FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No: RES52437 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROGRAM RESTRUCTURING OF BHUTAN HUMAN CAPITAL RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE PROJECT APPROVED ON FEBRUARY 3, 2022 TO THE KINGDOM OF BHUTAN Social Protection & Jobs Global Practice South Asia Region Regional Vice President: Martin Raiser Country Director: Mercy Miyang Tembon Regional Director: Lynne D. Sherburne-Benz Practice Manager: Stefano Paternostro Task Team Leader(s): Anastasiya Denisova, T. M. Asaduzzaman The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS BER Bhutan Education Roadmap BPCL Bhutan Power Corporation Limited CDCL Construction Development Corporation Limited CST Critical Skills Training Program DLIs Disbursement Linked Indicators EACD Environmental Assessment and Compliance Division ECCD Early Child Care and Development EMIS Education Management Information Systems ESSA Environmental and Social System Assessment FSA Fiduciary System Assessment FYP Five-Year Plan GDP Gross Development Product GRS Grievance Redress Service ICT Information and Communication Technologies ISMs Implementation Support Missions IVA Independent Verification Agency KPIs Key Performance Indicators M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MOAF Ministry of Agriculture and Forests MOE Ministry of Education MOEA Ministry of Economic Affairs MOLHR Ministry of Labor and Human Resources NEC National Environmental Commission NKRAs National Key Results Areas PDO Project Development Objective PEFA Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Assessment PforR Program for Results RGoB Royal Government of Bhutan SDP Skills Development Plan TTIs Technical Training Institutes TVET Technical Vocational Education and Training WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene YELP Youth Employment and Livelihoods Program The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) DATA SHEET (Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project - P174399) BASIC DATA Project ID Financing Instrument IPF Component P174399 Program-for-Results Financing No Approval Date Current Closing Date 03-Feb-2022 31-Jan-2025 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency KINGDOM OF BHUTAN Program Development Objective(s) Support building, protecting, and utilizing human capital in Bhutan OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Approval Effectiveness Closing Ln/Cr/TF Signing Date Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed Date Date Date IDA-70290 03-Feb-2022 07-Mar-2022 30-Mar-2022 31-Jan-2025 20.00 10.07 8.99 Policy Waiver(s) Does the Program require any waivers of Bank policies applicable to Program-for-Results operations? No Page 1 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) I. PROGRAM STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Program Status 1. The World Bank (WB) is supporting the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB)’s investment into resilient human capital accumulation and recovery post COVID-19 pandemic through the Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Program for Results (HCRRP) (US $20 million from the International Development Association (IDA)). The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to support building, protecting, and utilizing human capital in Bhutan. HCRRP is linked to the RGoB’s National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) 7 “Improving Quality of Education and Skills” and 11 “Productive and Gainful Employment” of the 12th Five-Year Plan (FYP) 2018-23 including associated COVID-19 recovery and resilience programs. As such Program implementation is overseen by both the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Labor and Human Resources (MOLHR), which are lead implementing agencies for the Program. It is also the first Program for Results (PforR) implemented in Bhutan. 2. The HCRRP was approved by WB’s Board of Executive Directors on February 3, 2022. The Financing Agreement was signed on March 7, 2022. HCRRP became effective on March 30, 2022. The expected closing date of the program is January 31, 2025. 3. The Program in its original design allocated US $4 million to three sets of Prior Results under the Disbursement Linked Indicator (DLI) 3 “ICT in education for learning recovery and improved access” (US $2 million), DLI 5 "Enhance Inclusion under Skill Development Program" (US $1 million) and DLI 8 “Strengthen systems and coordination to enhance employment support delivery under MOLHR” (US $1 million). As per the Financing Agreement (FA) all three sets of Prior Results were expected to be achieved prior to the Program Signing. 4. Following its effectiveness, the Program has achieved significant progress, which was partially slowed down by the outbreak of the omicron variant of COVID-19. More specifically: (a) The program successfully disbursed US$2 million on May 20, 2022, under the MOLHR against the achievement of the prior results under DLI 5 "Enhance Inclusion under Skill Development Program" and DLI 8 “Strengthen systems and coordination to enhance employment support delivery under MOLHR. Under these Prior Results MOLHR has successfully developed the foundational operations manual and the management information system (MIS) for the Skills Development Program (SDP), which will help with skilling and employment recovery post COVID-19 pandemic. (b) Both MOE and MOLHR have developed work plans to meet the first year DLIs and PAP actions on time. Both ministries have also successfully nominated the key focal points as per the PAP. (c) The program has complied with the pertinent legal covenants, except for the adoption of the implementation Guidance Note, the preparation of which is now underway after some delays caused by the outbreak of COVID- 19 in Bhutan during the early months of 2022. (d) The Program relies on the GRM currently in place at the MOLHR and MOE respectively to address queries and complaints across their programs. The GRM under MOLHR has recently been improved to provide a clear online window for filing queries, feedback, and complaints regarding MOLHR programs, services, and website functioning. Once the queries are received, they are addressed by the respective departments and in complex cases are resolved through the GRM committee. (e) Nonetheless, the closure associated with the outbreak of the omicron variant of the COVID-19 did not allow MOE to implement the teacher training needed to achieve the Prior Result under DLI 3. Consequently, the first Program The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Implementation Status and Results (ISR) report from June 3rd, 2022, rated progress toward the PDO and overall Implementation Program (IP) as moderately satisfactory. B. Rationale for Restructuring 5. The Prior Result under DLI3 was linked to MOE having ‘4,000 teachers trained in ICT competency’. As per the FA this result, which aims to improve the digital pedagogy competency of the Bhutanese teachers, should be considered achieved through the verification of the teacher training completion by at least 4000 teachers prior the Program signing. The training under this result should be in line with the ICT competencies outlined in the ICT competency standard for teachers. The allocation for the prior result was US$2 million. The training was planned for the winter break to minimize the disruption to the learning process. However, due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and associated closures and restrictions on public gatherings in December 2021 and January 2022, MOE was not able to deliver this training and rescheduled its delivery to summer 2022. Thus, the Prior Result associated with DLI3 was not achieved prior to the Program signing and is proposed to be changed to a regular DLR under Year 1. 