Education Radio Knowledge Pack With a focus on low-resource settings Last updated: October 30, 2020 Author: Sharon Zacharia, World Bank, EdTech Team Image Sources: World Bank; EDC; UN; Mickey Wiswedel, Overview: What does the World Bank and its Global EdTech team do? How does this Knowledge Pack fit in? Background • World Bank’s goals • World Bank Education Technology team’s vision • World Bank’s 5 EdTech Principles • World Bank’s EdTech Approach • Overview of this Education Radio Knowledge Pack Click on hyperlinks to jump directly to the section. What are the World Bank’s goals? The World Bank Group has two goals: To end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity in a sustainable way. Back to section overview 4 What is the World Bank’s Education Technology team’s vision? The World Bank’s Education Technology (EdTech) team’s vision is to: Reimagine Human Connections to Transform Teaching and Learning for All Back to section overview 5 What are the World Bank’s 5 EdTech principles? 1 ASK WHY: EdTech policies and projects need to be developed with a clear purpose, strategy and vision of the desired educational change. 2 DESIGN AND ACT AT SCALE FOR ALL: The design of EdTech initiatives should be flexible and user-centered, with an emphasis on equity and inclusion, in order to realize scale and sustainability for all. 3 EMPOWER TEACHERS: Technology should enhance teacher engagement with students through improved access to content, data and networks, helping teachers better support student learning. 4 ENGAGE THE ECOSYSTEM: Education systems should take a whole-of-government and multi-stakeholder approach to engage a broad set of actors to support student learning. 5 BE DATA DRIVEN: Evidence-based decision making within cultures of learning and experimentation, enabled by EdTech, leads to more impactful, responsible and equitable uses of data. Back to section overview 6 What is the World Bank’s 5 EdTech approach? To operationalize the 5 EdTech principles, the World Bank focuses on: discovery, deployment and diffusion of new technologies. Back to section overview 7 Overview: Education Radio Knowledge Pack 1. WHO? 2. WHY? 3. WHAT? 4. HOW? 5. Additional Resources o Case Studies: Overviews o Key Questions to ask o Stages of Edu Radio o Audience & Purpose o Overview of problem o Sample radio lessons, o Key Decisions to make programming o What is a Knowledge (during COVID-19) scripts & providers o Key Capacity elements o Types of Edu Radio lessons Pack? o What is Edu Radio? o World Bank projects with required o How can the impact of Edu o Delivery modes for Edu Edu Radio components o Role of Teachers Radio programming be Radio lessons (during COVID-19) o Key Cost Elements maximised? o Uses of Edu Radio o Where to learn more o Challenges o Strengthen student o Advantages of Edu Radio about Edu Radio? o Limitations engagement during lessons o Who, what & how long is o Acknowledgements o Complimentary multi-media Edu Radio most suited for? o Annex approaches o Evidence for effectiveness o Support for beneficiaries of Edu Radio o Public awareness campaigns o Leverage stakeholders in the ecosystem Click on hyperlinks to jump directly to the section. 8 Overview: Who is this Education Radio Knowledge Pack aimed at serving? 1. WHO? o Audience & Purpose o What is a Knowledge Pack? Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. Back to Main Overview 9 WHO: Who is this Knowledge Pack aimed at serving? Main Target Audience Purpose What is a Knowledge Pack? World Bank staff (particularly, Task To support the main target audience as they A series of short, pragmatic guides on Team Leaders) and decision-makers work with education ministries to start [1] or individual topics within EdTech to support beyond the World Bank who support enhance education radio programming as a the target audience to make informed yet education ministries on education remote learning tool, especially during quick decisions about EdTech interventions technology COVID-19 and other emergencies. in their work with education ministries. [1] Note: To “start” Edu Radio, we assume that some basic radio production infrastructure is available to be leveraged for th e short-term. Back to Section Overview 1 Overview: Why use Education Radio Programming? 2. WHY? o Overview of problem (during COVID-19) o What is Edu Radio? o Delivery modes for Edu Radio lessons o Uses of Edu Radio o Advantages of Edu Radio o Who, what & how long is Edu Radio most suited for? o Evidence for effectiveness of Edu Radio Click on hyperlinks to jump directly to the section. Back to Main Overview 1 Overview of the Problem (during COVID-19) Low-resource contexts in Least COVID-19 pandemic has left With the length of school Middle- and high-income Developed Countries (LDCs) and more than 1.1 billion closures uncertain, countries resource contexts in countries Fragile, Conflict and Violence children out of school, with are attempting to support are deploying online learning (FCV) affected environments more than 65% countries learning of students out-of- systems (e.g. Learning lacking the necessary mandating partial or total school and in almost all cases, Management Systems, Video connectivity and devices are school closures [1] [2]. are turning to the use of Conferencing) with some also deploying alternative EdTech educational technology using broadcast media (e.g. tools such as educational radio, (EdTech) to support remote television, radio, mobile phones) television, mobile phones learning. [3] and print media as supported by print material. [5] supplementary channels of delivery. However, online learning has exposed huge digital divides within and across countries. [4] 1 Sources: [1] World Bank data as of June 30, 2020. [2] [3] [4] [5] Remote Learning Knowledge Pack, World Bank 2020. Back to Section Overview What is Edu Radio? Types of Instruction Audio Instruction Education Radio Interactive Audio Instruction (Edu Radio) Instruction (IAI) Classical Radio Interactive Radio Other types of Interactive Instruction Instruction (IRI) Audio Instruction (IAI) This is typically in lecture styled radio IRI is a distance education system that combines radio IAI lessons use the the same content and format lessons thus usually used for older students broadcasts with active learning to improve learning and as IRI lessons. The only difference is these can be or adult education. (e.g. Sierra Leone). teaching. IRI programs require teachers and students to used via different delivery modes other than Here, pedagogy and interactive learning is react verbally and physically to exercises posed within radio, allowing for greater reach. For example, not the central focus. [3] lessons and to participate in group work, experiments, this audio content can be used via mobile phones and other activities suggested by the radio program. [4] In (e.g. memory cards/podcasts), Interactive Voice [1] an IRI lesson, learners engage in as many ways as possible Response (IVR), MP3 players/CDs or audio to practice their new learning. They listen, play, sing, streaming/ downloading. move, dance, answer questions, demonstrate skills to nearby listeners and evaluate each other’s skills. [4] [3 ] [2] Click to hear a sample lesson! Click to hear a sample lesson! See Types of Edu Radio lessons Image Source: [1] UN [2] World Bank & EDC, 2015 [3] Mickey Wiswedel, Stocksy | Sources: [3] World Bank Toolkit on IRI, 2005. [4] EDC, 1 Back to Section Overview Delivery/broadcast modes for Edu Radio content Radio Mobile Phones • National Radio networks • MP3 file shared via SMS, WhatsApp, Bluetooth, • Independent Radio Networks (e.g. IRN in Sierra Memory card (e.g. SD card)) can be played on Leone) phones (can attach speakers to amplify sound) • Community Radio Stations (e.g. SMS - Rising Academies) • Shortwave & satellite radio [1] Interactive Voice Response (IVR) CDs/MP3 players • Callers can call a number to enter an IVR system • Radio lessons can be distributed on CDs and as run by Telecoms to listen to Radio lessons by MP3 files via Memory cards and played via CD or navigating through menus. [2] MP3 players. Audio streaming/downloading Podcasts • Audio downloading (hosted on a web page) or • Every new episode gets automatically delivered audio streaming (playing without downloading - to the podcast app, upon subscription, without e.g. YouTube, for those without storage space) users having to access each new one through webpages. Source: EDC | [1] Shortwave & satellite radio increases reach of FM based national radio networks; satellite radio is typically a subscription-based service. [2] IVR systems can be set up using 3rd party software to manage call-in flows and streamline message playback. Like radio they can be set up to be free to the user when the system is structured to reverse charges from the beginning. Back to Section Overview 14 Uses of Edu Radio Supports early Teaching & Distance Teacher support Support for Supports childhood to learning education for and training teacher health-based adult education delivery model out-of-school tool & shortages, education for in emergency children certification including multi- communities Has been used to deliver mechanism new content in low settings grade during crisis Can be used as a resource communities distance learning tool classrooms (e.g. DRC, Malawi, Has been used to deliver Has been used as a Has been used to deploy for children who cannot teacher support tool to Public Safety Nepal) as well as for quality instruction return to school and improve/deliver quality Has been used in Announcements (PSA) & youth & adult education during emergencies in out-of-school children to learning in formal & classrooms and for government programs (e.g. South Sudan) as low-income countries as ensure education non-formal schooling subjects with teacher including health based well as for content well as fragile & conflict continuity. (e.g. (e.g. India, Liberia and to shortages particularly in best practises & support revision, especially affected countries since Honduras, Malawi, facilitate teacher (and multi-grade classrooms to caregivers and during emergencies. 1970s (e.g. South Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, community facilitators) (e.g. Costa Rica, communities to support Mali, Nigeria, Malawi, Zanzibar, Zambia). training as well as for Karnataka in India) and children (e.g. Liberia Pakistan, Afghanistan). teacher certification and in local languages during Ebola). (e.g. Afghanistan, Mali, (e.g. Mali). Pakistan). Source: World Bank Back to Section Overview 15 Advantages of Edu Radio Reach Improved xyz Learning Outcomes In contrast to the Internet which can be expensive, inaccessible & Evaluations have yielded consistent & significant evidence that Edu xyz can increase learning of children, sometimes even Radio lessons complex to use; radio is mostly free, has high penetration rates globally (especially in areas with low internet connectivity) & easy to use. Other outperforming peers attending formal schooling. [1] [2] [3] delivery modes like feature phones have higher penetration in low resource settings & CDs/MP3 players can be procured easily. Scalable and cost-effective Engaging Operating cost per learner & recurrent costs of delivering Edu IRI can engage listeners mentally, emotionally, and physically by Radio programs are low. Edu Radio programs have high capacity engaging them in as many ways as possible to practice their learning. to scale once the initial investment in training of staff and In contrast, for example, most Edu TV lessons engage learners production is made. [4] visually requiring them to be still and glued to their screens. Easily delivered in local languages xyz Monitoring Easier than other modes of education delivery to be delivered in local When xyz using mobile phone mode of distribution, programs with built languages. Can be used to equitably deliver education to minority in software can track usage on SD cards. SMS can be used to collect groups in their mother tongues (particularly beneficial for early data on usage, retention of information, impact and user satisfaction. childhood education). When using IVR, usage can be monitored through call logs. Positive Externalities Adaptable content Engages a potentially large secondary audience during broadcasts, Edu Radio content is adaptable to different delivery modes. thus modelling what high-quality ECD sounds like. Also, has positive When using IVR delivery mode, content delivered can be externalities for teachers by acting as an in-service teacher training & personalised to the needs of the caller. support tool (e.g. reminders to call on a girl child for a response). Source: World Bank and EDC | [1] Murphy et al, 2002. [2] Ho & Thukral, 2009. [3] Naslund et al, 2014. [4] Between 2006 and 2011 date, the Government of India in partnership with the Education Development Center reached 42 million students through its T4 project Technology Tools for Teaching and Training, dot-EDU. 2011. (EDC) Back to Section Overview 16 Who, what & how long is Edu Radio most suited for? Who: Target Audience What: Subjects How long: Duration • Best suited for languages & Math according to • Typically, designed to cover the entire grade-level IRI has been targeted to diverse populations of evidence. But almost all basic primary subjects learners in different learning environments, curriculum for a subject for the year (e.g. have been taught to children & adults using Radio. Nicaragua [4]) including: • Typically, used for single subjects, but more • Each lesson can range between 20/30/60 recently, been used for multiple subjects together minutes to multiple hours. • Preschool children (e.g. Guinea: Math & French; Zambia: Math, Life • Caregivers of pre-school children • Broadcast anywhere between once/twice a day skills, English; Haiti: Civics & Creole). (daily) to few times per week (instead of daily) • Primary school students (during classroom-based • Other subjects/areas include: Mathematics, instruction) [2] (e.g. Guinea, Haiti broadcasts lessons 3-4 a Science, Health, Languages (e.g. English, French, week). • Secondary students Spanish, Portuguese), Reading, Environmental • School-age students who lack access to schools/ • Few hours a week to multiple hours per week education, early childhood development (for (e.g. Liberia: twice a week; Rwanda: 37 hours a during emergencies (e.g. Rwanda) teachers/communities). • Out-of-school youths (e.g. Zambia, South Sudan) week for week for primary students; 9-13 hours • Mostly aligned to national curriculum for a per week for secondary students) • Teachers (Training & in-classroom support tool) subject & typically produced in coordination with • Adults (education) • Practical considerations have dictated these education ministries. Where there is no national variations. • Populations that are vulnerable because of curriculum for a subject (e.g. environmental/ HIV/AIDS, refugee status, or other hardships (e.g. health education), IRI curriculum may become part In South Sudan, it has been used to build capacity of the curriculum development process. in a post conflict education system.) Source: World Bank 2005 & EDC. | [1] For a detailed breakdown of target audience (e.g. age groups, subjects, number of learners, etc.) for which Edu Radio has been deployed across the world, see pages 91-96 of this World Bank 2005 report. [4] For more details, see page 40-44 of this World Bank 2005 report. [2] “There is no evidence to suggest that IRI will not be as successful for the Click to see Limitations higher grades of primary school, although it