Aa ~Dr. A. M. Hegazy & Co. /A Crowe Dr. Khaled A. Hegazy Accouniants &Cos ns A Member of Crowe Global 6 Boulos Harinah SL, I' Floot Dokki, 12311 Giza, Egypt Tel. 37600319- 376003 Fax. 376006 www.crowecom The Governing Body Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) December 5th 2023 Dear Sirs, This report represents the results of our financial audit of the World Bank Loan No.8498 -EG and Additional Financing No.9033 EG to finance the implementation and to improve the affordability of formal housing for low income households in the Arab Republic of Egypt and to strengthen the SHMFF's capacity to design policies and coordinate programs in the social housing sector for the year ended June 30th 2023. Audit Objectives: The objective of this engagement was to conduct a financial audit of the funds receipts and expenditures and related Special Accounts of the World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No.9033 EG for the year ended June 30th 2023. As required by internationally accepted standards on auditing, we have made specific inquires of the management and others about the representations embodied in the financial statement and the effectiveness of the internal control over financial reporting. The results of our audit tests, the responses to our inquiries, and the written representations of the management comprise the evidential matter upon which we intend to rely to forming our opinion. Our activities were confined to auditing the procedures of funds expenditures of the loan project, at all levels and division, for the financial year ended June 30th 2023, according to the Loan agreement and the guidelines of the World Bank. An audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing does not provide absolute assurance about or guarantee the accuracy of the said statement. Because of the concept of reasonable assurance and because we did not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is an inherent risk that material crrors, fraud, or illegal acts, may exist and not be detected by us. In planning and performing our audit of the statement of funds receipts and expenditures of the World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No.9033 EG for the year ended June 30th 2023, we considered its internal control to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the said statement and not to provide absolute assurance on the internal control. Our consideration of the internal control would not necessarily disclose all matters in internal control that might be a weakness. A weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components dose not reduce to relatively low level the risk that errors or fraud in amounts that would be material in relation to /* Crowe the statement being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. Our responsibility, as prescribed by professional standards, is to plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the special purpose financial statement of the Sources and Uses of Funds Statement of the World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No.9033 EG is free of material misstatement. Such criteria required us to search for mistakes and irregularities which may seriously affect the usage lists. I lowever as our examination relies on selective checking for accounting recci ds, there is no absolute guarantee that all mistakes and irregularities will be discovered. Additionally, auditing checking should not be relied on to uncover illegal conducts that affect the usage lists, which are disclosed in our examination. Professional standards require that we advise you of any matter relating to our audit and based on the audited sample which represents 79,6%of the total amounts drawn during the year ended June 301h 2023, we communicated our comments with the project management and agreed with the feedback from the project management in addition such corments do not reveal internal control weakness. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any clarifications. Sincerely Dr. Khaled A. M. Hegazy Fellow of the Egyptian Society for Accountants & Auditors No. 207 Accountants & Auditors Register "AAR" No. 10945 Financial Regulatory Authority Auditors Register "FRAAA" No. 72 Independent Professional Practice, Member of Crowe Global Crowe Dr. Khaled A Hegazy Dr. A. IVL flegazY & CO c&Gountants & Consuttants Dr. A. M. Hegazy & Co. Crowe Dr. Khaled A. Hegazy Accountants & Consultants A Member of Crowe Global 6 Boulos Hannah St., 5" Floor Dokki, 12311 Giza, Egypt Tel. 37600319 - 3760C320 - 37616310 Fax. 37600488 wwwocrowe.com The Governing Body Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) December 501 2023 Dear Sirs, This report represents the results of our financial audit of the World Bank Loan No.8498 -EG and Additional Financing No.9033 EG to finance the implementation and to improve the affordability of formal housing for low income households in the Arab Republic of Egypt and to strengthen the SHMFF's capacity to design policies and coordinate programs in the social housing sector for the year ended June 30h 2023. Audit Objectives: The objective of this engagement was to conduct a financial audit of the funds receipts and expenditures and related Special Accounts of the World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No.9033 