PROCUREMENT PLAN (Textual Part) Project information: GUYANA GUYANA EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (GESIP) PROJECT ID NO.: P159519 Project Implementation agency: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, GUYANA EDUCATION SECTOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (GESIP) Date of the Procurement Plan: August 10, 2017 Period covered by this Procurement Plan: August 10, 2017 to August 9, 2018 Preamble In accordance with paragraph 5.9 of the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (July 2016) (“Procurement Regulations”) the Bank’s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare, clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactions for the Project. This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan. The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 4.4 of the Procurement Regulations are set forth in STEP. The Bank’s Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contracts as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP. National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the country’s own procurement procedures may be used. When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement arrangements as set forth in National Procurement Act 2003 and regulations, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations. When other national procurement arrangements other than national open competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations. Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables. Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables “Not Applicable” Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Works). Goods: is not applicable for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables; Works: is not applicable for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables. Hands-on Expanded Implementation Support (HEIS) as specified under paragraphs 3.10 and 3.11 of the Procurement Regulations is Applicable. “Not Applicable” Other Relevant Procurement Information. “Not Applicable” PROCUREMENT Guyana : Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project PLAN General Information Country: Guyana Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2017-08-11 2021-11-22 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P159519 GPN Date: 2017-07-25 Project Name: Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / 60090 Ministry of Education Executing Agency(ies): WORKS Activity Reference No. / Procurement Estimated Actual Draft Pre- Draft Bidding Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification High SEA/SH Process Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission Contract Description Component Review Type Method Document Amount Amount qualification Document / and Recommendation Signed Contract No. Approach Process (Y/N) Risk Status Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued / Opening / Minutes Completion Type (US$) (US$) Documents Justification for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned GESIP/RFB/CW-1 / Component 2: Construction of UG Health Strengthening the Teaching Under Science Building Capacity and Improving the Open - Single Stage - One 4,475,450.8 2018-06- 2021-05- 2018-06- 2021-05- 2018-08- 2018-09- 2018-10- 2019-10- IDA / 60090 Post Request for Bids 0.00 Implementa Sub-component 2.2: Learning Environment for International Envelope 1 15 28 24 28 05 04 09 09 tion Improving Learning the University of Guyana Environment Facul ty of Health Sciences. GOODS Activity Reference No. / Draft Pre- Draft Bidding Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission Description Component Review Type Method qualification Document / and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued / Opening / Minutes Documents Justification for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GESIP/RFB-2 / Procurement of Teaching and Learning Component 1: Integrated Open - Single Stage - One 2018-01- 2018-02- 2018-03- 2018-04- 2018-05- 2018-11- Materials IDA / 60090 Prior Request for Bids 1,377,677.00 0.00 Canceled Curriculum Reform. International Envelope 31 05 19 18 23 19 Sub-Component 1.4: Teaching and learning materials GESIP/RFB-1 / Procurement of Equipment for Capacity Building for NCERD Component 1: Integrated Single Stage - One 2017-08- 2017-11- 2017-09- 2017-09- 2017-12- 2017-10- 2018-01- 2017-11- 2018-02- 2017-12- 2018-03- Sub-component 1.1: IDA / 60090 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 246,505.00 121,370.42 Completed Curriculum Reform. Envelope 31 07 03 26 05 11 19 02 12 17 29 Integrated Reform of Curriculum and Teacher Practice Component 2: GESIP/RFB-G-1 / Purchasing Strengthening the Teaching of Furniture Pending Capacity and Improving the Open - Single Stage - One 2018-10- 2018-10- 2018-11- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-07- Sub-component 2.2 IDA / 60090 Post Request for Bids 850,000.00 0.00 Implementat Learning Environment for International Envelope 08 13 24 24 28 27 Improving Learning ion the University of Guyana Environment Facul ty of Health Sciences. GESIP/DC/G-1 / Purchasing of Insignt 4ES OMR and Image Scanners For the Component 1: Integrated 2018-12- 2018-12- 2018-12- 2018-10- 2018-12- 2018-08- 2019-06- effective training and IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 25,000.00 24,343.85 Signed Curriculum Reform. 03 06 05 26 26 23 24 implementation of the Grademaker Strengthening of the National Assessment Capacity. GESIP/RFQ/2019/01 / Purchasing of Laptops for Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-05- 2019-03- IDA / 60090 Post Limited 60,000.00 70,809.87 Signed the National Curriculum Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 05 11 20 09 22 writing and revision process. Component 2: GESIP/RFB-G-2 / Purchasing Strengthening the Teaching Pending of Equipment, Sub- Capacity and Improving the Single Stage - One 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2020-01- IDA / 60090 Post Request for Bids Open - National 320,000.00 0.00 Implementat Component 2.2: Improving Learning Environment for Envelope 29 03 15 05 10 06 ion Learning Environment the University of Guyana Facul ty of Health Sciences. GESIP/G/RFQ/2019/02 / Purchase of Desktop Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2019-07- 2019-08- 2019-09- computer for Scantron IDA / 60090 Post Limited 3,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 22 14 13 operation for the National ion Assessment GESIP/G/RFQ/2019/03 / Equipment No. 2 for Capacity Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2019-07- 2019-08- 2019-11- Building for NCERD, under IDA / 60090 Post Limited 17,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 26 23 21 the National Curriculum ion Revision process. GESIP/G/DC/2019/02 / Procurement of Books from Pending Component 1: Integrated 2019-07- 2019-07- 2019-08- 2019-10- Scholastic Corporation for IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 86,300.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. 