The World Bank Center For Advancement In Restoration And Modernization Capacity (P181604) Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary Concept Stage ( ESRS Concept Stage) For Official Use Only Date Prepared/Updated: 02/07/2024 | Report No: ESRSC04093 Feb 08, 2024 Page 1 of 8 The World Bank Center For Advancement In Restoration And Modernization Capacity (P181604) I. BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Operation Data Operation ID Product Operation Acronym Approval Fiscal Year P181604 Investment Project Financing (IPF) Center for Capacity 2024 Advancement Operation Name Center for Advancement in Restoration and Modernization Capacity Country/Region Code Beneficiary country/countries Region Practice Area (Lead) (borrower, recipient) Ukraine Ukraine EUROPE AND CENTRAL Other ASIA Borrower(s) Implementing Agency(ies) Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Kyiv School of Kyiv School of Economics Institute 21-Dec-2023 Economics Institute For Official Use Only Estimated Concept Total Project Cost Review Date 3,212,000.00 Proposed Development Objective B. Is the operation being prepared in a Situation of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints, as per Bank IPF Policy, para. 12? No C. Summary Description of Proposed Project Activities [Description imported from the Concept Data Sheet in the Portal providing information about the key aspects and components/sub-components of the project] The project will address the identified recovery needs at the central, regional, and municipal levels. Recovery managers will require a broad range of knowledge regarding legal requirements, public finance management approaches, budget requirements, procurement, fiduciary and environmental and social risk management aspects. The project will also address the discrepancies in approaches to recovery financing by conducting a gap analysis between EU Feb 08, 2024 Page 2 of 8 The World Bank Center For Advancement In Restoration And Modernization Capacity (P181604) norms/international donors' operational procedures and the national country system. It will develop a comprehensive and inclusive capacity building framework that considers different operational procedures, budget and financing rules of main donors, the complexity of legislation and public finance management, and environmental and social risk management and stakeholder engagement approaches. The project encompasses three key areas crucial for long-term impact: 1. Comprehensive analysis of major stakeholders to identify regulatory obstacles, knowledge/skill gaps, and audience segmentation. Establishing a Data Room as a centralized repository of information resources related to ongoing recovery projects, including standard documentation, useful links, resource packs, guides, library of relevant research, and statistical information. 2. Implementation of training programs for specialists involved in project preparation and implementation for recovery. This includes developing a Body of Knowledge that covers all stages of the process, creating training materials, guides, and recommendations for effective project management. A pilot program will be launched in collaboration with a key stakeholder (MCTID), introducing a Train-the-Trainer course to disseminate knowledge. Training events will be conducted online and face-to-face where the security situation allows, and an online learning and knowledge testing platform will be developed to provide comprehensive training to specialists at all levels of state administration in the regions, both for those already engaged and new professionals. 3. Establishment of a specialist community focused on effective recovery project management, with support for its development and international relations. This involves creating a platform for sharing experiences, ideas, and best practices to ensure a high-quality and balanced approach to the country's recovery efforts. The project will promote cross-industry connections, combining competencies from different sectors to develop integrated solutions for complex recovery tasks. Component 1. Capacity Building Hub Established 1) Capacity gaps assessment. The gaps in capacity to identify, appraise, implement and close the projects at central, sub-national and local levels will be assessed to inform For Official Use Only the training program. 2) Training program development and piloting. Creating and developing online educational products/ online courses and the online library of data and knowledge. The training materials will be piloted at all three levels and adjusted based on the results of the pilot. 3) Training of the Trainers conducted. 4) Training of the managers and officials at all levels Component 2. Knowledge exchange and community building 1) Building the community of specialists around the concept of capacity building for recovery projects 2) Strengthening communication and collaboration with the other beneficiaries to promote transparency and accountability • Conducting events and conferences • Organizing regional study trips to facilitate the exchange of best practices and coordination of efforts Conferences and events will be used to promote the work of the Center and to continue forming and validating the body of knowledge within Ukraine and with other countries in the region. The study trips will promote best experiences and build connections between the Center’s programs alumni, local and regional authorities and Civil Society representatives. Both types of events will be used to promote Center’s work and mobilize new trainees from all levels. D. Environmental and Social Overview D.1 Overview of Environmental and Social Project Settings [Description of key features relevant to the operation’s environmental and social risks and opportunities (e.g., whether the project is nationwide or regional in scope, urban/rural, in an FCV context, presence of Indigenous Peoples or other minorities, involves associated facilities, high-biodiversity settings, etc.) – Max. character limit 2,000] The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, has led to an abrupt and severe deterioration in the social, economic, and poverty conditions in the country. The human impact of the war is incalculable, the war is severely straining the public finances. Ensuring the continuity of Ukraine's government at the central and regional levels is important for ensuring the delivery of basic services. The project aims to