Procurement Planning and Tracking System – Track 3 Software Requirements Track 3 functionality is for all the aspects of the system related to procurement execution. Procurement execution begins after the Procurement Plan has been approved by the Bank and the Borrower Agency is ready to start the procurement process for an activity. After the plan has been approve the Activity screen will appear similarly to what is shown below in figure 1. Figure 1 – Activity Screen after Procurement Plan Approval After an activity has been approved as part of the Plan two tabs will appear on the screen (Details, Data Sheet). These tabs will be available in both the Bank and Borrower views of the system. The existing Activity data will display under the “Details” tab. In addition the Original Plan dates/days values are frozen. The Data Sheet tab will be discussed in detail in the document. Note that a third tab “Contracts” will appear after contracts have been awarded for the procurement activity. This will also be described later in the document but in the screen design there needs to be space for the third tab to appear. Activity Status (Status Field) The Status field appears on the activity screen after the activity has been saved. There are two parts to the Status field Activity Status and Process Status. The values for each of the fields can be obtained from User Story US0065. If there is a value for both the Activity Status and Process Status then the statuses will appear with a “ – “ between the two values with the Activity Status showing first. For example: Modified – Pending Implementation. If there is only one value to display than only that value should appear. As described in the user stories when the activity is created by an agency it will have an Activity Status of “New” and no process status and all editable fields are open for entry. After the Activity has been approved as part of a procurement plan then the Activity Status is blank and the Process Status is “Pending Implementation”. At this stage the user can either make further plan modifications (Change Activity Attributes or Revise Plan Dates) or begin the procurement process for the activity. In choosing one or the other actions will negate the ability to do the other. For example, If the user chooses to modify the plan dates for the activity, then the Activity Status will be changed to be “Modified” with the Process Status being “Pending Implementation”. Since the user changed activity data that now needs to be approved as part of the plan, the user will not be able to open procurement steps to attach documents, nor be able to access the datasheet tab to enter evaluation data. Only when the activity has been approved again as part of the procurement plan will they be able to begin implementation. So, when saving a warning message “Procurement Plan changes have been made to the Activity. The procurement process for the Activity cannot begin until plan approval”. They should have the option to continue to save or cancel. Conversely, if the user chooses to enter data in the data sheet or begin processing for a procurement step then the user should be locked out of being able to edit the plan fields related to the activity. The Process Status will also change to be “Under Implementation” since implementation data has been entered for the activity. After the Activity is under implementation the Activity Status will remain blank and the Process Status will change according to the stage in the procurement process the activity is in based on the user stories. Activity Status for Post Review Activities Once the plan has been approved then Post Review Activities like Prior Review Activities will have the status of “Pending Implementation”. Once Actual dates begin to be entered or documents/data is entered for procurement steps then the status will be changed to be “Under Implementation”. Once the contract completion date is entered for the procurement step or if there is contract data the completion date is entered for all contracts then the status will be changed to be “Completed”. Revised Dates/Days If no actions have occurred on any of the procurement steps (Activity Process Status = “Pending Implementation”) of the Activity then the Revised Dates/Days column will be open for data entry. The step dates that are part of the plan can be modified by an Agency user. If the user makes changes to the steps then this is considered a change to the Procurement Plan and therefore the Activity Status would be changed to be “Modified” and the user will not be able begin procurement execution on the activity until the activity is approved as part of a Procurement Plan review. Changing other Activity Related Fields: There will be Open fields appearing on the Activity Detail screen in the Borrower view after an Activity is approved as part of the procurement plan. These fields are defined in the User Stories for Track 2. If one of the fields is changed then this is considered a change to the Procurement Plan and therefore the activity status would be changed to be “Modified” and the user will not be able begin procurement execution on the activity until the activity is approved as part of a Procurement Plan review. Activity Fields for Post Review Activities In addition to the above for Post Review Activities the Actual Step date should be opened for entry For those steps that allow planning dates. The Borrower can enter and save actual dates for Post Review activities or enter specific step information for each procurement step as described throughout the document below. Post review activities will need the save button to save actual dates. Once actual dates have been entered the Activity Process status should be change to “Under Implementation” and Planning fields for the activity can no longer be changed. I. Procurement Step Functionality for Procurement Execution The following text describes the functionality that needs to occur for a procurement step when it is clicked on by the user (Agency/Bank) to enter data, attach documents, or to execute or check review. Each step listed for an activity has some type of action that the agency user will need to do for the step. On the Bank side the bank users will be performing reviews of the data/documents entered by the agency users. Actions performed on the procurement steps will relate to data entered/displayed on the other tabs (Data Sheet, Contracts) and sometimes actions can be performed in either place. Once a user begins entering data or attaching documents for one of the procurement steps and has saved or uploaded the information then the Planning Data for the Activity appearing in the Details tab needs to be set to display only and the Process Status for the activity needs to be set to “Under Implementation” as no more planning changes can be made for the activity. When a step is clicked (unless there is a expand feature) then the screen will be replaced with the Activity Step Screen and the display for this screen will vary depending on the procurement step clicked. Steps displaying similar information have been listed together in the pages below and the specific display information has been documented for each step. The screen images provide are pre-mockup or in mockup process screens so there could be some organizational and display changes made to the screens. In some instances (such as the Contract Signing and Contract Amendments Steps) there will be a display of information under the step (expand feature) where the user needs to make a choice to get the Activity Step Screen to be displayed. For borrower users if the user does not have the role to edit plan or submit documents then the display will be view only and they will not be able to submit documents, enter data, or edit the datasheets. Document submission is only for Borrower users who can submit documents. Also, as a step is being worked on or is being reviewed the step should be highlighted so that the user can easily see the current step as part of the step list. A. Document Submission Steps The Document Submission steps is the largest category of procurement steps and consists of similar actions that will be done by the Agency user and similar review actions that will be done by the Bank user. The document will first go over the screen functionality that is necessary for the screens and then list out the procurement steps which will utilize this specific screen functionality and identify any variances for a particular procurement step. The following Procurement Step codes will use this screen layout: 100, 200, 210, 410, 413, 415, 420, 430, 475, 485, 500, 650, 700, 707, 710, 720, 800, 810, 850, 900, 920, 950, 1030, 1100, 1200, 1240, 1300, 1410, 1450, 1500, 1510, and 1550. Figure 2 – Document Submission Step – Agency Screen Display This screen is laid out in 5 sections (Header, Info, Document Actions, Data Sheet Actions, and Communication Log). The screen gives the user the ability to see everything related to the procurement step as well as maintain context of where the screen was called from. Each section of the screen is described below. 1. Header Section Figure 3 – Document Submission Step – Header section The header section maintains the Project, Activity and agency information, the selected step from the procurement process, and the activity reference number and description for the activity. This display layout may change in the final mockups but all the elements need to be displayed for the screen. The Reference No and Description need to be pulled out of the activity data and reformatted for display. 2. Info Section Figure 4 – Document Submission Step – Info section This section of the screen gives the user instructions on how to use the screen. For Agency users the text will be: Upload documents for the procurement step in the Document Actions. If there is related evaluation data for the procurement step then follow the instructions in the Data Sheet Actions. Communications with the Bank will appear in the Communications Log section after sending documents and data for review. For Bank users the text will be: There will be no info message displayed on the Bank View of the screen. 3. Document Actions Section Figure 5 – Document Submission Step – Document Actions Section Initial Display The Documents Actions section in the Agency display is used for uploading documents for Bank review (if a prior review activity) or for informational purposes (if a post review activity). The initial display gives a question to the user as there are 3 different ways in which documents can be uploaded. No option should be defaulted. The following text describes what occurs for each option. 3.1 Upload Document Figure 6 - Document Submission Step – Document Actions Section Upload Document functionality When the Upload document is clicked the screen should be expanded to display the Upload Document details. For uploading document the main document will have a description for the label. This label should come from the database for the Procurement Document Name related to the step that the actions are occurring. In the example above the label is “Draft Bidding Document”. The user should be able to browse their computer folders to identify the document to be uploaded. The second field label is a regular label. For supporting documents the user can upload more than one document. There will need to be some instructions included on the screen for the user that are not in the image. These will appear when clicking the information icon next to the Upload Document section heading. These should be: Upload process times may vary depending on internet bandwidth and file size. If internet access is low bandwidth or the file size is large then process documents using the email or document link options. When the user clicks the upload button and if this is the initial document upload then the system needs to check if the main document is included as part of the upload. If there is not a main document then the user should receive an error message: “ needs to be included as part of the document upload”. The Document upload will upload the files to the document repository used by the system where both the Bank and Agency users can open the documents uploaded. Functionality for this process will be implemented by the development and CORDYS teams. Documents will need to be renamed and linked as whether or not it is the main document or supporting document. CORDYS team needs to identify document naming convention. The document name should be named as for the Main tagged document. The document can be internally filed as - - - - .. The documents should be linked to the Project, Activity, Step so that the can be viewed in the system. For attached tagged Supporting documents the document name should be named as “Supporting Document” + . The document can be internally filed as - - - - . for each attached document. In Addition the original file name passed for the document needs to be maintained as an attribute linked to the document data so that when the user needs to know the original file name they can view it on the screen. In addition default tagging should be done for the document(s) uploaded. The document filed as the attribute should be tagged as a “Main Document”. The document(s) filed in the Supporting Document attribute(s) should be tagged as a “Supporting Document”. These Tags/Document Types can be changed by the user afterwards. After the documents are uploaded they will appear as shown in section 3.4 below. 3.2 Process Via Email Figure 7 - Document Submission Step – Document Actions Section Process via email functionality When the Process via e-mail option is clicked the screen should be expanded to display the details for this option. The details will include instructions for the user so that they use the email feature properly and include the Generate Email button. There will be an information icon next to the section heading. In it will be the instruction message that appears above the Generate Email button in figure 7 above. The instruction message should state: Clicking the Generate Email button below opens an email addressed to a World Bank Group email service account with a prepopulated subject line. Both values are needed to process the attached documents. Attach documents to the opened email and send. The sender will receive a notification when the email is successfully processed. The documents will appear in this section and the document type must be tagged before submitting for Bank review. Below the Generate Email button the following text should be displayed to the user: If email application is not opened with the Generate Email selection then open the email application and copy the following email address in the mail to address and the subject text in the subject line and proceed with the document attachments in the email. Mail To : Subject : After clicking the Generate Email button the user’s default email should be opened and the email generated should be addressed to the service account to process document submissions. The Subject line should include: Project ID/Project Name - - - Document Submission For Example: P012345 Rural Roads Project – CN-CRMHS-12345-GO-RFP – Draft Bidding Documents – Document Submission If additional information is needed for processing the email then this needs to be defined by the development team. For example, if the Step Code needs to be added in the subject to be able to process the data. Once the email is received by the service account a CORDYS process needs to be run to process the documents from the email to the system document repository and scan for viruses. Since the nature of the document is unknown then the document name should be named as - where “Doc No.” is a sequential number given to each document. The document can be internally filed as - - - - .. The documents should be linked to the Project, Activity, Step so that the can be viewed in the system. In Addition the original file name passed for the document needs to be maintained as an attribute linked to the document data so that when the user needs to know the original file name they can view it on the screen. After the documents are uploaded they will appear as shown in section 3.4 below. In addition an email notification needs to be sent to the Agency user who uploaded the documents to notify them the documents were uploaded successfully. The email should have the following details: To : Cc : < All Agency users from Sender Agency> Subject : Documents and/or attachments Received : Project ID/Project Name - - Body : The documents you submitted have been received and processed by the system. Please take further action e.g. Identify the document, submit for review, etc. If there was an error in processing the documents from the email, missing documents, or any other issue with the email process then the following error notification should be sent to the user: To : Cc : Subject : Documents and/or attachments Failed to load properly : Project ID/Project Name - - Body : If there was a problem receiving the file (not received in 24 hours) then use the following text: The system has not received any email with documents/attachments. Please check the Subject line and use the generated subject. Please check the Addressee and use the system addressee. The File size may be too large. The system can only accept up to 20MB of attached documents. If the document was received but had an issue with one or more of the attachments then use the following text: The documents you emailed could not be processed by the system. Please check the sender email address. Sender address must be for valid agency user. Please check the Document Type is in list of valid document types. There was a Virus check issue with the attached documents. In this instance only the issue causing the problem would need to be identified (sender incorrect, document type, or virus check. If File can be identified for the issue (document type/virus check) then this should appear after the message text for the issue. 3.3 Process via Document Link Figure 8 - Document Submission Step – Document Actions Section Process via document link functionality When the Process via Document Link option is clicked the screen should be expanded to display the details for this option. For linking the document the main document will have a description for the label. This label should come from the database for the Procurement Document Name related to the step that the actions are occurring. In the example above the label is “Draft Bidding Document”. The second field label is a regular label. For supporting documents the user can upload more than one document. There will be an information icon next to the section heading. In it will be the instruction message that appears above the Generate Email button in figure 8 above. The instruction message should state: Copy the Cloud device document links for the procurement documents to be uploaded. The links must be marked “public read” access. Click Upload to process the documents into the system. The sender will receive a notification when the documents are successfully processed. The documents will appear in this section and can then be submitted for Bank review. Each link should be copied from the source site and pasted into the field for the Main document or supporting document. If there are multiple supporting documents the more values can be added by clicking the add supporting document button. Once all links are then the Upload button should be clicked. This will trigger a background CORDYS process to process the documents into the System document repository. The process should not interfere with the user working with the system. Document uploads should be restricted until the upload process is completed. When uploading the document(s), the document name should be named as for the Main tagged document. The document can be internally filed as - - - - .. The documents should be linked to the Project, Activity, Step so that the can be viewed in the system. For attached tagged Supporting documents the document name should be named as “Supporting Document” + . The document can be internally filed as - - - - . for each attached document. In Addition, if value can be obtained from the doc link process, the original file name for the document needs to be retrieved and maintained as an attribute linked to the document data so that when the user needs to know the original file name they can view it on the screen. In addition default tagging should be done for the document(s) uploaded. The document filed as the attribute should be tagged as a “Main Document”. The document(s) filed in the Supporting Document attribute(s) should be tagged as a “Supporting Document”. These Tags/Document Types can be changed by the user afterwards. If there are no errors in uploading the documents then the user should receive an email notification indicating the documents were uploaded successfully. The email should have the following details: To : Cc : < All Agency users from Sender Agency> Subject : Documents and/or attachments Received : Project ID/Project Name - - Body : The documents you submitted have been received and processed by the system. Please take further action e.g. Identify the document, submit for review, etc. If there were errors uploading the documents then the user should receive an email notification with the issue. The email should have the following details: To : Cc : < All Agency users from Sender Agency> Subject : Documents and/or attachments Failed to load properly : Project ID/Project Name - - Body : The documents you uploaded could not be processed by the system. Please check the Document. 3.4 Document Actions Section after Document Upload Figure 9 - Document Submission Step – Document Actions Section after Document Upload After documents have been uploaded via one of the process options they will appear in a table as shown above in figure 9. The table will show all the relevant details about the documents and give the borrower users options to add additional documents, replace documents, or switch document types. Bank users will view a similar table without document actions other than viewing the document. The functionality for each column is defined below. Column Functionality Document Lists the Document Name for each uploaded document. Value should appear as a link and when clicked it should open up the document. Mouse over should display original document name (from user) if available. Document Name is controlled by the system based on Document Type association. Uploaded By Displays the Borrower user’s name who uploaded the document. Date Displays the Date and Time the document upload was completed in the system. Status Shows the current Status for the document. Statuses are: Uploaded – Uploaded by user in the system. Under Review – Documents submitted to Bank for Review No Objected – Documents reviewed and approved by the Bank Returned – Documents reviewed with comments by the Bank Note that values should be coded since data will need to appear translated in Borrower’s view. Document Type Displays a pick list of Document Type values for tagging the documents. For the Document Submission Steps the values are “Main” and “Supporting”. These are defaulted in the upload process except for Email uploading. When displayed here the documents won’t have a type. If Main document is selected then the Document Name will be changed to be value. If there is more than one document tagged to the main document then the displayed name will be + . For example “Draft Bidding Document 1”. Similarly if Supporting is selected then the Document Name will be changed to “Supporting Document” or if there are multiple then they should be sequenced “Supporting Document 1”, “Supporting Document 2” and so on. It needs to be determined if a save action needs to occur on the screen for document type changes. None of the other actions for this section require saving as documents are posted/replaced with those actions but changing the document type renames the document names displayed on the screen and also changes the associated document type. For this action a Save action will more than likely need to occur to save the changes made. The Action buttons for the screen are described in section 6 below. Actions Replace - User should be able to replace document by either Upload or Document Link process. After choosing file or link, when uploaded the new file and attributes should replace the existing one. Delete – User should be able to delete the selected document. Confirmation message should be given before deletion. No Objected and Under Review documents should not have action buttons available for replacing or deleting. Add Additional Documents - This link should allow the user the option to choose one of the upload methods and to attach additional documents to the procurement step. Functionality should follow functionality outlined in sections 3.1 – 3.3 above. If additional main documents are added then sequencing needs to occur in the document names. This option should not be available if the document statuses/step status is Under Review or No Objected. 4. Data Sheet Actions Section Figure 10 - Document Submission Step – Data Sheet Actions Section This section of the screen identifies what data sheet actions need to occur for the procurement step (if any) and gives a link to the Data Sheet tab for the activity. For the document submission steps included in the list for this section there would not be specific data attributes appearing in this section. But for other steps there will be. Instead there will just be instructions for specific steps requiring data sheet information. The system will need to be able to validate the data has been entered on the data sheet if data sheet information is required as part of the review. The following text should be displayed before the links as follows for the listed steps: Step Step Text for Data Sheet Instructions Code 100 Terms of Reference None required for this step 200 Evaluation of Expression of The list of short listed consultants is required for this step. Interest and Short List of Consultants 210 Justification for Direct None required for this step Selection 410 Draft Pre-qualification None required for this step Documents 413 Invitation to Providers The list of providers is required for this step. 415 Pre-qualification Documents None required for this step as Issued 420 Opening/Minutes of Pre- None required for this step qualification 430 Pre-qualification Evaluation The list of prequalified bidders is required for this step. Report 475 Short List of Bidders The list of short listed bidders is required for this step. 485 Justification for Direct None required for this step Procurement 500 Short List and Draft Request The list of short listed consultants is required for this step. for Proposals Previously entered data may also be updated. 