25 30 20 19 the Piloting of the Revised ion Curriculum. GESIP/G/DC/2019/03 / Pending Procurement of Books from Component 1: Integrated 2019-07- 2019-07- 2019-08- 2019-10- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 7,464.00 0.00 Implementat Harper Collins for the Curriculum Reform. 25 30 13 12 ion Piloting of the Revised Curriculum. GESIP/G/DC/2019/04 / Procurement of Books from Pending Component 1: Integrated 2019-07- 2019-07- 2019-08- 2019-10- Perfection Learning for the IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 2,409.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. 25 30 13 12 Piloting of the Revised ion Curriculum. GESIP/G/DC/2019/05 / Procurement of Books from Pending Component 1: Integrated 2019-07- 2019-08- 2019-08- 2019-10- Crabtree Publishing for the IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 6,837.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. 28 02 18 17 Piloting of the Revised ion Curriculum. GESIP/G/RFQ/2019/04 / Pending Procurement of Classroom Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2019-07- 2019-09- 2019-11- IDA / 60090 Post Open - National 58,022.00 0.00 Implementat Books for the Piloting of the Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 29 16 15 ion Revised Curriculum. GESIP/G/RFQ/2019/05 / Procurement of SCHOOLS / Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2019-07- 2019-09- 2019-09- CLASSROOMS Materials for IDA / 60090 Post Open - National 46,897.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 29 07 13 the Piloting of the Revised ion Curriculum. GESIP/G/DC/2019/06 / Procurement of Mathematics Pending Component 1: Integrated 2019-07- 2019-07- 2019-08- 2019-10- Manipulatives (Math kits) for IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 59,347.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. 24 29 17 16 the Piloting of the Revised ion Curriculum. GESIP/G/RFQ/2019/06 / Technology - Procurement of Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2019-07- 2019-09- 2019-09- Classroom Equipment for the IDA / 60090 Post Open - National 62,513.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 30 03 09 Piloting of the Revised ion Curriculum. GESIP/G/DC/2019/SOFTW / Procurement of antivirus protection software and Pending Component 1: Integrated 2019-07- 2019-07- 2019-08- 2019-09- license microsoft office suite IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 7,300.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. 25 30 15 14 for the fifty (50) laptops ion purchased for curriculum writing GESIP/RFQ/2019/01B / Purchasing of laptops for Pending Component 1: Integrated 2019-11- 2019-11- 2019-12- 2020-01- National Curriculum Writing IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 15,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. 15 20 07 06 and Review Process ion (Secondary) GESIP/G/RFQ/2019/07 / Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2019-11- 2020-01- 2020-01- Purchasing of Maths IDA / 60090 Post Open - National 43,165.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 29 01 31 Materials ion GESIP/G/DC/2020/01 / Supply and Delivery of a Pending Component 3: Project 2020-01- 2020-01- 2020-02- 2020-03- Multifunction Work-center IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 12,000.00 0.00 Implementat Implementation Support. 15 20 17 18 (Printer, Photocopier, ion Scanner, Finisher) - Floor Model GESIP/G/RFQ/2020/01 / Procurement of Desktop Under Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2020-04- 2020-04- 2020-04- Computer for Scantron IDA / 60090 Post Limited 2,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 01 12 26 Operation for the National ion Assessment GESIP/G/DC/2020/02 / Under Component 1: Integrated 2020-11- 2020-12- 2020-11- 2020-12- 2021-01- 2021-03- Procurement of Mathematics IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 100,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. 23 22 28 23 02 03 Manipulative for Grade 3 & 4 ion GESIP/G/RFQ/2020/02 / Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2020-12- 2021-01- 2021-07- Procurement of Math IDA / 60090 Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 05 30 29 Materials for Grade 3 & 4 ion GESIP/G/RFB/2020/01 / Pending Procurement of Classroom Component 1: Integrated Single Stage - One 2020-11- 2020-12- 2021-01- 2021-02- 2021-03- 2021-09- IDA / 60090 Post Request for Bids Open - National 150,000.00 0.00 Implementat Technology Equipment for Curriculum Reform. Envelope 30 05 16 15 22 18 ion Grade 3 & 4 GESIP/G/RFB/02 / Procurement of Classroom Pending Component 1: Integrated Single Stage - One 2021-05- 2021-05- 2021-06- 2021-07- 2021-09- 2021-10- Books for Piloting of the IDA / 60090 Post Request for Bids Open - National 170,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Envelope 21 23 15 15 03 18 revised Curriculum for ion Grades 3&4 Page 1 GESIP/G/RFQ/2021/03 / Procurement of Equipment Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2021-05- 2021-06- 2021-07- IDA / 60090 Post Limited 1,500.00 0.00 Canceled for Capacity Building for Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 21 30 03 NCERD_ Purchasing of Laptop GESIP/G/DC/2021/04 / Procurement of Classroom Pending Books for Piloting of the Component 1: Integrated 2021-05- 2021-06- 2021-06- 2021-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 7,000.00 0.00 Implementat revised Curriculum (Grades Curriculum Reform. 28 04 27 11 ion 3&4)_ Direct Contracting from Scholastic Inc. GESIP/G/DC/2021/05 / Procurement of Classroom Pending Books for Piloting of the Component 1: Integrated 2021-05- 2021-06- 2021-06- 2021-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 33,000.00 0.00 Implementat Revised Curriculum (Grades Curriculum Reform. 28 04 28 12 ion 3&4) - Direct Contracting with Rubicon Publishing GESIP/G/DC/2021/03 / Procurement of Classroom Pending Books for the Piloting of the Component 1: Integrated 2021-05- 2021-06- 2021-06- 2021-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 43,500.00 0.00 Implementat Revised Curriculum (Grades Curriculum Reform. 28 02 23 07 ion 3&4)_Direct Contracting from Lee and Low Books GESIP/G/RFQ/2021/07 / Procurement of Equipment Component 1: Integrated Single Stage - One 2021-06- 2021-06- 2021-06- 2021-07- 2021-08- 2021-10- for Capacity Building for IDA / 60090 Post Request for Bids Open - National 100,000.00 0.00 Canceled Curriculum Reform. Envelope 02 06 29 13 06 05 NCERD - Purchasing of Printing Press for Materials Production Unit GESIP/G/RFQ/01 / Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2021-08- 2021-08- 2021-08- Memorabilia for Master IDA / 60090 Post Limited 3,500.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 23 27 28 Trainer's Workshop ion GESIP/G/RFQ/02 / Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2021-08- 2021-08- 2021-08- Stationery for Master IDA / 60090 Post Limited 5,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 23 27 28 Trainer's Workshop ion GESIP/G/RFQ/06 / Storage Containers for Grade 3&4 Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2021-08- 2021-08- 2021-08- learning materials to be be IDA / 60090 Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 23 27 28 delivered to Pilot Schools ion countrywide. GESIP/2020/GO/DC/01 / Pending Storage Containers for Component 1: Integrated 2020-09- 2020-09- 2020-10- 2020-11- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 10,100.00 0.00 Implementat Distribution of Grades 1&2 Curriculum Reform. 