21-Mar-2024 Date: _________________ H.E Ato Ahmed Shide Minister Ministry of Finance Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Re: ETHIOPIA: General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity Grant Number D262-ET Additional Financing for General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity for Refugees Integration Grant Number D808-ET Amendment to the Financing Agreement and to the Additional Financing Agreement, Excellency, We refer to (i) the Financing Agreement between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (the “Recipient”) and the International Development Association (the “Association”) dated December 21, 2017, as amended for Grant No. D262-ET (the “Financing Agreement”) for the General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity Program, as amended (the “Program”), and (ii) the Financing Agreement between the Recipient and the Association dated July 1, 2021, as amended for Grant Number D808-ET (the “Additional Financing Agreement”). We also refer to your letter of I.F.R.E 4/2/296 dated August 18, 2023 requesting specific amendments to the Financing Agreement and the Additional Financing Agreement. We are pleased to inform you that (i) the Bank agrees to amend the Financing Agreement as set forth in Annex 1, and (ii) the Additional Financing Agreement, as set forth in Annex 2 to this letter (the “Amendment Letter”). Please note that the capitalized terms used in the Amendment Letter and not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Financing Agreement and the Additional Financing Agreement , respectively. All other provisions of the Financing Agreement and of the Additional Financing Agreement, except as amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. Please confirm your agreement with the foregoing, on behalf of the Recipient, by signing this Amendment Letter. This Amendment Letter shall become effective as of the date of countersignature. Very truly yours, INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION By: __________________________ Doina Petrescu Acting Country Director for Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, and South Sudan Eastern and Southern Africa Region AGREED: FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA By: _________________________________ Ato Ahmed Shide Name: ______________________________ Minister of Finance Ethiopia Title: _______________________________ 01-Apr-2024 Date: _______________________________ Annex 1 Financing Agreement (IDA Grant Number D262-ET) II. SCHEDULE 2 1. Section IV.A of Schedule 2 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following (emphasis added): 1. Without limitation upon the provisions of Article II of the General Conditions and in accordance with the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter, the Recipient may withdraw the proceeds of the Financing to finance: (a) with respect to the Program, Program Expenditures (inclusive of Taxes), on the basis of the results (“Disbursement Linked Results” or “DLRs”) achieved by the Recipient, as measured against specific indicators (“Disbursement Linked Indicators” or “DLIs”) in the amount allocated against DLI #1 – 9 and DLI #14; and (b) with respect to the Project, finance Eligible Expenditures in the amounts allocated and if applicable, up to the percentage set forth against Categories (15) and (16); all as set forth in the table in paragraph 2 of this Part A. 2. The following table specifies each category of withdrawal of the proceeds of the Financing (including the Disbursement Linked Indicators as applicable) (“Category”), the Disbursement Linked Results for each Category (as applicable), and the allocation of the amounts of the Financing to each Category: Category Disbursement Linked DLI DLR allocation Disbursement (including Result Allocation (expressed in SDR) Calculation Disbursement (DLR) (expressed in Formula for the Linked SDR) scalable DLRs in Indicator— the Program and DLI, as Financing applicable) Percentage for the Project (as applicable) (1) DLI #1: DLR #1.0: Quality