650 Draft Request for Quotations None required for this step 700 Draft Bidding Documents None required for this step 707 Invitation to Providers The list of providers is required for this step. 710 Bidding Documents as Issued None required for this step 720 Invitation to The list of suppliers/contractors is required for this step. Supplier/Contractor 800 Bid None required for this step Submission/Opening/Minutes 810 Technical Bid None required for this step Submission/Opening/Minutes 850 Receive Quotations None required for this step 900 Request for Proposals as None required for this step Issued 920 Stage 1 Evaluation Report and None required for this step Recommendation for Stage 2 950 Invitation to The Identified/Selected consultant is required for this step. Identified/Selected Consultant 1030 Invitation to Stage 2 as Issued None required for this step 1100 Opening of Technical None required for this step Proposals/Minutes 1200 Evaluation of Technical Technical Scores and Rankings are required for this step. Proposals 1240 Stage 2 Bid None required for this step Submission/Opening/Minutes 1300 Opening of Financial None required for this step Proposals/Minutes 1410 Combined Evaluation Report Awarded Contract information is required for this step. and Draft Negotiated Contract Previously entered data may also be updated. 1450 Draft Negotiated Contract Awarded Contract information is required for this step. Previously entered data may also be updated. 1500 Bid Evaluation Report and Suppliers/contractors, bids and evaluated contract Recommendation for Award information is required for this step. Previously entered data may also be updated. 1510 Comparison of Quotations Suppliers/contractors, bids and evaluated contract information is required for this step. Previously entered data may also be updated. 1550 Draft Contract Suppliers/contractors, bids and evaluated contract information is required for this step. Previously entered data may also be updated. When calling the Data Sheet tab the user will be taken away from the Procurement Step screen. If changes have been made that require saving the user should be prompted to save information before leaving the screen. If there are required data entry requirements for the data sheet in order to submit the procurement step then there should be a check performed on the data sheet data to indicate if the required information has been completed. This validation can appear on the screen with a Check and Completed indicator in the Data Sheet Actions section. Then the user would know that the information required has been completed. Also this could be used as a check when sending to the Bank as the borrower will not be able to send to the Bank for review if the data sheet information has not been completed. 5. Review Actions (formerly Communication Log) Section For the screen shots below the section title is listed as “Communication Log”. This needs to appear as “Review Actions” so that there is not confusion between the overall communication log for the activity and the individual reviews for each procurement step. The Review Actions section displays the communication log records for review communications that can be viewed by the user looking at the screen. Reviews are only required for Procurement Activities that have a Review Type = “Prior”. If the Review Type is “Post” for the activity then the Review Actions section should not appear as part of the Procurement Step display. Figure 11 - Document Submission Step – Review Actions Section (Multiple Borrower views) Figure 12 - Document Submission Step – Review Actions Section (Bank’s View) When there are not communications to be viewed for the procurement step then the section should show the following message in the section display: Borrower’s View: Before requesting review for this procurement step the documents to be reviewed must be uploaded. Bank’s View: No review actions have been requested for this procurement step. If review requests and responses have been initiated then the table of communications will appear in the section listing out the communications which can be viewed by the person accessing the screen. The functionality for each column in the table display is defined below. Column Functionality Action Performed by Identifies the Agency or Bank User Name who initiated the review action. User actions are defined in the Document Submission Stories linked to Track 3 functionality. Action The type of review action performed by the person. The Actions that can be displayed are documented in User Stories US0196 for review actions, Story US0223 for Cancelling a review, and Story US0220 for Recalling a review by Borrower and Story US0129 for Recalling an Internal Bank Review. The list of possible action values are listed below with user story defining the action: Request Document Review (US0134, US0145) No Objection Issued (US0221) Response issued with Comments (US0250) Request for APS Review (US0126) Request for APM Review (US0126, US0127) Request for TS Review (US0126, US0231) – TS Review response could be supplied by person outside of the bank Request for OPRC Review (US0126, US0128, US0240) - Note OPRC review will be done outside system. Recommend No Objection (US0222) Request More Information/Changes (US0222) Notification of Opening (US0196) Notification of Signing (US0196) Document Submission Returned (US0223) Document Review Request Recalled (US0220) Document Submission Recalled (US0129) Document Submission No Objection revoked (US0229) No Objection Prepared Interim Response Prepared Notification of Award Notification of Amendment Signing Notification of Completion Contract Termination Review Request (US0246) Date and Time Date and Time value for when the Action was taken. Dates and times are based on Washington DC time zone. Status Value displayed based on user viewing the screen. Individual stories listed above identify the status that should be displayed between Bank/Borrower and Internal Staff viewing. Message Displays clickable message icon in the column. When clicked the message information: To, From, Subject, Message, and link to attachments (if any) should appear as identified in the users stories for each possible step action. Borrower users will only be able to see their document submission actions and the returning response for the review from the Bank. Bank users will be able to see the submission request, response and internal review actions. 6. Screen Action Buttons for Saving, Sending, and Reviewing Document Submissions The following action buttons will be available for Borrower and Bank team staff depending on the roles assigned to the person. 6.1 Borrower Action Buttons Button Access Role Description Save Edit Plan, Submit Action button would appear after Documents have Document been uploaded to the Document Submission Step. Would save reallocations of Document Types/Document Name changes. Cancel Edit Plan, Submit Action button would appear after Documents have Document been uploaded to the Document Submission Step. Action would cancel reallocations of Document Types/Document Name changes and exit screen back to Activity Details tab screen. Send to Bank Submit Document Action button would appear after Documents have been uploaded to the Document Submission Step. Would call screen to Send to Bank for review (Stories US0134, US0145). Would need to validate that at least one main document has been uploaded for the procurement step. Would need to validate that required Data Sheet information has been entered (see Item 4 above). This would need to be worked out with database parameter passing. Needs to provide appropriate error message if validation fails: Document Missing – The primary document needs to be uploaded before a review can be requested. Check the uploaded documents and adjust the document type if incorrect or use one of the document upload options to upload a document. Data Sheet Incomplete – The Data Sheet information is incomplete. Please review the required Data Sheet actions and complete the data entry before requesting Bank review. Recall Review Submit Document Action button would appear after a request for Bank review has been initiated. The status for the document submission would be “Under Review”. If Bank review responses have been sent to the TTL or saved as draft then the Recall Review option should not be available. The button should only appear after the submission has been sent to the Bank and before any review responses were made by the Bank. See Story (US0220). Document Statuses are set back to “Uploaded” Step Status is set back to initial. View only users will not have action buttons available on the screen. All editable fields should appear as display only as the screen should be in read only mode. 6.2 Bank Action Buttons Button Access Role Description Request Review TTL Action button would appear when a request for Bank review has been initiated for the procurement step by the agency user. The process status for the Activity is “Under Review“ and Documents is “Under Review”. Initiates request for APS/TS/APM/OPRC review depending on the Review Level identified for the Activity. Related Stories are (US0126, US0127, US0231, US0128, US0240) Prepare Interim TTL, Proc Lead, Action button would appear when a request for Bank Response Team Member review has been initiated for the procurement step by the agency user. Initiates interim response to the agency user requesting changes to the submitted documents and/or data. Related Story is (US0250). Team Member Role Staff have access to prepare and save the response. They cannot send the response to the borrower and should have option to “Notify TTL” (see description below). Prepare No Objection TTL, Proc Lead, Action button would appear when a request for Bank Team Member review has been initiated for the procurement step by the agency user. Initiates interim response to the agency user requesting changes to the submitted documents and/or data. Related Story is (US0221). Team Member Role Staff have access to prepare and save the response. They cannot send the response to the borrower and should have option to Send Notification to TTL/APS (see descriptions on Send No Objection and Send Notification below). Prepare Review PS, TS, APM Action button will appear for PS role staff when a Response request for Bank review has been initiated for the procurement step by the agency user. Action button will appear for TS/APM person when review is specifically requested for the individual. System will need to keep track of the review requested/responded (APS, TS, APM). TS and APM do not have specific defined roles in the Project Team. These are derived from the Review request initiated by the TTL or PS. If TS review then system needs to give access to requested person to have the Prepare Review Response button available for the requested procurement step. Same for APM review request. Related stories are (US0222, US0126, US0127, US0231, US0128, US0240) Initiate APM Review PS Action button will appear for PS role staff after the PS has sent a review response to the TTL. The APS is responsible for initiating the APM Review. This button should not appear if the Review Level is Procurement Specialist. In this case no APM review is required. Related Stories are (US0126, US0127) Cancel Review TTL Action button would appear when a request for Bank review has been initiated for the procurement step by the agency user. If invoked the review process will be cancelled and returned to the borrower. Related Story is (US0223) Send No Objection TTL, Proc Lead Action Button appears on the Prepare No Objection screen. The button should not appear on the screen if the user does not the TTL or Proc Lead role. Team Members can access the Send No Objection screen to prepare and save the response. They cannot send the response back to the borrower. When the No Objection response is sent the, Documents Submitted, and No Objection Email need to be filed into WBDocs based on the filing instructions identified in the Document Filing to WBDocs for Planning and Tracking Documents.xlsx document for the Filing Submitted Documents and Filing No Objections worksheets. The filed document link in WBDocs should be saved with the document data as the WBDocs link to the document. When the step is accessed for Bank Users, when opening the document it should open the WBDocs version of the documents. The WBDocs Email link should also be saved with the Procurement step and be available to Bank users. This should appear as an additional link (possibly a mail icon) appearing after the Message link. Borrower users will continue to access the Submission link to the document until we can have a way for them to access the WBDocs link. Once we can establish this then we can clear the document out of the document repository. Send Interim TTL, Proc Lead Action Button appears on the Prepare Interim Response Response screen. The button should not appear on the screen if the user does not the TTL or Proc Lead role. Team Members can access the Send Interim Response screen to prepare and save the response. They cannot send the response back to the borrower. Notify TTL Team Member, Action button to appear in the Prepare No Objection Proc Lead, PS and Prepare Interim Response screens. Displayed for listed roles of Bank Team members accessing the screen. When clicked a notification email will be addressed to the TTL(s) and cc the procurement bank team members. Before generating the email the data entry fields should be validated for content. The email should have the following content: Subject for Prepared No Objection No Objection Prepared for --- Message for Prepared No Objection The No Objection response for the listed subject has been prepared and is ready to be sent to the borrower contact. The response can be accessed through the [ with text "Procurement Planning and Tracking Module in Operations Portal."] Action Type for the Notification No Objection Prepared Subject for Prepared Interim Response No Objection Prepared for --- Message for Prepared Interim Response The interim response for the listed subject has been prepared and is ready to be sent to the borrower contact. The response can be accessed through the [ with text "Procurement Planning and Tracking Module in Operations Portal."] The notification be treated as any other review notification and appear in the Review Actions as well as in the Notification section of the Bank View Project Details page. It should not be exposed to the Borrowers. The action description is “ Action Type for the Notification Interim Response Prepared The notification should appear in the Review Actions for the Step and in the Notifications section of the Bank’s Project Details page. It should not be displayed to borrower users. View only users will not have action buttons available on the screen. All editable fields should appear as display only as the screen should be in read only mode. Additional Functionality for Post Review Activities Post review Activities will allow users to enter the actual dates manually for the procurement steps. Borrower users can return to the procurement step at any point of time to add documents related to the procurement step. Data Sheet Entry may or may not be restricted based on if the user has proceeded with contract entry. If the user has produced a contract or contracts out of the data sheet data then the data sheet information will be frozen (see sections C and D below). B. Document Amendment Steps The Document Amendment steps are used to amend previously submitted and reviewed documents. Borrowers will upload and attach amended documents that will be reviewed by the Bank. All document amendments consists of similar actions that will be done by the Agency user and similar review actions that will be done by the Bank user. The following Procurement Step codes will use this screen layout: 417, 715, 725, 905, 975, 1035. User Stories US0200 and US0241 can be referenced for this functionality. Figure 13 – Document Amendment Step – No Amendments - Agency Screen Display When the user clicks on a Document Amendment step and there are no amendments listed for the step then the screen will appear as displayed above in figure 13. Before attaching documents and submitting them for review the user will need to click the “Add Amendment” button. After clicking the screen display will appear as shown In figure 14 below. Figure 14 – Document Amendment Step – Add Amendment - Agency Screen Display The screen will open for the first amendment for the document step. A counter/sequence number will need to keep track of the amendment numbers generated for the list of amendments occurring for the step. This will show with the “Amendment” section header as shown in figure 14 above. Within an amendment the three sections appearing in the document submission steps (section A above) will be displayed. They are the Document Actions, Data Sheet Actions and Review Actions. The functionality described for these sections follows the same functionality listed in section A above. While the current amendment is in process of adding documents or being reviewed by the Bank no new amendments can be added. In the Amendment Section Header the status for the amendment record will be displayed. The following status will occur for the amendments: Status When Displayed Borrower Screen Display Rules Blank/No Status After Addendum is created and user is in Screen is open for user actions for the the process of adding documents. current addendum. User can add/remove and tag document types. Action buttons are available on the screen. Under Review After user sends the Addendum for Screen display should be display only. review to the Bank. Only Action button available is Recall Review. User cannot add/remove documents nor change document type tagging. Reviewed with After Bank sends Interim Response for Screen is open for user actions for the Comments the Document Submission current addendum. User can add/remove and tag document types. Action buttons are available on the screen. Once reviewed amendment is sent back to the bank then the status is reset back to Under Review. Approved After Bank sends No Objection response Screen display should be display only for for the Document Submission the approved Addendum. No action buttons are available. No Document functionality is available. After the amendment review process is completed the Add Amendment button will appear on the screen again below the Amendment Section for the last completed amendment. This is shown below in figure 15. Figure 15 – Document Amendment Step – Add 2nd Amendment - Agency Screen Display When the button is clicked it will create a new Amendment section in the screen and the previous addendum sections with show collapsed. The entire process can be executed again by the user for the new addendum. This is displayed below in figure 16. The previous addendums should be accessible by the user by expanding the Amendment section for a previous addendum. All document links should be active. Addendums can continue to be added for the step until actions occur by the borrower for the next step in the process. For example if the Addendum step for the activity is 715 – Amendments to Bidding Documents and then the user entered the Actual Date or began attaching documents for the next step 800 – Bid Submission/Opening/Minutes then the Add Addendum button should no longer appear for the Amendment step. Figure 16 – Document Amendment Step – Additional Amendments View - Agency Screen Display 1. Additional Document Type values for Amendments In addition to Main Document and Supporting Document, Amendment Steps will have an additional document type called “Clarification”. When selected for a document listed with the amendment the Document name displayed should be “Clarification Document” + value. Where DOC_NO is a sequence number of the documents listed as clarifications. The rest of the storing of the documents will be the same as filing other documents. 2. Post Review Activities Functionality for Amendment Steps If the Procurement Activity’s Review Type is Post Review then there will not be buttons on the screen to Send to the Bank. The Borrower user should have the ability to Save, Cancel, Add and Remove documents, and to tag the Document Types. The status will always be blank. In order for the user to be able to Add an Additional Addendum to the step there needs to be at least one document added to the step and one document with the document type of “Main Document”. Once this occurs then the Add Amendment button should appear under the Amendment sections of the screen. Once an amendment is added then the previous amendment section should be display only and the user should not be able to continue to manipulate documents for the prior amendments. 2.1 Review Actions Section Text Since there are no review actions that can occur for Post Review Activities this section either does not appear on the screen or should have the following text appear in the section: There are no review actions for Post Review activities. 3. Additional Data Sheet functionality for Procurement Step 715 (Amendments to Bidding Documents For Procurement Amendment Step 715 the following additional functionality needs to occur for the data sheet section of the amendment. The Borrower user should have the following question defaulted to No for the step as shown below in figure 17. Figure 17 – Document Amendment Step – Additional Functionality for Step 715 - Agency Screen Display In the Data Sheet Actions the user should be prompted with the question “Does this amendment require an extension of the Bid Opening?”