The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) REPORT NO.: RES59514 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF THE CHAD SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FOR YOUTH EMPLOYABILITY PROJECT APPROVED ON JUNE 21, 2019 TO THE REPUBLIC OF CHAD EDUCATION GLOBAL PRACTICE WESTERN AND CENTRAL AFRICA REGION Regional Vice President: Ousmane Diagana Country Director: Clara Ana Coutinho De Sousa Regional Director: Trina S. Haque Practice Manager/Manager: Waly Wane Task Team Leader(s): Harisoa Danielle Rasolonjatovo Andriamihamina, Akiko Sawamoto, Stanislas Honkuy The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS CFPT Center of Professional and Technical Training /Centre de Formation Professionnelle et Technique FM Financial Management FONAP Vocational Training National Support Fund /Fonds National d'Appui à la Formation Professionnelle IDA International Development Association IE Impact Evaluation ILO International Labor Organization IPF Investment Project Financing LETIN Technical and Industrial High School / Lycée d’Enseignement Technique et Industriel M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MENPC Ministry of National Education and the Promotion of Civics / Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Promotion Civique MFPMMF Ministry of Vocational Training, Jobs and Microfinance/ Ministère de la Formation Professionnelle, des Métiers et de la Microfinance NGO Non-Governmental Organization ONAPE National Office for the Promotion of Employment / Office National de Promotion de l’Emploi PARSET2 Chad Education Sector Reform Support Project – Phase 2 / Projet d’Appui à la Réforme du Secteur Education au Tchad – Phase 2 PBC Performance-Based Contract PBF Performance Based Financing PCU Project Coordination Unit PDO Project Development Objective PIET Interim Education Plan for Chad /Plan Intérimaire de l’Education au Tchad PIM Project Implementation Manual SES Socio-emotional Skills TA Technical Assistance TVET Technical Vocational Education and Training The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P164297 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Partial Assessment (B) Partial Assessment (B) Approval Date Current Closing Date 21-Jun-2019 31-Oct-2024 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Republic of Chad Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The project development objective (PDO) is to improve access to skills training and labor market outcomes for project beneficiaries, and strengthen the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector in Chad OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IDA-D4990 21-Jun-2019 07-Oct-2019 15-Apr-2020 31-Oct-2024 50.00 11.52 36.70 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Introduction 1. The Chad Skills Development and Youth Employability Project (P164297) in the amount of US$50 million, a grant from the International Development Association was approved by the World’s Bank Board of Executive Directors on June 21, 2019, was signed by the World Bank and the Government of Chad on October 7, 2019 and was declared effective on April 15, 2020. The project closing date is currently set as October 31, 2024. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve access to skills training and labor market outcomes for project beneficiaries and strengthen the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector in Chad. Based on the Mid-Term Review’s recommendations, the project was restructured in June 2023. The first project restructuring consisted mainly of revision of scope of the project activities as well as reallocation of funds between components and categories. 2. After the first restructuring in June 2023, the project has significantly improved its performance and progress towards achieving its objectives albeit slower than expected. Nevertheless, progress observed during the November/December 2023 implementation support mission, as well as an agreed action plan would put the project back on track to fully achieving its PDO. As a result, this second restructuring proposes to further streamline its scope and optimizing the use of funds to complete the selected activities that are deemed key for the project’s impact on skills development and employability of youth. B. Implementation Progress Progress by components Component 1: Expanding Access to Skills through Improved Technical and Vocational Education 3. This component finances activities aimed at improving access to and quality of training to meet the needs of the Chadian economy in sectors with high labor potential. Its progress is unsatisfactory, given the delays in implementing activities and the high risk of activities that will not be completed by the current project closing date. 4. Sub-Component 1.1: Improving Access to Quality Skills through the Creation of a new Center for Professional and Technical Training [Centre de Formation Professionnelle et Technique (CFPT)] and Expanded Opportunities through pre-existing CFPT. This sub-component finances the construction of a new CFPT in Sahr in the Moyen-Chari region and the following activities: (i) the development and implementation of new pedagogical models and curricula; (ii) new administrative management involving the private sector; (iii) strengthening of the professional and teaching competencies of trainers; (iv) the provision of relevant equipment; (v) the purchasing of adapted textbooks; (vi) rehabilitation of existing infrastructures and equipment including accessibility measures for disabled persons; and (vii) information and sensitization campaigns to attract more female students. 