi Son)
                       (iii) IRI—Urban asset management plans developed (target: 2—to be developed in years 4 and 5
                             in Nghi Son)

       17. The proposed results framework revisions were discussed extensively and agreed upon with the client during
           the MTR. The World Bank team will work with the PMU to update the project implementation manual to
           reflect the revised project results framework in June 2023. Section IV provides additional details on proposed
           changes to the results framework.


                                                                     Changed                      Not Changed
Results Framework                                                       ✔
Components and Cost                                                     ✔
Implementing Agency                                                                                     ✔
DDO Status                                                                                              ✔
Project's Development Objectives                                                                        ✔
PBCs                                                                                                    ✔
Loan Closing Date(s)                                                                                    ✔
Cancellations Proposed                                                                                  ✔
Reallocation between Disbursement Categories                                                            ✔
Disbursements Arrangements                                                                              ✔
Disbursement Estimates                                                                                  ✔
Overall Risk Rating                                                                                     ✔
Safeguard Policies Triggered                                                                            ✔
EA category                                                                                             ✔
Legal Covenants                                                                                         ✔
Institutional Arrangements                                                                              ✔
Financial Management                                                                                    ✔
Procurement                                                                                             ✔
Implementation Schedule                                                                                 ✔
Other Change(s)                                                                                         ✔
                                           The World Bank
                                           Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

    Economic and Financial Analysis                                                                                                 ✔
    Technical Analysis                                                                                                              ✔
    Social Analysis                                                                                                                 ✔
    Environmental Analysis                                                                                                          ✔



    Current                                                                                         Proposed                              Proposed
                                                                             Cost          Action
    Component Name                                                                                  Component Name                      Cost (US$M)
    Component 1: Structural                                                                         Component 1: Structural
    Investments - Rehabilitation and                                                                Investments - Rehabilitation
                                                                           234.02         Revised                                            203.02
    Construction of Resilient Urban                                                                 and Construction of Resilient
    Infrastructure                                                                                  Urban Infrastructure
    Component 2: Non-Structural                                                                     Component 2: Non-Structural
    Investments - Technical                                                                         Investments - Technical
                                                                            27.52         Revised                                             96.52
    Assistance and Implementation                                                                   Assistance and Implementation
    Support                                                                                         Support
     TOTAL                                                                 261.54                                                            299.54

                                 The World Bank
                                 Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

                                                                                        Results framework
                                                                                     COUNTRY: Vietnam
                                                                    Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project

    Project Development Objectives(s)
    To increase access to urban infrastructure and to improve integrated urban planning in the Project Cities.

    Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes

                           Indicator Name         PBC    Baseline                                             Intermediate Targets                 End Target

                                                                         1                      2                        3            4
    Increase access to urban infrastructure in the Project Cities (Action: This Objective has been Revised)
    Area prone to floods in the
    area covered by the project                         1,485.90        1,485.90              1,485.90                  1,028.20     934.40       407.90
    interventions (Hectare(Ha))

    Action: This indicator has been
                                    End target not revised, but year 4 target revised to reflect actual construction progress.

    People benefiting from
    improved drainage in the area
                                                        0.00            0.00                  0.00                      79,404.00    128,964.00   206,964.00
    covered by the project
    interventions (Number)

    Action: This indicator has been
                                    End target not revised, but year 4 target revised to reflect actual construction progress.

                     Of which Female
                                                        0.00            0.00                  0.00                      50.90        50.40        50.40
                     beneficiaries (Percentage)
                             The World Bank
                             Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


                       Indicator Name          PBC     Baseline                                                    Intermediate Targets                               End Target

                                                                               1                        2                       3                        4
                 Action: This indicator has
                                              Slight change in end target and year 4 target based on updated statistical demographic data in Yen Bai.
                 been Revised

                 Of which Bottom 40%
                                                     0.00                     0.00                    0.00                     0.00                     50.00       50.00
                 beneficiaries (Percentage)
People provided with access to
improved sanitation provided                         0.00                     0.00                    0.00                     0.00                     3,900.00    103,400.00
by the project (Number)

Action: This indicator has been End target increased from 97,400 to 103,400, resulting from an increase in end target of the length of waste water pipeline laid (see corresponding IRI) in Hai
Revised                         Duong.