. There are Yes and No radio buttons and the answer needs to be defaulted to No. The answer needs to be stored with the amendment data. If No then there is no additional functionality. If Yes then the screen changes to display the entry fields and display data for the extension information as shown in figure 18 below. Figure 18 – Document Amendment Step – Additional Functionality for Step 715- Bid Extension Data - Agency Screen Display Two entry fields for “Deadline for Submission Date” and “Time (HH:MM)” will be displayed as well as the current procurement notice values from the linked procurement notice to the activity in the Current Date and Time labeled field. The following functionality should be available for the fields. Field Linked To Functionality Description Deadline for Amendment Date value. Should be a future Date entered. Should Submission Date have a lookup feature to display the date. Value should appear in YYYY/MM/DD format. Time HH Amendment Entry for the Hours portion of the Time. User should be able select from values of 00 – 23. Hours are based on a 24 hour clock. Values can appear as dropdown list or other selectable methodology. Time MM Amendment Entry for the Minutes portion of the Time. Selectable values should appear in 15 minute intervals (00, 15, 30, 45). Values can appear as a dropdown list or other selectable methodology. Current Date and Time Procurement Current Submission date value is pulled from the current (Date value) Notice procurement notice data for the Submission date (SUB_END_DATE). Value is displayed in YYYY/MM/DD format. Current Date and Time Procurement Current Submission Time values (HH and MM) from the (Time value) Notice current procurement notice data for the Submission Time (SUB_END_TIME_HR, SUB_END_TIME_MM). Values are displayed as HH:MM. Both the Updated and Current values should be stored along with the amendment so that they can be recalled whenever the amendment is opened. The updated values will remain with the amendment until the Bank gives its No Objection. If the notice has not been created then the Current Date and Time values should appear as blank. Below the fields is the following text. Note: If the extension deadline is more than four weeks from Today’s date, please resubmit the Specific Procurement Notice. This text is for information purposes for the user. If the notice needs to be republished then the user will need to go to that step and take appropriate actions. Bank View of Amendment Steps Figure 19 shows the Bank Screen for the Amendment Procurement Step. The Bank can see the data as the Borrower is working with the Amendment. The action buttons for the Bank will appear once the documents for the procurement step have been submitted to the Bank for review. Figure 19 – Document Amendment Step – Display after Bank Review Request – Bank Screen Display The Bank actions for review are the same as described above in section A. The statuses for the Amendments will be the same as described for the Borrower’s view for Amendments. The action buttons for the bank will not appear on the screen if the Borrower has not submitted the documents for review to the Bank, or if the Bank has submitted its Interim Response or No Objection for the requested review. The Bank action buttons apply for the current amendment. Previous Amendment data can be viewed by expanding the amendment. Previous amendment document links should be to the WBDocs file addresses not to the working document URL addresses. After review has been completed for an addendum and a new addendum was added for the Procurement Step the screen should appear as shown below in figure 20. Figure 20 – Document Amendment Step – Display after Additional Amendment Addition – Bank Screen Display Post Review Functionality for Bank View of Amendment Steps For Post Review Activities the Bank will be able to view any attached documents and be able to open/close any amendments made to Activity Amendment steps. There will be no review action buttons and the Review Actions section is not necessary for the steps in Post Review. There are no statuses for Post Review amendments either since there is no review process to follow for the amendments. Additional Data Sheet functionality for Procurement Step 715 (Amendments to Bidding Documents The Amendments to Bidding Documents will have additional data displayed in the Data Sheet section for the step. When the display is for this step and the Extension to Bid Opening question value is No then the display for the Data Sheet Actions section should appear as shown below in figure 21. Figure 21 – Document Amendment Step – Display for Step 715 with no Bid extension – Bank Screen Display The label question “Does this amendment require an extension of the Bid Opening?” should appear and the selected answer “Yes” or “No” should appear. If the answer is No then the rest of the section appears as displayed above. If the answer is “Yes” then the following additional information is displayed as shown in figure 22 below. Figure 23 – Document Amendment Step – Display for Step 715 with Bid extension – Bank Screen Display Two labeled fields appear under the question. The first labeled “Old Deadline for Submission Date and Time” will display the values stored with the amendment record for the current submission date and time that reflects from the Procurement Notice. There are three fields to display (Date, Time HH, Time MM). The Hour and minute values need to be concatenated together with a colon in-between as shown above. The New Deadline for Submission Date and Time labeled field shows the Changed values stored with the amendment step. When the Bank gives it’s No Objection to the amended documents the Changed Date and Time values should update the associated (SUB_END_DATE, SUB_END_TIME_HR, and SUB_END_TIME_MM) values for the procurement notice if it exists for the Activity. C. Final Evaluation Steps for Contract Award The Final Evaluation Steps for Contract Award are used for the evaluation report and the Borrower’s selection for the awarded Firm/Individual for the contract(s) to be awarded from the procurement process. These steps are currently the steps used in the ENO system. Borrowers will upload and attach documents that will be reviewed by the Bank as done on most procurement steps as defined in Section A above. The functionality for review on the Bank side will be different as the Bank will be able to review and issue no objections or interim responses on a contract by contract or group of contract basis. The following Procurement Step codes are the Final Evaluation Steps: 1410, 1450, 1500, 1510, 1550. Final No Objection Steps are identifiable through the Procurement Method’s reference table as through the NOOB_STEP_CODE value. When the activity is created and the Method is selected the NOOB_STEP_CODE will be an attribute saved with the activity. So when this step is accessed on the Bank screens the screen needs to appear as described in the text below. Figure 23 shows the screen after the Borrower has submitted the document(s) for review for the procurement step. Figure 23 – Final Evaluation Step for Contract Award – Bank Screen Display This procurement step will not have a Data sheet Actions section. Instead the screen will be organized into 3 sections: Evaluated Contracts, Document Actions, and Review Actions (displayed as Communication Log in this image). The sections below describe how the functionality should work for each section. 1. Evaluated Contracts The Evaluated Contracts section will display a table of contracts identified from the Data Sheet for the Procurement Activity. The following table describes the table display. The table will work in conjunction with the data sheet data entered by the Borrower and actions performed by the Bank Team for this step will affect if the borrower can enter/revise data on the Data Sheet. Column Attribute Description Selection None. No column header Check Box should be displayed if Status for the record is “Under Review”. For all other statuses the checkbox should be disabled Contract No. Contract Sequence Value should be displayed in sequential order from the Number from the listed Data Sheet data tied to the activity. contracts in the Data Sheet Description Contract Description Displays the Contract Description value from the Attribute from the Data Contract Data Sheet entry. Sheet Firms/Individuals Awarded/Recommended Displays all the Awarded bidder Firm/Individual Names Bidder Names from the from the Contract in the Data Sheet. The Awarded Contract in the Data Sheet firms can be one or more suppliers. Supplier names should appear as multiple records within the Contract record so that the names appear underneath each other. If a supplier has a Eligibility issue then the Red Eligibility flag should appear to the left of the supplier name. There should be a mouseover on the flag identifying the eligibility issue passed by the database. In addition to the displayed Name values along with the Firms/Individuals the Bidder Id should be carried with the supplier data. This information will come from the data sheet data. The contract will have an awarded bidder selected for it. The awarded bidder will consist of one or more firms from the list the firms list considered for the contract. This is described in detail in the Data Sheet section of the document. Along with the Bidder ID of the supplier, the Supplier ID’s and Names for each supplier making up the Bidder should be linked to the table data. The names of each supplier for the contracts will be displayed as described above. Status Current No Objection If Borrower submitted to the Bank and Bank has not Status for the Contract issued a response for the contract then the Status is “Under Review” If Bank has Prepared an Interim Response for the Contract but has not sent to Borrower then the Status is “Interim Response Prepared” If Bank has Sent an Interim Response for the Contract then the Status is “Reviewed with Comments” If the Bank has Prepared a No Objection Response for the Contract but has not sent to Borrower then the Status is “No Objection Prepared” If the Bank has sent a No Objection Response for the Contract then the Status is “No Objected” Prices Displays an Icon that when clicked shows an overlay screen with the prices information for the awarded bidder. This is described in the in detail in the document. Note that for the display of the table for this procurement step the Legend for the prices icon display does not need to appear on the screen. The way the Evaluated Contracts section will work for the Bank Team is as follows. The Request Review (Initiate Review in mockup) button will work the same way as it does in the other step screens. The Prepare Interim Response and Prepare No Objection buttons need to work in conjunction with the Evaluated Contracts table. The buttons should not be clickable unless at least one contract is selected from the table. What will occur is the user will select one or more contracts from the list. Then the user will click the Prepare Interim Response or Prepare No Objection button. The screen that is called for the Preparation of the response should contain a table of the Contract No. and Description values selected appearing before the To Addressee like the Plan Response/No Objection screen lists the Agencies for which the plan response is being communicated for (a screen mockup may be needed for this). In addition the template that is called to build the email text of the response (See the document on template generation) needs to pull the data from the data sheet information including the selected contracts to prefill the data attributes defined in the templates. Note for the Prepare Interim Response screen the template may not be populated from any data in the data sheet. After the contracts are selected and one of the two response screens is saved the contracts should not be selectable in the list unless the prepare screen data is deleted. If the user clicks the Prices Icon for a selected contract then an overlay screen should appear showing the following information in figure 24. Figure 24 – Final Evaluation Step for Contract Award – Contract Prices Overlay - Bank Screen Display The “Select All” option should select all the selectable contracts from the list. The “Access Data Sheet” link in the text appearing below the table should open the Data Sheet Tab for the Activity so that the user can review the complete data sheet details. If the borrower has not submitted a request for review for the procurement step then the Evaluated Contracts section should show the text: Evaluation data has not been sent to the Bank for review. If the Review Type for the Procurement Activity is “Post Review” then the contracts listed in the Datasheet should appear in the table but there will be no select button to select the contracts and the action buttons will not appear on the screen to request a review or to send a response back to the borrower. 2. Document Actions Section There is no additional functionality for this section. 3. Review Actions There responses will display for this step as other steps. For No Objection and Review with Comment actions the message that appears for the response should include the contracts table of the contracts that apply for the response as described above when preparing the response. Both Borrower and Bank should be able to see the contracts that the response applies to. When the Bank sends an Interim response to the borrower the Contracts that are included in the review response should be editable (open for changes) in the Data Sheet in the Borrower’s view. The Borrower should also be able to send a subsequent review request to the bank once the contract data has been changed based on the Bank’s review response. Contracts that have been No Objected can be processed by the Borrower in the Finalization for Award Step. So it is possible that the Borrower and The Bank are working on multiple steps at the same time (Contract Award No Objection step for the Activity, Finalization for Award, and Contract Signature). C.1 Post Review Functionality for Final Contract Award Steps (Borrower and Bank) The screen view for the Final Contract Award Step for the Borrower will have the text appearing under the Borrower Reference and Description changed to display as shown below in figure 25 for a Post Review Activity. Figure 25 – Final Evaluation Step for Contract Award – Post Review Activity Display - Borrower Screen In this section the user (Document Submission or Edit Plan role) will be prompted with the question “Will the contract evaluation require the procurement review process to be changed from Post to Prior Review?”. It will have Yes and No radio buttons for the answer and the No button will be defaulted. When the value is No then normal Post Review rules apply. User can attach or not attach documents, enter Actual Date, and is not required to enter data sheet data. If the user changes the answer to Yes then the following message will appear below the question as shown in figure 26 below. Figure 26 – Final Evaluation Step for Contract Award – Post Review Activity Display – Post to Prior Indicated - Borrower Screen When the agency user identifies the Activity needs to be changed from Post to Prior review then the user will need to identify the reason for requesting the change. A list of possible reasons is in the table below. Reasons marked as Evaluation reasons will appear in this step and also in the Finalization of Award step. Reasons marked as Amendment reasons will apply to the Contract Amendments step. More than one reason can be selected. Post to Prior Reason Step Type Bid price is above threshold Evaluation Final contract price is above threshold (taxes) Evaluation Final contract price is above threshold (amendment) Amendment Change in threshold value Evaluation Request by Bank to prior review Evaluation Request by Borrower for prior review Evaluation The process should now be treated as if the Step process is for a Prior Review Activity. Therefore at least the required documents and data for the procurement step must be uploaded/entered. The User will have a Send to Bank button appear on the screen when completing data entry. The user may also go back to previous steps to upload relevant documents for which the Bank may need to review. The documents could also be attached to the current step as supporting documents or shared as a zip file of documents. The user will also have the Recall Review button available after sending for review. C.1.1 Bank Screen Changes for Post to Prior Request on Contract Award Step When receiving a review request for the Contract Award step of the procurement process that includes a Post to Prior Review change request the screen will be displayed similarly to figure 27 below. Figure 27 – Final Evaluation Step for Contract Award – Post to Prior Request display – Bank Screen The changes to the screen are as follows: a) Additional button “Reject Post to Prior Request” This button will appear for PS – Procurement Specialist Staff only. When clicked it should open a Send Response screen similar to the No Objection Response screen. It should have the following information: To: Agency Point of Contact Cc: All users of the Agency, TTL (default selected), APS (default selected), Optional for user to choose other Task Team members v. Subject: Post to Prior Review Request Returned: for Email Body: The Recent Notifications section on Project Details for Bank users and Agency user Dashboard page, and Procurement Step Review Actions Section would show following: i. Date of the Notification (Time is also displayed in Review Actions) ii. Notification Action: Post to Prior Request Returned iii. Agency: Agency Name (for Notification Table only) iv. Project ID (for Notification Table - Dashboard view) v. Reference No.: Activity Reference No. (For Notifications Table Only) vi. Action Performed By Name (for Review Actions) vii. Status (for Review Actions – Sent in Bank View, Received in Borrower View) Back in the Borrower view after request has been returned the screen should appear editable and the question for Post to Prior should be defaulted to No. This is the only instance in the Borrower Post Review Step where there will be a Review Action displayed. b) Indicator appearing under Evaluated Contracts Heading Notifying Post to Prior request Below the list of Amendment Type changes there will be a Icon and Bold text as shown below in figure 28. Figure 28 – Final Evaluation Step for Contract Award – Post to Prior Indicator Bank’s View This indicator will have an Indicator Icon with the text “A Post to Prior Review change has been requested for the contract information below based on the following reasons” followed by an Information Icon. The text should be bolded to bring the indicator to the user’s attention. The Information Icon should display the following text below the indicator when clicked. The Agency user is requesting the contract and activity data be changed from a Post Review process to a Prior Review process. The required documents for Prior Review should have been included with the document submission request. These documents will appear with the Procurement Step review request or linked with each Procurement Step for the Activity. If the documentation is complete and Prior Review should be followed for the remainder of the procurement process click the “Accept Request” button. This will change the activity and contract data to be Prior Review. If the Prior Review process is not required then click the Reject Post to Prior Request button above to send a response back to the Agency User explaining the reason why the request was returned. The activity and contract data will remain as Post Review. Below the message/icon the selected reasons for the change will be displayed. c) Accept Request Button This button will appear for PS – Procurement Specialist Staff only. When clicked, user should be prompted “Accepting the Post to Prior Review change request will change the activity and contract data to require Prior Review”. They should have a Continue and Cancel button. If they Click Continue then the Activity’s Review Type should be changed to be Prior Review and the normal prior review process for the Final Contract Award step should be followed. The Reject Post to Prior Request button should be removed from the screen. d) Other regular Review Action Buttons These buttons should appear on the screen but cannot be selected (appear as un-selectable) until the Procurement Specialist has either Accepted or Rejected the change request. On Accept the buttons should be activated and work as described in previous sections. On reject the buttons should disappear as prior review actions are not required. D. Finalization of Award Step The Finalization of Award step is used for identifying changes made to the contract award between the No Objection to award the contract and before contract signing. In the negotiation process between the Borrower and the Awardee changes may occur for what will be the signed contract. This procurement step allows for those changes to be recorded and reviewed by the Bank. Borrowers will upload and attach documents that will be reviewed by the Bank as done on most procurement steps as defined in Section A above. They will also be able to identify any changes that will occur in the contract(s) to be awarded that will cause contracts to be different then what was recorded in the Evaluation Report and the Data Sheet. They can then send the contracts to be reviewed by the Bank. If there are no changes to a contract or if the Bank has given a No Objection to the changed data then the process will generate a Form 384 contract in the system and also the Contracts tab will appear on the Activity screen. There has to be at least one contract no objected from the data sheet data in order to perform the processing for this screen. As for other steps in the procurement process for Post Review contracts the borrower would identify the changes but after identifying all necessary changes the post review contract data should be generated. Figure 29 below shows a mockup of the screen and the text below describes how the screen functionality should work. Figure 29 – Finalization of Award Step – Borrower Screen Display Like the Final Evaluation Step for Contract Award this step will Show the Evaluated Contracts table. The table data appears with the same data as described in Section D-1. The check box fields will show only for those contracts that have a status of “No Objected” in the list of contracts. The user will select those contracts that are ready for Contract Signing from the list Under the table the user will be taken through a series of questions where they need to identify any changes which occurred to the evaluated data. In order to answer the question at least one contract needs to be selected from the list. If all contracts listed have a status of “Under Review” then the user will not be able to select a contract to be processed. If selected then the status for the select contract should be change to be “Selected”. 1. The first question is “Will the selected contracts be signed as evaluated without changes to the evaluation details?”. If the user answers “Yes” to this question then the contract data is ready for submission to proceed with signing. The following text and options will appear on the screen. Figure 30 – Finalization of Award Step – No Changes to data – Borrower Screen Display The user does not need to record any modifications to the contract data and can proceed with sending the notification to the bank that the contracts are ready for award. When clicking Send to Bank the screen for Sending a review request will appear on the screen. When sent to the bank the action for the Review should be “Notification of Award”. Once Sent the status for each of the selected contracts will be changed to be “No Changes” since there was not a change to the contracts. On the Bank side there will be no review required because all the contracts sent have a status of “No Changes”. Each of the contracts with the status of “No Changes” will have a Form 384 Contract generated. The Contracts tab for the activity screen will now be generated showing all the Form 384 contracts generated from the activity. If the user answers No to the first question then follow the process indicated in section 2 below. 2. Processing for Contracts Requiring Changes If the user answers No to the question in #1 above then a field will appear on the screen where the user can select the change that occurred to one or more of the selected contracts. This is shown below in figure 31. Figure 31 – Finalization for Award Step – Changes to Data Step 1 – Borrower Screen Display A selection list of change options will appear on the screen to identify the change that needs to be made to one or more of the contracts. The list of Finalization of Award changes are: Two or more lots will be combined and signed as a single contract The awarded Firm/Individual needs to be changed to a different evaluated one There is a change in the contract prices for the contract The following text describes what functionality is necessary for each option if chosen. 2.1 Processing for selecting “Two or more lots will be combined and signed as a single contract” When selecting this option the screen will appear as follows in figure 32 below. Figure 32 – Finalization of Award Step – Merge Option Step 1 – Borrower Screen Display After selecting the option the text “Combined lots must have the same firms/individuals. Select the contracts to be combined and click the Merge Contracts button. Repeat for any additional contracts as needed.” will appear on the screen. Below the message the Merge Contracts and Continue button will appear. In the Evaluated Contracts table if there are more than one of the listed contracts where the Status is Selected and the Bidder ID used for the contracts appears for more than one then the check boxes appearing before the Contract No. values should be activated for those contracts. Other contracts listed should not have the check boxes activated. The user can select two or more of these contracts (as long as the supplier has the same Bidder ID) to be merged. If they try to select incorrect contracts then they should get a message “Only contracts for the same firms/individuals can be selected for merging”. After selection the user can click the Merge Contracts button and the selected contracts will show as merged (see figure 33). Figure 33 – Finalization of Award Step – Merge Option Step 2 – Borrower Screen Display The Contracts merged need to appear together in the table. So if two contracts were selected where another contract was in-between them then the contracts should be reorganized so they show together. In addition the price data for the contracts need to be combined together to show as one price link for the combined contracts. When opened the price data would show the combined values by currency in the display. Also the Status for the merged contracts will show as one status for the merged set of contracts with the status of “Merged”. If there are more than one merge possibilities for the contract data than after completing the first selection the user can then select the next set of contracts to be merged and so on. If there are no more sets of contracts that can be merged then the Merge Contracts button should appear disabled. When the user selects the Continue button the merge process is completed and the process will query the user to see if there are more changes to be made. The current selection will show as completed and it will have an option to undo the operation if needed. The Undo will unmerge all the merged contract data and those contracts will be set to their initial values based on the data sheet data. The display after completing the step is shown below in figure 34. Figure 34 – Finalization of Award Step – Merge Option Completed – Borrower Screen Display In the database it will need to keep track that these contracts have been merged with each other as part of the Finalization of Award step. The data sheet will continue to display the data as evaluated but the merge linking needs to be maintained. Note that the Edit button next to the completed step will be an Undo option. The awarded Firm/Individual needs to be changed to a different evaluated one 2.2 Processing for Selecting “The awarded Firm/Individual needs to be changed to a different evaluated one” When selecting this option the screen will appear as shown in figure 35 below. Figure 35 – Finalization of Award Step – Change Firm Option Step 1 – Borrower Screen Display After selecting the option the text “If there was a negotiation failure with a contract, then select the contract, click the Firm/Individual field and select from the list of evaluated firms/individuals. Click continue to proceed.” will appear on the screen. Below the message the Continue button will appear. In the Evaluated Contracts all contracts where the status is “Selected” should appear with the check box as selectable. Other contracts listed should not have the check boxes activated. The user can select a contract to perform the firm/individual change. After selection the Firm/Individual field should appear as a dropdown list with the current Bidder appearing as selected as shown below. The dropdown list should display all evaluated bidders considered for the contract. If the Activity’s Procurement Method’s Bid Type is Consultant then this would display all Bidder entries (Supplier Names values for each bidder) from the Data Sheet Short list where the Combined Score value for the bidder is greater than or equal to the Minimum Score entry for the Contract. If the Procurement Method’s Bid Type is “Goods and Works” then this would display all Bidder entries (Supplier Name values for each bidder) for the contract where the Evaluation Type = “Evaluated Bidder”. For example, if the list of bidders that met the above criteria was: Bidder 1 - Supplier ID: 12345 Name: Tri-County Conductors, Inc. Bidder 2 – Supplier ID: 4567 Name: Seismic Electrical Supply Supplier ID: 7890 Name: AAA Conductors, Inc. Bidder 3 - Supplier ID: 5674 Name: Titanium Conductors The list displayed would be The list needs to be able to distinguish grouped supplier from one another as a single bidder can be made up of multiple suppliers so when selected in this case the two suppliers would appear for the contract. After the change has been made the Status for the contract would change to be “Awardee Change”. The user would have the ability to change any of the selected contracts that get checked for this change option. Only those where a different Firm/Individual was selected should have the Status value changed. In addition to the above the Prices need to be pulled from the data sheet for the newly selected bidder instead of the previous one. The prices would be selected from the data with the bidders in the short list (if Bid Type of Activity Method is “Consultants”) or from the Contract data for the Bidder (if the Bid Type of Activity Method is “Goods and Works”). After the Continue button is clicked the screen would show as in figure 36 below. Figure 36 – Finalization of Award Step – Change Firm Option Completed – Borrower Screen Display After saving (actually Continue should automatically save) the changed supplier needs to be linked to the Contract data in the Data Sheet for the activity. It should not appear in the Data Sheet display and only appear when displaying this screen but the data needs to be lined as a change to the supplier with the data sheet data. So both the Evaluated Awardee info is kept as well as the Finalization to award change. Note that the Edit button next to the completed step will be an Undo option. 