Project information: Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue
Mobilization and Public Resource Management (P162302)
Project Implementation agency: Finance Department, Government
of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Date of the Procurement Plan: May 17, 2019
Period covered by this Procurement Plan: May 17, 2019-May


In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations
for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) and revised August 2018 (Procurement
Regulations) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and
Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and
update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the

This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the
Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all
procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the
Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement
Regulations are set forth in STEP.

The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all
contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those
contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP.

National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3
of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as
specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own
procurement procedures may be used.
    When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement
    arrangements as set forth in KP Public Procurement Regulatory Rules
    2014, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the
    Procurement Regulations and the following conditions:
    1) The eligibility of bidders shall be as defined under Section III of the
       Procurement Regulations. Accordingly, no bidder or potential bidder
       shall be declared ineligible for contracts financed by the Bank for
         reasons other than those provided in Section III of the Procurement
    2)   For national open competitive procurement, only the model
         procurement documents acceptable to the World Bank, shall be used.
    3)   The request for bids/request for proposals document shall require
         that Bidders/Proposers submitting Bids/Proposals present a signed
         acceptance (in the form attached) at the time of bidding, to be
         incorporated in any resulting contracts, confirming application of, and
         compliance with, the Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines, including
         without limitation the Bank’s right to sanction and the Bank’s
         inspection and audit rights.
    4)   Procurement Documents include provisions, as agreed with the Bank,
         intended to adequately mitigate against environmental, social
         (including sexual exploitation and abuse and gender-based violence),
         health and safety (“ESHS”) risks and impacts
    5)   Access to procurement opportunities shall not be restricted to firms
         that have pre-registered and/or paid a registration fee.
    6)   No preference of any kind shall be given to national bidders in the
         bidding process.

    When other national procurement arrangements (other than national
    open competitive procurement) are applied by the Borrower, such
    arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement

Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement
Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables. “Not Applicable”
Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of
the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the
Procurement Plan tables “Not Applicable”
Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement
Regulations (Goods and Works).
    Goods: [is not applicable for those contracts identified in the Procurement
    Plan tables];
    Works: [is not applicable for those contracts identified in the Procurement
    Plan tables]
                Pakistan : Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management
General Information
Country:           Pakistan                                                                             2019-07-08
                                                   Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:
                                                   Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:        P162302                         GPN Date:                                            2020-08-11
Project Name:      Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Mobilization and Public Resource Management
Loan / Credit No:  IDA / 64210
                   Finance Department Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                         Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                                                            Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                     Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu                                    Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                           Contract Complet
       Description                                 Component      Review Type       Method                                                                                       Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                                                            and Recommendation                    Signed Contract
                                        o.                                                                  h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                         atus         Documents               ation Report                                          ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                    ion
                                                                                                                                                                                     S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                                                      for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual                                      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned      Actual   Planned

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                     Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount                      Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu          Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                 Component      Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and Recommendation                    Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                  h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                             atus         Documents              ation Report                 ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Planned        Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

 PK-FD-KP-121616-GO-RFQ /
                                                                                Request for Quota                        Single Stage - One E
Procurement of IT Equipment IDA / 64210                        Post                               Limited                                                           50,000.00            47,250.60   Signed                                                                                       2019-09-06   2020-05-21                                                                                 2019-11-01   2020-06-09   2020-04-29
                                                                                tions                                    nvelope
for SSU & ISU

 PK-FD-KP-121755-GO-RFQ /                                                       Request for Quota                        Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / 64210                   Post                               Limited                                                           20,000.00             7,627.66   Signed                                                                                       2019-09-06   2020-04-28                                                                                 2019-11-01   2020-05-15   2020-04-29
Furniture and Fixture for SSU                                                   tions                                    nvelope

 PK-FD-KP-121758-GO-RFQ /                                                       Request for Quota                        Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / 64210                   Post                               Limited                                                           40,000.00             2,621.60   Signed                                                                                       2019-09-06   2020-06-03                                                                                 2019-11-01   2020-06-22   2020-04-29
Office Peripherals for SSU & I                                                  tions                                    nvelope

 PK-FD-KP-121762-GO-RFQ /                                                       Request for Quota                        Single Stage - One E
                                 IDA / 64210                   Post                               Limited                                                           40,000.00             4,588.25   Signed                                                                                       2019-09-06   2020-05-21                                                                                 2019-11-01   2020-06-09   2020-04-29
Office Equipment for SSU & I                                                    tions                                    nvelope