                 Of which Female
                                                     0.00                     0.00                    0.00                     0.00                     50.00       51.10
                 beneficiaries (Percentage)

                 Action: This indicator has
                                              Slight change in end target and year 4 target based on updated statistical demographic data in Yen Bai.
                 been Revised

                 Of which Bottom 40%
                                                     0.00                     0.00                    0.00                     50.00                    50.00       50.00
                 beneficiaries (Percentage)
People who have access to
new or improved roads under                          0.00                     0.00                    0.00                     27,000.00                41,000.00   83,600.00
the project (Number)

Action: This indicator has been End target decreased from 89,700 to 83,600, resulting from a decrease in end target of the length of roads and bridges constructed or improved (see
Revised                         corresponding IRI) in Yen Bai. Year 4 target revised to reflect actual construction progress.
                             The World Bank
                             Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


                       Indicator Name          PBC     Baseline                                                    Intermediate Targets                              End Target

                                                                                1                       2                       3                        4
                 Of which Female
                                                     0.00                      0.00                   0.00                     51.00                    50.40       50.30
                 beneficiaries (Percentage)

                 Action: This indicator has
                                              Slight change in end target and year 4 target based on updated statistical demographic data in Yen Bai.
                 been Revised

                 Of which Bottom 40%
                                                     0.00                      0.00                   0.00                     50.00                    50.00       50.00
                 beneficiaries (Percentage)
Users satisfied with the new or
improved roads under the                             0.00                      0.00                   0.00                     80.00                    80.00       80.00
project (Percentage)
                 Female users satisfaction
                                                     0.00                      80.00                  80.00                    80.00                    80.00       80.00
                 Bottom 40% users
                                                     0.00                      0.00                   0.00                     80.00                    80.00       80.00
                 satisfaction (Percentage)
People provided with access to
new or improved public spaces                        0.00                      0.00                   0.00                     18,400.00                40,205.00   110,050.00

                                End target decreased from 117,900 to 110,050, resulting from changes in end targets of the area of new or improved walkable public space (see
Action: This indicator has been corresponding IRI) in Ky Anh (where the target of this PDO indicator increased from 1,700 to 2,650), Hai Duong (where the target of this PDO indicator
Revised                         decreased from 48,200 to 45,500) and Yen Bai (where the target of this PDO indicator decreased from 14,300 to 8,200). Year 4 targets revised accordingly
                                              and in line with actual construction progress.

                 Of which Female
                                                     0.00                      0.00                   0.00                     50.90                    50.30       50.40
                 beneficiaries (Percentage)
                             The World Bank
                             Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


                       Indicator Name          PBC     Baseline                                                    Intermediate Targets                                            End Target

                                                                                1                       2                        3                        4
                 Action: This indicator has
                                              Slight change in end target and year 4 target based on updated statistical demographic data in Yen Bai.
                 been Revised

                 Of which Bottom 40%
                                                     0.00                     0.00                     0.00                     50.00                   50.00                    50.00
                 beneficiaries (Percentage)
Users satisfied with the new or
improved public spaces                               0.00                     0.00                     0.00                     80.00                   80.00                    80.00
                 Female users satisfaction
                                                     0.00                     0.00                     0.00                     80.00                   80.00                    80.00
                 Bottom 40% users
                                                     0.00                     0.00                     0.00                     80.00                   80.00                    80.00
                 satisfaction (Percentage)
Urban Environmental Sanitation (Action: This Objective has been Marked for Deletion)
Urban Transport (Action: This Objective has been Marked for Deletion)
Public Space (Action: This Objective has been Marked for Deletion)
Improve integrated urban planning in the Project Cities (Action: This Objective has been Revised)
Integrated urban development
plan – including public
transport plan and adequate
                                                     0.00                     0.00                     0.00                     0.00                    0.00                     1.00
provision of childcare services
– approved for implementation