EG for the year ended June 30t 2023. As required by internationally accepted standards on auditing, we have made specific inquires of the management and others about the representations embodied in the financial statement and the effectiveness of the internal control over financial reporting. The results of our audit tests, the responses to our inquiries, and the written representations of the management comprise the evidential matter upon which we intend to rely to forming our opinion. Our activities were confined to auditing the procedures of funds expenditures of the loan project, at all levels and division, for the financial year ended June 30t 2023, according to the Loan agreement and the guidelines of the World Bank. An audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing does not provide absolute assurance about or guarantee the accuracy of the said statement. Because of the concept of reasonable assurance and because we did not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is an inherent risk that material errors, fraud, or illegal acts, may exist and not be detected by us. In planning and performing our audit of the statement of funds receipts and expenditures of the World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No.9033 EG for the year ended June 301h 2023, we considered its internal control to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the said statement and not to provide absolute assurance on the internal control. Our consideration of the internal control would not necessarily disclose all matters in internal control that might be a weakness. A weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components dose not reduce to relatively low level the risk that errors or fraud in amounts that would be material in relation to Crowe the statement being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. Our responsibility, as prescribed by professional standards, is to plan and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the special purpose financial statement of the Sources and Uses of Funds Statement of the World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No.9033 EG is free of material misstatement. Such criteria required us to search for mistakes and irregularities which may seriously affect the usage lists. However as our examination relies on selective checking for accounting recci ds, there is no absolute guarantee that all mistakes and irregularities will be discovered. Additionally, auditing checking should not be relied on to uncover illegal conducts that affect the usage lists, which are disclosed in our examination. Professional standards require that we advise you of any matter relating to our audit and based on the audited sample which represents 79,6%of the total amounts drawn during the year ended June 30th 2023, we communicated our comments with the project management and agreed with the feedback from the project management in addition such comments do not reveal internal control weakness. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any clarifications. Sincerely Dr. Khaled A. M. Hegazy Fellow of the Egyptian Society for Accountants & Auditors No. 207 Accountants & Auditors Register "AAR" No. 10945 Financial Regulatory Authority Auditors Register "FRAAA" No. 72 Independent Professional Practice, Member of Crowe Global Crowe Dr. Khaled A Hegazy Dr. A. M. Ilegazy & Co 申ul山加国1戸りいしり副9レ笛1函山d い日りレ劉山か旧ドUメ り紘1りla甚1る曲9 メ助-M弘画申胡山り1いメ メ助-ら・ずザ画j声りいい柳山細国し Jいお日目山udしメhw歯 自りしバ胡りレ崎月声吻 ら舶alり田し国1師 ザ・ザザが別ザ・J Crowe z z l - =Li I J v s. ZU :.LL.J, L-1 a-J~~,,W Cro.wei ..a y C -,A 'S ~ m asm JrNa jlyvi VA,Ny, ov r Y, A Nr v . I j9 i ..,LJ i . . TY Y Y, Ni, ILLu 一白國!山尸,內'降州。u!鉍斗 少口。u,.妒占-一狗 ,一“鬥丙少切以尸,,,一稱,‘丙州,州甲,才J但斗J州 碘甲州碳―么編〞!:一 ,·,,冉,,。· &u」,騙乎:、亡籐― 、·少中計由戶必J戶斗―必必」―u甲―’。騙州!一必F訕f斗巡, 。g-'只綺只騙。―,&u丫―;“丫'-以一八‘`人南計JJ必計,·、,州x J!訕。丫斗,細'方“。州么,二必馮沙騙州―'綢“必州〞訕戶洛才―J論J,」’ 妒。州么州―妒戶計必尸一,、門戶'戶J。圍e戶州·,·,lV/,妒騙引 ·戶州州妒。戶’二沙J衫'么州ej伶斗州 f一必J尸汕柚P尸弘妒妒必州弗‘梯榦J戶e州。議 。么州―際必必白園―由夕訓戶七j騰州。么州必細;戶么為〞‘ ·j騰州。么州胛少e州必」J :馴開,,州,_嫵。戶必戶 。戶―計。坏祕分州!,規州―j斗切。‘切e'計.計e州頃視 :U口1 :白馴■以尸!斤勺j騰,,。么魚勾舟州細叫!;尸,神妒:!一州 州榦·j。“白園由戶,內'騰州。么州為-;戶義戶一、 ;〞〝j‘姘戶‘必同必j計姘,如必么切 騰七斗必。‘戮鳥州。躺―榦由么引(}) 必騰幫匕‘幫,飾―戶!,回為才―力。編一必州 ·。心輩!訕州“訓勺;攔妒必。‘力切細斗‘u!(也 召必必凶戶切少白園,由P―尸。必斗州。么州必“必必義妒一丫 &&,〝伊u姘計二必么J必細e州 “州,刁〞'戶。必~以 U戶俗騙u―馴山刁。神f'。。―(→ .斗州―柚。州必J-,馴州。際中―;戶尖妒(e �.�� � �...� � r�' j �.t�.=.�-�► �,t�...�" i ,�� r•. ., . �Е�,Чi U�м�ьу ��ь �� �� ����� � , r r �� �t.��" � �,�1 �� л f � г� ,.'} �r�1 i ,�.t � �r°�' �r �� Jr1M � б �., � �J� ' и � • + +1вiМв�/� � �L�Y! � � Ув1вг� Ав�'ви . 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Dr. A. M. Hegazy & Co. i Crowe Dr. Khaled A. Hegazy Accountants & Consuftants A Member of Crowe Global 6 Boulos Hannah St., 5' Floor Dokki, 12311 Giza, Egypt Tel. 37600319 - 37600320 - 37616310 Fax. 37600468 wwwcrowe.com Auditor's Report To Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund Inclusive Housing Financing Program We have audited the accompanying Special Purpose Financial Statement (SPFS) of Inclusive Housing Financing Program represented in the Sources and Uses of Funds statement for the year ended 30th June 2023. The Program's management is responsible for ensuring that the Special purpose financial statement is perpared. It is our responsibility is to form an independent opinion, based on our audit, on this statement and to report our opioin to you. We conducted our audit in accordance with Egyptian and International Auditing Standards and such other specific procedures requested by the Program's management. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, evidence supporting amounts and disclosures in the funds receipts and expenditures statement. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the Program's management in the preparation of the statement, and of whether the accounting policices are appropriate to the project's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanation which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the statements is free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the statements. Opinion In our opinion, the special purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the Sources and Uses of Fund Statement for the year ended 30h June 2023 in conformity with the accounting principles described in Note 2 to the special purpose financial statements. Expenditures provided are properly supported and represent eligible expenditures under the Loan Agreement 8498 - EG And the Additional Financing Agreement by Loan No. 9033 - EG. Dr. Khaled A. M. Hegazy Fellow of the Egyptian Society for Accountants & Auditors No. 207 Accountants & Auditors Register "AAR" No. 10945 Financial Regulatory Authority Auditors Register "FRAAA" No. 72 Independent Professional Practice, Member of Crowe Global Giza: 5 "' December 2023 Rh hlCd A Hegazy Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) Inclusive Housing Finance Program Financial Management Unit (FMU) Partially Funded From World Bank Loan No 8498 EG and Additional Financing No. 9033 EG Sources and Uses of Funds Statements For Year ended June 30,2023 Amounts in US S No Government For I July 2022 to 30 Cumulative to 30 June Budget June 2023 2023 Cash Receipt World Bank (WB) Third Line 79,222,148 519,096.675 Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) Third Line 405,209 3.844.848 Total Financing 3 79,627,357 522,941,523 Less: Uses of Funds Demand Side Housing Subsidy Support 4 Forth Line 79,221,930 519,095,684 Improving Management Information System 5 Second Line 71347 1,674.914 79,293,277 520,770,598 Other Expenditure Salaries & Wages 6 First Line 317,006 2,079,910 Others and Bank expenses and commissions 7 Second Line 17,074 9 101 334,080 2,170,925 Total Expenditures 79,627,357 522,941,523 Net Funds balances - 1)r Khaid A lirctn Dr. A. 11. lVgazN & ( t Acuntlant,, C on"'IFL1tant Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMIFF) Inclusive Housing Finance Pr-ogrami Partially Funded from the WVorld Bank's Loan No 8498 EC' and Additional Financin- No. 9033 LiG Notes to the Special Purpose Financial Statement From 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 Note I -Nature of Activities The Arab Republic of Egypt and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development agreed that the latter shall provide finance to the Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund on June 10th, 2015, through Loan No 8498 EG, The Bank agrees to lend an amount of five hundred million United States Dollar (US$500 Million). In addition, on 5/7/2020, loan agreement No. 9033 - Egypt was signed for the purpose of providing additional funding related to the main program, with an amount of 500 million US dollars. The objective of the Program is to improve the affordability of formal housing for low income households in the Arab Republic of Egypt and to strengthen the SHMFF's capacity to design policies and coordinate programs in the social housing sector. The Program consist of the following parts: The Program is a part of the Borrower's Social Housing Program and consists of the following components: Part A: Institutional Strengthening of SHMFF 1. Enhancing the capacity of SHMFF to improve the Borrower's housing sector through, interalia: (a) coordination and consolidation of housing entities and functions; (b) formulation of social housing policy, programs, regulations and procedures; and (c) preparation and implementation of reforms to improve the efficiency and equitability of the housing system. 2. Enhancing the effectiveness of SHMFF to provide oversight to the implementation of the Program through, inter alia: (a) the establishment of an improved management information system; (b) the establishment of a sound fiduciary management and governance structure and (c) improving monitoring and evaluation and fiduciary and environmental capacity. Part B: Demand-side Housing Subsidy Support 1. Affordable Mortgage Program (AMP) 2. Public Rental Subsidy Program for Tenants 3. Private Rental Subsidy Programs for Investors 4. Private Rental Subsidy Programs for Tenants, 5. Rental Inventive Package. 6. PPP Guidelines ( Public-Private Partnership) Notes to the special purpose financial statement Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) Partially Funded FromThe World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No. 9033 EG From I July 2022 to 30 June 2023 Page 4 Part C: Strengthening the Governance and Institutional Structure of the Housing Sector: 1. Establishment and operation of an internal audit function within SHMFF providing assurance service for the ownership and rental programs. 