DLR #1.0: N/A Quality enhancement materials 36,312,000 3,560,000 Enhancement developed and translated; and Assurance and Training of trainers Program completed (“QEAP”) for O-Class DLR #1.1: Inspection DLR # 1.1: N/A framework developed for 3,560,000 O-Class, validated and approved DLR #1.2: QEAP for O- DLR #1.2: N/A Class implemented in 10,680,000 100% of Phase 1 schools (Scalable 21-100%) (Baseline: 0) DLR #1.3: 20% of Level DLR #1.3: N/A 1 Performance O-Classes 5,696,000 in Phase 1 Schools upgraded to higher level (Scalable: 1-20%) (Baseline: 0) DLR #1.4: DLR #1.4: N/A 70% of Level 1 12,816,000 Performance O-Classes in Phase I Schools upgraded to higher level (Scalable: 21-70%) (Baseline: 20%) DLR #1.5: Enhancement DLR #1.5: 0 Disbursement will program implemented in be pro-rated on 6,300 Phase 2 Schools the number of (70% of Phase 2 Schools schools (Baseline: 0) (US$2,381 per school up to the ceiling allocated for the DLR). DLR #1.6: Quality DLR #1.6: 0 Disbursement will Assurance program be pro-rated based implemented in 6,300 on the number of Phase 2 Schools (70% of schools (US$ 477 Phase 2 Schools) per school up to (Baseline: 0) the ceiling allocated for the DLR). DLR#1.7 Enhancement DLR #1.7: 0 Disbursement will program implemented in be pro-rated based 4,900 Phase 3 Schools on the number of (70% of Phase 3 schools (US$ Schools) 2,347 per school (Baseline: 0) up to the ceiling allocated for the DLR). DLR #1.8: Quality DLR #1.8: 0 Disbursement will Assurance program be pro-rated based implemented in 4,900 on the number of Phase 3 Schools (70% of schools (US$ 511 Phase 3 Schools) per school up to (Baseline: 0) the ceiling allocated for the DLR). DLR#1.9: Improvement DLR #1.9: 0 Disbursement will in G2/GI1 enrollment be pro-rated based ratio in treatment schools on the percentage (Baseline (2022): 80.2%) point increase in G2/G1 enrollment ratio (US$ 500,000 per percentage point increase up to the ceiling allocated for the DLR). (2) DLI#2: DLR #2.1: 60% of Best- DLR #2.1: 0 Disbursement Performance- performing Schools 21,360,000 will be pro-rated based Awards receive Performance- based on the to school on a based awards by March percentage timely basis to 31, 2019 achieved on time. improve internal DLR #2.2: 70% of Best- DLR#2.2: Disbursement efficiency performing Schools 7,120,000 will be pro-rated receive Performance- based on the based awards by March percentage 31, 2020 achieved on time. (Scalable: 61-70%) DLR #2.3: 80% of Best- DLR #2.3 Disbursement performing primary 7,120,000 will be pro-rated schools receive based on the performance-based percentage awards on time achieved on time. (Scalable: 71-80%) DLR #2.4: 90% of Best- DLR #2.4: Disbursement performing Schools 7,120,000 will be pro-rated receive Performance- based on the based awards by March percentage 31, 2022 achieved on time. (Scalable: 81-90%) (3) DLI DLR #3.1: Gender- DLR #3.1: N/A #3: Improved sensitive SIP Framework 21,360,000 3,560,000 girls-to-boys and Improved Girls’ ratio in Grade Clubs Guidelines 8 in Afar, approved by MoE Ethiopia DLR #3.2: Girls-to-boys DLR #3.2: N/A Somali and ratio in Grade 8 in Afar, 3,560,000 Benishangul- Ethiopia Somali and Gumuz Benishangul-Gumuz Regions Regions increases to 64% (Baseline: 63%) DLR #3.3: Girls-to-boys DLR #3.3: Disbursement will ratio in Grade 8 in Afar, 7,120,000 be pro-rated based Ethiopia Somali and on the percentage Benishangul-Gumuz achieved on time. Regions increases to 68% (Scalable: 65-68%) (Baseline: 64%) DLR #3.4: Girls-to-boys DLR #3.4: Disbursement will ratio in Grade 8 in Afar, 7,120,000 be pro-rated based Ethiopia Somali and on the percentage Benishangul-Gumuz achieved on time. Regions increases to 71% (Scalable: 69-71%) (Baseline: 68%) (4) DLI DLR #3a.1: Costed-plans 0 DLR #3a.1: 0 Disbursement will #3a: Increased for identified model be pro-rated based student schools in line with on the number of enrollment in Minimum Standards by plans (US$10,000 disadvantage January 31, 2023 per school up to areas the ceiling allocated for the DLR). DLR #3a.2: 500 new DLR #3a.2: 0 