2.3 Processing for Selecting “There is a change in the contract prices for the contract” When selecting this option the screen will appear as shown below in figure 37. Figure 37 – Finalization of Award Step – Change Prices Step 1 – Borrower Screen Display After selecting the option the text “Select a contract from those available above. The evaluated prices are displayed and changes should be made in the Revised Contract Price section. Click continue after making adjustments.” will appear on the screen. Below the message the Continue button will appear. In the Evaluated Contracts all contracts where the status is (Selected, Merged, or Awardee Change) should appear with the check box as selectable. The user can select a contract to perform the firm/individual change. After selection a section for displaying the Evaluated Contract and Revised Contract Price should appear below the selected record as shown below in figure 38. Figure 38 – Finalization of Award Step – Change Prices Step 2 – Borrower Screen Display The user should be able to select up to 4 currencies and enter the amounts for each. Each currency selected should have an amount entered. The amount, after being entered should appear in currency format for the currency that is entered. Some currencies have 0, 1, 2, or 3 decimal places. The value’s appearance should be based on the currency format provided by the database (see OPS2 ENO data sheet screen for reference). Also no negative values should be allowed. When another contract is selected then the prices table should appear for the selected contract. The data for the previous selection should not be lost. If changes were made to the prices of a selected contract then the Price Icon should change to a different color (to be provided by UXM). If the status for the contract is “Selected” then the status should be changed to “Price Change”. If the status is one of the other change statuses then the system needs to keep track that there is more than one change made to the contract(s). This can be reflected by showing two statuses for the contracts or keeping track of multiple changes with the contract record and not display (best option). The contract should remain selected until the continue button is clicked. To get back to see the changes for one of the selected contracts for the price change the Prices icon can be clicked. User can continue to make changes. If currencies are set back to select then amount value should be cleared and appear as blank. User cannot type in amount unless a currency is selected. So field entry needs to be controlled (see functionality in OPS2 ENO Datasheet). If user clears out all currencies in the Revised Contract Price Section and clicks Continue then the Prices Icon should not show as changed (different color) and this contract should not be tagged with a Price Change. When saving the changed prices need to be linked to the Data sheet data for the contract but as revised prices that only appear when coming back to this procurement step. The data sheet prices should not change as this reflects the data as evaluated by the Bank. After Making changes to the Prices and clicking continue the screen will appear as shown below in figure 39. Figure 39 – Finalization of Award Step – Change Prices Step Completed – Borrower Screen Display Note that the Edit button next to the completed step will be an Undo option and the Icon showing in the Price column should appear in a different color as provided by UXM. Also there should be a legend appearing on the screen so the user knows why the price icons are different. 2.4 Multiple Changes Selected for Finalization of Award Step After a change has been made to the selected contract(s) there is a question appearing under the completed change asking the user if there are more revisions to be made to the listed contracts (see figure 34 above). The user should have the capability to select from the remaining change options and do the processing required for that option if the descriptions listed in 2.1 – 2.3 above allow for it. If all possible changes were selected then the screen would show as shown below in figure 40. Figure 40 – Finalization of Award Step – Multi-Change Display – Borrower Screen Display The Screen could have up to 3 completed questions. The user should be able to review all changes by clicking the appropriate icons or using mouse overs as described in the sections above. Note all Edit Buttons should appear as Undo buttons. 2.5 Document Actions Section of the screen The Document Actions Section of the screen will work as other procurement step screens. For some of the change actions documents must be attached in order to submit the changes to the Bank. 2.6 Action Buttons for the screen The following table describes the action buttons available on the screen for the borrower users. Button Access Role Description Save Edit Plan, Submit Action button should appear after user has made a Document data change or document change on the screen. Would save data changes and reallocations of Document Types/Document Name changes. Cancel Edit Plan, Submit Action button should appear after user has made a Document data change or document change on the screen. Action would cancel data changes or reallocations of Document Types/Document Name changes and exit screen back to Activity Details tab screen. Send to Bank Submit Document Action button would appear after the initial question was answered yes by the user or if it was no and one of the change options was completed by the user and the user indicated there were no more changes required or all three change options were completed. In addition after Documents have been uploaded to the Document Submission Step. Documents are not required for the Merge change option but are required for the other two options. Would call screen to Send to Bank for review (Stories US0134, US0145). Would need to validate that at least one main document has been uploaded for the procurement step. Would need to validate that required Data Sheet information has been entered for change options. This would need to be worked out with database parameter passing. Needs to provide appropriate error message if validation fails: Document Missing – The primary document needs to be uploaded before a review can be requested. Check the uploaded documents and adjust the document type if incorrect or use one of the document upload options to upload a document. Data Sheet Incomplete – There is missing information in the changes identified for the selected contracts. After one or more contracts have been sent to the Bank for review then those changes cannot be undone for those contracts sent to the Bank. They cannot be selected with a set of new contracts with changes, the completed questions also no longer appear on the screen. If there are currently no contracts in Under Review Status then the initial question should not appear on the screen either. If there are contracts under review then the initial question should appear on the screen to process those contracts to the bank and they should appear as selectable. Those contracts already processed to the Bank for Review will show with their change status or price change value. Users should be able to click on the affected change and view the change. Editing sent contracts is not allowed. If a contract had no changes applied to it when sending to the bank then the status for those contracts should be set to “No Changes” on the screen and the process for creating the Form 384 Contract should occur. This will open the Contracts Tab on the Activity screen and the Form 384 contract details for the contract will be displayable. The contract will also appear in the Signed contract step #1600. See processing for this step and the contracts tab in this document. Recall Review Submit Document Action button would appear after a request for Bank review has been initiated. The status for the document submission would be “Under Review”. If Bank review responses have been sent to the TTL then the Recall Review option should not be available. The button should only appear after the submission has been sent to the Bank and before any review responses were made by the Bank. See Story (US0220). In addition if the borrower user proceeds with making new changes for additional no objected contracts or reviewed contracts that require changes then the Recall Review button should no longer appear on the screen. Contracts with no changes cannot be recalled once sent to the Bank. Those that are recalled will be reset to be in their evaluated state. Undo Edit Plan, Submit The Undo button will appear next to a completed Document change action. Clicking the option will undo the changes made to the contracts for the selected change action. The contracts will be reset to the status of “Selected”. If a Price change was made then the Price Icon will appear in the unchanged state. All prices changes would be undone. The user should be challenged requesting “Are you sure you want to undo the contract changes for this action?” If they say yes then the changes should be undone. Once the changes are sent to the bank they cannot be undone unless the changes were recalled. 2.7 Review Actions Section The review actions on the Borrower screen will appear as in other steps. 2.8 Bank Display of the Finalization for Award Step The following functionality describes the Bank view of the screen. For the Bank when the Borrower sends contracts for the Finalization for award the screen will appear as follows in figure 41 below. Figure 41 – Finalization for Award Step – Bank Screen Display The screen is organized in 3 Sections: Evaluated Contracts, Document Actions and Review Actions. The screen parallel’s the layout of section C above for the Final Award Step for Contract Award. The screen will have similar functionality where the Bank Team can select contracts from the list for No Objection or Interim Response. The differences are as follows: 2.8.1 The check box that appears will show only once contracts with a merged status for those contracts that are merged together. The Bank will be giving a No Objection or Interim Response for the merged contract set. These will appear grouped together on the screen. 2.8.2 If the Status for the record is “Awardee Change” then the Firm/Individual column value will appear highlighted. When a user mouse’s over the value it should show the previous firm(s) name which were no objected by the bank. This comes from the supplier data for the evaluated contract in the Activity Data Sheet. 2.8.3 The Prices column will show both Changed and Unchanged prices. This is distinguishable by the color difference of the icon in the column and keeping track that there was a price change to the contract. Blue is no change and when clicked will show the value as in the Final Award Screen. If the icon is orange then the display should show the values as shown below in figure 42. Figure 42 – Finalization for Award Step – Changed Contract Prices - Bank Screen Display The data should come from the Data Sheet information for the displayed supplier(s) plus the revised data from the Finalization for Award. If the display is for merged contracts then the Contract Price at No Objection section will show the combined prices from both contracts for the listed awardee for the contracts. For Consultant Datasheets this is the Price amounts from the contracts from the merged contracts. For Goods and Works Datasheets this is the recommended Bidder prices from the merged contracts. It is possible that contracts could be merged and have a price change. If the display is for an Awardee Change then the Contract Price at No Objection section will show the prices from the selected Awardee now appearing for the contract. If it was a Consultant Datasheet then this data will come from the Prices entered as part of the Short Listed Firms. If it was a Goods and Works Datasheet then then data will come from the Evaluated Firm entry for the listed Supplier entered on the contract. 2.8.4 Underneath the Evaluated Contracts there is text information describing the changes that were made to the contracts The text should be derived as follows: a) The first set of text “The following changes were made to the no objected contracts and are ready to be signed. Additional contracts may still be under review or are not ready for signature. Click/mouse over the contracts to view the changes.” Will always appear on the screen after a submission has been sent. b) Based on the changes made to the contracts the numbered section will be built. The selected change options identified by the borrower should appear here. This can be based on either the selections done on the screen by the borrower or based on the Status appearing on the screen. If the latter then it can be derived as follows: Merged – Two or more lots are combined and signed as a single contract Awardee Change – An awarded Firm/Individual was changed to a different evaluated Firm/Individual Price Change – There is a change to the contract price These should appear numbered on the screen. c) The last part describes what occurs for contracts with a status of “No Changes”. The text that appears in this section is “Contracts listed without changes can be viewed in the Contracts tab and the Awarded Contracts section available on the Projects Details page. Click the Access Data Sheet link to view the full evaluation details for this activity.” This text should always appear after a submission has been sent. 2.8.5 After a No Objection is given to one or more of the contracts listed then a Form 384 Contract should be generated as part of the No Objection process. The statuses need to be changed to reflect the no objections as follows by combining the Change status and the No Objection Status for the Contracts: Merged - Becomes Merged – Approved Awardee Change - Becomes Awardee Change – Approved Price Change - Becomes Price Change – Approved No Changes - Does not need approval so no change to the status. Note if there are two changes (Merged and Price Change or Awardee and Price Change) then the Merged/Awardee change status appears to the user on the screen since the price change is reflected in the Price Column display. Users can always go back and see the changes at any time. If the Status for all the contracts listed is “No Changes” or if the Contracts listed are still “Under Review” or all contracts are a combination of both of these statuses, or if all contracts are either one of the above or have been approved then the review processing buttons should not be active on the screen. In order to have the review buttons active there has to be at least one contract submitted that has a change (Merged, Awardee Change, or Price Change) where it needs to be reviewed by the bank. 3. Post Review Functionality for Finalization of Award Step (Borrower and Bank) The Finalization of Award Step can only be utilized in Post Review Activities if the Data Sheet information has been filled in for the related contracts for the activity. If there is no Data Sheet data and there is not at least one completed contract in the data sheet then instead of the evaluated contracts table appearing in the section the following text should be displayed: Before finalizing awarded contracts the contract data must be entered as part of the Data Sheet information for the Activity. The user should not be able to upload documents or perform any actions in the step until the data is available. If the Evaluation data has been entered in the Data Sheet based on the required data to be entered for the Final Contract Award Step (see section C above) the screen will have text appearing before the Evaluated Contracts data as displayed below in figure 43 below. Figure 43 – Finalization for Award – Post Review Activity Display - Borrower Screen In this section the user (Document Submission or Edit Plan role) will be prompted with the question “Will the contract evaluation require the procurement review process to be changed from Post to Prior Review?”. It will have Yes and No radio buttons for the answer and the No button will be defaulted. When the value is No then normal Post Review rules apply. User can attach or not attach documents, and finalize contracts if they want to generate the contracts. Finalizing Contracts To finalize contracts after entering and saving changes (Merge, Awardee, or Price) then instead of getting the Send to Bank button a “Generate Contracts” button should appear on the screen. This button should appear after either the borrower user indicate there are no changes to be made to the contracts or if all changes have been completed. When clicked the listed evaluated contracts will have Post Review Form 384 contracts generated for them. See the Generating Form 384 section further down in the document. If the user changes the answer to Yes then the following message will appear below the question as shown in figure 44 below. Figure 44 – Finalization for Award – Post Review Activity Display – Post to Prior Indicated - Borrower Screen When the agency user identifies the Activity needs to be changed from Post to Prior review then the user will need to identify the reason for requesting the change. A list of possible reasons is in the table below. Reasons marked as Evaluation reasons will appear in this step and also in the Finalization of Award step. Reasons marked as Amendment reasons will apply to the Contract Amendments step. More than one reason can be selected. Post to Prior Reason Step Type Bid price is above threshold Evaluation Final contract price is above threshold (taxes) Evaluation Final contract price is above threshold (amendment) Amendment Change in threshold value Evaluation Request by Bank to prior review Evaluation Request by Borrower for prior review Evaluation The process should now be treated as if the Step process is for a Prior Review Activity. Therefore at least the required documents and data for the procurement step must be uploaded/entered. The User will have a Send to Bank button appear on the screen when completing data entry. The user may also go back to previous steps to upload relevant documents for which the Bank may need to review. The documents could also be attached to the current step as supporting documents or shared as a zip file of documents. The user will also have the Recall Review button available after sending for review. 3.1 Special Processing for Borrower Screen for Post to Prior Request on Finalization of Award Since the listed contracts have not been previously reviewed by the Bank they need to be treated differently here as this step is also being treated as the Final No Objection step. The contracts will not have a status associated to them (Under Review or No Objected). When the Post to Prior request is invoked then all contracts listed should automatically be selected as all need to be reviewed. Once the contracts have been sent to the Bank then if a contract has not been changed further as part of the Finalization of Award it should have the status of “Under Review” rather than “No Changes” as what would occur for Prior Review. Also even though there are not additional changes for these contracts, for Post to Prior Review requests the Form 384 should not automatically be generated like done for Prior review. All contracts need to be No Objected by the Bank before the Form 384 is generated. 3.2 Bank Screen Changes for Post to Prior Request on Finalization of Award When receiving a review request for the Finalization of Award step of the procurement process that includes a Post to Prior Review change request the screen will be displayed similarly to figure 45 below. Figure 45 – Finalization of Award Step – Post to Prior Request display – Bank Screen The changes to the screen are as follows: a) Indicator appearing under Evaluated Contracts Heading Notifying Post to Prior request Below the list of Amendment Type changes there will be a Icon and Bold text as shown below in figure 46. Figure 46 – Finalization of Award – Post to Prior Indicator Bank’s View This indicator will have an Indicator Icon with the text “A Post to Prior Review change has been requested for the contract information below based on the following reasons” followed by an Information Icon. The text should be bolded to bring the indicator to the user’s attention. The Information Icon should display the following text below the indicator when clicked. The Agency user is requesting the contract and activity data be changed from a Post Review process to a Prior Review process. The required documents for Prior Review should have been included with the document submission request. These documents will appear with the Procurement Step review request or linked with each Procurement Step for the Activity. If the documentation is complete and Prior Review should be followed for the remainder of the procurement process click the “Accept Request” button. This will change the activity and contract data to be Prior Review. If the Prior Review process is not required then click the Reject Post to Prior Request button above to send a response back to the Agency User explaining the reason why the request was returned. The activity and contract data will remain as Post Review. Below the message/icon the selected reasons for the change will be displayed. b) Additional button “Reject Post to Prior Request” This button will appear for PS – Procurement Specialist Staff only. When clicked it should open a Send Response screen similar to the No Objection Response screen. It should have the following information: To: Agency Point of Contact Cc: All users of the Agency, TTL (default selected), APS (default selected), Optional for user to choose other Task Team members v. Subject: Post to Prior Review Request Returned: for Email Body: The Recent Notifications section on Project Details for Bank users and Agency user Dashboard page, and Procurement Step Review Actions Section would show following: i. Date of the Notification (Time is also displayed in Review Actions) ii. Notification Action: Post to Prior Request Returned iii. Agency: Agency Name (for Notification Table only) iv. Project ID (for Notification Table - Dashboard view) v. Reference No.: Activity Reference No. (For Notifications Table Only) vi. Action Performed By Name (for Review Actions) vii. Status (for Review Actions – Sent in Bank View, Received in Borrower View) Back in the Borrower view after request has been returned the screen should appear editable and the question for Post to Prior should be defaulted to No. This is the only instance in the Borrower Post Review Step where there will be a Review Action displayed. c) Accept Request Button This button will appear for PS – Procurement Specialist Staff only. When clicked, user should be prompted “Accepting the Post to Prior Review change request will change the activity and contract data to require Prior Review”. They should have a Continue and Cancel button. If they Click Continue then the Activity’s Review Type should be changed to be Prior Review and the normal prior review process for the Finalization of Award step should be followed. The Reject Post to Prior Request button should be removed from the screen. d) Other regular Review Action Buttons These buttons should appear on the screen but cannot be selected (appear as un-selectable) until the Procurement Specialist has either Accepted or Rejected the change request. On Accept the buttons should be activated and work as described in previous sections. On reject the buttons should disappear as prior review actions are not required. E. Signed Contract Step The signed contract step (Step 1600) is the first monitoring step in the procurement process that works with the contracts that were produced out of the activity process rather than working with the activity as a whole. So with the Signed Contract step and subsequent steps in the Activity when clicking on the procurement step, rather than opening the step screen directly the step needs to expand to show the related contracts produced for the activity as shown below in figure 47. Figure 47 – Signed Contract Step – Contract List In this table