03 08 13 12 ion Pilot Materials NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Draft Pre- Draft Bidding Bid Evaluation Report Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission Description Component Review Type Method qualification Document / and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued / Opening / Minutes Documents Justification for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GESIP//DC/NCS/01 / GESIP is desirous of acquiring video recordings of classroom teaching practices. This is required for Component 1: Integrated 2018-06- 2018-06- 2018-06- 2018-06- 2018-07- 2018-07- IDA / 60090 Prior Direct Selection Direct 10,056.00 9,925.82 Signed the teacher observation and Curriculum Reform. 13 14 18 28 17 28 assessment tool, TEACH to be properly adapted to the Guyana context. Specialized video recordings are required. GESIP/NC/DC/2020/01 / Pending Customization of Maps of Component 1: Integrated 2020-01- 2020-01- 2020-02- 2020-03- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 8,000.00 0.00 Implementat Guyana's Administrative and Curriculum Reform. 15 20 05 06 ion Natural Regions. GESIP/NCS/RFQ/04 / Venue Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2021-08- 2021-08- 2021-08- and Meals for Master IDA / 60090 Post Limited 7,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 23 27 28 Trainer's Refresher Training ion GESIP/NCS/RFQ/03 / Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2021-08- 2021-08- 2021-08- Printing of Curriculum IDA / 60090 Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 23 27 28 Guides for Grades 3&4 ion Refresher GESIP/NCS/RFQ/05 / Meals Pending Component 1: Integrated Request for Single Stage - One 2021-08- 2021-08- 2021-08- for Teacher training (7 IDA / 60090 Post Limited 10,000.00 0.00 Implementat Curriculum Reform. Quotations Envelope 23 27 28 Georgetown locations) ion CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Notice Request for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes Technical Proposal Negotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GESIP/QCBS-1 / Development of a Framework for Curriculum Revision Component 1: Integrated Quality And Cost- Open - 2017-11- 2017-09- 2017-11- 2017-11- 2018-01- 2017-12- 2018-02- 2018-01- 2018-03- 2018-02- 2018-05- 2018-03- 2018-05- 2019-03- Sub-component 1.1: IDA / 60090 Prior 120,000.00 292,550.00 Signed 2017-08-31 Curriculum Reform. Based Selection International 03 21 07 04 11 02 13 01 27 05 08 12 30 12 Integrated Reform of Curriculum and Teacher Practice GESIP/QCBS-2 / Curriculum Revision, Sub-Component 1.1: Integrated Reform of Curriculum and teacher Component 1: Integrated Quality And Cost- Open - 2017-10- 2017-12- 2018-01- 2018-02- 2018-03- 2018-04- 2019-04- IDA / 60090 Prior 400,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-10-09 Practice (B) Curriculum Curriculum Reform. Based Selection International 30 13 10 09 16 20 20 revision by subject, training master trainers in use of new curriculum GESIP/RFP-CW-1 / Consultancy for the Design Component 2: and Supervision of Civil Strengthening the Teaching Works at the Faculty of Capacity and Improving the Quality And Cost- Open - 2017-12- 2018-12- IDA / 60090 Prior 724,549.19 0.00 Canceled Health Sciences Learning Environment for Based Selection International 07 07 Sub-component 2.2: the University of Guyana Improving Learning Facul ty of Health Sciences. Environment GESIP/CQS-1 / Revise/update nursary curriculum, Sub-Component 1.1: Integrated Reform of Consultant Component 1: Integrated Pending 2017-12- 2018-01- 2018-02- 2018-04- 2018-09- Curriculum and Teacher IDA / 60090 Post Qualification Open - National 60,000.00 0.00 2017-11-24 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 15 28 27 03 30 Practices, (B) Curriculum Selection Revision by subject, training master trainers in the use of new curriculum GESIP/CQS-2 / NCERD Staff Realignment of Student Assessment to the Revised Consultant Component 1: Integrated 2018-02- 2018-04- 2018-05- 2018-06- 2018-12- Curriculum IDA / 60090 Post Qualification Open - National 90,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-02-06 Curriculum Reform. 27 12 12 16 13 Sub-compoent 1.3: Selection Strengthening of national assessment capacity GESIP/CQS-3 / Developing a user-fridendy softwre Consultant interface for NCERD Component 1: Integrated 2017-10- 2017-12- 2018-01- 2018-02- 2018-08- IDA / 60090 Post Qualification Open - National 80,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-10-10 Sub-compoent 1.3: Curriculum Reform. 31 14 13 17 16 Selection Strengthening of national assessment capacity GSEIP/QCBS/CW/01 / Sub- component 2.2:Improving Component 2: Learning Environment, Strengthening the Teaching Consultancy for the Design Capacity and Improving the Quality And Cost- Open - 2017-10- 2017-10- 2017-10- 2017-11- 2018-02- 2017-12- 2018-03- 2018-01- 2018-05- 2018-02- 2018-08- 2018-03- 2018-08- 2019-03- IDA / 60090 Prior 724,549.19 462,800.00 Signed 2017-10-02 and Supervision of the New Learning Environment for Based Selection International 05 16 05 20 07 18 13 01 30 05 08 12 24 12 Building for the Faculty of the University of Guyana Health Sciences Works, Facul ty of Health Sciences. University of Guyana INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Invitation to Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Draft Negotiated Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Identified/Selected Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Contract Consultant Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GESIP/IC-1 / Development of padagical training Individual Component 1: Integrated Pending 2018-02- 2018-03- 2018-04- 2018-10- modules, Component 1.2: IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Limited 30,000.00 0.00 2018-02-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 10 03 07 04 Teacher Training on student Selection centered peagogies GESIP/IC-3 / Development Component 2: of a Student Assessment Strengthening the Teaching Individual System Capacity and Improving the 2018-02- 2017-09- 2017-09- 2017-11- 2018-05- IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Limited 25,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2017-09-04 Sub-component 2.1: Learning Environment for 01 09 30 04 03 Selection Strengthening Capacity in the University of Guyana Teaching Facul ty of Health Sciences. GESIP/IC-4 / Project Component 3: Project 2017-08- 2017-07- 2017-06- 2017-10- 2017-10- 2018-04- IDA / 60090 Prior Direct Selection Direct 16,800.00 49,169.92 Signed 2017-07-20 Coordinator Implementation Support. 