The World Bank KN 71 St Tel.: (250) 252 591 300 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 609 Fax: (250) 252 576 385 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Kigali, Rwanda Our Ref. 110/2024 March 26, 2024 Honorable Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Kigali, Rwanda Dear Honorable Minister, Re: Republic of Rwanda GEF PPG Grant No. TF0C2685 (Project Preparation Grant for Ecosystem-Based Restoration Approach for Nyungwe-Ruhango Corridor Project) Corrigendum to the Letter Agreement We refer to the letter agreement for the above-mentioned Project dated November 4, 2023 (the “Agreement”) between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, acting as implementing agency of the Global Environment Facility, and the Republic of Rwanda. We wish to correct a clerical error in the Agreement whereby the above-mentioned Grant Number (TF0C2685) was referenced instead of the correct Grant Number (TF0C3013). Consequently, the references to Grant Number TF0C2685 at pages 1 and 3 of the Agreement are deleted and replaced with references to Grant Number TF0C3013. Please use the Grant Number TF0C3013 in future correspondence related to this Grant including for submission of withdrawal applications. We would be grateful if you could acknowledge the receipt of this letter. Sincerely, Sahr Kpundeh Country Manager CC: • Honorable Jeanine Munyeshuli, Minister of State, Investment and Resource Mobilization, MINECOFIN • Honorable Richard Tusabe, Minister of State in charge of National Treasury, MINECOFIN • Mr. Gerald Mugabe, Director General, External Finance Directorate, MINECOFIN • Ms. Juliet Kabera, Director General, REMA • Mr. Alex Kashaija Mugabo, SPIU Coordinator, REMA • Mr. Philbert Nkurunziza, Ecosystem Recovery and Pollution Management Program Manager, REMA