Television Education Knowledge Pack With a focus on low-resource settings Last updated: October 30, 2020 Author: Sharon Zacharia, World Bank, EdTech Team Image Credit: S. Siva Saravanan via The Hindu (India). Overview: What does the World Bank and its Global EdTech team do? How does this Knowledge Pack fit in? Background o World Bank’s goals o World Bank Education Technology team’s vision o World Bank’s 5 EdTech Principles o World Bank’s EdTech Approach o Overview of this Education TV Knowledge Pack Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. What are the World Bank’s goals? The World Bank Group has two goals: To end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity in a sustainable way. 4 What is the World Bank’s Education Technology team’s vision? The World Bank’s Education Technology (EdTech) team’s vision is to: Reimagine Human Connections to Transform Teaching and Learning for All 5 What are the World Bank’s 5 EdTech principles? 1 ASK WHY: EdTech policies and projects need to be developed with a clear purpose, strategy and vision of the desired educational change. 2 DESIGN AND ACT AT SCALE FOR ALL: The design of EdTech initiatives should be flexible and user-centered, with an emphasis on equity and inclusion, in order to realize scale and sustainability for all. 3 EMPOWER TEACHERS: Technology should enhance teacher engagement with students through improved access to content, data and networks, helping teachers better support student learning. 4 ENGAGE THE ECOSYSTEM: Education systems should take a whole-of-government and multi-stakeholder approach to engage a broad set of actors to support student learning. 5 BE DATA DRIVEN: Evidence-based decision making within cultures of learning and experimentation, enabled by EdTech, leads to more impactful, responsible and equitable uses of data. Back to section overview 6 What is the World Bank’s 5 EdTech approach? To operationalize the 5 EdTech principles, the World Bank focuses on: discovery, deployment and diffusion of new technologies. 7 Overview of Education TV Knowledge Pack 1. WHO? o Audience & Purpose o What is a Knowledge Pack? 2. WHY? o Overview of the problem (during COVID-19 & beyond) o Why TV? TV as a tool to reach students without access to connectivity. o Uses & Advantages of EduTV o What is the evidence for effectiveness of EduTV? 3. WHAT? o What is required to start/ enhance EduTV? o A ‘Decision Tree’ to help navigate decision-making on EduTV o What capacity is required to start EduTV? o What are the key cost elements involved? How do you keep costs low? o What are the common challenges & trade-offs? How can ministries plan for them? 4. HOW? o What are the key implementation steps to start/enhance EduTV? o 5 things to do to start EduTV o 5 things to do to enhance EduTV o Case Study Overviews: Insights from around the world o Examples of World Bank projects with EduTV components (during COVID-19) o Where can I learn more? Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. 5. ANNEX Overview: Who is this Education TV Knowledge Pack aimed at serving? 1. WHO? o Audience & Purpose o What is a Knowledge Pack? Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. Back to main overview Audience & Purpose: Who & what is this Knowledge Pack aimed at serving? Main Target Audience Purpose What is a Knowledge Pack? World Bank staff (particularly, Task To support the main target audience as they A series of short, pragmatic guides on Team Leaders) and decision-makers work with education ministries to start [1] or individual topics within EdTech to support beyond the World Bank who support enhance education television [2] the target audience to make informed yet education ministries on education programming as a remote learning tool quick decisions about EdTech interventions technology during COVID-19, during emergencies as in their work with education ministries. well as beyond. [1] Note: To “start” EduTV, we assume that some basic television production infrastructure is available to be leveraged for t he short-term. [2] Television (TV) is defined in this Knowledge Pack as a stand-alone device capable of receiving broadcast television signals, using popular access means such as over-the-air, cable and satellite. It 1 excludes functionality integrated with another device, such as a computer or mobile phone. (Definition source: ITU, 2014) Back to Section Overview Overview: Why use Education Television Programming? 2. WHY? o Overview of the problem (during COVID-19 & beyond) o Why TV? TV as a tool to reach students without access to connectivity. o Uses & Advantages of EduTV o What is the evidence for effectiveness of EduTV? Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. Back to main overview Overview of the Problem Low-resource contexts in Least The COVID-19 pandemic With the length of school Middle- and high-income Developed Countries (LDCs) and has left more than 1.3 closures uncertain, countries resource contexts in countries Fragile, Conflict and Violence billion children out of are attempting to support are deploying online learning (FCV) affected environments school with more than 80% learning of students out-of- systems (e.g. Learning lacking the necessary countries mandating school and in almost all cases, Management Systems, Video connectivity and devices are school closures [1] [2]. are turning to the use of Conferencing) with some also deploying alternative EdTech educational technology using broadcast media (e.g. tools such as educational (EdTech) to support remote television, radio, mobile television, radio, mobile phones learning. [3] phones) and print media as supported by print material. [5] supplementary channels of delivery. However, online learning has exposed huge digital divides within and across countries. [4] 1 Sources: [1] World Bank data as of May 15, 2020. [2] [3] [4] [5] Remote Learning Knowledge Pack, World Bank 2020. Back to Section Overview Why TV? Television as a tool to reach students with limited access to internet-based learning Only 5% (3 of 54) LDC and FCV countries have Internet penetration rates above 50%. TV penetration rate has been increasing in LDCs. [2] [3] % of people using internet according to 2017 WB Data [1] (situation hasn’t changed much since) 90 80 70 60 50 50% 40 30 20 10 0 79% of all households across the world have access to TV. [4] 72% of all households in developing countries have access to TV. [5] 80% of rural electricity consumption across the world accounts for TV and lighting. [6] Back to Section Overview Source: [1] Internet data- WB Statistics. Countries are LDCs as per UN categorisation and FCV as per World Bank categorization (from: Remote Learning Knowledge Pack, 1 World Bank 2020). [2] World Telecommunication/ICT Development Report 2010 [3] See Annex for types of TV distribution technologies. [4] [5] [6] ITU, 2014 Uses & Advantages of EduTV Supports learning during Support