6. MoE through the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has submitted a formal request on July 8, 2022, for restructuring to allow disbursement against teacher training under the regular Year 1 Disbursement Linked Results (DLR) process. They also informed the Bank that phase one of the training was completed in June 2022 which means more than 4000 teachers have been trained in ICT competency. Hence, the program will be able to start the DLI verification and disbursement process of US$2 million once this restructuring gets approved. 7. Consequently, changes are proposed to the DLI Matrix and DLR verification protocol to allow disbursements against achieved of results under DLI3. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 8. Consider the prior result (4,000 teachers trained in ICT competency) under DLI 3 (ICT in education for learning recovery and improved access) as a year 1 target. 9. Hence, adjustment to the ‘DLI matrix’ and ‘Verification Protocol Table: Disbursement Linked Indicators’ is needed to accommodate implementation realities. (a) Changes in the DLI matrix: Prior results will be removed from the DLI matrix under DLI 3. It will be placed under ‘year after effectiveness (c)’. Allocated amount and Financing Formula will remain the same but will be adjusted to ‘year after effectiveness’/year1 DLRs’. (b) Changes in the Verification Protocol Table and Disbursement Linked Indicators: Prior results description will be removed from DLI 3 description. It will be placed under Year 1 description (c) while ‘Prior results’ and ‘before the program signing’ words will be removed. A summary of changes made in revised verification protocol is described below: The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Current DLI 3 Year 1 Verification Protocol Proposed DLI 3 Year 1 Verification Protocol Prior Result will be considered achieved through Year 1 – (a) This DLR will be considered achieved improved digital pedagogy competency of teachers when MoE approves a detailed action plan on scale- which will be verified through the achievement of the up of newly approved competency-based curriculum, following outcome: (i) Teacher training is completed implementation arrangement, and scale-up of digital before the Program signing by at least 4000 pedagogy training of teachers; teachers, in line with ICT competencies outlined in the ICT competency standard for teachers. (b) Improved accessibility and integration of competency-based curriculum for learning recovery Year 1 – DLR 1 will be considered achieved when MoE will be verified through completion of the following approves a detailed action plan on scale-up of newly actions: (i) Digital contents on core subjects (English, approved competency-based curriculum, Maths, Science, Dzongkha) are developed and hosted implementation arrangement, and scale-up of digital in an openly accessible platform such as LMS; and (ii) pedagogy training of teachers. Contents are made accessible to schools - at least 80% of schools in urban areas and at least 40% of Improved accessibility and integration of schools in rural areas. The definition of rural and competency-based curriculum for learning recovery urban areas will follow RGoB's formal definition of will be verified through completion of the following Urban and Rural areas; actions: (i) Digital contents on core subjects (English, Maths, Science, Dzongkha) are developed and hosted (c) This DLR will be considered achieved through in an openly accessible platform such as LMS; and (ii) improved digital pedagogy competency of teachers Contents are made accessible to schools - at least which will be verified through the achievement of 80% of schools in urban areas and at least 40% of the following outcome: Teacher training is schools in rural areas. The definition of rural and completed by at least 4000 teachers, in line with ICT urban areas will follow RGoB's formal definition of competencies outlined in the ICT competency Urban and Rural areas. standard for teachers. 10. There are no changes to the Project Development Objective (PDO) or to the scope, activities, and funding of the DLI3 and other DLRs/DLIs. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Change in Results Framework ✔ Reallocation between and/or Change in DLI ✔ Change in Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Change in Implementation Schedule ✔ The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Change in Implementing Agency ✔ Change in Program's Development Objectives ✔ Change in Program Scope ✔ Change in Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Change in Cancellations Proposed ✔ Change in Disbursement Estimates ✔ Change in Systematic Operations Risk-Rating Tool ✔ (SORT) Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ Change in Legal Covenants ✔ Change in Institutional Arrangements ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_EA_TABLE . The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) ANNEX 1: RESULTS FRAMEWORK . . Results framework Program Development Objectives(s) Support building, protecting, and utilizing human capital in Bhutan Program Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Expanded access and professionalization of ECCD Percentage of children (3-5 years old) enrolled in ECCD services led by a ECCD facilitator which complete the basic certificate 26.00 30.00 (Percentage) Digitization of education for improved student outcomes Percentage of schools accessing and teachers utilizing digital 0.00 80.00 content in LMS (Percentage) in Urban areas (Percentage) 0.00 80.00 in Rural areas (Percentage) 0.00 40.00 Improve employment and inclusion outcomes Page 6 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Percentage increase from baseline (TBE) in percent of trainees employed (including full and part-time, wage and self- 42.10 20.00 employment) within 6 months of completing SDP (Percentage) for women (Percentage) 38.70 35.00 Enhanced resilience of jobseekers Linkages established either through MOUs or data sharing MoICE established operational linkages with key relevant No linkages protocols with Ministry of Education, Ministry of agencies (Text) Agriculture and Forests (MoAF), and Tourism Council Improve access to safe water and sanitation facilities at primary and secondary schools Number of public schools and Special Education Needs schools 0.00 60.00 with proper WASH facilities (Number) PDO Table SPACE Intermediate Results Indicators by Result Areas RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Expanded access and professionalization of ECCD Number of ECCD facilitators for government-supported provision trained or receiving training in the ECCD Diploma program 248.00 450.00 (Number) Number of ECCD facilitators for government-supported provision 600.00 810.00 trained in the two-week basic ECCD certificate (Number) Number of focal monitors trained (Number) 200.00 650.00 Page 7 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target Percentage of ECCD facilitators receive a supervision and coaching visit by a trained focal monitor aimed at improving their 24.00 40.00 teaching practice (Percentage) Number of new government supported integrated ECCD centers 0.00 180.00 and smaller ECCD centers in the targeted areas (Number) Percentage of government supported ECCD services that meet 0.00 30.00 the basic quality standards (Number) Percentage point increase from baseline in percent of mothers with improved economic empowerment outcomes in areas of 0.00 4.00 ECCD expansion (Percentage) Digitization of education for improved student outcomes Number of teachers trained on Digital Pedagogy (Number) 0.00 5,000.00 Number of female teachers trained on Digital Pedagogy for improved competency, mentorship and professional 0.00 2,000.00 development (Number) Percentage of schools having remote learning facilities in rural 0.00 20.00 areas (Percentage) Improve employment and inclusion outcomes Percentage increase from baseline in percentage of female SDP 47.50 40.00 graduates (Percentage) Percentage increase from baseline (TBE) in