5. Progress: This sub-component, especially the creation of a new CFPT in Sarh continues to be a priority activity for the government. However, completion of all activities by the closing date is at high risk. Nonetheless, after a delayed start, the implementation speed has drastically improved. All the environmental, design and architectural studies have been completed. Measures have been taken by the government to accelerate the procurement The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) process. Three construction companies and the control office have been recruited. The environmental and social management plans have been developed for the construction sites and civil works have started. Regarding the existing CFPTs, during the first restructuring in June 2023, the number of the targeted CFPTs was reduced to 5 (or maximum 7 if available funds allow). At present, the design studies are being finalized to take into account the recommendations of the last implementation support mission in November-December 2023. As for the equipment, an international consultant is currently being recruited to define the technical specifications of the equipment for Sarh CFPT and the existing CFPTs. With regard to the curriculum development, a pedagogical consultant and a technical consultant are currently being recruited to work with the newly established national technical groups and to adapt the curricula from the West African Economic and Monetary Union platform to the Chadian context. In terms of human resources, the profiles and qualifications of teaching, administrative and support staff have been identified by the sizing studies, but the list of trainers who could be assigned to the center is not yet available. A redeployment of civil servants through a call for applications to identify qualified government employees (civil servants and contract workers) for possible assignment to the new center has been launched. Contacts with international training organizations are underway to organize technical training for a group of trainers and managers in the country and abroad. 6. Sub-Component 1.2: Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Collèges, Lycées Techniques et Industriels (LETIN). This sub-component supports: (i) the reform and upgrading (modernization) of four LETINs; (ii) the development and implementation of new pedagogical models and curricula; (iii) new administrative management involving the private sector; (iv) strengthening of the professional and teaching competencies of trainers; (v) the provision of relevant equipment including for information, communication and technology; (vi) the purchasing of adapted textbooks; (vii) rehabilitation of existing infrastructures and equipment, including accessibility measures for disabled persons; (viii) information and sensitization campaigns to attract more female students; (ix) governance reform and institutional financing; and (x) study tours for all relevant actors especially at the central level, directors, and a select number of teachers. The sub-component also plans to finance technical assistance (TA) to the TVET school to help them navigate through the implementation of institutional changes and improve their financial management (FM) capacity. 7. Progress: The design studies for the 4 LETINs have been completed. The preliminary project design, the detailed project design for the civil work-related activities have been completed, and the bidding document has been drafted. The trainers’ training plan has been developed and will be carried out with those of the CFPTs under sub-component 1.1. For the development of the curriculum, the Terms of Reference for the recruitment of consultants who will train and support the national experts are being finalized. Component 2: Employment Support for Youth and Improved Entrepreneurship Opportunities 8. The objective of this component is to provide first work experiences, and skills relevant to labor market demands, including entrepreneurship training to youth and provide quality hands-on job training: (i) internships for skilled graduates in their prospective professions; (ii) apprenticeships; and (iii) entrepreneurship for agricultural development. 