17 30 28 03 03 01 Individual GESIP/IC-5 / Procurement Component 3: Project 2017-10- 2017-06- 2017-10- 2017-07- 2017-10- 2017-09- 2017-10- 2018-03- IDA / 60090 Prior Consultant Open 47,500.00 32,970.00 Signed 2017-05-05 Officer Implementation Support. 12 10 23 01 24 04 26 03 Selection Page 2 GESIP/IC-6 / Finance Component 3: Project 2017-08- 2017-08- 2017-09- 2017-08- 2017-10- 2018-07- IDA / 60090 Prior Direct Selection Direct 23,126.36 25,577.03 Signed 2017-08-02 Assistant Implementation Support. 17 02 20 04 03 31 Individual Component 3: Project 2018-07- 2018-03- 2018-04- 2018-05- 2018-11- GESIP/IC-7 / Engineer IDA / 60090 Prior Consultant Open 14,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-02-05 Implementation Support. 23 19 09 14 10 Selection Individual GESIP/IC-8 / Monitoring and Component 3: Project 2017-10- 2017-09- 2017-11- 2017-10- 2017-11- 2017-11- 2017-11- 2018-05- IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Open 11,000.00 34,208.72 Signed 2017-07-24 Evaluation Officer Implementation Support. 26 25 20 16 21 20 24 19 Selection Individual GESIP/IC-9 / Environment Component 3: Project 2018-02- 2018-03- 2018-04- 2018-10- IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Open 7,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2018-01-08 Specialist (Part-time) Implementation Support. 26 19 23 20 Selection GESIP/IC-10 / Social Individual Component 3: Project 2018-02- 2017-10- 2017-11- 2018-04- 2017-12- 2018-04- 2018-06- Development Specialist (Part- IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Limited 7,000.00 8,000.00 Terminated 2017-10-09 Implementation Support. 26 14 04 06 09 06 07 time) Selection GESIP/DC/C-01 / Subcomponent 2.1a International Consultancy to Component 2: Establish a Student Strengthening the Teaching Performance and Evaluation Capacity and Improving the 2018-02- 2018-02- 2018-03- 2018-03- 2018-09- System Consistent with IDA / 60090 Prior Direct Selection Direct 30,000.00 30,000.00 Signed 2018-02-21 Learning Environment for 26 26 11 09 07 Requirements for Caribbean the University of Guyana Accreditation Authority in Facul ty of Health Sciences. Medicine and other Health Professions (CAAM-HP) Accreditation GESIP/DC/C/02 / Component 3, Project implementation Support, Environmental Management Component 3: Project 2018-03- 2018-03- 2018-03- 2018-03- 2018-05- 2019-03- Officer to be responsible for IDA / 60090 Prior Direct Selection Direct 8,000.00 32,000.00 Signed 2018-02-26 Implementation Support. 28 08 29 20 03 20 the overall environmental management of the Project, especially sub-component 2.2 Improving Learning Environment. GESIP/DC/C-3 / Sub- component 1.3 Consultancy to Strengthen National Assessment Capacity for Continuous Improvement. Component 1: Integrated 2018-06- 2018-03- 2018-06- 2018-04- 2018-08- 2022-04- The Consultant will be IDA / 60090 Prior Direct Selection Direct 342,456.00 191,129.97 Signed 2018-02-27 Curriculum Reform. 26 09 12 22 27 21 responsible for the delivery of all products and will work with NCERD and MOE to administer assessment , analyse student, etc. GESIP/IC-7A / Part-time Project Engineer - The part- time Project Engineer will be Individual responsible for ensuring that Component 3: Project 2018-07- 2018-12- 2018-09- 2018-12- 2018-09- 2018-12- 2018-09- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Open 14,000.00 20,000.00 Signed 2018-11-19 Project's Civil Works Implementation Support. 27 05 13 12 13 16 14 16 Selection activities as per Contract for Design and Supervision Consultant meet the requirements. GESIP/DC/C-04 / Supervise all administrative activity on the project's financial Component 3: Project 2018-12- 2018-11- 2018-12- 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 6,000.00 6,000.00 Signed 2018-11-13 management and coordinate Implementation Support. 05 18 11 05 11 05 the same at the sub-project implementation levels. GESIP/DC/CS-4 / To be responsible for the development of all curriculum materials, for vetting the enhanced Component 1: Integrated 2018-12- 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-02- 2021-12- curriculum through internal IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 70,000.00 54,850.00 Signed 2018-12-18 Curriculum Reform. 20 18 13 02 01 31 committees of the MOE and through the consultants. Consolidating and integrating inputs from Central MOE and other relevant stakeholder GESIP/DC/IC/PW1 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-02- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,646.34 Signed 2018-12-17 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 21 18 01 27 18 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established GESIP/DC/IC/PW2 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-02- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,646.34 Signed 2018-12-17 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 21 18 01 27 18 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established GESIP/DC/IC/PW-3 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-02- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Signed 2018-12-17 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 21 18 01 27 18 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established GESIP/DC/IC/PW-4 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Pending 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2018-12-17 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 18 27 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established GESIP/DC/IC/PW-5 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Signed 2018-12-17 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 20 07 27 17 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established GESIP/DC/IC/PW-6 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Under 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2018-12-17 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 21 18 07 27 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-7 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,646.34 Signed 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 18 08 27 18 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-8 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-03- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Terminated 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 19 04 27 18 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-9 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-01- 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 02 19 27 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-10 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Terminated 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 19 07 27 17 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-11 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Signed 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 19 07 27 17 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-12 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Signed 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 19 17 27 17 