 PK-FD-KP-166047-GO-RFQ /
                                                                                Request for Quota                        Single Stage - One E
Renovation of Project Manag      IDA / 64210                   Post                               Open - National                                                   17,000.00            11,899.79   Signed                                                                                       2020-04-15                                                                                              2020-06-10   2020-05-15   2020-08-09
                                                                                tions                                    nvelope
ement Unit (PMU)

 PK-FD-KP-231213-NC-RFB /
                                                                                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
Hiring of firm for establishing IDA / 64210                    Prior            Request for Bids                                                                 7,500,000.00      2,372,567.53      Signed                                                             2021-05-02   2021-07-21   2021-05-07   2021-10-02                             2021-06-18   2021-10-18   2021-07-18   2022-03-21   2021-08-22   2022-07-15   2022-08-22
                                                                                                     l                   nvelope
workflow and document man
agement system

 PK-FD-KP-312189-GO-RFQ /
Purchase of IT Equipment an                                                     Request for Quota                        Single Stage - One E                                                        Under Imple
                              IDA / 64210                      Post                               Open - National                                                   90,000.00                 0.00                                                                                                2022-09-04   2022-10-19                                                                                 2022-10-19                2023-01-17
d Licenses for the Rollout of                                                   tions                                    nvelope                                                                     mentation
Tranche 1 of Paperless Gover

 PK-FD-KP-319498-GO-RFQ /
                                                                                Request for Quota                        Single Stage - One E
Procurement of Digital Scree IDA / 64210                       Post                               Open - National                                                   50,000.00                 0.00   Canceled                                                                                     2022-10-09   2022-10-19                                                                                 2022-11-26                2023-02-24
                                                                                tions                                    nvelope
ns for Chnage Management a
t Civil Secretariat

 PK-FD-KP-317324-GO-RFB /
Hiring of firm for the Develop                                                                                           Single Stage - One E                                                        Under Imple
                               IDA / 64210                     Post             Request for Bids     Open - National                                               125,000.00                 0.00                                                                      2022-10-13   2022-12-09   2022-10-18                                          2022-11-29                2022-12-14                2023-01-12                2024-01-07
ment of Integration Framewo                                                                                              nvelope                                                                     mentation
rk for the Revenue Entities

 PK-FD-KP-322037-GO-RFB /
                                                                                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
Supply and Installation of Hy IDA / 64210                      Post             Request for Bids                                                                   350,000.00                 0.00   Canceled                                                           2022-10-24   2022-11-08   2022-10-26                                          2022-11-16                2022-11-26                2022-12-02                2022-12-14
                                                                                                     l                   nvelope
per converged Infrasture (HC

                                                                                Request for Quota                        Single Stage - One E                                                        Under Imple
/ Procurement of Digital Scre    IDA / 64210                   Post                               Open - National                                                   50,000.00                 0.00                                                                                                2022-11-08   2022-11-11                                                                                 2022-11-28                2023-01-27
                                                                                tions                                    nvelope                                                                     mentation
ens for Change Management

                                                                                                                         Single Stage - One E                                                        Under Imple
/ Supply and Installation of H   IDA / 64210                   Post             Request for Bids     Open - National                                               400,000.00                 0.00                                                                      2022-11-13   2022-11-14   2022-11-15   2022-11-16                             2022-12-06                2022-12-16                2022-12-22                2023-12-22
                                                                                                                         nvelope                                                                     mentation
yper Converged Infrastructur
e (HCI)

/ Services for Enterprise Data                                                                                           Single Stage - One E                                                        Under Imple
                               IDA / 64210                     Post             Request for Bids     Open - National                                               125,000.00                 0.00                                                                      2023-03-01   2023-03-17   2023-03-04   2023-03-24                             2023-03-25                2023-04-04                2023-04-17                2023-07-16
Warehousing, Big Data Analy                                                                                              nvelope                                                                     mentation
tics and Business Intelligence

 PK-FD-KP-321254-GO-RFB /
                                                                                                     Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E
Procurement of Hardware &        IDA / 64210                   Prior            Request for Bids                                                                 4,000,000.00                 0.00   Canceled                                                           2022-10-24   2022-11-27   2022-10-27   2022-12-29                             2022-12-08                2022-12-22                2022-12-28                2023-06-26
                                                                                                     l                   nvelope
Software for WDMS System