the data from the contracts should be listed showing the Contract No., Reference No., Description, Firms/Individuals, and Signing Data information from the contracts associated to the Activity that have been generated through the Finalization for Award step. For contracts that were just finalized the Signing Date will not have a value. When clicking on a contract (like clicking on a procurement step) the Signed Contract Step screen should be opened. If the contract has been canceled due to contract termination (see section H below) then it should not be selectable. The borrower functionality will be described first for the step then the Bank functionality. Borrower Functionality for Signed Contract Step The screen is shown below in figure 48 from the Borrower view. Figure 48 – Signed Contract Step – Borrower View The Screen is broken down into 3 sections (Document Actions, Data Sheet Actions, and Review Actions) as other Procurement Step Screens. The difference is that the selected contract information appears above the document processing section. This information should be carried over from the selected contract number from the Activity screen. The regular sections will appear underneath the contract details. The Contract number should be clickable which will take the user to the Contract Tab of the Activity and open up the details for the identified contract. The Contract Tab of the activity will be described later in the document 1. Document Actions Section The Document Actions will work as described in other parts of the document. In order to send the request to the Bank the Contract Signing Date, Contract Reference No. and Contract Description fields should have values. As well, the Contract document needs to be uploaded and tagged as the Main Document Type. 2. Data Sheet Actions Section The text that gives instructions for the user displayed in this screen should be different than what is in the screen mockup. The text should be: Enter Contract Signature Date. Contract Reference Number and Description can be updated to match signed contract details. Click Contract No. link to view full contract data. The Data Sheet Actions section consists of 3 fields that need to be entered by the Borrower User. The details for each field is described in the table below: Field Access Role Description Contract Signing Date Edit Plan, Submit Should have a Date lookup linked to the field. The Document date value should be a historical date (either current or past date). The date will populate the Signing Date value of the original contract related to the Form 384 Contract Data. Value can be entered for Prior and Post review contracts. Contract Reference Edit Plan, Submit Value will be populated with Reference No. From the No. Document Activity upon the contract creation after the Finalization of Award Step. If there are multiple Contracts being awarded out of the activity then it needs to be required that the reference number be changed to be unique. When saving the screen or trying to send to the bank this issue should be identified to the user as “Contract Reference Number is not unique, Please change.” Contract Description Edit Plan, Submit Value will be populated with the Contract Document Description from the Data Sheet. In the case where two or more contracts were combined from the Evaluation Report to form one Form 384 Contract the descriptions from both contracts need to be merged. This should take the 1st contract sequence description + “; “ + the second contract sequence description. If text is too long then text will cut off at field length (contract description is 200 characters). When data is changed for the above fields and the Data is saved or Sent to Bank the Form 384 data should be saved with the changes in the corresponding fields. Once a contract has been sent to the Bank, unless recalled, the field attributes can no longer be changed. When the user goes to the Contract Tab for the activity the data will also be displayed there from the Form 384 data. 3. Review Actions Section In the mockup there is text appearing in the Review Actions section. This text does not need to appear in the section and should be removed. When sending the documents and data to the Bank for this step there needs to be at least one document tagged as the Main Document type as well as the data checked as indicated above in section one. The process for sending will be based on Story Notification of Signing (US0196). The Document action for the notification is “Notification of Signing”. This is not a step that requires a review process by the Bank. The action of Notification will be the only action notification for this step. After sending the signing notification to the bank there should be text appearing above the Notification Actions table. The text should be: There are no review actions required for this procurement step. 4. Action Buttons for the Screen The following Action buttons will be available for the borrower on the Screen. Button Access Role Description Save Edit Plan, Submit Action button should appear after user has made a Document data change or document change on the screen. Would save data changes to the Form 384 Contract Number displayed and reallocations of Document Types/Document Name changes. Cancel Edit Plan, Submit Action button should appear after user has made a Document data change or document change on the screen. Action would cancel data changes or reallocations of Document Types/Document Name changes and exit screen back to Activity Details tab screen. Send to Bank Submit Document Action button would appear after Signing Date is entered (also if changes made to Reference No and Description the fields must have data) and there is at least one Main Document tagged document. It will open the screen for sending notifications to the Bank as in other Procurement Step document submissions. If button is active regardless or data is missing when clicked then the following error message should be displayed based on the missing information: Document Missing – The signed contract document needs to be uploaded. Check the uploaded documents and adjust the document type if incorrect or use one of the document upload options to upload a document. Contract Fields Incomplete – There is missing information in the contract fields listed in the Data Sheet Actions. After the button is clicked the signed contract document needs to be filed into WBDocs. The processing should follow the naming convention defined in the Document filing to WBDocs documentation and what is currently done in ENO for filing documents to WBDocs for the signed contract. The filed document link should be stored with the Contract and displayed to the bank users when accessing the Bank view of the screen. The borrower will continue to see the uploaded document. In addition the Contract Award notice should be generated and published. See details in section 5 below. These processes should be done in background and not affect the borrower interface. In addition the Notification of Signature (US0196) action should appear and be sent in the Review Actions section. 5. Processing for Contract Award Notice Publication When the signed contract information is completed a contract award notice needs to be generated and published by the system. The instructions for generating a contract award notice are identified in the document under the Contract Award Notice generation section. The process is triggered in one of two ways. For Prior Review Activities the Contract Award Notice publishing is triggered by sending the Signed Contract to the Bank. For Post Review Activities it is triggered after saving the Signed Contract information for the procurement step and Signed Contract document needs to be attached as main document. After completed data has been supplied a Publish Contract Award button will appear on the screen next to the save button. When clicked it will generate the contract award notice based on the functionality described under the Contract Award Notice Generation section. Once the published notice has been generated for the contract then the data sheet section should appear as shown below in figure 49. Figure 49 – Signed Contract Step – Post Contract Award Notice Publishing - Borrower View The Text that should be displayed is as follows: The contract award notice has been generated for the contract listed above. To view the notice click here The notice is also available on the Bank’s External Website Clicking the “here” link will open up the Notice screen for the Contract Award Notice in display mode. Clicking the Bank’s External Website will open the Projects and Operations Website in the language display the user is using for the application. The section should appear the same in the Bank View of the screen. After publication all data should be display only if not already for the screen. Bank Functionality for Signed Contract Step The screen is shown below in figure 50 from the Bank view. Figure 50 – Signed Contract Step – Bank View The difference from this screen in the Bank view and the regular procurement step screens is that there is an additional section under the Activity No. section displaying the contract details. In this section the Contract No. column value should appear as a link. When clicked it should take the user to the Form 384 Screen for the contract. The Data Sheet Actions section should have the following text appear in the section: Contract Reference Number and Description may have been modified at Contract Signature step. Click the Contract Number to view contract details. The Review Actions section will have the following text appear above the notifications actions table that appears in the section: There are no review actions required for this procurement step. Since there is no review required for this Procurement step the Request Review, Prepare Interim Response, and Prepare No Objection buttons will not appear for this step. After the contract award notice has been published for the contract the following text should appear in the Data Sheet Actions section under the current text: The contract award notice has been generated for the contract listed above. To view the notice click here The notice is also available on the Bank’s External Website Clicking the “here” link will open up the Notice screen for the Contract Award Notice in display mode. Clicking the Bank’s External Website will open the Projects and Operations Website in the language display the user is using for the application. Post Review Functionality for Signed Contract Step The screen will behave differently for Post Review Activities depending on the data available for the step. As with other planning steps the Signed Contract step should allow the user to enter the Actual date directly to the step if the Activity is Post Review. If the Agency has entered Data Sheet data and generated a Form 384 Contract then the contract will be listed under the step after clicking on it. The user can select the contract and fill out the details as described above for the prior review process. When saving the signed contract details the data should be updated to the Form 384 for the Post Review contract. The User would not have the Send to Bank option for notification of signing but all data entered and documents attached would be viewable from the Bank view of the system. In addition, after signing dates have been added and saved then the most recent signing date should appear for the actual date for the activity step. This should override the manually entered value and the Actual date should appear as display only instead of being editable to the user. Publishing the Signed Contract After entering the data information for the signed contracts the user should get an action button called “Publish Contract Award Notice” on the screen. When clicked the process for generating the Contract Award Notice should executed and the user should receive a message indicating the following. The contract award notice will be published based on the contract details entered for the contract. A view option will be available in this page after the notice has been generated. After the notice has been published the text and link for the published notice should appear on the page as it does for Prior Review processing as shown in figure 45 above. The process to generate the notice is described in the Contract Award Notice section further below in the document. If the data is not completed then the option to publish the notice should not be available on the screen. Once published the option should no longer be available to the user. F. Contract Amendments Step The contract amendment step (Step 1615) works with the contracts that were produced out of the activity process rather than working with the activity as a whole. So this step as similarly with the Signed Contract step will display a list of contracts when the step is clicked as shown in figure 43 above. The related stories for Contract Amendments is US0192, US0194, US0108, US0195, US0184. When clicking on the step for the activity the list of signed contracts should be displayed. Only contracts with the signatures completed and where the status of the contract is not canceled can be selected for amendments. Figure 51 below shows the amendment step display after clicking. Figure 51 – Contract Amendments Step – Borrower’s View After selecting the contract for amendment the Contract Amendment Step screen will be displayed. The following text describes the functionality for the screen from the Borrower and Bank views. Borrower Functionality for Contract Amendment Step The screen is shown below in figure 52 from the Borrower view. Figure 52 – Contract Amendments Step – Screen 1 – Borrower’s View The Contract Amendments Step screen will appear similar to the Signed Contract Step screen where the selected contract appears under the activity reference and description. If there are no amendments to the contract, then below the contract information the following text will appear: Click on the Add Amendment button below to add an amendment to the selected contract above. After the text the Add Amendment option will appear. When the user clicks the button the amendment section will appear on the screen as shown below in figure 53. Figure 53 – Contract Amendments Step – Screen 2 – Borrower’s View An Amendment header with the amendment sequence number will be displayed starting at 1. Below the Amendment section header the list of types of amendments should be displayed with selection boxes next to each value. These values should come from the data base. The list Amendment Type values are displayed below. Depending on the value selected it will identify data attributes for the Data Sheet section of the amendment, whether documents need to be submitted when sent to the Bank, and whether a Bank review is needed for the amendment. The table below describes the functionality for the types of amendments. One or more types can be selected from the list of values. Amendment Type Data Sheet Section Documents No Objection Required Required Change of Time for Performance Duration Change Yes Yes Modification of Scope of Services Yes Yes Change/Waiver to Terms and Yes Yes Conditions of the Contract Variation/Change Order Duration Change Yes Yes Price Change Substitution of Staff Yes Yes Change of Contract Amount Price Change Yes Yes Change due to Price Adjustments Price Change Yes Yes Other Yes Yes The way the selections and data entry fields in the Data sheet section will work is as follows. The user should select all appropriate reasons for the amendment. Once selected then the continue button will be selected. At this point the selections should be frozen as based on the selection the applicable Data Sheet sections should be applied in the Data Sheet Actions sections. First before selecting types and continuing the Data Sheet Section should appear with the following text displayed: Data Sheet options are displayed based on amendment type selections. 1. Checked Amendment Type affects a Duration Change When a checked type affects a Duration Change for the data sheet the following fields should be displayed as shown in figure 54 below. Figure 54 – Contract Amendments Step – Screen 3 – Duration Changes – Borrower’s View The Contract Duration at No Objection field should be display only and display the current Duration value and type values for the contract being amended from the Form 384 data. The Revised Contract Duration should appear as 2 fields one for the Value and one for the Type selection. The user will enter the value (with up to xxxx.xx places). The Duration Type values will appear in the drop down selection. These values can be retrieved from the ZDURTYPE/ZDURTYPEDESC table values in SAP. The user must fill in the values in order to Save or Send to Bank if they are required as part of the Amendment Type selected. The data values for both should be kept as data attributes tied to the Contract Amendment. 2. Checked Amendment Type affects a Price Change When a checked type affects a Price Change for the data sheet the following fields should be displayed as shown in figure 55 below. Figure 55 – Contract Amendments Step – Screen 4 – Price Changes – Borrower’s View The text below describes the three sections functionality for price changes. 2.1 Original Contract Price Section This value title should actually be “Current Contract Price”. This section will be populated from the Form 384 contract and will contain the price currencies and amounts from the total summed value by currency of the Original and any Prior approved addendums for the contract. For the data in the section for each currency identified for the Form 384 the values must be summed up by currency and displayed in the section. So if the current data for the contract is: Addendum 0 – Original Contract: USD 1,000,000.00 EUR 500,000.00 Addendum 1 USD 250,000.00 EUR 100,000.00 Addendum 2 USD 100,000.00 EUR 100,000.00 KES 200,000.00 Then the data for the section should be: USD 1,350,000.00 EUR 700,000.00 KES 200,000.00 If just Addendum 0 (Original Contract) existed then the data for the display would be: USD 1,000,000.00 EUR 500,000.00 Note that when displaying currency amounts they need to display in the proper format and be summed properly based on the currency being displayed/manipulated. For example if currency JPY was being displayed there would be no decimal places for the currency since this currency does not have cents. Other currencies might have 1, 2, or 3 decimal places. 2.2 Contract Amendment Values section This section has data entry fields where the user can choose the currency (based on valid currencies for the current date) from a dropdown/Type ahead list and then enter the currency amount for the amendment value. The user can select up to four currencies. The user should not be able to enter an amount value before choosing the currency (see current ENO functionality for entering currency values and amounts). The user should be able to enter a negative amount for the currency. Negative values should be preceded by a minus (-) sign. This functionality exists in the current ENO for entering addendums and the same functionality should be duplicated in this section. Negative values entered for a currency should not cause the total currency value to be below zero. If it does then the user should receive a message: “Negative value entered makes the Currency value below zero for the contract”. When this occurs the value should be cleared in the field after user clears the error message. The values for the amendment should not update the actual Form 384 data until a no objection has been given by the bank. 2.3 Total Contract Price with Amendment This section sums the amendment values with the values from the first section to display to the user what the new values of the contract will be with the amendment. For each currency the values should be summed between the sections after an amendment value has been entered by the user. Currency rules listed above should be followed. The prices listed in section 2.1 – 2.3 should be saved as a snapshot with the contract so that when anytime the amendment details are displayed for the contract for the procurement step these price values will be displayed. It is possible that the values can be obtained from the saved Form 384 after no objections have been given for the amendment. Not all amendments will have prices changes and this section should only appear if a price amendment type appears selected for the amendment. In certain instances both the Duration and Amendment sections will be displayed together in the Data Sheet Actions section. In this case the Duration Section should be displayed above the Price Section. 3. Action Buttons for the Borrower Amendment Screen The following Action buttons will be available for the borrower on the Screen. Button Access Role Description Add Amendment Edit Plan, Submit Action button should appear if there are no current Document amendments on the screen or if the last amendment for the contract has been approved/no objected by the Bank. Save Edit Plan, Submit Action button should appear after user has made a Document data change or document change on the current editable amendment on the screen. Would save data changes linked to the Form 384 Contract Number and amendment displayed and reallocations of Document Types/Document Name changes. Cancel Edit Plan, Submit Action button should appear after user has made a Document data change or document change on the screen. Action would cancel data changes or reallocations of Document Types/Document Name changes for the editable amendment and exit screen back to Activity Details tab screen. Send to Bank Submit Document Action button would appear after duration has been entered (for Duration Amendment Types) or at least one currency and amount entered (for Price Change Amendment Types and there is at least one Main Document tagged document. It will open the screen for sending notifications to the Bank as in other Procurement Step document submissions. If button is active regardless or data is missing when clicked then the following error message should be displayed based on the missing information: Document Missing – The amendment contract document needs to be uploaded. Check the uploaded documents and adjust the document type if incorrect or use one of the document upload options to upload a document. Amendment Fields Incomplete – There is missing information in the Amendment price fields listed in the Data Sheet Actions. Once the Amendment is sent to the Bank it’s status will be “Under Review” as well as the statues for the documents and the notification for the request document review will appear with the amendment in the Review Actions section as done in other procurement steps. No data changes will be allowed while the Bank Review is processed. The Recall Review button should also be displayed to recall the review. Recall Review Submit Document Action button would appear after a request for Bank review has been initiated. The status for the document submission would be “Under Review”. If Bank review responses have been sent to the TTL then the Recall Review option should not be available. The button should only appear after the submission has been sent to the Bank and before any review responses were made by the Bank. See Story (US0220). In addition if the borrower user proceeds with making new changes for additional no objected contracts or reviewed contracts that require changes then the Recall Review button should no longer appear on the screen. Contracts with no changes cannot be recalled once sent to the Bank. Those that are recalled will be reset to be in their evaluated state. 4. Review Statuses for Amendment Reviews The Amendment records will have the following review statuses displayed in the amendment header though the process of approving the amendment. Status When Displayed Borrower Screen Display Rules Blank/No Status After Addendum is created and user is in Screen is open for user actions for the the process of adding documents and current addendum. User can data add/remove and tag document types and enter data. Action buttons are available on the screen. Under Review After user sends the Addendum for Screen display should be display only. review to the Bank. Only Action button available is Recall Review. User cannot add/remove documents, change document type tagging or change data values. Reviewed with After Bank sends Interim Response for Screen is open for user actions for the Comments the Document Submission current addendum. User can add/remove and tag document types as well as edit data attributes. Action buttons are available on the screen. Once reviewed amendment is sent back to the bank then the status is reset back to Under Review. Approved After Bank sends No Objection response Screen display should be display only for for the Document Submission the approved Addendum data in the Amendment Types, Document Actions, and Data Sheet Actions. Signed Amendment Actions section will be open for entry. Approved - After Amendment Signature Date has Screen display will be display only for all Signed been entered and Signed Amendment sections. Add Amendment button will Document has been Sent to the Bank reappear on screen to add a new addendum. Action buttons are not available. 5. Additional Document Type Functionality In addition to Main Document and Supporting Document, Amendment Steps will have an additional document type called “Clarification”. When selected for a document listed with the amendment the Document name displayed should be “Clarification Document” + value. Where DOC_NO is a sequence number of the documents listed as clarifications. The rest of the storing of the documents will be the same as filing other documents. 