may be necessary to provide a more extensive range of supporting print materials for those grades. Another consideration is that student ability levels in the higher grades are likely to vary more widely, which would require different programming strategies.” ( World Bank 2005) [4] The daily, year-long, full curriculum coverage used in the first IRI series, in Nicaragua, was meant to inaugurate a break with traditional classroom use of radio as a backup element that supplemented conventional instruction only in a minor way. Back to Section Overview 1 Evidence for effectiveness of Edu Radio Key Takeaway: There is consistent and significant evidence that IRI can increase learning across subject matter, age, gender, and rural or urban location. Students show progressively greater learning with time. Edu Radio/IRI has been used successfully across more than 35 countries. [1] Positive impact on students in schools - Positive impact on early childhood Evidence shows that “Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) had improved learning outcomes in conventional classrooms by development - IRI has a positive impact in the early stages of between 10% and 20% when compared with control both physical and cognitive development. Results from Evidence from classrooms not using IRI” and can be used to deliver their core programs aimed at pre-primary learners find that they made progress curriculum. [2] in all assessed categories of holistic early childhood development. [3] Positive impact on children of marginalised Positive impact on teachers - IRI used as for in-service populations - IRI has shown to bridge gaps in urban-rural professional development has shown improvements in teacher achievement. (Limited) Evidence from fragile states demonstrated instructional practices in the short and long term. Teachers showed large effects on student learning outcomes in Math, English and better understanding of pedagogical concepts & more often used active local language literacy. [4] learning & student-centered techniques in lessons beyond Edu Radio lessons. Studies indicate that governments can successfully use IRI to strengthen teaching practices ahead of school re-openings. [5] Positive simultaneous impact on students Better results when facilitated by instructors and teachers - Studies that look at the impact of IRI on & combined with activities – Even though Edu Radio students as well as on teachers (by modeling pedagogical techniques lessons can be self-directed, studies find that they are most effective and behaviors) simultaneously find positive impact on both. However, when facilitated by a trained teacher or caregiver and when combined teacher practises beyond the IRI instruction make a difference to the with interactivities. [7] extent of learning of students. This shows that the role of IRI & teachers must be well defined & aligned with best practises to be effective. [6] Source: [1] World Bank Toolkit [2] Ho & Thukral, 2009 [3] Thukral, 2016 [4] [5] [7] Ho & Thukral, 2009 & EdTech Hub, 2020 [6] Thukral, Back to Section Overview 18 Overview: What is required to start Education Radio? 3. WHAT? o Key Questions to ask o Key Decisions to make o Key Capacity elements required o Role of Teachers o Key Cost Elements o Challenges o Limitations Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. Back to Main Overview 19 Key Questions to ask for a quick start Lesson Supplementary Public awareness Lesson Delivery/ 5 1 content 2 3 materials for 4 broadcast modes of programming Facilitation lessons Of the existing Are the Can the Are Is the Can lessons be Can lessons be How will families & lesson series lessons programs be penetration language of facilitated (at least broadcast/ communities of available aligned to reliant on facilitated rates of these the lesson partly) without delivered listeners learn about grade levels and facilitation with small delivery modes aligned to supporting through any of the Edu Radio subject from trained groups of sufficient to requirements? materials (e.g. the possible broadcasts? How will requirements, is the teachers? listeners? reach the textbooks, student Edu Radio they be motivated to content at least desired % of workbooks, delivery take advantage of partly aligned to the target teacher guides)? channels? them? current learning population? needs & standards? 1. If schools are Can closed, can others trained be leveraged to teachers How will the most facilitate lessons? be critical print material 2. How will they be leveraged be delivered to the trained to guide for this? listeners (if needed)? learners through lessons? See alternate See alternate See alternate See (1) Public options for Lesson options for options for Awareness content & Language Lesson distributing Campaigns and revision Facilitation supporting (2) Support for print material beneficiaries Decision-making Questions Click on hyperlinks to jump directly to the section. Note: This quick start is assuming existing Edu Radio content is being repurposed. Action Items Source: EDC, 2020 and World Bank, 2005 Back to Section Overview 20 Key Decisions to make for quick start [1] [2] Leverage Edu Radio expertise/train teachers [3] to: 1. Leverage local / international Decision-making Questions • Assemble: curriculum, syllabus, textbooks, student providers to curate existing content. learning objectives. OR Action Items • Develop lesson sequencing aligned to curriculum. 2. Leverage Edu Radio technical • Develop Edu Radio lesson scripts. expertise to develop Edu Radio • Align audio content to Edu Radio scripts. lessons. Enhance short-term • Develop Edu Radio schedules. Edu Radio (e.g. feedback, add more grades, subjects, Radio 1. Record Edu Radio lessons channels). (in short cycles, e.g. 2-week Do you have ready cycles). Is Radio penetration Work with Radio stations education audio/radio 2. Enhance lessons (e.g. edit, greater that of (public & private) to lesson content for required add music, PSA [4]). internet & devices broadcast Edu Radio grades & subjects? 3. Test lessons with children/ OR is Radio lessons widely. Start Edu parents. accessible in areas Radio where other Broadcasting. broadcast modes are not? Do you have the broadcast expertise for Edu Radio? Develop & deploy 1. Establish support structures communication strategy. for listeners (e.g. helplines). Establish 2. Establish feedback loops medium/long term (e.g. helplines, SMS short evaluation system to Consider other codes). improve Edu Radio. Leverage existing govt. remote learning tools. broadcasting agencies & experts (faculty & students from Polytechnics) with Radio broadcast expertise & equipment (e.g. Rwanda). Click for a year-long sample timeline for Edu Radio [1] This is a simplified version of a quick start decision tree. Different versions are possible. [2] [3] For a beyond-quick start, it is recommended to leverage technical expertise for program design and implementation. [4] PSA - Public Safety Announcements Back to Section Overview 21 Key Capacity elements required Startup, Planning Training & Production Distribution & Pre-Production Monitoring Personnel with Personnel with Personnel with Material Material Partnerships expertise in… expertise in… expertise in… • Edu Radio • Existing Edu • Recording, editing, • Technical • With Radio • Training teachers on (technical program Radio lessons exporting programs equipment for stations and/or Edu Radio, Building aspects) to be adapted (studio technician) Recording, other distribution community/public • Edu Radio (if being • Recording program & Editing, channels (mobile awareness, technology adapted) music (actors & Duplicating, phone, MP3, CDs, Monitoring • Age group specific musicians) Dispatching, Memory cards, implementation curriculum (e.g. • Preparing program Storing Website, (Scriptwriters/ ECD, Primary, for distribution YouTube, Training team) Secondary) (studio technician) Podcast, etc.) • Edu Radio technology • Edu Radio • Procurement & Scriptwriting logistics Source: World Bank/EDC 2015 Back to Section Overview 2 Role of Teachers Key Takeaway: “No IRI series has been designed to replace the teacher.” (World Bank, 2005) Development, Teacher professional In-service teacher Provides support to testing & delivery of Edu development support low & high skilled Radio lessons • Provides in-service teacher support teachers (including Many teacher trainings have been and just-in-time guidance by building supporting teacher shortages) conducted entirely through Edu Radio Teachers play a central role in: teacher skills (e.g. active teaching programs while some complement in- • Low skilled teachers are set up to • Development of Edu Radio methods by guiding them through service / pre-service teacher-trainings. oversee students, reinforce programs (scriptwriting, supporting lessons). Enable teachers to play a They help teachers assimilate student- participation & observe instructional scriptwriters, aligning lessons to more active role in a student- centered instructional practices into modeling of Edu Radio lessons taking curriculum) centered and interactive teaching & their own teaching (e.g. Nepal, place. • Testing/formative evaluation of learning process in the classroom. Guinea, Nigeria, South Africa, Mali, • Skilled teachers work alongside scripts and lessons • Edu Radio lesson characters Madagascar). lesson broadcasts to provide instant • Delivery & broadcast of lessons (e.g. introduce and provide direction for classroom delivery, recording of Edu games, exercises, and group work feedback, encouragement, & further Radio programs, facilitating that are managed by the teachers. support of lesson concepts to recorded programs while Teachers guide students through students during/after the lesson. broadcasting on radio, interacting questions and answers, organize • Can provide support to substitute with students during radio lesson educational activities, and serve as lesson facilitators (e.g. community broadcasts, say, when they call in). role models through these lessons. volunteers, older students, home Such lessons are most often paired teachers) in cases of teacher with teacher guides for best results. shortages. Scriptwriter asks for teacher feedback on a lesson script after testing in Madagascar Source: p.11, World Bank, 2005 & EDC. | Image Source: EDC 2015 Back to Section Overview 23 Key Cost Elements Key Takeaway: Estimates of costs for Edu Radio programs range between US $1.00 per student/year [1] to a few cents (>US $1) per child/year at a very large scale & using a broadcast medium [2]. Relativity of Costs Key Cost Elements [1] • High fixed costs but recurring costs are low. Cost to Institutions • Initial costs are high for program development (e.g. Cost to Users planning, script writing, testing, production) but Starting Costs Recurring Costs rebroadcast costs are minimal. • Annual per-student costs are substantially lower than • Audience research/ program design • Broadcasting airtime those for other technologies. • Lesson planning (Scope & sequence; • On-going lessons planning [4] • Electricity (solar • Cost per teacher to use this as a teacher in-service training Overview planning) [3] • Lesson delivery devices & power or crank- & support tool is low. • Scriptwriting supporting material (e.g. radio, charged or battery • Using ready programs is the cheapest. If edits to existing • Testing mobile phones, memory cards, charging) lessons are required, cutting is cheapest, followed by • Audio Production (e.g. recording of CDs, MP3 players, batteries, • Cost of playback overdubbing and then by additions programs, music, editing - including chargers) devices: Radio, MP3, • Broadcast airtime is one of the biggest costs. altering existing programs, dubbing) • Printing of education material (if CDs (if borne by • Benefits from economies of scale (but benefits accrue • Developing education print material if needed) users) mostly to investment in program development rather than needed (e.g. teacher guides) • Distribution (e.g. teacher guides, • IVR: Telecom use to payment of recurrent costs) • Public awareness campaigns radios, batteries) charge (if borne by • Technical assistance • IVR: Toll-free line (if IVR is funded users) • Staff salaries by institutions) • Teacher & listener/home teachers training & support See Annex for example of cost breakdown across years. Source: World Bank, 2005 & EDC 2015 | Image Source: World Bank / EDC 2015 |. [1] IDB [2] EDC Teacher training in Zanzibar (one of the biggest cost factors) 2015 [3] [4] Lesson planning is not a recurring cost only if a all lessons are developed at the start. Back to Section Overview 24 Challenges Key Takeaway: It is possible to plan around these challenges to some extent. Click on challenges to redirect to a part of this Knowledge Pack that can help with that challenge. Student-based Family-based Home-based Institution-based • Lack of support & orientation on • Lack of time to support children • Lack of devices/supporting • Mostly directed at poor, rural how to use Edu Radio lessons during home lessons requirements (Radio, Mobile areas, even though learning gains • Lack of engagement during • Parental language barrier Phones, Batteries, Electricity) have been found in urban areas lessons (compared to Edu Radio lesson • Energy challenges as well (EDC, 2020). This implies • Lack of reference print materials language) • Inconvenient home environment if IRI were also used in wealthier, at home • Lack of support for home for learning urban areas, it might get political • Speed of teacher delivery during teachers to support learners • Poor radio signal (e.g. Rwanda) buy-in to sustain. [1] lessons (too fast for students to • Large scale IRI programs are not understand) seen as ‘exciting’ enough to • Lack of nutrition limits the ability maintain political & donor of children to focus support for continuity. [2] • Limit on the duration during which students can actively learn from Edu Radio lessons See p.36-37 of EDC, 2015 for more common challenges & responses. Source: Case Studies; World Bank, 2005; EDC, 2015; EDC, 2020 | [1] Trucano, 2010 [2] Trucano, 2010; World Bank, Back to Section Overview 25 Limitations Delivery mode-based Curriculum coverage Cost of Broadcasting • Monitoring: Difficult to monitor usage of programs used • Based on delivery modes, covering entire • Typically, Edu Radio programs use free through radio, MP3 & CDs. curriculum is challenging (e.g. Sierra Leone government radio broadcasting or faced this challenge). No data exists to community radio stations. But, long-term • Audio Volume: When using Edu Radio on mobile phones/IVR, indicate how much of the school curriculum guarantees of these arrangements are reach & volume may be limited without speakers. (planning can be effectively provided through IRI. challenging to maintain. Privatisation of around this - recording can partially address these challenges). These issues are largely decided on costs of public radio stations increases operating developing programs, the amount of airtime costs steeply. (E.g. Sierra Leone used free • Coverage: For radio, coverage is limited to number of hours of that is available for broadcasting, and the broadcasting via Independent Radio broadcast that can be secured; limited by radio network number of radios required in each school to Networks during Ebola but is unable to bear coverage and availability of radios. For MP3/CDs, coverage is accommodate multi-subject, multi-grade these costs during COVID-19 and has thus limited by device availability and electricity availability (for broadcasting. [1] moved to community radio stations where charging, if not for playback). For mobile phones, coverage is only limited time slots are available for Edu limited by device & electricity availability (for charging, if not for lessons.) playback). For IVR, coverage is limited by mobile phone network coverage, device & electricity availability (for charging). Source: Case Studies; World Bank, 2005; EDC, 2015; EDC, 2020 | [1] World Bank, 2005 Back to Section Overview 26 Overview: How can Education Radio programming be implemented? 