9. Progress: Good progress has been made so far and the probability of achieving the objectives is high. However, given that the first training cohort was not enrolled until December 2022 for apprenticeships and February 2023 for internships, it will be difficult to measure the achievement of the project development indicator relating to the proportion of young graduates who are employed and self-employed after 6 months of completion within the current project lifetime. The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) 10. Sub-Component 2.1: Internships to Improve School-to-Work Transition. This sub-component finances: (i) employment and internships recruiting camps in technical schools, training centers, and universities jointly hosted by ONAPE and the private sector; (ii) communication campaigns and partnership building with private companies; (iii) internship payments that include stipends, accident, and medical insurance coverage; and (iv) technical assistance (TA) to the national office of employment promotion (Office national de promotion de l’emploi – ONAPE) to implement the program, and support its decentralized branches outside of the capital city. 11. Progress: The sub-component is progressing satisfactorily. To date, 3,000 young people have been integrated into the internship program, including 1,333 girls (44 percent). Ten months before the closing date, the program has reached 76 percent of the final target of 2,000, and the total target of 1,500 for 2023 has been exceeded. These beneficiaries are working in 482 businesses, exceeding the final target of 150 for 2024 by 150 percent and are enrolled in 8 main sectors: 43 percent in the health sector, 19 percent in teaching, 13 percent in administration, 8 percent in trade and services, 8 percent in media organizations, 4 percent in the automotive- mechanical and industrial sector, 3 percent in energy-construction-building, and 2 percent in agriculture and related businesses. An external consultant is currently preparing a satisfaction survey based on a sample of trainees who have completed the course at least four months prior. 12. Sub-component 2.2: Expanding Opportunities for Apprenticeships. This sub-component finances: (i) training providers; (ii) stipends for the trainees paid via mobile money; (iii) training in functional literacy and numeracy and life skills by qualified training providers; (iv) a defined package of materials and equipment including all necessary protections; (v) accident and medical insurance coverage for apprentices; (vi) costs associated with training of trainers, upgrading of instructors’ skills; (vii) costs associated with selection and placement of apprentices; (viii) development of new training guidelines and the design, and implementation of the regulatory and operational framework for the apprenticeship program; and (ix) institutional and organizational audit of the Vocational Training National Support Fund (Fonds National d'Appui à la Formation Professionnelle, FONAP). 13. Progress: The sub-component is progressing satisfactorily. To date, 2,433 young people from 6 provinces, including 1,045 girls (43 percent), are undergoing practical training under the supervision of 1,216 master craftsmen in 291 companies/workshops in 16 sectors. Most of the young people are placed in sectors such as sewing, electrical and construction, hotel, refrigeration and air-conditioning, hairdressing, and auto mechanics. A first wave of young people placed in technical trades (auto mechanics, building electricity, refrigeration, and air conditioning) have benefited from tool and safety kits. Additional theoretical training for 1,426 young people has begun at 13 competitively selected training centers. 14. Sub-component 2.3: Development of Agricultural Entrepreneurship. This sub-component supports the: (i) campaign to promote training activities and agriculture as a viable livelihood; (ii) development of the training modules; (iii) delivery of training sessions via contracted local non-governmental organizations (NGOs); and (iv) training of trainers. Targeting the intensification of key value chains, namely rainfed cereals (sorghum, millet, corn, rice) and their associated crops (peanut, cowpea, and sesame), as well as diversification of small-holder farms in Moyen-Chari and Salamat regions. 15. Progress: Two missions to raise awareness, inform and mobilize development players have been carried out. A list of a first cohort of 2,000 young farmers has been pre-identified for training. The international consultant responsible for the trainers’ training has been recruited and the contracts with four NGOs responsible for training young farmers have been signed. The training will focus on level 1 training modules – “Manage Better your Business” developed by the International Labor Organization. Twenty-four trainers from 4 NGOs have been The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) trained. Youth training will start in mid-February 2024. This sub-component is significantly behind schedule. However, as all the preliminary activities have been completed, the risk is moderate. Component 3: Improving TVET System Governance and Institutional Capacity Building 16. The component’s objective is to strengthen the TVET system which suffers from weak governance and chronic underfunding. This component finances the: (i) technical assistance to revisit the TVET national strategy and the national employment policy; (ii) roundtable and national consultations around the revised