 PK-FD-KP-354116-GO-RFB /
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - One E                                                        Under Imple
Procurement of Wireless Infr     IDA / 64210                   Post             Request for Bids     Open - National                                             1,500,000.00                 0.00                                                                      2023-04-10   2023-04-09   2023-04-15                                          2023-05-06                2023-05-16                2023-05-26                2023-11-22
                                                                                                                         nvelope                                                                     mentation
astructure for WDMS

 PK-FD-KP-321254-GO-RFB-2                                                                            Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E                                                        Under Imple
                            IDA / 64210                        Prior            Request for Bids                                                                 6,420,000.00                 0.00                                                                      2023-04-04                2023-04-07                                          2023-05-19                2023-06-02                2023-06-08                2023-12-05
/ Procurement of Hardware &                                                                          l                   nvelope                                                                     mentation

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                     Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount                      Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu          Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                 Component      Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and Recommendation                    Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                  h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                             atus         Documents              ation Report                 ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Planned        Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Combined Evaluation
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                     Market Approac        Contract Type        Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                      Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                 Component      Review Type        Method                                                                                 Process Status            Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                       Report and Draft Neg            Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                  h                                      unt (US$)      (US$)                                                                 Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                     al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Planned       Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual           Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
 PK-FD-KP-121600-CS-LCS / H
iring of a Consultancy Firm to
                                                                                Least Cost Selecti
Conduct a Business Process     IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open - National                                667,000.00     262,766.53   Signed               2019-07-11    2019-07-09    2019-08-01   2019-07-18   2019-09-14   2019-09-02                             2019-10-12   2019-10-15   2019-11-11   2019-11-06   2019-12-16   2019-12-03   2020-01-20   2019-12-30   2020-07-18
Review for the Provincial Sec
retariat and Cabinet of Khybe
r Pakhtunkhwa

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 1
 PK-FD-KP-121601-CS-LCS / H                                                     Least Cost Selecti
                             IDA / 64210                       Post                                  Open - National                       333,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2019-08-01   2019-09-05    2019-08-22                2019-10-05                                          2019-11-02                2019-12-02                2020-01-06                2020-02-10                2025-12-31
iring of Internal Audit Firm                                                    on

 PK-FD-KP-121602-CS-LCS / H
                                                                                Least Cost Selecti
iring of Third Party Monitorin IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open - National                       333,000.00     111,268.99   Signed            2019-08-01   2019-08-08    2019-08-22   2019-08-23   2019-10-05   2019-10-14                             2019-11-02   2019-11-18   2019-12-02   2019-12-03   2020-01-06   2019-12-19   2020-02-10   2019-12-30   2025-12-31
g Agent Firm (TPMA)

 PK-FD-KP-252401-CS-CQS /
Hiring of firm to conduct soci
                                                                                Consultant Qualifi
al risk assessment based on i IDA / 64210                      Post                                  Open - National                       150,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2021-09-13   2021-09-15    2021-10-04                2021-11-07                                                                                              2021-11-27                2022-01-01                2022-06-30
                                                                                cation Selection
nclusion and equity for PATA
and former FATA districts

 PK-FD-KP-254540-CS-CQS /
Hiring of Firm to Conduct Soc
                                                                                Consultant Qualifi                                                                     Under Implement
ial Risk Assessment Based on IDA / 64210                       Post                                  Open - National                       300,000.00           0.00                     2021-09-23   2021-09-27    2021-10-14   2022-01-31   2021-11-07                                                                                              2021-11-22                2021-12-27                2022-08-24
                                                                                cation Selection                                                                       ation
Inclusion and Equity for PATA
and former FATA Districts.