Action: This indicator has been Indicator changed from "Integrated urban development plans developed, including adequate provision of childcare services" to "Integrated urban
Revised                         development plan – including public transport plan and adequate provision of childcare services – approved for implementation". End targets decreased
                                              from 1 to 0 in Ky Anh, Hai Duong and Yen Bai, since the project TAs on strategic integrated planning and public transport planning will be cancelled from the
                             The World Bank
                             Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


                       Indicator Name     PBC     Baseline                                                       Intermediate Targets                                              End Target

                                                                            1                        2                         3                         4
                                         project in these cities and hence achievements in these cities cannot be attributed to the project. In Nghi Son, the original end target of 1 is maintained,
                                         while the year 4 target is decreased from 1 to 0 to reflect delayed achievement. Year 1-3 targets revised retroactively.

Urban asset management
plans approved with approved
                                                 0.00                     0.00                      0.00                      0.00                     1.00                      2.00
annual budgets for O&M

                                         Shifted from IRI to PDO indicator. End targets revised from 3 to 0 in Ky Anh, Hai Duong and Yen Bai, since the project TA on asset management will be
Action: This indicator is New            cancelled from the project in these cities and hence achievements in these cities cannot be attributed to the project. The original target of 3 is revised to 2 in
                                         Nghi Son due to implementation delays. Year 4 target revised accordingly. Year 1-3 targets revised retroactively.

Cities with improved livability, sustainability and management
Cities with improved livability,
sustainability, and/or                           0.00                     0.00                      0.00                      0.00                     0.00                      4.00
management (CRI, Number)
Project beneficiaries
People provided with improved
urban living conditions (CRI,                    0.00                     0.00                      0.00                      72,900.00                95,900.00                 239,793.00

                                End target increased from 222,100 to 239,793, resulting from the combined changes in end targets of the PDO indicators on number of people having access
Action: This indicator has been improved drainage / sanitation / roads / public spaces (see corresponding PDO indicators): in Ky Anh (increased from 24,000 to 24,493), Hai Duong
Revised                         (increased from 82,000 to 102,500 - also due to a calculation error in the feasibility study), and Yen Bai (decreased from 48,600 to 45,300). Year 4 targets
                                         revised accordingly and in line with actual construction progress.
                              The World Bank
                              Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


                       Indicator Name           PBC     Baseline                                                      Intermediate Targets                                             End Target

                                                                                 1                         2                        3                        4
                  People provided with
                  improved urban living
                                                       0.00                     0.00                     0.00                     50.60                     50.20                    50.40
                  conditions - Female (RMS
                  requirement) (CRI, Number)

                                               Slight change in end target and year 4 target based on updated statistical demographic data in Yen Bai. Data entry error at the time of project
                  Action: This indicator has
                                               preparation also corrected (the target values were incorrectly copied from the direct project beneficiaries indicator - see PAD page 44 - it should be a
                  been Revised
                                               proportion rather than identical absolute values).


Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

                       Indicator Name           PBC     Baseline                                                      Intermediate Targets                                             End Target

                                                                                 1                         2                        3                        4
Component 1:Structural investments-Rehabilitation and Construction of Resilient Urban Infrastructure
Length of drains improved or
                                                       0.00                     0.00                     0.00                     20.40                     33.82                    50.13
constructed (Kilometers)

                                End target decreased from 106.43km to 50.13km because of changes in design and calculations as compared to the feasibility study: in Hai Duong (increased
Action: This indicator has been from 12.11km to 12.71km), Nghi Son (decreased from 76.00km to 27.00km - large difference mainly caused by correcting for calculation mistakes in the
Revised                         feasibility study related to metric conversions) and Yen Bai (decreased from 14.80km to 6.90km - large difference mainly caused by correcting for calculation
                                               mistakes in the feasibility study related to doublecounting). Year 4 target revised accordingly and to reflect actual construction progress.