strategy; (iii) training of CFPT and TVET institution staff; (iv) capacity building activities of selected training institutions, government departments, private sector associations, and employment agencies, including capacity building for ONAPE to manage a website and generate databases to match supply and demand sides; (v) south-south exchanges through study tours; and (vi) national awareness campaigns that promote TVET and especially girls in TVET. 17. Progress: Component 3 is progressing moderately satisfactorily. The probability of achieving the component's objectives is high, but it needs to be better managed by the ministry. The diagnosis of the TVET sector has already been developed. The high-level roundtable was organized in July 2023, the recommendations are well documented, and a general report has been sent to the Prime Minister’s office. The budgeted roadmap for implementing the roundtable's recommendations has been validated. The consultant in charge of developing the sector policy and vocational training strategy is currently being recruited. The legal framework will be focused on the following reforms: (i) law on the general orientation of the CFPTs and the note on national vocational training policy; (ii) organization and operation of CFPTs ; including performance contracts and the institution of establishment councils with strong private sector involvement; (iii) financing of the CFPTs; (iv) public-private partnerships; (v) implementation of apprenticeship training; and (vi) national qualification and certification framework. Component 4. Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation 18. This component supports the Project Coordination Unit (PCU), monitoring and evaluation activities, and capacity building activities associated with the project’s implementation. Monitoring and evaluation include: (i) statistical analysis, employment surveys, and labor studies, etc.; (ii) monitoring of youth and follow-up activities during internships; (iii) survey of youth after the completion of the internships, apprenticeships, and entrepreneurships; and (iv) measurement of whether the higher order outcomes of improved labor market insertion and earnings are achieved through an impact evaluation that contains sample surveys of beneficiaries before the training, soon after completion and six to nine months after finishing the training. There will be a special focus on rural areas and girls. 19. Progress: At present, 14,000 young people are registered in ONAPE's database in search of internships. The firm responsible for updating the ONAPE website has been recruited. As for the project coordination unit staff, the coordinator has been confirmed, an administrative and financial manager has been recruited, and the monitoring-evaluation manager is fully functional. The recruitment of an internal auditor, a new procurement specialist (PS) and a junior PS is underway. The PS for subcomponent 2.2 is overseeing the project procurement aspects for now, until the new PS is onboard. C. Rationale for Restructuring The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) 20. The proposed restructuring was requested by the government in a letter dated December 19, 2023. The PDO continues to be highly relevant, and the client is very committed to ensuring the completion of key project activities. The PDO remains fully aligned with the Country Engagement Note (CEN FY23-FY24)1, the Sahel Education White Paper2 and the West and Central Africa Education Strategy3. In addition, the PDO strongly supports the government's strategic priorities and objectives for the education sector in Chad as stated in the Interim Plan for Education in Chad [PIET-1 (2014-2020)] and PIET-2 [2021-2024]. The project has significantly improved its performance, the design continues to be relevant and it has a well-performing implementation agency. However, key activities under component 1 require additional time to complete and allow the Bank to carry out its due diligence and avoid any potential environmental, social or reputational risks. As a result, this restructuring would allow the project to fully achieve its objectives by reducing the scop and allowing the government focus on the remaining critical activities. In addition, this restructuring would free up resources through a cancellation and contribute to the project’s streamlining and implementation efficiency so that all activities could be completed by the revised closing date. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 21. The proposed restructuring objective seeks to introduce the following changes: (i) reduction of the scope of the activities/component costs; (ii) cancellation of funds; (iii) revision of the results frameworks including the end targets; and (iv) extension of project closing date. The proposed restructuring will not include changes to the PDO. 22. Cancellation of funds. Based on the current performance of the project, it is proposed to cancel US$17.5 million. The proposed amount for cancellation corresponds to the revised scope of activities to allow the government to focus on critical activities that can be completed during the proposed project period. Amounts are summarized in tables 1 and 2 below. 