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. Page 3 GESIP/DC/IC/PW-13 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,646.34 Signed 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 19 07 27 18 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW14 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-01- 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 02 19 27 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-15 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Under 2018-12- 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 21 19 27 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-16 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Signed 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 19 04 27 18 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-17 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Under 2018-12- 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 27 19 27 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-18 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Terminated 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 19 07 27 18 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-19 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 02 19 07 27 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-20 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Signed 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 19 08 27 18 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-21 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-03- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,646.34 Signed 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 02 19 04 27 17 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-22 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-01- 2018-12- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 02 19 27 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW-23 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-01- 2018-12- 2019-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2018-12-18 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 02 19 08 27 27 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/PW24 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated 2019-01- 2019-01- 2019-03- 2019-01- 2019-01- 2019-07- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 3,170.73 Signed 2019-01-03 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. 03 07 04 11 18 10 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/DC/IC/SW1 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 08 25 20 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW2 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 04 08 25 25 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW3 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 08 23 23 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW4 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 04 08 23 23 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW5 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 08 20 20 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW6 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 03 08 23 23 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW7 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 08 20 11 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant Page 4 GESIP/DC/IC/SW8 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 08 17 17 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW9 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 08 23 23 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW10 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-02- 2020-02- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 03 08 27 27 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW11 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW12 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW13 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 03 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW14 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 04 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW15 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW16 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 04 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW17 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 04 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW18 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 03 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW19 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 03 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW20 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW21 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 04 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/SW22 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-02- 2019-02- 2019-03- 2020-03- will be done in accordance IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-02-04 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 03 14 07 06 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of Ministry of Education officials and the Curriculum Consultant GESIP/DC/IC/T-1 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. Page 5 GESIP/DC/IC/T-2 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 12 25 29 15 04 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-3 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-4 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-5 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.91 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-6 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- 2019-06- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 4.79 Completed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 30 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-7 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-8 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-9 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-10 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-11 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-12 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-13 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.91 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-14 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 15 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-15 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 4.79 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 04 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-16 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 4.79 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 08 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/DC/IC/T-17 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-04- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 Signed 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. 