for teachers & Provides (equitable) Supports Supports Distance parental/caregiver teacher shortages/ complementary learning education during Education support with learning absenteeism to schooling emergencies EduTV has been used for EduTV lessons have been Lessons can be used EduTV can be one of the EduTV delivering distance learning used to support inadequate to complement face- standard protocols for programming since the 1950s in low- and supply of secondary to-face instruction in education in (especially middle-income countries education due to shortage school/post- emergencies when Edutainment including interactive of qualified teachers willing secondary education schools are closed. [2] programs) provides television lessons more to work in as well as early Since TV penetration is support to parents/ recently in rural schools rural/marginalized areas, childhood education typically higher than caregivers on (e.g. in Brazil, Ethiopia, and especially in developing when EduTV is internet penetration supporting learning Ghana) (Navarro-Sola, countries (Banerjee et al., aligned to the across countries, this at home, especially 2019). Programming 2013, Calderoni, 1998) as curriculum. EduTV ensures equitable access in early childhood created during COVID-19 well as in areas with lessons can also to learning for education. can be repurposed to teacher absenteeism provide lesson plan disadvantaged support distance education (Navarro-Sola, 2019). support to teachers. communities. for children out-of-school. [1] Back to Section Overview [1] Out-of-school students are likely to increase after COVID-19 as low-income families will be further resource constrained and may not be able to afford schooling which will exacerbate the opportunity cost of sending kids to school. [2] Emergencies are more frequent than we think. Almost every week around 1 the world, schools in cities across the world are closed due to an emergencies (eg. floods, hurricanes, storms, forest fires, earthquakes, disease, terrorism, Evidence for effectiveness of EduTV on children Negative Positive Policy Level Conditions Exposure to general Primary & Pre-primary children: Educational programs for entertainment TV programs can young children are designed to enhance academic and social Benefits of EduTV programs lead to deficits in student skills and competence as well as school readiness (Huston & need to be effectively achievement by replacing it with Wright, 1994). Educational programs, such as EduTV or radio, communicated to motivate more beneficial intellectually can encourage literacy skills acquisition, such as children’s parents to encourage children's engaging activities, resulting in letter recognition, vocabulary, and syllabification viewing of Edu TV programs. lower levels of language and (Borzekowski & Henry, 2010) Preschool educational programs Such programs should be intellectual functioning (Huston lead to higher achievement in school (Wright et al., 2001). broadcast at times when et al, 1999; Wright & Huston, Viewing edutainment programs at young ages has been preschool children are likely to 1995). For preschool children, it shown to lead to improved grades in high school even when view them for the programs to interferes with a child's family characteristics are controlled (Anderson et al, 2001). be most impactful. (Baydar et opportunity to interact with al, 2008) adults (St. Peters, Fitch, Huston, Secondary & post-secondary: Long-term studies of EduTV Wright, & Eakins, 1991). programs for out-of-school children finds significant impact on increased enrollment into formal education and as a result, increased labour-market participation and earnings. (Navarro-Sola 2019) Back to Section Overview 15 Overview: What is required for Education Television Programming? 3. WHAT? o What is required to start/ enhance EduTV? o A ‘Decision Tree’ to help navigate decision-making on EduTV o What capacity is required to start EduTV? o What are the key cost elements involved? How do you keep costs low? o What are the common challenges & trade-offs? How can ministries plan for them? Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. Back to main overview Decision Tree for EduTV Quick Start 1. Reach out to local or international Back to Section Overview Leverage & support teachers to: 1. Assemble: curriculum, syllabus, textbooks, student providers to curate content. learning objectives. OR 2. Develop lesson sequencing aligned to curriculum. 2. Leverage master teachers to film 3. Align video content to the TV scripts. simple ‘live broadcast’ lessons. Enhance short- 4. Develop TV lesson scripts. term EduTV 5. Develop TV schedules. (e.g. using feedback, add more grades, subjects, TV 1. Develop TV lessons for channels). Do you have ready broadcasting (e.g. 2-week education video content for cycles). Work with media all grades & subjects? 2. Enhance TV lesson content regulatory authority/TV (e.g. edit filming, subtitles) operators (public & Is TV penetration private) to broadcast greater than internet EduTV channel widely. & device penetration Start EduTV OR more than 50%? Broadcasting. Do you have the technical expertise for EduTV Develop & deploy 1. Establish support communication strategy. broadcasts? structures for students, parents/ caregivers, teachers (e.g. helplines). Establish 2. Establish feedback loops medium/long Consider other (e.g. helplines, online form). term remote evaluation Leverage existing govt. agencies learning tools system to (IT Board) & experts (faculty & improve students from Polytechnics) EduTV. with TV broadcast expertise & equipment. Note: This is a simplified version of the decision tree. Different versions of this decision tree are possible. For real examples, click to see 2 different decision trees used during COVID-19 by: (1) Pakistan federal Decision-making Questions Action Items education ministry and (2) Pakistan’s Punjab provincial school education department. 