2. Supporting the interest rate to ensure the sustainability of social housing 3. Adopting the necessary legislation to regulate the profession of real estate development and installment sale. 4. Activating the environment unit in the SHMFF. 5. Serve the beneficiaries efficiently. Part D: Enhancing transparency and accountability in social housing programs: 1. Establishment and functioning of a housing monitoring and evaluation system and an M&E unit within SHMFF, and the preparation of the Multi- Year Plan and Annual Targets informed by the M&E system. 2. Effective response to citizens' complaints. 3. A mechanism for monitoring the occupancy of the units. Part E: Improving access to affordable housing units: 1. The number of new housing units subsidized annually. 2. The number of subsidized rental units annually. 3. The number of housing units developed by the private sector. Part F: Promotion of social housing in good locations: 1. Residential units that are 60 minutes away from the work center or less by car. The Program Duration: The Program closing date is Decmber 31, 2024 Terms of repayment and Grace period: According to the loan agreement, Schedule 3, the Arab Republic shall repay the loan on semi-annual installment due on January and July 15h each year, starting from July 15f 2020 and ending on January 15th 2050. Each installment amounts to (1,67%) of the loan amount, except for the Installment dated January 15th 2050 which will amount to (1.47%) According to the additional loan agreement, Schedule 3 , the Arab Republic shall repay the loan on semi-annual installment due on April and October 1st each year, starting from April l5t 2025 and ending on October 1s 2054. Each installment amounts to (1.67%) of the loan amount, except for the Installment dated October 1st 2054 which will amount to (1.47%) Note 2 - AccountinR Policies The following are the significant applied accounting policies: 2/1 Method of Accounting The Program maintain its accounts on the cash basis of accounting. On this basis receipts are recognized when received by the Program and expenditures are recognized when paid. Notes to the special purpose financial statement Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) Partially Funded FromThe World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No. 9033 EG From I July 2022 to 30 June 2023 Page 5 2/2 Foreign currency translation: The SHMFF maintains its accounts in Egyptian Pounds. Transactions in U$ dollar currencies are recorded at the average exchange rates ruling at the end of the financial year 30 June 2023. Note 3-Cash receipt (Financing) Analysis Amounts in US S For 1 July 2022 to Cumulative to 30 30 June 2023 June 2023 Cash Receipt World Bank (WB) 79,222,148 519,096,675 Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) 405,209 3,844,848 Total Financing 79,627,357 522,941,523 *As per the Issuance of Law 93 of 2018 Related to the Social Housing and Supporting Mortgage Finance Fund Law on 11/6/2018 by Merging the Two Funds under the Name of the Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund, Note 4 - Expenditure & Net Financing Note 4/1 - World Bank Loan NO.8498 and Additional Financing No. 9033 Amounts in US $ For 1 July 2022 to Cumulative to 30 30 June 2023 June 2023 As at 30/6/2023 Cash Receipt* 94,979,415 636,356,622 Expenditure (79,222,148) (396,727,782) Net Funds balance 15,757,267 239,628,840 *he total financing during the current period, amounting to $ 94,979,415, is the amount of financing added from loan No.8498 and loan No.9033. "The total expenditure during the current period,amounting to $79,222,148 is represented in the disbursed amounts of financing from both loan No.8498 and additional loan No.9033 Note 4/2 - World Bank Loan NO.7747* Amounts in US $ For 1 July 2022 to 30 Cumulative to 30 June 2023 June 2023 As at 30/6/2023 Cash Receipt 122,368,805 Expenditure (122,368,805) Net Funds balance Notes to the special purpose financial statement Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) Partially Funded FromThe World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No. 9033 EG From I July 2022 to 30 June 2023 Page 6 *It is surplus carried over from loan No. 7747, which has been used to finance some of the program's activities. Note 5 - Improving Management Information System Amounts in US $ For 1 July 2022 to 30 Cumulative to 30 June 2023 June 2023 As at 30/6/2023 Improving Management Information System* 71,347 1,674,914 Total 71,347 1,674,914 *The value of renewing IBM software licenses, maintenance services, technical support, additions and modifications for each of the automated system used by the social housing fund, mortgage finance fund and its electronic portal. Note 6 - Wages and salaries Wages & Salaries as at 30th June 2023 is represented as follows: Amounts in US $ Salaries & Wages For 1 July 2022 Cumulative to to 30 June 2023 30 June 2023 *Improving Management Information System 90,200 649,731 Improving Monitoring & Evaluation 57,507 432,478 Internal audit function 89,579 472,014 Mechanism for considering complaints and grievances 72,528 518,495 Operating the Fund's Environmental Department 7,192 7,192 Total Salaries & Wages 317,006 2,079,910 The value of renewal of IBM software licenses, maintenance services, technical support, additions and modifications to both the automated system used in the Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund and its electronic portal. Note 7 - Other Expenditures and bank expenses As at 30th June 2023 is represented as follows: Amounts in US $ Others For 1 July 2022 to Cumulative to 30 30 June 2023 June 2023 Independent Verification Agent ( IVA ) Fees 16,856 90,024 bank charges & interest 218 991 Total Others 17,074 91,015 Notes to the special purpose financial statement Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SIMFF) Partially Funded FromThe World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No. 9033 EG From I July 2022 to 30 June 2023 Page 7 Note 8 - Important events * The slowdown of many economies of major countries in the past period led to a combination of high world prices for commodities, supply chain disruptions and high shipping costs, in addition to fluctuations in financial markets in emerging countries, which led to inflationary pressures that affected the economies of many countries, including the economy of the Arab Republic of Egypt. the war between Russia and Ukraine led to a decrease in foreign exchange flows from tourism as well as from foreign direct investment, which resulted in higher prices in general. * This increase in international prices put additional pressure on the local currency (Egyptian pound), which necessitated the intervention of the Central Bank of Egypt to raise the interest rate on the Egyptian pound and move the exchange rate during March 2022.this move resulted in the decline in the value of the Egyptian pound against the US dollar during that period by more than (18%), which resulted in the impact of companies that have large balances of foreign currency obligations, whether short-term or long- term, with large losses as a result of the re-translation of these balances according to the exchange rate after the move. * These losses were reflected significantly on the results of the work of those companies in the income statement (profit or loss list), and affected the financial performance of those companies. * All this led to the need to issue this appendix to the Egyptian accounting standard No. 13 "effects of changes in foreign exchange rates", in order to develop an optional special accounting treatment through which to deal with the effects of moving the foreign exchange rate on the financial statements of the entity whose currency is the Egyptian pound. This optional special accounting treatment issued in this appendix shall not be considered an amendment to the amended Egyptian accounting standards currently in force, beyond the time period for the entry into force of this appendix. New versions and amendments made to the Egyptian Accounting Standards On 03/6/2023, Prime Minister Decision No. 883 of 2023 was issued to amend some of the Egyptian accounting standards, which include some new accounting standards and amendments to some existing standards. The management is currently studying the impact of these amendments on the financial statements. Notes to the special purpose financial statement Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) Partially Funded FromThe World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No. 9033 EG From I July 2022 to 30 June 2023 Page 8 The following are the most important amendments: New or amended Summary of the most important Potential impact on Application date standards modifications financial statements New Egyptian 1- The new Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (50) Accounting Standard No. (50) "Insurance Contracts" applies to financial Standard No. (50) replaces the corresponding topics in periods beginning insurance contracts Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (37) on July 1, 2024 "Insurance Contracts: Recognition, Measurement and Disclosure," 2- The objective of the standard is to Management is ensure that the entity provides currently assessing appropriate information that faithfully the potential impact reflects those contracts, and the on the financial information provides users of the statements when financial statements with the necessary applying the standard basis for evaluating the impact of those insurance contracts on the entity's financial position, financial performance and cash flows. All entities were allowed, upon subsequent Management is Amended Standard Amended measurement of fixed assets, to use either currently assessing No. (10) applies to Egyptian the cost model option or the revaluation the potential impact financial periods Accounting model option on the financial beginning on Standard No. (10) Based on this amendment, the following statements when January 2023 "Fixed Assets" have been amended: applying the revised 1- Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (1) standard "Presentation of Financial Statements: Adding Paragraph (A) to the definition of other comprehensive income in Paragraph No. (7) (A) Changes in the revaluation surplus / fair value (review the Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (10) "Fixed Assets" and Standard No. 23 "Intangible Assets" and Standard (34) Investment property Amending Paragraph No. (96) to read as follows: (96) "Reclassification adjustments" do not arise from changes in the revaluation surplus recognized in accordance with Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (10) and Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (23) or remeasurement of the defined benefit system that was recognized in accordance with Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (38). These items are recognized in "Other Comprehensive Income" and are not reclassified to profits or losses (income statement) in subsequent periods, reclassification adjustments do not arise Notes to the special purpose financial statement Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) Partially Funded FromThe World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No. 9033 EG From I July 2022 to 30 June 2023 Page 9 New or amended Summary of the most important Potential impact on Application date standards modifications financial statements when cash flow hedges or accounting for the time value of an option contract (or the forward component of a forward contract) or basis points for foreign currency differences result in amounts being removed from the cash flow hedge reserve or a separate component of equity, On the arrangement and joining these amounts directly to the assets or liabilities -Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (5) "Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors." Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (13) effects of changes in foreign exchange currency. - Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (24) "Income Taxes" - Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (30) "Periodic Financial Statements" - Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (49) "Lease Contracts" Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (31) "Impairment of Assets" Amended - All entities were allowed, upon subsequent Management is Amended Standard Egyptian measurement of intangible assets, to use currently assessing No. (23) applies to Accounting either the cost model option or the the potential impact financial periods Standard No. (23) revaluation model option on the financial beginning on 1 "Intangible statements when January, 2023. Assets" applying the adjusted standard Amended 1. Introducing some amendments to Management is The amendments Egyptian Standard No. (49) issued during 2019 as currently assessing to the amended Accounting a result of amending and re-issuing the potential impact Standard No. (49) Standard (49) Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (10) on the financial shall apply to the "Lease Contracts" "Fixed Assets" amended in 2023 statements when financial periods 2. Adding Paragraph No. (35) to applying the revised beginning on Standard No. 49 as follows: standard after the January 1, 2023 - If the right of use asset is related to a amendment. when applying the category of fixed assets in which the amended Standard lessee applies the revaluation model (10) contained in Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (10) "Fixed Assets", then the lessee can choose to apply the revaluation model to all right of use assets related to that category of Fixed assets. 3. Add Paragraph No. (57) to standard (49) as follows: If the lessee measures the right of use assets at amounts revalued in accordance Notes to the special purpose financial statement Social Housing and Mortgage Finance Fund (SHMFF) Partially Funded FromThe World Bank Loan No. 8498 EG and Additional Financing No. 9033 EG From I July 2022 to 30 June 2023 Page 10 New or amended Summary of the most important Potential impact on Application datei standards modifications financial statements with Egyptian accounting standard (10), the lessee must disclose the information required by paragraph 77 of Egyptian accounting standard (10) on those right of use assets. 4. Amending Paragraph No. (56) of Standard (49) to read: - If the those right of use assets meet the definition of real estate investment, the lessee must apply the disclosure requirements contained in Egyptian Standard No. (34) "investment properties". In this case, the lessee is not required to provide the disclosures contained in paragraphs 53 (a), (b) or (c) or (d) of those right of use assets. Amended - All entities were allowed, upon the Management is This amendment Egyptian subsequent measurement of their investment currently assessing the applies to fiscal Accounting property, to use either the option of the cost potential impact on the periods beginning Standard No. (34) model or the option of the fair value model, financial statements on or after January Real Estate while obligating real estate investment funds when applying the 1, 2019. Investment" only to use the fair value model upon the revised standard after subsequent measurement of all their real the amendment. estate assets. - With the recognition of the increase in the fair value upon the subsequent measurement of the investment property within the items of other comprehensive income instead of profits or losses and accumulating it within equity in an account called "investment property valuation surplus at fair value" (review paragraphs 35 and 35 (a) of the Egyptian Accounting Standard No. 34) Based on this amendment, the following have been amended: - Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (32) "non-current assets held for the purpose of sale and discontinued operations" - Egyptian Accounting Standard No. (3 1) "impairment of assets"