Disbursement will classrooms comply to be pro-rated based Minimum Standards by on the number of July 7, 2024 plans (US$ 20,000 (Baseline: 0 new model per school up to classrooms) the ceiling allocated for the DLR). DLR #3a.3: 22,500 DLR #3a.3: 0 Disbursement will students enrolled in be pro-rated based Disadvantaged Areas by on the number of December 31, 2024 students (US$580 (Baseline: 0 students in per student up to the new model the ceiling classrooms, with 50 allocated for the students in G1-4 and 40 DLR) students in G5-8) (5) DLI#4: DLR # 4.0: Formulas for DLR #4.0: N/A Improved Additional SG and 32,040,000 3,560,000 availability of revised School Grant Basic School guidelines developed and Grants (“Basic adopted SG”) and DLR #4.1: 55% of DLR #4.1: Disbursement Additional schools receive Basic SG 7,120,000 will be pro-rated School Grants and Additional SG by based on the (“Additional June 30, 2019 percentage SG”) in (Baseline: 50%) achieved on time. emerging regions DLR #4.2: 60% of DLR #4.2: Disbursement schools receive Basic SG 7,120,000 will be pro-rated and Additional SG by based on the December 31, 2019 percentage (Scalable: 56-60%) achieved on time. DLR #4.3: 65% of DLR #4.3: Disbursement schools receive Basic SG 7,120,000 will be pro-rated and Additional SG by based on the April 30, 2021 (Scalable: 61-65%) percentage achieved on time. DLR #4.4: 70% of DLR #4.4: Disbursement schools receive Basic SG 7,120,000 will be pro-rated and Additional SG by based on the December 31, 2021 percentage (Scalable: 66-70%) achieved on time. DLR #4.5: 80% of DLR #4.5: 0 Disbursement schools receive Basic SG will be pro-rated and Additional SG by based on the December 31, 2022 percentage (Scalable: 70-80 %) achieved on time. (6) DLI #4a: DLR #4a.1: Additional 0 DLR #4a.1: 0 Disbursement will Number of 300 IERCs within the be pro-rated based children with Cluster Center Schools on the number of disabilities and with community outreach new IERC special needs activities and support of (US$16,667 per in IERCs special needs children in IERC up to the cluster schools cluster schools (Baseline: ceiling allocated 800) for the DLR). DLR #4a.2: Enrollment DLR #4a.2: 0 Disbursement will of 21,000 children with be pro-rated based disabilities and special on the number of needs in new IERC students (US$ 239 cluster schools (Baseline: per student up to 28,000) the ceiling allocated for the DLR). (7) DLI #5: DLR #5.0: Framework DLR #5.0: N/A Improved for school-based 61,232,000 3,560,000 teachers’ continuous teacher instructional professional development activities approved by the State Minister for General Education DLR #5.1: 95% of DLR #5.1: N/A supervisors and key 14,240,000 teachers in Phase 1 Schools are trained DLR #5.2: 85% of Phase DLR #5.2: Disbursement 1 Schools are visited by 17,800,000 will be pro-rated cluster supervisors and based on the key teachers at least three percentage times a year for school- achieved on time. based continuous teacher professional development (Scalable: 51-85%) DLR #5.3: 90% of Phase DLR #5.3: Disbursement 1 Schools are visited by 4,272,000 will be pro-rated cluster supervisors and based on the key teachers at least three percentage times a year for school- achieved on time. based continuous teacher professional development by June 30, 2023 (Scalable: 81-90 %) DLR #5.4: Score of a DLR #5.4: 0 Disbursement Composite Index of will be pro-rated School Inspection based on the Standards on teaching percentage practices in Phase 1 achieved on time. schools reaches 62% (Scalable: 55-62%) (Baseline: 54%) DLR #5.5: 95% of Phase DLR #5.5: Disbursement 1 Schools are visited by 17,800,000 will be pro-rated cluster supervisors and based on the key teachers at least three percentage times a year for school- achieved on time. based continuous teacher professional development (Scalable: 86-95%) DLR #5.6: Score of a DLR #5.6: Disbursement Composite Index of 3,560,000 will be pro-rated School Inspection based on the Standards on teaching percentage practices in Phase 1 achieved on time. schools reaches 70% (Scalable: 63-70%) (8) DLI #5a: DLR #5a.1: Teacher 0 DLR #5a.1: 0 Disbursement will Improved licensing assessment be made as a Digital updated to include a lump-sum once competencies digital skills module and the results is of teachers (IR piloted achieved. 