1 2 3 The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) Table 2: Proposed reallocation of resources between categories Category Original Allocation Proposed Revised Percentage of Allocation Expenditures to be Amount Amount Amount Amount financed US$ SDR US$ SDR4 (Inclusive of Taxes) Comments (1) Goods, works, non- 44,408,000 32,062,875 25,665,866 19,540,071 100 percent consulting services and consultant services, training, and operating costs for the project (except for Part A.1.(b), Part A.2.(a); Part B.1.(b), and Part B.2.(a) of the project). (2) Performance-based 0 0 0 0 100 percent of payments under Parts A.1(b) amounts and A.2(a) of the project disbursed, payable respectively. under the respective PBF payment (3) Internship payments under 2,500,000 1,805,000 2,405,718 1,800,000 100 percent of Part B.1.(b) of the project. amounts disbursed, payable under the respective internship payment (4) Apprenticeship payments 3,000,000 2,166,000 2,138,416 1,600,000 100 percent of under Part B.2.(a) of the amounts project. disbursed, payable under the respective apprenticeship payment (5) Refund of Project 2,290,000 66,125 2,290,000 66,125 Amount payable Preparation pursuant to Advance Section 2.07(a) of the General Conditions TOTAL AMOUNT 50,000,000 36,100,000 32,500,000 23,006,196 Cancellation as of December 19, 17,500,000 13,093,804 2023 4 As of December 19, 2023, 1 United States Dollar equals 0.75 Special Drawing Rights The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) Component activities and costs 23. Component 1: Expanding Access to Skills through Improved Technical and Vocational Education [Original amount US$26.1 million equivalent; Proposed amount US$17.4 million equivalent]: Given the time remaining until project closure and the implementation capacity of the implementing entity, the proposed changes include the reduction of the scope of the activities and the cancellation of funds. Sub-Component 1.1: Improving Access to Quality Skills through the Creation of a new CFPT and Expanded Opportunities through preexisting CFPTs [Original amount US$17.1 million equivalent; Proposed amount US$13.1 million equivalent]: For this sub-component: (i) no major change is proposed for the construction of the Sarh CFPT; (ii) regarding the restructuring of existing CFPTs, the target will be reduced to 3 instead of 5 CFPTs. Sub-Component 1.2: Rehabilitation and upgrading of Collèges and Lycées Techniques et Industriels [Original amount US$9.0 million equivalent; Proposed amount – US$4.3 million]: Given the delays in implementing this sub-component, it was agreed that the number of LETINs to be rehabilitated will be reduced from 4 to 2. In addition, the scope of the activities in each center will focus on priority programs and the civil works will be focused on the workshops. The information and sensitization campaigns to attract more female students will continue to be carried out under Component 3 for all targeted CFPTs and LETINs. 24. Component 2: Employment Support for Youth and Improved Entrepreneurship Opportunities [Original amount US$13.0 million equivalent; Proposed amount US$8.5 million equivalent]: For Component 2, the proposed changes do not affect the end targets of the indicators. However, the scope of some activities will be revised. Sub-Component 2.1: Internships to Improve School-to-Work Transition [Original amount US$3.0 million equivalent; Proposed amount US$3.0 million equivalent]: No change is proposed for sub-component 2.1. Sub-component 2.2: Expanding Opportunities for Apprenticeships [Original amount US$5.0 million equivalent; Proposed amount US$4.0 million equivalent]: Given the time remaining until project closure and the implementation capacity of the implementing entity, some sub-activities including the training in functional literacy and numeracy and life skills of young people will be cancelled. The fund reduction will not have an impact on the number of the targeted youth. Sub-component 2.3: Development of Agricultural Entrepreneurship [Original amount US$5.0 million equivalent; Proposed amount US$1.5 million equivalent]: Under this sub-component, the activity will focus only on the training of the targeted 4,000 young people on entrepreneurship in agriculture. Intended additional activities beyond training in entrepreneurship will be limited. The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) 25. Component 3: Improving TVET System Governance and Institutional Capacity Building [Original amount US$5.9 million equivalent; Proposed amount US$1.8 million equivalent]: Under this component, the activities will focus on priority reforms. In addition, the training of the new and rehabilitated CFPTs and LETIN staff planned under this component will be financed under Component 1. 