trainings delivered 78.60 40.00 outside of Thimphu, Paro and Phuentsholling (Percentage) Percentage of users requesting services through the single intake 0.00 75.00 and profiling window under MoESD and MoICE (Percentage) Of those who are women (Percentage) 0.00 50.00 Page 8 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name DLI Baseline End Target of those who are not from of Thimphu, Paro and 0.00 30.00 Phuentsholling (Percentage) Percentage of job seekers registered with single intake window who perceive improvements in access to employment promotion 0.00 75.00 services (Percentage) of those who are women (Percentage) 0.00 50.00 SDP program design on outreach, enrollment, delivery and placement support is revised following the completion of the No Yes study under DLR 1 as evidenced by revisions to the POM (Yes/No) Enhanced resilience of jobseekers Monitoring system for regular tracking of employment up to 6 No Yes months post SDP completion is established (Yes/No) Percentage of graduates from acceleration and incubation 0.00 30.00 programs are linked to financing opportunities (Percentage) Development of a Strategy for increasing climate responsiveness No Yes of MoESD financed trainings (Yes/No) Development of data sharing and referral system between MoESD and MoICE to enable referrals for mothers benefiting No Yes from ECCD to programs provided by MoICE (Yes/No) IO Table SPACE Page 9 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Disbursement Linked Indicators Matrix DLI IN01402046 ACTION DLI 1 Strengthening the quality of ECCD services for improved child outcomes Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 3,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A 1.1 National ECCD action plan prepared and US$1,000,000 for (1.1), for (1.2) approved by MoE based on the Education Reform US$800,000 for 80% of target and Year after effectiveness 2,000,000.00 Action Plan, and 1.2 ECCD Trainers trained using the US$100,000 for each additional 10% of revised training programs target. 1.3 Service delivery skills of ECCD facilitators, focal monitors and MOE program managers streamlined US$800,000 for 80% of the target and 2 Years after effectiveness and strengthened by ensuring diploma training and 1,000,000.00 US$100,000 for additional 10% of revised training for 50% of ECCD facilitators, Focal target. Monitors and Program Managers 3 Years after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A DLI IN01402050 ACTION DLI 2 Expansion of ECCD in targeted population Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 1,500,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Page 10 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Year after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A 2 Years after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A ECCD program expanded in rural areas, deprived $800,000 on reaching 4.8% of target 3 Years after effectiveness and poor communities as measured by a 9% 1,500,000.00 and $100,000 for each additional 0.6% increase over the baseline. of target. DLI IN01402058 ACTION DLI 3 ICT in education for learning recovery and improved access Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 5,500,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A US$2,000,000 for achievement of Prior Results 4,000 teachers trained in ICT competency 2,000,000.00 target (a) Approval of Action plan by MoE, based on Education Reform Action Plan, on curriculum US$500,000 for (a), US$500,000 for digitization and teacher training(b) Improved develop/host content (2 platforms); Year after effectiveness accessibility and integration of competency-based 1,500,000.00 and US$500,000 for 80% Urban & 40% curriculum for learning recovery by making contents Rural coverage. accessible to at least 80% of schools in urban areas and at least 40% of schools in rural areas a)$500,000 for 1,000 teachers, Improved digital pedagogy competency of teachers 2 Years after effectiveness 1,000,000.00 b)$500,000 for a 20% improvement by (a) training of 1000 teachers in ICT competency over baseline digital pedagogy Page 11 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) and (b) a 20% improvement over baseline in competency assessment of teachers. Reduction in the digital divide in rural areas (i) by ensuring an increase by 20% over baseline in schools having access to remote learning facilities US$500,000 for achievement of target through improved access for schools to digital 3 Years after effectiveness 1,000,000.00 of (i), and another $500,000 for learning (to be financed by HCRRP), (ii) by ensuring achievement of target (ii) an increase by 40 rural schools which will be equipped with local connectivity (to be financed by HCRRP AF) DLI IN01402065 ACTION DLI 4 Building Climate Change resilience through education system Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 1,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Year after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A Improved systems for combating climate change in US$500,000 for issuing policy directive 50% of all schools through dedicated climate by ministry and US$500,000 on 2 Years after effectiveness 1,000,000.00 resilience programs and implementation of a policy implementing it in 50% of schools. directive Rollover 12 months 3 Years after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A Page 12 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) DLI IN01402067 ACTION DLI 5 Enhanced inclusion under SDP Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 2,500,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Current % of women and beneficiaries from areas Baseline outside of Thimphu, Paro and Phuentsholling Foundational Operational Manual for SDP is Prior Results 1,000,000.00 N/A approved Strategy for enhancing inclusion of women in TVET Year after effectiveness and improving their employment outcomes is 500,000.00 Not scalable approved (a) at least 20% increase in the percentage of female trainees completing SDP from the baseline 2 Years after effectiveness established in Y1(b) at least 20% increase from the 500,000.00 (a) US$250,000 (b) US$250,000 baseline established in Y1 in trainings delivered outside of Thimphu, Paro, and Phuentsholling (a) at least 40% increase in the percentage of female (a) US$250,000 (b) US$250,000 - trainees completing SDP from the baseline Scalability US$190,000 if 30% is 3 Years after effectiveness established in Y1(b) at least 40% increase from 500,000.00 achieved, and US$30,000 for each baseline established in Y1 in trainings delivered additional 5% outside of Thimphu, Paro, and Phuentsholling DLI IN01402069 ACTION DLI 6 Increased employment post SDP Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 3,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Page 13 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Established through tracer study conducted in Year Baseline 1 Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A System for regular tracking of employment up to 6 Year after effectiveness months post SDP completion is established under 1,500,000.00 Not scalable MOLHR 15% increase from baseline in percentage of trainees employed (including full and part-time, US$750,000 for 10% increase; 2 Years after effectiveness 1,000,000.00 wage and self-employment) within 6 months of additional US$250,000 for full 15% completing SDP 20% increase from baseline in percentage of trainees employed (including full and part-time, US$375,000 for 15%, and additional of 3 Years after effectiveness 500,000.00 wage and self-employment) within 6 months of US$125,000 for reaching full 20% completing SDP DLI IN01402070 ACTION DLI 7 Improved quality of entrepreneurship support Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 1,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Incubation centers at 5 select colleges under Royal Year after effectiveness University of Bhutan have dedicated managers and 