17 Capacity required to start EduTV Content & related o Education video content to be curated [1] personnel o (Master) teachers / subject experts to present and support development of lessons. o Teachers to develop sequencing of lessons for TV broadcasting and/or Script Writers to develop TV lesson scripts. o Curriculum, syllabus, textbooks [2] , student learning objectives for each grade level (if possible, national averages of student performance data) TV broadcasting & o TV Studio & production equipment related personnel o Personnel with technical expertise with TV production, filming, editing & Turkey worked with national broadcasting broadcaster TRT to set up 3 o Partnerships with pan-country TV networks for widest possible coverage of separate channels in SD & HD. EduTV channel(s)/content (e.g. through media regulatory authority, partnerships with private & public TV operators) [1] [2] Consider copyright issues when sourcing content and print material. Back to Section Overview 18 Cost Elements & Keeping costs low Biggest cost Keeping costs low elements (in the short term) • Communication strategy • Instead of developing, curate existing content. • Content development and production (e.g. • Leverage staff already on government payroll (e.g. teachers, research, filming, editing, assembly) content developers). • Copyright fees • Leverage existing TV production expertise and infrastructure • Broadcast transmission costs (or network usage (e.g. (e.g. faculty, students or IT boards with expertise in TV fees) broadcasting (e.g. Pakistan, Rwanda). • Staff expenses • Work with media regulatory authority/TV providers to • Translation/Dubbing broadcast content widely at subsidised/no cost (e.g. Pakistan). • Storage and distribution of content • Work with Telecom companies to ensure mass messaging & calling is at subsidised/no cost and for zero-rating complimentary online educational online platforms. Example of costs in the short- Example of long-term cost Example for keeping costs (from term (from Punjab-Pakistan case breakdown (from Punjab-Pakistan Ubongo case study): There are no study): Punjab leverages existing case study): costs to countries for non-commercial resources (including personnel Broadcasting: 40%; Human resource use of African edutainment provider, and equipment) to launch its (including design & management): Ubongo’s content for EduTV. For EduTV initiative ‘Taleem Ghar’. 40%; Operational expenses: localizing content, translation could be Only cost incurred was for 8%; Communication: 5%; Utilities: the only cost. communication amounting to 5%; $15,000. Software & Connectivity: 2% Back to Section Overview 19 Challenges & Trade-Offs of EduTV and how to plan for them Challenges Trade Offs Coordination Evaluation of Supporting single TV TV as a one-way Speed & quantity of Complimentary across multiple student learning households with medium vs Other developing print material to organisations, & program multiple children, girl mediums programs vs Quality EduTV vs authorities & TV impact. children & electricity of programs Difficulty of operators. instability. [1] distribution Planning for Challenges Planning for Trade Offs Work with Use different TV lessons can be Use different Mid-point leaning towards Work with central ways to make grouped together by ways to make quality is good as high- central government to EduTV engaging grade to so all EduTV engaging quality programs is likely to government to ensure EduTV is and interactive. children can learn in and interactive. be watched repeatedly & ensure EduTV is made a key (See a day. Provide (See draws in parents to watch made a key priority during strengthening repetitions & strengthening with children, which priority during emergencies. student learning) rebroadcasts across student improves learning . (See emergencies. channels & learning) Ubongo case study) mediums, especially weekends. [1] Girl children are more likely to support chores & caretaking, etc. (USAID 2020). Back to Section Overview 20 Overview: How can Education TV programming be implemented? 4. HOW? o What are the key implementation steps to start/enhance EduTV? o 5 things to do to start EduTV o 5 things to do to enhance EduTV o Case Study Overviews: Insights from around the world o China o Korea o Pakistan o Ubongo, Africa o Sesame Workshop, Global o Examples of World Bank projects with EduTV components (during COVID-19) o Where can I learn more? Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. Back to main overview 5 Things to do to start EduTV programming (Implementation Steps) 1 2 3 4 5 Identify TV Develop and/or Support Broadcasting Create Develop a robust curate EduTV students, channels & scheduling communication lesson content parents, amplify strategy teachers programming Types of o Start with o Develop schedules o Communicate before o Provide technical & programming: Government TV o Share them widely EduTV launch pedagogical support o Live broadcasters broadcasters o Provide socio- o Communicate o Pre-recorded emotional support o Leverage private continuously and o Collect & use broadcasts broadcasters widely continuous feedback o Edutainment o Repeat & rebroadcast o Organise all resources programs programs. into one place online Live broadcast in South Africa Jamaica provides 36 India broadcasts EduTV Schedule from Turkey. Brazil shares communication helplines for parents. lessons on 32 free channels. on its education ministry website. Back to Section Overview 22 1 Develop and/or curate EduTV lesson content (Types of EduTV programs) (1) Live broadcasts (2) Pre-recorded content (3) Edutainment programs • What is this? Involves recording a teacher • What is this? Involves curating existing on- • What is this? These provide education in teaching a live lesson in a staged demand video content aligned to the the form of entertainment and are classroom setting and broadcasting the curriculum and programmed into TV typically extremely engaging. recorded lesson on TV (e.g. Morocco, schedules for broadcasting (e.g. Croatia). South Africa, Turkey, UAE). • How to produce? Source content from • How to produce? Source existing content Private providers including non-profits • How to produce? This content is directly from local EduTV programs, work with (e.g. Blue’s Clues, Teletubbies, Sesame aligned to the curriculum [1]. private providers with on-demand content, Workshop, Ubongo). Pedagogically strong teachers can be used use Open Education Resources, leverage to produce these quickly as be a low-cost content from international partners that can rapid production (e.g. Kenya). quickly be contextualised and mapped to curriculum (eg. Spain, Khan Academy). [1] To use textbooks for programming, consider resolving copyright issues first. [2] Consider video quality when using existing online videos for TV programs (as videos are typically compressed when hosting online) & licensing and copyright issues. [3] In the immediate short term, creation of such programs is not advised given its time and cost intensiveness. Instead, consider sourcing, curating and obtaining intellectual property rights for existing edutainment content from local, regional or Back to Section Overview 23 2 Identify TV Broadcasting channels & amplify programming Start with Government TV Leverage private Rebroadcast programs to amplify broadcasters. broadcasters. reach and increase uptake. Quickest way to start, including • Multiple channels and timings - Repeat broadcasting of This will enhance reach of EduTV by redirecting government owned EduTV to cover multiple grade levels simultaneously (e.g. leveraging reach of private providers in channels dedicated to other themes. India, Turkey). This increases access to EduTV for families countries where government owned TV (eg. Morocco). with multiple children and one TV, especially girl children networks are limited (e.g. Mexico). who are more likely support with home chores [2]. • • Multiple mediums - Make programs available as on- Work with the media regulatory • Consider leveraging broadcast authorities who deals with cable demand content [3]. This can be on education ministry licenses if they include national operators to get EduTV content website; its YouTube channel (eg. Kenya); its mobile app emergency mandates or mandatory broadcast across TV operators (eg. (eg. Pakistan); national television network website (eg. public service requirements for PEMRA in Pakistan) China); or radio (e.g. Rwanda). airtime. Morocco leveraged its Mexico works with India broadcasts sports channel to multiple channels to EduTV content on broadcast EduTV. broadcast content. 