PROCUREMENT PLAN Project information: South Sudan Eastern Africa Regional Digital Integration Project (P176181) Project Implementation agency: Ministry of Information, Communication Technologies and Postal Services Date of the Procurement Plan: Jan 2,2023 Period covered by this Procurement Plan: January -December 2023 Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures may be used. When other national procurement arrangements other than national open competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations. Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables. “Not Applicable” Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables “Not Applicable” Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Works). Not applicable Hands-on Expanded Implementation Support (HEIS) as specified under paragraphs 3.10 and 3.11 of the Procurement Regulations is Applicable. Other Relevant Procurement Information. PROCUREMENT Eastern and Southern Africa : Eastern Africa Regional Digital Integration Project PLAN General Information Country: Eastern and Southern Africa 2023-01-18 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2024-04-24 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P176181 GPN Date: 2023-09-18 Project Name: Eastern Africa Regional Digital Integration Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / V4520, IDA / E1790, IDA / E1780 Ministry of Information, Communication Technologies and Postal Services Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned SS-MICT&PS-422749-CW-RF Q / Renovation works for the Component 4. Project Manag Request for Quota Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Imp 2024-06-0 proposed PIU Office Block (in IDA / E1780 ement and Implementation Post Limited - National tions (Non Bank-S 30,000.00 0.00 2024-04-22 2024-05-08 tions nvelope lementation 7 cluding connection to City El Support PD) ectricity grid) as per the atta ched Bills of Quantities – BO Qs GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual SS-MICT&PS-422409-GO-DIR Component 4. Project Manag Direct - Internation Under Imple / Purchase of 2No Motor Vehi IDA / E1780 ement and Implementation Post Direct Selection 150,000.00 0.00 2024-04-23 2024-04-22 2024-04-28 2024-05-12 2024-06-11 al mentation cles for the PIU staff Support SS-MICT&PS-422741-GO-RF Component 4. Project Manag Q / Office Laptops, computer Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / E1780 ement and Implementation Post Limited - National 60,000.00 0.00 2024-04-28 2024-05-08 2024-05-22 s and Printers for the PIU staf tions nvelope ementation Support f: 20 Laptops, 3 Printers, 3 D esktops and I Projector SS-MICT&PS-422742-GO-RF Q / Office furniture for the PI Component 4. Project Manag Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl U staff: 15No, Desks, 15No. C IDA / E1780 ement and Implementation Post Limited - National 50,000.00 0.00 2024-04-22 2024-05-08 2024-05-22 tions nvelope ementation hairs 10No. Visitors Chairs 4 Support No. Office Cabinets, INo Safe NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual SS-MICT&PS-422743-NC-RFQ / Provision of Fibre Dedicated Component 4. Project Manag internet Access of 30 mbps f Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / E1780 ement and Implementation Post Limited - National 35,000.00 0.00 2024-04-22 2024-05-08 2024-05-22 or the PIU Office including Ins tions nvelope ementation Support tallation and Commissioning Charges (Approx 20 devises) SS-MICT&PS-422746-NC-RFQ / Supply, Configure and Instal Component 4. Project Manag Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl l and Train Users on Quick Bo IDA / E1780 ement and Implementation Post Limited - National 20,000.00 0.00 2024-04-22 2024-05-08 2024-06-07 tions nvelope ementation ok Software for financial tran Support saction as per TORs - 5 Users SS-MICT&PS-423398-NC-RFQ Component 4. Project Manag Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / E1780 Post Limited - National 14,000.00 0.00 2024-04-23 2024-05-09 2024-06-08 / PIU Car hire services for 1 ement and Implementation tions nvelope ementation month Support CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual SS-MICT&PS-330550-CS-IND Component 4. Project Manag Consultant Qualifi IDA / V4520 Post Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2023-01-13 2023-02-03 2023-03-19 2023-04-18 2023-05-23 2023-11-19 V / ESF Instruments ement and Implementation cation Selection Support SS-MICT&PS-415103-CS-QCB Component 1. Connectivity S / Commercial transactions Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Under Implement IDA / E1790 Market Development and Int Prior 1,500,000.00 0.00 2024-03-12 2024-04-02 2024-05-16 2024-06-13 2024-07-13 2024-08-17 2024-09-21 2025-09-21 manual, and business model Based Selection l ation egration s for deployment (AC, AD) SS-MICT&PS-416634-CS-QCB Component 1. Connectivity S / Technical Feasibility Stud Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa IDA / E1780 Market Development and Int Prior 2,400,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2024-03-19 2024-04-09 2024-05-23 2024-06-20 2024-07-20 2024-08-24 2024-09-28 2025-09-28 y for Route + UA market gap Based Selection l egration assessment A-B, A-C, A-D an d Supervision SS-MICT&PS-416637-CS-QCB Component 1. Connectivity Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa S / Consultancy Services for IDA / E1780 Market Development and Int Prior 2,000,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2024-03-19 2024-04-16 2024-04-09 2024-05-23 2024-06-20 2024-07-20 2024-08-24 2024-09-28 2025-09-28 Based Selection l Security Risk Management (S egration