 PK-FD-KP-333237-CS-CQS /
                                                                                Consultant Qualifi                                                                     Under Implement
Hiring of firm for Information   IDA / 64210                   Post                                  Open - National                       150,000.00           0.00                     2022-12-23   2022-12-26    2023-01-06   2022-12-31   2023-01-23                                                                                              2023-02-02                2023-02-11                2023-05-12
                                                                                cation Selection                                                                       ation
Security and Vulnerability As

 PK-FD-KP-347625-CS-CQS / T
                                                                                Consultant Qualifi                                                                     Under Implement
echnical Assistance in Audit IDA / 64210                       Post                                  Open - National                       200,000.00           0.00                     2023-03-13   2023-03-09    2023-03-27   2023-03-17   2023-04-13                                                                                              2023-04-23                2023-05-02                2023-07-31
                                                                                cation Selection                                                                       ation
System to KPRA

 PK-FD-KP-317323-CS-CQS /
Hiring of Firm for Imparting D                                                  Consultant Qualifi
                                IDA / 64210                    Post                                  Open - National                       167,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2022-09-27   2022-09-26    2022-10-18   2022-10-19   2022-11-16                                                                                              2022-12-01                2022-12-22                2024-04-15
igital Literacy Trainings to Go                                                 cation Selection
vernemnt Officials

 PK-FD-KP-354368-CS-LCS / D
                                                                                Least Cost Selecti                                                                     Pending Impleme
igital Literacy Trainings for G IDA / 64210                    Post                                  Open - National                       370,000.00           0.00                     2023-04-09                 2023-04-30                2023-05-10                                          2023-06-07                2023-06-17                2023-07-02                2023-07-23                2024-07-22
                                                                                on                                                                                     ntation
overnment Officers

Activity Reference No. /
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                     Market Approac    Contract Type   Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                  Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
       Description                                 Component      Review Type        Method                                                                        Process Status        Terms of Reference                                                               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                  h                             unt (US$)      (US$)                                                      d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                         Planned       Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 PK-FD-KP-121603-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult                                                                     Under Implement
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  288,000.00           0.00                     2019-08-01   2021-04-12    2019-09-19                2019-10-10                2019-11-14                2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection                                                                          ation
t (Director SSU)

 PK-FD-KP-121613-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  240,000.00     147,586.74   Signed            2019-08-01   2020-02-09    2019-09-19   2020-11-23   2019-10-10   2020-11-23   2019-11-14   2020-12-28   2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (IT Specialist)

 PK-FD-KP-121605-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  240,000.00     210,056.63   Signed            2020-03-02   2020-01-23    2020-04-20   2020-04-11   2020-05-11   2020-04-11   2020-06-15   2020-06-10   2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (Procurement Specialist)

 PK-FD-KP-121606-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Limited                               240,000.00     158,147.77   Signed            2020-03-02   2020-02-13    2020-03-07   2020-03-02   2020-03-28   2020-04-21   2020-05-02   2020-06-01   2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (Financial Management Spe

 PK-FD-KP-121608-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  240,000.00     164,949.39   Terminated        2019-08-01   2019-11-11    2019-09-19   2020-02-28   2019-10-10   2020-03-02   2019-11-14   2020-07-01   2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (Environmental Specialist)

 PK-FD-KP-121604-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  288,000.00     280,632.93   Signed            2019-08-01   2019-08-07    2019-09-19   2019-12-17   2019-10-10   2019-12-18   2019-11-14   2020-01-16   2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (Operations Coordinator P

 PK-FD-KP-121787-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  240,000.00     208,505.22   Signed            2019-08-01   2019-12-09    2019-09-19   2020-02-26   2019-10-10   2020-02-26   2019-11-14   2020-04-30   2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (Social Sector Specialist)

 PK-FD-KP-121614-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  240,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2019-08-01                 2019-09-19                2019-10-10                2019-11-14                2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (Communication Specialist)

 PK-FD-KP-121611-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  240,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2019-08-01                 2019-09-19                2019-10-10                2019-11-14                2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (Gender Specialist)

 PK-FD-KP-121615-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  240,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2020-03-02                 2020-04-20                2020-05-11                2020-06-15                2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (Contract Administration Sp

 PK-FD-KP-121610-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  240,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2019-08-01                 2019-09-19                2019-10-10                2019-11-14                2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (Citizen Engagement & GR
M Specialist)

 PK-FD-KP-192183-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Environmental Safe     IDA / 64210                   Post                                  Open                                  195,658.00           0.00   Canceled          2020-09-11   2020-09-09    2020-10-30                2020-11-20                2020-12-25                2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
guards Specialist

 PK-FD-KP-121612-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Individual Consultan IDA / 64210                     Post                                  Open                                  240,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2019-08-01   2020-01-23    2019-09-19                2019-10-10                2019-11-14                2025-06-30
                                                                                ant Selection
t (M&E Specialist)

