Procurement Plan

I. General

2.      Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan: March, 2017
3.      Date of General Procurement Notice: June 14, 2013.
4.      Period covered by this procurement plan: March 31 to Jan 2018.

II. Goods, Works, Consultant and Non-Consulting Services.

1.      Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by
        the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement:

             Type of Procurement             Prior Review Threshold       Comments
                                                  US$ (Millions)
1.     Works (Including turnkey, supply &               5                High
       installation of plant and equipment
       and PPP)
2.     (Goods; Information Technology &                  1.5             High
       Non-Consulting Services)
3.     Consultant Services (Firms)                       0.5             High
4.     Consultant Services (Individual                   0.2             High

2.      Pre-qualification NA

3.      Proposed Procedures for CDD Components (as per paragraph. 3.17
        of the Guidelines: NA

4.      Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual:
        Available in Project files

5.      Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements NA

6.      Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of
     consultants for services, estimated to cost less than $300,000_equivalent per
     contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the
     provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.

7.      All TORs for the procurement of consultants services irrespective of the
        estimated cost of the assignment shall be reviewed and cleared by the TTL

8.      Operating expenditures are neither subject to the Procurement and
        Consultant Guidelines nor prior or post reviews. Operating expenditures are
        normally verified by TTLs and FM specialists and obtained using the
        Borrower’s national procurement and administrative procedures.

March 17, 2017
9.   Renewal or extension of individual consultant’s contracts hired for technical
     assistance and which are intended for a long-term period but signed for an
     initial period shorter than the duration of the project, and that have been
     prior reviewed, do not require procurement clearance if there is no
     substantial change in the terms and conditions of the contract.

March 17, 2017
                  Uganda : Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP)
General Information
Country:             Uganda                             Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:     2017-04-19
                                                        Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:          P130471                            GPN Date:
Project Name:        Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (CEDP)
Loan / Credit No:    IDA / 52690, IDA / 65380
                     Private Sector Foundation Uganda
Executing Agency(ies):

 Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                         Actual                                                                              Draft Bidding                                                                        Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                                             Procurement        Prequalification   High SEA/SH         nt                        Process          Draft Pre-qualification      Prequalification                            Specific Procurement   Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission /                                                   Contract
        Description                                     Component                Review Type        Method        Market Approach                                                                                Amount                                                                               Document /                                                                           and Recommendation         Signed Contract
                                     No.                                                                                                     Process               (Y/N)             Risk        Document                       Status                Documents             Evaluation Report                             Notice / Invitation           Issued         Opening / Minutes                                                    Completion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (US$)                                                                               Justification                                                                              for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planned      Actual       Planned      Actual     Planned     Actual     Planned     Actual     Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned     Actual    Planned    Actual

Construction of the proposed                     Business Registration and                                                               Single Stage - One                                                     14,933,707.                                                                                                                                                                                                               2019-02-
                                IDA / 52690                                   Prior            Request for Bids   Open - International                                                                                        Signed                                                              2017-05-02 2017-05-09 2017-05-08 2017-05-11                         2017-06-19            2017-07-31 2017-09-29 2017-09-04 2017-11-15
Uganda Business Facilitation                     Business Licensing Reforms                                                              Envelope                                                                        95                                                                                                                                                                                                                  26

 UG-PSFU-18353-CW-RFB /
                                                 Tourism Development                                                                     Single Stage - One                                                     4,450,029.5                                                                                                                                                                                                               2018-05-
Proposed construction of          IDA / 52690                                 Prior            Request for Bids   Open - International                                                                                        Signed                                                              2017-08-03 2017-09-07 2017-08-08 2017-09-11                         2017-09-19 2017-11-16 2017-10-19 2018-01-02 2017-11-23 2018-03-06
                                                 Initiatives                                                                             Envelope                                                                         9                                                                                                                                                                                                                  22
Hotel facilities for UHTTI, Jinja

 UG-PSFU-96980-CW-DIR /
Cabling for data network,                        Business Registration and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2016-10-
                                IDA / 52690                                   Post             Direct Selection   Direct                                                                                              0.00    Implementat                                                         2016-04-03             2016-04-08                                                                                2016-04-25
electrical and lighting for                      Business Licensing Reforms                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  22
Nakivubo office

 UG-PSFU-243417-CW-RFB /
UHTTI Phase II construction                                                                                                                                                                      Request for
works consisting of an Office                                                                                                                                                                    Bids - Small                 Pending
                                                 Tourism Development                                                                     Single Stage - One                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2022-06-
Block, Students Instructional  IDA / 65380                                    Post             Request for Bids   Open - International                                                           Works SPD (1         0.00    Implementat                                                         2021-08-13             2021-08-18                                   2021-09-29            2021-10-29             2021-12-03
                                                 Initiatives                                                                             Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            01
Facilities, Sports Facilities,                                                                                                                                                                   envelope                     ion
Dormitories, Incinerator and                                                                                                                                                                     process)
an Infirmary

UG-PSFU-243429-CW-DIR /
COMPRISING OF AN                                                                                                                                                                                                              Under
                                                 Tourism Development                                                                                                                             Document - 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2022-06-
ADDITIONAL FLOOR ON THE         IDA / 65380                                   Post             Direct Selection   Direct                                                                                              0.00    Implementat                                                         2021-08-13 2021-09-08 2021-08-18 2021-08-16                                                                      2021-09-22
                                                 Initiatives                                                                                                                                     Envelope                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    19
HOTEL BLOCK AT THE                                                                                                                                                                                                            ion
                                                                                                                                                                                                 process (Non

 Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Draft Bidding                                                                        Bid Evaluation Report
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                                             Procurement        Prequalification   Actual Amount     Process      Draft Pre-qualification            Prequalification                               Specific Procurement   Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission /
        Description                                     Component                Review Type        Method        Market Approach                                                                                                                                              Document /                                                                           and Recommendation         Signed Contract     Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                                                     Process               (Y/N)             (US$)          Status            Documents                   Evaluation Report                                Notice / Invitation           Issued         Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Justification                                                                              for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planned        Actual           Planned      Actual       Planned       Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned      Actual     Planned     Actual     Planned     Actual

 UG-PSFU-18133-GO-RFB /
SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 3                         Tourism Development                                                                     Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 52690                                   Post             Request for Bids   Limited                                                                 0.00   Implementati                                                             2015-01-07              2015-02-02                                    2015-03-16            2015-04-10            2016-06-29             2017-01-30
UNITS OF 45 SEATER                               Initiatives                                                                             Envelope

 UG-PSFU-18348-GO-RFB /
SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FIVE                      Tourism Development                                                                     Single Stage - One
                            IDA / 52690                                       Post             Request for Bids   Open - International                                                    0.00   Implementati                                                             2015-01-07              2015-01-28                                    2015-03-16            2015-04-10            2016-06-29             2017-08-28
UNITS OF 52 SEATER                               Initiatives                                                                             Envelope

 UG-PSFU-18215-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                                                          Pending
                                                 Tourism Development                           Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and Delivery of 10 GPS   IDA / 52690                                   Post                                Limited                                                                 0.00   Implementati                                                                                     2016-12-14                                                                                2017-03-30             2017-06-30
                                                 Initiatives                                   Quotations                                Envelope
Handsets and 20 Binoculars.                                                                                                                                                                      on

 UG-PSFU-18235-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                                                          Pending
                                                 Tourism Development                           Request for                               Single Stage - One
Arabian Travel Market -         IDA / 52690                                   Post                                Limited                                                                 0.00   Implementati                                                                                     2017-05-05                                                                                2017-06-08             2017-07-10
                                                 Initiatives                                   Quotations                                Envelope
Branded Flash Disks.                                                                                                                                                                             on

 UG-PSFU-18256-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                                                          Pending
                                                 Business Registration and                     Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and Installation of 78   IDA / 52690                                   Post                                Limited                                                                 0.00   Implementati                                                                                     2017-04-21                                                                                2017-05-23             2017-06-23
                                                 Business Licensing Reforms                    Quotations                                Envelope
Software Licenses.                                                                                                                                                                               on

 UG-PSFU-18218-GO-RFQ /
Supply, Installation and
Commissioning Of Air                             Business Registration and                     Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 52690                                   Post                                Limited                                                                 0.00   Implementati                                                                                     2017-02-08                                                                                2017-06-30             2017-07-30
Conditioning System For One                      Business Licensing Reforms                    Quotations                                Envelope
Stop Shop At URSB Head

 UG-PSFU-40553-GO-RFB /                                                                                                                                                                          Under
                                                 Tourism Development                                                                     Single Stage - One
Procurement of 5 Game Game      IDA / 52690                                   Prior            Request for Bids   Open - International                                                    0.00   Implementati                                                             2017-12-29 2018-01-10 2018-01-03 2018-01-16                           2018-02-14 2018-02-28 2018-03-16            2018-04-20             2018-10-17
                                                 Initiatives                                                                             Envelope
Drive Trucks                                                                                                                                                                                     on

 UG-PSFU-80482-GO-RFB /
                                                 Tourism Development                                                                     Single Stage - One
Furniture, Fittings and         IDA / 52690                                   Prior            Request for Bids   Open - International                                                    0.00   Canceled                                                                 2018-10-19              2018-10-24                                    2018-12-05            2019-01-04            2019-02-08             2019-08-07
                                                 Initiatives                                                                             Envelope
Equipment for UHTTI

 UG-PSFU-97027-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                                                          Pending
                                                 Tourism Development                           Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of text     IDA / 52690                                   Post                                Open - National                                                         0.00   Implementati                                                                                     2018-05-07                                                                                2018-07-23             2019-01-19
                                                 Initiatives                                   Quotations                                Envelope
books                                                                                                                                                                                            on