6.2 and 6.3) DLR #5a.2: Digital skills DLR #5a.2: 0 Disbursement will teacher Training be pro-rated based program-developed and on the number of piloted teachers trained (US$1,000 per teacher up to the ceiling allocated for the DLR). (9) DLI #5b: DLR #5b.1: MELQO and 0 DLR #5b.1: 0 Disbursement will Improved EGRA adapted and be pro-rated (50 child piloted for remaining per cent for development main languages of MELQO and 50 and learning instruction with per cent for procedures for EGRA) nationwide assessments approved. DLR #5b.2: Nation-wide DLR #5b.2: 0 Disbursement will baseline data on child be pro-rated (50 development and learning per cent for collected using MELQO MELQO and 50 and EGRA. per cent for EGRA) DLR #5b.3: MELQO DLR #5b.3: 0 Disbursement will and EGRA reports be pro-rated (50 prepared, published, per cent for disseminated, and used to MELQO and 50 guide the development of per cent for classroom-based EGRA) assessments. DLR #5b.4: Improved DLR #5b.4: 0 Disbursement will child development and be pro-rated (US$ learning as measured by 2.4 million for the percentage of Q-class reach percentage students which correctly points increase up respond to MELQO to the ceiling preliteracy test items allocated for the (Baseline to be DLR). established in 2022) (10) DLI #6: DLR #6.1: Required DLR #6.1: N/A Timely textbooks are at regional 14,153,880 7,120,000 availability of centers or Woreda textbooks Education Office by March 31, 2020 (Scalable: 0-70%) DLR #6 .2: Students in DLR# 6.2: N/A Target Grades have 2,573,880 Target Textbooks by May 31, 2021 (Baseline: 58%) (Scalable: 0-65%) DLR #6.3: New DLR #6.3: 0 N/A curriculum framework developed for all subjects and all grade levels (O- Class to Grade 12) by June 30, 2021 DLR #6.4: Textbooks for DLR #6.4: N/A Targeted Grades meeting 3,560,000 contract quality standards are utilized in selected Phase 1 Schools by June 30, 2022 (Scalable: 80- 100%) DLR #6.5: Online DLR #6.5: 0 N/A textbook distribution and inventory management system piloted by June 30, 2023 DLR #6.6: 90% of DLR #6.6: 900,000 textbooks planned to be N/A procured in accordance with the quality specification of the procurement contract and distributed to secondary schools by June 30, 2024 (11) DLI#7: DLR #7.0: School DLR #7.0: N/A Improved identification (“ID”) 8,544,000 1,424,000 availability, guideline validated, quality and use approved by Minister of of data Education and notified to all regions and directorates and Unique School IDs issued by EMIS DLR #7.1: EGRA report DLR #7.1: N/A of raw student test scores 1,424,000 available by June 30, 2018 DLR #7.2: ESAA reports DLR #7.2: N/A and Annual Inspection 712,000 Reports, using the new unique IDs, approved by the Minister and published by October 31, 2019 DLR #7.3: NLA report of DLR #7.3: N/A raw student test scores 712,000 available by September 30, 2019 DLR #7.4: Joint report DLR #7.4: N/A published by EMIS, 2,136,000 GEID and NEAEA on learning gaps by June 30, 2020 DLR #7.5: EGRA report DLR #7.5: N/A of raw student test scores 712,000 available by June 30, 2021 DLR #7.6: NLA report of DLR #7.6: 0 N/A raw student test scores available by September 30, 2022 DLR #7.7: EGRA report DLR#7.7 N/A of raw student test scores 1,424,000 available by June 30, 2023 . (12) DLI#8: DLR #8.0: Strategic DLR #8.0: N/A Improved pre- framework for concurrent 1,424,000 712,000 service teacher program approved and Training for adopted by the Minister English and of Education Mathematics DLR #8.1: Teacher DLR #8.1: N/A Grades 5-8 Training curriculum for 712,000 the Concurrent Program approved and adopted by the Minister of Education (13) DLI#9: DLR #9.0: MoE and DLR #9.0: N/A Strengthened REBs sign Memorandum 6,408,000 4,272,000 linkage of Understandings setting between out roles, responsibilities funding for and