14 25 29 15 09 20 12 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. Page 6 GESIP/DC/IC/T-18 / To capture teacher practices and instructional quality in Guyanese classrooms, with the goal of providing Individual Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-03- 2019-04- 2019-04- 2019-05- 2019-11- guidance on how to improve IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Direct 1,007.19 1,007.19 2019-03-15 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 14 25 29 15 08 20 16 the measurement of Selection teachers' practices and using the collected data to inform teacher professional development. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-1 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-06-26 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 03 15 05 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-2 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 16 16 26 18 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-3 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 19 18 29 19 19 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-4 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 16 26 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-5 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-08- 2019-06- 2021-05- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 16 16 12 18 03 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-6 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 16 26 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-7 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 16 17 26 18 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-8 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 16 16 24 18 14 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-9 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 16 16 24 18 14 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-10 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 16 16 26 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-11 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 16 26 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-12 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 16 16 26 18 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-13 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 16 26 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019-SSC14 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 16 18 26 19 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-15 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 16 26 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-16 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-12 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 16 16 26 18 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-17 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-14 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 18 16 28 18 18 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-18 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-15 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 19 16 29 18 19 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-19 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-15 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 18 16 24 17 14 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. Page 7 GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-20 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-07-15 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 18 26 16 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-22 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-08- 2019-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-07-15 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 19 06 09 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-21 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-07-15 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 19 29 19 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-23 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-06- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 1,200.00 Signed 2019-07-15 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. 17 19 16 29 18 19 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/DC/2019/SSC-24 / To provide technical expertise and thought leadership in the review of Component 1: Integrated Under 2019-06- 2019-07- 2019-07- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,200.00 0.00 2019-07-15 the draft submissions of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 19 29 19 renewed curriculum at the Nursery, Primary and early Secondary levels. GESIP/IC/5B / To Implement and manage the Procurement program and Component 3: Project 2019-11- 2019-11- 2019-10- 2019-11- 2019-11- 2020-11- IDA / 60090 Prior Direct Selection Direct 32,970.00 34,116.59 Signed 2019-11-01 associated activities of the Implementation Support. 03 05 21 11 03 10 Guyana Education sector Improvement program. GESIP/IC/10B / Social Component 3: Project 2019-11- 2019-11- 2019-11- 2019-11- 2019-10- 2020-11- Development Officer (part IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 7,000.00 8,000.00 Signed 2019-11-03 Implementation Support. 03 09 06 17 01 16 time) GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-01 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-02 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-03 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-04 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-05 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-06 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-07 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-08 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-09 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-10 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-11 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-12 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-13 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. Page 8 GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-14 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-15 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-16 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-17 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-18 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-19 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-20 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-21 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-22 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-23 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-24 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-25 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-26 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-27 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-28 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-29 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-30 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-31 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-32 