 UG-PSFU-96645-GO-RFQ /
Supply and delivery of                           Tourism Development                           Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 52690                                   Post                                Open - National                                                         0.00   Implementati                                                                                     2018-10-28                                                                                2018-12-03             2019-06-01
furniture for the Decentralised                  Initiatives                                   Quotations                                Envelope
System of Data Capture

 UG-PSFU-97048-GO-RFQ /
Supply, delivery and
installation of assorted ICT                     Tourism Development                           Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 52690                                   Post                                Open - National                                                         0.00   Implementati                                                                                     2018-10-28                                                                                2019-01-14             2019-07-13
equipment for the                                Initiatives                                   Quotations                                Envelope
Decentralised System of Data

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 1
 UG-PSFU-97044-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                                Tourism Development                 Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of 200        IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2017-07-06                             2017-08-10   2018-02-06
                                                Initiatives                         Quotations                                Envelope
Text Books                                                                                                                                                on

 UG-PSFU-96940-GO-RFQ /
Design and printing of                                                              Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2017-12-15                             2018-02-09   2018-08-08
branded calendars and note                                                          Quotations                                Envelope
books for CEDP

 UG-PSFU-96942-GO-RFQ /
Supply and delivery of                          Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2018-03-10                             2018-05-05   2018-11-01
assorted furniture for the                      Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope
Resource Centre

 UG-PSFU-97078-GO-RFQ /
Supply, delivery, installation                  Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2016-05-28                             2016-08-29   2017-02-25
and commissioning Disaster                      Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope
Recovery Site Equipment

 UG-PSFU-96930-GO-RFQ /
Supply and delivery of office                   Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2016-05-30                             2016-10-10   2017-04-08
furniture for the One Stop                      Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope

 UG-PSFU-96918-GO-RFQ /
Supply, delivery, installation                  Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2016-07-17                             2016-10-10   2017-04-08
and commissioning of                            Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope
Network Core Equipment

 UG-PSFU-96965-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                                Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of archival IDA / 52690                                  Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2016-10-30                             2016-12-23   2017-06-21
                                                Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope
boxes                                                                                                                                                     on

 UG-PSFU-96686-GO-RFQ /
Supply and delivery of N-                       Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2016-10-28                             2017-03-06   2017-09-02
Computing and Switching                         Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope

 UG-PSFU-96995-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                                Tourism Development                 Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of 10 GPS     IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2016-12-25                             2017-02-19   2017-08-18
                                                Initiatives                         Quotations                                Envelope
Handsets and 20 Binoculars                                                                                                                                on

 UG-PSFU-97089-GO-RFQ /
Supply, delivery and                                                                                                                                      Pending
                                                Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
installation of an air            IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2017-02-20                             2017-04-17   2017-10-14
                                                Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope
conditioning system for the                                                                                                                               on

 UG-PSFU-96964-GO-RFQ /
Supply and delivery of                                                              Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2015-07-25                             2015-10-14   2016-04-11
furniture for the office of the                                                     Quotations                                Envelope
Executive Director

 UG-PSFU-96998-GO-RFQ /
Supply and delivery of                                                              Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2015-09-20                             2015-11-02   2016-04-30
assorted furniture for the                                                          Quotations                                Envelope
Project Coordination Unit

 UG-PSFU-96683-GO-RFQ /
Supply and Delivery of a                                                            Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2015-09-10                             2015-10-15   2016-04-12
Heavy Duty Printer and                                                              Quotations                                Envelope
Electric Binding Machine

 UG-PSFU-96960-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                                Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of IEC        IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2015-09-10                             2015-10-26   2016-04-23
                                                Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope
materials for URSB                                                                                                                                        on

 UG-PSFU-96948-GO-RFQ /
supply and delivery of a server                 Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 52690                                  Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2015-09-10                             2015-11-26   2016-05-24
for Business Registration                       Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope

 UG-PSFU-96933-GO-RFQ /
supply and delivery of Air                                                          Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2015-09-25                             2015-12-11   2016-06-08
Conditioning Units for PCU                                                          Quotations                                Envelope

 UG-PSFU-97082-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                                                                    Request for                               Single Stage - One
supply of ICT equipment for       IDA / 52690   Land Administration Reform   Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2015-08-18                             2015-12-31   2016-06-28
                                                                                    Quotations                                Envelope
various agencies                                                                                                                                          on

 UG-PSFU-96977-GO-RFB /                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                                Business Registration and                                                     Single Stage - One
Supply of computer hardware       IDA / 52690                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             0.00   Implementati            2015-08-28   2015-09-02   2015-10-14   2015-11-13   2016-03-16   2016-09-12
                                                Business Licensing Reforms                                                    Envelope
and related equipment Lot: 1                                                                                                                              on

 UG-PSFU-96946-GO-RFB /
Supply, Installation and                        Business Registration and                                                     Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             0.00   Implementati            2015-05-22   2015-05-27   2015-07-08   2015-08-07   2015-12-29   2016-06-26
Commissioning of a Wide                         Business Licensing Reforms                                                    Envelope
Area Network

 UG-PSFU-96663-GO-RFB /
Supply and delivery of two                      Tourism Development                                                           Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                        0.00   Implementati            2015-10-16   2015-10-21   2015-12-02   2016-01-01   2016-01-26   2016-07-24
custom built familiarization                    Initiatives                                                                   Envelope
trip vans for UTB

 UG-PSFU-96616-GO-RFB /                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                                Business Registration and                                                     Single Stage - One
supply of 3 Double Cabin Pick- IDA / 52690                                   Post   Request for Bids   Limited                                     0.00   Implementati            2015-09-10   2015-09-15   2015-10-27   2015-11-26   2015-12-14   2016-06-11
                                                Business Licensing Reforms                                                    Envelope
ups and 3 station wagons                                                                                                                                  on

 UG-PSFU-96624-GO-RFB /                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                                Business Registration and                                                     Single Stage - One
Supply of computer hardware       IDA / 52690                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                             0.00   Implementati            2015-08-28   2015-09-02   2015-10-14   2015-11-13   2016-03-16   2016-09-12
                                                Business Licensing Reforms                                                    Envelope
and related equipment Lot: 1                                                                                                                              on

 UG-PSFU-96939-GO-RFQ /
Supply, delivery and                            Business Registration and           Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                         2015-09-03                             2015-10-29   2016-04-26
installation of a generator for                 Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                                Envelope

                                                                                                                                                                         Page 2
 UG-PSFU-126535-GO-RFB /
Supply and installation of                      Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                                     0.00   Implementati            2019-09-30            2019-10-05              2019-11-16            2019-12-16            2020-01-20            2020-07-18
furniture, fittings and related                 Initiatives                                                            Envelope

 UG-PSFU-126533-GO-RFB /
Supply, delivery and                            Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 52690                           Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                                     0.00   Implementati            2019-09-30            2019-10-05              2019-11-16            2019-12-16            2020-01-20            2020-07-18
installation of a PBX telephone                 Initiatives                                                            Envelope

 UG-PSFU-126534-GO-RFB /
Supply, delivery and
installation of video                           Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                                     0.00   Implementati            2019-08-29 2019-07-26 2019-09-03              2019-10-15 2019-09-12 2019-11-14 2019-10-08 2019-12-19            2020-06-16
conferencing/ audio                             Initiatives                                                            Envelope
visual/public address system
and related equipment

 UG-PSFU-126531-GO-RFB /
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of            IDA / 52690                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                                     0.00   Canceled                2019-08-08 2019-07-26 2019-08-13 2019-09-05   2019-09-24 2019-09-11 2019-10-24 2019-09-26 2019-11-28            2020-05-26
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
crockery and cutlery

 UG-PSFU-126525-GO-RFB /
Supply and delivery of
assorted linen, beddings and                    Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                                     0.00   Canceled                2019-09-30 2019-07-25 2019-10-05              2019-11-16            2019-12-16            2020-01-20            2020-07-18
furnishings for the Uganda                      Initiatives                                                            Envelope
Hotel and Tourism Training
Institute (UHTTI).

 UG-PSFU-155314-GO-RFB /
Supply, Delivery and
Installation of Kitchen and Bar                 Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 52690                           Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                                0.00   Implementati            2020-01-27            2020-02-01              2020-03-14            2020-04-13            2020-05-18            2020-11-14
Equipment for Uganda Hotel                      Initiatives                                                            Envelope
and Tourism Training Institute

 UG-PSFU-126530-GO-RFB /
Supply, delivery and
installation of kitchen and bar                 Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                                0.00   Canceled                2019-09-30            2019-10-05              2019-11-16            2019-12-16            2020-01-20            2020-07-18
equipment for the Uganda                        Initiatives                                                            Envelope
Hotel and Tourism Training
Institute (UHTTI).

 UG-PSFU-155316-GO-RFB /
Supply, Delivery and                                                                                                                                       Pending
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
Installation of Laundry        IDA / 52690                            Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                                0.00   Implementati            2020-01-27            2020-02-01              2020-03-14            2020-04-13            2020-05-18            2020-11-14
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
Equipment for Uganda Hotel                                                                                                                                 on
and Tourism Training Institute

 UG-PSFU-155501-GO-RFB /
Supply, delivery and
installation of assorted                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
housekeeping and             IDA / 52690                              Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                                0.00   Implementati            2020-01-27            2020-02-01              2020-03-14            2020-04-13            2020-05-18            2020-11-14
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
maintenance equipment for                                                                                                                                  on
the Uganda Hotel and Tourism
Training Institute

 UG-PSFU-155504-GO-RFB /
Supply and Delivery of                                                                                                                                     Pending
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
assorted Crockery and cutlery     IDA / 52690                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                                0.00   Implementati            2020-01-27            2020-02-01              2020-03-14            2020-04-13            2020-05-18            2020-11-14
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
for Uganda Hotel and                                                                                                                                       on
Tourism Training Institute

 UG-PSFU-126532-GO-RFB /
Supply, delivery and
installation of laundry,
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
housekeeping and             IDA / 52690                              Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                                     0.00   Canceled                2019-08-08            2019-08-13              2019-09-24            2019-10-24            2019-11-28            2020-05-26
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
maintenance equipment for
the Uganda Hotel and Tourism
Training Institute (UHTTI).

