PROCUREMENT PLAN OF Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project

I. General

1. Project information
   Country                   :     India

  Borrower                         :       Government of India

  Project Name               :     Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project

  Project I.D. for UkWDP     :     P-154525

  Credit No.                       :

  Project Implementing Agency (PIA):   State Project Implementing Unit (SPIU), Directorate of Training,

2. Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan: May 09, 2018

3. Date of General Procurement Notice: ____ on July 12th 2018___

Period covered by this procurement plan: The procurement period of project covered from Nov 2017
– Dec 2019.

II. Prior review by the World Bank. The Bank will prior review the following contracts:
(a)    Goods, services (other than consultancies), and IT systems: All contracts more than US$2.0 million
(b)    Works (including turnkey, supply & Installation and PPP): All contracts more than US$10.0 million
(c)    Consultancy services: More than US$2.0 million equivalent for firms and more than US$300,000
equivalent for individuals

In addition, the justifications for all contracts to be issued on the basis of Limited International Bidding or
Single-Source or Direct Contracting (except for contracts less than US$100,000 in value) will be subject to the
Bank’s prior review.

III.      Procurement Thresholds: All Goods, Works and Non-consulting services and consulting services will
       be procured using the procurement methods described in the procurement methods described in the
       table below:
                                           Table: Procurement Methods
                          Method of Procurement                               Threshold (US$ Equivalent)
  Goods,        Limited International Bidding                      Wherever agreed by the Association
  works,        National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Works           Up to 40,000,000 (with NCB conditions)
  and non-      National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Goods and       Up to 3,000,000 (with NCB conditions)
  nt            Shopping                                           Up to 100,000
  services      Direct Contracting                                 According to paragraph 3.7 of Procurement
                Force Account                                      According to paragraph 3.9 of Procurement
                Framework Agreement (FA)*                          According to paragraph 3.6 of Procurement
                Procurement from United Nations                    According to paragraph 3.10 of Procurement
                Agencies                                           Guidelines
  Consulta      Single-Source Selection (SSS)                      According to paragraphs 3.8–3.11 of Consultant
  nts’                                                             Guidelines
  Services      Individuals                                        According to Section V of Consultant Guidelines
                Particular Types of Consultants                    According to paragraphs 3.15–3.21 of Consultant
                Selection Based on Consultants’                    Up to 300,000
                Qualifications (CQS)
                Quality- and Cost-Based Selection                  For all other cases
                (QCBS)/Quality-Based Selection
                (QBS)/Selection under a Fixed Budget
                (FBS)/Least-Cost Selection (LCS)
                (a) International short list                       > 800,000
                (b) Short list may comprise national               Up to 800,000
                consultants only

      1) Use of GeM is allowed in lieu of shopping up to US$ 30,000 in catalog mode.
      2) Use of GeM is also allowed in lieu of shopping up to US$ 100,000, provided there are at least 3 suppliers for the item on GeM
      and the Purchaser uses RFQ (mini competition or bidding among suppliers) feature on GeM to discover the final price.
      In both the above cases the Purchasers will record their assessment on reasonableness of price. GeM is not to be used in lieu of
      NCB irrespective of value.

           Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project: Procurement Plan (Nov 2017 – Dec 2019)

      [All Procurement Plans, their updates, or modifications shall be sent through STEP (Systematic Tracking of
      Exchanges in Procurement ) and will be require the World Bank’s prior review and ‘no objection’ before

                                                                                            Propo    Contra
                                                 Estimate    Procurem                                         Delivery/
Ref.                               Estimated                              Prior    Bid       sal       ct
         Contract Description                     d Cost        ent                                           Completio         Remarks
No.                                Cost (INR)                            Review   Advert    Openi    Signin
                                                  (USD)       Method                                           n Date
                                                                                             ng      g Date

 Project Component 1: Improving the Quality and Relevance of ITI Training
                                                                  A- GOODS
GD -     Equipments etc. for 5        50000000.     757575.00     NCB      Yes    June-    July-    August       Upon      After
1        priority ITIs                00                                 (being   2019     2019     -2019      requirem    commencement,
                                                                           1st                                    ent      depending on the
                                                                         contra                                            requirement
                                                                           ct)                                             procurement will
                                                                                                                           be undertaken
GD-      Equipments etc. for 5        60000000.     909090.00     NCB      Yes    July-    Augus    Sept.-       -do-             -do-
2        priority ITIs                00                                          2019     t-       2019

                                                                                           Propo      Contra
                                               Estimate     Procurem                                              Delivery/
Ref.                              Estimated                             Prior    Bid        sal         ct
        Contract Description                    d Cost         ent                                                Completio          Remarks
No.                               Cost (INR)                           Review   Advert     Openi      Signin
                                                (USD)        Method                                                n Date
                                                                                            ng        g Date
GD-    Equipments etc. for 5         40000000.    606060.00     NCB     No      Augus      Sept.-     Oct.-         -do-              -do-
3      priority ITIs                 00                                         t-2019     2019       2019
GD-    Equipments etc. for 5         40000000.    606060.00     NCB     No      Sept.-     Oct.-      Nov.-         -do-              -do-
4      priority ITIs                 00                                         2019       2019       2019
GD-    Equipments etc. for 5         50000000.    757575.00     NCB     No      Oct.-      Nov.-      Dec.-         -do-              -do-
5      priority ITIs                 00                                         2019       2019       2019
CW-    New Construction &            100000000.    1515152.      NCB       Yes    June-      July-       August -          9 to 15
1      Renovation of 5 Priority          00           00                 (being   2019       2019        2019              Months
       ITIs                                                                1st
CW-    New Construction &            90000000.0    1363636.      NCB       No     July-      August      Sept.-            9 to 15
2      Renovation of 5 Priority          0            00                          2019       -2019       2019              Months
CW-    New Construction &            110000000.    1666667.      NCB      No      Augus      Sept.-      Oct.-2019         9 to 15
3      Renovation of 5 Priority          00           00                          t-2019     2019                          Months
CW-    New Construction &            90000000.0    1363636.      NCB      No      Sept.-     Oct.-       Nov.-             9 to 15
4      Renovation of 5 Priority          0            00                          2019       2019        2019              Months
CW-    New Construction &            90000000.0    1363636.      NCB      No      Oct.-      Nov.-       Dec.-             9 to 15
5      Renovation of 5 Priority          0            00                          2019       2019        2019              Months
Project Component 2 : Increasing the Supply of Skilled Workers through Short-Term Training

GD-    Office Equipments for         5000000.0    75757.0     Shoppi     No     June-      July-      August      Oct.-2018           -do-
1      UKSDM                         0            0             ng              2018       2018       -2018
                                                                                        Propo   Contra
                                            Estimate   Procurem                                           Delivery/
Ref.                           Estimated                            Prior       Bid      sal      ct
        Contract Description                 d Cost       ent                                             Completio    Remarks
No.                            Cost (INR)                          Review      Advert   Openi   Signin
                                             (USD)      Method                                             n Date
                                                                                         ng     g Date
Project Component 3 : Technical Assistance and Project Management

GD-    Office Equipments for   6000000.00   90909.00   Shopping      No        June-    July-   August    Oct.-2018     -do-
1      SPIU                                                                    2018     2018    -2018
CW-    Renovation of SPIU      5000000.00   75757.5      NS          Yes       July-    Augus   Sept. -     Dec. -
1                                              8                               2018     t-      2018        2018
CS-1      Development of       20000000.    303030.0    QCBS         Yes       Nov      Feb.-    May.         10
           Master Plans           00           0                    (being     2017     2018     2018      Months
                                                                                                          Signing of
CS-2   Teacher Training        20000000.    303030.0    QCBS       No          June-    Augus   Sept.-    Project
       Consultancy                00           0                               2018     t-      2018      Period
CS-3   Project Management      80000000.    1212121.    QCBS       No          July     Sept.   Dec.      Project
       Consultant                 00           00                              2018     2018    2018      Period

                                                                                       Propo     Contra
                                             Estimate   Procurem                                          Delivery/
Ref.                            Estimated                             Prior    Bid      sal        ct
       Contract Description                   d Cost       ent                                            Completio        Remarks
No.                             Cost (INR)                           Review   Advert   Openi     Signin
                                              (USD)      Method                                            n Date
                                                                                        ng       g Date
CS-4   Women Training           660000.00    10000.00   Individual   No       Augus    Sept. -   Oct. -   4 Months
       demand Study                                      Consulta             t-       2018      2018
                                                            nt                2018
CS-5   Entrepreneurship and     660000.00    10000.00   Individual   No       Augus    Sept. -   Oct. -   4 Months
       self-employment study                             Consulta             t-       2018      2018
                                                            nt                2018
CS-6   Information &            130000000    1969697      QCBS       No                          Year 1   Year 5
       Education Campaign          .00
       (IEC) firm
CS-7   Score-card-              6500000.0     98484       QCBS       No                          Year 2   Year 5
       Performance rating of        0
CS-8   Strengthening TCPC       58500000.    886363       QCBS       No                          Year 2   Year 5
       (Training Counseling        00
       and Placement Cell)-
       Career counseling
       support & improving
       job search skills, and
       job placement support
CS-9   Skills Policy            19500000.    295454       QCBS       No                          Year 2   Year 3
       Development                 00
       (Mapping of Skill
       Training provisions,
       tion to Understand
       industry needs)
CS-    MIS (ERP-Enterprise      1300000.0     19696       QCBS       No                          Year 2   Year 5      Programmers to
10     Resource Planning)           0                                                                                 Support
                                                                                                                      developing MIS
CS-    Institutional Capacity   2500000.0     37878       QCBS       No                          Year 2   Year 5
11     Assessment of training       0
       system (DTE, Board,
       ITIs, SDM)
CS-    Third Party Monitoring   10400000.    157575       QCBS       No                          Year 2   Year 5      Monitoring of all
12                                 00                                                                                 works & goods

                                                                                       Propo   Contra
                                              Estimate   Procurem                                       Delivery/
Ref.                             Estimated                            Prior    Bid      sal      ct
         Contract Description                  d Cost       ent                                         Completio        Remarks
No.                              Cost (INR)                          Review   Advert   Openi   Signin
                                               (USD)      Method                                         n Date
                                                                                        ng     g Date
CS-     Third Party Validation   32500000.    492424      QCBS       No                        Year 1   Year 5      Verification of all
13      (DLIs)                      00                                                                              DLIs
CS-     Impact assessment        3300000.0     50000      QCBS       No                        Year 2   Year 3
14      midterm and end of           0
        the project
CS-     Tracer Studies           13000000.    196969      QCBS       No                                             Study in Year 1
15                                  00                                                                              and 4
CS-     Impact Evaluation        13000000.    196969      QCBS       No                                             Study in Year 2
16                                  00                                                                              and 5

        Total Estimated

      1 USD: 66 Rupees

                India : Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project
General Information
Country:           India                              Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:      2018-08-23
                                                      Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if     2024-01-11
Project ID:        P154525                             GPN Date:                                                  2018-07-12
Project Name:      Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project
Loan / Credit No:  IBRD / 88770
                   State Project Implementation Unit, Directorate of Training and Employment. Govt. of Uttarakhand.
Executing Agency(ies):