4. HOW? o Stages of Edu Radio programming o Types of Edu Radio lessons o How can the impact of Edu Radio programming be maximised? o Strengthen student engagement during lessons o Complimentary multi-media approaches o Support for beneficiaries o Public awareness campaigns o Leverage stakeholders in the ecosystem Click on hyperlinks to jump directly to the section. Back to Main Overview 27 2 Stages of Edu Radio program development (beyond short term) Preparation Development Delivery Production Audience Research Scriptwriter training Audio production of Edu Teacher/ caregiver training Radio program (local for use of Edu Radio Analysis of the educational production, if possible) Scriptwriting, & initial episode context to ensure the content is production appropriate for the target audience and Production of Community sensitization & other factors (e.g. curriculum, policy). supplementary education mobilisation Formative evaluation that material (if needed) Assessment of technology options & production resources prepares for the final Delivery of Edu Radio lessons production of use-ready via one or more delivery modes Development of program design episodes & supporting material document for each subject & grade level of instruction, including a scope & Engaging listeners & sequence of programs and program Marketing Edu Radio lessons evaluation guidelines. Click to see stages of Edu Radio programming in action! (1) See what this looked like in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (2) For an example of this during COVID-19, click here. (3) For details on each phase, see click here. Source: World Bank/EDC 2015 Back to Section Overview 28 Types of Edu Radio lessons [1] [2] [3] Live On-demand Edutainment Styled lesson content Lessons content Lessons are pre-recorded & broadcast on radio Lessons are pre-recorded & accessible on demand Lessons provide education in the form of Program as a live lesson. What makes this “live” is that through various delivery modes like IVR, memory entertainment and typically are rich with music, and Format the lesson cannot be paused. Being live, allows engaging stories and characters (e.g. Akili Radio). cards or online mediums like podcasts or YouTube. for live interaction as part of broadcasts. For Lessons used as “live-styled lessons” as well as Can be delivered as live-styled radio lessons or as instance, during the second half of broadcasts ‘edutainment content’ can be used as on-demand on-demand content. Typically, produced by private listeners can call and engage with facilitators on lesson content as well. providers (e.g. Rising Academy Network, Ubongo). the content (e.g. Sierra Leone). Curriculum Lessons typically aim to deliver content aligned Lessons typically aim to deliver content aligned to While some lessons are partly aligned to to curriculum but have also been used to curriculum but have also been used to broadcast curriculum, most do not aim to deliver curriculum- Alignment broadcast drama-styled content and drama-styled content and edutainment content. based lessons. Instead, many, especially content for edutainment content. younger children, aim to build 21st century skills & mindsets in children. (E.g. Ubongo tries to align its radio content to national curriculums before sharing it with countries.) Advantage Edu Radio lesson broadcasts follow a schedule Can be used as on-demand by teachers during in- Typically, extremely engaging content for children. for broadcast and ensure a structure and classroom lessons (e.g. Cambodia) or distributed Even if content is not intended to deliver continuity of lesson delivery for students via ways other than radio like mobile phones, curriculum-aligned content, edutainment content, (assuming families listen to all scheduled community loudspeakers (e.g. Peru, China), IVR, especially ones aimed at young children, aims to lessons). Call-in sessions allow for listeners to etc. build skills and mindsets (e.g. Akili Radio). immediately engage on lesson content making them more engaging. Click here for examples of audio lessons, scripts & providers. Image Sources: [1] UN [2] Mickey Wiswedel, Stocksy [3] Ubongo Back to Section Overview 29 Strengthening student engagement during Edu Radio lessons Call in during lessons xyz during lessons Activities When using live radio broadcasts, design lessons to Build build in ample time (almost half) for listeners to call xyz in plenty activities for students to engage in during lessons (e.g. singing, moving, dancing, in & engage with the Radio presenter (e.g. Sierra responding to questions, role playing, evaluate Leone). Presenters can pose quiz questions during each other’s skills). Ensure plenty of student’s lessons based on the lesson topic for listeners to call verbal repetition in responses. in and share responses or invite listeners to call in for clarifications. Characters & Storylines Speaking pace of presenters Use engaging storylines & characters to teach Ensure radio presenter speaks slowly enough lessons (e.g. Akili Radio by Ubongo uses the main during lessons to ensure students can follow along character Akili in all lessons; Nigeria). Ensure both comfortably, especially if the language of Creating sound effects in the studio in female & male characters present lessons to ensure instruction is non-native to listeners (e.g. English) Madagascar especially younger children relate to characters. or topics are complex (e.g. Math, Chemistry) Auditory experience for listeners xyz during lessons Pauses Enhance the auditory experience by building in xyz Build in ample pauses during lessons for music, jingles, catchy songs to teach lessons (e.g. students to respond to questions & complete days of the week song in Zambia, animal song in activities presented by radio presenters (e.g. Somalia), sound effects (e.g. Madagascar), etc. Cambodia). Child actor recording her voice for her radio For strengthening student engagement character shown above in Madagascar using multi-media & material, click here. Image Source: [1] [2] World Bank/EDC, 2015 Back to Section Overview 30 Complimentary multi-media & other material to strengthen impact Key Takeaway: Use a combination of different media & education material to strengthen impact of Edu Radio lessons (e.g. radio + print in Liberia) Mobile Phones – Use mass messaging via SMS messaging, SMS MP3 Players/ Memory Cards/ USBs / CDs/ short codes, WhatsApp, Call centre helpdesks to: Online Mediums [1] • Train “home teachers” on supporting students with home lessons • Build awareness like, sharing schedules • Deliver Edu Radio lessons via CDs/ MP3 format via memory • Use SMS short codes to share Edu Radio updates cards/WhatsApp so lessons can be played as on-demand content • Share reminders/nudges with caregivers/students (e.g. Ubongo) • Podcast apps/Websites [2] can be used for digital downloads of • Collect Qs from students regarding lessons Edu Radio lessons requiring low bandwidth • Receive feedback • Use USB devices to distribute Radio lessons that can be plugged • Conduct formative assessments into TVs and viewed as on-demand content. (e.g. Ubongo) • Provide technical, pedagogical & socio-emotional support Print – If possible, use print material to: Study Material • As reference & supplementary material for lessons - student • Use supporting educational study material during lessons (e.g. workbooks, textbooks, posters science lessons may need a ruler/magnet) • Guide teachers using lessons in-classrooms - teacher guides • Guide “home teachers” to support children with lessons at home - teacher guides Community Loudspeakers • Provide supplementary activities - newspaper supplements, postcards, worksheets/assignments (eg. Argentina, Bangladesh, Spain) • Use them to broadcast lessons; build awareness; sharing radio [5] broadcast schedules verbally; share reminders/nudges (e.g. • Reference for students to follow along - textbooks (eg. Mexico) China, Peru) Source: EDC, 2020 | [1] Work with Telcom companies to zero-rate/subsidise online platforms to ensure unfettered access for students. [2] Use a YouTube channel if country websites (EduTV/education ministry) cannot handle Back to Section Overview 31 Support for beneficiaries (students, parents/caregivers, educators) Provide Provide Collect & Use Guidance/ Material Technical & socio- continuous for Caregivers/ Pedagogical emotional feedback Families/ “Home support support teachers”[2] • Pedagogical feedback - To • Distribute low cost devices to those with • Technical Support - Use toll- • Why provide this? Transition to understand effectiveness, no to access lessons like radios/MP3 player free call centre helplines, education entirely through improve programming & (e.g. Malawi) WhatsApp numbers, email Radio is difficult for students & increase uptake of Edu Radio, • For home lessons, provide home teachers addresses, chatbots to provide caregivers. Socio-emotional enable two-way communication, with guidance on how to support students technical support [1] to Edu support will ease the transition. continuous feedback and during Edu Radio lessons, how to convert Radio listeners (e.g. Turkey). • How? Provide multiple helplines insights from users (e.g. China, home space into classrooms, what learning • Pedagogical Support – If to support parents (e.g. Jamaica India, Pakistan, Russia) material is needed for lessons. [3] possible, especially during has 36). Communicate directly • Non-pedagogical feedback – • Share image-based, low-text instructions emergencies, leverage teachers with students, parents, teachers Collect data on the use data of on how to facilitate interactions with media to provide pedagogical support through SMS, videos, live stream Edu Radio lessons to understand content. [4] using mobile phone (e.g. chats, TV programs, etc. (eg. & improve programming. • Send schedules, nudges, activities via SMS China). Provide support & Croatia, Spain). Turkey has a [5]/ WhatsApp/ community loudspeakers subsidise teacher “Parent Hour” on TV to support regarding Edu Radio lessons. communication (calls, text caregivers. messages, data). Turkey collect continuous feedback for monitoring & improvement of its remote learning tools. Source: [1] Technical support here means support to beneficiaries having technical issues with accessing Edu Radio lessons (e.g. no radio signal, unable to tune into radio station). [2] See slide explaining “home teacher”. [3] See Alternative options for lesson facilitation for home lessons. [4] Source: INEE, 2020; EdTech Hub [5] Source: Foulds & Bucuvalas, 2019; EdTech Hub 3 Back to Section Overview Public Awareness Campaigns Key messages to What How reinforce while communicating with families [1] • Communication continuously & • Ads via print like newspapers & hoardings • Daily broadcast times, channels & supporting widely before as well during Radio (e.g. Brazil); TV or radio (e.g. Liberia); mass resources (e.g. tips, how to access further lessons are being broadcast. messaging & circulating short teaser videos schedules, helplines, lesson learning material, • Build public awareness & via text messages or WhatsApp (e.g. Peru, etc.) excitement about upcoming Pakistan); updates via social media like • Children CAN & MUST continue their programming well BEFORE starting Facebook (e.g. Rwanda), websites of education despite the emergency. broadcasts through as many education ministries (e.g. Belize). • Radio is an effective mode of education modes as possible. • Announcements on loudspeakers in continuity. Song & play during lessons mean • Share simple schedules for when, communities/local religious institutions (e.g. children ARE learning. where & for whom (grade level, China, Pakistan, Peru) • Programs are the government-endorsed subject, language) lessons will be • Work with ministers to share alternative to in-person schooling. broadcast on radio. communication on social media to increase • Ensure children listen daily (including protect • At this stage, if lessons are being media coverage (e.g. Pakistan). them from distractions & freeing them from accessed from home, recruiting & • Leverage schools & teachers to chores) & organise learning spaces & material training “home teachers” should communicate locally with students & (e.g. ruler, magnet) for lessons. be a critical part of these families. • They CAN & MUST facilitate these lessons with communication campaigns. • Even if broadcasting occurs on national radio help from radio teachers & it is easy! They stations, advertising should be broadcast on must participate in training for this before the as many regional & community radio programming begins. Tip sent via SMS during Rising On Air stations as possible for wider reach. • Encourage community members to use Edu program by Rising Academy Network. Radio for their children as well. Source: [1] EDC, 2020 3 Back to Section Overview Leverage stakeholders in the ecosystem to enhance Edu Radio programs Students – To ensure a consistent, dedicated listening population; get feedback during market testing of lessons; participate in development of lessons, especially lessons with student character voices. Teachers & Educators – To support development of lessons; student engagement; assessments; feedback. (See ‘Role of Teachers’) Caregivers/Families – To support student learning at home by acting as “home teachers” if needed; support students to listen to lessons regularly (free them from distraction & chores); provide feedback during market testing. Communities, Civil Society & Religious groups – To support & motivate teachers, families & children to use Edu Radio lessons; to set up small listening groups; to distribute supporting print material (if needed). Private sector – To leverage existing education radio content as well as develop content for lessons. Government departments & agencies – To coordinate different aspects of Edu Radio programming & support structures like listener helplines, ministry website & public awareness (e.g. district officials, teachers). Media regulatory authorities & Radio stations (public & private) – To leverage reach of Radio networks to broadcast Edu Radio programs widely. Telecom operators – To expand access to the Internet by subsidising/ zero-rating educational online platforms, to set up short SMS codes & helplines to improve interactive elements of Edu Radio. Back to Section Overview 34 Overview: In this section, find additional resources. 