 UG-PSFU-200065-GO-RFB /
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
Supply of promotional             IDA / 65380                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                              213,368.70    Signed                  2020-11-23 2020-12-17 2020-11-28 2020-12-18   2021-01-09 2021-01-18 2021-02-08 2021-01-28 2021-03-15 2021-03-04 2021-09-11
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
materials for MICE

UG-PSFU-200017-GO-RFB /                                                                                                                                    Under
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
One double decker boat for        IDA / 65380                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                                0.00   Implementati            2020-11-23 2021-02-26 2020-11-28 2021-03-04   2021-01-09 2021-05-05 2021-02-08            2021-03-15            2021-09-11
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
UWEC                                                                                                                                                       on

 UG-PSFU-201149-GO-RFB /                        Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 65380                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                                     0.00   Implementati            2020-11-16 2021-05-18 2020-11-21              2021-01-02 2021-06-17 2021-02-01            2021-03-08            2021-09-04
Supply and delivery of 1 Bus                    Initiatives                                                            Envelope

 UG-PSFU-201153-GO-RFQ /
                                                Tourism Development          Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of a          IDA / 65380                         Post                      Limited                                       28,410.00    Completed                                     2020-11-28 2021-02-23                                               2021-01-23 2021-05-04 2021-07-22 2021-09-23
                                                Initiatives                  Quotations                                Envelope

 UG-PSFU-201157-GO-RFQ /
                                                Tourism Development          Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of 1 driver IDA / 65380                           Post                      Limited                                       56,653.00    Completed                                     2020-11-28 2021-01-25                                               2021-01-23 2021-05-06 2021-07-22 2021-09-19
                                                Initiatives                  Quotations                                Envelope
training vehicle

 UG-PSFU-201225-GO-RFB /
Supply delivery and                                                                                                                                        Under
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
installation and maintenance      IDA / 65380                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                                0.00   Implementati            2020-11-23 2021-01-12 2020-11-28 2021-01-12   2021-01-09 2021-03-17 2021-02-08            2021-03-15            2021-09-11
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
of laundry equipment for                                                                                                                                   on

 UG-PSFU-201222-GO-RFB /
Supply, Delivery and                                                                                                                                       Under
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
Installation of Kitchen Bar       IDA / 65380                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                        1,036,102.24   Implementati            2020-11-23 2021-01-12 2020-11-28 2021-01-12   2021-01-09 2021-03-18 2021-02-08 2021-05-05 2021-03-15            2021-09-11
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
Equipment for UHTTI                                                                                                                                        on
application Hotel

 UG-PSFU-201227-GO-RFB /
Supply delivery and                                                                                                                                        Pending
                                                Tourism Development                                                    Single Stage - One
installation of Furniture,        IDA / 65380                         Post   Request for Bids   Open - International                                0.00   Implementati            2020-11-09            2020-11-14              2020-12-26            2021-01-25            2021-03-01            2021-08-28
                                                Initiatives                                                            Envelope
Fixtures & Equipment for                                                                                                                                   on
UHTTI Application Hotel

 UG-PSFU-201155-GO-RFQ /
                                                Tourism Development          Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of 3 Golf     IDA / 65380                         Post                      Limited                                             0.00   Canceled                                      2020-11-23                                                          2021-01-18            2021-07-17
                                                Initiatives                  Quotations                                Envelope

                                                                                                                                                                          Page 3
 UG-PSFU-201152-GO-RFB /                                                                                                                                                                       Pending
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of 1 Film    IDA / 65380                               Post             Request for Bids   Open - International                                                     0.00   Implementati                                                    2020-11-29              2020-12-04                                   2021-01-15            2021-02-14              2021-03-21            2021-09-17
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope
Van and 1 Catering Van                                                                                                                                                                         on

 UG-PSFU-201229-GO-RFB /
Supply, Delivery, Installation
and commissioning of Audio                                                                                                                                                                     Pending
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
Visual/ Public Address/          IDA / 65380                               Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                          0.00   Implementati                                                    2020-11-30              2020-12-05                                   2021-01-16            2021-02-15              2021-03-22            2021-09-18
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope
Private Automatic Branch                                                                                                                                                                       on
Exchange (PABX) Telephone

 UG-PSFU-201156-GO-DIR /
                                                  Tourism Development
supply and delivery of 2 FAM     IDA / 65380                               Post             Direct Selection   Direct                                                                   0.00   Canceled                                                        2020-11-23              2020-11-28                                                                                 2021-01-02            2021-07-01
trip vehicles

 UG-PSFU-211101-GO-RFB /
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of 2 FAM     IDA / 65380                               Post             Request for Bids   Open - International                                                     0.00   Canceled                                                        2021-02-04 2021-02-01 2021-02-09 2021-02-03                          2021-03-23 2021-03-17 2021-04-22 2021-04-15 2021-05-27              2021-11-23
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope
trip vehicles

 UG-PSFU-211190-GO-RFQ /
Computer equipment and
related hardware for the MICE
Bureau (Printer 1 No. Laptops                     Tourism Development                       Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 65380                               Post                                Limited                                                             10,950.40   Completed                                                                               2021-02-26 2021-02-26                                                                      2021-04-23 2021-04-19 2021-05-23 2021-06-07
4 No, Projector 1 No, Wireless                    Initiatives                               Quotations                                Envelope
presenter 1 No, business
phone 1 No. and external
storage disk 1 No.)

 UG-PSFU-199928-GO-RFB /
Supply and installation of                        Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 65380                                Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                          0.00   Canceled                                                        2020-11-02 2020-12-17 2020-11-07 2020-12-18                          2020-12-19            2021-01-18              2021-02-22            2021-08-21
Video Conferencing facility for                   Initiatives                                                                         Envelope

 UG-PSFU-220659-GO-RFB /
Supply and installation of 6                                                                                                                                                                   Under
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
sets of Video Conferencing       IDA / 65380                               Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                    247,800.00   Implementati                                                    2021-03-12 2021-03-09 2021-03-17 2021-03-13                          2021-04-28 2021-04-30 2021-05-28 2021-06-11 2021-07-02              2021-12-29
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope
facilities for MoTWA and its                                                                                                                                                                   on

 UG-PSFU-201150-GO-RFB /
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of 3 Rig     IDA / 65380                               Post             Request for Bids   Open - International                                                     0.00   Canceled                                                        2020-11-23 2021-01-07 2020-11-28 2021-01-07                          2021-01-09 2021-02-22 2021-02-08              2021-03-15            2021-09-11
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope

 UG-PSFU-206120-GO-RFB /
Supply and delivery of motor                                                                                                                                                                   Under
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
vehicles: Lot 1: 4 minibuses,    IDA / 65380                               Post             Request for Bids   Open - National                                                          0.00   Implementati                                                    2021-04-27 2021-04-27 2021-04-27                                     2021-06-08 2021-05-24 2021-07-08              2021-08-12            2022-02-08
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope
Lot 2: 6 double cabin pickups                                                                                                                                                                  on
and Lot 3: 3 station wagon

 UG-PSFU-231895-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                                                       Pending
                                                  Tourism Development                       Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and Delivery of Two       IDA / 65380                               Post                                Limited                                                                  0.00   Implementati                                                                            2021-05-08                                                                                 2021-07-03            2021-12-30
                                                  Initiatives                               Quotations                                Envelope
Motor Cycles                                                                                                                                                                                   on

 UG-PSFU-232976-GO-DIR /
Supply and Delivery of One                        Tourism Development
                                 IDA / 65380                               Post             Direct Selection   Direct                                                                   0.00   Implementati                                                    2021-05-16              2021-05-21                                                                                 2021-06-25            2021-12-22
Customized Tourism Truck                          Initiatives

 UG-PSFU-230568-GO-RFB /                                                                                                                                                                       Under
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of 3         IDA / 65380                               Post             Request for Bids   Open - International                                                     0.00   Implementati                                                    2021-05-21 2021-06-10 2021-05-26 2021-06-17                          2021-07-07 2021-08-23 2021-08-06              2021-09-10            2022-03-09
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope
Marketing/ Rig Vans                                                                                                                                                                            on

 UG-PSFU-237834-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                                                       Pending
                                                  Tourism Development                       Request for                               Single Stage - One
Supply and Delivery of 3 Golf    IDA / 65380                               Post                                Open - International                                                     0.00   Implementati                                                                            2021-06-16                                                                                 2021-08-11            2022-02-07
                                                  Initiatives                               Quotations                                Envelope
Carts                                                                                                                                                                                          on

 UG-PSFU-201714-GO-RFB /
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of 1         IDA / 65380                               Post             Request for Bids   Open - International                                                     0.00   Canceled                                                        2020-12-11 2021-02-15 2020-12-16 2021-02-15                          2021-01-27 2021-03-31 2021-02-26 2021-04-23 2021-04-02              2021-09-29
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope
Customized Tourism Truck

