The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) SOUTH ASIA | Pakistan | Education Global Practice | Requesting Unit: SACPK | Responsible Unit: HSAED IBRD/IDA | Program-for-Results Financing | FY 2021 | Team Leader(s): Inga Afanasieva Seq No: 6 | ARCHIVED on 31-Mar-2023 | ISR55463 | Created by: Inga Afanasieva on 15-Mar-2023 | Modified by: Inga Afanasieva on 24-Mar-2023 Program Development Objectives PDO Table Program Development Objective (from Program Appraisal Document) To support the government to: (i) respond to school disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; (ii) recover access and improve education quality; and, (iii) enhance sector resilience through better coordination, with a focus on disadvantaged areas and vulnerable populations. Overall Ratings Name Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Implementation Status and Key Decisions The ASPIRE program has been making significant progress despite the initial delays. At least three Disbursement-Linked Indicators (DLIs) are expected to the achieved in FY23. Hiring of the Independent Verification Agency (IVA) firm to verify the completed DLIs is expected to be completed by March 30, 2023. The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (MoFEPT) was able to fully staff the PCU, including hiring of the Program Coordinator. All provincial ASPIRE teams have been hired and trained on operational and technical aspects of the program. All provinces have submitted their Annual Work Plans for FY23 and are implementing them. Balochistan maintained the high utilization rate from last year and, as a result, received two tranches of allocations: US$1.4 million transferred in November 2022 and US$2 million in January 2023. MoFEPT will work with the provincial SEDs to ensure that all provinces comply with the system strengthening requirements that will support standardized reporting, M&E, financial management, procurement and safeguards for all provincial activities. The restructuring process is ongoing and is expected to be completed by the end of March 2023. Data on Financial Performance Disbursements (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P173399 IDA-67570 Effective USD 200.00 200.00 0.00 92.39 110.02 46% Key Dates (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Orig. Closing Date Rev. Closing Date P173399 IDA-67570 Effective 31-Jul-2020 21-Aug-2020 27-Aug-2020 30-Jun-2025 30-Jun-2025 3/31/2023 Page 1 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) DLI Disbursement Achievement Disbursed amount in Disbursement % for DLI ID DLI Type Description Coc DLI Amount Status Coc DLI Loan: IDA67570-001 Adoption of NSH and 1 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Fully Achieved 7,270,000.00 100 % Safety Protocols Up to 20k stud enrolled in 2 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 multimodal pr Approval of revised NER & 3 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Fully Achieved 7,270,000.00 100 % RP by IPEMC DL tools a) matched w/ 4.1 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 P&F SLOs b) sensi Approval of nat'l distance 4.2 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 educ strategy Up to 50k students rcvd 5 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Fully Achieved 7,270,000.00 100 % distance learnin Atleast 20k public schls 6 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Fully Achieved 7,270,000.00 100 % rcvd cleaning k Up to 25k classrooms 7 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 built/rehabilitated Upto 1k sch attended by 8 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 girls w/R-WASH Approval of design&impl 9.1 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 plan of DL trng Assessment of TTP up- 9.2 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 take & PI on PP NEEP budget atleast 10.1 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 $30Meq A,A&R FY21 NEEP budget atleast 10.2 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 $30Meq A,A&R FY22 NEEP budget atleast 10.3 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 $30Meq A,A&R FY23 NEEP budget atleast 10.4 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 $30Meq A,A&R FY24 NEEP budget atleast 10.5 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 $30Meq A,A&R FY25 Impl of functional 11.1 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 prov'l&NOSD platform Standardized data 11.2 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 C,A&Publ rel all prov Operationaliz'n of item 12.1 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 bank for NA&PVC Particip&in an int'l 12.2 Regular XDR 7,270,000.00 Not Achieved 0.00 assessment incl M&L Program Action Plan 3/31/2023 Page 2 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Prepare the Environment, Health, Safety and Social (EHSS) Guidelines for the Program to address WASH issues Action Description and construction activities. Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Environmental and Social MoFEPT, Provinces Due Date 31-Dec-2021 In Progress Systems & EPAs Completion Measurement EHSS Guidelines completed EHSS guidelines dissemination, construction guidelines collected, safeguards firms to be on boarded to carry out Comments stakeholder consultation and ensure sign off from EPAs. The action is expected to be completed by June 2023. Training of the relevant program member in the MoFEPT and the provincial education departments on the Action Description implementation of EHSS Guidelines as part of the capacity-building activities under the program. Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Environmental and Social MoFEPT Due Date 31-Mar-2022 In Progress Systems Completion Measurement Trainings completed. Trainings are ongoing. Orientation on safeguards, gender awareness, and guidelines already delivered. Once Comments safeguard firm on board, will be asked to conduct trainings post approval from SEDs and EPAs. Action Description Carry out social risk assessment of vulnerable and indigenous people Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Environmental and Social MoFEPT Due Date 31-Dec-2021 In Progress Systems Completion Measurement Social Risks Report Completed. Provinces to carry out social risk assessments in districts, to be part of the next reporting cycle. Meeting held of Comments safeguard focal points to communicate this by the MoFEPT. Funds approved and available for the Grant mechanism under the Government's National Equitable Education Action Description Program Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Fiduciary Systems DLI 10 MoFEPT Recurrent Yearly In Progress In FY 2021-22, PKR 3.6 bn were approved and disbursed to the provinces under the Government’s Grant program. In Completion Measurement FY 2022-23, PKR 2bn were allocated in MoFEPT non development budget. The MoFEPT has asked the Finance Department for a Supplementary Grant Comments Action Description Complete and verify baselines for the PforR Program indicators 3/31/2023 Page 3 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Technical MoFEPT Due Date 31-Mar-2022 Completed Completion Measurement All baseline values reflected in the Program Results Framework. Comments PDO indicator baseline have been documented using data from ASER and PSLM surveys. Recruitment of all necessary PIU personnel to support with Program implementation, M&E, and verification of Action Description outcomes. Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Technical MoFEPT Due Date 31-Dec-2021 Completed Completion Measurement All PIU vacancies are filled. Comments All vacancies were filled. Action Description Adoption of national school health and safety protocols. Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Technical DLI 5 MoFEPT Due Date 31-Jan-2022 In Progress Completion Measurement National school health and safety protocols drafted and adopted. Comments Waiting for verification report Prepare Annual consolidated Procurement Plans at Provincial and Federal levels. Budget release should be linked to Action Description Procurement Plans Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status MoFEPT and Fiduciary Systems Provincial Education Recurrent Yearly Delayed Dept Annually Fifty percent of the activities in consolidated Procurement Plan (Provincial and Federal) to be completed Completion Measurement (contract signed, paid and delivered/completed) in each fiscal year Comments This activity for FY23 will start after all provinces will submit their final workplans (due by September 30, 2022). Prepare a fit for purpose annual procurement strategy after detailed review of market, Government processes/ Action Description systems, and need assessments of student learning materials. Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status MoFEPT and Fiduciary Systems Provincial Education Due Date 31-Mar-2022 Delayed Dep 3/31/2023 Page 4 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Baseline for time and cost for procurement of materials to be prepared in first year and each year there should be a Completion Measurement reduction of five percent. Annual procurement strategy to be prepared two months before the start of FY Procurement Strategy Document has been submitted to the Bank but due to delayed submission of AWP by Comments provinces it is expected to be finalised by May 2023. Streamline Govt processes with preparation of SOPs (describing roles, responsibilities and timelines) for Works Action Description procurement. Contract Mgmt, M&E and Supervision mechanism to be part of SOPs with use of technology for real- time progress reporting Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status MoFEPT and Fiduciary Systems Provincial Education Recurrent Yearly In Progress Dep Annual compliance review of SOPs (based on 20% sample) to be done. Thirty percent of contracts of the annual Completion Measurement Works budget to be signed by mid of second quarter for each fiscal year Reporting template was developed and shared with Provinces for progress reporting. Moreover, AWP template was Comments developed and shared with province for listing proposed activities of WP. During current FY 22-23, upon availability of provincial M&E focal Carry out annual consolidated compliance review (Federal and Provincial) for reviewing and reporting compliance on Action Description the above mentioned actions Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Fiduciary Systems MoFEPT Recurrent Yearly Not Yet Due Completion Measurement Annual consolidated compliance review one month after closing The consolidated compliance review will follow once SOPs are in place and execution of activities is measured Comments against timelines committed in the procurement plans. DQA will be include review on compliance related to M&E work. Prepare a detailed design of performance grants including minimum fiduciary access conditions for the districts, role Action Description and responsibilities of respective federal, provincial and district governments, accountability mechanisms as well as monitoring Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Fiduciary Systems MoFEPT Recurrent Yearly In Progress PoM with detailed fiduciary guidelines on access conditions. Shared within three months of commencement of the Completion Measurement program and then updated annually. Completion measurement Disbursement guidelines have been established and shared with all provinces for grants transfer. These guidelines Comments have been made part of the Draft Project Operational Manual. 