 PK-FD-KP-232655-CS-INDV /                                                      Individual Consult                                                                     Under Implement
                             IDA / 64210                       Post                                  Limited                               145,000.00           0.00                     2021-05-09   2021-05-18    2021-05-14   2021-05-19   2021-05-24                2021-06-28                2025-06-19
Hiring of Environment Specia                                                    ant Selection                                                                          ation

 PK-FD-KP-232658-CS-INDV /                                                      Individual Consult
                            IDA / 64210                        Post                                  Open                                  145,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2021-05-09   2021-05-18    2021-06-12                2021-06-27                2021-08-01                2025-06-09
Hiring of Communication Spe                                                     ant Selection

 PK-FD-KP-232656-CS-INDV /
                                                                                Individual Consult
Hiring of Monitoring & Evalua IDA / 64210                      Post                                  Open                                  145,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2021-05-09   2021-05-18    2021-06-12                2021-06-27                2021-08-01                2025-06-09
                                                                                ant Selection
tion Specialist

 PK-FD-KP-257022-CS-CDS /
Oversight and Advisory Servi
                             IDA / 64210                       Prior            Direct Selection     Direct                               1,000,000.00          0.00   Canceled          2021-10-08                 2021-10-25                                          2021-11-16                2022-11-11
ces in implementation of Wor
kflow & Document Managem
ent System

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 2
 PK-FD-KP-257506-CS-INDV /                            Individual Consult
                                IDA / 64210    Post                        Open                 23,011.00   0.00   Canceled          2021-10-17   2021-10-18    2021-11-15                2021-11-22   2021-12-13   2023-06-06
Hiring of Infrastructure Lead f                       ant Selection
or PMO

 PK-FD-KP-258419-CS-CDS /
Hiring of firm for Oversight a
                                                                                                                   Under Implement
nd advisory services for impl    IDA / 64210   Post   Direct Selection     Direct              800,000.00   0.00                     2021-10-17   2021-10-18    2021-11-03   2021-10-28                2021-11-25   2023-05-19
ememtation of workflow and
docuemnt management syst

PK-FD-KP-296183-CS-INDV /                             Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                                 IDA / 64210   Post                        Open                 92,000.00   0.00                     2022-05-23   2022-05-23    2022-06-26                2022-07-06   2022-08-04   2025-06-30
Hiring of M&E Specialist                              ant Selection                                                ation

 PK-FD-KP-296186-CS-INDV /                            Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                            IDA / 64210        Post                        Open                 92,000.00   0.00                     2022-05-23   2022-05-23    2022-06-26                2022-07-06   2022-08-04   2025-06-30
Hiring of Communication Spe                           ant Selection                                                ation

PK-FD-KP-257504-CS-INDV /
                                                      Individual Consult
Hiring of Infrastructure Hard    IDA / 64210   Post                        Open                 23,011.00   0.00   Canceled          2021-10-17   2021-10-18    2021-11-15                2021-11-22   2021-12-13   2023-06-06
                                                      ant Selection
ware Specialist for PMO

 PK-FD-KP-257371-CS-INDV /
                                                      Individual Consult
Hiring of Communication & E      IDA / 64210   Post                        Open                 53,693.00   0.00   Canceled          2021-10-17   2021-10-18    2021-11-15                2021-11-22   2021-12-13   2023-06-06
                                                      ant Selection
vent Manager for PMO

PK-FD-KP-257505-CS-INDV /                             Individual Consult
                                 IDA / 64210   Post                        Open                 51,136.00   0.00   Canceled          2021-10-17   2021-10-18    2021-11-15                2021-11-22   2021-12-13   2023-06-06
Hiring of IT Auditor for PMO                          ant Selection

 PK-FD-KP-257507-CS-INDV /
                                                      Individual Consult
Hiring of Database Administr     IDA / 64210   Post                        Open                 23,011.00   0.00   Canceled          2021-10-17   2021-10-18    2021-11-15                2021-11-22   2021-12-13   2023-06-06
                                                      ant Selection
ator for PMO

 PK-FD-KP-257369-CS-INDV /
                                                      Individual Consult
Hiring of Capacity Building a IDA / 64210      Post                        Open                 53,693.00   0.00   Canceled          2021-10-17   2021-10-18    2021-11-15                2021-11-22   2021-12-13   2023-06-06
                                                      ant Selection
nd Training Manager for PMO