5. Additional Resources o Case Studies: Overviews o Ministry of Education, Sierra Leone o Rising On Air (Rising Academy Network) o Ministry of Education, Rwanda o Sample radio lessons, scripts & providers o World Bank projects with Education Radio components (during COVID-19) o Where to learn more about Edu Radio? o Acknowledgements o Annex Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. Back to Main Overview 35 Case Studies: Insights from across countries & providers Ministry of Rising Academies Ministry of Education, (Liberia, Gambia, Chad, Education, Sierra Leone Guinea, Sierra Leone) Rwanda Case Study Overview Case Study Overview Case Study Overview Detailed Case Study Detailed Case Study Detailed Case Study Click on hyperlinks to jump to case studies overview. Back to Section Overview 36 Sample Radio lessons, scripts and providers xyz Development Center (EDC) Education xyz EDC has 30+ years of experience in Interactive Audio/Radio Instruction (IAI/IRI). A catalogue of programs maps each program to grade levels, subjects, languages and countries it has been used for. • Services: Audio content & scripts (from government-approved IAI/IRI programmes) also on YouTube (e.g. Latin America); Teacher training (e.g. Liberia) • Languages: 20+ (e.g. English, Spanish, French, Malagasy, Rising Academies (Rising On Air) Chichewa, Bamanankan, Songhai, Kinyarwanda, Kiswahili, Somali) Rising Academies is an organisation that recently started providing • Grade levels: Preschool to Grade 7 free to use pre-recorded Edu Radio content. 31 collaborators have • Subjects: Language, literacy, Math, social studies, science, life been using their work during COVID-19. They support other skills (including socio emotional learning) including accelerated organisations to start Edu Radio lessons as well. curricular alternatives • Experience with countries: 20+ countries • Services: Audio content, adaptable lessons scripts; teacher • Target audience: Students, Teachers (training), Parents tutorials on phone calls to students; phone call scripts; SMS scripts & plans (aimed at caregivers) • Languages: English, French, Arabic • Grade Levels:. Early Childhood, Lower Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary • Subjects: Literacy, Math • Experience with countries: Sierra Leone, Liberia Gambia, Chad, Guinea • Target audience: Students, Teachers (training), Parents Back to Section Overview 37 World Bank projects with Edu Radio components (during COVID-19) [1] Country Project Name P-code Key TTLs Angola Girls Empowerment and Learning for All Project P168699 Peter Anthony Holland, Leandro Oliveira Costa Bangladesh Bangladesh COVID 19 School Sector Response (GPE) P174268 Tashmina Rahman, Mokhlesur Rahman, Peter Darvas Burkina Faso Education Access and Quality Improvement Project P174268 Adama Ouedraogo Additional Financing Ghana Ghana Education Outcomes Fund P173282 Eunice Yaa Brimfah Ackwerh, Yoko Nagashima Mali Improving Education Quality and Results for All P164032 Adama Ouedraogo Mali Project (MIQRA) Mozambique Ending Learning Poverty in Mozambique P172657 Marina Bassi, Lucia Jose Nhampossa Rwanda Additional financing to Rwanda Quality Basic Education P168551 Huma Kidwai, Lillian Mutesi Project Sao Tome and Principe Girls Empowerment and Quality Education for All P169222 Leandro Oliveira Costa Project [1] Non-World Bank staff can also access these documents through this external page using the project codes above (e.g. P174026). These will be shared onto the external page once they are finalised. Back to Section Overview 38 Where to learn more about Edu Radio Improving Educational Quality through Tuned In To Student Success: Assessing The Interactive Radio Instruction: A Toolkit for Impact Of Interactive Radio Instruction for Policy Makers and Planners, World Bank, the Hardest-To-Reach, Education March 2005 Development Center (EDC), February 2009 Expanding Access to Early Childhood Development using Interactive Audio Rapid Evidence Review: Radio, EdTech Instruction, World Bank/EDC, February 2015 Hub, June 2020 Back to Section Overview 39 Acknowledgements Special acknowledgement and gratitude to the following people for supporting this work: Name Organisation Himdat Iqbal Bayusuf The World Bank Lillian Mutesi The World Bank Huma Kidwai The World Bank Sachiko Kataoka The World Bank The World Bank Pedro Cerdan-Infantes George Cowell Rising Academies Network Rachel Christina Education Development Center Back to Section Overview Overview: In this section, find even more additional resources. 6. Annex o Case Study Overviews: o Sierra Leone o Rising On Air (Rising Academy Network) o Rwanda o Radio Penetration Data: Part I and Part II o Alternative Options: o Lesson Content & Language Revision o Lesson Facilitation o Distribution of supporting print material o Sample Cost Distribution o Sample year long timeline for implementation of an Education Radio intervention Click on hyperlinks to jump directly to the section. Back to Section Overview 41 4 Ministry of Education, Sierra Leone Case Study: Key highlights Lessons are focused on student engagement: Each lesson is 1 hour long of which 30 minutes is lesson delivery and 30 minutes is for listeners to call in with questions and engage with the content. Lessons content aligned to student performance data: Student performance data from previous years was examined to understand gaps in learning and Edu Radio lessons were aligned to these gaps. Teachers are leveraged to support teachers: For example, teachers with experience during Ebola were leveraged to train and support newer teachers. Teachers delivered sample lessons to the entire group who observed and provided feedback to improve before recording Edu Radio lessons. Subject teachers lesson planned together to be able to support each other. Creative communication was used to build public awareness: For example, community loudspeakers were also used. Where possible, people were tasked with going into communities to discuss Edu Radio lessons in-person by playing sample lessons. Where possible, volunteers distributing dry ration food to communities were tasked with sharing communication regarding programming. Learnings from experiences during Ebola improved Edu Radio: For example, during Ebola, many girls became pregnant. As a response, life skills Edu Radio programs were deployed during COVID-19 to share gender-based messages for communities. Click here to access the full case study on Sierra Leone. Back to Section Overview 42 Rising On Air Case Study, Africa: Key highlights Rising On Air’s free Edu Radio lessons can be used across the globe: Their Edu Radio lessons are focused on literacy & numeracy across K-12 and are available for anyone across the globe to use. Lessons are based on general learning objectives across all grade levels & not specific to any one country’s curriculum so that users across the world can adapt them. Their radio scripts demarcate where they can be contextualised. Resources are available in French, Arabic and English. Mobile Phones are used to compliment the Edu radio lessons: (1) SMS: Behavioural nudges are sent via SMS to families covering a range of topics (e.g. public safety announcements, providing guidance to support children, reminders & schedules). (2) Hotline: A customer care styled hotline has been set up to field queries from users regarding the Edu Radio programs. Teachers are leveraged to support regular check-ins with children: Teachers of the Rising Academies schools have been leveraged to make phone calls to students to ensure education continuity & that students return to school. Phone call scripts lasting 6 - 10 minutes have been developed & teachers have been trained on using them. Phone calls cover a variety of topics (e.g. children well being by checking that children are safe given they are prone to domestic violence at home; troubleshooting to help them access Edu Radio lessons at home) Their teacher training has been adapted to be broadcast on Radio: Rising On Air has been delivering its teacher training via 15minute Radio broadcasts. Scripts are freely available to anyone across the globe to use including education ministries. They support & convene other organisations: Rising Academies has begun working with other organisations to share their expertise with Edu Radio to support others (e.g. MyAgro used expertise shared by Rising On Air to deploy radio lessons to 400K farmers in Mali). Additionally, they are currently collaborating with 30 