RMC) SS-MICT&PS-374584-CS-CQS Component 2. Data Market Consultant Qualifi Open - Internationa Pending Impleme / Consulting Services for Dev IDA / E1780 Development and Integratio Prior 300,000.00 0.00 2024-04-05 2024-04-19 2024-06-02 2024-07-02 2024-08-06 2025-08-01 cation Selection l ntation eloping National Cyber Secur n ity Strategy SS-MICT&PS-330587-CS-QCB Component 4. Project Manag Quality And Cost- Pending Impleme S / Technical Assistance for IDA / E1780 ement and Implementation Prior Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 2024-04-12 2024-05-03 2024-06-16 2024-07-14 2024-08-13 2024-09-17 2024-10-22 2025-10-22 Based Selection ntation Survey, Design, and Quality Support Control SS-MICT&PS-330582-CS-QCB S / Technical Assistance for B Component 4. Project Manag usiness model options for inv Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Pending Impleme IDA / E1780 ement and Implementation Prior 450,000.00 0.00 2024-04-12 2024-05-03 2024-06-16 2024-07-14 2024-08-13 2024-09-17 2024-10-22 2025-10-22 estment, ownership, and ma Based Selection l ntation Support nagement of fiber infrastruct ure, national backbone and a ccess connectivity Page 1 SS-MICT&PS-330596-CS-QCB Component 4. Project Manag Quality And Cost- Open - Internationa Pending Impleme S / Technical Assistance for D IDA / E1780 ement and Implementation Prior 300,000.00 0.00 2024-04-12 2024-05-03 2024-06-16 2024-07-14 2024-08-13 2024-09-17 2024-10-22 2025-10-22 Based Selection l ntation ata Centre and IXP Support INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual SS-MICT&PS-330543-CS-IND Component 4. Project Manag Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / V4520 Prior Open - National 80,000.00 0.00 2022-12-09 2023-06-01 2023-01-27 2023-09-01 2023-02-17 2023-11-30 2023-03-24 2023-09-20 V / Project Coordinator ement and Implementation ant Selection ation Support SS-MICT&PS-330546-CS-IND Component 4. Project Manag Individual Consult V / Consultancy: Technical Ad IDA / V4520 ement and Implementation Post Open - National 130,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2022-12-09 2024-04-16 2023-01-27 2023-02-17 2023-03-24 2023-09-20 ant Selection visor / Connectivity Expert Support SS-MICT&PS-336076-CS-IND Component 4. Project Manag Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / V4520 Prior Open - National 60,000.00 0.00 2023-01-13 2023-04-26 2023-03-03 2023-09-04 2023-03-24 2023-04-28 2023-10-25 V / Financial Management Sp ement and Implementation ant Selection ation ecialist Support South Sudan - Component 4. SS-MICT&PS-336078-CS-IND Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / V4520 Project Management and Im Post Open - National 60,000.00 0.00 2023-01-13 2023-02-16 2023-03-03 2023-09-04 2023-03-24 2023-04-28 2023-10-25 V / Procurement Specialist ant Selection ation plementation Support South Sudan - Component 4. SS-MICT&PS-336082-CS-IND Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / V4520 Project Management and Im Post Open - National 20,000.00 0.00 2023-01-13 2023-12-20 2023-03-03 2023-03-24 2023-04-28 2023-10-25 V / Administrative Officer ant Selection ation plementation Support South Sudan - Component 4. SS-MICT&PS-336088-CS-IND Individual Consult IDA / V4520 Project Management and Im Post Open - National 18,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2023-01-13 2024-04-16 2023-03-03 2023-03-24 2023-04-28 2023-10-25 V / Driver ant Selection plementation Support SS-MICT&PS-330559-CS-IND Component 4. Project Manag Individual Consult Under Implement IDA / V4520 Post Open - National 20,000.00 0.00 2022-12-09 2023-05-26 2023-01-27 2023-02-17 2023-03-24 2023-09-20 V / Project Implementation M ement and Implementation ant Selection ation anual Support SS-MICT&PS-374588-CS-IND Component 4. Project Manag Individual Consult Open - Internationa IDA / E1780 Prior 300,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2024-03-29 2024-05-01 2024-05-15 2024-06-19 2026-06-19 V / Monitoring and Evaluation ement and Implementation ant Selection l Officer Support SS-MICT&PS-374516-CS-IND Component 4. Project Manag Individual Consult Open - Internationa IDA / E1780 Prior 300,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2024-04-05 2024-05-24 2024-06-14 2024-07-19 2026-07-19 V / Environment Safeguards ement and Implementation ant Selection l Specialist Support SS-MICT&PS-374518-CS-IND Component 4. Project Manag Individual Consult Open - Internationa IDA / E1780 Prior 300,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2024-04-05 2024-05-24 2024-06-14 2024-07-19 2026-07-19 V / Social Safeguards Speciali ement and Implementation ant Selection l st Support SS-MICT&PS-374593-CS-IND Component 4. Project Manag Individual Consult Open - Internationa Pending Impleme IDA / E1780 Prior 300,000.00 0.00 2023-07-31 2023-09-18 2023-10-09 2023-11-13 2025-11-12 V / Communications Officer ement and Implementation ant Selection l ntation Support SS-MICT&PS-374587-CS-IND V / Information Gateway Libe ralisation Specialist Component 1. Connectivity Individual Consult Open - Internationa Pending Impleme Consultancy Service in provi IDA / E1780 Market Development and Int Prior 200,000.00 0.00 2024-04-23 2024-06-11 2024-06-25 2024-07-30 2025-01-26 ant Selection l ntation ding Technical Assistant Sup egration port for the Liberalisation of South Sudan Information Gat eway SS-MICT&PS-374582-CS-CQS Component 4. Project Manag Individual Consult Open - Internationa IDA / E1780 Prior 200,000.00 0.00 Under Review 2024-04-23 2024-05-26 2024-06-16 2024-07-21 2025-01-17 / Security Specialist / Advisor ement and Implementation ant Selection l Support Page 2