accountabilities and Regional DLI regional Education performance incentives Bureaus DLR #9.1: First annual DLR #9.1: N/A (“REBs”) and report on REB 712,000 results performance of DLI #1 achieved by and DLI #5 approved by each region MoE. DLR #9.2: Second annual DLR #9.2: N/A report on REB 1,424,000 performance of DLI #1 and DLI #5 approved by MoE. (14) DLI #14: DLR #14: MoE endorsed 3,285,880 3,285,880 N/A MoE’s the regional recovery endorsement plans Tigray, Amhara, of the Afar and Benishangul- regional level Gumuz by July 31, 2023 recovery plans (15) N/A 7,480,240 N/A 100% Goods, non- consulting, consulting services, Training and Incremental Operating Costs for the Project (16) N/A 0 N/A 100% Emergency Expenditures under Part 2(f) of the Project TOTAL 213,600,000 213,600,000 Annex 2 Additional Financing Agreement (IDA Grant Number D808-ET) II. SCHEDULE 2 1. The disbursement table for Category 1 under Section IV.A of Schedule 2 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following (emphasis added): Category Disbursement Linked DLI DLR allocation Disbursement (including Result Allocation (expressed in SDR) Calculation Disbursement (DLR) (expressed in Formula for Linked SDR) the scalable Indicator— DLRs in the DLI, as Program and applicable) Financing Percentage for the Project (as applicable) (10) DLI #6: DLR #6.1: Required DLR #6.1: 0 N/A Timely textbooks are at 8,375,940 availability of regional centers or textbooks Woreda Education Office by March 31, 2020 (Scalable: 0-70%) DLR #6 .2: Students in DLR# 6.2: 0 N/A Target Grades have Target Textbooks by May 31, 2021 (Baseline: 58%) (Scalable: 0-65%) DLR #6.3: New DLR #6.3: 0 N/A curriculum framework developed for all subjects and all grade levels (O-Class to Grade 12) by June 30, 2021 DLR #6.4: Textbooks DLR #6.4: 0 N/A for Targeted Grades meeting contract quality standards are utilized in selected Phase 1 Schools by June 30, 2022 (Scalable: 80- 100%) DLR #6.5: Online DLR #6.5: 0 N/A textbook distribution and inventory management system piloted by June 30, 2023 DLR #6.6: 90% of DLR #6.6: 8,375,940 Disbursement textbooks planned to be will be pro- procured in accordance rated (SDR with the quality 209,398 for specification of the each procurement contract percentage and distributed to point achieved secondary schools by from 51 – 90 June 30, 2024 percent achievement) (1) DLI #11: DLR #11.1 The Harmonization Recipient has achieved of services for the Agreed Target for refugee provision of Basic 4,900,000 primary School Grants by MoE schools and REBs to refugee primary schools in the agreed timeline DLR#11.1.0: MoE has DLR #11.1.0: Amount pro- adopted and ARRA has 0 rated in terms endorsed, a policy and of the institutional percentage of framework, and a achievement detailed and costed of the Agreed implementation plan, Target for provision of Basic School Grants to refugee primary schools by MoE and REBs, both acceptable to the Bank. By March 29, 2023 DLR #11.1.1: MoE DLR #11.1.1: Amount pro- and/or REBs have 2,100,000 rated in terms provided Basic School of the Grants to sixty (60)% percentage of of Eligible Refugee achievement Primary Schools by of the Agreed March 31, 2023 Target DLR #11.1.2: MoE DLR #11.1.2: Amount pro- and/or REBs have 1,400,000 rated in terms provided Basic School of the Grants to seventy percentage of (70)% of Eligible achievement Refugee Primary of the Agreed Schools by March 31, Target 2024 DLR #11.1.3: MoE DLR #11.1.3: Amount pro- and/or REBs have 1,400,000 rated in terms provided Basic School of the Grants to ninety (90)% percentage of of Eligible Refugee achievement Primary Schools by of the Agreed March 31, 2025 Target DLR #11.2: The Recipient has achieved the Agreed Target for provision of improved 4,900,000 in-service updating Training for refugee incentive teachers. DLR #11.2.0: The DLR #11.2.0: Amount pro- Recipient has 0 rated in terms developed an in-service of the skill upgrading and percentage of accreditation program achievement for refugee incentive of the Agreed teachers and MoE has Target adopted and ARRA has endorsed