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                       Estimated Actual Am                                                                                                                                                           Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                   Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification High SEA/SH R Procurement D                     Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu   Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /                                                          Contract Complet
       Description                                        Component               Review Type       Method                                                                                     Amount (U ount (US$                                                                                                                                                           and Recommendation               Signed Contract
                                        o.                                                                                h             cess           (Y/N)             isk     ocument Type                         atus         Documents               ation Report         ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes                                                                   ion
                                                                                                                                                                                                   S$)       )                                                                                                                                                                     for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual     Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual            Planned       Actual      Planned

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
Renovation & Upgradation of                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-08-2
                                 IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                               2,495,104.00         0.00                                                     2020-09-20                2020-09-25                                     2020-11-06                2021-01-19                2021-02-23
Infrastructure of GITI Dehrad                                                                                                        nvelope                                                                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                2
un-Boys , Dist. Dehradun , Ut

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
Renovation & Upgradation of                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-08-2
                              IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                521,965.00          0.00                                                     2020-09-22                2020-09-27                                     2020-11-08                2021-01-21                2021-02-25
Infrastructure of GITI Dehrad                                                                                                        nvelope                                                                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                4
un-Women , Distt. Dehradun,

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
ovation & Upgradation of Infr                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-08-2
                               IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                621,746.00          0.00                                                     2020-09-24                2020-09-29                                     2020-11-10                2021-01-23                2021-02-27
astructure of GITI Rajpur Roa                                                                                                        nvelope                                                                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                6
d , Distt. Dehradun , Uttarakh

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
novation & Up-gradation of In                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-08-2
                              IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                691,677.00          0.00                                                     2020-09-26                2020-10-01                                     2020-11-12                2021-01-25                2021-03-01
frastructure of GITI Vikasnag                                                                                                        nvelope                                                                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                8
ar , Distt. Dehradun ,Uttarak

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
novation & Up-gradation of In                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021-08-3
                              IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                567,519.00    388,275.98     Signed                                          2020-09-28   2020-12-28   2020-10-03   2022-02-05                        2020-11-14   2021-02-04   2021-01-27   2021-04-16   2021-03-03   2021-07-28
frastructure of GITI Narson ,                                                                                                        nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              0
Distt. Haridwar ,Uttarakhand

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
novation & Upgradation of Inf                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021-09-0
                               IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                746,748.00    532,979.64     Signed                                          2020-09-30   2020-12-15   2020-10-05   2022-02-05                        2020-11-16   2021-02-04   2021-01-29   2021-04-15   2021-03-05   2021-07-23
rastructure of GITI Delna , Di                                                                                                       nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1
stt. Haridwar , Uttarakhand

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
enovation & Up-gradation of I                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021-08-2
                                IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                853,950.00    554,507.58     Signed                                          2020-09-21   2020-12-29   2020-09-26   2022-02-05                        2020-11-07   2021-04-16   2021-01-20   2021-07-14   2021-02-24   2021-08-09
nfrastructure of GITI Pirankali                                                                                                      nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3
yar , Distt. Haridwar ,Uttarak

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
Renovation & Up-gradation o                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                                                       6,741,474.4                                                                                                                                                                                                           2021-08-2
                                 IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                959,545.00                   Signed                                          2020-09-23   2020-12-28   2020-09-28   2022-02-07                        2020-11-09   2021-03-22   2021-01-22   2021-04-22   2021-02-26   2021-07-23
f Infrastructure of GITI Vishist                                                                                                     nvelope                                                                              1                                                                                                                                                                                                               5
Haridwar , Distt. Haridwar ,Ut

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
enovation & Up-gradation of I                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-08-2
                              IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                               1,512,952.00         0.00                                                     2020-09-25                2020-09-30                                     2020-11-11                2021-01-24                2021-02-28
nfrastructure of GITI Barkot,                                                                                                        nvelope                                                                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                7
Distt. Uttarkashi ,Uttarakhan

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
enovation & Up-gradation of I                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-08-2
                                IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                               1,533,983.00         0.00                                                     2020-09-27                2020-10-02                                     2020-11-13                2021-01-26                2021-03-02
nfrastructure of GITI Haldwan                                                                                                        nvelope                                                                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                9
i , Distt. Nainital ,Uttarakhan

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
novation & Up-gradation of In                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021-08-3
                              IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                706,553.00    409,772.42     Signed                                          2020-09-29   2021-06-01   2020-10-04   2021-11-12                        2020-11-15   2021-06-30   2021-01-28   2021-07-24   2021-03-04   2021-08-16
frastructure of GITI Dugadda                                                                                                         nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1
, Distt. Pauri Uttarakhand

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
enovation & Up-gradation of I                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-09-0
                              IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                822,509.00          0.00                                                     2020-10-01   2020-12-29   2020-10-06                                     2020-11-17                2021-01-30                2021-03-06
nfrastructure of GITI Tanakpu                                                                                                        nvelope                                                                                   mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                  2
r , Distt. Champawat ,Uttarak

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
enovation & Up-gradation of I                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-09-0
                               IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                461,064.00          0.00                                                     2020-10-02   2021-03-26   2020-10-07   2021-11-20                        2020-11-18   2021-04-23   2021-01-31                2021-03-07
nfrastructure of GITI Sitargan                                                                                                       nvelope                                                                                   mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                  3
j , Distt. Udham Singh Nagar

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
enovation & Up-gradation of I                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021-09-0
                                IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                434,982.00    268,799.68     Signed                                          2020-10-03   2021-03-20   2020-10-08   2021-11-13                        2020-11-19   2021-04-22   2021-02-01   2021-06-16   2021-03-08   2021-08-05
nfrastructure of GITI Kalahun                                                                                                        nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              4
gi , Distt. Nainital ,Uttarakha

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
ovation & Up-gradation of Inf                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021-09-0
                               IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                603,037.00    387,551.21     Signed                                          2020-10-04   2020-12-20   2020-10-09   2021-11-12                        2020-11-20   2021-04-22   2021-02-02   2021-06-20   2021-03-09   2021-08-16
rastructure of GITI Bajpur, Di                                                                                                       nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5
stt. Udham Singh Nagar ,Utta

                                                   Component 1: Improving the
Renovation & Up-gradation o                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021-09-0
                                 IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                453,902.00    281,089.62     Signed                                          2020-10-05   2021-03-30   2020-10-10   2021-11-17                        2020-11-21   2021-04-23   2021-02-03   2021-06-16   2021-03-10   2021-08-05
f Infrastructure of GITI Pantn                                                                                                       nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              6
agar , Distt. Udham Singh Na
gar ,Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/WORKS/RUDR/18 / R                           Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                     Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                            2021-09-1
enovation & Upgradation of I IBRD / 88770          Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                810,654.00          0.00                                                     2020-10-15                2020-10-20                                     2020-12-01                2021-02-13                2021-03-20
                                                                                                                                     nvelope                                                                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                6
nfrastructure of GITI Rudrapr                      Training
ayag ,Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/WORKS/AMR/20 / Re                           Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                     Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                            2022-09-2
novation & Upgradation of Inf IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                               1,905,838.00         0.00                                                     2020-12-05                2020-12-10                                     2021-01-21                2021-04-05                2021-05-10
                                                                                                                                     nvelope                                                                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                2
rastructure of GITI Almora,Ut                      Training

 UKWDP/WORKS/KARN/21 / R                           Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                     Single Stage - Two E                                                                      Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                            2022-09-2
enovation & Upgradation of I     IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                                               1,217,751.00         0.00                                                     2020-12-05                2020-12-10                                     2021-01-21                2021-04-05                2021-05-10
                                                                                                                                     nvelope                                                                                   lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                2
nfrastructure of GITI Karnpra                      Training

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 1
 UKWDP/WORKS/KAN/22 / Re                          Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                     Single Stage - Two E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2022-06-1
novation & Upgradation of Inf IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                    703,419.00    449,764.56    Signed                                                     2020-12-05   2021-06-07   2020-12-10   2021-11-13                    2021-01-21   2021-06-30   2021-04-05   2021-07-17   2021-05-10   2021-11-09
                                                                                                                                     nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4
rastructure of GITI Kanda,Utt                     Training

 UKWDP/WORKS/PTHR/23 / R                          Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                     Single Stage - Two E                                                                         Under Imple                                                                                                                                                                                                   2022-09-2
enovation & Upgradation of I IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                   1,258,254.00         0.00                                                               2020-12-05   2020-12-23   2020-12-10   2021-11-18                    2021-01-21   2021-02-04   2021-04-05   2021-03-27   2021-05-10
                                                                                                                                     nvelope                                                                                      mentation                                                                                                                                                                                                         2
nfrastructure of GITI Pithorag                    Training

                                                  Component 1: Improving the
enovation & Upgradation of I                                                                                                         Single Stage - Two E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2022-08-0
                               IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                                   1,435,225.00   929,610.35    Signed                                                     2020-10-15   2020-12-23   2020-10-20                                 2020-12-01   2021-03-19   2021-02-13   2021-04-08   2021-03-20   2021-07-03
nfrastructure of GITI Kashipur                                                                                                       nvelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2
, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar ,
                                                                                                                                                                                   National Procure
 UKWDP/WORKS/TEH/19 / Re                          Component 1: Improving the                                                                                                       ment Document -
                                                                                                                                     Single Stage - Two E                                                                         Pending Imp                                                                                                                                                                                                   2021-09-1
novation & Upgradation of Inf IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                 2 Envelope proce 1,569,923.00          0.00                                                               2020-10-15                2020-10-20                                 2020-12-01                2021-02-13                2021-03-20
                                                                                                                                     nvelope                                                                                      lementation                                                                                                                                                                                                       6
rastructure of GITI New Tehri,                    Training                                                                                                                         ss (Non Bank-SPD
Uttarakhand                                                                                                                                                                        )

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bid Evaluation Report
                                Loan / Credit N                                                                    Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount        Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu     Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement            Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                       Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and Recommendation           Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       o.                                                                                 h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)               atus         Documents              ation Report            ent / Justification Notice / Invitation                  s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Planned         Actual      Planned   Actual   Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual        Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
                                                  Component 3: Policy and Ins
 GD - 1 / Office Equipments f                                                                   Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                              Open - National                                     90,909.00          17,572.37   Signed                                                                                  2018-09-15                                                                                     2018-11-10   2020-01-18   2019-02-08
or SPIU                                                                                         tions                                nvelope
                                                  Project Management

-RFQ / Procurement of Audio
Visual systems for Conferenci                     Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
ng facilities at PMU which incl IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                              Open - National                                     22,000.00           4,748.79   Completed                                                                               2020-02-12                                                                                     2020-03-09   2020-06-02   2020-04-08   2020-07-05
                                                                                                tions                                nvelope
udes 04 SMART TVs, 02 Displ                       Project Management
ay Panels, Projectors, Sound
Systems, conferencing speak
ers/mics etc.

-RFB / Procurement of Tools,
Equip's Machinery for up-gra
dation of Priority Govt. ITI BAJ                  Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                     Single Stage - Two E
PUR, K. DHUNGI, HALDWANI, IBRD / 88770            Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                   110,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-02-10                2020-02-15                                          2020-03-16       2020-04-05                2020-04-20                2020-06-04
K. PUR, N. TEHRI, DDN(W), V.                      Training
G-2 Cons. Elex. PKG-3 Basic
Cosmetology, PKG-4 Electron
ics Mechanic, PKG-5 Plumber,
                                                  Component 1: Improving the
-RFB / Procurement of Tool Ki                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E
                                 IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                   130,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-02-11                2020-02-16                                          2020-03-17       2020-04-11                2020-05-01                2020-06-15
ts for Different Trades having                                                                                                       nvelope
19 Packages in 10 Priority Go
vt. ITIs.