26. Component 4: Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation [Original amount US$5.0 million equivalent; Proposed amount US$4.8 million equivalent] Table 2: Proposed reallocation of resources between components and sub-components Components Original New allocation allocation [US$ [US$ million] million] Component 1: Skills development by improving technical and vocational education 26.1 17.4 Subcomponent 1.1: Creation of new CFPTs and expansion of opportunities through pre- 17.1 13.1 existing centers Subcomponent 1.2: Rehabilitation and upgrading of technical and industrial high schools 9.0 4.3 Component 2: Support for youth employment and improved entrepreneurial 13.0 8.5 opportunities Subcomponent 2.1: Internships for a better school-to-work transition 3.0 3.0 Sub-component 2.2: Develop learning opportunities 5.0 4.0 Sub-component 2.3: Development of agricultural entrepreneurship 5.0 1.5 Component 3: Improving governance of the TVET system and strengthening of 5.9 1.8 institutional capacities Component 4: Project management, monitoring and evaluation 5.0 4.8 TOTAL AMOUNT 50.0 32.5 27. During the first restructuring, the Impact Evaluations on measurement of whether the higher order outcomes of improved labor market insertion and earnings are achieved were already proposed to be dropped as the baseline could not be completed. However, the results framework was not updated. Therefore, the indicator is proposed to be dropped. The component amount is expected to finance the operation cost and project management during the proposed nine-month extension. 28. Revised Results Framework. The following changes in Table 3 are proposed. Table 3: Changes in the Results Framework Indicators Revised dropped Initial Target Revised Comments Target PDO-LEVEL INDICATORS Total beneficiaries of job focused X 16,800 13,900 Adjusted to the interventions (Number) number of targeted CFPTs and LETINs Share of beneficiaries of skills X 70 35 Adjusted to the development programs who are scope of activities The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) Indicators Revised dropped Initial Target Revised Comments Target employed within 6 months of and remaining completion (Percentage) lifetime of the project Students benefiting from direct X 15,000 13,600 Adjusted to the interventions to enhance learning number of targeted (number) CFPTs and LETINs Number of CFPTs and TVET centers X 7 4 that have a functioning board of directors with private sector participation (Number) INTERMEDIATE INDICATORS Teachers recruited or trained (CRI, X 300 150 Adjusted to the Number) number of targeted CFPTs and LETINs Number of students trained in CFPTs X 2,500 1,250 Adjusted to the (Number) number of targeted Number of Performance-based X 6 2 CFPTs and their Contracts with training institutions status (private and public) (Number) Number of Performance-based X 6 2 Adjusted to the Contracts with LETIN (public and number of targeted private) (Number) LETINs Number of Students trained X 3200 2,000 Adjusted to the (Number) number of targeted LETINs Number of Enterprises accepting X 150 562 Adjusted with the internships (Number) current number of enterprises Impact studies X Absence of baseline data The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) 29. Extension of Closing Date. This restructuring proposes a nine-month extension to complete the activities and reforms under component 1, which are critical to the achievement of the project’s objectives and represent a high priority for the government. Based on the positive implementation progress noted after the first project restructuring and subsequent implementation support mission, the project implementation rating has been upgraded to moderately satisfactory. The additional time would allow completion of key activities under component 1 to render five CFPTs fully operational and able to provide services to young Chadians in line with the project’s objectives while deepening its impact on skills development and employability of youth. The extension would also allow the Bank to fully carry out its due diligence and ensure orderly closure of all project activities. All remaining activities under Component 2 and Component 3 are expected to be completed by October 31, 2024. The revised implementation plan for key activities, which was discussed and agreed to with the implementing agency, is stated in Table 4 below. Table 4. Implementation action plan for key activities for the remaining lifetime of the project No. Activity Completion Date 1 Construction of CFTP Sarh November 30, 2024 2 Rehabilitation of 3 CFTP and 2 LETIN September 30, 2024 3 Curriculum for 3 CFTP and 2 LETIN September 30, 2024 4 Training of trainers from 3 CFTP and 2 LETIN October 31, 2024 5 Equipment for CFPT Sarh December 15, 2024 6 Enrollment of learners January 15, 2025 7 Development of legal texts and policies June 30, 2024 8 Adoption of legal texts and policies August 31, 2024 9 Tracer study for the internship and apprenticeship programs May 31, 2025 10 Mid-year assessment of the performance of CFPT Sahr June 30, 2025 30. Revised Project Disbursements Estimates. In light of the cancellation and extension of the closing date, the disbursement estimates have been updated. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) DDO Status ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ PBCs ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Overall Risk Rating ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Expanding Access to Skills Expanding Access to Skills through Improved Technical and 26.10 Revised through Improved Technical 17.40 Vocational Education and Vocational Education Employment Support for Youth Employment Support for Youth and Improved and Improved Entrepreneurship 13.00 Revised 8.50 Entrepreneurship Opportunities Opportunities Improving TVET System Improving TVET System Governance and Institutional 5.90 Revised Governance and Institutional 1.80 Capacity Building Capacity Building Project Management and Project Management and 5.00 Revised 4.80 Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) TOTAL 50.00 32.50 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline Ln/Cr/Tf Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications IDA-D4990 Effective 31-Oct-2024 31-Jul-2025 30-Nov-2025 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_CANCELLATIONS_TABLE CANCELLATIONS Value Reason Current Cancellation New Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Date of for Amount Amount Amount Cancellation Cancellation LOAN IDA-D4990- Disburs RESTRUCTUR XDR 36,100,000.00 13,093,804.00 19-Dec-2023 23,006,196.00 001 ing ING, COST SAVINGS OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_REALLOCATION _TABLE REALLOCATION BETWEEN DISBURSEMENT CATEGORIES Financing % Current Allocation Actuals + Committed Proposed Allocation (Type Total) Current Proposed IDA-D4990-001 | Currency: XDR iLap Category Sequence No: 1 Current Expenditure Category: G W N/CS T OC ex Pt A1b A2a B1b B2a 32,062,875.00 3,839,108.00 19,540,071.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 2 Current Expenditure Category: Perf pymt Prt A1b A2a 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 3 Current Expenditure Category: Internship payment Prt B1b 1,805,000.00 1,708,259.62 1,800,000.00 100.00 100.00 The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) iLap Category Sequence No: 4 Current Expenditure Category: Apprenticeship pymnt Prt B2a 2,166,000.00 1,438,734.82 1,600,000.00 100.00 100.00 iLap Category Sequence No: 5 Current Expenditure Category: PPF REFINANCING 66,125.00 66,124.95 66,125.00 Total 36,100,000.00 7,052,227.39 23,006,196.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed 2019 0.00 0.00 2020 3,581,300.00 264,810.98 2021 8,265,250.00 2,182,619.47 2022 12,744,250.00 557,188.96 2023 12,621,800.00 4,543,143.91 2024 10,369,750.00 14,750,000.00 2025 2,417,650.00 10,202,236.68 . The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) . Results framework COUNTRY: Chad Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project Project Development Objectives(s) The project development objective (PDO) is to improve access to skills training and labor market outcomes for project beneficiaries, and strengthen the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) sector in Chad Project Development Objective Indicators by Objectives/ Outcomes RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Improve access to skills training and labor market outcomes for project beneficiaries Total beneficiaries of job focused interventions 0.00 2,200.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 10,500.00 13,900.00 13,900.00 (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has Adjusted to the number of targeted CFPTs and LETINs been Revised Percentage of female direct 4.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 beneficiaries (Percentage) Action: This indicator has been Revised Share of beneficiries of skills development programs who are employed within 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 35.00 months of completion (Percentage) The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_PDO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Rationale: Action: This indicator has Adjusted to the scope of activities and remaining lifetime of the project. been Revised Students benefiting from direct interventions to 0.00 13,600.00 13,600.00 enhance learning (CRI, Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Students benefiting from direct interventions to 0.00 4,000.00 enhance learning - Female (CRI, Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Strengthen the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system in Chad Number of CFPTs and TVET centers that have a functioning board of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 directors with private sector participation (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has Three CFTPs and One TVET center. been Revised PDO Table SPACE The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) Intermediate Results Indicators by Components RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Component 1: Expanding Access Skills through Improved Technical and Vocational Education Teachers recruited or 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 trained (CRI, Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator has Adjusted to the number of targeted CFPTs and LETINs been Revised Number of teachers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57.00 