3/31/2023 Page 5 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Implement on-line automated bill submission in selected districts which will improve the bill processing and ultimately Action Description service delivery Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Fiduciary Systems MoFEPT Recurrent Yearly Not Yet Due Completion Measurement Online bill submission operational in selected districts. The online bill submission is in trail phase at CGA, once this activity is rolled out, it will be covered under in the Comments project. Action Description Prepare SOPs for e-waste management Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Environmental and Social MoFEPT MoFEPT, Due Date 31-Mar-2022 Completed Systems Provinces & EPAs Completion Measurement SOPs for e-waste management completed Comments SOPs for e-waste management has been developed as part of the EHSS Guidelines. Action Description Training of the employees on use of ICT Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Timing Value Status Environmental and Social MoFEPT and Due Date 31-Mar-2022 In Progress Systems Provinces Completion Measurement Trainings completed. EHSS Guidelines, GRM have been developed. Both ESSA and EHSS have been disseminated to the provinces. Comments Safeguard focal persons appointed. Trainings pending, decision on use of federal/provincial resources to be made. Risks Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating Political and Governance Moderate Moderate Moderate Macroeconomic Substantial Substantial Substantial Sector Strategies and Policies Moderate Moderate Moderate Technical Design of Project or Program Moderate Moderate Moderate Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Substantial Substantial Substantial Sustainability Fiduciary Substantial Substantial Substantial 3/31/2023 Page 6 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Environment and Social Moderate Moderate Moderate Stakeholders Low Low Low Other -- -- -- Overall Moderate Moderate Moderate RiskComments Comments Risks were considered for calibration during the last ISR and remain unchanged. Substantial risks remain: (i) Macroeconomic risk: the economic effects of the pandemic were compounded by the devastating floods from August 2022 and placed a fiscal strain at the macroeconomic level as well as on all sector budgets; (ii) Institutional capacity for implementation and sustainability are affected by the continuous turnovers in the Government and complex hiring procedures. The Bank team has engaged with MoFEPT frequently to address the procurement bottlenecks. To mitigate any substantial risks, the Bank team is working closely with the MoFEPT and providing any necessary support required by the Government. MoFEPT and WB are coordinating with the Finance Department to ensure that all necessary funds transfer are made to ASPIRE to fulfill program objectives. To counter any capacity and implementation gaps, the Bank has provided regular trainings to the PCU and MoFEPT on PfR modality, international assessments, and monitoring. Results PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes Recover access and improve education quality IN01267609 ►Recover gross enrollment rates in lagging areas/districts (p.p.) (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 69% 69% 69% 69% Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Gross enrollment rates for the lagging areas/districts as per POM. Team has calculated the figure using ASER data as districts are mainly rural to have a baseline. Data collection will be done to monitor the Comments progression in lagging districts annually through a consultant firm. IN01267667 ►Reduction in learning poverty in lagging areas/districts (p.p.) (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 74.00 74.00 74.00 10.00 Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Learning Poverty as per Bank definition. Flexible definition as per POM. The calculations have been done Comments calculated in light of the available PSLM 19/20 and ASER 20/21 data for ASPIRE's lagging districts. IN01267668 ►Number of students enrolled in multimodal programs in lagging areas/districts (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Not available. Team DLR 2. Up to 20,000 Value 0.00 recommended using 17,000 students enrolled in Phone Surveys to track multimodal programs 3/31/2023 Page 7 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) this indicator or admin in lagging data areas/districts Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 01-Jul-2025 Multimodal programs includes distance learning programs, blended programs, radio, TV, others (as per Comments POM). For DLR, see verification protocols. Respond to school disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic IN01267610 ►Increase of health and safety protocol awareness (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Health Guidelines for Health Guidelines for Educational Institutions At least 70% of public- Educational Institutions Reopening’ were school teachers are Value 0.00 Reopening’ were developed and aware of safety developed and approved approved by 20th protocols by 20th IPEMC. IPEMC. Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 For verification the following protocol was applied: Obtain document identifying guidelines Review minutes of meetings and other stakeholder consultation and inputs to ensure that all the Comments necessary input has been incorporated Ensure document has been approved by competent authorities Ensure dissemination plan is in place to ensure that year two targets can be met Enhance sector resilience through better coordination IN01267666 ►Improvement of federal-provincial coordination and sector management (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Approval of the revised Approval of the revised National Education National Education Recommendations Response and Limited technical Response and Resilience from technical working Value Resilience Plan by coordination Plan by IPEMC has been groups presented and IPEMC has been completed and verified in adopted by IPEMC completed and verified the TPV for Y1 in the TPV for Y1 Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 The National Education Response and Resilience Plan is a document describing the sector's response for the COVID-19 and any other emergencies. Y1 target has been achieved while Y2 target is expected to be Comments completed in June 2023. Intermediate Results Indicators by Results Areas Response, Recovery and Resilience: Enhanced targeting of COVID-19 education response IN01267669 ►Enhancement of distance education content (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 3/31/2023 Page 8 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Content analysis has Content analysis has On-going review of been completed, report is been completed, report distance learning Value Not started under discussion for is under discussion for content matching with finalization finalization national objectives Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 For DLRs, see verification protocols. Comments IN01267672 ►Number of students receiving learning materials in lagging areas/districts (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Up to 250,000 Value 0.00 2,339,400 2,339,400 distance learning kits received by students Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Approx. 2.3 million public school children received distance learning kits in lagging districts. This has been Comments verified by the TPV. IN01267675 ►Expanding connectivity for education in at least lagging areas/districts (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 7,000 free public WIFI access points and 180 schools, 180 schools, subsidized access to Value 0.00 35,388 students 35,388 students educational connectivity programs, in lagging districts Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Comments Connectivity to increase access to education including distance learning programs. IN01267678 ►Health and safety protocol awareness in education (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Awareness campaigns Awareness campaigns Safety Protocols have been carried out but have been carried out awareness campaigns Value 0.00 a phone survey is in the but a phone survey is in for teacher and district work to collect the work to collect officials information. information. Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Awareness of protocols designed as part of DLI 1. Comments IN01267683 ►Improvement of hygiene in public schools (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target At least 100,000 public Total 54,533 schools Total 54,533 schools Value None schools received received cleaning kits received cleaning kits cleaning kits Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Comments See description in DLR verification protocol IN01267686 3/31/2023 Page 9 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) ►Number of children, teachers, and parents reached with sensitization campaigns for education and mental health wellbeing – (of which are girls) (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Campaigns have not started but will start during this new school 6,000,000 (at least Value 0.00 year. Phone survey is in 24,736 60%) the work to collect information as well Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 01-Jul-2025 Campaigns for multimodal education, back to schools, and awareness on mental health, with a focus on Comments girls and parents. 23,736 children enrolled in response to communication campaign. IN01267688 ►Number of girls enrolled in multimodal programs in lagging areas/districts (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 9,708.00 10,000.00 Date 31-Dec-2021 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 31-Dec-2025 Modality of education including distance learning programs, blended programs, radio, TV, and similar. Comments Provinces will be including related activities in their AWPs in the current and future years. Improved learning opportunities for OOSC and at-risk students IN01267671 ►Number of classrooms for grade 6-8, built and/or rehabilitated in lagging areas/districts (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target DLR 7. Up to 2,500 Construction activities classrooms Value 0.00 will start in FY23 and 30.00 built/rehabilitated after Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 01-Jul-2025 Federal government is going to complete the construction of 30 classrooms in Federal Territories. 10 will be Comments constructed through ASPIRE funding and remaining 20 will built thorough ADP funds. IN01267674 ►Improved WASH facilities in schools attended by girls (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target DLR 8.Up to 1,000 Needs assessment to be schools attended by Value None completed over next six 20.00 girls with rehabilitated months WASH facilities Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 01-Jul-2025 Federal government is going to complete the construction of 20 washrooms in Federal Territories. 