a policy and institutional framework and a detailed and costed implementation plan for provision of the program, all acceptable to the Bank. By March 29, 2023 DLR #11.2.1: Sixty DLR #11.2.1: Amount pro- (60)% of Eligible 2,100,000 rated in terms Refugee Incentive of the Teachers have received percentage of a year’s program of in- achievement service skill updating of the Agreed Training by March 31, Target 2023 DLR #11.2.2: Seventy DLR #11.2.2: Amount pro- (70)% of Eligible 1,400,000 rated in terms Refugee Incentive of the Teachers have received percentage of a year’s program of in- achievement service skill updating of the Agreed Training by March 31, Target 2024 DLR #11.2.3: Ninety DLR #11.2.3: Amount pro- (90)% of Eligible 1,400,000 rated in terms Refugee Incentive of the Teachers have received percentage of a year’s program of in- achievement service skill updating of the Agreed Training by March 31, Target 2025 DLR #11.3: The Recipient has achieved the Agreed Target for provision of textbooks to refugee primary schools with REB or Woreda procurement, distribution, and 4,900,000 monitoring. DLR #11.3.0: MoE has DLR #11.3.0: Amount pro- adopted and ARRA has 0 rated in terms endorsed a policy and of the institutional percentage of framework, and achievement detailed and costed of the Agreed implementation plan, Target for provision of books to refugee schools with REB and Woreda procurement, distribution and monitoring, both acceptable to the Bank. By March 29, 2023 DLR #11.3.1: Sixty DLR #11.3.1: Amount pro- (60)% of Eligible 2,100,000 rated in terms Refugee Primary of the Schools have received percentage of the Standard Package of achievement textbooks from REBs of the Agreed or Woreda by March Target 31, 2023 DLR #11.3.2: Seventy DLR #11.3.2: Amount pro- (70)% of Eligible 1,400,000 rated in terms Refugee Primary of the Schools have received percentage of the Standard Package of achievement textbooks from REBs of the Agreed or Woreda by March Target 31, 2024 DLR #11.3.3: Ninety DLR #11.3.3: Amount pro- (90)% of Eligible 1,400,000 rated in terms Refugee Primary of the Schools have received percentage of the Standard Package of achievement textbooks from REBs of the Agreed or Woreda by March Target 31, 2025 (2) DLI #12: Integration of DLR #12.1: The 4,900,000 refugee Recipient has achieved secondary the Agreed Target for education transfer of refugee secondary schools to MoE or REB administration. DLR #12.1.1: MoE has DLR #12.1.1: N/A adopted and ARRA has 700,000 endorsed a policy and institutional framework for integration of secondary refugee education, and detailed and costed implementation plan for transfer of Eligible Refugee Secondary Schools to MoE/REB administration, both acceptable to the Association, by January 31, 2023 DLR #12.1.2: Two (2) DLR #12.1.2: Amount pro- Eligible Refugee 700,000 rated in terms Secondary Schools of the have been transferred to percentage of MoE/REB achievement administration by of the Agreed March 31, 2023 Target DLR #12.1.3: Four (4) DLR #12.1.3: Amount pro- Eligible Refugee 1,400,000 rated in terms Secondary Schools of the have been transferred to percentage of MoE/REB achievement administration of the Agreed (cumulative)by March Target 31, 2024 DLR #12.1.4: Ten (10) DLR #12.1.4: Amount pro- Eligible Refugee 2,100,000 rated in terms Secondary Schools of the have been transferred to percentage of MoE/REB achievement administration of the Agreed (cumulative) by March Target 31, 2025 DLR #12.2: The Recipient has achieved the Agreed Target for payment of Top-up School Grants to MoE secondary schools in areas with large refugee populations. DLR #12.2.1: (i) One DLR #12.2.1: N/A hundred (100) % of 1,400,000 700,000 MoE/REB Secondary Schools With Large Refugee Populations receive Training on preparation of Refugee Integration Plans, and (ii) Top-up School Grants are included in MoE budget by January 31, 2023 DLR #12.2.2: One DLR #12.2.2: Amount pro- hundred (100) % of 700,000 rated in terms MoE/REB Secondary of the Schools With Large percentage of Refugee Populations