Livelihood Assistance Plan (LAP) of Bholaganj Land Port Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project-1 Credit Number 6002-BD Executing Agency Bangladesh Land Port Authority Ministry of Shipping January 2024 Table of Contents List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................................ iii List of Figures .......................................................................................................................................................... iii 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 The Project..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Purpose of the LAP ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Applicable Legal and Policy Framework .......................................................................................................... 3 1.5 Methodology of LAP preparation ......................................................................................................................... 4 2. Socio-economic Profile of the Project-Affected People ..................................................................... 5 2.1 Demography.................................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Livelihoods .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Land control/holding ................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.4 Education........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.5 Household income ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.6 Social facilities .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 2.7 Social Organization .................................................................................................................................................... 7 3. Stakeholder Consultation and Information Disclosure .................................................................... 8 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Methodology ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 3.3 Consultation Findings and feedbacks ................................................................................................................ 8 4. Implementation Arrangement and Grievance Redress Mechanism ......................................... 10 4.1 Implementation Arrangement ........................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)............................................................................................................ 10 5. Project Impacts, Assistance and Benefits ............................................................................................ 12 5.1 Project Impacts ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Livelihood Assistance and Benefits.................................................................................................................. 13 6. Resettlement costs and budget ............................................................................................................... 16 6.1 Calculation/valuation of estimated costs ...................................................................................................... 16 6.2 Summary of Resettlement Budget .................................................................................................................... 16 6.3 Description of item-wise assistances .............................................................................................................. 16 6.3.1 Structures ............................................................................................................................................................... 16 ii 6.3.2 Trees ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 6.4 Other Benefits............................................................................................................................................................ 17 Annex-I: Participant list of consultation....................................................................................................... 18 List of Tables Table 2.1: Distribution of household member by age category............................................................................... 5 Table 2.2: Distribution of household members by marital status .......................................................................... 5 Table 2.3: Distribution of household members by main occupations .................................................................. 6 Table 2.4: Distribution of household members by edcuational status ................................................................. 6 Table 2.5: Distribution of household by income range ............................................................................................... 7 Table 5.1: PAP-wise List of Affected Structure ............................................................................................................ 12 Table 5.2: PAP-wise List of Affected Trees .................................................................................................................... 13 Table 5.3: List of Affected Business Operators ............................................................................................................ 13 Table 6.1: Eligibility and Entitlement Matrix ............................................................................................................... 