-RFB / Procurement of Comp
uters, IT Hardware equipmen
                                                  Component 1: Improving the
t's and Software's which inclu                                                                                                       Single Stage - Two E
                                IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                   505,800.00               0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-02-12                2020-02-17                                          2020-03-18       2020-04-12                2020-05-02                2020-06-16
des Desktop's, Laptop's, Rout                                                                                                        nvelope
ers, Servers, Multimedia Proj
ectors, Printers, Copiers, UPS
, Plotters and software's etc.
in 06 Packages in 10 priority
-RFB / Procurement of Tools,
Equipment's Machinery for u
p-gradation of Priority ITIs, G
                                                  Component 1: Improving the
ovt. ITI SITARGANJ, BAJPUR,                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E
                                IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                  1,428,570.00              0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-03-06                2020-03-11                                          2020-04-22       2020-07-05                2020-08-09                2020-09-18
KALADHUNGI, NEW TEHRI, PI                                                                                                            nvelope
PKG-1 Fitter, PKG-2 Electricia
n, PKG-3 Welder, PKG-4 Turn
er, PKG-5 Machinist Equipme
                                                  Component 3: Policy and Ins
-RFQ / Procurement of Office                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                              Open - National                                     10,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                                                2020-02-12                                                                                     2020-03-12                2020-04-11
Equipment's including Deskt                                                                     tions                                nvelope
                                                  Project Management
op Computer, Online UPS.

 UKWDP/EQP/COE/01 / Supply
, Installation , commissioning
                                                  Component 1: Improving the
and providing complete solut                                                                                                         Single Stage - Two E                                            Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                   972,387.37               0.00                                                                 2020-06-04   2020-05-30   2020-06-09   2020-07-28                             2020-07-21       2020-08-30                2020-10-09                2022-09-29
ions for establishing Center o                                                                                                       nvelope                                                         mentation
f Excellence(Welding) at GITI
Boys Dehradun(Sahaspur)

 UKWDP/EQP/TT/02 / Supply
                                                  Component 1: Improving the
and Installation of Turner Tra                                                                                                       Single Stage - Two E
                                 IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                   376,898.00               0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-07-25                2020-07-30                                          2020-09-10       2020-11-23                2020-12-28                2021-06-26
de Equipment , Machinery for                                                                                                         nvelope
Up-gradation of Priority ITI's i
n Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/EQP/FT/03 / Supply a
                                                  Component 1: Improving the
nd Installation of Fitter Trade                                                                                                      Single Stage - Two E
                                 IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                   129,709.00               0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-07-25                2020-07-30                                          2020-09-10       2020-11-23                2020-12-28                2021-06-26
Equipment , Machinery for U                                                                                                          nvelope
p-gradation of Priority ITI's in

 UKWDP/EQP/WT/04 / Supply
                                                  Component 1: Improving the
and Installation of Welder(F&                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E
                                IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                    82,878.00               0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-07-26                2020-07-31                                          2020-09-11       2020-11-24                2020-12-29                2021-06-27
F) Trade Equipment , Machin                                                                                                          nvelope
ery for Up-gradation of Priorit
y ITI's in Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/EQP/TDM/05 / Suppl
y and Installation of Tools an                    Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                     Single Stage - Two E
d Die makers( Die and Molds) IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                   353,705.00               0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-07-26                2020-07-31                                          2020-09-11       2020-11-24                2020-12-29                2021-06-27
Trade Equipment , Machinery                       Training
for Up-gradation of Priority IT
I's in Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/EQP/RAC/06 / Supply
                                                  Component 1: Improving the
and Installation of Mechanic-                                                                                                        Single Stage - Two E
                               IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                    53,876.00               0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-07-26                2020-07-31                                          2020-09-11       2020-11-24                2020-12-29                2021-06-27
RAC Trade Equipment , Mach                                                                                                           nvelope
inery for Up-gradation of Prio
rity ITI's in Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/EQP/MMV/07 / Suppl
y and Installation of Mechani                     Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                     Single Stage - Two E
c-Motor Vehicle Trade Equip       IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                   101,384.00               0.00   Canceled                                                      2020-07-27                2020-08-01                                          2020-09-12       2020-11-25                2020-12-30                2021-06-28
ment , Machinery for Up grad                      Training
ation of Priority ITI's in Uttara

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 2
 UKWDP/EQP/EM&CE/08 / Sup
ply and Installation of Electro
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
nic-Mechanic & Mechanic -Co                                                                                                Single Stage - Two E
                                  IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                           54,810.00        0.00   Canceled                2020-07-27                2020-08-01                2020-09-12   2020-11-25   2020-12-30                2021-06-28
nsumer Electronics Trade Eq                                                                                                nvelope
uipment , Machinery for Up-g
radation of Priority ITI's in Utt

ply and Installation of Fashio
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
n Designing technology & Se                                                                                                Single Stage - Two E
                                  IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                           85,633.00        0.00   Canceled                2020-07-27                2020-08-01                2020-09-12   2020-11-25   2020-12-30                2021-06-28
wing Technology Trade Equip                                                                                                nvelope
ment , Machinery for Up grad
ation of Priority ITI's in Uttara

 UKWDP/EQP/IM/10 / Supply a
nd Installation of Instrument                    Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                           Single Stage - Two E
Mechanic Trade Equipment's IBRD / 88770          Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                           56,742.00        0.00   Canceled                2020-07-27                2020-08-01                2020-09-12   2020-11-25   2020-12-30                2021-06-28
, Machinery for Up gradation                     Training
of Priority ITI's in Uttarakhan

 UKWDP/TOOLKIT/01 / Supply
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
and Installation of Tool-kits fo                                                                                           Single Stage - Two E
                                  IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                           62,292.00        0.00   Canceled                2020-07-28                2020-08-02                2020-09-13   2020-11-26   2020-12-31                2021-06-29
r various trades for Up-grada                                                                                              nvelope
tion of Priority ITI's in Uttarak

 UKWDP/EQP/MAC/11 / Suppl
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
y and Installation of Machinis                                                                                             Single Stage - Two E
                                 IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                          432,440.00        0.00   Canceled                2020-09-11                2020-09-16                2020-10-28   2021-01-10   2021-02-14                2021-08-13
t Trade Equipments , Machin                                                                                                nvelope
ery for Upgradation of Priorit
y ITI's in Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/EQP/FTR/03 / Supply
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
and Installation of Fitter Trad                                                                                            Single Stage - Two E                            Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                          312,679.00        0.00                           2020-10-05   2020-10-01   2020-10-10   2020-10-05   2020-11-21   2021-02-03   2021-03-10                2021-09-06
e Equipment , Machinery for                                                                                                nvelope                                         mentation
Upgradation of Priority ITI's i
n Uttarakhand

 IN-SPIU-UKWFDP-158195-GO                        Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Pending Impl
-RFQ / Procurement of Office IBRD / 88770        titutional Development and    Post                     Open - National                            20,000.00        0.00                                                     2020-11-07                                          2020-11-28                2020-12-18
                                                                                      tions                                nvelope                                         ementation
Furniture for Project Manage                     Project Management
ment Unit (SPIU).

 IN-SPIU-UKWFDP-201907-GO                        Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
-RFQ / Laptops for Consultant IBRD / 88770       titutional Development and    Post                     Open - National                            15,000.00   14,900.88   Signed                                            2020-11-10                                          2020-12-21   2021-12-06   2021-01-20
                                                                                      tions                                nvelope
s and SPIU staff in PMU                          Project Management

 IN-SPIU-UKWFDP-201909-GO                        Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Pending Impl
-RFQ / Desktop Computers, U IBRD / 88770         titutional Development and    Post                     Open - National                            20,000.00        0.00                                                     2020-11-10                                          2021-01-05                2021-02-04
                                                                                      tions                                nvelope                                         ementation
PS and Accessories for PMU                       Project Management

 IN-SPIU-UKWFDP-201910-GO                        Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
-RFQ / Silent Generator Set fo IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                     Open - National                            20,000.00    6,832.37   Completed                                         2020-11-10                                          2021-01-05   2020-12-26   2021-02-04   2021-01-09
                                                                                      tions                                nvelope
r Power Backup at PMU/SPIU                       Project Management

                                                 Component 3: Policy and Ins
-RFQ / Mac Computers, Mac b                                                           Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                               IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                     Open - National                            25,000.00   21,385.35   Completed                                         2020-11-07                                          2021-01-02   2020-12-09   2021-02-01   2021-01-12
ooks, iPads, MFP Printer and                                                          tions                                nvelope
                                                 Project Management
Accessories, UPS etc. for Proj
ect Office and PMU.

 IN-SPIU-UKWFDP-202515-GO                        Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
-RFQ / Providing Internet Con IBRD / 88770       titutional Development and    Post                     Open - National                           100,000.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2020-11-10                                          2021-01-05                2021-07-04
                                                                                      tions                                nvelope
nectivity at 24 Project ITIs.                    Project Management

 UKWDP/TK/01 / Supply of Tr
ade Specific Toolkit for Electr
ician, Electronic Mechanic , I                   Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
CTSM(Package-1), Basic Cos IBRD / 88770          Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            54,842.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2021-01-30   2021-02-27                             2021-03-27                2021-05-26
                                                                                      tions                                nvelope
metology(Package-2) & Sewi                       Training
ng Technology(Package-3) Tr
ades in various GITIs under U
KWD Project (World Bank Fun
 UKWDP/TK/02 / Supply of Tr
ade Specific Toolkit for Fitter,
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
chanic-RAC, Welder(Package-                                                           Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                 IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            96,964.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2021-01-30   2021-02-27                             2021-03-27                2021-05-26
1), Mechanic-Autobody Repai                                                           tions                                nvelope
r, Mechani-Autobody Painting
, Mechanic Diesel , Mechanic
Motor Vehicle (Package-2) &
Carpenter(Package-3) Trades
in various GITIs
 UKWDP/T&E/01 / Supply & In
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
stallation of Fitter Trade Tool                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                 IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            98,860.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2021-01-30   2021-02-27                             2021-03-27                2021-05-26
s & Equipment for the Upgra                                                           tions                                nvelope
dation of Priority ITIs under
UKWD Project

 UKWDP/T&E/02 / Supply & In
stallation of Machinist ,Turne                   Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
r, Welder & Mechanic-RAC Tr IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            41,004.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2021-01-30   2021-02-27                             2021-03-27                2021-05-26
                                                                                      tions                                nvelope
ade Tools & Equipment for th                     Training
e Upgradation of Priority ITIs
under UKWD Project

 UKWDP/T&E/03 / Supply & In
stallation of Electrician, Mec
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
hanic-Consumer Appliances ,                                                           Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            78,818.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2021-01-30   2021-02-27                             2021-03-27                2021-05-26
ICTSM & Electronic Mechanic                                                           tions                                nvelope
Trade Tools & Equipment for
the Upgradation of Priority ITI
s under UKWD Project

 UKWDP/T&E/04 / Supply & In
stallation of Mechanic-Autobo
dy Repair, Mechanic-Autobod                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
y Painting ,Mechanic Motor V IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            48,870.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2021-01-30   2021-02-27                             2021-03-27                2021-05-26
                                                                                      tions                                nvelope
ehicle & Mechanic Diesel Tra                     Training
de Tools & Equipment for the
Upgradation of Priority ITIs u
nder UKWD Project

 UKWDP/T&E/05 / Supply & In
stallation of Fashion Designin
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
g, Sewing Technology & Basi                                                           Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                               IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            64,239.00        0.00   Canceled                                          2021-01-30   2021-02-27                             2021-03-27                2021-05-26
c Cosmetology Trade Tools &                                                           tions                                nvelope
Equipment for the Upgradati
on of Priority ITIs under UKW
D Project

                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 3
 UKWDP/E&M/03 / Supply & I
nstallation of Equipment & M
achineries for Electrician(Pac
                                                Component 1: Improving the
kage-1) , Machinist (Package-                                                                                             Single Stage - Two E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                          767,680.00        0.00   Canceled               2021-03-05   2021-03-10                2021-04-21   2021-07-04   2021-08-08                2021-09-22
2), Pneumatic & Hydraulic Tr                                                                                              nvelope
ainer Kits (Package-3), Auto
mobile Trades(Package-4), C
NC Lathes(Package-5) for the
upgradation of Priority ITIs u
nder UKWDP
 UKWDP/EQP/FUR/01 / Supply
and Installation of Office Furn
                                                Component 3: Policy and Ins
iture & Equipments for the n                                                         Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770    titutional Development and    Post                     Open - National                           100,000.00   51,336.29   Signed                              2021-08-15   2022-02-08                             2021-10-10   2022-01-25   2021-11-09
ewly constructed State Proje                                                         tions                                nvelope
                                                Project Management
ct Implementation Office on
Fourth Floor at GITI-Dehradu
n Women building.