 UG-PSFU-252512-GO-RFB /                                                                                                                                                                       Pending
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF A IDA / 65380                                       Post             Request for Bids   Open - International                                                     0.00   Implementati                                                    2021-09-20              2021-09-25                                   2021-11-06            2021-12-06              2022-01-10            2022-07-09
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope
CUSTOMIZED TOURISM TRUCK                                                                                                                                                                       on

 UG-PSFU-253305-GO-RFQ /
Supply of a Heavy Duty multi-                                                               Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 65380      Project Implementation   Post                                Limited                                                                  0.00   Implementati                                                                            2021-10-02                                                                                 2021-11-27            2022-05-26
functional Photocopier for the                                                              Quotations                                Envelope

 UG-PSFU-253307-GO-RFQ /                                                                                                                                                                       Pending
                                                                                            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Procurement of assorted          IDA / 65380      Project Implementation   Post                                Limited                                                                  0.00   Implementati                                                                            2021-11-03                                                                                 2021-12-29            2022-06-27
                                                                                            Quotations                                Envelope
furniture for PCU                                                                                                                                                                              on

 UG-PSFU-237857-GO-RFB /                                                                                                                                                                       Under
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                 Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery f 2 FAM      IDA / 65380                               Post             Request for Bids   Open - International                                                     0.00   Implementati                                                    2021-10-28 2021-10-07 2021-11-02                                     2021-12-14            2022-01-13              2022-02-17            2022-08-16
                                                  Initiatives                                                                         Envelope
Trip Vehicles                                                                                                                                                                                  on

 UG-PSFU-253304-GO-RFQ /
Supply and delivery of
Computer and related                                                                        Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 65380      Project Implementation   Post                                Limited                                                                  0.00   Implementati                                                                            2021-11-03                                                                                 2021-12-29            2022-06-27
Equipment for PCU staff                                                                     Quotations                                Envelope
(Laptop Docking Station
14Nos; Projector 1No.)

 Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Draft Bidding                                                                         Bid Evaluation Report
                                  Loan / Credit                                                                                         Procurement        Prequalification   Actual Amount      Process      Draft Pre-qualification       Prequalification                           Specific Procurement    Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission /
        Description                                      Component            Review Type        Method        Market Approach                                                                                                                                      Document /                                                                            and Recommendation         Signed Contract     Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                                                 Process               (Y/N)             (US$)           Status            Documents              Evaluation Report                            Notice / Invitation            Issued         Opening / Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Justification                                                                               for Award
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Planned      Actual        Planned     Actual    Planned       Actual    Planned     Actual      Planned      Actual  Planned     Actual    Planned      Actual     Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual

 UG-PSFU-9315-NC-RFQ /
Provision of Comprehensive                                                                                                                                                                     Pending
                                                                                            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Insurance services for Project   IDA / 52690      Project Implementation   Post                                Limited                                                                  0.00   Implementati                                                                            2017-01-09                                                                                 2017-03-06            2018-03-05
                                                                                            Quotations                                Envelope
vehicles under Framework                                                                                                                                                                       on
Contract Arrangements

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 4
 UG-PSFU-9308-NC-RFQ /
Provision of Comprehensive                     Tourism Development                  Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post                       Limited                                     0.00   Implementati                                  2017-01-09                                                          2017-03-06   2018-03-05
Insurance services for 2 Fam                   Initiatives                          Quotations                                Envelope
Trip vehicles for UTB

 UG-PSFU-18344-NC-RFB /
,DELIVERY,INSTALLATION AND                     Business Registration and                                                      Single Stage - One
                           IDA / 52690                                      Post    Request for Bids   Open - International                        0.00   Implementati            2016-09-08            2016-09-08              2016-09-08            2016-09-08            2016-09-08   2016-09-08
COMMISSIONING OF AN                            Business Licensing Reforms                                                     Envelope

 UG-PSFU-18339-NC-DIR /
COMPRISED OF FIRST FLOOR                                                                                                                                  Pending
                                               Business Registration and
OF GEORGIAN HOUSE ON             IDA / 52690                                Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                      0.00   Implementati            2016-05-04            2016-05-12                                                          2016-09-01   2017-03-01
                                               Business Licensing Reforms
PLOT 5 GEORGE STREET FOR                                                                                                                                  on

 UG-PSFU-18342-NC-DIR /
COMPRISED OF NINTH FLOOR                                                                                                                                  Pending
                                               Business Registration and
OF GEORGIAN HOUSE ON             IDA / 52690                                Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                      0.00   Implementati            2016-09-08            2016-09-08                                                          2016-09-29   2017-03-28
                                               Business Licensing Reforms
PLOT 5 GEORGE STREET FOR                                                                                                                                  on

 UG-PSFU-18340-NC-RFB /
SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND                       Business Registration and                                                      Single Stage - One
                          IDA / 52690                                       Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                             0.00   Implementati            2017-05-01            2017-05-11              2017-06-10            2017-07-10            2017-08-09   2017-11-07
COMMISSIONING OF SECURITY                      Business Licensing Reforms                                                     Envelope

 UG-PSFU-41519-NC-RFB /
Design, Development, Supply,
Delivery, Installation and
Commissioning of an                            Business Registration and                                                      Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 52690                                  Prior   Request for Bids   Open - International                        0.00   Implementati            2017-12-29 2018-05-04 2018-01-03 2018-05-10   2018-02-14 2018-07-26 2018-03-16            2018-04-20   2018-10-17
Electronic Business                            Business Licensing Reforms                                                     Envelope
Registration, Chattels, and
Insolvency Registry System for

 UG-PSFU-41538-NC-RFB /                        Tourism Development                                                            Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Prior   Request for Bids   Open - International                        0.00   Under Review            2017-12-29            2018-01-03              2018-02-14            2018-03-16 2018-03-19 2018-04-20   2018-10-17
IFMS for UWA                                   Initiatives                                                                    Envelope

 UG-PSFU-45992-NC-RFB /
Design, Development, Supply,
Delivery, Installation and
Commissioning of an                            Business Registration and                                                      Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Prior   Request for Bids   Open - International                        0.00   Implementati            2018-02-09 2018-10-26 2018-02-14              2018-03-28            2018-04-27            2018-06-01   2018-11-28
Transnational e-Licensing                      Business Licensing Reforms                                                     Envelope
System for Uganda
Registrations Services Bureau

 UG-PSFU-46018-NC-RFB /
Design, Development, Supply,
Delivery, Installation and                     Tourism Development                                                            Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post    Request for Bids   Open - International                        0.00   Implementati            2018-02-15            2018-02-20              2018-04-03            2018-05-03            2018-06-07   2018-12-04
Commissioning of an                            Initiatives                                                                    Envelope
Electronic Revenue collection
system for UWA

 UG-PSFU-97033-NC-DIR /
Provision of Security Services
                                 IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                      0.00   Implementati            2017-07-18            2017-07-23                                                          2018-07-01   2018-12-28
for Private Sector Foundation
Uganda (Armed Static Gaurds)

 UG-PSFU-97043-NC-RFQ /
Provision of International                     Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                                  2018-07-14                                                          2018-09-03   2019-03-02
Computer Driving License                       Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope

 UG-PSFU-97032-NC-RFQ /
Provision of Cleaning,                                                                                                                                    Pending
                                                                                    Request for                               Single Stage - One
Fumigation and Sanitary Bin      IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                       Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                                  2018-08-04                                                          2018-10-01   2019-03-30
                                                                                    Quotations                                Envelope
Services for PCU and MGF                                                                                                                                  on

 UG-PSFU-96679-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                   Pending
                                               Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Advertising of the E-Licensing IDA / 52690                                  Post                       Limited                                     0.00   Implementati                                  2018-06-30                                                          2018-08-25   2019-02-21
                                               Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
Portal in the Electronic Media                                                                                                                            on

 UG-PSFU-97051-NC-RFQ /
Advertising of the E-Licensing                 Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 52690                                  Post                       Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                                  2018-06-30                                                          2018-08-27   2019-02-23
Portal in the Print Media -                    Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope

 UG-PSFU-97040-NC-RFQ /
Advertising of the E-Licensing                 Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
                               IDA / 52690                                  Post                       Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                                  2018-06-30                                                          2018-08-27   2019-02-23
Portal on Television Social                    Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
Media Platforms

 UG-PSFU-96928-NC-DIR /
Addendum No.1 to the
contract for design,
development, supply, delivery,                 Business Registration and
                               IDA / 52690                                  Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                      0.00   Implementati            2018-10-15            2018-10-20                                                          2018-11-14   2019-05-13
installation and                               Business Licensing Reforms
commissioning of an
Electronic Document
Management System

 UG-PSFU-96923-NC-DIR /
Provision of insurance
                                 IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                      0.00   Implementati            2018-10-26            2018-10-31                                                          2018-12-03   2019-06-01
services for Workman's
Compensation for CEDP Staff

 UG-PSFU-96985-NC-RFQ /
Provision of training services                                                                                                                            Pending
                                               Tourism Development                  Request for                               Single Stage - One
on Virtuality, change and        IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - National                             0.00   Implementati                                  2018-09-20                                                          2018-11-12   2019-05-11
                                               Initiatives                          Quotations                                Envelope
Stress Management and Team                                                                                                                                on

                                                                                                                                                                         Page 5
 UG-PSFU-96951-NC-RFQ /
Development of a Brand
Identity and Collaterals for                    Tourism Development                 Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2018-11-03                             2019-01-19   2019-07-18
Uganda's Meetings Incentives                    Initiatives                         Quotations                           Envelope
Conventions and Events
(MICE) offering

 UG-PSFU-96612-NC-RFB /                                                                                                                                    Pending
                                                                                                                         Single Stage - One
Provision of Medical Insurance IDA / 52690      Project Implementation       Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                              0.00   Implementati            2017-03-25   2017-03-30   2017-05-11   2017-06-10   2018-03-01   2018-08-28
Services for CEDP Staff                                                                                                                                    on