300,000.00 Not scalable business plans developed and approved by MOLHR At least 30% of graduates from acceleration and 2 Years after effectiveness 700,000.00 Not scalable incubation programs are given access to financing Page 14 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) opportunities arising from business plan/annual pitch competitions as per the verification protocol 3 Years after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A DLI IN01402071 ACTION DLI 8 Strengthen systems and coordination to enhance employment support delivery under MOLHR Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 2,500,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results Core modules of SDP MIS operational 1,000,000.00 N/A Develop a single intake and profiling window for Year after effectiveness 750,000.00 Not scalable MOLHR employment support programs (a) Coordination mechanism with selected ministries is operationalized through a) Signing of MOUs following the template agreed with the World Bank with the following entities: Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF), Tourism Council (TC), Ministry (a) US$0.15M for signed MOU with of Education (MoE), Ministry of Economic Affairs MoAF, TC and MOE; US$0.25M for full 2 Years after effectiveness (MOEA), Construction Development Corporation 500,000.00 list, (b)US$0.1M for each individual Limited (CDCL), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited agreement (MoAF, TC,MOE) (BPCL), National Housing Development Corporation Limited (NHDCL);(b) interoperability and data sharing protocols will be established with MoAF, TC and MOE to streamline beneficiary information cross-checking and referrals. Page 15 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) 30% increase from baseline in the number of SDP 3 Years after effectiveness beneficiaries supported through YELP; certificate- 250,000.00 N/A based skilling or entrepreneurship support DLI IN01402072 ACTION DLI 9 Training in climate-responsive initiatives offered to jobseekers Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 1,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Year after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A 12% of training delivered under SDP are in climate- responsive occupations/sectors (as defined in 2 Years after effectiveness 500,000.00 Not scalable verification protocol and Implementation Guidance Note) The operational strategy for increasing climate 3 Years after effectiveness responsiveness of MOLHR provided skill training is 500,000.00 N/A approved by MOLHR DLI IN01402073 ACTION Improving safe water and sanitation facilities for Special Education Needs school as well as public primary and secondary DLI 10 school children Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Output No Text 1,500,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Page 16 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) No proper WASH facilities are constructed under Baseline the project Prior Results 0.00 Year after effectiveness 0.00 2 Years after effectiveness 0.00 Equip (i) 20 public Special Education Needs schools with inclusive WASH facilities (US$750,000) and (ii) US$750,000 for completion of (i), 3 Years after effectiveness 1,500,000.00 40 public primary and secondary schools with US$750,000 for completion of (ii) proper WASH facilities (US$750,000) Note to Task Teams: End of system generated content, document is editable from here. Please delete this note when finalizing the document. Annex 2 Revised Disbursement Linked Indicators Matrix DLI_TBL_MATRIX DLI 1 Strengthening the quality of ECCD services for improved child outcomes Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 3,000,000.00 0.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Page 17 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Year after effectiveness 1.1 National ECCD action plan prepared and 2,000,000.00 US$1,000,000 for (1.1), for (1.2) approved by MoE based on the Education US$800,000 for 80% of target and Reform Action Plan, and 1.2 ECCD Trainers US$100,000 for each additional 10% trained using the revised training programs of target. 2 Years after effectiveness 1.3 Service delivery skills of ECCD facilitators, 1,000,000.00 US$800,000 for 80% of the target focal monitors and MOE program managers and US$100,000 for additional 10% streamlined and strengthened by ensuring of target. diploma training and revised training for 50% of ECCD facilitators, Focal Monitors and Program Managers 3 Years after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A DLI_TBL_MATRIX DLI 2 Expansion of ECCD in targeted population Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 1,000,000.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Year after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A 2 Years after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A Page 18 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) 3 Years after effectiveness ECCD program expanded in rural areas, deprived 1,000,000.00 $800,000 on reaching 4.8% of target and poor communities as measured by a 6% and $100,000 for each additional increase over the baseline. 0.6% of target. DLI_TBL_MATRIX DLI 3 ICT in education for learning recovery and improved access Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 5,000,000.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Year after effectiveness (a) Approval of Action plan by MoE, based on 3,500,000.00 US$500,000 for (a), US$500,000 for Education Reform Action Plan, on curriculum develop/host content (2 platforms); digitization and teacher training(b) Improved and US$500,000 for 80% Urban & accessibility and integration of competency- 40% Rural coverage; US$2,000,000 based curriculum for learning recovery by making for achievement of target of (c) contents accessible to at least 80% of schools in urban areas and at least 40% of schools in rural areas; (c) 4,000 teachers trained in ICT competency 2 Years after effectiveness Improved digital pedagogy competency of 1,000,000.00 a)$500,000 for 1,000 teachers, teachers by (a) training of 1000 teachers in ICT b)$500,000 for a 20% improvement competency and (b) a 20% improvement over over baseline digital pedagogy baseline in competency assessment of teachers. 3 Years after effectiveness Reduction in the digital divide in rural areas by 500,000.00 US$500,000 for achievement of ensuring an increase by 20% over baseline in target Page 19 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) schools having access to remote learning facilities through improved access for schools to digital learning DLI_TBL_MATRIX DLI 4 Building Climate Change resilience through education system Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 1,000,000.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Year after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A 2 Years after effectiveness Improved systems for combating climate change 1,000,000.00 US$500,000 for issuing policy in 50% of all schools through dedicated climate directive by ministry and resilience programs and implementation of a US$500,000 on implementing it in policy directive 50% of schools. Rollover 12 months 3 Years after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A DLI_TBL_MATRIX DLI 5 Enhanced inclusion under SDP Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 2,500,000.