13 Table 6.1: Summary of the budget .................................................................................................................................... 16 Table 6.2: PAP-wise compensation budget of affected structures of households ........................................ 16 Table 6.3: PAP-wise compensation budget of affected trees of households ................................................... 17 List of Figures Figure 1.1: Map of the Bholaganj Land Port (red colored) ........................................................................................ 2 Figure 1.2: Proposed land acquisition plan for Bholaganj land port ..................................................................... 3 Figure 3.1: Photos of consultations ..................................................................................................................................... 9 iii 1. Introduction 1.1 Background The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has received credit from the International Development Association (IDA) – a member of the World Bank Group – for financing the cost of the Bangladesh Regional Connectivity Project 1(BRCP-1), being jointly implemented by the Bangladesh Land Port Authority (BLPA), National Board of Revenue (NBR) and Ministry of Commerce (MoC). The Project Development Objective is to improve conditions for trade through improving connectivity, reducing logistics bottlenecks, and supporting the adoption of modern approaches to border management and trade facilitation. The Project consists of three (3) major components, of which the component-1 will be implemented by BLPA. Under this component, the implementation procedure has been started for 4 land ports at Sheola, Ramgarh, Bhomra and upgradation of Security System at Benapole. As of this reporting period implementation works are going on in Sheola, Ramgarh and Benapole land ports. No works has yet been implemented at Bhomra land port and dropped from BRCP-1. Development of Bhora land port included under the upcoming project ACCESS. The unused money from Bhomra transferred to the development of Bholaganj land port. Bholaganj was declared as the country’s 24th land port in July 2019. BLPA proposed for development land port 52.30 acres of khash (Government owned) barren non-agricultural land near the zero line and left side of the existing Sylhet Bholaganj highway. However, there are some unauthorized homesteads and small shops inhabited and operated by landless locals. In addition, there are a few movable stone crushing structures (including machines and office). Since the land is khash (Government owned) and people have movable properties, the project at least needs to have a grant allocation for them. This Livelihood Assistance Plan (LAP) is prepped in this context. 1.2 The Project The proposed Bholaganj land port currently has no infrastructure rather than a small temporary Tin- shade structure customs station for NBR since 2009. This customs station handled around 500 loaded import trucks from India per day without providing any weighing mechanism. The main import material is limestone (more than 50 percent) with the remaining being stone, boulders, and other materials. The lack of infrastructure facilities and the absence of banking facilities is hindering the trade activities. On the west of Bholaganj there is Gobrakura land port. It has a distance of 272 kilometer from Gobrakura land port. On the east of Bholaganj it has Tamabil land port which is 69.1 kilometer away from Bholaganj. To reach Bholaganj two roadways can be used either-Umtyngar State Highway no 5 (SH5) of the district Khashi Pahar of the Meghalaya State or Pynursla Major District Road no 27 (MDR27) of the Khashi Pahar districts of the Meghalaya state of India. Distance from Umtyngar & Pynursl are 58.1 & 49.1 kilometers respectively. The port currently had an annual goods handling capacity of 0.5 million metric tons per year. 100% of the commodity is construction materials (used in other places of the country), including Bolder stone & limestone. It is forecasted that the overall import/export freight demand will be approximately 5 million metric tons by the year 2055. This will require to increase the throughput capacity of the port to approximately 1500 tons/hour by the year 2055. 1 Introduction The proposed land port includes the following development: i) Administrative Facilities: Typical items include but are not limited to civil infrastructure facilities to support port stakeholders such as Port Authority, Immigration, Customs, Banks, Labor Union, Labor Contractor, C&F Agents, Health Inspectors and Truck Drivers. ii) Port Functions (Import & Export Facilities): Typical civil and non-civil infrastructure items that are warehouse with or without climate control, transhipment yard with or without a shed, open stockyard, passenger, and truck parking yard, weighing bridge, passenger terminal, detailed custom Inspection and or scanning, intra/internet, CCTV, emergency power, drainage system capable of handling flash flood during the monsoon. iii) Port Supporting Facilities: Security post, port emergency responds facilities, border barrack, driver service facilities/rest areas, restaurant, guest house, emergency medical centre, truck washing, or general maintenance area (emergency