THE WORLD BANK IB RD.I (A I WORLDBANKGROUP The World Bank 1, Dniprovskiy Uzviz (380-44)490-6671 NTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Kyiv 01010 (380-44) 490-66-72 NTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Ukraine (380-44) 490-66-73 REG-ONAL OFFICE UKRAINE. BELARUS AND MOLDOVA LIL . .2023 It. 1. Sergii Marchenko Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance of Ukraine 12 2 lrushevskoho Kyiv 01008 Ukraine Re: Loan No. 8973-UA (Accelerating Private Investment in Agriculture Program) Amendment No. 3 to the LoanAgreement Excellency: We refer to the Loan Agrecemtent (the -Agreement"), as amended to date, between Ukraine ("Borrower") and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (-Bank-) dated August 27, 2019. for the above mentioned Accelerating Private investment in Agriculture Program. We also refer to your letter dated October 21, 2022, requesting the Bank to amend certain provisions of the Loan Agreement. Accordingly, we are pleased to inform that the Bank has agreed to your request and proposes to amend the Agreement in respect of the prov isions as follows: 1 Schedule I to the Atgreement is hereby amended to read as set forth in Annex I to this letter. 2. The table in Section IV.A.2 of Schedule 2 to the Agementis hereby amended to read in its entirely as follows: Category mount of the Loan (including Disbursement Linked Indicator as applicable) Allocated (expressed in USD) (1) DLI 1: Improving efficiency and transparency in delivering S9.500,000 state services to agriculture sector (2) DI I 2: Improving the functionm of acultural land S 17,000,000 markets, includin: (i) DI 2.1 Increais registration ot state land; (ii) DI I 2.2 Improving transparency and competitiveness of state land lease system (Removed): (iii) DI,l 23 Improving protection of rights in land and mortgage market (Removed; and (iv) DLI 2.4: Strengthening of the Free Legal Aid System (3) L I3: Improix g agribu siness SME accss to export narket s. S5.50 000 jneludin: (i) DIL1 i1 Promoting SME access to export markets; and (ii) 1 3.2 Faciliating cross border trade (Removed) (4) D I 4: Supporting an agrieuural producion recovry 15 (5) Front-end Fee to be paiid pur suanft to Section 20 oS f tis Agcreemnft in accordance wvithr Section 2.05 (b) of the ifl Gnr:a S50),000 TOdTAL'o s N TO IS .N'1(LNT 5.S200 000,000 3. a (a) of Sction IV. l. of Schcdule 2 to theS Ageeet is an ded to rcad as follo s: () for DLR 2.1 (ii) autlhorize the withdrawal of such lesser amout of the uwithdr a n proceeds of te I oan then allocated t the respective (cories which, in the opinion of tl Bank, corresponds to th extent of aich icement of said DLR(s), said lesser amount to be calculated int accorance with tlhe respecie x formtula set out in the POM antd or" 4. Section IV L.4 of Schedule 2 to the Agrmement is hreby minded to rCad as fl lows: "4 I Closing Date is une 30' 2024. 5.Schcdul 4 of the Arelent is herby amended to read in its emfirey as set frth1 inl Annecx 2 to tis Amendmeint I etter, 6 The defini,ons in paragraphs 5, 19 and 20 in iw Appendi\ to ilie I oan A,reememcttt are hereby replaced to read int thir entirety as follows: -15 Disbursnent L tiunked Resuht or D R" means in respect o a given (ategory, th resuh under said Cateors set fo in the table in Schedule 4 o this Agrecmut in the coluns entitled "Resuts to be Achieved in lY2019'. IResults to be Achiexed in FY2020-. *Resuls to be Achiexed in Y2021", Resuts to be Achiev ed in FY2022 , or "Resu s to be Achieved in FY2023, as applicable For avoidance of doubt, the Years stated in th respective columns as tmporal retifeces for tle achiuieen of an, suh I Rs are provided for indicatie pur poscs only, and iunless oherwise expressly or implicity required by the wording of a given DLR, the DL Rs can be achievd in ad~ance or ater such indicative period. 19. "General Condittons" means the iternational Bantk for Reconstruction and Devølopment General Condtiions for u A) I inancin, Pr ogram-for-Rsus Financing". dated Dcember 14, 2018 (recised on August 1, 202-, Decmber 21 2020. April . 202 1 and ianuary 1. 2022). 20. "implementing In:tstitutions" means tle mo ing Borrower's institutions: (i) the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Fod: (ii)w the Ministry ofJustice; iii) th State Agency for Food Safety and Consumer Protection; (iv) the State Serficc of Ukraine for 2 - Geodesy, Cartography and Cadaster: and (v) the Business Development Fund or any successor thereto" 7. The Appendix to the Loan Agreement is hereby am,nded by removing the following terms and definitions: -Agricultural SMEs" or ~SMEs- mcans: (1) Agribusiness SMEs: and or (ii) Small and Medium Agricultural Producers. "Amalgamated Territorial Communi'ty- or "ATC- means a voluntarv association of territorIal communities of a village, town or city of the Borrower. which is established pursuant to, inter alia, the Law on "On Voluntary Association of lerritorial Communities", No. 157-Vill. dated February 5, 2015. "BiP" means a border inspection post. iCY2024" means calendar vear 2024. "igible State Land- means an, state land located in a Selected \rca, exet state land: (i) that it is subject to any pending disputes. 