recruited (CRI, Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator The recruitment is only for the newly built TVET center. has been Revised Teachers recruited or trained - Female (RMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.00 17.00 requirement) (CRI, Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Number of teachers 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.00 trained (CRI, Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator Adjusted to the number of targeted CFPTs and LETINs has been Revised Sub-component 1.1: Creation of a new CFPT and No Yes Expanded Opportunities The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 through preexisting centers (Yes/No) Action: This indicator has been Revised CFPT created, built and No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes functional (Yes/No) Action: This indicator has been Revised Number of students trained in CFPTs 1,120.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator Adjusted to the number of targeted CFPTs and their status has been Revised Percentage of female 22.00 22.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 trained (Percentage) Number of Performance- based Contracts with training institutions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 (private and public) (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator Adjusted to the number of targeted CFPTs and their status has been Revised Sub-component 1.2: Rehabilitation and 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 upgrading of Lycées The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Industriels et Techniques (Number) Action: This indicator has been Revised Number of Lycées Industriels et Techniques 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 rehabilitated and upgraded (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator Adjusted to the number of targeted LETINs has been Revised Number of Performance- based Contracts with Lycées Industriels et 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 Techniques (public and private) (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator Adjusted to the number of targeted CFPTs and their status has been Revised Number of Students 1,140.00 1,200.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 trained (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator Adjusted to the number of targeted LETINs has been Revised Percentage of female 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 15.00 trained (Number) The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Component 2: Employment Support for Youth and Improved Entrepreneurship Opportunities Sub-component 2.1: Internships for Improved 0.00 0.00 School-to-Work Transition (Number) Number of youth enrolled in internship 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 programs (Number) Share of female beneficiaries of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.00 35.00 internship programs (Number) Number of enterprises accepting internships 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 100.00 562.00 562.00 (Number) Rationale: Action: This indicator Adjusted with the current number of enterprises has been Revised Sub-component 2.2: Expanding Opportunities for 0.00 0.00 Apprenticeships (Number) Number of young benefiting from 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 apprenticeship (by gender) (Number) Percentage of girls 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 35.00 35.00 (Percentage) The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 Sub-component 2.3: Development of Agricultural 0.00 0.00 Entrepreneurship (Number) Number of youth trained on entrepreneurship in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 rural areas (gender) (Number) Share of female beneficiaries of agricultural 0.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 20.00 30.00 entrepreneurship (Number) Component 3: Improving TVET System Governance and Institutional Capacity Building New Strategy for TVET validated / New strategy of No No No No Yes Yes employment validated (Yes/No) Component 4: Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation Impact Studies (Yes/No) No No Yes No Yes Yes Rationale: Action: This indicator has Absence of baseline data for impact assessment studies been Marked for Deletion Citizen engagement - Beneficary surveys 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 complete (Number) Number of grievances 0.00 0.00 5.00 15.00 40.00 50.00 received, addressed, and The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297) RESULT_FRAME_TBL_IO Indicator Name PBC Baseline Intermediate Targets End Target 1 2 3 4 5 resolved with a feedback to complainants (Number) Number of youth registered in ONAPE's web-based 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 system for job and internship search (Number) Number of private firms posting jobs and internships opportunities in ONAPE's 0.00 0.00 10.00 25.00 50.00 80.00 web-based dataset/system (Number) IO Table SPACE The World Bank Chad Skills Development for Youth Employability Project (P164297)