32 free channels. [1] [2] See slide on ‘Challenges’ for more details. [3] Work with Telecom companies to zero rate these online educational Back to Section Overview 24 3 Create scheduling EduTV schedule from Mexico Countries can provide student- Develop simple schedules for friendly daily and weekly schedules when, where and for whom on their education ministry website (grade level, subject) EduTV (e.g. Mongolia), on education programming will be broadcast television network websites (e.g. (e.g. Bhutan, Korea, Turkey). India), on institutional websites (e.g. This is critical to EduTV success. Kenya), on radio (eg. Ubongo), etc. EduTV schedule from Mongolia Back to Section Overview 25 4 Develop a robust communication strategy Communicate before EduTV launch Clearly communicate who, when and where these programs can be accessed before its launch. Build excitement around it (e.g. Brazil). Communicate continuously and widely Continuous communication across all possible ways to amplify awareness & uptake of EduTV (eg. West Bank and Gaza). Examples of ways to communicate: • Ads via print (e.g. newspapers, hoardings), TV or radio; mass messaging & circulating short teaser videos via text messages or WhatsApp (e.g. Peru, Pakistan); updates via social media like Facebook (e.g. Rwanda), websites of education ministries (e.g. Belize) and education television networks (e.g. Korea). • Make announcements on speakers in communities/local religious institutions (e.g. China, Pakistan) Croatia organises all related communication • Work with ministers to launch EduTV/share communication on social media to on its education ministry website. increase media coverage (e.g. Pakistan). • Leverages schools & teachers to communicate with students & families. Back to Section Overview 26 5 Support beneficiaries (students, parents/caregivers, educators) Provide Technical & Pedagogical support Collect and use continuous Feedback • Technical Support - Use toll-free call centre helplines, WhatsApp • Pedagogical feedback - To understand effectiveness, improve numbers, email addresses, chatbots to provide technical assistance programming & increase uptake of EduTV, enable two-way (e.g. Turkey). communication, continuous feedback and insights from users (e.g. • Pedagogical Support - Leverage teachers for this (e.g. China, India, Pakistan, Russia) China). Provide support & subsidise teacher communication (calls, • Non-pedagogical feedback – Collect data on the use of EduTV (e.g. text messages, data) TRPs, website hits, app downloads, YouTube views) to understand & improve programming. Provide Socio-emotional support Organise all resources into one place online • Why provide this? Transition to education entirely through TV is (‘landing page’) difficult for students, caregivers and educators. Socio-emotional support will ease the transition. • Why provide this? This simplifies access to resources & increases • How? Provide multiple helplines to support parents (e.g. Jamaica uptake, especially for less digitally literate beneficiaries. has 36). Communicate directly with students, parents, teachers • How? Organise all broadcast schedules, links to re/broadcasts, through videos, live streams/chats, letter of encouragement, TV helpline numbers, mobile app, feedback form & related resources - programs, etc. (eg. Croatia, Spain). Turkey has a “Parent Hour” on all in one landing page (e.g. Brazil, Nigeria). TV. Belize organises communication on its education ministry website. Turkey has a Command & Control Centre for monitoring & improvement Back to Section Overview 27 5 Things to consider to enhance programming (Implementation Steps) 1 2 3 4 5 Use multiple ways to Use Support & Leverage Plan to use strengthen complimentary leverage stakeholders in EduTV beyond student multi-media teachers & the ecosystem the short term engagement approaches parents and learning o Leverage o Online Mediums o Leveraging and o Teachers o Impact Evaluation teachers & print Supporting o Distance Education o Private Sector Organisations material Teachers o Strengthen o Mobile Phones o Content Developers communication system o Enhance EduTV o Expertise with TV production o Leveraging and between students, Programming o Radio/Speakers Supporting Parents & infrastructure teachers, families o Government agencies, o Provide academic o Phones departments & officials certification o Media regulatory authorities o Use EduTV in teaching and/or Television networks lessons in schools o Telecom operators Back to Section Overview 28 1 Use multiple ways to strengthen student engagement and learning Leverage teachers & print material Present TV Live Q&A sessions - Live Leverage local Questions during live Formative Print material - Assign Lessons - Q&A sessions after TV teachers for 1:1 broadcast - Teachers can ask assessments - homework after TV lessons Pedagogically lessons can be used to support – This can be questions during TV lesson & Teachers can use (eg. Korea). This can be strong teacher ask/answer lesson after EduTV pause for replies. Students phone calls [1] to graded by teachers once can be selected doubts. Questions can be lessons/larger Q&A can send SMS responses. SMS conduct short schools reopen (eg. & trained to collected via SMS, sessions by answering short codes can be set up to formative assessment Bangladesh) or on a weekly present TV WhatsApp, live chat on doubts (via phone provide automated responses of TV lessons. This basis - transported by lessons. the website broadcast. calls, WhatsApp), to students. Parents can data can be used to healthcare volunteers (e.g. These sessions can be assessing homework, support younger students to improve programming Spain). Teachers can give rebroadcasted & online providing feedback respond verbally (eg. as well. feedback over phone calls platforms zero-rated. (e.g. China). Pakistan, Ubongo). (e.g. China). Enhance EduTV Programming User-centric design - Repeat programming - For edutainment Visual & auditory Create programming based Attention span - programs, for younger children, experience - Use video on student-centred Consider attention repetition of the same episode for up to 7 editing to