 UG-PSFU-96952-NC-DIR /
Provision of comprehensive                      Tourism Development
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                       0.00   Implementati            2017-02-18   2017-02-23                             2018-03-07   2018-09-03
insurance services for two                      Initiatives
FAM Trip Vehicles

 UG-PSFU-96968-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                    Pending
                                                                                    Request for                          Single Stage - One
Provision of Blogging Services    IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2018-02-23                             2018-05-04   2018-10-31
                                                                                    Quotations                           Envelope
for CEDP                                                                                                                                                   on

 UG-PSFU-96665-NC-RFQ /
Production of a documentary,                                                        Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                      Limited                                      0.00   Implementati                         2018-01-25                             2018-04-12   2018-10-09
photography and case studies                                                        Quotations                           Envelope

 UG-PSFU-97047-NC-DIR /
Addendum No. 1 to the                                                                                                                                      Pending
                                                Business Registration and
contract for operation support IDA / 52690                                   Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                       0.00   Implementati            2016-11-05   2016-11-10                             2018-06-04   2018-12-01
                                                Business Licensing Reforms
and maintenance of a                                                                                                                                       on
customer call centre

 UG-PSFU-96991-NC-RFQ /
Senstitization and awareness                    Business Registration and           Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2015-09-21                             2016-09-14   2017-03-13
for URSB-Mbarara regional                       Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                           Envelope

 UG-PSFU-96648-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                    Pending
                                                Tourism Development                 Request for                          Single Stage - One
Printing of the Best of Busoga    IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2016-06-02                             2016-09-15   2017-03-14
                                                Initiatives                         Quotations                           Envelope
Tourism Promotional Book                                                                                                                                   on

 UG-PSFU-96989-NC-DIR /
Renewal of domain name,                                                                                                                                    Pending
email system, DNS hosting         IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                       0.00   Implementati            2016-09-28   2016-10-03                             2016-11-01   2017-04-30
and management and threat                                                                                                                                  on
management system for CEDP

 UG-PSFU-97037-NC-DIR /                                                                                                                                    Pending
                                                Business Registration and
Design, layout and printing of    IDA / 52690                                Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                       0.00   Implementati            2015-09-17   2015-09-22                             2016-10-01   2017-03-30
                                                Business Licensing Reforms
a quarterly newsletter                                                                                                                                     on

 UG-PSFU-96659-NC-RFQ /
Media coverage publicity and                    Business Registration and           Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2015-09-15                             2016-10-10   2017-04-08
advertising services about                      Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                           Envelope
Business Registration Services

 UG-PSFU-96966-NC-DIR /                                                                                                                                    Pending
Hosting of the CEDP Website       IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                       0.00   Implementati            2016-06-30   2016-07-05                             2016-10-17   2017-04-15
for a period of three years                                                                                                                                on

 UG-PSFU-96975-NC-RFQ /
Supply, delivery, installation
and commissioning of                            Business Registration and           Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 52690                                  Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2016-08-25                             2016-10-28   2017-04-26
structured cabling for                          Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                           Envelope
electrical and data network for
the Pilot One-Stop-Shop

 UG-PSFU-97072-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                    Pending
                                                Business Registration and           Request for                          Single Stage - One
Upgrade of the Name               IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2016-03-25                             2016-11-02   2017-05-01
                                                Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                           Envelope
Reservation System                                                                                                                                         on

 UG-PSFU-96934-NC-RFB /                                                                                                                                    Pending
                                                Tourism Development                                                      Single Stage - One
Event Management Services         IDA / 52690                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                              0.00   Implementati            2016-09-25   2016-09-30   2016-11-11   2016-12-11   2017-01-15   2017-07-14
                                                Initiatives                                                              Envelope
for the Birding Expo, 2016                                                                                                                                 on

 UG-PSFU-96993-NC-DIR /
Maintenance and associated                      Business Registration and
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post   Direct Selection   Direct                                       0.00   Implementati            2016-10-28   2016-11-02                             2016-11-21   2017-05-20
services for the Matrix Eternty                 Business Licensing Reforms
and Matrix IP phones

 UG-PSFU-96958-NC-RFB /
Training services for URSB                      Business Registration and                                                Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post   Request for Bids   Open - National                              0.00   Implementati            2015-10-25   2015-10-30   2015-12-11   2016-01-10   2017-01-30   2017-07-29
Staff in Change Management                      Business Licensing Reforms                                               Envelope
and Team Building

 UG-PSFU-96937-NC-RFQ /
Provision of conference and                                                                                                                                Under
                                                Tourism Development                 Request for                          Single Stage - One
accommodation facilities for      IDA / 52690                                Post                      Limited                                120,985.00   Implementati                         2017-03-08                             2017-05-03   2017-10-30
                                                Initiatives                         Quotations                           Envelope
the Pearl of Africa Tourism                                                                                                                                on
Expo Activities, 2017

 UG-PSFU-96961-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                    Pending
                                                Business Registration and           Request for                          Single Stage - One
Prodcution of a Documentary       IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2015-09-10                             2015-10-16   2016-04-13
                                                Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                           Envelope
on Business Registration                                                                                                                                   on

 UG-PSFU-97038-NC-RFQ /
Evaluation of prequalification                                                      Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2015-11-20                             2016-01-05   2016-07-03
documents and bids for                                                              Quotations                           Envelope
framework contracts

 UG-PSFU-97055-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                    Pending
                                                                                    Request for                          Single Stage - One
Printing of the CEDP quarterly    IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2015-12-24                             2016-02-04   2016-08-02
                                                                                    Quotations                           Envelope
News Letter                                                                                                                                                on

 UG-PSFU-96949-NC-RFQ /
Upgrade and hosting of the                      Business Registration and           Request for                          Single Stage - One
                                  IDA / 52690                                Post                      Open - National                              0.00   Implementati                         2015-12-17                             2016-02-29   2016-08-27
Business Electronic Licensing                   Business Licensing Reforms          Quotations                           Envelope

                                                                                                                                                                          Page 6
 UG-PSFU-96950-NC-RFB /                                                                                                                                        Pending
                                               Business Registration and                                                      Single Stage - One
Supply of computer hardware      IDA / 52690                                Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati            2015-08-28            2015-09-02              2015-10-14            2015-11-13            2016-03-14            2016-09-10
                                               Business Licensing Reforms                                                     Envelope
and related equipment Lot: 2                                                                                                                                   on

 UG-PSFU-96944-NC-RFQ /
Database Harmonisation and                     Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati                                  2015-12-27                                                          2016-04-18            2016-10-15
Clean-up for the Business                      Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
Registration System

 UG-PSFU-97021-NC-RFB /
Provision of event                                                                                                                                             Pending
                                               Tourism Development                                                            Single Stage - One
management services for          IDA / 52690                                Post    Request for Bids   Limited                                          0.00   Implementati            2016-04-28            2016-05-03              2016-06-14            2016-07-14            2016-08-01            2017-01-28
                                               Initiatives                                                                    Envelope
Uganda Martyrs Day                                                                                                                                             on

 UG-PSFU-96983-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                        Pending
                                               Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Advertising of the E-Licencing IDA / 52690                                  Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati                                  2016-02-20                                                          2016-04-16            2016-10-13
                                               Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
Portal in the electronic media                                                                                                                                 on

 UG-PSFU-97053-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                        Pending
                                               Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Advertising of the E-Licencing IDA / 52690                                  Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati                                  2016-02-20                                                          2018-08-27            2019-02-23
                                               Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
Portal in the electronic media                                                                                                                                 on

 UG-PSFU-97059-NC-RFQ /
Design, supply, delivery,
installation, commissioning                    Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati                                  2016-03-15                                                          2016-06-21            2016-12-18
and training of a queue                        Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
management system and
related equipment

 UG-PSFU-96938-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                        Pending
                                               Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Advertising of the E-Licencing IDA / 52690                                  Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati                                  2016-02-20                                                          2016-06-29            2016-12-26
                                               Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
Portal in the print media                                                                                                                                      on

UG-PSFU-96973-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                         Pending
                                               Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Media publicity for URSB         IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati                                  2016-04-02                                                          2016-06-29            2016-12-26
                                               Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
Nakivubo office in English                                                                                                                                     on

UG-PSFU-96971-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                         Pending
                                               Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Media publicity for URSB         IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati                                  2016-04-02                                                          2016-06-29            2016-12-26
                                               Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
Nakivubo office in Luganda                                                                                                                                     on

 UG-PSFU-96953-NC-RFQ /
Pulicizing Business                                                                                                                                            Pending
                                               Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Registration in the informal     IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati                                  2016-04-02                                                          2016-06-29            2016-12-26
                                               Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
sector using city commuter                                                                                                                                     on

 UG-PSFU-97029-NC-RFQ /                                                                                                                                        Pending
                                               Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
Sensitization and awareness      IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati                                  2015-08-17                                                          2016-07-29            2017-01-25
                                               Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope
for URSB-Gulu regional office                                                                                                                                  on

 UG-PSFU-96607-NC-RFB /                                                                                                                                        Pending
                                               Tourism Development                                                            Single Stage - One
Supply and delivery of           IDA / 52690                                Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati            2017-07-12            2017-07-13              2017-08-24            2017-10-12            2018-01-12            2019-01-12
                                               Initiatives                                                                    Envelope
Promotional Materials for UTB                                                                                                                                  on

 UG-PSFU-96621-NC-DIR /
Addendum No. 1 to the
contract for supply,                           Business Registration and
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                           0.00   Implementati            2015-09-10            2015-09-15                                                          2018-06-04            2018-12-01
installation and                               Business Licensing Reforms
commissioning of a wide area