create a national platform that provides analytics, training, and community building for professionals involved in managing recovery projects financed by Feb 08, 2024 Page 3 of 8 The World Bank Center For Advancement In Restoration And Modernization Capacity (P181604) international financial organizations as well contribute to enhancing the social and environment risk management in Ukraine to effectively respond to War Hazards. The World Bank has been supporting Centers of Excellence/Learning Center initiatives globally to help build a robust local market of project implementation specialists. The Bank has been facilitating partnerships between governments and learning institutions for the development and delivery of comprehensive professional learning programs including those on E&S risk management and accreditation mechanisms. Development projects require expertise for assessment and management of environmental and social (E &S) risks. However, many countries lack an adequate pool of qualified and experienced E&S risk management specialists. This center will serve as a hub for knowledge sharing, capacity building, and coordination among various stakeholders at national and sub-national level. The enhanced capacity at all levels to identify, appraise, implement and close the projects will boost the country’s absorption capacity and result in greater efficiency and transparency of the recovery process supported by the international development partners as well as national budget. D.2 Overview of Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Managing Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts [Description of Borrower’s capacity (i.e., prior performance under the Safeguard Policies or ESF, experience applying E&S policies of IFIs, Environmental and social unit/staff already in place) and willingness to manage risks and impacts and of provisions planned or required to have capabilities in place, along with the needs for enhanced support to the Borrower – Max. character limit 2,000] The Recipient-Executed (RE) activities will be implemented by Kyiv School of Economics. No external consultants are For Official Use Only expected to be hired under the project and no dedicated project implementation unit established. The responsibilities of the implementing agency will be spelled out in the Grant Agreement that will be signed between the World Bank and Government. The Client is not familiar with the Environmental and Social Framework and will be supported under the project implementation, as needed. Bank's ES Team will provide close guidance and supervision of ES managements learning materials development, as well as comprehensive capacity building of the inhouse staff on ES risk management and GRM. II. SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS A. Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) Moderate A.1 Environmental Risk Rating Low [Summary of key factors contributing to risk rating, in accordance with the ES Directive and the Technical Note on Screening and Risk Classification under the ESF – Max. character limit 2,000] The project environmental risks are considered to be Low as the proposed project will not support any activities including civil works which can generate direct or indirect environmental impacts. Offline trainings will be implemented with all necessary emergency preparedness procedures to minimize war related risks for participants. A.2 Social Risk Rating Moderate [Summary of key factors contributing to risk rating, in accordance with the ES Directive and the Technical Note on Screening and Risk Classification under the ESF – Max. character limit 2,000] Feb 08, 2024 Page 4 of 8 The World Bank Center For Advancement In Restoration And Modernization Capacity (P181604) Overall, the Project does not pose any significant social risks and proposed social risk is rated ‘Moderate’ given potential for community and worker health and safety incidents during the delivery of the offline trainings, associated risks and impact as well as potentially disproportional outreach to the target groups eligible for the training. The project aims to create a national platform that provides analytics, training, and community building for professionals involved in managing recovery projects financed by international financial organizations. The project does not envisage any civil works and no risks related to land acquisition and resettlement are anticipated. A.3 Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) Risk Rating Low [Summary of key factors contributing to risk rating. This attribute is only for the internal version of the download document and not a part of the disclosable version – Max. character limit 2,000] Gender-based Violence, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (GBV, SH and SEAH) risks related to activities under the project are low based on the World Bank reports on the similar interventions introduced in the low- and middle-income countries. The project activity will be limited to create national platform that provides analytics, training, and community building for professionals involved in managing recovery projects financed by international financial organizations. This center will serve as a hub for knowledge sharing, capacity building, and coordination among various stakeholders at national and sub-national level. B. Relevance of Standards and Policies at Concept Stage B.1 Relevance of Environmental and Social Standards For Official Use Only ESS1 - Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Relevant [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] The project envisages establishment of the learning institutions for the development and delivery of comprehensive professional learning programs including those on E&S risk management and accreditation mechanisms. This center will serve as a hub for knowledge sharing, capacity building, and coordination among various stakeholders at national and sub-national level. Proposed project will not support any activities including civil works which can generate direct or indirect environmental impacts and no risks related to land acquisition and resettlement are anticipated. Offline trainings will be implemented with all necessary emergency preparedness procedures to minimize war related risks for participants. Draft LMP and draft SEP will be prepared by the Borrower by Appraisal as well as drat ESCP. ESS10 - Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure Relevant [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] The process of stakeholder engagement will begin during Project preparation and continue into implementation. The project will prepare draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) by Appraisal which will identify potential project- affected and other interested parties and will outline measures for engagement with these stakeholders. The SEP will be prepared based on online consultations with representatives of key stakeholder groups. The SEP will specify the institutional roles and responsibilities, timeline, and budget for conducting the stakeholder engagement during implementation. Accessible grievance mechanism for the project will need to be established, publicized, maintained and operated in a transparent manner that is culturally appropriate and readily accessible to all Project-affected Feb 08, 2024 Page 5 of 8 The World Bank Center For Advancement In Restoration And Modernization Capacity (P181604) parties, at no cost and without retribution, including concerns and grievances filed anonymously, in a manner consistent with ESS10. ESS2 - Labor and Working Conditions Relevant [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] The project workforce will include direct workers and contracted workers. Ukraine's legislation on labor and working conditions is relatively advanced and forbids forced or child labor in line with ILO conventions to majority of which Ukraine is a party. The Labor Code also includes measures on equal opportunity and non-discrimination, regulates hiring and firing procedures, allows for collective organization and bargaining; however, it lacks the requirement to establish worker’s grievance mechanism. Such a mechanism will need to be established at project level. Draft Labor management procedures (LMP) prepared by Appraisal is required as one of mandatory E&S instruments per ESCP. The LMP will include codes of conduct to prevent and manage incidents of SEA/SH and will also include measures to screen for and monitor activities to prevent occurrences of harmful child or forced labor and that grievance mechanisms are available for direct and contracted workers. ESS3 - Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management Not Currently Relevant [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] ESS4 - Community Health and Safety Relevant For Official Use Only [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] There continues to be a threat of a missile attack across the entire country. There is potential for safety incidents due to the indiscriminate or targeted aerial attacks during the delivery of the trainings supported by the project and associated risks and impacts. Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan will be prepared outlining measures in response to community health and safety risks associated with the operating context, including measures to promote community awareness per ESCP. ESS5 - Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement Not Currently Relevant [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] ESS6 - Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Not Currently Relevant Resources [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] ESS7 - Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Not Currently Relevant Local Communities [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] Feb 08, 2024 Page 6 of 8 The World Bank Center For Advancement In Restoration And Modernization Capacity (P181604) ESS8 - Cultural Heritage Not Currently Relevant [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] ESS9 - Financial Intermediaries Not Currently Relevant [Optional Explanation - Max. character limit 1,000] B.2 Legal Operational Policies that Apply OP 7.50 Operations on International Waterways OP 7.60 Operations in Disputed Areas B.3 Other Salient Features Use of Borrower Framework No [Optional explanation – Max. character limit 1,000] For Official Use Only Use of Common Approach No [Optional Explanation including list of possible financing partners – Max. character limit 1,000] B.4 Summary of Assessment of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts [Description provided will not be disclosed but will flow as a one time flow to the Concept Stage PID – Max. character limit 5,000] The Project does not pose any significant social and environmental risks. There is potential for community and worker health and safety incidents during the offline delivery of the trainings, associated risks and impact as well as potentially disproportional outreach to the target groups eligible for the training. The project aims to create a national platform that provides analytics, training, and community building for professionals involved in managing recovery projects financed by international financial organizations. The project does not envisage any civil works and no risks related to land acquisition and resettlement are anticipated as well as no direct or indirect environmental impacts. C. Overview of Required Environmental and Social Risk Management Activities C.1 What Borrower environmental and social analyses, instruments, plans and/or frameworks are planned or required by Appraisal? Feb 08, 2024 Page 7 of 8 The World Bank Center For Advancement In Restoration And Modernization Capacity (P181604) [Description of expectations in terms of documents to be prepared to assess and manage the project’s environmental and social risks and by when (i.e., prior to Effectiveness, or during implementation), highlighted features of ESA documents, other project documents where environmental and social measures are to be included, and the related due diligence process planned to be carried out by the World Bank, including sources of information for the due diligence - Max. character limit 3,000] draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan by Appraisal draft Environmental and Social Commitment Plan by Appraisal draft Labor Management Procedures by Appraisal III. CONTACT POINT Contact Point Task Team Leader: Klavdiia Maksymenko Title: Senior Country Officer Email: IV. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank For Official Use Only 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: V. APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): Klavdiia Maksymenko ADM Environmental Specialist: Oksana Rakovych ADM Social Specialist: Mariia Nikitova Feb 08, 2024 Page 8 of 8