 UKWDP/E&M/01 / Supply of
                                                Component 1: Improving the
Trade Specific Toolkit items f                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            98,665.00        0.00                                       2021-10-18   2021-10-25                             2021-12-13                2022-02-13
or various GITIs under UKWD                                                          tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
Project (World Bank Funded).

 UKWDP/E&M/02 / Supply of
Hand Files (Package-1), Hand
                                                Component 1: Improving the
Held Meters (Package-2) and                                                          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                              IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            76,920.00        0.00                                       2021-10-20   2021-10-25                             2021-12-15                2022-01-31
CRO & Function Generators (                                                          tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
Package-3) in various GITIs u
nder UKWD Project (World Ba
nk Funded).

 UKWDP/T&E/HR/1 / Supply a
                                                Component 1: Improving the
nd installation of Human Res                                                         Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                 IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                                78.00        0.00   Canceled                            2021-12-25   2023-06-14                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
ources related items for the                                                         tions                                nvelope
upgradation of priority GITIs
across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/DTPO/02 / Supp
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ly and installation of Dekstop                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                              310.00         0.00   Canceled                            2021-12-25   2023-06-13                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
Publishing related items for t                                                       tions                                nvelope
he upgradation of priority GIT
Is across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/CT/04 / Supply
                                                Component 1: Improving the
and installation of Carpenter                                                        Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             2,762.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25   2023-06-14                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
Machines for the upgradation                                                         tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
of priority GITIs across Uttara

 UKWDP/T&E/SM/05 / Supply
                                                Component 1: Improving the
and installation of Slotter Ma                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             4,732.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25   2023-06-13                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
chines for the upgradation of                                                        tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
priority GITIs across Uttarakh

 UKWDP/T&E/SI/06 / Supply a
                                                Component 1: Improving the
nd installation of Soldering Ir                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             4,829.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25                                          2022-02-19                2022-08-18
on etc for the upgradation of                                                        tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
priority GITIs across Uttarakh

 UKWDP/T&E/ST/07 / Supply
                                                Component 1: Improving the
and installation of Stenograp                                                        Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                 IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             5,098.00        0.00   Canceled                            2021-12-25                                          2022-02-19                2022-08-18
herTrade (Stationary Items) f                                                        tions                                nvelope
or the upgradation of priority
GITIs across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/HKS/08 / Supply
                                                Component 1: Improving the
and installation of Hacksaw                                                          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             5,926.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25                                          2022-02-19                2022-08-18
Machines for the upgradation                                                         tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
of priority GITIs across Uttara

 UKWDP/T&E/PUMB/09 / Supp
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ly and installation of Plumber                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             7,004.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25                                          2022-02-19                2022-08-18
Trade related Items for the u                                                        tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
pgradation of priority GITIs a
cross Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/PLT/10 / Supply
                                                Component 1: Improving the
and installation of Plates(diff                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             7,928.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25                                          2022-02-19                2022-08-18
erent Type) for the upgradati                                                        tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
on of priority GITIs across Utt

 UKWDP/T&E/T&AL/11 / Suppl
                                                Component 1: Improving the
y and installation of Thredolit                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             9,774.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25   2023-06-21                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
e & Auto Level for the upgra                                                         tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
dation of priority GITIs across

 UKWDP/T&E/CT1/12 / Supply
                                                Component 1: Improving the
and installation of Carpenter                                                        Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            10,798.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25   2023-06-19                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
trade related Items for the u                                                        tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
pgradation of priority GITIs a
cross Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/CMP/13 / Suppl
                                                Component 1: Improving the
y and installation of Air comp                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            15,359.00        0.00   Canceled                            2021-12-25   2023-06-09                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
ressors for the upgradation o                                                        tions                                nvelope
f priority GITIs across Uttarak

 UKWDP/T&E/PA(G)/14 / Supp
ly and installation of Painter (                Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
General) trade related items IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            15,719.00        0.00   Canceled                            2021-12-25   2023-06-09                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope
for the upgradation of priorit                  Training
y GITIs across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/DAS/15 / Supply
and installation of Data Acqui                  Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
sition system related items f IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            17,686.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25                                          2022-02-19                2022-08-18
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
or the upgradation of priority                  Training
GITIs across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/VPB/16 / Supply
                                                Component 1: Improving the
and installation of Ventilated                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            18,617.00        0.00   Canceled                            2021-12-25   2023-06-13                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
Preparation Bays for the upgr                                                        tions                                nvelope
adation of priority GITIs acros
s Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/SHR-M/17 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Sheari                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                            Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            19,082.00        0.00                                       2021-12-25   2023-06-12                             2022-02-19                2022-08-18
ng Machines for the upgradat                                                         tions                                nvelope                                         mentation
ion of priority GITIs across Ut

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 4
 UKWDP/T&E/DMC/18 / Suppl
y and installation of Draughts                  Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
man Mechanical & Civil trad IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            19,733.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25   2023-06-21                                                       2022-02-19   2022-08-18
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
e related items for the upgra                   Training
dation of priority GITIs across

 UKWDP/T&E/COS/20 / Supply
and installation of Basic Cos                   Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
metology Trade related Item IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            22,539.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
s for the upgradation of prior                  Training
ity GITIs across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/PWR-T/21 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Power                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            25,313.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
Tools for the upgradation of                                                        tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
priority GITIs across Uttarakh

 UKWDP/T&E/FD&ST/22 / Sup
ply and installation of Fashio                  Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
n Designing and Sewing Tech IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            27,103.00   0.00   Canceled                                         2021-12-25   2023-06-21                                                       2022-02-19   2022-08-18
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope
nology trade related items fo                   Training
r the upgradation of priority
GITIs across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/SE-M/23 / Suppl
                                                Component 1: Improving the
y and installation of Sewing                                                        Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            32,991.00   0.00   Canceled                                         2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
machines for the upgradatio                                                         tions                                nvelope
n of priority GITIs across Utta

 UKWDP/T&E/IM/25 / Supply a
nd installation of Instrument                   Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
Mechanic Trade related item IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            39,594.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
s for the upgradation of priori                 Training
ty GITIs across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/D&A/26 / Suppl
                                                Component 1: Improving the
y and installation of Digital &                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            40,202.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
Analog Meters for the upgrad                                                        tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
ation of priority GITIs across

 UKWDP/T&E/TS/27 / Supply
                                                Component 1: Improving the
and installation of Total Stati                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            41,888.00   0.00   Canceled                                         2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
ons for the upgradation of pri                                                      tions                                nvelope
ority GITIs across Uttarakhan

 UKWDP/T&E/CM-M/28 / Supp
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ly and installation of Coordin                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            54,299.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
ate Measuring Machine for th                                                        tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
e upgradation of priority GITI
s across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/DRL-M/29 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Drill M                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            60,151.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25   2023-06-21                                                       2022-02-19   2022-08-18
achines for the upgradation o                                                       tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
f priority GITIs across Uttarak

 UKWDP/T&E/E&WM/30 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Engine                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            63,297.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
s & Working Model for the up                                                        tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
gradation of priority GITIs acr
oss Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/AP-CM/31 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Auto P                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            63,932.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
ackage(Capital Machines) for                                                        tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
the upgradation of priority GI
TIs across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/WLD-M/32 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Weldin                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            65,297.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
g Machine & Accessories for t                                                       tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
he upgradation of priority GIT
Is across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/HT-2/33 / Suppl
                                                Component 1: Improving the
y and installation of Hand To                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                 IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            66,239.00   0.00                                                    2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
ol (package-2)for the upgrad                                                        tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
ation of priority GITIs across

 UKWDP/T&E/CON-A/34 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Consu                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            72,834.00   0.00   Canceled                                         2021-12-25   2023-06-19                                                       2022-02-19   2022-08-18
mer Appliances for the upgra                                                        tions                                nvelope
dation of priority GITIs across

 UKWDP/T&E/AT-SM/35 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Auto P                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            73,675.00   0.00   Canceled                                         2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
ackage(Small machines) for t                                                        tions                                nvelope
he upgradation of priority GIT
Is across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/TDM/36 / Suppl
                                                Component 1: Improving the
y and installation of Tool & Di                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            74,051.00   0.00   Canceled                                         2021-12-25   2023-06-19                                                       2022-02-19   2022-08-18
e Maker trade related items f                                                       tions                                nvelope
or the upgradation of priority
GITIs across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/RAC/37 / Supply
and installation of Refrigerati                 Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
on and Air Conditioning relat IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            79,575.00   0.00   Canceled                                         2021-12-25   2023-06-14                                                       2022-02-19   2022-08-18
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope
ed trade items for the upgra                    Training
dation of priority GITIs across

 UKWDP/T&E/MECH/38 / Supp
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ly and installation of Mechani                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            86,996.00   0.00   Canceled                                         2021-12-25                                                                    2022-02-19   2022-08-18
cal Related Trade items for t                                                       tions                                nvelope
he upgradation of priority GIT
Is across Uttarakhand

 UKWDP/T&E/PREC/39 / Suppl
                                                Component 1: Improving the
y and installation of Precision                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          124,159.00   0.00                          2021-12-20   2021-12-22   2021-12-25   2023-06-17   2022-02-05   2022-02-04   2022-04-20   2022-06-27   2022-05-25   2022-11-21
Instruments for the upgrada                                                                                              nvelope                                    mentation
tion of priority GITIs across U

 UKWDP/T&E/VECH/40 / Supp
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ly and installation of Vehicles                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          124,733.00   0.00   Canceled               2021-12-20   2021-12-20   2021-12-25   2023-06-17   2022-02-05   2022-02-04   2022-04-20                2022-05-25   2022-11-21
& Accessories for the upgrad                                                                                             nvelope
ation of priority GITIs across

 UKWDP/T&E/M&G/41 / Suppl
                                                Component 1: Improving the
y and installation of Motors &                                                                                           Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          128,667.00   0.00                          2021-12-20   2021-12-20   2021-12-25   2023-06-16   2022-02-05   2022-02-04   2022-04-20   2022-06-27   2022-05-25   2022-11-21
Generators for the upgradati                                                                                             nvelope                                    mentation
on of priority GITIs across Utt