Length of waste water pipeline
                                                       0.00                     0.00                     0.00                     22.14                     109.30                   277.30
laid (Kilometers)
                            The World Bank
                            Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


                      Indicator Name     PBC     Baseline                                              Intermediate Targets                                             End Target

                                                                   1                        2                        3                         4
                                End target increased from 154.30km to 277.30km because of changes in design and calculations as compared to the feasibility study: in Ky Anh (increased
                                from 38.10km to 110.20km - large difference mainly caused by correcting for calculation mistakes in the feasibility study related to survey data mistakes),
Action: This indicator has been
                                Hai Duong (increased from 110.70km to 146.80km - large difference mainly caused by addition of culverts) and Nghi Son (increased from 5.50km to 20.30km
                                - large difference mainly caused by correcting for calculation mistakes in the feasibility study related to metric conversions). Year 4 target revised accordingly
                                and to reflect actual construction progress.

Additional waste-water
treatment capacity provided                    0.00               0.00                    0.00                      0.00                     600.00                    14,600.00
(Cubic Meter(m3))
Households connected to new
or improved wastewater                         0.00               0.00                    0.00                      0.00                     980.00                    31,900.00
treatment systems (Number)

Action: This indicator has been End target increased from 17,400 to 31,900 because of changes in design and calculations as compared to the feasibility study (see IRI on length of waste
Revised                         water pipeline laid): in Ky Anh (increased from 4,300 to 12,300) and Hai Duong (increased from 12,000 to 18,000).

Length of roads and bridges
constructed or improved, non-                  0.00               0.00                    0.00                      7.70                     17.94                     30.29
rural (Core) (Kilometers)

                                End target decreased from 34.97km to 30.29km because of (i) slight changes in design and calculations as compared to the feasibility study in Ky Anh
Action: This indicator has been
                                (increased from 6.70km to 6.72km); and (ii) cancellation of package YB-XL04 in Yen Bai (decreased from 9.90km to 5.20km). Year 4 target revised accordingly
                                and to reflect actual construction progress.
                              The World Bank
                              Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


                      Indicator Name            PBC     Baseline                                                     Intermediate Targets                              End Target

                                                                                 1                        2                      3                        4
Area of new or improved
walkable public space (Square                         0.00                     0.00                      0.00                   92,860.00                148,203.00   418,861.00

                                End target increased from 386,497 to 418,861 because of (i) expansion of the pavement in packages KA-PW-04 and KA-PW-05 in Ky Anh (increased from
Action: This indicator has been 25,100sqm to 63,300sqm); (ii) slight changes in design and calculations as compared to the feasibility study in Hai Duong (decreased from 52,607sqm to
Revised                         48,871sqm); and (iii) cancellation of package YB-XL04 and expansion of space under YB-XL05 in Yen Bai (decreased from 177,100sqm to 175,000sqm). Year 4
                                               target revised accordingly and to reflect actual construction progress.

Component 2: Non-structural investments-Technical Assistance and Implementation Support
Beneficiaries involved in
consultations for project
                                                      0.00                     1,100.00                  1,920.00               2,020.00                 3,450.00     4,100.00
planning/ implementation/
evaluation (Number)

Action: This indicator has been End target increased from 2,020 to 4,100 because original end targets have already been met in Ky Anh (hence increased from 400 to 1,550), Hai Duong
Revised                         (hence increased from 420 to 1,100) and Yen Bai (hence increased from 600 to 850). Year 4 target revised accordingly.

                  Of which Female
                                                      0.00                     50.70                     50.60                  50.60                    50.70        50.80
                  beneficiaries (Percentage)

                  Action: This indicator has
                                               Slight change in end target and year 4 target based on updated statistical demographic data in Yen Bai.
                  been Revised

                  Of which Bottom 40%
                                                      0.00                     50.00                     50.00                  50.00                    50.00        50.00
                  beneficiaries (Percentage)
Stakeholder consultation
                                                      0.00                     4.00                      6.00                   8.00                     10.00        12.00
sessions and training activities
                            The World Bank
                            Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


                      Indicator Name     PBC     Baseline                                             Intermediate Targets                                            End Target

                                                                   1                       2                        3                        4
conducted in integrated urban
development planning

                                End targets decreased from 12 to 0 in Ky Anh, Hai Duong and Yen Bai, since the project TA on strategic integrated planning will be cancelled from the project
Action: This indicator has been
                                in these cities and hence achievements in these cities cannot be attributed to the project. The original target of 12 is maintained in Nghi Son. Year 4 targets
                                revised accordingly. Year 1-3 targets revised retroactively.