10 will constructed through ASPIRE funding and remaining 10 will built thorough ADP funds. Comments IN01267677 3/31/2023 Page 10 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) ►Pilot on OOSC enrolled in elementary-level distance education programs with a pathway to certification (disaggregated by gender and education) (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Prepare report, policy Federal government is guidance, and consolidating OOSC Discussion on the pilot workshops to discuss strategies received from is ongoing. The actual Value None scale up options for the provinces. Pilot will progress will be scale-up and be started after analysis reported in the next ISR certification of distance of the current landscape education Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 01-Jul-2025 Comments Process to achieve the certification of students in distance education. IN01267680 ►Implementation of teacher training programs on distance learning, accelerated programs and formative assessment (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Scoping study of teacher training activities underway and to be Hiring of firm is 80,000 teachers completed in the next two underway to develop trained on distance months, then design and the teachers training learning (or Value No implementation plan of modules and accelerated learning) the distance learning implementation plan for and formative training modules for the provinces. assessment teachers and coaches will be completed. Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 01-Jul-2025 See DLR verification protocol Comments IN01267682 ►Implementation of distance teacher coaching program with a focus on lagging areas/districts (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Hiring of firm is Training of 16,000 underway to develop coaches on delivery of Value None 0.00 the teachers training virtual support for modules and distance and implementation plan. accelerated learning Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 01-Jul-2025 The teacher and coaches training program would be designed to be delivered virtually and/or face-to-face. Comments MoFEPT is consolidating provincial efforts in this regards IN01267684 ►Number of students benefiting from new accelerated learning programs in lagging areas/districts (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Pedagogical activities that help students earn a degree, or catch up with school closures, in an accelerated pace. Now that school are reopening some programs are starting in some provinces. At Federal Level, Comments Ministry has approved the Tech-enabled Accelerated Learning Programme initiative for OOSC. Data will be collected during the TPV process. 3/31/2023 Page 11 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) IN01267687 ►Take-up, impact, and process assessments of distance education and communication campaigns for adaptive implementation (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target A comprehensive data A comprehensive data collection plan is being Monitoring and collection plan is being designed to capture the randomized mobile Value 0.00 designed to capture the impact through check-in with coaches impact through consultant firms. and teachers to assess consultant firms. Progress will be implementation fidelity reported in the next ISR Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 01-Jul-2025 Data on beneficiaries engaged with distance learning content, and use of data for improving program Comments implementation. IN01267689 ►Number of children reached with back-to-school sensitization campaigns and behavioral nudges, focusing on girls and marginalized groups (Number (Thousand), Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Campaigns to bring children back to schools, targeting both parents and children. Data on planned campaigns by the provinces is being collected. Currently, communications campaigns on similar areas have Comments been on-going under RRREP, and will be shifted to ASPIRE in FY23. IN01267691 ►Number of received teaching materials, including scripted lessons, and teachers guides with a focus on lagging areas/districts (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 20,000 tablets, solar chargers with internet connectivity; and 360 tablets were 360 tablets were supplementary purchased by purchased by Value 0.00 materials received by Balochistan for 360 Balochistan for 360 teachers (e.g. scripted schools. schools. lesson plans, guides, etc.), in lagging districts Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Number of teachers receiving teacher materials, including scripted lesson plans, guides, tablets Comments Stronger federal-provincial coordination and management IN01267670 ►Approval and availability of funds for the grant mechanism under NEEP (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target GoP allocated only PKR GoP allocated only PKR DLR 10.5. The NEEP 2 billion for ASPIRE 2 billion for ASPIRE Budget of at least under the FY23 under the FY23 None $30,000,000 Value education budget, which education budget, which equivalent is approved, falls short of the PKR4.8 falls short of the PKR4.8 allocated and released billion requested by billion requested by to provinces for FY25 MoFEPT MoFEPT 3/31/2023 Page 12 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Comments See DLRs verification protocol IN01267673 ►Allocation of grant funding from provinces to lagging areas/districts (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Provinces have sent to Provinces have sent to Provinces allocate a MoFEPT the list of MoFEPT the list of percentage of No grant mechanism at Value districts that