enhance research, tested with span of students days in a row is more impactful than new learning experience for children & families during (by age) when episodes daily. For older students, students (eg. Korea, the design phase (eg. producing repetition once in 3 months can Pakistan). Ubongo & Sesame programs. strengthen concepts taught. (e.g. Workshop). Ubongo). [1] Work with Telecom operators to waive calling expenses for teachers. Back to Section Overview 29 2 Use complimentary multi-media approaches Online Mediums [1] - Use websites (e.g. Mobile Phones – Use mass messaging via SMS, WhatsApp, Call EduTV network, education ministry), YouTube[2], centre helpdesks to: Mobile Apps[3] to: • Build awareness like, sharing schedules • Rebroadcast EduTV programs as video on • Sign up to SMS short code service to receive EduTV updates demand (eg. Brazil, Ghana, Madagascar) • Share reminders/nudges (e.g. Ubongo) • Organising everything in one place (e.g. • Collecting Qs from students regarding lessons Argentina, El Salvador) • Receive feedback • Collecting lesson doubts & feedback • Conduct formative assessments • Host live Q&A session with teachers [4] • Provide technical, pedagogical & socio-emotional support • Short activities for parents to support younger children during programs (e.g. Ubongo) • Share adapted TV lessons (e.g. Turkey) Radio/Speakers/USB to: Print – Use print material (e.g. newspaper, postcards, textbooks) to: • Use USB devices to distribute TV lessons that can be plugged into TVs and viewed as on-demand • Provide TV lesson supplementary activities content. (e.g. Ubongo) • Map lesson content to textbooks so students can follow along • Use radio/speakers to build awareness, sharing lessons or use as reference material (eg. Mexico) schedules verbally, share reminders/nudges (e.g. • Provide supplementary worksheets/assignments (eg. China) Argentina, Bangladesh, Spain) [5] [1] Work with Telcom companies to zero-rate/subsidise online platforms to ensure unfettered access for students. [2] Use a YouTube channel if country websites (EduTV/education ministry) cannot handle increased traffic. [3] For the short term, consider repurposing an existing school app if possible (eg. Pakistan). [4] [5] See ‘strengthening student Back to Section Overview 30 3 Support & leverage teachers & parents Leverage and support Teachers Leverage and Support Parents/Caregivers • In the short term to: • Leverage parental supervision for students to watch EduTV, • Develop lesson sequencing for TV broadcasts; develop & complete assignments, contact teachers for after class present TV lessons; curate & align content to curriculum tutoring, (where possible) support student learning at home or student learning objectives (eg. China). • Strengthen student learning through interactive elements • Provide support for home-schooling like learning activities for [1] parents to do with children (e.g. Ubongo) • Provide technical, pedagogical & socio-emotional support & • Beyond the short term to: encouragement (e.g. Jamaica has 36 helplines for parents) • Continue to develop EduTV, especially gap content. • Broadcast edutainment episodes geared towards parents & • Use EduTV in their teaching – either in the classroom or children alike to ensure families can enjoy & learn together. remote teaching (education in emergencies / out-of-school Research shows that younger children learn better when children). Provide support (e.g. professional development, watching edutainment programs with parents. (e.g. Sesame incentives) to teachers for this. Workshop & Ubongo) [1] See ‘strengthening student engagement’ slide [2] See ‘Support Beneficiaries’ slide for more Back to Section Overview 31 4 Leverage stakeholders in the ecosystem to enhance EduTV programs Students – To get feedback during market testing EduTV content as well as to participate in development of lessons, especially live lessons and edutainment programs. Teachers & Educators – To support EduTV lessons, student engagement, assessments, feedback. [1] Parents/Caregivers – To support student learning at home and to get feedback during market testing of EduTV content. TV production experts – To develop TV lesson broadcasts. Private sector (local & international) – To leverage existing education content for EduTV lessons (eg. Mexico) as well as develop video content for TV broadcasts Government departments & agencies – To coordinate different aspects of EduTV programming & support structures like helplines, MoE websites (e.g. IT Board) & communication (e.g. district officials, teachers). Media regulatory authorities and/or Television networks (public & private) – To leverage reach of TV networks to broadcast EduTV programs widely. Telecom operators – To expand access to the Internet by subsidising/zero-rating educational online platforms, to set up short SMS codes & helplines to improve interactive elements of EduTV. Back to Section Overview 32 5 Plan beyond the short term Impact evaluation Use this programming to Establish a standard Provide academic Incentivise and of EduTV start/enhance EduTV for communication system certification for support teachers programming and out-of-school children between the education distance learning to use EduTV in student learning [1] (eg. Mexico, Sierra TV network, education students for school lessons outcomes Leone, Korea) as well as ministry, schools, completing EduTV aligned to the for a standard operating students/families based learning. curriculum. procedures for education in emergencies [2]. [1] Out-of-school students are likely to increase after COVID-19 as low-income families will be further resource constrained and may not be able to afford schooling which will exacerbate the opportunity cost of sending kids to school. [2] Emergencies are more frequent than we think. Almost every week around the world, schools in cities across the world are closed due to an emergencies (eg. floods, hurricanes, storms, forest fires, earthquakes, disease, terrorism, etc.) and education is disrupted. EduTV programming can be used as an education in emergency standard protocol. Back to Section Overview 33 Case Studies: Insights from across countries & Edutainment providers Case Studies based on Countries Case Studies on Edutainment Providers China: Ministry of Education Ubongo, Africa Korea: Ministry of Education Sesame Workshop, Global Pakistan: Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training and School Education Department of Punjab provincial government Back to Section Overview 34 Examples of World Bank projects with EduTV components (during COVID-19) Below are examples of DRAFT [1] versions of COVID-19 Education Response World Bank project documents from across countries that include education TV programming components. These may be helpful references for World Bank staff while drafting similar project components. [2] Non-World Bank staff see footnote [3] for access. Ethiopia (P174206) Rwanda (P174046) Ghana (P165557) Sudan (P174220) Kenya (P174059) Togo (P174166) Madagascar (P160442) Uganda (P174033) Back to Section Overview [1] These are draft projects documents (PIDs/PADs). Hence, they may be updated significantly. Please use the P code to access the final project documents. [2] There are many more such projects. Shared here are those whose documents were accessible when developing this Knowledge Pack. [3[ Non-World Bank staff can also access these documents through this external page using the project codes above (e.g. P174026). These will be shared onto the external page once they are 35 Where can I learn more? Policy Briefing - “Rapid Response Podcast interviews by the World Bank EdTech team on Guidance Note: Educational Television Education TV during COVID-19: & COVID-19”, World Bank, April 2020. • Ubongo: Apple | Spotify | Anchor • Sesame Workshop: Apple | Spotify | Anchor • Pakistan Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training: Apple | Spotify | Anchor Blog - “Educational television during COVID-19: How to start and what to consider ” (4 pages), World Bank, April Detailed Case Study - “Pakistan - TeleSchool and 2020. Taleem Ghar (Educational TV at Home)”, World Bank, September 2020. Examples from countries – “How countries are using Academic Paper - “Secondary School EdTech (including online learning, radio, television, Expansion through Televised Lessons: texting) to support access to remote learning during Labor Market Returns of the Mexican the COVID-19 pandemic”. This includes 50+ Edu TV Telesecundaria”, Laia Navarro-Sola, 2019 examples from around the world. Back to Section Overview 36 Acknowledgements Special acknowledgement and gratitude to the following people for supporting this work: Case Study on TeleSchool (initiative of Pakistan’s Case study on South Korea: SunA Kim Federal education ministry, MOFEPT): Umbreen Arif and team from Korea Education and Umair Javed Broadcasting Service (EBS) of Korea Case Study on Taleem Ghar (initiative of school Case Study on Ubongo: Nisha education department of provincial Punjab within Ligon, Cliodhna Ryan and Doreen Pakistan): Abdal Mufti from Punjab’s School Education Kessy Department; Kashif Farooq, Adnan Khan and Mahnoor Shakeel Rajput from Punjab IT Board (PITB) Case study on China: Yidan Wang from Education Case Study on Sesame Workshop: Global Practise, World Bank Danny Libin, Shanna Kohn and Alana Tummino Guidance on Knowledge Pack: Yidan Wang, Julia Liberman, Kumar Vivek and Pragati Tiwari from The World Bank Back to main overview Overview: In this section, find additional resources. 5. Annex • Annex 1: Forms of TV distribution technologies • Annex 2: Decision Tree used by Pakistan education ministry (MOFEPT) for EduTV quick start during COVID-19 • Annex 3: Decision Tree used by Pakistan’s Punjab provincial School Education Department (SED) for EduTV quick start during COVID-19 • Detailed Case Studies: • China: 5 Highlights from the Case Study • Korea: 5 Highlights from the Case Study • Pakistan: 5 Highlights from the Case Study • Ubongo: 5 Highlights from the Case Study • Sesame Workshop: 5 Highlights from the Case Study Click on any hyperlink to jump directly to the section. Back to main overview Annex 1: Forms of TV distribution technologies Source: ITU, 2014 [1] [2] [3] Note: [1] Some Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) can be free. [2] Many free to air TV channels have IPTV livestreams as well. [3] Another way to distribute content to be used on TV is via USB devices. Ubongo distributes its content on USB devices that can directly be plugged to TVs and viewed as on demand content. Back to Main Overview 39 Annex 2: Decision Tree used by Pakistan education ministry (MOFEPT) for EduTV quick start during COVID-19 Date Action/Step Remarks 13 March 2020 Committee formed at Ministry to formulate actions on continued learning during closure of educational institutions Quick analysis of methods available to continue learning 16 March 2020 First meeting with Pakistan Television on availability of dedicated TV channel Broad contours agreed 17 March 2020 Meeting with content providers/Ed-tech companies Partners agreed to provide content pro bono till COVID19 crisis remains 17 March 2020 Committee recommends TV channel as viable option on continued learning Digital platforms other method, not enough coverage 18 March 2020 Second meeting with Pakistan Television Detailed costing, timings provided 18 March 2020 Emergency Learning Centre established at Federal Directorate of Education with a dedicated team of 60 subject Identification of curriculum SLOs, review of available content and broad timetabling of and time-tabling specialists contents. Work continues till date on daily basis. 19 March 2020 Preparation of concept note on potential emergency education funding World Bank funding Led by Ministry’s Technical Advisor 20 March 2020 Pakistan’s Planning Commission approves concept note Led by Ministry’s Secretary and Technical Advisor 20 March 2020 Pakistan television formally asked to finalize arrangements for TV channel Technical and administrative arrangements begin 21 March 2020 World Bank Project that includes emergency education funding for continued learning agreed with Government of Negotiations started 9 am and concluded 10 pm Pakistan (PREP) 25 March 2020 MOU signed with Pakistan Television In presence of Federal Minister for Education 26 March 2020 Ministry makes national appeal for free educational content 350 responses received over next three days 27 March 2020 Technical Committee formed to lead work on World Bank PREP project Includes Ministry and National Disaster Relief Authority officials 28 March 2020 First meeting of Technical Committee Approves procurement framework 1 April 2020 Federal Minister for Education tours Emergency Learning Centre and is briefed about on-going work Minister appreciates work done by various teams 2 April 2020 Meeting with Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU agrees to provide pre-airing editorial services 3 April 2020 Logo of Teleschool approved by Federal Minister for Education Received one day earlier 3 April 2020 Broadcast details of TV channel forwarded to Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority to ensure that all Discussed with PEMRA beforehand on telephone cable operators carry channel 3 April 2020 Communication agencies briefed on upcoming channel Given 3 days to come up with electronic and social media ideas 4-5 April 2020 Teams at Emergency Learning Centre and AIOU work to finalize Day 1 and 2 broadcast content Work continues on rolling basis till date 6 April 2020 Communication agency finalized Subsequent work to finalize adverts 7 April 2020 Meeting with Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, Digital Pakistan Initiative, and Telecom operators for support Preliminaries