 UG-PSFU-96926-NC-RFB /
Framework contracts for                        Business Registration and                                                      Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post    Request for Bids   Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati            2017-10-11            2017-10-16              2017-11-27            2017-12-27            2018-02-01            2019-02-01
provision of hotel and                         Business Licensing Reforms                                                     Envelope
conference facilities

 UG-PSFU-96638-NC-DIR /
Rental of office space                                                                                                                                         Pending
                                               Business Registration and
comprised of ninth floor of      IDA / 52690                                Post    Direct Selection   Direct                                           0.00   Implementati            2015-10-17            2015-10-22                                                          2016-11-08            2017-05-07
                                               Business Licensing Reforms
Georgian House on Plot 5                                                                                                                                       on
George Street

 UG-PSFU-96641-NC-RFQ /
Upgrade and hosting of the                     Business Registration and            Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - International                             0.00   Implementati                                  2015-12-17                                                          2016-02-29            2016-08-27
Business Electronic Licensing                  Business Licensing Reforms           Quotations                                Envelope

 UG-PSFU-116030-NC-DIR /
Enhancement of the Business                    Business Registration and                                                      Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post    Request for Bids   Open - International                             0.00   Implementati            2019-08-23 2019-08-23 2019-08-28 2019-08-23   2019-10-09 2019-10-07 2019-11-08 2019-11-20 2019-12-13            2020-06-10
Business Registration System                   Business Licensing Reforms                                                     Envelope
for URSB

UG-PSFU-126537-NC-RFP /                        Tourism Development                  Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Post                       Open - National                                  0.00   Implementati            2019-10-22            2019-10-27              2019-12-08            2020-01-07            2020-02-11            2020-08-09
Hotel Management System                        Initiatives                          Proposals                                 Envelope

 UG-PSFU-171513-NC-RFB /
Enhancement of the Online                      Business Registration and                                                      Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 52690                                Prior   Request for Bids   Open - International                             0.00   Canceled                2019-08-08            2019-08-23              2019-10-07            2020-04-30            2020-06-04            2020-12-01
Business Registrtion System                    Business Licensing Reforms                                                     Envelope
for URSB

UG-PSFU-206079-NC-RFQ /
                                               Tourism Development                  Request for                               Single Stage - One
Design and Development of a      IDA / 65380                                Post                       Limited                                     18,486.13   Signed                                        2020-12-23 2020-12-23                                               2021-02-17 2021-03-01 2021-08-16
                                               Initiatives                          Quotations                                Envelope
website for MICE

 UG-PSFU-211195-NC-RFQ /
Printing of the National                       Tourism Development                  Request for                               Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 65380                                Post                       Limited                                     11,938.74   Completed                                     2021-02-09 2021-02-23                                               2021-04-06 2021-04-19 2021-10-03 2021-05-28
Curriculum for hospitality and                 Initiatives                          Quotations                                Envelope
tourism training

 UG-PSFU-222077-NC-RFP /
Provision of International                     Tourism Development                                                            Single Stage - One
                                 IDA / 65380                                Post    Request for Bids   Open - International                             0.00   Implementati            2021-05-21            2021-05-26              2021-07-07            2021-08-06            2021-09-10            2022-08-08
Hotel Management services to                   Initiatives                                                                    Envelope
UHTTI Hotel and School

                                                                                                                                                                              Page 7
 UG-PSFU-253571-NC-RFQ /
CEDP-AF Website                                                                                Request for                                Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 65380      Project Implementation       Post                                 Limited                                                                 0.00   Implementati                                                                          2021-10-02                                                                                   2021-11-27                2022-05-26
redevelopment, hosting and                                                                     Quotations                                 Envelope

 UG-PSFU-253572-NC-RFQ /
Update of CEDP Brand Manual                                                                    Request for                                Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 65380      Project Implementation       Post                                 Limited                                                                 0.00   Implementati                                                                          2021-10-02                                                                                   2021-11-27                2022-05-26
including revised logo and                                                                     Quotations                                 Envelope
update of brand components

UG-PSFU-253574-NC-RFQ /
Creation and management of                                                                     Request for                                Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 65380      Project Implementation       Post                                 Limited                                                                 0.00   Implementati                                                                          2021-10-02                                                                                   2021-11-27                2022-05-26
CEDP-AF Social Media                                                                           Quotations                                 Envelope

 UG-PSFU-253576-NC-RFQ /
Production of original/high
quality graphic design
materials to disseminate the                                                                   Request for                                Single Stage - One
                                IDA / 65380      Project Implementation       Post                                 Limited                                                                 0.00   Implementati                                                                          2021-12-04                                                                                   2022-01-29                2022-07-28
work of CEDP-AF in                                                                             Quotations                                 Envelope
conformance with brand and
graphic guidelines on a
retainer basis

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Combined Evaluation
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                                             Contract Type       Actual Amount                                                Expression of Interest    Short List and Draft   Request for Proposals   Opening of Technical       Evaluation of
       Description                                      Component                Review Type        Method         Market Approach                                             Process Status       Terms of Reference                                                                                                                              Report and Draft       Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                                                                           (US$)                                                           Notice            Request for Proposals        as Issued          Proposals / Minutes     Technical Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Negotiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Planned         Actual    Planned       Actual     Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual      Planned     Actual     Planned     Actual   Planned     Actual     Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 UG-PSFU-7183-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for                         Tourism Development                                                                                                           Pending
                                IDA / 52690                                   Post             Qualification       Open - National                                      0.00                      2017-02-20                2017-03-13               2017-04-26                                                                                   2017-06-07            2017-07-12                2017-11-09
development of guidelines for                    Initiatives                                                                                                                   Implementation
culinary tourism in Uganda.

 UG-PSFU-9313-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for                                                                       Consultant
                                                 Tourism Development                                                                                                           Pending
supervision of 6 priority UWA   IDA / 52690                                   Post             Qualification       Open - National                                      0.00                      2016-06-16                2017-04-06               2017-05-20                                                                                   2017-06-19            2017-07-24                2018-01-20
                                                 Initiatives                                                                                                                   Implementation
Modern gates in conversation                                                                   Selection

Consultancy services for
                                                 Tourism Development                           Quality And Cost-                                                               Pending
development of a Tourism        IDA / 52690                                   Post                                 Open - National                                      0.00                      2016-06-15                2016-07-08               2017-03-27                                      2017-05-29             2017-06-28            2017-08-02            2017-09-06                2018-01-04
                                                 Initiatives                                   Based Selection                                                                 Implementation
Concession Framework and
Operations manual

Consultancy services for                                                                       Consultant
                                                 Business Registration and                                                                                                     Pending
conducting a Baseline Survey    IDA / 52690                                   Post             Qualification       Open - National                                      0.00                      2017-05-12                2017-06-02               2017-07-16                                                                                   2017-08-15            2017-09-19                2017-12-18
                                                 Business Licensing Reforms                                                                                                    Implementation
for Uganda Registration                                                                        Selection
Services Bureau (URSB)

 UG-PSFU-9318-CS-CQS /                                                                         Consultant
                                                 Tourism Development                                                                                                           Pending
Consultancy for Research and IDA / 52690                                      Post             Qualification       Open - National                                      0.00                      2015-06-08                2015-06-08               2016-02-29                                                                                   2017-05-26            2017-06-30                2017-12-27
                                                 Initiatives                                                                                                                   Implementation
Tourism Product Development                                                                    Selection

 UG-PSFU-18323-CS-QCBS /
Design and tender
                                                 Business Registration and                     Quality And Cost-                                                               Pending
documentation of the Uganda     IDA / 52690                                   Post                                 Open - International                                 0.00                      2014-10-23                2014-10-27               2015-02-23                                      2015-03-24             2015-03-31            2015-06-30            2015-06-30                2017-08-31
                                                 Business Licensing Reforms                    Based Selection                                                                 Implementation
Business Facilitation Centre

 UG-PSFU-18478-CS-QCBS /
                                                 Tourism Development                           Quality And Cost-                                                               Pending
REPRESENTATION SERVICES         IDA / 52690                                   Post                                 Open - International                                 0.00                      2016-09-08                2016-09-08               2016-09-08                                      2016-09-08             2016-09-08            2016-09-08            2016-09-08                2016-09-08
                                                 Initiatives                                   Based Selection                                                                 Implementation

 UG-PSFU-18479-CS-QCBS /
                                                 Tourism Development                           Quality And Cost-                                                               Pending
REPRESENTATION SERVICES         IDA / 52690                                   Post                                 Open - International                                 0.00                      2015-02-11                2015-02-13               2015-02-13                                      2015-02-13             2015-02-13            2015-02-13            2016-06-01                2017-08-31
                                                 Initiatives                                   Based Selection                                                                 Implementation

 UG-PSFU-18346-CS-QCBS /
                                                 Tourism Development                           Quality And Cost-                                                               Pending
REPRESENTATION SERVICES         IDA / 52690                                   Post                                 Open - International                                 0.00                      2016-09-08                2016-09-08               2016-09-08                                      2016-09-08             2016-09-08            2016-09-08            2016-09-08                2016-09-08
                                                 Initiatives                                   Based Selection                                                                 Implementation

 UG-PSFU-18162-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy services for the                     Tourism Development                           Quality And Cost-                                                               Pending
                                IDA / 52690                                   Post                                 Open - National                                      0.00                      2014-11-25                2014-12-18               2015-05-04                                      2015-06-08             2015-06-08            2015-10-06            2016-09-23                2017-10-13
design of the Hotel and                          Initiatives                                   Based Selection                                                                 Implementation
Tourism Training Institute.