breakdown). iv) Recreation Facilities: Open green space as gardens, walkways, sitting, water body as an excess flash flood water retention pond as well as aesthetic element. The sites will be landscaped with particular attention to environmental protection and climate change mitigation features. v) Green and Environmentally Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: During the architectural design phase, consideration is given to adding items that will ensure the development of Green and Environmentally sustainable civil infrastructures. vi) Equipment includes weighbridges and loading/unloading, warehouse operation accessories, and office equipment required for modern border management. Figure 1.1: Map of the Bholaganj Land Port (red colored) 2 Introduction 1.3 Purpose of the LAP BLPA applied to the concerned Ministry of the Government for long term leasing for 52.30 acres of khash land (Owned by Government) where nobody has property rights near the zero point/line for development of the proposed land port. This land is inhabited by landless people, some of them also operate small shops. Furthermore, several stone crushing business operators run their stone crushing activities. There is similar type of more vacant khash land available around the proposed land. Since the land is state-owned and most of the structures are movable, BLPA intends to provide livelihood assistance to the PAPs, especially to the landless people. Figure 1.2: Proposed land acquisition plan for Bholaganj land port 1.4 Applicable Legal and Policy Framework The legal and policy framework for land acquisition and involuntary resettlement in this proposed project will be based on: (i) Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Act (ARIPA) 2017 (ii) WB’s OP 4.12. However, since the inhabited people or land controllers have no legal entitlement on the proposed land, ARIPA-2017 does not allow any compensation for them. In this contrast, the OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement” allows any displaced/affected persons —regardless of titled and non- titled— to be compensated and/or provide livelihood assistance. The project activities will have impacts on the environmental and socio-economic issues, so World Bank Safeguard Policy Guideline OP/BP 4.01 Environmental Assessment will be triggered for this project. In addition, the project activity will also trigger OP/BP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement/Compensation as some temporarily living households and shops will be relocated. However, there will be no land acquisition, as the land 3 Introduction is owned by the Government (khash land)". Thus, the requirement of OP 4.12 and its objectives are as follows: Involuntary resettlement should be avoided where feasible, or minimized, exploring all viable alternative project designs. Where it is not feasible to avoid resettlement, resettlement activities should be conceived and executed as sustainable development programs, providing sufficient investment resources to enable the persons displaced by the project to share in project benefits. Displaced persons should be meaningfully consulted and should have opportunities to participate in planning and implementing resettlement programs. Displaced persons should be assisted in their efforts to improve their livelihoods and standards of living or at least to restore them, in real terms, to pre- displacement levels or to levels prevailing prior to the beginning of project implementation, whichever is higher. 1.5 Methodology of LAP preparation The preparation of Livelihood Assistance Plan (LAP) is based on census survey among the Project Affected Persons (PAPs), Inventory of Losses (IoL), and consultation with the PAPs. A trained and dedicated team of BLPA carried out field census survey to collect relevant data along with consultations with the PAPs. The survey and consultation were carried out with the PAPs who will lose their homesteads and businesses. Before the team mobilization, a census and survey questionnaire were prepared by the social consultant of the World Bank, based on which a rigorous training on the questionnaire was provided. The field enumerators started the survey on 06 June 2023 with PAPs in the presence of social consultant of the world Bank and the consultant of BLPA. A filled-up questionnaire was discussed and corrected in the case of issues raised in the field. The field team and consultants also participated in the stakeholder consultation. The collected data was entered into MS Excel and analyzed, based on which this LAP report was prepared. This LAP has been prepared using the RPF already been prepared by Bangladesh Land Ports Authority. 