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 5
 UKWDP/T&E/GND-M/42 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Grindin                                                                                           Single Stage - Two E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                          152,402.00       0.00   Canceled                2021-12-20   2021-12-20   2021-12-25   2023-06-16   2022-02-05   2022-02-04   2022-04-20                2022-05-25                2022-11-21
g Machines for the upgradati                                                                                              nvelope
on of priority GITIs across Utt

 UKWDP/T&E/MILL-M/43 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Milling                                                                                           Single Stage - Two E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                          152,654.00       0.00   Canceled                2021-12-20   2021-12-20   2021-12-25   2023-06-17   2022-02-05   2022-02-04   2022-04-20                2022-05-25                2022-11-21
Machines and Cutters for the                                                                                              nvelope
upgradation of priority GITIs
across Uttarakhand

                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of Electric                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E
                                 IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                          165,841.00       0.00   Canceled                2021-12-20   2021-12-22   2021-12-25   2023-06-15   2022-02-05   2022-02-04   2022-04-20                2022-05-25                2022-11-21
ian related Trades for the up                                                                                             nvelope
gradation of priority GITIs acr
oss Uttarakhand

                                                Component 1: Improving the
upply and installation of Lath                                                                                            Single Stage - Two E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                          237,564.00       0.00   Canceled                2021-12-20   2021-12-20   2021-12-25   2023-06-17   2022-02-05   2022-02-04   2022-04-20                2022-05-25                2022-11-21
e Machines for the upgradati                                                                                              nvelope
on of priority GITIs across Utt

 UKWDP/T&E/CNC-M/46 / Sup
                                                Component 1: Improving the
ply and installation of CNC M                                                                                             Single Stage - Two E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                          436,007.00       0.00   Canceled                2021-12-20   2021-12-20   2021-12-25   2023-06-17   2022-02-05   2022-02-04   2022-04-20                2022-05-25                2022-11-21
achines for the upgradation o                                                                                             nvelope
f priority GITIs across Uttarak

 UKWDP/T&E/H&PN/47 / Supp
ly and installation of Hydrauli                 Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                           Under Imple
c & Pneumatic Trainer Kit for IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                          642,469.00       0.00                           2021-12-20   2021-12-22   2021-12-25   2023-06-15   2022-02-05   2022-02-04   2022-04-20   2022-06-27   2022-05-25                2022-11-21
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                        mentation
the upgradation of priority GI                  Training
TIs across Uttarakhand

                                                Component 1: Improving the
ocurement of Split Air Conditi                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Limited                                    10,958.00   7,566.21   Signed                                            2022-01-15   2022-01-08                                                       2022-03-12   2022-04-02   2022-04-01
oners for newly Constructed                                                          tions                                nvelope
SPIU office on Fourth Floor of
GITI-W Building.

curement of Ceiling Fans, Pe                    Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Pending Impl
destal Fans(pkg-1) and Curta IBRD / 88770       titutional Development and    Post                     Limited                                     8,000.00       0.00                                                     2022-04-03                                                                    2022-05-29                2022-06-13
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                        ementation
in Blinds(Pkg-2) for New SPIU                   Project Management
office under UKWDP Project

 UKWDP/OFF-MISC/TABLE/22-                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
23/01 / Procurement of Exec IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Limited                                      900.00     701.44    Signed                                            2022-04-16   2022-04-16                                                       2022-04-30   2022-04-20   2022-05-10
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope
utive table for SPIU office un                  Training
der UKWD Project

                                                Component 1: Improving the
2-23/02 / Procurement of Des                                                         Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                             IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Limited                                     2,000.00       0.00                                                     2022-04-17   2022-04-20                                                       2022-06-12                2022-07-02
ktop Computer-1 Nos for SPI                                                          tions                                nvelope                                        mentation
U office under UKWD Project

 UKWDP/EQP/22-23 / Supply
and Installation of the Followi
ng :-
                                                Component 1: Improving the
1) Computer & Printer for 4 G                                                        Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Limited                                    16,000.00       0.00   Canceled                                          2022-07-10                                                                    2022-09-04                2022-09-24
ITIs(Package-1)                                                                      tions                                nvelope
2) Electrician Trade Items for
2 GITIs-(Package-2)
3) Audio-Video System for SP
IU conference room.(Package
 UKWDP/T&E/TRN/19 / Supply
                                                Component 1: Improving the
and installation of Trainer Kit                                                      Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            21,689.00       0.00                                                     2021-12-25   2023-06-21                                                       2022-02-19                2022-08-18
s(different type) for the upgr                                                       tions                                nvelope                                        mentation
adation of priority GITIs acros
s Uttarakhand

 IN-SPIU-UKWFDP-365799-GO                       Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Pending Impl
-RFQ / Procurement of Androi IBRD / 88770       titutional Development and    Post                     Open - National                              750.00        0.00                                                     2023-06-11                                                                    2023-07-03                2023-07-18
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                        ementation
d Smart TV (43 Inch) for offic                  Project Management

ACH/65 / SUPPLY, AND INSTA                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                           Under Imple
LLATION OF MOULDING MAC IBRD / 88770            Quality and Relevance of ITI Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                           84,500.00       0.00                           2023-06-07   2023-06-03   2023-06-07   2023-06-16   2023-07-03   2023-07-03   2023-07-31                2023-08-20                2023-10-19
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                        mentation
HINES FOR THE UPGRADATIO                        Training

                                                Component 1: Improving the
P/68 / Supply of Safety Equip                                                        Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             8,000.00       0.00                                                     2023-06-07   2023-06-16                                                       2023-07-07                2023-09-07
ment in Govt ITI's across Utta                                                       tions                                nvelope                                        mentation
rakhand under UKWD Project

                                                Component 1: Improving the
63 / Supply of Machinist Elect                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                                 IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             4,500.00       0.00                                                     2023-06-07   2023-06-16                                                       2023-07-15                2023-09-13
rical Kit in Govt ITIs across Ut                                                     tions                                nvelope                                        mentation
tarakhand under UKWD Proje

                                                Component 1: Improving the
LS/72 / Supply of Anvil and Vi                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            20,500.00       0.00                                                     2023-06-07   2023-06-16                                                       2023-08-02                2024-01-29
ces in Govt ITI's across Uttar                                                       tions                                nvelope                                        mentation
akhand under UKWD Project

                                                Component 1: Improving the
XED/59 / Supply of Catering                                                          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            22,000.00       0.00                                                     2023-06-07   2023-06-16                                                       2023-07-20                2023-07-26
Mixed items in Govt ITIs acro                                                        tions                                nvelope                                        mentation
ss Uttarakhand under UKWD

 UKWDP/TNE-3/BOOTH/58 / S                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E
upply of Booth in Govt ITIs ac IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                             1,000.00       0.00   Canceled                                          2023-06-07   2023-06-16                                                       2023-07-20                2023-09-18
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope
ross Uttarakhand under UKW                      Training
D Project

                                                Component 1: Improving the
NES/56 / Supply o f Automobi                                                         Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            24,000.00       0.00                                                     2023-06-07   2023-06-16                                                       2023-07-17                2023-09-15
le Machines in Govt ITI s acro                                                       tions                                nvelope                                        mentation
ss Uttarakhand under UKWD

 UKWDP/EM_TRAINER-KIT/04                        Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
/ Supply & Installation of Elec IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                      Open - National                            15,500.00       0.00                                                     2023-06-07                                                                    2023-07-14                2023-09-12
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                        mentation
tronic Mechanic Trainer Kit                     Training

 UKWDP/EM-EQUIPMENT/03 /                        Component 1: Improving the           Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                           Under Imple
                             IBRD / 88770                                    Post                      Open - National                            14,500.00       0.00                                                     2023-06-07   2023-06-20                                                       2023-07-07                2023-09-05
Supply of Electronic Equipme                    Quality and Relevance of ITI         tions                                nvelope                                        mentation
nt Govt ITI                                     Training

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 6
HINES/69 / SUPPLY, AND INST                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
ALLATION OF SEWING MACHI IBRD / 88770            Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           53,000.00   0.00                          2023-06-13   2023-06-05   2023-06-13   2023-06-20   2023-07-03   2023-07-03   2023-07-28                2023-08-17   2023-10-16
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
NES FOR THE UPGRADATION                          Training

D_ACC/62 / SUPPLY, AND INS                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
TALLATION OF GRINDER AND IBRD / 88770            Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          179,000.00   0.00                          2023-06-13   2023-06-03   2023-06-13   2023-06-20   2023-07-03   2023-07-03   2023-07-28                2023-08-17   2023-10-16
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
ACCESSORIES FOR THE UPGR                         Training

71 / SUPPLY, AND INSTALLATI                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
ON OF THEODOLITE AND AUT IBRD / 88770            Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           87,500.00   0.00                          2023-06-13   2023-06-03   2023-06-13   2023-06-20   2023-07-03   2023-07-03   2023-07-28                2023-10-06   2024-04-03
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
O LEVEL FOR THE UPGRADAT                         Training

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
C-MIX/60 / Supply of Draught                                                         Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                  IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            32,500.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-13   2023-06-20                                                       2023-07-21   2023-09-19
sman Mechanical and Civil in                                                         tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
Govt ITIs across Uttarakhand
under UKWD Project

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
R_MC/61 / Supply of Drilling a                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            43,500.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-13   2023-06-20                                                       2023-07-21   2023-09-19
nd Shaper Machines in Govt I                                                         tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
TIs across Uttarakhand under
UKWD Project

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
RON/70 / Supply of Soldering                                                         Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                  IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                             9,500.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-13   2023-06-20                                                       2023-07-21   2023-09-19
Iron in Govt ITIs across Uttar                                                       tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
akhand under UKWD Project

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
SOR/55 / Supply o f AIR COM                                                          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                             4,000.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-13   2023-06-20                                                       2023-07-21   2023-09-19
PRESSOR i n G o v t I T I s acr                                                      tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
oss Uttarakhand under UKW
D Project

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
K_MC/57 / Supply of Bending                                                          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                              IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            22,500.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-13   2023-06-20                                                       2023-07-21   2023-09-19
and Hacksaw machines in Go                                                           tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
vt ITIs across Uttarakhand un
der UKWD Project

-RFB / SUPPLY, AND INSTALL                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
ATION OF PRECISION INSTRU IBRD / 88770           Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          105,000.00   0.00                          2023-06-13   2023-06-05   2023-06-13   2023-06-20   2023-07-03   2023-07-03   2023-07-28                2023-08-17   2023-10-16
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
MENT FOR THE UPGRADATIO                          Training

ING/54R / SUPPLY, AND INST                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
ALLATION OF LATHE AND MIL IBRD / 88770           Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          388,000.00   0.00                          2023-06-13   2023-06-06   2023-06-13   2023-06-20   2023-07-03   2023-07-03   2023-08-02                2023-08-22   2023-10-21
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
LING MACHINES FOR THE UP                         Training

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
OCKS/66 / Supply of Plates a                                                         Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                  IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            10,000.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-13   2023-06-20                                                       2023-07-21   2023-09-19
nd Blocks in Govt ITIs across                                                        tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
Uttarakhand under UKWD Pr

 UKWDP/TNE-3/APPLIANCES_                         Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
RAC/73 / Supply in installatio    IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            55,000.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-16   2023-06-20                                                       2023-08-08   2023-10-07
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
n of Appliances RAC                              Training