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. Page 9 GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-33 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-34 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-35 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-36 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-37 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-38 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-39 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-40 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-41 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-42 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-43 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-44 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-45 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-46 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-47 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-48 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-49 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-50 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-51 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. Page 10 GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-52 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-53 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-54 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-55 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-56 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-57 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PCM-58 / Primary Curriculum Monitors - will be dispatch to regional locations to observe and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-09- 2019-12- coach classroom teachers IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 719.42 0.00 2019-08-05 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 13 17 31 individually, and where feasible, in cluster groups in a similar fashion to which they themselves were trained. GESIP/IC/DC/PW-25 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2019-08-05 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 15 03 31 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/IC/DC/PW-26 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-08- 2019-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 4,000.00 0.00 2019-08-05 Primary curriculum. This will Curriculum Reform. Implementation 15 03 31 be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established. GESIP/IC/DC/NW-01 / Nursery Curriculum Writer - This will be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established; and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-09- 2019-10- 2020-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,472.39 0.00 2019-09-09 with the guidance of MOE Curriculum Reform. Implementation 19 14 31 officials and a team of consultants who have been instrumental in the development of said Framework. GESIP/IC/DC/NW-02 / Nursery Curriculum Writer - This will be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established; and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-09- 2019-10- 2020-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,473.39 0.00 2019-09-09 with the guidance of MOE Curriculum Reform. Implementation 19 14 31 officials and a team of consultants who have been instrumental in the development of said Framework. GESIP/IC/DC/NW-03 / Nursery Curriculum Writer - This will be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established; and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-09- 2019-10- 2020-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,692.80 0.00 2019-09-09 with the guidance of MOE Curriculum Reform. Implementation 19 14 31 officials and a team of consultants who have been instrumental in the development of said Framework. GESIP/IC/DC/NW-04 / Nursery Curriculum Writer - This will be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established; and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-09- 2019-10- 2020-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,472.39 0.00 2019-09-09 with the guidance of MOE Curriculum Reform. Implementation 19 14 31 officials and a team of consultants who have been instrumental in the development of said Framework. GESIP/IC/DC/NW-05 / Nursery Curriculum Writer - This will be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established; and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-09- 2019-10- 2020-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,472.39 0.00 2019-09-09 with the guidance of MOE Curriculum Reform. Implementation 19 14 31 officials and a team of consultants who have been instrumental in the development of said Framework. GESIP/IC/DC/NW-06 / Nursery Curriculum Writer - This will be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established; and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-09- 2019-10- 2020-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,472.39 0.00 2019-09-09 with the guidance of MOE Curriculum Reform. Implementation 19 14 31 officials and a team of consultants who have been instrumental in the development of said Framework. GESIP/IC/DC/NW-07 / Nursery Curriculum Writer - This will be done in accordance with the Curriculum Framework which has been established; and Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-09- 2019-10- 2020-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,472.39 0.00 2019-09-09 with the guidance of MOE Curriculum Reform. Implementation 19 14 31 officials and a team of consultants who have been instrumental in the development of said Framework. GESIP/DC/IC/SW23 / To provide a curriculum writing services that will engage in the enhancement of the Secondary curriculum. This Component 1: Integrated Pending 2019-12- 2019-12- 2020-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,000.00 0.00 2019-12-01 will be done in accordance Curriculum Reform. Implementation 11 31 31 with the Curriculum Framework and with the guidance of MOE officials and the Curriculum Consultant Page 11 GESIP/IC/7B / Project Engineer (Part-time) - will be responsible for ensuring that Individual the project's civil works Component 3: Project Under 2020-05- 2020-04- 2020-08- 2020-04- 2020-04- 2021-04- IDA / 60090 Post Consultant 10,000.00 0.00 2020-03-31 activities are inkeeping with Implementation Support. Implementation 07 15 02 20 28 28 Selection the design, supervison and construction constracts requirements. GESIP/DC/CW/01B / Component 2: Consultancy for the Design Strengthening the Teaching and Supervision of the New Capacity and Improving the Pending 2019-07- 2019-09- 2020-10- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 83,304.00 0.00 2019-07-05 Building for the Faculty of Learning Environment for Implementation 15 18 04 Health Science Works, the University of Guyana University of Guyana. Facul ty of Health Sciences. GESIP/IC/DC/2020/01 / Curriculum Editor - Review Component 1: Integrated Under 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-11- 2021-03- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 10,000.00 0.00 2020-10-16 curriculum content Curriculum Reform. Implementation 16 16 06 31 generated from the writing process. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-11 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-12 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-13 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-14 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-15 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-16 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-17 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-18 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-19 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-20 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-21 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-22 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-33 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-34 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-35 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. Page 12 GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-36 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-37 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-38 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-39 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-40 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-41 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-42 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-43 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/DC/DAW-44 / Diagnostic Assessment Writers - objective is to utilize the curriculum writing teams that are engaged in Component 1: Integrated Pending 2020-10- 2020-10- 2020-12- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,057.00 0.00 2020-10-01 the enhancement of the Curriculum Reform. Implementation 01 03 31 Nursery, Primary and early Secondary curriculum, to write level specific diagnostic assessments. GESIP/IC/4 / Project Coordinator - to provide leadership, coordination and guidance on all maters Individual pertaining to the smooth Component 3: Project Pending 2021-03- 2021-03- 2021-03- 2022-03- IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Open 48,940.02 0.00 2021-03-01 implementation in Implementation Support. Implementation 04 05 07 07 Selection accordance with the procedures and obligations in the WB Loan Agreement and Project Operations Manual. GESIP/IC/10 / Social Development Officer - to coordinate cloely with the Individual Component 3: Project Pending 2021-03- 2021-03- 2021-03- 2022-03- MOE Technical Committee (s) IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Limited 8,000.00 0.00 2021-03-01 Implementation Support. Implementation 01 01 01 01 and the PIU on any issues Selection related to the social aspects of the project. GESIP/CS/INDV/DC-01 / Direct Contracting of Mindbloom to facilitate a 2 day refresher for Grades 3&4 Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-08- 2021-08- 2021-08- IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 3,500.00 0.00 2021-08-22 Master Trainers in Curriculum Reform. Implementation 24 27 28 anticipation of Piloting of the revised curiculum at these levels in selected Piolt schools. GESIP/DC/C-3B / Consultancy to Strengthen Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-10- 2021-11- 2023-11- National Capacity for IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 65,000.00 0.00 2021-10-10 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 18 29 29 Continued Improvement (Task F) GESIP/2021/IC/DC/01 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #1 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/02 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2022-01- 2022-07- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 19 23 22 Expert #2 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/03 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #3 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/04 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #4 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/05 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #5 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/06 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #6 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/07 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #7 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/08 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #8 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/09 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #9 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/10 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #10 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/11 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #11 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/12 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #12 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/13 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #13 Page 13 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/14 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #14 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/15 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #15 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/16 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #16 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/17 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #17 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/18 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #18 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/19 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #19 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/20 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #20 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/21 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #21 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/22 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #22 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/23 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #23 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/24 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #24 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/25 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #25 GESIP/2021/IC/DC/26 / Component 1: Integrated Pending 2021-11- 2021-11- 2022-06- Subject Specific Committee IDA / 60090 Post Direct Selection Direct 1,297.00 0.00 2021-11-09 Curriculum Reform. Implementation 17 25 30 Expert #26 GESIP/IC/5C / Procurement Officer - To implement and Individual Component 3: Project Pending 2021-01- 2021-01- 2021-02- 2022-01- manage procurement IDA / 60090 Post Consultant Open 32,970.00 0.00 2021-01-11 Implementation Support. Implementation 20 26 01 31 program and associated Selection activities of the project Page 14