4 2. Socio-economic Profile of the Project-Affected People 2.1 Demography There are 15 households will be affected by the proposed land acquisition, of them 13 are male- headed and the remaining two are female-headed. These households have 82 people, of which 43 are male and 39 are females. The average household size is 5.5. The sex ratio is 110.2 referring to that more than 110 males per 100 females. The age composition-wise distribution of household members shows that most of them (39%) belong to the 15-29 age group. About 4.9% are elderly people. Table 2.1: Distribution of household member by age category Male Female Total Age category No. % No. % No. % Under 15 15 18 14 17 29 35.4 15-29 17 21 15 18 32 39.0 30-44 4 5 5 6 9 11.0 45-59 4 5 4 5 8 9.8 Above 60 3 4 1 1 4 4.9 Total 43 52 39 48 82 100.0 The distribution of household members according to the martial status shows that 49% are married and equally 49% are unmarried. Females are more married than males. One female member was found widowed. Table 2.2: Distribution of household members by marital status Male Female Total Marital status No. % No. % No. % Married 16 23 19 27 35 49 Unmarried 22 31 13 18 35 49 Widowed 0 0 1 1 1 1 Total 38 54 33 46 71 100 2.2 Livelihoods The following table shows the distribution of household members according to their main occupation. Most of them are involved in day laboring activities such as working in stone crushing. A very few of them are involved in service and business. On the other hand, women are mostly housewives. About 7.9% work in stone crushing as daily workers. 5 Socio-economic profile of PAPs Table 2.3: Distribution of household members by main occupations Type of main Male Female Total occupation No. % No. % No. % Agriculture - - 1 2.6 1 1.3 Teacher - - 1 2.6 1 1.3 Service 3 7.1 - - - - Housewife - - 14 36.8 14 17.5 Business 5 11.9 - - 5 6.3 Day labourers 11 26.2 3 7.9 14 17.5 Unemployed 1 2.4 5 13.2 6 7.5 Tailor - - 1 2.6 1 1.3 Local Pharmacist 1 2.4 - - 1 1.3 Students 16 38.1 7 18.4 23 28.8 Children 5 11.9 6 15.8 11 13.8 Total 42 100 38 100 80 100 2.3 Land control/holding These people are absolute landless and have neither operated nor homestead land. The proposed land under their control, therefore, is state-owned khash land, although they have been living here for a couple of decades. Thus, these people do not have legal rights/entitlement on the land they are living in. 2.4 Education The educational status shows that most of the household members are in the education level between class 6 to 10. Primary level students were found 17.2%, and undergraduate level students were found 19%. Of household members, about 5.2% are presently pursuing their postgraduate degrees. The tendency to education was found growing because of their landless and poor socio-economic condition. Table 2.4: Distribution of household members by edcuational status Male Female Total Education level No. % No. % No. % Primary 5 17.2 5 17.2 10 17.2 Class 6 to 10 8 27.6 7 24.1 15 25.9 SSC equivalent 5 17.2 2 6.9 7 12.1 HSC and equivalent 3 10.3 1 3.4 4 6.9 Undergraduate/BA 3 10.3 8 27.6 11 19.0 Postgraduate/Masters 1 3.4 2 6.9 3 5.2 Hafez (memorization of Quran) 2 6.9 2 6.9 4 6.9 Literate (can sign only) - - 1 3.4 1 1.7 Illiterate 2 6.9 1 3.4 3 5.2 Total 29 100.0 29 100 58 100.0 6 Socio-economic profile of PAPs 2.5 Household income According to the following table, 27% household have monthly income of less than BDT 10,000. Household income of 47% household is between BDT 10,000 to 20,000. Table 2.5: Distribution of household by income range Household income Income Range Nos. % <10000 4 27 10000-20000 7 47 20000-30000 4 27 Total 15 100 2.6 Social facilities These households have grid electricity connection and solar electricity. Each household uses a ring- slab for sanitation. They collect drinking water from tubewells. 2.7 Social Organization The landless group shows their unity in the context of getting khash land (Government Owned) allocation from the government and thus, formed a local shomity (association) called “Bholaganj Adarshagram Sarbeek Gram Unnoyan Shomity”. This association helped them to approach the local political bosses and local administrative body (such as UNO) in dealing with the khash (Government Owned) land allocation. However, the land allocation is still in the process. 7 3. Stakeholder Consultation and Information Disclosure 3.1 Introduction A consultation with the project affected people was conducted intending to discuss the land leasing issue, their views toward the project, resettlement/relocation option, etc. PAPs attended the consultation meeting and discussed their concerns about the land leasing for the project and expressed their expectation. 3.2 Methodology A group consultation was conducted in one of the houses of PAPs. Since the number of PAPs is small, the team arranged and conducted the meeting instantly while visiting the PAPs. The team showed the proposed layout and the proposed land area for leasing and discussed a couple issues following the standard procedure of consultation. Thus, consultation was conducted on June 06, 2023, at 11:00. 3.3 Consultation Findings and feedbacks The project affected people who discussed issues related to the land leasing, their settlement on this land, consequences driven by the proposed land leasing, and their expectations to the project authority. They key discussed points and feedback from BLPA are presented in the following: Sl. Discussed points/comments Feedback from BLPA As PAPs are living on the khash (Government 1. BLPA will provide them livelihood Owned) land and do not have legal entitlements, assistance grant they were always ready to give their occupied land. But as the landless people and citizens of the country, they expect at least some compensation. A considerable portion of their neighboring village The khash (Government Owned) land 2 is khash (Government Owned). There is a cluster allocation process is a complicated village for landless people allocated during the process. On top of that the RPF allows 