achievement receive Top-Up School of the Agreed Grants by March 31, Target 2023 DLR #12.2.3: One DLR #12.2.3: Amount pro- hundred (100) % of 0 rated in terms MoE/REB Secondary of the Schools With Large percentage of Refugee Populations achievement receive Top-Up School of the Agreed Grants by March 31, Target 2024 DLR #12.2.4: One DLR #12.2.4: Amount pro- hundred (100) % of 0 rated in terms MoE/REB Secondary of the Schools With Large percentage of Refugee Populations achievement receive Top-Up School of the Agreed Grants. By March 31, Target 2025 (3) DLI #13: Implementing DLR #13.1: The 4,100,000 innovations to Recipient has achieved address key the Agreed Target for challenges in implementation of refugee activities for girls' education empowerment and learning. DLR #13.1.1: MoE DLR #13.1.1: N/A approves, and ARRA 700,000 and the respective REBs for the Main Refugee Hosting Regions endorse a Girls’ Empowerment and Learning Program, acceptable to the Association by January 31, 2023 DLR #13.1.2: The DLR #13.1.2: Amount pro- Girls’ Empowerment 700,000 rated in terms and Learning Program of the is implemented in percentage of Grades 7&8 in two (2) achievement of the Main Refugee- of the Agreed Hosting Areas with Target eligible students in at least eighty percent of Eligible Refugee Primary Schools in the respective areas having access to at least ten sessions per school by March 31, 2023 DLR #13.1.3: The DLR #13.1.3: Amount pro- Girls’ Empowerment 1,400,000 rated in terms and Learning Program of the is implemented in percentage of Grades 7&8 in four (4) achievement of the Main Refugee- of the Agreed Hosting Areas with Target eligible students in at least eighty percent of Eligible Refugee Primary Schools in the respective areas having access to at least ten sessions per school by March 31, 2024 DLR #13.1.4: The DLR #13.1.4: Amount pro- Girls’ Empowerment 1,300,000 rated in terms and Learning Program of the is implemented in percentage of Grades 7&8 in six (6) achievement of the Main Refugee- of the Agreed Hosting Areas with Target eligible students in at least eighty percent of Eligible Refugee Primary Schools in the respective areas having access to at least ten sessions per school by March 31, 2025 DLR #13.2: The 2,700,000 Recipient has achieved the Agreed Target for implementation of activities for self- directed learning for COVID-19 recovery. DLR #13.2.1: MoE DLR #13.2.1: N/A approves and ARRA 700,000 and the respective REBs for the Main Refugee Hosting Regions endorse a Self- Directed Learning Program, acceptable to the Association, by January 31, 2023 DLR #13.2.2: The Self- DLR #13.2.2: Amount pro- Directed Learning 700,000 rated in terms Program is of the implemented in two (2) percentage of of the Main Refugee- achievement Hosting Areas with of the Agreed eligible students in at Target least eighty percent of Eligible Refugee Primary Schools in the respective areas having access to at least ten sessions (technology based or manual) per school by March 31, 2023 DLR #13.2.3: The Self- DLR #13.2.3: Amount pro- Directed Learning 700,000 rated in terms Program is of the implemented in four (4) percentage of of the Main Refugee- achievement Hosting Areas with of the Agreed eligible students in at Target least eighty percent of Eligible Refugee Primary Schools in the respective areas having access to at least ten sessions (technology based or manual) per school by March 31, 2024 DLR #13.2.4: The Self- DLR #13.2.4: Amount pro- Directed Learning 600,000 rated in terms Program is of the implemented in six (6) percentage of of the Main Refugee- achievement Hosting Areas with of the Agreed eligible students in at Target least eighty percent of Eligible Refugee Primary Schools in the respective areas having access to at least ten sessions (technology based or manual) per school by March 31, 2025 (4) N/A N/A 100% Goods, non- consulting, 2,124,060 consulting services, Training and Incremental Operating Costs for the Project (5) Emergency N/A 0 N/A 100% Expenditures under Part 2(f) of the Project TOTAL 38,300,000 38,300,000