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
TESTING_EQUIP/76 / Supply a                                                                                               Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                              IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          112,500.00   0.00                          2023-06-13   2023-06-13   2023-06-18   2023-06-20   2023-07-09                2023-08-08                2023-08-28   2023-10-27
nd installation of Automobile                                                                                             nvelope                                    mentation
Testing Equipment at Govt. I

 UKWDP/TNE-3/CUTTING_TO                          Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
OLS/79 / Supply and installati IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           65,000.00   0.00                          2023-06-13   2023-06-13   2023-06-18   2023-06-20   2023-07-09                2023-08-08                2023-08-28   2023-10-27
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
on of Cutting Tools at Govt.IT                   Training

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
NALOG_METER/80 / Supply a                                                            Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            51,500.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-18   2023-06-20                                                       2023-08-01   2023-09-30
nd Installation of Digital & An                                                      tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
alog Meters at Govt. ITIs

 UKWDP/TNE-3/ELECTRICAL A                        Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
PPLIANCES/82 / Supply and in IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            20,000.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-18   2023-06-20                                                       2023-08-02   2023-10-01
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
stallation of electrical applian                 Training
ces at Govt. ITIs

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
TESTING_EQUIP/83 / Supply a                                                          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                 IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            30,000.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-18   2023-06-20                                                       2023-08-01   2023-09-30
nd installation of Electrical Te                                                     tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
sting Equipment at Govt. ITIs

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
APPLIAN._TRADE/84 / Supply                                                                                                Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                                IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          100,000.00   0.00                          2023-06-13   2023-06-15   2023-06-18   2023-06-20   2023-07-09   2023-07-15   2023-08-08                2023-09-02   2023-11-01
in installation of Electronic A                                                                                           nvelope                                    mentation
ppliances Trade items at Gov
t ITIs

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
EQUIPMENT/85 / Supply and I                                                                                               Single Stage - Two E
                               IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           75,000.00   0.00   Canceled               2023-06-13   2023-05-03   2023-06-18                2023-07-09   2023-05-16   2023-08-08   2023-06-20   2023-09-07   2023-11-06
nstallation of Electronic Equi                                                                                            nvelope
pment At Govt ITIs (Trade 85

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
TRAINER_KIT/86 / Supply and                                                          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                  IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            52,000.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-18   2023-06-20                                                       2023-08-05   2023-10-04
installation of Electronic Trai                                                      tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
ner Kit at Govt. ITIs

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
MECHANICAL/91 / Supply and                                                           Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                              IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            25,000.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-18   2023-06-20                                                       2023-08-05   2023-10-04
installation of Hand Tool Mec                                                        tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
hanical at Govt. ITIs

 UKWDP/TNE-3/POWER TOOL                          Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
S/96 / Supply and installation IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            25,000.00   0.00                                                    2023-06-18   2023-06-20                                                       2023-08-05   2023-10-04
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
 of Power Tools at Govt. ITIs                    Training

                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 7
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
CHINE_&_ACCESS/102 / Supp                                                                                                 Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           86,500.00   0.00                           2023-06-13   2023-06-13   2023-06-18   2023-07-09   2023-07-20   2023-08-03                2023-08-27   2023-10-26
ly and Installation of Welding                                                                                            nvelope                                    mentation
Machines and Accessories at
Govt ITIs

 UKWDP/TNE-2/PNT/09 / Supp                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
ly and Installation of Painter IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            12,200.00   0.00                                                     2023-06-23                                                       2023-08-18   2024-02-14
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
Trade Item (ID-2022_UKWDP                        Training

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
AUTOMOBILE TRADE SMALL                                                                                                    Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                            IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           57,500.00   0.00                           2023-06-23   2022-10-15   2023-06-23   2023-07-23   2022-11-28   2023-08-12                2023-09-16   2024-03-14
MACHINES FOR UPGRADATIO                                                                                                   nvelope                                    mentation
0610_1 )

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
MILLING MACHINES AND CUT                                                                                                  Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                           IBRD / 88770          Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           93,000.00   0.00                           2023-06-23   2022-10-15   2023-06-23   2023-07-23   2022-11-28   2023-08-17   2023-05-11   2023-09-21   2024-03-19
TERS FOR                                                                                                                  nvelope                                    mentation

PLY AND INSTALLATION OF C                        Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
NC MMACHINES FOR UPGRA         IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          340,000.00   0.00                           2023-06-23   2022-10-15   2023-06-23   2023-07-23   2022-12-01   2023-08-17                2023-09-21   2024-03-19
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
DATION                                           Training
HAND (ID-2022_UKWDP_506
17_1 )
 UKWDP/TNE-2/CRO/14 / Sup
ply and installation of CRO/D
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
SO/Function Generators for t                                                         Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            22,500.00   0.00                                                     2023-06-23                                                       2023-08-18   2024-02-14
he upgradation of                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
priority GITIs across Uttarakh
and under UKWD Project (20
22_UKWDP_50526_1 )

UPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF                        Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
LATHE MACHINES FOR UPGR IBRD / 88770             Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          185,500.00   0.00                           2023-06-23   2022-10-13   2023-06-23   2023-07-23   2022-12-01   2023-08-17                2023-09-21   2024-03-19
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
ADATION                                          Training
HAND (ID-2022_UKWDP_506
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
OF DESKTOP COMPUTERS FO                                                                                                   Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                             IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          457,500.00   0.00                           2023-06-23   2023-02-15   2023-06-23   2023-07-23   2023-03-14   2023-08-17   2023-06-14   2023-09-21   2024-03-19
R IT                                                                                                                      nvelope                                    mentation
WDP_54985_1 )

2 / Supply of IT La b Furni tur                  Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
e in Go vt IT Is across Uttarak IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            95,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-06-23                                                       2023-08-18   2024-02-14
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
hand under                                       Training
UKWD Project (ID-2023_UKW

HYDRAULIC & PNEUMATIC                            Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
TRAINER KIT FOR THE UPGRA IBRD / 88770           Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          240,000.00   0.00                           2023-06-23   2023-03-15   2023-06-23   2023-07-23   2023-04-13   2023-08-17   2023-05-30   2023-09-21   2024-03-19
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
DATION OF PRIORITY GITIS                         Training
023_UKWDP_56230_1 )

NC MACHINES FOR                                  Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
THE UPGRADATION OF PRIOR IBRD / 88770            Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          300,000.00   0.00                           2023-06-30   2023-03-27   2023-06-30   2023-07-30   2023-04-25   2023-08-24   2023-06-07   2023-09-28   2024-03-26
                                                                                                                          nvelope                                    mentation
ITY ITIs ACROSS                                  Training
P_56683_1 )

R_KIT/64 / Supply of MA CH I                     Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
N IST SE NSOR K IT i n Go vt I IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                             3,700.00   0.00                                                     2023-06-23                                                       2023-08-18   2024-02-14
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
T Is across                                      Training
Uttarakhand under UKWD Pr
oject (ID-2023_UKWDP_5928
3_1 )
 GEM/2022/B/2209496 / Supp
                                                 Component 1: Improving the
ly of Measuring Steel Tape, C                                                                                             Single Stage - Two E                       Pending Impl
                               IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           14,500.00   0.00                           2023-06-30                2023-06-30   2023-07-30                2023-09-03                2023-10-03   2023-12-02
ombination plies , insulates S                                                                                            nvelope                                    ementation
crew driver, Driver insulates

 GEM/2022/B/2418039 / Supp                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E
ly of Desktop Printer UPS for IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           10,000.00   0.00   Canceled                2023-06-30                2023-06-30   2023-07-30                2023-09-03                2023-09-14   2023-11-13
the upgradation of ITI                           Training

 GEM/2022/B/2536741 / Proc                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E
urement of Workshop and cla IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                            6,000.00   0.00   Canceled                2023-06-30                2023-06-30   2023-07-30                2023-08-29                2023-09-28   2024-03-26
ssroom furniture at UKWDP                        Training

 GEM/2023/B/3134930 / Proc                       Component 1: Improving the                                               Single Stage - Two E
                              IBRD / 88770                                    Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           18,000.00   0.00   Canceled                2023-06-30                2023-06-30   2023-07-30                2023-09-08                2023-10-08   2024-04-05
urement of IT Lab Printer and                    Quality and Relevance of ITI                                             nvelope
UPS                                              Training

 UKWDP/TNE-3/BASIC_ COSM                         Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
OTOLOGY/77 / Supply and ins IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            10,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-06-30                                                       2023-09-05   2023-11-04
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
tallation of Basic Cosmotolog                    Training
y trade item

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
ACCESSORIE/81 / Supply and                                                           Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                                  IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            59,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-06-30                                                       2023-09-02   2023-11-01
installation of Electrical Acce                                                      tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
ssories trade-81 items

                                                 Component 1: Improving the
WORKING_MODEL/87 / Suppl                                                                                                  Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                                  IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          155,000.00   0.00                           2023-06-30   2023-06-28   2023-06-30   2023-08-03                2023-09-02                2023-10-01   2023-11-30
y and installation of Engine a                                                                                            nvelope                                    mentation
nd Working Model trade -87 i

 UKWDP/TNE-3/FABRICATOR/                         Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                     Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
88 / Supply and installation o    IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                             7,500.00   0.00                                                     2023-06-30                                                       2023-09-02   2023-11-01
                                                                                     tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
f Fabricator trade -88 Items                     Training

                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 8
                                                Component 1: Improving the
/89 / Supply and installation                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                              IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            16,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-06-30                                          2023-09-02   2023-11-01
of Fashion Designing and Se                                                         tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
wing Tools Trade 89 items

                                                Component 1: Improving the
_GENERAL/92 / Supply and in                                                                                              Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                              IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          118,000.00   0.00                           2023-06-30   2023-07-01   2023-06-30   2023-08-03                2023-09-07   2023-10-07   2023-12-06
stallation of Hand Tools (Gen                                                                                            nvelope                                    mentation
eral) Trade 92 items

                                                Component 1: Improving the
OOLS_AND_EQUIP/101 / Supp                                                           Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            51,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-06-30                                          2023-08-28   2023-10-27
ly and Installation of Surveyi                                                      tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
ng Tools and Equipments tra
de 101 items

                                                Component 1: Improving the
7 / Supply of RAC-Mixed Item                                                        Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                               IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            53,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-03                                          2023-08-22   2023-10-21
s in Govt ITIs across Uttarakh                                                      tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
and under UKWD Project

                                                Component 1: Improving the
PARTS/75 / Supply of AUTOM                                                          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                             IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            36,500.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-05                                          2023-09-14   2023-11-13
OBILE PARTS at Govt ITIs acr                                                        tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
oss Uttarakhand
 under UKWD Project

AUTOMOBILE/90 / Supply of i                     Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
n HAND TOOL AUTOMOBILE i IBRD / 88770           Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            25,500.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-05                                          2023-09-14   2023-11-13
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
n Gov t ITIs across                             Training

NICIAN_INSTRUMENTS / Supp                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
ly of SOLAR TECHNICIAN INS IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            18,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-05                                          2023-09-14   2023-11-13
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
TRUMENTS in GOVT ITIs acro                      Training
Uttarakhand under UKWD Pr
                                                Component 1: Improving the
D INSTALLATION OF MOTOR                                                                                                  Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                           IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           79,000.00   0.00                           2023-07-05   2023-07-05   2023-07-05   2023-08-04                2023-09-08   2023-10-13   2023-12-12
AND GENERATOR FOR THE U                                                                                                  nvelope                                    mentation