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline Current % of women and beneficiaries from areas outside of Thimphu, Paro and Phuentsholling Page 20 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Prior Results Foundational Operational Manual for SDP is 1,000,000.00 N/A approved Year after effectiveness Strategy for enhancing inclusion of women in 500,000.00 Not scalable TVET and improving their employment outcomes is approved 2 Years after effectiveness (a) at least 20% increase in the percentage of 500,000.00 (a) US$250,000 (b) US$250,000 female trainees completing SDP from the baseline established in Y1(b) at least 20% increase from the baseline established in Y1 in trainings delivered outside of Thimphu, Paro, and Phuentsholling 3 Years after effectiveness (a) at least 40% increase in the percentage of 500,000.00 (a) US$250,000 (b) US$250,000 - female trainees completing SDP from the Scalability US$190,000 if 30% is baseline established in Y1(b) at least 40% achieved, and US$30,000 for each increase from baseline established in Y1 in additional 5% trainings delivered outside of Thimphu, Paro, and Phuentsholling DLI_TBL_MATRIX DLI 6 Increased employment post SDP Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 3,000,000.00 15.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline Established through tracer study conducted in Year 1 Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Page 21 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Year after effectiveness System for regular tracking of employment up to 1,500,000.00 Not scalable 6 months post SDP completion is established under MOLHR 2 Years after effectiveness 15% increase from baseline in percentage of 1,000,000.00 US$750,000 for 10% increase; trainees employed (including full and part-time, additional US$250,000 for full 15% wage and self-employment) within 6 months of completing SDP 3 Years after effectiveness 20% increase from baseline in percentage of 500,000.00 US$375,000 for 15%, and additional trainees employed (including full and part-time, of US$125,000 for reaching full 20% wage and self-employment) within 6 months of completing SDP DLI_TBL_MATRIX DLI 7 Improved quality of entrepreneurship support Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 1,000,000.00 5.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Year after effectiveness Incubation centers at 5 select colleges under 300,000.00 Not scalable Royal University of Bhutan have dedicated managers and business plans developed and approved by MOLHR 2 Years after effectiveness At least 30% of graduates from acceleration and 700,000.00 Not scalable incubation programs are given access to financing opportunities arising from business Page 22 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) plan/annual pitch competitions as per the verification protocol 3 Years after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A DLI_TBL_MATRIX DLI 8 Strengthen systems and coordination to enhance employment support delivery under MOLHR Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 2,500,000.00 12.50 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results Core modules of SDP MIS operational 1,000,000.00 N/A Year after effectiveness Develop a single intake and profiling window for 750,000.00 Not scalable MOLHR employment support programs 2 Years after effectiveness (a) Coordination mechanism with selected 500,000.00 (a) US$0.15M for signed MOU with ministries is operationalized through a) Signing of MoAF, TC and MOE; US$0.25M for MOUs following the template agreed with the full list, (b)US$0.1M for each World Bank with the following entities: Ministry individual agreement (MoAF, of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF), Tourism TC,MOE) Council (TC), Ministry of Education (MoE), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Construction Development Corporation Limited (CDCL), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPCL), National Housing Development Corporation Limited (NHDCL);(b) interoperability and data sharing protocols will be established with MoAF, TC and MOE to streamline beneficiary information cross-checking and Page 23 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) referrals. 3 Years after effectiveness 30% increase from baseline in the number of SDP 250,000.00 N/A beneficiaries supported through YELP; certificate- based skilling or entrepreneurship support DLI_TBL_MATRIX DLI 9 Training in climate-responsive initiatives offered to jobseekers Type of DLI Scalability Unit of Measure Total Allocated Amount (USD) As % of Total Financing Amount Outcome Yes Text 1,000,000.00 Period Value Allocated Amount (USD) Formula Baseline N/A Prior Results N/A 0.00 N/A Year after effectiveness N/A 0.00 N/A 2 Years after effectiveness 12% of training delivered under SDP are in 500,000.00 Not scalable climate-responsive occupations/sectors (as defined in verification protocol and Implementation Guidance Note) 3 Years after effectiveness The operational strategy for increasing climate 500,000.00 N/A responsiveness of MOLHR provided skill training is approved by MOLHR Page 24 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Annex 3 Revised Verification Protocol Table: Disbursement Linked Indicators DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 1 Strengthening the quality of ECCD services for improved child outcomes Year 1 DLI 1.1. National ECCD action plan approved by MOE with clear, time-based objectives for the scaling-up of ECCD for next 5 years: (I) Identification, and a plan for achieving, the human resources needed, (ii)Financial projections and budget allocations required, (iii)A description of each ECCD model and projections on services needed to meet targets, (iv)A communications outreach strategy for parents of ECCD-aged children and local government and community stakeholders on the benefits of ECCD and how to access services, (v)Quality standards (including minimum quality standards), which should be revised for center-based ECCD services and developed for creches (vi)Description of the monitoring system which includes (a) the roles and responsibilities of focal monitors, program managers and other education officials at local and Description national levels, (b) the monitoring and reporting system to track the quality of ECCD services (based on the revised quality standards). DLI 1.2. ECCD trainers (at least 2 per district per component) have completed the revised training of trainers for two components (i) ECCD facilitator training in the basic certificate and diploma (revised to align with the approved Early Learning Development Standards and include quality preschool pedagogy, inclusive education teaching practices, and strategies for teaching climate education) and (ii) training for focal monitors and MOE program managers (revised to include understanding, planning and coordinating, and monitoring of ECCD services (including the revised quality standards and tool(s) to measure quality)). Year 2 -DLI 1.3 (i) 50% of all ECCD facilitators for government-supported provision are have Page 25 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) successfully completed, or are receiving ongoing, training for the ECCD diploma, and (ii) 50% of focal monitors and MOE program managers have successfully completed revised training. Data source/ Agency MOE, National Council For Women and Children (NCWC) Verification Entity IVA Action approved by the appropriate authority of MoE through an office order/government order. IVA will verify the completion of this DLR mainly through a desk review. The completion of training will be assessed based on a progress report submitted by MOE to IVA which will be verified through random sample checks by IVA. Procedure DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 2 Expansion of ECCD in targeted population Year 3 - 6 percentage point increase over the current baseline of 28% gross enrollment rate through reaching rural, remote, Description poor and deprived communities (criteria for these communities to be developed as part of targeting methodology outlined in the program action plan). The definition of rural areas will follow RGoB's formal definition of rural area Data source/ Agency MOE, National Council For Women and Children (NCWC), NSB Verification Entity IVA Based on the expansion of the program, MOE will submit progress report to IVA along with data from EMIS. The verification agency will analyze the increase of enrollment rate through desk review. In the case of