0r ri the lease or sale oC which would require. on the basis of the principles set out in the Operatinal \anual compensation for strutures built or other non-moseable asets or lai ehliood assiance to individuals whose livelihoods would be negatively affeeted. "Interactive Information System on Foud Safety and Vxport \larket Requirements' means a system that will provide food business operators access to updated releNant information on SPS and other trade requirenments for food products in countries that vhich are key export markets for the Borrower. 'MinistryA for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine~ ur o MCrlYD means the Borrower's Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukrame or anv suceessor thereto. "Oblast" means a prime administrative-territorial unit of the Borrower forming the territorial basis för organization and operation of the local governnent hodies and local self-go\ ernments: and ~Oblasts" means inore than one Oblast. "Ortophoto" means an aerial photograph of the territory of an Oblast, geometrically corrected such that the scale is uni,orm and the image folows a map projeetion. 'Seleated Aa c means any of the regions located in the Nurthern. Southern. Central and Western parts of the Borrower*, territorx. and an,, other areas that may be added dunng Program nimplementation in agreement between the Borroer and the Bank, as furiher detailed in the Operational \anual. and ~Seleeted Areas- means more than one Selected Area. "Smal and Medium Agricultural Producers" means: (i) indi iduals; and (ii) smal and medium agriculture enterprises that engage in agrieulure production and proce»ing and operate on less than 1.000 hecures of land uwith annual revenues of less than lUR 1.300,000. -3- -SPS- ns sairtr and phyto-sntary c t S~tate Support irogram Funding meas the annul of budge support for agrieuAura1 produc,rs transferred tS U ligble recipiets -Comnprchcnive Plans for Spatial Development s t rr c- omunmietic' or SCPSDTI Means an urban lanning docM.ut approxed by any of the Borrowers local self-gvernmnts, and or a land management documet issued in acorac lith the Bore Lax 17.062020 lAä 71MX "On Amenmets ti C er:Ain 1 egistiv Acts of 1 Ukrin on 1 and Usc Planning dated June 1 - 2020, and duly published in the kroes Officia. Gazece No dated Augus! 4. 20 20. and as further definecd in the Operat ional MIanlual 8. Tbc Apendix to the Agreemnt iå deägdd bai and placing in alpabetical order tbc following terms and deinitions (and, as a resu, t the renaining termns and dcefinitions are renumbered to maintain alphabetical order): -Bu-siness Des lopmn ct Vund- or oz DF' means the Botrrower' finuncial instiution undCr Mo. which provides financial and other support to miro -m all- und mcdium enterprises and ripcaes in the implemnnion of st0t% programs ith tinancial sta,1t support to ndiv iduals, or any successor thereto C rrdit Prograin 57-9 means the Borrower's prom irnplemnted by 1 to prolide intcrest ratc cornpensati for loans to a itltul prucers to purchasc of fixed assets and or cover any costs to carry out agricultural activitie, estbisebd by thc Borrowcr s Resolution of tlhe Cabinct o Mte'rs of Ukraine No. 28 dated January 241 2020 "Effticient Irrigtation Mniagemeni t P rogram t meanst tbe Borower' p >uroa imiplmntentd y MAPF to provide financial support, incuding wrts, tox wter ur organiations to rcstore punping stations estabslted by the Borrow,r's Resolution tf the Cabinet ofMnisters ut Ukrainc No. 107t0 dated ctober 1L 202 1 orticulture De\ clopinent Programtt mcans tc Borruwrs prora-m implented by IAPF to prox id grants for the creation and development of horticuhure and trcenhouses established by the 3orruer's Resolution of tbCabinct of Niiistcrs o Ukrain No. 738 datcd 1 unc 21, 2022. PCGF enans tle Partial (redit G uaraten Fund in Agrieuture etablished pursuat to tbe WorrowCr's W 'n Partil (rdit iuarattc C und in A\:riculture %1 -X dated Nxvebcr 4, 2021 und Resulution of the Cabinet of Miicrs of krane No. 125 dated February 16, 2022. "Priority Agricultural Programså means Credit Program 5-7-9 Horticuhure Develxcoptnt Progran and E£fficient i i ga\t Mlanagement Program. 9. The Borrower herchy conäts to the Bank thut tbe n :s å: M i\nnc : to this re\ised Aneinuent I cttcr lnill ser\e as a is ti t Î3o:oxec to inn:ur und ex1 aatc tbc proreut thc Pioan and tbc achicxvemecnt of tbc objectives thercof. - 4- Vwept as speuifically amended in this Amiendment l etter, all other provisions of the l oan Agreement remain in ftull orce and effeet. Please confinn the agreement of the Borrower to the amendments set out ahov e b countersigning and dating the contnirmaton set forth below and returning one :ullp signed ngmal of this letter of amendment to us I pon receipt by the Bank of the op\ of the \nendmIent I cter duly countersigned by the authnied representan e of the Borroer, ibis Anmendment Letter shall become effeetive as of or ts lette by the Borrowe Very truly yours, INTERNATINAI. BANK FOR RECNS IRMC I 1ON AND DEVl D OPNIENT By Arup Banerji Regional Country Director Eastern Europe Europe and Central Asia Region AGREIED: UKRAINE Name: -mV Le EJiTv kIN1/ISTE R OF Fi NA \fCE Date: m m trO 3 -52 �,'ti:� t � l ,.�С°�lt��t)С [ 1 1 �}t'()�Y23t1t �)ttii't"l�1lMtlМТ 7.��' . ` e�t I'ГСчS';`.1N➢1 х1С� ?t7 2211i:�. �° tittif:�'С i'�'` г���+� t�f чЭг� .„L.:' � . S.41я . . . . . . . . ч . . л. �"):? : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . _. . . . . . .. �� , , � . 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