                                                Component 1: Improving the
ACHINE/9 / Supply of SHEARI                                                         Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                            IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            24,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-05                                          2023-09-17   2023-11-16
NG MACHINE in Govt ITIs acr                                                         tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
oss Uttarakhand
 under UKWD Project

ITM/105 / Supply of in SOLAR                    Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
TRADE ITEM Govt ITIs across IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                             4,530.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-28                                          2023-09-22   2023-11-21
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    ementation
Uttarakhand under                               Training
 UKWD Project

UMB/104 / Supply of in SANIT                    Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
ORY AND PLUMBING Govt ITI IBRD / 88770          Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                             2,700.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-27                                          2023-09-21   2023-11-20
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
s across Uttarakhand under                      Training
 UKWD Project

                                                Component 1: Improving the
_EQ/103 / Supply of in PLASTI                                                       Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
                              IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            12,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-27                                          2023-09-21   2023-11-20
C PROCESSING EQUIPMENT G                                                            tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
ovt ITIs across
 Uttarakhand under UKWD Pr
                                                Component 1: Improving the
TALLATION OF AUTO BODY M                                                                                                 Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                              IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           85,000.00   0.00                           2023-07-27   2023-07-11   2023-07-27   2023-08-26                2023-11-08   2023-12-13   2024-02-11
IXED FOR                                                                                                                 nvelope                                    mentation

 UKWDP/TNE-2/CMP/08R / Su                       Component 1: Improving the          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
                              IBRD / 88770                                   Post                     Open - National                            15,600.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-27                                          2023-09-21   2023-11-20
pply and Installation of Comp                   Quality and Relevance of ITI        tions                                nvelope                                    ementation
ressors                                         Training

 UKWDP/TNE-2/CONS-A/20R /                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
Supply and Installation of Co    IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           64,500.00   0.00                           2023-07-27   2023-08-12   2023-07-27   2023-08-26   2023-09-15   2023-11-08   2023-12-13   2024-02-11
                                                                                                                         nvelope                                    mentation
nsumer Appliances                               Training

 UKWDP/TNE-2/ELEC/25R / Su                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
pply and Installation of Electr IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          165,000.00   0.00                           2023-07-27   2023-08-12   2023-07-27   2023-09-07   2023-09-15   2023-11-20   2023-12-25   2024-02-23
                                                                                                                         nvelope                                    mentation
ician related Trades- Mixed                     Training

 UKWDP/TNE-2/FDNST/13R /                        Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Under Imple
Supply And Installation of Fa IBRD / 88770      Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            27,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-27                                          2023-09-21   2023-11-20
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    mentation
shion Designing and Sewing                      Training

 UKWDP/TNE-2/GRND-M/24R                         Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
/ Supply and Installation of G   IBRD / 88770   Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                          114,500.00   0.00                           2023-07-27   2023-08-12   2023-08-01   2023-09-12   2023-09-15   2023-11-25   2023-12-30   2024-02-28
                                                                                                                         nvelope                                    mentation
rinding Machine                                 Training

 UKWDP/TNE-2/HH/04R / Sup                       Component 1: Improving the          Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
                               IBRD / 88770                                  Post                     Open - National                             8,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-27                                          2023-09-21   2023-11-20
ply and Installation of Hand H                  Quality and Relevance of ITI        tions                                nvelope                                    ementation
eld Metres                                      Training

 UKWDP/TNE/HR/04R / Supply                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
and Installation of Human Re IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                              100.00    0.00                                                     2023-07-27                                          2023-09-21   2023-11-20
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    ementation
source Related trade items                      Training

 UKWDP/TNE-2/SE-M/15R / Su                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                    Request for Quota                    Single Stage - One E                       Pending Impl
pply and Installation of Sewin IBRD / 88770     Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                     Open - National                            32,000.00   0.00                                                     2023-07-27                                          2023-09-21   2023-11-20
                                                                                    tions                                nvelope                                    ementation
g Machine Trade Items                           Training

 UKWDP/TNE-2/TND/17R / Su                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
pply and Installation of Tool a IBRD / 88770    Quality and Relevance of ITI Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           79,000.00   0.00                           2023-07-27   2023-08-12   2023-07-27   2023-09-07   2023-09-16   2023-11-20   2023-12-25   2024-02-23
                                                                                                                         nvelope                                    mentation
nd Diemaker Trade Items                         Training

 UKWDP/TNE-2/TK/17 / Suppl                      Component 1: Improving the                                               Single Stage - Two E                       Under Imple
                                 IBRD / 88770                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                           72,000.00   0.00                           2023-07-27   2023-08-12   2023-07-27   2023-09-07   2023-09-16   2023-11-20   2023-12-25   2024-02-23
y and Installation of Tool Kit t                Quality and Relevance of ITI                                             nvelope                                    mentation
rade item                                       Training

                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 9
 UKWDP/TNE-2/TS/16R / Supp                         Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                 Request for Quota                     Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
ly and Installation of Total St IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                               Open - National                                                42,500.00              0.00                                                                                              2023-07-27                                                                                              2023-09-21                2023-11-20
                                                                                                 tions                                 nvelope                                                                  mentation
ation Trade related item                           Training

 UKWDP/TNE-2/VPB/16R / Su                          Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                 Request for Quota                     Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
pply and Installation of Ventil IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                               Open - National                                                19,000.00              0.00                                                                                              2023-07-28                                                                                              2023-09-22                2023-11-21
                                                                                                 tions                                 nvelope                                                                  mentation
ated Preparation Bays trade r                      Training
elated items

pply and installation of Hand                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                 Request for Quota                     Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
Files for the upgradation of p IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                               Open - National                                                40,000.00              0.00                                                                                              2023-07-27                                                                                              2023-09-21                2023-11-20
                                                                                                 tions                                 nvelope                                                                  mentation
riority GITIs across Uttarakha                     Training
nd under
UKWD Project

UKWDP/TNE-2/RAC/20A / RA                           Component 1: Improving the                    Request for Quota                     Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
                                 IBRD / 88770                                   Post                               Open - National                                                48,000.00              0.00                                                                                              2023-07-27                                                                                              2023-09-21                2023-11-20
C Trade Items                                      Quality and Relevance of ITI                  tions                                 nvelope                                                                  mentation

 UKWDP/TNE-2/CT/07 / Carpe                         Component 1: Improving the                    Request for Quota                     Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
                                 IBRD / 88770                                   Post                               Open - National                                                12,000.00              0.00                                                                                              2023-07-27                                                                                              2023-09-21                2023-11-20
nter Trade Item                                    Quality and Relevance of ITI                  tions                                 nvelope                                                                  mentation

 UKWDP/TNE-2/TRN/10 / Trai                         Component 1: Improving the                    Request for Quota                     Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
                                 IBRD / 88770                                   Post                               Open - National                                                20,000.00              0.00                                                                                              2023-07-27                                                                                              2023-09-21                2023-11-20
ner Kit                                            Quality and Relevance of ITI                  tions                                 nvelope                                                                  mentation

 UKWDP/TNE-2/DRL-M/19 / Dr                         Component 1: Improving the                    Request for Quota                     Single Stage - One E                                                     Under Imple
                           IBRD / 88770                                         Post                               Open - National                                                40,000.00              0.00                                                                                              2023-07-27                                                                                              2023-09-21                2023-11-20
ill Machine                                        Quality and Relevance of ITI                  tions                                 nvelope                                                                  mentation

Home high fidelity audio syst                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
em                            IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids    Open - National                                             550,752.00              0.00                                                                       2023-10-26             2023-10-31                                          2023-11-01                2023-11-11                2023-11-29                2023-12-29
                                                                                                                                       nvelope                                                                  ementation
Video projectors                                   Training
Projector stands or carts
Interactive whiteboards or ac

/106 / White Board, Trainee T
able, Trainee Chair, Steel Al                      Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                       Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
mirah, Stool, Trainee Locker, IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids    Open - National                                             702,691.61              0.00                                                                       2023-10-26             2023-10-31                                          2023-11-17                2023-11-24                2023-12-14                2024-01-10
                                                                                                                                       nvelope                                                                  ementation
Instructor Chair, Computer C                       Training
hair, Computer Table, Discus
sion Desk, Book shelf with Gl
ass Panel

S/107 / Lab Table, Work Benc
                                                   Component 1: Improving the
h, Drafting Table, Drawing Ta                                                                                                          Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
                              IBRD / 88770         Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids    Open - National                                             193,344.20              0.00                                                                       2023-10-26             2023-10-31                                          2023-11-17                2023-11-24                2023-12-11                2024-01-10
ble, Wiring Board, Trial Room                                                                                                          nvelope                                                                  ementation
Arrangements Of Hanging D

 GEM/2023/B/4110428 / Elect                        Component 1: Improving the                                                          Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
                            IBRD / 88770                                        Post             Request for Bids    Open - National                                             198,252.45              0.00                                                                       2023-10-26             2023-10-31                                          2023-11-18                2023-11-28                2023-12-22                2024-01-09
ric Vehicles                                       Quality and Relevance of ITI                                                        nvelope                                                                  ementation

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                     Market Approac Procurement Pro Prequalification Estimated Am Actual Amount                 Process St Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Evalu           Draft Bidding Docum Specific Procurement         Bidding Documents a Proposal Submission /
       Description                                        Component                Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Recommendation                    Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                                  h             cess           (Y/N)        ount (US$)      (US$)                        atus         Documents              ation Report                  ent / Justification Notice / Invitation               s Issued        Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Planned        Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned       Actual       Planned     Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual                 Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual
 UKWDP/NCS/NCB-01 / Huma
                                                   Component 1: Improving the
n Resource Service Provider f                                                                                                          Single Stage - Two E
                               IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Request for Bids    Open - National                                             136,268.00              0.00   Canceled                                                            2021-02-27             2021-03-04                                          2021-03-25                2021-06-07                2021-07-12                2022-08-06
or Electrician Trade Instructo                                                                                                         nvelope
rs for GITIs under UKWD Proj

 IN-SPIU-UKWFDP-365815-NC                          Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                 Request for Quota                     Single Stage - One E                                                     Pending Impl
-RFQ / Procurement of office IBRD / 88770          titutional Development and    Post                              Open - National                                                 5,500.00              0.00                                                                                              2023-06-15                                                                                              2023-06-30                2024-03-31
                                                                                                 tions                                 nvelope                                                                  ementation
cleaning services                                  Project Management

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Combined Evaluation
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                     Market Approac     Contract Type         Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                    Expression of Interest Short List and Draft R Request for Proposals Opening of Technical             Evaluation of Technic
       Description                                        Component                Review Type       Method                                                                               Process Status         Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                     Report and Draft Neg            Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                                  h                                    unt (US$)      (US$)                                                               Notice          equest for Proposals        as Issued         Proposals / Minutes                  al Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           otiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planned        Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned    Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned     Actual           Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 CS - 2 / Hiring of Agency for                     Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                 Quality And Cost-
Teacher Training for professi    IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                                Open - National                              303,030.00     139,193.89   Signed            2018-09-10     2018-10-22    2018-09-28   2019-01-22   2018-10-30   2019-02-19                          2018-12-15   2019-03-19   2018-12-31   2019-03-21   2019-01-15   2019-08-03   2019-02-15   2019-08-13   2019-08-14
                                                                                                 Based Selection
onal development.                                  Project Management

                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
 CS-3 / Hiring of Project Mana                                                                   Quality And Cost-
                               IBRD / 88770        titutional Development and    Post                                Open - National                             1,212,121.00          0.00   Canceled          2018-09-10                   2018-10-10                2018-11-08                                       2018-12-25                2019-01-24                2019-02-25                2019-03-15                2023-03-14
gement Consultancy.                                                                              Based Selection
                                                   Project Management

                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
-QCBS / Hiring of Consultanc                                                                     Quality And Cost-
                               IBRD / 88770        titutional Development and    Post                                Open - National                              835,715.00      72,300.22   Signed            2019-03-25     2019-08-31    2019-04-02   2019-09-23   2019-04-27   2019-10-19                          2019-05-27   2019-11-20   2019-06-06   2019-11-21   2019-06-24   2019-12-03   2019-07-10   2019-12-15   2020-07-09
y firm for Independent Verific                                                                   Based Selection
                                                   Project Management
ation/Third Party Validation (

-QCBS / Hiring of Consulting f
                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
irm for Development of Job d                                                                     Quality And Cost-
                                 IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                                Open - National                              715,000.00           0.00   Under Review      2019-05-10     2020-07-21    2019-05-15                2019-06-14                                       2019-07-15                2019-07-25                2019-08-15                2019-09-02                2023-06-30
escription and/or ToR for Ind                                                                    Based Selection
                                                   Project Management
ustry linkage cells at ITIs & id
entify necessary TA for Job pl
acement support.

