The World Bank                                                                                       Implementation Status & Results Report
         Medium Cities Development Project (P116398)

Medium Cities Development Project (P116398)

 EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC | Vietnam | Urban, Resilience and Land Global Practice |
 IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2012 | Seq No: 21 | ARCHIVED on 15-Dec-2021 | ISR49273 |

 Implementing Agencies: Project Management Unit (PMU) in Lao Cai, Project Management Unit (PMU) in Phu Ly, Socialist Republict of Vietnam, Ha
 Nam PPC, Lao Cai Provincial People's committee, Nghe An Provincial People's committee, Project Management Unit (PMU) in VInh

 Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

   Bank Approval Date: 15-Dec-2011                                             Effectiveness Date: 11-Apr-2012
   Planned Mid Term Review Date: 30-Apr-2015                                   Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 21-May-2015
   Original Closing Date: 30-Dec-2017                                          Revised Closing Date: 30-Jun-2022

 Project Development Objectives

  Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
  The project development objective is to increase access to improved urban infrastructure services in three selected medium-sized cities, Lao Cai,
  Phu Ly, and Vinh, in a sustainable and efficient manner.

  Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?

  Board Approved Revised Project Development Objective (If project is formally restructured)
  The development objective of the project is to increase access to improved urban infrastructure services in selected medium-sized cities in Vietnam.

 Components Table

 Urban Basic Infrastructure Upgrading and Service Improvement:(Cost $33.34 M)
 Urban Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation:(Cost $77.90 M)
 Urban Roads and Bridges:(Cost $72.27 M)
 Project Management Support and Technical Assistance:(Cost $15.68 M)

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                        Previous Rating                          Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                         Moderately Satisfactory                 Moderately Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                        Moderately Satisfactory                 Moderately Satisfactory
 Overall Risk Rating                                                         Moderate                                Moderate

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions

  The project is progressing despite negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and adverse weather conditions. The project development impact
  has been increasing with 58,350 people (50% of whom women) in urban areas provided with access to improved water sources; 216,106 people
  (half are women) in the three cities benefitting from improved sanitation infrastructure; and 4,281 students in Phu Ly and Lao Cai provided access to
  newly built or improved classrooms. In addition, there is a 30% reduction in vehicles’ operating time on new roads; and asset management plans

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            The World Bank                                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
            Medium Cities Development Project (P116398)

  with annual budgets have been developed for the three cities. All the project development targets are expected to be achieved in full by project
  closing on June 30, 2022.


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                              Rating at Approval               Previous Rating               Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                   --                               Low                          Low
  Macroeconomic                                              --                               Low                          Low
  Sector Strategies and Policies                             --                               Moderate                     Low
  Technical Design of Project or Program                     --                               Moderate                     Low
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                             --                               Moderate                     Moderate
  Fiduciary                                                  --                               Moderate                     Moderate
  Environment and Social                                     --                               Substantial                  Substantial
  Stakeholders                                               --                               Moderate                     Moderate
  Other                                                      --                               Moderate                     Moderate
  Overall                                                    --                               Moderate                     Moderate


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

   Number of people in urban areas provided with access to Improved Water Sources under the project

    ►Number of people in urban areas provided with access to Improved Water Sources under the project (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                              0.00                        50,000.00                     58,350.00                  40,000.00

    Date                               17-Nov-2011                 18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                       End target exceeded. The result reflects people in the urban areas of Lao Cai which benefit from project
    Comments:                          investments in water sources under the original project. Information source: PMU’s report.

      Shared female (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                     Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)            End Target

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           The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
           Medium Cities Development Project (P116398)

     Value                         0.00                         50.00                        50.00                       50.00

   Number of people in urban areas provided with access to Improved Sanitation under the project

    ►Number of people in urban areas provided with access to Improved Sanitation under the project (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            0.00                        204,666.00                    216,106.00                 223,200.00

    Date                             17-Nov-2011                 18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                     2021 target yet to be achieved. The result reflects the following results: Vinh City: 125,000 people; Phu Ly
                                     City: 44,526 people ; Lao Cai City: 46,580 people. These people have improved access to sanitation
   Comments:                         thanks to project investments in sanitation under both original project and the additional
                                     financing. Information source: PMUs’ reports.