Urban asset management
plans approved with approved
                                               0.00               0.00                   0.00                     4.00                     8.00                      12.00
annual budgets for O&M

                                End targets revised from 3 to 0 in Ky Anh, Hai Duong and Yen Bai, since the project TA on asset management will be cancelled from the project in these cities
Action: This indicator has been
                                and hence achievements in these cities cannot be attributed to the project. The original target of 3 is revised to 2 in Nghi Son due to implementation delays.
Marked for Deletion
                                Year 4 target revised accordingly.

Average difference in the
amount of time spent by local
women as compared to local                     51.00              51.00                  51.00                    51.00                    51.00                     30.00
men on caring for children
aged 3-72 months (Percentage)

                                Since project TA on strategic integrated planning will be cancelled from the project in Ky Anh, Hai Duong and Yen Bai, achievements in these cities cannot be
Action: This indicator has been
                                attributed to the project. The baseline, intermediate targets and end target are revised to reflect the baseline and original targets in Nghi Son (where they
                                remained unchanged), instead of the average across the four cities.
                            The World Bank
                            Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)


                      Indicator Name     PBC     Baseline                                       Intermediate Targets           End Target

                                                                        1              2                  3             4
Strategic integrated plan
                                               0.00                                                                    0.00   1.00
developed (Number)

Action: This indicator is New           New indicator, only measured in Nghi Son

Public transport plan
                                               0.00                                                                    0.00   1.00
developed (Number)

Action: This indicator is New           New indicator, only measured in Nghi Son

Asset management plan
                                               0.00                                                                    1.00   2.00
developed (Number)

Action: This indicator is New           New indicator, only measured in Nghi Son

               The World Bank
               Vietnam - Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project (P168290)

                                                   Annex 1: Dynamic Cities Integrated Development Project Theory of Change

                                   Activities                                     Outputs
                                                                                                                               Short- to medium-term (PDO)                         Long-term
                                                                                                               People benefiting from improved
              Construction and rehabilitation of the drainage     Drains and embankments constructed or
              system (drains, dredging and embankments)           improved
                                                                                                               Reduced area prone to floods

                                                                  Wastewater pipeline laid
Component 1

              Construction and rehabilitation of the sanitation   Additional wastewater treatment capacity     People provided with access to
              system (sewers and treatment plants)                provided                                     improved sanitation
                                                                                                                                                        Improved access to
                                                                                                                                                        urban infrastructure
                                                                  Households connected to new or improved
                                                                                                                                                        in the project cities
                                                                  wastewater systems

              Construction and rehabilitation of roads and                                                     People provided with access to new or
                                                                  Roads and bridges constructed or improved
              bridges , including sidewalks.                                                                   improved roads and bridges
                                                                                                                                                                                Improved urban
              Construction and rehabilitation of public spaces                                                                                                                  living conditions
                                                                  Walkable public space constructed or         People provided with access to new or
              around infrastructure (sidewalks, promenades and
                                                                  improved                                     improved public spaces
                                                                                                                                                                                and economic
              green space) .                                                                                                                                                    growth in the
                                                                                                                                                                                project cities
                                                                                                               Reduced time used by mothers of
                                                                                                               children aged 3 -72 months on unpaid
                                                                  Integrated urban development plan –
Component 2

                                                                  including public transport plan and
              Technical assistance (including stakeholder         adequate provision of childcare services –   Integrated urban development plan –      Improved integrated
                                                                  developed                                    including public transport plan and
              consultation sessions and training activities):
                                                                                                               adequate provision of childcare
                                                                                                                                                        urban planning in
                    Strategic integrated planning                                                                                                      the project cities
                    Public transport development                                                              services – approved for implementation
                    Asset management                                                                          Urban asset management plans
                                                                  Urban asset management plan developed        approved with approved annual
                                                                                                               budgets for O&M