 UG-PSFU-18223-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy Services for
Undertaking A Value Chain                        Tourism Development                           Quality And Cost-                                                               Pending
                                IDA / 52690                                   Post                                 Open - National                                      0.00                      2015-11-11                2015-11-19               2016-05-20                                      2016-06-17             2016-06-17            2016-08-23            2016-12-09                2017-03-24
Analysis of Uganda's Tourism                     Initiatives                                   Based Selection                                                                 Implementation
Sector (Product And Market

 UG-PSFU-80477-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for                         Matching Grant Program for
                                IDA / 52690                                   Prior            Qualification       Open - National                                      0.00   Canceled           2018-10-05     2018-11-27 2018-10-26               2018-12-09                                                                                   2019-01-08            2019-02-12                2019-08-11
performance assessment of                        MSMEs
the MGF component of CEDP

 UG-PSFU-85815-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for
undertaking an environmental
and social audit of the Uganda                                                                                                                                                 Under
                               IDA / 52690       Project Implementation       Prior            Qualification       Open - International                                 0.00                      2018-11-30                2018-12-21               2019-02-03                                                                                   2019-03-05            2019-04-09                2019-05-21
Business Facilitation Center (                                                                                                                                                 Implementation
UBFC) and the Uganda Hotel
and Tourism Training Institute
( UHTTI) Construction works

 UG-PSFU-89003-CS-CQS /
Environmental and Social                                                                                                                                                       Pending
                                IDA / 52690      Project Implementation       Post             Qualification       Open - National                                      0.00                      2018-12-03                2018-12-07               2019-01-11                                                                                   2019-02-15            2019-03-22                2019-09-18
Audit of UBFC and UHTTI                                                                                                                                                        Implementation
Construction Projects

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 8
 UG-PSFU-89010-CS-CQS /                                                                         Consultant
                                                  Matching Grant Program for                                                                                                Pending
Performance Assessment of        IDA / 52690                                   Post             Qualification       Open - National                                  0.00                    2018-12-04              2018-12-25              2019-02-07                                                                       2019-03-09            2019-04-13   2019-10-10
                                                  MSMEs                                                                                                                     Implementation
the MGF Component                                                                               Selection

 UG-PSFU-89011-CS-CQS /                                                                         Consultant
                                                  Matching Grant Program for                                                                                                Pending
Performance Assessment of        IDA / 52690                                   Post             Qualification       Open - National                                  0.00                    2018-12-03              2018-12-24              2019-02-06                                                                       2019-03-08            2019-04-12   2019-10-09
                                                  MSMEs                                                                                                                     Implementation
the MGF Component                                                                               Selection

 UG-PSFU-200010-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for                                                                        Consultant
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                                                       Under
preparation of the 5 Year        IDA / 65380                                   Post             Qualification       Open - National                                  0.00                    2020-11-23   2020-12-01 2020-12-14 2020-12-17 2021-01-27 2021-02-26                                                              2021-02-26            2021-04-02   2021-09-29
                                                  Initiatives                                                                                                               Implementation
Strategic Plan and Options                                                                      Selection
Study for Uganda Museum

 UG-PSFU-202958-CS-CQS /
Lot 1: Consultancy services
for Marketing Destination                                                                       Consultant
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                                                       Under
Representation for Uganda in     IDA / 65380                                   Post             Qualification       Open - International                             0.00                    2020-11-23   2020-12-20 2020-12-14 2020-12-29 2021-01-27                                                                         2021-02-26            2021-04-02   2022-03-28
                                                  Initiatives                                                                                                               Implementation
the French, Belgian,                                                                            Selection
Luxembourg & Dutch source

 UG-PSFU-202959-CS-CQS /
Lot 2: Consultancy services
for Marketing Destination                                                                       Consultant
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                                                       Under
Representation for Uganda in     IDA / 65380                                   Post             Qualification       Open - International                             0.00                    2020-11-23   2020-12-20 2020-12-14 2020-12-29 2021-01-27                                                                         2021-02-26            2021-04-02   2022-03-28
                                                  Initiatives                                                                                                               Implementation
the Africa source markets                                                                       Selection
(Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa,
Egypt & Ethiopia)

 UG-PSFU-202965-CS-CQS /
Lot 3: Consultancy services                                                                     Consultant
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                                                       Under
for Marketing Destination        IDA / 65380                                   Post             Qualification       Open - International                             0.00                    2020-11-23   2020-12-20 2020-12-14 2020-12-29 2021-01-27                                                                         2021-02-26            2021-04-02   2022-03-28
                                                  Initiatives                                                                                                               Implementation
Representation for Uganda in                                                                    Selection

 UG-PSFU-199950-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for                                                                        Consultant
Independent Verification of      IDA / 65380      Project Implementation       Post             Qualification       Open - National                                  0.00                    2020-12-21   2021-05-03 2021-01-11              2021-02-24                                                                       2021-03-26            2021-04-30   2021-10-27
Disbursement Linked                                                                             Selection
Indicators (“DLI”)

 UG-PSFU-206076-CS-CQS /
Lot 4: Consultancy services
for Marketing Destination                         Tourism Development                                                                                                       Under
                                 IDA / 65380                                   Post             Qualification       Open - International                             0.00                    2020-12-11   2020-12-20 2021-01-01 2020-12-29 2021-02-14                                                                         2021-03-16            2021-04-20   2022-04-15
Representation for Uganda'                        Initiatives                                                                                                               Implementation
MICE Industry in North
Amercian markets

 UG-PSFU-210928-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for                                                                        Consultant
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                                                       Pending
review/update of Designs and     IDA / 65380                                   Post             Qualification       Open - National                                  0.00                    2020-12-21              2021-01-11              2021-02-24                                                                       2021-03-26            2021-04-30   2021-10-27
                                                  Initiatives                                                                                                               Implementation
BOQs, for Uganda Museum,                                                                        Selection

 UG-PSFU-199938-CS-QCBS /
Consultancy services for
                                                  Tourism Development                           Quality And Cost-
provision of International   IDA / 65380                                       Post                                 Open - International                             0.00   Canceled         2020-11-18              2020-12-09              2021-01-22                                    2021-02-19            2021-03-21   2021-04-25            2021-05-30   2022-05-30
                                                  Initiatives                                   Based Selection
Hotel Management services to
UHTTI Hotel and School

 UG-PSFU-211104-CS-CQS /                                                                        Consultant
                                                  Tourism Development                                                                                                       Under
Interior Design services for     IDA / 65380                                   Post             Qualification       Open - National                                  0.00                    2021-03-04   2021-02-01 2021-03-25              2021-05-08 2021-04-26                                                            2021-06-07 2021-06-15 2021-07-12   2022-01-08
                                                  Initiatives                                                                                                               Implementation
UHTTI                                                                                           Selection

 UG-PSFU-200016-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for
preparation of technical and                      Tourism Development
                             IDA / 65380                                       Post             Qualification       Open - International                             0.00   Canceled         2020-11-23              2020-12-14              2021-01-27                                                                       2021-02-26            2021-04-02   2021-09-29
performance requirements for                      Initiatives
the Tourism Information
Management System

 UG-PSFU-263171-CS-CQS /
Consultancy Services for
Review and Harmonization of                       Tourism Development                                                                                                       Pending
                                 IDA / 65380                                   Post             Qualification       Open - National                                  0.00                    2021-11-29              2021-12-20              2022-02-02                                                                       2022-03-04            2022-04-08   2022-10-05
the Tourism Licensing and                         Initiatives                                                                                                               Implementation
Taxation Framework for

 UG-PSFU-264925-CS-CQS /
Consultancy services for
development of an Integrated                      Tourism Development                                                                                                       Pending
                             IDA / 65380                                       Post             Qualification       Open - National                                  0.00                    2021-12-10              2021-12-31              2022-02-13                                                                       2022-03-15            2022-04-19   2022-10-16
Tourism Development Plan for                      Initiatives                                                                                                               Implementation
the North-Western Tourism
Development Area

 Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                 Invitation to
                                  Loan / Credit                                                                                                            Actual Amount                                                                       Draft Negotiated
        Description                                      Component                Review Type        Method         Market Approach        Contract Type                    Process Status    Teams of Reference      Identified/Selected                               Signed Contract    Contract Completion
                                      No.                                                                                                                      (US$)                                                                               Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                              Planned       Actual    Planned       Actual    Planned     Actual      Planned     Actual    Planned     Actual

Consultancy services for cost
analysis of the business                                                                        Individual
                                                  Business Registration and
licensing reforms and            IDA / 52690                                   Prior            Consultant          Open                                        50,180.00   Signed           2017-02-20              2017-04-10              2017-05-01 2017-08-07 2017-06-05 2017-09-14 2017-09-03
                                                  Business Licensing Reforms
conducting training on the                                                                      Selection
application of the standard
cost model

CONDUCTING A BASELINE                             Business Registration and                                                                                                 Pending
                                 IDA / 52690                                   Post             Consultant          Open                                             0.00                    2016-09-08              2016-10-27              2016-11-17              2016-12-22            2017-03-22
SURVEY FOR UGANDA                                 Business Licensing Reforms                                                                                                Implementation

 UG-PSFU-8755-CS-INDV /                                                                         Individual
Recruitment of an                IDA / 52690      Project Implementation       Post             Consultant          Open                                             0.00                    2016-12-05              2017-04-21              2017-05-12              2017-06-16            2019-03-31
Administrative Officer                                                                          Selection

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 9
 UG-PSFU-9320-CS-QBS /                                                                Individual
Recruitment of an Office           IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2016-12-05              2017-04-29              2017-05-20            2017-06-24            2019-06-14
Attendant                                                                             Selection