will benefit districts that will benefit development budget to province level from activities funded by from activities funded by performance grants for the Program the Program lagging areas/districts Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Comments Monitor and promote the use of data for targeting budget to greatest need in each province. IN01267676 ►Improvement of the collection of education data, analysis, and transparency (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Pakistan Institute of Pakistan Institute of Education (PIE) has Education (PIE) has been created as a hub of been created as a hub standardized data of standardized data DLR 11.2. collection. EMIS 2.0 collection. EMIS 2.0 Standardized data is which consolidates all which consolidates all collected, analyzed Value None data streams is also data streams is also and publicly released underway. Firms have underway. Firms have for all provinces in the been hired to do the been hired to do the country initial gap analysis in initial gap analysis in federal and provincial federal and provincial territories. territories. Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Comments See DLR verification protocols IN01267679 ►National and international assessment (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target The Pakistan Institute of Education will carry out the National Assessment Test in FY 23. Operationalization Implementation plan for Develop pedagogical of an item bank for NAT Value NEAS Assessment 2018 assessment being guidance notes from 23 is under discussed and developed assessment results consideration. The Government is also planning to undertake an international assessment till FY24. Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 20-Mar-2023 01-Jul-2025 Comments See DLR verification protocol IN01267681 ►Knowledge sharing events and capacity building, series on what works in education (Text, Custom) 3/31/2023 Page 13 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Federal-Provincial workshop for ASPIRE Dissemination, The first knowledge conducted. Similar digitization, and Value No events sharing event is planned events are planned for repository of innovative for the August 2022 continuous knowledge approaches to exchange throughout teaching the project life. Date 01-Jul-2020 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 01-Jul-2025 Policy making, planning, distance learning, management, training, coaching, accelerated learning , Comments technology, and others. IN01267685 ►Students benefiting from direct interventions to enhance learning (Number, Corporate) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Date 04-Jan-2021 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 30-Jun-2025 The activities are being planned to enhance learning in context to PDO 2 and DLI 9. Data collection plan is Comments also being developed. IN01267690 ►Large-scale primary/secondary learning assessments completed (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 Date 04-Jan-2021 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 30-Jun-2025 In progress and partially funded by the DARE TF. Comments Disbursement Linked Indicators DLI_IND_TABLE ►DLI 1 Increase of health and safety protocol awareness (Process, 10,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 Health Guidelines for Health Guidelines for At least 70% of Educational Institutions Educational Institutions public-school Value 0.00 Reopening’ were Reopening’ were teachers are aware developed and approved developed and approved of safety protocols by 20th IPEMC. by 20th IPEMC. Date -- 05-Jul-2021 05-Jul-2021 -- For verification the following protocol was applied: Obtain document identifying guidelines Review minutes of meetings and other stakeholder consultation and inputs to ensure that all the Comments necessary input has been incorporated Ensure document has been approved by competent authorities Ensure dissemination plan is in place to ensure that year two targets can be met ►DLI 2 Number of students enrolled in multimodal programs in lagging areas/districts (Outcome, 10,000,000.00, 0%) 3/31/2023 Page 14 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 Not available. Team DLR 2. Up to 20,000 17,000 children enrolled. recommended using students enrolled in The achievement will be Value 0.00 Phone Surveys to track multimodal verified by the IVA by this indicator or admin programs in lagging June 2023 data areas/districts Date -- 05-Jul-2021 20-Mar-2023 -- Modality of education including distance learning programs, blended programs, radio, TV, and similar. Comments Provinces will be including related activities in their AWPs in the current and future years. ►DLI 3 Improvement of federal-provincial coordination and sector management (Process, 10,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 Approval of the revised Approval of the revised Recommendations National Education National Education from technical Response and Resilience Response and Resilience Value None working groups Plan by IPEMC has been Plan by IPEMC has been presented and completed and verified in completed and verified in adopted by IPEMC the TPV for Y1 the TPV for Y1 Date -- 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 -- The National Education Response and Resilience Plan is a document describing the sector's response for the Comments COVID-19 and any other emergencies. For DLR, see verification protocol ►DLI 4 Enhancement of distance education content (Output, 20,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 The distance learning strategy has been On-going review of Content analysis has finalized by the MoFEPT distance learning been completed, report is Value None and is awaiting approval content matching under discussion for from the TSC and IPEMC with national finalization which is expected in May objectives 2023. Date -- 05-Jul-2021 20-Mar-2023 -- For DLRs, see verification protocols Comments ►DLI 5 Number of students receiving learning materials in lagging areas/districts (Output, 10,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 Approx. 