6. Processing for the Amendment After Bank No Objection After Bank No Objection the Amendment Types, Document Actions and Data Sheet Actions sections will be view only. An additional section called Signed Amendment Actions will appear above the Review Actions section. The section will appear as shown below in figure 56. Figure 56 – Contract Amendments Step – Signed Amendment Actions Section – Borrower’s View In order to complete the Amendment the Signature Date and Signed Amendments to Contract document need to be uploaded for the amendment. The upload process for the document(s) should follow the same process as in the Document Actions. One a document is uploaded it should appear in the same table allowing users to change the Document Type. The difference for this section is the Name for the Main Document that appears for this section should be Signed Amendments to Contract rather than Amendments to Contract that appears for the Procurement Step. The Signature date should not be a future date. Once both the Date and at least one Main Document has been tagged then the Send To Bank button should appear. The Borrower should get a similar send screen but the Action should be “Notification of Amendment Signing” after it is sent to the bank. There is no review actions tied to this action but it should appear in all the relevant notification areas (Notifications Sections in Project/Dashboard Screens and Contract Amendment Review Actions). After the Signature is sent to the Bank then the Contract Amendment Signature Date should be updated to the Amendment in the Form 384. The Add Amendment Button should be available again appearing under the closed/open last amendment for the contract. 7. Post Review Activity Functionality for Contract Amendments (Borrower and Bank) Post Review Activities will need to have a variation for the functionality for Contract Amendments. Post Review Contracts will need to go through the Finalization for Award and Contract Signing processes. So the Post Review Contracts will have a Form 384 generated for it with the Post Review flag set (POST_RVW_FLG = X). So the Amendment functionality will work the same way for Post Review Contracts with the following differences. 7.1 Post to Prior Review Transformation When the Activity is a Post Review activity and the Contract Amendment screen is displayed In the section where the user is choosing the type of amendment and one or more of the selections involves displaying the Price Change section to the data sheet (see table below figure 53) then the following information should be displayed under the selections as shown below in figure 57. Figure 57 – Contract Amendments Step – Post Review Contract Amendments – Borrower’s View The user will have a question “Will the price change require the contract review process to be changed from Post to Prior Review?” with Yes and No radio buttons following the question. It should be defaulted to No. If the user answers “Yes” to the question Then the following text will appear below the question: “All required review documentation including the amendment documents should be included in the Document Actions section below if not already uploaded in the previous process steps for the activity.” will be displayed. Also in the Action buttons the user will have the “Send to Bank” button available so that the Amendment can be reviewed by the Bank. The validation for sending to the bank should follow the process documented above for the Prior Review processing. In addition the Prior to Post Reason should be set to be the following reason. It does not have to be displayed on the screen in the Borrower or Bank view since this is the only reason that applies for amendments. Post to Prior Reason Step Type Final contract price is above threshold (amendment) Amendment When the User clicks the Send to Bank button, the Send to Bank screen should be displayed similarly to the Request Document Review (US0134, US0145 stories). The difference should be in the Action Notification generated. 7.2 Bank View of Post to Prior Request Change When receiving the notification for Document review for Post to Prior change for a Contract Amendment the Activity should be opened and the Step highlighted for the Step under review, and the contract should also be highlighted for the Contract under review. When the Amendment screen is opened It should appear as follows in figure 58 below. Figure 58 – Contract Amendments Step – Post Review Contract Amendments – Bank’s View The changes to the screen are as follows: e) Additional button “Reject Post to Prior Request” This button will appear for PS – Procurement Specialist Staff only. When clicked it should open a Send Response screen similar to the No Objection Response screen. It should have the following information: To: Agency Point of Contact Cc: All users of the Agency, TTL (default selected), APS (default selected), Optional for user to choose other Task Team members v. Subject: Post to Prior Review Request Returned: for Email Body: Recent Notifications section on Project Details for Bank users and Agency user Dashboard page, and Procurement Step Review Actions Section would show following: i. Date of the Notification (Time is also displayed in Review Actions) ii. Notification Action: Post to Prior Request Returned iii. Agency: Agency Name (for Notification Table only) iv. Project ID (for Notification Table - Dashboard view) v. Reference No.: Activity Reference No. (For Notifications Table Only) vi. Action Performed By Name (for Review Actions) vii. Status (for Review Actions) The Amendment section should appear editable and the question for Price change requiring contract review process to be changed from Post to Prior review should be defaulted to No. f) Indicator added under Amendment Heading Notifying Post to Prior request Below the list of Amendment Type changes there will be a Icon and Bold text as shown below in figure 59. Figure 59 – Contract Amendments Step – Post Review Contract Amendments – Post to Prior Indicator Bank’s View This indicator will have an Indicator Icon with the text “A Post to Prior Review Change has been requested for this Contract/Activity” followed by an Information Icon. The text should be bolded to bring the indicator to the user’s attention. The Information Icon should display the following text below the indicator when clicked. The Agency user is requesting the contract and activity data be changed from a Post Review process to a Prior Review process. The required documents for Prior Review should have been included with the document submission request. These documents will appear with the Procurement Step review request or linked with each Procurement Step for the Activity. If the documentation is complete and Prior Review should be followed for the remainder of the procurement process click the “Accept Request” button below. This will change the activity and contract data to be Prior Review. If the Prior Review process is not required then click the Reject Post to Prior Request button above to send a response back to the Agency User explaining the reason why the requested was returned. The activity and contract data will remain as Post Review. g) Accept Request Button This button will appear for PS – Procurement Specialist Staff only. When clicked, user should be prompted “Accepting the Post to Prior Review change request will change the activity and contract data to require Prior Review”. They should have an Continue and Cancel button. If they Click Continue then the Activity’s Review Type should be changed to be Prior Review and the related contracts (if signed and have Form 384’s generated) should have their Prior Review Flag value set to blank. 7.3 Post Review Statuses for Amendments The following table shows the statuses for Post Review Activity Contract Amendments. Status When Displayed Borrower Screen Display Rules Blank/No After Addendum is created and user is Screen is open for user actions for the Status in the process of adding documents current addendum. User can and data add/remove and tag document types and enter data. Action buttons are available on the screen. Signed After Amendment Signature Date and Screen display will be display only for all optional Signed Amendment Document sections. Add Amendment button will has been entered. reappear on screen to add a new addendum. Action buttons are not available. If New Amendment is added then data entry on previous amendments can no longer occur except for Document Actions. 7.4 Post Review Processing for Amendments Review actions will not be populated for Post Review Contract Amendments. Agency users will also not have a Send to Bank action button. After user has selected Amendment Types and filled out the related Data Sheet components (Revised Contract Duration for Duration changes and At least one currency and amount for Price changes) then the Signed Amendment Actions section should appear on the screen. To complete the amendment only the signature date value needs to be entered. 8. Adding Additional Amendments for Contracts After the Bank Review process has been completed for an Addendum and a No Objection has been issued then the Add Amendment button should appear again on the screen as shown below in figure 60. Figure 60 – Contract Amendments Step – Add Additional Amendments – Borrower View After clicking the button the next amendment sequence number will be displayed in the screen details are repeated in the new amendment. Documents and data will be related to the new amendment. No Objection dates should be tied to each amendment. If the amendment is for a Post Review contract then once the details for the current amendment have been completed (Documents do not need to be attached Bank Functionality for Contract Amendment Step To access contract amendments the Bank user will be clicking on the notification from the notification table or clicking on the Under Review activity from the Project Screen or navigating to the plan and clicking on the activity. If the borrower sent a review request for the contract amendment step than the step should be highlighted that it is under review so that the user does not have to figure out where to go. When clicking on the Contract Amendment step it will have a similar display as the Contract Signature step. The list of contracts signed for the activity will be displayed. Amendments cannot be made to unsigned contracts. The contract with the amendment under review should be highlighted and when selected the Amendment step screen shown above should be displayed. The contract selection is shown below in figure 61. Figure 61 – Contract Amendments Step in Procurement Activity – Bank View The screen is shown below in figure 62 for the Bank View of the Amendment Step after the Borrower has sent a review request for the step. Why’ll the Agency is working on an amendment for a contract or if it is an amendment for a Post Review Activity then the Bank can see the entered data but will have no action buttons available to perform reviews. Figure 62 – Contract Amendments Step – Bank View Under the Contract Details there will be one or more amendment sections. The current amendment will show with a status of Under Review. The statuses an amendment can have are as follows. Status When Displayed Borrower Screen Display Rules Blank/No Status After Addendum is created and user is in Screen is view only and no action the process of adding documents and buttons are available. data Under Review After user sends the Addendum for Screen display should be display only. review to the Bank. Action Buttons are available for Review Processing based on Bank Team member role (same as other Step screens). Non-Team member Bank Staff have view access only. Reviewed with After Bank sends Interim Response for Screen is view only and no action Comments the Document Submission buttons are available. Approved After Bank sends No Objection response Screen is view only and no action for the Document Submission buttons are available. Approved - Signed After Amendment Signature Date has Screen is view only and no action been entered and Signed Amendment buttons are available. Additional section Document has been Sent to the Bank for Signed Amendment Actions is available. Signed After Amendment Signature Date and Screen is view only and no action optional Signed Amendment Document buttons are available. Additional section has been entered. for Signed Amendment Actions is available. The Data Sheet Actions section will display the changed data if the Amendment Type list has selections that require data changes. See the Amendment Type list definitions in the Borrower Functionality for the screen appearing after Figure 53. If there is a Duration Change then the following fields will appear under the data sheet section as shown in figure 63. Figure 63 – Contract Amendments Step – Duration Change - Bank View The fields for the Current Duration value of the Contract (retrieved from the Form 384 data) and the Revised Duration value entered by the Agency for the amendment should be displayed. Both the value and Duration type need to be displayed. If there is a Price Change then the following data is displayed under the data sheet section as shown in figure 64. Figure 64 – Contract Amendments Step – Price Change - Bank View There are three sections displayed. The first is “Original Contract Price”. This value title should actually be “Current Contract Price”. Below the heading a list of currencies and amounts will be displayed. This data should come from the Form 384 Contract summing the current contract currency values and amounts across the original contract and addendum amounts. See section 2.1 above under the Borrower Screen description. The second section is Contract Amendment Values. This table should show the Currencies and amounts entered for the Amendment. The third section titled “Total Contract Price with Amendment” should be a summation across the two tables summing the values together for each currency entry. Note that currency values must be displayed in the currency format for the currency. Different currencies have different decimal formats (0, 1, 2, 3). These need to be maintained in the display. If the Amendment Types have both change types then the duration changes should appear above the Price Changes. If there are no data changes for the amendment then the text “There are no data changes for the amendment” should be displayed rather than the text appearing in the section before the data. Review Actions The review actions available are the same as in other procurement steps defined in the document. Review actions Additional Amendments The screen display is set up to show the history of amendments and each amendment will be clickable to display. The data displayed should be relevant for the amendment being displayed. Review Action buttons should only be displayed when the Amendment that is currently under review is displayed. Each amendment should show the status for the amendment. The statuses are explained above in the Borrower View section. Amendment Display after No Objection has been Sent Unlike other steps the process for an amendment is not completed when the Bank sends the no objection for the amendment. Once the Bank gives a no objection the borrower agency must get the amendment signed with the Firm/Individual executing the contract. So after No Objection the section titled “Signed Amendment Actions” will appear below the data sheet section and before the Review Actions section as shown below in figure 65. Figure 65 – Contract Amendments Step – Signed Amendment Actions - Bank View The data for this section should come from the saved data for the displayed amendment tied to this step. The Signature date value should appear first. The Signature date for the Amendment will also appear in the Form 384 data. The documents table should then be displayed listing the Signed Amendment documents. There are no review actions for this additional data Post Review – Post to Prior Review Functionality These actions are described in the Borrower view functionality under Section 7.2. G. Contract Completion Step The contract completion step (Step 1620) works with the contracts that were produced out of the activity process rather than working with the activity as a whole. So this step as similarly with the Signed Contract and Contract Amendments step will display a list of contracts when the step is clicked. When clicking on the step for the activity the list of signed contracts should be displayed. Only contracts with the signatures completed and where the status of the contract is not canceled (ie terminated) can be selected. Figure 66 below shows the completion step display after clicking. Figure 66 – Contract Completion Step – Borrower’s View After selecting the contract for amendment the Contract Amendment Step screen will be displayed. The following text describes the functionality for the screen from the Borrower and Bank views. Borrower users with Edit Plan and Submit Document roles for the Agency will be able to edit data on the screen. All other’s will have view access. Borrower Functionality for Contract Completion Step The screen is shown below in figure 67 from the Borrower view. Figure 67 – Contract Completion Step – Borrower’s View The top section of the screen will appear like the other Contract steps with the selected contract appearing in the table and the Document Actions section showing ready for document upload. Data Sheet Actions Section The data sheet action section will have the following text appear before the Contract Completion Date field. Enter the completion Date for the contract Under the text the Contract Completion Date field will appear and the user should be able look up the date. The date value needs to be the current or a past date. Future dates are not allowed. Review Actions Section The Review Actions section will have the following text appear. Before sending the completed contract details to the bank upload any related documents and the contract completion date needs to be added to the contract data. Once completed click the send to bank button to notify the bank the contract has been completed. Action Buttons The screen will have the Save, Cancel and Send to Bank Buttons. In order to Send to Bank the completion date needs to be entered for the Data Sheet Actions section. A document does not need to be attached. When sending to the bank the Completion Date should be updated to the listed form 384. The notification action for review should be “Notification of Completion”. The Status for the Activity Process Status should be updated to be “Completed” and appear in the plan as completed if all contracts (not cancelled or terminated) are completed. Otherwise the status should not be updated. Also, If all contracts are completed for the activity then the Actual date should be updated with the last Contract Completion date for the Step in the Activity. Contract Amendments should no longer be allowed to be made to the Completed contract. Post Review Functionality for the Contract Completion Step The Borrower can enter the Actual date for the Activity Step directly for the Activity. If there are Form 384 contracts for the Post Review activity then the user can select the contract from the list as identified in Figure 62 and then enter the Contract Completion date and attach related documents. There will only be Save and Cancel action buttons. Saving will update the Contract Completion date in the Form 384. If all contracts are completed or the date entered for the Activity then the Activity’s Process Status should be set to “Completed”. H. Contract Termination Step The contract termination step (Step 1700) is used for canceling contracts that are in the process of being signed and for signed contracts under implementation. The related story for this process is US0246. It works with the contracts that were produced out of the activity process rather than working with the activity as a whole. So this step as similarly with the Signed Contract, Contract Amendments, and Contract Completion steps and will display a list of contracts when the step is clicked. When clicking on the step for the activity the list of signed and unsigned contracts should be displayed. Figure 68 below shows the completion step display after clicking. Figure 68 – Contract Termination Step – Borrower’s View Borrower’s View After selecting the contract for amendment the Contract Termination Step screen will be displayed as shown below in figure 69. The screen will display the contract information and have Document Actions, Data Sheet Actions and Review Actions section. Figure 69 – Contract Termination Step – Borrower’s View The borrower will need to identify the reasons for termination, attach supporting documentation and if necessary identify contract price changes due to the termination request. Reasons for Termination There are six possible reasons for termination listed below. Default (bad performance) of the contractor or consultant Default by the Client/Purchaser/Employer Convenience of the Contractor/Supplier/Consultant Convenience of the Client/Purchaser/Employer Other The user can select one or more of the reasons for termination. If other is chosen then the user should have a text entry field appear below the Other selection. The user should be able to enter up to 80 characters of text to describe the reason. Users should be able to save the selections and recall them on the screen. The Undo button clears the selections and text entered for Other. At least one reason needs to be selected before sending to the Bank. Document Actions The user should attach at least one document as the Main document. The document title should be based on the Procurement Document Name for Step 1700. Data Sheet Actions The data sheet actions will display an amendment to the prices display like the Contract Amendment. The Current Prices section should be prefilled with data from the Contract summing the amounts per currency for the Original and Addendums to the contract. The Total Price section should show the same values. The Amendment Section should be open to entry for currency and amounts if necessary. The currency must be selected before the amount can be entered and the amount should display in currency format (comma delimited and use decimals format of currency). This is an optional entry and only needs to be filled in if there is an amendment action that needs to take place for the termination. If data is entered the amendment changes should be saved with the step until No Objection has been given. If data is entered the the next available addendum number should be identified and linked to the price changes. The amendment number should not be displayed on the screen but kept with the data. The price change should be treated exactly the same but there will not be a signing date required for the amendment. Review Actions When there are not communications to be viewed for the procurement step then the section should show the following message in the section display: Borrower’s View: Before requesting review for this procurement step the documents to be reviewed must be uploaded. Bank’s View: No review actions have been requested for this procurement step. The borrower should have the same Save, Cancel, Go Back, and Send to Bank buttons as on previous screens. To Send to Bank at least one document should be listed as the main document. The Send screen and email should follow the description as identified in Story US0246. The Action description for the Notification/Review Actions display should be “Contract Termination Review Request”. Bank’s View The review process should follow the same review process as occurring on other steps. When the Bank gives it’s no objection to contract termination the Form 384 contract’s status needs to be set to “Terminated”. The Bank Team should resend the contract to LOA. LOA will need to take action based on the Termination for disbursements. Figure 70 below shows the Bank’s view of the Contract Termination Step. Figure 70 – Contract Termination Step – Bank’s View The layout is similar to the Contract Amendment Step and loading of the sections is the same to produce the currency values. If there is no amendment data entered in the Data Sheet Details then the following text should appear in the Data Sheet section rather than the text and data displayed: There are no data changes for the contract termination Upon No Objection by the Bank the Contract Status would be set to Terminated. If there is only one contract on the activity or all contracts for the activity have a status of Terminated then the Activity’s Process Status should be updated to be Terminated. Post Review Activity Processing If the activity is Post Review then After saving changes the Amendment should be updated if there is contract data. If there is no contract data then the borrower can only attach documents or enter the actual Termination Date. The activity Process status would be updated to Terminated. I. Procurement Notice Steps As part of the implementation of an activity the borrower is required to publish the Specific Procurement Notice (Goods and Works) or Expression of Interest (Consultants). These are more specific details about the procurement activity for prospective bidders to bid on the procurement. The Procurement Notice process steps are Steps 110, 412, and 705. Borrower Processing for Procurement Notice Steps When the notice step is selected from the Activity screen the following screen should be displayed as shown below in figure 71. Figure 71 – Procurement Notice Step – Borrower’s View The screen is similar to the other procurement step screens. Below the Activity Reference Number and Description the following text will be displayed. Create and Edit the procurement notice in the Data Sheet Actions below. Correspondence on this step appear in the Review Actions after sending the notice for review. As in the other procurement steps the screen has the Document Actions, Data Sheet Actions, and Review Actions sections below. The Review Actions section functionality is the same as in other steps. The Document Actions and Data Sheet Actions are different and are described below. Document Actions Section This section is different in that for the Procurement Notice steps there is not document actions needed. So this section will have the following text appear in it. None required for this step. Data Sheet Actions Section When