THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) - Brazil: Income Support for the Poor affected by COVID-19 (P174197) The Federative Republic of Brazil Brazil: Income Support for the Poor affected by COVID-19 (P174197) ENVIRONMENTAL and SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) October 1, 2020 1|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) - Brazil: Income Support for the Poor affected by COVID-19 (P174197) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN 1. The Federative Republic of Brazil (FRB or Borrower) will implement the Brazil: Income Support for the Poor affected by COVID-19 (the Project). The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter the Bank) has agreed to provide financing for the Project. The FRB will implement the Project through the Ministry of Citizenship, with the participation of the National Secretariat of Citizenship Income (SENARC) responsible for the Bolsa Familia Program. 1. This Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out material measures and actions so that the Project is implemented in accordance with the World Bank Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs). Implementation of the material measures and actions set out in this ESCP will be monitored and reported to the Bank by the FRB, as required by the ESCP and the legal agreement. The Bank will monitor and assess progress and completion of the material measures and actions throughout implementation of the Project. 2. This ESCP may be revised during Project implementation, to reflect adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen circumstances or in response to assessment of Project performance conducted under the ESCP itself. In such circumstances, the FRB will agree to the changes with the Bank and will update the ESCP to reflect such changes. Agreement on changes to the ESCP will be documented through the exchange of letters signed between the Bank and the Minister of Citizenship. The FRB will promptly disclose the updated ESCP. 3. Where there are Project changes, unforeseen circumstances, or where Project performance results in changes to the risks and impacts during Project implementation, the FRB shall provide additional funds, if needed, to implement actions and measures to address such risks and impacts. 2|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) - Brazil: Income Support for the Poor affected by COVID-19 (P174197) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY MONITORING AND REPORTING A REGULAR REPORTING Bi-annual reports submitted to the National Secretariat for Citizen The Borrower will prepare, and submit to the Bank, regular monitoring Bank not later than sixty (60) days Income (Secretaria Nacional de reports on the implementation of the ESCP, as specified in the Project’s after the end of each calendar Renda de Cidadania (SENARC)) Operational Manual (POM). semester, covering the calendar of the MoC, the implementing semester. The report shall be agency of the Bolsa Familia. submitted together with the Project General coordination of Reports required under Section II of Technical Cooperation (CGCT). Schedule 2 of the legal agreement. Ombudsman sector (“Ouvidoria”). National Secretariat of Single Register (SECAD). B INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS NOTIFICATION Minor incidents are reflected in the SENARC The Borrower will promptly notify the Bank of any severe incident or bi-annual reports to the Bank, major accident directly related to the Project, taking into consideration the issues are flagged to the Bank as Borrower’s Guide on Response to Environmental, Social and Occupational detailed in the POM. Health and Safety Incidents for World Bank Financed Projects, and will describe how to address any major incidents or accidents in the POM. ESS 1: ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The social specialists shall be National Secretariat for Citizen The Borrower, through the Project Coordination Unit and a Project assigned no later than 30 days after Income (Secretaria Nacional de Execution Unit , shall assign a social specialist to be responsible for the Project’s Effective Date, and, Renda de Cidadania (SENARC)) management and monitoring of Project ESS performance. thereafter, maintained throughout of the MoC, the implementing Project implementation. agency of the Bolsa Familia. General coordination of Technical Cooperation (CGCT). Ombudsman sector (“Ouvidoria”). National Secretariat of Single Register (SECAD). ESS 2: LABOR AND WORKING CONDITIONS 3|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) - Brazil: Income Support for the Poor affected by COVID-19 (P174197) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 2.1 LABOR MANAGEMENT Throughout Project implementation SENARC Relevant aspects of this standard shall be considered, as needed, and described in the POM. ESS 3: RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT 3.1 Not relevant for the Project. ESS 4: COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.1 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY Throughout Project implementation SENARC Relevant aspects of this standard shall be considered, as needed, to mitigate community spread of COVID-19, and described in the POM. ESS 5: LAND ACQUISITION, RESTRICTIONS ON LAND USE AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT Not relevant for the Project. ESS 6: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF LIVING NATURAL RESOURCES Not relevant for the Project. ESS 7: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES/SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN HISTORICALLY UNDERSERVED TRADITIONAL LOCAL COMMUNITIES 7.1 MEASURES FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES To be implemented throughout SENARC and SECAD The Project shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant aspects of Project implementation. this standard. This includes building on current stakeholder engagement activities through disclosure of relevant information and consultations as part of the monitoring of Indigenous Peoples’ participation in the Project to ensure that eligible indigenous peoples have access to Project benefits. ESS 8: CULTURAL HERITAGE Not relevant for the Project. ESS 9: FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES Not relevant for the Project. ESS 10: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 4|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) - Brazil: Income Support for the Poor affected by COVID-19 (P174197) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY 10.1 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT a. On-going throughout Project SENARC and SECAD The Borrower shall adopt measures to provide for effective and inclusive implementation. stakeholder engagement through existing stakeholder engagement mechanisms, to ensure that disadvantaged or vulnerable beneficiaries b. As needed, throughout Project have access to the development benefits from the Project. implementation. Such measures include: (a) Implementing existing stakeholder engagement systems and programs for Bolsa Familia. Further information about stakeholder engagement for is available at: familia (b) Any other stakeholder engagement measures that may be agreed with the Bank during Project implementation to strengthen stakeholder engagement under the Project. 10.2 PROJECT GRIEVANCE MECHANISM Throughout Project implementation. Ombudsman Sector of the The Borrower shall provide accessible and inclusive means to receive and Ministry of Citizenship address grievances related to the Project, building on the current (“Ouvidoria”) grievance redress mechanisms of the Bolsa Familia Program, as further detailed in the POM. Further information on the GRM for Bolsa Familia is available at: conosco/cidadao/ouvidoria; cao.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2; and br/servicos/registrar-manifestacao-no-sistema-de-ouvidorias-do-poder- executivo-federal CAPACITY SUPPORT 5|Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) - Brazil: Income Support for the Poor affected by COVID-19 (P174197) MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBLE ENTITY/AUTHORITY CS ESF Training for civil servants and consultants of the Project Coordination Throughout Project implementation. National Secretariat for Citizen Unit and of the Project Execution Unit. Income (Secretaria Nacional de Renda de Cidadania (SENARC)) of the MoC, the implementing agency of the Bolsa Familia. General coordination of Technical Cooperation (CGCT). Ombudsman sector (“Ouvidoria”). National Secretariat of Single Register (SECAD). 6|Page