reaching rural, remote, poor and Procedure deprived communities, criteria will be developed (as outlined in the PAP) which will be followed by MOE when submitting the evidence for DLR achievement DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 3 ICT in education for learning recovery and improved access Year 1 – (a) This DLR will be considered achieved when MoE approves a detailed action plan on scale-up of newly approved competency-based curriculum, implementation arrangement, and scale-up of digital pedagogy training of teachers; (b) Description Improved accessibility and integration of competency-based curriculum for learning recovery will be verified through completion of the following actions: (i) Digital contents on core subjects (English, Maths, Science, Dzongkha) are developed Page 26 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) and hosted in an openly accessible platform such as LMS; and (ii) Contents are made accessible to schools - at least 80% of schools in urban areas and at least 40% of schools in rural areas. The definition of rural and urban areas will follow RGoB's formal definition of Urban and Rural areas; (c) This DLR will be considered achieved through improved digital pedagogy competency of teachers which will be verified through the achievement of the following outcome: Teacher training is completed by at least 4000 teachers, in line with ICT competencies outlined in the ICT competency standard for teachers. Year 2 - Improved digital pedagogy competency of teachers will be verified through the achievement of the following outcomes: (i) Teacher training is completed by at least 1000 teachers, in line with ICT competencies outlined in the ICT competency standard for teachers; and (ii) Digital pedagogy competency of targeted teachers improves by at least 20%. This will be measured through a baseline test followed by another test after completion of training (over baseline). Year 3 - Reduction in Digital Divide in rural areas through improved access to digital learning will be verified through At least 20% more schools (over baseline) have access to remote learning facilities in rural areas (equipment and trained teachers). The definition of rural areas will follow RGoB's formal definition of Rural areas Teacher Professional Supporting Division under Department of Curriculum and Professional development / Department of Data source/ Agency school education: MOE; Department of Curriculum and Professional Development / Department of School Education: MOE Verification Entity IVA Action approved by appropriate authority of MOE through an office order/government order. The digital contents prepared based on the newly approved curriculum. Teachers trained based on contents that reflect the ICT competency standards for teachers. IVA will verify these based on desk review. Improvement in digital comptetency of teachers will be determined Procedure through a baseline test followed by another test after completion of training. IVA will verify the DLR based on test results generated from the system. In the case of access to remote learning facilities, IVA will do a sample check of schools through field visits, preferably 5% of schools which will be selected randomly. DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 4 Building Climate Change resilience through education system Year 2 – DLR will be considered achieved when: (i) MOE issues policy directive to schools to observe social forestry day, Description adopt nearby water/river systems and protect its source, and create awareness on reduction of plastic waste: and (ii) 50% of schools implement the policy directive. Teacher Professional Supporting Division under Department of Curriculum and Professional development / Department of Data source/ Agency school education: MOE; Department of Curriculum and Professional Development / Department of School Education: MOE Page 27 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) Verification Entity IVA Policy directive to schools will be issued by MOE through a government order/office order and signed by appropriate authority. IVA will verify this directive through desk reviews according to evidence submitted by MOE. The implementation Procedure of the policy directive will need to be verified through field visits on a sample of schools preferably 5% of schools which will be randomly selected. DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 5 Enhanced inclusion under SDP Prior Result is achieved if the basic program operations manual (POM) for SDP is approved by MOLHR before the Program signing. The basic POM includes sections on outreach, enrollment, attendance monitoring, monitoring and evaluation, and grievance redress. Year 1 (after effectiveness) DLR is considered achieved when MOLHR approves and publishes the Strategy for enhancing inclusion of women in TVET and improving their employment outcomes. The baseline for Y2 is Description established based on SDP MIS data by December 15th, 2022. Year 2 DLRs are achieved if % increase in female trainees under SDP (cumulative) and % increase from baseline in training delivered outside of Thimphu, Paro, and Phuentsholling (cumulative) are at or above agreed-upon thresholds. Year 3 DLR is achieved if both percentages increase by at least 40% from the year 1 baseline. (Year 1,2, 3 refer to calendar years after Program effectiveness date). Year 2: No scalability year 3: For both (a) and (b) US$0.19m for 30% increase achieved and a total of US$0.25m for 40% Data source/ Agency Administrative Data collected in the SDP Management Information System/MOLHR. Verification Entity IVA SDP team under MOLHR develops the core Project Operational Manual (POM), which includes sections on outreach, enrollment, attendance, M&E, and GRM, and submits it to ministerial approval. After the approval, MOLHR submits both the minutes of the meeting and POM to the IVA. IVA verifies achievement of Year 1 DLR through desk review as well as minutes or the meeting where the report produced under DLR1 was approved. IVA uses SDP MIS data and rapid Procedure assessment to establish the baseline percentage of female trainees under SDP (including % completed) and % of training delivered outside of Thimphu, Paro, and Phuentsholling by February 15th, 2023. IVA verifies achievement of DLRs in Year 2 and 3 through Monitoring and Evaluation reports prepared by MOLHR. Page 28 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 6 Increased employment post SDP Year 1 DLR is considered achieved when SDP MIS has a mechanism in place for regular tracking of employment outcomes of trainees up to six months after completion of SDP and SDP POM M&E section is revised accordingly with clear roles and responsibilities assigned for implementation of tracking. Achievement of results in Years 2 and 3 will be measured annually. Description The results are cumulative based on the outcomes of trainees 6 months after program completion. The DLRs are considered achieved once the % increase from baseline (established through the tracer study) is at or above the agreed-upon threshold. (Year 1,2, 3 refer to calendar years after Program effectiveness date). Data source/ Agency Administrative Data collected in the SDP Management Information System/MOLHR. Verification Entity IVA IVA verifies achievement of Year 1 DLR through a desk review of SDP POM and SDP Management Information System architecture with detailed information on core system functions around regular tracking of employment up to 6 months post-SDP and through a spot check of SDP MIS functionality. The baseline for DLRs in Y2 and Y3 is established through a Procedure tracer study of alumni to be completed by February 15th, 2023. Results of the study along with the description of methodology are shared with IVA. Achievement of DLRs in Year 2 and Year 3 are verified through a desk review of SDP M&E reports being furnished by MOLHR. DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 