PACASEN AF – Draft Addendum to Environmental and Social Systems Assessment (ESSA) – English version Key E&S effects (benefits, negative impacts and risks) of the activities associated with the proposed transaction. These are just primary issues that will have to be explored in greater depth during the screening or environmental work to be done before the implementation of the projects. The project will significantly improve social, community and environmental management situations and will strengthen environmental resilience provisions in the face of climate change and take good gender into account. However, minor environmental and social issues will have to be managed and will be related to stakeholder consultation, claims management, pollution management, accident prevention, etc. Management systems – legal and regulatory frameworks, institutional responsibilities, organizational structures, human and financial resources, etc. Environmental and social management is carried out at three (03) levels: the local level (municipality), the regional level, through the ARD, the DREEC, and the Regional Environmental Monitoring Committee and the national level, through the DEEC. At the local level, the Municipality, through the Municipal Council's ticket, will request the support of the technical services (CADL and departmental services) or any other decentralized technical services competent to instruct and supervise the preparation and implementation of projects, transmit the selection sheet of the selected projects to the ARD and follow the process, expedite the implementation and monitoring of environmental and social measures (completion of the environmental and social selection form (preliminary sorting) and monitoring of the procedure, good public participation, application of environmental and social measures). At the regional level, three entities support the Commune: - The ARD mobilizes its technical services for preliminary sorting and environmental and social monitoring, ensures the integration of general and specific environmental requirements (including any management plans and standard specifications) in the tender documents (DAO/DRP) and the contracts of the companies in charge of the works, ensures capacity building and awareness- raising among local stakeholders, ensures compliance with environmental and social measures and carries out the supervision, evaluation and technical and environmental acceptance of projects. - The Regional Committee for Environmental and Social Monitoring supports, if necessary, the screening of projects initiated by the TCs, verifies the integration of the measures of the PGES and other environmental and social clauses in the tender/DRP and works files (in relation with the design/control offices) and ensures the environmental and social monitoring. At the national level, the DEEC supports the monitoring and implementation of environmental and social strategies of projects and programs and participates, as necessary, in monitoring missions. Effectiveness of the borrower's systems in practice, in coping with the identified effects and fulfilling its institutional responsibilities. It became clear that, at the institutional level, the roles and responsibilities of the various actors involved in the environmental management of PACASEN activities are clearly defined and specified through the PACASEN Environmental and Social Procedures Manual. The main strengths of the program are the capacity building of GHG actors by the DEEC, the existence of the environmental procedure manual and a PMM, the integration of environmental clauses in the DRP / DAO and the existence of screening sheets. However, major weaknesses are noted that reduce the environmental and social effectiveness of PACASEN. These are: the failure to take into account the environmental criterion in the evaluation of tenders (recruitment of companies without environmental and social skills), the complexity of the 1 Procedure Manual (depending on the actors), the inadequacy of GHG capacity building, the low appropriation of the MGP by the actors the failure to take into account gender and climate change issues, In the screening sheet, despite the vulnerability of the intervention regions and the absence of a harmonized procedure for the application of the screening sheets, the non-budgeting of the results of the screening in the unit estimates, the environmental services are not often involved in the process of receiving the infrastructure and the monitoring of the implementation of the measures is not documented in the majority of regions. Ultimately, the major difficulty lies in the operationalization of this system due to: lack of environmental and social competence of the Municipalities (theoretically in charge of screening); lack of synergy between the DRAs and the DREECs, which do not promote a good involvement of the DREEC in environmental monitoring but especially in the acceptance of works; the inadequacy of the resources allocated to environmental monitoring through the DREC -ADM protocol, which should serve as a framework for the involvement of the DREEC in the monitoring and support of PACASEN; the late recruitment of an environmental officer in the programme, which made it difficult to plan activities at the strategic level, and the absence of a harmonized operating procedure for the application of screening sheets. Proposal of an organizational scheme. Implementation of environmental and social management of additional funding. The environmental and social management of PACASAN will be under the responsibility of the Environmental and Social Unit of the ADM, which has already mobilized one (01) expert in Environmental Social Management In charge of the monitoring of the environmental and social indicators of PACASEN and will have to recruit one (01) expert in Climate Change and green finance in charge of issues related to climate change, vulnerability and green financing in local planning. This expertise will be based on the mobile GHG units planned by the ADM to support the operational implementation of GHG at the local level. - At the national level. The organization of the environmental and social management of interventions will have to be based on the signing of a partnership agreement (agreement) between the Department of Environmental Regulation and Control (DREC) and the ADM. This agreement should be the basis for the DEEC's mobilization to support the program, particularly in the context of screening, environmental and social monitoring operations and raising awareness among beneficiaries about the interventions, the related risks and the safety measures to be respected. - At the regional level. At the regional level, the ADM will, on the basis of the DREC/ADM agreement, have to rely on the technical assistance of the DREEC for the operational implementation of the management plan for environmental and social safeguard measures. Through the DREC and the DREEC, the ADM will be able to mobilize the technical services involved in the monitoring of interventions, through the Regional Environmental Monitoring Committee (CRSE). In terms of climate change in local planning. The following areas of intervention are proposed according to the stakeholders: At national and regional level. Rely on the State's technical services in charge of managing these issues, in particular the Department of Climate Change, Ecological Transition and Green Financing (DCCTEFV) of the Ministry in charge of the Environment, Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition, with which the signing of an agreement is envisaged. On the basis of this agreement, the DCCFV will have to mobilize the Regional Committees on Climate Change (COMRECC) around the regional and local actors in charge of local development planning. The content of this agreement will be discussed by mutual agreement between the ADM and the DCCTEFV. 2 Changes or improvements are required to ensure that the borrower's systems will be consistent with the principles of the PforR and effective in managing the effects of the program. Among the major changes that PACASEN will have to implement are: - Implementation of environmental and social management of additional funding. 1) the signing of agreements with: the DREC for the Environment and Social component, the DCCTEFV for the Climate Change component and the "Gender" unit of the Ministry in charge of Local Authorities; 2) the recruitment of one (01) Climate Change expert: in charge of issues relating to the consideration of climate change in local planning; 3) the signing of a partnership agreement between the DREC / ADM for support for the mobility and management of monitoring/supervision/screening/capacity building missions by the DRS, the DREEC and the CRS, for an amount of USD 326,000 for the duration of the additional funding. - In terms of climate change in local planning. 1) PACASEN will have to sign an agreement between the DCCTEFV / ADM to support it in mobility and the management of Climate Change in local planning for an amount of USD 228,000 for the duration of the additional funding.2) Signature of an agreement between the "Gender" / ADM Unit to ensure support for mobility and the implementation of the "Gender" strategy for an amount of USD 130,000 for the duration additional funding. 3