the screen is first displayed and there is not a corresponding notice for the activity then the section will show with the Create Notice button. When clicked the Activity Procurement Notice Screen will be called and displayed. This is described below in Section I.1. After a notice has been created and saved as draft a table will appear in the Data Sheet Actions section displaying information about the notice as shown below in figure 72. Figure 72 – Procurement Notice Step – Data Sheet Notice Actions Table - Borrower’s View The Notice Action Table shows status information about the notice as well as a link to view the current notice. The columns displayed in the table are described below. Column Description Updated By Displays the name of the Borrower User who performed the update to the notice. The column in the figure needs to be changed to be “Updated By”. Actions that need to be capture are the information from the current draft notice, and any publication/re-publish data. So the display here is for the history and current data. Status Status of the displayed record. Could be “Draft”, “Published”, “Re- Published”, or “Under Review”. Date Date of the Action in YYYY/MM/DD format. For Draft it will be the last save date. For Published/Republished records it will be the Publication date. View View Icon. Appears with the most current record. Access to a view display of the Activity Procurement Notice. The Notice Action table should be order to display the most current action on top. If the user is editing or has edited the notice then it shows in Draft status. Once the notice is published it will show with a Published status. The history of publications should be kept. In SAP there is a table recording this information (ZPNOTEHIST). The difference between the new and old systems is that the old keeps a record of the creation in the history. This is not necessary in the new as the history will keep records of each publication for the notice. The first is “Published” and the rest are “Republished”. If the notice is being edited then there is an additional record recording the status as Draft and keeps track of the last save. The Draft record will become “Under Review” when the Draft notice is sent to the Bank for Review. If reviewed with comments then the status is set back to Draft for the current notice. The View History link allows the user to see the history of publications. When clicked the screen appears as shown in figure 73 showing the historical records. Otherwise the screen shows the most current one (either draft or published). Figure 73 – Procurement Notice Step – Data Sheet Notice Actions Table Expanded View - Borrower’s View When expanded the View History link is changed to Hide History. Hide history changes the display back to the single most current record. The Create Notice Button shows if no notice exists for the Activity. If one exists then the Edit Notice button is displayed. Both buttons call the screen for the Activity Notice which is described below in section I.1. I.1 Activity Notice Screen The Activity Notice screen (in Edit mode) is shown below in figure 74. Figure 74 – Procurement Notice Step – Activity Notice Screen - Borrower’s View The Notice for the Specific Procurement Notice is very similar to the GPN Notice screen. The differences are as follows: a) Create/Edit title will show the Notice Type value for the notice being created/edited. b) In addition to the Language of Notice field in the General Information Section two additional fields will be included for the Deadline for Submission. The first field is the Deadline for Submission Date which is a date field and should have a date lookup. The date should be a future date when being entered. The second field is two fields to identify the Local Time part of the Submission Date. The first field shows the hours and the second one minutes. These should be dropdown lists. The first is based on a 24 hour clock with values ranging from 00 – 23. The second displays a dropdown list of values in 15 minute intervals so the values are 00, 15, 30, 45. The Notice Text (Detailed Information for Advertisement) and Contact information for Advertisement sections work the same way as the General Procurement Notice. The Save as Draft should save a draft version of the Notice and update the data record for the Data Sheet actions table with a Draft Status. The Save as Draft and Send to Bank should save the Notice as Draft and update the status in the Data Sheet actions table to be under review for the current notice record. As well as Open a Notification Email screen to send a notification to the bank for Review of the Notice as done with other Review Requests. The user should also be able to view the screen in view mode. This will open when the user choose to view the notice or if the Notice is under review or Published/Re-Published. When under review the Edit Notice button should not be available to the user. Review Actions Section Review Actions for the Notice will work as other review actions. Figure 75 below shows the section populated with data. Figure 75 – Procurement Notice Step – Review Actions Section - Borrower’s View When a Notice is Sent to the Bank then the Action for the review will be “Request Procurement Notice Review”. The user will have the same Review Request send screen as in other send requests. The message can be viewed clicking the message icon. The Notice is only viewable and cannot be edited. The Edit Notice button should not be available. After a No Objection has been given by the Bank the notice will be published and a Published entry (first occurrence) or Re-Published (all other publications) will show in the Data sheet section. What is different for the Notice step. Bank Processing for Procurement Notice Steps The Bank screen for the Procurement Notice step will appear as follows in figure 76. Figure 76 – Procurement Notice Step - Bank’s View In the Data Sheet Actions the Bank user will see the current and historical versions of the notice. The same functionality to expand/collapse the table display will need to be implemented in the Bank view. To access the current Procurement Notice the user needs to click on the view icon in the View column. Only the latest notice can be viewed. If the status is Under Review for the Step and current notice then the Review buttons will be displayed appropriately to the Bank Staff. The processing for review is the same as in other steps. When clicking on the View icon a display version of the notice is shown to the user as displayed in figure 77 below. Figure 77 – Procurement Notice Step - Display Notice - Bank’s View The Bank user should be able to view the Notice and go back to the Notice Step Screen. II. Activity Screens and Tabs This section describes functionality related to Activity Tab Screens that is not included in Track II functionality. A. Activity Screen Tab Display The Activity screen will have three tabs displayed to show the related activity data. They are Details, Data Sheet, and Contracts. The tabs are displayed below in figure 78 for the Borrower View. Figure 78 – Procurement Notice Step - Display Notice – Borrower View The rules for displaying the three Tabs are below: Tab Rule Details The Details Tab displays Activity Specific information including the Category, Method, Description, Estimate Amount, Loan, Component, and Roadmap details. It will appear after an activity has been cleared/approved by the Bank as part of the procurement Plan. New Activities or Rejected Activities will not have the screen tabs as part of the display. Once an activity is cleared and has a Process Status of “Pending Implementation” then the Details Tab will be displayed for the activity. Data Sheet The Data Sheet Tab displays data from evaluation reports used to select contract awardees. The Data Sheet captures key evaluation data used for review and to generate a contract after award. It will appear after an activity has been cleared/approved by the Bank as part of the procurement Plan. New Activities or Rejected Activities will not have the screen tabs as part of the display. Once an activity is cleared and has a Process Status of “Pending Implementation” then the Details Tab will be displayed for the activity. Contracts The Contracts Tab displays awarded and signed contract details for contracts that were signed out of the Activity’s procurement process. The Contracts Tab is not displayed until after there is at least one contract generated from the Finalization to Award step. It will display one or more contract details depending on the number of contracts generated from the process. Bank users will have the Details and Data Sheet tab displays. Contracts Appear in the Awarded Contracts section of the Project Details screen. The link on the Contract Number in the Activity and Activity Steps will direct the user to the Contract Award (Form 384) screen. B. Canceling an Activity Borrower Users will have the ability to Cancel an Activity which has been cleared by the Bank and has either not begun the implementation process (Process Status = Pending Implementation) or is in a step prior to contract award (before 1410, 1450, 1500, 1510, 1550) in the review process and the Process Status is “Under Implementation” meaning there is no current review being done. After an Activity has been cleared and no objected as part of the procurement plan then along with the Save, Cancel buttons there should also be a Cancel Activity button. When clicked the following overlay should appear on the screen as shown in figure 79 below. Figure 79 – Procurement Activity – Cancel Activity Action – Borrower View The user should be able to select one or more reasons for cancelation. If other is selected then an entry field should appear below the selection to enter the reason for cancelation. A text (up to 100 characters) must be entered if the reason selected is other. After saving the cancelation the activity Screen fields should appear as display only. Below the comments section there should a section titled Cancelation Reasons listing the selected reasons for cancelation. This is shown below in figure 80. Figure 80 – Procurement Activity – Canceled Activity display – Borrower View The Save, Cancel, and Cancel Activity buttons should no longer appear on the Activity Screen. Instead an Undo Cancel Activity button should be displayed. The Process Status should show as “Canceled” and the Activity Status should be “Modified”. The last updated user and date/time should be saved in the update history with a status of “Canceled Activity”. The Cancelation Reasons should show the selected reasons for cancelation separated by a “; “. In addition if Other was selected then the reason entered by the user should be displayed as one of the reasons rather than the other selection reason. Since the activity is Modified the change will need to be approved as part of the Plan Review when the plan is submitted for review to the Bank. If the Activity is rejected as part of the review then the activity should show as open for entry and the Process Status should be restored based on the entered data for the activity (if no step data than “Pending Implementation, if step data then “Under Implementation”). The Activity Status should be “Returned”. In the Bank view of the Activity that was cancelled the additional section for Cancelation Reasons should appear below the Comments section in the display as shown below in figure 81. Figure 81 – Procurement Activity – Canceled Activity display – Bank View When the activity modification is viewed as part of the Plan Review then if the Bank Accepts the change the Process Status is confirmed as “Canceled” and the Activity Status is set to “Cleared”. If the Bank rejects the change then the Process Status is set back to “Pending Implementation” or “Under Implementation” depending on if process steps have been started or not. If “Pending Implementation” then Entry Fields are open for changing using Edit Button, If “Under Implementation” are not open for changing (Edit button should not be available). PS/TTL must enter comments with the activity as part of Rejection (Depending on who rejected the Activity). Cancelation Reasons section should be removed. C. Data Sheet Tab The Data Sheet Tab appears after the activity has been approved by the plan. Depending on the Category/Method either the Consultant or Goods and Works data sheet will be applied. The Consultant Data sheet will be used for Category = Consultant Services and Methods = QCBS, QBS, CQBS, FBBS, ICS, DSIC, LCBS, CDS, CCPR. The Goods and Works Data sheet will be used for Categories = Goods, Civil Works, and Non-Consulting Services and Methods = RFP, RFB, RFQ, DIR, CPR. Not all functionalities of the data sheets will be described as much of the functionality exists in the current ENO data sheet used in OPS2. Specific details for interaction between the procurement steps that need to call the data sheet and new functionalities will be described. The data sheet data will be used by the borrower to enter evaluation details from the procurement process, specifically from the evaluation of contract award. The Bank will check the data against the evaluation report filed by the borrower. This data will also feed the generation of the Form 384 Contract Award data and the Contract Award Procurement Notices. C.1 Consultant Data Sheet Borrower Screens Figures 82 below shows the Consultant Data Sheet as it appears before entering contract data. Figure 82 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet Pre-Contract Entry – Borrower View The user will access the data sheet clicking the Data Sheet tab directly or clicking the Data Sheet button within a Procurement Step screen. The data in the Shortlist / Identified Consultant table will be populated from selecting/creating supplier data via the Add Firms button/link. This option calls the Select Firms/Individual screen shown below in figure 83. Figure 83 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet Pre-Contract Entry – Select Firms/Individual Screen - Borrower View The functionality for selecting the firms and creating firms follows the same process as what is currently in the ENO system and will not be documented. The new functionality for displaying the debarment flag, recalling the agency list, and Registry ID entry are documented in the Screen Mockups and have been described in detail to the development teams. When a Supplier is created or Selected from the lookup the AML and CRPD checks need to be executed. These checks are done in SAP and the call for these checks will need to be executed in the database backend processing. After the Firms/Individuals have been selected they will show in the Short List / Identified Consultants table shown above in figure 82. C.1.1 Missing Registry ID / Address for a Selected Firm If a Selected Firm does not have a Registry ID and/or Address value then the fields should be open for data entry to obtain the values as shown below in figure 84. Figure 84 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet Pre-Contract Entry – Registry/ID Address Entry - Borrower View The way this will work is if neither the Registry ID nor the Address fields have a value then both fields will show as open for entry. If the address is present and the Registry ID is missing then the Registry ID field should show as open for entry. If the Registry ID is present and the Address is missing then neither field should show as open for entry. In addition the following text should appear in the soft gray color next to the Shortlist / Identified Consultant Heading: If missing please supply registry ID and / or Address The way the functionality needs to work is the user should be able to select and add suppliers to the table. For the added records if there is missing information as described above the fields will be open for entry. In order to save and exit the screen the user will need to supply either the Registry ID or the Address values. Each record must have one or the other values. If just the Registry ID value is missing, it is optional for the user to supply the value. The “Save” button should be available on the screen. If the user clicks save and if there are one or more records with missing data for the table then the following message should be displayed to the user: Please enter either a Registry ID or Address for all firm/individuals appearing in the table. Since the firms are added to the table after selection from the supplier lookup if the user has exited the screen and comes back again the fields should appear open as described above if there still is not supplied values for those columns for the displayed records. If each record has either a Registry ID or an address then the error message should not be given to the user anymore when trying to save. C.1.2 Linking Firms as a Joint Venture Figures 82 and 84 above show the firms table with select boxes next to each firm name and a Link as Joint Venture button and information icons below the table. These all work in conjunction with each other. The Information icon next to the Link as Joint Venture button will display the following text when the user mouses over the icon: To create a joint venture between two or more firms/individuals click the checkbox next to each name and click the Link as Joint Venture button. The firms will appear together as one bidder. To undo the joint venture click the check box next to the names of the joint venture and click the Undo Joint Venture button. As described in the mouse over text to create a joint venture the user must select the firms from the list that compose a single joint venture bidder. Once clicking the Link as Joint Venture button the firms will appear together on the screen as shown below in figure 85. Figure 85 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet Pre-Contract Entry – Joint Venture Display - Borrower View Note also that when a Joint Venture is created the Scores and Prices icon only shows once (top justified) for the joint venture firms. The Undo Joint Venture button also is displayed and when the checkbox for the joint venture is selected and the undo joint venture button is selected the user should be prompted “Are you sure you want delink the joint venture?” If they click “Ok” then the firms should be delinked and appear as normal. If they click “Cancel” then the action should be cancelled. If Scores and Prices have been entered for one or more firms then the Joint Venture options should no longer be available on the screen. Also Firms that appear with a flag next to them indicating a debarment issue should not have a check box next to them to be able to be selected as a Joint Venture. C.1.3 Restricting Number of Firms/Individuals in the Short List If the activity for the Consultant Data Sheet has a Procurement Method in (CDS, CCPR, DSIC) then there can only be one Firm/Individual selected and listed in the Short List. The user should not be able to select multiple names from the supplier lookup nor enter more than one in the shortlist. If one was selected incorrectly then the name needs to be deleted from the list so that another can be chosen. C.1.4 Short List Required Steps and AML/CRPD Checking The list of consultants/individuals is required for steps 200, 210, 500, 1410, 1450. So when the borrower is doing document submission for these steps there needs to be at least one firm/individual in the short list of the data sheet in order to send the document submission to the Bank. In this case if the data is not completed then the Send to Bank button should not be available to the user on the procurement step until the data requirements are completed. If this is not possible then when the button is pressed the user needs to receive a message informing them that the short list entry has not been completed. The message could read: Short List/Individual Consultant data is required for this procurement step Also on these procurement steps the short list data needs to be checked for AML and CRPD checks. The AML and CRPD check processes in SAP need to be run on the firms based on the following rules. For Steps 200, 210, and 500 all firms in the list must be checked. For Steps 1410 and 1450 only the selected firm (or firms if Joint Venture bidder) need to be checked against the AML and CRPD lists. The Debarment flag appears next to the firm name if there is a debarment issue (Debarred, Suspended) and the firm cannot be selected for the contract section. In addition, the AML/CRPD check result will impact the display. If a firm/individual is not cleared when checked as part of a step document submission then if the result is unconfirmed/not cleared from the check then the user should receive a message indicating the following: Please contact the Project TTL about the firms/individuals listed in the Activity Data Sheet While the status of the CRPD or AML checks are not equal to “Cleared” the firms or Joint Ventures should be unelectable from the list for contract award (they should not appear in the drop down list). In the case for Steps 1410 and 1450 the firm/individual would have already been selected and therefore based on discussion with the Project Team the review will need to be resolved accordingly. The Bank should not be allowed to proceed with a No Objection response if the AML or CRPD status is something other than “Cleared”. This functionality needs to be linked into the display of the Response buttons for the step review. C.1.5 Scores and Prices Functionality When the Scores and Prices icon is clicked for a firm or joint venture bidder the following section and entry fields will appear on the screen under the firm/joint venture as shown below in figure 86. Figure 86 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet Pre-Contract Entry – Scores and Prices Display - Borrower View For Steps 1410 and 1450 the data for Scores and Prices is required in order to send the documents for the procurement steps to the Bank for review. If The procurement method is QCBS, QBS, FBBS, CQBS then both sections are required to be filled out. All Technical Sub-scores and the Technical, Financial, Combined scores plus the Rank value need to be entered. The Score values can be up to 2 decimal places. The Rank is an integer value. In the Read Out Price at least one currency and amount must be entered and up to four currencies and amounts can be entered. Once a currency is entered it cannot be entered on another line. The Final Evaluation Price currency and amount must be entered. All Currency Amounts must be displayed/entered in the decimal format for the Currency and display comma delimited after entry. So the Currency must be chosen first before the amount field is opened for entry. For the other Consultant Methods (ICS, DSIC, LCBS, CDS, CCPR) The Technical Score and sub-scores, Financial Score, and Combined Score values are not required. These should either be not displayed on the screen or they should appear in collapsed mode (figure 85 below) where the values accessible for entry. The Rank field should still be open for entry and is required. The Prices and Evaluation Price are required as described above. Save should save the entered data. The required fields are required for Sending the Procurement Step to the Bank (Prior Review) or building the contract (Step 1590 Post Review) but not necessarily to save the data on the screen. It is much cleaner for the application that all required data is entered at the time of entry but not for the user. The application should keep a tracker for the required data that identifies if all required data has been entered for the bidder for the scores and prices details. It needs to keep trackers for Firm Individual Data entry in the shortlist, scores and prices for each bidder, and then completed contract data. The user should be able to expand/collapse the technical sub-scores to display the key score values. This is shown below in figure 87. Figure 87 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet Pre-Contract Entry – Collapsed Scores and Prices Display - Borrower View C.1.6 Evaluated Contract Section The Evaluated Contract Section appears when the user clicks the Add Evaluated Contract button. In order for the button to be displayed the required information for the Short List and Scores and Prices need to be completed for all listed bidders (Individual/Firms or Joint Ventures) based on the required data for the procurement method of the Activity. Figure 88 below shows the display for the section. Figure 88 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet Post Contract Entry – Borrower View Contract numbers are sequential starting with Contract 1. Initially the Contract section and the Awarded Firm/Individual sections are open for entry. The prices should be non-editable. All fields are mandatory. Duration can contain up to 2 decimal places. The Duration Type will contain values (Days, Weeks, Months, and Years). Minimum qualifying score can contain up to two decimal places. The pick list of firms will come from the short list table. Firms that have a debarment or AML/CRPD check issue should not appear in the drop down list. When the user selects the firm, individual, or joint venture from the list then the corresponding read out prices entered in the scores and prices should be copied into the Contract Price/Currencies section. Once this occurs then the amount field will show as open for entry. It is not likely but could occur that the user changes a currency or puts in an additional currency not displayed (If less than 4). In this case the amount should be cleared if the currency is changed. The amount field should be open for entry if a currency is selected. The amount value needs to appear comma delimited and in proper decimal format for the currency displayed. If there is only one firm in the short list then this information should automatically be copied to the awarded firm/individual and Contract Price/Currencies sections unless there is a debarment/AML/CRPD issue with the firm as these cannot be awarded the contract unless the issue is resolved. When one contract is added to the data sheet