7 Improved quality of entrepreneurship support DLR in Year 1 is achieved based on incubation centers present in the following five colleges: College of Science and Technology (CST), Gedu College of Business Studies (GCBS), Sherubtse College, Gyelpozhing College of Information Technology (GCIT) and College of Natural Resources (CNR); and (ii) incubation centers having dedicated management staff (at least one manager) and business plan that was approved by MOLHR and outlines operational plans for each incubator Description for next three years. DLR in Year 2 is achieved when (i) there is at least one MOLHR staff dedicated to fostering and maintaining relationships with private and public financial institutions (as per their annual performance agreement), and (ii) annual pitching or business plan competition events are in place reaching 30% of acceleration and incubation center trainees. Rollover of up to 6 months is allowed for both years. Data source/ Agency Administrative Data collected in the MOLHR Management Information System/MOLHR. Verification Entity IVA Page 29 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) IVA will verify the achievement of DLR in Year 1 through a desk review of approved business plans for the selected incubators (including minutes from the approval meeting or written electronic or hardcopy confirmation of approval), payroll verification (to ensure at least one manager per incubator center is in place), and spot checks to ensure that incubator is functioning and has dedicated staff. Spot checks will consist of at least two visits during working hours on working days that the incubator should be operational on. If the incubator is closed during both visits with exception of the Procedure emergency situations it will be considered non-operational. The list of emergencies will be established in agreement with the World Bank by March 30th, 2022, and reflected in the Implementation Guidance Note To verify achievement of DLR in Year 2 IVA will perform a desk review of monitoring and evaluation report for Start-Up and CSI flagship and relevant performance agreement. DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 8 Strengthen systems and coordination to enhance employment support delivery under MOLHR Prior result will be considered achieved if by the date of PforR effectiveness MOLHR has SDP MIS that has functionalities around enrollment, selection notification, attendance verification, and profile creation (to simplify the application process). Year 1 DLR will be considered achieved when job seekers and students have one point of entry (in person and online) for all programs provided by MOLHR with information on each program, including eligibility criteria, and ability to apply for the program through this window. Year 2 DLR will be considered achieved when MOLHR has developed the Memorandum of Understanding template (approved by the World Bank) and protocols for harmonization and interoperability of systems are in place. The MOU signing and operational linkage are tracked separately. (a) The signing of MOUs with the following Description entities: Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF), Tourism Council, Ministry of Education (MoE), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Construction Development Corporation Limited (CDCL), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPCL), National Housing Development Corporation Limited (NHDCL); (b) MIS interoperability and data sharing protocols will be established with MoAF, TC and MOE to streamline beneficiary information cross-checking and referrals. Year 3 DLR is considered achieved when SDP MIS is able to track SDP trainees 6 months post-graduation and capture not only employment but also employment support availed, and when such system indicates that in comparison to the baseline established through tracer study in Year 1 the % of trainees that are supported through Youth Employment and Livelihood Program (YELP), Critical Skills Training (CST) and entrepreneurship support has increased by at least 30% from the baseline. Data source/ Agency Administrative Data collected in MOLHR Management Information System/MOLHR. Verification Entity IVA Page 30 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) IVA verifies achievement of Prior Result through desk review of SDP MIS architecture, live demo, and spot check. IVA verifies Year 1 DLR through: (i) desk review of the MIS architecture for single-intake window (with minimum functionality of ability to use one profile across multiple programs for jobseeker, and ability to track beneficiary applications and enrollments) and relevant guidelines or operational manual that outline MOLHR staff functions regarding single-intake window; and (ii) spot check to verify the fidelity of implementation. IVA verifies DLR for Year 2 through a desk review of Procedure signed MOUs, data sharing agreements (where relevant), and revision to MIS architecture and operational guidelines for data sharing and interoperability (that at a minimum allow creating referral lists and tracking referrals between ministries). By the end of year 3, MOLHR submits the Monitoring and Evaluation report that presents core outputs of year 3 with regards to participation of SDP trainees in YELP, CST, or entrepreneurship support. DLI_TBL_VERIFICATION DLI 9 Training in climate-responsive initiatives offered to jobseekers DLR in Year 2 is achieved if SDP MIS indicates that at least 12% of training delivered by end of Year 2 (cumulative) meets the criteria of training for climate-responsive occupations or climate-responsive initiatives. These include but are not limited to training in renewable energy, low-carbon, and climate-resilient construction, water conservation measures and better river basin management in response to floods, irregular/extreme rainfalls, and droughts. The list will be established in agreement Description with the World Bank by March 30th, 2022, and reflected in the Implementation Guidance Note. DLR in Year 3 is achieved when MOLHR approves internally and publishes an operational strategy for increasing climate responsiveness of MOLHR training that contains: (i) actionable adjustments to design of relevant MOLHR programs and (ii) timelines for implementation of these adjustments. Data source/ Agency Administrative Data collected in the SDP Management Information System/MOLHR. Verification Entity IVA IVA will verify the achievement of DLR in Year 2 through desk review of the most current Monitoring and Evaluation report of SDP and review of SDP MIS data. IVA will verify achievement of DLR in Year 3 through desk review of the published Procedure strategy. Page 31 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) ANNEX 4: PROGRAM ACTION PLAN Note to Task Teams: The following sections are system generated and can only be edited online in the Portal. Please delete this note when finalizing the document. . . PAP_NOT_CHANGE_TBL Action Description Source DLI# Responsibility Timing Completion Measurement Impact eval. designed to assess child development and women’s economic empowerment (WEE). Process eval. designed to assess implementation fidelity, quality, ECCD - Evaluation uptake, and WEE. Targeting and targeting methods developed for methodologies rural/poor/deprived developed and communities. approved Technical DLI 2 MoESD Other End of year 1 1. Baseline data collected, analyzed, and disseminated 2. Process evaluation of ECCD services completed 3. National enrollment data ECCD - Evaluation disaggregated to identify rural and targeting populations and poor/deprived methodologies communities using targeting implemented Technical DLI 2 MoESD Other End of year 3 methodology 1. Communications outreach strategy (developed as part of the ECCD - National ECCD Action Plan) is Community being rolled out communications 2. Capacity building plan for and capacity parents to effectively support building