1980s in the opposite side of the road, this gives a for a cluster village if the number hope to them that it would be better if the project relocated homestead is more than 20. authority (BLPA) tries to arrange or facilitate khash But BLPA would discuss the issue with land allocation for them. the DC & UNO and will support them in khash land allocation The landless people organized association 3 Same as above (shomity) for defending their rights on khash land, particularly in getting allocation from the government. In this regard, the members of this shomity had several campaigns, demonstrations, and meetings with the local influential and administrative body (UNO). However, unfortunately the allocation of khash land to them was still in the process. If BLPA facilitates or negotiates with the local administrative body for them would be better for them to be settled. 8 Stakeholder consultation & disclosure The PAPs have very limited options for livelihood BLPA would engage PAPs to the project 4 activities except agricultural production. People activities based of its requirement and expected their potential involvement in the project skill of PAPs. activities There are a couple of small shops that will be BLPA will provide a grant to these 5 affected by the land leasing process. These affected business operators. structures, although are moveable, their income will be temporarily affected. The attendance list of participants is given in Annex-I. Photos of consultation meeting is presented below: Figure 3.1: Photos of consultations 9 4. Implementation Arrangement and Grievance Redress Mechanism 4.1 Implementation Arrangement BLPA will arrange for LAP implementation and monitoring mechanism. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will have an Environmental and Social Cell in the PIU, who will be directly involved in the implementation of the LAP. At the top, BLPA will oversee the entire implementation mechanism. The implementation timeline is given below: Timeline Activities 2023 2024 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Reporting Phase Data collection (Inventory of Losses, Socio-economic Surveys, market survey, etc.) for RAP Draft LAP Report preparation Review by the World Bank Finalization of LAP report and Approval Implementation Phase Submission to the WB Formation & functioning of Committees: LAP and GRC Finalization of PAP list Preparation of ID cards Grant disbursement 4.2 Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) GRM is a management and governance-related process used to safeguard compliance. Efficient GRM is required to assist in project implantation and to resolve any issues and complaints from the PAPs and/or local community. Aiming to this objective a Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) will be formed and functioned. The proposed GRC will be as follows: Representative of the BLPA: Chairman Supervision Engineer from CSC: Member Secretary Elected Chairperson of the Union: Member Elected Women UP Member: Member A person from affected family: Member A respectable person of the business community: Member Besides, an apex tier of GRC will be formed headed by the Project Director, Deputy Project Director will be general member, the Environmental and Social Specialist will be the Member. All complaints and suggestions will be received formally at the site level GRC committee by the GRC Member Secretary as a written form. The complaints will largely be channeled through the GRC Member Secretary, but aggrieved persons can also lodge the complaints and provide suggestions directly to the consultant office which is locally situated beside the project. Complaints could be sent 10 Grievance redress mechanism through email or by post or could be written directly in the register book. But the complaint must be specific and related to the project. The local level office has a provision of maintaining a complaint box with contract no. for all stakeholders intending to receive suggestive mechanism or lodge complaints. Within seven days the complainant needs to be informed by a written document about the receiving and recorded status of the complaint. Complaints may also be received directly at the head quarter of GRC, if the issues are not resolved by the initial tier. Complaints received in head quarter if any, will be resolved in one month. An intake register will be maintained at the local level Consultant Office. The Consultant Office representative or on behalf of member secretary will be assisted by an assigned general member in recording the details of the grievances in the intake register for documentation and ensuring impartiality, fairness, and transparency. The intake registration will have data/information columns including (i) Case no., (ii) date of receipt, (iii) name/type of complaint/grievance, (iv) sex, (v) father’s name/husband’s name, (vi) complete address of the person raises the complaint/grievance, (vii) main objection (loss of land, if any/property or entitlement), (viii) detailed case history, (ix) expectation with documentary evidence and previous records of similar grievances will be documented in the intake register. A resolution register will be maintained at the GRC secretariat. Resolution register will contain (i) serial no., (ii) case no., (iii) name of complainant, (iv) Case history, (v) date of