then all editing functionality for the Short List table should be disabled. Select Firms, link/undo Joint Venture, and enter Scores/Prices should all be disabled. If the Method is CDS, CCPR, DSIC then only one Evaluated contract can occur for the data sheet. The other methods can allow more than one contract to be created for the data sheet (click Add Evaluated Contract again) once the details are completed for the contract being entered. If the contract data is editable then a contract can be deleted from the display. If the user mouses over the contract header section the X icon for deletion should appear. If clicked the user should get a confirmation message below: This selection will delete the contract and the contract details. Click Ok to continue with the deletion or Cancel to return to editing the contract details. On clicking the OK button the contract and related details should be deleted and the user will need to again Add Evaluated Contract. If there are no contracts listed after the deletion then the Short List actions should be available again. C.1.7 Additional Consultant Data Sheet Functionality All contract fields, Selected awardee, and at least one currency and amount are required for the contract data. If the data is not complete then the user should not be able to send the step submission for steps (1410, and 1450) to the bank. When a submission occurs for one of the procurement steps related to the data sheet then the data sheet should be locked from entry until the review is no objected or an interim response is returned. If a no objection occurs for steps 1410 or 1450 then the contracts no objected in the review for those steps are locked from entry and can no longer be changed. After Steps 210 or 500 no objections have been given (if prior review) then the Add Firms option should no longer be available for the data sheet. C.2 Consultant Data Sheet Bank Screens Figures 89 below shows the Consultant Data Sheet as it appears completed for Bank view. Figure 89 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet – Short List Review - Bank View The Data Sheet will appear as above in figure 89 for a Consultant activity when the borrower submits document reviews for Steps 200, 210, or 500. All values are display only. At this stage the Scores and Prices section is not required but if entered should be viewable. The flag value will be displayed if there is a Debarment, CRPD, or AML issue for the firm displayed. Joint venture firms should appear together and appear outlined to indicated the multiple firms are bidding together as a joint venture. Figure 90 below shows the display for the Scores and Prices when clicked for the record. Figure 90 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet – Scores and Prices - Bank View If the Technical, Financial, and Combined scores are not required for the procurement step then the display should be in collapsed mode with no values for those values. The Technical scores would not be expandable. When reviewing Contract data the screen will appear as shown below in figure 91. Figure 91 – Procurement Activity – Consultant Data Sheet - Contract Entry – Bank View Each contract displayed will be expandable/collapsible. All the contract fields entered by the borrower will be displayed in the Bank View. C.3 Goods and Works Data Sheet Borrower Screens The Goods and Works Data sheet will be used for Categories = Goods, Civil Works, and Non-Consulting Services and Methods = RFP, RFB, RFQ, DIR, CPR. The Goods and Works data sheet entry will have some significant entry differences than the consultant form. Figures 92 below shows the Goods and Works Data Sheet as it appears before entering contract data. Figure 92 – Procurement Activity – Goods and Works Data Sheet Pre-Contract Entry – Borrower View This section is very similar to the Consultant’s datasheet and has the same functionality for selecting firms, editing Registry IDs and Addresses, removing firms, linking/undo Joint Ventures, and peforming AML/CRPD checks as names are added to the list. It does not have scores and prices like the Consultant Data Sheet. Procurement Steps 430 and 475 are specific evaluation steps for the Supplier list. If these steps occur for the activity then after No Objection for these steps new firms should not be allowed to the list. A CRPD/AML check should be performed at this stage as well as at Steps 1500, 1510, and 1550 for the recommended firm. For DIR and CPR Method Activities there can only be one firm appearing in the list. Also for these procurement methods there can only be one Evaluated Contract created in the datasheet (one supplier – one contract). For the other procurement methods there can be one or more contracts created as part of the evaluation data. Each contract must have the required data entered for them and they will appear with a sequential counter numbering the contracts. Each contract will be expandable/collapsible in the display. Figure 93 below shows the screen display when adding a evaluated contract. Figure 93 – Procurement Activity – Goods and Works Data Sheet Contract Entry – Borrower View Like the consultant data sheet the user must fill out the Contract Description and Duration fields. In addition there is an Evaluation currency field. The field should be a drop down list. This needs to be selected before the Evaluated Bid Price and Bid Price at Opening amount values can be entered for the Recommended or Evaluated Bidders. The difference for the Goods and Works contract entry is that for each contract the user must identify all the firms from the Short List that were considered for the contract as Bidders may bid on one or more contracts for the activity. Therefore all Bidders from the list appear (Those with Debarment or AML/CRPD issues should not appear in the list of firms). Figures 94, 95, and 96 show the progression of selection and data entry for the considered suppliers. The user checks the suppliers evaluated for the contract, then indicates what bidder is recommended for award, what others were evaluated or rejected. There can only be one recommended supplier. The others can have multiple. Figure 94 shows the different entry options for the different types of bidders. Both Recommended and Evaluated bidders must enter the Contract Prices and Evaluated/Bid Price at opening values. The Recommended supplier must also have the Contract Price value. All these are in the Evaluation Currency listed with the contract details. For Rejected Bidders the Contract Price Currencies are optional but a Reject Reason must be selected. For the evaluation report steps 1500, 1510, 1550 all Short List and Contract details must be completed for requesting step review. To complete a contract the contract specific data plus at least the Recommended Bidder details/prices must be entered. Step 1 – Select Suppliers and Continue: Figure 94 – Procurement Activity – Goods and Works Data Sheet Contract Evaluated Bidders Selection Step 1 – Borrower View Step 2 – Identify the Bidder Type for Selected Suppliers: Figure 95 – Procurement Activity – Goods and Works Data Sheet Contract Evaluated Bidders Selection Step 2 – Borrower View Step 3 – Enter Contract Bid Prices, Evaluation Prices, and Reject Reasons for each Evaluated Bidder: Figure 96 – Procurement Activity – Goods and Works Data Sheet Contract Evaluated Bidders Selection Step 3 – Borrower View The list of reasons for rejection are as follows: Non Responsive Late Submission Bid not Signed Does not meet Eligibility Requirements Bid Security not Provided Before the borrower sends the Final Contract Award Step (1500, 1510, 1550) all contracts must be entered that will be reviewed. The borrower cannot add contracts after No Objections have been given on one or more of the contracts. C.4 Goods and Works Data Sheet Bank Screens Figure 97 below shows the Goods and Works data sheet entered with Prequalified/Shortlisted suppliers for review. Figure 97 – Procurement Activity – Goods and Works Data Sheet pre-Contract display – Bank View When mousing over the flag all debarment/CRPD/AML results should be identified to the user as done currently in the ENO system. Joint venture firms should appear together and be distinctive from single firm records. Figure 98 shows the completed data sheet with one contract for the Bank View. Figure 98 – Procurement Activity – Goods and Works Data Sheet Completed – Bank View When displayed the Recommended Bidder should be opened to display the Contract Price/Currencies information. All details from the borrower entry should be displayed. Figures 99 and 100 below show the displays for the expanded view of an Evaluated and Rejected Bidder. When a different bidder’s details are displayed the previous expanded bidder should be collapsed. Figure 99 – Procurement Activity – Goods and Works Data Sheet Completed – Evaluated Bidder Expansion Bank View Figure 100 – Procurement Activity – Goods and Works Data Sheet Completed – Rejected Bidder Expansion Bank View A rejected bidder may or may not have Currency Information associated to it. The figure above displays where the currency information would be displayed if it was available for the rejected bidder. If there is no currency data then the section does not need to be displayed since there is no data for it. D. Contracts Tab and Contract Data The Contracts Tab and Contract data will appear in the Borrowers View of the application. The tab and data will appear after a contract was either finalized with no changes or no objected on the Finalization of Award step (for Prior Review Activities) or if the contracts were finalized on the Finalization of Award step (for Post Review Activities). The contract data is generated from the Data Sheet and Activity data and populates the Form 384 data in the database. For Prior Review Activities the contract is either generated when the Borrower sends the contracts for review to the Bank and there are no Finalization changes to the contracts or If there are Finalization changes then after the Bank has issued the No Objection to the contract. If the Step is being used on a Post Review Activity then the contract is generated after the user Clicks the “Generate Contract” button. What occurs for the different cases of contract generation is described in the sections below. D.1 - Contract Generation for an unchanged contract (Prior/Post Review) Generating a 384 Contract from an unchanged contract (meaning the contract details were not changed from the evaluated entry and reviewed data sheet data) will utilize the Data Sheet and Activity Data to populate the Form 384. The data will populate the ZCTR, ZCTRHIST, ZCTRDESC, ZCTRADD, ZCTRCURR, ZBIDR, ZCTRSUPP and the STXL table for contract comments. The following mapping should be done to populate the data ZCTR Table Attribute Populated From CTR_NO Calculated by System – Next available contract number PSPNR Project ID for Activity BID_NO Activity’s Internal ID PROC_GRP_CODE Activity’s Procurement Category Code PROC_METH_CODE Activity’s Procurement Method Code METH_TYPE_CODE Activity’s Procurement Method Type F384_TYPE_CODE Set to “P” if populated from a Goods and Works Data Sheet or “C” if populated from a Consultant Data Sheet ACTN_TYPE_CODE Set to “O” for Original CTR_REF_NO Set to Activity Reference Number CTR_USD_AMT Calculated from the sum of USD Equivalence values for Contract Currencies. F384_STAT Set to “UNSENT” POST_RVW_FLG Based on Activity Review Type. If Prior Review then set value to “ “. If Post Review set value to “X”. SEC_ALLOC_CODE Activity’s Sector Code. BATCH_NUM Calculated by system UPD_USER If Bank User then WB+UPI number. If Borrower User then Borrower User ID. UPD_DATE Date Created UPD_TIME Time Created NOOB_SYS_CTR Set value = “X” FORM_ID Set value = Form ID calculated by the System CTR_DUR New Column - Set value = Data Sheet Contract’s Duration Value DUR_TYPE_CODE New Column - Set value = Data Sheet Contract’s Duration Type Code CTR_STATUS Calculated by system. See rules in section D.7 ZCTRHIST Table Attribute Populated From CTR_NO Calculated by System – Next available contract number CTR_HIST_NO Set value = 1 (first sequence number) F384_HIST_STAT Set value = “Created” F384_HIST_DATE Set value = Current Date UPD_USER If Bank User then WB+UPI number. If Borrower User then Borrower User ID. PROC_USER_TYPE New Column - Set value based on User (Bank or Borrower) UPD_DATE Set value = Current Date ZCTRDESC Table Attribute Populated From CTR_NO Calculated by System – Next available contract number CTR_DESC Data Sheet Contract’s Description ZCTRADD Table Attribute Populated From CTR_NO Calculated by System – Next available contract number ADD_NO Set value = 0 CURR_EXCH_DATE Set value = Bank’s No Objection Date for Final Contract Award Step for Data Sheet Contract (1410, 1450, 1500, 1510 or 1550) ADD_USD_AMT Calculated from the sum of USD Equivalence values for Contract Currencies. CTR_NOOB_DATE Set value = Bank’s No Objection Date for Final Contract Award Step for Data Sheet Contract (1410, 1450, 1500, 1510 or 1550) CTR_SIGN_DATE Not populated CTR_CMPLN_DATE New Column - Contract Completion Date - Not Populated ADD_TYPE Needs to be a Sub table off of ZCTRADD to store Amendment Types - Not Populated ZCTRCURR Table Attribute Populated From CTR_NO Calculated by System – Next available contract number ADD_NO Set value = 0 WAERS Data Sheet Contract’s Price Currency Code (record needs to be created for each currency) CURR_AMT Data Sheet Contract’s Price Currency Value (formatted to SAP currency amount storage) CURR_EXCH_DATE Set value = Bank’s No Objection Date for Final Contract Award Step for Data Sheet Contract (1410, 1450, 1500, 1510 or 1550) CURR_EXCH_RATE Get Exchange rate from Exchange rate table based on WAERS and CURR_EXCH_DATE CURR_USD_AMT Calculated based on CURR_AMT * CURR_EXCH_RATE ZBIDR Table Attribute Populated From CTR_NO Calculated by System – Next available contract number BIDR_NO Data Sheet Contract’s Bidder Number (or calculated to be 1) BIDR_ORD_NO Set value = 1 BIDR_TYPE_CODE Set value to “ “ if single supplier. Set value to “J” if Joint Venture. CTR_AWD_FLG Set value to “X” ZCTRSUPP Table Attribute Populated From CTR_NO Calculated by System – Next available contract number BIDR_NO Data Sheet Contract’s Bidder Number (or calculated to be 1) SUPP_ID Data Sheet Contract’s Recommended/Awarded Bidder’s Supplier ID SUPP_ORD_NO Set value to 1 for first ID, 2 for Second, and so on. STXL table is populated from contract comments data which should be null for newly created contracts. D.2 - Contract Generation for a changed contract in Finalization of Award Step (1590) If Change Type is Merged then ZCTRSUPP will be populated with supplier data from either of the contracts. ZCTRCURR data will come from Price Data from the Finalization of Award Step as this data is summed between the contracts (or sum values from the merged contracts). ZCTRDESC data will concatenate the two contract descriptions inserting a “ – “ inbetween the two descriptions. ZCTR – Contract Duration will need to sum values together. If values have different duration type then values should be converted to highest Type. They are listed here from lowest to highest (Days, Weeks, Months, Years). The conversion should be as follows (7 Days = 1 Week, 4 Weeks = 1 Month, 12 Months = 1 Year). ZCTRADD – No Objection Date is Finalization of Award No Objection date for the Contract. If Change Type is Awardee Change then ZCTRSUPP will be populated with supplier data from Finalization of Award Step. ZCTRADD – No Objection Date is Finalization of Award No Objection date for the Contract. If Change Type is Price Change then ZCTRCURR will be populated with Currency’s and Amount data from Finalization of Award Step. ZCTRADD – No Objection Date is Finalization of Award No Objection date for the Contract. D.3 - Contract Updating in Signed Contract Step (1600) ZCTR - CTR_REF_NO updated with Changed value from Signed Contract Step. ZCTRDESC - CTR_DESC updated with Changed value from Signed Contract Step. ZCTRADD – CTR_SIGN_DATE for ADD_NO = 0 updated with Value from Signed Contract Step. In addition contract should be linked to the Signed contract document for displaying in Form 384. D.4 - Contract Updating in Contract Amendment Step (1615) ZCTR - CTR_USD_AMT updated based on Summed ADD_USD_AMT values for all ZCTRADD record values for the CTR_NO. ZCTRADD - ADD_NO record inserted for Amendment No from Amendment Step data. CTR_NOOB_DATE and CTR_SIGN_DATE populated from Amendment Step data. No Objection on Bank’s No Objection to Amendment. Signing date based on Borrower’s sending of the Signed amendment data. ADD_USD_AMT - Calculated from the sum of USD Equivalence values for Contract Currencies entered for Amendment Price Changes. ADD_TYPE – Values populated from checked items and Other text entry for the Amendment record. ZCTRCURR - Data based on Amendment Currency entries. Exchange Rate based on Banks No Objection Date. USD Equivalence calculated based on Currency amount and Exchange Rate. All data is populated based on the Bank’s No Objection or Signing update. D.4 - Contract Updating in Contract Completion Step (1620) ZCTRADD - ADD_NO = 0 CTR_CMPLN_DATE value updated with entered value for the Step on sending to the Bank. D.5 - Contract Updating in Contract Termination Step (1700) If Termination caused an amendment to the contract values then ZCTR - CTR_USD_AMT updated based on Summed ADD_USD_AMT values for all ZCTRADD record values for the CTR_NO. ZCTRADD - ADD_NO record inserted for Amendment No from Amendment Step data. CTR_NOOB_DATE and CTR_SIGN_DATE populated from Amendment Step data. No Objection on Bank’s No Objection to Amendment. Signing date based on Borrower’s sending of the Signed amendment data. ADD_USD_AMT - Calculated from the sum of USD Equivalence values for Contract Currencies entered for Amendment Price Changes. ADD_TYPE – Values populated from checked items for termination. ZCTRCURR - Data based on Amendment Currency entries. Exchange Rate based on Banks No Objection Date. USD Equivalence calculated based on Currency amount and Exchange Rate. All data is populated based on the Bank’s No Objection. D.6 - Contract Updating for Paid Amount Entry in Contract Tab Paid amounts should be stored in a ZCTRPAID table with the following attributes and population based on record entry by the borrower in the Contract Payments section of the Contract Form. Attribute Populated From CTR_NO Contract Number from Contracts Tab CTR_PAID_DATE Date entered for Paid Date WAERS Contract Tab Contract’s Currency Code from Entered Data PAID_CURR_AMT Contract’s Payment Currency Value (formatted to SAP currency amount storage) CURR_EXCH_RATE Get Exchange rate from Exchange rate table based on WAERS and CTR_PAID_DATE PAID_USD_AMT Calculated based on PAID_CURR_AMT * CURR_EXCH_RATE D.7 - Miscellaneous Updates A Separate status will need to be kept for the contract data for recording if the contract is “Unsigned”, “Signed”, “Completed”, “Amended”, or “Terminated”. Based on the step executed the value will be updated for the ZCTR table. D.8 - Borrower Contract Screen Display The Borrower display for Contracts is shown below in figure 101. Figure 101 – Contract Display – Borrower’s View The contract data for the Borrower appears under the Contracts Tab where one or more contracts will appear with expand/collapse capabilities. All details for the contract are display only except for the Contract Payment and Comments sections. The data will come from the Form 384 data tables. For contract payment entry the user must first select a current or past date for which the payment was made. Then choose the currency and then the amount can be entered (comma delimited and formatted to decimal display for currency). The exchange rate to US Dollars should be retrieved based on the date and Currency. Once the amount is entered the USD equivalent value can be calculated. The amount should not allow negatives. A payment entry previously saved can be deleted by mousing over the record and clicking the delete icon. Once a record is saved it appears as display only. D.8 - Bank Contract Screen Display The Bank display for Contracts is shown below in figure 102. Figure 102 – Contract Display – Bank’s View All data in the Bank View screen is display only. There is not a Contracts tab for the Activity in the Bank screens like the Borrower has. Instead to get to the screen the user will either click on the contract appearing in the Awarded Contracts section of the Project Details screen, Go to the More screen from that display, or click on the Contract number link when the contract appears in a Activity screen or Activity Step Screen. The Bank user will have the option to Send the contract to LOA by clicking the Send button. This will update the send status for the contract so that it is picked up by LOA. Any contract that is marked as Post Review will not have the Send button available. The send functionality should work the same way as done currently in OPS 2.0. The Back button should return the user back to the screen that called the Contract screen. The View Signed Contract Document button should open the link to the signed contract that has been added in the Signed Contract Step of the Activity for the displayed contract. The Print option should compile a printable PDF version of the screen. PROCUREMENT Eastern and Southern Africa : ET ROAD SEC. DEV. PROG PLAN General Information Country: Eastern and Southern Africa 2019-06-04 Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2024-02-10 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P000755 GPN Date: 2021-06-05 Project Name: ET ROAD SEC. DEV. PROG Loan / Credit No: IDA / 3032A, TF / 25158, IDA / 30320 Ministry of Education - Test Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Estimated Actual Am Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Contract Complet Description Component Review Type Method Amount (U ount (US$ and Recommendation Signed Contract o. h cess (Y/N) isk ocument Type atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes ion S$) ) for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned IN-MET-117926-CW-APA / Ac Alternative Procur Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Under Imple 2020-05-1 IDA / 30320 EQUIPMENT Prior 300,000.00 0.00 2019-08-13 2019-06-08 2019-08-18 2019-09-08 2019-10-29 2019-11-19 tivity 5 ement Arrangeme l nvelope mentation 7 nt IN-MET-117927-CW-RFP / Ac Request for Propo Open - Internationa Pending Imp 2022-02-2 IDA / 30320 EQUIPMENT Post Multi Stage 341,234.00 0.00 2019-11-18 2020-02-03 2020-02-03 2019-11-23 2020-04-13 2020-07-26 2020-08-30 tivity 6 sals l lementation 1 Request for Bids - IN-MET-409118-CW-RFB / Ac Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Small Works SPD 73,000,000.0 Pending Imp 2026-05-2 TF / 25158 CIVIL WORKS Prior Request for Bids 0.00 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 2024-08-10 2024-10-23 2024-11-27 tivity 2/10/24 - 2 l nvelope (1 envelope proce 0 lementation 1 ss) GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual IN-MET-117921-GO-RFP / Act Request for Propo Single Stage - Two E Under Imple IDA / 3032A CIVIL WORKS Prior Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 2019-06-30 2019-07-05 2019-08-16 2019-10-29 2019-06-07 2019-12-04 2020-06-01 ivity 1 sals nvelope mentation IN-MET-117922-GO-RFB / Act Open - Internationa Single Stage - One E Under Revie TF / 25158 EQUIPMENT Prior Request for Bids 200,000.00 0.00 2019-08-13 2019-08-18 2019-09-29 2019-10-29 2019-12-03 2020-05-31 ivity 2 l nvelope w IN-MET-117924-GO-RFQ / Ac Request for Quota Single Stage - One E Pending Impl IDA / 30320 EQUIPMENT Post Open - National 150,000.00 0.00 2019-09-14 2019-11-09 2020-05-07 tivity 3 tions nvelope ementation IN-MET-117928-GO-RFP / Act Request for Propo Under Imple IDA / 3032A CIVIL WORKS Prior Open - National 300,000.00 0.00 2019-06-24 2019-06-08 2019-06-29 2019-06-08 2019-09-07 2019-06-03 2020-02-09 2019-06-08 2020-03-15 2021-09-06 ivity 7 sals mentation IN-MET-409117-GO-RFP / Act Request for Propo Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Pending Impl TF / 25158 CIVIL WORKS Prior 10,000,000.00 0.00 2024-08-13 2024-08-13 2024-10-22 2025-01-04 2025-02-08 2026-08-02 ivity 2/10/24 - 1 sals l nvelope ementation NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit N Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission / Description Component Review Type Method and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h cess (Y/N) ount (US$) (US$) atus Documents ation Report ent / Justification Notice / Invitation s Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual IN-MET-117929-NC-RFP / Act Request for Propo Open - Internationa Single Stage - Two E Under Imple TF / 25158 EQUIPMENT Post 234,522.00 0.00 2019-09-09 2019-06-01 2019-09-14 2019-10-26 2019-06-09 2020-01-08 2020-02-12 2020-08-10 ivity 8 sals l nvelope mentation CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technic Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Neg Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) Notice equest for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes al Proposal otiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual IN-MET-117925-CS-QCBS / A CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISIO Quality And Cost- Under Implement IDA / 3032A Prior Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 2019-10-16 2019-11-06 2019-12-20 2020-01-17 2020-02-16 2020-03-22 2019-06-08 2020-04-26 2021-04-26 ctivity 4 N Based Selection ation IN-MET-117930-CS-QBS / Act CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISIO Quality Based Sel Pending Impleme IDA / 3032A Post Open - National 700,000.00 0.00 2019-09-25 2019-10-16 2019-11-29 2019-12-27 2020-01-26 2020-02-25 2020-03-31 2021-03-31 ivity 9 N ection ntation INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Loan / Credit N Market Approac Contract Type Estimated Amo Actual Amount Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Signed Contract Contract Completion o. h unt (US$) (US$) d/Selected Consultant ract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Page 1