plans ECCD services has been implemented Technical DLI 2 MoESD Other End of year 2 developed and is being rolled out MoESD clarifies how ECCD facilitators for This should include (i) private ECCD clarifications on the training provision can requirements for those working in access training for private ECCD provision; (ii) ways the Basic to access the training for the Basic Certificate in ECCD Technical DLI 1 MoE Other End of year 2 Certificate in ECCD. Instructional guides for all Instructional guidelines will have subjects for to be based on the newly competency- approved curriculum covering all based curriculum Technical DLI 3 MoESD Other End of year 1 subjects Page 32 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) prepared and disseminated Tracer study of outcomes from the first 7 months of SDP implementation is conducted to establish baselines Data collection instrument is for DLIS on prepared with no objection from inclusion and the World Bank; Data is collected; employment February 15, key findings approved by MoESD outcomes Technical DLI 6 MoESD Other 2023 and shared with the World Bank Approval of revisions on SDP budget, operational design and implementation plan based on process evaluation, tracking system (tracer surveys), Approved Minutes of the MoESD study under DLI5 and MoF meeting, Revised SDP and GRM Operational Manual and assessments by Implementation plan , and MoESD Technical DLI 8 MoESD and MoF Other yearly documents shared with the Bank. Enhance SDP linkages with entrepreneurship support provided under MoICE led portion of Start- Up and Cottage and Small Approved report with linkage Industries (CSI) One year after strategy developed by MolCE and flagship. Technical DLI 7 MoICE Other effectiveness shared with the Bank Approved operational plan for Approved MoESD green jobs and mainstreaming of plan for green jobs climate resilience developed by and mainstream MoESD based on the operational climate resilience strategy and shared with the Bank in employment 3rd year after for no objection prior to support programs. Technical DLI 9 MoESD Other effectiveness distribution Designate There is at least one Environmental staff/consultant per ministry and Social Focal whose performance agreement Points/Consultant includes duties of an s (with ES environmental focal point and experience and Environmental and Social MoESD and one/consultant per ministry background) for Systems MoICE Recurrent Yearly whose performance agreement Page 33 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) the Program includes duties of a social focal point Use and strengthen existing Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) including addressing GBV issues if or development of a new GRM in absence of Each ministry produces annual existing GRM, if Environmental and Social MoESD and GRM reports that include necessary Systems MoICE Recurrent Semi-Annually coverage of GBV issues Citizen Engagement and Stakeholder There is at least one Engagement (One staff/consultant per ministries Communication whose annual performance Consultant/Focal agreement includes duties around Point for each Environmental and Social MoESD and citizen and stakeholder ministry) Systems MoICE Recurrent Yearly engagement Strengthening of institutional capacity for safeguards management of World Bank has provided training both Ministries to relevant personnel in both through training ministries (with mandatory for ES personnel inclusion of social, environmental provided by the Environmental and Social MoESD and and stakeholder engagement Bank Systems MoICE Due Date 27-May-2022 focal points) World Bank receives a detailed Actions taken at list of actions taken to offset the the TTIs to offset adverse effects of COVID-19 in the adverse TTIs along with the action plan in effects of COVID- Environmental and Social case of new outbreaks from 19 Systems MoESD Due Date 27-May-2022 MoESD World Bank receives a list of Actions taken at actions taken at ECCD centers to ECCD centers to offset the impacts of COVID-19 offset the adverse along with the action plan for safe effects of COVID- Environmental and Social operation in case of new 19 Systems MoESD Due Date 27-May-2022 outbreaks prepared by MOE Within three Each ministry is represented by a Nominate focal months from focal point responsible for points for MOF, MoESD, the date of coordination on implementation implementation Fiduciary Systems MoICE Other effectiveness and reporting Implementing MoICE and MoESD prepare and agencies agree not Fiduciary Systems MoESD, MoICE Recurrent Semi-Annually submit for the World Bank review Page 34 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) to award contracts semi-annual reports on under the procurement under the Program Program to any of to ensure that contracts are not the Bank debarred awarded to any of the Bank or suspended debarred or suspended persons persons or entities or entities. MOF receives reports of complaints from the Anti- MOF prepares semi-annual Corruption reports on complains from Anti- Commission and Corruption Commission and shares them with submits them to the World Bank the World Bank Fiduciary Systems MOF Recurrent Semi-Annually for review Awareness and MOE prepares awareness and communication communication materials on ICT materials on ICT in in education to reduce the digital education are divide and improve education distributed to equity and build system parents Technical DLI 3 MoESD Other End of Year 1 resilience. The MoICE and MoESD to identify focal point officials responsible for ensuring that Program activities are implemented in accordance with Focal points nominations are the provisions of communicated to the WB team. WB ACGs and Roles, responsibilities, and ACG agreed protocols. Environmental and Social Six months after protocols are outlined in the Systems MoESD, MoICE Other effectiveness Implementation Guidance Note. Budget for improve ECCD access under DLI 2 will be released by MoF in the first quarter of every year as per plan submitted by MoESD to achieve DLR and program Ministry of Relevant budget released based targets Fiduciary Systems DLI 2 Finance Recurrent Yearly on the request by MoESD on time Budget for improved local connectivity under DLI 3 will be released by MoF in the first quarter of every year as per plan Ministry of Relevant budget released based submitted by Fiduciary Systems DLI 3 Finance Recurrent Yearly on the request by MoESD on time Page 35 of 37 The World Bank Bhutan Human Capital Recovery and Resilience Project (P174399) MoESD to achieve DLR and program targets Budget for WASH activities under DLI 10 will be released by MoF in the first quarter of every year as per plan submitted by MoESD to achieve DLR and program Ministry of Relevant budget released based targets Fiduciary Systems DLI 10 Finance Recurrent Yearly on the request by MoESD on time List of ECCD centers which will undergo renovation, upgradation and new establishment will be shared with World Bank for review and By a report including selection finalization criteria and a list of final target Technical DLI 2 DoSE (MoE) Due Date 15-Aug-2023 schools List of schools receiving ICT equipment and connectivity support will be shared with World By a report including selection Bank for review criteria and a list of final target and finalization Technical DLI 3 DoSE (MoE) Due Date 15-Aug-2023 schools Selection criteria and list of schools for the WASH program will be shared with World By a report including selection Bank for review criteria and a list of final target and finalization Technical DLI 10 DEP (MoE) Due Date 15-Aug-2023 schools Tender bid document for procurement pertaining to ECCD centers will be shared with World A report including a proof of Bank for review tendering bid document for and comments procurement pertaining to ECCD Fiduciary Systems DLI 2 DoSE (MoE) Due Date 15-Aug-2023 centers . 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