of a two-way SMS system, e-portal discussed on continued learning 7 April 2020 Teasers of upcoming channel launched on PTV Done by PTV 9 April 2020 Teleschool channel graphical themes finalized and final editing of Day 1 begins at PTV Subsequent on rolling basis 9 April 2020 Test-transmission of Teleschool channel begins From PTV Islamabad with ‘Coming Soon’ loop 10 April 2020 Prime Minister of Pakistan formally requested to inaugurate Teleschool on 13 April 2020 Approved same day 10 April 2020 Media campaign for Teleschool approved Spread over one week 10 April 2020 Pakistan Telecommunication Authority requested to send nationwide SMS about upcoming launch of Teleschool In English and Urdu 12 April 2020 Prime Minister launches Teleschool At PM’s office 13 April 2020 Formal broadcast of Teleschool begins at 8 am At last!!! Back to Main Overview 40 Annex 3: Decision Tree used by Pakistan’s Punjab provincial School Education Department (SED) for EduTV quick start during COVID-19 Back to Main Overview 41 China, Ministry of Education: 5 Highlights from the Case Study Why China? China has one of the longest histories of using education television for teacher training and adult learning. During COVID-19, China implemented the strategy “Suspending Classroom without Suspending Learning” by launching EduTV to reach out all students. Reaching all students Because of high TV penetration across China, the Ministry of Education (MoE) launched EduTV to teach basic education curriculum for elementary and secondary students. The EduTV is broadcasted through China Education Television Channel 4 (CETV4) every day through satellite as well as cable TV. This reaches almost all students, including those from remote and disadvantaged areas as well as areas with limited/no internet. According to MoE data, 97.1% of students did not suspend learning during the educational disruption. Leveraging & Supporting After the EduTV lessons, local schoolteachers are responsible for tutoring students by answering their questions through various Teachers mediums, assessing homework and providing feedback to students. Support was provided for teachers through remote learning seminars on how to address student questions. Leveraging Parents Parents play important roles in remote learning of students. Their supervision is leveraged to ensure students watch EduTV lessons, complete homework assigned during these lessons and contact teachers for after-class tutoring, as well as for clearing lessons doubts. Communication between Students, teachers and parents communicate through phone calls, WeChat (similar to WhatsApp) and text messaging to ensure smooth teachers, students & and continuous communication and support between them. parents Communicating with In remote areas and villages, teachers are using public radio and speakers to provide supplementary support to EduTV lessons and to students in remote areas broadcast messages (eg. Guizhou, China). Back to Section Overview 42 Korea, Ministry of Education : 5 Highlights from the Case Study Why Korea? Korea has one of the longest experiences of deploying EduTV during COVID-19 school closures. Its EduTV organisation, Korea Education Broadcasting System (EBS) also provides support to other countries to set up their own EduTV programming (e.g. Vietnam, Cambodia, Paraguay, Uzbekistan, Lao PDR amongst others). Korea leverages and supports To produce programming suitable for educational continuity, Korea ensures school-teachers participate in developing TV teachers for EduTV lessons. lessons and lessons are aligned to curriculum & textbooks . Korea provides support to teachers to develop innovative, engaging EduTV lessons. Korea’s EduTV supports all EBS deployed 12 EduTV channels during COVID-19 to ensure content for all 12 grades can be covered effectively. content across all grade levels. Korea uses multiple ways to Assignments are given to students aligned to TV lessons that allows teachers to assess how much students have learnt as well ensure student engagement and ensures students make use of the EduTV lessons. Korea enhances the visual & auditory experience for students (e.g. using graphics to highlight key points of the lesson). learning during TV lessons. Korea works with stakeholders to Korea EBS works closely with the education ministry to ensure EduTV programs are relevant and widely used by students and improve programming. teachers. EBS constantly collects and acts on feedback on its programming. Korea works on keeping EduTV Some ways include: a crisis response manual for education TV; an established communication system between costs low. EBS, education ministry, schools & families; a ready pool of teachers (with extensive content production know-how) willing to create content on short notice; integrated online and offline platform that allows easy access to EduTV content, etc. Back to Section Overview 43 Pakistan, Federal ministry & Punjab department of education: 5 Highlights from the Case Study Why Pakistan? Within a matter of weeks of school closures, Pakistan deployed 2 EduTV initiatives as remote learning: ‘ TeleSchool’ by its Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training and ‘ Taleem Ghar ’ by the School Education Department of the province of Punjab. This is a great example of swift response by governments to support equitable learning for all children during emergencies that is easily replicable by other countries. Pakistan deployed 2 EduTV initiatives Within a matter of 3 weeks, the School Education Department (SED) of the province of Punjab in Pakistan deployed its EduTV within the span of a few weeks. initiative ‘ Taleem Ghar ’ and similarly, within 4 weeks, Pakistan’s federal education ministry, the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (MoFEPT) deployed ‘ TeleSchool’. Pakistan leveraged existing education The federal education ministry (MoFEPT) worked with private education partners who offered existing education content for content to be programmed into TV free to be used as part of the TV lessons. Punjab’s SED leveraged content previously created by the provincial government for teacher training and adapted it for TV lessons for students. Taleem Ghar team (Punjab) created 8 new animated characters lessons for a swift response. (e.g. Miss P(a)i, Miss Curie, Mr. Isaac Newton) to adapt this content to make it student-friendly. Pakistan involved teachers to support Pakistan leveraged teachers and subject specialists to support the development of TV programming. This includes developing TV lesson programming. the sequencing of lessons; aligning existing content to the curriculum and student learning objectives; developing TV lesson scripts, voice overs for TV lessons, etc. Pakistan used continuous & varied Communication campaigns involved print ads, TV ads, and leveraging ministers to amplify awareness on social media, forms of communication to