February 28, 2024 Mr. Seyed Jalaedin Alavi Sabzevari Director General of Multilateral & International Economic Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Afghanistan Resilience Trust Fund (TF050576) Extension of End-Disbursement Date Dear Mr. Sabzevari: 1. Reference is made to the Letter Agreement between Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (the “Donor”) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively, the “Bank”) regarding the Afghanistan Resilience Trust Fund (TF050576) (the “Trust Fund”) dated June 10, 2003, as amended (the “Letter Agreement”). 2. The Steering Committee of the Trust Fund endorsed on February 27, 2024, the proposed extension of the end-disbursement date (“End-Disbursement Date”) of the Trust Fund. Accordingly, the Bank proposes that the End-Disbursement Date referred to in Section 12 of the Annex to the Letter Agreement be extended to June 30, 2028. This is in line with Approach Paper 3.0, “The Next Phase of Support to the People of Afghanistan” endorsed by the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on February 15, 2024. 3. The above proposal is submitted for your consideration and acceptance on a ten (10) working day absence of objection basis. Consequently, in the absence of an objection to be communicated in writing to the Bank at artf_team@worldbank.org by close of business on March 13, 2024, the Donor will be deemed to have provided its acceptance to the extension of the End- Disbursement Date, as stated above. 4. Absent any objection from any Donor to the extension of End-Disbursement Date of the Trust Fund, the extension of the End-Disbursement Date will become effective as of March 14, 2024. The Bank will promptly notify the Donor when it becomes effective. 5. In the event that one or more Donors voice an objection to the proposed extension of the End Disbursement Date, the Bank will exchange views with such Donor(s) in an effort to resolve its concern while continuing to apprise the other Donors of such efforts as appropriate. 6. All other provisions of the Letter Agreement will remain the same. Sincerely, _________________________ Melinda Good Country Director for Afghanistan South Asia Region