     Shared female (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                   Baseline                     Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

     Value                         0.00                         50.40                        50.50                       50.00

   Reduction in vehicle operating time on new roads

    ►Reduction in vehicle operating time on new roads (Percentage, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            0.00                        30.00                         30.00                      30.00

    Date                             17-Nov-2011                 11-Nov-2020                   15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                     End target achieved. The reduction is thanks to project investments in new roads constructed under the
   Comments:                         original project.

   Implementation of a comprehensive and sustainable urban asset management plan with an approved annua

   ►Implementation of a comprehensive and sustainable urban asset management plan with an approved annual budget for adequate O&M
   (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            0.00                        3.00                          3.00                       3.00

    Date                             17-Nov-2011                 18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                     End target achieved. The plans were developed for Vinh City, Lao Cai City, and Phu Ly City under the
   Comments:                         original project.

   School students provided with access to newly built or improved classrooms

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           The World Bank                                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
           Medium Cities Development Project (P116398)

    ►School students provided with access to newly built or improved classrooms (Number, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                             0.00                        2,425.00                      4,281.00                   3,890.00

    Date                              17-Nov-2011                 18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                      End target achieved while female rate is slightly below target. The result reflects the following breakdown
   Comments:                          results: Phu Ly City: 3,113 students; Lao Cai City: 1,168 students. Information source: PMUs’ reports.

     Shared female students (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                    Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)            End Target

     Value                          0.00                         47.40                        47.00                       50.00

 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

   Urban Basic Infrastructure Upgrading and Service Improvement

    ►Number of schools with completed sanitation facilities (Number, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                             0.00                        54.00                         54.00                      54.00

    Date                              17-Nov-2011                 18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                      End target achieved. The result reflects the following breakdown results: Vinh City: 27 schools; Lao Cai
                                      City: 27 schools. The sanitation facilities in the schools are newly built or upgraded as planned.
                                      Information source: PMUs’ reports.

    ►Classrooms built or rehabilitated (Number, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                             0.00                        79.00                         130.00                     130.00

    Date                              17-Nov-2011                 18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                      End target achieved. The results is based on the following breakdown results: Lao Cai City: 38
   Comments:                          classrooms; Phu Ly City: 92 classrooms. Information source: PMUs’ reports.

    ►Degree of citizen engagement - Beneficiaries involved in consultation of planning/ implementation/ evaluation of project. (Number, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                             0.00                        229,013.00                    230,022.00                 247,000.00

    Date                              17-Nov-2011                 18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022

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           The World Bank                                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
           Medium Cities Development Project (P116398)

                                      2021 target yet to be achieved. The results reflect the following breakdown results: Phu Ly City: 28,772
                                      consulted beneficiaries; Lao Cai City: 76,250 consulted beneficiaries; Vinh City: 125,000 consulted
                                      beneficiaries. Information source: PMUs' reports.

     Shared female beneficiaries involved in consultation process (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                    Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target

     Value                          0.00                         50.50                        50.30                      50.00

    ►Direct project beneficiaries (Number, Custom)

                                     Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            0.00                         267,842.00                   277,085.00                 300,220.00

    Date                             17-Nov-2011                  18-May-2021                  15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                      2021 target to be achieved. The result is based on the following breakdown results: Phu Ly City:
                                      67,727 beneficiaries; Lao Cai City: 83,858 beneficiaries; Vinh City: 125,500 beneficiaries. These are
   Comments:                          people who benefitted from both original project and the additional financing. Information source: PMUs’

     Female beneficiaries (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                    Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target

     Value                          0.00                         50.30                        50.50                      50.00

   Urban Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation

    ►Length of water supply pipeline laid (Kilometers, Custom)

                                     Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            0.00                         79.47                        79.47                      89.50

    Date                             17-Nov-2011                  18-May-2021                  15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                      2021 target yet to be achieved. The result is based on the following breakdown results: Lao Cai City:
   Comments:                          48.97 km; Phu Ly City: 20.20 km; Vinh City: 10.30 km. Information source: PMUs’ reports .

    ►Length of waste water pipeline laid (Kilometers, Custom)

                                     Baseline                     Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                            0.00                         81.93                        82.10                      109.00

    Date                             17-Nov-2011                  18-May-2021                  15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                      2021 target yet to be achieved. The result is based on the following breakdown results: Lao Cai City:
   Comments:                          39.89 km; Phu Ly City:18.21 km; Vinh City: 24.00 km. Information source: PMUs’ reports.