 PK-FD-KP-257368-CS-INDV /                            Individual Consult
                               IDA / 64210     Post                        Open                 61,363.00   0.00   Canceled          2021-10-17   2021-10-18    2021-11-15                2021-11-22   2021-12-13   2023-06-06
Hiring of IT Project Manager f                        ant Selection
or PMO

 PK-FD-KP-257368-CS-INDV-2                            Individual Consult
                             IDA / 64210       Post                        Open                 61,000.00   0.00   Canceled          2022-05-27   2022-06-02    2022-06-25                2022-07-02   2022-07-23   2024-01-14
/ IT Project Manager for PMO                          ant Selection

                                                      Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
/ Capacity Building & Trainin IDA / 64210      Post                        Open                 53,000.00   0.00                     2022-05-27   2022-06-02    2022-06-25                2022-07-02   2022-07-23   2024-01-14
                                                      ant Selection                                                ation
g Manager for PMO

 PK-FD-KP-257507-CS-INDV-2                            Individual Consult
                             IDA / 64210       Post                        Open                 23,000.00   0.00   Canceled          2022-05-27   2022-06-02    2022-06-25                2022-07-02   2022-07-23   2024-01-14
/ Database Administrator for                          ant Selection

 PK-FD-KP-257505-CS-INDV-2                            Individual Consult
                           IDA / 64210         Post                        Open                 51,000.00   0.00   Canceled          2022-05-27   2022-06-02    2022-06-25                2022-07-02   2022-07-23   2024-01-14
/ IT Auditor for PMO                                  ant Selection

                                                      Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
/ Communication & Events M IDA / 64210         Post                        Open                 53,000.00   0.00                     2022-05-27   2022-06-02    2022-06-25                2022-07-02   2022-07-23   2024-01-14
                                                      ant Selection                                                ation
anager for PMO

                                                      Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
/ Infrstructure Hardware Spec IDA / 64210      Post                        Open                 23,000.00   0.00                     2022-05-31   2022-06-02    2022-06-29                2022-07-06   2022-07-27   2024-01-18
                                                      ant Selection                                                ation
ialist for PMO

                                                      Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
-2 / Hiring of Database Admin IDA / 64210      Post                        Open - National      23,000.00   0.00                     2022-11-07   2022-11-08    2022-12-06                2022-12-11   2022-12-19   2024-06-11
                                                      ant Selection                                                ation
istrator for PMO

 PK-FD-KP-257368-CS-INDV-2                            Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                                IDA / 64210    Post                        Open - National      61,000.00   0.00                     2022-11-07   2022-11-08    2022-12-06                2022-12-11   2022-12-19   2024-06-11
-2 / Hiring of IT Manager for P                       ant Selection                                                ation

 PK-FD-KP-324959-CS-INDV /                            Individual Consult
                               IDA / 64210     Post                        Open - National      23,000.00   0.00   Canceled          2022-11-07   2022-11-08    2022-12-06                2022-12-11   2022-12-19   2024-06-11
Hiring of Information Security                        ant Selection

 PK-FD-KP-326915-CS-INDV /
                                                      Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
Individual Consulatnt for Cust IDA / 64210     Post                        Open - National       9,000.00   0.00                     2022-11-20   2022-11-17    2022-12-19                2022-12-24   2023-01-03   2023-03-04
                                                      ant Selection                                                ation
omization of GIS Applications
in BOR

 PK-FD-KP-324959-CS-INDV-2                            Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                              IDA / 64210      Post                        Open - National      23,000.00   0.00                     2023-04-02   2023-04-03    2023-04-26                2023-05-01   2023-05-09   2024-05-08
/ Information Security Expert                         ant Selection                                                ation
for PMO

 PK-FD-KP-257505-CS-INDV-2                            Individual Consult                                           Under Implement
                           IDA / 64210         Post                        Open - National      51,000.00   0.00                     2023-04-04   2023-04-03    2023-05-03                2023-05-10   2023-05-27   2024-11-17
-2 / IT Auditor for PMO                               ant Selection                                                ation

 PK-FD-KP-355459-CS-CDS /
Motor Vehicle Registration Sy IDA / 64210      Post   Direct Selection     Direct - National   140,000.00   0.00   Under Review      2023-04-11   2023-04-08    2023-04-21                             2023-05-18   2024-05-17
stem (MVRS) and Online Pay
ment Gateway

                                                                                                                                                       Page 3