spread including leveraging the Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Chief Minister of Punjab. The Taleem Ghar team shared 30-second awareness of EduTV to all communities. teaser videos via WhatsApp & social media to build excitement. Punjab also made announcements in local mosques to ensure the communication reaches those without access to other media. A helpline was set up by the TeleSchool team well before its launch to provide additional support to students & parents/caregivers. Pakistan organised all related resources A Taleem Ghar website has been set up that organises all related resources in one place to make it easy for students and into a landing page to make it easy for parents/caregivers to use them. This includes broadcast & rebroadcast schedules, links to rebroadcasts, link to its mobile app, feedback portal, etc. The TeleSchool team will soon be launching a similar portal as well called e-Taleem. students & parents to access & use EduTV. Back to Section Overview 44 Ubongo, Africa: 5 Highlights from the Case Study Why Ubongo? Ubongo is an edutainment organisation that uses contextual and inclusive content to support learning for children in Africa. Impact evaluations show strong impact on children and parents/caregivers in Tanzania. Ubongo uses program repetition to For younger children, the same EduTV program episode is repeated up to 7 days in a row as research shows that this is more increase impact of its programs. impactful for children learning than broadcasting new content daily for younger students. Learning increases each time children re- watch it. Younger students enjoy repetition. For older children, repetition is used once in 3 months as it helps to strengthen the concept being taught. Ubongo uses simple and unique ways Ubongo uses simple mobile phones and microphones to capture voice recordings for characters its programs during COVID-19. It to continue developing programming takes them about 1 hour to record 5 minutes of voice recording for programming since many rounds of practise, trial and error are involved. They purposefully see challenges (like children's voices in the background while recording) as opportunities to make their during COVID-19. recordings reflect realities of the lockdown. For children voices during the lockdown, since children cannot come to studios, Ubongo is considering using voice mapping software to map adult recordings to pre-recorded voices of children. Ubongo works with African Ubongo is sharing its content (including typically paid content) with governments and broadcasters for free to be used as part of governments to provide support with EduTV programming. It has mapped its content (as well as non-Ubongo content) to national curriculums. It also provides templates EduTV programming during COVID-19. for mapping its content to national curriculum, existing EduTV resources and language requirements of countries. Ministries can thus easily use Ubongo content as part of EduTV programming. Ubongo also distributes its content on USB devices that can directly be plugged to TVs and viewed as on demand content. Ubongo uses text messaging and IVR An Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system provides free audio lessons to callers by leveraging radio content repackaged into mini systems to complement its EduTV phone-based lessons. Text messages are used to share reminders and scheduling about upcoming programs, activities for students/parents to engage their children in, adaptive quizzes regarding the content of their programming as well as nudges. For programs. example, a nudge text message reads: “Did you know that if kids watch Akili and Me with their parents, they learn better? Tune in at 8pm to watch together.” Ubongo distributes its TV Ubongo distributes its edutainment TV programming content on USB sticks programming content on Back to Section Overview 45 Sesame Workshop, Global: 5 Highlights from the Case Study Why Sesame Workshop? Sesame Workshops has 50 years of experience with edutainment programs for children across more than 150 countries in more than 30 languages. Several impact evaluations show the effectiveness of Sesame Workshop programs for children. Sesame Workshop provides its COVID- Sesame Workshop’s program, Caring for Each Other, is its new initiative focused on 3 areas: prevention, learning from home and 19 content in 35+ languages to be coping with illness. This content has been adapted in over 35 languages. The content features Raya, the global health ambassador Muppet. Raya, since her creation has helped children in 15 countries and today speaks over 30 languages. Raya’s messages are being used across countries. shared by Ministries (eg. Mexico) and and international NGO partners on broadcast, digital, and other platforms. Sesame Workshop makes its content Sesame Workshop creates content through an iterative research-based approach, aligned with the local curriculum. They engage engaging and locally relevant. local experts to develop a culturally meaningful curriculum that ties to local and measurable learning objectives. They employ formative and summative impact evaluations to continuously improve programming. Sesame Workshop also trains caregivers and service providers to use its resources in classrooms and communities. Sesame Workshop use a lean version During the lockdown, new content is being created rapidly with a collapsed, virtual version of their standard iterative process to of its research process during COVID- ensure high quality. For example, in the Middle East, the International Rescue Committee tested digital delivery of early childhood development audio messages, Ahlan Simsim video and print materials with groups of caregivers through WhatsApp. 19 to ensure its content is impactful. Sesame Workshop uses (1) An Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system has been set up in India where people watching the local program, Galli Galli Sim Sim, complementary approaches to can call a number for related resources. Their call is returned so they are not billed for the call. (2) During Sesame Workshop broadcasts in Mexico, a WhatsApp number is displayed at the bottom of the screen that parents can text to get related material that enhance the impact of its programs. can be accessed on their phones. Sesame uses simple ideas to quickly In some cases, Sesame Workshop changes the background images of the edutainment programs to localise the content to the contextualise its content. country or region it is being broadcast in. Content is created with universality in mind so that this can be easily done. Back to Section Overview 46 Connect with World Bank’s EdTech team Twitter World Bank EdTech webpage and resources Medium Posts (Weekly/Monthly mailers) Blogs Podcast: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Anchor Email: • Internal: @EDTECH • External: | Back to main overview