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           The World Bank                                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
           Medium Cities Development Project (P116398)

    ►Length of drainage channel constructed or rehabilitated (including interceptors) (Kilometers, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                             0.00                         9.80                          9.80                       9.80

    Date                              17-Nov-2011                  18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021                30-Jun-2022

                                      End target achieved. The result reflects drainage works in Vinh City. Information source: PMUs’ reports .

    ►Additional treated water supply capacity made available (Cubic Meter(m3), Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                             0.00                         6,000.00                      6,000.00                   6,000.00

    Date                              17-Nov-2011                  18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021                30-Jun-2022
                                      End target achied. The result reflects the result of project investments in water supply in Lao Cai city
   Comments:                          under the original project. Source: Lao Cai PMU's report

    ►Additional wastewater treatment capacity made available (Cubic Meter(m3), Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                             0.00                         5,800.00                      5,800.00                   5,800.00

    Date                              17-Nov-2011                  18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021                30-Jun-2022
                                      End target achieved. The result reflects the result of project investments in construction of new Ngoi Dum
                                      WWTP (4,300m3) in Lao Cai City and Bac Chau Giang WWTP (1,500m3) in Phu Ly city under the original
                                      project. End target achieved. Source: PMUs' reports

   Urban Roads and Bridges

    ►Roads constructed, non-rural (Kilometers, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                             0.00                         110.30                        131.36                     145.20

    Date                              17-Nov-2011                  18-May-2021                   15-Nov-2021                30-Jun-2022
                                      2021 target yet to be achieved. The result reflects the following breakdown results: Vinh City: 32.5 km;
   Comments:                          Phu Ly City: 17.7 km; Lao Cai City: 81.16 km. Information source: PMUs’ reports.

    ►Length of new or upgraded local road (Kilometers, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target

    Value                             0.00                         73.02                         94.22                      116.00

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           The World Bank                                                                                        Implementation Status & Results Report
           Medium Cities Development Project (P116398)

    Date                             17-Nov-2011                  18-May-2021                      15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                      2021 target yet to be achieved. The result reflects the following breakdown results: Lao Cai City: 67.19
   Comments:                          km; Phu Ly City: 9.03 km; Vinh City: 18 km. Information source: PMUs’ reports.

    ►Length of primary roads and bridges constructed or improved (Kilometers, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                            0.00                         33.47                            34.43                     29.20

    Date                             17-Nov-2011                  18-May-2021                      15-Nov-2021               30-Jun-2022
                                      End target exceeded. The result reflects the following breakdown results: Lao Cai City: 10.08 km; Phu Ly
                                      City: 9.75 km; Vinh City: 14.6 km. Information source: PMUs’ reports.

 Performance-Based Conditions

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project       Loan/Credit/TF    Status      Currency        Original     Revised      Cancelled      Disbursed       Undisbursed                % Disbursed

 P116398       IDA-50310         Closed      USD             210.00        202.10           7.90           179.96             0.00                     100%

 P116398       IDA-60700         Effective   USD               13.00        13.00           0.00             8.35             4.90                      63%

 P116398       IDA-60710         Effective   USD               40.00        40.00           0.00            19.28           20.72                       48%

 Key Dates (by loan)

 Project        Loan/Credit/TF   Status      Approval Date       Signing Date       Effectiveness Date        Orig. Closing Date      Rev. Closing Date

 P116398        IDA-50310        Closed      15-Dec-2011         12-Jan-2012        11-Apr-2012               30-Dec-2017             31-Dec-2018
 P116398        IDA-60700        Effective   09-Jun-2017         15-Dec-2017        06-Jun-2018               31-Dec-2020             30-Jun-2022
 P116398        IDA-60710        Effective   09-Jun-2017         15-Dec-2017        06-Jun-2018               31-Dec-2020             30-Jun-2022

Cumulative Disbursements

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          The World Bank                                                                              Implementation Status & Results Report
          Medium Cities Development Project (P116398)

 PBC Disbursement

                                                                                 Achievement    Disbursed amount in        Disbursement %
 PBC ID                   PBC Type   Description          Coc       PBC Amount
                                                                                 Status         Coc                        for PBC

  Restructuring History

  Level 2 Approved on 31-May-2016 ,Level 2 Approved on 11-Jun-2018 ,Level 2 Approved on 21-Dec-2020

  Related Project(s)

 P159426-Vietnam - Additional Financing for Medium Cities Development Project

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