hearing, (vi) date of field investigation (if any), (vii) results of hearing and field investigation, (viii) decision of GRC, (ix) progress (pending, solved) and (x) agreement or commitments. Besides, closing registers will also be maintained. Closing register will keep records, such as, (i) serial no., (ii) case no., (iii) name of complainant, (iv) decision and response to the complaints, (v) date of settlement, (vi) confirmation of complainant’s satisfaction and (vii) management actions to avoid recurrence. Based on consensus, the procedure will help to resolve issues/conflicts amicably and quickly, saving the aggrieved persons from having to resort to expensive, time-consuming legal action. The procedure will, however, not pre-empt a person’s right to go to the courts of law. No anonymous grievance will be acceptable in GRM. 11 5. Project Impacts, Assistance and Benefits 5.1 Project Impacts The proposed land leasing process at the Bholaganj site will not affect private land as the land is owned by the state. Rather, it will affect 15 landless households located in the proposed project area, whose members are working in the stone crushing machineries. The land leasing process will also affect 6 business operators, who run small movable shops. Of the affected 15 households, there also two female-headed households. Besides, several business operators - precisely stone crushing machineries owners will also be affected. Movable properties including crushing machines of them will be affected mainly. A list of affected households is given below: Table 5.1: PAP-wise List of Affected Structure HH headedness No. of Affected Type of Structure Sl. Name PAPs Structures 1 Md. Samsun Nur Female-headed 3 Residential, Chicken house etc. 2 Noyan Moni Female-headed 1 Residential 3 Md. Muklas Male-headed 3 Residential, Chicken house etc. 4 Mrs Ripa Begum Male-headed 1 Residential 5 Md. Kala Mia Male-headed 4 Residential, Chicken house etc. 6 Mst Majada Begum Male-headed 1 Residential Male-headed Residential, Chicken house, Md. Aklis Miah 7 8 storeroom, etc. 8 Md. Sohel Mia Male-headed 1 Residential Male-headed Residential, Chicken house, Md. Shafiqul Islam storeroom, kitchen, cowshed, 9 15 etc. 10 Rakib Male-headed 3 Residential, Chicken house etc. Male-headed Residential, Chicken house, Abdul Nur 11 8 storeroom, etc. 12 Md. Abdul Mutalab Male-headed 4 Residential, Chicken house etc. 13 Razib Male-headed 3 Residential, Chicken house etc. Male-headed Residential, Chicken house, Md. Majib Mia 14 6 storeroom, etc. 15 Md. Abdul Monaf Male-headed 1 Residential 12 Institutional arrangement These affected households will also lose their trees. A list of affected trees by PAPs is given below: Table 5.2: PAP-wise List of Affected Trees Affected Trees by Size Sl. Name of PAPs Large Medium No. of trees 1 Md. Muklas 2 Papaya 2 2 Mrs Ripa Begum 1 Papaya 1 3 Md. Kala Mia 1 Raintree 1 4 Md. Aklis Miah 1 Raintree 1 5 Md. Shafiqul Islam 1 Boroi 1 1 Black Berry, 1 Palm, 6 Abdul Nur 4 1 Arjun, 1 Guava 6 Raintree, 1 Chalta, 5 7 Md. Abdul Mutalab Akashi, 4 Mahogony, 3 Neem 20 1 Mango 8 Md. Majib Mia 10 Mango, 1 Raintree 5 Jackfruit, 1 Neem 17 Also, a list of business operators (small shops) is presented below: Table 5.3: List of Affected Business Operators Name of small business Type of Sl. Father's name/business name operators Business 1 Md. Kala Mia Md. Sorot Ali Tea Stall 2 Md. Shafiqul Islam Late Md. Abdur Rakib Tea Stall 3 Md. Saroar Ahmed Saroar Hotel Hotel 4 Md. Fakhruddin Fokhruddin Store Hotel 5 Md. Khaled Ahmed Bhai Bhai Engineering Workshop & Parts Shop 6 Md. Kayej Ahmed Kayej Oil Store Shop 5.2 Livelihood Assistance and Benefits This section presents an entitlement matrix that provides for compensation and other assistance for different losses of the affected persons. The Entitlement Matrix (Table 6.1) follows the previously prepared Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF). All affected persons will be entitled to receive livelihood assistance and other applicable benefits. Table 5.4: Eligibility and Entitlement Matrix A.1: Loss of Houses /Structures Used for Living and Commercial Activities Adjustment/modificatio Entitled Person Entitlement Application Guidelines n made Non-titled Replacement cost of Persons without title to As most of the persons and structures determined the land will be paid properties are Persons without by PAVC. compensation movable, a lump-sum title to the land Structure transfer (replacement cost) for all assistance grant for grants (STG) andHouse structures built on public structure is those own construction grant lands. proposed based on houses/structure (HCG) for houses/ Shiftable Structure - the degree of s built on public 13 Institutional arrangement Adjustment/modificatio Entitled Person Entitlement Application Guidelines n made lands/BLPA’s structures. Structure transfer grant affectedness. lands (shops and Eligible for plot of 4.00 (STG) for shiftable No modification is residences) decimal at CUL value in structures will be @ 10% made for women- the RS if they desire so. (ten percent) of the headed households Homestead Development replacement cost of Allowance ( HDA) for land structures and House development construction grant (HCG) Vulnerable and female @ 10% (ten percent) of headed households will the replacement cost of get special cash structures. assistance. Non-Shiftable