Consultancy services for                         Business Registration and                                                     Under
                                   IDA / 52690                                Prior   Consultant         Open           0.00                    2016-11-03              2017-01-24              2017-05-05 2017-06-21 2017-06-09            2017-09-07
design of an Online Business                     Business Licensing Reforms                                                    Implementation
Registration System for URSB

 UG-PSFU-9279-CS-INDV /                                                               Individual
Recruitment of an Accountant       IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2016-12-02              2017-03-20              2017-05-26            2017-06-30            2017-09-28
(Part time)                                                                           Selection

 UG-PSFU-18481-CS-INDV /
CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR                                                              Individual
                                                 Tourism Development                                                           Pending
ASSESSMENT OF THE TOURISM IDA / 52690                                         Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2015-11-16                                                            2016-09-22            2016-11-11
                                                 Initiatives                                                                   Implementation
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT                                                                Selection

 UG-PSFU-18480-CS-INDV /
Consultancy Services for
Development of Marketing                                                              Individual
                                                 Tourism Development                                                           Pending
Strategy and Policy on             IDA / 52690                                Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2016-09-08              2016-10-27              2016-11-17            2016-12-22            2017-06-20
                                                 Initiatives                                                                   Implementation
Meeting, Incentives,                                                                  Selection
Convention and Events (Mice)
For Uganda

 UG-PSFU-18351-CS-INDV /
Consultancy services for
undertaking a training on                                                             Individual
                                                 Business Registration and                                                     Under
regulatory impact assessment       IDA / 52690                                Prior   Consultant         Open           0.00                    2017-06-16              2017-08-04              2017-08-25            2017-09-29            2018-03-28
                                                 Business Licensing Reforms                                                    Implementation
for key government agencies                                                           Selection
involved in legislative drafting

 UG-PSFU-18352-CS-INDV /
Technical Advisory services to
support the restructuring of                     Tourism Development                                                           Under
                                   IDA / 52690                                Prior   Consultant         Open           0.00                    2017-06-16              2017-08-04              2017-08-25 2018-01-23 2017-09-29            2018-09-29
the Uganda Hospitality and                       Initiatives                                                                   Implementation
Tourism Training Institute
(UHTTI), Jinja

 UG-PSFU-18488-CS-INDV /                         Business Registration and                                                     Pending
                                   IDA / 52690                                Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2017-06-19              2017-08-07              2017-08-28            2017-10-02            2019-03-26
Selection of 2 Clerks of works                   Business Licensing Reforms                                                    Implementation

 UG-PSFU-50592-CS-INDV /                                                              Individual
                                                 Business Registration and                                                     Under
implementation of RIA- Phase       IDA / 52690                                Prior   Consultant         Direct         0.00                    2018-03-09              2018-03-19              2018-04-09 2018-05-04 2018-05-14            2018-11-10
                                                 Business Licensing Reforms                                                    Implementation
II                                                                                    Selection

UG-PSFU-50530-CS-INDV /                          Tourism Development                                                           Under
                                   IDA / 52690                                Prior   Consultant         Direct         0.00                    2018-03-02              2018-03-12              2018-04-02 2018-05-04 2018-05-07            2018-11-03
MICE Phase II                                    Initiatives                                                                   Implementation

 UG-PSFU-80478-CS-INDV /
                                   IDA / 52690   Project Implementation       Prior   Consultant         Open           0.00   Canceled         2018-10-12   2018-11-27 2018-11-30              2018-12-21            2019-01-25            2019-07-24
Project Sociologist

 UG-PSFU-87667-CS-INDV /
Consultancy services for                                                              Individual
                                                 Tourism Development
design and tender                  IDA / 52690                                Prior   Consultant         Direct         0.00   Canceled         2018-11-30              2018-12-10 2018-11-30 2018-12-31              2019-02-04            2019-04-01
documentation of a Revenue                                                            Selection
Collection System

 UG-PSFU-89009-CS-INDV /
Support for design of the                        Tourism Development                                                           Pending
                              IDA / 52690                                     Post    Consultant         Direct         0.00                    2018-12-03              2018-12-13              2019-01-03            2019-02-07            2019-04-04
Revenue Collection System for                    Initiatives                                                                   Implementation

 UG-PSFU-100059-CS-INDV /                                                             Individual
Selection of a Project Engineer- IDA / 52690     Project Implementation       Post    Consultant         Limited        0.00                    2019-02-12              2019-02-17              2019-03-10            2019-04-14            2019-10-11
STC.                                                                                  Selection

 UG-PSFU-199945-CS-INDV /                                                             Individual
Monitoring & Evaluation   IDA / 65380            Project Implementation       Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2020-11-02   2020-11-26 2020-12-21              2021-01-11            2021-02-15            2021-03-22
Specialist                                                                            Selection

 UG-PSFU-199946-CS-INDV /                                                                                                      Under
                          IDA / 65380            Project Implementation       Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2020-11-02   2020-11-26 2020-12-21              2021-01-11            2021-02-15            2022-02-04
Procurement Specialist                                                                                                         Implementation

 UG-PSFU-199932-CS-INDV /                                                                                                      Under
                          IDA / 65380            Project Implementation       Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2020-11-02   2020-12-23 2020-12-21              2021-01-11            2021-02-15            2021-08-14
Procurement Officer                                                                                                            Implementation

 UG-PSFU-201722-CS-CDS /
                                                 Tourism Development
Recruitment of a Coordinator       IDA / 65380                                Post    Direct Selection   Direct    74,750.60   Signed           2020-11-09   2020-11-26 2020-11-19 2020-12-14                         2021-01-23 2020-12-18 2022-05-31
for the Tourism component

 UG-PSFU-199940-CS-INDV /                        Tourism Development                                                           Under
                          IDA / 65380                                         Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2020-11-02   2020-11-26 2020-12-21 2021-05-19 2021-01-11 2021-05-26 2021-02-15              2021-03-22
Project Engineer                                 Initiatives                                                                   Implementation

 UG-PSFU-199947-CS-INDV /                                                             Individual
Project Communication     IDA / 65380            Project Implementation       Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2020-11-02   2020-11-26 2020-12-21 2021-04-06 2021-01-11 2021-05-06 2021-02-15              2021-03-21
Specialist                                                                            Selection

 UG-PSFU-202966-CS-INDV /                                                                                                      Under
                          IDA / 65380            Project Implementation       Post    Consultant         Open           0.00                    2020-11-09   2020-11-26 2020-12-28              2021-01-18            2021-02-22            2023-02-12
Environmental Specialist                                                                                                       Implementation

 UG-PSFU-201687-CS-CDS /
Consultancy services for
support to operationalization                    Tourism Development                                                           Under
                                   IDA / 65380                                Post    Direct Selection   Direct         0.00                    2020-11-22   2021-09-29 2020-12-02                                    2021-02-05            2021-08-04
of the Meetings, Incentives,                     Initiatives                                                                   Implementation
Conferences and Exhibitions
(MICE) Bureau

                                                                                                                                                                             Page 10
 UG-PSFU-206122-CS-INDV /                                                    Individual
Recruitment of a Project  IDA / 65380        Project Implementation   Post   Consultant         Open          0.00                    2020-12-04   2020-12-21 2021-01-22 2021-02-26 2021-02-12 2021-03-11 2021-03-19            2023-03-09
Accountant                                                                   Selection

 UG-PSFU-200977-CS-CDS /
Consultancy services for
                                             Tourism Development
review/update of Designs and   IDA / 65380                            Post   Direct Selection   Direct        0.00   Canceled         2020-11-16   2020-12-03 2020-11-26                                  2021-01-30            2021-07-29
BOQs, for Uganda Museum,

 UG-PSFU-201702-CS-CDS /
Consultancy services for
conducting an Environmental
and Social Impact                            Tourism Development
                            IDA / 65380                               Post   Direct Selection   Direct        0.00   Canceled         2020-11-23   2020-11-26 2020-12-03                                  2021-02-06            2021-08-05
Assessment (ESIA) for                        Initiatives
expansion and modernisation
of the Uganda Museum, UHTTI
and UWEC

 UG-PSFU-218501-CS-CDS /
Consultancy services for
conducting an Environmental
and Social Impact                            Tourism Development
                               IDA / 65380                            Post   Direct Selection   Direct   62,587.00   Signed           2021-02-22   2021-02-25 2021-03-04 2021-03-11                       2021-05-08 2021-08-05 2021-11-04
Assessment (ESIA) for                        Initiatives
expansion and modernization
of the Uganda Museum and

 UG-PSFU-232971-CS-INDV /
Consultancy services for
preparation of technical and                 Tourism Development                                                     Under
                             IDA / 65380                              Post   Consultant         Direct        0.00                    2021-05-07   2021-09-16 2021-05-17              2021-06-07          2021-07-12            2022-01-08
performance requirements for                 Initiatives                                                             Implementation
the Tourism Information
Management System

 UG-PSFU-233006-CS-INDV /
                          IDA / 65380        Project Implementation   Post   Consultant         Direct        0.00   Under Review     2021-05-14   2021-05-21 2021-05-24              2021-06-14          2021-07-19            2022-07-14
Business Advisor Tourism

 UG-PSFU-259152-CS-CDS /
Consultancy services for
undertaking an annual
environmental and social
audit of the Uganda Business IDA / 65380     Project Implementation   Post   Direct Selection   Direct        0.00   Under Review     2021-11-01   2021-11-04 2021-11-11                                  2022-01-15            2022-07-14
Facilitation Center ( UBFC) and
the Uganda Hotel and Tourism
Training Institute ( UHTTI)
Construction works

                                                                                                                                                                   Page 11