                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
-LCS / Hiring of Consulting fir                                                                  Quality And Cost-                                                                            Under Implement
                                IBRD / 88770       titutional Development and    Post                                Open - National                              100,000.00           0.00                     2019-04-22     2020-07-21    2019-04-27                2019-05-27                                       2019-06-26                2019-07-06                2019-07-18                2019-08-22                2020-02-18
m for Conducting Tracer Stud                                                                     Based Selection                                                                              ation
                                                   Project Management
ies of graduates
(ITIs and short-term training)

                                                   Component 2: Increasing the
-QCBS / Hiring of Consultanc                                                                     Quality And Cost-
                               IBRD / 88770        Supply of Skilled Workers thr Post                                Open - National                               86,000.00      78,506.43   Signed            2020-02-14     2020-06-10    2020-02-29   2020-07-28   2020-04-09   2020-10-15                          2020-05-09   2020-11-17   2020-05-19   2020-11-17   2020-06-03   2020-12-05   2020-06-23   2020-12-22   2020-12-20
y firm for Independent Verific                                                                   Based Selection
                                                   ough Short-Term Training
ation/Third Party validation (

                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
ement of a consulting firm fo                                                                    Quality And Cost-
                               IBRD / 88770        titutional Development and    Post                                Open - National                              203,971.00      74,953.65   Signed            2020-10-05     2020-10-01    2020-10-20   2021-03-12   2020-11-29   2020-11-11                          2020-12-29   2020-12-10   2021-01-08   2021-01-04   2021-01-23   2021-01-16   2021-02-12   2021-03-20   2021-08-11
r institutional Capacity Asses                                                                   Based Selection
                                                   Project Management
sment and Functional review
of DSDE.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 10
 UKWDP/CONS/PA-G / Hiring
of Job Placement agency/firm                       Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                 Quality And Cost-                                                                        Under Implement
for placement support to pas IBRD / 88770          titutional Development and    Post                                 Open - National                         135,980.00           0.00                     2020-10-05   2020-10-01    2020-10-20                2020-11-29                                          2020-12-29                2021-01-08                2021-01-23                2021-02-12                2021-08-11
                                                                                                 Based Selection                                                                          ation
s-out trainees of Govt. ITIs lo                    Project Management
cated in Garhwal Region(Utta

 UKWDP/CONS/PA-K / Hiring o
f Job Placement agency/firm f                      Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                 Quality And Cost-
or placement support to pass IBRD / 88770          titutional Development and    Post                                 Open - National                         135,980.00     135,283.73   Signed            2020-10-05   2020-10-01    2020-10-20   2021-03-25   2020-11-29   2020-12-16                             2020-12-29   2021-02-10   2021-01-08   2021-02-25   2021-01-23   2021-03-04   2021-02-12   2021-03-30   2021-08-11
                                                                                                 Based Selection
-out trainees of Govt. ITIs loc                    Project Management
ated in Kumaon Region(Uttar

-QCBS / Hiring of Consulting                       Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                 Quality And Cost-                                                                        Pending Impleme
Firm for Development and im IBRD / 88770           titutional Development and    Post                                 Open - National                         670,000.00           0.00                     2021-01-01                 2021-01-22                2021-03-07                                          2021-04-04                2021-04-24                2021-05-23                2021-06-09                2023-06-29
                                                                                                 Based Selection                                                                          ntation
plementation of ERP - Enterp                       Project Management
rise Resource Planning.

Appointment of Statutory Au
                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
ditor for the audit of Project F                                                                 Fixed Budget Sele
                                 IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                                 Open - National                           2,065.00       2,008.69   Signed            2021-03-30   2021-03-20    2021-04-20   2022-02-07   2021-05-07   2021-08-25                             2021-06-04   2021-09-25   2021-06-11   2021-11-26   2021-07-02   2021-12-06   2021-07-16   2022-01-02   2021-08-25
inancial Statements (FY 2020                                                                     ction
                                                   Project Management
-21) for Uttarakhand Workfor
ce Development Project (UK

 UKWDP/CS/22-23/MIS / Deve
                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
lopment and Commissioning                                                                        Quality And Cost-                                                                        Pending Impleme
                            IBRD / 88770           titutional Development and    Post                                 Open - National                          13,333.00           0.00                     2022-08-22                 2022-08-31                2022-10-05                                          2022-10-15                2022-10-20                2022-10-27                2022-11-05                2023-06-30
of Web Based Data Repositor                                                                      Based Selection                                                                          ntation
                                                   Project Management
y/ MIS for UKWDP Project

-QCBS / To evaluate the over
all performance of the Uttara
                                                   Component 1: Improving the
khand Workforce Developme                                                                        Quality And Cost-                                                                        Under Implement
                               IBRD / 88770        Quality and Relevance of ITI Post                                  Open - National                         100,000.00           0.00                     2023-08-16   2023-08-20    2023-08-16   2023-09-13   2023-08-31                                          2023-09-21                2023-10-06                2023-10-18                2023-11-02                2024-02-22
nt project in terms of progres                                                                   Based Selection                                                                          ation
s made towards the achieve
ment of results, key lessons l
earned and provide recomm
endations for policy action an
d future reforms.

Activity Reference No. /
                                 Loan / Credit N                                                                      Market Approac      Contract Type   Estimated Amo Actual Amount                                                  Invitation to Identifie Draft Negotiated Cont
       Description                                        Component                Review Type        Method                                                                          Process Status        Terms of Reference                                                               Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                        o.                                                                                   h                               unt (US$)      (US$)                                                      d/Selected Consultant            ract
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Planned       Actual        Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual
-INDV / Hiring of Individual C
onsultant for Awareness Cam
paigns for Increasing ITI stud                     Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                 Individual Consult                                                                       Pending Impleme
ents, including disadvantage IBRD / 88770          titutional Development and    Post                                 Open                                     60,000.00           0.00                     2019-03-25                 2019-04-22                2019-05-02                2019-05-15                2019-08-31
                                                                                                 ant Selection                                                                            ntation
d population (awareness and                        Project Management
behavior change communica
tion consultant)
(Information & Education Ca
mpaign (IEC)

-INDV / Hiring of Individual C                     Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                 Individual Consult
onsultant for Conducting a n     IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                                 Open                                     10,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2019-04-05   2020-06-10    2019-05-05   2020-07-23   2019-05-26                2019-06-17                2019-09-16
                                                                                                 ant Selection
eeds assessment study of W                         Project Management
omen for Training and emplo
yment .

                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
-INDV / Hiring of Individual C                                                                   Individual Consult
                                 IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                                 Open                                     75,000.00           0.00   Canceled          2019-06-10                 2019-07-10                2019-07-22                2019-08-13                2023-06-30
onsultant/Second Officer for                                                                     ant Selection
                                                   Project Management
Civil works and Handover Co

-INDV / Hiring of Individual C
onsultant for Study the progr                      Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                 Individual Consult
ess of ITI score card activity s IBRD / 88770      titutional Development and    Post                                 Open                                     71,500.00           0.00   Canceled          2019-07-05                 2019-08-04                2019-08-25                2019-09-20                2023-06-30
                                                                                                 ant Selection
upported by STRIVE and iden                        Project Management
tify the consultancy needs (if
any) for further work for Asse
ssing Performance Rating of I
 IN-SPIU-UKWFDP-109911-CS                          Component 3: Policy and Ins
-CDS / Hiring of UNDP to esta IBRD / 88770         titutional Development and    Post            Direct Selection     Direct                                  454,696.00   1,046,365.22   Signed            2019-04-22   2019-05-07    2019-05-02   2019-07-31                             2019-06-01   2019-08-26   2023-06-04
blish PMU                                          Project Management

 UKWDP/IC/WNA/01 / Hiring o
                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
f Individual Consultant for Co                                                                   Individual Consult
                               IBRD / 88770        titutional Development and    Post                                 Open                                     10,000.00      10,119.66   Signed            2020-11-05   2020-11-08    2020-12-05   2021-02-05   2020-12-17   2021-03-05   2021-01-08   2021-04-03   2021-04-09
nducting Needs Assessment                                                                        ant Selection
                                                   Project Management
Study for Training and Emplo
yment of Women.

-INDV / Hiring of Individual C                     Component 3: Policy and Ins
                                                                                                 Individual Consult                                                                       Pending Impleme
onsultant for Self Employmen IBRD / 88770          titutional Development and    Post                                 Open                                     35,000.00           0.00                     2020-11-10                 2020-12-10                2020-12-22                2021-01-13                2021-04-14
                                                                                                 ant Selection                                                                            ntation
t/ Business Start-up consulta                      Project Management
ncy. (Entrepreneurship and s
elf-employment study)

 UKWDP/IC/PDP/72 / Hiring of
                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
Individual Consultant for Dev                                                                    Individual Consult                                                                       Under Implement
                              IBRD / 88770         titutional Development and    Post                                 Open                                     26,534.00           0.00                     2022-01-10                 2022-02-09                2022-02-21                2022-03-15                2022-09-11
elopment of Individual Profes                                                                    ant Selection                                                                            ation
                                                   Project Management
sional Development Plans un

-CDS / Engagement of firm fo                       Component 1: Improving the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Pending Impleme
r enhancing digital capabilitie IBRD / 88770       Quality and Relevance of ITI Post             Direct Selection     Direct - National                       800,000.00           0.00                     2023-11-28                 2023-12-01                                          2023-12-23                2023-12-23
s and implementing an ERP s                        Training
ystem in 24 Project GITIs und

-INDV / This assignment entai
ls the creation and execution
                                                   Component 3: Policy and Ins
of an IEC mass media campai                                                                      Individual Consult                                                                       Pending Impleme
                              IBRD / 88770         titutional Development and    Post                                 Open - National                          12,000.00           0.00                     2024-01-11                 2024-01-31                2024-02-02                2024-02-06                2024-03-27
gn through Social Media in Ut                                                                    ant Selection                                                                            ntation
                                                   Project Management
tarakhand. Its primary object
ive is to raise awareness and
encourage enrollment in Gov
ernment ITIs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 11