Structure - All house/structure STG only for non- owners are permitted to shiftable structures @ retain the salvageable 10% of replacement cost building materials. of the structure. Vulnerable households: One-time cash assistance @ BDT 5,000 (five thousand). Women headed vulnerable households without adult male members to shoulder household responsibilities will get additionalone-time cash assistance of BDT 5,000 (five thousand). Small mobile structures on wooden or bamboo legs (poles not fixed on ground) which can be shifted without dismantling (structures on legs)are not eligible for compensation (small pan- bidi shops, groceries, tea stalls, etc.) but will beassisted in finding alternative location and given Structure Transfer Grant (STG) to cover any damage and cost of shifting @ 10% (ten percent) of the replacement cost of structures. 14 Institutional arrangement A.2: Loss of Trees, Bamboo and Banana Groves Adjustment/modification Entitled Person Entitlement Application Guidelines made Compensation Top a lump-sum assistance is up (if any) on DC’s proposed based on the CCL for timber trees, number of trees affected bamboo, fruit by households bearing trees (with Estimated market value timber), etc. and of different species of 30% of timber value trees, based on in case of fruit categorization as per bearing trees. Divisional Forest Office. Value of fruits for Socially Banana groves: the grown up (big recognized Compensation Top and medium) trees owners, such as up on DC’s CCL will be calculated Persons without estimated for one- as 30% of timber title to the land time crop of each value for one year. grown-up tree on Where ownership is in private land or group, compensation current market value will not be paid to any planted on individual or the government land sponsoring agency. (not covered by DC). Trees grown under public/NGO sponsored program B: Other Resettlement Benefits B1: Loss of Business Income from Displaced Commercial Premises Entitled Adjustment/modification Entitlement Application Guidelines Person made Compensation for loss of No modification is Compensation for Business permanent loss of business made loss of business/ operators in income for small and trading income. the affected medium business premises Cash assistance for permanent based on average daily net 60 (sixty) days net premises n i comebut not over BDT 500 income for (non-title (five hundred) per day for 60 Permanently holders) (sixty) days as determined relocated business by PAVC. 15 6. Resettlement costs and budget 6.1 Calculation/valuation of estimated costs As most of the structures are movable, the LAP suggests paying an assistance based on their degree of affectedness in a lump-sum manner rather than a precise calculation. 6.2 Summary of Resettlement Budget The summary of the total compensation and livelihood assistance budget is presented in the following table: Table 6.1: Summary of the budget Quantity Estimated Estimated cost in BDT in Sl. Head of Budget (nos.) cost in BDT million A Compensation for structures 62 3,326,250 3.33 B Compensation for trees 47 403,750 0.40 Sub-total (A & B) 3,730,000 3.73 Loss of business income @ average daily C net income but not over BDT 500 (five 6 180,000 0.18 hundred) per day for 60 (sixty) days One-time cash assistance to women D 2 10,000 0.01 headed HH @BDT 5000 E Contingency @ 5% of the total (A to H) 196,000 0.20 Overall (in BDT) 4,116,000 4.12 Overall (in USD) (@112, Bangladesh Bank Rate on 36,750 0.04 30/10/2023) 6.3 Description of item-wise assistances 6.3.1 Structures The following table presents PAP-wise affected structures and assistance budget for affected households.: Table 6.2: PAP-wise compensation budget of affected structures of households Sl. Name of PAPs No. of assets affected Grant in BDT 1 Md. Samsun Nur 3 95,097 2 Noyan Moni 1 20,424 3 Md. Muklas 3 48,629 4 Mrs Ripa Begum 1 43,685 5 Md. Kala Mia 4 61,273 6 Mst Majada Begum 1 141,835 7 Md. Aklis Miah 8 190,464 8 Md. Sohel Mia 1 93,206 9 Md. Shafiqul Islam 15 885,696 16 Resettlement budget & cost Sl. Name of PAPs No. of assets affected Grant in BDT 10 Rakib 3 48,629 11 Abdul Nur 8 920,061 12 Md. Abdul Mutalab 4 330,947 13 Razib 3 27,556 14 Md. Majib Mia 6 347,832 15 Md. Abdul Monaf 1 70,917 Total 3,326,250 6.3.2 Trees The table below presents PAP-wise assistance budget of affected trees of households: Table 6.3: PAP-wise compensation budget of affected trees of households Sl. Name of PAPs No. of trees Grant in BDT 1 Md. Muklas 2 3,700 2 Mrs Ripa Begum 1 550 3 Md. Kala Mia 1 20,200 4 Md. Aklis Miah 1 20,000 5 Md. Shafiqul Islam 1 3,700 6 Abdul Nur 4 8,800 7 Md. Abdul Mutalab 20 243,800 8 Md. Majib Mia 17 103,000 Total 403,750 6.4 Other Benefits Business operators will lose their income, a grant of BDT 500 per day for 60 days to each business operator will be provided. Also, one-time cash grant @BDT 5000 to two female – headed households will be provided. Furthermore, these people will be given preference while recruiting labor for the project. Following the RPF, there is a provision of 20 affected households to be resettled in a cluster village. However, as the number of affected households is 15, this provision does not apply. However, the BLPA can help them in the negotiation process of getting khash land allocation from the DC office. 17 Annex-I: Participant list of consultation 18 Annexure 19