partner organisations & have set up a Community of Practise slack channel for all organisations and individuals to collaborate on Edu Radio. Click here to access the full case study on Rising Academies. Back to Section Overview 43 Ministry of Education, Rwanda Case Study: Key highlights Leveraging stakeholders for quick deployment: Rwanda leveraged stakeholders to quickly deploy Edu Radio programming as a remote learning tool during COVID-19. These include Rwanda Broadcasting Agency, Rwanda Polytechnic faculty and students (specializing in radio production and broadcasting) and University of Rwanda (who has its own radio channel). Leveraging parents to strengthen Edu Radio: Rwanda is leveraging development partners to collect feedback from parents on Edu Radio lessons broadcasts to strengthen Edu Radio lessons. Provide parental guidance through Edu Radio: Beyond the short-term, the Rwanda Education Board aims to air instructional broadcasts directed at parents/caregivers to support their involvement in early stimulation, student learning routines and processes, as well as psycho-social wellbeing of children. Enhancing Edu Radio by meticulously responding to feedback: Some of the feedback received from parents include - lack of engagement during lessons & lack of parental time to support. To this, Rwanda is responding as follows: developing interactive Edu radio lessons & adapting broadcasting schedules to suit parents. Developing capacity to use in the long-term: Rwanda is working to sustain Edu Radio in the long- term by developing the government’s production capacity for programming to reduce costs; broadcast educational content for longer hours; for all grades; for all exam-based subjects; and for health & social campaigns. Click here to access the full case study on Rwanda. Back to Section Overview 44 Annex: Radio as a tool to reach students with limited access to internet & TV-based learning Only 5% (3 of 54) LDC and FCV countries have Internet penetration rates above 50%. Radio penetration is higher than TV penetration in LDCs % of people using internet according to 2017 WB Data [1] (situation hasn’t changed much since) Proportion of LDC households with a radio and a TV, 2007-08 or latest available year [2] 90 80 70 60 50 50% 40 30 20 10 0 See here for more on Source: [1] Internet data- WB Statistics. Countries are LDCs as per UN categorisation and FCV as per World Bank Radio penetration data. categorization (from: Remote Learning Knowledge Pack, World Bank 2020). [2] World Telecommunication/ICT Development Back to Section Overview 45 Annex: Radio Penetration Data Households with a radio by urban/rural location & household composition (%): 2019 or latest year available [1] Proportion of households with a radio: 2007-2008 (non-LDC countries) Source: ITU Yearbook of Statistics (2019). | [1] Radio penetration for Rwanda as of 2016-17 stands at 77.2% for all households. (Source: Rwanda Poverty Profile Report 2016/17 EICV5)Back to Section Overview 46 Annex: Alternate options for adapting Edu Radio Lesson Content & Language Lesson Content Revision Language Revision If content revision includes… Instead try… If… Instead try… Incremental & academic upgrades Incremental & academic upgrades No program alterations No program alterations Revision of incorrect terminology & Revision of incorrect terminology & Overdub unwanted sections references Overdub unwanted sections references Upgraded ideas & methodology Selectively cut parts of program Critical new methodology & Re-record entirely new segments approaches See this EDC 2020 report for more details. Source: EDC 2020 Back to Key Questions 47 Annex: Alternate options for Lesson Facilitation If… Instead try… Schools are not yet open but • Advise caregivers to gather small numbers of learners. small groups of learners can • Contact civil society actors, such as community radio be gathered stations, local NGOs & religious leaders, and task them to support communities to set up small learning groups Listeners cannot be gathered to Ask parents, caregivers, relatives, older siblings to role- do lessons activities in pairs & play as “home classmates”. Conduct lessons in groups of small groups 2 if peers are required for lessons (all IRI/IAI lessons). Blackboards are not available Suggest “home blackboards” to families i.e. other surfaces to write on like flipcharts stuck to the wall; flattened cardboard boxes; whiteboard markers used on smooth, white surfaces in the house like tiles or the fridge surface; sand/mud which can be written on with a stick Listeners cannot enjoy a Ask caregivers to: quiet listening environment • Select a space as quiet as possible, minimise free from distraction interruptions & ensure children remain focused (e.g. from siblings, neighbors, animals) • Release children from chores during this time & ensure Interactive Edu Radio lessons can be used in groups of 2. the child attends lessons as often as it is broadcast Trained teachers are not Leverage & train parents, caregivers, older siblings, other available to facilitate lessons family or community members to role-play as the “home teachers”. In this case, ensure home teachers are trained adequately before lessons begin. This is critical to success of Edu Radio lessons. See this EDC 2020 report for more details. Source: EDC 2020 | Image Source: Mickey Wiswedel, Stocksy Back to Key Questions 48 Annex: Alternate options for distributing supporting print material for lessons If… Instead try… Delivery of student workbooks • Add disclaimer to lessons about this “missing” material (so is not possible at all listeners are not befuddled by this) • Cut out the parts that are material dependent (be careful that this does not impact the learning objectives) Governments cannot deliver Enlist NGOs & civil society supporting print material Door-to-door delivery is not Enlist NGOs & civil society Delivering to local possible businesses/government offices that remain open & broadcast directions to families on how to collect them. Normal delivery channels Look for private transport systems such as local bus are not working companies, or approach companies such as mobile carriers/bottling companies & negotiate a public-private partnership agreement to piggyback on the means they use to disseminate scratch cards & drinks. Book binding costs are high, or Investigate possibility of publishing regular low-cost inserts in print-run timelines are long local newspapers. Internet accessibility & cost are Digitise supporting student workbooks & teacher guides to If print material is not available, add disclaimers before lessons to make them available for download. not prohibitive warn about missing material. Set up a text- based distribution system. Participants can enroll Downloading is not possible but in a short SMS code system & receive a daily text back that receiving texts is free prepares them for the upcoming broadcast. They can then transcribe their incoming texts as needed onto their “blackboard” or into learner’s books. See this EDC 2020 report for more details. Source: EDC 2020 | Image Source: World Bank/EDC Back to Key Questions 49 Annex: Sample cost distribution across years Source: p.65, World Bank, 2005 Back to Costs slide 50 Annex: Sample year long timeline for Edu Radio (1/3) Source: World Bank/EDC 2015 Back to Costs slide 51 Annex: Sample year long timeline for Edu Radio (2/3) Source: World Bank/EDC 2015 Back to Costs slide 52 Annex: Sample year long timeline for Edu Radio (3/3) Source: World Bank/EDC 2015 Back to Costs slide 53 Connect with World Bank’s EdTech team Twitter World Bank EdTech webpage and resources Medium Posts (Weekly/Monthly mailers) Blogs Podcast: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Anchor Email: • Internal: @EDTECH • External: | Back to Main Overview