2.3 million public Approx. 2.3 million public Up to 250,000 school children received school children received distance learning Value None distance learning kits in distance learning kits in kits received by lagging districts. This has lagging districts. This has students been verified by the TPV been verified by the TPV Date -- 05-Jul-2021 05-Jul-2021 -- 3/31/2023 Page 15 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) As described in the verification protocol. Comments ►DLI 6 Improvement of hygiene in public schools (Output, 10,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 At least 100,000 Total 54,533 schools Total 54,533 schools public schools Value None received cleaning kits received cleaning kits received cleaning kits Date -- 05-Jul-2021 05-Jul-2021 -- See description in DLR verification protocol. Achievement has been verified by the TPV report. Comments ►DLI 7 Number of classrooms for grade 6-8, built and/or rehabilitated in lagging areas/districts (Output, 10,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 30 classrooms have been Construction activities DLR 7. Up to 2,500 built in federal territories. Value 0.00 will start in year 2 and classrooms This will be verified by the after built/rehabilitated IVA by June 2023. Date -- 05-Jul-2021 05-Jul-2021 -- Lagging areas/districts as per POM. For DLR, see verification protocol. Federal Ministry has approved the concept paper for Provision of 100 classrooms in 50 formal and 25 non-formal schools. Provincial AWPs Comments include construction of classrooms, which will commence in FY 23. ►DLI 8 Improved WASH facilities in schools attended by girls (Outcome, 10,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 Federal Ministry has 20 WASH facilities have DLR 8. Up to 1,000 approved the concept been built in federal schools attended by paper for Provision of Value 0.00 territories. This will be girls with WASH facilities (100 verified by the IVA in June rehabilitated WASH Toilets) in 50 formal and 2023. facilities 25 non-formal schools. Date -- 05-Jul-2021 05-Jul-2021 -- Provincial AWPs include construction of WASH facilities, which will commence in FY 23. Comments ►DLI 9 Implementation of teacher training programs on distance learning, accelerated programs and formative assessment in lagging areas/districts (Intermediate Outcome, 20,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 80,000 teachers The MoFEPT is in trained on distance process of hiring a firm to learning (or Training has not started Value None conduct trainings. Training accelerated yet. to commence in April learning) and 2023. formative assessment 3/31/2023 Page 16 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) Date -- 05-Jul-2021 20-Mar-2023 -- See DLR verification protocol. Scoping study of teacher training activities completed and shared with the MoFEPT. ICT level Ministry has approved the concept notes for capacity building of teachers on Coding Comments Technologies ►DLI 10 Approval and availability of funds for the grant mechanism under NEEP (Process, 50,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 DLR 10.5. The GoP allocated only PKR2 GoP allocated only PKR2 NEEP Budget of at billion for ASPIRE under billion for ASPIRE under least $30,000,000 the FY23 education the FY23 education equivalent for NEEP Value None budget, which falls short budget, which falls short of is approved, of the PKR4.8 billion the PKR4.8 billion allocated, and requested by MoFEPT requested by MoFEPT released to provinces for FY25 Date -- 05-Jul-2022 05-Jul-2022 -- See DLRs verification protocol Comments ►DLI 11 Improvement of the collection of education data, analysis, and transparency (Outcome, 20,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 Pakistan Institute of Pakistan Institute of Education (PIE) has Education (PIE) has been been created as a hub of created as a hub of DLR 11.2. standardized data standardized data Standardized data is collection. EMIS 2.0 collection. EMIS 2.0 which collected, analyzed, which consolidates all Value None consolidates all data and publicly data streams is also streams is also underway. released for all underway. Firms have Firms have been hired to provinces in the been hired to do the do the initial gap analysis country initial gap analysis in in federal and provincial federal and provincial territories. territories. Date -- 05-Jul-2021 05-Jul-2021 -- See DLR verification protocols Comments ►DLI 12 National and international assessment (Output, 20,000,000.00, 0%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) Year 5 Value NEAS Assessment 2018 Implementation plan for The Pakistan Institute of Develop assessment being Education will carry out pedagogical discussed and developed the National Assessment guidance notes from Test in FY 23. assessment results Operationalization of an item bank for NAT 23 is under consideration. The Government is also planning to undertake an 3/31/2023 Page 17 of 18 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Actions to Strengthen Performance for Inclusive and Responsive Education Program (P173399) international assessment till FY24. Date -- 05-Jul-2021 05-Jul-2021 -- See DLR verification protocol Comments 3/31/2023 Page 18 of 18